Build log
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07-Aug-2023 13:33:13 | 2023-08-07 17:33:14 INFO BeamCalc::setBeamCalcGeometries() from file /opt/casa/data/casa-data/alma/responses/ALMA_0_CM__0_0_360_0_45_90_31_506_950_GHz_beamcalc_INTERNAL.txt |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:13 | 2023-08-07 17:33:14 INFO BeamCalc::setBeamCalcGeometries()+ ... successful. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:13 | **Writing ALMA Apertures for Pol 9 to disk |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:13 | Done writing apertures to disk |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | Test 9: define reference to antresp table for ALMA, then use it |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | - generated xml file: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_vpmanager/nose.xml - |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | ======================== 17 passed, 1 warning in 3.47s ========================= |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | ============================= test session starts ============================== |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | platform darwin -- Python 3.8.13, pytest-7.4.0, pluggy-1.2.0 -- /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6testenv/bin/python |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | cachedir: .pytest_cache |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | rootdir: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:14 | configfile: pytest.ini |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:15 | collecting ... collected 17 items |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:15 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:15 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:18 | 2023-08-07 17:33:18 INFO MSFitsInput::MSFitsInput Converting FITS file '/Volumes/EXT/casatestdata/unittest/sdmtool//ngc4826.ll.fits5' to MeasurementSet '' |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:18 | 2023-08-07 17:33:18 INFO MSFitsInput::setupMeasurementSet Using tile shape [1, 64, 2048] for HATCREEK with obstype=0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:18 | 2023-08-07 17:33:18 INFO MSFitsInput::fillMSMainTableColWise FREQSEL not found in UU VV WW BASELINE DATE SOURCE |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:18 | 2023-08-07 17:33:18 INFO MSFitsInput::fillMSMainTableColWise Reading and writing 13860 visibility groups |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:18 | 2023-08-07 17:33:18 INFO MSFitsInput::readRandomGroupUVFits extname=AIPS SU nrows=7 ncols=19 rowsize=132 pcount=0 gcount=1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:18 | 2023-08-07 17:33:18 INFO MSFitsInput::readRandomGroupUVFits extname=AIPS AN nrows=12 ncols=12 rowsize=78 pcount=0 gcount=1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:18 | 2023-08-07 17:33:18 WARN MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable XYZHAND keyword not found in AN table. Will assume antenna coordinate system is right handed. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:18 | 2023-08-07 17:33:18 INFO MSFitsInput::fillExtraTables Filling SOURCE table (this may take some time). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | Test 1: Testing default |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | Test 10: ALMA input MS with pointing table and various shortcomings, default output |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | SKIPPED (test disabled) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM xosro2asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S0/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S0/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S0/X1/X2 with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S0/X1/X3 with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S0/X1/X4 with 2 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S0/X1/X5 with 2 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S0/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Unsupported processor subType for type CORRELATOR NRAO_WIDAR assuming ALMA_CORRELATOR |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S0/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S0/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S0/X1/X9 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S0/X1/Xa with 2 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Setting receiver ID to zero (ALMA convention). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Assuming single-feed receivers. Setting FeedNum to 1 (as for ALMA). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S0/X1/Xb with 48 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S0/X1/Xc with 2 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S0/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S0/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S0/X1/Xf with 48 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: 0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S0/X1/X10 with 2 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for EVLA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [-531.118, -1672.47, 1187.13] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled SBSummary table uid://S0/X1/X12 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled ExecBlock table uid://S0/X1/X13 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:28 | 2023-08-07 17:33:28 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Using column DATA. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Main table uid://S0/X1/X16 with 2 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Scan table uid://S0/X1/X17 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled SubScan table uid://S0/X1/X18 with 2 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointingModel() Filled PointingModel table uid://S0/X1/X19 with 48 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 WARN MS2ASDM::writePointing() MS Pointing table doesn't exist or is empty. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm the BDF slice size is set to 500 megabytes. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm the MS Ephemeris tables(s) will be produced by simple copies of the values found in the ASDM Ephemeris table with just units conversion. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm Row uniqueness constraint will be ignored. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:29 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm Input ASDM dataset : xosro2asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm Time spent parsing the ASDM medata : 0.001628 s. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm Correlation modes requested : CROSS_ONLY |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm + Spectral resolution types requested : CHANNEL_AVERAGE BASEBAND_WIDE FULL_RESOLUTION |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm + Time sampling requested : SUBINTEGRATION INTEGRATION |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm + WVR uncorrected and|or corrected data requested : AP_UNCORRECTED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm + All scans of all exec blocks will be processed |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The correction (encoder - pointingDirection) will be applied |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm + For each data description auto correlations for a sequence of timestamps followed by cross correlations for the same sequence will be written in the Main table |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm About to create a filler for the measurement set './' |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 24 antenna(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 24 antenna(s) in the measurement set(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 2 spectral window(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 2 spectral window(s) in the measurement set(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 1 polarization(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 1 polarization(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 2 data description(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 2 data description(s) in the measurement set(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 1 execBlock(s) ...1 of them in the selected exec blocks / scans ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm Telescope Name:EVLA, process as EVLA data. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 1 observation(s) in the measurement set(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 48 feed(s)...48 of them in the exec blocks / selected scans ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 48 feed(s) in the measurement set. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 0 ephemeris row(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 1 field(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 1 field(s) in the measurement set(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 0 FlagCmd(s)...0 of them in the exec blocks / selected scans ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 0 history(s)...0 of them in the selected exec blocks / scans ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 0 pointing(s)...0 of them in the selected exec blocks / scans ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 1 processor(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 1 processor(s) in the measurement set. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 2 sources(s)...2 of them in the selected scans ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 2 source(s) in the measurement set(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 48 sysCal(s)...48 of them in the selected scans ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm converted in 48 sysCal(s) in the measurement set(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 0 syspower(s). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 0 weather(s)...0 of them in the selected scans ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 0 weather(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 2 main(s)...2 of them in the selected exec blocks / scans. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm ASDM Main row #0 contains data produced by a 'CORRELATOR'. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm ASDM Main row #0 (scan #1, subscan #1, ConfigDescription_0) - BDF file '/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/xosro2asdm/ASDMBinary/uid___S0_X1_X14' - Size is 16957440 bytes for 20 integrations. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm ASDM Main row #0 - 0 integrations done so far - the next 20 integrations produced 5520 MS Main rows. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm ASDM Main row #1 contains data produced by a 'CORRELATOR'. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:30 INFO ::sdm ASDM Main row #1 (scan #1, subscan #2, ConfigDescription_1) - BDF file '/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/xosro2asdm/ASDMBinary/uid___S0_X1_X15' - Size is 16957440 bytes for 20 integrations. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO ::sdm ASDM Main row #1 - 0 integrations done so far - the next 20 integrations produced 5520 MS Main rows. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 1 state(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO ::sdm converted in 2 state(s) in the measurement set. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO ::sdm The dataset has 2 main(s)... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:30 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO ::sdm converted in 11040 main(s) rows in the measurement set containing the wvr uncorrected data. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Test 11: EVLA MS from X_osro_013.55979.93803716435 scan 2, full pol! |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Comparing column DATA of MS |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | with column DATA of MS |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Discrepant row search ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Found 0 rows in selection. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | The two columns agree. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Comparing column FLAG of MS |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | with column FLAG of MS |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Discrepant row search ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Found 0 rows in selection. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | The two columns agree. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Test 12: ALMA MS from uid___A002_X72bc38_X000 scan 2, only XX and YY |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | SKIPPED (This is a task test, not appropriate for the sdm tool alone.) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S1/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S1/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S1/X1/X2 with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S1/X1/X3 with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S1/X1/X4 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S1/X1/X5 with 7 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S1/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Unknown telescope name: BIMA. Assuming ALMA_BASELINE. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S1/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S1/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S1/X1/X9 with 7 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S1/X1/Xa with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Setting receiver ID to zero (ALMA convention). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Assuming single-feed receivers. Setting FeedNum to 1 (as for ALMA). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S1/X1/Xb with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S1/X1/Xc with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S1/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeState() MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S1/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S1/X1/Xf with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: -1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S1/X1/X10 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [-403.372, -659.047, 667.375] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Observation time range is zero length for obs ID 0 in MS Observation table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled SBSummary table uid://S1/X1/X1b with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled ExecBlock table uid://S1/X1/X1c with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Using column DATA. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Main table uid://S1/X1/X63 with 70 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Scan table uid://S1/X1/X64 with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled SubScan table uid://S1/X1/X65 with 70 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointingModel() Filled PointingModel table uid://S1/X1/X66 with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | 2023-08-07 17:33:31 WARN MS2ASDM::writePointing() MS Pointing table doesn't exist or is empty. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | xmllint: using libxml version 20914 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ICU ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Test 2: small input MS, default output |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Verifying asdm test2exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | Note: xml validation not possible since ASDM DTDs (schemas) not yet online. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:31 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S1/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S1/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S1/X1/X2 with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S1/X1/X3 with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S1/X1/X4 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S1/X1/X5 with 104 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S1/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S1/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S1/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S1/X1/X9 with 104 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S1/X1/Xa with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S1/X1/Xb with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S1/X1/Xc with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S1/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeState() MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S1/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S1/X1/Xf with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Still, the MS Main table seems to refer to an existing processor id 0. Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: 0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S1/X1/X10 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for ALMA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [1761.87, -4307.63, -1977.71] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Observation time range is zero length for obs ID 20 in MS Observation table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled SBSummary table uid://S1/X1/X5f with 40 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled ExecBlock table uid://S1/X1/X60 with 78 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:33 | 2023-08-07 17:33:33 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Using column DATA. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:34 | 2023-08-07 17:33:34 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Main table uid://S1/X1/Xaf with 78 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:34 | 2023-08-07 17:33:34 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Scan table uid://S1/X1/Xb0 with 78 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:34 | 2023-08-07 17:33:34 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled SubScan table uid://S1/X1/Xb1 with 78 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:34 | 2023-08-07 17:33:34 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointingModel() Filled PointingModel table uid://S1/X1/Xb2 with 100 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:34 | 2023-08-07 17:33:34 WARN MS2ASDM::writePointing() No ENCODER column in MS Pointing table. Will use DIRECTION instead. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:34 | 2023-08-07 17:33:34 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointing() Filled Pointing table uid://S1/X1/Xb3 with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:34 | xmllint: using libxml version 20914 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:34 | compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ICU ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:39 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:39 | Test 3: simulated input MS, default output |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:39 | Verifying asdm test3exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:39 | Note: xml validation not possible since ASDM DTDs (schemas) not yet online. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:39 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:39 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S1/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S1/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S1/X1/X2 with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S1/X1/X3 with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S1/X1/X4 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S1/X1/X5 with 7 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S1/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Unknown telescope name: BIMA. Assuming ALMA_BASELINE. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S1/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S1/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S1/X1/X9 with 7 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S1/X1/Xa with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Setting receiver ID to zero (ALMA convention). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Assuming single-feed receivers. Setting FeedNum to 1 (as for ALMA). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S1/X1/Xb with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S1/X1/Xc with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S1/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeState() MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S1/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S1/X1/Xf with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: -1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S1/X1/X10 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [-403.372, -659.047, 667.375] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Observation time range is zero length for obs ID 0 in MS Observation table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled SBSummary table uid://S1/X1/X1b with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled ExecBlock table uid://S1/X1/X1c with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Using column DATA. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Main table uid://S1/X1/X63 with 70 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Scan table uid://S1/X1/X64 with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled SubScan table uid://S1/X1/X65 with 70 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointingModel() Filled PointingModel table uid://S1/X1/X66 with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | 2023-08-07 17:33:41 WARN MS2ASDM::writePointing() MS Pointing table doesn't exist or is empty. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | xmllint: using libxml version 20914 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ICU ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | Test 4: real input MS, default output |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | Verifying asdm test4exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | Note: xml validation not possible since ASDM DTDs (schemas) not yet online. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:41 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S1/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S1/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S1/X1/X2 with 8 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S1/X1/X3 with 8 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S1/X1/X4 with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S1/X1/X5 with 144 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :2 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :3 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :4 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :5 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :6 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :7 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :8 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :9 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :10 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :11 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :12 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :13 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :14 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :15 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :16 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :17 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :18 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :19 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :20 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :21 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :22 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Duplicate row in MS Polarization table :23 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S1/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Unknown telescope name: SMA. Assuming ALMA_BASELINE. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S1/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S1/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S1/X1/X9 with 6 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S1/X1/Xa with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Setting receiver ID to zero (ALMA convention). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Assuming single-feed receivers. Setting FeedNum to 1 (as for ALMA). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S1/X1/Xb with 192 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S1/X1/Xc with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S1/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeState() MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S1/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S1/X1/Xf with 336 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Still, the MS Main table seems to refer to an existing processor id 0. Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: 0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S1/X1/X10 with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for SMA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [-5628.6, -2567.77, 2245.3] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Observation time range is zero length for obs ID 0 in MS Observation table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() There is more than one scheduling block necessary for the obsid - freqBand pair (0, 0). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ This can presently not yet be handled properly. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ (MS Main table row 945) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 SEVERE MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Observation of different frequency bands at the same time and under the same observation ID is not supported by the ASDM. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 SEVERE MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ Please split out the different spectral bands into individual MSs and process separately. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | Test 5: real input MS, MS has several SPWs observed in parallel - not supported, expected error |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S002/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S002/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S002/X1/X2 with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S002/X1/X3 with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S002/X1/X4 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S002/X1/X5 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S002/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S002/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S002/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S002/X1/X9 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S002/X1/Xa with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S002/X1/Xb with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S002/X1/Xc with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S002/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeState() MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S002/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S002/X1/Xf with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Still, the MS Main table seems to refer to an existing processor id 0. Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: 0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S002/X1/X10 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for ALMA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [1761.87, -4307.63, -1977.71] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled SBSummary table uid://S002/X1/X35 with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled ExecBlock table uid://S002/X1/X36 with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Using column DATA. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Main table uid://S002/X1/X5b with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Scan table uid://S002/X1/X5c with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled SubScan table uid://S002/X1/X5d with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointingModel() Filled PointingModel table uid://S002/X1/X5e with 32 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 WARN MS2ASDM::writePointing() No ENCODER column in MS Pointing table. Will use DIRECTION instead. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | 2023-08-07 17:33:45 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointing() Filled Pointing table uid://S002/X1/X5f with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | xmllint: using libxml version 20914 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:44 | compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ICU ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:45 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:45 | Test 6: simulated input MS with pointing table, default output |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:45 | Verifying asdm test6exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:45 | Note: xml validation not possible since ASDM DTDs (schemas) not yet online. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:45 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:45 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S1/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S1/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S1/X1/X2 with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S1/X1/X3 with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S1/X1/X4 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S1/X1/X5 with 104 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S1/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S1/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S1/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S1/X1/X9 with 104 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S1/X1/Xa with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S1/X1/Xb with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S1/X1/Xc with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S1/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeState() MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S1/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S1/X1/Xf with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Still, the MS Main table seems to refer to an existing processor id 0. Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: 0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S1/X1/X10 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for ALMA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [1761.87, -4307.63, -1977.71] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Observation time range is zero length for obs ID 20 in MS Observation table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled SBSummary table uid://S1/X1/X5f with 40 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled ExecBlock table uid://S1/X1/X60 with 78 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:46 | 2023-08-07 17:33:46 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Using column DATA. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:47 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Main table uid://S1/X1/Xaf with 78 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:47 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Scan table uid://S1/X1/Xb0 with 78 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:47 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled SubScan table uid://S1/X1/Xb1 with 78 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:47 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointingModel() Filled PointingModel table uid://S1/X1/Xb2 with 100 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:47 WARN MS2ASDM::writePointing() No ENCODER column in MS Pointing table. Will use DIRECTION instead. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointing() Filled Pointing table uid://S1/X1/Xb3 with 50 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | xmllint: using libxml version 20914 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ICU ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | Test 7: simulated input MS, default output |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | Verifying asdm test7exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | Note: xml validation not possible since ASDM DTDs (schemas) not yet online. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S1/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S1/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S1/X1/X2 with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S1/X1/X3 with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S1/X1/X4 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S1/X1/X5 with 7 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S1/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Unknown telescope name: BIMA. Assuming ALMA_BASELINE. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S1/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S1/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S1/X1/X9 with 7 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S1/X1/Xa with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Setting receiver ID to zero (ALMA convention). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Assuming single-feed receivers. Setting FeedNum to 1 (as for ALMA). |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S1/X1/Xb with 12 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S1/X1/Xc with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S1/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeState() MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S1/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S1/X1/Xf with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: -1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S1/X1/X10 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [-403.372, -659.047, 667.375] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Observation time range is zero length for obs ID 0 in MS Observation table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+ Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled SBSummary table uid://S1/X1/X1b with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled ExecBlock table uid://S1/X1/X1c with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:47 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Using column DATA. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Main table uid://S1/X1/X63 with 70 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Scan table uid://S1/X1/X64 with 10 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled SubScan table uid://S1/X1/X65 with 70 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointingModel() Filled PointingModel table uid://S1/X1/X66 with 24 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writePointing() MS Pointing table doesn't exist or is empty. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | xmllint: using libxml version 20914 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ICU ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | Test 8: real input MS, default output |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | Verifying asdm test8exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | Note: xml validation not possible since ASDM DTDs (schemas) not yet online. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM() Converting /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ to ASDM exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeASDM()+ UID base is uid://S002/X1/X, ASDM UID is uid://S002/X1/X1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeStation() Filled Station table uid://S002/X1/X2 with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeAntenna() Filled Antenna table uid://S002/X1/X3 with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSpectralWindow() Filled SpectralWindow table uid://S002/X1/X4 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSource() Filled Source table uid://S002/X1/X5 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writePolarization() Filled Polarization table uid://S002/X1/X6 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode() Filled CorrelatorMode table uid://S002/X1/X7 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeProcessor() Filled Processor table uid://S002/X1/X8 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeField() Filled Field table uid://S002/X1/X9 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Taking validity time interval for all ASDM Receiver table entries from row 0 of MS Feed table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeReceiver() Filled Receiver table uid://S002/X1/Xa with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeFeed() MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeFeed() Filled Feed table uid://S002/X1/Xb with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeDataDescription() Filled DataDescription table uid://S002/X1/Xc with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle() PHASE_ID column doesn't exist in MS Main table. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSwitchCycle()+ Filled ASDM SwitchCycle table uid://S002/X1/Xd with one dummy entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeState() MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeState() Filled State table uid://S002/X1/Xe with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSysCal() Filled SysCal table uid://S002/X1/Xf with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Still, the MS Main table seems to refer to an existing processor id 0. Will try to proceed ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Processor Id: 0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc() Filled ConfigDescription table uid://S002/X1/X10 with 1 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Using tabulated observatory position for ALMA: |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Position: [1761.87, -4307.63, -1977.71] (WGS84) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled SBSummary table uid://S002/X1/X35 with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs() Filled ExecBlock table uid://S002/X1/X36 with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Using column DATA. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Main table uid://S002/X1/X5b with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled Scan table uid://S002/X1/X5c with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writeMainAndScanAndSubScan() Filled SubScan table uid://S002/X1/X5d with 36 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointingModel() Filled PointingModel table uid://S002/X1/X5e with 32 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 WARN MS2ASDM::writePointing() No ENCODER column in MS Pointing table. Will use DIRECTION instead. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 2023-08-07 17:33:48 INFO MS2ASDM::writePointing() Filled Pointing table uid://S002/X1/X5f with 16 rows ... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | xmllint: using libxml version 20914 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ICU ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | Test 9: simulated input MS with pointing table, default output |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | Verifying asdm test9exportasdm-output.asdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | Note: xml validation not possible since ASDM DTDs (schemas) not yet online. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 12m with mixedl pol/channelisation |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | ACA with mixed pol/channelisation |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | ALMA M51 data |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | 12m with mixedl pol/channelisation |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:48 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | VLA data |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | PASSED |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | - generated xml file: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_sdm/nose.xml - |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | =========================== short test summary info ============================ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | SKIPPED [1] test disabled |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | SKIPPED [1] This is a task test, not appropriate for the sdm tool alone. |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | ================== 15 passed, 2 skipped, 1 warning in 34.51s =================== |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | HAVE_PYTEST: True |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Namespace(bamboo=False, branch='CAS-14179', classes=None, dry_run=False, file=None, ignore_list=None, list=False, mapfile=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='./casatestutils/component_to_test_map.json' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>, merge_target=None, ncores=2, pkg=None, pmode=None, rcdir=None, test_config=None, test_group='casatools', test_list=None, test_paths=None, verbose=False, work_dir=None) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Operating system: Darwin |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Testing Components['casatools'] |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Arguments Sent Direct To Pytest : [] |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running 32 Test(s) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Cleaning: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Tests: ['test_tool_agentflagger', 'test_tool_calanalysis', 'test_tool_calibrater', 'test_tool_componentlist', 'test_tool_coordsys', 'test_tool_image', 'test_tool_image_collapse', 'test_tool_image_deviation', 'test_tool_image_fitprofile', 'test_tool_image_pbcor', 'test_tool_image_pv', 'test_tool_image_rebin', 'test_tool_image_regrid', 'test_tool_image_statistics', 'test_tool_image_subimage', 'test_tool_image_transpose', 'test_tool_imagepol', 'test_tool_linearmosaic', 'test_tool_logsink', 'test_tool_measures', 'test_tool_ms', 'test_tool_ms_createmultims', 'test_tool_ms_statwt', 'test_tool_msmetadata', 'test_tool_msuvbinner', 'test_tool_quanta', 'test_tool_regionmanager', 'test_tool_sdm', 'test_tool_sdm_toms', 'test_tool_simulator', 'test_tool_table', 'test_tool_vpmanager'] |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Fetching Repository: casa6 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git clone |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git checkout origin/CAS-14179 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Fetching Repository: casampi |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git clone |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Tag: tags/0.5.3 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git checkout origin/tags/0.5.3 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Fetching Repository: casaplotms |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git clone |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Tag: tags/2.2.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git checkout origin/tags/2.2.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Fetching Repository: almatasks |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git clone |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Tag: tags/1.7.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git checkout origin/tags/1.7.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Fetching Repository: casaviewer |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git clone |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Tag: tags/1.8.2 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running: git checkout origin/tags/1.8.2 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Directory Of Tests: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/tests/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_calanalysis/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_calanalysis |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_calanalysis/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_calanalysis/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_pv/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_pv |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_pv/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_pv/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_subimage/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_subimage |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_subimage/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_subimage/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_statistics/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_statistics |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_statistics/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_statistics/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_calibrater/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_calibrater |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_calibrater/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_calibrater/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_logsink/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_logsink |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_logsink/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_logsink/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_imagepol/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_imagepol |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_imagepol/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_imagepol/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_simulator/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_simulator |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_simulator/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_simulator/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_collapse/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_collapse |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_collapse/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_collapse/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_fitprofile/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_fitprofile |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_fitprofile/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_fitprofile/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_rebin/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_rebin |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_rebin/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_rebin/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_componentlist/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_componentlist |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_componentlist/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_componentlist/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_msmetadata/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_msmetadata |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_msmetadata/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_msmetadata/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_coordsys/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_coordsys |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_coordsys/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_coordsys/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_regrid/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_regrid |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_regrid/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_regrid/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_deviation/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_deviation |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_deviation/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_deviation/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_msuvbinner/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_msuvbinner |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_msuvbinner/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_msuvbinner/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm_toms/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm_toms |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_sdm_toms/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm_toms/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_regionmanager/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_regionmanager |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_regionmanager/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_regionmanager/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_quanta/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_quanta |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_quanta/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_quanta/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_pbcor/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_pbcor |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_pbcor/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_pbcor/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_measures/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_measures |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_measures/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_measures/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_ms/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms_statwt/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms_statwt |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_ms_statwt/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms_statwt/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_table/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_table |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_table/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_table/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms_createmultims/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms_createmultims |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_ms_createmultims/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_ms_createmultims/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_linearmosaic/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_linearmosaic |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_linearmosaic/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_linearmosaic/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_transpose/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_transpose |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image_transpose/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image_transpose/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_image/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_image/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_agentflagger/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_agentflagger |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_agentflagger/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_agentflagger/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_vpmanager/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_vpmanager |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_vpmanager/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_vpmanager/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Setting Working Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Test Directory: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Running Command: pytest --junitxml=/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_tool_sdm/nose.xml -s --disable-pytest-warnings --verbose -ra --tb=short /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_tool_sdm/ |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Finished task 'Test wheel' with result: Success |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Starting task 'Parse tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit' |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:49 | Parsing test results under /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:53 | Finished task 'Parse tests' with result: Success |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:53 | Starting task 'Upload wheels' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:53 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Dev Test - CAS-14179 - Test Tools Macos 12 #1 (CASA-CMDT54-TTOS-1)' ... running command line: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/temp/ ... in: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:53 | Cloning into 'casa-build-utils'... |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:54 | /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Collecting twine |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Using cached twine-4.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (36 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Collecting readme-renderer>=35.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Using cached readme_renderer-40.0-py3-none-any.whl (14 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Collecting keyring>=15.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Using cached keyring-24.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (37 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Collecting requests-toolbelt!=0.9.0,>=0.8.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Using cached requests_toolbelt-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (54 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Collecting requests>=2.20 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Using cached requests-2.31.0-py3-none-any.whl (62 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Collecting rfc3986>=1.4.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Using cached rfc3986-2.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (31 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Collecting rich>=12.0.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Using cached rich-13.5.2-py3-none-any.whl (239 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Collecting urllib3>=1.26.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:57 | Using cached urllib3-2.0.4-py3-none-any.whl (123 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting importlib-metadata>=3.6 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached importlib_metadata-6.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (22 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting pkginfo>=1.8.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached pkginfo-1.9.6-py3-none-any.whl (30 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting zipp>=0.5 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached zipp-3.16.2-py3-none-any.whl (7.2 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting importlib-resources |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Downloading importlib_resources-6.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (34 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting jaraco.classes |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached jaraco.classes-3.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (5.9 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting bleach>=2.1.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached bleach-6.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (162 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting docutils>=0.13.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached docutils-0.20.1-py3-none-any.whl (572 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting Pygments>=2.5.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Downloading Pygments-2.16.1-py3-none-any.whl (1.2 MB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1.2/1.2 MB 15.8 MB/s eta 0:00:00 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting idna<4,>=2.5 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached idna-3.4-py3-none-any.whl (61 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached certifi-2023.7.22-py3-none-any.whl (158 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting charset-normalizer<4,>=2 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached charset_normalizer-3.2.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (124 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting markdown-it-py>=2.2.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached markdown_it_py-3.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (87 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting typing-extensions<5.0,>=4.0.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached typing_extensions-4.7.1-py3-none-any.whl (33 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting webencodings |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached webencodings-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting six>=1.9.0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting mdurl~=0.1 |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached mdurl-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl (10.0 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Collecting more-itertools |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:58 | Using cached more_itertools-10.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (55 kB) |
07-Aug-2023 13:33:59 | Installing collected packages: webencodings, zipp, urllib3, typing-extensions, six, rfc3986, Pygments, pkginfo, more-itertools, mdurl, idna, docutils, charset-normalizer, certifi, requests, markdown-it-py, jaraco.classes, importlib-resources, importlib-metadata, bleach, rich, requests-toolbelt, readme-renderer, keyring, twine |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:00 | Successfully installed Pygments-2.16.1 bleach-6.0.0 certifi-2023.7.22 charset-normalizer-3.2.0 docutils-0.20.1 idna-3.4 importlib-metadata-6.8.0 importlib-resources-6.0.1 jaraco.classes-3.3.0 keyring-24.2.0 markdown-it-py-3.0.0 mdurl-0.1.2 more-itertools-10.1.0 pkginfo-1.9.6 readme-renderer-40.0 requests-2.31.0 requests-toolbelt-1.0.0 rfc3986-2.0.0 rich-13.5.2 six-1.16.0 twine-4.0.2 typing-extensions-4.7.1 urllib3-2.0.4 webencodings-0.5.1 zipp-3.16.2 |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:00 | WARNING: You are using pip version 22.0.4; however, version 23.2.1 is available. |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:00 | You should consider upgrading via the '/Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS/wheeldirectory/casa6testenv/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command. |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:01 | Uploading distributions to |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:01 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:02 | Uploading casatools- |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:02 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 0% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0.0/75.8 MB • --:-- • ? |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 3% ━╺━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2.6/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 99.2 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 14% ━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 10.5/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 94.4 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 17% ━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 13.0/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 66.9 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 21% ━━━━━━━━╺━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 15.7/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 46.6 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 24% ━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 18.2/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 36.5 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 27% ━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 20.8/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 30.6 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 31% ━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 23.8/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 27.9 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:03 | 35% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 26.5/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 25.2 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 40% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╺━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 30.4/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 27.5 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 45% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╺━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 34.4/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 30.0 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 49% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 37.2/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 32.0 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 55% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 41.7/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 32.6 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 60% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 45.4/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 31.6 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 67% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 50.5/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 35.7 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 70% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╺━━━━━━━━━━━ 53.3/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 36.1 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 74% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━━━━━ 56.2/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 36.2 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:04 | 78% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╺━━━━━━━━ 58.9/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 38.4 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 84% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━━ 63.8/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 31.8 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 89% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━ 67.6/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 33.9 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 92% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━ 70.0/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 33.5 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 96% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╺━ 72.5/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 27.8 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 99% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸ 75.2/75.8 MB • 00:01 • 27.2 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 75.8/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 29.1 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 75.8/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 29.1 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 75.8/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 29.1 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | 100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 75.8/75.8 MB • 00:02 • 29.1 MB/s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | Finished task 'Upload wheels' with result: Success |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | Starting task 'Reset' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - CMake Dev Test - CAS-14179 - Test Tools Macos 12 #1 (CASA-CMDT54-TTOS-1)' ... running command line: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/temp/ ... in: /Volumes/EXT/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-CMDT54-TTOS |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:05 | |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | 100 70 100 70 0 0 213 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 216 |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | Finished task 'Reset' with result: Success |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:06 | Publishing an artifact: OSX12 casatools wheel |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Finished publishing of artifact Required job artifact: [OSX12 casatools wheel], pattern: [casatools*.whl] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 3.033 s |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Finalising the build... |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Stopping timer. |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Build CASA-CMDT54-TTOS-1 completed. |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | All post build plugins have finished |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Generating build results summary... |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Saving build results to disk... |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Store variable context... |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Indexing build results... |
07-Aug-2023 13:34:09 | Finished building CASA-CMDT54-TTOS-1. |