Build casatools on different Python Platforms.

Build: #247 failed Child of CASA-C6MP-420

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Test

  3. Publish wheels

Test results

  • 149 tests in total
  • 1 test failed
  • 312 minutes taken in total.
Existing test failures 1
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
...2022-10-06 05:26:31	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-10-06 05:26:31	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-10-06 05:26:31	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-10-06 05:26:31	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-10-06 05:26:31	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-10-06 05:26:31	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-10-06 05:26:31	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-10-06 05:26:31	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
(117 more lines...)