Status history data not available

CAS-13832Could not obtain issue details from Jira


Current activity

    No builds are currently running.

    Recent history

    There are no builds to display.

    Error log

      Unable to detect changes

      This error may have occurred due to an authentication issue with Bitbucket Server.
      (30 Jan 2025, 10:36:14 PM)

      Unable to detect changes

      This error may have occurred due to an authentication issue with Bitbucket Server.
      (30 Jan 2025, 10:39:12 PM)

    Branch statistics

    • 0 builds
    • 0% successful
    • < 1s average duration

    &ldquo;CASA - CMake Dev Package Manager - CAS-13832&rdquo; all builds RSS feed Feed for all builds or just the failed builds.