Build: #7 was successful
Job: Build and package OSX 14 ARM Python 3.10 was successful
Code commits
Federico Montesino Pouzols 921ca121e41268a342db781cd626b368abafcd51
Update casaplotms to branch CAS-14337.dev2, CAS-14337
Federico Montesino Pouzols ab87cd72c0140a4e62183b9c04b970087df161e2
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into CAS-14337
Ihor Ihnatiev 13f6e3f0f3a27662d9da3568588317ae9c844e6e m
Pull request #884: CAS-14439
Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-14439 to master
* commit 'f11c3ddeec7842927b187f6a4c9dcee141eab55b':
RChanges according to the NAOJ code review Refs #2721 and Refs #2726 - emove dcolor codes from sdimaging deprecation warning due to log file readability issues
Changes according to the NAOJ code review Refs #2715 - changed line length
Removed test messages from warning
Deprecation warning for sdimaging task - added color highlight
Deprecation warning for sdimaging task -
Ihor Ihnatiev f11c3ddeec7842927b187f6a4c9dcee141eab55b m
Merge branch 'master' into CAS-14439
Ihor Ihnatiev c2c652557c4bbcde75987bd562dbd05cf6152cdc m
RChanges according to the NAOJ code review Refs #2721 and Refs #2726 - emove dcolor codes from sdimaging deprecation warning due to log file readability issues
Ihor Ihnatiev 71373facc12f93d3a065919b46d87119e8b6fa29 m
Changes according to the NAOJ code review Refs #2715 - changed line length
Ihor Ihnatiev 39c3e314e93844a91e9f01ab93aad706a4381e05 m
Removed test messages from warning
Ihor Ihnatiev 730c2050fe5d2004af3c3eb4592ca3acdccfae58 m
Deprecation warning for sdimaging task - added color highlight
Ihor Ihnatiev 138fe5d16d1e52fa4e5f393cc391d9c675f09502 m
Deprecation warning for sdimaging task