Coverage for /wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.0-12-py3.10.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.10/site-packages/casatasks/private/ 2%
681 statements
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1import os
2import re
3import glob
4import pylab as pl
6from casatools import table, image, imager
7from casatasks import casalog, sdimaging, imregrid, immath, concat, feather
8from . import sdbeamutil
9from .simutil import *
11tb = table( )
12ia = image( )
13im = imager( )
15 # the global tb, ia, and im tools are used
17def simanalyze(
18 project=None,
19 image=None,
20 # if image==False:
21 imagename=None,
22 skymodel=None,
23 # else:
24 vis=None, modelimage=None, imsize=None, imdirection=None, cell=None,
25 interactive=None, niter=None, threshold=None,
26 weighting=None, mask=None, outertaper=None, pbcor=None, stokes=None,
27 featherimage=None,
28 # endif
29 analyze=None,
30 showuv=None, showpsf=None, showmodel=None,
31 showconvolved=None, showclean=None, showresidual=None, showdifference=None,
32 showfidelity=None,
33 graphics=None,
34 verbose=None,
35 overwrite=None,
36 dryrun=False,
37 logfile=None
38 ):
40#def simanalyze(project='sim', image=True, imagename='default', skymodel='', vis='default', modelimage='', imsize=[128, 128], imdirection='', cell='', interactive=False, niter=0, threshold='0.1mJy', weighting='natural', mask=[], outertaper=[''], stokes='I', featherimage='', analyze=False, showuv=True, showpsf=True, showmodel=True, showconvolved=False, showclean=True, showresidual=False, showdifference=True, showfidelity=True, graphics='both', verbose=False, overwrite=True, dryrun=False):
43 # Collect a list of parameter values to save inputs
44 in_params = locals()
46 casalog.origin('simanalyze')
47 if verbose: casalog.filter(level="DEBUG2")
49 # create the utility object:
50 myutil = simutil()
51 if logfile:
52 myutil.reportfile=logfile
53 myutil.openreport()
54 if verbose: myutil.verbose = True
55 msg = myutil.msg
57 # put output in directory called "project"
58 fileroot = project
59 if not os.path.exists(fileroot):
60 msg(fileroot+" directory doesn't exist - the task expects to find results from creating the datasets there, like the skymodel.",priority="error")
61 # msg should raise an exception for priority=error
64"saveinputs not available in casatasks, skipping saving simanalyze inputs", priority='INFO')
66 if (not image) and (not analyze):
67"No operation to be done. Exiting from task.", "WARN")
68 return
70 grscreen = False
71 grfile = False
72 if graphics == "both":
73 grscreen = True
74 grfile = True
75 if graphics == "screen":
76 grscreen = True
77 if graphics == "file":
78 grfile = True
80 try:
82 # Predefined parameters
83 pbcoeff = 1.13 ## PB defined as pbcoeff*lambda/d
86 # handle '$project' in modelimage
87 modelimage = modelimage.replace('$project',project)
88 featherimage = featherimage.replace('$project',project)
90 #=========================
91 # things we need: model_cell, model_direction if user doesn't specify -
92 # so find those first, and get information using util.modifymodel
93 # with skymodel=newmodel
96 # we need to parse either the mslist or imagename (if image=False)
97 # first, so that we can pick the appropriate skymodel,
98 # if there are several.
99 skymodel_searchstring="NOT SPECIFIED"
101 if not (image or dryrun):
102 user_imagename=imagename
103 if user_imagename=="default" or len(user_imagename)<=0:
104 images= glob.glob(fileroot+"/*image")
105 if len(images)<1:
106 emsg = "can't find any image in project directory"
107 raise RuntimeError(emsg)
108 if len(images)>1:
109 msg("found multiple images in project directory",priority="warn")
110 msg("using "+images[0],priority="warn")
111 imagename=images[0]
112 # trim .image suffix:
113 imagename= imagename.replace(".image","")
115 # if the user hasn't specified a sky model image, we can try to
116 # see if their imagename contains something like the project and
117 # configuration, as it would if simobserve created it.
118 user_skymodel=skymodel
119 if not os.path.exists(user_skymodel):
120 if os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+user_skymodel):
121 user_skymodel=fileroot+"/"+user_skymodel
122 elif len(user_skymodel)>0:
123 raise RuntimeError("Can't find your specified skymodel "+user_skymodel)
124 # try to strip a searchable identifier
125 tmpstring=user_skymodel.split("/")[-1]
126 skymodel_searchstring=tmpstring.replace(".image","")
129 if image:
130 # check for default measurement sets:
131 default_mslist = glob.glob(fileroot+"/*ms")
132 n_default=len(default_mslist)
133 # is the user requesting this ms?
134 default_requested=[]
135 for i in range(n_default): default_requested.append(False)
137 # parse ms parameter and check for existance;
138 # initial ms list
139 if vis=="default" or len(vis)==0:
140 mslist0=default_mslist
141 else:
142 mslist0 = vis.split(',')
143 # verified found ms list
144 mslist = []
145 mstype = []
147 mstoimage=[]
148 tpmstoimage=None
150 for ms0 in mslist0:
151 if not len(ms0): continue
152 ms1 = ms0.replace('$project',project)
154 # MSes in fileroot/ have priority
155 if os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+ms1):
156 ms1 = fileroot + "/" + ms1
158 if os.path.exists(ms1)or dryrun:
159 mslist.append(ms1)
161 # mark as requested
162 if default_mslist.count(ms1):
163 i=default_mslist.index(ms1)
164 default_requested[i]=True
166 # check if noisy in name
167 if'noisy.',ms1):
168 ms1_raw=str.join("",re.split('noisy.',ms1))
169 if default_mslist.count(ms1_raw):
170 i=default_mslist.index(ms1_raw)
171 default_requested[i]=True
172 else: # not noisy
173 if ms1.endswith(""):
174 ms1_noisy=re.split('',ms1)[0]+''
175 else:
176 ms1_noisy=re.split('.ms',ms1)[0]+''
177 if default_mslist.count(ms1_noisy):
178 i=default_mslist.index(ms1_noisy)
179 default_requested[i]=True
180 if vis == "default": continue
181 msg("You requested "+ms1+" but there is a noisy version of the ms in your project directory - if your intent is to model noisy data you may want to check inputs",priority="warn")
183 # check if the ms is tp data or not.
184 if dryrun:
185 # HACK
186 mstype.append('INT')
187 mstoimage.append(ms1)
189 elif myutil.ismstp(ms1,halt=False):
190 mstype.append('TP')
191 tpmstoimage = ms1
192 # XXX TODO more than one TP ms will not be handled
193 # correctly
194 msg("Found a total power measurement set, %s." % ms1,origin='simanalyze')
195 else:
196 mstype.append('INT')
197 mstoimage.append(ms1)
198 msg("Found a synthesis measurement set, %s." % ms1,origin='simanalyze')
199 else:
200 msg("measurement set "+ms1+" not found -- removing from imaging list")
202 # check default mslist for unrequested ms:
203 for i in range(n_default):
204 if not default_requested[i]:
205 msg("Project directory contains "+default_mslist[i]+" but you have not requested to include it in your simulated image.")
208 if not mstoimage and len(tpmstoimage) == 0:
209 raise RuntimeError("No MS found to image")
211 # now try to parse the mslist for an identifier string that
212 # we can use to find the right skymodel if there are several
213 if len(mstoimage) == 0 and len(tpmstoimage) > 0:
214 tmpstring = tpmstoimage.split("/")[-1]
215 else:
216 tmpstring=(mstoimage[0]).split("/")[-1]
217 skymodel_searchstring=tmpstring.replace(".ms","")
221 # more than one to image?
222 if len(mstoimage) > 1:
223 msg("Multiple interferometric ms found:",priority="info",origin='simanalyze')
224 for i in range(len(mstoimage)):
225 msg(" "+mstoimage[i],priority="info",origin='simanalyze')
226 msg(" will be concated and simultaneously deconvolved; if something else is desired, please specify vis, or image manually and use image=F",priority="info",origin='simanalyze')
227 concatms=project+"/"+project+""
228 weights = get_concatweights(mstoimage)
229 msg(" concat("+str(mstoimage)+",concatvis='"+concatms+"',visweightscale="+str(weights)+")",origin='simanalyze')
230 if not dryrun:
231 concat(mstoimage,concatvis=concatms,visweightscale=weights)
232 mstoimage=[concatms]
236 #========================================================
237 # now we can search for skymodel, and if there are several,
238 # pick the one that is closest to either the imagename,
239 # or the first MS if there are several MS to image.
241 components_only=False
243 # first look for skymodel, if not then compskymodel
244 skymodels=glob.glob(fileroot+"/"+project+"*.skymodel")+glob.glob(fileroot+"/"+project+"*.newmodel")
245 nmodels=len(skymodels)
246 skymodel_index=0
247 if nmodels>1:
248 msg("Found %i sky model images:" % nmodels,origin='simanalyze')
249 # use the skymodel_searchstring to try to pick the right one
250 # print them out for the user while we're at it.
251 for i in range(nmodels):
252 msg(" "+skymodels[i])
253 if skymodels[i].count(skymodel_searchstring)>0:
254 skymodel_index=i
255 msg("Using skymodel "+skymodels[skymodel_index],origin='simanalyze')
256 if nmodels>=1:
257 skymodel=skymodels[skymodel_index]
258 else:
259 skymodel=""
261 if os.path.exists(skymodel):
262 msg("Sky model image "+skymodel+" found.",origin='simanalyze')
263 else:
264 skymodels=glob.glob(fileroot+"/"+project+"*.compskymodel")
265 nmodels=len(skymodels)
266 if nmodels>1:
267 msg("Found %i sky model images:" % nmodels,origin='simanalyze')
268 for ff in skymodels:
269 msg(" "+ff)
270 msg("Using "+skymodels[0],origin='simanalyze')
271 if nmodels>=1:
272 skymodel=skymodels[0]
273 else:
274 skymodel=""
276 if os.path.exists(skymodel):
277 msg("Sky model image "+skymodel+" found.",origin='simanalyze')
278 components_only=True
279 elif not dryrun:
280 msg("Can't find a model image in your project directory, named skymodel or compskymodel - output image will be created, but comparison with the input model is not possible.",priority="warn",origin='simanalyze')
281 analyze=False
283 modelflat = skymodel+".flat"
285 if os.path.exists(skymodel):
286 if not (os.path.exists(modelflat) or dryrun):
287 myutil.flatimage(skymodel,verbose=verbose)
289 # modifymodel just collects info if skymodel==newmodel
290 (model_refdir,model_cell,model_size,
291 model_nchan,model_specrefval,model_specrefpix,model_width,
292 model_stokes) = myutil.modifymodel(skymodel,skymodel,
293 "","","","","",-1,
294 flatimage=False)
296 cell_asec=qa.convert(model_cell[0],'arcsec')['value']
298 #####################################################################
299 # clean if desired, use noisy image for further calculation if present
300 # todo suggest a cell size from psf?
301 #####################################################################
302 if image:
304 # make sure cell is defined
305 if is_array_type(cell):
306 if len(cell) > 0:
307 cell0 = cell[0]
308 else:
309 cell0 = ""
310 else:
311 cell0 = cell
312 if len(cell0)<=0:
313 cell = model_cell
314 if is_array_type(cell):
315 if len(cell) == 1:
316 cell = [cell[0],cell[0]]
317 else:
318 cell = [cell,cell]
320 # cells are positive by convention
321 cell = [qa.abs(cell[0]),qa.abs(cell[1])]
323 # and imsize
324 if is_array_type(imsize):
325 if len(imsize) > 0:
326 imsize0 = imsize[0]
327 if len(imsize) > 1:
328 imsize1 = imsize[1]
329 else:
330 imsize1 = imsize0
331 else:
332 imsize0 = -1
333 else:
334 imsize0 = imsize
335 if imsize0 <= 0:
336 imsize = [int(pl.ceil(qa.convert(qa.div(model_size[0],cell[0]),"")['value'])),
337 int(pl.ceil(qa.convert(qa.div(model_size[1],cell[1]),"")['value']))]
338 else:
339 imsize=[imsize0,imsize1]
342 if len(mstoimage) == 0:
343 if tpmstoimage:
344 sd_only = True
345 else:
346 msg("no measurement sets found to image",priority="error",origin='simanalyze')
347 else:
348 sd_only = False
349 # get some quantities from the interferometric ms
350 # TODO use something like aU.baselineStats for this, and the 90% baseline
351 maxbase=0.
352 if len(mstoimage)>1 and dryrun:
353 msg("imaging multiple ms not possible in dryrun mode",priority="warn",origin="simanalyze")
354 # TODO make work better for multiple MS
355 for msfile in mstoimage:
356 if os.path.exists(msfile):
358 rawdata = tb.getcol("UVW")
359 tb.done()
360 maxbase = max([max(rawdata[0,]),max(rawdata[1,])]) # in m
361 psfsize = 0.3/qa.convert(qa.quantity(model_specrefval),'GHz')['value']/maxbase*3600.*180/pl.pi # lambda/b converted to arcsec
362 minimsize = 8* int(psfsize/cell_asec)
363 elif dryrun:
364 minimsize = min(imsize)
365 psfsize = qa.mul(cell[0],3) # HACK
366 else:
367 raise RuntimeError(mstoimage+" not found.")
369 if imsize[0] < minimsize:
370 msg("The number of image pixel in x-axis, %d, is small to cover 8 x PSF. Setting x pixel number, %d." % (imsize[0], minimsize), priority='warn',origin='simanalyze')
371 imsize[0] = minimsize
372 if imsize[1] < minimsize:
373 msg("The number of image pixel in y-axis, %d, is small to cover 8 x PSF. Setting y pixel number, %d" % (imsize[1], minimsize), priority='warn',origin='simanalyze')
374 imsize[1] = minimsize
376 tpimage=None
377 # Do single dish imaging first if tpmstoimage exists.
378 if tpmstoimage and os.path.exists(tpmstoimage):
379 msg('creating image from ms: '+tpmstoimage,origin='simanalyze')
380 #if len(mstoimage):
381 # tpimage = project + '.sd.image'
382 #else:
383 # tpimage = project + '.image'
384 tpimage = project + '.sd.image'
385 tpimage = fileroot + "/" + tpimage
387 if len(mstoimage):
388 if len(modelimage) and tpimage != modelimage and \
389 tpimage != fileroot+"/"+modelimage:
390 msg("modelimage parameter set to "+modelimage+" but also creating a new total power image "+tpimage,priority="warn",origin='simanalyze')
391 msg("assuming you know what you want, and using modelimage="+modelimage+" in deconvolution",priority="warn",origin='simanalyze')
392 elif len(featherimage) and tpimage != featherimage and \
393 tpimage != fileroot+"/"+featherimage:
394 msg("featherimage parameter set to "+featherimage+" but also creating a new total power image "+tpimage,priority="warn",origin='simanalyze')
395 msg("assuming you know what you want, and using featherimage="+featherimage+" in feather",priority="warn",origin='simanalyze')
397 # Get PB size of TP Antenna
398 # !! aveant will only be set if modifymodel or setpointings and in
399 # any case it will the the aveant of the INTERFM array - we want the SD
400 if os.path.exists(tpmstoimage):
401 # antenna diameter
403 diams = tb.getcol("DISH_DIAMETER")
404 tb.close()
405 aveant = pl.mean(diams)
406 # theoretical antenna beam size
407 pb_asec = sdbeamutil.primaryBeamArcsec(qa.tos(qa.convert(qa.quantity(model_specrefval),'GHz')),aveant,(0.75 if aveant==12.0 else 0.0),10.0)
408 elif dryrun:
409 aveant = 12.0
410 pb_asec = pbcoeff*0.29979/qa.convert(qa.quantity(model_specrefval),'GHz')['value']/aveant*3600.*180/pl.pi
411 else:
412 raise RuntimeError(tpmstoimage+" not found.")
414 # default PSF from PB of antenna
415 imbeam = {'major': qa.quantity(pb_asec,'arcsec'),
416 'minor': qa.quantity(pb_asec,'arcsec'),
417 'positionangle': qa.quantity(0.0,'deg')}
419 # Common imaging parameters
420 sdim_param = dict(infiles=[tpmstoimage], overwrite=overwrite,
421 phasecenter=model_refdir, mode='channel',
422 nchan=model_nchan, start=0, width=1)
424 if True: #SF gridding
425 msg("Generating TP image using 'SF' kernel.",origin='simanalyze')
426 beamsamp = 9
427 sfcell_asec = pb_asec/beamsamp
428 sfcell = qa.tos(qa.quantity(sfcell_asec, "arcsec"))
429 cell_asec = [qa.convert(cell[0],"arcsec")['value'],
430 qa.convert(cell[1],"arcsec")['value']]
431 if cell_asec[0] > sfcell_asec or \
432 cell_asec[1] > sfcell_asec:
433 # imregrid() may not work properly for regrid of
434 # small to large cell
435 msg("The requested cell size is too large to invoke SF gridding. Please set cell size <= %f arcsec or grid TP MS '%s' manually" % (sfcell_asec, tpmstoimage),priority="error",origin='simanalyze')
437 sfsupport = 6
438 temp_out = tpimage+"0"
439 temp_cell = [sfcell, sfcell]
440 # too small - is imsize too small to start with?
441 # needs to cover all pointings.
442 temp_imsize = [int(pl.ceil(cell_asec[0]/sfcell_asec*imsize[0])),
443 int(pl.ceil(cell_asec[1]/sfcell_asec*imsize[1]))]
444 msg("Using predefined algorithm to define grid parameters.",origin='simanalyze')
445 msg("SF gridding summary",origin='simanalyze')
446 msg("- Antenna primary beam: %f arcsec" % pb_asec,origin='simanalyze')
447 msg("- Image pixels per antenna PB (predefined): %f" % beamsamp,origin='simanalyze')
448 msg("- Cell size (arcsec): [%s, %s]" % (temp_cell[0], temp_cell[1]),origin='simanalyze')
449 msg("- Imsize to cover final TP image area: [%d, %d] (type: %s)" % (temp_imsize[0], temp_imsize[1], type(temp_imsize[0])),origin='simanalyze')
450 msg("- convolution support: %d" % sfsupport,origin='simanalyze')
451 # kernel specific imaging parameters
452 sdim_param['gridfunction'] = 'SF'
453 sdim_param['convsupport'] = sfsupport
454 sdim_param['outfile'] = temp_out
455 sdim_param['imsize'] = temp_imsize
456 sdim_param['cell'] = temp_cell
458 msg(get_taskstr('sdimaging', sdim_param), priority="info")
459 if not dryrun:
460 sdimaging(**sdim_param)
461 if not os.path.exists(temp_out):
462 raise RuntimeError("TP imaging failed.")
464 # Scale image by convolved beam / antenna primary beam
466 imbeam = ia.restoringbeam()
467 ia.close()
468 try:
469 beam_area_ratio = qa.getvalue(qa.convert(imbeam['major'], "arcsec")) \
470 * qa.getvalue(qa.convert(imbeam['minor'], "arcsec")) \
471 / pb_asec**2
472 except KeyError:
473 # this shouldn't hit when simutil.imtclean sets restoringbeam='common'
474 msg("using center channel values to calculate beam area ratio",
475 origin='simanalyze', priority='info')
476 chan_index = int(imbeam['nChannels']/2)
477 pol_index = 0
478 beam_area_ratio = qa.getvalue(qa.convert(imbeam['major'], "arcsec")) \
479 * qa.getvalue(qa.convert(imbeam['minor'], "arcsec")) \
480 / pb_asec**2
481 msg("Scaling TP image intensity by %f." % (beam_area_ratio),origin='simanalyze')
482 temp_in = temp_out
483 temp_out = temp_out + ".scaled"
484 immath(imagename=temp_in, mode='evalexpr', expr="IM0*%f" % (beam_area_ratio),
485 outfile=temp_out)
486 if not os.path.exists(temp_out):
487 raise RuntimeError("TP image scaling failed.")
489 # Regrid TP image to final resolution
490 msg("Regridding TP image to final resolution",origin='simanalyze')
491 msg("- cell size (arecsec): [%s, %s]" % (cell[0], cell[1]),origin='simanalyze')
492 msg("- imsize: [%d, %d]" % (imsize[0], imsize[1]),origin='simanalyze')
493 if not dryrun:
495 newcsys = ia.coordsys()
496 ia.close()
497 dir_idx = newcsys.findcoordinate("direction")['world']
498 newcsys.setreferencepixel([imsize[0]/2., imsize[1]/2.],
499 type="direction")
500 incr = newcsys.increment(type='direction')['numeric']
501 newincr = [incr[0]*cell_asec[0]/sfcell_asec,
502 incr[1]*cell_asec[1]/sfcell_asec,]
503 newcsys.setincrement(newincr, type="direction")
504 #
505 sdtemplate = imregrid(imagename=temp_out, template="get")
506 sdtemplate['csys'] = newcsys.torecord()
507 for idx in range(len(dir_idx)):
508 sdtemplate['shap'][ dir_idx[idx] ] = imsize[idx]
509 imregrid(imagename=temp_out, interpolation="cubic",
510 template=sdtemplate, output=tpimage,
511 overwrite=overwrite)
512 del newcsys, sdtemplate, incr, newincr, dir_idx
513 del temp_out, temp_cell, temp_imsize, sfcell_asec, cell_asec
514 else: #PB grid
515 msg("Generating TP image using 'PB' kernel.",origin='simanalyze')
516 # Final TP cell and image size.
517 # imsize and cell are already int and quantum arrays
518 sdimsize = imsize
519 sdcell = [qa.tos(cell[0]), qa.tos(cell[1])]
520 ### TODO: need to set phasecenter properly based on imdirection
521 # kernel specific imaging parameters
522 sdim_param['gridfunction'] = 'PB'
523 sdim_param['outfile'] = tpimage
524 sdim_param['imsize'] = sdimsize
525 sdim_param['cell'] = sdcell
527 msg(get_taskstr('sdimaging', sdim_param), priority="info")
528 if not dryrun:
529 sdimaging(**sdim_param)
530 del sdimsize, sdcell
531 # TODO: Define PSF of image here
532 # for now use default
534 # get image beam size form TP image
535 if os.path.exists(tpimage):
537 beam = ia.restoringbeam()
538 ia.close()
540 if sd_only:
541 try:
542 bmarea = beam['major']['value']*beam['minor']['value']*1.1331 #arcsec2
543 except KeyError:
544 # this shouldn't hit when simutil.imtclean sets restoringbeam='common'
545 msg("using center channel values to calculate beam area",
546 origin='simanalyze', priority='info')
547 chan_index = int(beam['nChannels']/2)
548 pol_index = 0
549 bmarea = (beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['major']['value'] *
550 beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['minor']['value'] *
551 1.1331) #arcsec2
552 bmarea = bmarea/(cell[0]['value']*cell[1]['value']) # bm area in pix
553 else: del beam
554 #del beam
556 msg('generation of total power image '+tpimage+' complete.',origin='simanalyze')
557 # update TP ms name the for following steps
558 sdmsfile = tpmstoimage
559 sd_any = True
561 imagename = re.split('.image$',tpimage)[0]
562 # End of single dish imaging part
564 outflat_current = False
565 convsky_current = False
567 if image and len(mstoimage) > 0:
569 # for reruns
570 foo=mstoimage[0]
571 foo=foo.replace(".ms","")
572 foo=foo.replace(project,"")
573 foo=foo.replace("/","")
574 project=project+foo
576 imagename = fileroot + "/" + project
578 # get nfld, sourcefieldlist, from (interfm) ms if it was not just created
579 # TODO make work better for multiple mstoimage (figures below)
580 if os.path.exists(mstoimage[0]):
582 code = tb.getcol("CODE")
583 sourcefieldlist = pl.where(code=='OBJ')[0]
584 nfld = len(sourcefieldlist)
585 tb.done()
586 elif dryrun:
587 nfld=1 # HACK
588 msfile = mstoimage[0]
590 # set cleanmode automatically (for interfm)
591 if nfld == 1:
592 cleanmode = "csclean"
593 gridder = "standard"
594 else:
595 cleanmode = "mosaic"
596 gridder = "mosaic"
598 # keep the same default minor cycle algorithm for imtclean
599 # as previously used in imclean
600 deconvolver = "clark"
604 # clean insists on using an existing model if its present
605 if os.path.exists(imagename+".image"): shutil.rmtree(imagename+".image")
606 if os.path.exists(imagename+".model"): shutil.rmtree(imagename+".model")
608 # An image in fileroot/ has priority
609 if len(modelimage) > 0 and os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+modelimage):
610 modelimage = fileroot + "/" + modelimage
611 msg("Found modelimage, %s." % modelimage,origin='simanalyze')
613 # in simdata we use imdirection instead of model_refdir
614 if not myutil.isdirection(imdirection,halt=False):
615 imdirection=model_refdir
617 myutil.imtclean(mstoimage,imagename,
618 gridder,deconvolver,
619 cell,imsize,imdirection,
620 interactive,niter,threshold,
621 weighting,outertaper,pbcor,stokes,
622 modelimage=modelimage,mask=mask,
623 dryrun=dryrun)
624 ## Disabled as part of CAS-12502
625 #myutil.imclean(mstoimage,imagename,
626 # cleanmode,cell,imsize,imdirection,
627 # interactive,niter,threshold,weighting,
628 # outertaper,pbcor,stokes,
629 # #sourcefieldlist=sourcefieldlist,
630 # modelimage=modelimage,mask=mask,dryrun=dryrun)
633 # create imagename.flat and imagename.residual.flat:
634 if not dryrun:
635 myutil.flatimage(imagename+".image",verbose=verbose)
636 myutil.flatimage(imagename+".residual",verbose=verbose)
637 outflat_current = True
639 # feather
640 if featherimage:
641 if not os.path.exists(featherimage):
642 raise RuntimeError("Could not find featherimage "+featherimage)
643 else:
644 featherimage=""
645 if tpimage:
646 # if you set modelimage, then it won't force tpimage into
647 # featherimage. this could be hard to explain
648 # to the user.
649 if os.path.exists(tpimage) and not os.path.exists(modelimage):
650 featherimage=tpimage
653 if os.path.exists(featherimage):
654 msg("feathering the interfermetric image "+imagename+".image with "+featherimage,origin='simanalyze',priority="info")
655 # TODO call with params?
656 msg("feather('"+imagename+".feather.image','"+imagename+".image','"+featherimage+"')",priority="info")
657 if not dryrun:
658 feather(imagename+".feather.image",imagename+".image",featherimage)
659 # copy residual flat image
660 shutil.copytree(imagename+".residual.flat",imagename+".feather.residual.flat")
661 imagename=imagename+".feather"
662 # but replace combined flat image
663 myutil.flatimage(imagename+".image",verbose=verbose)
667 if verbose:
668 msg(" ")
669 msg("done inverting and cleaning",origin='simanalyze')
670 if not is_array_type(cell):
671 cell = [cell,cell]
672 if len(cell) <= 1:
673 cell = [qa.quantity(cell[0]),qa.quantity(cell[0])]
674 else:
675 cell = [qa.quantity(cell[0]),qa.quantity(cell[1])]
676 cell = [qa.abs(cell[0]),qa.abs(cell[0])]
678 # get beam from output clean image
679 if verbose: msg("getting beam from "+imagename+".image",origin='simanalyze')
680 if os.path.exists(imagename+".image"):
682 beam = ia.restoringbeam()
683 ia.close()
684 # model has units of Jy/pix - calculate beam area from clean image
685 # (even if we are not plotting graphics)
686 try:
687 bmarea = beam['major']['value']*beam['minor']['value']*1.1331 #arcsec2
688 except KeyError:
689 # this shouldn't hit when simutil.imtclean sets restoringbeam='common'
690 msg("using center channel values to calculate beam area",
691 origin='simanalyze', priority='info')
692 chan_index = int(beam['nChannels']/2)
693 pol_index = 0
694 bmarea = (beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['major']['value'] *
695 beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['minor']['value'] *
696 1.1331) #arcsec2
697 bmarea = bmarea/(cell[0]['value']*cell[1]['value']) # bm area in pix
698 msg("synthesized beam area in output pixels = %f" % bmarea,origin='simanalyze')
708 if image:
709 # show model, convolved model, clean image, and residual
710 if grfile:
711 file = fileroot + "/" + project + ".image.png"
712 else:
713 file = ""
714 else:
715 mslist=[]
717 if dryrun:
718 grscreen=False
719 grfile=False
720 analyze=False
722 if image and len(mstoimage) > 0:
723 if grscreen or grfile:
724 myutil.newfig(multi=[2,2,1],show=grscreen)
726 # create regridded and convolved sky model image
727 myutil.convimage(modelflat,imagename+".image.flat")
728 convsky_current = True # don't remake this for analysis in this run
730 disprange = [] # passing empty list causes return of disprange
732 # original sky regridded to output pixels but not convolved with beam
733 discard = myutil.statim(modelflat+".regrid",disprange=disprange,showstats=False)
734 myutil.nextfig()
736 # convolved sky model - units of Jy/bm
737 disprange = []
738 discard = myutil.statim(modelflat+".regrid.conv",disprange=disprange)
739 myutil.nextfig()
741 # clean image - also in Jy/beam
742 # although because of DC offset, better to reset disprange
743 disprange = []
744 discard = myutil.statim(imagename+".image.flat",disprange=disprange)
745 myutil.nextfig()
747 if len(mstoimage) > 0:
748 myutil.nextfig()
750 # clean residual image - Jy/bm
751 discard = myutil.statim(imagename+".residual.flat",disprange=disprange)
752 myutil.endfig(show=grscreen,filename=file)
757 #####################################################################
758 # analysis
760 if analyze:
762 if not os.path.exists(imagename+".image"):
763 if os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+imagename+".image"):
764 imagename=fileroot+"/"+imagename
765 else:
766 emsg = "Can't find a simulated image - expecting "+imagename
767 raise RuntimeError(emsg)
769 # we should have skymodel.flat created above
771 if not image:
772 if not os.path.exists(imagename+".image"):
773 emsg = "you must image before analyzing."
774 raise RuntimeError(emsg)
776 # get beam from output clean image
777 if verbose: msg("getting beam from "+imagename+".image",origin="analysis")
779 beam = ia.restoringbeam()
780 ia.close()
781 # model has units of Jy/pix - calculate beam area from clean image
782 cell = myutil.cellsize(imagename+".image")
783 cell= [ qa.convert(cell[0],'arcsec'),
784 qa.convert(cell[1],'arcsec') ]
785 # (even if we are not plotting graphics)
786 try:
787 bmarea = beam['major']['value']*beam['minor']['value']*1.1331 #arcsec2
788 except KeyError:
789 # this shouldn't hit when simutil.imtclean sets restoringbeam='common'
790 msg("using center channel values to calculate beam area",
791 origin='simanalyze', priority='info')
792 chan_index = int(beam['nChannels']/2)
793 pol_index = 0
794 bmarea = (beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['major']['value'] *
795 beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['minor']['value'] *
796 1.1331) #arcsec2
797 bmarea = bmarea/(cell[0]['value']*cell[1]['value']) # bm area in pix
798 msg("synthesized beam area in output pixels = %f" % bmarea)
801 # flat output:? if the user manually cleaned, this may not exist
802 outflat = imagename + ".image.flat"
803 if (not outflat_current) or (not os.path.exists(outflat)):
804 # create imagename.flat and imagename.residual.flat
805 myutil.flatimage(imagename+".image",verbose=verbose)
806 if os.path.exists(imagename+".residual"):
807 myutil.flatimage(imagename+".residual",verbose=verbose)
808 else:
809 if showresidual:
810 msg(imagename+".residual not found -- residual will not be plotted",priority="warn")
811 showresidual = False
812 outflat_current = True
814 # regridded and convolved input:?
815 if not convsky_current:
816 myutil.convimage(modelflat,imagename+".image.flat")
817 convsky_current = True
819 # now should have all the flat, convolved etc even if didn't run "image"
821 # make difference image.
822 # immath does Jy/bm if image but only if ia.setbrightnessunit("Jy/beam") in convimage()
823 convolved = modelflat + ".regrid.conv"
824 difference = imagename + '.diff'
825 diff_ia = ia.imagecalc(difference, "'%s' - '%s'" % (convolved, outflat), overwrite=True)
826 diff_ia.setbrightnessunit("Jy/beam")
828 # get rms of difference image for fidelity calculation
830 diffstats = diff_ia.statistics(robust=True, verbose=False,list=False)
831 diff_ia.close()
832 del diff_ia
833 maxdiff = diffstats['medabsdevmed']
834 if maxdiff != maxdiff: maxdiff = 0.
835 if type(maxdiff) != type(0.):
836 if maxdiff.__len__() > 0:
837 maxdiff = maxdiff[0]
838 else:
839 maxdiff = 0.
840 # Make fidelity image.
841 absdiff = imagename + '.absdiff'
842 calc_ia = ia.imagecalc(absdiff, "max(abs('%s'), %f)" % (difference,
843 maxdiff/pl.sqrt(2.0)), overwrite=True)
844 calc_ia.close()
845 fidelityim = imagename + '.fidelity'
846 calc_ia = ia.imagecalc(fidelityim, "abs('%s') / '%s'" % (convolved, absdiff), overwrite=True)
847 calc_ia.close()
848 msg("fidelity image calculated",origin="analysis")
850 # scalar fidelity
851 absconv = imagename + '.absconv'
852 calc_ia = ia.imagecalc(absconv, "abs('%s')" % convolved, overwrite=True)
853 if ia.isopen(): ia.close() #probably not necessary
854 calc_ia.close()
855 del calc_ia
858 modelstats = ia.statistics(robust=True, verbose=False,list=False)
859 maxmodel = modelstats['max']
860 if maxmodel != maxmodel: maxmodel = 0.
861 if type(maxmodel) != type(0.):
862 if maxmodel.__len__() > 0:
863 maxmodel = maxmodel[0]
864 else:
865 maxmodel = 0.
866 ia.close()
867 scalarfidel = maxmodel/maxdiff
868 msg("fidelity range (max model / rms difference) = "+str(scalarfidel),origin="analysis")
871 # now, what does the user want to actually display?
873 # need MS for showuv and showpsf
874 if not image:
875 msfile = fileroot + "/" + project + ".ms"
876 elif sd_only:
877 # imaged and single dish only
878 msfile = tpmstoimage
879 # psf is not available for SD only sim
880 if os.path.exists(msfile) and myutil.ismstp(msfile,halt=False):
881 if showpsf: msg("single dish simulation -- psf will not be plotted",priority='warn')
882 showpsf = False
883 if (not image) and (not os.path.exists(msfile)):
884 if showpsf or showuv:
885 msg("No image is generated in this run. Default MS, '%s', does not exist -- uv and psf will not be plotted" % msfile,priority='warn')
886 showpsf = False
887 showuv = False
890 # if the order in the task input changes, change it here too
891 figs = [showuv,showpsf,showmodel,showconvolved,showclean,showresidual,showdifference,showfidelity]
892 nfig = figs.count(True)
893 if nfig > 6:
894 msg("only displaying first 6 selected panels in graphic output",priority="warn")
895 if nfig <= 0:
896 return
897 if nfig < 4:
898 multi = [1,nfig,1]
899 else:
900 if nfig == 4:
901 multi = [2,2,1]
902 else:
903 multi = [2,3,1]
905 if grfile:
906 file = fileroot + "/" + project + ".analysis.png"
907 else:
908 file = ""
910 if grscreen or grfile:
911 myutil.newfig(multi=multi,show=grscreen)
913 # if order in task parameters changes, change here too
914 if showuv:
915# TODO loop over all ms - show all UV including zero
916 if len(mslist)>1:
917 msg("Using only "+msfile+" for uv plot",priority="warn",origin='simanalyze')
919 rawdata = tb.getcol("UVW")
920 tb.done()
922 maxbase = max([max(rawdata[0,]),max(rawdata[1,])]) # in m
923 klam_m = 300/qa.convert(model_specrefval,'GHz')['value']
924 pl.plot(rawdata[0,]/klam_m,rawdata[1,]/klam_m,'b,')
925 pl.plot(-rawdata[0,]/klam_m,-rawdata[1,]/klam_m,'b,')
926 ax = pl.gca()
927 ax.yaxis.LABELPAD = -4
928 pl.xlabel('u[klambda]',fontsize='x-small')
929 pl.ylabel('v[klambda]',fontsize='x-small')
930 pl.axis('equal')
931 # Add zero-spacing (single dish) if not yet plotted
932# TODO make this a check over all ms
933# if predict_sd and not myutil.ismstp(msfile,halt=False):
934# pl.plot([0.],[0.],'r,')
935 myutil.nextfig()
937 if showpsf:
938 if image:
939 psfim = imagename + ".psf"
940 else:
941 psfim = project + ".quick.psf"
942 if not os.path.exists(psfim):
943 if len(mslist)>1:
944 msg("Using only "+msfile+" for psf generation",priority="warn")
946 # TODO spectral parms
947 im.defineimage(cellx=qa.tos(model_cell[0]),nx=max([minimsize,128]))
948 if os.path.exists(psfim):
949 shutil.rmtree(psfim)
950 im.approximatepsf(psf=psfim)
951 # beam is set above (even in "analyze" only)
952 # note that if image, beam has fields 'major' whereas if not, it
953 # has fields like 'bmaj'.
954 # beam=im.fitpsf(psf=psfim)
955 im.done()
957 beamcs = ia.coordsys()
958 beam_array = ia.getchunk(axes=[beamcs.findcoordinate("spectral")['pixel'][0],beamcs.findcoordinate("stokes")['pixel'][0]],dropdeg=True)
959 nn = beam_array.shape
960 xextent = nn[0]*cell_asec*0.5
961 xextent = [xextent,-xextent]
962 yextent = nn[1]*cell_asec*0.5
963 yextent = [-yextent,yextent]
964 flipped_array = beam_array.transpose()
965 ttrans_array = flipped_array.tolist()
966 ttrans_array.reverse()
967 pl.imshow(ttrans_array,interpolation='bilinear',,extent=xextent+yextent,origin="lower")
968 psfim.replace(project+"/","")
969 pl.title(psfim,fontsize="x-small")
970 try:
971 b = qa.convert(beam['major'],'arcsec')['value']
972 pl.xlim([-3*b,3*b])
973 pl.ylim([-3*b,3*b])
974 ax = pl.gca()
975 pl.text(0.05,0.95,"bmaj=%7.1e\nbmin=%7.1e" % (beam['major']['value'],
976 beam['minor']['value']),
977 transform = ax.transAxes,bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.7),size="x-small",verticalalignment="top")
978 except KeyError:
979 # this shouldn't hit when simutil.imtclean sets restoringbeam='common'
980 msg("using center channel beam values for plot configuration",
981 origin='simanalyze', priority='info')
982 chan_index = int(beam['nChannels']/2)
983 pol_index = 0
984 b = qa.convert(beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['major'],'arcsec')['value']
985 pl.xlim([-3*b,3*b])
986 pl.ylim([-3*b,3*b])
987 ax = pl.gca()
988 pl.text(0.05, 0.95, "bmaj=%7.1e\nbmin=%7.1e" % (beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['major']['value'],
989 beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['minor']['value']),
990 transform = ax.transAxes,bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.7),size="x-small",verticalalignment="top")
991 ia.close()
992 myutil.nextfig()
994 disprange = [] # first plot will define range
995 if showmodel:
996 discard = myutil.statim(modelflat+".regrid",incell=cell,disprange=disprange,showstats=False)
997 myutil.nextfig()
998 disprange = []
1000 if showconvolved:
1001 discard = myutil.statim(modelflat+".regrid.conv")
1002 # if disprange gets set here, it'll be Jy/bm
1003 myutil.nextfig()
1005 if showclean:
1006 # own scaling because of DC/zero spacing offset
1007 discard = myutil.statim(imagename+".image.flat")
1008 myutil.nextfig()
1010 if showresidual:
1011 # it gets its own scaling
1012 discard = myutil.statim(imagename+".residual.flat")
1013 myutil.nextfig()
1015 if showdifference:
1016 # it gets its own scaling.
1017 discard = myutil.statim(imagename+".diff")
1018 myutil.nextfig()
1020 if showfidelity:
1021 # it gets its own scaling.
1022 discard = myutil.statim(imagename+".fidelity",showstats=False)
1023 myutil.nextfig()
1025 myutil.endfig(show=grscreen,filename=file)
1027 sim_min,sim_max,sim_rms,sim_units = myutil.statim(imagename+".image.flat",plot=False)
1028 # if not displaying still print stats:
1029 # 20100505 ia.stats changed to return Jy/bm:
1030 msg('Simulation rms: '+str(sim_rms/bmarea)+" Jy/pix = "+
1031 str(sim_rms)+" Jy/bm",origin="analysis")
1032 msg('Simulation max: '+str(sim_max/bmarea)+" Jy/pix = "+
1033 str(sim_max)+" Jy/bm",origin="analysis")
1034 #msg('Simulation rms: '+str(sim_rms)+" Jy/pix = "+
1035 # str(sim_rms*bmarea)+" Jy/bm",origin="analysis")
1036 #msg('Simulation max: '+str(sim_max)+" Jy/pix = "+
1037 # str(sim_max*bmarea)+" Jy/bm",origin="analysis")
1038 try:
1039 msg('Beam bmaj: '+str(beam['major']['value'])+
1040 ' bmin: '+str(beam['minor']['value'])+
1041 ' bpa: '+str(beam['positionangle']['value']),
1042 origin="analysis")
1043 except KeyError: # per-plane beams...
1044 pol_index = 0
1045 for chan_index in range(0, beam['nChannels']):
1046 msg('polarization '+str(pol_index) + ' channel '+str(chan_index) + ' Beam'
1047 ' bmaj: '+str(beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['major']['value'])+
1048 ' bmin: '+str(beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['minor']['value'])+
1049 ' bpa: '+str(beam['beams']['*'+str(chan_index)]['*'+str(pol_index)]['positionangle']['value']),
1050 origin="analysis")
1055 # cleanup - delete newmodel, newmodel.flat etc
1056# flat kept by user request CAS-5509
1057# if os.path.exists(imagename+".image.flat"):
1058# shutil.rmtree(imagename+".image.flat")
1059 if os.path.exists(imagename+".residual.flat"):
1060 shutil.rmtree(imagename+".residual.flat")
1061 # .flux.pbcoverage is nessesary for feather.
1062 #if os.path.exists(imagename+".flux.pbcoverage"):
1063 # shutil.rmtree(imagename+".flux.pbcoverage")
1064 absdiff = imagename + '.absdiff'
1065 if os.path.exists(absdiff):
1066 shutil.rmtree(absdiff)
1067 absconv = imagename + '.absconv'
1068 if os.path.exists(absconv):
1069 shutil.rmtree(absconv)
1070# if os.path.exists(imagename+".diff"):
1071# shutil.rmtree(imagename+".diff")
1072 if os.path.exists(imagename+".quick.psf") and os.path.exists(imagename+".psf"):
1073 shutil.rmtree(imagename+".quick.psf")
1075 finalize_tools()
1076 if myutil.isreport():
1077 myutil.closereport()
1080 finally:
1081 finalize_tools()
1084def finalize_tools():
1085 if ia.isopen(): ia.close()
1086 im.close()
1087 tb.close()
1089### A helper function to get concat weight
1090def get_concatweights(mslist):
1091 if type(mslist) == str:
1092 mslist = [mslist]
1093 if not is_array_type(mslist):
1094 raise TypeError("get_concatweights: input should be a list of MS names")
1095 if len(mslist) < 2 and os.path.exists(mslist[0]):
1096 return (1.)
1098 if not os.path.exists(mslist[0]):
1099 raise ValueError("Could not find input file, %s" % mslist[0])
1100 # Get integration to compare.
1101 (mytb, mymsmd) = gentools(['tb', 'msmd'])
1102 try:
1104 tint0 = mytb.getcell('INTERVAL',0)
1105 finally:
1106 mytb.close()
1107 # Get antenna diameter of the first MS.
1108 try:
1110 diam0 = mytb.getcell('DISH_DIAMETER', 0)
1111 finally:
1112 mytb.close()
1114 weights = []
1115 for thems in mslist:
1116 if not os.path.exists(thems):
1117 raise ValueError("Could not find input file, %s" % thems)
1118 # MS check - assumes that all antennas, spws, and data are used
1119 # Check the number of spw
1120 try:
1122 if mytb.nrows() > 1:
1123"simanalyze can not calculate concat weight of MSes with multiple spectral windows in an MS. Please concatenate them manually.", priority="ERROR")
1124 finally:
1125 mytb.close()
1127 # Check antenna diameters in MS
1128 try:
1130 diams = mytb.getcol('DISH_DIAMETER')
1131 finally:
1132 mytb.close()
1134 for diam in diams:
1135 if (diam != diams[0]):
1136"simanalyze can not calculate concat weight of MSes with multiple antenna diameters in an MS. Please concatenate them manually.", priority="ERROR")
1137 # Check integrations in MS
1138 try:
1140 integs = mytb.getcol('INTERVAL')
1141 finally:
1142 mytb.close()
1144 for tint in integs:
1145 if (tint != integs[0]):
1146"simanalyze can not calculate concat weight of MSes with multiple integration times in an MS. Please concatenate them manually.", priority="ERROR")
1148 # Check integration is equal to tint0
1149 if integs[0] != tint0:
1150"simanalyze can not calculate concat weight of MSes with different integration times. Please concatenate them manually.", priority="ERROR")
1151 del integs
1152 # Now calculate weight
1153 weights.append((diams[0]/diam0)**2)
1155 # end of MS loop
1156 if len(mslist) != len(weights):
1157 raise RuntimeError("Could not calculate weight of some MSes.")
1159 return weights