Build: #52 failed Child of CASA-CMTC-89


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Job Logs
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09-Jul-2024 08:54:28
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 Ran 1 test in 492.241s
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 FAILED (errors=1)
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 CASA exits with a non-zero status : system exit called
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 Executor result: 1
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 Failed tests:['Executor returned a non-zero exit code']
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 Results: [{'testname': 'test_stk_vla_users_continuum_from_SDM', 'runtime': '0:08:28.962091', 'returncode': 1, 'testerr': ['Executor returned a non-zero exit code']}]
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 Stopping Xvfb.
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 Stopping framebuffer <Popen: returncode: None args: ['Xvfb', ':111', '-screen', '0', '2048x2048x2...>
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 Virtual frame buffer deployed at :111 with pid 124 successfully shutdown
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 Xvfb stopped.
09-Jul-2024 08:54:28 cp: cannot stat '/home/casatest/work/test_stk_vla_users_continuum_from_SDM/*.png': No such file or directory
09-Jul-2024 08:54:29 total 1008244
09-Jul-2024 08:54:29 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci    15001 1032436816 Jul  9 08:44 casa-6.6.5-8-py3.8.el8.tar.xz
09-Jul-2024 08:54:29 drwxr-xr-x 2 casaci root             24 Jul  9 08:54 html
09-Jul-2024 08:54:29 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci casatest        413 Jul  9 08:54 xUnit-suite-mpi-8.xml
09-Jul-2024 08:54:29 total 12
09-Jul-2024 08:54:29 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 11004 Jul  9 08:54 index.html
09-Jul-2024 08:54:29 Starting cleanup
09-Jul-2024 08:54:39 test-container
09-Jul-2024 08:54:44 test-container
09-Jul-2024 08:54:44 Cleanup complete