Build log
The build generated 79,807 lines of output.The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/__pycache__/test_task_impv.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/casa-20240920-152411.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_impv/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.sumwt.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.psf.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.image/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.image/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/poly.rgn |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/tst.psf/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.sumwt.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/new_mask.mask/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.mask/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.residual.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.residual.tt1/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/__pycache__/test_task_tclean.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.pb.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.pb.tt0/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.psf.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.residual.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.pb.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.pb.tt0/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.pb.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.pb.tt0/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.model.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.alpha.error/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.alpha.error/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/tst.mask/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.weight.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.weight.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.pb.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.pb.tt0/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.model.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.alpha/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.alpha/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/refim_cont_stokesIQUV_input.mask_dropdeg/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.sumwt.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.sumwt.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.model.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/refim_cont_stokesI_input.mask/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/refim_cont_stokesIQUV_input.mask/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.psf.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.psf.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.sumwt.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/refim_cont_stokesI_input.mask_dropdeg/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.model.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.image.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.sumwt.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.image.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.image.tt0/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.sumwt.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.residual.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbFalse/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.residual.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.psf.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.psf/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/tst.pb/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/tst.pb/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.weight.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.residual.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.image.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.ser.model/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.model.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.sumwt.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.model.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.psf.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.image.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.alpha.error/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.alpha.error/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.alpha.error/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.alpha.error/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.weight.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.psf.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.sumwt.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/cfcache_oneshiftpoint_mosaic_cbTrue/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.alpha.error/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.alpha.error/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.image.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/casa-20240920-215015.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.image.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.mask/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.impbcor/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.weight.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.model.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/tst.residual/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.image.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.residual.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/refim_cube_StokesI_input.mask_dropdeg/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.residual.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.pb.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.pb.tt0/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.sumwt/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.alpha.error/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.alpha.error/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.sumwt.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.psf.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.psf.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.ser.psf/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.image.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.psf.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.model.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.sumwt.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/tst.sumwt/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.image.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.residual.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.mask/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.sumwt.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.sumwt.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.residual.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/refim_cube_StokesI_input.mask/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.psf.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.psf.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.psf.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.sumwt.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.sumwt.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.alpha/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.alpha/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.alpha/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.alpha/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.image.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.image.tt1/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.model.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.alpha/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.alpha/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.residual/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.residual/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.pb/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.pb/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.model.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.residual.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/std.residual.tt0/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.alpha/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.std.alpha/mask0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.psf.tt1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr2_4corners.std.psf.tt2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/savemod.par.model/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_tclean/try_mt_pcorr1_grp1_time1.weight.tt0/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/__pycache__/test_task_predictcomp.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/casa-20240920-142258.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_predictcomp/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/__pycache__/test_task_listobs.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/casa-20240920-145459.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listobs/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/__pycache__/test_task_listfits.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/casa-20240920-123038.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_listfits/mylistfits.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/__pycache__/test_task_feather.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/casa-20240920-143201.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_feather/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/__pycache__/test_task_imsmooth.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/casa-20240920-170107.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_imsmooth/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/__pycache__/test_task_flagdata.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/rflag_output_thresholds_timedev0.txt |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/casa-20240920-123243.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/listfakefield.txt |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_flagdata/rflag_output_thresholds_freqdev0.txt |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/__pycache__/test_task_sdintimaging.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_sdintimaging/casa-20240920-182258.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:38 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/__pycache__/test_task_importmiriad.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/casa-20240920-151427.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/__pycache__/test_task_sdfit.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/casa-20240920-122151.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdfit/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/__pycache__/test_task_setjy.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/casa-20240920-164815.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_setjy/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/__pycache__/test_task_sdtimeaverage.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/casa-20240920-133805.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdtimeaverage/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/__pycache__/test_task_sdimaging.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/casa-20240920-121303.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_sdimaging/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/__pycache__/test_task_bandpass.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/casa-20240920-144945.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_bandpass/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/__pycache__/test_task_importfitsidi.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/casa-20240920-121108.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_importfitsidi/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/__pycache__/test_task_rerefant.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/casa-20240920-152331.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/copycal.gcal.flagversions/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/copycal.gcal.flagversions/FLAG_VERSION_LIST |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/copycal.gcal.flagversions/flags.flagdata_2/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/copycal.gcal.flagversions/flags.flagdata_4/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/copycal.gcal.flagversions/flags.flagdata_3/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/copycal.gcal.flagversions/flags.flagdata_1/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_rerefant/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/__pycache__/test_task_deconvolve.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/testlog.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/casa-20240920-170219.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
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20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
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20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
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20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:39 | nosedir/tests/ |
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20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
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20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/tests/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/__pycache__/test_task_exportuvfits.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/casa-20240920-173030.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_exportuvfits/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/__pycache__/test_task_calstat.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/casa-20240920-214147.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_calstat/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/casa-20240920-122916.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/__pycache__/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/__pycache__/test_task_plotprofilemap.cpython-38-pytest-8.3.3.pyc |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/.gitignore |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/v/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/v/cache/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/ |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:40 | nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/short_summary.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | total 433316 |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 1858089 Sep 20 11:51 casatasks- |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 4545217 Sep 21 01:14 casatasks_test.log |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 134961 Sep 20 11:51 casatestutils- |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 182142828 Sep 20 11:51 casatools- |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2514 Sep 21 01:14 test_casaxmlutil.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2323 Sep 21 01:14 test_flaghelper.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1873 Sep 21 01:14 test_imagerhelpers_gclean.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2664 Sep 21 01:14 test_jyperk.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1802 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_accor.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3057 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_applycal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 635 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_asdmsummary.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 812 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_bandpass.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1735 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_blcal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 860 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_calstat.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 979 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_clearcal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 669 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_clearstat.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1839 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_concat.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1352 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_conjugatevis.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 7409 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_cvel.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 5060 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_cvel2.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 17711 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_deconvolve.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 728 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_defintent.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 592 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_delmod.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1781 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_exportasdm.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 339 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_exportfits.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1847 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_exportuvfits.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 873 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_feather.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1959 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_fixplanets.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1455 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_fixvis.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 4608 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_flagcmd.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 27915 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_flagdata.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 947 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_flagmanager.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2339 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_fluxscale.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1252 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_fringefit.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3240 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_gaincal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2696 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_gencal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 457 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_getantposalma.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 665 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_getcalmodvla.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1021 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_getephemtable.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1215 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_hanningsmooth.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 29307 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imbaseline.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2201 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imcollapse.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1204 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imcontsub.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1748 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imdev.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3172 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imfit.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2117 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imhead.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1155 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imhistory.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3035 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_immath.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1648 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_immoments.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1110 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_impbcor.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 735 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_importasap.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3701 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_importasdm.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 333 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_importatca.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 999 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_importfitsidi.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 338 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_importmiriad.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 620 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_importnro.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1799 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_importuvfits.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 818 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_importvla.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1820 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_impv.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2096 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imrebin.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 811 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imreframe.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2325 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imregrid.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1444 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imsmooth.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1420 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imstat.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 715 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imsubimage.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 785 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imtrans.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3109 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_imval.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3776 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_initweights.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1464 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_listcal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 492 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_listfits.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 732 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_listhistory.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 8562 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_listobs.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1500 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_listpartition.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 505 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_listsdm.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 734 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_listvis.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2643 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_makemask.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 34548 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_mstransform.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 5861 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_mstransform_mms.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 768 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_nrobeamaverage.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3469 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_partition.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1527 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_phaseshift.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1076 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_plotants.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 25955 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_plotbandpass.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1776 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_plotprofilemap.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1795 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_plotweather.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3069 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_polcal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 338 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_polfromgain.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1197 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_predictcomp.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 955 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_rerefant.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1188 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_rmfit.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 790 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_rmtables.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 5030 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdatmcor.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 17991 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdbaseline.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 6633 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdcal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 4161 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdfit.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1843 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdfixscan.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1569 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdgaincal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 23447 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdimaging.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2602 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdintimaging.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 566 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdpolaverage.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2434 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdsidebandsplit.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3943 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdsmooth.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 4382 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_sdtimeaverage.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3438 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_setjy.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1700 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_simanalyze.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 12721 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_simobserve.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1492 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_slsearch.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1268 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_smoothcal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1932 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_specfit.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 696 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_specflux.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 433 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_specsmooth.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 448 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_splattotable.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 17896 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_split.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 688 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_spxfit.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 2390 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_statwt.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 35803 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_tclean.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 685 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_testconcat.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 22591 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_tsdimaging.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 830 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_uvcontsub_old.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1503 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_uvmodelfit.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1465 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_virtualconcat.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1076 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_vishead.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 3272 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_visstat.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1970 Sep 21 01:14 test_task_wvrgcal.xml |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 254247535 Sep 21 01:15 work-manylinux228.tar.gz |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | Done packaging working directory |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | Finished task 'Package working directory' with result: Success |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | Starting task 'Parse tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit' |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | Parsing test results under /export/home/cbt-el7-9/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228... |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | Finished task 'Parse tests' with result: Success |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | Substituting variable: ${} with CAS-14371 |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | Starting task 'Upload wheel' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:41 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Dev Test Full - CAS-14371 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2.28 #1 (CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228-1)' ... running command line: /export/home/cbt-el7-9/bamboohome/temp/ ... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-9/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228 |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:57 | Collecting twine |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:57 | Downloading twine-5.1.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (3.5 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:58 | Collecting pkginfo>=1.8.1 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:58 | Downloading pkginfo-1.11.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (11 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:58 | Collecting readme-renderer>=35.0 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:58 | Downloading readme_renderer-43.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (2.8 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:59 | Collecting requests>=2.20 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:59 | Downloading requests-2.32.3-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (4.6 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:59 | Collecting requests-toolbelt!=0.9.0,>=0.8.0 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:59 | Downloading requests_toolbelt-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata (14 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:59 | Collecting urllib3>=1.26.0 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:15:59 | Downloading urllib3-2.2.3-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.5 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:00 | Collecting importlib-metadata>=3.6 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:00 | Downloading importlib_metadata-8.5.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (4.8 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:00 | Collecting keyring>=15.1 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:00 | Downloading keyring-25.4.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (20 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:00 | Collecting rfc3986>=1.4.0 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:00 | Downloading rfc3986-2.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.6 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:01 | Collecting rich>=12.0.0 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:01 | Downloading rich-13.8.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (18 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:01 | Collecting pkginfo>=1.8.1 (from twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:01 | Downloading pkginfo-1.10.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (11 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:01 | Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=3.20 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from importlib-metadata>=3.6->twine) (3.20.2) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:01 | Collecting jaraco.classes (from keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:01 | Downloading jaraco.classes-3.4.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (2.6 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Collecting jaraco.functools (from keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Downloading jaraco.functools-4.0.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (2.8 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Collecting jaraco.context (from keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Downloading jaraco.context-6.0.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (4.1 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Requirement already satisfied: importlib-resources in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from keyring>=15.1->twine) (6.4.5) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Collecting SecretStorage>=3.2 (from keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Downloading SecretStorage-3.3.3-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (4.0 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Collecting jeepney>=0.4.2 (from keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:02 | Downloading jeepney-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (1.3 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:03 | Collecting nh3>=0.2.14 (from readme-renderer>=35.0->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:03 | Downloading nh3-0.2.18-cp37-abi3-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (1.7 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:03 | Collecting docutils>=0.13.1 (from readme-renderer>=35.0->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:03 | Downloading docutils-0.20.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (2.8 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Collecting Pygments>=2.5.1 (from readme-renderer>=35.0->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Downloading pygments-2.18.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (2.5 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Collecting charset-normalizer<4,>=2 (from requests>=2.20->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Downloading charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (33 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Collecting idna<4,>=2.5 (from requests>=2.20->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Downloading idna-3.10-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (10 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->twine) (2024.8.30) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Collecting markdown-it-py>=2.2.0 (from rich>=12.0.0->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:04 | Downloading markdown_it_py-3.0.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (6.9 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:05 | Collecting typing-extensions<5.0,>=4.0.0 (from rich>=12.0.0->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:05 | Downloading typing_extensions-4.12.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (3.0 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:05 | Collecting mdurl~=0.1 (from markdown-it-py>=2.2.0->rich>=12.0.0->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:05 | Downloading mdurl-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (1.6 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:06 | Collecting cryptography>=2.0 (from SecretStorage>=3.2->keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:06 | Downloading cryptography-43.0.1-cp37-abi3-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl.metadata (5.4 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:06 | Collecting more-itertools (from jaraco.classes->keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:06 | Downloading more_itertools-10.5.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (36 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:06 | Collecting backports.tarfile (from jaraco.context->keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:06 | Downloading backports.tarfile-1.2.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (2.0 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:07 | Collecting cffi>=1.12 (from cryptography>=2.0->SecretStorage>=3.2->keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:07 | Downloading cffi-1.17.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl.metadata (1.5 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:07 | Collecting pycparser (from cffi>=1.12->cryptography>=2.0->SecretStorage>=3.2->keyring>=15.1->twine) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:07 | Downloading pycparser-2.22-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (943 bytes) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:07 | Downloading twine-5.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (38 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:07 | Downloading importlib_metadata-8.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (26 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:07 | Downloading keyring-25.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (38 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading pkginfo-1.10.0-py3-none-any.whl (30 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading readme_renderer-43.0-py3-none-any.whl (13 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading requests-2.32.3-py3-none-any.whl (64 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading requests_toolbelt-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (54 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading rfc3986-2.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (31 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading rich-13.8.1-py3-none-any.whl (241 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading urllib3-2.2.3-py3-none-any.whl (126 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading charset_normalizer-3.3.2-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (141 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:08 | Downloading docutils-0.20.1-py3-none-any.whl (572 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:09 | ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 572.7/572.7 kB 1.8 MB/s eta 0:00:00 |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:09 | Downloading idna-3.10-py3-none-any.whl (70 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:09 | Downloading jeepney-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (48 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:09 | Downloading markdown_it_py-3.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (87 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:09 | Downloading nh3-0.2.18-cp37-abi3-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (769 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:09 | ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 769.2/769.2 kB 4.7 MB/s eta 0:00:00 |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:09 | Downloading pygments-2.18.0-py3-none-any.whl (1.2 MB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1.2/1.2 MB 4.9 MB/s eta 0:00:00 |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading SecretStorage-3.3.3-py3-none-any.whl (15 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading typing_extensions-4.12.2-py3-none-any.whl (37 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading jaraco.classes-3.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (6.8 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading jaraco.context-6.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (6.8 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading jaraco.functools-4.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (9.9 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading cryptography-43.0.1-cp37-abi3-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl (4.0 MB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 4.0/4.0 MB 11.2 MB/s eta 0:00:00 |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading mdurl-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl (10.0 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading backports.tarfile-1.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (30 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading more_itertools-10.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (60 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:10 | Downloading cffi-1.17.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (446 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:11 | Downloading pycparser-2.22-py3-none-any.whl (117 kB) |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:11 | Installing collected packages: nh3, urllib3, typing-extensions, rfc3986, Pygments, pycparser, pkginfo, more-itertools, mdurl, jeepney, importlib-metadata, idna, docutils, charset-normalizer, backports.tarfile, requests, readme-renderer, markdown-it-py, jaraco.functools, jaraco.context, jaraco.classes, cffi, rich, requests-toolbelt, cryptography, SecretStorage, keyring, twine |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:17 | Successfully installed Pygments-2.18.0 SecretStorage-3.3.3 backports.tarfile-1.2.0 cffi-1.17.1 charset-normalizer-3.3.2 cryptography-43.0.1 docutils-0.20.1 idna-3.10 importlib-metadata-8.5.0 jaraco.classes-3.4.0 jaraco.context-6.0.1 jaraco.functools-4.0.2 jeepney-0.8.0 keyring-25.4.1 markdown-it-py-3.0.0 mdurl-0.1.2 more-itertools-10.5.0 nh3-0.2.18 pkginfo-1.10.0 pycparser-2.22 readme-renderer-43.0 requests-2.32.3 requests-toolbelt-1.0.0 rfc3986-2.0.0 rich-13.8.1 twine-5.1.1 typing-extensions-4.12.2 urllib3-2.2.3 |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:17 | WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager, possibly rendering your system unusable.It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: Use the --root-user-action option if you know what you are doing and want to suppress this warning. |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:17 | Cloning into 'casa-build-utils'... |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:19 | Uploading distributions to |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:19 | |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | Uploading casatasks- |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | 0% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0/1.9 MB • --:-- • ? |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | 37% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.7/1.9 MB • 00:01 • 10.2 MB/s |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | 100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1.9/1.9 MB • 00:00 • 11.9 MB/s |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | 100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1.9/1.9 MB • 00:00 • 11.9 MB/s |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | WARNING Error during upload. Retry with the --verbose option for more details. |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | ERROR HTTPError: 400 Bad Request from |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | Repository does not allow updating assets: casa-dev-wheel |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | ERROR InvalidDistribution: Cannot find file (or expand pattern): |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:20 | 'casashell*.whl' |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:23 | Finished task 'Upload wheel' with result: Success |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:23 | Starting task 'Script' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:23 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Dev Test Full - CAS-14371 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2.28 #1 (CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228-1)' ... running command line: /export/home/cbt-el7-9/bamboohome/temp/ ... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-9/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228 |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:23 | Starting cleanup |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:45 | wheel-container-test |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | wheel-container-test |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Cleanup complete |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Finished task 'Script' with result: Success |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Dev Test Full - CAS-14371 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2.28 #1 (CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228-1)' ... running command line: /bin/docker rm -f wheel-container-test ... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-9/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228 |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Error response from daemon: No such container: wheel-container-test |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector' |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:58 | Publishing an artifact: XML Directories |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:59 | Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [XML Directories], patterns: [**/*.xml] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 835.2 ms |
20-Sep-2024 21:16:59 | Publishing an artifact: Nosedir |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:22 | Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact Http Compression On : [Nosedir], patterns: [work*.tar.gz] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 22.83 s |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:22 | Finalising the build... |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:22 | Stopping timer. |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:22 | Build CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228-1 completed. |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:23 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:23 | Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:23 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller' |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:23 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:23 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:23 | All post build plugins have finished |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:23 | Generating build results summary... |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:24 | Saving build results to disk... |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:24 | Store variable context... |
20-Sep-2024 21:17:24 | Finished building CASA-CMDTF169-TTAML228-1. |