Build: #2 did not complete

Job: ALMA Stakeholder Tests Rocky 8.5 Docker 3.10 did not complete

Build log

The build generated 94 lines of output. Download or view full build log. You can find logs from previous runs here.

21-May-2024 14:00:25 Build ARD - CMake Master Test Casalith 3.10 - ALMA Stakeholder Tests Rocky 8.5 Docker 3.10 #2 (ARD-CMTC310-STCR85D-2) is being prepared for building on agent, bamboo version: 9.2.13
21-May-2024 14:00:25 Remote agent on host
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Build working directory is /export/cvpost135-nvme/casa/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/ARD-CMTC310-STCR85D
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Executing build ARD - CMake Master Test Casalith 3.10 - ALMA Stakeholder Tests Rocky 8.5 Docker 3.10 #2 (ARD-CMTC310-STCR85D-2)
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Starting task 'Clean working directory task' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:cleanWorkingDirectoryTask'
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Cleaning working directory '/export/cvpost135-nvme/casa/bamboohome/xml-data/build-dir/ARD-CMTC310-STCR85D'
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Finished task 'Clean working directory task' with result: Success
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Running pre-build action: Build Log Labeller Pre Build Action
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Build ARD - CMake Master Test Casalith 3.10 - ALMA Stakeholder Tests Rocky 8.5 Docker 3.10 #2 (ARD-CMTC310-STCR85D-2) started building on agent '' (Remote agent on host
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Starting task 'Download casalith' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-artifact-downloader-plugin:artifactdownloadertask'
21-May-2024 14:00:26 Preparing to download plan result CASA-CMBC-87 artifact: Required shared artifact Http Compression On : [ManyLinux228 Python 3.10 Tar 2], patterns: [*.xz] anchored at: [source/wheels]
21-May-2024 14:00:48 Force Stop build feature is enabled for current plan. Either Bamboo has detected the build has hung or it has been manually stopped.
21-May-2024 14:00:48 Attempting to generate stack trace and terminate spawned sub-processes of process id: 2199501
21-May-2024 14:00:48 Found related process: pid: 3022914 ppid: 1 pgid: 1935733 %cpu: 0.0 %mem: 0.0 cmd: Xvfb
21-May-2024 14:00:48 Found related process: pid: 3849780 ppid: 1 pgid: 1935733 %cpu: 0.0 %mem: 0.0 cmd: 3849780-casaviewer-svr
21-May-2024 14:00:48 Found related process: pid: 18484 ppid: 1 pgid: 1935733 %cpu: 0.0 %mem: 0.0 cmd: Xvfb
21-May-2024 14:00:48 getStackTraceAndKillRelatedProcesses for 3 processes
21-May-2024 14:00:48 Executing kill -3 18484
21-May-2024 14:00:48 Executing kill -3 3849780
21-May-2024 14:00:48 Executing kill -3 3022914
21-May-2024 14:00:53 Killing: 18484
21-May-2024 14:00:53 Executing kill 18484
21-May-2024 14:00:53 Killing: 3849780
21-May-2024 14:00:53 Executing kill 3849780
21-May-2024 14:00:53 Killing: 3022914
21-May-2024 14:00:53 Executing kill 3022914
21-May-2024 14:00:58 Force Stop build feature is enabled for current plan. Either Bamboo has detected the build has hung or it has been manually stopped.
21-May-2024 14:00:58 Has finished generating stack trace and terminating spawned sub-processes of process id: 2199501
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Unable to download artifact Required shared artifact Http Compression On : [ManyLinux228 Python 3.10 Tar 2], patterns: [*.xz] anchored at: [source/wheels]
21-May-2024 14:01:04 The plan is using global artifact handlers configuration.
21-May-2024 14:01:04 The following handlers are enabled for transferring shared artifacts:
21-May-2024 14:01:04 custom.artifactHandlers.comAtlassianBambooPluginArtifactHandlerRemote:BambooRemoteArtifactHandler
21-May-2024 14:01:04 custom.artifactHandlers.comAtlassianBambooPluginArtifactHandlerLocal:ServerLocalArtifactHandler
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Task configuration:
21-May-2024 14:01:04 artifactName_12 -> [ManyLinux228 Python 3.10 Tar 2]
21-May-2024 14:01:04 artifactId_12 -> [87163151]
21-May-2024 14:01:04 sourcePlanKey -> [CASA-CMBC]
21-May-2024 14:01:04 localPath_12 -> [dockershare]
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Task runtime configuration:
21-May-2024 14:01:04 securityToken -> [7cdb42076f7879ed3b087f556eda862c5dbc1139]
21-May-2024 14:01:04 resultKey -> [CASA-CMBC-87]
21-May-2024 14:01:04 sourcePlanOrBranchKey -> [CASA-CMBC]
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Finished task 'Download casalith' with result: Error
21-May-2024 14:01:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.capability.hostname} with cvpost135
21-May-2024 14:01:04
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.capability.hostname} with cvpost135
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Starting task 'Cleanup' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Error occurred while running Task 'Cleanup(7)' of type com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script.
21-May-2024 14:01:04 com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskException: Error while creating temporary file for script
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.script.task.ScriptBuildTask.createTemporaryScriptFile(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.script.task.ScriptBuildTask.execute(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.lambda$executeTasks$3(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.executeTaskWithPrePostActions(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.executeTasks(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.execute(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at$waitAndPerformBuild$0(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.variable.CustomVariableContextImpl.withVariableSubstitutor(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at$start$0(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.BambooRunnables$
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at$
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Caused by: java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at java.nio.channels.Channels$WritableByteChannelImpl.write(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at
21-May-2024 14:01:04         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.script.task.ScriptBuildTask.createTemporaryScriptFile(
21-May-2024 14:01:04         ... 17 more
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector'
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Finalising the build...
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Stopping timer.
21-May-2024 14:01:04 Build ARD-CMTC310-STCR85D-2 completed.
21-May-2024 10:01:04 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
21-May-2024 10:01:04 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
21-May-2024 10:01:04 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller'
21-May-2024 10:01:04 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
21-May-2024 10:01:04 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
21-May-2024 10:01:05 All post build plugins have finished
21-May-2024 10:01:05 Generating build results summary...
21-May-2024 10:01:05 Saving build results to disk...
21-May-2024 10:01:05 Store variable context...
21-May-2024 10:01:05 Finished building ARD-CMTC310-STCR85D-2.

Older logs

Filename Actions
plan-86147900-STCR85D-2.log.1 Download or view
plan-86147900-STCR85D-2.log.2 Download or view
plan-86147900-STCR85D-2.log.3 Download or view
plan-86147900-STCR85D-2.log.4 Download or view
plan-86147900-STCR85D-2.log.5 Download or view