Build casatools on different Python Platforms.

Build: #229 was successful

Job: Test 3.7 was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Test

  3. Publish wheels

Job result summary

442 minutes
Total tests
First to pass since
#227 (Rebuilt by Ville Suoranta)
Number of retries


  • 148 tests in total
  • 2 tests were fixed
  • 438 minutes taken in total.
Fixed tests 2
Status Test Failing since Duration
Successful test_task_uvcontsub full log History
Failing since build #227 (Rebuilt by Ville Suoranta) 1 min
Successful test_task_uvcontsub_old full log History
Failing since build #227 (Rebuilt by Ville Suoranta) 25 secs

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

Already on 'master'
cat: /home/casatest/.casa/ No such file or directory
Already on 'master'