Test vla_users_continuum_from_SDM

# Test Name Description Run Time Status
1 test_continuum_from_SDM VLA Stakeholders tests: Based on 3C 391 CASAguide Continuum Tutorial 802.52s
2 Total Total test runtime 802.52s


VLA Stakeholders tests: Based on 3C 391 CASAguide Continuum Tutorial

Elapsed Time: 802.5169200897217 Seconds

Status: PASS

Task Executions:


Serial Mode: MPI Environment Not Enabled

Number of processors available in the system: 24

report: Expected flag percentage of 20.558870499248552, got 20.558870499248552, tolerance 1.0 Expected 850358 rows in split MS, got 850358, tolerance exact Expected 14 nonzero antenna position corrections, got 14, tolerance exact Expected minimum antenna position correction of -0.0257, got -0.025699999183416367, tolerance 1e-05 Expected maximum antenna position correction of 0.0045, got 0.0044999998062849045, tolerance 1e-05 Expected 46 input fluxboot solutions, got 46.0, tolerance exact Expected J1822-0938 bootstrapped flux of 2.2973563472684653, got 2.2973627225637148, tolerance 4.0% Expected image peak at pixels [288 256], got [288 256], tolerance exact Expected pbcor image peak of 0.15553903579711914, got 0.15550492703914642, tolerance 4.0% Expected peak residual of 0.0010077510960400105, got 0.0010062860092148185, tolerance 10.0% Expected rms residual of 0.000542584067811474, got 0.000544427461393555, tolerance 10.0%

Mem Use: 1514.65625 MiB

Re-Run: /home/casatest/work/pkg/casa-6.7.0-8-py3.10.el8/bin/python3 /home/casatest/work/casasources//casa6/casatests/stakeholder/test_stk_vla_users_continuum_from_SDM.py Test_vla_users_continuum.test_continuum_from_SDM