Build: #1 was successful

Job: Build and Package RHEL6 was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Tag

  2. Default Stage

  3. Upload Wheels

Job result summary

43 minutes

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

Error response from daemon: No such container: casatelemetry-container
Error: No such container: casatelemetry-container
Switched to a new branch 'CAS-13596'
Use of uninitialized value $to in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/File/ line 79.
Use of uninitialized value $to in stat at /usr/share/perl5/File/ line 117.
Use of uninitialized value $to in -d at /usr/share/perl5/File/ line 125.
Use of uninitialized value $to in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/perl5/File/ line 190.
Use of uninitialized value $to in open at /usr/share/perl5/File/ line 192.
exit status 256 from cmake at scripts/build-crashreporter-app line 109.
exit status 512 from make at scripts/build-crashreporter-app line 118.