Coverage for /wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.0-12-py3.10.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.10/site-packages/casatasks/private/ 83%

711 statements  

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2# Task to make masks. 

3# reorganized after diesuccsion on Oct1, 2012 

4# with Jeurgen and Urvashi 


6# modified by TT 

7# based on the original code,  

8# v1.0: 2012.03.20, U.Rau 



11# Notes (to self) - TT  

12# 1. expanding one mask to another  

13# e.g.) expanding a continuum mask (both image mask/boolean mask) 

14# channel mask  

15# 2. part of copy mode func.: merging of different types of masks  

16# e.g.) inpimage and inpmask are lists of the mask to be merged 

17# output mask is written to either outimage or outmask as embedded 

18# T/F mask  

19# 3. copying mask to another or create a new one 

20# regrid if necessary (i.e. if the coords are different)  

21# ---------------------------------------------- 

22# basic rules: 

23# for mask image (1/0 mask): as it is 

24# for internal mask : parent_imagename:mask_name 


26# For input, 

27# inpimage is the casa image 

28# - mode='list': list internal masks of inpimage 

29# - other mode: used as a template for output 

30# if region files are specified -> make mask specifeid with the regions on to inpimage 

31# output is '' => modified inpimage unless overwrite=F else exception 


33# if inpmask='': use inpimage as input mask 

34# if inpmask='mask0' or other embedded mask name of the inpimage,  

35# use that T/F mask 


37# =expand= 

38# case1: on the same image (outimage=''), expand mask image from  

39# prev. run etc. No regriding. Use nearest chan mask 

40# image to expand.  

41# 1.a: inpimage is clean image mask (1s and 0s) 

42# i) outimage != inpimage and outmask='' => new expanded mask image to outimage 

43# ii) outimage != inpimage and outmask!='' => convert expanded mask image to T/F mask to store inside outimage 

44# iii) outimage ==inpimage and outmask='' => update input mask image by expanding it  

45# iv) outimage ==inpimage and outmask!=''=> update input image with the expanded T/F mask 

46# 1.b: if inpmask!='', do T/F mask to 1/0 image mask conversion, then do as in 1.a  


48# case2: outimage is in diffirent coords. (need to regrid) 



51# tests  

52# 1. for input: mask image  

53# 2. for input: mask/or regular image with internal mask 

54# 3. for input: mask image; for output: mask image with different spectral grid 

55# 4. for input: mask/regular image with internal mask; for output: image with  

56# internal mask with different spectral grid 


58import os 

59import shutil 

60import numpy as np 


62from casatools import image, regionmanager, imager, table, quanta 

63from casatasks import casalog 

64from .imtools import pixelmask2cleanmask 


66import subprocess 

67subprocess_getoutput = subprocess.getoutput 


69_ia = image() 

70_rg = regionmanager() 

71_qa = quanta() 


73pid = str(os.getpid()) 

74debug = False 

75#debug = True  


77def makemask(mode,inpimage, inpmask, output, overwrite, inpfreqs, outfreqs): 

78 """ 

79 make /manipulate masks 


81 """ 

82 _ia = image() 

83 _rg = regionmanager() 

84 _im = imager() 

85 casalog.origin('makemask') 



88 try: 

89 # temp files 

90 tmp_maskimage='__tmp_makemaskimage_'+pid 

91 tmp_outmaskimage='__tmp_outmakemaskimage_'+pid 

92 tmp_regridim='__tmp_regridim_'+pid 


94 #intial cleanup to make sure nothing left from previous runs 

95 tmplist = [tmp_maskimage,tmp_outmaskimage,tmp_regridim] 

96 cleanuptempfiles(tmplist) 


98 # do parameter check first 

99 # check names of inpimage, inpmask check for existance 

100 # inpimage == output (exact match) then check overwrite 

101 # => T overwrite inpimage 

102 # => F exception 


104 # check inpimage  

105 if (['list','copy','expand'].count(mode)==1): 

106 if inpimage=='': raise ValueError("inpimage is empty") 

107 if not os.path.isdir(inpimage): 

108 raise RuntimeError("inpimage=%s does not exist" % inpimage) 


110 # === list mode === 

111 if mode == 'list': 

112 inpOK=checkinput(inpimage) 

113 if inpOK: 


115 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


117 inmasklist=_ia.maskhandler('get') 

118 # now ia.maskhandler returns ['T'] if no internal mask is there... 

119 if inmasklist.count('T')!=0: 

120 inmasklist.remove('T') 

121 if len(inmasklist) ==0: 

122'No internal (T/F) masks were found in %s' % (inpimage),'INFO') 

123 else: 

124 defaultmaskname=_ia.maskhandler('default')[0] 

125 printinmasks='' 

126 for mname in inmasklist: 

127 if mname==defaultmaskname: 

128 printinmasks+='\''+mname+'\''+'(default)' 

129 else: 

130 printinmasks+='\''+mname+'\'' 

131 if mname != inmasklist[-1]: 

132 printinmasks+=', ' 


134'Internal (T/F) masks in %s: %s' % (inpimage, printinmasks),'INFO') 

135 _ia.close() 


137 # === setdefaultmask mode === 

138 elif mode == 'setdefaultmask': 

139 inpOK=checkinput(inpmask) 

140 if inpOK: 

141 (parentimage,bmask)=extractmaskname(inpmask) 

142 if bmask=='': 

143 raise RuntimeError("Missing an internal mask name") 

144 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


146 defaultmaskname=_ia.maskhandler('default')[0] 

147 inmasklist=_ia.maskhandler('get') 

148 if defaultmaskname==bmask: 

149'No change. %s is already a default internal mask' % bmask, 'INFO') 

150 else: 

151 _ia.maskhandler('set',bmask) 

152'Set %s as a default internal mask' % bmask, 'INFO') 

153 if len(inmasklist)>1: 

154'Current internal masks are %s' % str(inmasklist), 'INFO') 

155 _ia.close() 


157 # === delete mode === 

158 elif mode == 'delete': 

159 inpOK=checkinput(inpmask) 

160 if inpOK: 

161 (parentimage,bmask)=extractmaskname(inpmask) 

162 if bmask=='': 

163 raise RuntimeError("Missing an internal mask name") 


165'Deleting the internal mask, %s ' % bmask, 'INFO') 

166 defaultmaskname=_ia.maskhandler('default')[0] 

167 _ia.maskhandler('delete',bmask) 

168 inmasklist=_ia.maskhandler('get') 

169 if inmasklist.count('T')!=0: 

170 inmasklist.remove('T') 

171 if len(inmasklist) !=0 and defaultmaskname==bmask: 

172 _ia.maskhandler('set',inmasklist[0]) 

173'Set %s as a default internal mask' % inmasklist[0], 'INFO') 

174 if len(inmasklist)>1: 

175'Current internal masks are %s' % str(inmasklist), 'INFO') 


177 _ia.close() 


179 else: 

180 # PREPROCESS STAGE for mode='copy' and 'expand' 

181 #DEBUG 


183 # copy can have multiple input masks, expand has only one. 

184 # check inpimage, inpmask, output, overwrite 

185 #  

186 storeinmask = False # used to check if output to a new internal mask 

187 isNewOutfile = False 


189 inpOK=checkinput(inpimage) 

190 if inpOK: 

191 (immask,inmask)=extractmaskname(inpimage) 


193 # seperate text files(region files), images(with full ':'), and direct region  

194 # input mask(s) 

195 if inpmask=='': 

196 raise ValueError("Input errror. The inpmask parameter is not specified.") 

197 if type(inpmask)!=list: 

198 inpmask=[inpmask] 


200 # check if inpmask contains region file or region specification 

201 rgfiles=[] 

202 imgfiles=[] 

203 rglist=[] 

204 bmasks=[] 

205 for masklet in inpmask: 

206 # is text file? 

207 if type(masklet)==str: # text file or image 

208 if os.path.exists(masklet): 

209 # region file or image 

210 if (subprocess_getoutput('file '+masklet).count('directory')): 

211 if os.path.exists(masklet+'/table.f1'): 

212"%s is not in a recognized format for inpmask, ignored." % masklet, 'WARN')  

213 raise ValueError("%s is not in a recognized format for inpmask" % masklet) 

214 else: 

215 # probably image file (with no mask extension) 

216 imgfiles.append(masklet) 

217 # text file (CRTF) 

218 elif (subprocess_getoutput('file '+masklet).count('text')): 

219 rgfiles.append(masklet) 

220 else: 

221"%s does not recognized format for inpmask, ignored." % masklet, 'WARN') 

222 raise ValueError("%s is not in a recognized format for inpmask" % masklet) 

223 else: 

224 # direct string specification 

225 if masklet.count('[') and masklet.count(']'): # rough check on region specification  

226 rglist.append(masklet) 

227 # extract internal mask from the input image 

228 else: 

229 (parentim, mask)=extractmaskname(masklet) 

230 if mask!='': 

231 bmasks.append(masklet) 

232 else: 

233 raise ValueError("%s is not an existing file/image or a region format" % masklet) 


235 # expand allows only a string for inpmask 

236 if mode=='expand': 

237 if type(inpmask)==list: 

238 inpmask=inpmask[0] 

239 # check for overwrite condition 

240 if output=='': 

241 if overwrite: 

242 output=inpimage 

243 else: 

244 raise ValueError("output is not specified. If you want to overwrite inpimage, please set overwrite=True") 


246 if inpimage==output: 

247 #if overwrite: 

248 # tmp_outmaskimage=tmp_maskimage 

249 #else: 

250 if not overwrite: 

251 raise ValueError("output=inpimage. If you want to overwrite inpimage, please set overwrite=True") 


253 outparentim=output 

254 outbmask='' 

255 if os.path.isdir(output): 

256 if not overwrite: 

257 raise RuntimeError("output=%s exists. If you want to overwrite it, please set overwrite=True" % output) 

258 else: 

259 (outparentim, outbmask)=extractmaskname(output) 

260 if outbmask!='': 

261 (parentimexist,maskexist)=checkinmask(outparentim,outbmask) 

262 if parentimexist and maskexist: 

263 if not overwrite: 

264 raise ValueError("output=%s exists. If you want to overwrite it, please set overwrite=True" % output) 

265 else: 

266"Will overwrite the existing internal mask, %s in %s" % (outbmask,outparentim)) 

267 storeinmask=True 


269 #if parentimexist and not maskexist: 

270 else: 

271 storeinmask = True 

272 if not parentimexist: isNewOutfile=True 

273 else: 

274 outparentim=output 


276"param checks before branching out for mode==========")) 

277"storeinmask = ",storeinmask) 

278"output=",output, " is exist?=",os.path.isdir(output)) 

279"outparentim=",outparentim, " is exist?=",os.path.isdir(outparentim)) 


281 # MAIN PROCESS for 'copy' or 'expand' mode 

282 # the following code is somewhat duplicated among the modes but keep separated from each mode 

283 # for now.... copy now handle merge as well 

284 # === old copy mode === NOW combined to 'merge mode' 

285# #if mode=='copy': 

286#"Copy mode") 

287# needregrid=True 

288# #if outimage=='': 

289# #overwrite 

290# # outimage=inpimage 


292# if not os.path.isdir(outimage): 

293# needregrid=False 


295# if inpmask!='': 

296# # need to extract the mask and put in tmp_maskimage 

297# pixelmask2cleanmask(imagename=inpimage, maskname=inpmask, maskimage=tmp_maskimage, usemasked=True)  

298# else: 

299# shutil.copytree(inpimage, tmp_maskimage) 

300# if needregrid: 


302# regridmask(tmp_maskimage,outimage,tmp_outmaskimage) 

303# # regrid may produce <1.0 pixels for mask so be sure to its all in 1.0 


305# #_ia.calc('iif (%s>0.0 && %s<1.0,1,%s)'%(tmp_outmaskimage,tmp_outmaskimage,tmp_outmaskimage)) 

306# #_ia.close() 

307#"Copying regrid output=",tmp_outmaskimage) 

308# else: 

309# shutil.copytree(tmp_maskimage,tmp_outmaskimage) 

310# if outmask!='': 

311# #convert the image mask to T/F mask 

312# if not os.path.isdir(outimage): 

313# shutil.copytree(inpimage,outimage) 

314# # 


316#"convert the output image mask to T/F mask") 

317# _ia.calcmask(mask='%s<0.5' % tmp_outmaskimage,name=outmask,asdefault=True) 

318# _ia.done() 

319# else: 

320# # if regridded - tmp_outmaskimage is created by regridmask 

321# # if not, tmp_outmaskimage=outimage 


323# _ia.rename(outimage,overwrite=True) 

324# _ia.done() 



327 # === expand mode === 

328 if mode=='expand': 

329 _rg = regionmanager() 

330 needtoregrid=False 

331 bychanindx=False 


333 try: 

334 # These coordsys objects will need to be closed, if created 

335 incsys = None 

336 inmaskcsys = None 

337 ocsys = None 


339"expand mode main processing blocks...") 

340 # do not allow list in this mode (for inpimage and inpmask) - maybe this is redundant now 

341 if type(inpmask)==list: 

342 raise TypeError('A list for inpmask is not allowed for mode=expand') 


344 # input image info, actually this will be output coordinates 


346 inshp = _ia.shape() 

347 incsys = _ia.coordsys() 

348 _ia.close() 

349"inpimage=",inpimage," is exist?=",os.path.isdir(inpimage)) 

350" inshp for inpimage=",inshp) 


352 # prepare working input mask image (tmp_maskimage) 

353 if debug:"prepare working input image (tmp_maskimage)...") 

354 if inpmask!='': # inpmask is either image mask or T/F mask now 

355 # need to extract the mask and put in tmp_maskimage 

356 # Note: changed usemasked=F, so that True (unmasked) part to be used. CAS-  

357 # ==> tmp_maskimage is an input mask image 

358 (parentimage,bmask)=extractmaskname(inpmask) 

359 if bmask!='': 

360 pixelmask2cleanmask(imagename=parentimage, maskname=bmask, maskimage=tmp_maskimage, usemasked=False) 


362 else: 

363 if debug: 

364"parentimage=" + parentimage + " exist?=" + os.path.isdir(parentimage)) 

365"tmp_maskimage=" + tmp_maskimage + " exist?=" + os.path.isdir(tmp_maskimage)) 

366 # copy of inpimage in tmp_maskimage 

367 _ia.fromimage(outfile=tmp_maskimage, infile=parentimage) 

368 else: 

369 raise ValueError("inpmask must be specified") 

370 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 

371 #setting up the output image (copy from inpimage or template) 

372 if not os.path.isdir(outparentim): 

373 #shutil.copytree(inpimage,tmp_outmaskimage) 

374 _ia.fromshape(outfile=tmp_outmaskimage,shape=inshp, csys=incsys.torecord()) 

375 _ia.close() 

376 needtoregrid=False 

377 else: 

378 # if inpimage == output, tmp_outmaskimage is already created...  

379 if not os.path.isdir(tmp_outmaskimage): 

380 shutil.copytree(outparentim,tmp_outmaskimage) 

381 if debug:"done setting up the out image=" + tmp_outmaskimage) 

382 # if inpfreq/outfreq are channel indices (int) then 

383 # regrid in x y coords only and extract specified channel mask 

384 # to specified output channels. (no regriding in spectral axis) 

385 # if inpfreqs/outfreqs are velocity or freqs,  

386 # it assumes it is expressed in the range with minval~maxval 

387 # create subimage of the input mask with the range, 

388 # do regrid with the subimage to output. 


390 # decide to regrid or not 

391 # 1. the case all channels are selected for input and output, simply regrid 

392 # 2. if inpfreqs and outfreqs are integers (= channel indices), regrid only in 

393 # first and second axes (e.g. ra,dec) and no regridding along spectral axis 

394 # 3. if inpfreqs and outfreqs are ranges in freq or vel, make subimage and regrid 


396 inmaskshp = _ia.shape() 

397 inmaskcsys = _ia.coordsys() 

398 _ia.close() 

399 regridmethod = 'linear' 

400 if 'spectral2' in inmaskcsys.torecord(): 

401 inspecdelt = inmaskcsys.torecord()['spectral2']['wcs']['cdelt'] 


403 ocsys=_ia.coordsys() 

404 oshp=_ia.shape() 

405 _ia.close() 

406 outspecdelt = ocsys.torecord()['spectral2']['wcs']['cdelt'] 

407 if outspecdelt < inspecdelt: 

408 regridmethod='nearest' 


410 if inmaskshp[3]!=1 and ((inpfreqs==[] and outfreqs==[]) \ 

411 or (inpfreqs=='' and outfreqs=='')): 

412 # unless inpimage is continuum, skip chan selection part and regrid  

413 needtoregrid=True 

414 # detach input(tmp) image and open output tmp image 

415 # 

416 else: 

417 # if _ia.isopen(): 

418 # if!=tmp_maskimage: 

419 # _ia.close() 

420 # 

421 # else: 

422 # 


424 #if inshp[3]!=1:"inpmask is continuum..","INFO") 

425 if inmaskshp[3]==1:"inpmask is continuum..","INFO") 

426 # selection by channel indices (number)  

427 # if both inpfreqs and outfreqs are int skip regridding 

428 # if outfreqs is vel or freq ranges, try regridding  

429 if inpfreqs==[[]] or inpfreqs==[]: 

430 # select all channels for input 

431 inpfreqs=list(range(inmaskshp[3])) 


433 # check inpfreqs and outfreqs types 

434 # index based 

435 selmode='bychan' 

436 if type(inpfreqs)==list: 

437 if type(inpfreqs[0])==int: 

438 if type(outfreqs)==list and (len(outfreqs)==0 or type(outfreqs[0])==int): 

439 selmode='bychan' 

440 elif type(outfreqs)==str: 

441 #if inpfreqs[0]==0: #contintuum -allow index-type specification 

442 if len(inpfreqs)==1: #contintuum -allow index-type specification 

443 selmode='byvf' 

444 else: 

445 raise TypeError("Mixed types in infreqs and outfreqs are not allowed") 

446 else: 

447 raise TypeError("Non-integer in inpfreq is not supported") 

448 # by velocity or frequency 

449 elif type(inpfreqs)==str: 

450 if type(outfreqs)!=str: 

451 raise TypeError("Mixed types in infreqs and outfreqs") 

452 selmode='byvf' 

453 else: 

454 raise TypeError("Wrong type for infreqs") 


456 # inpfreqs and outfreqs are list of int 

457 # match literally without regridding. 

458 if selmode=='bychan': 

459"selection of input and output ranges by channel") 


461 if _ia.isopen(): 

462 _ia.close() 

463 if outfreqs==[] or outfreqs==[[]]: 

464 outchans=[] 

465 else: 

466 outchans=outfreqs 

467 expandchanmask(tmp_maskimage,inpfreqs,tmp_outmaskimage,outchans) 



470 elif selmode=='byvf': # outfreqs are quantities (freq or vel) 

471"selection of input/output ranges by frequencies/velocities") 


473 # do it for input mask image (not the template ) 

474 inpfreqlist = translatefreqrange(inpfreqs,inmaskcsys) 


476 # close input image 

477 if _ia.isopen(): 

478 _ia.close() 


480 #regrid to output image coordinates 

481 if len(inpfreqlist)==1: # continuum 

482 #do not regrid, use input image 

483 shutil.copytree(tmp_maskimage,tmp_regridim) 

484 else: 

485 if debug:"regrid the mask,tmp_maskimage=" + tmp_maskimage + " tmp_regridim=" + tmp_regridim) 

486 #shutil.copytree(tmp_maskimage,'before_regrid_tmp_maskimage') 

487 regridmask(tmp_maskimage,inpimage,tmp_regridim,chanrange=inpfreqlist,method=regridmethod) 

488 #regridmask(tmp_maskimage,inpimage,tmp_regridim,chanrange=inpfreqlist) 

489 # find edge masks (nonzero planes) 

490 ##shutil.copytree(tmp_regridim,'saved_'+tmp_regridim) 

491 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


493 sh=_ia.shape() 

494 chanlist = list(range(sh[3])) 

495 indlo=0 

496 indhi=0 

497 for i in chanlist: 

498 sl1=[0,0,0,i] 

499 sl2=[sh[0]-1,sh[1]-1,sh[2]-1,i] 

500 psum = _ia.getchunk(sl1,sl2).sum() 

501 pmsum = _ia.getchunk(sl1,sl2,getmask=True).sum() 

502 if pmsum!=0 and psum>0.0: 

503 indlo=i 

504 break 

505 chanlist.reverse() 

506 for i in chanlist: 

507 sl1=[0,0,0,i] 

508 sl2=[sh[0]-1,sh[1]-1,sh[2]-1,i] 

509 psum = _ia.getchunk(sl1,sl2).sum() 

510 if psum>0.0: 

511 indhi=i 

512 break 

513 if indhi < indlo: 

514 raise RuntimeError("Incorrectly finding edges of input masks! Probably some logic error in the code!!!") 

515 else: 

516"Determined non-zero channel range to be "+str(indlo)+"~"+str(indhi), 'DEBUG1') 


518 # find channel indices for given outfreqs 


520 #ocsys=_ia.coordsys() 

521 #oshp=_ia.shape()  

522 outfreqlist = translatefreqrange(outfreqs,ocsys) 

523 rtn=ocsys.findcoordinate('spectral') 

524 px=rtn['pixel'][0] 

525 wc=rtn['world'][0] 

526 world=ocsys.referencevalue() 

527 # assume chanrange are in freqs 

528 world['numeric'][wc]=_qa.convert(_qa.quantity(outfreqlist[0]),'Hz')['value'] 

529 p1 = ocsys.topixel(world)['numeric'][px] 

530 world['numeric'][wc]=_qa.convert(_qa.quantity(outfreqlist[1]),'Hz')['value'] 

531 p2 = ocsys.topixel(world)['numeric'][px] 

532"translated channel indices:"+_qa.tos(outfreqlist[0])+"->p1="+str(p1)+\ 

533 " "+_qa.tos(outfreqlist[0])+"-> p2="+str(p2)) 

534 if len(inpfreqs)==1: 

535 inpfreqchans=inpfreqs 

536 elif inpfreqs.find('~'): 

537 inpfreqchans=list(range(indlo,indhi+1)) 

538 else: 

539 inpfreqchans=[indlo,indhi] 

540 outfreqchans=list(range(int(round(p1)),int(round(p2))+1)) 



543 expandchanmask(tmp_regridim,inpfreqchans,tmp_outmaskimage,outfreqchans) 

544 #shutil.copytree(tmp_regridim,'my_tmp_regrid')  

545 #shutil.copytree(tmp_outmaskimage,'my_tmp_outmaskimage')  


547# usechanims={} # list of input mask to be use for each outpfreq 

548# for i in outfreqchans: 

549# nearestch = findnearest(inpfreqchans,i) 

550# usechanims[i]=nearestch  

551# # put masks from inp image channel by channel 

552# for j in outfreqs: 

553# pix = refchanchunk[usechanims[j]-refchanst] 

554# #_ia.putchunk(pixels=pix,blc=[inshp[0]-1,inshp[1]-1,0,j]) 

555# _ia.putchunk(pixels=pix.transpose(),blc=[0,0,0,j]) 

556 needtoregrid=False 


558 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


560 #  


562 if needtoregrid: 

563 # closing current output image 

564 if _ia.isopen(): 

565 _ia.close() 


567 #os.system('cp -r %s' % tmp_maskimage) 

568 if os.path.isdir(tmp_outmaskimage): 

569"Removing %s" % tmp_outmaskimage) 

570 shutil.rmtree(tmp_outmaskimage) 

571 #regridmask(tmp_maskimage,outparentim,tmp_outmaskimage) 

572 regridmask(tmp_maskimage,inpimage,tmp_outmaskimage,method=regridmethod) 

573 _ia.remove() 

574"closing after regrid") 

575 # reopen output tmp image 


577 # for debugging 

578 #os.system('cp -r '+outparentim+" expandmode-copy-"+outparentim) 

579 #os.system('cp -r '+tmp_outmaskimage+" expandmode-copy-"+tmp_outmaskimage) 

580 if outbmask!='': 

581 #convert the image mask to T/F mask 

582"Convert the image mask to T/F mask",'INFO') 

583 # regions will be masked if == 0.0 for a new outfile, if outfile exists  

584 # the pixel values inside specified mask is preserved and the rest is masked 

585 if os.path.isdir(outparentim): 

586 _ia.calcmask(mask='%s==1.0' % tmp_outmaskimage,name=outbmask,asdefault=True) 

587 else: 

588 _ia.calcmask(mask='%s!=0.0' % tmp_outmaskimage,name=outbmask,asdefault=True) 

589 if storeinmask: 

590 isNewFile=False 

591 if not os.path.isdir(outparentim): 

592 makeEmptyimage(inpimage,outparentim) 

593 isNewFile=True 


595 if isNewFile: 

596 _ia.set(1) 

597 # if output image exist its image pixel values will not be normalized the region 

598 # outside input mask will be masked. 

599 #check  

600 curinmasks = _ia.maskhandler('get') 

601 if outbmask in curinmasks: 

602 if not overwrite: 

603 raise RuntimeError("Internal mask,"+outbmask+" exists. Please set overwrite=True.") 

604 else: 

605 _ia.maskhandler('delete',outbmask) 


607 _ia.maskhandler('copy',[tmp_outmaskimage+':'+outbmask, outbmask]) 

608 _ia.maskhandler('set',outbmask) 

609 _ia.done() 

610"Output the mask to %s in %s" % (outbmask,outparentim) ,"INFO") 

611 else: 

612 ow = False 

613 if inpimage==output: 

614"Updating "+output+" with new mask","INFO") 

615 ow=True 

616 else: 

617 if os.path.isdir(outparentim): 

618" exists, overwriting","INFO") 

619 ow=True 

620 else: 

621"Output the mask to "+outparentim ,"INFO") 

622 _ia.rename(outparentim,ow) 

623 _ia.done() 


625 except Exception as instance: 

626"*** Error (1) *** %s" % instance, 'ERROR') 

627 if _ia.isopen(): 

628 _ia.close() 

629 _ia.done() 

630 raise 

631 finally: 

632 if inmaskcsys: 

633 inmaskcsys.done() 

634 if incsys: 

635 incsys.done() 

636 if ocsys: 

637 ocsys.done() 

638 if os.path.exists(tmp_maskimage): 

639 shutil.rmtree(tmp_maskimage) 

640 if os.path.exists(tmp_regridim): 

641 shutil.rmtree(tmp_regridim) 

642 if os.path.exists(tmp_outmaskimage): 

643 shutil.rmtree(tmp_outmaskimage) 


645 # === main process for copy mode: also does merge of masks === 

646 # copy is a just special case of merge mode 

647 # CHANGE: 

648 # all input masks should be specified in inpmask  

649 # type of inpmask accepted: 1/0 mask, T/F mask, region file, and region expression in a string  

650 # already stored internally in seperate lists 

651 # rgfiles - region files (binary or CRTF-format text file) 

652 # imgfiles - 1/0 image masks 

653 # rglist - region expression in strings 

654 # bmasks - T/F internal masks 

655 # 

656 # avaialble parameters: inpimage (string) , inpmask (list/string), output(string) 

657 # input inpimage as a template or image used for defining regions when it is given in inpmask  

658 # inpmask as list of all the masks to be merged (image masks, T/F internal masks, regions) 


660 if mode=='copy': 

661 sum_tmp_outfile='__tmp_outputmask_'+pid 

662 tmp_inmask='__tmp_frominmask_'+pid 

663 tmp_allrgmaskim='__tmp_fromAllRgn_'+pid 

664 tmp_rgmaskim='__tmp_fromRgn_'+pid 

665 # making sure to remove pre-existing temp files 

666 cleanuptempfiles([sum_tmp_outfile, tmp_inmask, tmp_allrgmaskim, tmp_rgmaskim]) 

667 usedimfiles=[] 

668 usedbmasks=[] 

669 usedrgfiles=[] 

670 usedrglist=[] 

671 # This coordsys object used in several places below will need to be closed, if created 

672 tcsys = None 

673 try: 

674 # check outparentim - image part of output and set as a template image 

675 if not (os.path.isdir(outparentim) or (outparentim==inpimage)): 

676 # Output is either a new image or the same as inpimage 


678 # figure out which input mask to be used as template 

679 # if inpimage is defined use the first one else try the first one 

680 # inpmask 

681 #if output=='': 

682 # if type(inpimage)==list: 

683 # raise Exception, "inputimage must be a string" 

684 # elif type(inpimage)==str: 

685 # outimage=inpimage 

686 #"No outimage is specified. Will overwrite input image: "+outimage,'INFO') 


688 #if type(inpimage)==list and len(inpimage)!=0: 

689 # tmp_template=inpimage[0] 

690 #elif inpimage!='' and inpimage!=[]: 

691 # tmp_template=inpimage # string 

692 #tmp_template=inpimage # string 

693 #else: 

694 # if type(inpmask)==list and len(inpmask)!=0: 

695 # fsep=inpmask[0].rfind(':') 

696 # if fsep ==-1: 

697 # raise IOError, "Cannot resolve inpmask name, check the format" 

698 # else: 

699 # tmp_template=inpmask[0][:inpmask[0].rfind(':')] 

700 # elif inpmask!='' and inpmask!=[]: 

701 # # this is equivalent to 'copy' the inpmask 

702 # tmp_template=inpmask #string 


704 # create an empty image with the coords from inpimage 

705 makeEmptyimage(inpimage,sum_tmp_outfile) 

706"making an empty image from inpimage to sum_tmp_outfile") 

707 else: 

708 #use output image(either the same as the input image or other existing image)  

709 # - does not do zeroeing out, so output image is only modified *for outbmask!=''*  

710 shutil.copytree(outparentim,sum_tmp_outfile) 

711 # temporary clear out the internal masks from the working image 

712 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


714 if (len(imgfiles) or len(rglist) or len(rgfiles)): 

715 # do zeroeing out working base image for masks  

716 _ia.set(0) 

717 origmasks = _ia.maskhandler('get') 

718 _ia.maskhandler('delete',origmasks) 

719 _ia.close() 


721 if len(imgfiles)>0: 

722 # summing all the images 

723'Summing all mask images in inpmask and normalized to 1 for mask','INFO') 

724 for img in imgfiles: 

725 #tmpregrid='__tmp_regrid.'+img 

726 dirname = os.path.dirname(img) 

727 basename = os.path.basename(img) 

728 tmpregrid= dirname+'/'+'__tmp_regrid.'+basename if len(dirname) else '__tmp_regrid.'+basename 

729 tmpregrid+='_'+pid 

730 if os.path.exists(tmpregrid): 

731 shutil.rmtree(tmpregrid) 

732 # regrid to output image coords 

733 try: 

734 regridmask(img,sum_tmp_outfile,tmpregrid) 

735 addimagemask(sum_tmp_outfile,tmpregrid) 

736 usedimfiles.append(img) 

737 finally: 

738 shutil.rmtree(tmpregrid) 

739 # get boolean masks 

740 # will work in image(1/0) masks 


742 if debug: 

743"imgfiles=" + imgfiles)) 

744 shutil.copytree(sum_tmp_outfile,sum_tmp_outfile+"_imagemaskCombined") 


746 if len(bmasks)>0: 

747'Summing all T/F mask in inpmask and normalized to 1 for mask','INFO') 

748 for msk in bmasks: 

749 (imname,mskname) = extractmaskname(msk) 

750 #if msk.find(':')<0: 

751 # # assume default mask 

752 # msk=msk+':mask0' 

753 #imname=msk[:msk.rfind(':')] 

754 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


756 inmasks=_ia.maskhandler('get') 

757 _ia.close() 

758 if not inmasks.count(mskname): 

759 raise TypeError(mskname+" does not exist in "+imname+" -available masks:"+str(inmasks)) 

760 # move T/F mask to image mask 

761 # changed to usemasked=False as of CAS-5443  


763 pixelmask2cleanmask(imname, mskname, tmp_inmask, False) 

764 cleanuptempfiles(['__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid]) 

765 regridmask(tmp_inmask,sum_tmp_outfile,'__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid) 

766 # for T/F mask do AND operation 


768 if _ia.statistics()['sum'][0] != 0: 

769 multiplyimagemask(sum_tmp_outfile,'__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid) 

770 else: 

771 addimagemask(sum_tmp_outfile,'__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid) 

772 _ia.close() 

773 usedbmasks.append(msk) 

774 # need this temp file for the process later 

775 ###shutil.rmtree('__tmp_fromTFmask')  

776 if os.path.isdir(tmp_inmask): 

777 shutil.rmtree(tmp_inmask) 

778 # if overwriting to inpimage and if not writing to in-mask, delete the boolean mask 

779 if outparentim==inpimage and inpimage==imname: 

780 if outbmask=="": 


782 _ia.maskhandler('delete',[mskname]) 

783 _ia.close() 


785 _ia.close() 


787 if debug:"check rgfiles and rglist") 


789 if len(rgfiles)>0 or len(rglist)>0: 

790 # create an empty image with input image coords. 

791"Using %s as a template for regions" % inpimage ) 

792 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


794 tshp=_ia.shape() 

795 tcsys=_ia.coordsys() 

796 _ia.fromshape(tmp_allrgmaskim,shape=tshp, csys=tcsys.torecord(),overwrite=True) 

797 _ia.done() 

798 if os.path.isdir(tmp_rgmaskim): 

799 shutil.rmtree(tmp_rgmaskim) 

800 shutil.copytree(tmp_allrgmaskim,tmp_rgmaskim) 


802 if len(rgfiles)>0: 

803 # Here only CRTF format file is expected  

804 nrgn=0 

805 for rgn in rgfiles: 

806 subnrgn=0 

807 with open(rgn) as f: 

808 # check if it has '#CRTF' in the first line 

809 firstline=f.readline() 

810 if firstline.count('#CRTF')==0: 

811 raise Exception("Input text file does not seems to be in a correct format \ 

812 (must contains #CRTF in the first line)") 

813 else: 

814 try: 

815 # reset temp mask image 

816 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


818 _ia.set(pixels=0.0) 

819 _ia.close() 

820 "tshp=",tshp 

821 "tcsys.torecord=",tcsys.torecord() 

822 inrgn=_rg.fromtextfile(rgn, tshp, tcsys.torecord()) 

823 "inrgn=",inrgn 

824 _im.regiontoimagemask(tmp_rgmaskim,region=inrgn) 

825 addimagemask(tmp_allrgmaskim,tmp_rgmaskim) 

826 #shutil.rmtree(tmp_rgmaskim) 

827 subnrgn +=1 

828 nrgn +=1 

829 except: 

830 break 

831 if subnrgn>0: 

832 usedrgfiles.append(rgn) 

833"Converted %s regions from %s region files to image mask" % (nrgn,len(rgfiles)),"INFO") 


835 if debug:"processing rglist...") 

836 if len(rglist)>0: 

837 "Has rglist...") 

838 nrgn=0 

839 for rgn in rglist: 

840 # reset temp mask image 

841 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


843 _ia.set(pixels=0.0) 

844 _ia.close() 

845 inrgn=_rg.fromtext(rgn, tshp, tcsys.torecord()) 

846 _im.regiontoimagemask(tmp_rgmaskim,region=inrgn) 

847 addimagemask(tmp_allrgmaskim,tmp_rgmaskim) 

848 #shutil.rmtree(tmp_rgmaskim) 

849 usedrglist.append(rgn) 

850 nrgn+=1 

851"Converted %s regions to image mask" % (nrgn),"INFO") 



854 if debug:"Regirdding...") 

855 # regrid if necessary 

856 regridded_mask='__tmp_regrid_allrgnmask_'+pid 

857 regridmask(tmp_allrgmaskim, sum_tmp_outfile,regridded_mask) 

858 addimagemask(sum_tmp_outfile,regridded_mask) 

859 #shutil.rmtree('__tmp_regridded_allrgnmask') 

860"Added mask based on regions to output mask","INFO") 

861 #cleanup 

862 for tmpfile in [tmp_allrgmaskim,tmp_rgmaskim,regridded_mask]: 

863 if os.path.isdir(tmpfile): 

864 shutil.rmtree(tmpfile) 


866 # merge the bmasks with AND 

867 if os.path.exists('__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid) and len(bmasks)>0: 

868 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


870 if _ia.statistics()['sum'][0]!=0: 

871 multiplyimagemask(sum_tmp_outfile,'__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid) 

872 else: 

873 addimagemask(sum_tmp_outfile,'__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid) 

874 _ia.done() 

875 shutil.rmtree('__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid) 

876 if outbmask!='': 

877'Putting mask in T/F','INFO') 

878 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 

879 try: 


881 _ia.calcmask(mask='%s==1.0' % sum_tmp_outfile,name=outbmask,asdefault=True) 

882 # mask only pixel == 0.0 (for a new outfile), mask region !=1.0 and preserve 

883 # the pixel values if outfile exists 

884 #if os.path.isdir(outparentim): 

885 # _ia.calcmask(mask='%s==1.0' % sum_tmp_outfile,name=outbmask,asdefault=True) 

886 #else: 

887 # _ia.calcmask(mask='%s!=0.0' % sum_tmp_outfile,name=outbmask,asdefault=True) 

888 finally: 

889 _ia.done() 

890 if debug: shutil.copytree(sum_tmp_outfile,sum_tmp_outfile+"_afterCoverttoTFmask") 

891 # if outfile exists initially outfile is copied to sum_tmp_outfile 

892 # if outfile does not exist initially sum_tmp_outfile is a copy of inpimage 

893 # so rename it with overwrite=T all the cases 

894"open sum_tmp_outfile=",sum_tmp_outfile) 

895 if storeinmask: 

896 if debug:"Storeinmask......") 

897 # by a request in CAS-6912 no setting of 1 for copying mask to the 'in-mask' 

898 # (i.e. copy the values of inpimage as well for this mode) 

899 # Replace 

900 #isNewfile = False 

901 #if not os.path.isdir(outparentim): 

902 if isNewOutfile: 

903 #makeEmptyimage(inpimage,outparentim) 

904 #isNewfile=True 


906 shutil.copytree(inpimage,outparentim) 

907 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


909 if isNewOutfile: 

910 oldmasklist = _ia.maskhandler('get') 

911 if oldmasklist[0]!='T': 

912 # clean up existing internal masks for the copied image  

913 if outbmask in oldmasklist: 

914 _ia.maskhandler('delete',outbmask) 

915 if (maskexist and overwrite): 

916 if debug:"outbmask=" + outbmask + " exists... deleting it") 

917 _ia.maskhandler('delete',outbmask) 

918 _ia.maskhandler('copy',[sum_tmp_outfile+':'+outbmask, outbmask]) 

919 _ia.maskhandler('set',outbmask) 

920 _ia.done() 

921 outputmsg="to create an output mask: %s in %s" % (outbmask,outparentim) 

922 else: 

923 if debug:"store as an image mask......") 

924 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


926 _ia.rename(outparentim,overwrite=True) 

927 _ia.done() 

928 outputmsg="to create an output mask: %s " % outparentim 


930"Merged masks from:","INFO") 

931 if len(usedimfiles)>0: 

932"mask image(s): "+str(usedimfiles),"INFO") 

933 if len(usedbmasks)>0: 

934"internal mask(s): "+str(usedbmasks),"INFO") 

935 if len(usedrgfiles)>0: 

936"region txt file(s): "+str(usedrgfiles),"INFO") 

937 if len(usedrglist)>0: 

938"region(s) from direct input: "+str(usedrglist),"INFO") 



941 except Exception as instance: 

942 raise RuntimeError("*** Error (2), in mode copy: *** %s" % instance) 

943 finally: 

944 if os.path.exists(sum_tmp_outfile): 

945 shutil.rmtree(sum_tmp_outfile) 

946 if os.path.exists(tmp_inmask): 

947 shutil.rmtree(tmp_inmask) 

948 if os.path.exists(tmp_allrgmaskim): 

949 shutil.rmtree(tmp_allrgmaskim) 

950 if os.path.exists(tmp_rgmaskim): 

951 shutil.rmtree(tmp_rgmaskim) 

952 if tcsys: 

953 tcsys.done() 



956 if type(inpimage)==list: 

957 for im in inpimage: 

958 basename = os.path.basename(im) 

959 dirname = os.path.dirname(im) 

960 tempregridname = dirname+'/__tmp_regrid.'+basename if len(dirname) else '__tmp_regrid.'+basename 

961 tempregridname+='_'+pid 

962 if os.path.isdir(tempregridname): 

963 shutil.rmtree(tempregridname) 




967 # === draw mode === 

968 # disabled - drawmaskinimage (working with viewer) a bit flaky 

969 # when run in succession. 

970 # if mode=='draw': 

971 # #call drawmaskinimage 

972 # from recipes.drawmaskinimage import drawmaskinimage 

973 # drawmaskinimage(inpimage,outmask) 



976 finally: 

977 # final clean up  

978 if os.path.isdir(tmp_maskimage): 

979 shutil.rmtree(tmp_maskimage) 

980 if os.path.isdir(tmp_outmaskimage): 

981 shutil.rmtree(tmp_outmaskimage) 

982 if os.path.isdir(tmp_regridim): 

983 shutil.rmtree(tmp_regridim) 

984 if os.path.exists('__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid): 

985 shutil.rmtree('__tmp_fromTFmask_'+pid) 


987def findnearest(arr, val): 

988 if type(arr)==list: 

989 arr = np.array(arr) 

990 indx = np.abs(arr - val).argmin() 

991 return arr[indx] 


993def regridmask(inputmask,template,outputmask,axes=[3,0,1],method='linear',chanrange=None): 

994 ''' 

995 Regrid input mask (image) to output mask using a template. 

996 Currently the template must be a CASA image. 

997 The default interpolation method is set to 'linear' (since 'nearest' 

998 sometime fails). 

999 ''' 


1001"inputmask=",inputmask," template=",template," outputmask=",outputmask) 

1002 if not os.path.isdir(template): 

1003 raise OSError("template image %s does not exist" % template) 


1005 _ia = image() 

1006 try: 

1007 _tb = table() 

1008 inputmaskcopy = "_tmp_copy_"+os.path.basename(inputmask) 

1009 cleanuptempfiles([inputmaskcopy]) 

1010 shutil.copytree(inputmask,inputmaskcopy) 


1012 ocsys = _ia.coordsys() 

1013 oshp = _ia.shape() 

1014 finally: 

1015 _ia.done() 


1017 defTelescope = _tb.getkeywords()['coords']['telescope'] 

1018 _tb.close() 

1019, nomodify=False) 

1020 keys = _tb.getkeywords() 

1021 if keys['coords']['telescope']=="UNKNOWN": 

1022 if defTelescope =="UNKNOWN": 

1023 raise ValueError("UNKNOWN Telescope for %s " % inputmask) 

1024 else: 

1025 keys['coords']['telescope']=defTelescope 

1026 _tb.putkeywords(keys) 

1027 _tb.close() 


1029 if _ia.isopen(): _ia.close() 


1031 # check axis order, if necessary re-interprete input axes correctly  

1032 # assumed order of axes  

1033 reforder=['Right Ascension', 'Declination', 'Stokes', 'Frequency'] 

1034 axisorder=_ia.summary(list=False)['axisnames'].tolist() 

1035 # check if all 4 axes exist 

1036 errmsg = "" 

1037 for axname in reforder: 

1038 if axisorder.count(axname) == 0: 

1039 errmsg += axname+" " 

1040 if len(errmsg) != 0: 

1041 errmsg = "There is no "+errmsg+" axes inpimage. ia.adddegaxis or importfits with defaultaxes=True can solve this problem" 

1042 raise Exception(errmsg) 


1044 tmp_axes=[] 

1045 for axi in axes: 

1046 tmp_axes.append(axisorder.index(reforder[axi])) 

1047 axes=tmp_axes 

1048 if type(chanrange)==list and len(chanrange)==2: 

1049 incsys=_ia.coordsys() 

1050 spaxis=incsys.findcoordinate('spectral')['world'] 

1051 # create subimage based on the inpfreqs range 

1052 inblc=chanrange[0] 

1053 intrc=chanrange[1] 

1054"Regridmask: spaxis=%s, inblc=%s, intrc=%s" % (spaxis,inblc,intrc), 'DEBUG1') 

1055 rgn = _rg.wbox(blc=inblc,trc=intrc,pixelaxes=spaxis.tolist(),csys=incsys.torecord()) 

1056 incsys.done() 

1057 else: 

1058 rgn={} 

1059 # for continuum case 

1060 ir = None 

1061 if oshp[tmp_axes[0]]==1: 

1062 axes=[0,1] 

1063 try: 

1064 #check for an appropriate decimation factor 

1065 min_axlen=min(oshp[:2]) 

1066 if min_axlen < 30: 

1067 decfactor=min_axlen//3 

1068 if decfactor==0: decfactor=1 

1069 else: 

1070 decfactor=10 

1071 ir=_ia.regrid(outfile=outputmask,shape=oshp,csys=ocsys.torecord(),axes=axes,region=rgn,method=method,decimate=decfactor) 


1073 except: 

1074 pass 

1075 finally: 

1076 ocsys.done() 

1077 _ia.remove() 

1078 _ia.done() 

1079 # to ensure to create 1/0 mask image 

1080 #ir.calc('iif (%s>0.0 && %s<1.0,1,%s)'%(outputmask,outputmask,outputmask)) 

1081 # treat everything not = 0.0 to be mask 

1082 if (ir): 

1083 try: 

1084 ir.calc('iif (abs("%s")>0.0,1,"%s")'%(outputmask,outputmask),False) 

1085 finally: 

1086 ir.done() 

1087 if os.path.isdir(inputmaskcopy): 

1088 shutil.rmtree(inputmaskcopy) 


1090def addimagemask(sumimage, imagetoadd, threshold=0.0): 

1091 """ 

1092 add image masks (assumed the images are already in the same coordinates) 

1093 """ 

1094 _ia = image() 

1095 try: 

1096"addimagemask: sumimage=",sumimage," imagetoadd=",imagetoadd) 


1098 _ia.calc('iif ("'+imagetoadd+'">'+str(threshold)+',("'+sumimage+'"+"'+imagetoadd+'")/("'+sumimage+'"+"'+imagetoadd+'"),"'+sumimage+'")',False) 

1099 # actually should be AND? 

1100 #_ia.calc('iif ('+imagetoadd+'>'+str(threshold)+','+sumimage+'*'+imagetoadd+','+sumimage+')') 

1101 #_ia.calc('iif ('+imagetoadd+'>'+str(threshold)+',('+sumimage+'*'+imagetoadd+')/('+sumimage+'*'+imagetoadd+'),'+sumimage+')') 

1102 finally: 

1103 _ia.close() 


1105def multiplyimagemask(sumimage, imagetomerge): 

1106 """ 

1107 multiple image masks (do AND operation, assumed the images are already in the same coordinates) 

1108 to use for merging of two image masks originated from T/F masks or merging between mask image 

1109 and a T/F mask originated mask image 

1110 """ 

1111 _ia = image() 

1112 try: 


1114 _ia.calc('iif ("'+imagetomerge+'"!=0.0,("'+sumimage+'"*"'+imagetomerge+'"),0.0 )',False) 

1115 _ia.calc('iif ("'+sumimage+'"!=0.0,("'+sumimage+'")/("'+sumimage+'"),"'+sumimage+'")',False) 

1116 finally: 

1117 _ia.close() 


1119def expandchanmask(inimage,inchans,outimage,outchans): 

1120 """ 

1121 expand masks in channel direction,and insert then 

1122 to output image with the same coordinates (post-regridded) 

1123 only differ by channels 

1124 """ 

1125 _ia = image() 

1126 # input image 


1128 inshp=_ia.shape() 

1129 refchanst=inchans[0] 

1130 refchanen=inchans[-1] 

1131"refchanst=",refchanst," refchanen=",refchanen," inshp=",inshp," inchans=",inchans) 

1132 slst = [0,0,0,refchanst] 

1133 slen = [inshp[0]-1,inshp[1]-1,0,refchanen] 

1134"getting chunk at blc="+str(slst)+" trc="+str(slen),'DEBUG1') 

1135 refchanchunk=_ia.getchunk(blc=slst,trc=slen) 

1136 refchanchunk=refchanchunk.transpose() 

1137 _ia.close() 




1141 # need find nearest inchan 

1142 # store by chan indices (no regrid) 

1143 outshp=_ia.shape() 

1144 if outchans==[]: 

1145 #select all channels 

1146 outchans=list(range(outshp[3])) 

1147 usechanims={} # list of input mask to be use for each outpfreq 

1148 for i in outchans: 

1149 nearestch = findnearest(inchans,i) 

1150 usechanims[i]=nearestch 


1152"Mapping of channels: usechanims="+str(usechanims),'DEBUG1') 

1153 for j in outchans: 

1154 pix = refchanchunk[usechanims[j]-refchanst] 



1157"inshp=",inshp, ' j=',j) 

1158 #_ia.putchunk(pixels=pix,blc=[inshp[0]-1,inshp[1]-1,0,j]) 

1159 _ia.putchunk(pixels=pix.transpose(),blc=[0,0,0,j]) 

1160"DONE putchunk for j=", j) 

1161 _ia.done() 


1163def translatefreqrange(freqrange,csys): 

1164 """ 

1165 convert the range in list 

1166 mainly for frequeny and velocity range determination 

1167 """ 

1168 if type(freqrange)==list and type(freqrange[0])==int: 

1169 #do nothing 

1170 return freqrange 

1171 elif type(freqrange)==str: 

1172 freqlist=freqrange.split('~') 

1173 for i in list(range(len(freqlist))): 

1174 if freqlist[i].find('m/s') > -1: 

1175 fq = _qa.quantity(freqlist[i]) 

1176 vf=csys.velocitytofrequency(value=fq['value'],velunit=fq['unit']) 

1177 freqlist[i]=str(vf[0])+'Hz' 

1178 return freqlist 

1179 else: 

1180 raise TypeError("Cannot understand frequency range") 


1182def checkinput(inpname): 

1183 """ 

1184 do existance check on image and internal mask  

1185 """ 

1186 _ia = image() 

1187 (parentimage,tfmaskname)=extractmaskname(inpname) 

1188 (parentimexist,tfmaskexist)=checkinmask(parentimage,tfmaskname) 

1189 if parentimexist: 

1190 if tfmaskname=='': 

1191 return True # only the image 

1192 else: 

1193 if not tfmaskexist: 


1195 inmasklist=_ia.maskhandler('get') 

1196 _ia.close() 

1197 raise Exception("Cannot find the internal mask, %s. Candidate mask(s) are %s" % (tfmaskname, str(inmasklist))) 

1198 else: 

1199 return True # image mask and internal mask 

1200 else: 

1201 raise Exception("Cannot find the image=%s" % parentimage) 



1204def checkinmask(parentimage,tfmaskname): 

1205 """ 

1206 check existance of the internal mask 

1207 """ 

1208 _ia = image() 

1209 if os.path.isdir(parentimage): 

1210 if tfmaskname!='': 


1212 inmasks=_ia.maskhandler('get') 

1213 _ia.done() 

1214 if not any(tfmaskname in msk for msk in inmasks): 

1215 return (True, False) 

1216 else: 

1217 return (True, True) # image mask and internal mask 

1218 else: 

1219 return (True, False) 

1220 else: 

1221 return (False,False) 


1223def extractmaskname(maskname): 

1224 """ 

1225 split out imagename and maskname from a maskname string 

1226 returns (parentimage, internalmask) 

1227 """ 

1228 # the image file name may contains ':' some cases 

1229 # take last one in split list as an internal mask name 


1231 # Try to avoid issues with ':' included in paths when given absolute paths 

1232 dirname = None 

1233 if os.path.isabs(maskname): 

1234 dirname = os.path.dirname(maskname) 

1235 maskname = os.path.basename(maskname) 


1237 indx = maskname.find(':') 

1238 for i in list(range(len(maskname))): 

1239 if indx>-1: 

1240 indx += maskname[indx+1:].find(':') 

1241 indx +=1 

1242 else: 

1243 break 

1244 if indx != -1: 

1245 parentimage = maskname[:indx] 

1246 maskn = maskname[indx+1:] 

1247 else: 

1248 parentimage = maskname 

1249 maskn = '' 


1251 if dirname: 

1252 parentimage = os.path.join(dirname, parentimage) 


1254 return (parentimage, maskn) 


1256def makeEmptyimage(template,outimage): 

1257 """ 

1258 make an empty image with the coords 

1259 from template 

1260 """ 


1262 _ia = image() 


1264 inshp=_ia.shape() 

1265 incsys=_ia.coordsys() 

1266 _ia.fromshape(outimage,shape=inshp,csys=incsys.torecord()) 

1267 incsys.done() 

1268 _ia.done() 


1270def cleanuptempfiles(tempfilelist): 

1271 """ 

1272 clean up tempfilelist 

1273 """ 

1274 for fn in tempfilelist: 

1275 if os.path.isdir(fn): 

1276 shutil.rmtree(fn) 

1277 elif os.path.isfile(fn): 

1278 os.remove(fn)