

Current activity

No builds are currently running.

Recent history

Status Reason Completed Test results Flags
#7 Rebuilt by Ville Suoranta 46 minutes ago Testless build
#6 Rebuilt by Ville Suoranta 3 days ago Testless build
#5 Manual run by Ville Suoranta 4 days ago Testless build
#4 Rebuilt by Ville Suoranta 4 days ago Testless build
#3 Manual run by Ville Suoranta 5 days ago Testless build
  • Showing 1-5 of 5

Error log

    Failed to prepare the build 'CASASPECS - CMake Build Casalith Master Python 3.12 - CAS-14416 - Build and Package Many Linux 2.28 Python 3.12 #7 (CASASPECS-MASTERCASALITHPY3122-BPML2014GP38-7)'

    (16 Sep 2024, 1:59:27 PM, Agents:

    Failed to prepare the build 'CASASPECS - CMake Build Casalith Master Python 3.12 - CAS-14416 - Build and package OSX 14 ARM Python 3.12 #7 (CASASPECS-MASTERCASALITHPY3122-BPO14ARMPY312-7)'

    (16 Sep 2024, 1:59:38 PM, Agents: cbt-macos14-build-3)

    Failed to prepare the build 'CASASPECS - CMake Build Casalith Master Python 3.12 - CAS-14416 - Create test plan branch #1 (CASASPECS-MASTERCASALITHPY3122-CTPB-1)'

    (06 Sep 2024, 5:25:29 PM, Agents:

    Failed to prepare the build 'CASASPECS - CMake Build Casalith Master Python 3.12 - CAS-14416 - Create test plan branch #3 (CASASPECS-MASTERCASALITHPY3122-CTPB-3)'

    (11 Sep 2024, 11:09:27 AM, Agents:

    Failed to prepare the build 'CASASPECS - CMake Build Casalith Master Python 3.12 - CAS-14416 - Create test plan branch #4 (CASASPECS-MASTERCASALITHPY3122-CTPB-4)'

    (11 Sep 2024, 5:20:25 PM, Agents:

Branch statistics

  • 3 builds
  • 33% successful
  • 104m average duration

VCS branch details

Ville Suoranta

“CASASPECS - CMake Build Casalith Master Python 3.12 - CAS-14416” all builds RSS feed Feed for all builds or just the failed builds.