Check Packages for Installed Malicious Packages

Build: #68 failed

Job: Check For Known Malicious Macos 12 Python 3.8 was successful

Build log

The build generated 690 lines of output. Download or view full build log.

11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Build CASA - Cmake Package Audit - Malicious - Check For Known Malicious Macos 12 Python 3.8 #68 (CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3-68) is being prepared for building on agent (2), bamboo version: 9.2.17
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Remote agent on host
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Build working directory is /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Executing build CASA - Cmake Package Audit - Malicious - Check For Known Malicious Macos 12 Python 3.8 #68 (CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3-68)
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Starting task 'Clean working directory task' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:cleanWorkingDirectoryTask'
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Cleaning working directory '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3'
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Finished task 'Clean working directory task' with result: Success
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Running pre-build action: Build Log Labeller Pre Build Action
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Build CASA - Cmake Package Audit - Malicious - Check For Known Malicious Macos 12 Python 3.8 #68 (CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3-68) started building on agent ' (2)' (Remote agent on host
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Starting task 'Create wheel directory' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39
Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - Cmake Package Audit - Malicious - Check For Known Malicious Macos 12 Python 3.8 #68 (CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3-68)'
... running command line:
... in: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Finished task 'Create wheel directory' with result: Success
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Starting task 'Get OSX12' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:artifactdownloadertask'
11-Oct-2024 07:42:39 Preparing to download plan result CASA-CMBC-121 artifact: Required shared artifact Http Compression On : [Notarized OSX12 DMG py3.8], patterns: [*.dmg] anchored at: [notarize_work/]
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58 Artifact [Notarized OSX12 DMG py3.8] downloaded successfully in 18.66 s to wheeldirectory/
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58 Finished task 'Get OSX12' with result: Success
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58
Substituting variable: ${} with master
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with master
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58 Starting task 'Test wheel' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58
Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - Cmake Package Audit - Malicious - Check For Known Malicious Macos 12 Python 3.8 #68 (CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3-68)'
... running command line:
... in: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58 branch: master
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
11-Oct-2024 07:42:58 100 6554k  100 6554k    0     0  46.9M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 47.7M
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02 [42541] Failed to execute script 'atlutil' due to unhandled exception!
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02 Traceback (most recent call last):
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02   File "", line 200, in <module>
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02   File "", line 165, in has_fix_version
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02 KeyError: 'fields'
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02 100   201  100   201    0     0   3459      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  3792
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02 100   511  100   511    0     0  10654      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 11355
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02 Cloning into 'casa-build-utils'...
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02 Switched to a new branch 'CAS-14256'
11-Oct-2024 07:43:02 branch 'CAS-14256' set up to track 'origin/CAS-14256'.
11-Oct-2024 07:43:05 Requirement already satisfied: pip in ./casa6testenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages (22.0.4)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:05 Collecting pip
11-Oct-2024 07:43:05   Using cached pip-24.2-py3-none-any.whl (1.8 MB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:05 Installing collected packages: pip
11-Oct-2024 07:43:05   Attempting uninstall: pip
11-Oct-2024 07:43:05     Found existing installation: pip 22.0.4
11-Oct-2024 07:43:06     Uninstalling pip-22.0.4:
11-Oct-2024 07:43:06       Successfully uninstalled pip-22.0.4
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Successfully installed pip-24.2
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Collecting requests
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07   Using cached requests-2.32.3-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (4.6 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Collecting charset-normalizer<4,>=2 (from requests)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07   Downloading charset_normalizer-3.4.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl.metadata (34 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Collecting idna<4,>=2.5 (from requests)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07   Using cached idna-3.10-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (10 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Collecting urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 (from requests)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07   Using cached urllib3-2.2.3-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.5 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07   Using cached certifi-2024.8.30-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (2.2 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Using cached requests-2.32.3-py3-none-any.whl (64 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Using cached certifi-2024.8.30-py3-none-any.whl (167 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Downloading charset_normalizer-3.4.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (124 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:07 Using cached idna-3.10-py3-none-any.whl (70 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:08 Using cached urllib3-2.2.3-py3-none-any.whl (126 kB)
11-Oct-2024 07:43:08 Installing collected packages: urllib3, idna, charset-normalizer, certifi, requests
11-Oct-2024 07:43:08 Successfully installed certifi-2024.8.30 charset-normalizer-3.4.0 idna-3.10 requests-2.32.3 urllib3-2.2.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Namespace(json_to_xml=None, list_malicious=False, outputdir='/Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3/wheeldirectory/work', package='casa-', verbose=True, work_dir='/Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3/wheeldirectory/work')
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 System:  Darwin
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Unpacking dmg: casa- to /Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3/wheeldirectory/work
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Python Version: 3.8
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running:  /Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3/wheeldirectory/work/ freeze --path /Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3/wheeldirectory/work/
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 {
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "1inch": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.6",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.7",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "Pystyiles": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "ascicolor": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "4.3"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "asciicolor": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.0",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "4.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "binancesmartchain": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "bscscan": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "coloramma": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.5.4"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "colorfill": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.0"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "colorsmaster": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "ethereum0etl": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.6"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "ethereum2": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.3",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.4",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.6",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "forecolor5": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.2",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.3",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.4",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.6",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.9",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.1.0",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.1.1",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.1.5"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "forecolors7": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.0.0"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "forestyle": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "hexcolurs": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.2",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.4"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "isusfuci": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.1",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.8"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "looksrare": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "8.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "osbeautify": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.7",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.8"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pydesings": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pydriverslog": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.7",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.8",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pygrabshot": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.0.2"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pygradient": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.2",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.3",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.5"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pyinitise": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.8"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pyinstalers": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pyqcolor": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pyqcolored": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pyqcolour": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.2"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pyqcolur": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pyqtcolor": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.0",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.6",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.8"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pyshdesings": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "1.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pystiles": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.9",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.0",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.2",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.5",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.7",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.8",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pystilez": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.9",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "4.0"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pystiyle": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.8",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pystyile": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.7",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.8",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.9",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "3.0"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pystyle": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.1",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.2"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pystyles": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.5"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pystylie": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.8"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pystylle": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.8"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "pythonpathenv": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.9"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "qtcolor": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.3"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "setup1nter": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.2"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "setupint3": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.2"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "setupint3s": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.2"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "setupyntq": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "setupynts": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "setupyntx": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "strcolored": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.0",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.1",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.2",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.3"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "tikinters": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "tk1nter": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "tk1ntres": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "tkint3rs": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.0.0",
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "2.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "tkintres": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ],
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     "tkintrs": [
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         "0.0.1"
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34     ]
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 }
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: appnope Version: 0.1.4
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: asttokens Version: 2.4.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: backcall Version: 0.2.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casaconfig Version: 1.0.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casafeather Version: 0.0.22
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casalogger Version: 1.0.19
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casaplotms Version: 2.5.2
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casaplotserver Version: 1.8.2
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casashell Version: file:///Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMBC-BPOSX12P38/wheels/casashell-
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casatablebrowser Version: 0.0.35
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casatasks Version: file:///Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMBC-BPOSX12P38/wheels/casatasks-
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casatestutils Version: file:///Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMBC-BPOSX12P38/wheels/casatestutils-
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: casatools Version: file:///Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMBC-BPOSX12P38/wheels/casatools-
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: certifi Version: 2024.8.30
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: cffi Version: 1.14.6
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: contourpy Version: 1.1.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: cycler Version: 0.12.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: decorator Version: 5.1.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: exceptiongroup Version: 1.2.2
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: executing Version: 2.1.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: fonttools Version: 4.54.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: grpcio Version: 1.66.2
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: importlib_resources Version: 6.4.5
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: iniconfig Version: 2.0.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: ipython Version: 8.12.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: jedi Version: 0.19.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: kiwisolver Version: 1.4.7
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: matplotlib Version: 3.7.5
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: matplotlib-inline Version: 0.1.7
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: numpy Version: 1.24.4
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: packaging Version: 24.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: parso Version: 0.8.4
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pexpect Version: 4.9.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pickleshare Version: 0.7.5
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pillow Version: 10.4.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pluggy Version: 1.5.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: prompt_toolkit Version: 3.0.48
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: protobuf Version: 3.20.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: ptyprocess Version: 0.7.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pure_eval Version: 0.2.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pycparser Version: 2.20
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyerfa Version:
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: Pygments Version: 2.18.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-core Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Accessibility Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Accounts Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AddressBook Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AdServices Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AdSupport Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AppleScriptObjC Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ApplicationServices Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AppTrackingTransparency Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AuthenticationServices Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Automator Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AVFoundation Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-AVKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-BusinessChat Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CalendarStore Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CallKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CFNetwork Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ClassKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CloudKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Cocoa Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Collaboration Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ColorSync Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Contacts Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ContactsUI Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreAudio Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreAudioKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreBluetooth Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreData Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreHaptics Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreLocation Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreMedia Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreMediaIO Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreMIDI Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreML Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreMotion Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreServices Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreSpotlight Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreText Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CoreWLAN Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-CryptoTokenKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-DeviceCheck Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-DictionaryServices Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-DiscRecording Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-DiscRecordingUI Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-DiskArbitration Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-DVDPlayback Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-EventKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ExceptionHandling Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ExecutionPolicy Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ExternalAccessory Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-FileProvider Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-FileProviderUI Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-FinderSync Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-FSEvents Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-GameCenter Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-GameController Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-GameKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-GameplayKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ImageCaptureCore Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-IMServicePlugIn Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-InputMethodKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-InstallerPlugins Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-InstantMessage Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Intents Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-IOSurface Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-iTunesLibrary Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-KernelManagement Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-LatentSemanticMapping Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-LaunchServices Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-libdispatch Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-LinkPresentation Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-LocalAuthentication Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MapKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MediaAccessibility Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MediaLibrary Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MediaPlayer Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MediaToolbox Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Metal Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MetalKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MetalPerformanceShaders Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MetalPerformanceShadersGraph Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MLCompute Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ModelIO Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-MultipeerConnectivity Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-NaturalLanguage Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-NetFS Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Network Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-NetworkExtension Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-NotificationCenter Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-OpenDirectory Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-OSAKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-OSLog Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-PassKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-PencilKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Photos Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-PhotosUI Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-PushKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Quartz Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-QuickLookThumbnailing Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ReplayKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SafariServices Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SceneKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ScreenSaver Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ScreenTime Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ScriptingBridge Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SearchKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Security Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SecurityFoundation Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SecurityInterface Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Social Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SoundAnalysis Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Speech Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SpriteKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-StoreKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SyncServices Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-SystemExtensions Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-UniformTypeIdentifiers Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-UserNotifications Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-UserNotificationsUI Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-VideoSubscriberAccount Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-VideoToolbox Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Virtualization Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-Vision Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyobjc-framework-WebKit Version: 7.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pyparsing Version: 3.1.4
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pytest Version: 8.3.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: python-dateutil Version: 2.9.0.post0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: pytz Version: 2024.2
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: scipy Version: 1.10.1
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: six Version: 1.16.0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: stack-data Version: 0.6.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: tomli Version: 2.0.2
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: traitlets Version: 5.14.3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: typing_extensions Version: 4.12.2
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: wcwidth Version: 0.2.13
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: xattr Version: 0.9.7
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Checking Package: zipp Version: 3.20.2
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34         Safe
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 No Malicious PyPi Packages Detected for:  casa-
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 File Saved:  output_malicious.xml
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 /Volumes/DATA/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3/wheeldirectory
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 casa-
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 casa-build-utils
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 casa6testenv
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 output_malicious.xml
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 work
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Finished task 'Test wheel' with result: Success
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Starting task 'Parse tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Parsing test results under /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3...
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Finished task 'Parse tests' with result: Success
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Skipping execution of task 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' as it is disabled
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Starting task 'Reset' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34
Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - Cmake Package Audit - Malicious - Check For Known Malicious Macos 12 Python 3.8 #68 (CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3-68)'
... running command line:
... in: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 100   201  100   201    0     0   4121      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  4568
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Finished task 'Reset' with result: Success
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Finalising the build...
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Stopping timer.
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Build CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3-68 completed.
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 All post build plugins have finished
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Generating build results summary...
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Saving build results to disk...
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Store variable context...
11-Oct-2024 07:44:34 Finished building CASA-RECPA-CFKMM1P3-68.