CAS-13596Could not obtain issue details from Jira

Build: #1 was successful

Job: Test tools RHEL7 was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Publish

  3. Create Upload Plan Branch

Job result summary

34 minutes
Total tests


  • 569 tests in total
  • 4 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 23 minutes taken in total.

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

   665e65b..df4a828  master     -> origin/master
Downloading geodetic/IERSpredict/table.dat (3.3 KB)
Downloading geodetic/IERSpredict/table.f0 (132 KB)
Downloading geodetic/IERSpredict/table.lock (325 B)
Error response from daemon: No such container: wheel-container-test
Error: No such container: wheel-container-test
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeState()        MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeSysCal()        MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc()        MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR.
2022-05-11 18:47:31        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc()           Still, the MS Main table seems to refer to an existing processor id 0. Will try to proceed ...
2022-05-11 18:47:32        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()        Observation time range is zero length for obs ID 20 in MS Observation table.
2022-05-11 18:47:32        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+         Will try to proceed ...
2022-05-11 18:47:35        WARN        MS2ASDM::writePointing()        No ENCODER column in MS Pointing table. Will use DIRECTION instead.
xmllint: using libxml version 20901
   compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Expr Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeProcessor()        MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator.
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeCorrelatorMode()        Unknown telescope name: BIMA. Assuming ALMA_BASELINE.
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        Setting receiver ID to zero (ALMA convention).
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        Assuming single-feed receivers. Setting FeedNum to 1 (as for ALMA).
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeState()        MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry.
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeSysCal()        MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries.
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc()        MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR.
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()        Observation time range is zero length for obs ID 0 in MS Observation table.
2022-05-11 18:47:37        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeSBSummaryAndExecBlockStubs()+         Will try to proceed ...
2022-05-11 18:47:40        WARN        MS2ASDM::writePointing()        MS Pointing table doesn't exist or is empty.
xmllint: using libxml version 20901
   compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Expr Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeProcessor()        MS Processor table is empty. Will try to proceed assuming a standard ALMA Correlator.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeFeed()        MS Feed table contains reference to a Beam table row 0 but a Beam table is not implemented in CASA. Ignoring.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeState()        MS State table is empty. Creating ASDM State table with one on-source entry.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeSysCal()        MS SysCal table doesn't exist or is empty. Creating ASDM SysCal table with default entries.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc()        MS Processor table is empty. Will assume processor type is CORRELATOR.
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writeConfigDesc()           Still, the MS Main table seems to refer to an existing processor id 0. Will try to proceed ...
2022-05-11 18:47:41        WARN        MS2ASDM::writePointing()        No ENCODER column in MS Pointing table. Will use DIRECTION instead.
xmllint: using libxml version 20901
   compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Expr Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib Lzma
2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        coordsys::toworldmany        You must provide a vector of doubles.
2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        coordsys::toworldmany        Exception Reported: 2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        coordsys::toworldmany        You must provide a vector of doubles.
2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        coordsys::findaxis        Error: Exception: Value of axis cannot be negative.
2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        coordsys::findaxis+        ... thrown by casac::record* casac::coordsys::findaxis(bool, long int) at File: src/tools/coordsys/, line: 584
2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        coordsys::findaxis        Error: (casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/ : 906) Failed AlwaysAssert axisInCoordinateSystem < nWorldAxes()
2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        CoordinateSystem::getWorldAxesOrder (file casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/, line 4668)        No axis matches requested axis ra. Image axis names are [right ascension, declination, stokes, frequency]
2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        coordsys::findaxisbyname        Error: 2022-05-11 18:47:44        SEVERE        CoordinateSystem::getWorldAxesOrder (file casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/, line 4668)        No axis matches requested axis ra. Image axis names are [right ascension, declination, stokes, frequency]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 580, in run
    shutil.copy2("{}{}.py".format(workdir + "tests/",test), workdir + "{}/".format(test if not test.endswith(".py") else test[:-3]))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 257, in copy2
    copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 120, in copyfile
    with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/casatest/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/tests/'
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 6002k  100 6002k    0     0  24.3M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 24.6M
/export/home/cbt-el7-8/bamboohome/temp/ line 9: [: -eq: unary operator expected
HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Repository does not allow updating assets: casa-dev-wheel for url: