Build: #1 was successful

Job: Test Tasks OSX12 was successful

Job result summary

209 minutes
Agent (2)
Total tests


  • 3,578 tests in total
  • 250 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 199 minutes taken in total.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

Already on 'master'
Already on 'master'
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The contfile parameter is empty, consequently the continuum image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        regionmanager::selectedchannels        Exception Reported: Invalid channel specification in -2 of spec -2 at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 176
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid channel specification in -2 of spec -2 at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 176
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The linefile parameter is empty, consequently the spectral line image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The contfile parameter is empty, consequently the continuum image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        regionmanager::selectedchannels        Exception Reported: Invalid channel specification in -18 of spec -18 at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 176
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid channel specification in -18 of spec -18 at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 176
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The linefile parameter is empty, consequently the spectral line image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The contfile parameter is empty, consequently the continuum image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        regionmanager::selectedchannels        Exception Reported: Exception: Zero-based max channel 45 must be less than the total number of channels (40) in the channel specification 45.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        regionmanager::selectedchannels+        ... thrown by static std::vector<uInt> casa::ParameterParser::spectralRangesFromChans(casacore::uInt &, const casacore::String &, const casacore::uInt) at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 188
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Zero-based max channel 45 must be less than the total number of channels (40) in the channel specification 45.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa+        ... thrown by static std::vector<uInt> casa::ParameterParser::spectralRangesFromChans(casacore::uInt &, const casacore::String &, const casacore::uInt) at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 188
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The linefile parameter is empty, consequently the spectral line image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The contfile parameter is empty, consequently the continuum image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:03        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        regionmanager::selectedchannels        Exception Reported: Exception: Zero-based max channel 40 must be less than the total number of channels (40) in the channel specification 40.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        regionmanager::selectedchannels+        ... thrown by static std::vector<uInt> casa::ParameterParser::spectralRangesFromChans(casacore::uInt &, const casacore::String &, const casacore::uInt) at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 188
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Zero-based max channel 40 must be less than the total number of channels (40) in the channel specification 40.
2024-05-07 04:55:03        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa+        ... thrown by static std::vector<uInt> casa::ParameterParser::spectralRangesFromChans(casacore::uInt &, const casacore::String &, const casacore::uInt) at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 188
2024-05-07 04:55:07        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The linefile parameter is empty, consequently the spectral line image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:07        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:07        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: Error: Unable to continue file input_test_cont already exists, please delete before continuing.
2024-05-07 04:55:19        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: ('Error: file input_test_line1 already exists, please delete before continuing.', 'SEVERE')
2024-05-07 04:55:23        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The linefile parameter is empty, consequently the spectral line image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:23        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:23        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The contfile parameter is empty, consequently the continuum image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:23        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:23        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: Unable to open region file or region table description /Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-TTO1P/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imcontsub/garbage.rgn.
2024-05-07 04:55:23        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs+        If it is supposed to be a text string its format is incorrect at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/Regions/, line: 497
2024-05-07 04:55:23        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unable to open region file or region table description /Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-TTO1P/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imcontsub/garbage.rgn.
2024-05-07 04:55:23        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa+        If it is supposed to be a text string its format is incorrect at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/Regions/, line: 497
2024-05-07 04:55:23        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The linefile parameter is empty, consequently the spectral line image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:23        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:23        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The contfile parameter is empty, consequently the continuum image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:23        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:23        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: /Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-TTO1P/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imcontsub/garbage.rgn is neither a valid binary region file, nor a valid region text file. at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/Regions/, line: 431
2024-05-07 04:55:23        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: /Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-TTO1P/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imcontsub/garbage.rgn is neither a valid binary region file, nor a valid region text file. at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR146-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/Regions/, line: 431
2024-05-07 04:55:27        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The linefile parameter is empty, consequently the spectral line image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:27        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:27        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The contfile parameter is empty, consequently the continuum image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:27        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:27        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: LCBox::LCBox - blc [0, 0, 0, 0] must be <= trc [511, 511, -2147483648, 39]
2024-05-07 04:55:27        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: LCBox::LCBox - blc [0, 0, 0, 0] must be <= trc [511, 511, -2147483648, 39]
2024-05-07 04:55:27        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The linefile parameter is empty, consequently the spectral line image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:27        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:27        WARN        imcontsub::::casa        The contfile parameter is empty, consequently the continuum image will NOT be
2024-05-07 04:55:27        WARN        imcontsub::::casa+        saved on disk.
2024-05-07 04:55:27        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_setPolarizationRanges        (Sub)String YELLOW in stokes specification part YELLOW does not match a known polarization.
2024-05-07 04:55:27        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: 2024-05-07 04:55:27        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_setPolarizationRanges        (Sub)String YELLOW in stokes specification part YELLOW does not match a known polarization.
2024-05-07 04:55:27        SEVERE        imcontsub::::casa        Task imcontsub raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-05-07 04:55:27        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_setPolarizationRanges        (Sub)String YELLOW in stokes specification part YELLOW does not match a known polarization.
2024-05-07 04:57:10        WARN        Calibrater::solve        Spectral window(s) 0,
2024-05-07 04:57:10        WARN        Calibrater::solve+          could not be solved due to missing (pre-)calibration
2024-05-07 04:57:10        WARN        Calibrater::solve+            in one or more of the specified tables.
2024-05-07 04:57:10        WARN        Calibrater::solve+            Please check your results carefully!
2024-05-07 04:57:19        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:19        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve        Spectral window(s) 0, 1, 2, 3,
2024-05-07 04:57:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+          could not be solved due to missing (pre-)calibration
2024-05-07 04:57:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+            in one or more of the specified tables.
2024-05-07 04:57:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+            Please check your results carefully!
2024-05-07 04:57:22        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:23        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:23        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:24        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:24        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:25        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:26        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:26        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:26        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:27        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:27        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:28        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-05-07 04:57:48        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        EVLA there is at least one gap in the antenna sequence found in the FITS AN table. Empty rows will be inserted into the ANTENNA table representing the gaps.
2024-05-07 04:57:51        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        EVLA there is at least one gap in the antenna sequence found in the FITS AN table. Empty rows will be inserted into the ANTENNA table representing the gaps.
2024-05-07 04:57:52        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        XYZHAND keyword not found in AN table. Will assume antenna coordinate system is right handed.
2024-05-07 04:57:55        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        EVLA there is at least one gap in the antenna sequence found in the FITS AN table. Empty rows will be inserted into the ANTENNA table representing the gaps.
2024-05-07 04:57:56        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        XYZHAND keyword not found in AN table. Will assume antenna coordinate system is right handed.
2024-05-07 04:57:58        SEVERE        MSFitsInput::MSFitsInput        Error in output file: File exists, and the user does not want to remove it.
2024-05-07 04:57:58        SEVERE        ms::fromfits        2024-05-07 04:57:58        SEVERE        MSFitsInput::MSFitsInput        Error in output file: File exists, and the user does not want to remove it.
2024-05-07 04:57:58        SEVERE        importuvfits::::casa        Task importuvfits raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-05-07 04:57:58        SEVERE        MSFitsInput::MSFitsInput        Error in output file: File exists, and the user does not want to remove it.
2024-05-07 04:57:58        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillExtraTable        No systemic velocity for field 0
2024-05-07 04:57:58        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillExtraTable        No rest frequency for field 0
2024-05-07 04:57:58        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillExtraTable        No systemic velocity for field 0
2024-05-07 04:57:58        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillExtraTable        No rest frequency for field 0
2024-05-07 04:58:10        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        XYZHAND keyword not found in AN table. Will assume antenna coordinate system is right handed.
2024-05-07 04:58:16        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        EVLA there is at least one gap in the antenna sequence found in the FITS AN table. Empty rows will be inserted into the ANTENNA table representing the gaps.
2024-05-07 04:58:17        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        XYZHAND keyword not found in AN table. Will assume antenna coordinate system is right handed.
2024-05-07 04:58:17        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        XYZHAND keyword not found in AN table. Will assume antenna coordinate system is right handed.
2024-05-07 04:58:18        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        EVLA there is at least one gap in the antenna sequence found in the FITS AN table. Empty rows will be inserted into the ANTENNA table representing the gaps.
2024-05-07 04:58:19        WARN        MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable        EVLA there is at least one gap in the antenna sequence found in the FITS AN table. Empty rows will be inserted into the ANTENNA table representing the gaps.