Build: #5 was successful

Job: Package EL6 was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Tag Branch

  2. Default Stage

  3. Create Critial Test Plan Branch

Job result summary

39 minutes
100caf8034f66dde70718d191f614696bf767f0e 100caf8034f66dde70718d191f614696bf767f0e
01cbf7554018eb4e0e1c4ed058cb9c0c16d8dd66 01cbf7554018eb4e0e1c4ed058cb9c0c16d8dd66

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

Switched to a new branch 'ARD-25-fix'
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  1 1169k    1 13032    0     0  16383      0  0:01:13 --:--:--  0:01:13 16383
74 1169k   74  869k    0     0   677k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 1749k
100 1169k  100 1169k    0     0   852k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 2004k
Could not find metadata edu.nrao.gradle:casa-bt-tasks:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml in remote (file:/export/home/cbt-el6-4/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/ARD-BPT22-PEL6/casa-pkg/gradle/repo)
Could not find metadata edu.nrao.gradle:casa-bt-tasks/maven-metadata.xml in remote (file:/export/home/cbt-el6-4/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/ARD-BPT22-PEL6/casa-pkg/gradle/repo)
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Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (523 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (325 B)
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Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (244.14 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (414 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (300 B)
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Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (244.14 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (414 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (300 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (364 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.52 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (293 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (11.36 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (384.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (325 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (7.15 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (1024.00 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (414 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (300 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (3.52 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.52 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (293 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (112.74 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (523 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (244.14 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (96.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (300 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (10.21 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (7.92 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (293 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (326.75 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (523 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (325 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (244.14 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (414 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (300 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (712 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.52 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (293 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (22.25 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (523 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (244.14 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (414 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (300 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (902 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.53 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (293 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (28.16 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (192.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (325 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (7.15 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (1024.00 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (414 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (300 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (891 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.53 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (293 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (27.84 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (523 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (6.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/ (244.14 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/CalModels/README (1.55 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/GainCurves/table.dat (2.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/GainCurves/table.f0 (219.12 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/GainCurves/table.f0i (31.18 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/GainCurves/table.lock (325 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/VLA.surface (33.23 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/responses/AntennaResponses/table.f0 (15.12 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/responses/AntennaResponses/table.f0i (348 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/responses/AntennaResponses/table.lock (325 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/PerleyButler2013Coeffs/table.dat (4.17 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/PerleyButler2013Coeffs/table.f0 (15.00 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/PerleyButler2013Coeffs/table.lock (325 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/PerleyButler2017Coeffs/table.dat (15.66 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/PerleyButler2017Coeffs/table.f0 (42.50 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/PerleyButler2017Coeffs/table.lock (325 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/ScaifeHeald2012Coeffs/table.dat (3.66 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/ScaifeHeald2012Coeffs/table.f0 (12.00 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/ScaifeHeald2012Coeffs/ (67 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/ScaifeHeald2012Coeffs/table.lock (325 B)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/ (1.23 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/ (6.75 KB)
Downloading nrao/VLA/standards/ (325 B)
Already on 'master'