LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/TransformMachines2 - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 504 944 53.4 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 18 33 54.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation of MosaicFT class
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 2002-2016
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id$
      27             : 
      28             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitMap.h>
      29             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitVal.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/Stokes.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/UVWMachine.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/DirectionCoordinate.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/SpectralCoordinate.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/StokesCoordinate.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/Projection.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSColumns.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/FFTServer.h>
      41             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/MosaicFT.h>
      42             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/SimplePBConvFunc.h>
      43             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/HetArrayConvFunc.h>
      44             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/PBMath.h>
      45             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/VPSkyJones.h>
      46             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/RigidVector.h>
      47             : #include <msvis/MSVis/StokesVector.h>
      48             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/StokesImageUtil.h>
      49             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer2.h>
      50             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIterator2.h>
      51             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageInterface.h>
      52             : #include <casacore/images/Images/PagedImage.h>
      53             : #include <casacore/images/Images/SubImage.h>
      54             : #include <casacore/images/Regions/ImageRegion.h>
      55             : #include <casacore/images/Regions/WCBox.h>
      56             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Block.h>
      57             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
      58             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayLogical.h>
      59             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      60             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Array.h>
      61             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/MaskedArray.h>
      62             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      63             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Slice.h>
      64             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      65             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Cube.h>
      66             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/MatrixIter.h>
      67             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
      68             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      69             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      70             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/ArrayLattice.h>
      71             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/SubLattice.h>
      72             : #include <casacore/lattices/LRegions/LCBox.h>
      73             : #include <casacore/lattices/LEL/LatticeExpr.h>
      74             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeCache.h>
      75             : #include <casacore/lattices/LatticeMath/LatticeFFT.h>
      76             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeIterator.h>
      77             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeStepper.h>
      78             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/CompositeNumber.h>
      79             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Timer.h>
      80             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/HostInfo.h>
      81             : #include <sstream>
      82             : #ifdef _OPENMP
      83             : #include <omp.h>
      84             : #endif
      85             : using namespace casacore;
      86             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      87             : namespace refim {//# namespace for imaging refactor
      88             : using namespace casacore;
      89             : using namespace casa;
      90             : using namespace casacore;
      91             : using namespace casa::refim;
      92             : 
      93         208 :   MosaicFT::MosaicFT(SkyJones* sj, MPosition mloc, String stokes,
      94             :                    Long icachesize, Int itilesize, 
      95         208 :                      Bool usezero, Bool useDoublePrec, Bool useConjConvFunc, Bool usePointing)
      96         208 :   : FTMachine(), sj_p(sj),
      97         208 :     imageCache(0),  cachesize(icachesize), tilesize(itilesize), gridder(nullptr),
      98         208 :     isTiled(false),
      99         208 :     maxAbsData(0.0), centerLoc(IPosition(4,0)), offsetLoc(IPosition(4,0)),
     100         832 :     mspc(0), msac(0), pointingToImage(0), usezero_p(usezero), convSampling(1),
     101         624 :     skyCoverage_p( ), machineName_p("MosaicFT"), stokes_p(stokes), useConjConvFunc_p(useConjConvFunc), usePointingTable_p(usePointing),timemass_p(0.0), timegrid_p(0.0), timedegrid_p(0.0)
     102             : {
     103         208 :   convSize=0;
     104         208 :   lastIndex_p=0;
     105         208 :   doneWeightImage_p=false;
     106         208 :   convWeightImage_p=0;
     107         208 :   pbConvFunc_p=new SimplePBConvFunc();
     108             :     
     109         208 :   mLocation_p=mloc;
     110         208 :   useDoubleGrid_p=useDoublePrec;  
     111             :   // We should get rid of the ms dependence in the constructor
     112             :   // not used
     113         208 : }
     114             : 
     115           0 : MosaicFT::MosaicFT(const RecordInterface& stateRec)
     116           0 :   : FTMachine()
     117             : {
     118             :   // Construct from the input state record
     119           0 :   String error;
     120           0 :   if (!fromRecord(error, stateRec)) {
     121           0 :     throw (AipsError("Failed to create MosaicFT: " + error));
     122             :   };
     123           0 : }
     124             : 
     125             : //---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     126         277 : MosaicFT& MosaicFT::operator=(const MosaicFT& other)
     127             : {
     128         277 :   if(this!=&other) {
     129             : 
     130             :     //Do the base parameters
     131         277 :     FTMachine::operator=(other);
     132             :      
     133         277 :     convSampling=other.convSampling;
     134         277 :     sj_p=other.sj_p;
     135         277 :     imageCache=other.imageCache;
     136         277 :     cachesize=other.cachesize;
     137         277 :     tilesize=other.tilesize;
     138         277 :     isTiled=other.isTiled;
     139             :     //lattice=other.lattice;
     140         277 :     lattice=0;
     141             :     // arrayLattice=other.arrayLattice;
     142             :     // weightLattice=other.weightLattice;
     143             :     //if(arrayLattice) delete arrayLattice;
     144         277 :     arrayLattice=0;
     145             :     //if(weightLattice) delete weightLattice;
     146         277 :     weightLattice=0;
     147         277 :     maxAbsData=other.maxAbsData;
     148         277 :     centerLoc=other.centerLoc;
     149         277 :     offsetLoc=other.offsetLoc;
     150         277 :     pointingToImage=other.pointingToImage;
     151         277 :     usezero_p=other.usezero_p;
     152         277 :     doneWeightImage_p=other.doneWeightImage_p;
     153         277 :     pbConvFunc_p=other.pbConvFunc_p;
     154         277 :     stokes_p=other.stokes_p;
     155         277 :     if(!other.skyCoverage_p.null())
     156           0 :       skyCoverage_p=other.skyCoverage_p;
     157             :     else
     158         277 :       skyCoverage_p=0;
     159         277 :     if(other.convWeightImage_p !=0)
     160           0 :       convWeightImage_p=(TempImage<Complex> *)other.convWeightImage_p->cloneII();
     161             :     else
     162         277 :       convWeightImage_p=0;
     163         277 :     if(other.gridder==0)
     164         277 :       gridder.reset(nullptr);
     165             :     else{
     166           0 :       uvScale=other.uvScale;
     167           0 :       uvOffset=other.uvOffset;
     168           0 :       gridder.reset(new ConvolveGridder<Double, Complex>(IPosition(2, nx, ny),
     169           0 :                                                          uvScale, uvOffset,
     170           0 :                                                          "SF"));
     171             :           
     172             :     }
     173         277 :     useConjConvFunc_p=other.useConjConvFunc_p;
     174         277 :     usePointingTable_p=other.usePointingTable_p;
     175         277 :     timemass_p=other.timemass_p;
     176         277 :     timegrid_p=other.timegrid_p;
     177         277 :     timedegrid_p=other.timedegrid_p;
     178             :   };
     179         277 :   return *this;
     180             : };
     181             : 
     182             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     183         277 :   MosaicFT::MosaicFT(const MosaicFT& other): FTMachine(),machineName_p("MosaicFT")
     184             : {
     185         277 :   operator=(other);
     186         277 : }
     187             : 
     188             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     189             : //void MosaicFT::setSharingFT(MosaicFT& otherFT){
     190             : //  otherFT_p=&otherFT;
     191             : //}
     192         372 :   void MosaicFT::init(const vi::VisBuffer2& /*vb*/) {
     193             :   
     194             :   /* if((image->shape().product())>cachesize) {
     195             :     isTiled=true;
     196             :   }
     197             :   else {
     198             :     isTiled=false;
     199             :   }
     200             :   */
     201             :   //For now only isTiled false works.
     202         372 :   isTiled=false;
     203         372 :   nx    = image->shape()(0);
     204         372 :   ny    = image->shape()(1);
     205         372 :   npol  = image->shape()(2);
     206         372 :   nchan = image->shape()(3);
     207             : 
     208             : 
     209             :   //  if(skyCoverage_p==0){
     210             :   //    Double memoryMB=HostInfo::memoryTotal()/1024.0/(20.0);
     211             :   //    skyCoverage_p=new TempImage<Float> (IPosition(4,nx,ny,1,1),
     212             :   //                                    image->coordinates(), memoryMB);
     213             :     //Setting it to zero
     214             : //   (*skyCoverage_p)-=(*skyCoverage_p);
     215             : //  }
     216         372 :   sumWeight.resize(npol, nchan);
     217             :   
     218         372 :   convSupport=0;
     219             : 
     220         372 :   uvScale.resize(2);
     221         372 :   uvScale=0.0;
     222         372 :   uvScale(0)=Float(nx)*image->coordinates().increment()(0); 
     223         372 :   uvScale(1)=Float(ny)*image->coordinates().increment()(1); 
     224             :     
     225         372 :   uvOffset.resize(2);
     226         372 :   uvOffset(0)=nx/2;
     227         372 :   uvOffset(1)=ny/2;
     228             :   
     229         744 :   gridder.reset(new ConvolveGridder<Double, Complex>(IPosition(2, nx, ny),
     230         372 :                                                      uvScale, uvOffset,
     231         372 :                                                      "SF"));
     232             : 
     233             :   // Set up image cache needed for gridding. 
     234         372 :   if(imageCache) delete imageCache; imageCache=0;
     235             :   /*
     236             :   if(isTiled) {
     237             :     Float tileOverlap=0.5;
     238             :     tilesize=min(256,tilesize);
     239             :     IPosition tileShape=IPosition(4,tilesize,tilesize,npol,nchan);
     240             :     Vector<Float> tileOverlapVec(4);
     241             :     tileOverlapVec=0.0;
     242             :     tileOverlapVec(0)=tileOverlap;
     243             :     tileOverlapVec(1)=tileOverlap;
     244             :     Int tmpCacheVal=static_cast<Int>(cachesize);
     245             :     imageCache=new LatticeCache <Complex> (*image, tmpCacheVal, tileShape, 
     246             :                                            tileOverlapVec,
     247             :                                            (tileOverlap>0.0));
     248             :     
     249             :   }
     250             :   */
     251         372 : }
     252             : 
     253             : // This is nasty, we should use CountedPointers here.
     254         485 : MosaicFT::~MosaicFT() {
     255         485 :   if(imageCache) delete imageCache; imageCache=0;
     256             :   //  if(arrayLattice) delete arrayLattice; arrayLattice=0;
     257         485 : }
     258             : 
     259             : 
     260         251 : void MosaicFT::setConvFunc(CountedPtr<SimplePBConvFunc>& pbconvFunc){
     261             : 
     262             : 
     263         251 :   pbConvFunc_p=pbconvFunc;
     264             :   
     265             : 
     266         251 : }
     267             : 
     268          69 : CountedPtr<SimplePBConvFunc>& MosaicFT::getConvFunc(){
     269          69 :   return pbConvFunc_p;
     270             : }
     271             : 
     272       86517 : void MosaicFT::findConvFunction(const ImageInterface<Complex>& iimage,
     273             :                                 const vi::VisBuffer2& vb, const Matrix<Double>& /*rotateduvw*/) {
     274             :   
     275             :   
     276             :   //oversample if image is small
     277             :   //But not more than 5000 pixels
     278       86517 :   convSampling=(max(nx, ny) < 50) ? 100: Int(ceil(5000.0/max(nx, ny)));
     279       86517 :   if(convSampling <1) 
     280           0 :     convSampling=1;
     281       86517 :   if(pbConvFunc_p.null())
     282           0 :     pbConvFunc_p=new SimplePBConvFunc();
     283       86517 :   if(sj_p)
     284       86517 :     pbConvFunc_p->setSkyJones(sj_p.get());
     285             :   ////TEST for HetArray only for now
     286       86517 :   if(pbConvFunc_p->name()=="HetArrayConvFunc"){
     287       73069 :     if(convSampling <10) 
     288       30452 :       convSampling=10;
     289       73069 :     AipsrcValue<Int>::find (convSampling, "mosaic.oversampling", 10);
     290             :   }
     291       86517 :   if((pbConvFunc_p->getVBUtil()).null()){
     292           0 :     if(vbutil_p.null()){
     293           0 :         vbutil_p=new VisBufferUtil(vb);
     294             :     }
     295           0 :     pbConvFunc_p->setVBUtil(vbutil_p);
     296             :   }
     297             :   //cerr << "NELEMS " << interpVisFreq_p.nelements() << "  lsr " << lsrFreq_p.nelements() << endl;
     298       86517 :   pbConvFunc_p->findConvFunction(iimage, vb, convSampling, interpVisFreq_p, convFunc, weightConvFunc_p, convSizePlanes_p, convSupportPlanes_p,
     299       86517 :                                  convPolMap_p, convChanMap_p, convRowMap_p, (useConjConvFunc_p && !toVis_p), MVDirection(-(movingDirShift_p.getAngle())), fixMovingSource_p);
     300             : 
     301             :   // cerr << "MAX of convFunc " << max(abs(convFunc)) << endl;
     302             :   //For now only use one size and support
     303       86517 :   if(convSizePlanes_p.nelements() ==0)
     304           0 :     convSize=0;
     305             :   else
     306       86517 :     convSize=max(convSizePlanes_p);
     307       86517 :   if(convSupportPlanes_p.nelements() ==0)
     308           0 :     convSupport=0;
     309             :   else
     310       86517 :     convSupport=max(convSupportPlanes_p);
     311             :                                  
     312       86517 : }
     313             : 
     314          83 : void MosaicFT::initializeToVis(ImageInterface<Complex>& iimage,
     315             :                                const vi::VisBuffer2& vb)
     316             : {
     317          83 :   image=&iimage;
     318          83 :   toVis_p=true;
     319          83 :   ok();
     320             :   
     321             :   //  if(convSize==0) {
     322          83 :     init(vb);
     323             :     
     324             :     //  }
     325             :   
     326             :   // Initialize the maps for polarization and channel. These maps
     327             :   // translate visibility indices into image indices
     328          83 :   initMaps(vb);
     329          83 :   pbConvFunc_p->setVBUtil(vbutil_p);
     330          83 :   pbConvFunc_p->setUsePointing(usePointingTable_p);
     331             :  //make sure we rotate the first field too
     332          83 :   lastFieldId_p=-1;
     333          83 :   phaseShifter_p=new UVWMachine(*uvwMachine_p);
     334             :   //This is needed here as we need to know the grid correction before FFTing 
     335          83 :   findConvFunction(*image, vb, vb.uvw());
     336             :   
     337          83 :   prepGridForDegrid();
     338             : 
     339          83 : }
     340             : 
     341             : 
     342          83 : void MosaicFT::prepGridForDegrid(){
     343             : 
     344             :   //For now isTiled=false
     345          83 :   isTiled=false;
     346          83 :   nx    = image->shape()(0);
     347          83 :   ny    = image->shape()(1);
     348          83 :   npol  = image->shape()(2);
     349          83 :   nchan = image->shape()(3);
     350             : 
     351          83 :   IPosition gridShape(4, nx, ny, npol, nchan);
     352          83 :   griddedData.resize(gridShape);
     353          83 :   griddedData=Complex(0.0);
     354             :   
     355          83 :   IPosition stride(4, 1);
     356         166 :   IPosition blc(4, (nx-image->shape()(0)+(nx%2==0))/2,
     357         166 :                 (ny-image->shape()(1)+(ny%2==0))/2, 0, 0);
     358         166 :   IPosition trc(blc+image->shape()-stride);
     359             :     
     360          83 :   IPosition start(4, 0);
     361          83 :   griddedData(blc, trc) = image->getSlice(start, image->shape());
     362             :   
     363          83 :   image->clearCache();
     364             :     //if(arrayLattice) delete arrayLattice; arrayLattice=0;
     365          83 :   arrayLattice = new ArrayLattice<Complex>(griddedData);
     366          83 :   lattice=arrayLattice;
     367             :    {///UnDo the grid correction
     368          83 :       Int inx = lattice->shape()(0);
     369             :       //Int iny = lattice->shape()(1);
     370          83 :       Vector<Complex> correction(inx);
     371          83 :       correction=Complex(1.0, 0.0);
     372             : 
     373             :       // Int npixCorr= max(nx,ny);
     374          83 :       Vector<Float> sincConvX(nx);
     375       67459 :       for (Int ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) {
     376       67376 :         Float x=C::pi*Float(ix-nx/2)/(Float(nx)*Float(convSampling));
     377       67376 :         if(ix==nx/2) {
     378          83 :           sincConvX(ix)=1.0;
     379             :         }
     380             :         else {
     381       67293 :           sincConvX(ix)=sin(x)/x;
     382             :         }
     383             :       }
     384          83 :       Vector<Float> sincConvY(ny);
     385       67459 :       for (Int ix=0;ix<ny;ix++) {
     386       67376 :         Float x=C::pi*Float(ix-ny/2)/(Float(ny)*Float(convSampling));
     387       67376 :         if(ix==ny/2) {
     388          83 :           sincConvY(ix)=1.0;
     389             :         }
     390             :         else {
     391       67293 :           sincConvY(ix)=sin(x)/x;
     392             :         }
     393             :       }
     394             :  
     395          83 :        IPosition cursorShape(4, inx, 1, 1, 1);
     396          83 :       IPosition axisPath(4, 0, 1, 2, 3);
     397          83 :       LatticeStepper lsx(lattice->shape(), cursorShape, axisPath);
     398          83 :       LatticeIterator<Complex> lix(*lattice, lsx);
     399      151915 :       for(lix.reset();!lix.atEnd();lix++) {
     400             :         //Int pol=lix.position()(2);
     401             :         //Int chan=lix.position()(3);
     402             :         
     403      151832 :         Int iy=lix.position()(1);
     404             :         //gridder->correctX1D(correction,iy);
     405   158599288 :         for (Int ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) {
     406   158447456 :           correction(ix)=(sincConvX(ix)*sincConvY(iy));
     407             :         }
     408      151832 :         lix.rwVectorCursor()*=correction;
     409             :         
     410             :       }
     411          83 :   }
     412             :     
     413             :   
     414          83 :   logIO() << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "Starting FFT of image" << LogIO::POST;
     415             :    // Now do the FFT2D in place
     416          83 :   ft_p.c2cFFT(*lattice);
     417             :   ///////////////////////
     418             :   /*{
     419             :     CoordinateSystem ftCoords(image->coordinates());
     420             :     Int directionIndex=ftCoords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
     421             :     DirectionCoordinate dc=ftCoords.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
     422             :     Vector<Bool> axes(2); axes(0)=true;axes(1)=true;
     423             :     Vector<Int> shape(2); shape(0)=griddedData.shape()(0) ;shape(1)=griddedData.shape()(1);
     424             :     Coordinate* ftdc=dc.makeFourierCoordinate(axes,shape);
     425             :     ftCoords.replaceCoordinate(*ftdc, directionIndex);
     426             :     delete ftdc; ftdc=0;
     427             :     PagedImage<Float> thisScreen(griddedData.shape(), ftCoords, String("MODEL_GRID_VIS"));
     428             :     thisScreen.put(amplitude(griddedData));
     429             :     }*/
     430             :   ////////////////////////
     431          83 :   logIO() << LogIO::DEBUGGING << "Finished FFT" << LogIO::POST;
     432             : 
     433             : 
     434             : 
     435          83 : }
     436             : 
     437             : 
     438          83 : void MosaicFT::finalizeToVis()
     439             : {
     440          83 :   logIO() << LogOrigin("MosaicFT", "finalizeToVis")  << LogIO::NORMAL;
     441          83 :   logIO()<< LogIO::NORMAL2 << "Time degrid " << timedegrid_p << LogIO::POST;
     442          83 :   timedegrid_p=0.0;
     443             :   
     444          83 :   if(!arrayLattice.null()) arrayLattice=0;
     445          83 :   if(!lattice.null()) lattice=0;
     446          83 :   griddedData.resize();
     447             : 
     448             :   /*
     449             :   if(isTiled) {
     450             :     
     451             :     logIO() << LogOrigin("MosaicFT", "finalizeToVis")  << LogIO::NORMAL;
     452             :     
     453             :     AlwaysAssert(imageCache, AipsError);
     454             :     AlwaysAssert(image, AipsError);
     455             :     ostringstream o;
     456             :     imageCache->flush();
     457             :     imageCache->showCacheStatistics(o);
     458             :     logIO() << o.str() << LogIO::POST;
     459             :   }
     460             :   */
     461          83 :   if(pointingToImage)
     462           0 :     delete pointingToImage;
     463          83 :   pointingToImage=0;
     464          83 : }
     465             : 
     466             : 
     467             : // Initialize the FFT to the Sky. Here we have to setup and initialize the
     468             : // grid. 
     469             : 
     470             : 
     471             : 
     472             : 
     473             : 
     474         289 : void MosaicFT::initializeToSky(ImageInterface<Complex>& iimage,
     475             :                                Matrix<Float>& weight,
     476             :                                const vi::VisBuffer2& vb)
     477             : {
     478             :   // image always points to the image
     479         289 :   image=&iimage;
     480         289 :   toVis_p=False;
     481             :   //  if(convSize==0) {
     482         289 :     init(vb);
     483             :     
     484             :     //  }
     485             :   
     486             :   // Initialize the maps for polarization and channel. These maps
     487             :   // translate visibility indices into image indices
     488         289 :   initMaps(vb);
     489         289 :   pbConvFunc_p->setVBUtil(vbutil_p);
     490         289 :   pbConvFunc_p->setUsePointing(usePointingTable_p);
     491             :   //make sure we rotate the first field too
     492         289 :   lastFieldId_p=-1;
     493         289 :   phaseShifter_p=new UVWMachine(*uvwMachine_p);
     494             :   //findConvFunction(*image, vb);
     495             :   /*if((image->shape().product())>cachesize) {
     496             :     isTiled=true;
     497             :   }
     498             :   else {
     499             :     isTiled=false;
     500             :   }
     501             :   */
     502             :   //For now isTiled has to be false
     503         289 :   isTiled=false;
     504         289 :   nx    = image->shape()(0);
     505         289 :   ny    = image->shape()(1);
     506         289 :   npol  = image->shape()(2);
     507         289 :   nchan = image->shape()(3);
     508             : 
     509         289 :   sumWeight=0.0;
     510         289 :   weight.resize(sumWeight.shape());
     511         289 :   weight=0.0;
     512             :   
     513         289 :   image->clearCache();
     514             :   // Initialize for in memory or to disk gridding. lattice will
     515             :   // point to the appropriate Lattice, either the ArrayLattice for
     516             :   // in memory gridding or to the image for to disk gridding.
     517             :   /*if(isTiled) {
     518             :     imageCache->flush();
     519             :     image->set(Complex(0.0));
     520             :     lattice=CountedPtr<Lattice<Complex> >(image, false);
     521             :     if( !doneWeightImage_p && (convWeightImage_p==0)){
     522             :       
     523             :       convWeightImage_p=new  TempImage<Complex> (iimage.shape(), 
     524             :                                                  iimage.coordinates());
     525             : 
     526             : 
     527             : 
     528             : 
     529             :       convWeightImage_p->set(Complex(0.0));
     530             :       weightLattice=convWeightImage_p;
     531             : 
     532             :     }
     533             :     }
     534             :     else*/ 
     535             :   {
     536         289 :     IPosition gridShape(4, nx, ny, npol, nchan);
     537         289 :     if(!useDoubleGrid_p) {
     538           0 :         griddedData.resize(gridShape);
     539           0 :         griddedData=Complex(0.0);
     540             :       }
     541             :     else {
     542         289 :       griddedData2.resize(gridShape);
     543         289 :       griddedData2=DComplex(0.0);
     544             :     }
     545             :     //if(arrayLattice) delete arrayLattice; arrayLattice=0;
     546             :     //arrayLattice = new ArrayLattice<Complex>(griddedData);
     547             :     //lattice=arrayLattice;
     548             :       
     549         289 :     if( !doneWeightImage_p && (convWeightImage_p==0)){
     550             :      
     551             :       
     552             :  
     553         410 :       convWeightImage_p=new  TempImage<Complex> (iimage.shape(), 
     554         205 :                                                  iimage.coordinates());
     555         205 :       griddedWeight.resize(gridShape);
     556             :       /*IPosition stride(4, 1);
     557             :       IPosition blc(4, (nx-image->shape()(0)+(nx%2==0))/2,
     558             :                     (ny-image->shape()(1)+(ny%2==0))/2, 0, 0);
     559             :       IPosition trc(blc+image->shape()-stride);
     560             :       
     561             :       griddedWeight(blc, trc).set(Complex(0.0));
     562             :       */
     563         205 :       if(useDoubleGrid_p){
     564         205 :         griddedWeight2.resize(gridShape);
     565         205 :         griddedWeight2=DComplex(0.0);
     566             :       }
     567             :       else{
     568           0 :         griddedWeight=Complex(0.0);
     569             :       }
     570             :       //if(weightLattice) delete weightLattice; weightLattice=0;
     571         205 :       weightLattice = new ArrayLattice<Complex>(griddedWeight);
     572             : 
     573             :     }
     574             : 
     575         289 :   }
     576             : 
     577             :   //cerr << "initializetosky lastfield " << lastFieldId_p << endl;
     578             :   // AlwaysAssert(lattice, AipsError);
     579             :   
     580         289 : }
     581             : 
     582           0 : void MosaicFT::reset(){
     583             :   //call the base class reset
     584           0 :   FTMachine::reset();
     585           0 :   doneWeightImage_p=false;
     586           0 :   convWeightImage_p=nullptr;
     587           0 :   pbConvFunc_p->reset();
     588           0 : }
     589             : 
     590         289 : void MosaicFT::finalizeToSky()
     591             : {
     592         289 :   logIO() << LogOrigin("MosaicFT", "finalizeToSky")  << LogIO::NORMAL;
     593         289 :   logIO() << LogIO::NORMAL2 << "time to massage data " << timemass_p << LogIO::POST;
     594         289 :   logIO() << LogIO::NORMAL2<< "time gridding " << timegrid_p << LogIO::POST;
     595         289 :    timemass_p=0.0;
     596         289 :    timegrid_p=0.0;
     597             :   // Now we flush the cache and report statistics
     598             :   // For memory based, we don't write anything out yet.
     599             :   /*if(isTiled) {
     600             :     logIO() << LogOrigin("MosaicFT", "finalizeToSky")  << LogIO::NORMAL;
     601             :     
     602             :     AlwaysAssert(image, AipsError);
     603             :     AlwaysAssert(imageCache, AipsError);
     604             :     imageCache->flush();
     605             :     ostringstream o;
     606             :     imageCache->showCacheStatistics(o);
     607             :     logIO() << o.str() << LogIO::POST;
     608             :   }
     609             :   */
     610             :   
     611             :   
     612         289 :   if(!doneWeightImage_p){
     613         205 :     if(useDoubleGrid_p){
     614         205 :       convertArray(griddedWeight, griddedWeight2);
     615             :       //Don't need the double-prec grid anymore...
     616         205 :       griddedWeight2.resize();
     617             :     }
     618         205 :     ft_p.c2cFFT(*weightLattice, false);
     619             :     //Get the stokes right
     620         205 :     CoordinateSystem coords=convWeightImage_p->coordinates();
     621         205 :     Int stokesIndex=coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::STOKES);
     622         205 :     Int npol=1;
     623         205 :     Vector<Int> whichStokes(npol);
     624         205 :     if(stokes_p=="I" || stokes_p=="RR" || stokes_p=="LL" ||stokes_p=="XX" 
     625         205 :        || stokes_p=="YY" || stokes_p=="Q" || stokes_p=="U" || stokes_p=="V"){
     626         205 :       npol=1;
     627         205 :       whichStokes(0)=Stokes::type(stokes_p);
     628             :        // if single plane Q U or V are used...the weight should be the I weight
     629             :       //if(stokes_p=="Q" || stokes_p=="U" || stokes_p=="V")
     630             :       //whichStokes(0)=Stokes::type("I");
     631             :     }
     632           0 :     else if(stokes_p=="IV"){
     633           0 :       npol=2;
     634           0 :       whichStokes.resize(2);
     635           0 :       whichStokes(0)=Stokes::I;
     636           0 :       whichStokes(1)=Stokes::V;
     637             :     }
     638           0 :     else if(stokes_p=="QU"){
     639           0 :       npol=2;
     640           0 :       whichStokes.resize(2);
     641           0 :       whichStokes(0)=Stokes::Q;
     642           0 :       whichStokes(1)=Stokes::U;
     643             :     }
     644           0 :     else if(stokes_p=="RRLL"){
     645           0 :       npol=2;
     646           0 :       whichStokes.resize(2);
     647           0 :       whichStokes(0)=Stokes::RR;
     648           0 :       whichStokes(1)=Stokes::LL;
     649             :     }   
     650           0 :     else if(stokes_p=="XXYY"){
     651           0 :       npol=2;
     652           0 :       whichStokes.resize(2);
     653           0 :       whichStokes(0)=Stokes::XX;
     654           0 :       whichStokes(1)=Stokes::YY;
     655             :     }  
     656           0 :     else if(stokes_p=="IQU"){
     657           0 :       npol=3;
     658           0 :       whichStokes.resize(3);
     659           0 :       whichStokes(0)=Stokes::I;
     660           0 :       whichStokes(1)=Stokes::Q;
     661           0 :       whichStokes(2)=Stokes::U;
     662             :     }
     663           0 :     else if(stokes_p=="IQUV"){
     664           0 :       npol=4;
     665           0 :       whichStokes.resize(4);
     666           0 :       whichStokes(0)=Stokes::I;
     667           0 :       whichStokes(1)=Stokes::Q;
     668           0 :       whichStokes(2)=Stokes::U;
     669           0 :       whichStokes(3)=Stokes::V;
     670             :     } 
     671             :     
     672         205 :     StokesCoordinate newStokesCoord(whichStokes);
     673         205 :     coords.replaceCoordinate(newStokesCoord, stokesIndex);
     674         205 :     IPosition imshp=convWeightImage_p->shape();
     675         205 :     imshp(2)=npol;
     676             : 
     677             : 
     678         205 :     skyCoverage_p=new TempImage<Float> (imshp, coords,1.0);
     679         410 :     IPosition blc(4, (nx-image->shape()(0)+(nx%2==0))/2,
     680         410 :                     (ny-image->shape()(1)+(ny%2==0))/2, 0, 0);
     681         205 :     IPosition stride(4, 1);
     682         410 :     IPosition trc(blc+image->shape()-stride);
     683             :     
     684             :     // Do the copy
     685         205 :     IPosition start(4, 0);
     686         205 :     convWeightImage_p->put(griddedWeight(blc, trc));
     687         205 :     StokesImageUtil::ToStokesPSF(*skyCoverage_p, *convWeightImage_p);
     688         205 :     if(npol>1){
     689             :       // only the I get it right Q and U or V may end up with zero depending 
     690             :       // if RR or XX
     691           0 :       blc(0)=0; blc(1)=0; blc(3)=0;blc(2)=0;
     692           0 :       trc=skyCoverage_p->shape()-stride;
     693           0 :       trc(2)=0;
     694           0 :       SubImage<Float> isubim(*skyCoverage_p, Slicer(blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast));
     695           0 :       for (Int k=1; k < npol; ++k){
     696           0 :         blc(2)=k; trc(2)=k;
     697           0 :         SubImage<Float> quvsubim(*skyCoverage_p, Slicer(blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast), true);
     698           0 :         quvsubim.copyData(isubim);
     699           0 :       }
     700             : 
     701           0 :     }
     702             :     //Store this image in the pbconvfunc object as
     703             :     //it can be used for rescaling or shared by other ftmachines that use
     704             :     //this pbconvfunc
     705         205 :     pbConvFunc_p->setWeightImage(skyCoverage_p);
     706         205 :     if(convWeightImage_p) delete convWeightImage_p;
     707         205 :     convWeightImage_p=0;
     708         205 :     doneWeightImage_p=true;
     709             : 
     710             :     /*
     711             :     if(0){
     712             :       PagedImage<Float> thisScreen(skyCoverage_p->shape(), 
     713             :                                    skyCoverage_p->coordinates(), "Screen");
     714             :       thisScreen.copyData(*skyCoverage_p);
     715             :     }
     716             :     */
     717             : 
     718         205 :   }
     719             : 
     720         289 :   if(!weightLattice.null()) weightLattice=0;
     721         289 :   griddedWeight.resize();
     722         289 :   if(pointingToImage) delete pointingToImage; pointingToImage=0;
     723         289 : }
     724             : 
     725           0 : void MosaicFT::setWeightImage(CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> >& wgtimage){
     726           0 :   IPosition shp=wgtimage->shape();
     727           0 :   CoordinateSystem cs=wgtimage->coordinates();
     728           0 :   CountedPtr<TempImage<Float> > wgtim=new TempImage<Float>(shp, cs);
     729           0 :   wgtim->copyData(*(wgtimage));
     730           0 :   skyCoverage_p=wgtim;
     731           0 :   Record rec=skyCoverage_p->miscInfo();
     732             :   //For mosaicFTNew it has the nx*ny factor already in
     733           0 :   rec.define("isscaled", True);
     734           0 :   skyCoverage_p->setMiscInfo(rec);
     735             :   //cerr << "IN SET " << max(wgtimage->get()) << endl;
     736           0 :   pbConvFunc_p->setWeightImage(skyCoverage_p);
     737           0 :   doneWeightImage_p=true;
     738           0 : }
     739             : 
     740           0 : Array<Complex>* MosaicFT::getDataPointer(const IPosition& centerLoc2D,
     741             :                                          Bool readonly) {
     742             :   Array<Complex>* result;
     743             :   // Is tiled: get tiles and set up offsets
     744           0 :   centerLoc(0)=centerLoc2D(0);
     745           0 :   centerLoc(1)=centerLoc2D(1);
     746           0 :   result=&imageCache->tile(offsetLoc,centerLoc, readonly);
     747           0 :   gridder->setOffset(IPosition(2, offsetLoc(0), offsetLoc(1)));
     748           0 :   return result;
     749             : }
     750             : 
     751             : #define NEED_UNDERSCORES
     752             : #if defined(NEED_UNDERSCORES)
     753             : #define sectgmoss2 sectgmoss2_
     754             : #define gmoss2 gmoss2_
     755             : #define sectgmosd2 sectgmosd2_
     756             : #define gmosd2 gmosd2_
     757             : #define sectdmos2 sectdmos2_
     758             : #define dmos2 dmos2_
     759             : #define gmoswgtd gmoswgtd_
     760             : #define gmoswgts gmoswgts_
     761             : #define locuvw locuvw_
     762             : #endif
     763             : 
     764             : extern "C" { 
     765             :   void locuvw(const Double*, const Double*, const Double*, const Int*, const Double*, const Double*, const Int*, 
     766             :               Int*, Int*, Complex*, const Int*, const Int*, const Double*);
     767             :   void gmoswgtd(const Int*/*nvispol*/, const Int*/*nvischan*/,
     768             :                 const Int*/*flag*/, const Int*/*rflag*/, const Float*/*weight*/, const Int*/*nrow*/, 
     769             :                 const Int*/*nx*/, const Int*/*ny*/, const Int*/*npol*/, const Int*/*nchan*/, 
     770             :                 const Int*/*support*/, const Int*/*convsize*/, const Int*/*sampling*/, 
     771             :                 const Int*/*chanmap*/, const Int*/*polmap*/,
     772             :                 DComplex* /*weightgrid*/, Double* /*sumwt*/, const Complex*/*convweight*/, const Int*/*convplanemap*/, 
     773             :                 const Int*/*convchanmap*/,  const Int*/*convpolmap*/, 
     774             :                 const Int*/*nconvplane*/, const Int*/*nconvchan*/, const Int*/*nconvpol*/, const Int*/*rbeg*/, 
     775             :                 const Int*/*rend*/, const Int*/*loc*/, const Int*/*off*/, const Complex*/*phasor*/);
     776             :  void gmoswgts(const Int*/*nvispol*/, const Int*/*nvischan*/,
     777             :                 const Int*/*flag*/, const Int*/*rflag*/, const Float*/*weight*/, const Int*/*nrow*/, 
     778             :                 const Int*/*nx*/, const Int*/*ny*/, const Int*/*npol*/, const Int*/*nchan*/, 
     779             :                 const Int*/*support*/, const Int*/*convsize*/, const Int*/*sampling*/, 
     780             :                 const Int*/*chanmap*/, const Int*/*polmap*/,
     781             :                Complex* /*weightgrid*/, Double*/*sumwt*/, const Complex*/*convweight*/, const Int*/*convplanemap*/, 
     782             :                 const Int*/*convchanmap*/,  const Int*/*convpolmap*/, 
     783             :                 const Int*/*nconvplane*/, const Int*/*nconvchan*/, const Int*/*nconvpol*/, const Int*/*rbeg*/, 
     784             :                 const Int*/*rend*/, const Int*/*loc*/, const Int*/*off*/, const Complex*/*phasor*/);
     785             :   void sectgmosd2(const Complex* /*values*/,
     786             :                   Int* /*nvispol*/, Int* /*nvischan*/,
     787             :                   Int* /*dopsf*/, const Int* /*flag*/, const Int* /*rflag*/, const Float* /*weight*/,
     788             :                   Int* /* nrow*/, DComplex* /*grid*/, Int* /*nx*/, Int* /*ny*/, Int * /*npol*/, Int * /*nchan  */,
     789             :                   Int*/*support*/, Int*/*convsize*/, Int*/*sampling*/, const Complex*/*convfunc*/,
     790             :                   const Int*/*chanmap*/, const Int*/*polmap*/,
     791             :                   Double*/*sumwgt*/, const Int*/*convplanemap*/,
     792             :                   const Int*/*convchanmap*/, const Int*/*convpolmap*/, 
     793             :                   Int*/*nconvplane*/, Int*/*nconvchan*/, Int* /*nconvpol*/,
     794             :                   const Int*/*x0*/,const Int*/*y0*/, const Int*/*nxsub*/, const Int*/*nysub*/, const Int*/*rbeg*/, 
     795             :                   const Int* /*rend*/, const Int*/*loc*/, const Int* /*off*/, const Complex*/*phasor*/);     
     796             : 
     797             :  void sectgmoss2(const Complex* /*values*/,
     798             :                   Int* /*nvispol*/, Int* /*nvischan*/,
     799             :                   Int* /*dopsf*/, const Int* /*flag*/, const Int* /*rflag*/, const Float* /*weight*/,
     800             :                   Int* /* nrow*/, Complex* /*grid*/, Int* /*nx*/, Int* /*ny*/, Int * /*npol*/, Int * /*nchan  */,
     801             :                   Int*/*support*/, Int*/*convsize*/, Int*/*sampling*/, const Complex*/*convfunc*/,
     802             :                   const Int*/*chanmap*/, const Int*/*polmap*/,
     803             :                   Double*/*sumwgt*/, const Int*/*convplanemap*/,
     804             :                   const Int*/*convchanmap*/, const Int*/*convpolmap*/, 
     805             :                   Int*/*nconvplane*/, Int*/*nconvchan*/, Int* /*nconvpol*/,
     806             :                   const Int*/*x0*/,const Int*/*y0*/, const Int*/*nxsub*/, const Int*/*nysub*/, const Int*/*rbeg*/, 
     807             :                   const Int* /*rend*/, const Int*/*loc*/, const Int* /*off*/, const Complex*/*phasor*/);     
     808             : 
     809             : 
     810             :   void gmosd2(const Double*,
     811             :               Double*,
     812             :               const Complex*,
     813             :               Int*,
     814             :               Int*,
     815             :               Int*,
     816             :               const Int*,
     817             :               const Int*,
     818             :               const Float*,
     819             :               Int*,
     820             :               Int*,
     821             :               Double*,
     822             :               Double*,
     823             :               DComplex*,
     824             :               Int*,
     825             :               Int*,
     826             :               Int *,
     827             :               Int *,
     828             :               const Double*,
     829             :               const Double*,
     830             :               Int*,
     831             :               Int*,
     832             :               Int*,
     833             :               const Complex*,
     834             :               Int*,
     835             :               Int*,
     836             :               Double*,
     837             :               DComplex*,
     838             :               Complex*,
     839             :               Int*,
     840             :               Int*,
     841             :               Int*,Int*, Int*, Int*, Int*);
     842             :   /*  void gmoss(const Double*,
     843             :               Double*,
     844             :               const Complex*,
     845             :               Int*,
     846             :               Int*,
     847             :               Int*,
     848             :               const Int*,
     849             :               const Int*,
     850             :               const Float*,
     851             :               Int*,
     852             :               Int*,
     853             :               Double*,
     854             :               Double*,
     855             :               Complex*,
     856             :               Int*,
     857             :               Int*,
     858             :               Int *,
     859             :               Int *,
     860             :               const Double*,
     861             :               const Double*,
     862             :               Int*,
     863             :               Int*,
     864             :               Int*,
     865             :               const Complex*,
     866             :               Int*,
     867             :               Int*,
     868             :               Double*,
     869             :               Complex*,
     870             :               Complex*,
     871             :               Int*,
     872             :               Int*,
     873             :               Int*);
     874             :   */
     875             :     void gmoss2(const Double*,
     876             :               Double*,
     877             :               const Complex*,
     878             :               Int*,
     879             :               Int*,
     880             :               Int*,
     881             :               const Int*,
     882             :               const Int*,
     883             :               const Float*,
     884             :               Int*, //10
     885             :               Int*,
     886             :               Double*,
     887             :               Double*,
     888             :               Complex*,
     889             :               Int*,
     890             :               Int*,
     891             :               Int *,
     892             :               Int *,
     893             :               const Double*,
     894             :               const Double*, //20
     895             :               Int*,
     896             :               Int*,
     897             :               Int*,
     898             :               const Complex*,
     899             :               Int*,
     900             :               Int*,
     901             :               Double*,
     902             :               Complex*,
     903             :               Complex*,
     904             :               Int*, //30
     905             :               Int*,
     906             :               Int*, Int*, Int*, Int*, Int*);
     907             : 
     908             :   /* void dmos(const Double*,
     909             :               Double*,
     910             :               Complex*,
     911             :               Int*,
     912             :               Int*,
     913             :               const Int*,
     914             :               const Int*,
     915             :               Int*,
     916             :               Int*,
     917             :             Double*, //10
     918             :               Double*,
     919             :               const Complex*,
     920             :               Int*,
     921             :               Int*,
     922             :               Int *,
     923             :               Int *,
     924             :               const Double*,
     925             :               const Double*,
     926             :               Int*,
     927             :             Int*,//20
     928             :               Int*,
     929             :               const Complex*,
     930             :               Int*,
     931             :               Int*,
     932             :               Int*,
     933             :               Int*);
     934             :   */
     935             : 
     936             :   void dmos2(const Double*,
     937             :               Double*,
     938             :               Complex*,
     939             :               Int*,
     940             :               Int*,
     941             :               const Int*,
     942             :               const Int*,
     943             :               Int*,
     944             :               Int*,
     945             :               Double*,
     946             :               Double*,
     947             :               const Complex*,
     948             :               Int*,
     949             :               Int*,
     950             :               Int *,
     951             :               Int *,
     952             :               const Double*,
     953             :               const Double*,
     954             :               Int*,
     955             :               Int*,
     956             :               Int*,
     957             :               const Complex*,
     958             :               Int*,
     959             :               Int*,
     960             :               Int*,
     961             :               Int*, Int*, Int*, Int*, Int*);
     962             :   void sectdmos2(Complex*,
     963             :               Int*,
     964             :               Int*,
     965             :               const Int*,
     966             :               const Int*,
     967             :                  Int*,
     968             :               const Complex*,
     969             :               Int*,
     970             :               Int*,
     971             :               Int *,
     972             :                  Int *,
     973             :               Int*,
     974             :               Int*,
     975             :               Int*,
     976             :               const Complex*,
     977             :               const Int*,
     978             :               const Int*,
     979             :               const Int*,
     980             :               const  Int*, 
     981             :               const Int*, 
     982             :               Int*, Int*, Int*,
     983             :                  //rbeg
     984             :                  const Int*,
     985             :                  const Int*,
     986             :                  const Int*,
     987             :                  const Int*,
     988             :                  const Complex*);
     989             : 
     990             :              
     991             : 
     992             : }
     993       66601 : void MosaicFT::put(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb, Int row, Bool dopsf,
     994             :                    FTMachine::Type type)
     995             : {
     996             : 
     997             : 
     998             :   
     999             :   
    1000       66601 :   Timer tim;
    1001       66601 :   tim.mark();
    1002             :  
    1003       66601 :   matchChannel(vb);
    1004             :  
    1005             : 
    1006             :   //cerr << "CHANMAP " << chanMap << endl;
    1007             :   //No point in reading data if its not matching in frequency
    1008       66601 :   if(max(chanMap)==-1)
    1009           0 :     return;
    1010             : 
    1011             :   //const Matrix<Float> *imagingweight;
    1012             :   //imagingweight=&(vb.imagingWeight());
    1013       66601 :   Matrix<Float> imagingweight;
    1014       66601 :   getImagingWeight(imagingweight, vb);
    1015             : 
    1016       66601 :   if(dopsf) type=FTMachine::PSF;
    1017             : 
    1018       66601 :   Cube<Complex> data;
    1019             :   //Fortran gridder need the flag as ints 
    1020       66601 :   Cube<Int> flags;
    1021       66601 :   Matrix<Float> elWeight;
    1022       66601 :   interpolateFrequencyTogrid(vb, imagingweight,data, flags, elWeight, type);
    1023             :   
    1024             :  
    1025             : 
    1026             :   Bool iswgtCopy;
    1027             :   const Float *wgtStorage;
    1028       66601 :   wgtStorage=elWeight.getStorage(iswgtCopy);
    1029             : 
    1030             : 
    1031             :   
    1032             : 
    1033             :   Bool isCopy;
    1034       66601 :   const Complex *datStorage=0;
    1035             : 
    1036             :   // cerr << "dopsf " << dopsf << " isWeightCopy " << iswgtCopy << "  " << wgtStorage<< endl;
    1037       66601 :   if(!dopsf)
    1038       40616 :     datStorage=data.getStorage(isCopy);
    1039             :     
    1040             :   
    1041             :   // If row is -1 then we pass through all rows
    1042             :   Int startRow, endRow, nRow;
    1043       66601 :   if (row==-1) {
    1044       66601 :     nRow=vb.nRows();
    1045       66601 :     startRow=0;
    1046       66601 :     endRow=nRow-1;
    1047             :   } else {
    1048           0 :     nRow=1;
    1049           0 :     startRow=row;
    1050           0 :     endRow=row;
    1051             :   }
    1052             :   
    1053             :   // Get the uvws in a form that Fortran can use and do that
    1054             :   // necessary phase rotation. 
    1055       66601 :   Matrix<Double> uvw(negateUV(vb));
    1056       66601 :   Vector<Double> dphase(vb.nRows());
    1057       66601 :   dphase=0.0;
    1058             :  
    1059       66601 :   doUVWRotation_p=true;
    1060       66601 :   girarUVW(uvw, dphase, vb);
    1061       66601 :   refocus(uvw, vb.antenna1(), vb.antenna2(), dphase, vb);
    1062             :   // This needs to be after the interp to get the interpolated channels
    1063             :   //Also has to be after rotateuvw in case tracking is on
    1064             :   //cerr << "orig " << vb.uvw().row(2) << endl;
    1065             :   //vi::VisBuffer2& vbRotuvw=const_cast<vi::VisBuffer2&>(vb);
    1066             :   //vbRotuvw.setUvw(uvw);
    1067             : 
    1068             :   // cerr << "rot  " << vbRotuvw.uvw().row(2) << endl;
    1069             : 
    1070       66601 :   findConvFunction(*image, vb, uvw);
    1071             :   
    1072             :   //cerr << "Put convsup " << convSupport << " max min convFunc " << max(convFunc) << "   " << min(convFunc) << "  "  << max(weightConvFunc_p) << min(weightConvFunc_p)  << "SHP " << convFunc.shape() << "   " << weightConvFunc_p.shape() << endl;
    1073             :   //cerr << "convRowMap " << convRowMap_p  << " " << convChanMap_p << "  " << convPolMap_p << endl; 
    1074             :   //nothing to grid here as the pointing resulted in a zero support convfunc
    1075       66601 :   if(convSupport <= 0)
    1076           0 :     return;
    1077             :   
    1078             :   // Get the pointing positions. This can easily consume a lot 
    1079             :   // of time thus we are for now assuming a field per 
    1080             :   // vb chunk...need to change that accordingly if we start using
    1081             :   // multiple pointings per vb.
    1082             :   //Warning 
    1083             : 
    1084             :   // Take care of translation of Bools to Integer
    1085       66601 :   Int idopsf=0;
    1086       66601 :   if(dopsf) idopsf=1;
    1087             :   
    1088             :   
    1089       66601 :   Vector<Int> rowFlags(vb.nRows());
    1090       66601 :   rowFlags=0;
    1091       66601 :   rowFlags(vb.flagRow())=true;
    1092       66601 :   if(!usezero_p) {
    1093    15772945 :     for (Int rownr=startRow; rownr<=endRow; rownr++) {
    1094    15706344 :       if(vb.antenna1()(rownr)==vb.antenna2()(rownr)) rowFlags(rownr)=1;
    1095             :     }
    1096             :   }
    1097             :   
    1098             :   
    1099             : 
    1100             :   //cerr << "convSamp " << convSampling << " convsupp " << convSupport << " consize " << convSize << " convFunc " << convFunc.shape() << endl;
    1101             :   //TESTOO
    1102             :   /*{
    1103             :     ArrayIterator<Complex> itC(convFunc, IPosition(2,0,1));
    1104             :     ArrayIterator<Complex> itW(weightConvFunc_p, IPosition(2,0,1));
    1105             :     itC.origin();
    1106             :     itW.origin();
    1107             :     Int k=0;
    1108             :     while(!itC.pastEnd()){
    1109             :       cerr << k << "sum conv plane " << sum(itC.array()) << "  wt " << sum(itW.array()) << endl;
    1110             : 
    1111             :;
    1112             :;
    1113             :       ++k;
    1114             :     }
    1115             : 
    1116             :     }*/
    1117             :   //TESTOO
    1118             :   
    1119             :   //Tell the gridder to grid the weights too ...need to do that once only
    1120             :   //Int doWeightGridding=1;
    1121             :   //if(doneWeightImage_p)
    1122             :   //  doWeightGridding=-1;
    1123             :   Bool del;
    1124             :   //    IPosition s(flags.shape());
    1125       66601 :   const IPosition& fs=flags.shape();
    1126             :   //cerr << "flags shape " << fs << endl;
    1127       66601 :   std::vector<Int>s(fs.begin(), fs.end());
    1128       66601 :   Int nvp=s[0];
    1129       66601 :   Int nvc=s[1];
    1130       66601 :   Int nvisrow=s[2];
    1131       66601 :   Int csamp=convSampling;
    1132             :   Bool uvwcopy; 
    1133       66601 :   const Double *uvwstor=uvw.getStorage(uvwcopy);
    1134             :   Bool gridcopy;
    1135             :   Bool convcopy;
    1136             :   Bool wconvcopy;
    1137       66601 :   const Complex *convstor=convFunc.getStorage(convcopy);
    1138       66601 :   const Complex *wconvstor=weightConvFunc_p.getStorage(wconvcopy);
    1139       66601 :   Int nPolConv=convFunc.shape()[2];
    1140       66601 :   Int nChanConv=convFunc.shape()[3];
    1141       66601 :   Int nConvFunc=convFunc.shape()(4);
    1142             :   Bool weightcopy;
    1143             :   ////////**************************
    1144       66601 :   Cube<Int> loc(2, nvc, nRow);
    1145       66601 :   Cube<Int> off(2, nvc, nRow);
    1146       66601 :   Matrix<Complex> phasor(nvc, nRow);
    1147             :   Bool delphase;
    1148       66601 :   Complex * phasorstor=phasor.getStorage(delphase);
    1149       66601 :   const Double * visfreqstor=interpVisFreq_p.getStorage(del);
    1150       66601 :   const Double * scalestor=uvScale.getStorage(del);
    1151       66601 :   const Double * offsetstor=uvOffset.getStorage(del);
    1152       66601 :   Int * locstor=loc.getStorage(del);
    1153       66601 :   Int * offstor=off.getStorage(del);
    1154       66601 :   const Double *dpstor=dphase.getStorage(del);
    1155             :   Int irow;
    1156       66601 :   Int nth=1;
    1157             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    1158       66601 :   if(numthreads_p >0){
    1159           0 :     nth=min(numthreads_p, omp_get_max_threads());
    1160             :   }
    1161             :   else{   
    1162       66601 :     nth= omp_get_max_threads();
    1163             :   }
    1164             :   //nth=min(4,nth);
    1165             : #endif
    1166       66601 :   Double cinv=Double(1.0)/C::c;
    1167             :  
    1168       66601 :   Int dow=0;
    1169       66601 : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(irow) firstprivate(visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, phasorstor, uvwstor, locstor, offstor, dpstor, dow, cinv) shared(startRow, endRow) num_threads(nth)  
    1170             : {
    1171             : #pragma omp for
    1172             :   for (irow=startRow; irow<=endRow;irow++){
    1173             :     /*locateuvw(uvwstor,dpstor, visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, 
    1174             :               locstor, 
    1175             :               offstor, phasorstor, irow, false);*/
    1176             :     locuvw(uvwstor, dpstor, visfreqstor, &nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, &csamp, locstor, offstor, phasorstor, &irow, &dow, &cinv);
    1177             :   }  
    1178             : 
    1179             :  }//end pragma parallel
    1180             : 
    1181             : 
    1182             :  
    1183       66601 :  timemass_p +=tim.real();
    1184             :  Int  ixsub, iysub, icounter;
    1185       66601 :  ixsub=1;
    1186       66601 :  iysub=1;
    1187             :   //////***********************DEBUGGING
    1188             :   //nth=1;
    1189             :   ////////***************
    1190       66601 :   if (nth >3){
    1191       66601 :     ixsub=8;
    1192       66601 :     iysub=8; 
    1193             :   }
    1194           0 :   else if(nth >1){
    1195           0 :      ixsub=2;
    1196           0 :      iysub=2; 
    1197             :   }
    1198       66601 :   Int rbeg=startRow+1;
    1199       66601 :   Int rend=endRow+1;
    1200       66601 :   Block<Matrix<Double> > sumwgt(ixsub*iysub);
    1201       66601 :   Vector<Double *> swgtptr(ixsub*iysub);
    1202       66601 :   Vector<Bool> swgtdel(ixsub*iysub);
    1203     4329065 :   for (icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
    1204     4262464 :     sumwgt[icounter].resize(sumWeight.shape());
    1205     4262464 :     sumwgt[icounter].set(0.0);
    1206     4262464 :     swgtptr[icounter]=sumwgt[icounter].getStorage(swgtdel(icounter));
    1207             :   }
    1208             :   //cerr << "done thread " << doneThreadPartition_p << "  " << ixsub*iysub << endl;
    1209       66601 :    if(doneThreadPartition_p < 0){
    1210         205 :     xsect_p.resize(ixsub*iysub);
    1211         205 :     ysect_p.resize(ixsub*iysub);
    1212         205 :     nxsect_p.resize(ixsub*iysub);
    1213         205 :     nysect_p.resize(ixsub*iysub);
    1214       13325 :     for (icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
    1215       13120 :       findGridSector(nx, ny, ixsub, iysub, 0, 0, icounter, xsect_p(icounter), ysect_p(icounter), nxsect_p(icounter), nysect_p(icounter), true);
    1216             :     }
    1217             :   }
    1218       66601 :    Vector<Int> xsect, ysect, nxsect, nysect;
    1219       66601 :    xsect=xsect_p; ysect=ysect_p; nxsect=nxsect_p; nysect=nysect_p;
    1220             :    //cerr << xsect.shape() << "  " << xsect << endl;
    1221       66601 :   const Int* pmapstor=polMap.getStorage(del);
    1222       66601 :   const Int* cmapstor=chanMap.getStorage(del);
    1223             : // Dummy sumwt for gridweight part
    1224       66601 :   Matrix<Double> dumSumWeight(npol, nchan);
    1225       66601 :   dumSumWeight=sumWeight;
    1226             :   Bool isDSWC;
    1227       66601 :   Double *dsumwtstor=dumSumWeight.getStorage(isDSWC);
    1228       66601 :   Int nc=nchan;
    1229       66601 :   Int np=npol;
    1230       66601 :   Int nxp=nx;
    1231       66601 :   Int nyp=ny;
    1232       66601 :   Int csize=convSize;
    1233       66601 :   const Int * flagstor=flags.getStorage(del);
    1234       66601 :   const Int * rowflagstor=rowFlags.getStorage(del);
    1235       66601 :   Int csupp=convSupport;
    1236       66601 :   const Int *convrowmapstor=convRowMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1237       66601 :   const Int *convchanmapstor=convChanMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1238       66601 :   const Int *convpolmapstor=convPolMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1239             :   ///
    1240             : 
    1241             :   
    1242             :   ////////***************************
    1243       66601 :   tim.mark(); 
    1244             : 
    1245       66601 :   if(useDoubleGrid_p) {
    1246       66601 :     DComplex *gridstor=griddedData2.getStorage(gridcopy);
    1247             :     
    1248       66601 : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(icounter, del) firstprivate(idopsf, /*doWeightGridding,*/ datStorage, wgtStorage, flagstor, rowflagstor, convstor, wconvstor, pmapstor, cmapstor, gridstor,  csupp, nxp, nyp, np, nc,ixsub, iysub, rend, rbeg, csamp, csize, nvp, nvc, nvisrow, phasorstor, locstor, offstor, convrowmapstor, convchanmapstor, convpolmapstor, nPolConv, nChanConv, nConvFunc,xsect, ysect, nxsect, nysect) shared(swgtptr) 
    1249             :     {   
    1250             : #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)      
    1251             :     for(icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
    1252             :       Int x0=xsect(icounter);
    1253             :       Int y0=ysect(icounter);
    1254             :       Int nxsub=nxsect(icounter);
    1255             :       Int nysub=nysect(icounter);
    1256             :       
    1257             :       /*
    1258             :       ix= (icounter+1)-((icounter)/ixsub)*ixsub;
    1259             :       iy=(icounter)/ixsub+1;
    1260             :       y0=(nyp/iysub)*(iy-1)+1;
    1261             :       nysub=nyp/iysub;
    1262             :       if( iy == iysub) {
    1263             :         nysub=nyp-(nyp/iysub)*(iy-1);
    1264             :       }
    1265             :       x0=(nxp/ixsub)*(ix-1)+1;
    1266             :       nxsub=nxp/ixsub;
    1267             :       if( ix == ixsub){
    1268             :         nxsub=nxp-(nxp/ixsub)*(ix-1);
    1269             :       } 
    1270             :       */
    1271             : 
    1272             :     sectgmosd2(datStorage,
    1273             :            &nvp,
    1274             :            &nvc,
    1275             :            &idopsf,
    1276             :            flagstor,
    1277             :            rowflagstor,
    1278             :            wgtStorage,
    1279             :            &nvisrow,
    1280             :            gridstor,
    1281             :            &nxp,
    1282             :            &nyp,
    1283             :            &np,
    1284             :            &nc,
    1285             :            &csupp, 
    1286             :            &csize,
    1287             :            &csamp,
    1288             :            convstor,
    1289             :            cmapstor,
    1290             :            pmapstor,
    1291             :            swgtptr[icounter],
    1292             :            convrowmapstor,
    1293             :            convchanmapstor,
    1294             :            convpolmapstor,
    1295             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv,
    1296             :                &x0, &y0, &nxsub, &nysub, &rbeg, &rend, locstor, offstor,
    1297             :                  phasorstor
    1298             :                );
    1299             :     }
    1300             :     }//end pragma parallel
    1301     4329065 :     for (icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
    1302     4262464 :       sumwgt[icounter].putStorage(swgtptr[icounter],swgtdel[icounter]);
    1303     4262464 :       sumWeight=sumWeight+sumwgt[icounter];
    1304             :     }    
    1305             : 
    1306             :     //cerr << "SUMWEIG " << sumWeight << endl;
    1307       66601 :     griddedData2.putStorage(gridstor, gridcopy);
    1308       66601 :     if(dopsf && (nth >4))
    1309       10440 :       tweakGridSector(nx, ny, ixsub, iysub);
    1310       66601 :     timegrid_p+=tim.real();
    1311       66601 :     tim.mark();
    1312       66601 :     if(!doneWeightImage_p){
    1313             :       //This can be parallelized by making copy of the central part of the griddedWeight
    1314             :       //and adding it after dooing the gridding
    1315       44379 :       DComplex *gridwgtstor=griddedWeight2.getStorage(weightcopy);
    1316       44379 :       gmoswgtd(&nvp, &nvc,flagstor, rowflagstor, wgtStorage, &nvisrow, 
    1317             :                &nxp, &nyp, &np, &nc, &csupp, &csize, &csamp, 
    1318             :                cmapstor, pmapstor,
    1319             :                gridwgtstor, dsumwtstor, wconvstor, convrowmapstor, 
    1320             :                convchanmapstor,  convpolmapstor, 
    1321             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv, &rbeg, 
    1322             :                &rend, locstor, offstor, phasorstor);
    1323       44379 :       griddedWeight2.putStorage(gridwgtstor, weightcopy);
    1324             :     
    1325             :     }
    1326       66601 :     timemass_p+=tim.real();
    1327             :   }
    1328             :   else {
    1329             :     //cerr << "maps "  << convChanMap_p << "   " << chanMap  << endl;
    1330             :     //cerr << "nchan " << nchan << "  nchanconv " << nChanConv << endl;
    1331           0 :     Complex *gridstor=griddedData.getStorage(gridcopy);
    1332           0 : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(icounter, del) firstprivate(idopsf, /*doWeightGridding,*/ datStorage, wgtStorage, flagstor, rowflagstor, convstor, wconvstor, pmapstor, cmapstor, gridstor, csupp, nxp, nyp, np, nc,ixsub, iysub, rend, rbeg, csamp, csize, nvp, nvc, nvisrow, phasorstor, locstor, offstor, convrowmapstor, convchanmapstor, convpolmapstor, nPolConv, nChanConv, nConvFunc, xsect, ysect, nxsect, nysect)  shared(swgtptr) 
    1333             :     {   
    1334             : #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)      
    1335             :       for(icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
    1336             :         /*ix= (icounter+1)-((icounter)/ixsub)*ixsub;
    1337             :         iy=(icounter)/ixsub+1;
    1338             :         y0=(nyp/iysub)*(iy-1)+1;
    1339             :         nysub=nyp/iysub;
    1340             :         if( iy == iysub) {
    1341             :           nysub=nyp-(nyp/iysub)*(iy-1);
    1342             :         }
    1343             :         x0=(nxp/ixsub)*(ix-1)+1;
    1344             :         nxsub=nxp/ixsub;
    1345             :         if( ix == ixsub){
    1346             :           nxsub=nxp-(nxp/ixsub)*(ix-1);
    1347             :         } 
    1348             :         */
    1349             :         Int x0=xsect(icounter);
    1350             :         Int y0=ysect(icounter);
    1351             :         Int nxsub=nxsect(icounter);
    1352             :         Int nysub=nysect(icounter);
    1353             : 
    1354             :            sectgmoss2(datStorage,
    1355             :            &nvp,
    1356             :            &nvc,
    1357             :            &idopsf,
    1358             :            flagstor,
    1359             :            rowflagstor,
    1360             :            wgtStorage,
    1361             :            &nvisrow,
    1362             :            gridstor,
    1363             :            &nxp,
    1364             :            &nyp,
    1365             :            &np,
    1366             :            &nc,
    1367             :            &csupp, 
    1368             :            &csize,
    1369             :            &csamp,
    1370             :            convstor,
    1371             :            cmapstor,
    1372             :            pmapstor,
    1373             :            swgtptr[icounter],
    1374             :            convrowmapstor,
    1375             :            convchanmapstor,
    1376             :            convpolmapstor,
    1377             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv,
    1378             :                &x0, &y0, &nxsub, &nysub, &rbeg, &rend, locstor, offstor,
    1379             :                  phasorstor
    1380             :                );
    1381             : 
    1382             : 
    1383             :     }
    1384             :     } //end pragma   
    1385           0 :      for (icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
    1386           0 :        sumwgt[icounter].putStorage(swgtptr[icounter],swgtdel[icounter]);
    1387           0 :        sumWeight=sumWeight+sumwgt[icounter];
    1388             :     }
    1389           0 :     griddedData.putStorage(gridstor, gridcopy);
    1390           0 :     if(dopsf && (nth > 4))
    1391           0 :       tweakGridSector(nx, ny, ixsub, iysub);
    1392           0 :     timegrid_p+=tim.real();
    1393           0 :     tim.mark();
    1394           0 :     if(!doneWeightImage_p){
    1395           0 :       Complex *gridwgtstor=griddedWeight.getStorage(weightcopy);
    1396           0 :       gmoswgts(&nvp, &nvc,flagstor, rowflagstor, wgtStorage, &nvisrow, 
    1397             :                &nxp, &nyp, &np, &nc, &csupp, &csize, &csamp, 
    1398             :                cmapstor, pmapstor,
    1399             :                gridwgtstor, dsumwtstor, wconvstor, convrowmapstor, 
    1400             :                convchanmapstor,  convpolmapstor, 
    1401             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv, &rbeg, 
    1402             :                &rend, locstor, offstor, phasorstor);
    1403           0 :       griddedWeight.putStorage(gridwgtstor, weightcopy);
    1404             :     
    1405             :     }
    1406           0 :     timemass_p+=tim.real();
    1407             :   }
    1408       66601 :   convFunc.freeStorage(convstor, convcopy);
    1409       66601 :   weightConvFunc_p.freeStorage(wconvstor, wconvcopy);
    1410       66601 :   dumSumWeight.putStorage(dsumwtstor, isDSWC);
    1411             :   //cerr << "dumSumwe " << dumSumWeight << endl;
    1412       66601 :   uvw.freeStorage(uvwstor, uvwcopy);
    1413       66601 :   if(!dopsf)
    1414       40616 :     data.freeStorage(datStorage, isCopy);
    1415             : 
    1416       66601 :   elWeight.freeStorage(wgtStorage,iswgtCopy);
    1417             :   
    1418             : 
    1419             : 
    1420             : 
    1421       66601 : }
    1422             : 
    1423           0 : void MosaicFT::gridImgWeights(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb){
    1424             : 
    1425           0 :   if(doneWeightImage_p)
    1426           0 :     return;
    1427           0 :   matchChannel(vb);
    1428             :  
    1429             :   
    1430             :   //cerr << "CHANMAP " << chanMap << endl;
    1431             :   //No point in reading data if its not matching in frequency
    1432           0 :   if(max(chanMap)==-1)
    1433           0 :     return;
    1434             : 
    1435             :   Int startRow, endRow, nRow;
    1436           0 :   nRow=vb.nRows();
    1437           0 :   startRow=0;
    1438           0 :   endRow=nRow-1;
    1439             :   
    1440             :   
    1441             :   //const Matrix<Float> *imagingweight;
    1442             :   //imagingweight=&(vb.imagingWeight());
    1443           0 :   Matrix<Float> imagingweight;
    1444           0 :   getImagingWeight(imagingweight, vb);
    1445             : 
    1446             : 
    1447           0 :   Cube<Complex> data;
    1448             :   //Fortran gridder need the flag as ints 
    1449           0 :   Cube<Int> flags;
    1450           0 :   Matrix<Float> elWeight;
    1451           0 :   interpolateFrequencyTogrid(vb, imagingweight,data, flags, elWeight, FTMachine::PSF);
    1452             :   
    1453             :  
    1454             : 
    1455             :   Bool iswgtCopy;
    1456             :   const Float *wgtStorage;
    1457           0 :   wgtStorage=elWeight.getStorage(iswgtCopy);
    1458             :   Bool issumWgtCopy;
    1459           0 :   Double* sumwgtstor=sumWeight.getStorage(issumWgtCopy);
    1460             : 
    1461             :   
    1462             :  
    1463             :   // Get the uvws in a form that Fortran can use and do that
    1464             :   // necessary phase rotation. 
    1465           0 :   Matrix<Double> uvw(negateUV(vb));
    1466           0 :   Vector<Double> dphase(vb.nRows());
    1467           0 :   dphase=0.0;
    1468             :  
    1469           0 :   doUVWRotation_p=true;
    1470           0 :   girarUVW(uvw, dphase, vb);
    1471           0 :   refocus(uvw, vb.antenna1(), vb.antenna2(), dphase, vb);
    1472             :   // This needs to be after the interp to get the interpolated channels
    1473             :   //Also has to be after rotateuvw in case tracking is on
    1474             :   //vi::VisBuffer2& vbRotuvw=const_cast<vi::VisBuffer2&>(vb);
    1475             :   //vbRotuvw.setUvw(uvw);
    1476             : 
    1477           0 :   findConvFunction(*image, vb, uvw);
    1478             :   //nothing to grid here as the pointing resulted in a zero support convfunc
    1479           0 :   if(convSupport <= 0)
    1480           0 :     return;
    1481             :   
    1482             :   Bool del;
    1483             :   
    1484           0 :   const Int* pmapstor=polMap.getStorage(del);
    1485           0 :   const Int* cmapstor=chanMap.getStorage(del);
    1486             :   
    1487           0 :   Vector<Int> rowFlags(vb.nRows());
    1488           0 :   rowFlags=0;
    1489           0 :   rowFlags(vb.flagRow())=true;
    1490           0 :   if(!usezero_p) {
    1491           0 :     for (uInt rownr=0; rownr< vb.nRows(); rownr++) {
    1492           0 :       if(vb.antenna1()(rownr)==vb.antenna2()(rownr)) rowFlags(rownr)=1;
    1493             :     }
    1494             :   }
    1495             : 
    1496             :   //Fortran indexing
    1497             :   
    1498           0 :   Int rbeg=1;
    1499           0 :   Int rend=vb.nRows();
    1500             : 
    1501           0 :   const Int * flagstor=flags.getStorage(del);
    1502           0 :   const Int * rowflagstor=rowFlags.getStorage(del);
    1503             : 
    1504           0 :   const Int *convrowmapstor=convRowMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1505           0 :   const Int *convchanmapstor=convChanMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1506           0 :   const Int *convpolmapstor=convPolMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1507             :   
    1508             :   //Tell the gridder to grid the weights too ...need to do that once only
    1509             :   //Int doWeightGridding=1;
    1510             :   //if(doneWeightImage_p)
    1511             :   //  doWeightGridding=-1;
    1512             :   //    IPosition s(flags.shape());
    1513           0 :   const IPosition& fs=flags.shape();
    1514             :   //cerr << "flags shape " << fs << endl;
    1515           0 :   std::vector<Int>s(fs.begin(), fs.end());
    1516           0 :   Int nvp=s[0];
    1517           0 :   Int nvc=s[1];
    1518           0 :   Int nvisrow=s[2];
    1519           0 :   Int csamp=convSampling;
    1520             :   Bool uvwcopy; 
    1521           0 :   const Double *uvwstor=uvw.getStorage(uvwcopy);
    1522             :   Bool gridcopy;
    1523             :   Bool convcopy;
    1524             :   Bool wconvcopy;
    1525           0 :   const Complex *wconvstor=weightConvFunc_p.getStorage(wconvcopy);
    1526           0 :   Int nPolConv=convFunc.shape()[2];
    1527           0 :   Int nChanConv=convFunc.shape()[3];
    1528           0 :   Int nConvFunc=convFunc.shape()(4);
    1529             :   Bool weightcopy;
    1530             :   ////////**************************
    1531           0 :   Cube<Int> loc(2, nvc, vb.nRows());
    1532           0 :   Cube<Int> off(2, nvc, vb.nRows());
    1533           0 :   Matrix<Complex> phasor(nvc, vb.nRows());
    1534             :   Bool delphase;
    1535           0 :   Complex * phasorstor=phasor.getStorage(delphase);
    1536           0 :   const Double * visfreqstor=interpVisFreq_p.getStorage(del);
    1537           0 :   const Double * scalestor=uvScale.getStorage(del);
    1538           0 :   const Double * offsetstor=uvOffset.getStorage(del);
    1539           0 :   Int * locstor=loc.getStorage(del);
    1540           0 :   Int * offstor=off.getStorage(del);
    1541           0 :   const Double *dpstor=dphase.getStorage(del);
    1542             : 
    1543             :   Int irow;
    1544           0 :   Int nth=1;
    1545             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    1546           0 :   if(numthreads_p >0){
    1547           0 :     nth=min(numthreads_p, omp_get_max_threads());
    1548             :   }
    1549             :   else{   
    1550           0 :     nth= omp_get_max_threads();
    1551             :   }
    1552             :   //nth=min(4,nth);
    1553             : #endif
    1554             : 
    1555           0 :   Double cinv=Double(1.0)/C::c;
    1556             :  
    1557           0 :   Int dow=0;
    1558             : 
    1559           0 : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(irow) firstprivate(visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, phasorstor, uvwstor, locstor, offstor, dpstor, dow, cinv) shared(startRow, endRow) num_threads(nth)  
    1560             : {
    1561             : #pragma omp for
    1562             :   for (irow=startRow; irow<=endRow;irow++){
    1563             :     /*locateuvw(uvwstor,dpstor, visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, 
    1564             :               locstor, 
    1565             :               offstor, phasorstor, irow, false);*/
    1566             :     locuvw(uvwstor, dpstor, visfreqstor, &nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, &csamp, locstor, offstor, phasorstor, &irow, &dow, &cinv);
    1567             :   }  
    1568             : 
    1569             :  }//end pragma parallel
    1570             : 
    1571             : 
    1572             : 
    1573             : 
    1574           0 :   if(useDoubleGrid_p) {
    1575             :       //This can be parallelized by making copy of the central part of the griddedWeight
    1576             :       //and adding it after dooing the gridding
    1577           0 :       DComplex *gridwgtstor=griddedWeight2.getStorage(weightcopy);
    1578           0 :       gmoswgtd(&nvp, &nvc,flagstor, rowflagstor, wgtStorage, &nvisrow, 
    1579           0 :                &nx, &ny, &npol, &nchan, &convSupport, &convSize, &convSampling, 
    1580             :                cmapstor, pmapstor,
    1581             :                gridwgtstor, sumwgtstor, wconvstor, convrowmapstor, 
    1582             :                convchanmapstor,  convpolmapstor, 
    1583             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv, &rbeg, 
    1584             :                &rend, locstor, offstor, phasorstor);
    1585           0 :       griddedWeight2.putStorage(gridwgtstor, weightcopy);
    1586             :     
    1587             :     
    1588             : 
    1589             : 
    1590             : 
    1591             :   }
    1592             :   else{
    1593           0 :     Complex *gridwgtstor=griddedWeight.getStorage(weightcopy);
    1594           0 :     gmoswgts(&nvp, &nvc,flagstor, rowflagstor, wgtStorage, &nvisrow, 
    1595           0 :              &nx, &ny, &npol, &nchan, &convSupport, &convSize, &convSampling, 
    1596             :              cmapstor, pmapstor,
    1597             :              gridwgtstor, sumwgtstor, wconvstor, convrowmapstor, 
    1598             :              convchanmapstor,  convpolmapstor, 
    1599             :              &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv, &rbeg, 
    1600             :              &rend, locstor, offstor, phasorstor);
    1601           0 :     griddedWeight.putStorage(gridwgtstor, weightcopy);
    1602             : 
    1603             : 
    1604             :   }
    1605           0 :   sumWeight.putStorage(sumwgtstor, issumWgtCopy); 
    1606           0 :   elWeight.freeStorage(wgtStorage,iswgtCopy);
    1607             :     
    1608           0 : }
    1609             : 
    1610       19833 : void MosaicFT::get(vi::VisBuffer2& vb, Int row)
    1611             : {
    1612             :   
    1613             : 
    1614             :   
    1615             :   // If row is -1 then we pass through all rows
    1616             :   Int startRow, endRow, nRow;
    1617       19833 :   if (row==-1) {
    1618       19833 :     nRow=vb.nRows();
    1619       19833 :     startRow=0;
    1620       19833 :     endRow=nRow-1;
    1621             :     //  vb.modelVisCube()=Complex(0.0,0.0);
    1622             :   } else {
    1623           0 :     nRow=1;
    1624           0 :     startRow=row;
    1625           0 :     endRow=row;
    1626             :     //  vb.modelVisCube().xyPlane(row)=Complex(0.0,0.0);
    1627             :   }
    1628             :   
    1629             : 
    1630             :  
    1631             : 
    1632       19833 :   matchChannel(vb);
    1633             :  
    1634             :   //No point in reading data if its not matching in frequency
    1635       19833 :   if(max(chanMap)==-1)
    1636           0 :     return;
    1637             : 
    1638             :   // Get the uvws in a form that Fortran can use
    1639       19833 :   Matrix<Double> uvw(negateUV(vb));
    1640       19833 :   Vector<Double> dphase(vb.nRows());
    1641       19833 :   dphase=0.0;
    1642             :  
    1643       19833 :   doUVWRotation_p=true;
    1644       19833 :   girarUVW(uvw, dphase, vb);
    1645       19833 :   refocus(uvw, vb.antenna1(), vb.antenna2(), dphase, vb);
    1646             :   
    1647             :   
    1648             :   
    1649             :  
    1650       19833 :   Cube<Complex> data;
    1651       19833 :   Cube<Int> flags;
    1652       19833 :   getInterpolateArrays(vb, data, flags);
    1653             : 
    1654             :   //vi::VisBuffer2& vbRotuvw=const_cast<vi::VisBuffer2&>(vb);
    1655             :   //vbRotuvw.setUvw(uvw);
    1656             : 
    1657             :   //Need to get interpolated freqs
    1658       19833 :   findConvFunction(*image, vb, uvw);
    1659             : 
    1660             :   // no valid pointing in this buffer
    1661       19833 :   if(convSupport <= 0)
    1662           0 :     return;
    1663             :   Complex *datStorage;
    1664             :   Bool isCopy;
    1665       19833 :   datStorage=data.getStorage(isCopy);
    1666             :   
    1667             : 
    1668       19833 :   Vector<Int> rowFlags(vb.nRows());
    1669       19833 :   rowFlags=0;
    1670       19833 :   rowFlags(vb.flagRow())=true;
    1671       19833 :   if(!usezero_p) {
    1672     2981715 :     for (Int rownr=startRow; rownr<=endRow; rownr++) {
    1673     2961882 :       if(vb.antenna1()(rownr)==vb.antenna2()(rownr)) rowFlags(rownr)=1;
    1674             :     }
    1675             :   }
    1676       19833 :   Int nvp=data.shape()[0];
    1677       19833 :   Int nvc=data.shape()[1];
    1678       19833 :   Int nvisrow=data.shape()[2];
    1679       19833 :   Int csamp=convSampling;
    1680       19833 :   Int csize=convSize;
    1681       19833 :   Int csupp=convSupport;
    1682       19833 :   Int nc=nchan;
    1683       19833 :   Int np=npol;
    1684       19833 :   Int nxp=nx;
    1685       19833 :   Int nyp=ny;
    1686             :   Bool uvwcopy; 
    1687       19833 :   const Double *uvwstor=uvw.getStorage(uvwcopy);
    1688       19833 :   Int nPolConv=convFunc.shape()[2];
    1689       19833 :   Int nChanConv=convFunc.shape()[3];
    1690       19833 :   Int nConvFunc=convFunc.shape()(4);
    1691             :   ////////**************************
    1692       19833 :   Cube<Int> loc(2, nvc, nRow);
    1693       19833 :   Cube<Int> off(2, nvc, nRow);
    1694       19833 :   Matrix<Complex> phasor(nvc, nRow);
    1695             :   Bool delphase;
    1696             :   Bool del;
    1697       19833 :   const Int* pmapstor=polMap.getStorage(del);
    1698       19833 :   const Int* cmapstor=chanMap.getStorage(del);
    1699       19833 :   Complex * phasorstor=phasor.getStorage(delphase);
    1700       19833 :   const Double * visfreqstor=interpVisFreq_p.getStorage(del);
    1701       19833 :   const Double * scalestor=uvScale.getStorage(del);
    1702       19833 :   const Double * offsetstor=uvOffset.getStorage(del);
    1703       19833 :   const Int * flagstor=flags.getStorage(del);
    1704       19833 :   const Int * rowflagstor=rowFlags.getStorage(del);
    1705       19833 :   Int * locstor=loc.getStorage(del);
    1706       19833 :   Int * offstor=off.getStorage(del);
    1707       19833 :   const Double *dpstor=dphase.getStorage(del);
    1708       19833 :   const Int *convrowmapstor=convRowMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1709       19833 :   const Int *convchanmapstor=convChanMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1710       19833 :   const Int *convpolmapstor=convPolMap_p.getStorage(del);
    1711             :   ////////***************************
    1712             : 
    1713             :   Int irow;
    1714       19833 :   Int nth=1;
    1715             :  #ifdef _OPENMP
    1716       19833 :   if(numthreads_p >0){
    1717           0 :     nth=min(numthreads_p, omp_get_max_threads());
    1718             :   }
    1719             :   else{   
    1720       19833 :     nth= omp_get_max_threads();
    1721             :   }
    1722             :   //nth=min(4,nth);
    1723             : #endif
    1724             :  
    1725       19833 :   Timer tim;
    1726       19833 :   tim.mark();
    1727             : 
    1728       19833 :    Int dow=0;
    1729       19833 :    Double cinv=Double(1.0)/C::c;
    1730       19833 : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(irow) firstprivate(visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, phasorstor, uvwstor, locstor, offstor, dpstor, dow, cinv) shared(startRow, endRow) num_threads(nth)  
    1731             : {
    1732             : #pragma omp for
    1733             :   for (irow=startRow; irow<=endRow;irow++){
    1734             :     /////////////////*locateuvw(uvwstor,dpstor, visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, 
    1735             :     //    locstor, 
    1736             :                 ///////////           offstor, phasorstor, irow, false);
    1737             :     //using the fortran version which is significantly faster ...this can account for 10% less overall degridding time
    1738             :     locuvw(uvwstor, dpstor, visfreqstor, &nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, &csamp, locstor, 
    1739             :            offstor, phasorstor, &irow, &dow, &cinv);
    1740             :   }  
    1741             : 
    1742             :  }//end pragma parallel
    1743       19833 :  Int rbeg=startRow+1;
    1744       19833 :  Int rend=endRow+1;
    1745       19833 :  Int npart=nth;
    1746             :  
    1747             :  Bool gridcopy;
    1748       19833 :  const Complex *gridstor=griddedData.getStorage(gridcopy);
    1749             :  Bool convcopy;
    1750             :  ////Degridding needs the conjugate ...doing it here
    1751       19833 :  Array<Complex> conjConvFunc=conj(convFunc);
    1752       19833 :  const Complex *convstor=conjConvFunc.getStorage(convcopy);
    1753       19833 :   Int ix=0;
    1754       19833 : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(ix, rbeg, rend) firstprivate(uvwstor, datStorage, flagstor, rowflagstor, convstor, pmapstor, cmapstor, gridstor, nxp, nyp, np, nc, csamp, csize, csupp, nvp, nvc, nvisrow, phasorstor, locstor, offstor, nPolConv, nChanConv, nConvFunc, convrowmapstor, convpolmapstor, convchanmapstor, npart)  num_threads(npart)
    1755             :   {
    1756             :     #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic) 
    1757             :     for (ix=0; ix< npart; ++ix){
    1758             :       rbeg=ix*(nvisrow/npart)+1;
    1759             :       rend=(ix != (npart-1)) ? (rbeg+(nvisrow/npart)-1) : (rbeg+(nvisrow/npart)-1+nvisrow%npart) ;
    1760             :       //cerr << "maps "  << convChanMap_p << "   " << chanMap  << endl;
    1761             :       //cerr << "nchan " << nchan << "  nchanconv " << nChanConv << " npolconv " << nPolConv << " nRowConv " << nConvFunc << endl;
    1762             :      sectdmos2(
    1763             :                datStorage,
    1764             :                &nvp,
    1765             :                &nvc,
    1766             :                flagstor,
    1767             :                rowflagstor,
    1768             :                &nvisrow,
    1769             :                gridstor,
    1770             :                &nxp,
    1771             :                &nyp,
    1772             :                &np,
    1773             :                &nc,
    1774             :                &csupp,
    1775             :                &csize,   
    1776             :                &csamp,
    1777             :                convstor,
    1778             :                cmapstor,
    1779             :                pmapstor,
    1780             :                convrowmapstor, convchanmapstor,
    1781             :                convpolmapstor,
    1782             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv,
    1783             :                &rbeg, &rend, locstor, offstor, phasorstor
    1784             :                );
    1785             : 
    1786             : 
    1787             :     }
    1788             :   }//end pragma omp
    1789             : 
    1790             : 
    1791       19833 :   data.putStorage(datStorage, isCopy);
    1792       19833 :   griddedData.freeStorage(gridstor, gridcopy);
    1793       19833 :   convFunc.freeStorage(convstor, convcopy);
    1794             :   
    1795       19833 :    timedegrid_p+=tim.real();
    1796             : 
    1797       19833 :   interpolateFrequencyFromgrid(vb, data, FTMachine::MODEL);
    1798       19833 : }
    1799             : 
    1800             : 
    1801             : /*
    1802             : void MosaicFT::get(VisBuffer& vb, Int row)
    1803             : {
    1804             :   
    1805             : 
    1806             :   
    1807             :   // If row is -1 then we pass through all rows
    1808             :   Int startRow, endRow, nRow;
    1809             :   if (row==-1) {
    1810             :     nRow=vb.nRow();
    1811             :     startRow=0;
    1812             :     endRow=nRow-1;
    1813             :     //  vb.modelVisCube()=Complex(0.0,0.0);
    1814             :   } else {
    1815             :     nRow=1;
    1816             :     startRow=row;
    1817             :     endRow=row;
    1818             :     //  vb.modelVisCube().xyPlane(row)=Complex(0.0,0.0);
    1819             :   }
    1820             :   
    1821             : 
    1822             :  
    1823             : 
    1824             : 
    1825             :   // Get the uvws in a form that Fortran can use
    1826             :   Matrix<Double> uvw(3, vb.uvw().nelements());
    1827             :   uvw=0.0;
    1828             :   Vector<Double> dphase(vb.uvw().nelements());
    1829             :   dphase=0.0;
    1830             :   //NEGATING to correct for an image inversion problem
    1831             :   for (Int i=startRow;i<=endRow;i++) {
    1832             :     for (Int idim=0;idim<2;idim++) uvw(idim,i)=-vb.uvw()(i)(idim);
    1833             :     uvw(2,i)=vb.uvw()(i)(2);
    1834             :   }
    1835             :   
    1836             :   doUVWRotation_p=true;
    1837             :   girarUVW(uvw, dphase, vb);
    1838             :   refocus(uvw, vb.antenna1(), vb.antenna2(), dphase, vb);
    1839             :   
    1840             :   
    1841             :   //Check if ms has changed then cache new spw and chan selection
    1842             :   if(vb.newMS())
    1843             :     matchAllSpwChans(vb);
    1844             :   
    1845             :   //Here we redo the match or use previous match
    1846             :   
    1847             :   //Channel matching for the actual spectral window of buffer
    1848             :   if(doConversion_p[vb.spectralWindow()]){
    1849             :     matchChannel(vb.spectralWindow(), vb);
    1850             :   }
    1851             :   else{
    1852             :     chanMap.resize();
    1853             :     chanMap=multiChanMap_p[vb.spectralWindow()];
    1854             :   }
    1855             :   //No point in reading data if its not matching in frequency
    1856             :   if(max(chanMap)==-1)
    1857             :     return;
    1858             : 
    1859             :   Cube<Complex> data;
    1860             :   Cube<Int> flags;
    1861             :   getInterpolateArrays(vb, data, flags);
    1862             :   //Need to get interpolated freqs
    1863             :   findConvFunction(*image, vb);
    1864             :   // no valid pointing in this buffer
    1865             :   if(convSupport <= 0)
    1866             :     return;
    1867             :   Complex *datStorage;
    1868             :   Bool isCopy;
    1869             :   datStorage=data.getStorage(isCopy);
    1870             : 
    1871             : 
    1872             :   Vector<Int> rowFlags(vb.nRow());
    1873             :   rowFlags=0;
    1874             :   rowFlags(vb.flagRow())=true;
    1875             :   if(!usezero_p) {
    1876             :     for (Int rownr=startRow; rownr<=endRow; rownr++) {
    1877             :       if(vb.antenna1()(rownr)==vb.antenna2()(rownr)) rowFlags(rownr)=1;
    1878             :     }
    1879             :   }
    1880             :   Int nPolConv=convFunc.shape()[2];
    1881             :   Int nChanConv=convFunc.shape()[3];
    1882             :   Int nConvFunc=convFunc.shape()(4);
    1883             :  
    1884             :   {
    1885             :     Bool del;
    1886             :      Bool uvwcopy; 
    1887             :      const Double *uvwstor=uvw.getStorage(uvwcopy);
    1888             :      Bool gridcopy;
    1889             :      const Complex *gridstor=griddedData.getStorage(gridcopy);
    1890             :      Bool convcopy;
    1891             :      ////Degridding needs the conjugate ...doing it here
    1892             :      Array<Complex> conjConvFunc=conj(convFunc);
    1893             :      const Complex *convstor=conjConvFunc.getStorage(convcopy);
    1894             :      //     IPosition s(data.shape());
    1895             :      const IPosition& fs=data.shape();
    1896             :      std::vector<Int> s(fs.begin(), fs.end());
    1897             :      //cerr << "maps "  << convChanMap_p << "   " << chanMap  << endl;
    1898             :      //cerr << "nchan " << nchan << "  nchanconv " << nChanConv << " npolconv " << nPolConv << " nRowConv " << nConvFunc << endl;
    1899             :      dmos2(uvwstor,
    1900             :             dphase.getStorage(del),
    1901             :             datStorage,
    1902             :             &s[0],
    1903             :             &s[1],
    1904             :             flags.getStorage(del),
    1905             :             rowFlags.getStorage(del),
    1906             :             &s[2],
    1907             :             &row,
    1908             :            uvScale.getStorage(del), //10
    1909             :             uvOffset.getStorage(del),
    1910             :             gridstor,
    1911             :             &nx,
    1912             :             &ny,
    1913             :             &npol,
    1914             :             &nchan,
    1915             :             interpVisFreq_p.getStorage(del),
    1916             :             &C::c,
    1917             :             &convSupport,
    1918             :            &convSize,   //20
    1919             :             &convSampling,
    1920             :             convstor,
    1921             :             chanMap.getStorage(del),
    1922             :             polMap.getStorage(del),
    1923             :             convRowMap_p.getStorage(del), convChanMap_p.getStorage(del),
    1924             :             convPolMap_p.getStorage(del),
    1925             :             &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv);
    1926             :       data.putStorage(datStorage, isCopy);
    1927             :      uvw.freeStorage(uvwstor, uvwcopy);
    1928             :      griddedData.freeStorage(gridstor, gridcopy);
    1929             :      convFunc.freeStorage(convstor, convcopy);
    1930             :   }
    1931             :   interpolateFrequencyFromgrid(vb, data, FTMachine::MODEL);
    1932             : }
    1933             : 
    1934             : */
    1935             : 
    1936             : 
    1937             : // Finalize the FFT to the Sky. Here we actually do the FFT and
    1938             : // return the resulting image
    1939           0 : ImageInterface<Complex>& MosaicFT::getImage(Matrix<Float>& weights,
    1940             :                                             Bool normalize) 
    1941             : {
    1942             :   //AlwaysAssert(lattice, AipsError);
    1943           0 :   AlwaysAssert(image, AipsError);
    1944             : 
    1945           0 :    if((griddedData.nelements() ==0) && (griddedData2.nelements()==0)){
    1946           0 :     throw(AipsError("Programmer error ...request for image without right order of calls"));
    1947             :   }
    1948             : 
    1949           0 :   logIO() << LogOrigin("MosaicFT", "getImage") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1950             :   
    1951           0 :   weights.resize(sumWeight.shape());
    1952           0 :   convertArray(weights, sumWeight);
    1953           0 :   SynthesisUtilMethods::getResource("mem peak in getImage");
    1954             :   
    1955             :   // If the weights are all zero then we cannot normalize
    1956             :   // otherwise we don't care.
    1957           0 :   if(max(weights)==0.0) {
    1958           0 :     if(normalize) {
    1959             :       logIO() << LogIO::SEVERE << "No useful data in MosaicFT: weights all zero"
    1960           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1961             :     }
    1962             :     else {
    1963             :       logIO() << LogIO::WARN << "No useful data in MosaicFT: weights all zero"
    1964           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1965             :     }
    1966             :   }
    1967             :   else {
    1968             :     
    1969             :     //const IPosition latticeShape = lattice->shape();
    1970             :     
    1971             :     logIO() << LogIO::DEBUGGING
    1972           0 :             << "Starting FFT and scaling of image" << LogIO::POST;
    1973           0 :     if(useDoubleGrid_p){
    1974           0 :       ArrayLattice<DComplex> darrayLattice(griddedData2);
    1975           0 :       ft_p.c2cFFT(darrayLattice,false);
    1976           0 :       griddedData.resize(griddedData2.shape());
    1977           0 :       convertArray(griddedData, griddedData2);
    1978             :       
    1979             :       //Don't need the double-prec grid anymore...
    1980           0 :       griddedData2.resize();
    1981           0 :       arrayLattice = new ArrayLattice<Complex>(griddedData);
    1982           0 :       lattice=arrayLattice;
    1983             : 
    1984           0 :     }
    1985             :     else{
    1986           0 :       arrayLattice = new ArrayLattice<Complex>(griddedData);
    1987           0 :       lattice=arrayLattice;
    1988           0 :       ft_p.c2cFFT(*lattice,false);
    1989             :     }
    1990             :    {////Do the grid correction
    1991           0 :       Int inx = lattice->shape()(0);
    1992             :       //Int iny = lattice->shape()(1);
    1993           0 :       Vector<Complex> correction(inx);
    1994           0 :       correction=Complex(1.0, 0.0);
    1995             : 
    1996             :       // Int npixCorr= max(nx,ny);
    1997           0 :       Vector<Float> sincConvX(nx);
    1998           0 :       for (Int ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) {
    1999           0 :         Float x=C::pi*Float(ix-nx/2)/(Float(nx)*Float(convSampling));
    2000           0 :         if(ix==nx/2) {
    2001           0 :           sincConvX(ix)=1.0;
    2002             :         }
    2003             :         else {
    2004           0 :           sincConvX(ix)=sin(x)/x;
    2005             :         }
    2006             :       }
    2007           0 :       Vector<Float> sincConvY(ny);
    2008           0 :       for (Int ix=0;ix<ny;ix++) {
    2009           0 :         Float x=C::pi*Float(ix-ny/2)/(Float(ny)*Float(convSampling));
    2010           0 :         if(ix==ny/2) {
    2011           0 :           sincConvY(ix)=1.0;
    2012             :         }
    2013             :         else {
    2014           0 :           sincConvY(ix)=sin(x)/x;
    2015             :         }
    2016             :       }
    2017             :     
    2018             : 
    2019           0 :       IPosition cursorShape(4, inx, 1, 1, 1);
    2020           0 :       IPosition axisPath(4, 0, 1, 2, 3);
    2021           0 :       LatticeStepper lsx(lattice->shape(), cursorShape, axisPath);
    2022           0 :       LatticeIterator<Complex> lix(*lattice, lsx);
    2023           0 :       for(lix.reset();!lix.atEnd();lix++) {
    2024           0 :         Int pol=lix.position()(2);
    2025           0 :         Int chan=lix.position()(3);
    2026           0 :         if(weights(pol, chan)!=0.0) {
    2027           0 :           Int iy=lix.position()(1);
    2028             :           //gridder->correctX1D(correction,iy);
    2029           0 :           for (Int ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) {
    2030           0 :             correction(ix)=1.0/(sincConvX(ix)*sincConvY(iy));
    2031             :           }
    2032           0 :           lix.rwVectorCursor()*=correction;
    2033           0 :           if(normalize) {
    2034           0 :             Complex rnorm(1.0/weights(pol,chan));
    2035           0 :             lix.rwCursor()*=rnorm;
    2036             :           }
    2037             :         }
    2038             :         else {
    2039           0 :           lix.woCursor()=0.0;
    2040             :         }
    2041             :       }
    2042           0 :     }
    2043             :      
    2044             :     
    2045             : 
    2046             :     //if(!isTiled) 
    2047             :     {
    2048           0 :       LatticeLocker lock1 (*(image), FileLocker::Write);
    2049             :       // Check the section from the image BEFORE converting to a lattice 
    2050           0 :       IPosition blc(4, (nx-image->shape()(0)+(nx%2==0))/2,
    2051           0 :                     (ny-image->shape()(1)+(ny%2==0))/2, 0, 0);
    2052           0 :       IPosition stride(4, 1);
    2053           0 :       IPosition trc(blc+image->shape()-stride);
    2054             :       
    2055             :       // Do the copy
    2056           0 :       IPosition start(4, 0);
    2057           0 :       image->put(griddedData(blc, trc));
    2058           0 :     }
    2059             :   }
    2060           0 :   if(!arrayLattice.null()) arrayLattice=0;
    2061           0 :   if(!lattice.null()) lattice=0;
    2062           0 :    griddedData.resize();
    2063           0 :   image->clearCache();
    2064           0 :   return *image;
    2065             : }
    2066             : 
    2067             : // Get weight image
    2068           0 : void MosaicFT::getWeightImage(ImageInterface<Float>& weightImage,
    2069             :                               Matrix<Float>& weights) 
    2070             : {
    2071             :   
    2072           0 :   logIO() << LogOrigin("MosaicFT", "getWeightImage") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    2073             :   
    2074           0 :   weights.resize(sumWeight.shape());
    2075           0 :   convertArray(weights,sumWeight);
    2076             :   /*
    2077             :   weightImage.copyData((LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    2078             :                        (iif((pbConvFunc_p->getFluxScaleImage()) > (0.0), 
    2079             :                             (*skyCoverage_p),0.0)));
    2080             :   */
    2081           0 :   weightImage.copyData(*skyCoverage_p);
    2082             :   //cerr << "getWeightIm " << max(sumWeight) << "    " << max(skyCoverage_p->get()) << endl;
    2083             :   
    2084           0 :    skyCoverage_p->tempClose();
    2085             : 
    2086           0 : }
    2087             : 
    2088           0 : void MosaicFT::getFluxImage(ImageInterface<Float>& fluxImage) {
    2089             : 
    2090           0 :   if (stokes_p=="QU" || stokes_p=="IV"){
    2091           0 :     pbConvFunc_p->sliceFluxScale(2);
    2092             :   }
    2093           0 :   else if(stokes_p=="Q" || stokes_p=="U" ||  stokes_p=="V" || stokes_p=="I" ){
    2094           0 :      pbConvFunc_p->sliceFluxScale(1);
    2095             :   }
    2096           0 :    else if(stokes_p=="IQU"){
    2097           0 :        pbConvFunc_p->sliceFluxScale(3);
    2098             :    }
    2099           0 :   IPosition inShape=(pbConvFunc_p->getFluxScaleImage()).shape();
    2100           0 :   IPosition outShape=fluxImage.shape();
    2101           0 :   if(outShape==inShape){
    2102           0 :     fluxImage.copyData(pbConvFunc_p->getFluxScaleImage());
    2103             :   }
    2104           0 :   else if((outShape(0)==inShape(0)) && (outShape(1)==inShape(1)) 
    2105           0 :           && (outShape(2)==inShape(2))){
    2106             :     //case where CubeSkyEquation is chunking...copy the first pol-cube
    2107           0 :     IPosition cursorShape(4, inShape(0), inShape(1), inShape(2), 1);
    2108           0 :     IPosition axisPath(4, 0, 1, 2, 3);
    2109           0 :     LatticeStepper lsout(outShape, cursorShape, axisPath);
    2110           0 :     LatticeStepper lsin(inShape, cursorShape, axisPath);
    2111           0 :     LatticeIterator<Float> liout(fluxImage, lsout);
    2112           0 :     RO_LatticeIterator<Float> liin(pbConvFunc_p->getFluxScaleImage(), lsin);
    2113           0 :     liin.reset();
    2114           0 :     for(liout.reset();!liout.atEnd();liout++) {
    2115           0 :       if(inShape(2)==1)
    2116           0 :         liout.woMatrixCursor()=liin.matrixCursor();
    2117             :       else
    2118           0 :         liout.woCubeCursor()=liin.cubeCursor();
    2119             :     }
    2120             : 
    2121             : 
    2122           0 :   }
    2123             :   else{
    2124             :     //Should not reach here but the we're getting old
    2125           0 :     cout << "Bad case of shape mismatch in flux image shape" << endl;
    2126             :   }
    2127           0 : }
    2128             : 
    2129           0 : CountedPtr<TempImage<Float> >& MosaicFT::getConvWeightImage(){
    2130           0 :   if(!doneWeightImage_p)
    2131           0 :     finalizeToSky();
    2132           0 :   return skyCoverage_p;
    2133             : }
    2134             : 
    2135           6 : Bool MosaicFT::toRecord(String&  error,
    2136             :                         RecordInterface& outRec, Bool withImage, const String diskimage)
    2137             : {  
    2138             :   // Save the current MosaicFT object to an output state record
    2139           6 :   Bool retval = true;
    2140           6 :   if(!FTMachine::toRecord(error, outRec, withImage, diskimage))
    2141           0 :     return false;
    2142             :   
    2143           6 :   if(sj_p){
    2144           6 :     outRec.define("telescope", sj_p->telescope());
    2145             :     //cerr <<" Telescope " << sj_p->telescope() << endl;
    2146             :   }
    2147           6 :   outRec.define("uvscale", uvScale);
    2148           6 :   outRec.define("uvoffset", uvOffset);
    2149           6 :   outRec.define("cachesize", Int64(cachesize));
    2150           6 :   outRec.define("tilesize", tilesize);
    2151           6 :   outRec.define("maxabsdata", maxAbsData);
    2152           6 :   Vector<Int> center_loc(4), offset_loc(4);
    2153          30 :   for (Int k=0; k<4 ; k++){
    2154          24 :     center_loc(k)=centerLoc(k);
    2155          24 :     offset_loc(k)=offsetLoc(k);
    2156             :   }
    2157           6 :   outRec.define("centerloc", center_loc);
    2158           6 :   outRec.define("offsetloc", offset_loc);
    2159           6 :   outRec.define("usezero", usezero_p);
    2160           6 :   outRec.define("convfunc", convFunc);
    2161           6 :   outRec.define("weightconvfunc", weightConvFunc_p);
    2162           6 :   outRec.define("convsampling", convSampling);
    2163           6 :   outRec.define("convsize", convSize);
    2164           6 :   outRec.define("convsupport", convSupport);
    2165           6 :   outRec.define("convsupportplanes", convSupportPlanes_p);
    2166           6 :   outRec.define("convsizeplanes", convSizePlanes_p);
    2167           6 :   outRec.define("convRowMap",  convRowMap_p);
    2168           6 :   outRec.define("stokes", stokes_p);
    2169           6 :   outRec.define("useconjconvfunc", useConjConvFunc_p);
    2170           6 :   outRec.define("usepointingtable", usePointingTable_p);
    2171           6 :   if(!pbConvFunc_p.null()){
    2172           6 :     Record subRec;
    2173             :     //cerr << "Doing pbconvrec " << endl;
    2174           6 :     pbConvFunc_p->toRecord(subRec);
    2175           6 :     outRec.defineRecord("pbconvfunc", subRec);        
    2176           6 :   }
    2177             :   
    2178             : 
    2179           6 :   return retval;
    2180           6 : }
    2181             : 
    2182           0 : Bool MosaicFT::fromRecord(String& error,
    2183             :                           const RecordInterface& inRec)
    2184             : {
    2185           0 :   Bool retval = true;
    2186           0 :   pointingToImage=0;
    2187           0 :   doneWeightImage_p=false;
    2188           0 :   convWeightImage_p=nullptr;
    2189             :   
    2190           0 :   if(!FTMachine::fromRecord(error, inRec))
    2191           0 :     return false;
    2192           0 :   sj_p=0;
    2193           0 :   if(inRec.isDefined("telescope")){
    2194           0 :     String tel=inRec.asString("telescope");
    2195             :     PBMath::CommonPB pbtype;
    2196           0 :     Quantity freq(1e12, "Hz");// no useful band...just get default beam
    2197           0 :     String band="";
    2198           0 :     String pbname;
    2199           0 :     PBMath::whichCommonPBtoUse(tel, freq, band, pbtype, pbname);
    2200           0 :     if(pbtype != PBMath::UNKNOWN)
    2201           0 :       sj_p.reset(new VPSkyJones(tel,pbtype));
    2202           0 :   }
    2203             : 
    2204           0 :   inRec.get("name", machineName_p);
    2205           0 :   inRec.get("uvscale", uvScale);
    2206           0 :   inRec.get("uvoffset", uvOffset);
    2207           0 :   cachesize=inRec.asInt64("cachesize");
    2208           0 :   inRec.get("tilesize", tilesize);
    2209           0 :   inRec.get("maxabsdata", maxAbsData);
    2210           0 :   Vector<Int> center_loc(4), offset_loc(4);
    2211           0 :   inRec.get("centerloc", center_loc);
    2212           0 :   inRec.get("offsetloc", offset_loc);
    2213           0 :   uInt ndim4 = 4;
    2214           0 :   centerLoc=IPosition(ndim4, center_loc(0), center_loc(1), center_loc(2), 
    2215           0 :                       center_loc(3));
    2216           0 :   offsetLoc=IPosition(ndim4, offset_loc(0), offset_loc(1), offset_loc(2), 
    2217           0 :                       offset_loc(3));
    2218           0 :   imageCache=0; lattice=0; arrayLattice=0;
    2219           0 :   inRec.get("usezero", usezero_p);
    2220           0 :   inRec.get("convfunc", convFunc);
    2221           0 :   inRec.get("weightconvfunc", weightConvFunc_p);
    2222           0 :   inRec.get("convsampling", convSampling);
    2223           0 :   inRec.get("convsize", convSize);
    2224           0 :   inRec.get("convsupport", convSupport);
    2225           0 :   inRec.get("convsupportplanes", convSupportPlanes_p);
    2226           0 :   inRec.get("convsizeplanes", convSizePlanes_p);
    2227           0 :   inRec.get("convRowMap",  convRowMap_p);
    2228           0 :   inRec.get("stokes", stokes_p);
    2229           0 :   inRec.get("useconjconvfunc", useConjConvFunc_p);
    2230           0 :   inRec.get("usepointingtable", usePointingTable_p);
    2231           0 :   if(inRec.isDefined("pbconvfunc")){
    2232           0 :     Record subRec=inRec.asRecord("pbconvfunc");
    2233           0 :     String elname=subRec.asString("name");
    2234             :     // if we are predicting only need to estimate fluxscale
    2235           0 :     if(elname=="HetArrayConvFunc"){
    2236             :     
    2237           0 :       pbConvFunc_p=new HetArrayConvFunc(subRec, !toVis_p);
    2238             :     }
    2239             :     else{
    2240           0 :       pbConvFunc_p=new SimplePBConvFunc(subRec, !toVis_p);
    2241           0 :       if(!sj_p)
    2242           0 :         throw(AipsError("Failed to recovermosaic FTmachine;\n If you are seeing this message when try to get model vis \n then either try to reset the model or use scratch column for now"));
    2243             :     }
    2244           0 :   }
    2245             :   else{
    2246           0 :     pbConvFunc_p=0;
    2247             :   }
    2248           0 :   gridder.reset(nullptr);
    2249           0 :    return retval;
    2250           0 : }
    2251             : 
    2252       86517 : void MosaicFT::ok() {
    2253       86517 :   AlwaysAssert(image, AipsError);
    2254       86517 : }
    2255             : 
    2256             : // Make a plain straightforward honest-to-God image. This returns
    2257             : // a complex image, without conversion to Stokes. The representation
    2258             : // is that required for the visibilities.
    2259             : //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2260           2 : void MosaicFT::makeImage(FTMachine::Type type, 
    2261             :                          vi::VisibilityIterator2& vi,
    2262             :                          ImageInterface<Complex>& theImage,
    2263             :                          Matrix<Float>& weight) {
    2264             :   
    2265             :   
    2266           2 :   logIO() << LogOrigin("MosaicFT", "makeImage") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    2267             :   
    2268           2 :   if(type==FTMachine::COVERAGE) {
    2269             :     logIO() << "Type COVERAGE not defined for Fourier transforms"
    2270           0 :             << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    2271             :   }
    2272             :   
    2273             :   
    2274             : 
    2275             :   // Loop over all visibilities and pixels
    2276           2 :   vi::VisBuffer2* vb=vi.getVisBuffer();
    2277             :   
    2278             :   // Initialize put (i.e. transform to Sky) for this model
    2279           2 :   vi.origin();
    2280             :   
    2281           2 :   if(vb->polarizationFrame()==MSIter::Linear) {
    2282           0 :     StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(theImage, StokesImageUtil::LINEAR);
    2283             :   }
    2284             :   else {
    2285           2 :     StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(theImage, StokesImageUtil::CIRCULAR);
    2286             :   }
    2287             :   
    2288           2 :   initializeToSky(theImage,weight,*vb);
    2289             :   //This call is a NOP for all weighting schemes except for cube-briggs-perchanweightdensity
    2290           2 :   initBriggsWeightor(vi);
    2291             :   // Loop over the visibilities, putting VisBuffers
    2292          10 :   for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
    2293         872 :     for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); {
    2294             :       
    2295         864 :       switch(type) {
    2296           0 :       case FTMachine::RESIDUAL:
    2297           0 :         vb->setVisCube(vb->visCubeCorrected()-vb->visCubeModel());
    2298           0 :         put(*vb, -1, false);
    2299           0 :         break;
    2300           0 :       case FTMachine::MODEL:
    2301           0 :         vb->setVisCube(vb->visCubeModel());
    2302           0 :         put(*vb, -1, false);
    2303           0 :         break;
    2304           0 :       case FTMachine::CORRECTED:
    2305           0 :         vb->setVisCube(vb->visCubeCorrected());
    2306           0 :         put(*vb, -1, false);
    2307           0 :         break;
    2308         864 :       case FTMachine::PSF:
    2309         864 :         vb->setVisCube(Complex(1.0,0.0));
    2310         864 :         put(*vb, -1, true);
    2311         864 :         break;
    2312           0 :       case FTMachine::OBSERVED:
    2313             :       default:
    2314           0 :         put(*vb, -1, false);
    2315           0 :         break;
    2316             :       }
    2317             :     }
    2318             :   }
    2319           2 :   finalizeToSky();
    2320             :   // Normalize by dividing out weights, etc.
    2321           2 :   getImage(weight, true);
    2322           2 : }
    2323             : 
    2324           0 : Bool MosaicFT::getXYPos(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb, Int row) {
    2325             :   
    2326           0 :   MSColumns mscol(;
    2327           0 :   const MSPointingColumns& act_mspc=mscol.pointing();
    2328           0 :   Int pointIndex=getIndex(act_mspc, vb.time()(row), vb.timeInterval()(row));
    2329           0 :   if((pointIndex<0)||pointIndex>=Int(act_mspc.time().nrow())) {
    2330             :     //    ostringstream o;
    2331             :     //    o << "Failed to find pointing information for time " <<
    2332             :     //      MVTime(vb.time()(row)/86400.0);
    2333             :     //    logIO_p << LogIO::DEBUGGING << String(o) << LogIO::POST;
    2334             :     //    logIO_p << String(o) << LogIO::POST;
    2335             :     
    2336           0 :     worldPosMeas = mscol.field().phaseDirMeas(vb.fieldId()(0));
    2337             :   }
    2338             :   else {
    2339             :    
    2340           0 :       worldPosMeas=act_mspc.directionMeas(pointIndex);
    2341             :       // Make a machine to convert from the worldPosMeas to the output
    2342             :       // Direction Measure type for the relevant frame
    2343             :  
    2344             : 
    2345             :  
    2346             :   }
    2347             : 
    2348           0 :   if(!pointingToImage) {
    2349             :     // Set the frame - choose the first antenna. For e.g. VLBI, we
    2350             :     // will need to reset the frame per antenna
    2351           0 :     FTMachine::mLocation_p=mscol.antenna().positionMeas()(0);
    2352           0 :     mFrame_p=MeasFrame(MEpoch(Quantity(vb.time()(row), "s")),
    2353           0 :                        FTMachine::mLocation_p);
    2354           0 :     MDirection::Ref outRef(directionCoord.directionType(), mFrame_p);
    2355           0 :     pointingToImage = new MDirection::Convert(worldPosMeas, outRef);
    2356             :   
    2357           0 :     if(!pointingToImage) {
    2358           0 :       logIO_p << "Cannot make direction conversion machine" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    2359             :     }
    2360           0 :   }
    2361             :   else {
    2362           0 :     mFrame_p.resetEpoch(MEpoch(Quantity(vb.time()(row), "s")));
    2363             :   }
    2364             :   
    2365           0 :   worldPosMeas=(*pointingToImage)(worldPosMeas);
    2366             :  
    2367           0 :   Bool result=directionCoord.toPixel(xyPos, worldPosMeas);
    2368           0 :   if(!result) {
    2369           0 :     logIO_p << "Failed to find pixel location for " 
    2370           0 :             << worldPosMeas.getAngle().getValue() << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    2371           0 :     return false;
    2372             :   }
    2373           0 :   return result;
    2374             :   
    2375           0 : }
    2376             : // Get the index into the pointing table for this time. Note that the 
    2377             : // in the pointing table, TIME specifies the beginning of the spanned
    2378             : // time range, whereas for the main table, TIME is the centroid.
    2379             : // Note that the behavior for multiple matches is not specified! i.e.
    2380             : // if there are multiple matches, the index returned depends on the
    2381             : // history of previous matches. It is deterministic but not obvious.
    2382             : // One could cure this by searching but it would be considerably
    2383             : // costlier.
    2384           0 : Int MosaicFT::getIndex(const MSPointingColumns& mspc, const Double& time,
    2385             :                        const Double& /*interval*/) {
    2386           0 :   Int start=lastIndex_p;
    2387             :   // Search forwards
    2388           0 :   Int nrows=mspc.time().nrow();
    2389           0 :   if(nrows<1) {
    2390             :     //    logIO_p << "No rows in POINTING table - cannot proceed" << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    2391           0 :     return -1;
    2392             :   }
    2393           0 :   for (Int i=start;i<nrows;i++) {
    2394           0 :     Double midpoint = mspc.time()(i); // time in POINTING table is midpoint
    2395             :     // If the interval in the pointing table is negative, use the last
    2396             :     // entry. Note that this may be invalid (-1) but in that case 
    2397             :     // the calling routine will generate an error
    2398           0 :     if(mspc.interval()(i)<0.0) {
    2399           0 :       return lastIndex_p;
    2400             :     }
    2401             :     // Pointing table interval is specified so we have to do a match
    2402             :     else {
    2403             :       // Is the midpoint of this pointing table entry within the specified
    2404             :       // tolerance of the main table entry?
    2405           0 :       if(abs(midpoint-time) < (mspc.interval()(i)/2.0)) {
    2406           0 :         lastIndex_p=i;
    2407           0 :         return i;
    2408             :       }
    2409             :     }
    2410             :   }
    2411             :   // Search backwards
    2412           0 :   for (Int i=start;i>=0;i--) {
    2413           0 :     Double midpoint = mspc.time()(i); // time in POINTING table is midpoint
    2414           0 :     if(mspc.interval()(i)<0.0) {
    2415           0 :       return lastIndex_p;
    2416             :     }
    2417             :     // Pointing table interval is specified so we have to do a match
    2418             :     else {
    2419             :       // Is the midpoint of this pointing table entry within the specified
    2420             :       // tolerance of the main table entry?
    2421           0 :       if(abs(midpoint-time) < (mspc.interval()(i)/2.0)) {
    2422           0 :         lastIndex_p=i;
    2423           0 :         return i;
    2424             :       }
    2425             :     }
    2426             :   }
    2427             :   // No match!
    2428           0 :   return -1;
    2429             : }
    2430             : 
    2431             : 
    2432             : 
    2433             : 
    2434           0 : void MosaicFT::addBeamCoverage(ImageInterface<Complex>& pbImage){
    2435             : 
    2436           0 :   CoordinateSystem cs(pbImage.coordinates());
    2437             :   //  IPosition blc(4,0,0,0,0);
    2438             :   //  IPosition trc(pbImage.shape());
    2439             :   //  trc(0)=trc(0)-1;
    2440             :   //  trc(1)=trc(1)-1;
    2441             :   // trc(2)=0;
    2442             :   //  trc(3)=0;
    2443           0 :   WCBox *wbox= new WCBox(LCBox(pbImage.shape()), cs);
    2444           0 :   SubImage<Float> toAddTo(*skyCoverage_p, ImageRegion(wbox), true);
    2445           0 :   TempImage<Float> beamStokes(pbImage.shape(), cs);
    2446           0 :   StokesImageUtil::To(beamStokes, pbImage);
    2447             :   //  toAddTo.copyData((LatticeExpr<Float>)(toAddTo + beamStokes ));
    2448           0 :   skyCoverage_p->copyData((LatticeExpr<Float>)(*skyCoverage_p + beamStokes ));
    2449             : 
    2450             : 
    2451           0 : }
    2452             : 
    2453             : 
    2454             : 
    2455             : 
    2456             : 
    2457           0 : String MosaicFT::name() const {
    2458           0 :   return machineName_p;
    2459             : }
    2460             : 
    2461             : } // REFIM ends
    2462             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
    2463             : 
    2464             : 

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