Build: #443 was successful Changes by Takahiro Tsutsumi

Stages & jobs

  1. Tag

  2. Get next Casalith version

  3. Build casatestutils

  4. Default Stage

  5. Tag Casalith

  6. Create Test Plan Branch

Build result summary


Queue duration
6 minutes
330 minutes
fb8c08a998d4d8e3ec8f4887a6d96ba7fcc8fdd7 fb8c08a998d4d8e3ec8f4887a6d96ba7fcc8fdd7
f95eb5b3e889debfa0b96b27014ae7f01b05f6fc f95eb5b3e889debfa0b96b27014ae7f01b05f6fc
Successful since
#428 ()

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Takahiro Tsutsumi Takahiro Tsutsumi fb8c08a998d4d8e3ec8f4887a6d96ba7fcc8fdd7 fb8c08a998d4d8e3ec8f4887a6d96ba7fcc8fdd7 Pull request #666: CAS-13924
Merge in CASA/casa6 from CAS-13924 to master

* commit '775f0f2e5c206bc19cc59ed2695ab2134fd8e67e': (34 commits)
  Benign edits in the comment lines to re-trigger build
  Increment the casampi version
  Add the initialization of InteractiveIterDone
  Change test_iterbot_nmajor_2 to use fullsummary=True
  Change fullsummary default to False
  Remove a debugging statement
  Removed startIterDone check for fullsummary=True test as the value varies with the number of nodes used
  Make storage of minor cycle iterDone non-cumulative across chan. and stokes for all cases
  Update the iterDone test
  Fix for the inconsistent behavior of summary_minor iterDone
  Fixed a typo
  Change the way import casampi in summry_minor so that it does not raise an exception when the module is not available
  Tweaked iterbot tests to test return dictionary values properly taking account for the current differeces in summaryminor iterDone behavior between mpicasa (cummulative) and serial(non-cummulative).
  Add zero iteration cases in the return dictionary check
  Additional tests for deconvolve
  Add new tests for fullsummary. Add a new test helper function, check_ret_structure and call to this function from checkall when 'ret' argument is specified.
  Futher edit and change the sdintimaging and deconvolve tasks' fullsummary default to True to match with tclean's
  The fullsummary parameter description rewording based on the feedback during the code review
  Add new tests for fullsummary parameter for cube and mfs. Add a new test helper function, check_ret_structure to check conformance of the return dictionary.
  Remove a debug statement
Takahiro Tsutsumi Takahiro Tsutsumi 775f0f2e5c206bc19cc59ed2695ab2134fd8e67e m 775f0f2e5c206bc19cc59ed2695ab2134fd8e67e Benign edits in the comment lines to re-trigger build
Takahiro Tsutsumi Takahiro Tsutsumi adbb602fd6e927ecd72166a03bd77da1f3dcde76 m adbb602fd6e927ecd72166a03bd77da1f3dcde76 Increment the casampi version
Takahiro Tsutsumi Takahiro Tsutsumi 6ca8dd82cf6abe504fbb30e4fa6102f34d95b446 m 6ca8dd82cf6abe504fbb30e4fa6102f34d95b446 Add the initialization of InteractiveIterDone
Takahiro Tsutsumi Takahiro Tsutsumi 2e8ffcb44a629fd6d8d10406d7ea6d3b933e64af m 2e8ffcb44a629fd6d8d10406d7ea6d3b933e64af Change test_iterbot_nmajor_2 to use fullsummary=True

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeCAS-13683Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeCAS-13924Could not obtain issue details from Jira