Build: #1 failed

Job: Test Tasks RHEL7 failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Publish

  3. Create Upload Plan Branch

Full log: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Full log" in build 1 of CASA - Casa 6 Dev Test Full - CAS-13780 - Test Tasks RHEL7. View test case history
Full log
Test class
full log
3 mins
Failed (New Failure)

Error Log

...2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
2022-04-12 07:49:30	WARN	gencal::jyperk.MeanElevation._calc_elevation_mean::casa	The elevation mean is np.nan, so the factor is set 1.
./usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatestutils/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater
  diff = np.abs(np.subtract(a[i][j], b[i][j])) > tolerance * np.abs(a[i][j])
.2022-04-12 07:49:48	SEVERE	gencal::::casa	Task gencal raised an exception of class Exception with the following message: There is no factor.
.2022-04-12 07:50:33	SEVERE	gencal::::casa	Task gencal raised an exception of class ConnectionResetError with the following message: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
E2022-04-12 07:51:05	SEVERE	gencal::::casa	Task gencal raised an exception of class ConnectionResetError with the following message: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
E..2022-04-12 07:51:06	SEVERE	Calibrater::specifycal	Caught Exception: Automatic gain curve not supported for EVN
2022-04-12 07:51:06	SEVERE		Exception Reported: Error in Calibrater::specifycal.
2022-04-12 07:51:06	SEVERE	gencal::::casa	Task gencal raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Error in Calibrater::specifycal.
.  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:08 --:--:--     0
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:09 --:--:--     0
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:10 --:--:--     0
  0  158k    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:12 --:--:--     0
  0  158k    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:13 --:--:--     0
  0  158k    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:14 --:--:--     0
  0  158k    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:15 --:--:--     0
  0  158k    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:16 --:--:--     0
  0  158k    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:17 --:--:--     0
  0  158k    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:18 --:--:--     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    838      0  0:03:13  0:00:19  0:02:54  3029
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    797      0  0:03:23  0:00:20  0:03:03  3463
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    760      0  0:03:32  0:00:21  0:03:11  3464
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    726      0  0:03:42  0:00:22  0:03:20  3463
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    696      0  0:03:52  0:00:23  0:03:29  2991
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    667      0  0:04:02  0:00:24  0:03:38     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    641      0  0:04:12  0:00:25  0:03:47     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    617      0  0:04:22  0:00:26  0:03:56     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    594      0  0:04:32  0:00:27  0:04:05     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    573      0  0:04:42  0:00:28  0:04:14     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    554      0  0:04:52  0:00:29  0:04:23     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    536      0  0:05:01  0:00:30  0:04:31     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    519      0  0:05:11  0:00:31  0:04:40     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    511      0  0:05:16  0:00:32  0:04:44     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    497      0  0:05:25  0:00:32  0:04:53     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    482      0  0:05:35  0:00:33  0:05:02     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    468      0  0:05:45  0:00:34  0:05:11     0
 10  158k   10 16384    0     0    455      0  0:05:55  0:00:35  0:05:20     0
 20  158k   20 32768    0     0    880      0  0:03:03  0:00:37  0:02:26  3178
 20  158k   20 32768    0     0    853      0  0:03:09  0:00:38  0:02:31  3004
 20  158k   20 32768    0     0    831      0  0:03:14  0:00:39  0:02:35  3004
 30  158k   30 49152    0     0   1230      0  0:02:11  0:00:39  0:01:32  6577
 30  158k   30 49152    0     0   1194      0  0:02:15  0:00:41  0:01:34  6291
 30  158k   30 49152    0     0   1150      0  0:02:20  0:00:42  0:01:38  2976
 30  158k   30 49152    0     0   1137      0  0:02:22  0:00:43  0:01:39  3396
 40  158k   40 65536    0     0   1491      0  0:01:48  0:00:43  0:01:05  7231
 40  158k   40 65536    0     0   1449      0  0:01:51  0:00:45  0:01:06  3108
 40  158k   40 65536    0     0   1418      0  0:01:54  0:00:46  0:01:08  3248
 40  158k   40 65536    0     0   1388      0  0:01:56  0:00:47  0:01:09  3645
 40  158k   40 65536    0     0   1351      0  0:01:59  0:00:48  0:01:11  3121
 40  158k   40 65536    0     0   1324      0  0:02:02  0:00:49  0:01:13     0
 40  158k   40 65536    0     0   1298      0  0:02:04  0:00:50  0:01:14     0
 50  158k   50 81920    0     0   1608      0  0:01:40  0:00:50  0:00:50  3466
 50  158k   50 81920    0     0   1556      0  0:01:43  0:00:52  0:00:51  3029
 50  158k   50 81920    0     0   1541      0  0:01:44  0:00:53  0:00:51  3519
 50  158k   50 81920    0     0   1513      0  0:01:46  0:00:54  0:00:52  3520
 50  158k   50 81920    0     0   1485      0  0:01:48  0:00:55  0:00:53  3520
 50  158k   50 81920    0     0   1459      0  0:01:50  0:00:56  0:00:54     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1722      0  0:01:33  0:00:57  0:00:36  3688
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1686      0  0:01:35  0:00:58  0:00:37  3178
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1658      0  0:01:37  0:00:59  0:00:38  3178
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1630      0  0:01:39  0:01:00  0:00:39  3178
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1603      0  0:01:40  0:01:01  0:00:39  3178
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1578      0  0:01:42  0:01:02  0:00:40     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1553      0  0:01:44  0:01:03  0:00:41     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1529      0  0:01:45  0:01:04  0:00:41     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1505      0  0:01:47  0:01:05  0:00:42     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1482      0  0:01:49  0:01:06  0:00:43     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1460      0  0:01:50  0:01:07  0:00:43     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1439      0  0:01:52  0:01:08  0:00:44     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1418      0  0:01:54  0:01:09  0:00:45     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1398      0  0:01:55  0:01:10  0:00:45     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1378      0  0:01:57  0:01:11  0:00:46     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1359      0  0:01:59  0:01:12  0:00:47     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1341      0  0:02:00  0:01:13  0:00:47     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1323      0  0:02:02  0:01:14  0:00:48     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1305      0  0:02:03  0:01:15  0:00:48     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1288      0  0:02:05  0:01:16  0:00:49     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1271      0  0:02:07  0:01:17  0:00:50     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1255      0  0:02:08  0:01:18  0:00:50     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1239      0  0:02:10  0:01:19  0:00:51     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1224      0  0:02:12  0:01:20  0:00:52     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1209      0  0:02:13  0:01:21  0:00:52     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1194      0  0:02:15  0:01:22  0:00:53     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1179      0  0:02:17  0:01:23  0:00:54     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1165      0  0:02:18  0:01:24  0:00:54     0
 60  158k   60 98304    0     0   1155      0  0:02:20  0:01:25  0:00:55     0
 81  158k   81  128k    0     0   1522      0  0:01:46  0:01:26  0:00:20  6879
 81  158k   81  128k    0     0   1505      0  0:01:47  0:01:27  0:00:20  6878
 81  158k   81  128k    0     0   1488      0  0:01:48  0:01:28  0:00:20  6878
 81  158k   81  128k    0     0   1471      0  0:01:49  0:01:29  0:00:20  6876
 81  158k   81  128k    0     0   1452      0  0:01:51  0:01:30  0:00:21  6372
 91  158k   91  144k    0     0   1620      0  0:01:39  0:01:30  0:00:09  3342
 91  158k   91  144k    0     0   1605      0  0:01:40  0:01:31  0:00:09  3425
100  158k  100  158k    0     0   1760      0  0:01:31  0:01:31 --:--:--  8066
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='igsg1160.10i' mode='r' encoding='ANSI_X3.4-1968'>
  linestring = open(igs_file, 'r').read()
.2022-04-12 07:52:45	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/17:06:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:45	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/17:09:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:45	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/17:09:33.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:45	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/17:09:48.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:46	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/17:25:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:46	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/17:27:03.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 2 at t=2008/03/10/17:58:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:09:03.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:09:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:10:03.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:19:19.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:19:19.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 2 at t=2008/03/10/18:19:19.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 3 at t=2008/03/10/18:19:19.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:30:03.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:47	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:30:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:48	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 3 at t=2008/03/10/18:37:06.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:48	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:40:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:48	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:50:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:48	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:50:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:48	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 2 at t=2008/03/10/18:50:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:48	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 3 at t=2008/03/10/18:50:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:48	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 3 at t=2008/03/10/18:51:06.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:48	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=9 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:56:46.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
.2022-04-12 07:52:51	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/17:06:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:51	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/17:09:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:51	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/17:09:33.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:51	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/17:09:48.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:51	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/17:25:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:51	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/17:27:03.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:52	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 2 at t=2008/03/10/17:58:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:52	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:09:03.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:52	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:09:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:52	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:10:03.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:19:19.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:19:19.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 2 at t=2008/03/10/18:19:19.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 3 at t=2008/03/10/18:19:19.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:30:03.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:30:18.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 3 at t=2008/03/10/18:37:06.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:40:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:50:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 1 at t=2008/03/10/18:50:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 2 at t=2008/03/10/18:50:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 3 at t=2008/03/10/18:50:21.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:53	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=6 (pol=1) in spw 3 at t=2008/03/10/18:51:06.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
2022-04-12 07:52:54	WARN		  Tsys data for ant id=9 (pol=1) in spw 0 at t=2008/03/10/18:56:46.0 are all negative or zero will be entirely flagged.
ERROR: test_antpos_auto_evla (__main__.gencal_antpostest)
Test automated antenna position correction.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 134, in test_antpos_auto_evla
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/", line 193, in __call__
    task_result = _gencal_t( _pc.document['vis'], _pc.document['caltable'], _pc.document['caltype'], _pc.document['infile'], _pc.document['endpoint'], _pc.document['timeout'], _pc.document['retry'], _pc.document['retry_wait_time'], _pc.document['spw'], _pc.document['antenna'], _pc.document['pol'], _pc.document['parameter'], _pc.document['uniform'] )
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 74, in gencal
    spw=spw, antenna=antenna, pol=pol, parameter=parameter, uniform=uniform)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 111, in gencal
    antenna_offsets = getantposns.correct_ant_posns(vis, False)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 58, in correct_ant_posns
    return _correct_ant_posns_evla(vis_name, print_offsets)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 120, in correct_ant_posns_evla
    html = bytes2str(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/http/", line 456, in read
    return self._readall_chunked()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/http/", line 566, in _readall_chunked
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/http/", line 612, in _safe_read
    chunk =, MAXAMOUNT))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 586, in readinto
    return self._sock.recv_into(b)
ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

ERROR: test_antpos_auto_evla_CAS13057 (__main__.gencal_antpostest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 163, in test_antpos_auto_evla_CAS13057
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/", line 193, in __call__
    task_result = _gencal_t( _pc.document['vis'], _pc.document['caltable'], _pc.document['caltype'], _pc.document['infile'], _pc.document['endpoint'], _pc.document['timeout'], _pc.document['retry'], _pc.document['retry_wait_time'], _pc.document['spw'], _pc.document['antenna'], _pc.document['pol'], _pc.document['parameter'], _pc.document['uniform'] )
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 74, in gencal
    spw=spw, antenna=antenna, pol=pol, parameter=parameter, uniform=uniform)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 111, in gencal
    antenna_offsets = getantposns.correct_ant_posns(vis, False)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 58, in correct_ant_posns
    return _correct_ant_posns_evla(vis_name, print_offsets)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/casatasks/private/", line 120, in correct_ant_posns_evla
    html = bytes2str(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/http/", line 456, in read
    return self._readall_chunked()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/http/", line 566, in _readall_chunked
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/http/", line 612, in _safe_read
    chunk =, MAXAMOUNT))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/", line 586, in readinto
    return self._sock.recv_into(b)
ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

Ran 15 tests in 209.808s

FAILED (errors=2)