simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Build CASA - Casa 6 Dev Test Full - CAS-13825 - Test Tasks OSX1015 #1 (CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15-1) started building on agent, bamboo version: 7.2.10 simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Remote agent on host simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Build working directory is /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15 simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Executing build CASA - Casa 6 Dev Test Full - CAS-13825 - Test Tasks OSX1015 #1 (CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15-1) simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Starting task 'Clean working directory task' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:cleanWorkingDirectoryTask' simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Cleaning working directory '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15' simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Finished task 'Clean working directory task' with result: Success simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Starting task 'Create wheel directory' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - Casa 6 Dev Test Full - CAS-13825 - Test Tasks OSX1015 #1 (CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/Users/casaci/bamboohome/temp/\n ... in: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15\n simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Finished task 'Create wheel directory' with result: Success simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Starting task 'Get OSX1015 tools wheel' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:artifactdownloadertask' simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:16 Preparing to download plan result CASA-C6B610-2 artifact: Non required shared artifact: [OSX10.15 tools wheel], pattern: [casatools*.whl] anchored at: [casa6/casatools/dist] simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Artifact [OSX10.15 tools wheel] downloaded successfully in 4.345 s to wheeldirectory/ simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Finished task 'Get OSX1015 tools wheel' with result: Success simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Starting task 'Get OSX1015 tasks wheel and casatestutils' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:artifactdownloadertask' simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Preparing to download plan result CASA-C6B610-2 artifact: Non required shared artifact: [casatestutils wheel], pattern: [*whl] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Artifact [casatestutils wheel] downloaded successfully in 14.10 ms to wheeldirectory/ simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Preparing to download plan result CASA-C6B610-2 artifact: Non required shared artifact: [OSX1015 tasks wheel], pattern: [casatasks*.whl] anchored at: [casa6/casatasks/dist] simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Artifact [OSX1015 tasks wheel] downloaded successfully in 146.1 ms to wheeldirectory/ simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Finished task 'Get OSX1015 tasks wheel and casatestutils' with result: Success command 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Substituting variable: ${} with CAS-13825 command 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planRepository.branchName} with CAS-13825 simple 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Starting task 'Test wheel' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - Casa 6 Dev Test Full - CAS-13825 - Test Tasks OSX1015 #1 (CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/Users/casaci/bamboohome/temp/\n ... in: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15\n build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 branch: CAS-13825 build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Testing wheel error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:21 100 6554k 100 6554k 0 0 66.6M 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 66.6M build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 Ticket fix version: CASA 6.ACTIVE build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 No matching version found error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 100 70 100 70 0 0 2121 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2121 error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0 error 12-Sep-2022 13:10:26 100 511 100 511 0 0 16483 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16483 build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:41 Looking in indexes: build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:41 Processing ./casatools- build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:48 Collecting numpy (from casatools== build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:49 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:10:51 Installing collected packages: numpy, casatools build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:07 Successfully installed casatools- numpy-1.18.4 error 12-Sep-2022 13:11:07 You are using pip version 18.1, however version 20.1.1 is available. error 12-Sep-2022 13:11:07 You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:09 Looking in indexes: build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:09 Processing ./casatasks- build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:10 Collecting certifi (from casatasks== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:10 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:10 Requirement already satisfied: casatools== in /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from casatasks== ( build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:10 Collecting matplotlib (from casatasks== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:11 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:12 Collecting scipy (from casatasks== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:13 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:17 Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from casatools==>casatasks== (1.18.4) build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:17 Collecting kiwisolver>=1.0.1 (from matplotlib->casatasks== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:17 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:17 Collecting python-dateutil>=2.1 (from matplotlib->casatasks== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:17 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:17 Collecting cycler>=0.10 (from matplotlib->casatasks== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:17 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:17 Collecting pyparsing!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6,>=2.0.1 (from matplotlib->casatasks== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:18 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:18 Collecting six>=1.5 (from python-dateutil>=2.1->matplotlib->casatasks== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:18 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:18 Installing collected packages: certifi, kiwisolver, six, python-dateutil, cycler, pyparsing, matplotlib, scipy, casatasks build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:33 Successfully installed casatasks- certifi-2020.12.5 cycler-0.10.0 kiwisolver-1.2.0 matplotlib-3.2.1 pyparsing-2.4.7 python-dateutil-2.8.1 scipy-1.4.1 six-1.15.0 error 12-Sep-2022 13:11:33 You are using pip version 18.1, however version 20.1.1 is available. error 12-Sep-2022 13:11:33 You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:34 Looking in indexes: build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:34 Processing ./casatestutils- build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:34 Collecting pytest (from casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:34 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Collecting importlib-metadata>=0.12; python_version < "3.8" (from pytest->casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Collecting more-itertools>=4.0.0 (from pytest->casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Collecting wcwidth (from pytest->casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Collecting py>=1.5.0 (from pytest->casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Collecting packaging (from pytest->casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Collecting pluggy<1.0,>=0.12 (from pytest->casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Collecting attrs>=17.4.0 (from pytest->casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:35 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:36 Collecting zipp>=0.5 (from importlib-metadata>=0.12; python_version < "3.8"->pytest->casatestutils== build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:36 Using cached build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:36 Requirement already satisfied: six in /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from packaging->pytest->casatestutils== (1.15.0) build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:36 Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.0.2 in /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from packaging->pytest->casatestutils== (2.4.7) build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:36 Installing collected packages: zipp, importlib-metadata, more-itertools, wcwidth, py, packaging, pluggy, attrs, pytest, casatestutils build 12-Sep-2022 13:11:37 Successfully installed attrs-19.3.0 casatestutils- importlib-metadata-1.6.0 more-itertools-8.3.0 packaging-20.4 pluggy-0.13.1 py-1.8.1 pytest-5.4.2 wcwidth-0.2.2 zipp-3.1.0 error 12-Sep-2022 13:11:37 You are using pip version 18.1, however version 20.1.1 is available. error 12-Sep-2022 13:11:37 You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. error 12-Sep-2022 13:14:59 Switched to a new branch 'CAS-13825' build 12-Sep-2022 13:14:59 Branch 'CAS-13825' set up to track remote branch 'CAS-13825' from 'origin'. build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:02 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:02 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:02 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:02 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imhistory, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:35 collecting ... collected 9 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:35 6. test_appendModeDefaultOrigin: Check that append mode adds a string to the image history with the default origin setting build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 5. test_appendModeNoDefaults: Check that the append mode adds a string to the image history without use of default settings for message or origin build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 7. test_correctReturnedParameters: Check that imhistory returns the expected parameters by looking for FILLM and BPASS build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 Test general functionality build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 Ran ia.fromshape build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 4. test_listModeNoVerbose: Check that the list mode with verbose off outputs an array of strings and does not output to the log file build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 3. test_listModeVerbose: Check that the list mode with verbose on outputs to log file and outputs an array of strings build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 8. test_noExistingMode: Check that an exception is raised when a non-valid mode is given error 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 2022-09-12 17:15:37 SEVERE imhistory::::casa Task imhistory raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: Unsopported mode fakeMode build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 1. test_takesCASAImage: Check that imhistory takes a CASA image file (*.image) build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:36 2. test_takesFITS: Check that imhistory takes a FITS file build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:37 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imhistory/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:37 ======================== 9 passed, 1 warning in 35.10s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:37 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:37 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:37 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:37 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_spxfit, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 collecting ... collected 5 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 Test fitting a logarithmic transformed polynomial build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:15:39 Test that the mask and pixels of the output are correct build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking image product cubeApF.spx_0 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking image product cubeApF.spx_1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking image product cubeApF.spxerr_0 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking image product cubeApF.spxerr_1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking image product cubeApF.spxmodel build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking image product cubeApF.spxresidual build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking solution 0 array build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking solution 1 array build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking error 0 array build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 checking error 1 array build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 Test multi image support error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:17 2022-09-12 17:16:18 WARN image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4126) Another image is already open, closing first error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:18 2022-09-12 17:16:19 WARN image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4126) Another image is already open, closing first error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 2022-09-12 17:16:20 WARN spxfit::ImageConcat::setImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageConcat.tcc, line 290) Images are not contiguous along the concatenation axis For this axis, a non-regular Spectral coordinate will be made error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 2022-09-12 17:16:20 WARN spxfit::ImageConcat::setImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageConcat.tcc, line 290) Images are not contiguous along the concatenation axis For this axis, a non-regular Spectral coordinate will be made error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 2022-09-12 17:16:20 WARN image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4126) Another image is already open, closing first error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 2022-09-12 17:16:20 WARN image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4126) Another image is already open, closing first error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 2022-09-12 17:16:20 WARN spxfit::ImageConcat::setImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageConcat.tcc, line 290) Images are not contiguous along the concatenation axis For this axis, a non-regular Spectral coordinate will be made error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 2022-09-12 17:16:20 WARN spxfit::ImageConcat::setImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageConcat.tcc, line 290) Images are not contiguous along the concatenation axis For this axis, a non-regular Spectral coordinate will be made error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 2022-09-12 17:16:21 WARN image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4126) Another image is already open, closing first build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:20 Test the the output solution image mask is correct error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:21 2022-09-12 17:16:21 WARN spxfit::ImageConcat::setImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageConcat.tcc, line 290) Images are not contiguous along the concatenation axis For this axis, a non-regular Spectral coordinate will be made build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:21 Test fitting a power logarithmic polynomial build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:22 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:22 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_spxfit/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:22 ======================== 5 passed, 1 warning in 44.94s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:23 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:23 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:23 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:23 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_specflux, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:24 collecting ... collected 5 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:24 test setting beam info error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 2022-09-12 17:16:25 WARN specflux::::casa Image brightness unit is K. Ignorming major and minor specificaitons. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 test setting box and channel range build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 test setting box and chans with a mask build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 Test default settings build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 test setting spectral unit build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_specflux/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:25 ========================= 5 passed, 1 warning in 2.32s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:26 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:26 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:26 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:26 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imhead, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 collecting ... collected 21 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 test_add build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 --------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 This test makes sure that add can add to all the keys specified in the documentation build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 The endDict is the dictionary we expect out of the list function. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 we first delete all the values we can, and then try to add them back. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 Upon failing to add a section back the dictionaries will become differnt, so my build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 asserting the dictionary is the same as it started assures add worked. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 This relies on del working as well, however if that fails so will the test_del function. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 imtype and restfreq cannot be tested, because there is no way to remove the values for them. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:27 Also adding a beam auto matically sets beamminor and beampa, those values cannot be all chosen using add error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 WARN ImageMetaDataRW::remove This image has no beam(s) to remove. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 WARN ImageMetaDataRW::remove This image has no beam(s) to remove. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cdelt1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cdelt1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cdelt2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cdelt2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cdelt3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cdelt3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cdelt4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cdelt4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crpix1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crpix1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crpix2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crpix2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crpix3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crpix3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crpix4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crpix4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crval1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crval1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crval2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crval2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crval3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crval3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crval4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crval4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: ctype1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: ctype1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: ctype2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: ctype2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: ctype3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: ctype3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: ctype4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: ctype4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cunit1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cunit1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cunit2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cunit2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cunit3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cunit3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cunit4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cunit4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified, but it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 262 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: datamax is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: datamax is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: datamin is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: datamin is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: Although the epoch (date-obs) may be modified, it cannot be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 281 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Although the epoch (date-obs) may be modified, it cannot be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 281 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: Although the direction reference frame (equinox) may be modified, it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 267 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Although the direction reference frame (equinox) may be modified, it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 267 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: Although the image type (imtype) may be modified, it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 272 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Although the image type (imtype) may be modified, it may not be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 272 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 WARN ImageMetaDataRW::removeMask This image has no masks, so nothing to do. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: maxpixpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: maxpixpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: maxpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: maxpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: minpixpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: minpixpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: minpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: minpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be modified nor removed by this application.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 311 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: Although the projection (projection) may be modified, it cannot be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 286 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Although the projection (projection) may be modified, it cannot be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 286 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: Although the velocity reference frame (reffreqtype) may be modified, it cannot be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 291 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Although the velocity reference frame (reffreqtype) may be modified, it cannot be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 291 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: Although the rest frequency (restfreq) may be modified, it cannot be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 296 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Although the rest frequency (restfreq) may be modified, it cannot be removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 296 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: The shape is intrinsic to the image and may not be modified nor removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 301 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The shape is intrinsic to the image and may not be modified nor removed.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:28 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::remove(const casa6core::String &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 301 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: This image already has a beam(s). Cannot add one.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 223 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: This image already has a beam(s). Cannot add one.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 223 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: Cannot add a beam position angle. Add the major or minor axis and then modify the other and the position angle.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 139 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Cannot add a beam position angle. Add the major or minor axis and then modify the other and the position angle.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 139 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cdelt1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cdelt1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cdelt2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cdelt2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cdelt3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cdelt3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cdelt4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cdelt4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crpix1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crpix1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crpix2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crpix2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crpix3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crpix3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crpix4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crpix4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crval1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crval1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crval2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crval2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crval3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crval3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: crval4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: crval4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: ctype1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: ctype1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: ctype2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: ctype2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: ctype3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: ctype3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: ctype4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: ctype4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cunit1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cunit1 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cunit2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cunit2 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cunit3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cunit3 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: cunit4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: cunit4 pertains to a coordinate system axis attribute. It may be modified if it exists, but it may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 101 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: datamax is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: datamax is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: datamin is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: datamin is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: The epoch (date-obs=1995/04/13/09:33:00.000687) already exists. It may be modified but not added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 116 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The epoch (date-obs=1995/04/13/09:33:00.000687) already exists. It may be modified but not added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 116 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: The direction reference frame (equinox=J2000) already exists. It may be modified but not added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 107 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The direction reference frame (equinox=J2000) already exists. It may be modified but not added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 107 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: The image type (imtype=) already exists. It may be modified but be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 171 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The image type (imtype=) already exists. It may be modified but be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 171 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: This application does not support adding masks.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 111 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: This application does not support adding masks.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 111 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: maxpixpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: maxpixpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: maxpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: maxpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: minpixpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: minpixpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: minpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: minpos is is a statistic of the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 149 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: The projection (projection=SIN) already exists. It may be modified but not added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 122 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The projection (projection=SIN) already exists. It may be modified but not added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 122 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: The velocity reference frame (reffreqtype=SIN) already exists. It may be modified but not added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 128 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The velocity reference frame (reffreqtype=SIN) already exists. It may be modified but not added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 128 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: The rest frequency (restfreq=1.42041e+09Hz) already exists. It may be modified but not added by this application. If you wish to append a rest frequency to an already existing list, use cs.setrestfrequency().. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 201 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The rest frequency (restfreq=1.42041e+09Hz) already exists. It may be modified but not added by this application. If you wish to append a rest frequency to an already existing list, use cs.setrestfrequency().. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 201 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE Exception Reported: Exception: The shape is intrinsic to the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE + ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 133 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: The shape is intrinsic to the image and may not be added.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:29 2022-09-12 17:16:29 SEVERE imhead::::casa+ ... thrown by casa6core::Bool casa::ImageMetaDataRW::add(const casa6core::String &, const casa6core::ValueHolder &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataRW.tcc, line: 133 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:32 Test unupported mode fails build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 test_del build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 --------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 This checks that the result of running the delete mode on all the hd keys has the build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 effect that we expected build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 Certain values should be removed where others will remain unchanged. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:34 The assertion checks that the image header after removal looks like the expected dictionary error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:35 2022-09-12 17:16:35 WARN ImageMetaDataRW::removeMask This image has no masks, so nothing to do. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:37 test_get build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:37 -------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:37 Test test_get to verify mode='get' works and returns correct values error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 2022-09-12 17:16:38 SEVERE Exception Reported: Unknown keyword incr at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataBase.tcc, line: 402 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 2022-09-12 17:16:38 SEVERE imhead::::casa Task imhead raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unknown keyword incr at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataBase.tcc, line: 402 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 FAILED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 test_history build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 --------------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 This checks to make sure that when the mode is history a log is populated build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 When the function is ran with mode history a logfile is populated with information build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 Check that info is written to the file. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 test_historyHdkeyVal build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 This checks to make sure this task still functions when provided with Hdkey and value. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 These parameters should have no effect, so it should have the identical output to test_history. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:38 verify history is written to image on applicable modes build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 Imhead: CAS-3300 Test the printing of some keywords in list mode build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 test_listkeys build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 This test checks that the list mode displays all the expected keys from the imhead function build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 A list is generated and the keys of that list are compared to what is expected. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 All items in the expected keys must be in the listed keys to pass. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 The length of the expected and recieved keys must also be the same. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 test_listkeysHdkeyVal build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 ------------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 This test checks to make sure that hdkey and hdvalue have no effect on the output of mode list build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 A key and value is provided and then the keys are checked to make sure they are the expected values. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:39 The lists of expected values and recived ones must also be of equal length. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 CAS-8500 test imhead on completely masked image does not segfault build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 Test median area beam is returned when there are multiple beams, CAS-6727 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:40 Test NCP projection is reported, CAS-6568 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 Verify running on fits file works build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 test_put build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 ---------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 This test checks to see that the put mode will replace the specified key with the specified build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 value. Not all keys are replacable, and the test checks for that. The put values are all different build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 from the initial values to enable more robust testing, except for non-mutable keys in which case build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:41 they are the same values build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:43 Test updating stokes, CAS-6352 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:43 verify mode=put can take sesigimal values where appropriate (CAS-4355) build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 Test rest frequency failure modes, CAS-5901. The image doesn't have a spectral axis, build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 so it cannot have a restfreq. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 test_summary build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 ----------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:44 Verify imhead returns a dictionary for mode=summary build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 CAS-3285: Test the types of the values build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 =================================== FAILURES =================================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 _____________________________ imhead_test.test_get _____________________________ build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 in test_get build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 pos, -1, msg=f'Unexpected exception was thrown: {exc}' build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 E AssertionError: -1 == -1 : Unexpected exception was thrown: Unknown keyword incr at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaDataBase.tcc, line: 402 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imhead/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 =========================== short test summary info ============================ build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 FAILED - AssertionError: -1 == -1 ... build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:45 =================== 1 failed, 20 passed, 1 warning in 19.76s =================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:46 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:46 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:46 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:46 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imrebin, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:47 collecting ... collected 21 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:47 test_axisRemain build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:47 ----------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:47 Check that if the number of elements in the factors array is fewer than the number of axes then the remaining axes are not rebinned build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 Test use of box build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 test_chans build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 ------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 Check that the channel selection paramter properly selects a subset of the data build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 test_compValue build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 ---------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 Check that the task support images with complex values build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 TODO come back to this one to make sure the complex component isn't being discarded build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 Test crop parameter build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 test_dropDeg build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 -------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 Check that degenerate axis are dropped build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 Test dropdeg parameter build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 axes that become degenerate when regridded are dropped if dropdeg=True: CAS-5836 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 test_factor build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 ------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 Check that the factors array must contain at least one element, and fewer than (or equal to) the number of input image axes. build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:48 All these values must be positive. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin Exception Reported: Exception: Rebinning factor vector cannot be empty. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner::setFactors(const casa6core::Vector &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 22 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Rebinning factor vector cannot be empty. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner::setFactors(const casa6core::Vector &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 22 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin Exception Reported: Exception: Factor vector length must be less than or equal to the number of input image axes. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner::setFactors(const casa6core::Vector &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 37 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Factor vector length must be less than or equal to the number of input image axes. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner::setFactors(const casa6core::Vector &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 37 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: All binning factors must be positive.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::image *casac::image::rebin(const std::__1::string &, const vector &, const casac::variant &, const casac::variant &, bool, bool, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/image/, line: 4861 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin Exception Reported: Exception: All rebinning factors are 1, which means rebinning cannot occur. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner::setFactors(const casa6core::Vector &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 31 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: All rebinning factors are 1, which means rebinning cannot occur. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner::setFactors(const casa6core::Vector &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 test_floatValue build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 ----------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Check that the task supports images with float values build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 ia.rebin(): General tests error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: All binning factors must be positive.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:49 SEVERE imrebin::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::image *casac::image::rebin(const std::__1::string &, const vector &, const casac::variant &, const casac::variant &, bool, bool, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/image/, line: 4861 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Test history writing build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 test_mask build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 ----------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Check that the mask parameter masks the correct areas based on the selection made build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Test multiple beams error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin Exception Reported: 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 test_newsize build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 -------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Check that the new image is downscaled in size by the appropriate factor build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 10 5 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 test_outAverage build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 ----------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Check that the Output pixel values are the average of the input pixel values build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 test_overwrite build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 ---------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Check that overwrite = True is required to overwrite the output file error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin Exception Reported: 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::ImageInputProcessor::_process Replaceable flag is false and there is already a file or directory named so the output image will not be written build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 test_polNoRebin build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 ----------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Check that the polarization axis cannot be rebinned error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin Exception Reported: Exception: A polarization axis cannot be rebinned. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner::setFactors(const casa6core::Vector &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 55 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: A polarization axis cannot be rebinned. error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRebinner::setFactors(const casa6core::Vector &) [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRebinner.tcc, line: 55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 test_region build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 ------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Check that the region parameter selects the region to be rebinned build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 test_stokes build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 ------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:49 Check that the stokes selection parameter properly selects a subset of the data build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 ia.rebin(): Test stretch parameter error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::image::rebin Exception Reported: The input image shape ([200, 200, 1, 10]) and mask shape ([200, 200, 1, 1]) are different, and it was specified that the mask should not be extended, so the mask cannot be applied to the (sub)image. Specifying that the mask should be extended may resolve the issue at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 306 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 2022-09-12 17:16:50 SEVERE imrebin::::casa Task imrebin raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: The input image shape ([200, 200, 1, 10]) and mask shape ([200, 200, 1, 1]) are different, and it was specified that the mask should not be extended, so the mask cannot be applied to the (sub)image. Specifying that the mask should be extended may resolve the issue at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 306 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imrebin/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:50 ======================== 21 passed, 1 warning in 4.50s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:51 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:51 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:51 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:51 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imregrid, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:52 collecting ... collected 20 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:16:52 error 12-Sep-2022 13:16:52 2022-09-12 17:16:53 WARN imregrid::ImageRegrid::regrid You are regridding an image whose beam is not well sampled by the pixel size. Total flux can be lost when regridding such images, especially when the new pixel size is larger than the old pixel size. It is recommended to check the total flux of your input and output image, and if necessary rebin the input to have smaller pixels. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:07 2022-09-12 17:17:08 WARN image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4126) Another image is already open, closing first error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:07 2022-09-12 17:17:08 WARN imregrid::ImageRegrid::regrid You are regridding an image whose beam is not well sampled by the pixel size. Total flux can be lost when regridding such images, especially when the new pixel size is larger than the old pixel size. It is recommended to check the total flux of your input and output image, and if necessary rebin the input to have smaller pixels. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:08 2022-09-12 17:17:08 WARN imregrid::ImageRegrid::regrid You are regridding an image whose beam is not well sampled by the pixel size. Total flux can be lost when regridding such images, especially when the new pixel size is larger than the old pixel size. It is recommended to check the total flux of your input and output image, and if necessary rebin the input to have smaller pixels. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:08 2022-09-12 17:17:08 WARN imregrid::ImageRegrid::regrid You are regridding an image whose beam is not well sampled by the pixel size. Total flux can be lost when regridding such images, especially when the new pixel size is larger than the old pixel size. It is recommended to check the total flux of your input and output image, and if necessary rebin the input to have smaller pixels. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:08 2022-09-12 17:17:09 WARN imregrid::ImageRegrid::regrid You are regridding an image whose beam is not well sampled by the pixel size. Total flux can be lost when regridding such images, especially when the new pixel size is larger than the old pixel size. It is recommended to check the total flux of your input and output image, and if necessary rebin the input to have smaller pixels. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:08 2022-09-12 17:17:09 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: All output pixels are masked. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:08 2022-09-12 17:17:09 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by std::shared_ptr > casa::ImageRegridder::_regrid() const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 198 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:08 2022-09-12 17:17:09 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: All output pixels are masked. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:08 2022-09-12 17:17:09 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by std::shared_ptr > casa::ImageRegridder::_regrid() const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 198 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 ************* build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 [113 76] build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 ************* build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 [113 76] build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 25764 values checked build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 ************* build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 shape before [113 76] build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 ************* build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 shape after [339 152] build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 {'coordsys': {'coordsys': {'direction0': {'axes': array(['Right Ascension', 'Declination'], dtype='::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 2022-09-12 17:17:10 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 1 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 20. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:09 2022-09-12 17:17:10 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 Verify default shape is what users have requested, CAS-4959 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 Verify correct behavior for when input has a degenerate spectral axis error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:10 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: is currently present in the table cache and so is being used by another process. Please close it in the other process first before attempting to overwrite it. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:10 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageTask::_removeExistingFileIfNecessary(const casa6core::String &, casa6core::Bool, casa6core::Bool) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageTask.tcc, line: 143 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:10 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: is currently present in the table cache and so is being used by another process. Please close it in the other process first before attempting to overwrite it. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:10 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageTask::_removeExistingFileIfNecessary(const casa6core::String &, casa6core::Bool, casa6core::Bool) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageTask.tcc, line: 143 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 Verify correct behavior for when template has a degenerate spectral axis error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:11 WARN imregrid::::casa You've specified that you want to regrid the spectral axis without specifying the output shape. Normally the length chosen would be that of the corresponding template axis, however, the template spectral axis is degenerate and one cannot regrid an axis such that its output length is one. So, removing axis 3 from the axes list and just copying the input spectral information to the output image error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: is currently present in the table cache and so is being used by another process. Please close it in the other process first before attempting to overwrite it. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE image::regrid+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageTask::_removeExistingFileIfNecessary(const casa6core::String &, casa6core::Bool, casa6core::Bool) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageTask.tcc, line: 143 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: is currently present in the table cache and so is being used by another process. Please close it in the other process first before attempting to overwrite it. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageTask::_removeExistingFileIfNecessary(const casa6core::String &, casa6core::Bool, casa6core::Bool) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageTask.tcc, line: 143 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 2022-09-12 17:17:11 WARN imregrid::::casa You've specified that you want to regrid the spectral axis without specifying the output shape. Normally the length chosen would be that of the corresponding template axis, however, the template spectral axis is degenerate and one cannot regrid an axis such that its output length is one. So, removing axis 3 from the axes list and just copying the input spectral information to the output image build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:10 Verify correct behavior for the template image having a degenerate stokes axis error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 2 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 1. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 2 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 1. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 2 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 3. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 2 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 3. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 Test using template='get' works error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: All output pixels are masked. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by std::shared_ptr > casa::ImageRegridder::_regrid() const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 198 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: All output pixels are masked. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:11 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by std::shared_ptr > casa::ImageRegridder::_regrid() const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 198 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 Test history writing build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 Test interpolation parameter is recognized error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Unknown interpolation method x error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Unknown interpolation method x build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 Verify that one image which lies completely inside the other will not cause failure error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 Illegal decimation factor for X; setting to unity error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 Illegal decimation factor for Y; setting to unity build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 Verify if input image has no spectral axis, output will not have spectral axis build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:11 Test rule that if input image has no stokes and template image has stokes, output image has no stokes build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 Verify behavior for when template has no spectral axis, but input does error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:12 WARN imregrid::ImageRegrid::makeCoordinateSystem (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageRegrid.tcc, line 634) Spectral coordinate is not present in the output coordinate system, so it cannot be regridded error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::CoordinateSystem::getWorldAxesOrder (file casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/, line 4668) No axis matches requested axis frequency. Image axis names are [right ascension, declination, stokes] error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::coordsys::findaxisbyname Error: 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::CoordinateSystem::getWorldAxesOrder (file casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/, line 4668) No axis matches requested axis frequency. Image axis names are [right ascension, declination, stokes] error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::CoordinateSystem::getWorldAxesOrder (file casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/, line 4668) No axis matches requested axis frequency. Image axis names are [right ascension, declination, stokes] build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 Test rule that if input image has stokes and template image does not have stokes, output image has stokes error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 2 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 1. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 2 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 1. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:12 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:13 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 2 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 3. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:13 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:13 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Input axis 2 (coordinate type Stokes), which will not be regridded and corresponds tooutput axis casacore::String::toString(newAxis), has length 2 where as the specified length of the corresponding output axis is 3. If a coordinate is not regridded, its input and output axes must have the same length.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 2022-09-12 17:17:13 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridder::_checkOutputShape(const casa6core::SubImage &, const std::set &) const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridder.tcc, line: 309 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:17:12 Test that regridding to new refcode preserves source positions error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:13 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:13 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:14 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:14 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:14 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:14 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:14 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:14 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:14 2022-09-12 17:17:14 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:15 2022-09-12 17:17:15 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:15 2022-09-12 17:17:16 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:15 2022-09-12 17:17:16 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:16 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:16 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:16 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:16 2022-09-12 17:17:17 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:18 2022-09-12 17:17:18 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:18 2022-09-12 17:17:19 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:18 2022-09-12 17:17:19 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:19 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:19 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:19 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:19 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:19 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:20 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:20 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:20 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:20 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:20 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:20 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:19 2022-09-12 17:17:20 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:21 2022-09-12 17:17:22 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:22 2022-09-12 17:17:22 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:22 2022-09-12 17:17:22 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:22 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:22 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:22 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:22 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:22 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:23 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:23 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:23 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:23 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:23 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:23 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:23 2022-09-12 17:17:23 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:25 2022-09-12 17:17:25 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:25 2022-09-12 17:17:26 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:25 2022-09-12 17:17:26 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:26 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:26 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:26 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:26 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:26 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:27 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:27 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:27 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:27 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:27 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:27 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:26 2022-09-12 17:17:27 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:28 2022-09-12 17:17:28 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:28 2022-09-12 17:17:29 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:28 2022-09-12 17:17:29 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:29 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:29 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:29 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:29 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:29 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:30 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:30 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:30 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:30 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:30 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:30 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:29 2022-09-12 17:17:30 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:31 2022-09-12 17:17:31 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:31 2022-09-12 17:17:32 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:31 2022-09-12 17:17:32 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:32 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:32 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:32 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:32 2022-09-12 17:17:33 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:34 2022-09-12 17:17:34 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:34 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:34 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:34 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:34 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:34 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:35 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:36 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:35 2022-09-12 17:17:36 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:36 2022-09-12 17:17:37 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:37 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:37 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:37 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:37 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:37 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:37 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:38 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:38 2022-09-12 17:17:38 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:39 2022-09-12 17:17:39 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:39 2022-09-12 17:17:40 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:39 2022-09-12 17:17:40 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:39 2022-09-12 17:17:40 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:39 2022-09-12 17:17:40 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:39 2022-09-12 17:17:40 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:40 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:40 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:41 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:41 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:41 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:41 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:41 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:41 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:40 2022-09-12 17:17:41 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:41 2022-09-12 17:17:42 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:42 2022-09-12 17:17:43 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:42 2022-09-12 17:17:43 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:42 2022-09-12 17:17:43 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:42 2022-09-12 17:17:43 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:42 2022-09-12 17:17:43 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:43 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:43 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:44 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:44 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:44 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:44 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:44 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:44 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:43 2022-09-12 17:17:44 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:45 2022-09-12 17:17:46 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:46 2022-09-12 17:17:46 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:46 2022-09-12 17:17:46 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:46 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:46 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:46 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:46 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:46 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:47 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:47 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:47 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:47 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:47 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:47 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:47 2022-09-12 17:17:47 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:48 2022-09-12 17:17:49 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:49 2022-09-12 17:17:49 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:49 2022-09-12 17:17:49 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:49 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:49 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:49 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:49 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:49 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:50 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:50 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:50 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:50 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:50 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:50 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:50 2022-09-12 17:17:50 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:51 2022-09-12 17:17:51 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:51 2022-09-12 17:17:51 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:51 2022-09-12 17:17:51 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:51 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:51 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:51 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:52 2022-09-12 17:17:52 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:53 2022-09-12 17:17:54 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:54 2022-09-12 17:17:54 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:54 2022-09-12 17:17:54 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:54 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:54 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:54 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:54 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:54 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:55 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:55 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:55 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:55 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:55 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:55 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:55 2022-09-12 17:17:55 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:57 2022-09-12 17:17:57 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:57 2022-09-12 17:17:58 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:57 2022-09-12 17:17:58 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:57 2022-09-12 17:17:58 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:57 2022-09-12 17:17:58 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:57 2022-09-12 17:17:58 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:58 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:58 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:59 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:59 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:59 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:59 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:59 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:59 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:17:58 2022-09-12 17:17:59 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:00 2022-09-12 17:18:01 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:01 2022-09-12 17:18:01 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:01 2022-09-12 17:18:01 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:01 2022-09-12 17:18:01 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:01 2022-09-12 17:18:01 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:01 2022-09-12 17:18:01 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:01 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:01 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:02 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:02 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:02 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:02 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:02 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:02 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:02 2022-09-12 17:18:02 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:04 2022-09-12 17:18:04 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:04 2022-09-12 17:18:05 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:04 2022-09-12 17:18:05 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:04 2022-09-12 17:18:05 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:04 2022-09-12 17:18:05 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:04 2022-09-12 17:18:05 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:05 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:05 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:06 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:06 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:06 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:06 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:06 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:06 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:05 2022-09-12 17:18:06 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:07 2022-09-12 17:18:08 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:08 2022-09-12 17:18:08 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:08 2022-09-12 17:18:08 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:08 2022-09-12 17:18:08 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:08 2022-09-12 17:18:08 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:08 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:08 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:08 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:09 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:09 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:09 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:09 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:09 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:09 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:09 2022-09-12 17:18:09 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:11 2022-09-12 17:18:11 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:11 2022-09-12 17:18:12 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:11 2022-09-12 17:18:12 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:12 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:12 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:12 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:12 2022-09-12 17:18:13 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:14 2022-09-12 17:18:14 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:15 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:15 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:15 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:15 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:15 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:15 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:16 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:16 2022-09-12 17:18:16 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:17 2022-09-12 17:18:18 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:18 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:18 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:18 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:18 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:18 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:19 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:20 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:19 2022-09-12 17:18:20 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:21 2022-09-12 17:18:21 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:21 2022-09-12 17:18:22 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:21 2022-09-12 17:18:22 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:21 2022-09-12 17:18:22 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:21 2022-09-12 17:18:22 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:22 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:22 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:22 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:23 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:23 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:23 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:23 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:23 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:23 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:22 2022-09-12 17:18:23 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:24 2022-09-12 17:18:25 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:25 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:25 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:25 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:25 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:25 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:25 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:26 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:26 2022-09-12 17:18:26 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:27 2022-09-12 17:18:28 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:28 2022-09-12 17:18:28 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:28 2022-09-12 17:18:28 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:28 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:28 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:28 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:28 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:28 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:29 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:29 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:29 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:29 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:29 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:29 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:29 2022-09-12 17:18:29 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:30 2022-09-12 17:18:31 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:31 2022-09-12 17:18:31 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:31 2022-09-12 17:18:31 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:31 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:31 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:31 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:31 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:31 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:32 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:32 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:32 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:32 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:32 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:32 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:32 2022-09-12 17:18:32 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:33 2022-09-12 17:18:34 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:33 2022-09-12 17:18:34 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:33 2022-09-12 17:18:34 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:34 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:34 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:34 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:34 2022-09-12 17:18:35 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:36 2022-09-12 17:18:36 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:36 2022-09-12 17:18:36 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:36 2022-09-12 17:18:36 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:36 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:36 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:36 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:37 2022-09-12 17:18:37 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:38 2022-09-12 17:18:39 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:39 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:39 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:39 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:39 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:39 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:39 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:40 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:40 2022-09-12 17:18:40 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:41 2022-09-12 17:18:41 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:41 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:41 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:41 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:41 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:41 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:42 2022-09-12 17:18:42 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:43 2022-09-12 17:18:44 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:44 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:44 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:44 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:44 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:44 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:44 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:45 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:45 2022-09-12 17:18:45 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:46 2022-09-12 17:18:46 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:46 2022-09-12 17:18:47 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:46 2022-09-12 17:18:47 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:46 2022-09-12 17:18:47 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:46 2022-09-12 17:18:47 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:46 2022-09-12 17:18:47 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:47 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:47 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:48 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:48 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:48 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:48 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:48 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:48 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:47 2022-09-12 17:18:48 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:49 2022-09-12 17:18:49 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:49 2022-09-12 17:18:49 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:49 2022-09-12 17:18:49 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:49 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:49 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:49 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:50 2022-09-12 17:18:50 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:51 2022-09-12 17:18:52 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:52 2022-09-12 17:18:52 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:52 2022-09-12 17:18:52 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:52 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:52 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:52 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:53 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:54 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:53 2022-09-12 17:18:54 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:55 2022-09-12 17:18:55 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:55 2022-09-12 17:18:56 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:55 2022-09-12 17:18:56 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:56 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:56 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:56 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:56 2022-09-12 17:18:57 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:58 2022-09-12 17:18:59 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:59 2022-09-12 17:18:59 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:59 2022-09-12 17:18:59 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:59 2022-09-12 17:19:00 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:59 2022-09-12 17:19:00 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:18:59 2022-09-12 17:19:00 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:00 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:00 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:00 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:00 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:00 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:00 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:00 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:01 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:01 2022-09-12 17:19:01 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:02 2022-09-12 17:19:02 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:02 2022-09-12 17:19:03 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:02 2022-09-12 17:19:03 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:03 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:03 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:03 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:03 2022-09-12 17:19:04 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:05 2022-09-12 17:19:05 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:05 2022-09-12 17:19:06 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:05 2022-09-12 17:19:06 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:05 2022-09-12 17:19:06 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:05 2022-09-12 17:19:06 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:05 2022-09-12 17:19:06 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:06 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:06 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:07 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:07 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:07 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:07 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:07 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:07 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:06 2022-09-12 17:19:07 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:08 2022-09-12 17:19:09 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:09 2022-09-12 17:19:09 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:09 2022-09-12 17:19:09 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:09 2022-09-12 17:19:09 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:09 2022-09-12 17:19:09 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:09 2022-09-12 17:19:09 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:09 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:09 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:10 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:10 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:10 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:10 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:10 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:10 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:10 2022-09-12 17:19:10 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:12 2022-09-12 17:19:12 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:12 2022-09-12 17:19:13 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:12 2022-09-12 17:19:13 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:12 2022-09-12 17:19:13 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:12 2022-09-12 17:19:13 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:12 2022-09-12 17:19:13 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:13 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:13 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:14 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:14 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:14 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:14 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:14 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:14 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:13 2022-09-12 17:19:14 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:15 2022-09-12 17:19:16 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:16 2022-09-12 17:19:16 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:16 2022-09-12 17:19:16 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:16 2022-09-12 17:19:16 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:16 2022-09-12 17:19:16 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:16 2022-09-12 17:19:17 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:17 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:17 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:17 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:17 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:17 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:17 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:17 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:18 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:17 2022-09-12 17:19:18 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:19 2022-09-12 17:19:19 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:19 2022-09-12 17:19:20 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:19 2022-09-12 17:19:20 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:20 2022-09-12 17:19:20 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:20 2022-09-12 17:19:20 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:20 2022-09-12 17:19:20 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:20 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:20 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:21 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:21 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:21 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:21 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:21 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:21 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:21 2022-09-12 17:19:21 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:22 2022-09-12 17:19:23 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:23 2022-09-12 17:19:23 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:23 2022-09-12 17:19:23 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:23 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:23 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:23 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:24 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:25 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:24 2022-09-12 17:19:25 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:25 2022-09-12 17:19:26 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:26 2022-09-12 17:19:26 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:26 2022-09-12 17:19:26 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:26 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:26 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:26 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:27 2022-09-12 17:19:27 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:28 2022-09-12 17:19:28 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:28 2022-09-12 17:19:29 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:28 2022-09-12 17:19:29 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:28 2022-09-12 17:19:29 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:28 2022-09-12 17:19:29 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:28 2022-09-12 17:19:29 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:29 2022-09-12 17:19:30 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:31 2022-09-12 17:19:32 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:32 2022-09-12 17:19:32 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:32 2022-09-12 17:19:32 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:32 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:32 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:32 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:33 2022-09-12 17:19:33 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:35 2022-09-12 17:19:35 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:35 2022-09-12 17:19:36 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:35 2022-09-12 17:19:36 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:36 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:36 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:36 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:36 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:37 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:37 2022-09-12 17:19:37 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:38 2022-09-12 17:19:38 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:38 2022-09-12 17:19:39 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:38 2022-09-12 17:19:39 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:38 2022-09-12 17:19:39 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:38 2022-09-12 17:19:39 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:38 2022-09-12 17:19:39 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:39 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:39 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:40 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:40 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:40 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:40 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:40 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:40 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:39 2022-09-12 17:19:40 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:40 2022-09-12 17:19:41 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:40 2022-09-12 17:19:41 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:40 2022-09-12 17:19:41 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:41 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:41 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:41 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:41 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:42 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:42 2022-09-12 17:19:42 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:43 2022-09-12 17:19:43 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:43 2022-09-12 17:19:44 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:43 2022-09-12 17:19:44 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:43 2022-09-12 17:19:44 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:43 2022-09-12 17:19:44 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:44 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:44 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:44 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:45 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:45 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:45 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:45 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:45 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:45 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:44 2022-09-12 17:19:45 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:46 2022-09-12 17:19:46 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:46 2022-09-12 17:19:47 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:46 2022-09-12 17:19:47 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:47 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:47 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:47 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:47 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:47 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:48 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:48 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:48 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:48 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:48 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:48 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:47 2022-09-12 17:19:48 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:49 2022-09-12 17:19:49 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:50 2022-09-12 17:19:50 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:50 2022-09-12 17:19:50 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:50 2022-09-12 17:19:50 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:50 2022-09-12 17:19:50 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:50 2022-09-12 17:19:50 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:50 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:50 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:51 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:51 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:51 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:51 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:51 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:51 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:51 2022-09-12 17:19:51 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:52 2022-09-12 17:19:53 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:53 2022-09-12 17:19:54 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:53 2022-09-12 17:19:54 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:53 2022-09-12 17:19:54 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:53 2022-09-12 17:19:54 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:53 2022-09-12 17:19:54 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:54 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:54 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:55 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:55 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:55 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:55 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:55 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:55 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:54 2022-09-12 17:19:55 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:56 2022-09-12 17:19:56 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:56 2022-09-12 17:19:57 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:56 2022-09-12 17:19:57 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:57 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:57 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:57 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:57 2022-09-12 17:19:58 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:19:59 2022-09-12 17:20:00 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:00 2022-09-12 17:20:00 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:00 2022-09-12 17:20:00 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:00 2022-09-12 17:20:00 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:00 2022-09-12 17:20:00 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:00 2022-09-12 17:20:00 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:00 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:00 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:01 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:01 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:01 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:01 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:01 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:01 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:01 2022-09-12 17:20:01 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:02 2022-09-12 17:20:03 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 2022-09-12 17:20:03 WARN ImageFitter::_finishConstruction Unrecognized intensity unit . Will assume Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 2022-09-12 17:20:03 WARN ImageFitter::clearNoiseFWHM noiseFWHM not specified and image has no beam, using uncorrelated noise expressions to calculate uncertainties error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 2022-09-12 17:20:03 WARN SkyCompRep::convertToJy Cannot convert units of brightness to Jy - will assume Jy error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 2022-09-12 17:20:03 WARN SkyCompRep::peakToIntegralFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 2022-09-12 17:20:03 WARN SkyCompRep::integralToPeakFlux() There are no image brightness units, assuming Jy/pixel build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 diff [0.] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:03 error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:04 2022-09-12 17:20:05 WARN imregrid::ImageRegridder::_doImagesOverlap At least one of the images exceeds one degree on at one side, not checking for direction plane overlap. build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 Verify correct behavior for the template image having a stokes axis of length > 1 error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 2022-09-12 17:20:05 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: Input image and template coordinate system have no common stokes.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 2022-09-12 17:20:05 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridderBase::_finishConstruction() [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridderBase.tcc, line: 142 error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 2022-09-12 17:20:05 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Input image and template coordinate system have no common stokes.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 2022-09-12 17:20:05 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridderBase::_finishConstruction() [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridderBase.tcc, line: 142 error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 2022-09-12 17:20:05 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid Exception Reported: Exception: Specified output stokes axis length (3) does not match the number of common stokes (1) in the input image and template coordinate system.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 2022-09-12 17:20:05 SEVERE imregrid::image::regrid+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridderBase::_finishConstruction() [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridderBase.tcc, line: 153 error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 2022-09-12 17:20:05 SEVERE imregrid::::casa Task imregrid raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: Specified output stokes axis length (3) does not match the number of common stokes (1) in the input image and template coordinate system.. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 2022-09-12 17:20:05 SEVERE imregrid::::casa+ ... thrown by void casa::ImageRegridderBase::_finishConstruction() [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageRegridderBase.tcc, line: 153 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imregrid/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:05 ================== 20 passed, 1 warning in 194.21s (0:03:14) =================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:07 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:07 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:07 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:07 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:11 collecting ... collected 155 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:11 Test 000: Default parameters. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 2022-09-12 17:20:16 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 2022-09-12 17:20:16 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 798, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 2022-09-12 17:20:16 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ _restfreq = _get_restfreq_if_empty(infiles, _spw, field, restfreq) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 2022-09-12 17:20:16 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 507, in _get_restfreq_if_empty error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 2022-09-12 17:20:16 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ vis = vislist[0] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 2022-09-12 17:20:16 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ IndexError: list index out of range error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 2022-09-12 17:20:16 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa list index out of range error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 2022-09-12 17:20:16 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class IndexError with the following message: list index out of range build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:15 Test001: Bad mode. build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:16 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:16 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:16 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:16 Test002: Bad field id. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 WARN tsdimaging:::: Field Expression: Found out-of-range index(s) in the list (99 ) [TIP: Double-quoted strings forces name matching] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 WARN tsdimaging::ms::msselect Field Expression: Partial or no match for Field ID list [99] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 WARN tsdimaging::ms::msselect+ (near char. 2 in string "99") error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 WARN tsdimaging:::: Field Expression: Found out-of-range index(s) in the list (99 ) [TIP: Double-quoted strings forces name matching] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 798, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ _restfreq = _get_restfreq_if_empty(infiles, _spw, field, restfreq) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 527, in _get_restfreq_if_empty error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ ndx = ms.msselectedindices() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 773, in msselectedindices error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _dict_dc(self._swigobj.msselectedindices()) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 2012, in msselectedindices error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _ms.ms_msselectedindices(self) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: Field Expression: Partial or no match for Field ID list [99] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ (near char. 2 in string "99") error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Field Expression: Partial or no match for Field ID list [99] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ (near char. 2 in string "99") error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Field Expression: Partial or no match for Field ID list [99] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 2022-09-12 17:20:17 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ (near char. 2 in string "99") build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:17 Test003: Bad spectral window id. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 WARN tsdimaging::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for 99, error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 798, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ _restfreq = _get_restfreq_if_empty(infiles, _spw, field, restfreq) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 527, in _get_restfreq_if_empty error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ ndx = ms.msselectedindices() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 773, in msselectedindices error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _dict_dc(self._swigobj.msselectedindices()) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 2012, in msselectedindices error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _ms.ms_msselectedindices(self) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: Spw Expression: No match found for 99, error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Spw Expression: No match found for 99, error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:18 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Spw Expression: No match found for 99, build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 Test004: Bad antenna id. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 906, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ imager.initializeImagers() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/imagerhelpers/", line 105, in initializeImagers error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ self.SItool.selectdata( self.allselpars[mss] ) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 34, in selectdata error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return self._swigobj.selectdata(_dict_ec(selpars)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 130, in selectdata error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _synthesisimager.synthesisimager_selectdata(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: Error in selectData() : No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [99]] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Error in selectData() : No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [99]] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 2022-09-12 17:20:19 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error in selectData() : No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [99]] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:18 Test005: Bad stokes parameter. build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:19 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:19 Test006: Bad gridfunction. build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:20 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:20 Test007: Bad scanlist. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 906, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ imager.initializeImagers() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/imagerhelpers/", line 105, in initializeImagers error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ self.SItool.selectdata( self.allselpars[mss] ) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 34, in selectdata error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return self._swigobj.selectdata(_dict_ec(selpars)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 130, in selectdata error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _synthesisimager.synthesisimager_selectdata(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: Error in selectData() : Data selection ended with 0 rows error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Error in selectData() : Data selection ended with 0 rows error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 2022-09-12 17:20:21 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error in selectData() : Data selection ended with 0 rows build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:21 Test008: Existing outfile with overwrite=False. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 2022-09-12 17:20:22 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 2022-09-12 17:20:22 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 783, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 2022-09-12 17:20:22 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ raise RuntimeError('Output file \'{0}\' exists.'.format(presumed_imagename)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 2022-09-12 17:20:22 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: Output file '' exists. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 2022-09-12 17:20:22 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Output file '' exists. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 2022-09-12 17:20:22 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Output file '' exists. build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:22 Test009: Bad phasecenter string. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 906, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ imager.initializeImagers() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/imagerhelpers/", line 123, in initializeImagers error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ self.SItool.defineimage( self.allimpars[str(fld)] , self.allgridpars[str(fld)] ) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 44, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return self._swigobj.defineimage(_dict_ec(impars), _dict_ec(gridpars)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 164, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _synthesisimager.synthesisimager_defineimage(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: Invalid Image Parameter set : Error in converting 'This is bad' to MDirection. Need format : 'J2000 19:59:28.500 +' error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Invalid Image Parameter set : Error in converting 'This is bad' to MDirection. Need format : 'J2000 19:59:28.500 +' error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 2022-09-12 17:20:23 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid Image Parameter set : Error in converting 'This is bad' to MDirection. Need format : 'J2000 19:59:28.500 +' build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:23 Test010: Bad phasecenter reference (CHANGED: raise an error). error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 906, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ imager.initializeImagers() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/imagerhelpers/", line 123, in initializeImagers error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ self.SItool.defineimage( self.allimpars[str(fld)] , self.allgridpars[str(fld)] ) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 44, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return self._swigobj.defineimage(_dict_ec(impars), _dict_ec(gridpars)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 164, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _synthesisimager.synthesisimager_defineimage(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: Invalid Image Parameter set : Error in converting 'J3000 17:18:29 +59.31.23' to MDirection. Need format : 'J2000 19:59:28.500 +' error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Invalid Image Parameter set : Error in converting 'J3000 17:18:29 +59.31.23' to MDirection. Need format : 'J2000 19:59:28.500 +' error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 2022-09-12 17:20:24 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Invalid Image Parameter set : Error in converting 'J3000 17:18:29 +59.31.23' to MDirection. Need format : 'J2000 19:59:28.500 +' build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 Test011: Bad pointingcolumn name. build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:24 Test012: Bad imsize. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 1 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 2 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : Internal Error : Image shape is invalid : [1,0,1,40] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 906, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ imager.initializeImagers() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/imagerhelpers/", line 123, in initializeImagers error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ self.SItool.defineimage( self.allimpars[str(fld)] , self.allgridpars[str(fld)] ) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 44, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return self._swigobj.defineimage(_dict_ec(impars), _dict_ec(gridpars)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 164, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _synthesisimager.synthesisimager_defineimage(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : Internal Error : Image shape is invalid : [1,0,1,40] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : Internal Error : Image shape is invalid : [1,0,1,40] error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2022-09-12 17:20:26 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : Internal Error : Image shape is invalid : [1,0,1,40] build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:25 Test013: Bad cell size. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : wcs wcsset_error: Linear transformation matrix is singular error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 906, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ imager.initializeImagers() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/imagerhelpers/", line 123, in initializeImagers error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ self.SItool.defineimage( self.allimpars[str(fld)] , self.allgridpars[str(fld)] ) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 44, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return self._swigobj.defineimage(_dict_ec(impars), _dict_ec(gridpars)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 164, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _synthesisimager.synthesisimager_defineimage(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : wcs wcsset_error: Linear transformation matrix is singular error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : wcs wcsset_error: Linear transformation matrix is singular error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : wcs wcsset_error: Linear transformation matrix is singular build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:26 Test014: Too fine resolution (smaller than original channel width. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 WARN tsdimaging::MSTransformRegridder::calcChanFreqs phaseCenter='Direction: [-0.0913764, -0.498892, 0.861833]' *** Requested new channel width (0.1 Hz) is smaller than smallest original channel width error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 WARN tsdimaging::MSTransformRegridder::calcChanFreqs+ which is 2441.41 Hz error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::MSTransformRegridder::calcChanFreqs calcChanFreqs failed, check input start and width parameters error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::MSTransformRegridder::calcChanFreqs calcChanFreqs failed, check input start and width parameters error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 906, in tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ imager.initializeImagers() error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/imagerhelpers/", line 123, in initializeImagers error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ self.SItool.defineimage( self.allimpars[str(fld)] , self.allgridpars[str(fld)] ) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 44, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return self._swigobj.defineimage(_dict_ec(impars), _dict_ec(gridpars)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 164, in defineimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ return _synthesisimager.synthesisimager_defineimage(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa+ RuntimeError: 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::MSTransformRegridder::calcChanFreqs calcChanFreqs failed, check input start and width parameters error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::MSTransformRegridder::calcChanFreqs calcChanFreqs failed, check input start and width parameters error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::::casa Task tsdimaging raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::SynthesisImagerVi2::defineImage (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 594) Error in building Coordinate System and Image Shape : 2022-09-12 17:20:27 SEVERE tsdimaging::MSTransformRegridder::calcChanFreqs calcChanFreqs failed, check input start and width parameters build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:27 Test015: negative minweight. build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:28 Test 100: Integrated image. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:28 2022-09-12 17:20:29 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:37 error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:38 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:39 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:20:39 Test 101: Full channel image (nchan = -1). error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:39 2022-09-12 17:20:40 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:47 error 12-Sep-2022 13:20:51 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:01 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:01 Test 102: Full channel image. error 12-Sep-2022 13:21:02 2022-09-12 17:21:03 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:21:10 error 12-Sep-2022 13:21:14 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:24 Test 103: Selected channel image. error 12-Sep-2022 13:21:25 2022-09-12 17:21:26 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:33 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:33 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:33 Test 104: Box-car gridding. error 12-Sep-2022 13:21:34 2022-09-12 17:21:34 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:40 Test 105: Prolate Spheroidal gridding. error 12-Sep-2022 13:21:41 2022-09-12 17:21:41 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:47 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:47 Test 106: Imaging two polarization separately (XX and YY, not Stokes I). error 12-Sep-2022 13:21:48 2022-09-12 17:21:49 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:56 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 13:21:56 Test 107: Gaussian gridding. error 12-Sep-2022 13:21:57 2022-09-12 17:21:58 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:04 Test 108: Gaussian*Jinc gridding. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:05 2022-09-12 17:22:06 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:13 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:13 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:13 Test 109: Empty phasecenter (auto-calculation). error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:14 2022-09-12 17:22:15 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:20 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:20 Test 110: setting minweight=70. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:21 2022-09-12 17:22:22 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:28 2022-09-12 17:22:29 SEVERE image::collapse (file src/tools/image/, line 642) Exception Reported: Exception: All selected pixels are masked. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:28 2022-09-12 17:22:29 SEVERE image::collapse (file src/tools/image/, line 642)+ ... thrown by std::shared_ptr > casa::ImageCollapser::collapse() const [T = float] at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageCollapser.tcc, line: 91 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:28 imsize in float (ntegrated image). error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:30 2022-09-12 17:22:30 WARN tsdimaging::::casa imsize is not integers. force converting to integer pixel numbers. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:30 2022-09-12 17:22:30 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:37 error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:38 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:38 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:38 Round-up imsize in float (integrated image). error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:40 2022-09-12 17:22:40 WARN tsdimaging::::casa imsize is not integers. force converting to integer pixel numbers. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:40 2022-09-12 17:22:40 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:47 error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:47 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:48 Test 200: Integrated image. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:49 2022-09-12 17:22:50 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:57 error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:57 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:58 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:22:58 Test 201: Full channel image (mode='frequency', nchan = -1). error 12-Sep-2022 13:22:59 2022-09-12 17:22:59 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:08 error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:12 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:22 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:22 Test 202: Selected frequency image. error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:23 2022-09-12 17:23:23 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:30 error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:30 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:31 Test 203: Selected frequency image with other frequency unit. error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:32 2022-09-12 17:23:33 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:40 Test 300: Integrated image. error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:41 2022-09-12 17:23:42 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:49 error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:49 0%....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100% build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:23:50 Test 301: Selected velocity image. error 12-Sep-2022 13:23:51 2022-09-12 17:23:52 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:00 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:00 Test 302: Selected velocity image (different rest frequency). error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:01 2022-09-12 17:24:01 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 75 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:09 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:09 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:09 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:09 Test 401: Set phasecenter, cell, and imsize manually. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:10 2022-09-12 17:24:10 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 35 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 36 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:14 2022-09-12 17:24:15 WARN tsdimaging::::casa All pixels weight zero. This indicates no data in MS is in image area. Mask will not be set. Please check your image parameters. build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:14 Test 402: Automatic resolution of phasecenter, cell, and imsize. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:16 2022-09-12 17:24:16 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 73 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 80 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:16 2022-09-12 17:24:16 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 68 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 72 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:20 2022-09-12 17:24:20 WARN tsdimaging::::casa All pixels weight zero. This indicates no data in MS is in image area. Mask will not be set. Please check your image parameters. build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:20 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:20 Test 403: Resolve phasecenter. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:21 2022-09-12 17:24:22 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 35 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 36 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:26 2022-09-12 17:24:26 WARN tsdimaging::::casa All pixels weight zero. This indicates no data in MS is in image area. Mask will not be set. Please check your image parameters. build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:26 Test 404: Resolve cell. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:27 2022-09-12 17:24:27 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 35 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 36 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:31 2022-09-12 17:24:32 WARN tsdimaging::::casa All pixels weight zero. This indicates no data in MS is in image area. Mask will not be set. Please check your image parameters. build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:31 Test 405: Resolve imsize. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:32 2022-09-12 17:24:33 WARN tsdimaging::::casa You defined phasecenter but not imsize. The image will cover as wide area as pointing in MS extends, but be centered at phasecenter. This could result in a strange image if your phasecenter is apart from the center of pointings error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:32 2022-09-12 17:24:33 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2128) imsize with 38 pixels is not an efficient imagesize. Try 40 instead. error 12-Sep-2022 13:24:37 2022-09-12 17:24:37 WARN tsdimaging::::casa All pixels weight zero. This indicates no data in MS is in image area. Mask will not be set. Please check your image parameters. build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:37 test_beam_id_default: Test default value for beam build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 SKIPPED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 test_beam_id_exact: Test beam selection by id ('N') build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 SKIPPED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 test_beam_exprlist: Test beam selection by id ('EXP0,EXP1') build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 SKIPPED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:42 test_beam_id_gt: Test beam selection by id ('>N') build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:43 SKIPPED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:43 test_beam_id_list: Test beam selection by id ('N,M') build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:43 SKIPPED build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:24:43 test_beam_id_lt: Test beam selection by id ('N') build 12-Sep-2022 13:25:06 SKIPPED build 12-Sep-2022 13:25:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:25:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:25:06 test_pol_id_list: Test pol selection by id ('N,M') build 12-Sep-2022 13:25:06 SKIPPED build 12-Sep-2022 13:25:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:25:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:25:06 test_pol_id_lt: Test pol selection by id ('T0'. error 12-Sep-2022 13:26:23 2022-09-12 17:26:23 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2501) No rest frequency info, using the center of the selected spw(s):2.3e+11 Hz. Velocity labelling may not be correct. error 12-Sep-2022 13:26:29 2022-09-12 17:26:30 WARN tsdimaging::::casa Invalid sampling=0.0 arcsec. Using the value of orthogonal direction=2.545046062509901 arcsec error 12-Sep-2022 13:26:32 2022-09-12 17:26:33 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2501) No rest frequency info, using the center of the selected spw(s):2.3e+11 Hz. Velocity labelling may not be correct. error 12-Sep-2022 13:26:38 2022-09-12 17:26:39 WARN tsdimaging::::casa Invalid sampling=0.0 arcsec. Using the value of orthogonal direction=2.545046062509901 arcsec build 12-Sep-2022 13:26:39 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:26:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:26:39 build 12-Sep-2022 13:26:39 test_timerange_value_interval: Test timerange selection by syntax 'T0+dT'. error 12-Sep-2022 13:26:40 2022-09-12 17:26:40 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2501) No rest frequency info, using the center of the selected spw(s):2.3e+11 Hz. Velocity labelling may not be correct. error 12-Sep-2022 13:26:44 2022-09-12 17:26:45 WARN tsdimaging::::casa Invalid sampling=0.0 arcsec. Using the value of orthogonal direction=2.5493859592487733 arcsec error 12-Sep-2022 13:26:46 2022-09-12 17:26:47 WARN tsdimaging::SynthesisParamsImage::buildCoordinateSystem (file src/code/synthesis/ImagerObjects/, line 2501) No rest frequency info, using the center of the selected spw(s):2.3e+11 Hz. Velocity labelling may not be correct. error 12-Sep-2022 13:26:51 2022-09-12 17:26:51 WARN tsdimaging::::casa Invalid sampling=0.0 arcsec. Using the value of orthogonal direction=2.5493859592487733 arcsec build 12-Sep-2022 13:26:51 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:26:51 build 12-Sep-2022 13:26:51 build 12-Sep-2022 13:26:51 test_timerange_value_lt: Test timerange selection by syntax ' doesn't have parameter 'beam' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'beam' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'beam' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'beam' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'beam' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'beam' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'beam' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'pol' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'pol' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'pol' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'pol' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'pol' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'pol' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 SKIPPED [1] ../../../../casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ doesn't have parameter 'pol' build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 XFAIL build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 reason: build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:49 ====== 129 passed, 14 skipped, 12 xfailed, 1 warning in 761.99s (0:12:41) ====== build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:51 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:51 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:51 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:51 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fluxscale, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:54 collecting ... collected 22 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:54 test_antenna build 12-Sep-2022 13:32:54 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:43 Fluxscale test 1.4: antenna de-selection test build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:45 Fluxscale test 1.6: antenna selection with scan selection test build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:46 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:46 Fluxscale test 1.5: empy selection case: antenna with time selection test build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:47 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:47 Fluxscale test 1.8: test append=True: append to the existing fluxtable build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:49 Fluxscale test 1.1: Create a flux table using field=0 as reference build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column CPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column CPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Testing column SNR build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 Column SNR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 test_fitorder build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:50 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:52 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:52 Fluxscale test 1.3: gainthreshold parameter test build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:54 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:54 Fluxscale test 1.2: Create an incremental flux table using field=0 as reference build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column CPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column CPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Testing column SNR build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 Column SNR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 test_listfile build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:55 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:57 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:57 test_reference build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:57 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:33:57 Check that changing the referenced field will generate a different output build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:00 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:00 Fluxscale test 1.7: test CAS-10227 fix: reference field included in transfer fields build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:01 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:01 test_refspwmap build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:01 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:04 test_scan build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:04 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:06 test_timerange build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:06 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:08 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:08 test_transfer build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:08 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:08 Check that specifying transfer gives the field name to transfer the flux scale to build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:10 test_vis build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:10 ------------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:10 Check that the task takes a MS and creates a file build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:12 Fluxscale 2: Create a fluxscale table for an MS with many spws error 12-Sep-2022 13:34:19 2022-09-12 17:34:20 WARN fluxscale:::: Found pre-v4.1 caltable (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/ngc4826.spw.gcal); attempting to update... error 12-Sep-2022 13:34:19 2022-09-12 17:34:20 WARN fluxscale::::+ SUCCEEDED: trivial OBSERVATION/OBSERVATION_ID have been added. build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:19 The following MS spws have no corresponding cal spws in ngc4826.spw.gcal: 2 3 4 5 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column CPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column CPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column SNR build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column SNR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:20 Fluxscale test3: Ref field 1 in caltable is all flagged build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column CPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column CPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Testing column SNR build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Column SNR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:42 Fluxscale test3: Ref field 3 in caltable is partially flagged build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column CPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column CPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Testing column SNR build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Column SNR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:34:48 Fluxscale spectral fit test1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:32 Fluxscale spectral fit test2: fit order higher than 2 (fitorder=3) build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:45 ('diff for a_0 for field 4: diff_spidx0=', 5.43954403484929e-10) build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:45 ('diff for a_3 for field 4: diff_spidx3=', -9.84382546222947e-10) build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:45 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_fluxscale/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:45 ================== 22 passed, 3 warnings in 174.35s (0:02:54) ================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:46 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:46 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:46 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:46 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importasap, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:47 collecting ... collected 5 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:47 test_flagversions -- Check if existing flagversions file is overwritten. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 test_invaliddata: Invalid data check. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 2022-09-12 17:35:50 SEVERE importasap::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 2022-09-12 17:35:50 SEVERE importasap::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 36, in importasap error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 2022-09-12 17:35:50 SEVERE importasap::::casa+ raise RuntimeError('%s is not a valid Scantable.' % (infile)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 2022-09-12 17:35:50 SEVERE importasap::::casa+ RuntimeError: uid___A002_X85c183_X36f.test.asap is not a valid Scantable. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 2022-09-12 17:35:50 SEVERE importasap::::casa uid___A002_X85c183_X36f.test.asap is not a valid Scantable. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 2022-09-12 17:35:50 SEVERE importasap::::casa Task importasap raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: uid___A002_X85c183_X36f.test.asap is not a valid Scantable. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:50 test_noflagversions -- Do not create flagversions file. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:51 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:51 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:51 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:51 test_normal: Normal data import. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 Pressure unit is hPa build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 test_overwrite: File existence check. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 2022-09-12 17:35:52 SEVERE importasap::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 2022-09-12 17:35:52 SEVERE importasap::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 33, in importasap error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 2022-09-12 17:35:52 SEVERE importasap::::casa+ raise RuntimeError('%s exists.' % (outputvis)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 2022-09-12 17:35:52 SEVERE importasap::::casa+ RuntimeError: exists. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 2022-09-12 17:35:52 SEVERE importasap::::casa exists. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 2022-09-12 17:35:52 SEVERE importasap::::casa Task importasap raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: exists. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_importasap/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:52 ======================== 5 passed, 3 warnings in 6.39s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:53 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:53 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:53 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:53 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importmiriad, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:54 collecting ... collected 1 item build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:54 miriad-import: Test good input build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 Created MeasurementSet build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : Success! Now checking output ... build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : FEED/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : DATA_DESCRIPTION/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SYSCAL/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SOURCE/table.f0i present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : HISTORY/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : FIELD/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : POINTING/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : POINTING/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SYSCAL/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : OBSERVATION/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : FEED/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : STATE/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.f2 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : POLARIZATION/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.f2_TSM1 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : FEED/table.f0i present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SPECTRAL_WINDOW/table.f0i present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : FLAG_CMD/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : ANTENNA/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SYSCAL/table.f0i present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.f3_TSM0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : DOPPLER/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : FLAG_CMD/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : PROCESSOR/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : DATA_DESCRIPTION/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : HISTORY/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : POINTING/table.f0i present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : POLARIZATION/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SOURCE/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SPECTRAL_WINDOW/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SOURCE/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : SPECTRAL_WINDOW/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : FIELD/table.f0i present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : POLARIZATION/table.f0i present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : OBSERVATION/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.f1 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : PROCESSOR/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : FIELD/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.f3 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.f1_TSM1 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : ANTENNA/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : STATE/table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : DOPPLER/table.f0 present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table.f0i present. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : MS exists. All tables present. Try opening as MS ... build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : OK. Checking tables in detail ... build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['UVW', 0, [167.85437179, 11.69765597, 6.01248136], 1e-08] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['EXPOSURE', 0, 9.856, 0.0001] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['DATA', 0, [[(40.19867706-8.43087101j)], [(-0.65212655+0.32635808j)], [(0.7769264-0.51819152j)], [(47.81456757+12.74779224j)]], 1e-08] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table MAIN as expected. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['UVW', 209, [3725.85784932, 228.183798, 117.68756041], 1e-08] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['EXPOSURE', 209, 9.856, 0.0001] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['DATA', 209, [[(54.56027985-2.18005967j)], [(-0.06506564-0.72650862j)], [(0.65535468+0.22498345j)], [(45.48416138+1.93808842j)]], 1e-08] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table MAIN as expected. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['OFFSET', 1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 0] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['POSITION', 1, [-4751589.52238021, 2791757.53976021, -3200482.25099623], 0.0001] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['DISH_DIAMETER', 1, 22.0, 0.0] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table ANTENNA as expected. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['NUM_CHAN', 0, 2049, 0] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['TOTAL_BANDWIDTH', 0, 2049000000.0, 10000.0] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['CHAN_WIDTH', 0, [-1000000.0, -1000000.0, -1000000.0], 0.1] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : comparing ['CHAN_FREQ', 0, [3124000000.0, 3123000000.0, 3122000000.0], 10000.0] build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 importmiriad-unit-test : table SPECTRAL_WINDOW as expected. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_importmiriad/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:56 ========================= 1 passed, 1 warning in 3.65s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:57 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:57 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:57 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:57 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:58 collecting ... collected 18 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:58 Test 000: Default parameters. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 46, in sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ worker.initialize() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 62, in initialize error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ self.parameter_check() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 128, in parameter_check error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ raise Exception("infiles should be a list of input images for Basket-Weaving.") error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ Exception: infiles should be a list of input images for Basket-Weaving. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa infiles should be a list of input images for Basket-Weaving. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Task sdfixscan raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: infiles should be a list of input images for Basket-Weaving. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 Test 001: only 1 image is given for Basket-Weaving. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 46, in sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ worker.initialize() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 62, in initialize error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ self.parameter_check() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 128, in parameter_check error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ raise Exception("infiles should be a list of input images for Basket-Weaving.") error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ Exception: infiles should be a list of input images for Basket-Weaving. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa infiles should be a list of input images for Basket-Weaving. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Task sdfixscan raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: infiles should be a list of input images for Basket-Weaving. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 Test 002: direction is not given for Basket-Weaving. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 46, in sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ worker.initialize() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 62, in initialize error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ self.parameter_check() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 135, in parameter_check error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ raise Exception('direction must have at least two different direction.') error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ Exception: direction must have at least two different direction. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa direction must have at least two different direction. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Task sdfixscan raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: direction must have at least two different direction. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 Test 003: Multiple images are given for Press. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 46, in sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ worker.initialize() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 62, in initialize error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ self.parameter_check() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 114, in parameter_check error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ raise Exception("infiles allows only one input file for pressed-out method.") error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ Exception: infiles allows only one input file for pressed-out method. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa infiles allows only one input file for pressed-out method. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Task sdfixscan raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: infiles allows only one input file for pressed-out method. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 Test 004: direction is not given for Press. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 46, in sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ worker.initialize() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 62, in initialize error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ self.parameter_check() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 120, in parameter_check error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ raise Exception("direction allows only one direction for pressed-out method.") error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ Exception: direction allows only one direction for pressed-out method. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa direction allows only one direction for pressed-out method. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Task sdfixscan raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: direction allows only one direction for pressed-out method. build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 Test 005: Existing output image file. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE image::newimagefromimage (file src/tools/image/, line 4047) Exception Reported: already exists at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 225 error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 47, in sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ worker.execute() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 143, in execute error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ self.__execute_basket_weaving() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 348, in __execute_basket_weaving error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ infile=self.infiles[0], outfile=self.outfile, overwrite=self.overwrite) error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 4055, in newimagefromimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ return _wrap_image(swig_object=self._swigobj.newimagefromimage(_str_ec(infile), _str_ec(outfile), _any_ec(region), _any_ec(mask), dropdeg, overwrite)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 8482, in newimagefromimage error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ return _image.image_newimagefromimage(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ RuntimeError: already exists at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 225 error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa already exists at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 225 error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Task sdfixscan raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: already exists at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.tcc, line: 225 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 Test 006: Zero beamsize for Press. error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE image::_convolve2d (file src/tools/image/, line 1142) Exception Reported: Gaussian2DParam::setMajorAxis(const T &width) - width must be positive error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 47, in sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ worker.execute() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 141, in execute error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ self.__execute_press() error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 200, in __execute_press error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ overwrite=True) error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 1056, in convolve2d error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ return _wrap_image(swig_object=self._swigobj.convolve2d(_str_ec(outfile), axes, _str_ec(type), _any_ec(major), _any_ec(minor), _any_ec(pa), scale, _any_ec(region), _any_ec(mask), overwrite, stretch, targetres, _dict_ec(beam))) error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 2378, in convolve2d error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ return _image.image_convolve2d(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa+ RuntimeError: Gaussian2DParam::setMajorAxis(const T &width) - width must be positive error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Gaussian2DParam::setMajorAxis(const T &width) - width must be positive error 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 2022-09-12 17:35:59 SEVERE sdfixscan::::casa Task sdfixscan raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Gaussian2DParam::setMajorAxis(const T &width) - width must be positive build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:35:59 Test 100: Pressed method using whole pixels. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:00 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:00 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:00 Test 100_2d: Pressed method using whole pixels for 2D image. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 Test 100_3d: Pressed method using whole pixels for 3D image. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:01 Test 101: Pressed method with certain threshold. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:02 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:02 Test 102: Test mask in pressed method using whole pixels. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 Test 200: FFT based Basket-Weaving using whole pixels. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:03 Test 200_2d: FFT based Basket-Weaving using whole pixels for 2D image. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:04 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:04 Test 200_3d: FFT based Basket-Weaving using whole pixels for 3D image. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:05 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:05 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:05 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:05 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:05 Test 201: FFT based Basket-Weaving with certain threshold. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:06 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:06 Test 202: Test mask in FFT based Basket-Weaving using whole pixels. build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:08 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:08 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:08 Test 203: test for len(infiles) > len(direction). build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:09 0 1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:09 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:09 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:09 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_sdfixscan/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:09 ======================== 18 passed, 1 warning in 12.56s ======================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:10 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:10 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:10 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:10 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:11 collecting ... collected 28 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:36:11 Test: Apply calibration using fluxscal gcal and bcal tables. Create flagbackup for an MMS error 12-Sep-2022 13:38:02 2022-09-12 17:38:03 WARN test1_applycal_fluxscale_gcal_bcal::test1_applycal_fluxscale_gcal_bcal::casa Updating pre-v4.1 caltables: ['', '', ''] error 12-Sep-2022 13:38:02 2022-09-12 17:38:03 WARN test1_applycal_fluxscale_gcal_bcal:::: Found pre-v4.1 caltable (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal/; attempting to update... error 12-Sep-2022 13:38:02 2022-09-12 17:38:03 WARN test1_applycal_fluxscale_gcal_bcal::::+ SUCCEEDED: trivial OBSERVATION/OBSERVATION_ID have been added. error 12-Sep-2022 13:38:02 2022-09-12 17:38:03 WARN test1_applycal_fluxscale_gcal_bcal:::: Found pre-v4.1 caltable (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal/; attempting to update... error 12-Sep-2022 13:38:02 2022-09-12 17:38:03 WARN test1_applycal_fluxscale_gcal_bcal::::+ SUCCEEDED: trivial OBSERVATION/OBSERVATION_ID have been added. error 12-Sep-2022 13:38:02 2022-09-12 17:38:03 WARN test1_applycal_fluxscale_gcal_bcal:::: Found pre-v4.1 caltable (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal/; attempting to update... error 12-Sep-2022 13:38:02 2022-09-12 17:38:03 WARN test1_applycal_fluxscale_gcal_bcal::::+ SUCCEEDED: trivial OBSERVATION/OBSERVATION_ID have been added. build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:06 ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:06 test_antennaSelect build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:06 -------------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:06 Check that the antenna parameter properly selects a subset of the data build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:26 test_calflag build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:26 ---------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:26 Check that calflag calibrated the data and the flags build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:46 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:46 test_calflagstrict build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:46 -------------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:38:46 Check that all selected data that have no solutions will be flagged build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:04 test_callib build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:04 ------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:04 Check that a callib file is taken and the calibration tables are pre-applied build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:28 test_callib_field build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:28 ----------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:39:28 Exercise fldmap-related maneuvers in cal library error 12-Sep-2022 13:39:45 2022-09-12 17:39:46 WARN calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. error 12-Sep-2022 13:39:48 2022-09-12 17:39:49 WARN clearcal::calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. error 12-Sep-2022 13:39:51 2022-09-12 17:39:51 WARN clearcal::calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. error 12-Sep-2022 13:39:53 2022-09-12 17:39:53 WARN clearcal::calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. error 12-Sep-2022 13:39:55 2022-09-12 17:39:56 WARN clearcal::calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. error 12-Sep-2022 13:39:58 2022-09-12 17:39:58 WARN clearcal::calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. error 12-Sep-2022 13:40:00 2022-09-12 17:40:01 WARN clearcal::calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. error 12-Sep-2022 13:40:03 2022-09-12 17:40:03 WARN clearcal::calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. error 12-Sep-2022 13:40:05 2022-09-12 17:40:06 WARN clearcal::calibrater::setvi(bool,bool) Forcing use of OLD VisibilityIterator. build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:08 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:08 test_callib_missing_antenna0 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:08 ------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:08 Check that a callib file is taken and the calibration tables are pre-applied build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:08 Verify bug fix for CAS-12881 error 12-Sep-2022 13:40:21 2022-09-12 17:40:21 WARN Found no calibration for MS ant Id=0 (CT ant Id=0) in MS spw Id=0 (CT spw Id=0) (temptcal.T0) error 12-Sep-2022 13:40:21 2022-09-12 17:40:21 WARN Found no calibration for MS ant Id=0 (CT ant Id=0) in MS spw Id=1 (CT spw Id=1) (temptcal.T0) error 12-Sep-2022 13:40:21 2022-09-12 17:40:21 WARN Found no calibration for MS ant Id=0 (CT ant Id=0) in MS spw Id=2 (CT spw Id=2) (temptcal.T0) error 12-Sep-2022 13:40:21 2022-09-12 17:40:21 WARN Found no calibration for MS ant Id=0 (CT ant Id=0) in MS spw Id=3 (CT spw Id=3) (temptcal.T0) build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:29 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:29 test_calonly build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:29 -------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:29 Check that only calibration and weights are applied, not flags build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:48 test_calwt build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:48 ------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:40:48 Check that calwt = True calibrates the data weights per gaintable build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:08 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:08 test_corrected build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:08 ---------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:08 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:08 Check that the CORRECTED_DATA column is added to the MS build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:28 test_fieldSelect build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:28 ------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:28 Check that fields are properly selected build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:46 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:46 test_flagbackup build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:46 ----------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:41:46 Check to see that a backup for the flags was made build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:04 test_flagonly build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:04 --------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:04 Check that flags are applied, but not the calibration itself build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:18 test_flagonlystrict build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:18 --------------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:18 Check that all the selected data that have no solutions will be flagged build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:32 error 12-Sep-2022 13:42:45 2022-09-12 17:42:45 WARN applycal::MSIter::setFeedInfo time dependent feed table encountered - not correctly handled - continuing anyway build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:48 test_gainfield build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:48 ---------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:42:48 Check that the gainfield parameter selects a subset of the gaintables build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:12 test_gaintable build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:12 ---------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:12 Check that the gaintable parameter selects caltables to be applied build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:34 test_intentSelect build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:34 ------------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:34 Check that intents are properly selected build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:55 test_interp build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:55 ------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:43:55 Check that the interp parameter changes the interpolation type for each gaintable build 12-Sep-2022 13:44:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:44:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:44:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:44:21 test_overwritten build 12-Sep-2022 13:44:21 ------------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:44:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:44:21 Check that the CORRECTED_DATA column is overwritten with consecutive runs of applycal build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:01 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:01 test_parang build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:01 ------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:01 Check that the parallactic angle correction is applied if parang = True build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:21 test_scanSelect build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:21 ----------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:21 Check that the scan parameter properly selects a subset of the data build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:32 test_spwSelect build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:32 ---------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:32 Check that spws are properly selected build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:43 test_spwmap build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:43 ------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:43 Check that the spwmap parameter applys a subset of the gaintable(s) build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:59 test_spwmapMulti build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:59 ------------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:45:59 Check the function of spwmap when provided a list of lists build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:17 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:17 test_timerangeSelect build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:17 ---------------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:17 Check that the timerange parameter properly selects a subset of the data build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:28 test_trial build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:28 ------------ build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:28 Check that the trial mode leaves the dataset unchanged build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:38 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:38 test_uvrangeSelect build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:38 -------------------- build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:38 Check that the uvrange parameter properly selects a subset of the data build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:55 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_applycal/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:55 ================== 28 passed, 1 warning in 645.18s (0:10:45) =================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:58 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:58 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:58 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:46:58 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_ft, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:17 collecting ... collected 11 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:17 Test that with incremental=True the new model will be added instead of replacing the old one build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:32 Test that when a model and comp list are provided only the model is used build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:34 Test the field selection parameter build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:37 When incremental = False the existing model should be replaced in MODEL_DATA error 12-Sep-2022 13:47:38 Could not understand frequency frame..defaulting to LSRK error 12-Sep-2022 13:47:38 2022-09-12 17:47:38 WARN componentlist::close componentlist closed build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:41 Test that the ft task accepts multi-term data build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:43 Test that if usescratch is false then a SOURCE_MODEL column is generated in the SOURCE table error 12-Sep-2022 13:47:44 Could not understand frequency frame..defaulting to LSRK error 12-Sep-2022 13:47:44 2022-09-12 17:47:45 WARN componentlist::close componentlist closed build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:45 CAS-13439: Test that componentlist plp spectral model is supported error 12-Sep-2022 13:47:46 2022-09-12 17:47:46 WARN componentlist::close componentlist closed build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:48 Test spw selection parameter build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:50 Test that a MODEL_DATA column is added to the MS when a component list is provided error 12-Sep-2022 13:47:52 Could not understand frequency frame..defaulting to LSRK error 12-Sep-2022 13:47:52 2022-09-12 17:47:52 WARN componentlist::close componentlist closed build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:54 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:54 Test that a MODEL_DATA column is added to the MS when a *.model is provided build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:55 Test that when usescratch=True the model visibilites are stored in the MODEL_DATA column build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_ft/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 =================== 11 passed, 1 warning in 60.02s (0:01:00) =================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 HAVE_COVTEST: False build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 HAVE_PYTEST: True build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 Namespace(bamboo=False, branch=None, classes=None, dry_run=False, file=None, ignore_list=None, list=False, mapfile=None, ncores=2, pkg=None, pmode=None, rcdir=None, test_config=None, test_group=None, test_list=None, test_paths=None, verbose=True, work_dir=None) build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 Operating system: Darwin build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 rcdir: build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 Arguments Sent Direct To Pytest : [] build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 Running 115 Test(s) build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 Cleaning: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/ build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 Tests: ['/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/']============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:47:58 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_exportfits, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 collecting ... collected 1 item build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 test fix for CAS 3675, outfile must be specified error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 2022-09-12 17:48:00 SEVERE exportfits::image::tofits (file src/tools/image/, line 6129) Exception Reported: Exception: fitsfile must be specified. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 2022-09-12 17:48:00 SEVERE exportfits::image::tofits (file src/tools/image/, line 6129)+ ... thrown by bool casac::image::tofits(const std::__1::string &, bool, bool, long, double, double, const casac::variant &, const casac::variant &, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/image/, line: 6138 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 PASSED error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 2022-09-12 17:48:00 SEVERE exportfits::::casa Task exportfits raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: fitsfile must be specified. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 2022-09-12 17:48:00 SEVERE exportfits::::casa+ ... thrown by bool casac::image::tofits(const std::__1::string &, bool, bool, long, double, double, const casac::variant &, const casac::variant &, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/image/, line: 6138 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_exportfits/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 ========================= 1 passed, 1 warning in 1.33s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:00 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:03 collecting ... collected 14 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:03 test_export_image: test export the plot to PNG file build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:12 test_fits_image: input image is FITS cube build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:13 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:13 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:13 test_image_not_exist: input image does not exist (causes error) build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 test_not_overwrite: output image already exists (causes error) error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 2022-09-12 17:48:14 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 2022-09-12 17:48:14 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 23, in plotprofilemap error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 2022-09-12 17:48:14 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa+ raise RuntimeError('overwrite is False and output file exists: \'%s\''%(figfile)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 2022-09-12 17:48:14 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa+ RuntimeError: overwrite is False and output file exists: 'plotprofilemap_test.png' error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 2022-09-12 17:48:14 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa overwrite is False and output file exists: 'plotprofilemap_test.png' error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 2022-09-12 17:48:14 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa Task plotprofilemap raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: overwrite is False and output file exists: 'plotprofilemap_test.png' build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:14 test_numpanel_10x10: standard test (10x10 panels) build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:18 test_numpanel_5x5: standard test (5x5 panels) build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:20 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:20 test_plotmasked_empty: plotmasked is empty build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 masked region: blc=[0,0,0], trc=[3,3,99] build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 verifying plotmasked parameter: axes 32 plotmasked empty build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 test_plotmasked_invalid: unsupported plotmasked value (causes error) build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:21 test_plotmasked_plot: plotmasked is none build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:22 masked region: blc=[0,0,0], trc=[3,3,99] build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:22 verifying plotmasked parameter: axes 32 plotmasked none build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:22 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:22 test_plotmasked_plot: plotmasked is plot build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:24 masked region: blc=[0,0,0], trc=[3,3,99] build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:24 verifying plotmasked parameter: axes 32 plotmasked plot build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:24 test_plotmasked_text: plotmasked is text build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:25 masked region: blc=[0,0,0], trc=[3,3,99] build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:25 verifying plotmasked parameter: axes 32 plotmasked text build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:25 test_plotmasked_zero: plotmasked is zero build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 masked region: blc=[0,0,0], trc=[3,3,99] build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 verifying plotmasked parameter: axes 32 plotmasked zero build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 test_pol_not_out_of_range: pol index is out of range (causes error) error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 2022-09-12 17:48:27 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 2022-09-12 17:48:27 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 28, in plotprofilemap error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 2022-09-12 17:48:27 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa+ raise RuntimeError('pol {pol} is out of range (Stokes axis {stokes})'.format(pol=pol,stokes=image_data.stokes)) error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 2022-09-12 17:48:27 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa+ RuntimeError: pol 1 is out of range (Stokes axis ['I']) error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 2022-09-12 17:48:27 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa pol 1 is out of range (Stokes axis ['I']) error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 2022-09-12 17:48:27 SEVERE plotprofilemap::::casa Task plotprofilemap raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: pol 1 is out of range (Stokes axis ['I']) build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:26 test_title: put title to the plot build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:28 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_plotprofilemap/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:28 ======================== 14 passed, 1 warning in 27.15s ======================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:28 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:28 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:28 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:28 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 collecting ... collected 220 items build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 01. successful case: Create Stack with exist file. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 2022-09-12 17:48:32 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/6fb1a2df-3201-4300-bbf5-bfb26ed28905 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 02. failure case: Create Stack with unexist file, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 03. successful case: push() exist file into stack. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 04. failure case: push() unexist file into stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 05. successful case: pop() exist stuff into stack. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 06. failure case: pop() unexist stuff into stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 07. successful case: peak() exist stuff into stack. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 08. failure case: peak() unexist stuff into stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 09. successful case: subpeak() exist stuff into stack. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 10. failure case: subpeak() unexist stuff into stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 11. successful case: bottom() exist stuff into stack. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 12. failure case: bottom() unexist stuff into stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 13. successful case: do clear() of _EraseableFolder contains a file. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 14. successful case: do clear() of Un_EraseableFolder contains a file. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 15. successful case: do erase() of _EraseableFolder contains a file. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 16. successful case: do erase() Un_EraseableFolder contains a file. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 17. successful case: check height() of stack. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 18. failure case: pop() when height is 1, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 01. successful case: axis_sp = axis_pol = 2or3, axis_sp != axis_pol. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 2022-09-12 17:48:32 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/b53015ae-999a-4f04-be1d-5088cb73af64 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 02. failure case: invalid im_nchan, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 03. failure case: invalid dir_shape, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 01. successful case: call imsmooth with some parameters. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:31 2022-09-12 17:48:32 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/a378b1f1-7e0d-40fe-9382-34252f07dd4a build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 02. failure case: invalid dirkernel, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 03. set values for _ImsmoothParams and do validate(), and compare properties of it to the correct values. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 01. successful case: create MeasurementSet from a image. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:32 2022-09-12 17:48:33 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/775bfdd9-f2d0-4814-8281-7d56cb5b7024 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:33 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:33 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:33 02. failure case: execute image2ms with invalid datacolumn parameter, an exception raises. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:34 2022-09-12 17:48:34 SEVERE putcell::INVALID Exception Reported: TableProxy::TableProxy::putColumn: column INVALID does not exist build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:34 03. failure case: execute image2ms with invalid image data, an exception raises. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 2022-09-12 17:48:35 SEVERE image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4126) Exception Reported: Exception: Unable to open image dummy1. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 2022-09-12 17:48:35 SEVERE image::open (file src/tools/image/, line 4126)+ ... thrown by static casa::ITUPLE casa::ImageFactory::fromFile(const casa6core::String &, casa6core::Bool) at File: src/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/, line: 289 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 04. failure case: execute image2ms with empty stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 05. set values for _Image2MSParams and do validate(), and compare properties of it to the correct values. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 01. successful case: call sdsmooth with some parameters. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:35 2022-09-12 17:48:35 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/3b6a2722-2a96-4620-bd26-a34e8a707831 error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:39 2022-09-12 17:48:39 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 02. failure case: call sdsmooth with invalid ms stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 03. failure case: call sdsmooth with invalid image stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 04. set values for _SdsmoothParams and do validate(), and compare properties of it to the correct values. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 01. successful case: call sdbaseline with some parameters. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:40 2022-09-12 17:48:41 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/5199c09c-65b7-43e9-99a4-4157b873612a build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:41 02. failure case: call sdbaseline with invalid ms stack, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 03. failure case: call sdbaseline with invalid image stack, an exception raise. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 04. set values for _SdbaselineParams and do validate(), and compare properties of it to the correct values. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 01. successful test: subtracted output = input_image - (smoothed_image - smoothed_and_subtracted_image). error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:42 2022-09-12 17:48:43 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/849811d9-66bc-4e80-8550-b745fd1ddd49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:44 02. successful test: subtracted output = subtracted_image. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:45 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:45 03. failure case: subtract three images have unmatched shape, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:47 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:47 04. successful test: subtract two images have unmatched shape (any exceptions do not raise). build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:47 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:47 05. output data check: three images subtraction test. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:49 06. output data check: two images subtraction test. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:50 01. successful case: convert a MeasurementSet to image and compare it to the correct chunk. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:50 2022-09-12 17:48:51 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/b1bb1cd2-ffdb-4786-bf59-5466cb16f3f7 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:55 02. failure case: attempt to convert a MeasurementSet without base image, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 03. failure case: attempt to convert a MeasurementSet unexisted, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 01. _get_image_shape: successful case: get an image shape and check properties of it. error 12-Sep-2022 13:48:56 2022-09-12 17:48:57 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/bf2266ae-8621-4a3d-8c29-0c0c6112b4a1 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:48:59 02. _get_image_shape: failure case: attempt to read an image unexisted, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:00 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:00 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:00 03. _get_image_shape: failure case: attempt to read an image has invalid shape, an exception raises. build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:01 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:01 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:01 01. failure case: attempt to read imagefile set None, an exception raises. error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:01 2022-09-12 17:49:02 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/569dad15-371a-4709-bde6-3b8c1d2d4318 error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 2022-09-12 17:49:03 SEVERE imbaseline::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 2022-09-12 17:49:03 SEVERE imbaseline::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 316, in imbaseline error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 2022-09-12 17:49:03 SEVERE imbaseline::::casa+ _validate_imagename(imagename) error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 2022-09-12 17:49:03 SEVERE imbaseline::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 350, in _validate_imagename error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 2022-09-12 17:49:03 SEVERE imbaseline::::casa+ raise ValueError(f'Error: file {imagename} is not found.', 'SEVERE') error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 2022-09-12 17:49:03 SEVERE imbaseline::::casa+ ValueError: ('Error: file is not found.', 'SEVERE') error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 2022-09-12 17:49:03 SEVERE imbaseline::::casa ('Error: file is not found.', 'SEVERE') build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:03 03. successful case: execute imbaseline with output_cont set False, cont file does not generate. error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:09 2022-09-12 17:49:10 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:11 04. successful case: execute imbaseline with bloutput set output path, bloutput generates. error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:17 2022-09-12 17:49:18 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:19 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:19 TestImbaselineExecution method No.021 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:19 2022-09-12 17:49:20 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/44511239-8887-4808-b95b-bee3f748b3bd error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:21 2022-09-12 17:49:22 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:23 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:23 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:23 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:23 TestImbaselineExecution method No.020 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:25 2022-09-12 17:49:25 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:27 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:27 TestImbaselineExecution method No.019 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:32 TestImbaselineExecution method No.018 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:39 2022-09-12 17:49:39 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:41 TestImbaselineExecution method No.017 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:49:47 2022-09-12 17:49:48 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:49 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:49 TestImbaselineExecution method No.016 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:57 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:49:57 TestImbaselineExecution method No.024 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:50:03 2022-09-12 17:50:04 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:06 TestImbaselineExecution method No.023 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:50:12 2022-09-12 17:50:12 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:14 TestImbaselineExecution method No.022 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:22 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:22 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:22 TestImbaselineExecution method No.015 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:50:23 2022-09-12 17:50:24 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:26 TestImbaselineExecution method No.014 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:50:27 2022-09-12 17:50:27 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:29 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:29 TestImbaselineExecution method No.013 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:32 TestImbaselineExecution method No.033 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:50:34 2022-09-12 17:50:34 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:36 TestImbaselineExecution method No.032 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:50:38 2022-09-12 17:50:39 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:40 TestImbaselineExecution method No.031 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:44 TestImbaselineExecution method No.030 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:50:51 2022-09-12 17:50:51 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:53 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:53 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:53 build 12-Sep-2022 13:50:53 TestImbaselineExecution method No.029 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:50:59 2022-09-12 17:51:00 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:02 TestImbaselineExecution method No.028 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:10 TestImbaselineExecution method No.036 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:51:16 2022-09-12 17:51:16 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:20 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:20 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:20 TestImbaselineExecution method No.035 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:51:26 2022-09-12 17:51:27 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:29 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:29 TestImbaselineExecution method No.034 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:36 TestImbaselineExecution method No.027 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:51:38 2022-09-12 17:51:38 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:40 TestImbaselineExecution method No.026 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:51:41 2022-09-12 17:51:42 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:44 TestImbaselineExecution method No.025 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:46 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:46 TestImbaselineExecution method No.009 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:51:48 2022-09-12 17:51:49 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:50 TestImbaselineExecution method No.008 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:51:52 2022-09-12 17:51:53 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:54 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:54 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:54 TestImbaselineExecution method No.007 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:57 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:51:57 TestImbaselineExecution method No.006 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:52:04 2022-09-12 17:52:04 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:06 TestImbaselineExecution method No.005 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:52:12 2022-09-12 17:52:13 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:15 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:15 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:15 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:15 TestImbaselineExecution method No.004 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:23 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:23 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:23 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:23 TestImbaselineExecution method No.012 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:52:30 2022-09-12 17:52:31 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:34 TestImbaselineExecution method No.011 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:52:40 2022-09-12 17:52:40 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:43 TestImbaselineExecution method No.010 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:52 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:52 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:52 TestImbaselineExecution method No.003 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:52:54 2022-09-12 17:52:54 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:57 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:52:57 TestImbaselineExecution method No.002 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:52:58 2022-09-12 17:52:59 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:02 TestImbaselineExecution method No.001 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:04 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:04 TestImbaselineExecution method No.045 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:53:06 2022-09-12 17:53:07 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:09 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:09 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:09 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:09 TestImbaselineExecution method No.044 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:53:11 2022-09-12 17:53:11 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:13 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:13 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:13 TestImbaselineExecution method No.043 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:17 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:17 TestImbaselineExecution method No.042 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:53:23 2022-09-12 17:53:23 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:25 TestImbaselineExecution method No.041 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:53:31 2022-09-12 17:53:32 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:34 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:34 TestImbaselineExecution method No.040 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:42 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:42 TestImbaselineExecution method No.048 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:53:48 2022-09-12 17:53:48 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:50 TestImbaselineExecution method No.047 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:53:56 2022-09-12 17:53:57 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:59 build 12-Sep-2022 13:53:59 TestImbaselineExecution method No.046 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:07 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:07 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:07 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:07 TestImbaselineExecution method No.039 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:54:08 2022-09-12 17:54:09 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:10 TestImbaselineExecution method No.038 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:54:12 2022-09-12 17:54:12 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:14 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:14 TestImbaselineExecution method No.037 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:17 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:17 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:17 TestImbaselineExecution method No.057 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:54:19 2022-09-12 17:54:19 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:21 TestImbaselineExecution method No.056 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:54:23 2022-09-12 17:54:24 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:25 TestImbaselineExecution method No.055 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:29 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:29 TestImbaselineExecution method No.054 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:54:35 2022-09-12 17:54:36 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:37 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:37 TestImbaselineExecution method No.053 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:54:44 2022-09-12 17:54:44 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:46 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:46 TestImbaselineExecution method No.052 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:53 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:53 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:53 build 12-Sep-2022 13:54:53 TestImbaselineExecution method No.060 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:55:00 2022-09-12 17:55:01 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:02 TestImbaselineExecution method No.059 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:55:09 2022-09-12 17:55:09 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:11 TestImbaselineExecution method No.058 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:18 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:18 TestImbaselineExecution method No.051 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:55:19 2022-09-12 17:55:20 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:21 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:21 TestImbaselineExecution method No.050 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:55:23 2022-09-12 17:55:23 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:25 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:25 TestImbaselineExecution method No.049 [maskmode=auto, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:27 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:27 TestImbaselineExecution method No.081 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:55:28 2022-09-12 17:55:29 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:31 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:31 TestImbaselineExecution method No.080 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:55:33 2022-09-12 17:55:33 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:35 TestImbaselineExecution method No.079 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:38 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:38 TestImbaselineExecution method No.078 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:55:44 2022-09-12 17:55:45 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:46 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:46 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:46 TestImbaselineExecution method No.077 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:55:52 2022-09-12 17:55:53 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:55:55 TestImbaselineExecution method No.076 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:02 TestImbaselineExecution method No.084 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:56:08 2022-09-12 17:56:09 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:10 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:10 TestImbaselineExecution method No.083 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:56:17 2022-09-12 17:56:17 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:19 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:19 TestImbaselineExecution method No.082 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:26 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:26 TestImbaselineExecution method No.075 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:56:27 2022-09-12 17:56:27 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:29 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:29 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:29 TestImbaselineExecution method No.074 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:56:31 2022-09-12 17:56:31 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:33 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:33 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:33 TestImbaselineExecution method No.073 [maskmode=list, blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:35 TestImbaselineExecution method No.093 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:56:37 2022-09-12 17:56:38 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:40 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:40 TestImbaselineExecution method No.092 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:56:41 2022-09-12 17:56:42 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:44 TestImbaselineExecution method No.091 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:47 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:47 TestImbaselineExecution method No.090 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:56:53 2022-09-12 17:56:53 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:56:55 TestImbaselineExecution method No.089 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:57:01 2022-09-12 17:57:02 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:03 TestImbaselineExecution method No.088 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:11 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:11 TestImbaselineExecution method No.096 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:57:17 2022-09-12 17:57:18 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:19 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:19 TestImbaselineExecution method No.095 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:57:25 2022-09-12 17:57:26 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:27 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:27 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:27 TestImbaselineExecution method No.094 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:35 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:35 TestImbaselineExecution method No.087 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:57:36 2022-09-12 17:57:36 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:38 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:38 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:38 TestImbaselineExecution method No.086 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:57:39 2022-09-12 17:57:40 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:41 TestImbaselineExecution method No.085 [maskmode=list, blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:43 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:43 TestImbaselineExecution method No.069 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:57:45 2022-09-12 17:57:46 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:48 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:48 TestImbaselineExecution method No.068 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:57:49 2022-09-12 17:57:50 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:51 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:51 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:51 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:51 TestImbaselineExecution method No.067 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:55 build 12-Sep-2022 13:57:55 TestImbaselineExecution method No.066 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:58:01 2022-09-12 17:58:01 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:03 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:03 TestImbaselineExecution method No.065 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:58:09 2022-09-12 17:58:09 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:12 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:12 TestImbaselineExecution method No.064 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:19 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:19 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:19 TestImbaselineExecution method No.072 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:58:26 2022-09-12 17:58:27 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:28 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:28 TestImbaselineExecution method No.071 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:58:34 2022-09-12 17:58:35 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:36 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:36 TestImbaselineExecution method No.070 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:44 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:44 TestImbaselineExecution method No.063 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:58:45 2022-09-12 17:58:45 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:47 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:47 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:47 TestImbaselineExecution method No.062 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:58:48 2022-09-12 17:58:48 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:50 TestImbaselineExecution method No.061 [maskmode=list, blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:53 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:53 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:53 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:53 TestImbaselineExecution method No.105 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:58:54 2022-09-12 17:58:55 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:57 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:58:57 TestImbaselineExecution method No.104 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:58:59 2022-09-12 17:58:59 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:02 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:02 TestImbaselineExecution method No.103 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:06 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:06 TestImbaselineExecution method No.102 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:59:12 2022-09-12 17:59:13 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:15 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:15 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:15 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:15 TestImbaselineExecution method No.101 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:59:21 2022-09-12 17:59:22 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:24 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:24 TestImbaselineExecution method No.100 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:32 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:32 TestImbaselineExecution method No.108 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:59:39 2022-09-12 17:59:39 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:41 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:41 TestImbaselineExecution method No.107 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 13:59:47 2022-09-12 17:59:48 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:50 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:50 TestImbaselineExecution method No.106 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:57 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:57 build 12-Sep-2022 13:59:57 TestImbaselineExecution method No.099 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 13:59:58 2022-09-12 17:59:59 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:01 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:01 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:01 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:01 TestImbaselineExecution method No.098 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:00:02 2022-09-12 18:00:02 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:04 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:04 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:04 TestImbaselineExecution method No.097 [maskmode=list, blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:06 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:06 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:06 TestImbaselineExecution method No.117 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:00:08 2022-09-12 18:00:09 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:10 TestImbaselineExecution method No.116 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:00:12 2022-09-12 18:00:12 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:14 TestImbaselineExecution method No.115 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=boxcar, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:17 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:17 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:17 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:17 TestImbaselineExecution method No.114 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:00:25 2022-09-12 18:00:26 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:27 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:27 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:27 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:27 TestImbaselineExecution method No.113 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:00:34 2022-09-12 18:00:34 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:36 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:36 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:36 TestImbaselineExecution method No.112 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:43 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:43 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:43 TestImbaselineExecution method No.120 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=image, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:00:49 2022-09-12 18:00:50 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:52 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:52 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:52 build 12-Sep-2022 14:00:52 TestImbaselineExecution method No.119 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=image, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:00:58 2022-09-12 18:00:58 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:01 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:01 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:01 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:01 TestImbaselineExecution method No.118 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=image, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:08 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:08 TestImbaselineExecution method No.111 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:01:09 2022-09-12 18:01:10 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:11 TestImbaselineExecution method No.110 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:01:13 2022-09-12 18:01:13 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:15 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:15 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:15 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:15 TestImbaselineExecution method No.109 [maskmode=list, blfunc=variable, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:18 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.023 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:01:18 2022-09-12 18:01:18 WARN imbaseline::::casa created working directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/edd99459-b547-4345-8981-9ea296b6d20a error 12-Sep-2022 14:01:18 2022-09-12 18:01:18 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:01:28 2022-09-12 18:01:29 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:42 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 3.5762786865234375e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, 3.2279785955324767e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:42 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.5999999967720213, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:42 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:42 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:42 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.024 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:01:43 2022-09-12 18:01:44 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:01:55 2022-09-12 18:01:55 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:59 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 3.5762786865234375e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -2.123852027580142e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:59 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.300000002123852, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:59 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:59 build 12-Sep-2022 14:01:59 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.021 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:01:59 2022-09-12 18:02:00 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:02:10 2022-09-12 18:02:11 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:14 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 0.006934046745300293, 0.0, 0.005546948686242103, 0.006933689117431641 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:14 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 1.9930665493011475, 0.0, 1.5944530513137578, 1.9930663108825684 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:14 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.022 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:02:14 2022-09-12 18:02:15 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:02:25 2022-09-12 18:02:25 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:29 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 0.008518457412719727, 0.0, 0.00540838057459041, 0.0081939697265625 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:29 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 1.9918709993362427, 0.0, 1.2945916194254097, 1.9915467500686646 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:29 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:29 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:29 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:29 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.019 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] error 12-Sep-2022 14:02:29 2022-09-12 18:02:29 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:42 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -3.3614924177527428e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:42 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.000000238418579, 1.999999761581421, 2.0000000033614924, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:42 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:42 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:42 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.020 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] error 12-Sep-2022 14:02:42 2022-09-12 18:02:43 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:55 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -2.8572685550898313e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:55 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.7000000028572686, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:55 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:55 build 12-Sep-2022 14:02:55 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.017 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:03:05 2022-09-12 18:03:06 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:09 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 1.1920928955078125e-07, 0.0, 5.960464477539063e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:09 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.0, 0.0, 1.5999999940395355, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:09 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:09 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.018 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:03:20 2022-09-12 18:03:20 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:23 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:23 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.0, 0.0, 1.3, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:23 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:23 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.015 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:03:34 2022-09-12 18:03:34 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:37 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 0.006933689117431641, 0.0, 0.005546951293945312, 0.006933689117431641 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:37 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 1.9930663108825684, 0.0, 1.5944530487060546, 1.9930663108825684 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:37 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.016 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:03:47 2022-09-12 18:03:48 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:51 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 0.008518099784851074, 0.0, 0.005408382415771485, 0.008193910121917725 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:51 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 1.9918708801269531, 0.0, 1.2945916175842285, 1.9915467500686646 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:51 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:51 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:51 build 12-Sep-2022 14:03:51 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.013 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:03 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:03 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:03 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:03 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:03 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.014 [blfunc=chebyshev, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:15 line blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:15 cont blfunc:chebyshev dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.0, 0.0, 1.7, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:15 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:15 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:15 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:15 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.035 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:04:16 2022-09-12 18:04:16 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:04:26 2022-09-12 18:04:27 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:32 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 3.5762786865234375e-07, -4.76837158203125e-07, -1.4528632164001465e-08, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:32 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.000000476837158, 0.0, 1.6000000145286322, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:32 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.036 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:04:32 2022-09-12 18:04:32 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:04:43 2022-09-12 18:04:43 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:47 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 3.5762786865234375e-07, -4.76837158203125e-07, -1.4411489246413112e-08, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:47 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.000000476837158, 0.0, 1.3000000144114892, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:47 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:47 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:47 build 12-Sep-2022 14:04:47 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.033 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:04:47 2022-09-12 18:04:48 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:04:58 2022-09-12 18:04:58 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:02 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 0.02010178565979004, -0.007236003875732422, 0.0010877949054702186, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:02 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 2.0072360038757324, 0.0, 1.5989122050945297, 1.997590959072113 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:02 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.034 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:05:03 2022-09-12 18:05:03 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:05:13 2022-09-12 18:05:14 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:18 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 0.01787245273590088, -0.007082939147949219, 0.000811009185781586, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:18 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 2.007082939147949, 0.0, 1.2991889908142185, 1.9956798553466797 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:18 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.031 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] error 12-Sep-2022 14:05:18 2022-09-12 18:05:18 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:31 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -3.3614924177527428e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:31 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.000000238418579, 1.999999761581421, 2.0000000033614924, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:31 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.032 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] error 12-Sep-2022 14:05:32 2022-09-12 18:05:32 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:45 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -2.8572685550898313e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:45 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.7000000028572686, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:05:45 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.029 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:05:55 2022-09-12 18:05:56 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:00 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 1.1920928955078125e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -1.1920928955078126e-08, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:00 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.600000011920929, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:00 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:00 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:00 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:00 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.030 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:06:11 2022-09-12 18:06:11 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:15 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 1.1920928955078125e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -1.1920928955078126e-08, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:15 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.300000011920929, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:15 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:15 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:15 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:15 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.027 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:06:25 2022-09-12 18:06:26 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:30 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 0.02010166645050049, -0.007236003875732422, 0.001087796688079834, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:30 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 2.0072360038757324, 0.0, 1.59891220331192, 1.997590959072113 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:30 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:30 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:30 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:30 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.028 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:06:41 2022-09-12 18:06:41 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:45 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 0.017872214317321777, -0.007082939147949219, 0.0008110105991363525, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:45 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 2.007082939147949, 0.0, 1.2991889894008637, 1.9956798553466797 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:45 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.025 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:58 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:58 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:58 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:58 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:58 build 12-Sep-2022 14:06:58 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.026 [blfunc=cspline, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:11 line blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:11 cont blfunc:cspline dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.0, 0.0, 1.7, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:11 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.011 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:07:11 2022-09-12 18:07:12 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:07:22 2022-09-12 18:07:22 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:26 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 3.5762786865234375e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, 3.2279785955324767e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:26 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.5999999967720213, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:26 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.012 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:07:26 2022-09-12 18:07:27 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:07:37 2022-09-12 18:07:37 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:41 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 3.5762786865234375e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -2.123852027580142e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:41 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.300000002123852, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:41 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.009 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:07:41 2022-09-12 18:07:41 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:07:51 2022-09-12 18:07:52 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:55 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 0.006934046745300293, 0.0, 0.005546948686242103, 0.006933689117431641 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:55 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 1.9930665493011475, 0.0, 1.5944530513137578, 1.9930663108825684 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:55 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:55 build 12-Sep-2022 14:07:55 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.010 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:07:55 2022-09-12 18:07:56 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:08:06 2022-09-12 18:08:06 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:09 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 0.008518457412719727, 0.0, 0.00540838057459041, 0.0081939697265625 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:09 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 1.9918709993362427, 0.0, 1.2945916194254097, 1.9915467500686646 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:09 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:09 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.007 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] error 12-Sep-2022 14:08:10 2022-09-12 18:08:10 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:22 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -3.3614924177527428e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:22 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.000000238418579, 1.999999761581421, 2.0000000033614924, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:22 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:22 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.008 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] error 12-Sep-2022 14:08:22 2022-09-12 18:08:23 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:35 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -2.8572685550898313e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:35 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.7000000028572686, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:35 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.005 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:08:45 2022-09-12 18:08:46 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:49 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 1.1920928955078125e-07, 0.0, 5.960464477539063e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:49 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.0, 0.0, 1.5999999940395355, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:49 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:49 build 12-Sep-2022 14:08:49 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.006 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:09:00 2022-09-12 18:09:00 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:04 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:04 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.0, 0.0, 1.3, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:04 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:04 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:04 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.003 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:09:14 2022-09-12 18:09:14 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:18 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 0.006933689117431641, 0.0, 0.005546951293945312, 0.006933689117431641 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:18 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 1.9930663108825684, 0.0, 1.5944530487060546, 1.9930663108825684 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:18 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.004 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:09:28 2022-09-12 18:09:29 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:33 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 0.008518099784851074, 0.0, 0.005408382415771485, 0.008193910121917725 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:33 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 1.9918708801269531, 0.0, 1.2945916175842285, 1.9915467500686646 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:33 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.001 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:45 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:45 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:45 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.002 [blfunc=poly, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:58 line blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:58 cont blfunc:poly dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.0, 0.0, 1.7, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:58 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:58 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:58 build 12-Sep-2022 14:09:58 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.047 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:09:58 2022-09-12 18:09:58 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:10:08 2022-09-12 18:10:09 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:13 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -2.6891939342021944e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:13 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.6000000026891938, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:13 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.048 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:10:13 2022-09-12 18:10:14 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:10:24 2022-09-12 18:10:25 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:34 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -2.184970071539283e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:34 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.30000000218497, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:34 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:34 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:34 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.045 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:10:34 2022-09-12 18:10:34 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:10:44 2022-09-12 18:10:45 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:49 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 0.006933927536010742, 0.0, 0.005546948604751379, 0.006933689117431641 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:49 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 1.9930665493011475, 0.0, 1.5944530513952486, 1.9930663108825684 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:49 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:49 build 12-Sep-2022 14:10:49 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.046 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:10:49 2022-09-12 18:10:50 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size error 12-Sep-2022 14:11:00 2022-09-12 18:11:00 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:05 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 0.008321285247802734, 0.0, 0.005408602125316975, 0.008320927619934082 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:05 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 1.9916791915893555, 0.0, 1.294591397874683, 1.991679072380066 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:05 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:05 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.043 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] error 12-Sep-2022 14:11:05 2022-09-12 18:11:05 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:18 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -3.3614924177527428e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:18 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.000000238418579, 1.999999761581421, 2.0000000033614924, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:18 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.044 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=gaussian, spkernel=none] error 12-Sep-2022 14:11:19 2022-09-12 18:11:19 WARN imbaseline::Image2DConvolver::_dealWithRestoringBeam Convolving kernel has minor axis 10 arcsec which is less than the pixel diagonal length of 84.8528 arcsec. Thus, the kernel is poorly sampled, and so the output of this application may not be what you expect. You should consider increasing the kernel size or regridding the image to a smaller pixel size build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:33 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.384185791015625e-07, -2.384185791015625e-07, -2.8572685550898313e-09, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:33 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:gaussian spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.000000238418579, 0.0, 1.7000000028572686, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:33 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.041 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:11:43 2022-09-12 18:11:44 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:55 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:55 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanA, 2.0, 0.0, 1.6, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:55 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:55 build 12-Sep-2022 14:11:55 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.042 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=boxcar] error 12-Sep-2022 14:12:13 2022-09-12 18:12:14 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:18 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:18 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:boxcar, chans:chanB, 2.0, 0.0, 1.3, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:18 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.039 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:12:28 2022-09-12 18:12:29 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:33 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 0.006933689117431641, 0.0, 0.005546951293945312, 0.006933689117431641 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:33 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanA, 1.9930663108825684, 0.0, 1.5944530487060546, 1.9930663108825684 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:33 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.040 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=gaussian] error 12-Sep-2022 14:12:44 2022-09-12 18:12:44 WARN imbaseline::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:48 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 0.008320927619934082, 0.0, 0.0054086029529571535, 0.008320927619934082 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:48 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:gaussian, chans:chanB, 1.991679072380066, 0.0, 1.2945913970470428, 1.991679072380066 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:48 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:48 build 12-Sep-2022 14:12:48 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.037 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:02 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:02 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanA, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:02 TestImbaselineOutputs test. No.038 [blfunc=sinusoid, dirkernel=none, spkernel=none] build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:15 line blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:15 cont blfunc:sinusoid dirkernel:none spkernel:none, chans:chanB, 2.0, 0.0, 1.7, 2.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:16 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:16 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:16 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imbaseline/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:16 ================= 220 passed, 1 warning in 1487.12s (0:24:47) ================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:18 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:18 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:18 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:18 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 collecting ... MPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 MPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 MPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 MPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 collected 4 items build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:23 Check that using the caltable param creates a new cal file build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:28 MPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:28 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:28 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:28 Check that the contents of the calibration table match the reference file error 12-Sep-2022 14:13:29 2022-09-12 18:13:29 SEVERE getcol::WEIGHT Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: SSMIndColumn::getShape: no array in row 0 in column WEIGHT of table /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:13:29 2022-09-12 18:13:29 SEVERE getcol::WEIGHT Exception Reported: Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: SSMIndColumn::getShape: no array in row 0 in column WEIGHT of table /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:29 MPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:29 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:29 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:29 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:29 Check that the dict contains all the correct infromation build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:30 MPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:30 {'1331+30500002_0': {}, '1445+09900002_0': {'Spw0': [1.0, 0.008513461714434767, 0.025951259064680963, 0.0], 'SpwAve': [1.0, 0.008513461714434767, 0.025951259064680963, 0.0]}, 'N5921_2': {}} build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:30 {'1331+30500002_0': {}, '1445+09900002_0': {'Spw0': [1.0, 0.008513463770300425, 0.025951269611231682, 0.0], 'SpwAve': [1.0, 0.008513463770300425, 0.025951269611231682, 0.0]}, 'N5921_2': {}} build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:30 False build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:30 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:30 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:30 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:30 Check that the task takes a MS and outputs a dictionary build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:31 MPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:31 PASSEDMPIEnvironment not Enabled build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:31 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_polfromgain/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:31 ======================== 4 passed, 5 warnings in 12.99s ======================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:32 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:32 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:32 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:32 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_listobs, inifile: pytest.ini error 12-Sep-2022 14:13:35 2022-09-12 18:13:35 WARN ParallelDataHelper::getPartitionMap::casa Number of subMSs (8) is greater than available scan,ddi pairs (6), setting nsubms to 6 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:54 collecting ... collected 89 items build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:54 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:54 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:54 build 12-Sep-2022 14:13:54 Verify listobs runs to completion on data set in CAS-6733. This was an infinite loop bugfix build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:09 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:09 Listobs 3: CAS-2751. Check that ALMA MS displays one row per scan build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:09 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:09 Listobs test: Check to make sure the antenna information exists in all possible inputs in a MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 2022-09-12 18:14:10 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 2022-09-12 18:14:10 WARN listobs::ms::msselect No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 2022-09-12 18:14:10 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field baseline with type unknown build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 Listobs test: Check to make sure the antenna information exists in all possible inputs in a MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 2022-09-12 18:14:11 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 2022-09-12 18:14:11 WARN listobs::ms::msselect No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 2022-09-12 18:14:11 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field baseline with type unknown build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:10 Listobs test: Check to make sure the antenna information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 2022-09-12 18:14:11 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 2022-09-12 18:14:11 WARN listobs::ms::msselect No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 2022-09-12 18:14:11 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field baseline with type unknown build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 Listobs test: Check to make sure the antenna information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field baseline with type unknown build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 Listobs 7: test antenna selection parameters build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 Listobs test: Check for the existence of the array parameter in a MMS and accepts proper inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Array Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:11 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 Listobs test: Check for the existence of the array parameter in a MS and accepts proper inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Array Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:12 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 Listobs test: Check for the existence of the array parameter in a time-averaged MMS and accepts proper inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:13 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Array Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:13 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:13 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 Listobs test: Check for the existence of the array parameter in a time-averaged MS and accepts proper inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:13 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Array Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:13 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 2022-09-12 18:14:13 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 Listobs test: Check that the Int (s) column exists for a MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:12 Listobs test: Check that the Int (s) column exists for a MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 Listobs test: Check that the Int (s) column exists for a time-averaged MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 Listobs test: Check that the Int (s) column exists for a time-averaged MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 Listobs test: Check to make sure the correlation information exists in all possible inputs in a MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field polarization with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Poln. expression error: No match for polarization ID(s) (named RR) error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 0 in string "RR") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 Listobs test: Check to make sure the correlation information exists in all possible inputs in a MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field polarization with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Poln. expression error: No match for polarization ID(s) (named RR) error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:13 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 0 in string "RR") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 Listobs test: Check to make sure the correlation information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field polarization with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Poln. expression error: No match for polarization ID(s) (named RR) error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 2022-09-12 18:14:14 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 0 in string "RR") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 Listobs test: Check to make sure the correlation information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 2022-09-12 18:14:15 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field polarization with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 2022-09-12 18:14:15 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Poln. expression error: No match for polarization ID(s) (named RR) error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 2022-09-12 18:14:15 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 0 in string "RR") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:14 ephemeris objects build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 Listobs test: Check to make sure the field information exists in all possible inputs in a MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 2022-09-12 18:14:23 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Field Expression: No match found for name "0-2" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 2022-09-12 18:14:23 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 3 in string "0-2") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 2022-09-12 18:14:23 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Field Expression: No match found for name "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 2022-09-12 18:14:23 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 3 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:22 Listobs test: Check to make sure the field information exists in all possible inputs in a MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:23 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Field Expression: No match found for name "0-2" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:23 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 3 in string "0-2") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:23 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Field Expression: No match found for name "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:23 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 3 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 Listobs test: Check to make sure the field information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:24 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Field Expression: No match found for name "0-2" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:24 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 3 in string "0-2") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:24 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Field Expression: No match found for name "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:24 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 3 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 Listobs test: Check to make sure the field information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:24 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Field Expression: No match found for name "0-2" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:23 2022-09-12 18:14:24 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 3 in string "0-2") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 2022-09-12 18:14:24 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Field Expression: No match found for name "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 2022-09-12 18:14:24 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 3 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 Listobs test: Check to see if list file is generated from a MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 Listobs test: Check to see if list file is generated from a MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 Listobs test: Check to see if list file is generated from a time-averaged MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 Listobs test: Check to see if list file is generated from a time-averaged MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 Listobs test: Check if one row is displayed per scan build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 Listobs test: Check all if listobs can take ms, mms, time averaged ms, and time averaged mms build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:24 Listobs test: Check to see that Intent info exists for a MMS and accepts correct inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 2022-09-12 18:14:25 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field scanintent with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 2022-09-12 18:14:25 WARN listobs::ms::msselect State Expression: No match found for "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 2022-09-12 18:14:25 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ State Expression: Partial or no match for State ID list [] build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 Listobs test: Check to see that Intent info exists for a MS and accepts correct inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 2022-09-12 18:14:26 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field scanintent with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 2022-09-12 18:14:26 WARN listobs::ms::msselect State Expression: No match found for "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 2022-09-12 18:14:26 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ State Expression: Partial or no match for State ID list [] build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:25 Listobs test: Check to see that Intent info exists for a time-averaged MMS and accepts correct inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 2022-09-12 18:14:26 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field scanintent with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 2022-09-12 18:14:26 WARN listobs::ms::msselect State Expression: No match found for "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 2022-09-12 18:14:26 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ State Expression: Partial or no match for State ID list [] build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 Listobs test: Check to see that Intent info exists for a time-averaged MS and accepts correct inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 2022-09-12 18:14:27 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field scanintent with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 2022-09-12 18:14:27 WARN listobs::ms::msselect State Expression: No match found for "abc" error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 2022-09-12 18:14:27 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ State Expression: Partial or no match for State ID list [] build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 Listobs test: Check that the list unflagged column shows up in a MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:26 Listobs test: Check that the list unflagged column shows up in a MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 Listobs test: Check that the list unflagged column shows up in a time-averaged MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 Listobs test: Check that the list unflagged column shows up in a time-averaged MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:27 Verify that we can read a compressed MS that uses the Dysco storage manager build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:30 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:30 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:30 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:30 Listobs test: Check to see if the logger generates a logfile entries build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:30 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:30 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:30 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:30 Listobs test: Check to see if the logger generates a logfile entries build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 Listobs test: Check to see if the logger generates a logfile entries build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 Listobs test: Check to see if the logger generates a logfile entries build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 Listobs test: Check that the log file from a MMS is human readable build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 VERSION sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=8, releaselevel='final', serial=0) build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 [] build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 Listobs test: Check that the log file from a MS is human readable build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 VERSION sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=8, releaselevel='final', serial=0) build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 [] build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 Listobs test: Check that the log file from a time-averaged MMS is human readable build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 VERSION sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=8, releaselevel='final', serial=0) build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 [] build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 Listobs test: Check that the log file from a time-averaged MS is human readable build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 VERSION sys.version_info(major=3, minor=6, micro=8, releaselevel='final', serial=0) build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 [] build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:31 Listobs 2: CSV-591. Check if long field names are fully displayed build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 Listobs 4: Save on a file, verbose=False build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 Listobs test: Check if there is any visibility information when using a MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:32 Listobs test: Check if there is any visibility information when using a MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 Listobs test: Check if there is any visibility information when using a time-averaged MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 Listobs test: Check if there is any visibility information when using a time-averaged MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 Listobs test: Check for the existence of the Observation parameter for a MMS and check for proper inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 2022-09-12 18:14:33 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 2022-09-12 18:14:33 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 2022-09-12 18:14:33 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 Listobs test: Check for the existence of the Observation parameter for a MS and check for proper inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 2022-09-12 18:14:34 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 2022-09-12 18:14:34 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 2022-09-12 18:14:34 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:33 Listobs test: Check for the existence of the Observation parameter for a time-averaged MMS and check for proper inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:34 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:34 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:34 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 Listobs test: Check for the existence of the Observation parameter for a time-averaged MS and check for proper inputs error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:34 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:34 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 Test overwrite parameter - CAS-5203 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: CAS-5203.log already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: CAS-5203.log already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: CAS-5203.log already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: CAS-5203.log already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 Test overwrite parameter - CAS-5203: test for MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:34 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 Test overwrite parameter - CAS-5203: test for MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 Test overwrite parameter - CAS-5203: test for time-averaged MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:35 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 Test overwrite parameter - CAS-5203: test for time-averaged MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::ms::summary+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::::casa Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true.. error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 2022-09-12 18:14:36 SEVERE listobs::::casa+ ... thrown by casac::record *casac::ms::summary(bool, const std::__1::string &, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: src/tools/ms/, line: 797 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:35 Listobs test: Check to make sure the scan information exists in all possible inputs in a MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 2022-09-12 18:14:36 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field scan with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 2022-09-12 18:14:36 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 2022-09-12 18:14:36 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 Listobs test: Check to make sure the scan information exists in all possible inputs in a MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field scan with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 Listobs 6: test scan selection parameters build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:36 Listobs test: Check to make sure the scan information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field scan with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 Listobs test: Check to make sure the scan information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field scan with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 2022-09-12 18:14:37 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 Listobs test: Check to see if the selectdata parameter functions with a MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 Listobs test: Check to see if the selectdata parameter functions with a MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 Listobs test: Check to see if the selectdata parameter functions with a time-averaged MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 Listobs test: Check to see if the selectdata parameter functions with a time-averaged MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:37 Listobs test: Check to make sure the spw information exists in all possible inputs in a MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 2022-09-12 18:14:38 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for 3, error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 2022-09-12 18:14:38 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for "abc" build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 Listobs test: Check to make sure the spw information exists in all possible inputs in a MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 2022-09-12 18:14:39 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for 3, error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 2022-09-12 18:14:39 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for "abc" build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:38 Listobs test: Check to make sure the spw information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 2022-09-12 18:14:39 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for 3, error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 2022-09-12 18:14:39 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for "abc" build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 Listobs test: Check to make sure the spw information exists in all possible inputs in a time-averaged MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for 3, error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect Spw Expression: No match found for "abc" build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:39 Listobs test: check that the proper inputs work for timerange on a MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field time with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token '-' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ [TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:40 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 Listobs test: check that the proper inputs work for timerange on a MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field time with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token '-' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ [TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:40 Listobs test: check that the proper inputs work for timerange on a time-averaged MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field time with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token '-' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ [TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 Listobs test: check that the proper inputs work for timerange on a time-averaged MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:41 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field time with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token '-' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ [TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows. build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:41 Listobs test: check that the proper inputs work for uvrange on a MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field uvdist with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near '-' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 2 in string "0-100") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ [TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:42 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 Listobs test: check that the proper inputs work for uvrange on a MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field uvdist with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near '-' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 2 in string "0-100") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ [TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:42 Listobs test: check that the proper inputs work for uvrange on a time-averaged MMS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field uvdist with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near '-' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 2 in string "0-100") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ [TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:43 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 Listobs test: check that the proper inputs work for uvrange on a time-averaged MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:44 WARN listobs::ms::msselect RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String used for field uvdist with type unknown error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:44 WARN listobs::ms::msselect UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near '-' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:44 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 2 in string "0-100") error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:44 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ [TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?] error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:44 WARN listobs::ms::msselect UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near 'a' error 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 2022-09-12 18:14:44 WARN listobs::ms::msselect+ (near char. 1 in string "abc") build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:43 Listobs 5: Save on a file, verbose=True build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 Listobs test: Check that a verbose file is larger than a non-verbose one for a MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 Listobs test: Check that a verbose file is larger than a non-verbose one for a MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 Listobs test: Check that a verbose file is larger than a non-verbose one for a time-averaged MMS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:44 Listobs test: Check that a verbose file is larger than a non-verbose one for a time-averaged MS build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:45 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:45 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:45 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_listobs/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:45 =================== 89 passed, 1 warning in 73.02s (0:01:13) =================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:46 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:46 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:46 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:46 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:53 collecting ... collected 36 items build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:53 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:53 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:53 build 12-Sep-2022 14:14:53 test_sdsmooth_fail01 --- default parameters (raises an error). build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 test_sdsmooth_fail02 --- invalid kernel type. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 test_sdsmooth_fail03 --- invalid selection (empty selection result). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::singledishms::smooth (file src/tools/singledishms/, line 463) Exception Reported: Spw Expression: No match found for 3, error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 37, in sdsmooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ sdms.smooth(type=kernel, width=kwidth, datacolumn=datacolumn, outfile=outfile) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 112, in smooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ return self._swigobj.smooth(_str_ec(type), width, _str_ec(datacolumn), _str_ec(outfile)) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 543, in smooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ return _singledishms.singledishms_smooth(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ RuntimeError: Spw Expression: No match found for 3, error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Spw Expression: No match found for 3, error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:03 2022-09-12 18:15:04 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Task sdsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Spw Expression: No match found for 3, build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:04 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:04 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:04 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:04 test_sdsmooth_fail04 --- outfile exists (overwrite=False). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:05 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:05 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 29, in sdsmooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:05 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ raise ValueError(errmsg) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:05 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ ValueError: tsdsmooth_test.ms_out exists. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:05 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa tsdsmooth_test.ms_out exists. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:05 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Task sdsmooth raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: tsdsmooth_test.ms_out exists. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 test_sdsmooth_fail05 --- empty outfile. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:06 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:06 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 25, in sdsmooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:06 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ raise ValueError(errmsg) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:06 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ ValueError: outfile is empty. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:06 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa outfile is empty. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 2022-09-12 18:15:06 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Task sdsmooth raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: outfile is empty. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:05 test_sdsmooth_fail06 --- invalid data column name. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:06 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:06 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:06 test_sdsmooth_complex_fail01 --- non-existing data column (FLOAT_DATA). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 WARN sdsmooth::MSTransformManager::checkDataColumnsToFill FLOAT_DATA column requested but not available in input MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::singledishms::smooth (file src/tools/singledishms/, line 463) Exception Reported: Desired column (FLOAT_DATA) not found in the input MS (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 37, in sdsmooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ sdms.smooth(type=kernel, width=kwidth, datacolumn=datacolumn, outfile=outfile) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 112, in smooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ return self._swigobj.smooth(_str_ec(type), width, _str_ec(datacolumn), _str_ec(outfile)) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 543, in smooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ return _singledishms.singledishms_smooth(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ RuntimeError: Desired column (FLOAT_DATA) not found in the input MS (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Desired column (FLOAT_DATA) not found in the input MS (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Task sdsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Desired column (FLOAT_DATA) not found in the input MS (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 test_sdsmooth_complex_gauss01 --- gaussian smoothing (kwidth 5). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:07 2022-09-12 18:15:07 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:08 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:08 test_sdsmooth_complex_gauss02 --- gaussian smoothing (kwidth 3). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:09 2022-09-12 18:15:09 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:10 test_sdsmooth_complex_overwrite --- overwrite existing outfile (overwrite=True). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:11 2022-09-12 18:15:11 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:12 test_sdsmooth_complex_select --- data selection (spw). build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:13 test_sdsmooth_complex_fail01 --- non-existing data column (DATA). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 WARN sdsmooth::MSTransformManager::checkDataColumnsToFill DATA column requested but not available in input MS error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::singledishms::smooth (file src/tools/singledishms/, line 463) Exception Reported: Desired column (DATA) not found in the input MS (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Traceback (most recent call last): error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 37, in sdsmooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ sdms.smooth(type=kernel, width=kwidth, datacolumn=datacolumn, outfile=outfile) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/", line 112, in smooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ return self._swigobj.smooth(_str_ec(type), width, _str_ec(datacolumn), _str_ec(outfile)) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ File "/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/", line 543, in smooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ return _singledishms.singledishms_smooth(self, *args, **kwargs) error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa+ RuntimeError: Desired column (DATA) not found in the input MS (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Desired column (DATA) not found in the input MS (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:23 SEVERE sdsmooth::::casa Task sdsmooth raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Desired column (DATA) not found in the input MS (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 test_sdsmooth_float_gauss01 --- gaussian smoothing (kwidth 5). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:23 2022-09-12 18:15:24 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:24 test_sdsmooth_float_gauss02 --- gaussian smoothing (kwidth 3). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:24 2022-09-12 18:15:25 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:25 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:25 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:25 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:25 test_sdsmooth_float_overwrite --- overwrite existing outfile (overwrite=True). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:27 2022-09-12 18:15:27 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:28 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:28 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:28 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:28 test_sdsmooth_float_select --- data selection (spw). build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:29 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:29 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:29 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:29 test_sdsmooth_weight_gauss01 --- gaussian smoothing (kwidth 5). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:31 2022-09-12 18:15:32 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:33 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:33 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:33 test_sdsmooth_weight_gauss02 --- gaussian smoothing (kwidth 3). error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:34 2022-09-12 18:15:35 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:35 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:35 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:35 error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:44 2022-09-12 18:15:44 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:45 2022-09-12 18:15:45 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:45 2022-09-12 18:15:46 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:46 2022-09-12 18:15:47 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:47 2022-09-12 18:15:47 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 1...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 1...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 1...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 1...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 2...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 2...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 2...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 2...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 3...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 3...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 3...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 3...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 4...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 4...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 4...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 4...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 5...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 5...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 5...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 testing kernel_width = 5...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:48 2022-09-12 18:15:48 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:49 2022-09-12 18:15:49 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:49 2022-09-12 18:15:50 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:50 2022-09-12 18:15:51 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. error 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 2022-09-12 18:15:51 WARN sdsmooth::SingleDishMS::setSelection (file src/code/singledish/SingleDish/, line 211) No valid selection parameter is set. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 1...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 1...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 1...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 1...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 2...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 2...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 2...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 2...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 3...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 3...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 3...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 3...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 4...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 4...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 4...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 4...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 5...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 5...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 5...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 testing kernel_width = 5...OK. build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 build 12-Sep-2022 14:15:51 Test selection by antenna (corrected). build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:13 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:13 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:13 Test selection by antenna (float_data). build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:16 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:16 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:16 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:16 Test selection by field (corrected). build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:21 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:21 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:21 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:21 Test selection by field (float_data). build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:26 Test selection by intent (corrected). build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:32 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:32 Test selection by intent (float_data). build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:37 Test selection by pol (corrected). build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:41 Test selection by pol (float_data). build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:46 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:46 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:46 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:46 Test reindex =T/F in intent selection. build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 Test: FLOAT_DATA build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 - reindex=True build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 - reindex=False build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 Test: CORRECTED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 - reindex=True build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 - reindex=False build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 build 12-Sep-2022 14:16:54 Test reindex =T/F in spw selection. build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 Test: FLOAT_DATA build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 - reindex=True build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 - reindex=False build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 Test: CORRECTED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 - reindex=True build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 - reindex=False build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:02 Test selection by scan (corrected). build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:06 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:06 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:06 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:06 Test selection by scan (float_data). build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:10 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:10 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:10 Test selection by spw (corrected). build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:14 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:14 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:14 Test selection by spw (float_data). build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:19 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:19 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:19 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:19 Test selection by timerange (corrected). build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:24 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:24 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:24 Test selection by timerange (float_data). build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:31 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:31 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:31 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_sdsmooth/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:31 ================== 36 passed, 1 warning in 165.04s (0:02:45) =================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:32 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:32 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:32 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:32 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:37 collecting ... flagmanager tests will use data from /opt/casa/data-local/casatestdata/unittest/flagmanager/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:37 collected 7 items build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:37 flagmanager test1m: mode=list, flagbackup=True/False build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:46 Moving data... build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:46 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:46 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:46 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:46 flagmanager test2m: Create, then restore autoflag build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 The MS is already around, just unflag build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 After flagging antenna 2 there were 5252.0 flags build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 After flagging antenna 2 and 3 there were 10302.0 flags build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 After restoring pre-antenna 2 flagging, there are 5252.0 flags; should be 5252.0 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 flagmanager: Do not allow flagversions with empty versionname'' error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 2022-09-12 18:17:50 SEVERE flagmanager::::casa Task flagmanager raised an exception of class ValueError with the following message: Illegal empty versionname: '' build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 The MS is already around, just unflag build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 Expected exception: Illegal empty versionname: '' build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:50 flagmanager: Test the returned dictionary in list mode build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:51 The MS is already around, just unflag build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:51 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:51 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:51 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:51 flagmanager: do not overwrite an existing versionname build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:52 The MS is already around, just unflag build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:52 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:52 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:52 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:52 flagmanager: CAS-3080, do not overwrite an existing versionname error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:53 2022-09-12 18:17:53 WARN flagmanager::::casa Version name 'Do_Not_Overwrite_Me' already exist. Will rename it to Do_Not_Overwrite_Me.old.1663006673 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:53 The MS is already around, just unflag build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:53 Rename versionname to Do_Not_Overwrite_Me build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:53 Move existing versionname to temporary name build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:53 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:53 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:53 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:53 Flagmanager:: cal table mode=list, flagbackup=True/False error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:56 2022-09-12 18:17:56 WARN Found pre-v4.1 caltable (/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/cal.fewscans.bpass); attempting to update... error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:56 2022-09-12 18:17:56 WARN + SUCCEEDED: trivial OBSERVATION/OBSERVATION_ID have been added. build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:56 Moving data... build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:56 {0: {'name': 'A much better caltable version !', 'comment': 'This is a *much* better name'}, 'MS': '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/cal.fewscans.bpass'} build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:56 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:56 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_flagmanager/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:56 ======================== 7 passed, 1 warning in 24.62s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:57 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:57 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:57 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:57 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importfits, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:58 collecting ... collected 7 items build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:58 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:58 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:58 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:58 Provide values to be used with the synthesized beam build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 Check that the task creates a casa image from a fits image error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 2022-09-12 18:18:00 WARN importfits::::casa This image has no beam or angular resolution provided, so you will not receive warnings from error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 2022-09-12 18:18:00 WARN importfits::::casa+ tasks such as imregrid if your image pixels do not sample the the angular resolution well. error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 2022-09-12 18:18:00 WARN importfits::::casa+ (This only affects warnings, not any functionality). error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 2022-09-12 18:18:00 WARN importfits::::casa+ Providing a beam and brightness units in an image can also be useful for flux calculations. error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 2022-09-12 18:18:00 WARN importfits::::casa+ If you wish to add a beam or brightness units to your image, please use error 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 2022-09-12 18:18:00 WARN importfits::::casa+ the "beam" parameter or ia.setrestoringbeam() and ia.setbrightnessunit() build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 build 12-Sep-2022 14:17:59 Check that default coordinate axes are added where they are missing build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 Check that the task can only overwrite a table if overwrite=True error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa This image has no beam or angular resolution provided, so you will not receive warnings from error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ tasks such as imregrid if your image pixels do not sample the the angular resolution well. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ (This only affects warnings, not any functionality). error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ Providing a beam and brightness units in an image can also be useful for flux calculations. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ If you wish to add a beam or brightness units to your image, please use error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ the "beam" parameter or ia.setrestoringbeam() and ia.setbrightnessunit() error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 SEVERE importfits::::casa Task importfits raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Output image exists already and you did not set overwrite to True. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa This image has no beam or angular resolution provided, so you will not receive warnings from error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ tasks such as imregrid if your image pixels do not sample the the angular resolution well. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ (This only affects warnings, not any functionality). error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ Providing a beam and brightness units in an image can also be useful for flux calculations. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ If you wish to add a beam or brightness units to your image, please use error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ the "beam" parameter or ia.setrestoringbeam() and ia.setbrightnessunit() build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:00 Check that specific header data can be selected if the fits contains multiple images error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::FITSCoordinateUtil::fromFITSHeader Unit::check Illegal unit string 'index' error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::ImageFITSConverterImpl::FITSToImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageFITSConverter.tcc, line 74) No proper coordinate system defined in FITS file. Using dummy linear system instead. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::ImageFITSConverterImpl::FITSToImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageFITSConverter.tcc, line 74) FITS unit "dimensionless" unknown to CASA - will treat it as non-dimensional. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::ImageFITSConverterImpl::FITSToImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageFITSConverter.tcc, line 74)+ See for a list of valid units. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa This image has no beam or angular resolution provided, so you will not receive warnings from error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ tasks such as imregrid if your image pixels do not sample the the angular resolution well. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ (This only affects warnings, not any functionality). error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ Providing a beam and brightness units in an image can also be useful for flux calculations. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ If you wish to add a beam or brightness units to your image, please use error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::::casa+ the "beam" parameter or ia.setrestoringbeam() and ia.setbrightnessunit() error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::FITSCoordinateUtil::fromFITSHeader Unit::check Illegal unit string 'index' error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::ImageFITSConverterImpl::FITSToImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageFITSConverter.tcc, line 74) No proper coordinate system defined in FITS file. Using dummy linear system instead. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::ImageFITSConverterImpl::FITSToImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageFITSConverter.tcc, line 74) FITS unit "Humong: various different units & dimensions" unknown to CASA - will treat it as non-dimensional. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:01 2022-09-12 18:18:01 WARN importfits::ImageFITSConverterImpl::FITSToImage (file casacore/casacore/images/Images/ImageFITSConverter.tcc, line 74)+ See for a list of valid units. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits:::: FITS unit ""Humong: various different units & dimensions"" unknown to CASA - will treat it as non-dimensional. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa This image has no beam or angular resolution provided, so you will not receive warnings from error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ tasks such as imregrid if your image pixels do not sample the the angular resolution well. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ (This only affects warnings, not any functionality). error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ Providing a beam and brightness units in an image can also be useful for flux calculations. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ If you wish to add a beam or brightness units to your image, please use error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ the "beam" parameter or ia.setrestoringbeam() and ia.setbrightnessunit() error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN FITS unit ""Humong: various different units & dimensions"" unknown to CASA - will treat it as non-dimensional. build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 Check that the whichrep parameter can change coordinate representation error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::FITSCoordinateUtil::fromFITSHeader Requested WCS # 1 (zero-based) exceeds the number available, i.e. must be smaller than 1 error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::FITSCoordinateUtil::fromFITSHeader Will use the last available one. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa This image has no beam or angular resolution provided, so you will not receive warnings from error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ tasks such as imregrid if your image pixels do not sample the the angular resolution well. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ (This only affects warnings, not any functionality). error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ Providing a beam and brightness units in an image can also be useful for flux calculations. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ If you wish to add a beam or brightness units to your image, please use error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 2022-09-12 18:18:03 WARN importfits::::casa+ the "beam" parameter or ia.setrestoringbeam() and ia.setbrightnessunit() build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:02 Check that the zeroblanks parameter changes NaN values to zeros error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 2022-09-12 18:18:04 WARN importfits::::casa This image has no beam or angular resolution provided, so you will not receive warnings from error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 2022-09-12 18:18:04 WARN importfits::::casa+ tasks such as imregrid if your image pixels do not sample the the angular resolution well. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 2022-09-12 18:18:04 WARN importfits::::casa+ (This only affects warnings, not any functionality). error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 2022-09-12 18:18:04 WARN importfits::::casa+ Providing a beam and brightness units in an image can also be useful for flux calculations. error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 2022-09-12 18:18:04 WARN importfits::::casa+ If you wish to add a beam or brightness units to your image, please use error 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 2022-09-12 18:18:04 WARN importfits::::casa+ the "beam" parameter or ia.setrestoringbeam() and ia.setbrightnessunit() build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_importfits/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:03 ========================= 7 passed, 1 warning in 6.36s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:04 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:04 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:04 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:04 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:05 collecting ... collected 10 items build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:05 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:05 Conjugatevis 1: build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: Success! Now checking output ... build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: Error doesn't exist ... build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: table.dat present. build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: MS exists. Try opening as MS ... build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: OK. Checking tables in detail ... build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: comparing ['DATA', 4000, [[(-0.00426177-0.00387163j)], [(0.00058119+0.00283016j)]], 1e-08] build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: table MAIN as expected. build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: comparing ['DATA', 3000, [[(0.00347826-0.00406267j)], [(0.00458098-0.00508398j)]], 1e-08] build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 test_conjugatevis: table MAIN as expected. build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:23 3. test_changeMultipleSpectralWindows: Check that conjugatevis changed the phase sign for multiple spectral windows build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:41 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:41 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:41 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:41 2. test_changeSignOnSpectralWindow: Check that conjugatevis changed the phase sign for a single spectral window build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:55 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:55 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:55 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:55 build 12-Sep-2022 14:18:55 6. test_defaultOutputFileName: Check that conjugatevis writes the output ms file as 'conjugated_'+vis build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:17 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:17 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:17 build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:17 build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:17 4. test_defaultSpectralWindows: Check that conjugatevis changes phase sign for all spectral windows for default spwlist build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:37 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:37 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:37 build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:37 9. test_overwriteDefault: Check that the default setting of overwrite is False error 12-Sep-2022 14:19:56 2022-09-12 18:19:57 SEVERE conjugatevis::::casa Task conjugatevis raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: outputvis exists and you did not permit overwrite build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:56 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:56 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:19:56 8. test_overwriteFalse: Check that conjugatevis will not overwrite an existing file if overwrite=False error 12-Sep-2022 14:20:15 2022-09-12 18:20:16 SEVERE conjugatevis::::casa Task conjugatevis raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: outputvis exists and you did not permit overwrite build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:15 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:15 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:15 build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:15 build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:15 7. test_overwriteTrue: Check that conjugatevis will overwrite an existing file if overwrite=True build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:49 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:49 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:49 build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:49 build 12-Sep-2022 14:20:49 5. test_specifiedOutputFileName: Check that conjugatevis writes the output ms file with the specified file name build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:08 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:08 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:08 1. test_takesMeasurementSet: Check that conjugatevis opens a MeasurementSet file build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:26 Copying build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:26 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:26 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:26 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_conjugatevis/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:26 ================== 10 passed, 1 warning in 202.24s (0:03:22) =================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:28 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:28 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:28 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:28 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fringefit, inifile: pytest.ini build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:32 collecting ... collected 8 items build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:32 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column FPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column FPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:21:56 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column FPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column FPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:08 Check that the uvrnage parameter excludes antennas build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:12 FAILED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:40 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:40 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:40 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:43 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:43 build 12-Sep-2022 14:22:43 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column FPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column FPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column TIME build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column TIME PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column FIELD_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column FIELD_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column ANTENNA1 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column ANTENNA1 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column ANTENNA2 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column ANTENNA2 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column INTERVAL build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column INTERVAL PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column SCAN_NUMBER build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column SCAN_NUMBER PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column OBSERVATION_ID build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column OBSERVATION_ID PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column FPARAM build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column FPARAM PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column PARAMERR build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column PARAMERR PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Testing column FLAG build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 Column FLAG PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:09 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:12 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:12 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:12 error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:17 2022-09-12 18:23:18 WARN fringefit::MSSpw Expression parser::MSSpwIndex::convertToChannelIndex (file casacore/ms/MSSel/, line 439) Channel 32 out of range for SPW 0 (valid range 0~31). Limiting it to be within the available range. error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:17 2022-09-12 18:23:18 WARN fringefit::MSSpw Expression parser::MSSpwIndex::convertToChannelIndex (file casacore/ms/MSSel/, line 439) Channel 32 out of range for SPW 0 (valid range 0~31). Limiting it to be within the available range. error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:17 2022-09-12 18:23:18 WARN fringefit::MSSpw Expression parser::MSSpwIndex::convertToChannelIndex (file casacore/ms/MSSel/, line 439) Channel 32 out of range for SPW 0 (valid range 0~31). Limiting it to be within the available range. error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 2022-09-12 18:23:18 SEVERE fringefit::Calibrater::solve Caught exception: Mismatch with frequency meta-data in append to n08c1.mbdcal detected in spw=0. Check spw selection. error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 2022-09-12 18:23:18 SEVERE fringefit:::: Exception Reported: Error in Calibrater::solve. error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 2022-09-12 18:23:18 SEVERE fringefit::::casa Task fringefit raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error in Calibrater::solve. build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 Error in Calibrater::solve. build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 PASSED build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 =================================== FAILURES =================================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 _________________________ Fringefit_tests.test_uvrange _________________________ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 in test_uvrange build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 fringefit(vis=self.uvfile, caltable='', spw='2', refant='0', uvrange='<1160') build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 E TypeError: __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'uvrange' build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:18 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_fringefit/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:19 =========================== short test summary info ============================ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:19 FAILED - TypeError: __c... build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:19 ============== 1 failed, 7 passed, 1 warning in 110.94s (0:01:50) ============== build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:20 ============================= test session starts ============================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:20 platform darwin -- Python 3.6.8, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6testenv/bin/python build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:20 cachedir: .pytest_cache build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:20 rootdir: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_deconvolve, inifile: pytest.ini error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 2022-09-12 18:23:22 WARN ::casa casampi not available - not testing MPIEnvironment stuff build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 collecting ... collected 0 items / 1 error build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 ==================================== ERRORS ==================================== build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 ___________________ ERROR collecting ___________________ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 ImportError while importing test module '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/'. build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names. build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Traceback: build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 in build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 from casatasks import casalog, deconvolve, tclean, imtrans, imrebin, imregrid, imval build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 E ImportError: cannot import name 'deconvolve' build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 - generated xml file: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_deconvolve/nose.xml - build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 =========================== short test summary info ============================ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 ERROR build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 1 error during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 ========================= 2 warnings, 1 error in 2.05s ========================= build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Traceback (most recent call last): build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 File "", line 1226, in build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imhistory/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 run(testnames, args.branch, DRY_RUN) build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imhistory error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 File "", line 712, in run build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 update_xml(xmlfile) build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imhistory/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imhistory/'] error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 File "", line 233, in update_xml build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 testclass = element.attrib['classname'].split(".")[1] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 IndexError: list index out of range build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_spxfit/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_spxfit build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_spxfit/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_spxfit/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_specflux/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_specflux build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_specflux/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_specflux/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imhead/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imhead build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imhead/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imhead/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imrebin/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imrebin build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imrebin/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imrebin/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imregrid/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imregrid build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imregrid/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imregrid/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_tsdimaging/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fluxscale build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_fluxscale/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importasap/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importasap build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_importasap/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importasap/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importmiriad build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_importmiriad/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_sdfixscan/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_applycal/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_applycal/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_ft/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_ft build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_ft/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_ft/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_exportfits/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_exportfits build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_exportfits/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_exportfits/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_plotprofilemap/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_imbaseline/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_polfromgain/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_listobs/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_listobs build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_listobs/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_listobs/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_sdsmooth/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_flagmanager/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importfits/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importfits build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_importfits/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_importfits/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_conjugatevis/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fringefit/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fringefit build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_fringefit/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_fringefit/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Setting Working Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/ build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Test Directory: /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_deconvolve build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 Running Command: pytest ['--junitxml=/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/xml/test_task_deconvolve/nose.xml', '-s', '--disable-pytest-warnings', '--verbose', '-ra', '--tb=short', '/Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15/casa6/casatestutils/nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/'] build 12-Sep-2022 14:23:22 error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_ft error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/summary_of_failed.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_importfits error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_imhead error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_listobs error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_specflux error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_applycal error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_importasap error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:23 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/casa-20220912-171651.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/__pycache__/test_task_imregrid.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_imregrid/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/casa-20220912-173546.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/__pycache__/test_task_importasap.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importasap/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/casa-20220912-181733.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/__pycache__/test_task_flagmanager.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_flagmanager/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/test_polfromgain_weblog.html error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/casa-20220912-181320.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/__pycache__/test_task_polfromgain.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_polfromgain/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/casa-20220912-173553.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:24 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/__pycache__/test_task_importmiriad.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_importmiriad/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/casa-20220912-173611.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/__pycache__/test_task_applycal.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_applycal/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/casa-20220912-181446.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/__pycache__/test_task_sdsmooth.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_sdsmooth/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/casa-20220912-174829.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/__pycache__/test_task_imbaseline.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_imbaseline/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:25 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/twhya.fittest2.out.txt error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/casa-20220912-173252.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/twhya.fittest1.out.txt error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/__pycache__/test_task_fluxscale.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_fluxscale/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/casa-20220912-173557.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/__pycache__/test_task_sdfixscan.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_sdfixscan/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/casa-20220912-171623.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:26 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/__pycache__/test_task_specflux.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_specflux/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/casa-20220912-181332.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/__pycache__/test_task_listobs.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_listobs/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/casa-20220912-171516.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/__pycache__/test_task_imhistory.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhistory/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/casa-20220912-171626.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:27 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/__pycache__/test_task_imhead.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache/v/cache/lastfailed error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_imhead/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/n08c1-zerorates.sbdcal error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/casa-20220912-182129.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/n08c1-zerorates.sbdcal/SPECTRAL_WINDOW error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/n08c1-zerorates.sbdcal/FIELD error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/n08c1-zerorates.sbdcal/HISTORY error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/n08c1-zerorates.sbdcal/ANTENNA error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/n08c1-zerorates.sbdcal/OBSERVATION error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/__pycache__/test_task_fringefit.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache/v/cache/lastfailed error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/test_task_fringefit/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_spxfit error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_tsdimaging error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_exportfits error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imrebin error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_deconvolve error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_plotprofilemap error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_ft error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_conjugatevis error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_importfits error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_fringefit error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imhead error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imhistory error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_listobs error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_specflux error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_sdfixscan error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_fluxscale error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imbaseline error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_sdsmooth error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_applycal error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_importmiriad error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_polfromgain error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_flagmanager error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_importasap error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imregrid error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imregrid/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_importasap/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_flagmanager/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_polfromgain/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_importmiriad/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_applycal/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_sdsmooth/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imbaseline/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_fluxscale/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_sdfixscan/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_specflux/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_listobs/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:28 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imhistory/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imhead/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_fringefit/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_importfits/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_conjugatevis/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_ft/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_plotprofilemap/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_deconvolve/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_imrebin/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_exportfits/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_tsdimaging/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/xml/test_task_spxfit/nose.xml error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/casa-20220912-181757.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/__pycache__/test_task_importfits.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_importfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/casa-20220912-181804.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/__pycache__/test_task_conjugatevis.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_conjugatevis/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/casa-20220912-174704.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/__pycache__/test_task_ft.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_ft/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/casa-20220912-174802.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/__pycache__/test_task_plotprofilemap.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:29 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_plotprofilemap/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/casa-20220912-182320.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/pytest.ini error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/__pycache__/test_task_deconvolve.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v/cache/lastfailed error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_deconvolve/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/casa-20220912-171646.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/__pycache__/test_task_imrebin.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_imrebin/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/casa-20220912-174759.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/__pycache__/test_task_exportfits.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_exportfits/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/casa-20220912-172009.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/__pycache__/test_task_tsdimaging.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_tsdimaging/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/.pytest_cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:30 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/__pycache__ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/short_summary.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/casa-20220912-171538.log error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/__pycache__/test_task_spxfit.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/__pycache__/conftest.cpython-36-pytest-5.4.2.pyc error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/.pytest_cache/CACHEDIR.TAG error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/.pytest_cache/ error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/.pytest_cache/.gitignore error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/.pytest_cache/v error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/.pytest_cache/v/cache error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/.pytest_cache/v/cache/nodeids error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 a nosedir/test_task_spxfit/.pytest_cache/v/cache/stepwise simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 Finished task 'Test wheel' with result: Success simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 Starting task 'Parse tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:31 Parsing test results under /Users/casaci/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15... simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Failing task since 3 failing test cases were found. simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Finished task 'Parse tests' with result: Failed simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Publishing an artifact: OSX10.14 casatasks wheel simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Finished publishing of artifact Required job artifact: [OSX10.14 casatasks wheel], pattern: [casatasks*.whl] anchored at: [wheeldirectory/] in 156.9 ms simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Publishing an artifact: Test Working Directory run error 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Unable to publish artifact [Test Working Directory run]: simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 14.84 ms simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Publishing an artifact: Test Working Directory runtest simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact: [Test Working Directory runtest], pattern: [work*.tar.gz] anchored at: [casa6/casatestutils] in 62.59 ms simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Finalising the build... simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Stopping timer. simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:35 Build CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15-1 completed. simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 All post build plugins have finished simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Generating build results summary... simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Saving build results to disk... simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Store variable context... simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Indexing build results... simple 12-Sep-2022 14:23:36 Finished building CASA-C6DTF220-TTA15-1.