LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - usr/include/google/protobuf - message_lite.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 5 23 21.7 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 31 85 36.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
       2             : // Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
       3             : //
       4             : //
       5             : // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
       6             : // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
       7             : // met:
       8             : //
       9             : //     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      10             : // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
      11             : //     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
      12             : // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
      13             : // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
      14             : // distribution.
      15             : //     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
      16             : // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
      17             : // this software without specific prior written permission.
      18             : //
      30             : 
      31             : // Authors: (Wink Saville),
      32             : // (Kenton Varda)
      33             : //  Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
      34             : //  Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
      35             : //
      36             : // Defines MessageLite, the abstract interface implemented by all (lite
      37             : // and non-lite) protocol message objects.
      38             : 
      39             : #ifndef GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MESSAGE_LITE_H__
      40             : #define GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MESSAGE_LITE_H__
      41             : 
      42             : #include <climits>
      43             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
      44             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/logging.h>
      45             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/once.h>
      46             : #include <google/protobuf/arena.h>
      47             : #include <google/protobuf/stubs/port.h>
      48             : 
      49             : namespace google {
      50             : namespace protobuf {
      51             : template <typename T>
      52             : class RepeatedPtrField;
      53             : namespace io {
      54             : class CodedInputStream;
      55             : class CodedOutputStream;
      56             : class ZeroCopyInputStream;
      57             : class ZeroCopyOutputStream;
      58             : }
      59             : namespace internal {
      60             : 
      61             : class RepeatedPtrFieldBase;
      62             : class WireFormatLite;
      63             : class WeakFieldMap;
      64             : 
      65             : #ifndef SWIG
      66             : // We compute sizes as size_t but cache them as int.  This function converts a
      67             : // computed size to a cached size.  Since we don't proceed with serialization
      68             : // if the total size was > INT_MAX, it is not important what this function
      69             : // returns for inputs > INT_MAX.  However this case should not error or
      70             : // GOOGLE_CHECK-fail, because the full size_t resolution is still returned from
      71             : // ByteSizeLong() and checked against INT_MAX; we can catch the overflow
      72             : // there.
      73           0 : inline int ToCachedSize(size_t size) { return static_cast<int>(size); }
      74             : 
      75             : // We mainly calculate sizes in terms of size_t, but some functions that
      76             : // compute sizes return "int".  These int sizes are expected to always be
      77             : // positive. This function is more efficient than casting an int to size_t
      78             : // directly on 64-bit platforms because it avoids making the compiler emit a
      79             : // sign extending instruction, which we don't want and don't want to pay for.
      80           0 : inline size_t FromIntSize(int size) {
      81             :   // Convert to unsigned before widening so sign extension is not necessary.
      82           0 :   return static_cast<unsigned int>(size);
      83             : }
      84             : 
      85             : // For cases where a legacy function returns an integer size.  We GOOGLE_DCHECK()
      86             : // that the conversion will fit within an integer; if this is false then we
      87             : // are losing information.
      88           0 : inline int ToIntSize(size_t size) {
      89           0 :   GOOGLE_DCHECK_LE(size, static_cast<size_t>(INT_MAX));
      90           0 :   return static_cast<int>(size);
      91             : }
      92             : 
      93             : // This type wraps a variable whose constructor and destructor are explicitly
      94             : // called. It is particularly useful for a global variable, without its
      95             : // constructor and destructor run on start and end of the program lifetime.
      96             : // This circumvents the initial construction order fiasco, while keeping
      97             : // the address of the empty string a compile time constant.
      98             : //
      99             : // Pay special attention to the initialization state of the object.
     100             : // 1. The object is "uninitialized" to begin with.
     101             : // 2. Call DefaultConstruct() only if the object is uninitialized.
     102             : //    After the call, the object becomes "initialized".
     103             : // 3. Call get() and get_mutable() only if the object is initialized.
     104             : // 4. Call Destruct() only if the object is initialized.
     105             : //    After the call, the object becomes uninitialized.
     106             : template <typename T>
     107             : class ExplicitlyConstructed {
     108             :  public:
     109             :   void DefaultConstruct() {
     110             :     new (&union_) T();
     111             :   }
     112             : 
     113             :   void Destruct() {
     114             :     get_mutable()->~T();
     115             :   }
     116             : 
     117         539 :   constexpr const T& get() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T&>(union_); }
     118         330 :   T* get_mutable() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&union_); }
     119             : 
     120             :  private:
     121             :   // Prefer c++14 aligned_storage, but for compatibility this will do.
     122             :   union AlignedUnion {
     123             :     char space[sizeof(T)];
     124             :     int64 align_to_int64;
     125             :     void* align_to_ptr;
     126             :   } union_;
     127             : };
     128             : 
     129             : // Default empty string object. Don't use this directly. Instead, call
     130             : // GetEmptyString() to get the reference.
     131             : LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT extern ExplicitlyConstructed<::std::string> fixed_address_empty_string;
     132             : 
     133         539 : LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT inline const ::std::string& GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited() {
     134         539 :   return fixed_address_empty_string.get();
     135             : }
     136             : 
     137             : LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT size_t StringSpaceUsedExcludingSelfLong(const string& str);
     138             : #endif  // SWIG
     139             : }  // namespace internal
     140             : 
     141             : // Interface to light weight protocol messages.
     142             : //
     143             : // This interface is implemented by all protocol message objects.  Non-lite
     144             : // messages additionally implement the Message interface, which is a
     145             : // subclass of MessageLite.  Use MessageLite instead when you only need
     146             : // the subset of features which it supports -- namely, nothing that uses
     147             : // descriptors or reflection.  You can instruct the protocol compiler
     148             : // to generate classes which implement only MessageLite, not the full
     149             : // Message interface, by adding the following line to the .proto file:
     150             : //
     151             : //   option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
     152             : //
     153             : // This is particularly useful on resource-constrained systems where
     154             : // the full protocol buffers runtime library is too big.
     155             : //
     156             : // Note that on non-constrained systems (e.g. servers) when you need
     157             : // to link in lots of protocol definitions, a better way to reduce
     158             : // total code footprint is to use optimize_for = CODE_SIZE.  This
     159             : // will make the generated code smaller while still supporting all the
     160             : // same features (at the expense of speed).  optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME
     161             : // is best when you only have a small number of message types linked
     162             : // into your binary, in which case the size of the protocol buffers
     163             : // runtime itself is the biggest problem.
     164             : class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT MessageLite {
     165             :  public:
     166         462 :   inline MessageLite() {}
     167           0 :   virtual ~MessageLite() {}
     168             : 
     169             :   // Basic Operations ------------------------------------------------
     170             : 
     171             :   // Get the name of this message type, e.g. "".
     172             :   virtual string GetTypeName() const = 0;
     173             : 
     174             :   // Construct a new instance of the same type.  Ownership is passed to the
     175             :   // caller.
     176             :   virtual MessageLite* New() const = 0;
     177             : 
     178             :   // Construct a new instance on the arena. Ownership is passed to the caller
     179             :   // if arena is a NULL. Default implementation for backwards compatibility.
     180             :   virtual MessageLite* New(::google::protobuf::Arena* arena) const;
     181             : 
     182             :   // Get the arena, if any, associated with this message. Virtual method
     183             :   // required for generic operations but most arena-related operations should
     184             :   // use the GetArenaNoVirtual() generated-code method. Default implementation
     185             :   // to reduce code size by avoiding the need for per-type implementations
     186             :   // when types do not implement arena support.
     187           0 :   virtual ::google::protobuf::Arena* GetArena() const { return NULL; }
     188             : 
     189             :   // Get a pointer that may be equal to this message's arena, or may not be.
     190             :   // If the value returned by this method is equal to some arena pointer, then
     191             :   // this message is on that arena; however, if this message is on some arena,
     192             :   // this method may or may not return that arena's pointer. As a tradeoff,
     193             :   // this method may be more efficient than GetArena(). The intent is to allow
     194             :   // underlying representations that use e.g. tagged pointers to sometimes
     195             :   // store the arena pointer directly, and sometimes in a more indirect way,
     196             :   // and allow a fastpath comparison against the arena pointer when it's easy
     197             :   // to obtain.
     198           0 :   virtual void* GetMaybeArenaPointer() const { return GetArena(); }
     199             : 
     200             :   // Clear all fields of the message and set them to their default values.
     201             :   // Clear() avoids freeing memory, assuming that any memory allocated
     202             :   // to hold parts of the message will be needed again to hold the next
     203             :   // message.  If you actually want to free the memory used by a Message,
     204             :   // you must delete it.
     205             :   virtual void Clear() = 0;
     206             : 
     207             :   // Quickly check if all required fields have values set.
     208             :   virtual bool IsInitialized() const = 0;
     209             : 
     210             :   // This is not implemented for Lite messages -- it just returns "(cannot
     211             :   // determine missing fields for lite message)".  However, it is implemented
     212             :   // for full messages.  See message.h.
     213             :   virtual string InitializationErrorString() const;
     214             : 
     215             :   // If |other| is the exact same class as this, calls MergeFrom(). Otherwise,
     216             :   // results are undefined (probably crash).
     217             :   virtual void CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(const MessageLite& other) = 0;
     218             : 
     219             :   // Parsing ---------------------------------------------------------
     220             :   // Methods for parsing in protocol buffer format.  Most of these are
     221             :   // just simple wrappers around MergeFromCodedStream().  Clear() will be
     222             :   // called before merging the input.
     223             : 
     224             :   // Fill the message with a protocol buffer parsed from the given input
     225             :   // stream. Returns false on a read error or if the input is in the wrong
     226             :   // format.  A successful return does not indicate the entire input is
     227             :   // consumed, ensure you call ConsumedEntireMessage() to check that if
     228             :   // applicable.
     229             :   bool ParseFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input);
     230             :   // Like ParseFromCodedStream(), but accepts messages that are missing
     231             :   // required fields.
     232             :   bool ParsePartialFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input);
     233             :   // Read a protocol buffer from the given zero-copy input stream.  If
     234             :   // successful, the entire input will be consumed.
     235             :   bool ParseFromZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input);
     236             :   // Like ParseFromZeroCopyStream(), but accepts messages that are missing
     237             :   // required fields.
     238             :   bool ParsePartialFromZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input);
     239             :   // Read a protocol buffer from the given zero-copy input stream, expecting
     240             :   // the message to be exactly "size" bytes long.  If successful, exactly
     241             :   // this many bytes will have been consumed from the input.
     242             :   bool ParseFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input, int size);
     243             :   // Like ParseFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(), but accepts messages that are
     244             :   // missing required fields.
     245             :   bool ParsePartialFromBoundedZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input,
     246             :                                              int size);
     247             :   // Parses a protocol buffer contained in a string. Returns true on success.
     248             :   // This function takes a string in the (non-human-readable) binary wire
     249             :   // format, matching the encoding output by MessageLite::SerializeToString().
     250             :   // If you'd like to convert a human-readable string into a protocol buffer
     251             :   // object, see google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString().
     252             :   bool ParseFromString(const string& data);
     253             :   // Like ParseFromString(), but accepts messages that are missing
     254             :   // required fields.
     255             :   bool ParsePartialFromString(const string& data);
     256             :   // Parse a protocol buffer contained in an array of bytes.
     257             :   bool ParseFromArray(const void* data, int size);
     258             :   // Like ParseFromArray(), but accepts messages that are missing
     259             :   // required fields.
     260             :   bool ParsePartialFromArray(const void* data, int size);
     261             : 
     262             : 
     263             :   // Reads a protocol buffer from the stream and merges it into this
     264             :   // Message.  Singular fields read from the what is
     265             :   // already in the Message and repeated fields are appended to those
     266             :   // already present.
     267             :   //
     268             :   // It is the responsibility of the caller to call input->LastTagWas()
     269             :   // (for groups) or input->ConsumedEntireMessage() (for non-groups) after
     270             :   // this returns to verify that the message's end was delimited correctly.
     271             :   //
     272             :   // ParsefromCodedStream() is implemented as Clear() followed by
     273             :   // MergeFromCodedStream().
     274             :   bool MergeFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input);
     275             : 
     276             :   // Like MergeFromCodedStream(), but succeeds even if required fields are
     277             :   // missing in the input.
     278             :   //
     279             :   // MergeFromCodedStream() is just implemented as MergePartialFromCodedStream()
     280             :   // followed by IsInitialized().
     281             :   virtual bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(io::CodedInputStream* input) = 0;
     282             : 
     283             : 
     284             :   // Serialization ---------------------------------------------------
     285             :   // Methods for serializing in protocol buffer format.  Most of these
     286             :   // are just simple wrappers around ByteSize() and SerializeWithCachedSizes().
     287             : 
     288             :   // Write a protocol buffer of this message to the given output.  Returns
     289             :   // false on a write error.  If the message is missing required fields,
     290             :   // this may GOOGLE_CHECK-fail.
     291             :   bool SerializeToCodedStream(io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
     292             :   // Like SerializeToCodedStream(), but allows missing required fields.
     293             :   bool SerializePartialToCodedStream(io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
     294             :   // Write the message to the given zero-copy output stream.  All required
     295             :   // fields must be set.
     296             :   bool SerializeToZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) const;
     297             :   // Like SerializeToZeroCopyStream(), but allows missing required fields.
     298             :   bool SerializePartialToZeroCopyStream(io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) const;
     299             :   // Serialize the message and store it in the given string.  All required
     300             :   // fields must be set.
     301             :   bool SerializeToString(string* output) const;
     302             :   // Like SerializeToString(), but allows missing required fields.
     303             :   bool SerializePartialToString(string* output) const;
     304             :   // Serialize the message and store it in the given byte array.  All required
     305             :   // fields must be set.
     306             :   bool SerializeToArray(void* data, int size) const;
     307             :   // Like SerializeToArray(), but allows missing required fields.
     308             :   bool SerializePartialToArray(void* data, int size) const;
     309             : 
     310             :   // Make a string encoding the message. Is equivalent to calling
     311             :   // SerializeToString() on a string and using that.  Returns the empty
     312             :   // string if SerializeToString() would have returned an error.
     313             :   // Note: If you intend to generate many such strings, you may
     314             :   // reduce heap fragmentation by instead re-using the same string
     315             :   // object with calls to SerializeToString().
     316             :   string SerializeAsString() const;
     317             :   // Like SerializeAsString(), but allows missing required fields.
     318             :   string SerializePartialAsString() const;
     319             : 
     320             :   // Like SerializeToString(), but appends to the data to the string's existing
     321             :   // contents.  All required fields must be set.
     322             :   bool AppendToString(string* output) const;
     323             :   // Like AppendToString(), but allows missing required fields.
     324             :   bool AppendPartialToString(string* output) const;
     325             : 
     326             :   // Computes the serialized size of the message.  This recursively calls
     327             :   // ByteSizeLong() on all embedded messages.
     328             :   //
     329             :   // ByteSizeLong() is generally linear in the number of fields defined for the
     330             :   // proto.
     331             :   virtual size_t ByteSizeLong() const = 0;
     332             : 
     333             :   // Legacy ByteSize() API.
     334             :   PROTOBUF_RUNTIME_DEPRECATED("Please use ByteSizeLong() instead")
     335           0 :   int ByteSize() const {
     336           0 :     return internal::ToIntSize(ByteSizeLong());
     337             :   }
     338             : 
     339             :   // Serializes the message without recomputing the size.  The message must not
     340             :   // have changed since the last call to ByteSize(), and the value returned by
     341             :   // ByteSize must be non-negative.  Otherwise the results are undefined.
     342             :   virtual void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
     343             :       io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
     344             : 
     345             :   // Functions below here are not part of the public interface.  It isn't
     346             :   // enforced, but they should be treated as private, and will be private
     347             :   // at some future time.  Unfortunately the implementation of the "friend"
     348             :   // keyword in GCC is broken at the moment, but we expect it will be fixed.
     349             : 
     350             :   // Like SerializeWithCachedSizes, but writes directly to *target, returning
     351             :   // a pointer to the byte immediately after the last byte written.  "target"
     352             :   // must point at a byte array of at least ByteSize() bytes.  Whether to use
     353             :   // deterministic serialization, e.g., maps in sorted order, is determined by
     354             :   // CodedOutputStream::IsDefaultSerializationDeterministic().
     355             :   virtual uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(uint8* target) const;
     356             : 
     357             :   // Returns the result of the last call to ByteSize().  An embedded message's
     358             :   // size is needed both to serialize it (because embedded messages are
     359             :   // length-delimited) and to compute the outer message's size.  Caching
     360             :   // the size avoids computing it multiple times.
     361             :   //
     362             :   // ByteSize() does not automatically use the cached size when available
     363             :   // because this would require invalidating it every time the message was
     364             :   // modified, which would be too hard and expensive.  (E.g. if a deeply-nested
     365             :   // sub-message is changed, all of its parents' cached sizes would need to be
     366             :   // invalidated, which is too much work for an otherwise inlined setter
     367             :   // method.)
     368             :   virtual int GetCachedSize() const = 0;
     369             : 
     370             :   virtual uint8* InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(bool deterministic,
     371             :                                                          uint8* target) const;
     372             : 
     373             :  protected:
     374             :   // CastToBase allows generated code to cast a RepeatedPtrField<T> to
     375             :   // RepeatedPtrFieldBase. We try to restrict access to RepeatedPtrFieldBase
     376             :   // because it is an implementation detail that user code should not access
     377             :   // directly.
     378             :   template <typename T>
     379           0 :   static ::google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase* CastToBase(
     380             :       ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<T>* repeated) {
     381           0 :     return repeated;
     382             :   }
     383             :   template <typename T>
     384             :   static const ::google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedPtrFieldBase& CastToBase(
     385             :       const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<T>& repeated) {
     386             :     return repeated;
     387             :   }
     388             : 
     389             :   template <typename T>
     390           0 :   static T* CreateMaybeMessage(Arena* arena) {
     391           0 :     return Arena::CreateMaybeMessage<T>(arena);
     392             :   }
     393             : 
     394             :  private:
     395             :   // TODO(gerbens) make this a pure abstract function
     396           0 :   virtual const void* InternalGetTable() const { return NULL; }
     397             : 
     398             :   friend class internal::WireFormatLite;
     399             :   friend class Message;
     400             :   friend class internal::WeakFieldMap;
     401             : 
     402             :   GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(MessageLite);
     403             : };
     404             : 
     405             : namespace internal {
     406             : 
     407             : extern bool LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT proto3_preserve_unknown_;
     408             : 
     409             : // DO NOT USE: For migration only. Will be removed when Proto3 defaults to
     410             : // preserve unknowns.
     411           0 : inline bool GetProto3PreserveUnknownsDefault() {
     412           0 :   return proto3_preserve_unknown_;
     413             : }
     414             : 
     415             : // DO NOT USE: For migration only. Will be removed when Proto3 defaults to
     416             : // preserve unknowns.
     417             : void LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT SetProto3PreserveUnknownsDefault(bool preserve);
     418             : }  // namespace internal
     419             : 
     420             : 
     421             : }  // namespace protobuf
     422             : 
     423             : }  // namespace google
     424             : #endif  // GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_MESSAGE_LITE_H__

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16