Build: #1 was successful

Job: Test Tasks OSX12 was successful

Job result summary

167 minutes
Agent (2)
Total tests


  • 3,472 tests in total
  • 249 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 155 minutes taken in total.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

Already on 'master'
Already on 'master'
2024-01-04 07:07:25        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:25        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:26        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:27        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:27        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:28        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:29        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:29        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:29        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:30        WARN        image::open (file /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-xs3q2mkf/casatools-, line 4208)        Another image is already open, closing first
2024-01-04 07:07:31        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:31        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:35        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:35        WARN        ImageRegridder::_regrid        Warning: template/imagename relative channel size is 2
2024-01-04 07:07:35        WARN        ImageRegridder::_regrid        imregrid/ia.regrid() interpolates over spectral channels and does not average channels together. Noise in your resulting image will be the noise in the original individual channels, not the averaged channel noise. To average output channels together, use specsmooth (or ia.boxcar() or ia.hanning() to smooth the spectral axis of your input cube to close to desired resolution and use imregrid/ia.regrid() to regrid it to the desired spectral coordinate grid.
2024-01-04 07:07:36        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:36        WARN        ImageRegridder::_regrid        Warning: template/imagename relative channel size is 2
2024-01-04 07:07:36        WARN        ImageRegridder::_regrid        imregrid/ia.regrid() interpolates over spectral channels and does not average channels together. Noise in your resulting image will be the noise in the original individual channels, not the averaged channel noise. To average output channels together, use specsmooth (or ia.boxcar() or ia.hanning() to smooth the spectral axis of your input cube to close to desired resolution and use imregrid/ia.regrid() to regrid it to the desired spectral coordinate grid.
2024-01-04 07:07:37        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:38        WARN        ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap        At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap.
2024-01-04 07:07:38        WARN        ImageRegridder::_regrid        Warning: template/imagename relative channel size is 2
2024-01-04 07:07:38        WARN        ImageRegridder::_regrid        imregrid/ia.regrid() interpolates over spectral channels and does not average channels together. Noise in your resulting image will be the noise in the original individual channels, not the averaged channel noise. To average output channels together, use specsmooth (or ia.boxcar() or ia.hanning() to smooth the spectral axis of your input cube to close to desired resolution and use imregrid/ia.regrid() to regrid it to the desired spectral coordinate grid.
2024-01-04 07:07:39        WARN        image::open (file /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-xs3q2mkf/casatools-, line 4208)        Another image is already open, closing first
2024-01-04 07:07:39        WARN        image::open (file /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-xs3q2mkf/casatools-, line 4208)        Another image is already open, closing first
2024-01-04 07:07:41        SEVERE        listsdm::::casa        Task listsdm raised an exception of class FileNotFoundError with the following message: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Volumes/EXT/casatestdata/unittest/listsdm//Scan.xml'
2024-01-04 07:07:43        SEVERE        ms::open        Exception Reported: Table file /Volumes/EXT/casatestdata/unittest/listhistory/table.dat does not exist
2024-01-04 07:07:43        SEVERE        listhistory::::casa        Task listhistory raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Table file /Volumes/EXT/casatestdata/unittest/listhistory/table.dat does not exist
2024-01-04 07:09:30        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:09:30        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:09:30        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:09:30        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:09:31        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:09:31        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:01        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:01        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:02        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:02        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:02        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:02        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:02        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:12        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:12        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:13        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:13        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:13        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:13        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:13        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:10:13        SEVERE        ms::open        Exception Reported: Table /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-TTO1P/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_setjy/ does not exist
2024-01-04 07:10:13        SEVERE        ms::open        Exception Reported: Table /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-TTO1P/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_setjy/ does not exist
2024-01-04 07:10:13        SEVERE        setjy::::casa        Task setjy raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Table /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-TTO1P/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_setjy/ does not exist
2024-01-04 07:10:31        SEVERE        setjy::::casa        Task setjy raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: The spectral index is less than -10! Please check the spix parameter.
2024-01-04 07:10:31        SEVERE        setjy::::casa        Task setjy raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: The spectral index is greater than 10! Please check the spix parameter.
2024-01-04 07:10:45        WARN        setjy::::casa        Processing 4 spw(s) and at least some of them are a few 1000 channels or more. This may take                             many minutes (>3min per spw for 3840 channels) in some cases. Please be patient.
2024-01-04 07:11:12        WARN        ms::msselect        MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2024-01-04 07:11:16        WARN        ImageCollapser::_doMultipleBeams        Input image has per plane beams but the collapse is not done exclusively along the direction axes. The output image will arbitrarily have a single beam which is the first beam available in the subimage.Thus, the image planes will not be convolved to a common restoring beam before collapsing. If, however, this is desired, then run the task imsmooth or the tool method ia.convolve2d() first, and use the output image of that as the input for collapsing.
2024-01-04 07:11:16        SEVERE        imcollapse::image::collapse (file /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-xs3q2mkf/casatools-, line 712)        Exception Reported: Unknown aggregate function specified by bogus function at File: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/, line: 84
2024-01-04 07:11:16        SEVERE        imcollapse::::casa        Task imcollapse raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unknown aggregate function specified by bogus function at File: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-BPOSX12PY38N/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/, line: 84
2024-01-04 07:11:16        SEVERE        imcollapse::::casa        Task imcollapse raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: outfile must be specified
2024-01-04 07:11:16        SEVERE        imcollapse::::casa        Task imcollapse raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: outfile must be specified
2024-01-04 07:11:16        SEVERE        imcollapse::::casa        Task imcollapse raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: outfile must be specified
2024-01-04 07:11:16        SEVERE        imcollapse::::casa        Task imcollapse raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: outfile must be specified
2024-01-04 07:11:16        SEVERE        imcollapse::::casa        Task imcollapse raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: outfile must be specified
2024-01-04 07:11:16        SEVERE        image::collapse (file /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-xs3q2mkf/casatools-, line 712)        Exception Reported: Unable to calculate flux density: [] at File: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-BPOSX12PY38N/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageCollapser.tcc, line: 433
2024-01-04 07:11:20        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:21        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve        Spectral window(s) 0, 1, 2, 3,
2024-01-04 07:11:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+          could not be solved due to missing (pre-)calibration
2024-01-04 07:11:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+            in one or more of the specified tables.
2024-01-04 07:11:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+            Please check your results carefully!
2024-01-04 07:11:22        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:22        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:23        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:23        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:23        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:24        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:25        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:25        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:25        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:26        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:26        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:27        WARN        MSIter::setFeedInfo         time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled  - continuing anyway
2024-01-04 07:11:28        SEVERE        listcal::Calibrater::listCal        Caught Exception: Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "inexistent-no-no" 
2024-01-04 07:11:28        SEVERE        listcal::::        Exception Reported: Error in Calibrater::listCal.
2024-01-04 07:11:28        SEVERE        listcal::::casa        Task listcal raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error in Calibrater::listCal.
2024-01-04 07:11:32        WARN        specflux::::casa        Image brightness unit is K. Ignorming major and minor specificaitons.
2024-01-04 07:11:34        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-01-04 07:11:34        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-01-04 07:11:35        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-01-04 07:11:35        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-01-04 07:11:36        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-01-04 07:11:36        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-01-04 07:11:36        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-01-04 07:11:36        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-01-04 07:11:37        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-01-04 07:11:37        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-01-04 07:11:37        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-01-04 07:11:37        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-01-04 07:11:38        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-01-04 07:11:38        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-01-04 07:11:40        SEVERE        imhistory::::casa        Task imhistory raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: Unsopported mode fakeMode