CAS-14275Could not obtain issue details from Jira

Build: #2 failed

Job: Test Tasks ARM Macos 14 Py3.10 failed

Test results

  • 3,604 tests in total
  • 4 tests failed
  • 4 failures are new
  • 252 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 216 minutes taken in total.

Build 2 has the following 4 errors: 4 new failure(s) occurred since the previous build.

New test failures 4
Status Test Duration
Collapse Failed test_task_deconvolve SomeClass.test_task_deconvolve History
< 1 sec
Abort trap: 6
Abort trap: 6
Collapse Failed test_task_gencal gencal_eoptest.test_eop History
1 sec
AssertionError: False is not true in test_eop
    self.assertTrue(th.compTables(caltab, reference, ['WEIGHT'], 0.002))
E   AssertionError: False is not true
Collapse Failed test_task_gencal gencal_eoptest.test_eop_iers History
< 1 sec
AssertionError: False is not true in test_eop_iers
    self.assertTrue(th.compTables(caltab, reference, ['WEIGHT'], 0.002))
E   AssertionError: False is not true
Collapse Failed test_task_gencal gencal_eoptest.test_eop_usno History
< 1 sec
AssertionError: False is not true in test_eop_usno
    self.assertTrue(th.compTables(caltab, reference, ['WEIGHT'], 0.002))
E   AssertionError: False is not true