Build: #327 was successful Changes by David Mehringer and Ville Suoranta
Code commits
Ville Suoranta b89727306c9a8a55870625be0ce6c935bf993c62
Merge pull request #509 in CASA/casa6 from CAS-13644 to master
* commit 'c22556747639721cb9394a3b38f823ec77069044':
Moved up the --ignore_list option and added more examples how to run.
Additional Notes added for ignore list
Update to runtest
More changes to the documentation
Adding documentation to -
Ville Suoranta 1cc042a3dbb2dc1d97b15a025a13f6a8b9f88713
Merge pull request #510 in CASA/casa6 from CAS-13489 to master
* commit '22d4db65e0e3a4f5a9029d2c9bef562c87dc76ad':
add note re: uv -> image coordinate system not being expected
updated Unit test to String test
updated docs re: units handling
implemented unit handling for uv-plane -> image-plane transform
implemented units handling for image plane -> uv-plane transform
remove test data products -
David Mehringer 22d4db65e0e3a4f5a9029d2c9bef562c87dc76ad
Merge branch 'master' into CAS-13489
casatools/tests/tools/image/ -
David Mehringer 4c3a1b828e58619e396c2a708662e0ab1a3d9b4d m
add note re: uv -> image coordinate system not being expected
David Mehringer dfc7d6c683449618fc8593a6d79a4abbafb93733 m
Merge branch 'master' into CAS-13489
Akeem Wells <awells@humite.local> c22556747639721cb9394a3b38f823ec77069044 m
Merge branch 'master' into CAS-13644
Sandra María Castro <> 645bd21b7836fff8997099596c3e22d3a13b769f m
Moved up the --ignore_list option and added more examples how to run.
Akeem Wells <awells@humite.local> 403094e573b7867f5d8abf079f1f16007c8e3b91 m
Additional Notes added for ignore list
Akeem Wells <awells@humite.local> 363dbb3f6f972740827ff7f18624c04398665f8a m
Merge branch 'master' into CAS-13644
Akeem Wells <awells@humite.local> 87e5e41d2a47c904012efe3050d45f6fa666d715 m
Update to runtest
Sandra Castro 1afcf6427ce0d22718f8b15ed150e20d6277ec6e m
More changes to the documentation
Sandra Castro c742d4f5c7f3ed0cc754abd5d5a3d697052324fa m
Merge branch 'master' into CAS-13644
Sandra Castro f22fa69668af71b00f3c66835669ec490e9e1ada m
Adding documentation to
David Mehringer cb60112b50c2b5a811fb2087eb163ddd4a7202ba m
updated Unit test to String test
David Mehringer 83acf9605a1404115957e2ff496a8f8dfb89daa5 m
updated docs re: units handling
David Mehringer 55267ee81327e8de81930956a6f661423a2dd26c m
implemented unit handling for uv-plane -> image-plane transform
David Mehringer 74d82d6d7ad01c0e7ef0aa9d486397f87ef9ca22 m
implemented units handling for image plane -> uv-plane transform
- casa5/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageFFT.h (version 74d82d6d7ad01c0e7ef0aa9d486397f87ef9ca22) (diffs)
- casa5/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageFFT.tcc (version 74d82d6d7ad01c0e7ef0aa9d486397f87ef9ca22) (diffs)
- casatools/tests/tools/image/ (version 74d82d6d7ad01c0e7ef0aa9d486397f87ef9ca22) (diffs)
David Mehringer 4f09e7109e498f6140b2f771ae58e5bf9d30f49f m
remove test data products