Casa build automation using Bamboo Specs
Plan Build Completed Tests Reason
CI Build Last build was successful #36 3 days ago 677 passed Changes by Ville Suoranta
CMake Build Casalith Master Python 3.11 Last build was successful #71 2 days ago No tests found Child of CASA-CMBC-115
CMake Build Casalith Master Python 3.12 This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #32 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
CMake Build Casalith Release 6.6.4 Python 3.11 This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #50 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
CMake Build Casalith Release 6.6.5 Python 3.11 This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #9 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
CMake Coverage This plan has branches, click to view status. The last build was not built #33 1 day ago No tests found Rebuilt by Andrew McNichols
CMake Dev Performance Tests Specs execution was successful #11 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
CMake Master Test 3.11 Last build was successful #59 2 days ago 8162 passed Child of CASASPECS-MASTERCASALITHPY311-71
CMake Master Test 3.12 This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #33 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
CMake Release 6.6.5 Test 3.11 This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #7 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
Dev Build Casalith This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #24 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
Dev Package Manager This plan has branches, click to view status. Last build was successful #39 3 days ago No tests found Changes by Ville Suoranta
Dev Test 3.10 This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #23 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
Dev Test Full 3.10 This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #10 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated
Pull Request This plan has branches, click to view status. Specs execution was successful #30 3 days ago No tests found Specs configuration updated