simple 31-Aug-2022 14:15:38 Build CASA - Casa 6 Casatools variants - Python 3.7 #235 (CASA-C6CV-P37-235) started building on agent, bamboo version: 7.2.10 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:15:38 Remote agent on host simple 31-Aug-2022 14:15:39 Build working directory is /export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6CV-P37 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:15:39 Executing build CASA - Casa 6 Casatools variants - Python 3.7 #235 (CASA-C6CV-P37-235) simple 31-Aug-2022 14:15:39 Starting task 'Clean working directory task' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:cleanWorkingDirectoryTask' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:15:39 Cleaning working directory '/export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6CV-P37' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:02 Finished task 'Clean working directory task' with result: Success simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:02 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:02 Checking out into /export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6CV-P37/casa-build-utils simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:02 Updating source code to revision: 6aca61a95f5c123b92d297997d40ed359d933770 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:02 Creating local git repository in '/export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6CV-P37/casa-build-utils/.git'. simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:02 Initialized empty Git repository in /export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6CV-P37/casa-build-utils/.git/ simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:02 Fetching 'refs/heads/*' from 'ssh://'. simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:02 Warning: Permanently added '[]:44200' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 From ssh:// simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] 5xnota -> 5xnota simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13116 -> CAS-13116 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13176 -> CAS-13176 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13298 -> CAS-13298 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13370 -> CAS-13370 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13638 -> CAS-13638 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13653 -> CAS-13653 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13677 -> CAS-13677 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13679 -> CAS-13679 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13680 -> CAS-13680 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13684 -> CAS-13684 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13690 -> CAS-13690 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13694 -> CAS-13694 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13752 -> CAS-13752 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13857 -> CAS-13857 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13873 -> CAS-13873 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] CAS-13877 -> CAS-13877 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] PIPE-1220-fix-tagging-versioning-for-development-packages -> PIPE-1220-fix-tagging-versioning-for-development-packages simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] PIPE-1301 -> PIPE-1301 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] add-merge-casatasks -> add-merge-casatasks simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] master -> master simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] mergetest -> mergetest simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] pipeline-dev-packaging -> pipeline-dev-packaging simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] pipeline-regression-tests -> pipeline-regression-tests simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] plotms/release/1.0 -> plotms/release/1.0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] plotms/release/1.1 -> plotms/release/1.1 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] pmode -> pmode simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.0.0 -> release/6.0.0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.1.0 -> release/6.1.0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.1.1 -> release/6.1.1 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.1.2 -> release/6.1.2 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.1.3 -> release/6.1.3 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.2.0 -> release/6.2.0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.2.1 -> release/6.2.1 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.3.0 -> release/6.3.0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.4.0 -> release/6.4.0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.4.1 -> release/6.4.1 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.4.3 -> release/6.4.3 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.4.4 -> release/6.4.4 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.5.0 -> release/6.5.0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/6.5.1 -> release/6.5.1 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/pipeline-6.1.1 -> release/pipeline-6.1.1 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/pipeline-6.1.2 -> release/pipeline-6.1.2 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new branch] release/pipeline-6.1.3 -> release/pipeline-6.1.3 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new tag] -> simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 * [new tag] rel-6.1.0 -> rel-6.1.0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Checking out revision 6aca61a95f5c123b92d297997d40ed359d933770. simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Already on 'master' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Updated source code to revision: 6aca61a95f5c123b92d297997d40ed359d933770 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Starting task 'Clone casa6' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Beginning to execute external process for build 'CASA - Casa 6 Casatools variants - Python 3.7 #235 (CASA-C6CV-P37-235)'\n ... running command line: \n/export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/temp/\n ... in: /export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6CV-P37\n build 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Cloning into 'casa6'... error 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 error 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 (gnome-ssh-askpass:29245): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:16:03.862: cannot open display: error 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 error: unable to read askpass response from '/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass' error 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 fatal: could not read Username for '': No such device or address simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Failing task since return code of [/export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/temp/] was 128 while expected 0 simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Finished task 'Clone casa6' with result: Failed simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Publishing an artifact: casatools python 3.7 error 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Unable to publish artifact [casatools python 3.7]: the source directory /export/home/cbt-el7-11/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/CASA-C6CV-P37/source/casa6/casatools/dist/wheelhouse does not exist. error 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 The artifact is required, build will now fail. simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 1.090 ms simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Finalising the build... simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Stopping timer. simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Build CASA-C6CV-P37-235 completed. simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 All post build plugins have finished simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:03 Generating build results summary... simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:04 Saving build results to disk... simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:04 Store variable context... simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:04 Indexing build results... simple 31-Aug-2022 14:16:04 Finished building CASA-C6CV-P37-235.