Statwt test.test chanbin multi spw no spectrum columns: Test case result
The below summarizes the result of the test "Statwt test.test chanbin multi spw no spectrum columns" in build 3 of CASA - CMake Dev Test Full 3.8 - CAS-14360 - Test Tasks Many Linux 2.28 CasaShell.
- Description
- Statwt test.test chanbin multi spw no spectrum columns
- Test class
- test_task_statwt_casashell
- Method
- statwt_test.test_chanbin_multi_spw_no_spectrum_columns
- Duration
- 4 secs
- Status
- Failed (Existing Failure)
Error Log
RuntimeError not raised by <casashell.private.statwt._statwt object at 0x7efe06f3d6a0> RuntimeError not raised by <casashell.private.statwt._statwt object at 0x7efe06f3d6a0>