Build: #1 was successful

Job: Test tools OSX1015 was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Publish

  3. Create Upload Plan Branch

Test results

  • 637 tests in total
  • 4 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 15 minutes taken in total.

The following 633 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful coordsys_test test_linearTransformTabular History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_names History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_naxes History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_observer History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_parentName History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_projection History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_refCode History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_refPixel History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_referenceConvert History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_referenceLocation History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_referenceValueSetIncorrect History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_referenceValueSetSpectral History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_referenceValueSetValDefaultUnits History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_referenceValueSetValRad History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_reorder History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_reorderInvalid History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_replace History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_replaceIncorrect History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_restFreq History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_setDirection History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_setDirectionPixVal History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_setDirectionVal History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_setSpectral History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_setSpectralInvalidInput History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_setTabular History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_setTabularIncorrect History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_stokes History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_stokesSetValue History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_stokesWrongValues History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_telescope History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toAbsRelInvalidInput History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toAbsRelMany History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toAbsRelRefPix History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toAbsRelWorld History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toPixel History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toPixelMany History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toRecord History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toWorld History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_toWorldMany History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_transpose History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_units History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_velocityToFrequency History
< 1 sec
Successful coordsys_test test_velocityToFrequencyDiff History
< 1 sec
Successful ia_adddegaxes_test test_beams History
< 1 sec
Successful ia_adddegaxes_test test_general History
< 1 sec
Successful ia_adddegaxes_test test_history History
< 1 sec
Successful ia_addnoise_test test_history History
< 1 sec
Successful ia_boxcar_test test_general History
< 1 sec
Successful ia_boxcar_test test_history History
< 1 sec
Successful ia_boxcar_test test_iicopy History
< 1 sec
  • Showing 101-150 of 633