Build log
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09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This test exercises the mosaic gridder for joint imaging of 18m, 6m and cross baseline data. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This test uses default Airy Disk primary beam models generated purely from the ANTENNA table's diameter column. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This test has a non-standard (unknown) observatory name and represents the use case of an arbitrary telescope |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | for which primary beam models are unknown and whose size is guided only by the ANTENNA subtable. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | The simulated dataset consists of one 1Jy source. Therefore, the PB at the location of the source should match the intensity value. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This dataset has two groups of antennas (18m and 6m) with cross baselines. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This test exercises the mosaic gridder for joint imaging of 18m, 6m and cross baseline data. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This test uses user-specified primary beam images via a VPTable - with complex-valued planes. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | The simulated dataset consists of one 1Jy source. Therefore, the PB at the location of the source should match the intensity value. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | SKIPPED (Skip test due to unexplained bamboo errors. Manual tests ru...) |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This dataset has two groups of antennas (18m and 6m) with cross baselines. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This test exercises the mosaic gridder for joint imaging of 18m, 6m and cross baseline data. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | This test uses user-specified primary beam images via a VPTable - with float-valued planes. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | The simulated dataset consists of one 1Jy source. Therefore, the PB at the location of the source should match the intensity value. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | SKIPPED (Skip test due to unexplained bamboo errors. Manual tests ru...) |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:02 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:03 | 2024-02-09 08:41:04 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::dryGridding (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2949) Making a "blank" CFCache |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:03 | 2024-02-09 08:41:04 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:03 | 2024-02-09 08:41:04 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:03 | 2024-02-09 08:41:04 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::fillCFCache (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 3033) Re-loading the "blank" CFCache for filling |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:03 | 2024-02-09 08:41:04 WARN AWConvFunc2::makeConvFunction2[R&D] Filling CFs for baseline type 0, PA slot 0 |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:14 | 2024-02-09 08:41:15 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:14 | 2024-02-09 08:41:15 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:20 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:20 | [1404.0137939453125, 1404.0025634765625, 1404.017333984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:24 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:24 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:28 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:28 | [1403.6683349609375, 1403.7412109375, 1403.22802734375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:28 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:33 | 2024-02-09 08:41:33 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:34 | 2024-02-09 08:41:34 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::dryGridding (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2949) Making a "blank" CFCache |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:34 | 2024-02-09 08:41:34 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:34 | 2024-02-09 08:41:34 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:34 | 2024-02-09 08:41:34 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::fillCFCache (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 3033) Re-loading the "blank" CFCache for filling |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:34 | 2024-02-09 08:41:35 WARN AWConvFunc2::makeConvFunction2[R&D] Filling CFs for baseline type 0, PA slot 0 |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:45 | 2024-02-09 08:41:45 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:45 | 2024-02-09 08:41:45 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:51 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:51 | [1404.0137939453125, 1404.0025634765625, 1404.017333984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:51 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:54 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:54 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:58 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:58 | [1403.6683349609375, 1403.7412109375, 1403.22802734375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:41:58 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:03 | 2024-02-09 08:42:04 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:04 | 2024-02-09 08:42:05 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::dryGridding (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2949) Making a "blank" CFCache |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:04 | 2024-02-09 08:42:05 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:04 | 2024-02-09 08:42:05 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:05 | 2024-02-09 08:42:05 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::fillCFCache (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 3033) Re-loading the "blank" CFCache for filling |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:05 | 2024-02-09 08:42:05 WARN AWConvFunc2::makeConvFunction2[R&D] Filling CFs for baseline type 0, PA slot 0 |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:15 | 2024-02-09 08:42:16 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:15 | 2024-02-09 08:42:16 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:21 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:21 | [182.0017852783203125, 182.0003204345703125, 182.0022430419921875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:21 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:24 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:24 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:28 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:28 | [181.957489013671875, 181.964599609375, 181.90167236328125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:28 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:33 | 2024-02-09 08:42:34 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:34 | 2024-02-09 08:42:35 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::dryGridding (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2949) Making a "blank" CFCache |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:34 | 2024-02-09 08:42:35 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:34 | 2024-02-09 08:42:35 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:35 | 2024-02-09 08:42:35 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::fillCFCache (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 3033) Re-loading the "blank" CFCache for filling |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:35 | 2024-02-09 08:42:35 WARN AWConvFunc2::makeConvFunction2[R&D] Filling CFs for baseline type 0, PA slot 0 |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:45 | 2024-02-09 08:42:46 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:45 | 2024-02-09 08:42:46 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:51 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:51 | [364.003570556640625, 364.00067138671875, 364.0045166015625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:51 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:54 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:54 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:58 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:58 | [363.914764404296875, 363.933929443359375, 363.798004150390625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:42:58 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:03 | 2024-02-09 08:43:04 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:04 | 2024-02-09 08:43:05 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::dryGridding (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2949) Making a "blank" CFCache |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:05 | 2024-02-09 08:43:05 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:05 | 2024-02-09 08:43:05 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:05 | 2024-02-09 08:43:05 WARN SynthesisImagerVi2::fillCFCache (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 3033) Re-loading the "blank" CFCache for filling |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:05 | 2024-02-09 08:43:05 WARN AWConvFunc2::makeConvFunction2[R&D] Filling CFs for baseline type 0, PA slot 0 |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:16 | 2024-02-09 08:43:16 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:16 | 2024-02-09 08:43:16 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:21 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:21 | [676.00665283203125, 676.001220703125, 676.00836181640625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:21 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:25 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:25 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:29 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:29 | [675.83966064453125, 675.8740234375, 675.62823486328125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:29 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:34 | 2024-02-09 08:43:34 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:34 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:34 | This dataset has two groups of antennas and two timesteps, with pointing centers forming the corners of a square around the source (and MS phasecenter). |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:34 | Cube imaging with awproject : For all three channels, check that the source and PB are the same such that pbcorrected intensity is 1.0 Jy. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:34 | [check_tfmask] T/F mask name for tst_pcorr0_uspF.image is : ['T'] (Pass : should be ['T']) |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:34 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:34 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:34 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:44 | 2024-02-09 08:43:44 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:44 | 2024-02-09 08:43:45 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | 2024-02-09 08:43:55 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | 2024-02-09 08:43:55 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | 2024-02-09 08:43:55 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | 2024-02-09 08:43:55 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | 2024-02-09 08:43:55 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:55 | 2024-02-09 08:43:55 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:57 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:57 | [546.0020751953125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:43:57 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:00 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:00 | [-4.1873336158460006118e-06] |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:00 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:03 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:03 | [14.560070037841796875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:03 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:05 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:05 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:06 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:06 | [545.818603515625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:06 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:08 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:08 | [0.011750645935535430908] |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:08 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:12 | 2024-02-09 08:44:12 WARN task_tclean::MultiTermMatrixCleaner::computeHessianPeak (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/MeasurementEquations/, line 861) The PSF peak is not at the center of the image... |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:12 | 2024-02-09 08:44:13 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:12 | 2024-02-09 08:44:13 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:34 | 2024-02-09 08:44:34 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.03 |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:34 | 2024-02-09 08:44:34 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.02 |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:34 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:34 | [545.818603515625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:34 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:35 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:35 | [0.011750645935535430908] |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:35 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:50 | 2024-02-09 08:44:50 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:44:50 | 2024-02-09 08:44:50 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | 2024-02-09 08:45:01 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | 2024-02-09 08:45:01 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | 2024-02-09 08:45:01 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | 2024-02-09 08:45:01 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | 2024-02-09 08:45:01 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:01 | 2024-02-09 08:45:01 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:03 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:03 | [2028.0076904296875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:03 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:07 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:07 | [-7.5311536420485936105e-06] |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:07 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:10 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:10 | [54.0802459716796875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:10 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:11 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:11 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:13 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:13 | [2027.3455810546875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:13 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:15 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:15 | [0.041608247905969619751] |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:15 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:19 | 2024-02-09 08:45:19 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:19 | 2024-02-09 08:45:19 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:44 | 2024-02-09 08:45:44 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.08 |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:44 | 2024-02-09 08:45:44 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.05 |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:44 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:44 | [2027.3455810546875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:44 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:45 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:45 | [0.041608247905969619751] |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:45 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:53 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:53 | This dataset has two groups of antennas and two timesteps, with pointing centers forming the corners of a square around the source (and MS phasecenter). |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:53 | MTMFS imaging with awproject : Check that source and PB are the same. Check that alpha is 0.0 (with conjbeams=True). |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:53 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:53 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:55 | 2024-02-09 08:45:56 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:55 | 2024-02-09 08:45:56 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:55 | 2024-02-09 08:45:56 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:55 | 2024-02-09 08:45:56 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:56 | 2024-02-09 08:45:56 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:56 | 2024-02-09 08:45:56 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:59 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:59 | [25045.986328125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:45:59 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:00 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:00 | [-38.660953521728515625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:00 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:01 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:01 | [666.22607421875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:04 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:04 | [24991.74609375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:04 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:05 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:05 | [-29.408252716064453125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:05 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:06 | 2024-02-09 08:46:06 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:06 | 2024-02-09 08:46:06 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:09 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:09 | [25045.986328125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:09 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:10 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:10 | [-38.660953521728515625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:10 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:10 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:10 | [666.22607421875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:10 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:12 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:12 | [24991.74609375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:12 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:12 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:12 | [-29.408252716064453125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:12 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:18 | 2024-02-09 08:46:19 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.35 |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:18 | 2024-02-09 08:46:19 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.34 |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:18 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:18 | [24991.74609375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:18 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:19 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:19 | [-29.408252716064453125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:21 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:21 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:21 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:22 | 2024-02-09 08:46:23 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:22 | 2024-02-09 08:46:23 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:22 | 2024-02-09 08:46:23 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:22 | 2024-02-09 08:46:23 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:22 | 2024-02-09 08:46:23 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:22 | 2024-02-09 08:46:23 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:26 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:26 | [25045.986328125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:26 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:27 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:27 | [-38.660953521728515625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:28 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:28 | [666.22607421875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:28 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:29 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:29 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:31 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:31 | [24991.74609375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:31 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:32 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:32 | [-29.408252716064453125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:32 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:33 | 2024-02-09 08:46:33 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:33 | 2024-02-09 08:46:33 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:37 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:37 | [25045.986328125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:37 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:38 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:38 | [-38.660953521728515625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:38 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:38 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:38 | [666.22607421875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:38 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:41 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:41 | [24991.74609375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:41 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:41 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:41 | [-29.408252716064453125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:41 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:48 | 2024-02-09 08:46:48 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.55 |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:48 | 2024-02-09 08:46:48 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.46 |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:48 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:48 | [24991.74609375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:48 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:48 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:48 | [-29.408252716064453125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:48 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:52 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:52 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:52 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:53 | 2024-02-09 08:46:53 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:53 | 2024-02-09 08:46:53 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:53 | 2024-02-09 08:46:53 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:53 | 2024-02-09 08:46:53 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:53 | 2024-02-09 08:46:53 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:53 | 2024-02-09 08:46:53 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:59 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:59 | [50083.97265625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:46:59 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:01 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:01 | [-78.52791595458984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:01 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:01 | [1332.2119140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:02 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:02 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:05 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:05 | [49971.4375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:05 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:06 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:06 | [-60.80541229248046875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:06 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:07 | 2024-02-09 08:47:07 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:07 | 2024-02-09 08:47:08 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:13 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:13 | [50083.97265625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:13 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:13 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:13 | [-78.52791595458984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:13 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:14 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:14 | [1332.2119140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:14 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:16 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:16 | [49971.4375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:16 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:16 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:16 | [-60.80541229248046875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:16 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:24 | 2024-02-09 08:47:25 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.79 |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:24 | 2024-02-09 08:47:25 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.58 |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:24 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:24 | [49971.4375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:24 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:24 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:24 | [-60.80541229248046875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:24 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:28 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:28 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:28 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:29 | 2024-02-09 08:47:29 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:29 | 2024-02-09 08:47:29 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:29 | 2024-02-09 08:47:29 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:29 | 2024-02-09 08:47:29 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:29 | 2024-02-09 08:47:29 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:29 | 2024-02-09 08:47:29 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:36 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:37 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:37 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:37 | [50083.97265625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:37 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:38 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:38 | [-78.52791595458984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:38 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:39 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:39 | [1332.2119140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:39 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:44 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:44 | [49971.4375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:44 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:44 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:44 | [-60.80541229248046875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:44 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:45 | 2024-02-09 08:47:46 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:45 | 2024-02-09 08:47:46 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:52 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:52 | [50083.97265625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:52 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:52 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:52 | [-78.52791595458984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:52 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:53 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:53 | [1332.2119140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:53 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:57 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:57 | [49971.4375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:57 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:57 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:57 | [-60.80541229248046875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:47:57 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:06 | 2024-02-09 08:48:07 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 1.22 |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:06 | 2024-02-09 08:48:07 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 1.04 |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:06 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:06 | [49971.4375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:06 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:07 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:07 | [-60.80541229248046875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:07 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:09 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:09 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:09 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:11 | 2024-02-09 08:48:11 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:11 | 2024-02-09 08:48:11 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:11 | 2024-02-09 08:48:11 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:11 | 2024-02-09 08:48:11 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:11 | 2024-02-09 08:48:11 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:11 | 2024-02-09 08:48:11 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:13 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:13 | [25047.9921875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:13 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:14 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:14 | [-38.265960693359375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:14 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:15 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:15 | [666.30633544921875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:15 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:18 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:18 | [24994.3125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:18 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:18 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:18 | [-41.743953704833984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:18 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:20 | 2024-02-09 08:48:20 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:20 | 2024-02-09 08:48:20 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:25 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:25 | [25047.9921875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:25 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:26 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:26 | [-38.265960693359375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:26 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:26 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:26 | [666.30633544921875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:26 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:28 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:28 | [24994.3125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:28 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:28 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:28 | [-41.743953704833984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:28 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:35 | 2024-02-09 08:48:36 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.34 |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:35 | 2024-02-09 08:48:36 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.25 |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:35 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:35 | [24994.3125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:35 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:36 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:36 | [-41.743953704833984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:36 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:39 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:39 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:39 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:43 | 2024-02-09 08:48:44 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:44 | 2024-02-09 08:48:44 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:47 | 2024-02-09 08:48:47 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:47 | 2024-02-09 08:48:47 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:47 | 2024-02-09 08:48:47 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:47 | 2024-02-09 08:48:47 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:47 | 2024-02-09 08:48:48 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:47 | 2024-02-09 08:48:48 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:50 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:50 | [25047.9921875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:50 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:51 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:51 | [-38.265960693359375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:51 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:52 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:52 | [666.30633544921875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:52 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:54 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:54 | [24994.3125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:54 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:55 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:55 | [-41.743953704833984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:55 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:56 | 2024-02-09 08:48:57 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:56 | 2024-02-09 08:48:57 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:59 | 2024-02-09 08:49:00 WARN SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:48:59 | 2024-02-09 08:49:00 WARN SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:01 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:02 | 2024-02-09 08:49:02 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:02 | 2024-02-09 08:49:02 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:02 | 2024-02-09 08:49:02 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:02 | 2024-02-09 08:49:02 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:02 | 2024-02-09 08:49:02 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:02 | 2024-02-09 08:49:02 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:07 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:07 | [50089.984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:07 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:08 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:08 | [-77.3379364013671875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:08 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:09 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:09 | [1332.452392578125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:09 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:10 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:10 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:13 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:13 | [49980.71875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:13 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:13 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:13 | [-84.63439178466796875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:13 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:15 | 2024-02-09 08:49:15 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:15 | 2024-02-09 08:49:16 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:21 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:21 | [50089.984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:21 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:22 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:22 | [-77.3379364013671875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:22 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:23 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:23 | [1332.452392578125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:23 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:25 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:25 | [49980.71875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:25 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:26 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:26 | [-84.63439178466796875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:26 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:34 | 2024-02-09 08:49:34 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.75 |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:34 | 2024-02-09 08:49:34 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.63 |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:34 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:34 | [49980.71875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:34 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:34 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:34 | [-84.63439178466796875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:34 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:37 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:37 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:37 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:41 | 2024-02-09 08:49:41 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:41 | 2024-02-09 08:49:41 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:43 | 2024-02-09 08:49:43 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 0 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:43 | 2024-02-09 08:49:43 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:43 | 2024-02-09 08:49:43 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 1 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:43 | 2024-02-09 08:49:43 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:43 | 2024-02-09 08:49:43 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation for term 2 during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:43 | 2024-02-09 08:49:43 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:49 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:49 | [50089.984375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:49 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:50 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:50 | [-77.3379364013671875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:50 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:51 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:51 | [1332.452392578125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:51 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:51 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:51 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:54 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:54 | [49980.71875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:54 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:54 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 1] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:54 | [-84.63439178466796875] |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:54 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:55 | 2024-02-09 08:49:56 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:55 | 2024-02-09 08:49:56 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:58 | 2024-02-09 08:49:58 WARN SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:58 | 2024-02-09 08:49:58 WARN SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:59 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:59 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:49:59 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:08 | 2024-02-09 08:50:09 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:08 | 2024-02-09 08:50:09 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:23 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:23 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:23 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:32 | 2024-02-09 08:50:32 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:32 | 2024-02-09 08:50:32 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:43 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:43 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:43 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:50 | 2024-02-09 08:50:50 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:50:50 | 2024-02-09 08:50:51 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:01 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:09 | 2024-02-09 08:51:09 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:09 | 2024-02-09 08:51:09 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:19 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:31 | 2024-02-09 08:51:31 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:31 | 2024-02-09 08:51:31 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:45 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:45 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:45 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:47 | 2024-02-09 08:51:48 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:47 | 2024-02-09 08:51:48 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:59 | 2024-02-09 08:52:00 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:51:59 | 2024-02-09 08:52:00 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:00 | 2024-02-09 08:52:01 WARN SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:00 | 2024-02-09 08:52:01 WARN SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:01 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:11 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:11 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:13 | 2024-02-09 08:52:14 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:13 | 2024-02-09 08:52:14 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:24 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:24 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:29 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:29 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:29 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:32 | 2024-02-09 08:52:33 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:32 | 2024-02-09 08:52:33 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:43 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:43 | 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:45 | 2024-02-09 08:52:45 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:45 | 2024-02-09 08:52:45 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:46 | 2024-02-09 08:52:47 WARN SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:46 | 2024-02-09 08:52:47 WARN SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:47 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:47 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:47 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:58 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:58 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:52:58 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:01 | 2024-02-09 08:53:01 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:01 | 2024-02-09 08:53:01 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:01 | 2024-02-09 08:53:02 WARN widebandpbcor::::casa widebandpbcor is a temporary task, meant for use until a widebandpbcor option is enabled from within the tclean task. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:11 | 2024-02-09 08:53:12 WARN widebandpbcor::::casa widebandpbcor is a temporary task, meant for use until a widebandpbcor option is enabled from within the tclean task. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:17 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:17 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:17 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:20 | 2024-02-09 08:53:20 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:20 | 2024-02-09 08:53:20 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:20 | 2024-02-09 08:53:21 WARN widebandpbcor::::casa widebandpbcor is a temporary task, meant for use until a widebandpbcor option is enabled from within the tclean task. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:33 | 2024-02-09 08:53:34 WARN widebandpbcor::::casa widebandpbcor is a temporary task, meant for use until a widebandpbcor option is enabled from within the tclean task. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:40 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:40 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:40 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:41 | 2024-02-09 08:53:41 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:41 | 2024-02-09 08:53:41 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:42 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:42 | [8423.9794921875, 8390.0009765625, 8232.0048828125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:42 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:44 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:44 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:44 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:45 | 2024-02-09 08:53:46 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:47 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:47 | [8423.9794921875, 8390.0009765625, 8232.0048828125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:47 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:50 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:50 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:50 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:53 | 2024-02-09 08:53:54 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.33 |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:53 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:53 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:53 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:55 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:55 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:55 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:56 | 2024-02-09 08:53:56 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:56 | 2024-02-09 08:53:56 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:58 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:58 | [8423.9794921875, 8390.0009765625, 8232.0048828125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:53:58 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:01 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:01 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:02 | 2024-02-09 08:54:02 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:04 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:04 | [8423.9794921875, 8390.0009765625, 8232.0048828125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:04 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:06 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:06 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:06 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:10 | 2024-02-09 08:54:11 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.53 |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:11 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:11 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:11 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:12 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:12 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:12 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:13 | 2024-02-09 08:54:14 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:13 | 2024-02-09 08:54:14 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:16 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:16 | [16847.958984375, 16778.001953125, 16458.009765625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:16 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:19 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:19 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:20 | 2024-02-09 08:54:20 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:22 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:22 | [16847.958984375, 16778.001953125, 16458.009765625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:22 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:25 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:25 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:25 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:30 | 2024-02-09 08:54:30 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.73 |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:30 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:30 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:30 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:31 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:31 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:31 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:32 | 2024-02-09 08:54:33 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:32 | 2024-02-09 08:54:33 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:36 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:36 | [16847.958984375, 16778.001953125, 16458.009765625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:36 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:39 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:39 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:39 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:40 | 2024-02-09 08:54:41 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:43 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:43 | [16847.958984375, 16778.001953125, 16458.009765625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:43 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:46 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:46 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:46 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:52 | 2024-02-09 08:54:52 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 1.09 |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:52 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:52 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:52 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:53 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:53 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:53 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:54 | 2024-02-09 08:54:55 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:54 | 2024-02-09 08:54:55 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:56 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:56 | [8423.9794921875, 8390.0009765625, 8232.0048828125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:56 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:58 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:58 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:58 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:54:59 | 2024-02-09 08:55:00 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:01 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:01 | [8423.9794921875, 8390.0009765625, 8232.0048828125] |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:03 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:03 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:03 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:07 | 2024-02-09 08:55:07 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.27 |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:07 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:07 | [8381.1103515625, 8375.2392578125, 8235.396484375] |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:07 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:08 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:08 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:08 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:09 | 2024-02-09 08:55:10 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D] Setting up for weights accumulation during gridding to compute sensitivity pattern. |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:09 | 2024-02-09 08:55:10 WARN AWProjectWBFT2::makeSensitivityImage(Complex)[R&D]+ Consequently, the first gridding cycle will be slower than the subsequent ones. |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:12 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:12 | [16847.958984375, 16778.001953125, 16458.009765625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:12 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:15 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:15 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:15 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:16 | 2024-02-09 08:55:16 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:18 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:18 | [16847.958984375, 16778.001953125, 16458.009765625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:18 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:21 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:21 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:21 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:26 | 2024-02-09 08:55:26 WARN task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps Time degrid 0.65 |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:26 | Sum of weights: Axis Lengths: [1, 3] (NB: Matrix in Row/Column order) |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:26 | [16762.2109375, 16748.359375, 16460.869140625] |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:26 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:27 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:36 | 2024-02-09 08:55:37 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:53 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:53 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:55:53 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:02 | 2024-02-09 08:56:02 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:18 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:18 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:18 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:27 | 2024-02-09 08:56:28 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:44 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:44 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:44 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:56:54 | 2024-02-09 08:56:54 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:57:11 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:57:11 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:57:11 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:57:20 | 2024-02-09 08:57:20 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:57:35 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:57:35 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:57:35 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:57:44 | 2024-02-09 08:57:45 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:01 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:01 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:04 | 2024-02-09 08:58:05 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:10 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:10 | [mosaic_cube] Test_cube_standard_onefield : One field, standard gridder |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:10 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:10 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:13 | 2024-02-09 08:58:14 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:20 | [mosaic_cube] Test_cube_standard_twofield : two field, cube imaging with standard gridder |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:20 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:25 | 2024-02-09 08:58:26 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:35 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:35 | [test_mosaic_cube] test_cube_wproj_onefield : One field, widefield cube imaging with wprojection gridder |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:35 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:35 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:41 | 2024-02-09 08:58:41 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:49 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:49 | [test_mosaic_cube] test_cube_wproj_onefield_autowprojplanes : One field, widefield cube imaging, gridder='wproject', automaticalluy calculate wprojplanes |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:49 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:49 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:58:55 | 2024-02-09 08:58:55 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:05 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:05 | [test_mosaic_cube] test_cube_wproj_twofield : Two fields, widefield cube imaging with wprojection |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:05 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:05 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:05 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:05 | SKIPPED (Skip test.) |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:05 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:07 | 2024-02-09 08:59:07 WARN SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2089) imsize with 420 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 432 instead. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:07 | 2024-02-09 08:59:08 WARN SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2089) imsize with 420 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 432 instead. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:09 | 2024-02-09 08:59:10 WARN task_tclean::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2089) imsize with 420 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 432 instead. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:11 | 2024-02-09 08:59:12 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:12 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:12 | [ephemeris] test_multifield_cube_eph : multifield (mosaic gridder), cubesource mode |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:12 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:12 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:12 | 2024-02-09 08:59:13 WARN SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2089) imsize with 420 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 432 instead. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:16 | 2024-02-09 08:59:16 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:16 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:16 | [ephemeris] test_multifield_mfs_eph : multifield (mosaic gridder), mfs mode |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:16 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:16 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:17 | 2024-02-09 08:59:18 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:18 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:18 | [ephemeris] test_onefield_cube_eph : single field (standard gridder), cubesource mode |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:18 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:18 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:18 | 2024-02-09 08:59:19 WARN task_tclean::SIImageStore::restore (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2284) Restoring with an empty model image. Only residuals will be processed to form the output restored image. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | [ephemeris] test_onefield_mfs_eph : single field (standard gridder), mfs mode |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | 2024-02-09 08:59:20 WARN SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2089) imsize with 98 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 100 instead. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | 2024-02-09 08:59:20 SEVERE tclean::::casa Task tclean raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid Image Parameter set : Invalid Frequency Frame fail_! |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | test_bad_freqframe: produce exception in initializeImagers/defineImage |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | File ".../__casac__/", line 180, in defineimage |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | return _synthesisimager.synthesisimager_defineimage(self, *args, **kwargs) |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | RuntimeError: Invalid Image Parameter set : Invalid Frequency Frame fail_! |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:19 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | 2024-02-09 08:59:21 SEVERE task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps number of pixels 6 on x axis is smaller that the gridding support 6 Please use a larger value |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | 2024-02-09 08:59:21 WARN task_tclean::SynthesisImagerVi2::CubeMajorCycle (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 338) Exception for chan range [0, 9] --- Error in making PSF : 2024-02-09 08:59:21 SEVERE task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps number of pixels 6 on x axis is smaller that the gridding support 6 Please use a larger value |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | ################################## |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | ############################# |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | Exception: Error in making PSF : 2024-02-09 08:59:21 SEVERE task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps number of pixels 6 on x axis is smaller that the gridding support 6 Please use a larger value |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | 2024-02-09 08:59:21 SEVERE task_tclean::SynthesisImagerVi2::runCubeGridding (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 1588) remainder rank 0 failed |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | 2024-02-09 08:59:21 SEVERE tclean::::casa Task tclean raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error in making PSF : One or more of the cube section failed in de/gridding. Return values for the sections: [0] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | test_error_gridding: produces exception in gridding |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | One way to make gridding fail is to give imsize=3,4, etc. This fails like: |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | RuntimeError: Error in making PSF : One or more of the cube section failed in de/gridding. Return values for the sections: [0] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | With a preceding SEVERE error messages: |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | SEVERE task_tclean::FTMachine::initMaps number of pixels 6 on x axis is smaller that the gridding support 6 Please use a larger value |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | SEVERE task_tclean::CubeMajorCycleAlgorithm::task (file .../code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 136) Exception: Error in making PSF : |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | SEVERE task_tclean::FTMachine::initMapsnumber of pixels 6 on x axis is smaller that the gridding support 6 Please use a larger value |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | 2024-02-09 08:59:21 WARN Field Expression: Found out-of-range index(s) in the list (33 ) [TIP: Double-quoted strings forces name matching] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | 2024-02-09 08:59:21 SEVERE tclean::::casa Task tclean raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error in selectData() : Field Expression: Partial or no match for Field ID list [33] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | 2024-02-09 08:59:21 SEVERE tclean::::casa+ (near char. 2 in string "33") |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | test_wrong_field: should produce exception in selectData. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | Exception like: |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | RuntimeError: Error in selectData() : Field Expression: Partial or no match for Field ID list [33] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | 2024-02-09 08:59:21 SEVERE tclean::::casa Task tclean raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error in selectData() : Spw Expression: No match found for 33, |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | test_wrong_spw: should produce exception in selectData. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | Should throw something like |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:20 | RuntimeError: Error in selectData() : Spw Expression: No match found for 33, |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:21 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:21 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:22 | 2024-02-09 08:59:23 WARN SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file /source/casa6/casatools/src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2465) No rest frequency info, using the center of the selected spw(s):1.475e+09 Hz. Velocity labelling may not be correct. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | test_gclean_threeiter: test the the gclean generator runs for at least three iterations |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | PASSED |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | - generated xml file: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_tclean/nose.xml - |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | =========================== short test summary info ============================ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip until we can check why the model column is empty in all channels, after the tclean run. May need new ticket. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip test. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip. This test deprecated. no longer need mtmfs for cube use msclean |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip until we can figure out what causes the common bean difference between the local runs and bamboo runs for |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip. This test deprecated. no longer need mtmfs for cube use msclean |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip test. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip test. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip test. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip test. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip the test temporarily |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip test due to unexplained bamboo errors. Manual tests run correctly. See CAS-13530 for history. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip test due to unexplained bamboo errors. Manual tests run correctly. See CAS-13530 for history. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | SKIPPED [1] Skip test. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:26 | =========== 284 passed, 13 skipped, 1 warning in 5992.51s (1:39:52) ============ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | HAVE_PYTEST: True |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Namespace(bamboo=False, branch=None, classes=None, dry_run=False, file=None, ignore_list='test_task_wvrgcal,test_casampi,test_task_msview,test_task_imview,test_task_plotms', list=False, mapfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/casatestutils/component_to_test_map.json' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>, merge_target=None, ncores=2, pkg=None, pmode=None, rcdir=None, test_config=None, test_group='deconvolve,SciDev,tclean', test_list=None, test_paths='/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks,/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/scripts', verbose=False, work_dir=None) |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Operating system: Linux |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Testing Components['deconvolve', 'SciDev', 'tclean'] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | No Tests for Component: SciDev |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Arguments Sent Direct To Pytest : [] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Tests to Ignore: ['test_task_wvrgcal', 'test_casampi', 'test_task_msview', 'test_task_imview', 'test_task_plotms'] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Running 3 Test(s) |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Cleaning: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Tests: ['/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/scripts/', '/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/'] |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_deconvolve |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_deconvolve/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_imagerhelpers_gclean/ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_imagerhelpers_gclean |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_imagerhelpers_gclean/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_imagerhelpers_gclean/ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Setting Working Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Test Directory: /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tclean |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:27 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_tclean/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tclean/ |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | total 176528 |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 1834773 Feb 9 07:04 casatasks- |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 254142 Feb 9 08:59 casatasks_test.log |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 128009 Feb 9 07:04 casatestutils- |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 178478757 Feb 9 07:03 casatools- |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1863 Feb 9 08:59 test_imagerhelpers_gclean.xml |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 17642 Feb 9 08:59 test_task_deconvolve.xml |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 33735 Feb 9 08:59 test_task_tclean.xml |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | Finished task 'Test wheel' with result: Success |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | Starting task 'Inject is_641' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-variable-inject-plugin:inject' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | Injected variable bamboo.inject.is_641=False in LOCAL scope |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | Finished task 'Inject is_641' with result: Success |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with CAS-14184 |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | Starting task 'Tar work directory' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Dev Test - CAS-14184 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2014 #21 (CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38-21)' ... running command line: /export/home/cbt-el7-7/bamboohome/temp/ ... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-7/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38 |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | Package working directory |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | tar: work: Cannot stat: No such file or directory |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:28 | tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | total 176532 |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 1834773 Feb 9 07:04 casatasks- |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 254142 Feb 9 08:59 casatasks_test.log |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 128009 Feb 9 07:04 casatestutils- |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 178478757 Feb 9 07:03 casatools- |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 1863 Feb 9 08:59 test_imagerhelpers_gclean.xml |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 17642 Feb 9 08:59 test_task_deconvolve.xml |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 33735 Feb 9 08:59 test_task_tclean.xml |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root 45 Feb 9 08:59 work-el7-3.8.tar.gz |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Done packaging working directory |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Finished task 'Tar work directory' with result: Success |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Starting task 'Parse tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Parsing test results under /export/home/cbt-el7-7/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38... |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Finished task 'Parse tests' with result: Success |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Skipping execution of task 'Upload wheel' as it is disabled |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Starting task 'Cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Dev Test - CAS-14184 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2014 #21 (CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38-21)' ... running command line: /export/home/cbt-el7-7/bamboohome/temp/ ... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-7/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38 |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:29 | Starting cleanup |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:41 | wheel-container-test |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | wheel-container-test |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Cleanup complete |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Finished task 'Cleanup' with result: Success |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Dev Test - CAS-14184 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2014 #21 (CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38-21)' ... running command line: /bin/docker rm -f wheel-container-test ... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-7/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38 |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Error response from daemon: No such container: wheel-container-test |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Publishing an artifact: Workdir |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [Workdir], patterns: [work*.tar.gz] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 125.1 ms |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Publishing an artifact: Tests |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [Tests], patterns: [*.xml] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 46.82 ms |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Publishing an artifact: xml Directories |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact Http Compression On : [xml Directories], patterns: [**/*.xml] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 48.01 ms |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Finalising the build... |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Stopping timer. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Build CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38-21 completed. |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | All post build plugins have finished |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Generating build results summary... |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Saving build results to disk... |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Store variable context... |
09-Feb-2024 03:59:45 | Finished building CASA-CMDT88-TTASKGML2014P38-21. |