2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	Using user configuration file /home/casatest/.casa/config.py
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	loaded config file : /wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.2-8-py3.12.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/casaconfig/config.py
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	loaded config file : /home/casatest/.casa/config.py
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	config values
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    agg = False
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    cachedir = '/home/casatest/.casa'
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    casaconfig_verbose = 1
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    colors = 'Neutral'
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    data_auto_update = False
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    datapath = ['/opt/casa/data/master', '/opt/casa/data/casatestdata']
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    iplog = False
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    iplogfile = '/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/ipython-20250315-162950.log'
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    log2term = True
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    logfile = '/home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/casa-20250315-162950.log'
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    measures_auto_update = False
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    measurespath = '/opt/casa/data/master'
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    nogui = False
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    nologfile = False
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    nologger = True
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    pipeline = False
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    startupfile = '/home/casatest/.casa/startup.py'
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	    user_site = False
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	casarundata version is unknown, this is probably a legacy version not installed by casaconfig
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	measures version : WSRT_Measures_20211217-160001.ztar
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	Checking Measures tables in data repository sub-directory /opt/casa/data/master/geodetic
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	  IERSeop2000 (version date, last date in table (UTC)): 2025/03/10/15:15, 2025/02/08/00:00:00
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	  IERSeop97 (version date, last date in table (UTC)): 2025/03/10/15:15, 2025/02/08/00:00:00
2025-03-15 16:29:52	INFO	::casa	  IERSpredict (version date, last date in table (UTC)): 2025/03/14/15:15, 2025/06/12/00:00:00
2025-03-15 16:29:53	INFO	::casa	  TAI_UTC (version date, last date in table (UTC)): 2025/03/08/15:15, 2017/01/01/00:00:00

Running tests...

Using user configuration file /home/casatest/.casa/config.py

No event loop hook running.
Using matplotlib backend: agg
CASA -- Common Astronomy Software Applications []
2025-03-15 16:29:53	INFO	importuvfits::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:29:53	INFO	importuvfits::::casa	##### Begin Task: importuvfits       #####
2025-03-15 16:29:53	INFO	importuvfits::::casa	importuvfits( fitsfile='/opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/cvel/ngc4826.ll.fits5', vis='ngc4826.ms', antnamescheme='old' )
2025-03-15 16:29:53	INFO	importuvfits::::casa	
2025-03-15 16:29:53	INFO	MSFitsInput::MSFitsInput	Converting FITS file '/opt/casa/data/casatestdata/unittest/cvel/ngc4826.ll.fits5' to MeasurementSet 'ngc4826.ms'
2025-03-15 16:29:53	INFO	MSFitsInput::setupMeasurementSet	Using tile shape [1, 64, 2048] for HATCREEK with obstype=0
2025-03-15 16:29:55	INFO	MSFitsInput::fillMSMainTableColWise	FREQSEL not found in UU VV WW BASELINE DATE SOURCE
2025-03-15 16:29:55	INFO	MSFitsInput::fillMSMainTableColWise	Reading and writing 13860 visibility groups
2025-03-15 16:29:55	INFO	MSFitsInput::readRandomGroupUVFits	extname=AIPS SU  nrows=7 ncols=19 rowsize=132 pcount=0 gcount=1
2025-03-15 16:29:55	INFO	MSFitsInput::readRandomGroupUVFits	extname=AIPS AN  nrows=12 ncols=12 rowsize=78 pcount=0 gcount=1
2025-03-15 16:29:55	WARN	MSFitsInput::fillAntennaTable	XYZHAND keyword not found in AN table. Will assume antenna coordinate system is right handed.
2025-03-15 16:29:55	INFO	MSFitsInput::fillExtraTables	Filling SOURCE table (this may take some time).
2025-03-15 16:29:58	INFO	importuvfits::::casa	Task importuvfits complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:29:52.525154 End time: 2025-03-15 16:29:58.441201
2025-03-15 16:29:58	INFO	importuvfits::::casa	##### End Task: importuvfits         #####
2025-03-15 16:29:58	INFO	importuvfits::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	split::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	split::::casa	##### Begin Task: split              #####
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	split::::casa	split( vis='jupiter6cm.demo-thinned.ms', outputvis='jup.ms', keepmms=True, field='JUPITER', spw='', scan='', antenna='', correlation='', timerange='', intent='', array='', uvrange='', observation='', feed='', datacolumn='data', keepflags=True, width=1, timebin='0s', combine='' )
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformManager::parseMsSpecParams	Input file name is jupiter6cm.demo-thinned.ms
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformManager::parseMsSpecParams	Data column is DATA
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformManager::parseMsSpecParams	Output file name is jup.ms
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformManager::parseDataSelParams	field selection is JUPITER
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformManager::colCheckInfo	Adding DATA column to output MS from input DATA column
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformManager::initDataSelectionParams	Selected Fields Ids are [12]
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformManager::open	Select data
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformManager::createOutputMSStructure	Create output MS structure
2025-03-15 16:29:59	INFO	MSTransformDataHandler::makeSelection	58740 out of 1052108 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:30:01	INFO	MSTransformManager::checkFillWeightSpectrum	Optional column WEIGHT_SPECTRUM found in input MS will be written to output MS
2025-03-15 16:30:02	INFO	split::::casa	Task split complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:29:58.950080 End time: 2025-03-15 16:30:02.472803
2025-03-15 16:30:02	INFO	split::::casa	##### End Task: split                #####
2025-03-15 16:30:02	INFO	split::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:30:03	SEVERE	cvel::::casa	Exception Reported: Error in cvel: the vis parameter must be a path that exists ('' does not exist)
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	Traceback (most recent call last):
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa+	  File "/wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.2-8-py3.12.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/casashell/private/cvel.py", line 909, in __call__
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa+	    assert _pc.validate(_invocation_parameters,self.__schema), create_error_string(_pc.errors)
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa+	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa+	AssertionError: the vis parameter must be a path that exists ('' does not exist)
.2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='9', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=1, start='4.8351GHz', width='50MHz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:30:03	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	72402 out of 1052108 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC7027 (original field 9, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:30:15	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 72402 original rows, wrote 36201 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = TOPO, output frame = TOPO
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 4.8351e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 5e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 1
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 5e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 4.8101e+09 Hz, upper edge = 4.8601e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 0 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 0 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:30:16	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	ms::cvel+	Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:30:02.940058 End time: 2025-03-15 16:30:16.682996
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='10', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=1, start=1, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='lsrk', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:30:17	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	81514 out of 1052108 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NEPTUNE (original field 10, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:30:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 81514 original rows, wrote 40757 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = TOPO, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 4.88445e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 4.99934e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 1
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.99934e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 4.85946e+09 Hz, upper edge = 4.90945e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 0 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 0 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:30:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:30:56	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:30:56	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 1 channels of width 4.999339e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:56	INFO	ms::cvel+	Channel center = 4.884454000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:30:56	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:30:56	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:30:16.725522 End time: 2025-03-15 16:30:56.824836
2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='5,6', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=2, start='4.8101 GHz', width='50 MHz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:30:57	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	169078 out of 1052108 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using 0521+166 (original field 5, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:06	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 10% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 30% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 50% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 70% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 90% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:31:25	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 169078 original rows, wrote 84539 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	ms::cvel	SubMS not modified by regridding.
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz, last channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:30:56.877224 End time: 2025-03-15 16:31:27.891078
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='1', spw='0', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=2, start='115GHz', width='3MHz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter=1, restfreq='', outframe='BARY', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:31:28	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	1980 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 1, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = BARY
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.15002e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 3e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 2
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 6e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14998e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.15004e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:31:32	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2 channels of width 3.000000e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.150000000e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150030000e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:31:27.947948 End time: 2025-03-15 16:31:32.937351
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='1', spw='0', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=2, start='150GHz', width='3MHz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter=12, restfreq='', outframe='BARY', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:31:33	SEVERE	cvel::::casa	Exception Reported: Error in cvel: Field id 12 was selected as phasecenter but is not among the fields selected for output: [1]
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Traceback (most recent call last):
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa+	  File "/wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.2-8-py3.12.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/casashell/private/cvel.py", line 911, in __call__
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa+	    task_result = _cvel_t( _pc.document['vis'],_pc.document['outputvis'],_pc.document['passall'],_pc.document['field'],_pc.document['spw'],_pc.document['selectdata'],_pc.document['antenna'],_pc.document['timerange'],_pc.document['scan'],_pc.document['array'],_pc.document['mode'],_pc.document['nchan'],_pc.document['start'],_pc.document['width'],_pc.document['interpolation'],_pc.document['phasecenter'],_pc.document['restfreq'],_pc.document['outframe'],_pc.document['veltype'],_pc.document['hanning'] )
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa+	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa+	  File "/wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.2-8-py3.12.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/casatasks/private/task_cvel.py", line 252, in cvel
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa+	    raise RuntimeError(message)
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa+	RuntimeError: Field id 12 was selected as phasecenter but is not among the fields selected for output: [1]
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:31:32.982857 End time: 2025-03-15 16:31:33.040103
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
*** Expected error ***
.2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='12', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=1, start='4.850GHz', width='50MHz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:31:33	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:31:34	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	58740 out of 1052108 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using JUPITER (original field 12, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:43	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:31:49	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 58740 original rows, wrote 29370 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = TOPO, output frame = TOPO
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 4.85e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 5e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 1
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 5e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 4.825e+09 Hz, upper edge = 4.875e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 0 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 0 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:31:50	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	ms::cvel+	Channel center = 4.850000000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:31:33.072077 End time: 2025-03-15 16:31:51.382069
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='2,3', spw='0', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=10, start=2, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter=2, restfreq='', outframe='lsrd', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:31:51	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:31:52	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	3960 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 2, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRD
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14961e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 10
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.5625e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14953e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14968e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 2 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 10 channels of width 1.562503e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149535452e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149676078e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:31:51.429843 End time: 2025-03-15 16:31:59.219895
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='2,3', spw='0', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=10, start='114.9527GHz', width='3.125MHz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter=2, restfreq='', outframe='lsrd', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:31:59	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	3960 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 2, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRD
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14967e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 3.125e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 10
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 3.125e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14951e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14982e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 2 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:32:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 10 channels of width 3.125000e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149527000e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149808250e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:31:59.258588 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:03.557595
2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='2,3', spw='0', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=10, start='114.9527GHz', width='3.125MHz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='J2000 12h56m43.88s +21d41m00.1s', restfreq='', outframe='lsrd', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:32:04	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	3960 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using J2000 12h56m43.88s +21d41m00.1s as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	ms::cvel	Using user-provided phase center.
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRD
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14967e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 3.125e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 10
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 3.125e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14951e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14982e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 2 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:13	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 10 channels of width 3.125000e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149527000e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149808250e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:03.605229 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:13.830379
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.s2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:14	SEVERE	cvel::::casa	Exception Reported: Error in cvel: Must provide output data set name in parameter outputvis.
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	Traceback (most recent call last):
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa+	  File "/wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.2-8-py3.12.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/casashell/private/cvel.py", line 911, in __call__
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa+	    task_result = _cvel_t( _pc.document['vis'],_pc.document['outputvis'],_pc.document['passall'],_pc.document['field'],_pc.document['spw'],_pc.document['selectdata'],_pc.document['antenna'],_pc.document['timerange'],_pc.document['scan'],_pc.document['array'],_pc.document['mode'],_pc.document['nchan'],_pc.document['start'],_pc.document['width'],_pc.document['interpolation'],_pc.document['phasecenter'],_pc.document['restfreq'],_pc.document['outframe'],_pc.document['veltype'],_pc.document['hanning'] )
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa+	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa+	  File "/wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.2-8-py3.12.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/casatasks/private/task_cvel.py", line 193, in cvel
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa+	    assert outputvis != '', "Must provide output data set name in parameter outputvis."
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa+	           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa+	AssertionError: Must provide output data set name in parameter outputvis.
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:13.880574 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:13.886729
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.s2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=21, start='229587.0MHz', width='1600kHz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20 as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Using user-provided phase center.
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2425 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:17	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 7920 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.29603e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.6e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 21
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 3.36e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.29586e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.2962e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:18	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:32:19	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 21 channels of width 1.600000e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:19	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.295870000e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296190000e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:19	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:32:19	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:13.915244 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:20.054875
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.s2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=30, start='-12497924.76161699m/s', width='2176.3615313190967m/s', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20', restfreq='220398.676MHz', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20 as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Using user-provided phase center.
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2425 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:25	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 7920 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vrad
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.29564e+11 Hz == -1.24664e+07 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.6e+06 Hz == 2176.36 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 30
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.79999e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.2954e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.29588e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:26	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:32:27	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 30 channels of width 1.599998e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:27	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.295403860e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295867860e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:27	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:32:27	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:20.105073 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:27.975851
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.s2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=40, start='-11997754.528595466m/s', width='2005.6501190569252m/s', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20', restfreq='220398.676MHz', outframe='', veltype='optical', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20 as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Using user-provided phase center.
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2425 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:33	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 7920 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vopt
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.29556e+11 Hz == -1.19586e+07 m/s optical velocity
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.59957e+06 Hz == 2005.67 m/s optical velocity
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 40
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 6.39823e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.29524e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.29588e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:34	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:32:36	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 40 channels of varying width: minimum width = 1.599122e+06 Hz, maximum width = 1.599992e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:36	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.295244025e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295867853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:36	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:32:36	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:28.030021 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:36.714195
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=41, start='-11997503.823640965m/s', width='1504.240210050717m/s', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20', restfreq='220398.676MHz', outframe='', veltype='optical', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20 as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Using user-provided phase center.
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2425 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:41	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 7920 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vopt
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.29563e+11 Hz == -1.19674e+07 m/s optical velocity
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.19975e+06 Hz == 1504.25 m/s optical velocity
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 41
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.91898e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.29538e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.29587e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:45	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:32:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 41 channels of varying width: minimum width = 1.199500e+06 Hz, maximum width = 1.200001e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:46	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.295385954e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295865854e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:46	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:32:46	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:36.765971 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:46.794363
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2425 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 7920 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.30338e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812500 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 2440
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.9825e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.29347e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.3133e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:52	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:32:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2440 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313292858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:53	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:32:53	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:46.842234 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:53.526148
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.ss2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	SubMS not modified by regridding.
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:53.601617 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:53.810077
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel_b', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:54	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2425 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:32:57	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 7920 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	SubMS not modified by regridding.
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2425 channels of varying width: minimum width = 8.125000e+05 Hz, maximum width = 1.564927e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:53.856431 End time: 2025-03-15 16:32:58.155831
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20', restfreq='', outframe='BARY', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20 as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Using user-provided phase center.
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:32:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2425 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:01	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 7920 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = BARY
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.3035e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812540 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 2440
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.9826e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.29358e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.31341e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2440 channels of width 8.125400e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.293588947e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313406798e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:32:58.232434 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:02.902158
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20', restfreq='', outframe='BARY', veltype='radio', hanning=True )
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20 as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Using user-provided phase center.
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 2.293475983e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.294507858e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 2.294296007e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.295327882e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295047903e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296079778e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 2.295867920e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.296899795e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 2.296756065e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.297787940e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 2.297576090e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.298607965e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 2.298327978e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.299359853e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 2.299148003e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.300179878e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300036148e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301068023e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 2.300856172e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.301888047e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 2.301608061e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.302639936e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 2.302428085e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.303459960e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 2.303316230e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.304348105e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304888143e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305920018e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 2.305708167e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.306740042e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 2.307416337e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.308448212e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308168225e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.309200100e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 2.308988250e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310020125e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 2.309876395e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.310908270e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 2.310696412e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.311728287e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 2.311448308e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.312480183e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 2.312268332e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.313300207e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2425 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:06	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 7920 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = BARY
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.3035e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812540 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 2440
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.9826e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.29358e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.31341e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	The following columns will be Hanning-smoothed before regridding: 
2025-03-15 16:33:07	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	 DATA  CORRECTED_DATA 
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Hanning smoothing was applied.
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2440 channels of width 8.125400e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.293588947e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.313406798e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:02.965837 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:08.056036
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=True )
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA MODEL_DATA CORRECTED_DATA columns.
2025-03-15 16:33:08	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	330 out of 7920 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.30711e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812500 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 128
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.04e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.30659e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.30763e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	The following columns will be Hanning-smoothed before regridding: 
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	 DATA  CORRECTED_DATA 
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel	Hanning smoothing was applied.
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:08.117476 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:11.427429
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=-1, start='', width='', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='6035.092MHz', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using J1642+3948 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 256 channels of width 2.441406e+02 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 6.035270489e+09 Hz, last channel center = 6.035332745e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 256 channels of width 2.441406e+02 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 6.035269483e+09 Hz, last channel center = 6.035331739e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   256 channels, first channel = 6.035269483e+09 Hz, last channel = 6.035331739e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   256 channels, first channel = 6.035270489e+09 Hz, last channel = 6.035332745e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:12	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 260 channels. May change in later regridding.
2025-03-15 16:33:12	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()	Incomplete coverage of combined SPW starting at timestamp 16-Jul-2010/03:18:31.5, baseline ( 0, 1 )
2025-03-15 16:33:12	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()+	In this and further affected rows, the data arrays will be padded with zeros and corresponding channels flagged.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
2025-03-15 16:33:14	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()	Averaging failed for the following channel/correllation pairs from output row 0 up to 8459. Corresponding visibilities will be flagged: 
2025-03-15 16:33:14	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()+	(4, 0) (4, 1) 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:16	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 16920 original rows, wrote 16920 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:16	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()	Incomplete coverage of combined SPW in 16920 of 16920 output rows.
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for EVLA:
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60116e+06, -5.04199e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 2 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = TOPO, output frame = TOPO
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vrad
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 6.0353e+09 Hz == -10387 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 244.141 Hz == 12.1277 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 260
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 63476.6 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 6.03527e+09 Hz, upper edge = 6.03533e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:17	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:18	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 260 channels of width 2.441406e+02 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 6.035269483e+09 Hz, last channel center = 6.035332715e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:11.478745 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:19.222812
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=3, start=1, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14953e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14951e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14956e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:21	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:21	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149517531e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:19.311861 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:21.590134
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=3, start=3, width=-1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14953e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14951e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14956e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:22	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:23	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:23	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149517531e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:21.638944 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:23.907860
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=3, start='114951753113.65012Hz', width='1562500.0Hz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14953e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14951e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14956e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:24	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:26	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:26	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149517531e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:23.960790 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:26.769363
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=3, start='114954878113.65012Hz', width='-1562500.0Hz', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14953e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14951e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14956e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:27	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149517531e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:26.815825 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:28.192040
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=3, start='-20375.16045533966m/s', width='4075.032091067933m/s', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='114950190613.65012Hz', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vrad
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14956e+11 Hz == -16300.1 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz == 4075.03 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14954e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14959e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:28	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:29	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:29	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:29	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149580031e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:28.238842 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:29.573677
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=3, start='-20375.16045533966m/s', width='4075.032091067933m/s', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='114950190613.65012Hz', outframe='', veltype='RADIO', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:30	WARN	cvel::SubMS::convertGridPars	Invalid velocity type RADIO, setting type to "radio"
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:30	WARN	SubMS::convertGridPars	Invalid velocity type RADIO, setting type to "radio"
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vrad
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14956e+11 Hz == -16300.1 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz == 4075.03 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14954e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14959e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:30	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:31	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:31	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149580031e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:29.625959 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:31.547900
2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='1', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:33:32	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	1980 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 1, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	SubMS not modified by regridding.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:31.597361 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:45.987139
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=3, start='-12225.096273203795m/s', width='-4075.032091067933m/s', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='114950190613.65012Hz', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vrad
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14956e+11 Hz == -16300.1 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz == 4075.03 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14954e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14959e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149580031e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:46.039808 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:47.711972
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=3, start='-20373.775767568943m/s', width='4075.5336155157984m/s', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='114950190613.65012Hz', outframe='', veltype='optical', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vopt
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14956e+11 Hz == -16298.2 m/s optical velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.56287e+06 Hz == 4075.62 m/s optical velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.68862e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14954e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14959e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:48	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:50	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of varying width: minimum width = 1.562830e+06 Hz, maximum width = 1.562915e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:50	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149548774e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149580031e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:47.757062 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:50.663859
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=3, start='-12222.708536537346m/s', width='-4075.5336155157984m/s', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='114950190613.65012Hz', outframe='', veltype='optical', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vopt
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14956e+11 Hz == -16298.2 m/s optical velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.56287e+06 Hz == 4075.62 m/s optical velocity
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.68862e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14954e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14959e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:51	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:52	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of varying width: minimum width = 1.562830e+06 Hz, maximum width = 1.562915e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:52	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149548774e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149580031e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:52	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:50.716297 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:52.358654
2025-03-15 16:33:52	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:52	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.sss2025-03-15 16:33:52	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:52	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:52	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=100, start=29, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using ARP299F1 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.432216230e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.431184355e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.431396204e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.430364329e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 2 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.430636181e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.429604306e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 3 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.429816155e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.428784280e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 4 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.428936128e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.427904253e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 5 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.428116103e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.427084228e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 6 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.427356079e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.426324204e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 7 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.426536054e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.425504179e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 8 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.425656027e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.424624152e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 9 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.424836002e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.423804127e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 10 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.424075978e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.423044103e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 11 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.423255953e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.422224078e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 12 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.422375926e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.421344051e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 13 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.421555900e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.420524025e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 14 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.420795877e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.419764002e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 15 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.419975851e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.418943976e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 16 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.419095824e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.418063949e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 17 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.418275799e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.417243924e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 18 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.417515776e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.416483901e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 19 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.416695750e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.415663875e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 20 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.415815723e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.414783848e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 21 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.414995698e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.413963823e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 22 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.414235674e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.413203799e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 23 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 3.413415649e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.412383774e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	  i.e. channels are in order of decreasing frequency.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	 *** Encountered negative channel widths in SPECTRAL_WINDOW table.
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  23:   128 channels, first channel = 3.412383774e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.413415649e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  22:   128 channels, first channel = 3.413203799e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.414235674e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  21:   128 channels, first channel = 3.413963823e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.414995698e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  20:   128 channels, first channel = 3.414783848e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.415815723e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  19:   128 channels, first channel = 3.415663875e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.416695750e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  18:   128 channels, first channel = 3.416483901e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.417515776e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  17:   128 channels, first channel = 3.417243924e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.418275799e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  16:   128 channels, first channel = 3.418063949e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.419095824e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  15:   128 channels, first channel = 3.418943976e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.419975851e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  14:   128 channels, first channel = 3.419764002e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.420795877e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  13:   128 channels, first channel = 3.420524025e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.421555900e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  12:   128 channels, first channel = 3.421344051e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.422375926e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  11:   128 channels, first channel = 3.422224078e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.423255953e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW  10:   128 channels, first channel = 3.423044103e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.424075978e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   9:   128 channels, first channel = 3.423804127e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.424836002e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   8:   128 channels, first channel = 3.424624152e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.425656027e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   7:   128 channels, first channel = 3.425504179e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.426536054e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   6:   128 channels, first channel = 3.426324204e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.427356079e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   5:   128 channels, first channel = 3.427084228e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.428116103e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   4:   128 channels, first channel = 3.427904253e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.428936128e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   3:   128 channels, first channel = 3.428784280e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.429816155e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   2:   128 channels, first channel = 3.429604306e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.430636181e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 3.430364329e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.431396204e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 3.431184355e+11 Hz, last channel = 3.432216230e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2426 channels. May change in later regridding.
2025-03-15 16:33:54	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()	Averaging failed for the following channel/correllation pairs from output row 41 up to 41. Corresponding visibilities will be flagged: 
2025-03-15 16:33:54	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()+	(2206, 0) 
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
2025-03-15 16:33:55	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()	Averaging failed for the following channel/correllation pairs from output row 188 up to 188. Corresponding visibilities will be flagged: 
2025-03-15 16:33:55	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()+	(2227, 0) (2228, 0) 
2025-03-15 16:33:55	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()	Averaging failed for the following channel/correllation pairs from output row 209 up to 209. Corresponding visibilities will be flagged: 
2025-03-15 16:33:55	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()+	(1429, 0) 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
2025-03-15 16:33:55	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()	Averaging failed for the following channel/correllation pairs from output row 356 up to 356. Corresponding visibilities will be flagged: 
2025-03-15 16:33:55	WARN	SubMS::combineSpws()+	(2228, 0) (2229, 0) 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:56	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 10080 original rows, wrote 420 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 1 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 3.41302e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812500 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 100
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 8.125e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 3.41262e+11 Hz, upper edge = 3.41343e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 2 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 100 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:57	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 3.412619399e+11 Hz, last channel center = 3.413423774e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:52.403330 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:57.790801
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.s2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=3, start=1, width=1, interpolation='fftshift', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14953e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14951e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14956e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = fftshift
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:33:58	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149517531e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:57.843392 End time: 2025-03-15 16:33:59.307609
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=3, start=1, width=1, interpolation='FFTSHIFT', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.14953e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 3
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 4.6875e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14951e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.14956e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = fftshift
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 7 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:33:59	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 3 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149517531e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.149548781e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:33:59.356267 End time: 2025-03-15 16:34:00.360712
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=-1, start='', width='', interpolation='fftshift', phasecenter='', restfreq='220398.676MHz', outframe='BARY', veltype='optical', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:00	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:34:01	SEVERE	SubMS::regridSpw()	Parameter "interpolation" value "fftshift" requires an output grid equidistant in frequency.
2025-03-15 16:34:01	SEVERE	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Cannot proceed.
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	ms::cvel	SubMS not modified by regridding.
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:34:00.404541 End time: 2025-03-15 16:34:00.675121
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
*** Expected error ***
.2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=True, field='1', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:34:01	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	1980 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 1, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	ms::cvel	SubMS not modified by regridding.
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	cvel::::casa	Passing through data with
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	cvel::::casa	    fields: 0,2,3,4,5,6
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	cvel::::casa	      spws: *
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:34:06	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	11880 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Appending /home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/cvel-output.ms.deselected to /home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/cvel-output.ms
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	No valid state tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Added 6 rows to the source subtable
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Added 0 rows and matched 1 from the data description subtable
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Added 0 rows and matched 1 from the spectral window subtable
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Added 0 rows and matched 12 from the antenna subtable
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate +	Added 0 rows to the feed subtable
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate +	Added 6 rows and matched 0 from the field subtable
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::copyObservation	Added 0 rows and matched 1 rows in the observation subtable.
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::copyProcessor	Added 0 rows and matched 0 rows in the processor subtable.
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::copyPointing	No valid pointing tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::copySysCal	No valid syscal tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::copyWeather	No valid weather tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::copyGainCurve	No valid gain curve tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:34:18	INFO	MSConcat::copyPhaseCal	No valid gain curve tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:34:00.730211 End time: 2025-03-15 16:34:21.742645
2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=150, start=10, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='CMB', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA MODEL_DATA CORRECTED_DATA columns.
2025-03-15 16:34:22	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	660 out of 7920 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:30	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 256 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 660 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = CMB
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.30573e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812819 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 150
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.21923e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.30512e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.30634e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:32	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 150 channels of width 8.128193e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.305122962e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306334062e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:34:21.796237 End time: 2025-03-15 16:34:33.157705
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=150, start=10, width=1, interpolation='fftshift', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='CMB', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA MODEL_DATA CORRECTED_DATA columns.
2025-03-15 16:34:33	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	660 out of 7920 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:37	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 256 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:34:38	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 660 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = CMB
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.30573e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812819 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 150
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.21923e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.30512e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.30634e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = fftshift (preceeded by a linear transform to make grid equidistant)
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:39	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 150 channels of width 8.128193e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.305122962e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306334062e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:34:33.174465 End time: 2025-03-15 16:34:40.340219
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=150, start='', width='', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='BARY', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA MODEL_DATA CORRECTED_DATA columns.
2025-03-15 16:34:40	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	660 out of 7920 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:47	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 256 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:34:48	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 660 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = BARY
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.30486e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812540 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 150
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.21881e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.30425e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.30546e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:34:49	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 150 channels of width 8.125400e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.304249756e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305460441e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:34:40.385632 End time: 2025-03-15 16:34:50.221033
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='frequency', nchan=150, start='', width='', interpolation='fftshift', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='BARY', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA MODEL_DATA CORRECTED_DATA columns.
2025-03-15 16:34:50	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	660 out of 7920 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:34:59	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 256 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:01	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 660 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = BARY
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.30486e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812540 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 150
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.21881e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.30425e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.30546e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = fftshift (preceeded by a linear transform to make grid equidistant)
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:02	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:35:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 150 channels of width 8.125400e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.304249756e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305460441e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:03	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:35:03	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:34:50.237277 End time: 2025-03-15 16:35:03.735183
2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=150, start='', width='', interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='220398.676MHz', outframe='CMB', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA MODEL_DATA CORRECTED_DATA columns.
2025-03-15 16:35:04	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	660 out of 7920 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 256 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:09	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 660 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = CMB
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vrad
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.30565e+11 Hz == -1.38281e+07 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812819 Hz == 1105.62 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 150
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.21923e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.30504e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.30626e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 150 channels of width 8.128193e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:10	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.305041680e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306252781e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:35:03.780627 End time: 2025-03-15 16:35:10.678429
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='velocity', nchan=150, start='', width='', interpolation='fftshift', phasecenter='', restfreq='220398.676MHz', outframe='CMB', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA MODEL_DATA CORRECTED_DATA columns.
2025-03-15 16:35:11	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	660 out of 7920 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using g19.3a (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 128 channels of width 8.125000e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:   128 channels, first channel = 2.304136254e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.305168129e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:   128 channels, first channel = 2.306596313e+11 Hz, last channel = 2.307628188e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:17	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 256 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:18	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 660 original rows, wrote 330 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for SMA:
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-5.46245e+06, -2.49197e+06, 2.16445e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = CMB
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in vrad
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 2.30565e+11 Hz == -1.38281e+07 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 812819 Hz == 1105.62 m/s radio velocity
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 150
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.21923e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 2.30504e+11 Hz, upper edge = 2.30626e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = fftshift (preceeded by a linear transform to make grid equidistant)
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 6 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:19	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 150 channels of width 8.128193e+05 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 2.305041680e+11 Hz, last channel center = 2.306252781e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:35:10.694935 End time: 2025-03-15 16:35:20.044622
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
Testing channel frequencies ...
.2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='SOURCE', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using JUPITER (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:20	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 58740 original rows, wrote 29370 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: Field to be used as phase center, id 0, uses ephemeris /home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/cvel-output.ms/FIELD/EPHEM0_Jupiter_54708-55437dUTC.tab
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: The geocentric radial velocity information (ca. 21762.7m/s) from the ephemeris for field 0 will be taken into account.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: with outframe==GEO or outframe==SOURCE, the resulting spectral windows with be labeled as having reference frame REST.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	      All integrations will be Doppler-tracked to correspond to the GEO frame at the beginning of the observation
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	      (with radial velocity corrections in the case of outframe==SOURCE).
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	      No subsequent regridding to other reference frames will be possible.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: Field to be used as phase center, id 0, uses ephemeris /home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/cvel-output.ms/FIELD/EPHEM0_Jupiter_54708-55437dUTC.tab
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: The geocentric radial velocity information (ca. 21762.7m/s) from the ephemeris for field 0 will be taken into account.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = TOPO, output frame = GEO
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 4.86045e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 5.00036e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 2
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.00007e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 4.81044e+09 Hz, upper edge = 4.91045e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 0 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 0 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:24	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:32	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:35:32	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2 channels of width 5.000357e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:32	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 4.835445569e+09 Hz, last channel center = 4.885449143e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:32	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:35:32	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:35:20.087212 End time: 2025-03-15 16:35:32.839699
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='source', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating working copy ...
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using JUPITER (original field 0, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:33	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:38	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 58740 original rows, wrote 29370 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: Field to be used as phase center, id 0, uses ephemeris /home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/cvel-output.ms/FIELD/EPHEM0_Jupiter_54708-55437dUTC.tab
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: The geocentric radial velocity information (ca. 21762.7m/s) from the ephemeris for field 0 will be taken into account.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: with outframe==GEO or outframe==SOURCE, the resulting spectral windows with be labeled as having reference frame REST.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	      All integrations will be Doppler-tracked to correspond to the GEO frame at the beginning of the observation
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	      (with radial velocity corrections in the case of outframe==SOURCE).
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	      No subsequent regridding to other reference frames will be possible.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: Field to be used as phase center, id 0, uses ephemeris /home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/cvel-output.ms/FIELD/EPHEM0_Jupiter_54708-55437dUTC.tab
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Note: The geocentric radial velocity information (ca. 21762.7m/s) from the ephemeris for field 0 will be taken into account.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = TOPO, output frame = GEO
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 4.86045e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 5.00036e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 2
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1.00007e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 4.81044e+09 Hz, upper edge = 4.91045e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 0 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 0 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:46	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2 channels of width 5.000357e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 4.835445569e+09 Hz, last channel center = 4.885449143e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:35:32.883211 End time: 2025-03-15 16:35:47.445724
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:35:47	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=True, field='1', spw='0', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=32, start=10, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:35:48	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:35:48	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:35:48	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	1980 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NGC4826 (original field 1, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 64 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	ms::cvel+	   First channel center = 1.149501906e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150486281e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Less than two SPWs selected. No combination necessary.
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for BIMA:
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-2.52386e+06, -4.12359e+06, 4.14775e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = LSRK, output frame = LSRK
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 1.1499e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1.5625e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 32
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 5e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 1.14965e+11 Hz, upper edge = 1.15015e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:35:53	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:35:54	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 32 channels of width 1.562500e+06 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:54	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 1.149658156e+11 Hz, last channel center = 1.150142531e+11 Hz
2025-03-15 16:35:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	Passing through data with
2025-03-15 16:35:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	    fields: 0,2,3,4,5,6
2025-03-15 16:35:54	INFO	cvel::::casa	      spws: 0
2025-03-15 16:35:54	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:35:54	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	11880 out of 13860 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Appending /home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/cvel-output.ms.deselected to /home/casatest/casa6/casatasks/tests/casashell_tests/work/test_task_cvel_casashell/cvel-output.ms
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	No valid state tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Added 6 rows to the source subtable
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Added 1 rows and matched 0 from the data description subtable
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Added 1 rows and matched 0 from the spectral window subtable
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate 	Added 0 rows and matched 12 from the antenna subtable
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate +	Added 0 rows to the feed subtable
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::concatenate +	Added 6 rows and matched 0 from the field subtable
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::copyObservation	Added 0 rows and matched 1 rows in the observation subtable.
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::copyProcessor	Added 0 rows and matched 0 rows in the processor subtable.
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::copyPointing	No valid pointing tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::copySysCal	No valid syscal tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::copyWeather	No valid weather tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::copyGainCurve	No valid gain curve tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:35:58	INFO	MSConcat::copyPhaseCal	No valid gain curve tables present. Result won't have one either.
2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:35:47.493859 End time: 2025-03-15 16:35:58.900309
2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='12', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=-1, start=0, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:35:59	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	58740 out of 1052108 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using JUPITER (original field 12, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:03	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 58740 original rows, wrote 29370 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	ms::cvel	SubMS not modified by regridding.
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 2 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	ms::cvel+	First channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz, last channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:35:58.954736 End time: 2025-03-15 16:36:08.386108
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='11', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=1, start=0, width=2, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:36:08	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:36:09	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	52226 out of 1052108 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using URANUS (original field 11, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:12	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:36:14	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 52226 original rows, wrote 26113 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = TOPO, output frame = TOPO
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 4.8601e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 1e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 1
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 1e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 4.8101e+09 Hz, upper edge = 4.9101e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 0 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 0 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:36:16	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:36:17	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 1 channels of width 1.000000e+08 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:17	INFO	ms::cvel+	Channel center = 4.860100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:17	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:36:17	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:36:08.432478 End time: 2025-03-15 16:36:17.506477
2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='10', spw='0,1', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=1, start=1, width=1, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	cvel::::casa	Creating selected SubMS ...
2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	SubMS::parseColumnNames()	Using DATA column.
2025-03-15 16:36:18	INFO	SubMS::makeSelection()	81514 out of 1052108 rows are going to be considered due to the selection criteria.
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	cvel::::casa	Using NEPTUNE (original field 10, new field 0) as common direction for the output reference frame.
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 0 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	ms::cvel	Input spectral window 1 has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	ms::cvel+	   Channel center = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	ms::cvel	Starting combination of spectral windows ...
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Input SPWs sorted by first (lowest) channel frequency:
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   1:     1 channels, first channel = 4.835100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	   SPW   0:     1 channels, first channel = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:23	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Combined SPW will have 2 channels. May change in later regridding.
combineSpws progress: 20% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 40% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 60% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 80% processed ... 
combineSpws progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:36:39	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Processed 81514 original rows, wrote 40757 new ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::combineSpws()	Spectral window combination complete.
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	ms::cvel	 
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	ms::cvel	Testing if spectral frame transformation/regridding is needed ...
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Using tabulated observatory position for VLA:
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	   Position: [-1.60119e+06, -5.04198e+06, 3.55488e+06] (ITRF)
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Regridded spectral window 0 will be created for field 0 with parameters 
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	input frame = TOPO, output frame = TOPO
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Channels equidistant in freq
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Central frequency (in output frame) = 4.8851e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Width of central channel (in output frame) = 5e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Number of channels = 1
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Total width of SPW (in output frame) = 5e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Lower edge = 4.8601e+09 Hz, upper edge = 4.9101e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	 Interpolation Method = linear
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Added 1 new rows to the DATA_DESCRIPTION table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 1 rows to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW table and deleted 1 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()+	Added 0 rows to the SOURCE table and deleted 0 old ones.
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	SubMS::regridSpw()	Main table data array columns will be rewritten.
regridSpw progress: 20% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 40% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 60% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 80% processed ... 
regridSpw progress: 100% processed.
2025-03-15 16:36:40	INFO	ms::cvel	Spectral frame transformation/regridding completed.
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	ms::cvel	Final spectral window has 1 channels of width 5.000000e+07 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	ms::cvel+	Channel center = 4.885100000e+09 Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	ms::cvel	NOTE: any virtual model data will be cleared.
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO		Clearing all model records in MS header.
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:36:17.554217 End time: 2025-03-15 16:36:40.968791
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
.2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### Begin Task: cvel               #####
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	cvel( vis='myinput.ms', outputvis='cvel-output.ms', passall=False, field='', spw='', selectdata=True, antenna='', timerange='', scan='', array='', mode='channel', nchan=10, start=100, width=2, interpolation='linear', phasecenter='J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20', restfreq='', outframe='', veltype='radio', hanning=False )
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	After pre-averaging, will switch to frequency mode with start=229429.25455247727MHz, width = 1625000.0Hz
2025-03-15 16:36:41	SEVERE	cvel::::casa	Exception Reported: Error in cvel: ERROR: cvel does not regrid properly for channel widths > or = 2x the native channel width, please use mstransform, clean, or tclean for larger regridding. All earlier versions of CASA also have this issue.
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	Traceback (most recent call last):
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa+	  File "/wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.2-8-py3.12.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/casashell/private/cvel.py", line 911, in __call__
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa+	    task_result = _cvel_t( _pc.document['vis'],_pc.document['outputvis'],_pc.document['passall'],_pc.document['field'],_pc.document['spw'],_pc.document['selectdata'],_pc.document['antenna'],_pc.document['timerange'],_pc.document['scan'],_pc.document['array'],_pc.document['mode'],_pc.document['nchan'],_pc.document['start'],_pc.document['width'],_pc.document['interpolation'],_pc.document['phasecenter'],_pc.document['restfreq'],_pc.document['outframe'],_pc.document['veltype'],_pc.document['hanning'] )
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa+	                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa+	  File "/wheeldirectory/casa-6.7.2-8-py3.12.el8/lib/py/lib/python3.12/site-packages/casatasks/private/task_cvel.py", line 361, in cvel
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa+	    raise RuntimeError('ERROR: cvel does not regrid properly for channel '
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa+	RuntimeError: ERROR: cvel does not regrid properly for channel widths > or = 2x the native channel width, please use mstransform, clean, or tclean for larger regridding. All earlier versions of CASA also have this issue.
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	Task cvel complete. Start time: 2025-03-15 16:36:41.016351 End time: 2025-03-15 16:36:41.112385
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	##### End Task: cvel                 #####
2025-03-15 16:36:41	INFO	cvel::::casa	##########################################
*** Expected error ***
Ran 57 tests in 408.703s

OK (skipped=10)

Generating XML reports...