Build casatools on different Python Platforms.

Build: #138 failed Child of CASA-C6MP-297

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Test

  3. Publish wheels


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this plan.
  • Expand all
  • Collapse all
Job Logs
Collapse Test 3.7 Test Download or View
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_importfitsidi/log-stdout.txt
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_importfitsidi/casa-20211014-062608.log
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_importfitsidi/log-stderr.txt
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_plotweather/
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_plotweather/log-stdout.txt
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_plotweather/casa-20211014-002922.log
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_plotweather/log-stderr.txt
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_req_task_imhistory/
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_req_task_imhistory/log-stdout.txt
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_req_task_imhistory/casa-20211014-012251.log
14-Oct-2021 03:00:05 work/test_req_task_imhistory/log-stderr.txt
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 total 137148
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001   1682803 Oct 13 22:51 casatasks-
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001     93241 Oct 13 22:51 casatestutils-
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci 15001 131129746 Oct 13 22:51 casatools-
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root    5241607 Oct 14 07:00 work-casatasks-el7.tar.gz
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root    2187546 Oct 14 07:00 work-casatools-el7.tar.gz
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root      82141 Oct 14 07:00 xUnitTasks.xml
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 -rw-r--r-- 1 casaci root       7422 Oct 14 07:00 xUnitTools.xml
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 Done packaging working directories
14-Oct-2021 03:00:06 Starting cleanup
14-Oct-2021 03:00:20 wheel-container-test
14-Oct-2021 03:00:25 wheel-container-test
14-Oct-2021 03:00:25 Cleanup complete
14-Oct-2021 03:00:25 Error: No such container: wheel-container-test