Build: #5 was successful

Job: Test Tasks Macos 12 Py3.10 was successful

Job result summary

317 minutes
Agent (2)
Total tests


  • 3,583 tests in total
  • 252 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 304 minutes taken in total.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

2024-05-25 22:43:40        SEVERE        +        ... thrown by casacore::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW<float>::add(const casacore::String &, const casacore::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 128
2024-05-25 22:43:40        SEVERE        imhead::::casa        Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The velocity reference frame (reffreqtype=SIN) already exists. It may be modified but not added..
2024-05-25 22:43:40        SEVERE        imhead::::casa+        ... thrown by casacore::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW<float>::add(const casacore::String &, const casacore::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 128
2024-05-25 22:43:41        SEVERE                Exception Reported: Exception: The rest frequency (restfreq=1.42041e+09Hz) already exists. It may be modified but not added by this application. If you wish to append a rest frequency to an already existing list, use cs.setrestfrequency()..
2024-05-25 22:43:41        SEVERE        +        ... thrown by casacore::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW<float>::add(const casacore::String &, const casacore::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 201
2024-05-25 22:43:41        SEVERE        imhead::::casa        Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The rest frequency (restfreq=1.42041e+09Hz) already exists. It may be modified but not added by this application. If you wish to append a rest frequency to an already existing list, use cs.setrestfrequency()..
2024-05-25 22:43:41        SEVERE        imhead::::casa+        ... thrown by casacore::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW<float>::add(const casacore::String &, const casacore::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 201
2024-05-25 22:43:41        SEVERE                Exception Reported: Exception: The shape is intrinsic to the image and may not be added..
2024-05-25 22:43:41        SEVERE        +        ... thrown by casacore::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW<float>::add(const casacore::String &, const casacore::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 133
2024-05-25 22:43:41        SEVERE        imhead::::casa        Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The shape is intrinsic to the image and may not be added..
2024-05-25 22:43:41        SEVERE        imhead::::casa+        ... thrown by casacore::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW<float>::add(const casacore::String &, const casacore::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 133
2024-05-25 22:43:43        WARN        ImageMetaDataRW::removeMask        This image has no masks, so nothing to do.
2024-05-25 22:43:45        SEVERE                Exception Reported: Unknown keyword incr. If you are trying to use a key name from the imhead summary dictionary, note that some keys in mode='put'/'get' are different from mode='summary'. Please see imhead description in the CASA online documentation for complete details. at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataBase.tcc, line: 405
2024-05-25 22:43:45        SEVERE        imhead::::casa        Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unknown keyword incr. If you are trying to use a key name from the imhead summary dictionary, note that some keys in mode='put'/'get' are different from mode='summary'. Please see imhead description in the CASA online documentation for complete details. at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataBase.tcc, line: 405
2024-05-25 22:43:45        SEVERE                Exception Reported: Unknown keyword axisnames. If you are trying to use a key name from the imhead summary dictionary, note that some keys in mode='put'/'get' are different from mode='summary'. Please see imhead description in the CASA online documentation for complete details. at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataBase.tcc, line: 405
2024-05-25 22:43:45        SEVERE        imhead::::casa        Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unknown keyword axisnames. If you are trying to use a key name from the imhead summary dictionary, note that some keys in mode='put'/'get' are different from mode='summary'. Please see imhead description in the CASA online documentation for complete details. at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataBase.tcc, line: 405
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: objectname must be specified
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: timerange must be specified
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: outfile must be specified
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: objectname is given as an ID number, need to set asis=True
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: timerange needs to be specified with starttime and stoptime delimited by ~ .
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: Error translating stop time of timerange specified in JD.
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: Error translating stop time of timerange specified in MJD.
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: Error in timerange format. Use YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm or Julian date with a prefix 'JD' Modified Julian date with a prefix 'MJD'
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: interval value must be integer
2024-05-25 22:43:52        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: exists and overwrite=False
2024-05-25 22:43:55        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class HTTPError with the following message: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
2024-05-25 22:43:55        SEVERE        getephemtable::::casa        Task getephemtable raised an exception of class URLError with the following message: <urlopen error Unknown host>
2024-05-25 22:45:07        SEVERE        ms::statwt        Exception Reported: Exception: The WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and/or SIGMA_SPECTRUM columnS did not exist in this MS but it/they has now been created and initialized. However, due to a known issue in the code, statwt cannot correctly construct and write back these columns for the subset of the MS specified by data selection. A work-around is to simply re-run statwt again (on the MS that now contains a properly initialized columns), specifying the same selection criteria. If you are using the tool method, first close the ms tool, then reopen it using the same data set, apply the same selection, and then run ms.statwt(). If you are using the task, simply rerunning it with the same inputs should be sufficient.
2024-05-25 22:45:07        SEVERE        ms::statwt+        ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::statwt(const std::string &, const casac::variant &, bool, const casac::variant &, long, const std::string &, double, const std::string &, bool, double, long, const std::string &, bool, const std::vector<double> &, bool, const std::string &) at File: /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-11df77hw/casatools-, line: 7348
2024-05-25 22:45:07        SEVERE        statwt::::casa        Task statwt raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and/or SIGMA_SPECTRUM columnS did not exist in this MS but it/they has now been created and initialized. However, due to a known issue in the code, statwt cannot correctly construct and write back these columns for the subset of the MS specified by data selection. A work-around is to simply re-run statwt again (on the MS that now contains a properly initialized columns), specifying the same selection criteria. If you are using the tool method, first close the ms tool, then reopen it using the same data set, apply the same selection, and then run ms.statwt(). If you are using the task, simply rerunning it with the same inputs should be sufficient.
2024-05-25 22:45:07        SEVERE        statwt::::casa+        ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::statwt(const std::string &, const casac::variant &, bool, const casac::variant &, long, const std::string &, double, const std::string &, bool, double, long, const std::string &, bool, const std::vector<double> &, bool, const std::string &) at File: /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-11df77hw/casatools-, line: 7348
2024-05-25 22:45:24        SEVERE        ms::statwt        Exception Reported: Unsupported value for 'statalg' at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casa6/casatools/src/code/mstransform/TVI/, line: 403
2024-05-25 22:45:24        SEVERE        statwt::::casa        Task statwt raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unsupported value for 'statalg' at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casa6/casatools/src/code/mstransform/TVI/, line: 403
2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE                Exception Reports: Table /Volumes/T7/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRT644PLUSPY3100-TTMO/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_slsearch/fred.tbl does not exist
2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        slsearch::::        Exception Reports: Table /Volumes/T7/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRT644PLUSPY3100-TTMO/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_slsearch/fred.tbl does not exist
2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        slsearch::::casa        Task slsearch raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error when running
2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        SearchEngine::search        Cannot create table foo/bar/bad
2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        spectralline::search        Exception Reports: 2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        SearchEngine::search        Cannot create table foo/bar/bad
2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        slsearch::SearchEngine::search        Cannot create table foo/bar/bad
2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        slsearch::spectralline::search        Exception Reports: 2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        slsearch::SearchEngine::search        Cannot create table foo/bar/bad
2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        slsearch::::casa        Task slsearch raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-05-25 22:45:33        SEVERE        slsearch::SearchEngine::search        Cannot create table foo/bar/bad
2024-05-25 22:45:43        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-05-25 22:45:43        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-05-25 22:45:44        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-05-25 22:45:44        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-05-25 22:45:45        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-05-25 22:45:45        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-05-25 22:45:46        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-05-25 22:45:46        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-05-25 22:45:48        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-05-25 22:45:48        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-05-25 22:45:49        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-05-25 22:45:49        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-05-25 22:45:50        WARN        uvcontsub_old::::casa        This task is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.
2024-05-25 22:45:50        WARN        calibrater::setvi(bool,bool)        Already using OLD VisibilityIterator.
2024-05-25 22:45:56        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa        Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-05-25 22:45:56        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa+          File "/Volumes/T7/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRT644PLUSPY3100-TTMO/casa6testenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 23, in plotprofilemap
2024-05-25 22:45:56        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa+            raise RuntimeError('overwrite is False and output file exists: \'%s\''%(figfile))
2024-05-25 22:45:56        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa+        RuntimeError: overwrite is False and output file exists: 'plotprofilemap_test.png'
2024-05-25 22:45:56        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa        overwrite is False and output file exists: 'plotprofilemap_test.png'
2024-05-25 22:45:56        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa        Task plotprofilemap raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: overwrite is False and output file exists: 'plotprofilemap_test.png'
2024-05-25 22:46:03        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa        Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-05-25 22:46:03        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa+          File "/Volumes/T7/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRT644PLUSPY3100-TTMO/casa6testenv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 28, in plotprofilemap
2024-05-25 22:46:03        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa+            raise RuntimeError('pol {pol} is out of range (Stokes axis {stokes})'.format(pol=pol,stokes=image_data.stokes))
2024-05-25 22:46:03        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa+        RuntimeError: pol 1 is out of range (Stokes axis ['I'])
2024-05-25 22:46:03        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa        pol 1 is out of range (Stokes axis ['I'])
2024-05-25 22:46:03        SEVERE        plotprofilemap::::casa        Task plotprofilemap raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: pol 1 is out of range (Stokes axis ['I'])
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin        Exception Reported: Exception: Rebinning factor vector cannot be empty.
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin+        ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner<float>::setFactors(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 22
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Rebinning factor vector cannot be empty.
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa+        ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner<float>::setFactors(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 22
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin        Exception Reported: Exception: Factor vector length must be less than or equal to the number of input image axes.
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin+        ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner<float>::setFactors(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 37
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Factor vector length must be less than or equal to the number of input image axes.
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa+        ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner<float>::setFactors(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 37
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: All binning factors must be positive..
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa+        ... thrown by casac::image *casac::image::rebin(const std::string &, const vector<long> &, const casac::variant &, const casac::variant &, bool, bool, bool, bool) at File: /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-11df77hw/casatools-, line: 4943
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin        Exception Reported: Exception: All rebinning factors are 1, which means rebinning cannot occur.
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin+        ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner<float>::setFactors(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 31
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: All rebinning factors are 1, which means rebinning cannot occur.
2024-05-25 22:46:11        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa+        ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner<float>::setFactors(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 31
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: All binning factors must be positive..
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa+        ... thrown by casac::image *casac::image::rebin(const std::string &, const vector<long> &, const casac::variant &, const casac::variant &, bool, bool, bool, bool) at File: /private/var/folders/q5/jwdh98d515sfrgtg33cs5p_80000gq/T/build-via-sdist-11df77hw/casatools-, line: 4943
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin        Exception Reported: 2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin        Exception Reported: 2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process        Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin        Exception Reported: Exception: A polarization axis cannot be rebinned.
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin+        ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner<float>::setFactors(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 55
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: A polarization axis cannot be rebinned.
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa+        ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner<float>::setFactors(const casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> &) [T = float] at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 55
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::image::rebin        Exception Reported: The input image shape ([200, 200, 1, 10]) and mask shape ([200, 200, 1, 1]) are different, and it was specified that the mask should not be extended, so the mask cannot be applied to the (sub)image. Specifying that the mask should be extended may resolve the issue at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 306
2024-05-25 22:46:12        SEVERE        imrebin::::casa        Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: The input image shape ([200, 200, 1, 10]) and mask shape ([200, 200, 1, 1]) are different, and it was specified that the mask should not be extended, so the mask cannot be applied to the (sub)image. Specifying that the mask should be extended may resolve the issue at File: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CRBC644PLUS0-BPOSX12PY310/casainstall/include/casacpp/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 306
2024-05-25 22:46:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve        Spectral window(s) 0,
2024-05-25 22:46:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+          could not be solved due to missing (pre-)calibration
2024-05-25 22:46:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+            in one or more of the specified tables.
2024-05-25 22:46:22        WARN        Calibrater::solve+            Please check your results carefully!