LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/TransformMachines2 - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 98 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 0 6 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# AWPLPG.h: Implementation for a CPU based gridder for A,W (LPG= LowPerformanceGridder)
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 2023
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //#
      16             : //#
      17             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU  General Public License
      18             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      19             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      20             : //#
      21             : //# Queries concerning CASA should be submitted at
      22             : //#
      23             : //#
      24             : //#        Postal address: CASA Project Manager 
      25             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      26             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      27             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      28             : //#
      29             : //#
      30             : 
      31             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/AWPLPG.h>
      32             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/AWConvFuncHolder.h>
      33             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/HetArrayConvFunc.h>
      34             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/SimplePBConvFunc.h>
      35             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer2.h>
      36             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIteratorImpl2.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      40             : 
      41             : 
      42             : 
      43             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      44             : namespace refim {//# namespace for wstatimaging refactor
      45             : using namespace casacore;
      46             : using namespace casa;
      47             : using namespace casa::refim;
      48             : 
      49             :   
      50           0 :   AWPLPG::AWPLPG(SkyJones* sj, const Int nw,  Bool dosquint, const Double painc, MPosition mloc, String stokes,  const Bool usezero, const Bool useDoublePrec,  const casacore::Bool usePointing): MosaicFTNew(sj, mloc, stokes, Long(1000000), 16, usezero, True, False, usePointing), doSquint_p(dosquint), paInc_p(painc), nw_p(nw) {
      51             : 
      52           0 :     useDoubleGrid_p=True; //We'll always use double prec for this grid
      53             : 
      54           0 :   }
      55           0 :   AWPLPG::AWPLPG(const AWPLPG& other) : MosaicFTNew(other)
      56             :   {
      57           0 :     operator=(other);
      58           0 :   }
      59             : 
      60           0 :  AWPLPG& AWPLPG::operator=(const AWPLPG& other) {
      61           0 :   if(this!=&other) {
      62             : 
      63             :     //Do the base parameters
      64           0 :     MosaicFTNew::operator=(other);
      65           0 :     awConvs_p = other.awConvs_p;
      66           0 :     doSquint_p = other.doSquint_p;
      67           0 :     paInc_p = other.paInc_p;
      68           0 :     nw_p = other.nw_p;
      69             :     }
      70           0 :     return *this;
      71             :     
      72             :   }
      73           0 :   refim::FTMachine* AWPLPG::cloneFTM(){
      74           0 :       return new AWPLPG(*this);
      75             :   }
      76           0 : void AWPLPG::init(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb){
      77           0 :  MosaicFTNew::init(vb);
      78             :   
      79             :  
      80             :   //oversample if image is small
      81             :   //But not more than 5000 pixels
      82           0 :  convSampling=(max(nx, ny) < 50) ? 100: Int(ceil(5000.0/max(nx, ny)));
      83           0 :   if(convSampling <4) 
      84           0 :     convSampling=4;
      85             :  // TESTOO
      86             :   //convSampling = 1;
      87             :   // TESTOO
      88             :   
      89             :   
      90             :   
      91           0 :   if(awConvs_p.use_count()==0){
      92           0 :      String observatory=(vb.subtableColumns().observation()).telescopeName()(0);
      93           0 :     awConvs_p=std::make_shared<AWConvFuncHolder>((*image).coordinates(), nx, ny, 
      94           0 :                    doSquint_p, paInc_p, observatory, convSampling);
      95           0 :     vi::VisibilityIterator2 *vi= const_cast<VisibilityIterator2 *>(vb.getVi());
      96             :     
      97           0 :     if(pbConvFunc_p.null())
      98           0 :       pbConvFunc_p=new HetArrayConvFunc();
      99           0 :     if(sj_p)
     100           0 :       pbConvFunc_p->setSkyJones(sj_p.get());
     101             :       
     102           0 :     if((pbConvFunc_p->getVBUtil()).null()){
     103           0 :       if(vbutil_p.null()){
     104           0 :         vbutil_p=new VisBufferUtil(vb);
     105             :       }
     106           0 :       pbConvFunc_p->setVBUtil(vbutil_p);
     107             :     }
     108           0 :     std::vector<Double> freqs;
     109           0 :     std::vector<Double> pAs;
     110           0 :     Double maxW=0.0;
     111           0 :     for (vi->originChunks(); vi->moreChunks(); vi->nextChunk()) {
     112           0 :           for (vi->origin(); vi->more(); vi->next()) {
     113           0 :               std::vector<Double> chunkfreq;
     114           0 :               pbConvFunc_p->findUsefulChannels(chunkfreq, vb);
     115             :               //cerr <<  "chunkfreq " <<  chunkfreq <<  endl;
     116           0 :               std::move(chunkfreq.begin(), chunkfreq.end(), std::back_inserter(freqs));
     117           0 :               if(doSquint_p)
     118           0 :                 pAs.push_back(getPA(vb));
     119           0 :               if(nw_p > 1)
     120           0 :                         maxW=max(maxW, max(abs(vb.uvw().row(2)*max(vb.getFrequencies(0))))/C::c);
     121           0 :           }
     122             :     }
     123             :     
     124             :     //return vi to origin
     125           0 :     vi->originChunks(); vi->origin();
     126             :     
     127           0 :     std::sort(freqs.begin(),  freqs.end());
     128           0 :     auto last = std::unique(freqs.begin(),  freqs.end());
     129           0 :     freqs.erase(last,  freqs.end());
     130             :     
     131           0 :     Double paMax=0.0;
     132           0 :     if(pAs.size()>1){
     133           0 :       std::sort(pAs.begin(), pAs.end());
     134           0 :       last=std::unique(pAs.begin(), pAs.end());
     135           0 :       pAs.erase(last, pAs.end());
     136           0 :       if(pAs.size()==1)
     137           0 :         paMax=pAs[0];
     138           0 :       if(pAs.size() >1){
     139           0 :         auto [minpa, maxpa]=std::minmax_element(begin(pAs), end(pAs));
     140           0 :         paMax=max(abs(*minpa), *maxpa);
     141             :       }
     142             :     }
     143             :     
     144           0 :     cerr <<  "PAMax in data " <<  paMax <<  endl;
     145           0 :     if (nw_p == 0)
     146           0 :       nw_p = 1;
     147           0 :     Vector<Double> wVals(nw_p,0);
     148           0 :     if(nw_p >1){
     149           0 :       Double st=maxW/(Double(nw_p-1)*Double(nw_p-1));
     150           0 :       for (int k=0; k <nw_p; ++k)
     151           0 :         wVals[k]=Double(k*k)*st;
     152             :     }
     153           0 :     (*awConvs_p).addConvFunc(Vector<Double>(freqs), wVals, paMax);
     154             :     
     155           0 :   }
     156             :   
     157           0 : }
     158             :   
     159           0 :  void AWPLPG::findConvFunction(const ImageInterface<Complex>& iimage, const vi::VisBuffer2& vb, const Matrix<Double>& rotuvw ){
     160             :   //
     161             :   // pbConvFunc_p.phasegradient
     162           0 :     convFunc.resize();
     163           0 :     convFunc.assign(awConvs_p->getConvFunc());
     164             :  
     165           0 :     weightConvFunc_p.resize();
     166           0 :     weightConvFunc_p.assign(awConvs_p->getWeightConvFunc());
     167             :     /*{ 
     168             :       ////TESTOO
     169             :       IPosition elshp = convFunc.shape().getFirst(4);
     170             :       IPosition elblc(5, 0);
     171             :       
     172             :       IPosition eltrc = convFunc.shape()-1;
     173             :       elblc[4] = eltrc[4];
     174             :       CoordinateSystem csysA = iimage.coordinates();
     175             :       Vector<Int> stoks(4);
     176             :       stoks(0) = Stokes::RR;
     177             :       stoks(1) = Stokes::RL;
     178             :       stoks(2) = Stokes::LR;
     179             :       stoks(3) = Stokes::LL;
     180             :       StokesCoordinate stokey(stoks);
     181             :       csysA.replaceCoordinate(stokey, 1);
     182             :       PagedImage<Complex> lastplane(elshp,  csysA,  "COOBOO");
     183             :       lastplane.put(convFunc(elblc,  eltrc).nonDegenerate());
     184             :       PagedImage<Complex> lastplaneW(elshp,  csysA,  "WOOBOO");
     185             :       lastplaneW.put(weightConvFunc_p(elblc,  eltrc).nonDegenerate());
     186             :     //////
     187             :     } */  
     188           0 :     convSizePlanes_p.resize();
     189           0 :     convSizePlanes_p = awConvs_p->getConvSizes();
     190           0 :     convSupportPlanes_p.resize();
     191           0 :     convSupportPlanes_p = awConvs_p->getConvSupports();
     192           0 :     awConvs_p->getConvIndices(convPolMap_p,  convChanMap_p,  convRowMap_p,  vb, rotuvw);
     193             :     //cerr <<  "min max convrowmap " <<  min(convRowMap_p) <<  "  " <<  max(convRowMap_p) <<  " supp " <<   max(convSupportPlanes_p) <<  " csize " << max(convSizePlanes_p) <<  " convchanmap "<< min(convChanMap_p) <<  "    " << max(convChanMap_p) << " convsamp " << convSampling << endl;
     194           0 :     std::vector<Int> pmapused=convPolMap_p.tovector();
     195             :     {
     196           0 :       std::sort(pmapused.begin(),  pmapused.end());
     197           0 :       auto last = std::unique(pmapused.begin(),  pmapused.end());
     198           0 :       pmapused.erase(last,  pmapused.end());
     199             :     }
     200           0 :      std::vector<Int> cmapused=convChanMap_p.tovector();
     201             :     {
     202           0 :       std::sort(cmapused.begin(),  cmapused.end());
     203           0 :       auto last = std::unique(cmapused.begin(),  cmapused.end());
     204           0 :       cmapused.erase(last,  cmapused.end());
     205             :     }
     206           0 :      std::vector<Int> rmapused=abs(convRowMap_p).tovector();
     207             :     {
     208           0 :       std::sort(rmapused.begin(),  rmapused.end());
     209           0 :       auto last = std::unique(rmapused.begin(),  rmapused.end());
     210           0 :       rmapused.erase(last,  rmapused.end());
     211             :     }
     212             :     //cerr << "pmap " << Vector<Int>(pmapused) << " cmp " << Vector<Int>(cmapused) << " rmap " << Vector<Int>(rmapused) << endl;
     213           0 :     pbConvFunc_p->rephaseConvFunc(iimage, vb, convSampling,  convFunc, weightConvFunc_p, pmapused, cmapused, rmapused,  MVDirection(-(movingDirShift_p.getAngle())), fixMovingSource_p);
     214           0 :     convSupport =max(convSupportPlanes_p);
     215           0 :     convSize = max(convSizePlanes_p);
     216             :    
     217             :     
     218           0 :  }
     219             :  
     220             :   /////==============================================
     221             :   //// some fortran defn
     222             : #define NEED_UNDERSCORES
     223             : #if defined(NEED_UNDERSCORES)
     224             : #define sectgmosd3 sectgmosd3_
     225             : #define sectdmos3 sectdmos3_
     226             : #define gmoswgtd2 gmoswgtd2_
     227             : #define locuvw locuvw_
     228             : #endif
     229             : 
     230             : extern "C" { 
     231             :   void locuvw(const Double*, const Double*, const Double*, const Int*, const Double*, const Double*, const Int*, 
     232             :               Int*, Int*, Complex*, const Int*, const Int*, const Double*);
     233             :   void gmoswgtd2(const Int*/*nvispol*/, const Int*/*nvischan*/,
     234             :                 const Int*/*flag*/, const Int*/*rflag*/, const Float*/*weight*/, const Int*/*nrow*/, 
     235             :                 const Int*/*nx*/, const Int*/*ny*/, const Int*/*npol*/, const Int*/*nchan*/, 
     236             :                 const Int*/*support*/, const Int*/*convsize*/, const Int*/*sampling*/, 
     237             :                 const Int*/*chanmap*/, const Int*/*polmap*/,
     238             :                 DComplex* /*weightgrid*/, Double* /*sumwt*/, const Complex*/*convweight*/, const Int*/*convplanemap*/, 
     239             :                 const Int*/*convchanmap*/,  const Int*/*convpolmap*/, 
     240             :                 const Int*/*nconvplane*/, const Int*/*nconvchan*/, const Int*/*nconvpol*/, const Int*/*rbeg*/, 
     241             :                 const Int*/*rend*/, const Int*/*loc*/, const Int*/*off*/, const Complex*/*phasor*/);
     242             : 
     243             : 
     244             :   void sectgmosd3(const Complex* /*values*/,
     245             :                   Int* /*nvispol*/, Int* /*nvischan*/,
     246             :                   Int* /*dopsf*/, const Int* /*flag*/, const Int* /*rflag*/, const Float* /*weight*/,
     247             :                   Int* /* nrow*/, DComplex* /*grid*/, Int* /*nx*/, Int* /*ny*/, Int * /*npol*/, Int * /*nchan  */,
     248             :                   const Int*/*support*/, Int*/*convsize*/, Int*/*sampling*/, const Complex*/*convfunc*/,
     249             :                   const Int*/*chanmap*/, const Int*/*polmap*/,
     250             :                   Double*/*sumwgt*/, const Int*/*convplanemap*/,
     251             :                   const Int*/*convchanmap*/, const Int*/*convpolmap*/, 
     252             :                   Int*/*nconvplane*/, Int*/*nconvchan*/, Int* /*nconvpol*/,
     253             :                   const Int*/*x0*/,const Int*/*y0*/, const Int*/*nxsub*/, const Int*/*nysub*/, const Int*/*rbeg*/, 
     254             :                   const Int* /*rend*/, const Int*/*loc*/, const Int* /*off*/, const Complex*/*phasor*/);     
     255             : 
     256             :   void sectdmos3(Complex*,
     257             :               Int*,
     258             :               Int*,
     259             :               const Int*,
     260             :               const Int*,
     261             :                  Int*,
     262             :               const Complex*,
     263             :               Int*,
     264             :               Int*,
     265             :               Int *,
     266             :                  Int *,
     267             :                  const Int*,    //support
     268             :               Int*,
     269             :               Int*,
     270             :               const Complex*,
     271             :               const Int*,
     272             :               const Int*,
     273             :               const Int*,
     274             :               const  Int*, 
     275             :               const Int*, 
     276             :               Int*, Int*, Int*,
     277             :                  //rbeg
     278             :                  const Int*,
     279             :                  const Int*,
     280             :                  const Int*,
     281             :                  const Int*,
     282             :                  const Complex*);
     283             : 
     284             :              
     285             : 
     286             : }
     287             : 
     288             : 
     289             : 
     290             : 
     291             : 
     292             : 
     293             : 
     294             : 
     295             : 
     296             : 
     297             : 
     298             :   //===================================================
     299             : /*  void AWPLPG::put(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb, Int row, Bool dopsf,
     300             :                    FTMachine::Type type)
     301             : {
     302             : 
     303             : 
     304             :   
     305             :   
     306             :   Timer tim;
     307             :   tim.mark();
     308             :  
     309             :   matchChannel(vb);
     310             :  
     311             : 
     312             :   //cerr << "CHANMAP " << chanMap << endl;
     313             :   //No point in reading data if its not matching in frequency
     314             :   if(max(chanMap)==-1)
     315             :     return;
     316             : 
     317             :   //const Matrix<Float> *imagingweight;
     318             :   //imagingweight=&(vb.imagingWeight());
     319             :   Matrix<Float> imagingweight;
     320             :   getImagingWeight(imagingweight, vb);
     321             : 
     322             :   if(dopsf) type=FTMachine::PSF;
     323             : 
     324             :   Cube<Complex> data;
     325             :   //Fortran gridder need the flag as ints 
     326             :   Cube<Int> flags;
     327             :   Matrix<Float> elWeight;
     328             :   interpolateFrequencyTogrid(vb, imagingweight,data, flags, elWeight, type);
     329             :   
     330             :  
     331             : 
     332             :   Bool iswgtCopy;
     333             :   const Float *wgtStorage;
     334             :   wgtStorage=elWeight.getStorage(iswgtCopy);
     335             : 
     336             : 
     337             :   
     338             : 
     339             :   Bool isCopy;
     340             :   const Complex *datStorage=0;
     341             : 
     342             :   // cerr << "dopsf " << dopsf << " isWeightCopy " << iswgtCopy << "  " << wgtStorage<< endl;
     343             :   if(!dopsf)
     344             :     datStorage=data.getStorage(isCopy);
     345             :     
     346             :   
     347             :   // If row is -1 then we pass through all rows
     348             :   Int startRow, endRow, nRow;
     349             :   if (row==-1) {
     350             :     nRow=vb.nRows();
     351             :     startRow=0;
     352             :     endRow=nRow-1;
     353             :   } else {
     354             :     nRow=1;
     355             :     startRow=row;
     356             :     endRow=row;
     357             :   }
     358             :   
     359             :   // Get the uvws in a form that Fortran can use and do that
     360             :   // necessary phase rotation. 
     361             :   Matrix<Double> uvw(negateUV(vb));
     362             :   Vector<Double> dphase(vb.nRows());
     363             :   dphase=0.0;
     364             :  
     365             :   doUVWRotation_p=true;
     366             :   girarUVW(uvw, dphase, vb);
     367             :   refocus(uvw, vb.antenna1(), vb.antenna2(), dphase, vb);
     368             :   // This needs to be after the interp to get the interpolated channels
     369             :   //Also has to be after rotateuvw in case tracking is on
     370             :   findConvFunction(*image, vb);
     371             :   //cerr << "Put convsup " << convSupport << " max min convFunc " << max(convFunc) << "   " << min(convFunc) << "  "  << max(weightConvFunc_p) << min(weightConvFunc_p)  << "SHP " << convFunc.shape() << "   " << weightConvFunc_p.shape() << endl;
     372             :   //cerr << "convRowMap " << convRowMap_p  << " " << convChanMap_p << "  " << convPolMap_p << endl; 
     373             :   //nothing to grid here as the pointing resulted in a zero support convfunc
     374             :   if(convSupport <= 0)
     375             :     return;
     376             :   
     377             :   // Get the pointing positions. This can easily consume a lot 
     378             :   // of time thus we are for now assuming a field per 
     379             :   // vb chunk...need to change that accordingly if we start using
     380             :   // multiple pointings per vb.
     381             :   //Warning 
     382             : 
     383             :   // Take care of translation of Bools to Integer
     384             :   Int idopsf=0;
     385             :   if(dopsf) idopsf=1;
     386             :   
     387             :   
     388             :   Vector<Int> rowFlags(vb.nRows());
     389             :   rowFlags=0;
     390             :   rowFlags(vb.flagRow())=true;
     391             :   if(!usezero_p) {
     392             :     for (Int rownr=startRow; rownr<=endRow; rownr++) {
     393             :       if(vb.antenna1()(rownr)==vb.antenna2()(rownr)) rowFlags(rownr)=1;
     394             :     }
     395             :   }
     396             :   
     397             :   
     398             : 
     399             :   //cerr << "convSamp " << convSampling << " convsupp " << convSupport << " consize " << convSize << " convFunc " << convFunc.shape() << endl;
     400             :   //TESTOO
     401             : 
     402             :   //TESTOO
     403             :   
     404             :   //Tell the gridder to grid the weights too ...need to do that once only
     405             :   //Int doWeightGridding=1;
     406             :   //if(doneWeightImage_p)
     407             :   //  doWeightGridding=-1;
     408             :   Bool del;
     409             :   //    IPosition s(flags.shape());
     410             :   const IPosition& fs=flags.shape();
     411             :   //cerr << "flags shape " << fs << endl;
     412             :   std::vector<Int>s(fs.begin(), fs.end());
     413             :   Int nvp=s[0];
     414             :   Int nvc=s[1];
     415             :   Int nvisrow=s[2];
     416             :   Int csamp=convSampling;
     417             :   Bool uvwcopy; 
     418             :   const Double *uvwstor=uvw.getStorage(uvwcopy);
     419             :   Bool gridcopy;
     420             :   Bool convcopy;
     421             :   Bool wconvcopy;
     422             :   const Complex *convstor=convFunc.getStorage(convcopy);
     423             :   const Complex *wconvstor=weightConvFunc_p.getStorage(wconvcopy);
     424             :   Int nPolConv=convFunc.shape()[2];
     425             :   Int nChanConv=convFunc.shape()[3];
     426             :   Int nConvFunc=convFunc.shape()(4);
     427             :   Bool weightcopy;
     428             :   ////////
     429             :   Cube<Int> loc(2, nvc, nRow);
     430             :   Cube<Int> off(2, nvc, nRow);
     431             :   Matrix<Complex> phasor(nvc, nRow);
     432             :   Bool delphase;
     433             :   Complex * phasorstor=phasor.getStorage(delphase);
     434             :   const Double * visfreqstor=interpVisFreq_p.getStorage(del);
     435             :   const Double * scalestor=uvScale.getStorage(del);
     436             :   const Double * offsetstor=uvOffset.getStorage(del);
     437             :   Int * locstor=loc.getStorage(del);
     438             :   Int * offstor=off.getStorage(del);
     439             :   const Double *dpstor=dphase.getStorage(del);
     440             :   Int irow;
     441             :   Int nth=1;
     442             : #ifdef _OPENMP
     443             :   if(numthreads_p >0){
     444             :     nth=min(numthreads_p, omp_get_max_threads());
     445             :   }
     446             :   else{   
     447             :     nth= omp_get_max_threads();
     448             :   }
     449             :   //nth=min(4,nth);
     450             : #endif
     451             :   Double cinv=Double(1.0)/C::c;
     452             :  
     453             :   Int dow=0;
     454             : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(irow) firstprivate(visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, phasorstor, uvwstor, locstor, offstor, dpstor, dow, cinv) shared(startRow, endRow) num_threads(nth)  
     455             : {
     456             : #pragma omp for
     457             :   for (irow=startRow; irow<=endRow;irow++){
     458             :  
     459             :     locuvw(uvwstor, dpstor, visfreqstor, &nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, &csamp, locstor, offstor, phasorstor, &irow, &dow, &cinv);
     460             :   }  
     461             : 
     462             :  }//end pragma parallel
     463             : 
     464             : 
     465             :  
     466             :  timemass_p +=tim.real();
     467             :  Int  ixsub, iysub, icounter;
     468             :  ixsub=1;
     469             :  iysub=1;
     470             :   //////@@@@@@@@@@@@@DEBUGGING
     471             :   //nth=1;
     472             :   ////////@@@@@@@@@@@@@
     473             :   if (nth >3){
     474             :     ixsub=8;
     475             :     iysub=8; 
     476             :   }
     477             :   else if(nth >1){
     478             :      ixsub=2;
     479             :      iysub=2; 
     480             :   }
     481             :   Int rbeg=startRow+1;
     482             :   Int rend=endRow+1;
     483             :   Block<Matrix<Double> > sumwgt(ixsub*iysub);
     484             :   Vector<Double *> swgtptr(ixsub*iysub);
     485             :   Vector<Bool> swgtdel(ixsub*iysub);
     486             :   for (icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
     487             :     sumwgt[icounter].resize(sumWeight.shape());
     488             :     sumwgt[icounter].set(0.0);
     489             :     swgtptr[icounter]=sumwgt[icounter].getStorage(swgtdel(icounter));
     490             :   }
     491             :   //cerr << "done thread " << doneThreadPartition_p << "  " << ixsub*iysub << endl;
     492             :    if(doneThreadPartition_p < 0){
     493             :     xsect_p.resize(ixsub*iysub);
     494             :     ysect_p.resize(ixsub*iysub);
     495             :     nxsect_p.resize(ixsub*iysub);
     496             :     nysect_p.resize(ixsub*iysub);
     497             :     for (icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
     498             :       findGridSector(nx, ny, ixsub, iysub, 0, 0, icounter, xsect_p(icounter), ysect_p(icounter), nxsect_p(icounter), nysect_p(icounter), true);
     499             :     }
     500             :   }
     501             :    Vector<Int> xsect, ysect, nxsect, nysect;
     502             :    xsect=xsect_p; ysect=ysect_p; nxsect=nxsect_p; nysect=nysect_p;
     503             :    //cerr << xsect.shape() << "  " << xsect << endl;
     504             :   const Int* pmapstor=polMap.getStorage(del);
     505             :   const Int* cmapstor=chanMap.getStorage(del);
     506             : // Dummy sumwt for gridweight part
     507             :   Matrix<Double> dumSumWeight(npol, nchan);
     508             :   dumSumWeight=sumWeight;
     509             :   Bool isDSWC;
     510             :   Double *dsumwtstor=dumSumWeight.getStorage(isDSWC);
     511             :   Int nc=nchan;
     512             :   Int np=npol;
     513             :   Int nxp=nx;
     514             :   Int nyp=ny;
     515             :   Int csize=convSize;
     516             :   const Int * flagstor=flags.getStorage(del);
     517             :   const Int * rowflagstor=rowFlags.getStorage(del);
     518             :   const Int *convsupportstor=convSupportPlanes_p.getStorage(del);
     519             :   const Int *convrowmapstor=convRowMap_p.getStorage(del);
     520             :   const Int *convchanmapstor=convChanMap_p.getStorage(del);
     521             :   const Int *convpolmapstor=convPolMap_p.getStorage(del);
     522             :   ///
     523             : 
     524             :   
     525             :   ////////
     526             :   tim.mark(); 
     527             : 
     528             :   //  if(useDoubleGrid_p) { //always using double prec here 
     529             :   {
     530             :     DComplex *gridstor=griddedData2.getStorage(gridcopy);
     531             :     
     532             : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(icounter, del) firstprivate(idopsf,  datStorage, wgtStorage, flagstor, rowflagstor, convstor, wconvstor, pmapstor, cmapstor, gridstor,  convsupportstor, nxp, nyp, np, nc,ixsub, iysub, rend, rbeg, csamp, csize, nvp, nvc, nvisrow, phasorstor, locstor, offstor, convrowmapstor, convchanmapstor, convpolmapstor, nPolConv, nChanConv, nConvFunc,xsect, ysect, nxsect, nysect) shared(swgtptr) 
     533             :     {   
     534             : #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)      
     535             :     for(icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
     536             :       Int x0=xsect(icounter);
     537             :       Int y0=ysect(icounter);
     538             :       Int nxsub=nxsect(icounter);
     539             :       Int nysub=nysect(icounter);
     540             :       
     541             : 
     542             :     sectgmosd3(datStorage,
     543             :            &nvp,
     544             :            &nvc,
     545             :            &idopsf,
     546             :            flagstor,
     547             :            rowflagstor,
     548             :            wgtStorage,
     549             :            &nvisrow,
     550             :            gridstor,
     551             :            &nxp,
     552             :            &nyp,
     553             :            &np,
     554             :            &nc,
     555             :            convsupportstor, 
     556             :            &csize,
     557             :            &csamp,
     558             :            convstor,
     559             :            cmapstor,
     560             :            pmapstor,
     561             :            swgtptr[icounter],
     562             :            convrowmapstor,
     563             :            convchanmapstor,
     564             :            convpolmapstor,
     565             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv,
     566             :                &x0, &y0, &nxsub, &nysub, &rbeg, &rend, locstor, offstor,
     567             :                  phasorstor
     568             :                );
     569             :     }
     570             :     }//end pragma parallel
     571             :     for (icounter=0; icounter < ixsub*iysub; ++icounter){
     572             :       sumwgt[icounter].putStorage(swgtptr[icounter],swgtdel[icounter]);
     573             :       sumWeight=sumWeight+sumwgt[icounter];
     574             :     }    
     575             : 
     576             :     //cerr << "SUMWEIG " << sumWeight << endl;
     577             :     griddedData2.putStorage(gridstor, gridcopy);
     578             :     if(dopsf && (nth >4))
     579             :       tweakGridSector(nx, ny, ixsub, iysub);
     580             :     timegrid_p+=tim.real();
     581             :     tim.mark();
     582             :     if(!doneWeightImage_p){
     583             :       //This can be parallelized by making copy of the central part of the griddedWeight
     584             :       //and adding it after dooing the gridding
     585             :       DComplex *gridwgtstor=griddedWeight2.getStorage(weightcopy);
     586             :       gmoswgtd2(&nvp, &nvc,flagstor, rowflagstor, wgtStorage, &nvisrow, 
     587             :                &nxp, &nyp, &np, &nc, convsupportstor, &csize, &csamp, 
     588             :                cmapstor, pmapstor,
     589             :                gridwgtstor, dsumwtstor, wconvstor, convrowmapstor, 
     590             :                convchanmapstor,  convpolmapstor, 
     591             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv, &rbeg, 
     592             :                &rend, locstor, offstor, phasorstor);
     593             :       griddedWeight2.putStorage(gridwgtstor, weightcopy);
     594             :     
     595             :     }
     596             :     timemass_p+=tim.real();
     597             :   }
     598             : 
     599             :   convFunc.freeStorage(convstor, convcopy);
     600             :   weightConvFunc_p.freeStorage(wconvstor, wconvcopy);
     601             :   dumSumWeight.putStorage(dsumwtstor, isDSWC);
     602             :   //cerr << "dumSumwe " << dumSumWeight << endl;
     603             :   uvw.freeStorage(uvwstor, uvwcopy);
     604             :   if(!dopsf)
     605             :     data.freeStorage(datStorage, isCopy);
     606             : 
     607             :   elWeight.freeStorage(wgtStorage,iswgtCopy);
     608             :   
     609             : 
     610             : 
     611             : 
     612             : }
     613             : */
     614             : 
     615             : 
     616             : /*
     617             : void AWPLPG::gridImgWeights(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb){
     618             : 
     619             :   if(doneWeightImage_p)
     620             :     return;
     621             :   matchChannel(vb);
     622             :  
     623             :   
     624             :   //cerr << "CHANMAP " << chanMap << endl;
     625             :   //No point in reading data if its not matching in frequency
     626             :   if(max(chanMap)==-1)
     627             :     return;
     628             : 
     629             :   Int startRow, endRow, nRow;
     630             :   nRow=vb.nRows();
     631             :   startRow=0;
     632             :   endRow=nRow-1;
     633             :   
     634             :   
     635             :   //const Matrix<Float> *imagingweight;
     636             :   //imagingweight=&(vb.imagingWeight());
     637             :   Matrix<Float> imagingweight;
     638             :   getImagingWeight(imagingweight, vb);
     639             : 
     640             : 
     641             :   Cube<Complex> data;
     642             :   //Fortran gridder need the flag as ints 
     643             :   Cube<Int> flags;
     644             :   Matrix<Float> elWeight;
     645             :   interpolateFrequencyTogrid(vb, imagingweight,data, flags, elWeight, FTMachine::PSF);
     646             :   
     647             :  
     648             : 
     649             :   Bool iswgtCopy;
     650             :   const Float *wgtStorage;
     651             :   wgtStorage=elWeight.getStorage(iswgtCopy);
     652             :   Bool issumWgtCopy;
     653             :   Double* sumwgtstor=sumWeight.getStorage(issumWgtCopy);
     654             : 
     655             :   
     656             :  
     657             :   // Get the uvws in a form that Fortran can use and do that
     658             :   // necessary phase rotation. 
     659             :   Matrix<Double> uvw(negateUV(vb));
     660             :   Vector<Double> dphase(vb.nRows());
     661             :   dphase=0.0;
     662             :  
     663             :   doUVWRotation_p=true;
     664             :   girarUVW(uvw, dphase, vb);
     665             :   refocus(uvw, vb.antenna1(), vb.antenna2(), dphase, vb);
     666             :   // This needs to be after the interp to get the interpolated channels
     667             :   //Also has to be after rotateuvw in case tracking is on
     668             :   findConvFunction(*image, vb);
     669             :   //nothing to grid here as the pointing resulted in a zero support convfunc
     670             :   if(convSupport <= 0)
     671             :     return;
     672             :   
     673             :   Bool del;
     674             :   
     675             :   const Int* pmapstor=polMap.getStorage(del);
     676             :   const Int* cmapstor=chanMap.getStorage(del);
     677             :   
     678             :   Vector<Int> rowFlags(vb.nRows());
     679             :   rowFlags=0;
     680             :   rowFlags(vb.flagRow())=true;
     681             :   if(!usezero_p) {
     682             :     for (uInt rownr=0; rownr< vb.nRows(); rownr++) {
     683             :       if(vb.antenna1()(rownr)==vb.antenna2()(rownr)) rowFlags(rownr)=1;
     684             :     }
     685             :   }
     686             : 
     687             :   //Fortran indexing
     688             :   
     689             :   Int rbeg=1;
     690             :   Int rend=vb.nRows();
     691             : 
     692             :   const Int * flagstor=flags.getStorage(del);
     693             :   const Int * rowflagstor=rowFlags.getStorage(del);
     694             : 
     695             :   const Int *convrowmapstor=convRowMap_p.getStorage(del);
     696             :   const Int *convchanmapstor=convChanMap_p.getStorage(del);
     697             :   const Int *convpolmapstor=convPolMap_p.getStorage(del);
     698             :   const Int *convsupportstor=convSupportPlanes_p.getStorage(del);
     699             :   //Tell the gridder to grid the weights too ...need to do that once only
     700             :   //Int doWeightGridding=1;
     701             :   //if(doneWeightImage_p)
     702             :   //  doWeightGridding=-1;
     703             :   //    IPosition s(flags.shape());
     704             :   const IPosition& fs=flags.shape();
     705             :   //cerr << "flags shape " << fs << endl;
     706             :   std::vector<Int>s(fs.begin(), fs.end());
     707             :   Int nvp=s[0];
     708             :   Int nvc=s[1];
     709             :   Int nvisrow=s[2];
     710             :   Int csamp=convSampling;
     711             :   Bool uvwcopy; 
     712             :   const Double *uvwstor=uvw.getStorage(uvwcopy);
     713             :   Bool gridcopy;
     714             :   Bool convcopy;
     715             :   Bool wconvcopy;
     716             :   const Complex *wconvstor=weightConvFunc_p.getStorage(wconvcopy);
     717             :   Int nPolConv=convFunc.shape()[2];
     718             :   Int nChanConv=convFunc.shape()[3];
     719             :   Int nConvFunc=convFunc.shape()(4);
     720             :   Bool weightcopy;
     721             :   ////////@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
     722             :   Cube<Int> loc(2, nvc, vb.nRows());
     723             :   Cube<Int> off(2, nvc, vb.nRows());
     724             :   Matrix<Complex> phasor(nvc, vb.nRows());
     725             :   Bool delphase;
     726             :   Complex * phasorstor=phasor.getStorage(delphase);
     727             :   const Double * visfreqstor=interpVisFreq_p.getStorage(del);
     728             :   const Double * scalestor=uvScale.getStorage(del);
     729             :   const Double * offsetstor=uvOffset.getStorage(del);
     730             :   Int * locstor=loc.getStorage(del);
     731             :   Int * offstor=off.getStorage(del);
     732             :   const Double *dpstor=dphase.getStorage(del);
     733             : 
     734             :   Int irow;
     735             :   Int nth=1;
     736             : #ifdef _OPENMP
     737             :   if(numthreads_p >0){
     738             :     nth=min(numthreads_p, omp_get_max_threads());
     739             :   }
     740             :   else{   
     741             :     nth= omp_get_max_threads();
     742             :   }
     743             :   //nth=min(4,nth);
     744             : #endif
     745             : 
     746             :   Double cinv=Double(1.0)/C::c;
     747             :  
     748             :   Int dow=0;
     749             : 
     750             : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(irow) firstprivate(visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, phasorstor, uvwstor, locstor, offstor, dpstor, dow, cinv) shared(startRow, endRow) num_threads(nth)  
     751             : {
     752             : #pragma omp for
     753             :   for (irow=startRow; irow<=endRow;irow++){
     754             :     
     755             :     locuvw(uvwstor, dpstor, visfreqstor, &nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, &csamp, locstor, offstor, phasorstor, &irow, &dow, &cinv);
     756             :   }  
     757             : 
     758             :  }//end pragma parallel
     759             : 
     760             : 
     761             : 
     762             : //always using double prec in this gridder
     763             : //  if(useDoubleGrid_p) {
     764             :  {
     765             :       //This can be parallelized by making copy of the central part of the griddedWeight
     766             :       //and adding it after dooing the gridding
     767             :       DComplex *gridwgtstor=griddedWeight2.getStorage(weightcopy);
     768             :       gmoswgtd2(&nvp, &nvc,flagstor, rowflagstor, wgtStorage, &nvisrow, 
     769             :                &nx, &ny, &npol, &nchan, convsupportstor, &convSize, &convSampling, 
     770             :                cmapstor, pmapstor,
     771             :                gridwgtstor, sumwgtstor, wconvstor, convrowmapstor, 
     772             :                convchanmapstor,  convpolmapstor, 
     773             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv, &rbeg, 
     774             :                &rend, locstor, offstor, phasorstor);
     775             :       griddedWeight2.putStorage(gridwgtstor, weightcopy);
     776             :     
     777             :     
     778             : 
     779             : 
     780             : 
     781             :   }
     782             : 
     783             :   sumWeight.putStorage(sumwgtstor, issumWgtCopy); 
     784             :   elWeight.freeStorage(wgtStorage,iswgtCopy);
     785             :     
     786             : }
     787             : */
     788             : /*
     789             : void AWPLPG::get(vi::VisBuffer2& vb, Int row)
     790             : {
     791             :   
     792             : 
     793             :   
     794             :   // If row is -1 then we pass through all rows
     795             :   Int startRow, endRow, nRow;
     796             :   if (row==-1) {
     797             :     nRow=vb.nRows();
     798             :     startRow=0;
     799             :     endRow=nRow-1;
     800             :     //  vb.modelVisCube()=Complex(0.0,0.0);
     801             :   } else {
     802             :     nRow=1;
     803             :     startRow=row;
     804             :     endRow=row;
     805             :     //  vb.modelVisCube().xyPlane(row)=Complex(0.0,0.0);
     806             :   }
     807             :   
     808             : 
     809             :  
     810             : 
     811             :   matchChannel(vb);
     812             :  
     813             :   //No point in reading data if its not matching in frequency
     814             :   if(max(chanMap)==-1)
     815             :     return;
     816             : 
     817             :   // Get the uvws in a form that Fortran can use
     818             :   Matrix<Double> uvw(negateUV(vb));
     819             :   Vector<Double> dphase(vb.nRows());
     820             :   dphase=0.0;
     821             :  
     822             :   doUVWRotation_p=true;
     823             :   girarUVW(uvw, dphase, vb);
     824             :   refocus(uvw, vb.antenna1(), vb.antenna2(), dphase, vb);
     825             :   
     826             :   
     827             :   
     828             :  
     829             :   Cube<Complex> data;
     830             :   Cube<Int> flags;
     831             :   getInterpolateArrays(vb, data, flags);
     832             :   
     833             :   //Need to get interpolated freqs
     834             :   findConvFunction(*image, vb);
     835             : 
     836             :   // no valid pointing in this buffer
     837             :   if(convSupport <= 0)
     838             :     return;
     839             :   Complex *datStorage;
     840             :   Bool isCopy;
     841             :   datStorage=data.getStorage(isCopy);
     842             :   
     843             : 
     844             :   Vector<Int> rowFlags(vb.nRows());
     845             :   rowFlags=0;
     846             :   rowFlags(vb.flagRow())=true;
     847             :   if(!usezero_p) {
     848             :     for (Int rownr=startRow; rownr<=endRow; rownr++) {
     849             :       if(vb.antenna1()(rownr)==vb.antenna2()(rownr)) rowFlags(rownr)=1;
     850             :     }
     851             :   }
     852             :   Int nvp=data.shape()[0];
     853             :   Int nvc=data.shape()[1];
     854             :   Int nvisrow=data.shape()[2];
     855             :   Int csamp=convSampling;
     856             :   Int csize=convSize;
     857             :   //Int csupp=convSupport;
     858             :   Int nc=nchan;
     859             :   Int np=npol;
     860             :   Int nxp=nx;
     861             :   Int nyp=ny;
     862             :   Bool uvwcopy; 
     863             :   const Double *uvwstor=uvw.getStorage(uvwcopy);
     864             :   Int nPolConv=convFunc.shape()[2];
     865             :   Int nChanConv=convFunc.shape()[3];
     866             :   Int nConvFunc=convFunc.shape()(4);
     867             :   ////////@@@@@@@@@
     868             :   Cube<Int> loc(2, nvc, nRow);
     869             :   Cube<Int> off(2, nvc, nRow);
     870             :   Matrix<Complex> phasor(nvc, nRow);
     871             :   Bool delphase;
     872             :   Bool del;
     873             :   const Int* pmapstor=polMap.getStorage(del);
     874             :   const Int* cmapstor=chanMap.getStorage(del);
     875             :   Complex * phasorstor=phasor.getStorage(delphase);
     876             :   const Double * visfreqstor=interpVisFreq_p.getStorage(del);
     877             :   const Double * scalestor=uvScale.getStorage(del);
     878             :   const Double * offsetstor=uvOffset.getStorage(del);
     879             :   const Int * flagstor=flags.getStorage(del);
     880             :   const Int * rowflagstor=rowFlags.getStorage(del);
     881             :   Int * locstor=loc.getStorage(del);
     882             :   Int * offstor=off.getStorage(del);
     883             :   const Double *dpstor=dphase.getStorage(del);
     884             :   const Int *convrowmapstor=convRowMap_p.getStorage(del);
     885             :   const Int *convchanmapstor=convChanMap_p.getStorage(del);
     886             :   const Int *convpolmapstor=convPolMap_p.getStorage(del);
     887             :   const Int *convsupportstor=convSupportPlanes_p.getStorage(del);
     888             :   ////////@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
     889             : 
     890             :   Int irow;
     891             :   Int nth=1;
     892             :  #ifdef _OPENMP
     893             :   if(numthreads_p >0){
     894             :     nth=min(numthreads_p, omp_get_max_threads());
     895             :   }
     896             :   else{   
     897             :     nth= omp_get_max_threads();
     898             :   }
     899             :   //nth=min(4,nth);
     900             : #endif
     901             :  
     902             :   Timer tim;
     903             :   tim.mark();
     904             : 
     905             :    Int dow=0;
     906             :    Double cinv=Double(1.0)/C::c;
     907             : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(irow) firstprivate(visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, phasorstor, uvwstor, locstor, offstor, dpstor, dow, cinv) shared(startRow, endRow) num_threads(nth)  
     908             : {
     909             : #pragma omp for
     910             :   for (irow=startRow; irow<=endRow;irow++){
     911             :     /////////////////locateuvw(uvwstor,dpstor, visfreqstor, nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, csamp, 
     912             :     //    locstor, 
     913             :                 ///////////           offstor, phasorstor, irow, false);
     914             :     //using the fortran version which is significantly faster ...this can account for 10% less overall degridding time
     915             :     locuvw(uvwstor, dpstor, visfreqstor, &nvc, scalestor, offsetstor, &csamp, locstor, 
     916             :            offstor, phasorstor, &irow, &dow, &cinv);
     917             :   }  
     918             : 
     919             :  }//end pragma parallel
     920             :  Int rbeg=startRow+1;
     921             :  Int rend=endRow+1;
     922             :  Int npart=nth;
     923             :  
     924             :  Bool gridcopy;
     925             :  const Complex *gridstor=griddedData.getStorage(gridcopy);
     926             :  Bool convcopy;
     927             :  ////Degridding needs the conjugate ...doing it here
     928             :  Array<Complex> conjConvFunc=conj(convFunc);
     929             :  const Complex *convstor=conjConvFunc.getStorage(convcopy);
     930             :   Int ix=0;
     931             : #pragma omp parallel default(none) private(ix, rbeg, rend) firstprivate(uvwstor, datStorage, flagstor, rowflagstor, convstor, pmapstor, cmapstor, gridstor, nxp, nyp, np, nc, csamp, csize, convsupportstor, nvp, nvc, nvisrow, phasorstor, locstor, offstor, nPolConv, nChanConv, nConvFunc, convrowmapstor, convpolmapstor, convchanmapstor, npart)  num_threads(npart)
     932             :   {
     933             :     #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic) 
     934             :     for (ix=0; ix< npart; ++ix){
     935             :       rbeg=ix*(nvisrow/npart)+1;
     936             :       rend=(ix != (npart-1)) ? (rbeg+(nvisrow/npart)-1) : (rbeg+(nvisrow/npart)-1+nvisrow%npart) ;
     937             :       //cerr << "maps "  << convChanMap_p << "   " << chanMap  << endl;
     938             :       //cerr << "nchan " << nchan << "  nchanconv " << nChanConv << " npolconv " << nPolConv << " nRowConv " << nConvFunc << endl;
     939             :      sectdmos3(
     940             :                datStorage,
     941             :                &nvp,
     942             :                &nvc,
     943             :                flagstor,
     944             :                rowflagstor,
     945             :                &nvisrow,
     946             :                gridstor,
     947             :                &nxp,
     948             :                &nyp,
     949             :                &np,
     950             :                &nc,
     951             :                convsupportstor,
     952             :                &csize,   
     953             :                &csamp,
     954             :                convstor,
     955             :                cmapstor,
     956             :                pmapstor,
     957             :                convrowmapstor, convchanmapstor,
     958             :                convpolmapstor,
     959             :                &nConvFunc, &nChanConv, &nPolConv,
     960             :                &rbeg, &rend, locstor, offstor, phasorstor
     961             :                );
     962             : 
     963             : 
     964             :     }
     965             :   }//end pragma omp
     966             : 
     967             : 
     968             :   data.putStorage(datStorage, isCopy);
     969             :   griddedData.freeStorage(gridstor, gridcopy);
     970             :   convFunc.freeStorage(convstor, convcopy);
     971             :   
     972             :    timedegrid_p+=tim.real();
     973             : 
     974             :   interpolateFrequencyFromgrid(vb, data, FTMachine::MODEL);
     975             : }
     976             : */
     977             : 
     978             :   } // REFIM ends
     979             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END

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