Build: #1 failed

Job: Test tools RHEL7 failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Publish

  3. Create Upload Plan Branch

Test results

  • 670 tests in total
  • 25 tests failed
  • 25 failures are new
  • 4 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • 12 minutes taken in total.

Build 1 has the following 25 errors: 25 new failure(s) occurred since the previous build.

New test failures 25
Status Test Duration
Collapse Failed test_tool_image ia_beamarea_test.test_exceptions History
< 1 sec
AssertionError: -1 == -1 : Unexpected exception was thrown: Exception: There is no beam set associated with this object. ... thrown by casa6core::Double casa6core::ImageInfo::getBeamAreaInPixels(casa6core::Int, casa6core::Int, const casa6core::DirectionCoordinate&) const at File: casacore/images/Images/, line: 895 in test_exceptions
    'This image has no beam(s). The setrestoringbeam() method may be ' in __test_exception
    pos, -1, msg=f'Unexpected exception was thrown: {got_exception}'
E   AssertionError: -1 == -1 : Unexpected exception was thrown: Exception: There is no beam set associated with this object.
E   ... thrown by casa6core::Double casa6core::ImageInfo::getBeamAreaInPixels(casa6core::Int, casa6core::Int, const casa6core::DirectionCoordinate&) const at File: casacore/images/Images/, line: 895
Collapse Failed test_tool_image ia_beamarea_test.test_multi_beams History
< 1 sec
RuntimeError: (casacore/images/Images/ : 115) Failed AlwaysAssert chan >=0 && chan < Int(nchan()) && stokes >= 0 && stokes < Int(nstokes()) in test_multi_beams
    got = ia.beamarea()
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/ in beamarea
    return _dict_dc(self._swigobj.beamarea(channel, polarization))
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/ in beamarea
    return _image.image_beamarea(self, *args, **kwargs)
E   RuntimeError: (casacore/images/Images/ : 115) Failed AlwaysAssert chan >=0 && chan < Int(nchan()) && stokes >= 0 && stokes < Int(nstokes())
Collapse Failed test_tool_image ia_restoringbeam_test.test_exceptions History
< 1 sec
TypeError: restoringbeam() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mbret' in test_exceptions
    'mbret=\'matrix\' only makes sense if the image has per-plane ' in __test_exception
    res = ia.restoringbeam(**method_parms)
E   TypeError: restoringbeam() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mbret'
Collapse Failed test_tool_image ia_restoringbeam_test.test_per_plane_beams_matrix_mode History
< 1 sec
TypeError: restoringbeam() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mbret' in test_per_plane_beams_matrix_mode
    ret = ia.restoringbeam(mbret='matrix')
E   TypeError: restoringbeam() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mbret'
Collapse Failed test_tool_logsink LogsinkTest.test_getorigin_initial_origin History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'logsink' object has no attribute 'getOrigin' in test_getorigin_initial_origin
    self.assertEqual(casatools.logsink().getOrigin(), '')
E   AttributeError: 'logsink' object has no attribute 'getOrigin'
Collapse Failed test_tool_logsink LogsinkTest.test_getorigin_set_nullvalues History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'logsink' object has no attribute 'getOrigin' in test_getorigin_set_nullvalues
    ('', '') in __getorigin_subtest
    self.assertEqual(casalog.getOrigin(), expected)
E   AttributeError: 'logsink' object has no attribute 'getOrigin'
Collapse Failed test_tool_logsink LogsinkTest.test_getorigin_set_num History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'logsink' object has no attribute 'getOrigin' in test_getorigin_set_num
    (1 + 1j, str(1 + 1j)) in __getorigin_subtest
    self.assertEqual(casalog.getOrigin(), expected)
E   AttributeError: 'logsink' object has no attribute 'getOrigin'
Collapse Failed test_tool_logsink LogsinkTest.test_getorigin_set_strings History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'logsink' object has no attribute 'getOrigin' in test_getorigin_set_strings
    ('test\n', 'test\n') in __getorigin_subtest
    self.assertEqual(casalog.getOrigin(), expected)
E   AttributeError: 'logsink' object has no attribute 'getOrigin'
Collapse Failed test_tool_quanta quanta_convert_test.test_valid History
< 1 sec
TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape' in test_valid
    res = qa.convert(qa.quantity(x, 'kg', keepshape=True), 'g')
E   TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape'
Collapse Failed test_tool_quanta quanta_convert_test.test_value_as_string History
< 1 sec
TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape' in test_value_as_string
    res = code('5kg', keepshape=ks)
E   TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape'
Collapse Failed test_tool_quanta quanta_quantity_test.test_multidimensional_arra_value History
< 1 sec
TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape' in test_multidimensional_arra_value
    res = code(v, 'kg', keepshape=False)
E   TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape'
Collapse Failed test_tool_quanta quanta_quantity_test.test_scalar_value History
< 1 sec
TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape' in test_scalar_value
    res = code(5, 'kg', keepshape=ks)
E   TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape'
Collapse Failed test_tool_quanta quanta_quantity_test.test_value_as_record History
< 1 sec
RuntimeError: Wrong QuantumHolder to convert asQuantumDouble in test_value_as_record
    r = code(v)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/ in quantity
    return _dict_dc(self._swigobj.quantity(_any_ec(v), _str_ec(unitname)))
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatools/__casac__/ in quantity
    return _quanta.quanta_quantity(self, *args, **kwargs)
E   RuntimeError: Wrong QuantumHolder to convert asQuantumDouble
Collapse Failed test_tool_quanta quanta_quantity_test.test_value_as_string History
< 1 sec
TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape' in test_value_as_string
    res = code('5kg', keepshape=ks)
E   TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape'
Collapse Failed test_tool_quanta quanta_quantity_test.test_vector_value History
< 1 sec
TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape' in test_vector_value
    res = code(v, 'kg', keepshape=ks)
E   TypeError: quantity() got an unexpected keyword argument 'keepshape'
Collapse Failed test_tool_simulator sm_settrop_test.test_smsettrop History
1 sec
TypeError: settrop() got an unexpected keyword argument 'simint' in test_smsettrop
E   TypeError: settrop() got an unexpected keyword argument 'simint'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table TableRowTest.test_all_rows History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table TableRowTest.test_columnnames_exclude History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table TableRowTest.test_columnnames_include History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table TableRowTest.test_get History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table TableRowTest.test_put History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table TableRowTest.test_shape History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table TableRowTest.test_some_rows History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table table_getcellslice_test.test_exceptions History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'
Collapse Failed test_tool_table table_getcellslice_test.test_getcellslice History
< 1 sec
AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row' in setUp
    self.rows = self.tb.row( )
E   AttributeError: 'table' object has no attribute 'row'