Build casatools on different Python Platforms.

Build: #47 failed

Job: Test 3.8 failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. Test

  3. Publish wheels

Full log: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Full log" in build 47 of CASA - Casa 6 Casatools variants - Test 3.8. View test case history
Full log
Test class
full log
1 min
Failed (New Failure)

Error Log

2021-02-18 07:25:05	WARN	ParallelDataHelper::getPartitionMap::casa	Number of subMSs (8) is greater than available scan,ddi pairs (6), setting nsubms to 6
2021-02-18 07:26:40	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:40	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:41	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:41	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:41	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "abc"  
2021-02-18 07:26:41	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]] 
2021-02-18 07:26:41	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field baseline with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:41	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:41	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Antennas' in open('listobs.txt').read(), msg='Antennas section does not exist in MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('WARN' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='Proper inputs raised warnings')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s)' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]]' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('incorrect data type' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:41	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "abc"  
2021-02-18 07:26:41	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]] 
2021-02-18 07:26:41	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field baseline with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:41	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:41	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:41	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "abc"  
2021-02-18 07:26:41	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]] 
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field baseline with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Antenna Expression: No match found for token(s) "abc"  
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	No match found for the antenna specificion [ID(s): [3]] 
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field baseline with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Array Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Parse error' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('The selected table has zero rows' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('ArrayID' in open('listobs.txt').read(), msg='There is no Array information for a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Array Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Array Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:42	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Array Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:42	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Average Interval' in open('listobs.txt').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:43	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field polarization with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:43	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Poln. expression error: No match for polarization ID(s) (named RR)
2021-02-18 07:26:43	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 0 in string "RR")
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Corrs' in open('listobs.txt').read(), msg='Corrs does not exist in a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('WARN' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='not accepting proper input for correlation in a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('incorrect data type' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('named RR' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='No warning for using a absent correlation')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:43	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field polarization with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:43	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Poln. expression error: No match for polarization ID(s) (named RR)
2021-02-18 07:26:43	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 0 in string "RR")
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:43	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field polarization with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Poln. expression error: No match for polarization ID(s) (named RR)
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 0 in string "RR")
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field polarization with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Poln. expression error: No match for polarization ID(s) (named RR)
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 0 in string "RR")
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Field Expression: No match found for name "0-2"
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 3 in string "0-2")
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Field Expression: No match found for name "abc"
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 3 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('FldId' in open('listobs.txt').read(), msg='Field Id does not exist in a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('WARN' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='not accepting proper input for field in a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('No match found for name "0-2"' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('No match found for name "abc"' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Field Expression: No match found for name "0-2"
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 3 in string "0-2")
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Field Expression: No match found for name "abc"
2021-02-18 07:26:44	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 3 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:44	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:45	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Field Expression: No match found for name "0-2"
2021-02-18 07:26:45	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 3 in string "0-2")
2021-02-18 07:26:45	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Field Expression: No match found for name "abc"
2021-02-18 07:26:45	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 3 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:45	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Field Expression: No match found for name "0-2"
2021-02-18 07:26:45	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 3 in string "0-2")
2021-02-18 07:26:45	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Field Expression: No match found for name "abc"
2021-02-18 07:26:45	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 3 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:45	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:46	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:46	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field scanintent with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	State Expression: No match found for "abc"
2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	State Expression: Partial or no match for State ID list []
2021-02-18 07:26:46	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:46	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('ScanIntent' in open('listobs.txt').read(), msg='There is no ScanIntent information for a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('WARN' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('incorrect data type' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='Incorrect data type list accepted')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('No match found for "abc"' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field scanintent with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	State Expression: No match found for "abc"
2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	State Expression: Partial or no match for State ID list []
2021-02-18 07:26:46	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:46	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field scanintent with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	State Expression: No match found for "abc"
2021-02-18 07:26:46	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	State Expression: Partial or no match for State ID list []
2021-02-18 07:26:46	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:46	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:47	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field scanintent with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:47	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	State Expression: No match found for "abc"
2021-02-18 07:26:47	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	State Expression: Partial or no match for State ID list []
2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs1.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('nUnflRows' in open('listobs1.txt').read())
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs2.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('nUnflRows' in open('listobs2.txt').read())
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:47	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('listobs' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='logfile not populated by listobs command on a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
E2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
E2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:48	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('Amp' in open('listobs.txt').read())
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:49	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:49	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:49	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Parse error' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='Listobs fails to identify improper string')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue(('The selected table has zero rows') in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('ObservationID' in open('listobs.txt').read(), msg='There is no Observation information')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:49	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:49	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:49	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:49	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:50	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:50	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:50	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:50	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:50	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:50	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: CAS-5203.log already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: CAS-5203.log already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: CAS-5203.log already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: CAS-5203.log already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:50	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary	Exception Reported: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::ms::summary+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::::casa	Task listobs raised an exception of class RuntimeError with the following message: Exception: File: listobs.txt already exists; delete it, choose another name, or set overwrite=true..
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	listobs::::casa+	... thrown by casac::record* casac::ms::summary(bool, const string&, bool, double, bool, bool) at File: binding/tools/ms/, line: 703
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:51	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field scan with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:51	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:51	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Scan' in open('listobs.txt').read(), msg='scan does not exist in output')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('WARN' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='A warning is raised for multiple scans')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('incorrect data type' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='fails to label incorrect data type')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Parse error' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='fails to recognize improper string')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:51	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field scan with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:51	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:51	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:51	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:52	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field scan with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:52	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:52	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:52	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field scan with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:52	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Scan Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:52	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatools/ DeprecationWarning: `np.bool` is a deprecated alias for the builtin `bool`. To silence this warning, use `bool` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.bool_` here.
Deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance:
  if isinstance(value,bool) or isinstance(value,numpy.bool):
.2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:52	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:53	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:53	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:53	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Spw Expression: No match found for 3, 
2021-02-18 07:26:53	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Spw Expression: No match found for "abc" 
2021-02-18 07:26:53	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:53	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='listobs.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('SpwID' in open('listobs.txt').read(), msg='Spw does not exist in a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('WARN' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='not accepting proper input for spw in a MS')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('No match found for 3' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('-1' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='Fails to recognize improper delimiter')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('No match found for "abc"' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:53	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Spw Expression: No match found for 3, 
2021-02-18 07:26:53	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Spw Expression: No match found for "abc" 
2021-02-18 07:26:53	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:53	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:53	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Spw Expression: No match found for 3, 
2021-02-18 07:26:53	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Spw Expression: No match found for "abc" 
2021-02-18 07:26:53	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:53	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Spw Expression: No match found for 3, 
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	Spw Expression: No match found for "abc" 
2021-02-18 07:26:54	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:54	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field time with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token '-'
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00")
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	[TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?]
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:54	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:54	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('WARN' in open('testlog.log').read())
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('Parse error at or near ' in open('testlog.log').read())
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('incorrect data type' in open('testlog.log').read())
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00"' in open('testlog.log').read())
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('MSSelectionNullSelection' in open('testlog.log').read())
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field time with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token '-'
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00")
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	[TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?]
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:54	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:54	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field time with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token '-'
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00")
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	[TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?]
2021-02-18 07:26:54	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:54	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:54	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field time with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelection time error: Parse error at or near token '-'
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 9 in string "03:00:00-04:00:00")
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	[TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?]
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	MSSelectionNullSelection : The selected table has zero rows.
2021-02-18 07:26:55	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:55	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field uvdist with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near '-'
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 2 in string "0-100")
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	[TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?]
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:55	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:55	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertFalse('WARN' in open('testlog.log').read(), msg='Warnings are raised for valid inputs')
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('incorrect data type' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('near char. 2 in string "0-100"' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue('near char. 1 in string "abc"' in open('testlog.log').read(),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field uvdist with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near '-'
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 2 in string "0-100")
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	[TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?]
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:55	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:55	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:55	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field uvdist with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near '-'
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 2 in string "0-100")
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	[TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?]
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:56	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:56	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	RecordRep::get_pointer - incorrect data type String   used for field uvdist with type unknown 
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near '-'
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 2 in string "0-100")
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	[TIP: Did you know we use "~" as the range operator (for a good reason)?]
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect	UV Distribution Expression: Parse error at or near 'a'
2021-02-18 07:26:56	WARN	listobs::ms::msselect+	(near char. 1 in string "abc")
2021-02-18 07:26:56	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:56	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:56	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:56	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:56	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:56	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue(all(x in open('testlog.log').read() for x in nonverb),
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='testlog.log' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  self.assertTrue(all(x in open('testlog.log').read() for x in items))
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
.2021-02-18 07:26:57	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:57	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:57	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:57	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:57	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:57	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
.2021-02-18 07:26:57	SEVERE	ms::detached	ms is not attached to a file - cannot perform operation.
2021-02-18 07:26:57	SEVERE	ms::detached+	Call'filename') to reattach.
ERROR: test_fileMMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check to see if list file is generated from a MMS
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 675, in test_fileMMS
    self.check_file_plus_dict(multiMesSet, 'listobs.txt')
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 228, in check_file_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_fileMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check to see if list file is generated from a MS
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 671, in test_fileMS
    self.check_file_plus_dict(mesSet, 'listobs.txt')
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 228, in check_file_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_fileTimeAvgMMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check to see if list file is generated from a time-averaged MMS
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 683, in test_fileTimeAvgMMS
    self.check_file_plus_dict(timeavg_mms, 'listobs.txt')
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 228, in check_file_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_fileTimeAvgMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check to see if list file is generated from a time-averaged MS
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 679, in test_fileTimeAvgMS
    self.check_file_plus_dict(timeavg_ms, 'listobs.txt')
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 228, in check_file_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_logfileMMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check to see if the logger generates a logfile entries
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 710, in test_logfileMMS
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 257, in check_logfilecontain_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_logfileMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check to see if the logger generates a logfile entries
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 706, in test_logfileMS
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 257, in check_logfilecontain_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_logfileTimeAvgMMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check to see if the logger generates a logfile entries
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 718, in test_logfileTimeAvgMMS
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 257, in check_logfilecontain_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_logfileTimeAvgMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check to see if the logger generates a logfile entries
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 714, in test_logfileTimeAvgMS
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 257, in check_logfilecontain_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_logreadMMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check that the log file from a MMS is human readable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 692, in test_logreadMMS
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 251, in check_logread_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_logreadMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check that the log file from a MS is human readable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 688, in test_logreadMS
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 251, in check_logread_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_logreadTimeAvgMMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check that the log file from a time-averaged MMS is human readable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 700, in test_logreadTimeAvgMMS
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 251, in check_logread_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

ERROR: test_logreadTimeAvgMS (__main__.test_listobs)
Listobs test: Check that the log file from a time-averaged MS is human readable
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 696, in test_logreadTimeAvgMS
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 251, in check_logread_plus_dict
    self.check_return_dict(res, dataset)
  File "/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/tasks/", line 222, in check_return_dict
    self.assertTrue(compare_dictionaries(result, self.ref_return[filename], rtol=1e-13,
  File "/home/casatest/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/casatestutils/", line 416, in compare_dictionaries
    key_list_1 = sorted(list(dictionary1.keys()))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'

Ran 88 tests in 17.499s

FAILED (errors=12)