Build: #1 failed

Job: Test Tasks Many Linux 2.28 Py3.10 failed

Test results

  • 1,536 tests in total
  • 5 tests failed
  • 5 failures are new
  • 84 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 200 minutes taken in total.

Build 1 has the following 5 errors: 5 new failure(s) occurred since the previous build.

New test failures 5
Status Test Duration
Collapse Failed test_task_tsdimaging sdimaging_test_clipping.test_2rows History
< 1 sec
RuntimeError: Cannot open existing image : : There is a coordinate system mismatch between existing images on disk and current parameters (The SpectralCoordinates have differing reference values). If you are attempting to restart a run, please change imagename and supply the old model or mask as inputs (via the startmodel or mask parameters) so that they can be regridded to the new coordinate system before continuing. in test_2rows
    self._test_clipping(infile, is_clip_effective=False) in _test_clipping
    self._test_clipping([infiles], is_clip_effective) in _test_clipping
    tsdimaging(infiles=infiles, outfile=outfile, overwrite=overwrite,
../../../../venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/casatasks/ in __call__
(12 more lines...)
Collapse Failed test_task_tsdimaging sdimaging_test_clipping.test_3rows History
< 1 sec
RuntimeError: Cannot open existing image : : There is a coordinate system mismatch between existing images on disk and current parameters (The SpectralCoordinates have differing reference values). If you are attempting to restart a run, please change imagename and supply the old model or mask as inputs (via the startmodel or mask parameters) so that they can be regridded to the new coordinate system before continuing. in test_3rows
    self._test_clipping(infile, is_clip_effective=True) in _test_clipping
    self._test_clipping([infiles], is_clip_effective) in _test_clipping
    tsdimaging(infiles=infiles, outfile=outfile, overwrite=overwrite,
../../../../venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/casatasks/ in __call__
(12 more lines...)
Collapse Failed test_task_tsdimaging sdimaging_test_clipping.test_multichan History
< 1 sec
RuntimeError: Cannot open existing image : : There is a coordinate system mismatch between existing images on disk and current parameters (The SpectralCoordinates have differing reference values). If you are attempting to restart a run, please change imagename and supply the old model or mask as inputs (via the startmodel or mask parameters) so that they can be regridded to the new coordinate system before continuing. in test_multichan
    self._test_clipping(infile, is_clip_effective=True) in _test_clipping
    self._test_clipping([infiles], is_clip_effective) in _test_clipping
    tsdimaging(infiles=infiles, outfile=outfile, overwrite=overwrite,
../../../../venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/casatasks/ in __call__
(12 more lines...)
Collapse Failed test_task_tsdimaging sdimaging_test_clipping.test_suprious History
< 1 sec
RuntimeError: Cannot open existing image : : There is a coordinate system mismatch between existing images on disk and current parameters (The SpectralCoordinates have differing reference values). If you are attempting to restart a run, please change imagename and supply the old model or mask as inputs (via the startmodel or mask parameters) so that they can be regridded to the new coordinate system before continuing. in test_suprious
    self._test_clipping(infile, is_clip_effective=True) in _test_clipping
    self._test_clipping([infiles], is_clip_effective) in _test_clipping
    tsdimaging(infiles=infiles, outfile=outfile, overwrite=overwrite,
../../../../venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/casatasks/ in __call__
(12 more lines...)
Collapse Failed test_task_tsdimaging sdimaging_test_output.test_output_no_sumwt_no_psf History
< 1 sec
AssertionError: True is not false : .sumwt exists though it should not. in test_output_no_sumwt_no_psf
    self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.outfile + suffix),
E   AssertionError: True is not false : .sumwt exists though it should not.