LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/TransformMachines2 - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 104 130 80.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 7 8 87.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // -*- C++ -*-
       2             : //# Implementation of the PointingOffsets class
       3             : //# Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       4             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       5             : //#
       6             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       7             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       8             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       9             : //# option) any later version.
      10             : //#
      11             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      12             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      13             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      14             : //# License for more details.
      15             : //#
      16             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      17             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      18             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      19             : //#
      20             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      21             : //#        Internet email:
      22             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      23             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      24             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      25             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      26             : //#
      27             : //# $Id$
      28             : //
      29             : 
      30             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIterator2.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasTable.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSColumns.h>
      33             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/PointingOffsets.h>
      34             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SynthesisError.h>
      35             : // #include <casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      36             : // #include <casa/Logging/LogSink.h>
      37             : // #include <casa/Logging/LogOrigin.h>
      38             : 
      39             : using namespace casacore;
      40             : namespace casa{
      41             :   using namespace vi;
      42             :   using namespace refim;
      43             :   //
      44             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
      45             :   //
      46           0 :   PointingOffsets& PointingOffsets::operator=(const PointingOffsets& other)
      47             :   {
      48           0 :     if(this!=&other) 
      49             :       {
      50           0 :         imageDC_p = other.imageDC_p;
      51           0 :         imageObsInfo_p = other.imageObsInfo_p;
      52           0 :         cachedPointingOffsets_p = other.cachedPointingOffsets_p;
      53           0 :         cachedAntGridPointingOffsets_p = other.cachedAntGridPointingOffsets_p;
      54             :       }
      55           0 :     return *this;
      56             :   }
      57             :   //
      58             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
      59             :   //
      60       31572 :   Vector<Vector<double> >PointingOffsets::findMosaicPointingOffset(const ImageInterface<Complex>& image,
      61             :                                                                    const VisBuffer2& vb, const Bool& doPointing)
      62             :   {
      63       31572 :     storeImageParams(image,vb);
      64             :     //where in the image in pixels is this pointing
      65       31572 :     pixFieldGrad_p.resize(2);
      66             :     int antId,numRow;
      67       31572 :     antId = 0;
      68       31572 :     numRow = 0;
      69       31572 :     Vector<Vector<double> >pixFieldGrad_l;
      70       31572 :     pixFieldGrad_l.resize(1);
      71       31572 :     MDirection dir = vbUtils_p.getPointingDir(vb,antId,numRow,dc_p.directionType(),doPointing);
      72       31572 :     thePix_p = toPix(vb, dir, dir);
      73             : 
      74       31572 :     pixFieldGrad_p = gradPerPixel(thePix_p);
      75       31572 :     pixFieldGrad_l(0)=(pixFieldGrad_p);
      76             : 
      77       63144 :     return pixFieldGrad_l;
      78       31572 :   };
      79             :   //
      80             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
      81             :   //
      82        2824 :   Vector<Vector<double> > PointingOffsets::findAntennaPointingOffset(const ImageInterface<Complex>& image,
      83             :                                                                      const vi::VisBuffer2& vb, const Bool& doPointing)
      84             :   {
      85        2824 :     Vector<Vector<double> >antOffsets;
      86        2824 :     storeImageParams(image,vb);
      87             : 
      88        2824 :     if (epJ_p.null())
      89             :       {
      90        2824 :         int numRow_p = vb.nRows();
      91        2824 :         antOffsets.resize(numRow_p); // The array is resized to fit for a given vb
      92        2824 :         if (PO_DEBUG_P==1)
      93           0 :           cerr << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
      94      958636 :         for (int irow=0; irow<numRow_p;irow++)
      95             :           {
      96      955812 :             MDirection antDir1 =vbUtils_p.getPointingDir(vb, vb.antenna1()[irow], irow, dc_p.directionType(), doPointing); 
      97      955812 :             MDirection antDir2 =vbUtils_p.getPointingDir(vb, vb.antenna2()[irow], irow, dc_p.directionType(), doPointing); 
      98             :             
      99             :             //      MVDirection vbdir=vb.direction1()(0).getValue();    
     100      955812 :             casacore::Vector<double> thePixDir1_l, thePixDir2_l;
     101      955812 :             thePixDir1_l = toPix(vb, antDir1, antDir2);
     102      955812 :             thePixDir2_l = toPix(vb, antDir2, antDir1);
     103      955812 :             thePix_p = (thePixDir1_l + thePixDir2_l)/2.;
     104      955812 :             antOffsets(irow) = gradPerPixel(thePix_p);
     105      955812 :             if (PO_DEBUG_P==1)
     106             :               {
     107           0 :                 cerr << irow << " " 
     108           0 :                      << vb.antenna1()[irow] << " " << vb.antenna2()[irow] << " " 
     109           0 :                      << antDir1 << " " << antDir2 << " "
     110           0 :                      << vb.direction1()(irow) << " " << vb.direction2()(irow) << " "
     111           0 :                      << toPix(vb, antDir1, antDir2) << " " << toPix(vb, antDir2,antDir1)
     112           0 :                      << endl;
     113             :                 
     114             :               }
     115             :             //cerr << irow << " " << antOffsets[irow]<< endl;
     116      955812 :           }
     117        2824 :         if (PO_DEBUG_P==1)
     118           0 :           cerr << "=========================================================================" << endl;
     119             :       }
     120             :     else
     121             :       {
     122           0 :         throw(SynthesisFTMachineError("PointingOffsets::findAntennaPointingOffset(): Antenna pointing CalTable support not yet implemented"));
     123             :       }
     124        2824 :     return antOffsets;
     125           0 :   }
     126             :   //
     127             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     128             :   //
     129       34396 :   void PointingOffsets::fetchPointingOffset(const ImageInterface<Complex>& image,
     130             :                                            const VisBuffer2& vb, const Bool doPointing)
     131             :   {
     132       34396 :     setDoPointing(doPointing);
     133       34396 :     if (!doPointing) 
     134             :       { 
     135       31572 :         cachedPointingOffsets_p.assign(findMosaicPointingOffset(image,vb,doPointing));
     136             :       }
     137             :     else 
     138             :       {
     139        2824 :         cachedPointingOffsets_p.assign(findAntennaPointingOffset(image,vb,doPointing));
     140             :       }
     141       34396 :   }
     142             :   //
     143             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     144             :   //
     145      987495 :   Vector<double> PointingOffsets::gradPerPixel(const Vector<double>& p)
     146             :   {
     147      987495 :     Vector<double> gPP(2);
     148      987495 :     gPP(0) = p(0) - double(nx_p/2);
     149      987495 :     gPP(1) = p(1) - double(ny_p/2);
     150             : 
     151      987495 :     gPP(0) = -gPP(0)*2.0*C::pi/double(nx_p)/double(convOversampling_p);
     152      987495 :     gPP(1) = -gPP(1)*2.0*C::pi/double(ny_p)/double(convOversampling_p);
     153             : 
     154      987495 :     return gPP;
     155           0 :   }
     156             :   //
     157             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     158             :   //
     159     2020570 :   Vector<double>& PointingOffsets::toPix(const VisBuffer2& vb, 
     160             :                                          const MDirection& dir1, 
     161             :                                          const MDirection& dir2) 
     162             :   {
     163     2020570 :     thePix_p.resize(2);
     164     2020570 :     if(dc_p.directionType() !=  MDirection::castType(dir1.getRef().getType()))
     165             :       {
     166             :       //pointToPix_p.setModel(theDir);
     167             :       
     168           0 :       MEpoch timenow(Quantity(vb.time()(0), timeUnit_p), timeMType_p);
     169           0 :       pointFrame_p.resetEpoch(timenow);
     170             :       //////////////////////////
     171             :       //pointToPix holds pointFrame_p by reference...
     172             :       //thus good to go for conversion
     173           0 :       direction1_p=pointToPix_p(dir1);
     174           0 :       direction2_p=pointToPix_p(dir2);
     175           0 :       dc_p.toPixel(thePix_p, direction1_p);
     176             :       //cerr<<" thePix_P from one: "<<thePix_p<< " " << dir1.getRef().getType()<<endl;
     177             : 
     178           0 :     }
     179             :     else
     180             :       {
     181     2020570 :       direction1_p=dir1;
     182     2020570 :       direction2_p=dir2;
     183     2020570 :       dc_p.toPixel(thePix_p, dir1);
     184             :       //cerr<<" thePix_P from two: "<<thePix_p<< " " << dir1.getRef().getType()<<endl;
     185             :       }
     186             :     // Return the internal variable, just to make code more readable
     187             :     // at the place of the call.
     188     2020570 :     return thePix_p;
     189             :   };
     190             : 
     191             :   //
     192             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     193             :   //
     194             : 
     195        2893 :   vector<vector<double> > PointingOffsets::fetchAntOffsetToPix(const VisBuffer2& vb, const Bool doPointing)
     196             :   {
     197             :     // Int numRow_p = vb.nRows();
     198        2893 :     vector<vector<double> > pix_l;
     199             : 
     200        2893 :     vector<int> ant1, ant2;
     201        2893 :     ant1 = (vb.antenna1()).tovector();
     202        2893 :     ant2 = (vb.antenna2()).tovector();
     203        2893 :     ant1.insert(ant1.end(),ant2.begin(),ant2.end());
     204        2893 :     sort(ant1.begin(),ant1.end());
     205        2893 :     auto itr = unique(ant1.begin(),ant1.end());
     206        2893 :     ant1.resize(distance(ant1.begin(),itr));
     207             : 
     208             :     // cerr <<"ant1.size()" << ant1.size() << endl;
     209        2893 :     pix_l.resize(2);
     210        2893 :     pix_l[0].resize(ant1.size(),0);
     211        2893 :     pix_l[1].resize(ant1.size(),0);
     212             : 
     213        2893 :     MVDirection vbdir=vb.direction1()(0).getValue();
     214       80198 :     for (unsigned int nant=0; nant< ant1.size();nant++)
     215             :       {
     216             : 
     217       77305 :         MDirection antDir1 =vbUtils_p.getPointingDir(vb, ant1[nant], 0, dc_p.directionType(), doPointing); 
     218             :         // MDirection antDir2 =vbUtils_p.getPointingDir(vb, vb.antenna2()[irow], irow, dc_p.directionType(), doPointing);        
     219       77305 :         Vector<double> tmp = toPix(vb, antDir1, vbdir);
     220       77305 :         pix_l[0][nant]=tmp[0];
     221       77305 :         pix_l[1][nant]=tmp[1];
     222             :         // cerr<< "Ant : "<< ant1[nant]<< " Offsets : "<< pix_l[0][nant] << " " << pix_l[1][nant]<<endl;
     223             :         // tmp = toPix(vb, antDir2, vbdir);
     224             :         // pix_l[2][irow]=tmp[0];
     225             :         // pix_l[3][irow]=tmp[1];
     226       77305 :       }
     227        5786 :     return pix_l;
     228        2893 :   }
     229             : 
     230             : 
     231             :   //
     232             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     233             :   //
     234       34396 :   void PointingOffsets::storeImageParams(const ImageInterface<Complex>& iimage,
     235             :                                          const VisBuffer2& vb) 
     236             :   {
     237             :     //image signature changed...rather simplistic for now
     238       34396 :     if((iimage.shape().product() != nx_p*ny_p*nchan_p*npol_p) || nchan_p < 1)
     239             :       {
     240          79 :         csys_p=iimage.coordinates();
     241          79 :         int coordIndex=csys_p.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
     242          79 :         AlwaysAssert(coordIndex>=0, AipsError);
     243          79 :         directionIndex_p=coordIndex;
     244          79 :         dc_p=csys_p.directionCoordinate(directionIndex_p);
     245          79 :         ObsInfo imInfo=csys_p.obsInfo();
     246          79 :         String tel= imInfo.telescope();
     247          79 :         MPosition pos;
     248          79 :         ROMSColumns mscol(;
     249          79 :         if (vb.subtableColumns().observation().nrow() > 0) 
     250             :           {
     251          79 :             tel = vb.subtableColumns().observation().telescopeName()
     252          79 :               (mscol.observationId()(0));
     253             :           }
     254         158 :         if (tel.length() == 0 || !tel.contains("VLA") ||  
     255          79 :             !MeasTable::Observatory(pos,tel)) 
     256             :           {
     257             :             // unknown observatory, use first antenna
     258           0 :             int ant1 = vb.antenna1()(0);
     259           0 :             pos=vb.subtableColumns().antenna().positionMeas()(ant1);
     260             :           }
     261             :         //cout << "TELESCOPE " << tel << endl;
     262             :         //Store this to build epochs via the time access of visbuffer later
     263             : 
     264          79 :         timeMType_p=MEpoch::castType(mscol.timeMeas()(0).getRef().getType());
     265          79 :         timeUnit_p=Unit(mscol.timeMeas().measDesc().getUnits()(0).getName());
     266             :         // timeUnit_p=Unit("s");
     267             :         //cout << "UNIT " << timeUnit_p.getValue() << " name " << timeUnit_p.getName()  << endl;
     268          79 :         pointFrame_p=MeasFrame(imInfo.obsDate(), pos);
     269          79 :         MDirection::Ref elRef(dc_p.directionType(), pointFrame_p);
     270             :         //For now we set the conversion from this direction 
     271          79 :         pointToPix_p=MDirection::Convert( MDirection(), elRef);
     272          79 :         nx_p=iimage.shape()(coordIndex);
     273          79 :         ny_p=iimage.shape()(coordIndex+1);
     274          79 :         coordIndex=csys_p.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
     275          79 :         int pixAxis=csys_p.pixelAxes(coordIndex)[0];
     276          79 :         nchan_p=iimage.shape()(pixAxis);
     277          79 :         coordIndex=csys_p.findCoordinate(Coordinate::STOKES);
     278          79 :         pixAxis=csys_p.pixelAxes(coordIndex)[0];
     279          79 :         npol_p=iimage.shape()(pixAxis);
     280          79 :       }
     281       34396 :   }
     282             :   };

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16