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Job: Test tools OSX1015 was successful

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Test results

  • 93 tests in total
  • 28 minutes taken in total.

The following 93 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful test_agentflagger full log History
48 secs
Successful test_calanalysis full log History
3 secs
Successful test_componentlist full log History
1 sec
Successful test_coordsys full log History
1 sec
Successful test_createmultims full log History
28 secs
Successful test_ia_adddegaxes full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_addnoise full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_boxcar full log History
2 secs
Successful test_ia_calcmask full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_collapse full log History
3 secs
Successful test_ia_commonbeam full log History
< 1 sec
Successful test_ia_constructors full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_continuumsub full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_convertflux full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_convolve full log History
7 secs
Successful test_ia_convolve2d full log History
3 secs
Successful test_ia_coordmeasures full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_crop full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_decimate full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_decompose full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_deconvolvecomponentlist full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_deconvolvefrombeam full log History
< 1 sec
Successful test_ia_deviation full log History
4 secs
Successful test_ia_fft full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_findsources full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_fitprofile full log History
30 secs
Successful test_ia_fromarray full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_fromfits full log History
< 1 sec
Successful test_ia_fromimage full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_fromrecord full log History
< 1 sec
Successful test_ia_fromshape full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_getregion full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_hanning full log History
2 secs
Successful test_ia_histograms full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_imageconcat full log History
3 secs
Successful test_ia_insert full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_isconform full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_makecomplex full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_maskhandler full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_modify full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_newimagefromimage full log History
< 1 sec
Successful test_ia_pad full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_putchunk full log History
< 1 sec
Successful test_ia_putregion full log History
< 1 sec
Successful test_ia_pv full log History
4 secs
Successful test_ia_rebin full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_regrid full log History
10 secs
Successful test_ia_replacemaskedpixels full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_restoringbeam full log History
1 sec
Successful test_ia_rotate full log History
1 sec
  • Showing 1-50 of 93