Build: #2 was successful

Job: Test Tasks Many Linux 2014 was successful

Build log

The build generated 62,591 lines of output.The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log. You can find logs from previous runs here.

04-Jan-2024 22:03:19
04-Jan-2024 22:03:24 2024-01-05 03:03:25        SEVERE        simutil::::        Exception Reported: (src/tools/simulator/ : 221) Failed AlwaysAssert qIntTime.getValue("s")>=0
04-Jan-2024 22:03:24 2024-01-05 03:03:25        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: (src/tools/simulator/ : 221) Failed AlwaysAssert qIntTime.getValue("s")>=0
04-Jan-2024 22:03:24
04-Jan-2024 22:03:24 Test bad integration
04-Jan-2024 22:03:24
04-Jan-2024 22:03:24 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:24
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32 2024-01-05 03:03:32        WARN        noise::CTPatchedInterp::interpolate        In caltable simobserve_bad.alma.out10.noisy.T.cal_sim_temp (Tf Jones):
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32 2024-01-05 03:03:32        WARN        noise::CTPatchedInterp::interpolate+         Insufficient solution channel sampling (nchan=1) for frequency-dependent LINEAR interpolation
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32 2024-01-05 03:03:32        WARN        noise::CTPatchedInterp::interpolate+         of calibration for MS spw=0; using NEAREST instead.
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32 Test bad inwidth
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32 Test bad leakage
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32 SKIPPED (Allowed leakage values are not checked in casatasks)
04-Jan-2024 22:03:32
04-Jan-2024 22:03:35 2024-01-05 03:03:36        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: can't interpret '5bad' as a CASA quantity
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36 Test bad mapsize
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36 Test bad maptype
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36 SKIPPED (Allowed maptype values are not checked in casatasks.)
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36 Test bad thermalnoise type
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36 SKIPPED (Allowed noisetype values are not checked in casatasks.)
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36 Test bad obsmode
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36 SKIPPED (Allowed obsmode types are not checked in casatasks)
04-Jan-2024 22:03:36
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39 2024-01-05 03:03:40        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Can't find pointing file badname
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39 Test bad ptgfile name
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39 Test bad user_pwv
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39 SKIPPED (Allowed user_pwv values are not checked in casatasks)
04-Jan-2024 22:03:39
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45 2024-01-05 03:03:45        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid reference date 05/21
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45 Test bad refdate
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45 Test bad sdant (non-numeric sdant)
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:45
04-Jan-2024 22:03:48 2024-01-05 03:03:49        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Couldn't find antennalist: badname
04-Jan-2024 22:03:48
04-Jan-2024 22:03:48 Test bad sdantlist name
04-Jan-2024 22:03:48
04-Jan-2024 22:03:48 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:48
04-Jan-2024 22:03:49 2024-01-05 03:03:49        WARN        simobserve::simutil::casa        Your skymodel 'badname' could not be found.
04-Jan-2024 22:03:49 2024-01-05 03:03:49        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: No sky input found.  At least one of skymodel or complist must exist.
04-Jan-2024 22:03:49
04-Jan-2024 22:03:49 Test bad skymodel name
04-Jan-2024 22:03:49
04-Jan-2024 22:03:49 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:49
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52 2024-01-05 03:03:53        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: can't interpret '5bad' as a CASA quantity
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52 Test bad pointingspacing
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52 Test bad tau0
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52 SKIPPED (Allowed tau0 values are not checked in casatasks)
04-Jan-2024 22:03:52
04-Jan-2024 22:03:57 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: Negative totaltime is not allowed.
04-Jan-2024 22:03:57
04-Jan-2024 22:03:57 Test bad totaltime
04-Jan-2024 22:03:57
04-Jan-2024 22:03:57 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:57
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: At least one of skymodel or complist must be set.
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 Test Default parameter set. Neigher skymodel nor complist
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class FileNotFoundError with the following message: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 Test no project name
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simutil::componentlist::open        Exception Reported: core5ps.skymodel is non existant or is not a componentlist table
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: core5ps.skymodel is non existant or is not a componentlist table
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 Test non-components list complist
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simobserve::image::newimagefromfile (file src/tools/image/, line 4110)        Exception Reported: Exception: Unable to open image core5ps.clist.
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simobserve::image::newimagefromfile (file src/tools/image/, line 4110)+        ... thrown by static casa::ITUPLE casa::ImageFactory::fromFile(const casacore::String&, casacore::Bool) at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/, line: 289
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Unable to open image core5ps.clist.
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 2024-01-05 03:03:58        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa+        ... thrown by static casa::ITUPLE casa::ImageFactory::fromFile(const casacore::String&, casacore::Bool) at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/, line: 289
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 Test non-image skymodel
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:03:58
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 2024-01-05 03:04:02        SEVERE        simobserve::::casa        Task simobserve raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: No valid lines found in pointing file
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test nonconforming ptgfile
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 - generated xml file: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_simobserve/nose.xml -
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 =========================== short test summary info ============================
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Previously disabled for unknown reason
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Previously disabled for unknown reason.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Previously disabled with comment: "TEMPORARY discarding due to the bug in simulator. Pending CAS-5095."
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Previously disabled with comment: "TEMPORARY discarding due to the bug in simulator. Pending CAS-5095."
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Previously disabled for unknown reason.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Previously disabled with comment: "TEMPORARY discarding due to the bug in simulator. Pending CAS-5095."
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Previously disabled with comment: "TEMPORARY discarding due to the bug in simulator. Pending CAS-5095."
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] disabled pending change in CAS-12496
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed t_ground values are not checked in casatasks
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed t_sky values are not checked in casatasks
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed graphics values are not checked in casatasks
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed leakage values are not checked in casatasks
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed maptype values are not checked in casatasks.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed noisetype values are not checked in casatasks.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed obsmode types are not checked in casatasks
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed user_pwv values are not checked in casatasks
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 SKIPPED [1] Allowed tau0 values are not checked in casatasks
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 ============ 61 passed, 17 skipped, 1 warning in 271.15s (0:04:31) =============
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imrebin/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imrebin
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imrebin/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imrebin/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_flagmanager/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_plotbandpass/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_plotbandpass
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_plotbandpass/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_plotbandpass/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imregrid/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imregrid
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imregrid/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imregrid/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_sdfixscan/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_predictcomp
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_predictcomp/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_concat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_concat
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_concat/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_concat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_statwt/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_statwt
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_statwt/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_statwt/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_applycal/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_polfromgain/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tclean/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tclean
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_tclean/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tclean/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imbaseline/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_smoothcal/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_smoothcal
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_smoothcal/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_smoothcal/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdpolaverage/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdpolaverage
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_sdpolaverage/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdpolaverage/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_listhistory/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_listhistory
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_listhistory/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_listhistory/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imreframe/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imreframe
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imreframe/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imreframe/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_setjy/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_setjy
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_setjy/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_setjy/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_split/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_split
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_split/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_split/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsubimage/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsubimage
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imsubimage/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsubimage/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_simobserve/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_simobserve
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_simobserve/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_simobserve/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_virtualconcat/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/============================= test session starts ==============================
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 platform linux -- Python 3.8.7, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.3.0 -- /usr/local/bin/python3.8
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 cachedir: .pytest_cache
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 rootdir: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat
04-Jan-2024 22:04:02 configfile: pytest.ini
04-Jan-2024 22:04:03 collecting ... collected 13 items
04-Jan-2024 22:04:03
04-Jan-2024 22:04:03
04-Jan-2024 22:04:05 2024-01-05 03:04:06        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:05 2024-01-05 03:04:06        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:05 2024-01-05 03:04:06        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:05 2024-01-05 03:04:06        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Virtualconcat 1: 4 parts, same sources but different spws
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output MS
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 55, 13, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 55, 3, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['NUM_CHAN', 3, 128, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SPECTRAL_WINDOW  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:06
04-Jan-2024 22:04:07 2024-01-05 03:04:08        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:07 2024-01-05 03:04:08        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:07 2024-01-05 03:04:08        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:07 2024-01-05 03:04:08        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        The setup of the input MSs is not fully consistent. The concatenation may fail
04-Jan-2024 22:04:07 2024-01-05 03:04:08        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        and/or the affected columns may contain partially only default data.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:07 2024-01-05 03:04:08        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        {'': {'Main': {'present_a': True, 'present_b': True, 'missingcol_a': [], 'missingcol_b': ['CORRECTED_DATA', 'MODEL_DATA']}}, '': {'Main': {'present_a': True, 'present_b': True, 'missingcol_a': [], 'missingcol_b': ['CORRECTED_DATA', 'MODEL_DATA']}}}
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 Virtualconcat 10: 3 parts, different sources, same spws, different scratch columns: yes, no, no
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 creating scratch columns in
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 28, 13, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 28, 1, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['NUM_CHAN', 1, 128, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SPECTRAL_WINDOW  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 2024-01-05 03:04:09        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 2024-01-05 03:04:09        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 2024-01-05 03:04:09        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:09 2024-01-05 03:04:10        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:11 2024-01-05 03:04:12        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:11 2024-01-05 03:04:12        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:11 2024-01-05 03:04:12        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:11 2024-01-05 03:04:12        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12 Virtualconcat 11: comparison to concat
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12 duration using concat (s) =  2.361583709716797
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12 duration using virtualconcat (s) = 0.7708930969238281
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:12
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 2024-01-05 03:04:13        WARN        MSConcat::virtualconcat (file /source/casa6/casatools/casacore/ms/MSOper/, line 149)        Zero or negative scan numbers in MS. May lead to duplicate scan numbers in concatenated MS.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 Virtualconcat 12: two MSs with different antenna tables, copypointing=True (default)
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:13
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 Virtualconcat 13: 3 parts, SD data, one non-concurrent, two concurrent (CAS-5316)
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 2024-01-05 03:04:14        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 2024-01-05 03:04:14        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:14 2024-01-05 03:04:14        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 Virtualconcat 2: 3 parts, different sources, different spws, visweightscale=[3.,2.,1.], keepcopy=True
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output MS
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 41, 13, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 41, 2, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['NUM_CHAN', 2, 128, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SPECTRAL_WINDOW  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['WEIGHT', 0, array([11.86871839]), 1e-06]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['WEIGHT', 23813, array([19.3635335]), 1e-06]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['WEIGHT', 23814, array([7.91247892]), 1e-06]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['WEIGHT', 47627, array([12.90902233]), 1e-06]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['WEIGHT', 47628, array([3.95623946]), 1e-06]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['WEIGHT', 71441, array([6.45451117]), 1e-06]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 test_task_virtualconcat : table  MAIN  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:16
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:17        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:17        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:17        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 Virtualconcat 3: 3 parts, different sources, same spws
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output MS
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 28, 13, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 28, 1, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['NUM_CHAN', 1, 128, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SPECTRAL_WINDOW  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:18        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:18        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:18        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:18        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:18        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:17 2024-01-05 03:04:18        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:18 2024-01-05 03:04:18        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:18 2024-01-05 03:04:18        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:18 2024-01-05 03:04:18        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:18 2024-01-05 03:04:18        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 2024-01-05 03:04:19        SEVERE        getcell::SOURCE_ID        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 Virtualconcat 4: five MSs with identical sources but different time/intervals on them (CSV-268)
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 0, 0, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 0, 0, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 7, 0, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 7, 7, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 8, 1, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 8, 0, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 15, 1, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 15, 7, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 The following should fail: SOURCE row 16 should not exist
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 16, 0, 100000]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 Expected error.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['NUM_CHAN', 8, 4, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SPECTRAL_WINDOW  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 2024-01-05 03:04:19        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 2024-01-05 03:04:19        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 2024-01-05 03:04:19        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 2024-01-05 03:04:19        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 2024-01-05 03:04:19        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:19 2024-01-05 03:04:19        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Virtualconcat 5: two MSs with different state table (CAS-2601)
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['CAL', 0, 0, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SIG', 0, 1, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SUB_SCAN', 2, 1, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : table  STATE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 2024-01-05 03:04:20        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 2024-01-05 03:04:20        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 2024-01-05 03:04:20        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 2024-01-05 03:04:20        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 2024-01-05 03:04:20        SEVERE        getcell::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM        Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 2024-01-05 03:04:20        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        Column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in table has no data. Accessing it will cause errors.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Virtualconcat 6: two MSs with different state table and feed table
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 53, 1, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 54, 2, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 107, 3, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['RECEPTOR_ANGLE', 54, [-1, 0], 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 test_task_virtualconcat : table  FEED  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:20
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 2024-01-05 03:04:21        WARN        MSConcat::virtualconcat (file /source/casa6/casatools/casacore/ms/MSOper/, line 149)        Zero or negative scan numbers in MS. May lead to duplicate scan numbers in concatenated MS.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 Virtualconcat 7: two MSs with different antenna table such that baseline label reversal becomes necessary
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking baseline labels ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21
04-Jan-2024 22:04:21 2024-01-05 03:04:22        WARN        MSConcat::concatenate (file /source/casa6/casatools/casacore/ms/MSOper/, line 1000)        Zero or negative scan numbers in MS. May lead to duplicate scan numbers in concatenated MS.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 2024-01-05 03:04:22        WARN        MSConcat::virtualconcat (file /source/casa6/casatools/casacore/ms/MSOper/, line 149)        Zero or negative scan numbers in MS. May lead to duplicate scan numbers in concatenated MS.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 Virtualconcat 8: two MSs with different antenna tables, copypointing=False
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking baseline labels ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking pointing table ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:22
04-Jan-2024 22:04:23 2024-01-05 03:04:23        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:23 2024-01-05 03:04:23        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:23 2024-01-05 03:04:23        SEVERE        getcell::TIME        Exception Reported: TableProxy::getCell: no such row
04-Jan-2024 22:04:23 2024-01-05 03:04:23        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        The setup of the input MSs is not fully consistent. The concatenation may fail
04-Jan-2024 22:04:23 2024-01-05 03:04:23        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        and/or the affected columns may contain partially only default data.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:23 2024-01-05 03:04:23        WARN        virtualconcat::::casa        {'': {'Main': {'present_a': True, 'present_b': True, 'missingcol_a': ['CORRECTED_DATA', 'MODEL_DATA'], 'missingcol_b': []}}}
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 Virtualconcat 9: 3 parts, different sources, same spws, different scratch columns: no, yes, no
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 Copying
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 /opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/virtualconcat/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 creating scratch columns in
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 test_task_virtualconcat : Now checking output ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 test_task_virtualconcat : OK. Checking tables in detail ...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SOURCE_ID', 28, 13, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID', 28, 1, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SOURCE  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 test_task_virtualconcat : comparing  ['NUM_CHAN', 1, 128, 0]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:24 test_task_virtualconcat : table  SPECTRAL_WINDOW  as expected.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25 - generated xml file: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_virtualconcat/nose.xml -
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25 ======================== 13 passed, 1 warning in 22.42s ========================
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25 ============================= test session starts ==============================
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25 platform linux -- Python 3.8.7, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.3.0 -- /usr/local/bin/python3.8
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25 cachedir: .pytest_cache
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25 rootdir: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsmooth
04-Jan-2024 22:04:25 configfile: pytest.ini
04-Jan-2024 22:04:26 collecting ... collected 13 items
04-Jan-2024 22:04:26
04-Jan-2024 22:04:26
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27 2024-01-05 03:04:27        WARN        image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4208)        Another image is already open, closing first
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27 Test the beam parameter
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        imsmooth::image::commonbeam (file src/tools/image/, line 824)        This image only has one beam, so just returning that
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27 Test kernel='commonbeam' in imsmooth
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:27
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        componentlist::fromrecord        componentlist is not empty; overwriting it
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        ImageFitter::_finishConstruction        Unrecognized intensity unit cm-2. Will assume Jy/pixel
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        SkyCompRep::convertToJy        Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux()        The image units 'cm-2' are not consistent
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux()+        with Jy when integrated over the sky.  Assuming Jy/pixel
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux()        The image units 'cm-2' are not consistent
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux()+        with Jy when integrated over the sky.  Assuming Jy/pixel
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:28        WARN        ImageFitter::_finishConstruction        Unrecognized intensity unit cm-2. Will assume Jy/pixel
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:29        WARN        SkyCompRep::convertToJy        Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:29        WARN        SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux()        The image units 'cm-2' are not consistent
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:29        WARN        SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux()+        with Jy when integrated over the sky.  Assuming Jy/pixel
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:29        WARN        SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux()        The image units 'cm-2' are not consistent
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:29        WARN        SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux()+        with Jy when integrated over the sky.  Assuming Jy/pixel
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 2024-01-05 03:04:29        WARN        componentlist::fromrecord        componentlist is not empty; overwriting it
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 Test flux density is conserved for images with units of K or anything without 'beam'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:28
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 CAS-12904: copy input mask to output image
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 Test that history is written
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 2024-01-05 03:04:30        WARN        image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4208)        Another image is already open, closing first
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 Test image as kernel, CAS-5844
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 max 0.00011000405956773651
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29
04-Jan-2024 22:04:29 2024-01-05 03:04:30        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The IMAGENAME parameter tests will cause errors to occur, do not be alarmed
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:30        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The OUTFILE parameter tests will cause errors to occur, do not be alarmed
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:30        SEVERE        imsmooth::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named input_test1 so the output image will not be written
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:30        SEVERE        imsmooth::image::_convolve2d (file src/tools/image/, line 1212)        Exception Reported: 2024-01-05 03:04:30        SEVERE        imsmooth::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named input_test1 so the output image will not be written
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:30        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-01-05 03:04:30        SEVERE        imsmooth::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named input_test1 so the output image will not be written
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:30        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The KERNEL parameter tests will cause errors to occur, do not be alarmed
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:30        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The MAJOR parameter tests will cause errors to occur, do not be alarmed
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:30        WARN        imsmooth::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam        Convolving kernel has minor axis 2.42407e-06 rad which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 3.42815e-06 rad. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::image::_convolve2d (file src/tools/image/, line 1212)        Exception Reported: Exception: Major axis is less than minor axis.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::image::_convolve2d (file src/tools/image/, line 1212)+        ... thrown by void casa::Image2DConvolver<T>::setKernel(const casacore::String&, const Quantity&, const Quantity&, const Quantity&) [with T = float; casacore::Quantity = casacore::Quantum<double>] at File: /source/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/Image2DConvolver.tcc, line: 134
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Major axis is less than minor axis.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa+        ... thrown by void casa::Image2DConvolver<T>::setKernel(const casacore::String&, const Quantity&, const Quantity&, const Quantity&) [with T = float; casacore::Quantity = casacore::Quantum<double>] at File: /source/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/Image2DConvolver.tcc, line: 134
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The REGION parameter tests will cause errors to occur, do not be alarmed
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: Unrecognized type int for region, must be either string or region dictionary at File: src/tools/regionmanager/, line: 887
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unrecognized type int for region, must be either string or region dictionary at File: src/tools/regionmanager/, line: 887
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: Unable to open region file or region table description garbage.rgn.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs+        If it is supposed to be a text string its format is incorrect at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/Regions/, line: 497
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unable to open region file or region table description garbage.rgn.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa+        If it is supposed to be a text string its format is incorrect at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/Regions/, line: 497
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/garbage.rgn is neither a valid binary region file, nor a valid region text file. at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/Regions/, line: 428
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/garbage.rgn is neither a valid binary region file, nor a valid region text file. at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/Regions/, line: 428
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The BOX parameter tests will cause errors to occur, do not be alarmed
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_fromBCS        blc in box spec is less than 0
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_fromBCS        blc in box spec is less than 0
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_fromBCS        blc in box spec is less than 0
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The CHANS parameter tests will cause errors to occur, do not be alarmed
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: Invalid channel specification in -5 of spec -5 at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 173
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid channel specification in -5 of spec -5 at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 173
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: Invalid channel specification in -2 of spec -2 at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 173
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid channel specification in -2 of spec -2 at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 173
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: Invalid channel specification in -18 of spec -18 at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 173
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid channel specification in -18 of spec -18 at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 173
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: Exception: Zero-based max channel 45 must be less than the total number of channels (40) in the channel specification 45.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs+        ... thrown by static std::vector<unsigned int> casa::ParameterParser::spectralRangesFromChans(casacore::uInt&, const casacore::String&, casacore::uInt) at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 183
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Zero-based max channel 45 must be less than the total number of channels (40) in the channel specification 45.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa+        ... thrown by static std::vector<unsigned int> casa::ParameterParser::spectralRangesFromChans(casacore::uInt&, const casacore::String&, casacore::uInt) at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 183
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: Exception: Zero-based max channel 40 must be less than the total number of channels (40) in the channel specification 40.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs+        ... thrown by static std::vector<unsigned int> casa::ParameterParser::spectralRangesFromChans(casacore::uInt&, const casacore::String&, casacore::uInt) at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 183
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Zero-based max channel 40 must be less than the total number of channels (40) in the channel specification 40.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:30 2024-01-05 03:04:31        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa+        ... thrown by static std::vector<unsigned int> casa::ParameterParser::spectralRangesFromChans(casacore::uInt&, const casacore::String&, casacore::uInt) at File: /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/imageanalysis/IO/, line: 183
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The STOKES parameter tests will cause errors to occur, do not be alarmed
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: LCBox::LCBox - blc [0, 0, 0, 0] must be <= trc [511, 511, -2147483648, 39]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: LCBox::LCBox - blc [0, 0, 0, 0] must be <= trc [511, 511, -2147483648, 39]
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_setPolarizationRanges        (Sub)String YELLOW in stokes specification part YELLOW does not match a known polarization.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        SEVERE        regionmanager::frombcs        Exception Reported: 2024-01-05 03:04:32        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_setPolarizationRanges        (Sub)String YELLOW in stokes specification part YELLOW does not match a known polarization.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:31 2024-01-05 03:04:32        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-01-05 03:04:32        SEVERE        CasacRegionManager::_setPolarizationRanges        (Sub)String YELLOW in stokes specification part YELLOW does not match a known polarization.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:32
04-Jan-2024 22:04:32 Imsmooth: Testing INPUT/OUTPUT tests
04-Jan-2024 22:04:32 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:32
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33 Test per plane beams
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33 2024-01-05 03:04:33        SEVERE        imsmooth::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33 2024-01-05 03:04:33        SEVERE        imsmooth::image::_convolve2d (file src/tools/image/, line 1212)        Exception Reported: 2024-01-05 03:04:33        SEVERE        imsmooth::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33 2024-01-05 03:04:33        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-01-05 03:04:33        SEVERE        imsmooth::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33 test overwrite parameter 
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:33
04-Jan-2024 22:04:34
04-Jan-2024 22:04:34 Imsmooth: Region selection correction test
04-Jan-2024 22:04:34 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:34
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 Imsmooth: Testing correctness
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 2024-01-05 03:04:38        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 2024-01-05 03:04:38        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 2024-01-05 03:04:38        SEVERE        image::_convolve2d (file src/tools/image/, line 1212)        Exception Reported: The input image shape ([200, 200, 1, 20]) and mask shape ([200, 200, 1, 1]) are different, and it was specified that the mask should not be extended, so the mask cannot be applied to the (sub)image. Specifying that the mask should be extended may resolve the issue at File: /source/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 306
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 2024-01-05 03:04:38        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: The input image shape ([200, 200, 1, 20]) and mask shape ([200, 200, 1, 1]) are different, and it was specified that the mask should not be extended, so the mask cannot be applied to the (sub)image. Specifying that the mask should be extended may resolve the issue at File: /source/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 306
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 2024-01-05 03:04:39        WARN        imsmooth::::casa        The outfile paramter is empty, consequently the smoothed image will be
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 2024-01-05 03:04:39        WARN        imsmooth::::casa+        saved on disk in file,
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 2024-01-05 03:04:39        WARN        Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam        Convolving kernel has minor axis 2 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 imsmooth(): Test stretch parameter
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:38
04-Jan-2024 22:04:39 2024-01-05 03:04:40        WARN        image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4208)        Another image is already open, closing first
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 2024-01-05 03:04:40        WARN        image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4208)        Another image is already open, closing first
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 2024-01-05 03:04:40        WARN        BeamManipulator::set        This image has per plane beamsbut no plane (channel/polarization) was specified. All beams will be set equal to the specified beam.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 2024-01-05 03:04:40        SEVERE        imsmooth::image::_convolve2d (file src/tools/image/, line 1212)        Exception Reported: Unable to reach target resolution of major: 5.99 arcsec, minor: 2.99 arcsec, pa: 0 deg Input image beam major: 6 arcsec, minor: 3 arcsec, pa: 0 deg is (nearly) identical to or larger than the output beam size at File: /source/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/Image2DConvolver.tcc, line: 104
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 2024-01-05 03:04:40        SEVERE        imsmooth::::casa        Task imsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unable to reach target resolution of major: 5.99 arcsec, minor: 2.99 arcsec, pa: 0 deg Input image beam major: 6 arcsec, minor: 3 arcsec, pa: 0 deg is (nearly) identical to or larger than the output beam size at File: /source/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/Image2DConvolver.tcc, line: 104
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 2024-01-05 03:04:40        WARN        imsmooth::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam        Fitted restoring beam is major: 3.09313 arcsec, minor: 3.03335 arcsec, pa: 80.8725 deg, but putting requested target resolution beam major: 3.2 arcsec, minor: 3.1 arcsec, pa: 60 deg in the image metadata. Both beams may be considered consistent with the convolution result.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 Test targetres parameter
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 PASSED
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 - generated xml file: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imsmooth/nose.xml -
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 ======================== 13 passed, 1 warning in 14.85s ========================
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsmooth
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40
04-Jan-2024 22:04:40 Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imsmooth/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 total 181700
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001   1799012 Jan  4 22:05 casatasks-
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root    4267462 Jan  5 03:04 casatasks_test.log
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001    113576 Jan  4 22:05 casatestutils-
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 179126912 Jan  4 22:05 casatools-
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1796 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_accor.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3051 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_applycal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        629 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_asdmsummary.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        805 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_bandpass.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1725 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_blcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        854 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_calstat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        972 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_clearcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        663 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_clearstat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1832 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_concat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1345 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_conjugatevis.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       7401 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_cvel.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       5027 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_cvel2.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      17642 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_deconvolve.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        722 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_defintent.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        586 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_delmod.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1773 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_exportasdm.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        333 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_exportfits.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1837 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_exportuvfits.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        866 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_feather.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1951 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_fixplanets.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1443 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_fixvis.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       4601 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_flagcmd.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      27481 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_flagdata.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        940 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_flagmanager.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2332 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_fluxscale.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1246 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_fringefit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3231 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_gaincal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2116 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_gencal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1207 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_hanningsmooth.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      29174 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imbaseline.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2194 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imcollapse.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1198 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imcontsub.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1742 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imdev.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3166 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2109 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imhead.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1149 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imhistory.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3029 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_immath.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1642 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_immoments.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1103 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_impbcor.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        726 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importasap.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3371 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importasdm.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        326 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importatca.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        894 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importfitsidi.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        332 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importmiriad.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        614 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importnro.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1793 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importuvfits.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        809 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importvla.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1813 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_impv.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2089 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imrebin.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        804 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imreframe.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2319 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imregrid.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1436 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imsmooth.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1414 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imstat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        708 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imsubimage.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        778 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imtrans.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3103 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imval.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3770 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_initweights.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1458 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        486 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listfits.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        726 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listhistory.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       8555 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listobs.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1494 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listpartition.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        499 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listsdm.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        728 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listvis.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2637 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_makemask.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      34462 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_mstransform.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       5823 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_mstransform_mms.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        756 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_nrobeamaverage.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3442 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_partition.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1518 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_phaseshift.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1069 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_plotants.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      25823 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_plotbandpass.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1770 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_plotprofilemap.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1794 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_plotweather.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3062 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_polcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        642 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_polfromgain.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1191 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_predictcomp.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        947 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_rerefant.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1181 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_rmfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        784 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_rmtables.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       4899 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdatmcor.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      17758 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdbaseline.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       6620 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       4150 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1835 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdfixscan.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1563 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdgaincal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      22619 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdimaging.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2594 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdintimaging.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        559 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdpolaverage.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2427 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdsidebandsplit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3921 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdsmooth.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       4373 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdtimeaverage.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3319 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_setjy.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1690 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_simanalyze.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      12691 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_simobserve.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1486 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_slsearch.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1262 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_smoothcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1923 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_specfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        690 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_specflux.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        427 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_specsmooth.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        442 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_splattotable.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      17876 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_split.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        680 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_spxfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2383 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_statwt.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      33702 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_tclean.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        674 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_testconcat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      21744 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_tsdimaging.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        817 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_uvcontsub_old.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1497 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_uvmodelfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1457 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_virtualconcat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1070 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_vishead.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3267 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_visstat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 Finished task 'Test wheel' with result: Success
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 Starting task 'Package working directory' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42
Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Pull Request - CAS-13791 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2014 #2 (CASA-CPR106-TTAML2-2)'
... running command line:
... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-6/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-TTAML2
bamboo_shortPlanName=CMake Pull Request
bamboo_shortJobName=Test Tasks Many Linux 2014
bamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_stageName=Test PR
bamboo_planName=CASA - CMake Pull Request - CAS-13791
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_bamboo_docker_plugin_task_docker_cli_7=/bin/docker run --volume /export/home/cbt-el7-6/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-TTAML2/wheeldirectory:/wheeldirectory --volume /opt/casa/data:/opt/casa/data --detach --name wheel-container-test tail -f /dev/null
bamboo_buildPlanName=CASA - CMake Pull Request - CAS-13791 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2014
bamboo_build_commandline__1000297=/bin/docker rm -f wheel-container-test
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 Package working directory
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 tar: work: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 total 181704
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001   1799012 Jan  4 22:05 casatasks-
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root    4267462 Jan  5 03:04 casatasks_test.log
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001    113576 Jan  4 22:05 casatestutils-
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 179126912 Jan  4 22:05 casatools-
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1796 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_accor.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3051 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_applycal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        629 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_asdmsummary.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        805 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_bandpass.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1725 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_blcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        854 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_calstat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        972 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_clearcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        663 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_clearstat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1832 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_concat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1345 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_conjugatevis.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       7401 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_cvel.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       5027 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_cvel2.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      17642 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_deconvolve.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        722 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_defintent.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        586 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_delmod.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1773 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_exportasdm.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        333 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_exportfits.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1837 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_exportuvfits.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        866 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_feather.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1951 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_fixplanets.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1443 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_fixvis.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       4601 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_flagcmd.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      27481 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_flagdata.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        940 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_flagmanager.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2332 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_fluxscale.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1246 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_fringefit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3231 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_gaincal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2116 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_gencal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1207 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_hanningsmooth.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      29174 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imbaseline.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2194 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imcollapse.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1198 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imcontsub.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1742 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imdev.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3166 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2109 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imhead.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1149 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imhistory.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3029 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_immath.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1642 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_immoments.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1103 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_impbcor.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        726 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importasap.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3371 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importasdm.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        326 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importatca.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        894 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importfitsidi.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        332 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importmiriad.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        614 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importnro.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1793 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importuvfits.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        809 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_importvla.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1813 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_impv.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2089 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imrebin.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        804 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imreframe.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2319 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imregrid.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1436 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imsmooth.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1414 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imstat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        708 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imsubimage.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        778 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imtrans.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3103 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_imval.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3770 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_initweights.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1458 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        486 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listfits.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        726 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listhistory.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       8555 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listobs.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1494 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listpartition.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        499 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listsdm.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        728 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_listvis.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2637 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_makemask.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      34462 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_mstransform.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       5823 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_mstransform_mms.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        756 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_nrobeamaverage.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3442 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_partition.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1518 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_phaseshift.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1069 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_plotants.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      25823 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_plotbandpass.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1770 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_plotprofilemap.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1794 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_plotweather.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3062 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_polcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        642 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_polfromgain.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1191 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_predictcomp.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        947 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_rerefant.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1181 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_rmfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        784 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_rmtables.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       4899 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdatmcor.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      17758 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdbaseline.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       6620 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       4150 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1835 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdfixscan.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1563 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdgaincal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      22619 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdimaging.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2594 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdintimaging.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        559 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdpolaverage.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2427 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdsidebandsplit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3921 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdsmooth.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       4373 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_sdtimeaverage.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3319 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_setjy.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1690 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_simanalyze.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      12691 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_simobserve.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1486 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_slsearch.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1262 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_smoothcal.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1923 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_specfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        690 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_specflux.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        427 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_specsmooth.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        442 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_splattotable.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      17876 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_split.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        680 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_spxfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       2383 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_statwt.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      33702 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_tclean.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        674 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_testconcat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      21744 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_tsdimaging.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root        817 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_uvcontsub_old.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1497 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_uvmodelfit.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1457 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_virtualconcat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       1070 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_vishead.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       3267 Jan  5 03:04 test_task_visstat.xml
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root         45 Jan  5 03:04 work-el7.tar.gz
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 Done packaging working directory
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 Finished task 'Package working directory' with result: Success
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 Starting task 'Parse tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:42 Parsing test results under /export/home/cbt-el7-6/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-TTAML2...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:43 Finished task 'Parse tests' with result: Success
04-Jan-2024 22:04:43 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:43
Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Pull Request - CAS-13791 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2014 #2 (CASA-CPR106-TTAML2-2)'
... running command line:
/bin/docker rm -f wheel-container-test
... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-6/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CPR106-TTAML2
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 wheel-container-test
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 Publishing an artifact: Workdir
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [Workdir], patterns: [work*.tar.gz] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 134.4 ms
04-Jan-2024 22:04:47 Publishing an artifact: Tests
04-Jan-2024 22:04:48 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [Tests], patterns: [*.xml] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 531.1 ms
04-Jan-2024 22:04:48 Publishing an artifact: xml Directories
04-Jan-2024 22:04:48 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [xml Directories], patterns: [**/*.xml] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 538.4 ms
04-Jan-2024 22:04:48 Publishing an artifact: Casatasks Test Log
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [Casatasks Test Log], patterns: [casatasks_test.log] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 146.6 ms
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Finalising the build...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Stopping timer.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Build CASA-CPR106-TTAML2-2 completed.
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 All post build plugins have finished
04-Jan-2024 22:04:49 Generating build results summary...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:50 Saving build results to disk...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:50 Store variable context...
04-Jan-2024 22:04:51 Finished building CASA-CPR106-TTAML2-2.

Older logs

Filename Actions
plan-116162595-TTAML2-2.log.1 Download or view