LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/TransformMachines2 - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 163 265 61.5 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 19 30 63.3 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation of MultiTermFTNew class
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id$
      27             : 
      28             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer2.h>
      29             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageInterface.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/images/Images/PagedImage.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Block.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayLogical.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Array.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/MaskedArray.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Cube.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Timer.h>
      44             : #include <sstream>
      45             : 
      46             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/StokesImageUtil.h>
      47             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/VisModelData.h>
      48             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeLocker.h>
      49             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageInterface.h>
      50             : #include <casacore/images/Images/SubImage.h>
      51             : 
      52             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/MatrixMathLA.h>
      53             : 
      54             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/MultiTermFTNew.h>
      55             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/MosaicFTNew.h>
      56             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/Utils.h>
      57             : 
      58             : // This is the list of FTMachine types supported by MultiTermFTNew
      59             : //#include <synthesis/TransformMachines/GridFT.h>
      60             : //#include <synthesis/TransformMachines/AWProjectFT.h>
      61             : //#include <synthesis/TransformMachines/AWProjectWBFT.h>
      62             : 
      63             : #include<synthesis/ImagerObjects/SIImageStoreMultiTerm.h>
      64             : 
      65             : using namespace casacore;
      66             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      67             : namespace refim { // namespace for refactor
      68             : 
      69             : using namespace casacore;
      70             : using namespace casa;
      71             : using namespace casacore;
      72             : using namespace casa::refim;
      73             : using namespace casacore;
      74             : using namespace casa::vi;
      75             : 
      76             : #define PSOURCE false
      77             : #define psource (IPosition(4,1536,1536,0,0))
      78             : 
      79             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
      80             :   //-------------------- constructors and descructors ---------------------- 
      81             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
      82         238 :   MultiTermFTNew::MultiTermFTNew(CountedPtr<FTMachine>&subftm,  Int nterms, Bool forward)
      83         238 :     :FTMachine(), nterms_p(nterms), 
      84         238 :      reffreq_p(0.0), imweights_p(Matrix<Float>(0,0)), machineName_p("MultiTermFTNew")
      85             :      //     donePSF_p(false)
      86             :   {
      87             :     
      88         238 :     this->setBasePrivates(*subftm);
      89         238 :     canComputeResiduals_p = subftm->canComputeResiduals();
      90             : 
      91         238 :     if( forward ) psfnterms_p = nterms_p;
      92         119 :     else psfnterms_p = 2*nterms_p-1;
      93             : 
      94         238 :     subftms_p.resize(psfnterms_p);
      95         824 :     for(uInt termindex=0;termindex<psfnterms_p;termindex++)
      96             :       {
      97             :         //        cout << "Creating new FTM of type : " << subftm->name() << endl;
      98         586 :         if( termindex==0 ){ 
      99         238 :           subftms_p[termindex] = subftm; 
     100             :         }
     101             :         else { 
     102         348 :           subftms_p[termindex] = getNewFTM(subftm); 
     103         348 :           if((subftms_p[termindex]->name())=="MosaicFTNew"){ 
     104          69 :             (static_cast<MosaicFTNew *>(subftms_p[termindex].get()))->setConvFunc(  (static_cast<MosaicFTNew * >(subftm.get()))->getConvFunc());
     105             : 
     106             :             }
     107             :         }
     108             : 
     109         586 :         subftms_p[termindex]->setMiscInfo(termindex); 
     110             :       }
     111             : 
     112             :     //  printFTTypes();
     113         238 :   }
     114             :   
     115             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     116             :   // Construct from the input state record
     117           0 :   MultiTermFTNew::MultiTermFTNew(const RecordInterface& stateRec)
     118           0 :   : FTMachine()
     119             :   {
     120           0 :     String error;
     121           0 :     if (!fromRecord(error, stateRec)) {
     122           0 :       throw (AipsError("Failed to create gridder: " + error));
     123             :     };
     124           0 :   }
     125             :   
     126             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     127             :   // Copy constructor
     128           6 :   MultiTermFTNew::MultiTermFTNew(const MultiTermFTNew& other) : FTMachine(), machineName_p("MultiTermFTNew")
     129             :   { 
     130           6 :     operator=(other);
     131           6 :   }
     132             :   
     133           6 :   MultiTermFTNew& MultiTermFTNew::operator=(const MultiTermFTNew& other)
     134             :   {
     135             :     
     136           6 :     if(this!=&other)
     137             :       {
     138           6 :         FTMachine::operator=(other);
     139             :         
     140             :         // Copy local privates
     141           6 :         machineName_p = other.machineName_p;
     142           6 :         nterms_p = other.nterms_p;
     143           6 :         psfnterms_p = other.psfnterms_p;
     144           6 :         reffreq_p = other.reffreq_p;
     145             :         //      donePSF_p = other.donePSF_p;
     146             : 
     147             :         // Make the list of subftms
     148           6 :         subftms_p.resize(other.subftms_p.nelements());
     149          21 :         for (uInt termindex=0;termindex<other.subftms_p.nelements();termindex++)
     150             :           {
     151          15 :             subftms_p[termindex] = getNewFTM(  (other.subftms_p[termindex]) );
     152          15 :             subftms_p[termindex]->setMiscInfo(termindex);
     153             :           }
     154             :         //         subftms_p[termindex] = getNewFTM(  &(*(other.subftms_p[termindex])) );
     155             : 
     156             :         // Just checking....
     157           6 :         AlwaysAssert( subftms_p.nelements()>0 , AipsError );
     158             :         
     159             :         // Check if the sub ftm type can calculate its own residuals....
     160           6 :         canComputeResiduals_p = subftms_p[0]->canComputeResiduals();
     161             :         
     162             :       }
     163             :     
     164             :     //    cout << "Checking FTtypes at the end of MTFT operator= for " << ( (other.subftms_p.nelements() > nterms_p)?String("grid"):String("degrid") ) << endl;
     165             :     //    printFTTypes();
     166             :     
     167           6 :     return *this;
     168             :     
     169             :   }
     170             :   
     171         363 :   CountedPtr<FTMachine> MultiTermFTNew::getNewFTM(const CountedPtr<FTMachine>& ftm)
     172             :   {
     173             : 
     174         363 :     return ftm->cloneFTM();
     175             : 
     176             :     /*
     177             :     if(ftm->name()=="GridFT")
     178             :       {
     179             :         return new GridFT(static_cast<const GridFT&>(*ftm)); 
     180             :       }
     181             :       else  if(ftm->name()=="AWProjectWBFT") 
     182             :       { return new AWProjectWBFT(static_cast<const AWProjectWBFT&>(*ftm)); }
     183             :     else
     184             :       {throw(AipsError("FTMachine "+ftm->name()+" is not supported with MS-MFS")); }
     185             :     
     186             :     return NULL;
     187             :     */
     188             : 
     189             :   }
     190             : 
     191           6 :   FTMachine* MultiTermFTNew::cloneFTM()
     192             :   {
     193           6 :     return new MultiTermFTNew(*this);
     194             :   }
     195             : 
     196             :   
     197             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     198         488 :   MultiTermFTNew::~MultiTermFTNew()
     199             :   {
     200         488 :   }
     201           0 :   void MultiTermFTNew::setMovingSource(const String& sourcename, const String& ephemtable){
     202           0 :     for (uInt k=0;  k < subftms_p.nelements(); ++k)
     203           0 :       (subftms_p[k])->setMovingSource(sourcename, ephemtable);
     204           0 :   }
     205           0 :   void MultiTermFTNew::setMovingSource(const MDirection& mdir){
     206           0 :     for (uInt k=0;  k < subftms_p.nelements(); ++k)
     207           0 :       (subftms_p[k])->setMovingSource(mdir);
     208           0 :   }
     209           0 :   void MultiTermFTNew::setLocation(const MPosition& mloc){
     210           0 :     for (uInt k=0;  k < subftms_p.nelements(); ++k)
     211           0 :       (subftms_p[k])->setLocation(mloc);
     212           0 :   }
     213             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     214             :   //------------ Multi-Term Specific Functions --------------------------------------------------------
     215             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     216             :   
     217             :   // Multiply the imaging weights by Taylor functions - in place
     218             :   // This function MUST be called in ascending Taylor-term order
     219             :   // NOTE : Add checks to ensure this.
     220       93495 :   Bool MultiTermFTNew::modifyVisWeights(VisBuffer2& vb,uInt thisterm)
     221             :   {
     222             :     {
     223             :     ///There is no setImagingWeight in vb2 !
     224       93495 :     Matrix<Float>& imwgt=const_cast<Matrix<Float>& >(vb.imagingWeight());
     225             :     ////remove the above line when using setImagingWeight
     226             : 
     227       93495 :       if(imweights_p.shape() != vb.imagingWeight().shape())
     228         113 :         imweights_p.resize(vb.imagingWeight().shape());
     229       93495 :       imweights_p = vb.imagingWeight();
     230             :       
     231       93495 :       Float freq=0.0,mulfactor=1.0;
     232       93495 :       Vector<Double> selfreqlist(vb.getFrequencies(0));
     233             :       
     234    27652446 :       for (rownr_t row=0; row<vb.nRows(); row++)
     235   170453710 :         for (Int chn=0; chn<vb.nChannels(); chn++)
     236             :           {
     237   142894759 :             freq = selfreqlist(IPosition(1,chn));
     238   142894759 :             mulfactor = ((freq-reffreq_p)/reffreq_p);
     239   142894759 :             (imwgt)(chn,row) *= pow( mulfactor,(Int)thisterm);
     240             :             //        sumwt_p += (vb.imagingWeight())(chn,row);
     241             :           }
     242       93495 :       vb.setImagingWeight(imwgt);
     243       93495 :     }
     244             :     /* // For debugging.
     245             :        else
     246             :        {
     247             :        for (Int row=0; row<vb.nRow(); row++)
     248             :        for (Int chn=0; chn<vb.nChannel(); chn++)
     249             :        {
     250             :        sumwt_p += (vb.imagingWeight())(chn,row);
     251             :        }
     252             :        }
     253             :     */
     254       93495 :     return true;
     255             :   }
     256             :   
     257           0 :   void MultiTermFTNew::initMaps(const VisBuffer2& vb){
     258             : 
     259           0 :     for (uInt k=0;  k < subftms_p.nelements(); ++k){
     260           0 :       (subftms_p[k])->setFrameValidity( freqFrameValid_p);
     261           0 :       (subftms_p[k])->freqInterpMethod_p=this->freqInterpMethod_p;
     262           0 :       (subftms_p[k])->initMaps(vb);
     263             :     }
     264           0 :   }
     265             :   // Reset the imaging weights back to their original values
     266             :   // to be called just after "put"
     267       93495 :   void MultiTermFTNew::restoreImagingWeights(VisBuffer2 &vb)
     268             :   {
     269       93495 :     AlwaysAssert( imweights_p.shape() == vb.imagingWeight().shape() ,AipsError);
     270             :     ///There is no setImagingWeight in vb2 !
     271             :     // Matrix<Float>& imwgt=const_cast<Matrix<Float>& >(vb.imagingWeight());
     272             :     // ////remove the above line when using setImagingWeight
     273             :     // imwgt = imweights_p;
     274       93495 :     vb.setImagingWeight(imweights_p);
     275       93495 :  }
     276             :   
     277             :   
     278             :   // Multiply the model visibilities by the Taylor functions - in place.
     279       22881 :   Bool MultiTermFTNew::modifyModelVis(VisBuffer2& vb, uInt thisterm)
     280             :   {
     281       22881 :     Float freq=0.0,mulfactor=1.0;
     282       22881 :     Vector<Double> selfreqlist(vb.getFrequencies(0));
     283             :     
     284             :     // DComplex modcount=0.0;
     285             : 
     286       22881 :     Cube<Complex> modelVisCube(vb.visCubeModel().shape());
     287       22881 :     modelVisCube=vb.visCubeModel();
     288       68787 :     for (uInt pol=0; pol< uInt((vb.visCubeModel()).shape()[0]); pol++)
     289      199660 :       for (uInt chn=0; chn< uInt(vb.nChannels()); chn++)
     290    48953648 :         for (uInt row=0; row< uInt(vb.nRows()); row++)
     291             :           {
     292             :             // modcount += ( vb.modelVisCube())(pol,chn,row);
     293    48799894 :             freq = selfreqlist(IPosition(1,chn));
     294    48799894 :             mulfactor = ((freq-reffreq_p)/reffreq_p);
     295    48799894 :             modelVisCube(pol,chn,row) *= pow(mulfactor, (Int) thisterm);
     296             :           }
     297       22881 :     vb.setVisCubeModel(modelVisCube);
     298             :     // cout << "field : " << vb.fieldId() << " spw : " 
     299             :     //   << vb.spectralWindow() << "  --- predicted model before taylor wt mult :" 
     300             :     //   << thisterm << "  sumvis : " << modcount << endl;
     301             : 
     302       22881 :     return true;
     303       22881 :   }
     304             :   
     305             :   
     306             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     307             :   //----------------------  Prediction and De-gridding -----------------------------------
     308             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     309             : 
     310             : //  void MultiTermFTNew::initializeToVis(Block<CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Complex> > > & compImageVec,PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *> & modelImageVec, PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *>& weightImageVec, PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *>& fluxScaleVec,Block<Matrix<Float> >& weightsVec, const VisBuffer& vb)
     311             :   
     312          79 : void MultiTermFTNew::initializeToVisNew(const VisBuffer2& vb,
     313             :                                      CountedPtr<SIImageStore> imstore)
     314             : {
     315             :   
     316             :   // Convert Stokes planes to correlation planes..
     317         235 :   for(uInt taylor=0;taylor<nterms_p;taylor++)
     318             :     {
     319             :       
     320         156 :       if(!(imstore->forwardGrid(taylor)).get())
     321           0 :         throw(AipsError("MultiTermFTNew::InitializeToVisNew error imagestore has no valid grid initialized for taylor term "+String::toString(taylor)));
     322         156 :       stokesToCorrelation( *(imstore->model(taylor)) , *(imstore->forwardGrid(taylor) ) );
     323             :       
     324         156 :       if(vb.polarizationFrame()==MSIter::Linear) {
     325           0 :         StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(  *(imstore->forwardGrid(taylor) ), StokesImageUtil::LINEAR);
     326             :       } else {
     327         156 :         StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep( *(imstore->forwardGrid(taylor) ) , StokesImageUtil::CIRCULAR);
     328             :       }
     329             :     }
     330             :       
     331          79 :   reffreq_p = imstore->getReferenceFrequency();
     332             :   
     333         235 :   for(uInt taylor=0;taylor<nterms_p;taylor++)
     334             :     {
     335         156 :       subftms_p[taylor]->initializeToVis(*(imstore->forwardGrid(taylor)),vb);
     336             :     }
     337             :   
     338          79 : }// end of initializeToVis
     339             : 
     340             :   
     341             :   
     342       23841 :   void MultiTermFTNew::get(VisBuffer2& vb, Int row)
     343             :   {
     344             :     
     345             :     // De-grid the model for the zeroth order Taylor term
     346       23841 :     subftms_p[0]->get(vb,row);
     347             :     // Save the model visibilities in a local cube
     348       23841 :     modviscube_p.assign( vb.visCubeModel() );
     349             :     
     350       46722 :     for(uInt tix=1;tix<nterms_p;tix++) // Only nterms.... not 2nterms-1
     351             :       {
     352             :         // Reset the model visibilities to zero
     353       22881 :         vb.setVisCubeModel(Complex(0.0,0.0));
     354             :         // De-grid the model onto the modelviscube (other Taylor terms)
     355       22881 :         subftms_p[tix]->get(vb,row);
     356             :         // Multiply visibilities by taylor-weights
     357       22881 :         modifyModelVis(vb,tix); 
     358             :         // Accumulate model visibilities across Taylor terms
     359       22881 :         modviscube_p += vb.visCubeModel();
     360             :       }
     361             :     // Set the vb.modelviscube to what has been accumulated
     362       23841 :     vb.setVisCubeModel(modviscube_p);
     363       23841 :   }
     364             :   
     365          79 :   void MultiTermFTNew::finalizeToVis()
     366             :   {
     367          79 :     AlwaysAssert(subftms_p.nelements() >= nterms_p , AipsError);
     368         235 :     for(uInt taylor=0;taylor<nterms_p;taylor++) subftms_p[taylor]->finalizeToVis();
     369          79 :   }
     370             : 
     371             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     372             :   //----------------------  Calculate Residual Visibilities -------------------------------
     373             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     374           0 :   void MultiTermFTNew::ComputeResiduals(VisBuffer2 &vb, Bool useCorrected)
     375             :   {
     376             :     
     377           0 :     if(subftms_p[0]->canComputeResiduals()) subftms_p[0]->ComputeResiduals(vb,useCorrected);
     378           0 :     else throw(AipsError("MultiTerm::ComputeResiduals : subftm of MultiTermFTNew cannot compute its own residuals !"));
     379             :     
     380           0 :   }
     381             :   
     382             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     383             :   //----------------------  Gridding --------------------------------------------------------------
     384             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     385             : 
     386             : ///  void MultiTermFTNew::initializeToSky(Block<CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Complex> > > & compImageV
     387             : //ec, Block<Matrix<Float> >& weightsVec, const VisBuffer& vb, const Bool dopsf)
     388         324 :  Long MultiTermFTNew::estimateRAM(const CountedPtr<SIImageStore>& imstor){
     389         324 :    Long mem=0;
     390        1178 :    for(uInt k=0; k < subftms_p.nelements(); ++k){
     391             : 
     392         854 :      mem+=subftms_p[k]->estimateRAM(imstor);
     393             :    }
     394             : 
     395         324 :    return mem;
     396             :   }
     397             : 
     398         289 :   void MultiTermFTNew::initializeToSkyNew(const Bool dopsf, 
     399             :                                         const VisBuffer2& vb,
     400             :                                         CountedPtr<SIImageStore> imstore)
     401             : {
     402             :   
     403             :   // If PSF is already done, don't ask again !
     404             :   //  AlwaysAssert( !(donePSF_p && dopsf) , AipsError ); 
     405             :   
     406             :   // The PSF needs to be the first thing made (because of weight images)
     407             :   //  AlwaysAssert( !(dopsf==false && donePSF_p==false) , AipsError); 
     408             :   
     409             :   //  if(donePSF_p==true)
     410         289 :   if(dopsf==false)
     411             :     {
     412         181 :       if( subftms_p.nelements() != nterms_p )  
     413             :         { 
     414         111 :           subftms_p.resize( nterms_p ,true);
     415             :           //      cout << "MTFT::initializeToSky : resizing to " << nterms_p << " terms" << endl;
     416             :         }
     417             :     }
     418             : 
     419             :   // Make the relevant float grid. 
     420             :   // This is needed mainly for facetting (to set facet shapes), but is harmless for non-facetting.
     421         289 :   if( dopsf ) { imstore->psf(0); } else { imstore->residual(0); } 
     422             :   
     423         289 :   reffreq_p = imstore->getReferenceFrequency();
     424             :  
     425         289 :   Matrix<Float> sumWeight;
     426         964 :   for(uInt taylor=0;taylor< (dopsf ? psfnterms_p : nterms_p);taylor++) 
     427             :     {
     428             : 
     429         675 :         if(! (imstore->backwardGrid(taylor)).get())
     430           0 :         throw(AipsError("MultiTermFTNew::InitializeToSkyNew error imagestore has no valid grid initialized for taylor term "+String::toString(taylor)));
     431         675 :       subftms_p[taylor]->initializeToSky(*(imstore->backwardGrid(taylor) ), sumWeight,vb);
     432             :     }
     433             :   
     434         289 : }// end of initializeToSky
     435             :   
     436         289 :  void MultiTermFTNew::initBriggsWeightor(vi::VisibilityIterator2& vi){
     437             : 
     438             : 
     439         964 :    for (uInt k=0; k < subftms_p.nelements(); ++k){
     440         675 :      subftms_p[k]->initBriggsWeightor(vi);
     441             :    }
     442             : 
     443         289 :   }
     444             : 
     445       72877 :   void MultiTermFTNew::put(VisBuffer2& vb, Int row, Bool dopsf, refim::FTMachine::Type type)
     446             :   {
     447             :     
     448       72877 :     subftms_p[0]->put(vb,row,dopsf,type);
     449       72877 :     if (!dryRun())
     450             :       {
     451       72877 :         Int gridnterms=nterms_p;
     452       72877 :         if(dopsf==true) // && donePSF_p==false) 
     453             :           {
     454       25808 :             gridnterms=2*nterms_p-1;
     455             :           }
     456             :     
     457             :         //cerr << "  Calling put for " << gridnterms << " terms, nelements :  " << subftms_p.nelements() << "  and dopsf " << dopsf << " reffreq " << reffreq_p << endl;
     458             :     
     459      166372 :         for(Int tix=1;tix<gridnterms;tix++)
     460             :           {
     461       93495 :             modifyVisWeights(vb,tix);
     462       93495 :             subftms_p[tix]->put(vb,row,dopsf,type); 
     463       93495 :             restoreImagingWeights(vb);
     464             :           }
     465             :       }    
     466             :     
     467       72877 :   }// end of put
     468             :   
     469             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     470             : 
     471             : //  void MultiTermFTNew::finalizeToSky(Block<CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Complex> > > & compImageVec, PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *> & resImageVec, PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *>& weightImageVec, PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *>& fluxScaleVec, Bool dopsf, Block<Matrix<Float> >& weightsVec, const VisBuffer& /*vb*/)
     472             : 
     473         289 : void MultiTermFTNew::finalizeToSkyNew(Bool dopsf, 
     474             :                                    const VisBuffer2& /*vb*/,
     475             :                                    CountedPtr<SIImageStore> imstore  )                    
     476             :   {
     477             :     
     478             :     // Collect images and weights from all FTMs
     479         964 :     for(uInt taylor=0;taylor< (dopsf ? psfnterms_p : nterms_p) ;taylor++) 
     480             :       {
     481         675 :         Matrix<Float> sumWeights;
     482         675 :         subftms_p[taylor]->finalizeToSky();
     483         675 :         shared_ptr<ImageInterface<Float> > theim=dopsf ? imstore->psf(taylor) : imstore->residual(taylor);
     484         675 :         { LatticeLocker lock1 (*theim, FileLocker::Write);
     485         675 :           correlationToStokes( subftms_p[taylor]->getImage(sumWeights, false) , *theim, dopsf);
     486         675 :         }
     487         675 :         if( subftms_p[taylor]->useWeightImage() && dopsf ) {
     488         118 :           LatticeLocker lock1 (*(imstore->weight(taylor)), FileLocker::Write);
     489         118 :           subftms_p[taylor]->getWeightImage(*(imstore->weight(taylor)), sumWeights);
     490         118 :         }
     491             : 
     492             :         // Take sumWeights from corrToStokes here....
     493        1350 :         Matrix<Float> sumWeightStokes( (imstore->sumwt())->shape()[2], (imstore->sumwt())->shape()[3]   );
     494         675 :         StokesImageUtil::ToStokesSumWt( sumWeightStokes, sumWeights );
     495             : 
     496         675 :         AlwaysAssert( ( (imstore->sumwt(taylor))->shape()[2] == sumWeightStokes.shape()[0] ) && 
     497             :                       ((imstore->sumwt(taylor))->shape()[3] == sumWeightStokes.shape()[1] ) , AipsError );
     498         675 :         LatticeLocker lock1 (*(imstore->sumwt(taylor)), FileLocker::Write);
     499         675 :         (imstore->sumwt(taylor))->put( sumWeightStokes.reform((imstore->sumwt(taylor))->shape()) );
     500             : 
     501             :         //      cout << "taylor : " << taylor << "   sumwt : " << sumWeights << endl;
     502             : 
     503         675 :       }// end for taylor
     504             : 
     505             :     //    if( dopsf ) donePSF_p = true;
     506             :     
     507         289 :   }//end of finalizeToSkyNew
     508             : 
     509             : 
     510             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     511             :   //----------------------------- Obtain Images -----------------------------------------------------
     512             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     513             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     514           0 :   void MultiTermFTNew::makeImage(refim::FTMachine::Type type, VisibilityIterator2& vi,
     515             :                                  ImageInterface<Complex>& theImage,  Matrix<Float>& weight) 
     516             :   {
     517             :     //    cout << "MTFT :: makeImage for taylor 0 only "<< endl;
     518           0 :     subftms_p[0]->makeImage(type, vi, theImage, weight);
     519           0 :   }
     520           0 :   void MultiTermFTNew::makeMTImages(refim::FTMachine::Type type,
     521             :                                     vi::VisibilityIterator2& vi,
     522             :                                     casacore::Vector<casacore::CountedPtr<casacore::ImageInterface<casacore::Complex> > >& theImage,
     523             :                                     casacore::Vector<casacore::CountedPtr<casacore::Matrix<casacore::Float> > >& weight){
     524           0 :     Int ntaylor= (type== refim::FTMachine::PSF) ? psfnterms_p : nterms_p; 
     525             :     
     526             : 
     527             :     
     528           0 :     vi::VisBuffer2* vb=vi.getVisBuffer();
     529             :     
     530             :     // Initialize put (i.e. transform to Sky) for this model
     531           0 :     vi.origin();
     532           0 :     for(Int taylor=0;taylor< ntaylor  ; ++taylor) {
     533           0 :        if(vb->polarizationFrame()==MSIter::Linear) {
     534           0 :          StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(*(theImage[taylor]), StokesImageUtil::LINEAR);
     535             :        }
     536             :        else {
     537           0 :          StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(*(theImage[taylor]), StokesImageUtil::CIRCULAR);
     538             :        }
     539           0 :        subftms_p[taylor]->initializeToSky(*(theImage[taylor]), *(weight[taylor]),*vb);
     540             :       
     541             :     }
     542             :     {
     543           0 :       Vector<Double> refpix = (theImage[0]->coordinates().spectralCoordinate()).referencePixel();
     544           0 :       (theImage[0]->coordinates().spectralCoordinate()).toWorld( reffreq_p, refpix[0] );
     545           0 :     }
     546           0 :     Bool useCorrected= !(MSColumns(;
     547           0 :     if((type==FTMachine::CORRECTED) && (!useCorrected))
     548           0 :       type=FTMachine::OBSERVED;
     549             :    
     550             : 
     551             :     // Loop over the visibilities, putting VisBuffers
     552           0 :     for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
     553           0 :       for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); {
     554             :         
     555           0 :         switch(type) {
     556           0 :         case FTMachine::RESIDUAL:
     557           0 :           vb->setVisCube(vb->visCubeCorrected());
     558           0 :           vb->setVisCube(vb->visCube()-vb->visCubeModel());
     559           0 :           put(*vb, -1, false);
     560           0 :           break;
     561           0 :         case FTMachine::CORRECTED:
     562           0 :           put(*vb, -1, false, FTMachine::CORRECTED);
     563           0 :           break;
     564           0 :         case FTMachine::PSF:
     565           0 :           vb->setVisCube(Complex(1.0,0.0));
     566           0 :           put(*vb, -1, true, FTMachine::PSF);
     567           0 :           break;
     568           0 :         case FTMachine::OBSERVED:
     569           0 :           put(*vb, -1, false, FTMachine::OBSERVED);
     570           0 :           break;
     571           0 :         default:
     572           0 :           throw(AipsError("Cannot make multiterm image of type requested"));
     573             :           break;
     574             :         }
     575             :       }
     576             :     }
     577             :     ///
     578           0 :     for(Int taylor=0;taylor< ntaylor  ; ++taylor) {
     579           0 :       subftms_p[taylor]->finalizeToSky();
     580           0 :       subftms_p[taylor]->getImage(*(weight[taylor]), false);
     581             :      
     582             :     }
     583           0 :   }
     584             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     585             :   //------------------------ To / From Records ---------------------------------------------------------
     586             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     587           2 :   Bool MultiTermFTNew::toRecord(String& error, RecordInterface& outRec, Bool withImage, const String diskimage) 
     588             :   {
     589             :     //    cout << "MTFTNew :: toRecord for " << subftms_p.nelements() << " subftms" << endl;
     590           2 :     Bool retval = true;
     591           2 :     outRec.define("name", this->name());
     592           2 :     outRec.define("nterms",nterms_p);
     593           2 :     outRec.define("reffreq",reffreq_p);
     594           2 :     outRec.define("machinename",machineName_p);
     595           2 :     outRec.define("psfnterms",psfnterms_p);
     596             :     //    outRec.define("donePSF_p",donePSF_p);
     597             : 
     598           2 :     outRec.define("numfts", (Int)subftms_p.nelements() ); // Since the forward and reverse ones are different.
     599             : 
     600           6 :     for(uInt tix=0;tix<subftms_p.nelements();tix++)
     601             :       {
     602           4 :         Record subFTContainer;
     603           4 :         String elimage="";
     604           4 :         if(diskimage != ""){
     605           4 :           elimage=diskimage+String("_term_")+String::toString(tix);
     606             :         }
     607           4 :         subftms_p[tix]->toRecord(error, subFTContainer,withImage, elimage);
     608           4 :         outRec.defineRecord("subftm_"+String::toString(tix),subFTContainer);
     609           4 :       }
     610             :     
     611           2 :     return retval;
     612             :   }
     613             :   
     614             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     615           0 :   Bool MultiTermFTNew::fromRecord(String& error, const RecordInterface& inRec)
     616             :   {
     617             :     //cout << "MTFTNew :: fromRecord "<< endl;
     618           0 :     Bool retval = true;
     619             :     
     620           0 :     inRec.get("nterms",nterms_p);
     621           0 :     inRec.get("reffreq",reffreq_p);
     622           0 :     inRec.get("machinename",machineName_p);
     623           0 :     inRec.get("psfnterms",psfnterms_p);
     624             :     //    inRec.get("donePSF_p",donePSF_p);
     625             : 
     626           0 :     Int nftms=1;
     627           0 :     inRec.get("numfts",nftms);
     628             :     
     629           0 :     subftms_p.resize(nftms);
     630             :     //cerr << "number of ft " << nftms << endl;
     631           0 :     for(Int tix=0;tix<nftms;tix++)
     632             :       {
     633           0 :         Record subFTMRec=inRec.asRecord("subftm_"+String::toString(tix));
     634           0 :         subftms_p[tix]=VisModelData::NEW_FT(subFTMRec);
     635           0 :         if(subftms_p[tix].null())
     636           0 :           throw(AipsError("Could not recover from record term "+String::toString(tix)+" ftmachine"));
     637           0 :         retval = (retval || subftms_p[tix]->fromRecord(error, subFTMRec));
     638           0 :         if(!retval) throw(AipsError("Could not recover term "+String::toString(tix)+" ftmachine; \n Error being "+error));
     639           0 :       }
     640             :     
     641             :     
     642           0 :     return retval;
     643             :   }
     644             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     645             :   
     646           0 :   Bool MultiTermFTNew::storeAsImg(String fileName, ImageInterface<Float>& theImg)
     647             :   {
     648           0 :     PagedImage<Float> tmp(theImg.shape(), theImg.coordinates(), fileName);
     649           0 :     LatticeExpr<Float> le(theImg);
     650           0 :     tmp.copyData(le);
     651           0 :     return true;
     652           0 :   }
     653             :   //
     654             :   // Set the supplied CFCache for all internal FTMs if they do use CFCache mechanism
     655             :   //
     656           0 :   void MultiTermFTNew::setCFCache(casacore::CountedPtr<CFCache>& cfc, const casacore::Bool resetCFC)
     657             :   {
     658           0 :     for (unsigned int i=0;i<subftms_p.nelements();i++)
     659             :       {
     660           0 :         if (subftms_p[i]->isUsingCFCache())
     661           0 :           subftms_p[i]->setCFCache(cfc,resetCFC);
     662             :       }
     663           0 :   }
     664             :   
     665             : 
     666             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     667             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     668             :   //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     669             : } // end namespace refim
     670             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
     671             : 

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