LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/TransformMachines2 - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 637 1103 57.8 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 15 30 50.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // -*- C++ -*-
       2             : //# Implementation of the AWConvFunc class
       3             : //# Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       4             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       5             : //#
       6             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       7             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       8             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       9             : //# option) any later version.
      10             : //#
      11             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      12             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      13             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      14             : //# License for more details.
      15             : //#
      16             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      17             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      18             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      19             : //#
      20             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      21             : //#        Internet email:
      22             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      23             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      24             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      25             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      26             : //#
      27             : //# $Id$
      28             : //
      29             : 
      30             : 
      31             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/AWConvFunc.h>
      32             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/AWProjectFT.h>
      33             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SynthesisError.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageInterface.h>
      35             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/Utils.h>
      36             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/BeamCalc.h>
      37             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/CFStore.h>
      38             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/CFStore2.h>
      39             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/VB2CFBMap.h>
      40             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/PSTerm.h>
      41             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/WTerm.h>
      42             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/ATerm.h>
      43             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/VLACalcIlluminationConvFunc.h>
      44             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/ConvolutionFunction.h>
      45             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/PolOuterProduct.h>
      46             : 
      47             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/EVLAAperture.h>
      48             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/WPConvFunc.h>
      49             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/DirectionCoordinate.h>
      50             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/LinearCoordinate.h>
      51             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/SpectralCoordinate.h>
      52             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/StokesCoordinate.h>
      53             : #include <casacore/casa/System/ProgressMeter.h>
      54             : #include <casacore/lattices/LatticeMath/LatticeFFT.h>
      55             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/CompositeNumber.h>
      56             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Directory.h>
      57             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Timer.h>
      58             : #include <ostream>
      59             : #ifdef _OPENMP
      60             : #include <omp.h>
      61             : #endif
      62             : 
      63             : #define MAX_FREQ 1e30
      64             : 
      65             : using namespace casacore;
      66             : namespace casa{
      67             :   namespace refim{
      68             : using namespace casacore;
      69             : using namespace casa::vi;
      70             : 
      71         135 : AWConvFunc::AWConvFunc(const casacore::CountedPtr<ATerm> aTerm,
      72             :                          const casacore::CountedPtr<PSTerm> psTerm,
      73             :                          const casacore::CountedPtr<WTerm> wTerm,
      74             :                          const casacore::Bool wbAWP,
      75         135 :                          const casacore::Bool conjPB):
      76         270 :     ConvolutionFunction(),aTerm_p(aTerm),psTerm_p(psTerm), wTerm_p(wTerm), pixFieldGrad_p(), 
      77         405 :     wbAWP_p(wbAWP), conjPB_p(conjPB), baseCFB_p(), atermMaker_p(nullptr), wtermMaker_p(nullptr)
      78             :   {
      79         135 :     if (psTerm->isNoOp() && aTerm->isNoOp())
      80             :       {
      81           0 :         LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc", "AWConvFunc"));
      82           0 :         log_l << "Both, psterm and aterm cannot be set to NoOp. " << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
      83           0 :       }
      84         135 :     if (wbAWP && aTerm->isNoOp())
      85             :       {
      86             :         //log_l << "wbawp=True is ineffective when aterm is OFF.  Setting wbawp to False." << LogIO::NORMAL1;
      87           0 :         wbAWP_p=false;
      88             :       }
      89             :     
      90         135 :     pixFieldGrad_p.resize(2);pixFieldGrad_p(0)=0.0; pixFieldGrad_p(1)=0.0;
      91         135 :   }
      92             : 
      93           0 :   AWConvFunc::AWConvFunc(std::shared_ptr<EVLAAperture> aterm, std::shared_ptr<WPConvFunc> wterm){
      94           0 :           atermMaker_p=aterm;
      95           0 :           wtermMaker_p=wterm;
      96             :           
      97             :           
      98           0 :   }
      99             :   
     100             :   
     101             :   //
     102             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     103             :   //
     104           0 :   AWConvFunc& AWConvFunc::operator=(const AWConvFunc& other)
     105             :   {
     106           0 :     if(this!=&other) 
     107             :       {
     108           0 :         aTerm_p = other.aTerm_p;
     109           0 :         psTerm_p = other.psTerm_p;
     110           0 :         wTerm_p = other.wTerm_p;
     111           0 :         atermMaker_p=other.atermMaker_p;
     112           0 :         wtermMaker_p=other.wtermMaker_p;
     113             :           
     114             :       }
     115           0 :     return *this;
     116             : 
     117             :   }
     118             :   //
     119             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     120             :   //
     121           0 :   void AWConvFunc::makePBSq(ImageInterface<Complex>& PB)
     122             :   {
     123           0 :     IPosition pbShape=PB.shape();
     124           0 :     IPosition cursorShape(4, pbShape(0), pbShape(1), 1, 1), axisPath(4,0,1,2,3);
     125           0 :     Array<Complex> buf; PB.get(buf,false);
     126           0 :     ArrayLattice<Complex> lat(buf, true);
     127           0 :     LatticeStepper latStepper(lat.shape(), cursorShape,axisPath);
     128           0 :     LatticeIterator<Complex> latIter(lat, latStepper);
     129             :     
     130           0 :     IPosition start0(4,0,0,0,0), start1(4,0,0,1,0), length(4, pbShape(0), pbShape(1),1,1);
     131           0 :     Slicer slicePol0(start0, length), slicePol1(start1, length);
     132           0 :     if (pbShape(2) > 1)
     133             :       {
     134           0 :         Array<Complex> pol0, pol1,tmp;
     135             : 
     136           0 :         lat.getSlice(pol0, slicePol0);
     137           0 :         lat.getSlice(pol1, slicePol1);
     138           0 :         tmp = pol0;
     139           0 :         pol0 = pol0*conj(pol1);
     140           0 :         pol1 = tmp*conj(pol1);
     141           0 :         lat.putSlice(pol0,start0);
     142           0 :         lat.putSlice(pol1,start1);
     143           0 :       }
     144             :     else
     145             :       {
     146             :         // Array<Complex> pol0;
     147             :         // lat.getSlice(pol0,slicePol0);
     148             :         // pol0 = pol0*conj(pol0);
     149           0 :         buf = buf * conj(buf);
     150             :       }
     151           0 :   }
     152             :   //
     153             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     154             :   //
     155         118 :   void AWConvFunc::makeConjPolAxis(CoordinateSystem& cs,
     156             :                                    Int conjStokes_in)
     157             :   {
     158             :     //LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "makeConjPolAxis[R&D]"));
     159         118 :     IPosition dummy;
     160         118 :     Vector<String> csList;
     161         118 :     Vector<Int> stokes, conjStokes;
     162             : 
     163             :     // cout << "CoordSys: ";
     164             :     // csList = cs.list(log_l,MDoppler::RADIO,dummy,dummy);
     165             :     // cout << csList << endl;
     166         118 :     Int stokesIndex=cs.findCoordinate(Coordinate::STOKES);
     167         118 :     StokesCoordinate sc=cs.stokesCoordinate(stokesIndex);
     168             : 
     169         118 :     if (conjStokes_in == -1)
     170             :       {
     171          76 :         stokes=sc.stokes();
     172          76 :         conjStokes.resize(stokes.shape());
     173         152 :         for (uInt i=0; i<stokes.nelements(); i++)
     174             :           {
     175          76 :             if (stokes(i) == Stokes::RR) conjStokes(i) = Stokes::LL;
     176          76 :             if (stokes(i) == Stokes::LL) conjStokes(i) = Stokes::RR;
     177          76 :             if (stokes(i) == Stokes::LR) conjStokes(i) = Stokes::RL;
     178          76 :             if (stokes(i) == Stokes::RL) conjStokes(i) = Stokes::LR;
     179             : 
     180          76 :             if (stokes(i) == Stokes::XX) conjStokes(i) = Stokes::YY;
     181          76 :             if (stokes(i) == Stokes::YY) conjStokes(i) = Stokes::XX;
     182          76 :             if (stokes(i) == Stokes::YX) conjStokes(i) = Stokes::XY;
     183          76 :             if (stokes(i) == Stokes::XY) conjStokes(i) = Stokes::YX;
     184             :           }
     185             :       }
     186             :     else
     187             :       {
     188          42 :         conjStokes.resize(1);
     189          42 :         conjStokes[0]=conjStokes_in;
     190             :       }
     191         118 :     sc.setStokes(conjStokes);
     192         118 :     cs.replaceCoordinate(sc,stokesIndex);
     193         118 :   }
     194             :   //
     195             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     196             :   //
     197          14 :   void AWConvFunc::fillConvFuncBuffer(CFBuffer& cfb, CFBuffer& cfWtb,
     198             :                                       const Int&,// skyNX,
     199             :                                       const Int&,// skyNY,
     200             :                                       const Vector<Double>&,// skyIncr,
     201             :                                       const Int& nx, const Int& ny, 
     202             :                                       const Vector<Double>& freqValues,
     203             :                                       const Vector<Double>& wValues,
     204             :                                       const Double& wScale,
     205             :                                       const Double& vbPA, const Double& freqHi,
     206             :                                       const PolMapType& muellerElements,
     207             :                                       const PolMapType& muellerElementsIndex,
     208             :                                       const VisBuffer2& vb, 
     209             :                                       const Float& psScale,
     210             :                                       PSTerm& psTerm, WTerm& wTerm, ATerm& aTerm,
     211             :                                       Bool isDryRun)
     212             :   {
     213             :     // Unused variable from the dark-ages era interface that should ultimately go.
     214             :     (void)psScale;
     215             :     (void)muellerElementsIndex;
     216             :     (void)freqHi;
     217             :     //    Int ttt=0;
     218          14 :     Complex cfNorm, cfWtNorm;
     219             :     //Double vbPA = getPA(vb);
     220          14 :     Complex cpeak,wtcpeak;
     221          14 :     aTerm.cacheVBInfo(vb);
     222          14 :     Int totalCFs=muellerElements.shape().product()*freqValues.shape().product()*wValues.shape().product()*2,
     223          14 :       cfsDone=0;
     224             :   
     225          28 :     ProgressMeter pm(1.0, Double(totalCFs), "fillCF", "","","",true);
     226             : 
     227          42 :     for (uInt imx=0;imx<muellerElements.nelements();imx++) // Loop over all MuellerElements
     228          56 :       for (uInt imy=0;imy<muellerElements(imx).nelements();imy++)
     229             :         {
     230             :           {
     231         104 :             for (uInt inu=0;inu<freqValues.nelements();inu++) // All freq. channels
     232             :               {
     233             :                 Float sampling, samplingWt;
     234             :                 Int xSupport, ySupport, xSupportWt, ySupportWt;
     235          76 :                 CoordinateSystem cs_l;
     236          76 :                 String bandName;
     237             :                 // Extract the parameters index by (MuellerElement, Freq, W)
     238          76 :                 cfWtb.getParams(cs_l, samplingWt, xSupportWt, ySupportWt, bandName,
     239          76 :                                 freqValues(inu), 
     240             :                                 //                              wValues(iw), 
     241          76 :                                 wValues(0), 
     242          76 :                                 muellerElements(imx)(imy));
     243          76 :                 cfb.getParams(cs_l, sampling, xSupport, ySupport, bandName,
     244          76 :                               freqValues(inu), 
     245          76 :                               wValues(0), 
     246          76 :                               muellerElements(imx)(imy));
     247          76 :                 aTerm.setBandName(bandName);
     248             : 
     249             :                 // {
     250             :                 //   Double lambdaByD = 1.22*C::c/freqValues(inu)/25.0;
     251             :                 //   Double FoV_x = fabs(skyNX*skyIncr(0));
     252             :                 //   Double FoV_y = fabs(skyNY*skyIncr(1));
     253             :                 //   Vector<Double> uvScale_l(3);
     254             :                 //   uvScale_l(0) = (FoV_x < lambdaByD) ? FoV_x : lambdaByD;
     255             :                 //   uvScale_l(1) = (FoV_y < lambdaByD) ? FoV_y : lambdaByD;
     256             :                 //   uvScale_l(2) = 0.0;
     257             : 
     258             :                 //   //Hints that only uvScale needs to be updated in PSTerm.
     259             :                 //   IPosition dummy; 
     260             :                 //   Vector<Double> dummyoffset;
     261             :                 //   Double pss = -1;
     262             :                 //   // << "############ " << freqValues(inu) << " " << skyIncr << skyNX << " " << uvScale_l << endl;
     263             :                 //   psTerm.reinit(dummy, uvScale_l, dummyoffset,pss);
     264             :                 // }
     265             :                 
     266             :                 
     267          76 :                 IPosition pbshp(4,nx, ny,1,1);
     268             :                 // Set the shape to 2x2 pixel images for dry gridding
     269          76 :                 if (isDryRun) pbshp[0]=pbshp[1]=2;
     270             : 
     271             :                 //
     272             :                 // Cache the A-Term for this polarization and frequency
     273             :                 //
     274          76 :                 Double conjFreq=SynthesisUtils::conjFreq(freqValues(inu),imRefFreq_p);
     275             :                 Int conjFreqIndex;
     276          76 :                 conjFreq=SynthesisUtils::nearestValue(freqValues, conjFreq, conjFreqIndex);
     277             : 
     278             : //              cout<<"Muller Array = "<<muellerElements(imx)(imy)<<"\n" ;
     279             :                 // USEFUL DEBUG MESSAGE
     280             : //               cerr << "Freq. values: " 
     281             : //                    << freqValues(inu) << " " 
     282             : //                    << imRefFreq_p << " " 
     283             : //                    << conjFreq << " " 
     284             : //                    << endl;
     285             : 
     286          76 :                 CoordinateSystem conjPolCS_l=cs_l;  AWConvFunc::makeConjPolAxis(conjPolCS_l);
     287         152 :                 TempImage<Complex> ftATerm_l(pbshp, cs_l), ftATermSq_l(pbshp,conjPolCS_l);
     288             :                 Int index;
     289          76 :                 Vector<Int> conjPol;
     290          76 :                 index = conjPolCS_l.findCoordinate(Coordinate::STOKES);
     291          76 :                 conjPol = conjPolCS_l.stokesCoordinate(index).stokes();
     292             :                 //cerr << "ConjPol = " << conjPol << endl;
     293             : 
     294             :                 // {
     295             :                 //   // Vector<Double> chanFreq = vb.frequency();
     296             :                 //   CoordinateSystem skyCS(ftATerm_l.coordinates());
     297             :                 //   Int index = skyCS.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
     298             :                 //   SpectralCoordinate SpC = skyCS.spectralCoordinate(index);
     299             :                 //   Vector<Double> refVal = SpC.referenceValue();
     300             :                   
     301             :                 //   Double ff = refVal[0];
     302             :                 //   cerr << "Freq, ConjFreq: " << freqValues(inu) << " " << conjFreq << " " << ff << endl;
     303             :                 // }
     304             : 
     305             : 
     306          76 :                 Bool doSquint=true; 
     307             :                 //              Bool doSquint=false; Complex tt;
     308          76 :                 ftATerm_l.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));   ftATermSq_l.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));
     309             : 
     310          76 :                 Int me=muellerElements(imx)(imy);
     311          76 :                 if (!isDryRun)
     312             :                   {
     313          34 :                     aTerm.applySky(ftATerm_l, vb, doSquint, 0, me, freqValues(inu));//freqHi);
     314             :                     // {
     315             :                     //   ostringstream name;
     316             :                     //   name << "ftATerm" << "_" << inu << "_" << muellerElements(imx)(imy) <<".im";
     317             :                     //   storeImg(name,ftATerm_l);
     318             :                     // }
     319             :                     //tt=max(ftATerm_l.get()); ftATerm_l.put(ftATerm_l.get()/tt);
     320          34 :                     if (conjPB_p) aTerm.applySky(ftATermSq_l, vb, doSquint, 0,me,conjFreq);
     321           8 :                     else aTerm.applySky(ftATermSq_l, vb, doSquint, 0,me,freqValues(inu));
     322             :                    
     323             :                   }
     324             : 
     325             :                 //tt=max(ftATermSq_l.get()); ftATermSq_l.put(abs(ftATermSq_l.get()/tt));
     326             : 
     327             :                 //{
     328             :                 //   ostringstream name;
     329             :                 //   name << "ftTermSq" << "_" << muellerElements(imx)(imy) <<".im";
     330             :                 //   storeImg(name,ftATermSq_l);
     331             :                 //}
     332             :                 // TempImage<Complex> ftATermSq_l(pbshp,cs_l);
     333             :                 // ftATermSq_l.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));
     334             :                 // aTerm.applySky(ftATermSq_l, vb, false, 0);
     335             :                 // tt=max(ftATermSq_l.get());
     336             :                 // ftATermSq_l.put(ftATermSq_l.get()/tt);
     337             : 
     338          76 :                 Int directionIndex=cs_l.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
     339          76 :                 DirectionCoordinate dc=cs_l.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
     340          76 :                 Vector<Double> cellSize;
     341          76 :                 cellSize = dc.increment();
     342             : 
     343             :                 //
     344             :                 // Now compute the PS x W-Term and apply the cached
     345             :                 // A-Term to build the full CF.
     346             :                 //
     347         182 :                 for (uInt iw=0;iw<wValues.nelements();iw++)     // All w-planes
     348             :                   {
     349         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     350             :                       {
     351         128 :                         LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "fillConvFuncBuffer[R&D]"));
     352             : 
     353             :                         log_l << " CF("
     354          64 :                               << "M:"<<muellerElements(imx)(imy) 
     355             :                               << ",C:" << inu 
     356         128 :                               << ",W:" << iw << "): ";
     357          64 :                       }
     358             :                     // {
     359             :                     //   CountedPtr<CFCell> thisCell=cfb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), muellerElements(imx)(imy));
     360             :                     //   thisCell->conjFreq_p = conjFreq;
     361             :                     //   cerr << "ConjFreq: " << thisCell->conjFreq_p << " " << inu << " " << iw << " " << muellerElements(imx)(imy) << endl;
     362             :                     // }
     363             : 
     364         106 :                     Array<Complex> &cfWtBuf=(*(cfWtb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), 
     365         212 :                                                                   muellerElements(imx)(imy))->storage_p));
     366         106 :                     Array<Complex> &cfBuf=(*(cfb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), 
     367         212 :                                                               muellerElements(imx)(imy))->storage_p));
     368             :                     // IPosition cfWtBufShape= cfWtb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), 
     369             :                     //                                         muellerElements(imx)(imy))->shape_p;
     370             :                     // IPosition cfBufShape=cfb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), 
     371             :                     //                                    muellerElements(imx)(imy))->shape_p;
     372             :                     
     373         106 :                     cfWtBuf.resize(pbshp);
     374         106 :                     cfBuf.resize(pbshp);
     375         106 :                     const Vector<Double> sampling_l(2,sampling);
     376             :                     //              Double wval = wValues[iw];
     377         106 :                     Matrix<Complex> cfBufMat(cfBuf.nonDegenerate()), 
     378         106 :                       cfWtBufMat(cfWtBuf.nonDegenerate());
     379             :                     //
     380             :                     // Apply the Prolate Spheroidal and W-Term kernels
     381             :                     //
     382             : 
     383         106 :                     Vector<Double> s(2); s=sampling;
     384             :                     //              Int inner = cfBufMat.shape()(0)/aTerm.getOversampling();
     385             :                     //              Float inner = 2.0*aTerm.getOversampling()/cfBufMat.shape()(0);
     386             : 
     387             :                     //Timer tim;
     388             :                     //tim.mark();
     389         106 :                     if (psTerm.isNoOp() || isDryRun)
     390          74 :                       cfBufMat = cfWtBufMat = 1.0;
     391             :                     else
     392             :                       {
     393             :                         //psTerm.applySky(cfBufMat, false);   // Assign (psScale set in psTerm.init()
     394             :                         //psTerm.applySky(cfWtBufMat, false); // Assign
     395          32 :                         psTerm.applySky(cfBufMat, s, cfBufMat.shape()(0)/s(0));   // Assign (psScale set in psTerm.init()
     396          32 :                         psTerm.applySky(cfWtBufMat, s, cfWtBufMat.shape()(0)/s(0)); // Assign
     397             : 
     398          32 :                         cfWtBuf *= cfWtBuf;
     399             :                       }
     400             :                     //"PSTerm*2: ");
     401             : 
     402             :                     // WBAWP CODE BEGIN  -- make PS*PS for Weights
     403             :                     // psTerm.applySky(cfWtBufMat, true);  // Multiply
     404             :                     // WBAWP CODE END
     405             : 
     406             :                     // psTerm.applySky(cfBufMat, s, inner/2.0);//pbshp(0)/(os));
     407             :                     // psTerm.applySky(cfWtBufMat, s, inner/2.0);//pbshp(0)/(os));
     408             : 
     409             :                     // W-term is a unit-amplitude term in the image
     410             :                     // doimain.  No need to apply it to the
     411             :                     // wt-functions.
     412             : 
     413             :                     //tim.mark();
     414         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     415             :                       {
     416          64 :                         wTerm.applySky(cfBufMat, iw, cellSize, wScale, cfBuf.shape()(0));///4);
     417             :                         //cerr << iw << " " << cellSize << " " << iw*iw/wScale << endl;
     418             :                       }
     419             :                     //"WTerm: ");
     420             :                     // wTerm.applySky(cfWtBufMat, iw, cellSize, wScale, cfWtBuf.shape()(0)/4);
     421             : 
     422         106 :                     IPosition PolnPlane(4,0,0,0,0),
     423         106 :                       pbShape(4, cfBuf.shape()(0), cfBuf.shape()(1), 1, 1);
     424             :                     //
     425             :                     // Make TempImages and copy the buffers with PS *
     426             :                     // WKernel applied (too bad that TempImages can't be
     427             :                     // made with existing buffers)
     428             :                     //
     429             :                     //-------------------------------------------------------------                 
     430         106 :                     TempImage<Complex> twoDPB_l(pbShape, cs_l);
     431         106 :                     TempImage<Complex> twoDPBSq_l(pbShape,cs_l);
     432             :                     //-------------------------------------------------------------                 
     433             :                     // WBAWP CODE BEGIN -- ftATermSq_l has conj. PolCS
     434         106 :                     cfWtBuf *= ftATerm_l.get()*conj(ftATermSq_l.get());
     435             :                     //tim.mark();
     436             :                     //////TESTOO/////////////
     437             :                     /* {
     438             :                       String tmpname=File::newUniqueName("./", "WTerm").baseName();
     439             :                       cerr << "WTERM image " << tmpname << endl;
     440             :                       PagedImage<Complex> tempB(pbShape, cs_l, tmpname);
     441             :                       tempB.putSlice(cfBufMat, PolnPlane);
     442             :                       
     443             :                       
     444             :                       }*/
     445             :                     //////////////////////
     446             : 
     447             : 
     448             :                     
     449             :                     //UUU cfWtBuf *= ftATerm_l.get();
     450         106 :                     cfBuf *= ftATerm_l.get();
     451             :                     //"W*A*2: ");
     452             :                     // WBAWP CODE END
     453             : 
     454             :                     
     455             : 
     456             :                     // cfWtBuf = sqrt(cfWtBuf);
     457             :                     // psTerm.applySky(cfWtBufMat,true);
     458             : 
     459             :                     //tim.mark();
     460         106 :                     twoDPB_l.putSlice(cfBuf, PolnPlane);
     461         106 :                     twoDPBSq_l.putSlice(cfWtBuf, PolnPlane);
     462             :                     //"putSlice:");
     463             :                     // WBAWP CODE BEGIN
     464             :                     //              twoDPB_l *= ftATerm_l;
     465             :                     // WBAWP CODE END
     466             : 
     467             :                     //              twoDPBSq_l *= ftATermSq_l;//*conj(ftATerm_l);
     468             : 
     469             :                     // To accumulate avgPB2, call this function. 
     470             :                     // PBSQWeight
     471         106 :                     Bool PBSQ = false;
     472         106 :                     if(PBSQ) makePBSq(twoDPBSq_l); 
     473             :                     
     474             : 
     475             :                     //
     476             :                     // Set the ref. freq. of the co-ordinate system to
     477             :                     // that set by ATerm::applySky().
     478             :                     //
     479             :                     //tim.mark();
     480         106 :                     CoordinateSystem cs=twoDPB_l.coordinates();
     481         106 :                     Int index= twoDPB_l.coordinates().findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
     482         106 :                     SpectralCoordinate SpCS = twoDPB_l.coordinates().spectralCoordinate(index);
     483             :                     
     484         106 :                     Double cfRefFreq=SpCS.referenceValue()(0);
     485         106 :                     Vector<Double> refValue; refValue.resize(1); refValue(0)=cfRefFreq;
     486         106 :                     SpCS.setReferenceValue(refValue);
     487         106 :                     cs.replaceCoordinate(SpCS,index);
     488             :                     //"CSStuff:");
     489             :                     // {
     490             :                     // ostringstream name;
     491             :                     //   name << "twoDPB.before" << iw << "_" << inu << "_" << muellerElements(imx)(imy) <<".im";
     492             :                     //   storeImg(name,twoDPB_l);
     493             :                       // name << "twoDPBSq.before" << iw << "_" << inu << "_" << muellerElements(imx)(imy) <<".im";
     494             :                       // storeImg(name,twoDPBSq_l);
     495             :                     // }
     496             :                     //
     497             :                     // Now FT the function and copy the data from
     498             :                     // TempImages back to the CFBuffer buffers
     499             :                     //
     500             :                     //tim.mark();
     501         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     502             :                       {
     503          64 :                         LatticeFFT::cfft2d(twoDPB_l);
     504          64 :                         LatticeFFT::cfft2d(twoDPBSq_l);
     505             :                       }
     506             :                     //"FFT*2:");
     507             :                     // Array<Complex> t0;
     508             :                     // twoDPBSq_l.get(t0); t0 = abs(t0);
     509             :                     // twoDPBSq_l.put(t0);
     510             : 
     511             : 
     512             :                     //tim.mark();
     513         106 :                     IPosition shp(twoDPB_l.shape());
     514         106 :                     IPosition start(4, 0, 0, 0, 0), pbSlice(4, shp[0]-1, shp[1]-1,1/*polInUse*/, 1),
     515         106 :                       sliceLength(4,cfBuf.shape()[0]-1,cfBuf.shape()[1]-1,1,1);
     516         212 :                     cfBuf(Slicer(start,sliceLength)).nonDegenerate()
     517         318 :                       =(twoDPB_l.getSlice(start, pbSlice, true));
     518             :                     
     519         106 :                     shp = twoDPBSq_l.shape();
     520         106 :                     IPosition pbSqSlice(4, shp[0]-1, shp[1]-1, 1, 1),
     521         106 :                       sqSliceLength(4,cfWtBuf.shape()(0)-1,cfWtBuf.shape()[1]-1,1,1);
     522             :                     
     523         212 :                     cfWtBuf(Slicer(start,sqSliceLength)).nonDegenerate()
     524         318 :                       =(twoDPBSq_l.getSlice(start, pbSqSlice, true));
     525             :                     //"Slicer*2:");
     526             :                     //
     527             :                     // Finally, resize the buffers, limited to the
     528             :                     // support size determined by the threshold
     529             :                     // suppled by the ATerm (done internally in
     530             :                     // resizeCF()).  Transform the co-ord. system to
     531             :                     // the FT domain set the co-ord. sys. and modified
     532             :                     // support sizes.
     533             :                     //
     534             :                     //tim.mark();
     535         106 :                     Int supportBuffer = (Int)(getOversampling(psTerm, wTerm, aTerm)*2.0);
     536         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     537             :                       {
     538          64 :                         if (iw==0) wtcpeak = max(cfWtBuf);
     539          64 :                         cfWtBuf /= wtcpeak;
     540             :                       }
     541             :                     //"Norm");
     542             : 
     543             :                     //tim.mark();
     544         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     545          64 :                       AWConvFunc::resizeCF(cfWtBuf, xSupportWt, ySupportWt, supportBuffer, samplingWt,0.0);
     546             :                     //log_l << "CF WT Support: " << xSupport << " (" << xSupportWt << ") " << "pixels" <<  LogIO::POST;
     547             :                     //"Resize:");
     548             : 
     549             :                     //tim.mark();
     550         106 :                     Vector<Double> ftRef(2);
     551             :                     // ftRef(0)=cfWtBuf.shape()(0)/2-1;
     552             :                     // ftRef(1)=cfWtBuf.shape()(1)/2-1;
     553         106 :                     ftRef(0)=cfWtBuf.shape()(0)/2.0;
     554         106 :                     ftRef(1)=cfWtBuf.shape()(1)/2.0;
     555         106 :                     CoordinateSystem ftCoords=cs_l;
     556         106 :                     if (isDryRun)
     557             :                       {
     558          42 :                         ftRef(0)=nx/2.0;
     559          42 :                         ftRef(1)=ny/2.0;
     560          42 :                         SynthesisUtils::makeFTCoordSys(cs_l, nx,ftRef , ftCoords);
     561             :                       }
     562             :                     else
     563          64 :                       SynthesisUtils::makeFTCoordSys(cs_l, cfWtBuf.shape()(0), ftRef, ftCoords);
     564             :                     
     565         106 :                     CountedPtr<CFCell> cfCellPtr;
     566         212 :                     cfWtb.setParams(inu,iw,imx,imy,//muellerElements(imx)(imy),
     567         106 :                                     freqValues(inu), String(""), wValues(iw), muellerElements(imx)(imy),
     568             :                                     ftCoords, samplingWt, xSupportWt, ySupportWt,
     569         106 :                                     String(""), // Default ==> don't set it in the CFCell
     570         106 :                                     conjFreq, conjPol[0]);
     571             :                     
     572         106 :                     cfCellPtr = cfWtb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), 
     573         212 :                                                    muellerElements(imx)(imy));
     574         106 :                     cfCellPtr->pa_p=Quantity(vbPA,"rad");
     575         106 :                     cfCellPtr->telescopeName_p = aTerm.getTelescopeName();
     576         106 :                     cfCellPtr->isRotationallySymmetric_p = aTerm.isNoOp();
     577             :                     //cerr << "AWConvFunc: Telescope name = " << cfCellPtr->telescopeName_p << " " << aTerm.getTelescopeName() << endl;
     578             :                     //"CSStuff:");
     579             :                     // setUpCFSupport(cfBuf, xSupport, ySupport, sampling);
     580             :                     //              if (iw==0) 
     581             :                     //tim.mark();
     582             :                     //Int supportBuffer = (Int)(aTerm->getOversampling()*1.5);
     583             : 
     584         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     585             :                       {
     586          64 :                         cpeak = max(cfBuf);
     587          64 :                         cfBuf /= cpeak;
     588             :                       }
     589             :                     //"Peaknorm:");
     590             :                     // {
     591             :                     //   ostringstream name;
     592             :                     //   name << "twoDPB.after" << iw << "_" << inu << "_" << muellerElements(imx)(imy) << ".im";
     593             :                     //   storeImg(name,twoDPB_l);
     594             :                     //   // name << "twoDPBSq.after" << iw << "_" << inu << "_" << muellerElements(imx)(imy) << ".im";
     595             :                     //   // storeImg(name,twoDPBSq_l);
     596             :                     // }
     597             : 
     598         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     599          64 :                       AWConvFunc::resizeCF(cfBuf, xSupport, ySupport, supportBuffer, sampling,0.0);
     600             : 
     601             : 
     602             :                     
     603         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     604             :                       {
     605         128 :                         LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "fillConvFuncBuffer[R&D]"));
     606          64 :                         log_l << "CF Support: " << xSupport << " (" << xSupportWt << ") " << "pixels" <<  LogIO::POST;
     607          64 :                       }
     608             : 
     609             :                     // cfb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), muellerElement)->storage_p->assign(cfBuf);
     610             :                     // ftRef(0)=cfBuf.shape()(0)/2-1;
     611             :                     // ftRef(1)=cfBuf.shape()(1)/2-1;
     612         106 :                     ftRef(0)=cfBuf.shape()(0)/2.0;
     613         106 :                     ftRef(1)=cfBuf.shape()(1)/2.0;
     614             : 
     615             :                     //tim.mark();
     616         106 :                     cfNorm=cfWtNorm=1.0;
     617             :                     //if ((iw == 0) && (!isDryRun))
     618         106 :                     if (!isDryRun)
     619             :                       {
     620          64 :                         cfNorm=0; cfWtNorm=0;
     621          64 :                         cfNorm = AWConvFunc::cfArea(cfBufMat, xSupport, ySupport, sampling);
     622          64 :                         cfWtNorm = AWConvFunc::cfArea(cfWtBufMat, xSupportWt, ySupportWt, sampling);
     623             :                       }
     624             :                     //"Area*2:");
     625             : 
     626             :                     //tim.mark();
     627         106 :                     if (cfNorm != Complex(0.0)) cfBuf /= cfNorm;
     628         106 :                     if (cfWtNorm != Complex(0.0)) cfWtBuf /= cfWtNorm;
     629             : 
     630             :                     //"cfNorm*2:");
     631             : 
     632             :                     //tim.mark();
     633         106 :                     ftCoords=cs_l;
     634         106 :                     if (isDryRun)
     635             :                       {
     636          42 :                         ftRef(0) = nx/2.0;
     637          42 :                         ftRef(1) = ny/2.0;
     638          42 :                         SynthesisUtils::makeFTCoordSys(cs_l, nx, ftRef, ftCoords);
     639             :                       }
     640             :                     else
     641          64 :                       SynthesisUtils::makeFTCoordSys(cs_l, cfBuf.shape()(0), ftRef, ftCoords);
     642             :                       
     643         212 :                     cfb.setParams(inu,iw,imx,imy,//muellerElements(imx)(imy),
     644         106 :                                   freqValues(inu), String(""), wValues(iw), muellerElements(imx)(imy),
     645             :                                   ftCoords, sampling, xSupport, ySupport,
     646         106 :                                   String(""), // Default ==> Don't set in the CFCell
     647         106 :                                   conjFreq, conjPol[0]);
     648         106 :                     cfCellPtr=cfb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), 
     649         212 :                                                muellerElements(imx)(imy));
     650         106 :                     cfCellPtr->pa_p=Quantity(vbPA,"rad");
     651         106 :                     cfCellPtr->telescopeName_p = aTerm.getTelescopeName();
     652         106 :                     cfCellPtr->isRotationallySymmetric_p = aTerm.isNoOp();
     653             :                     //
     654             :                     // Now tha the CFs have been computed, cache its
     655             :                     // paramters in CFCell for quick access in tight
     656             :                     // loops (in the re-sampler, e.g.).
     657             :                     //
     658             : 
     659         106 :                     (cfWtb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), 
     660         212 :                                         muellerElements(imx)(imy)))->initCache(isDryRun);
     661         106 :                     (cfb.getCFCellPtr(freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), 
     662         212 :                                       muellerElements(imx)(imy)))->initCache(isDryRun);
     663             : 
     664         106 :                     pm.update((Double)cfsDone++);
     665             :                     //"End*2:");
     666         106 :                   }
     667          76 :               }
     668             :           }
     669             :         }
     670          14 :   }
     671             :   //
     672             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     673             :   //
     674         212 :   Complex AWConvFunc::cfArea(Matrix<Complex>& cf, 
     675             :                              const Int& xSupport, const Int& ySupport,
     676             :                              const Float& sampling)
     677             :   {
     678         212 :     Complex cfNorm=0;
     679         212 :     Int origin=cf.shape()(0)/2;
     680         212 :     Float peak=0;
     681         212 :     IPosition ndx(4,0,0,0,0);
     682         212 :     IPosition peakPix(ndx);
     683         212 :     peakPix = 0;
     684      305364 :     for(ndx(1)=0;ndx(1)<cf.shape()(1);ndx(1)++)
     685   559196160 :       for(ndx(0)=0;ndx(0)<cf.shape()(0);ndx(0)++)
     686   558891008 :         if (abs(cf(ndx)) > peak) {peakPix = ndx;peak=abs(cf(ndx));}
     687             :     // origin = peakPix(0);
     688         212 :    if (origin != peakPix(0))
     689             :       {
     690           0 :         LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2","cfArea"));
     691           0 :         log_l << "Peak not at the center " << origin << " " << cf(IPosition(4,origin,origin,0,0)) << " " << peakPix << " " << peak << LogIO::NORMAL1;
     692             :         //      peakNIC=1e7;
     693           0 :       }
     694        4648 :     for (Int ix=-xSupport;ix<xSupport;ix++)
     695      132508 :       for (int iy=-ySupport;iy<ySupport;iy++)
     696             :         {
     697             :           //cfNorm += Complex(real(cf(ix*(Int)sampling+origin, iy*(Int)sampling+origin)),0.0);
     698      128072 :           cfNorm += (cf(ix*(Int)sampling+origin, iy*(Int)sampling+origin));
     699             :           // cerr << cfNorm << " " << ix << " " << iy << " " << ix*(Int)sampling+origin << " " << iy*(Int)sampling+origin
     700             :           //      << real(cf(ix*(Int)sampling+origin, iy*(Int)sampling+origin)) << endl;
     701             :         }
     702             :     //    cf /= cfNorm;
     703         212 :     return cfNorm;
     704         212 :   }
     705             :   //
     706             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     707             :   //
     708          14 :   Vector<Double> AWConvFunc::makeWValList(const Double &dW, const Int &nW)
     709             :   {
     710          14 :     Vector<Double> wValues(nW);
     711             :     //    for (Int iw=0;iw<nW;iw++) wValues[iw]=iw*dW;
     712          14 :     wValues = 0.0;
     713          14 :     if (dW > 0.0)
     714          17 :       for (Int iw=0;iw<nW;iw++) wValues[iw]=iw*iw/dW;
     715          14 :     return wValues;
     716           0 :   }
     717             : 
     718             :   // This methods is depcricated.  Keeping it here since it *might*
     719             :   // have use sometime later and therefore want to push it on to SVN
     720             :   // before deleting it form the active version of this file.
     721           0 :   Matrix<Double> AWConvFunc::getFreqRangePerSpw(const VisBuffer2& vb)
     722             :   {
     723             :     //
     724             :     // Find the total effective bandwidth
     725             :     //
     726           0 :     Cube<Double> fminmax;
     727           0 :     Double fMax=0, fMin=MAX_FREQ;
     728           0 :     ArrayColumn<Double> spwCol=vb.subtableColumns().spectralWindow().chanFreq();
     729           0 :     fminmax.resize(spwChanSelFlag_p.shape()(0),spwChanSelFlag_p.shape()(1),2);
     730           0 :     fminmax=0;
     731           0 :     for (uInt ims=0; ims<spwChanSelFlag_p.shape()(0); ims++)
     732           0 :       for(uInt ispw=0; ispw<spwChanSelFlag_p.shape()(1); ispw++)
     733             :         {
     734           0 :           fMax=0, fMin=MAX_FREQ;
     735           0 :           for(uInt ichan=0; ichan<spwChanSelFlag_p.shape()(2); ichan++)
     736             :             {
     737           0 :               if (spwChanSelFlag_p(ims,ispw,ichan)==1)
     738             :                 {
     739           0 :                   Slicer slicer(IPosition(1,ichan), IPosition(1,1));
     740           0 :                   Vector<Double> freq = spwCol(ispw)(slicer);
     741           0 :                   if (freq(0) < fMin) fMin = freq(0);
     742           0 :                   if (freq(0) > fMax) fMax = freq(0);
     743           0 :                 }
     744             :             }
     745           0 :           fminmax(ims,ispw,0)=fMin;
     746           0 :           fminmax(ims,ispw,1)=fMax;
     747             :         }
     748             : 
     749           0 :     Matrix<Double> freqRangePerSpw(fminmax.shape()(1),2);
     750           0 :     for (uInt j=0;j<fminmax.shape()(1);j++) // SPW
     751             :       {
     752           0 :         freqRangePerSpw(j,0)=0; 
     753           0 :         freqRangePerSpw(j,1)=MAX_FREQ; 
     754           0 :         for (uInt i=0;i<fminmax.shape()(0);i++) //MSes
     755             :           {
     756           0 :             if (freqRangePerSpw(j,0) < fminmax(i,j,0)) freqRangePerSpw(j,0)=fminmax(i,j,0);
     757           0 :             if (freqRangePerSpw(j,1) > fminmax(i,j,1)) freqRangePerSpw(j,1)=fminmax(i,j,1);
     758             :           }
     759             :       }
     760           0 :     for(uInt i=0;i<freqRangePerSpw.shape()(0);i++)
     761             :       {
     762           0 :         if (freqRangePerSpw(i,0) == MAX_FREQ) freqRangePerSpw(i,0)=-1;
     763           0 :         if (freqRangePerSpw(i,1) == 0) freqRangePerSpw(i,1)=-1;
     764             :       }
     765             : 
     766           0 :     return freqRangePerSpw;
     767           0 :   } 
     768             :   //
     769             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     770             :   // Given the VB and the uv-grid, make a list of frequency values to
     771             :   // sample the frequency axis of the CFBuffer.  Typically, this will
     772             :   // be determined by the bandwidth-smearning limit.
     773             :   //
     774             :   // This limit is (deltaNu/Nu) * sqrt(l^2 + m^2) < ResolutionElement.
     775             :   // Translating max. distance from the phase center to field-of-view
     776             :   // of the supplied image, and converting Resolution Element to
     777             :   // 1/Cellsize, this expression translates to deltaNU<FMin/Nx (!)
     778          14 :   Vector<Double> AWConvFunc::makeFreqValList(Double &dNU,
     779             :                                              const VisBuffer2& vb, 
     780             :                                              const ImageInterface<Complex>& uvGrid,
     781             :                                              Vector<String>& bandNames)
     782             :   {
     783             :     (void)uvGrid; (void)dNU; (void)vb;
     784          14 :     Vector<Double> fValues;
     785          14 :     Int nSpw = spwFreqSelection_p.shape()(0);
     786          14 :     if (wbAWP_p==false)
     787             :       {
     788             :         // Return the sky-image ref. freq.
     789           2 :         fValues.resize(1);
     790           2 :         fValues[0]=imRefFreq_p;
     791             :       }
     792             :     else
     793             :       {
     794          12 :         fValues.resize(nSpw);
     795          48 :         for(Int i=0;i<nSpw;i++) 
     796          36 :           fValues(i)=spwFreqSelection_p(i,2);
     797             :       }
     798             :     
     799          14 :     bandNames.resize(nSpw);
     800          14 :     ScalarColumn<String> spwNames=vb.subtableColumns().spectralWindow().name();
     801          52 :     for(Int i=0;i<nSpw;i++) 
     802             :       {
     803          38 :         int s=spwFreqSelection_p(i,0);
     804             :         // LogIO os;
     805             :         // os << "Spw"<<s<<": " << spwNames.getColumn()[s]
     806             :         //    << " " << s << " " << nSpw
     807             :         //    << LogIO::WARN;
     808             : 
     809          38 :         bandNames(i)=spwNames.getColumn()[s];
     810             :       }
     811          28 :     return fValues;
     812          14 :   }
     813             :   //
     814             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     815             :   //
     816          14 :   void AWConvFunc::makeConvFunction(const ImageInterface<Complex>& image,
     817             :                                     const VisBuffer2& vb,
     818             :                                     const Int wConvSize,
     819             :                                     const CountedPtr<PolOuterProduct>& pop,
     820             :                                     const Float pa,
     821             :                                     const Float dpa,
     822             :                                     const Vector<Double>& uvScale,
     823             :                                     const Vector<Double>& ,//uvOffset,
     824             :                                     const Matrix<Double>& ,//vbFreqSelection,
     825             :                                     CFStore2& cfs2,
     826             :                                     CFStore2& cfwts2,
     827             :                                     Bool fillCF)
     828             :   {
     829          28 :     LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "makeConvFunction[R&D]"));
     830             :     Int convSize, convSampling, polInUse;
     831          14 :     Double wScale=0.0;
     832          14 :     Array<Complex> convFunc_l, convWeights_l;
     833          14 :     Double cfRefFreq=-1, freqScale=1e8;
     834          14 :     Quantity paQuant(pa,"rad");
     835             : 
     836             :     
     837          14 :     Int nx=image.shape()(0);//, ny=image.shape()(1);
     838          14 :     Vector<Double> skyIncr;
     839             :     
     840             :     log_l << "Making a new convolution function for PA="
     841          14 :           << pa*(180/C::pi) << "deg"
     842          14 :           << " for field ID " << vb.fieldId()(0);
     843             :     // log_l << "TimeStamps(0-10) ";
     844             :     // for (Int i=0;i<10;i++) 
     845             :     //   //log_l << MVTime(vb.time()(i)).string(MVTime::TIME) << " ";
     846             :     //   log_l << vb.time()(i)/1e8 << " ";
     847          14 :     log_l << LogIO::NORMAL << LogIO::POST;
     848             :     
     849          14 :     if(wConvSize>0) 
     850             :       {
     851          14 :         log_l << "Using " << wConvSize << " planes for W-projection" << LogIO::POST;
     852             :         Double maxUVW;
     853          14 :         float WFUDGE=4.0;
     854          14 :         WFUDGE=refim::SynthesisUtils::getenv("WTerm.WFUDGE",WFUDGE);
     855             : 
     856             :         //maxUVW=0.25/abs(image.coordinates().increment()(0));
     857          14 :         maxUVW=1.0/abs(image.coordinates().increment()(0)*WFUDGE);
     858             :         log_l << "Estimating maximum possible W = " << maxUVW
     859          14 :               << " (wavelengths)" << LogIO::POST;
     860             :         
     861             :         // Double invLambdaC=vb.getFrequencies(0)(0)/C::c;
     862             :         // Int nFreq = (vb.getFrequencies(0).nelements())-1;
     863             :         // Double invMinL = vb.getFrequencies(0)(nFreq)/C::c;
     864             :         // log_l << "wavelength range = " << 1.0/invLambdaC << " (m) to " 
     865             :         //       << 1.0/invMinL << " (m)" << LogIO::POST;
     866          14 :         if (wConvSize > 1)
     867             :           {
     868           1 :             wScale=Float((wConvSize-1)*(wConvSize-1))/maxUVW;
     869             :             log_l << "Scaling in W (at maximum W) = " << 1.0/wScale
     870           1 :                   << " wavelengths per pixel" << LogIO::POST;
     871             :           }
     872             :       }
     873             :     //  
     874             :     // Get the coordinate system
     875             :     //
     876          14 :     CoordinateSystem coords(image.coordinates());
     877             :     //
     878             :     // Set up the convolution function. 
     879             :     //
     880          14 :     convSampling=getOversampling(*psTerm_p, *wTerm_p, *aTerm_p);
     881          14 :     convSize=aTerm_p->getConvSize();
     882             : //    cout<<"Conv Sampling listed in aipsrc is : "<<convSampling<<endl;
     883             : //    cout<<"Conv Size is : "<<convSize<<endl;
     884             :     //
     885             :     // Make a two dimensional image to calculate auto-correlation of
     886             :     // the ideal illumination pattern. We want this on a fine grid in
     887             :     // the UV plane
     888             :     //
     889          14 :     Int index= coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
     890          14 :     SpectralCoordinate spCS = coords.spectralCoordinate(index);
     891          14 :     imRefFreq_p=spCS.referenceValue()(0);
     892             : 
     893          14 :     index=coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
     894          14 :     AlwaysAssert(index>=0, AipsError);
     895          14 :     DirectionCoordinate dc=coords.directionCoordinate(index);
     896          14 :     Vector<Double> sampling;
     897          14 :     skyIncr = sampling = dc.increment();
     898             : //    cout<<"The image sampling is set to :"<<sampling<<endl; 
     899          14 :     sampling*=Double(convSampling);
     900          14 :     sampling*=Double(nx)/Double(convSize);
     901             : //    cout<<"The resampled increment is :"<<sampling<<endl;
     902          14 :     dc.setIncrement(sampling);
     903             :     
     904          14 :     Vector<Double> unitVec(2);
     905          14 :     unitVec=convSize/2;
     906          14 :     dc.setReferencePixel(unitVec);
     907             :     
     908             :     // Set the reference value to that of the image
     909          14 :     coords.replaceCoordinate(dc, index);
     910             :     //
     911             :     // Make an image with circular polarization axis.  Return the
     912             :     // no. of vis. poln. planes that will be used in making the user
     913             :     // defined Stokes image.
     914             :     //
     915          14 :     polInUse=aTerm_p->makePBPolnCoords(vb, convSize, convSampling, 
     916             :                                        image.coordinates(),nx,nx,
     917             :                                        coords);//,feedStokes_l);
     918             :     //------------------------------------------------------------------
     919             :     // Make the sky Stokes PB.  This will be used in the gridding
     920             :     // correction
     921             :     //------------------------------------------------------------------
     922          14 :     IPosition pbShape(4, convSize, convSize, polInUse, 1);
     923          14 :     TempImage<Complex> twoDPB(pbShape, coords);
     924          14 :     IPosition pbSqShp(pbShape);
     925             :     
     926          14 :     unitVec=pbSqShp[0]/2;
     927          14 :     dc.setReferencePixel(unitVec);
     928          14 :     coords.replaceCoordinate(dc, index);
     929             :     
     930          14 :     TempImage<Complex> twoDPBSq(pbSqShp,coords);
     931          14 :     twoDPB.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));
     932          14 :     twoDPBSq.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));
     933             :     //
     934             :     // Accumulate the various terms that constitute the gridding
     935             :     // convolution function.
     936             :     //
     937             :     //------------------------------------------------------------------
     938             :     //    Int inner=convSize/convSampling;
     939             :     //    CFStore2 cfs2_p, cfwts2_p;
     940          14 :     CountedPtr<CFBuffer> cfb_p, cfwtb_p;
     941             :     // cfs2.rememberATerm(aTerm_p);
     942             :     // cfwts2.rememberATerm(aTerm_p);
     943             :     
     944          14 :     Vector<Quantity> paList(1); paList[0]=paQuant;
     945             :     //
     946             :     // Determine the "Mueller Matrix" (called PolOuterProduct here for
     947             :     // a better name) elements to use based on the sky-Stokes planes
     948             :     // requested.  PolOuterProduct::makePolMap() makes a
     949             :     // Matrix<Int>.  The elements of this matrix has the index of the
     950             :     // convolution function for the pol. product.  Unused elements are
     951             :     // set to -1.  The physical definition of the PolOuterProduct
     952             :     // elements are as defined in Eq. 4 in A&A 487, 419-429 (2008)
     953             :     // (
     954             :     //
     955             :     // First detemine the list of Stokes requested.  Then convert the
     956             :     // requested Stokes to the appropriate Pol cross-product.  When
     957             :     // the off-diagonal elements of the outer-product are significant,
     958             :     // this will lead to more than one outer-product element per
     959             :     // Stokes.  
     960             :     //
     961             :     // The code below still assume a diagonally dominant
     962             :     // outer-product.  This is probably OK for antenna arrays. After the
     963             :     // debugging phase is over, the
     964             :     // Vector<PolOuterProduct::CrossCircular> should become
     965             :     // Matrix<PolOuterProduct> and PolOuterProduct should be
     966             :     // "templated" to be of type Circular or Linear.
     967             :     //
     968          14 :     StokesCoordinate skyStokesCo=coords.stokesCoordinate(coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::STOKES));
     969          14 :     Vector<Int> skyStokes=skyStokesCo.stokes();
     970             :     //Vector<PolOuterProduct::CrossPolCircular> pp(skyStokes.nelements());
     971          14 :     PolMapType polMap, polIndexMap, conjPolMap, conjPolIndexMap;
     972          14 :     polMap = pop->getPolMat();
     973          14 :     polIndexMap = pop->getPol2CFMat();
     974          14 :     conjPolMap = pop->getConjPolMat();
     975          14 :     conjPolIndexMap = pop->getConjPol2CFMat();
     976             : 
     977             :     //cerr << "AWCF: " << polMap << endl << polIndexMap << endl << conjPolMap << endl << conjPolIndexMap << endl;
     978             :     
     979             :     // for(uInt ip=0;ip<pp.nelements();ip++)
     980             :     //  pp(ip)=translateStokesToCrossPol(skyStokes(ip));
     981             :     
     982             :     // PolOuterProduct pOP; pOP.makePolMap(pp);
     983             :     // const Matrix<Int> muellerMatrix=pOP.getPolMap();
     984             :     
     985          14 :     Vector<Double> wValues    = makeWValList(wScale, wConvSize);
     986          14 :     Vector<String> bandNames;
     987          14 :     Vector<Double> freqValues = makeFreqValList(freqScale,vb,image,bandNames);
     988          14 :     log_l << "Making " << wValues.nelements() << " w plane(s). " << LogIO::POST;
     989          14 :     log_l << "Making " << freqValues.nelements() << " frequency plane(s)." << LogIO::POST;
     990             :     //
     991             :     // If w-term is unity, we can scale the A-term with frequency.  So
     992             :     // compute it only for the highest frequency involved.
     993             :     //
     994             :     //log_l << "Disabled scaling of CFs" << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
     995             :     // if (wConvSize <= 1)
     996             :     //   {
     997             :     //  Double rFreq = max(freqValues);
     998             :     //  if (freqValues.nelements() > 1)
     999             :     //    freqScale=2*(rFreq-min(freqValues));
    1000             :     //  freqValues.resize(1);freqValues(0)=rFreq;
    1001             :     //   }
    1002             :     log_l << "CFB Freq. axis [N, Min, Max, Incr. (GHz)]: " 
    1003             :           << freqValues.nelements()  << " "
    1004          28 :           << min(freqValues)/1e9 << " " 
    1005          28 :           << max(freqValues)/1e9 << " "
    1006             :           << freqScale/1e9 
    1007          14 :           << LogIO::POST;
    1008             :     //
    1009             :     // Re-size the CFStore object.  It holds CFBuffers index by PA and
    1010             :     // list of unique baselines (all possible pairs of unique antenna
    1011             :     // types).
    1012             :     //
    1013          14 :     Matrix<Int> uniqueBaselineTypeList=makeBaselineList(aTerm_p->getAntTypeList());
    1014             :     //Quantity dPA(360.0,"deg");
    1015          14 :     Quantity dPA(dpa,"rad");
    1016          14 :     Int totalCFs=uniqueBaselineTypeList.shape().product()*wConvSize*freqValues.nelements()*polMap.shape().product()*2;
    1017          28 :     ProgressMeter pm(1.0, Double(totalCFs), "makeCF", "","","",true);
    1018          14 :     int cfDone=0;
    1019          28 :     for(Int ib=0;ib<uniqueBaselineTypeList.shape()(0);ib++)
    1020             :       {
    1021          14 :         Vector<Int> pos;
    1022          14 :         pos=cfs2.resize(paQuant, dPA, uniqueBaselineTypeList(ib,0), uniqueBaselineTypeList(ib,1)); 
    1023          14 :         pos=cfwts2.resize(paQuant, dPA, uniqueBaselineTypeList(ib,0), uniqueBaselineTypeList(ib,1)); 
    1024             :         //
    1025             :         // Re-size the CFBuffer object.  It holds the 2D convolution
    1026             :         // functions index by (FreqValue, WValue, MuellerElement).
    1027             :         //    
    1028          14 :         cfb_p=cfs2.getCFBuffer(paQuant, dPA, uniqueBaselineTypeList(ib,0),uniqueBaselineTypeList(ib,1));
    1029          14 :         cfwtb_p=cfwts2.getCFBuffer(paQuant, dPA, uniqueBaselineTypeList(ib,0),uniqueBaselineTypeList(ib,1));
    1030          14 :         cfb_p->setPointingOffset(pixFieldGrad_p);
    1031             :         // cfb_p->resize(wValues,freqValues,muellerMatrix);
    1032             :         // cfwtb_p->resize(wValues,freqValues,muellerMatrix);
    1033             :         
    1034          14 :         cfb_p->resize(wScale, freqScale, wValues,freqValues,polMap, polIndexMap,conjPolMap, conjPolIndexMap);
    1035          14 :         cfwtb_p->resize(wScale, freqScale, wValues,freqValues,polMap, polIndexMap,conjPolMap, conjPolIndexMap);
    1036             :         
    1037          14 :         IPosition start(4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    1038          14 :         IPosition pbSlice(4, convSize, convSize, 1, 1);
    1039             :         
    1040          14 :         Matrix<Complex> screen(convSize, convSize);
    1041             :         // WTerm wterm_l;
    1042             :         // PSTerm psTerm_l;
    1043             : 
    1044             :         //Initiate construction of the "ConvolveGridder" object inside
    1045             :         //PSTerm.  This is, for historical reasons, used to access the
    1046             :         //"standard" Prolate Spheroidal function implementaion.  This
    1047             :         //however should be replaced with a simpler access, direct
    1048             :         //access the PS function implementation (in Utils.h
    1049             :         //SynthesisUtils::libreSpheroidal() - but this needs more
    1050             :         //testing).
    1051          14 :         Float psScale = (2.0*coords.increment()(0))/(nx*image.coordinates().increment()(0)),
    1052          14 :           innerQuaterFraction=1.0;
    1053             :         {
    1054          14 :           Int inner=convSize/(convSampling);
    1055             :           // Float psScale= (image.coordinates().increment()(0)*nx) /
    1056             :           //   (coords.increment()(0)*screen.shape()(0));
    1057             : 
    1058             :           // psScale when using SynthesisUtils::libreSpheroidal() is
    1059             :           // 2.0/nSupport.  nSupport is in pixels and the 2.0 is due to
    1060             :           // the center being at Nx/2.  Here the nSupport is determined
    1061          14 :           innerQuaterFraction=refim::SynthesisUtils::getenv("AWCF.FUDGE",innerQuaterFraction);
    1062             : 
    1063          14 :           Double lambdaByD = innerQuaterFraction*1.22*C::c/min(freqValues)/25.0;
    1064          14 :           Double FoV_x = fabs(nx*skyIncr(0));
    1065          14 :           Double FoV_y = fabs(nx*skyIncr(1));
    1066          14 :           Vector<Double> uvScale_l(3);
    1067          14 :           uvScale_l(0) = (FoV_x < lambdaByD) ? FoV_x : lambdaByD;
    1068          14 :           uvScale_l(1) = (FoV_y < lambdaByD) ? FoV_y : lambdaByD;
    1069          14 :           uvScale_l(2) = uvScale(2);
    1070             :           // by the sky-image and is equal to convSize/convSampling.
    1071          14 :           psScale = 2.0/(innerQuaterFraction*convSize/convSampling);// nx*image.coordinates().increment()(0)*convSampling/2;
    1072          14 :           Vector<Double> uvOffset_cf(3,0); uvOffset_cf(0)=uvOffset_cf(2)=convSize/2;
    1073             :           //      psTerm_p->init(IPosition(2,inner,inner), uvScale, uvOffset_cf,psScale);
    1074          14 :           psTerm_p->init(IPosition(2,inner,inner), uvScale_l, uvOffset_cf,psScale);
    1075          14 :         }
    1076             : 
    1077          14 :         MuellerElementType muellerElement(0,0);
    1078          14 :         CoordinateSystem cfb_cs=coords;
    1079             :         //
    1080             :         // Set up the Mueller matrix, the co-ordinate system, freq, and
    1081             :         // wvalues in the CFBuffer for the currenct CFStore object.
    1082             :         //
    1083             :         //cerr<<"Mueller matrix of row length:"<<polMap.nelements()<<" at the start of the CFBuf Loop" <<endl;
    1084          43 :         for (Int iw=0;iw<wConvSize;iw++) 
    1085             :           {
    1086          82 :             for(uInt inu=0;inu<freqValues.nelements(); inu++)
    1087             :               {
    1088          53 :                 Int npol=0;
    1089         159 :                 for (uInt ipolx=0;ipolx<polMap.nelements();ipolx++)
    1090             :                   {
    1091         106 :                     npol=0;
    1092         212 :                   for (uInt ipoly=0;ipoly<polMap(ipolx).nelements();ipoly++)
    1093             :                     {
    1094             :                       // Now make a CS with a single appropriate
    1095             :                       // polarization axis per Mueller element
    1096         106 :                       Vector<Int> whichStokes(1,skyStokes(npol++));
    1097         106 :                       Int sIndex=cfb_cs.findCoordinate(Coordinate::STOKES);
    1098         106 :                       StokesCoordinate stokesCS=cfb_cs.stokesCoordinate(sIndex);
    1099         106 :                       Int fIndex=coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
    1100         106 :                       SpectralCoordinate spCS = coords.spectralCoordinate(fIndex);
    1101         106 :                       Vector<Double> refValue, incr; 
    1102         106 :                       refValue = spCS.referenceValue();
    1103         106 :                       incr = spCS.increment();
    1104         106 :                       cfRefFreq=freqValues(inu);
    1105         106 :                       refValue=cfRefFreq;
    1106         106 :                       spCS.setReferenceValue(refValue);
    1107             : 
    1108         106 :                       stokesCS.setStokes(whichStokes);
    1109         106 :                       cfb_cs.replaceCoordinate(stokesCS,sIndex);
    1110         106 :                       cfb_cs.replaceCoordinate(spCS,fIndex);
    1111             :                       //
    1112             :                       // Set the various axis-parameters for the CFBuffer.
    1113             :                       //
    1114         106 :                       Float s=convSampling;
    1115             :                       // cfb_p->setParams(convSize,convSize,cfb_cs,s,
    1116             :                       //                       convSize, convSize, 
    1117             :                       //                       freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), polMap(ipolx)(ipoly));
    1118             :                       // cfwtb_p->setParams(convSize,convSize,cfb_cs,s,
    1119             :                       //                         convSize, convSize, 
    1120             :                       //                         freqValues(inu), wValues(iw), polMap(ipolx)(ipoly));
    1121         212 :                       cfb_p->setParams(inu, iw, ipolx,ipoly,//polMap(ipolx)(ipoly),
    1122         106 :                                        freqValues(inu), bandNames(inu), wValues(iw), polMap(ipolx)(ipoly),
    1123             :                                        cfb_cs, s, convSize, convSize);
    1124         212 :                       cfwtb_p->setParams(inu, iw, ipolx,ipoly,//polMap(ipolx)(ipoly),
    1125         106 :                                          freqValues(inu), bandNames(inu), wValues(iw), polMap(ipolx)(ipoly),
    1126             :                                          cfb_cs, s, convSize, convSize);
    1127         106 :                       pm.update((Double)cfDone++);
    1128         106 :                     }
    1129             :                   }
    1130             :                 } // End of loop over Mueller elements.
    1131             :           } // End of loop over w
    1132             :         //
    1133             :         // By this point, the all the 4 axis (Time/PA, Freq, Pol,
    1134             :         // Baseline) of the CFBuffer objects have been setup.  The CFs
    1135             :         // will now be filled using the supplied PS-, W- ad A-term objects.
    1136             :         //
    1137          14 :         if (fillCF) log_l << "Making CFs for baseline type " << ib << LogIO::POST;
    1138           7 :         else        log_l << "Making empty CFs for baseline type " << ib << LogIO::POST;
    1139             :         {
    1140          14 :           Double vbPA = getPA(vb), freqHi;
    1141             : 
    1142             :           
    1143          14 :           Vector<Double> chanFreq = vb.getFrequencies(0);
    1144          14 :           index = image.coordinates().findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
    1145          14 :           SpectralCoordinate SpC = cfb_cs.spectralCoordinate(index);
    1146          14 :           Vector<Double> refVal = SpC.referenceValue();
    1147             :         
    1148          14 :           freqHi = refVal[0];
    1149          14 :           fillConvFuncBuffer(*cfb_p, *cfwtb_p, nx, nx, skyIncr, convSize, convSize, freqValues, wValues, wScale,
    1150             :                              vbPA, freqHi,
    1151             :                              polMap, polIndexMap, vb, psScale,
    1152          14 :                              *psTerm_p, *wTerm_p, *aTerm_p, !fillCF);
    1153          14 :         }
    1154             :         // cfb_p->show(NULL,cerr);
    1155             :         //cfb_p->makePersistent("");
    1156             :         // cfwtb_p->makePersistent("test.wtcf");
    1157             :         
    1158          14 :       } // End of loop over baselines
    1159             :     
    1160          14 :     index=coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
    1161          14 :     spCS = coords.spectralCoordinate(index);
    1162          14 :     Vector<Double> refValue; refValue.resize(1);refValue(0)=cfRefFreq;
    1163          14 :     spCS.setReferenceValue(refValue);
    1164          14 :     coords.replaceCoordinate(spCS,index);
    1165             :     
    1166             :     // cfs.coordSys=coords;         cfwts.coordSys=coords; 
    1167             :     //;;
    1168             :     
    1169             :     //    aTerm_p->makeConvFunction(image,vb,wConvSize,pa,cfs,cfwts);
    1170          14 :   }
    1171             :   //
    1172             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1173             :   //
    1174         212 :   Bool AWConvFunc::setUpCFSupport(Array<Complex>& cffunc, Int& xSupport, Int& ySupport,
    1175             :                                   const Float& sampling, const Complex& peak)
    1176             :   {
    1177             :     //
    1178             :     // Find the convolution function support size.  No assumption
    1179             :     // about the symmetry of the conv. func. can be made (except that
    1180             :     // they are same for all poln. planes).
    1181             :     //
    1182         212 :     xSupport = ySupport = -1;
    1183         212 :     Int convFuncOrigin=cffunc.shape()[0]/2, R; 
    1184         212 :     Bool found=false;
    1185             :     Float threshold;
    1186             :     // Threshold as a fraction of the peak (presumed to be the center pixel).
    1187         212 :     if (abs(peak) != 0) threshold = real(abs(peak));
    1188             :     else 
    1189         212 :       threshold   = real(abs(cffunc(IPosition(4,convFuncOrigin,convFuncOrigin,0,0))));
    1190             : 
    1191             :     //threshold *= aTerm_p->getSupportThreshold();
    1192         212 :     threshold *= 1e-3;
    1193             :     //threshold *= 7.5e-2;
    1194             : 
    1195             :     //    threshold *=  0.1;
    1196             :     // if (aTerm_p->isNoOp()) 
    1197             :     //   threshold *= 1e-3; // This is the threshold used in "standard" FTMchines
    1198             :     // else
    1199             : 
    1200             :     //
    1201             :     // Find the support size of the conv. function in pixels
    1202             :     //
    1203             :     // Timer tim;
    1204             :     // tim.mark();
    1205         212 :     if ((found = AWConvFunc::awFindSupport(cffunc,threshold,convFuncOrigin,R)))
    1206         212 :       xSupport=ySupport=Int(0.5+Float(R)/sampling)+1;
    1207             :     //"findSupport:");
    1208             : 
    1209             :     // If the support size overflows, give a warning and set the
    1210             :     // support size to be convFuncSize/2 + the max. possible offset in
    1211             :     // the oversamplied grid.  The max. possible offset would 0.5
    1212             :     // pixels on the sky, which would be sampling/2.0.
    1213             :     //
    1214             :     // If the extra buffer (max(offset)) is not included, the problem
    1215             :     // will show up when gridding the data or weights.  It will not
    1216             :     // show up when making the avgPB since the gridding for that is
    1217             :     // always centered on the center of the image.
    1218         212 :     if ((xSupport*sampling + int(sampling/2.0+0.5)) > convFuncOrigin)
    1219             :       {
    1220           0 :         LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "setUpCFSupport[R&D]"));
    1221             : 
    1222             :         log_l << "Convolution function support size > N/2.  Limiting it to N/2 "
    1223             :               << "(threshold = " << threshold << ")."
    1224           0 :               << LogIO::WARN;
    1225           0 :         xSupport = ySupport = (Int)(convFuncOrigin/sampling-1);
    1226           0 :       }
    1227             : 
    1228         212 :     if(xSupport<1) 
    1229             :       {
    1230           0 :         LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "setUpCFSupport[R&D]"));
    1231             :         
    1232             :         log_l << "Convolution function is misbehaved - support seems to be zero"
    1233           0 :             << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    1234           0 :       }
    1235         212 :     return found;
    1236             :   }
    1237             :   //
    1238             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1239             :   //
    1240         212 :   Bool AWConvFunc::resizeCF(Array<Complex>& func, Int& xSupport, Int& ySupport,
    1241             :                             const Int& supportBuffer, const Float& sampling, const Complex& peak)
    1242             :   {
    1243             :     //LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "resizeCF[R&D]"));
    1244         212 :     Int ConvFuncOrigin=func.shape()[0]/2;  // Conv. Func. is half that size of convSize
    1245             :     
    1246         212 :     Bool found = setUpCFSupport(func, xSupport, ySupport, sampling,peak);
    1247             :    
    1248             :     //Int supportBuffer = (Int)(aTerm_p->getOversampling()*1.5);
    1249             :     ///Make the cutout have even number of pixels...odd numbers are a pest !
    1250         212 :     Int bot=(Int)((ConvFuncOrigin-sampling*xSupport-supportBuffer)/2)*2;   //-convSampling/2, 
    1251         212 :     Int  top=(Int)((ConvFuncOrigin+sampling*xSupport+supportBuffer)/2)*2-1;  //+convSampling/2;
    1252             :     //    bot *= 2; top *= 2;
    1253         212 :     bot = max(0,bot);
    1254         212 :     top = min(top, func.shape()(0)-1);
    1255             :     
    1256         212 :     Array<Complex> tmp;
    1257         212 :     IPosition blc(4,bot,bot,0,0), trc(4,top,top,0,0);
    1258             :     //
    1259             :     // Cut out the conv. func., copy in a temp. array, resize the
    1260             :     //, and copy the cutout version to
    1261             :     //
    1262         212 :     tmp = func(blc,trc);
    1263         212 :     func.resize(tmp.shape());
    1264         212 :     func = tmp; 
    1265         212 :     return found;
    1266         212 :   }
    1267             :   //
    1268             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1269             :   // A global method for use in OMP'ed findSupport() below
    1270             :   //
    1271      138860 :   void archPeak(const Float& threshold, const Int& origin, const Block<Int>& cfShape, const Complex* funcPtr, 
    1272             :                 const Int& nCFS, const Int& PixInc,const Int& th, const Int& R, Block<Int>& maxR)
    1273             :   {
    1274      138860 :     Block<Complex> vals;
    1275      138860 :     Block<Int> ndx(nCFS); ndx=0;
    1276             :     Int NSteps;
    1277             :     //Check every PixInc pixel along a circle of radius R
    1278      138860 :     NSteps = 90*R/PixInc; 
    1279      138860 :     vals.resize((Int)(NSteps+0.5));
    1280      138860 :     uInt valsNelements=vals.nelements();
    1281      138860 :     vals=0;
    1282             : 
    1283  6218936720 :     for(Int pix=0;pix<NSteps;pix++)
    1284             :       {
    1285  6218797860 :         ndx[0]=(int)(origin + R*sin(2.0*M_PI*pix*PixInc/R));
    1286  6218797860 :         ndx[1]=(int)(origin + R*cos(2.0*M_PI*pix*PixInc/R));
    1287             :         
    1288  6218797860 :         if ((ndx[0] < cfShape[0]) && (ndx[1] < cfShape[1]))
    1289             :           //vals[pix]=func(ndx);
    1290  6218797860 :           vals[pix]=funcPtr[ndx[0]+ndx[1]*cfShape[1]+ndx[2]*cfShape[2]+ndx[3]*cfShape[3]];
    1291             :       }
    1292             : 
    1293      138860 :     maxR[th]=-R;
    1294  6216932076 :     for (uInt i=0;i<valsNelements;i++)
    1295  6216793556 :       if (fabs(vals[i]) > threshold)
    1296             :         {
    1297         340 :           maxR[th]=R;
    1298         340 :           break;
    1299             :         }
    1300             :     //          th++;
    1301      138860 :   }
    1302             :   //
    1303             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1304             :   //
    1305           0 :   Bool AWConvFunc::findSupport(Array<Complex>& func, Float& threshold, 
    1306             :                                Int& origin, Int& radius)
    1307             :   {
    1308           0 :     return awFindSupport(func, threshold, origin, radius);
    1309             :   }
    1310         212 :   Bool AWConvFunc::awFindSupport(Array<Complex>& func, Float& threshold, 
    1311             :                                Int& origin, Int& radius)
    1312             :   {
    1313             :     //LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "findSupport[R&D]"));
    1314             : 
    1315         212 :     Int nCFS=func.shape().nelements(),
    1316         212 :       PixInc=1, R0, R1, R, convSize;
    1317         212 :     Block<Int> cfShape(nCFS);
    1318         212 :     Bool found=false;
    1319             :     Complex *funcPtr;
    1320             :     Bool dummy;
    1321         212 :     uInt Nth=1, threadID=0;
    1322             : 
    1323        1060 :     for (Int i=0;i<nCFS;i++)
    1324         848 :         cfShape[i]=func.shape()[i];
    1325         212 :     convSize = cfShape[0];
    1326             : 
    1327             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    1328         212 :     Nth = max(omp_get_max_threads()-2,1);
    1329             : #endif
    1330             :     
    1331         212 :     Block<Int> maxR(Nth);
    1332             : 
    1333         212 :     funcPtr = func.getStorage(dummy);
    1334             : 
    1335         212 :     R1 = convSize/2-2;
    1336             : 
    1337       69430 :     while (R1 > 1)
    1338             :       {
    1339       69430 :             R0 = R1; R1 -= Nth;
    1340             : 
    1341             : //#pragma omp parallel default(none) firstprivate(R0,R1)  private(R,threadID) shared(origin,threshold,PixInc,maxR,cfShape,nCFS,funcPtr) num_threads(Nth)
    1342       69430 : #pragma omp parallel firstprivate(R0,R1)  private(R,threadID) shared(PixInc,maxR,cfShape,nCFS,funcPtr) num_threads(Nth)
    1343             :             { 
    1344             : #pragma omp for
    1345             :               for(R=R0;R>R1;R--)
    1346             :                 {
    1347             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    1348             :                   threadID=omp_get_thread_num();
    1349             : #endif
    1350             :                   archPeak(threshold, origin, cfShape, funcPtr, nCFS, PixInc, threadID, R, maxR);
    1351             :                 }
    1352             :             }///omp         
    1353             : 
    1354      207950 :             for (uInt th=0;th<Nth;th++)
    1355      138732 :               if (maxR[th] > 0)
    1356         212 :                 {found=true; radius=maxR[th]; return found;}
    1357             :       }
    1358           0 :     return found;
    1359         212 :   }
    1360             :   //
    1361             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1362             :   //
    1363             :   // Bool AWConvFunc::findSupport(Array<Complex>& func, Float& threshold,
    1364             :   //                           Int& origin, Int& R)
    1365             :   // {
    1366             :   //   LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "findSupport[R&D]"));
    1367             :   //   Double NSteps;
    1368             :   //   Int PixInc=1;
    1369             :   //   Vector<Complex> vals;
    1370             :   //   IPosition ndx(4,origin,0,0,0);
    1371             :   //   Bool found=false;
    1372             :   //   IPosition cfShape=func.shape();
    1373             :   //   Int convSize = cfShape(0);
    1374             : 
    1375             :   //   for(R=convSize/2-2;R>1;R--)
    1376             :   //     {
    1377             :   //    //Check every PixInc pixel along a circle of radius R
    1378             :   //    NSteps = 90*R/PixInc; 
    1379             :   //    vals.resize((Int)(NSteps+0.5));
    1380             :   //    vals=0;
    1381             :   //    for(Int th=0;th<NSteps;th++)
    1382             :   //      {
    1383             :   //        ndx(0)=(int)(origin + R*sin(2.0*M_PI*th*PixInc/R));
    1384             :   //        ndx(1)=(int)(origin + R*cos(2.0*M_PI*th*PixInc/R));
    1385             :             
    1386             :   //        if ((ndx(0) < cfShape(0)) && (ndx(1) < cfShape(1)))
    1387             :   //          vals(th)=func(ndx);
    1388             :   //      }
    1389             : 
    1390             :   //    if (max(abs(vals)) > threshold)
    1391             :   //      {found=true;break;}
    1392             :   //     }
    1393             :   //   return found;
    1394             :   // }
    1395             :   //
    1396             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1397             :   //
    1398           0 :   Bool AWConvFunc::makeAverageResponse(const VisBuffer2& vb, 
    1399             :                                        const ImageInterface<Complex>& image,
    1400             :                                        ImageInterface<Float>& theavgPB,
    1401             :                                        Bool reset)
    1402             :   {
    1403           0 :     TempImage<Complex> complexPB;
    1404             :     Bool pbMade;
    1405           0 :     pbMade = makeAverageResponse(vb, image, complexPB,reset);
    1406           0 :     normalizeAvgPB(complexPB, theavgPB);        
    1407           0 :     return pbMade;
    1408           0 :   }
    1409             :   //
    1410             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1411             :   //
    1412           0 :   Bool AWConvFunc::makeAverageResponse(const VisBuffer2& vb, 
    1413             :                                        const ImageInterface<Complex>& image,
    1414             :                                        ImageInterface<Complex>& theavgPB,
    1415             :                                        Bool reset)
    1416             :   {
    1417           0 :     LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2","makeAverageResponse(Complex)[R&D]"));
    1418             :     
    1419           0 :     log_l << "Making the average response for " << aTerm_p->name() 
    1420           0 :           << LogIO::NORMAL  << LogIO::POST;
    1421             :     
    1422           0 :     if (reset)
    1423             :       {
    1424             :         log_l << "Initializing the average PBs"
    1425           0 :               << LogIO::NORMAL << LogIO::POST;
    1426           0 :         theavgPB.resize(image.shape()); 
    1427           0 :         theavgPB.setCoordinateInfo(image.coordinates());
    1428           0 :         theavgPB.set(1.0);
    1429             :       }
    1430             :     
    1431           0 :     aTerm_p->applySky(theavgPB, vb, true, 0);
    1432             :     
    1433           0 :     return true; // i.e., an average PB was made 
    1434           0 :   }
    1435             :   //
    1436             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1437             :   //
    1438           0 :   void AWConvFunc::normalizeAvgPB(ImageInterface<Complex>& inImage,
    1439             :                                   ImageInterface<Float>& outImage)
    1440             :   {
    1441           0 :     LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "normalizeAvgPB[R&D]"));
    1442             :     
    1443           0 :     String name("");
    1444           0 :     storeImg(name,inImage);
    1445           0 :     IPosition inShape(inImage.shape()),ndx(4,0,0,0,0);
    1446           0 :     Vector<Complex> peak(inShape(2));
    1447             :     
    1448           0 :     outImage.resize(inShape);
    1449           0 :     outImage.setCoordinateInfo(inImage.coordinates());
    1450             :     
    1451             :     Bool isRefIn;
    1452           0 :     Array<Complex> inBuf;
    1453           0 :     Array<Float> outBuf;
    1454             :     
    1455           0 :     isRefIn  = inImage.get(inBuf);
    1456             :     //isRefOut = outImage.get(outBuf);
    1457             :     log_l << "Normalizing the average PBs to unity"
    1458           0 :           << LogIO::NORMAL << LogIO::POST;
    1459             :     //
    1460             :     // Normalize each plane of the inImage separately to unity.
    1461             :     //
    1462           0 :     Complex inMax = max(inBuf);
    1463           0 :     if (abs(inMax)-1.0 > 1E-3)
    1464             :       {
    1465           0 :         for(ndx(3)=0;ndx(3)<inShape(3);ndx(3)++)
    1466           0 :           for(ndx(2)=0;ndx(2)<inShape(2);ndx(2)++)
    1467             :             {
    1468           0 :               peak(ndx(2)) = 0;
    1469           0 :               for(ndx(1)=0;ndx(1)<inShape(1);ndx(1)++)
    1470           0 :                 for(ndx(0)=0;ndx(0)<inShape(0);ndx(0)++)
    1471           0 :                   if (abs(inBuf(ndx)) > peak(ndx(2)))
    1472           0 :                     peak(ndx(2)) = inBuf(ndx);
    1473             :               
    1474           0 :               for(ndx(1)=0;ndx(1)<inShape(1);ndx(1)++)
    1475           0 :                 for(ndx(0)=0;ndx(0)<inShape(0);ndx(0)++)
    1476             :                   //                  avgPBBuf(ndx) *= (pbPeaks(ndx(2))/peak(ndx(2)));
    1477           0 :                   inBuf(ndx) /= peak(ndx(2));
    1478             :             }
    1479           0 :         if (isRefIn) inImage.put(inBuf);
    1480             :       }
    1481             :     
    1482           0 :     ndx=0;
    1483           0 :     for(ndx(1)=0;ndx(1)<inShape(1);ndx(1)++)
    1484           0 :       for(ndx(0)=0;ndx(0)<inShape(0);ndx(0)++)
    1485             :         {
    1486           0 :           IPosition plane1(ndx);
    1487           0 :           plane1=ndx;
    1488           0 :           plane1(2)=1; // The other poln. plane
    1489             :           //      avgPBBuf(ndx) = (avgPBBuf(ndx) + avgPBBuf(plane1))/2.0;
    1490           0 :           outBuf(ndx) = sqrt(real(inBuf(ndx) * inBuf(plane1)));
    1491           0 :         }
    1492             :     //
    1493             :     // Rather convoluted way of copying Pol. plane-0 to Pol. plane-1!!!
    1494             :     //
    1495           0 :     for(ndx(1)=0;ndx(1)<inShape(1);ndx(1)++)
    1496           0 :       for(ndx(0)=0;ndx(0)<inShape(0);ndx(0)++)
    1497             :         {
    1498           0 :           IPosition plane1(ndx);
    1499           0 :           plane1=ndx;
    1500           0 :           plane1(2)=1; // The other poln. plane
    1501           0 :           outBuf(plane1) = real(outBuf(ndx));
    1502           0 :         }
    1503           0 :   }
    1504             :   //
    1505             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1506             :   // Legacy code.  Should ultimately be deleteted after re-facatoring
    1507             :   // is finished.
    1508             :   //
    1509           0 :   Bool AWConvFunc::makeAverageResponse_org(const VisBuffer2& vb, 
    1510             :                                            const ImageInterface<Complex>& image,
    1511             :                                            ImageInterface<Float>& theavgPB,
    1512             :                                            Bool reset)
    1513             :   {
    1514           0 :     LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "makeAverageResponse_org[R&D]"));
    1515           0 :     TempImage<Float> localPB;
    1516             :     
    1517             :     log_l << "Making the average response for " 
    1518           0 :           << aTerm_p->name() 
    1519           0 :           << LogIO::NORMAL << LogIO::POST;
    1520             :     
    1521           0 :     localPB.resize(image.shape()); localPB.setCoordinateInfo(image.coordinates());
    1522           0 :     if (reset)
    1523             :       {
    1524           0 :         log_l << "Initializing the average PBs" << LogIO::NORMAL << LogIO::POST;
    1525           0 :         theavgPB.resize(localPB.shape()); 
    1526           0 :         theavgPB.setCoordinateInfo(localPB.coordinates());
    1527           0 :         theavgPB.set(0.0);
    1528             :       }
    1529             :     //
    1530             :     // Make the Stokes PB
    1531             :     //
    1532           0 :     localPB.set(1.0);
    1533             :     
    1534             :     // Block<CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float > > > tmpBlock(1);
    1535             :     // tmpBlock[0]=CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Float> >(&localPB, false);
    1536             :     // aTerm_p->applySky(tmpBlock, vb, 0, false);
    1537           0 :     aTerm_p->applySky(localPB, vb, false, 0);
    1538             :     
    1539           0 :     IPosition twoDPBShape(localPB.shape());
    1540           0 :     TempImage<Complex> localTwoDPB(twoDPBShape,localPB.coordinates());
    1541             :     //    localTwoDPB.setMaximumCacheSize(cachesize);
    1542             :     Int NAnt;
    1543           0 :     NAnt=1;
    1544             :     
    1545           0 :     for(Int ant=0;ant<NAnt;ant++)
    1546             :       { //Ant loop
    1547             :         {
    1548           0 :           IPosition ndx(4,0,0,0,0);
    1549           0 :           for(ndx(0)=0; ndx(0)<twoDPBShape(0); ndx(0)++)
    1550           0 :             for(ndx(1)=0; ndx(1)<twoDPBShape(1); ndx(1)++)
    1551           0 :               for(ndx(2)=0; ndx(2)<twoDPBShape(2); ndx(2)++)
    1552           0 :                 for(ndx(3)=0; ndx(3)<twoDPBShape(3); ndx(3)++)
    1553           0 :                   localTwoDPB.putAt(Complex((localPB(ndx)),0.0),ndx);
    1554           0 :         }
    1555             :         //
    1556             :         // Accumulate the shifted PBs
    1557             :         //
    1558             :         {
    1559             :           Bool isRefF;
    1560           0 :           Array<Float> fbuf;
    1561           0 :           Array<Complex> cbuf;
    1562           0 :           isRefF=theavgPB.get(fbuf);
    1563             :           //isRefC=localTwoDPB.get(cbuf);
    1564             :           
    1565           0 :           IPosition fs(fbuf.shape());
    1566           0 :           IPosition ndx(4,0,0,0,0),avgNDX(4,0,0,0,0);
    1567           0 :           for(ndx(3)=0,avgNDX(3)=0;ndx(3)<fs(3);ndx(3)++,avgNDX(3)++)
    1568           0 :             for(ndx(2)=0,avgNDX(2)=0;ndx(2)<twoDPBShape(2);ndx(2)++,avgNDX(2)++)
    1569           0 :               for(ndx(0)=0,avgNDX(0)=0;ndx(0)<fs(0);ndx(0)++,avgNDX(0)++)
    1570           0 :                 for(ndx(1)=0,avgNDX(1)=0;ndx(1)<fs(1);ndx(1)++,avgNDX(1)++)
    1571             :                   {
    1572             :                     Float val;
    1573           0 :                     val = real(cbuf(ndx));
    1574           0 :                     fbuf(avgNDX) += val;
    1575             :                   }
    1576           0 :           if (!isRefF) theavgPB.put(fbuf);
    1577           0 :         }
    1578             :       }
    1579           0 :     theavgPB.setCoordinateInfo(localPB.coordinates());
    1580           0 :     return true; // i.e., an average PB was made
    1581           0 :   }
    1582             :   //
    1583             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1584             :   //
    1585             : //  void AWConvFunc::prepareConvFunction(const VisBuffer2& vb, VBRow2CFBMapType& theMap)
    1586       34185 :   void AWConvFunc::prepareConvFunction(const VisBuffer2& vb, VB2CFBMap& theMap)
    1587             :   {
    1588       34185 :     if (aTerm_p->rotationallySymmetric() == false) return;
    1589       34056 :     Int nRow=theMap.nelements();
    1590             :     // CountedPtr<CFBuffer> cfb, cbPtr;
    1591             :     // CountedPtr<CFCell>  cfc;
    1592             :     // CountedPtr<ATerm> aTerm_l=aTerm_p;
    1593       34056 :     CFBuffer *cfb, *cbPtr=0;
    1594       34056 :     CFCell  *cfc, *baseCFC=NULL;
    1595       34056 :     ATerm *aTerm_l=&*aTerm_p;
    1596             :     
    1597       34056 :     cfb=&*(theMap[0]);
    1598       34056 :     cfc = &*(cfb->getCFCellPtr(0,0,0));
    1599       34056 :     Double actualPA = getPA(vb), currentCFPA = cfc->pa_p.getValue("rad");
    1600       34056 :     Double dPA = currentCFPA-actualPA;
    1601             : 
    1602       34056 :     if (fabs(dPA) <= fabs(rotateCFOTFAngleRad_p)) return;
    1603             : 
    1604             : 
    1605             : //     Int Nth=1;
    1606             : // #ifdef _OPENMP
    1607             : //     Nth=max(omp_get_max_threads()-2,1);
    1608             : // #endif
    1609           0 :     for (Int irow=0;irow<nRow;irow++)
    1610             :       {
    1611           0 :         cfb=&*(theMap[irow]);
    1612             :         //      if ((!cfb.null()) && (cfb != cbPtr))
    1613           0 :         if ((cfb!=NULL) && (cfb != cbPtr))
    1614             :           {
    1615             :             // baseCFB_p = cfb->clone();
    1616             :             // cerr << "NRef = " << baseCFB_p.nrefs() << endl;
    1617             :             //
    1618             :             // If the following messsage is emitted more than once, we
    1619             :             // are in a heterogeneous-array case
    1620             :             //
    1621           0 :             LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("AWConvFunc2", "prepareConvFunction"));
    1622           0 :             log_l << "Rotating the base CFB from PA=" << cfb->getCFCellPtr(0,0,0)->pa_p.getValue("deg") 
    1623             :                   << " to " << actualPA*57.2957795131 
    1624           0 :                   << " " << cfb->getCFCellPtr(0,0,0)->shape_p
    1625           0 :                   << LogIO::DEBUG1 << LogIO::POST;
    1626             : 
    1627           0 :             IPosition shp(cfb->shape());
    1628           0 :             cbPtr = cfb;
    1629           0 :             for(Int k=0;k<shp(2);k++)   // Mueller-loop
    1630           0 :               for(Int j=0;j<shp(1);j++)     // W-loop
    1631             : // #pragma omp parallel default(none) firstprivate(j,k) shared(shp,cfb,aTerm_l) num_threads(Nth)
    1632             :      {
    1633             : // #pragma omp for
    1634           0 :                 for (Int i=0;i<shp(0);i++)      // Chan-loop
    1635             :                   {
    1636           0 :                     cfc = &*(cfb->getCFCellPtr(i,j,k));
    1637             :                     //baseCFC = &*(baseCFB_p->getCFCellPtr(i,j,k));
    1638             :                     // Call this for every VB.  Any optimization
    1639             :                     // (e.g. rotating at some increment only) is
    1640             :                     // implemented in the ATerm::rotate().
    1641             :                     //              if (rotateCF_p)
    1642             :                     // Rotate the cell only if it has been loaded.
    1643           0 :                     if (cfc->getShape().product() > 0)
    1644           0 :                       aTerm_l->rotate2(vb,*baseCFC, *cfc,rotateCFOTFAngleRad_p);
    1645             :                   }
    1646             :     }
    1647           0 :           }
    1648             :       }
    1649             :   };
    1650             :   //
    1651             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1652             :   //
    1653           0 :   void AWConvFunc::setMiscInfo(const RecordInterface& params)
    1654             :   {
    1655             :     (void)params;
    1656           0 :   }
    1657             :   //
    1658             :   // REFACTORED CODE
    1659             :   //
    1660             : 
    1661             :   //
    1662             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1663             :   //
    1664          42 :   void AWConvFunc::fillConvFuncBuffer2(CFBuffer& cfb, CFBuffer& cfWtb,
    1665             :                                        const Int& nx, const Int& ny, 
    1666             :                                        const ImageInterface<Complex>& skyImage,
    1667             :                                        const CFCStruct& miscInfo,
    1668             :                                        PSTerm& psTerm, WTerm& wTerm, ATerm& aTerm,
    1669             :                                        Bool conjBeams)
    1670             : 
    1671             :   {
    1672          84 :     LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("Moluscs", "fillConvFuncBuffer2[R&D]"));
    1673          42 :     Complex cfNorm, cfWtNorm;
    1674          42 :     Complex cpeak;
    1675             :     {
    1676             :       Float sampling, samplingWt;
    1677             :       Int xSupport, ySupport, xSupportWt, ySupportWt;
    1678          42 :       CoordinateSystem cs_l;
    1679          42 :       String bandName;
    1680             :       // Extract the parameters index by (MuellerElement, Freq, W)
    1681          42 :       cfWtb.getParams(cs_l, samplingWt, xSupportWt, ySupportWt, bandName,
    1682          42 :                       miscInfo.freqValue, miscInfo.wValue, //The address of CFCell as physical co-ords
    1683          42 :                       miscInfo.muellerElement);
    1684          42 :       cfb.getParams(cs_l, sampling, xSupport, ySupport, bandName,
    1685          42 :                     miscInfo.freqValue,miscInfo.wValue, //The address of CFCell as physical co-ords
    1686          42 :                     miscInfo.muellerElement);
    1687             :           
    1688             :       //cerr << "FCFB2: frq "  << miscInfo.freqValue << " cs_l " << cs_l.toWorld(IPosition(4, 0,0,0,0)) << endl;
    1689          42 :       aTerm.setBandName(bandName);
    1690             :       //
    1691             :       // Cache the A-Term for this polarization and frequency
    1692             :       //
    1693             :       Double conjFreq, vbPA;
    1694          42 :       CountedPtr<CFCell> thisCell=cfb.getCFCellPtr(miscInfo.freqValue, miscInfo.wValue, miscInfo.muellerElement);
    1695          42 :       vbPA = thisCell->pa_p.getValue("rad");
    1696          42 :       conjFreq = thisCell->conjFreq_p;
    1697          42 :       CoordinateSystem conjPolCS_l=cs_l;  AWConvFunc::makeConjPolAxis(conjPolCS_l, thisCell->conjPoln_p);
    1698          42 :       IPosition pbshp(4,nx,ny,1,1);
    1699          84 :       TempImage<Complex> ftATerm_l(pbshp, cs_l), ftATermSq_l(pbshp,conjPolCS_l);
    1700          42 :       Bool doSquint=true; 
    1701          42 :       ftATerm_l.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));   ftATermSq_l.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));
    1702          42 :       Double freq_l=miscInfo.freqValue;
    1703             :       //TESTOO
    1704             :           {
    1705          42 :         Vector<String> csList;
    1706          42 :         IPosition dummy;
    1707             :       //        cout << "CoordSys:===================== ";
    1708             :       //        //              csList = ftATermSq_l.coordinates().list(log_l,MDoppler::RADIO,dummy,dummy);
    1709             : 
    1710          42 :         csList = cs_l.list(log_l,MDoppler::RADIO,dummy,dummy);
    1711             :         //cerr << csList << endl;
    1712             :       //        csList = conjPolCS_l.list(log_l,MDoppler::RADIO,dummy,dummy);
    1713             :       //        cout << csList << endl;
    1714          42 :       }
    1715             : 
    1716             :       //if (!isDryRun)
    1717             :           //cerr <<"applying ATERM for " << freq_l << endl;
    1718             :         //TESTOO
    1719          42 :         CoordinateSystem lalacs=cs_l;
    1720             :         //
    1721             :           
    1722             :           // cerr << "#########$$$$$$ " << pbshp << " " << nx << " " << freq_l << " " << conjFreq << endl;
    1723             :         {
    1724             :         
    1725          42 :         aTerm.applySky(ftATerm_l, vbPA, doSquint, 0, miscInfo.muellerElement,freq_l);//freqHi);
    1726          42 :         if (conjBeams) aTerm.applySky(ftATermSq_l, vbPA, doSquint, 0, miscInfo.muellerElement, conjFreq);//freqHi);
    1727          42 :         else aTerm.applySky(ftATermSq_l, vbPA, doSquint, 0,miscInfo.muellerElement,freq_l);
    1728             :       }
    1729             : 
    1730             :         //TESTOO
    1731             :         {
    1732          84 :         PagedImage<Complex> lala(ftATerm_l.shape(), lalacs, "");
    1733          42 :         lala.copyData(ftATerm_l);
    1734             :         
    1735          42 :         }
    1736             :         ////
    1737             :       
    1738          42 :       Vector<Double> cellSize;
    1739             :       // {
    1740             :       //        Int linIndex=cs_l.findCoordinate(Coordinate::LINEAR);
    1741             :       //        LinearCoordinate lc=cs_l.linearCoordinate(linIndex);
    1742             :       //        Vector<Bool> axes(2); axes=true;
    1743             :       //        Vector<Int> dirShape(2); dirShape(0)=nx;dirShape(1)=ny;
    1744             :       //        Coordinate* FTlc=lc.makeFourierCoordinate(axes,dirShape);
    1745             :       //        cellSize = lc.increment();
    1746             :       // }
    1747             :       {
    1748          42 :         CoordinateSystem skyCoords(skyImage.coordinates());
    1749             :         
    1750          42 :         Int directionIndex=skyCoords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
    1751          42 :         DirectionCoordinate dc=skyCoords.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
    1752             :         //Vector<Double> cellSize;
    1753          42 :         cellSize = dc.increment()*(Double)(miscInfo.sampling*skyImage.shape()(0)/nx); // nx is the size of the CF buffer
    1754          42 :       }
    1755             :       //cerr << "#########$$$$$$ " << cellSize << endl;
    1756             : 
    1757             :       // Int directionIndex=cs_l.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
    1758             :       // DirectionCoordinate dc=cs_l.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
    1759             :       // cellSize = dc.increment();
    1760             :       
    1761             :       //
    1762             :       // Now compute the PS x W-Term and apply the cached
    1763             :       // A-Term to build the full CF.
    1764             :       //
    1765             :       {
    1766             :         log_l << " CF("
    1767          42 :               << "M:"<< miscInfo.muellerElement
    1768          42 :               << ",C:" << miscInfo.freqValue/1e9
    1769          42 :               << ",W:" << miscInfo.wValue << "): ";
    1770          42 :         Array<Complex> &cfWtBuf=(*(cfWtb.getCFCellPtr(miscInfo.freqValue, miscInfo.wValue, miscInfo.muellerElement))->storage_p);
    1771          42 :         Array<Complex> &cfBuf=(*(cfb.getCFCellPtr(miscInfo.freqValue, miscInfo.wValue, miscInfo.muellerElement))->storage_p);
    1772             :                     
    1773          42 :         cfWtBuf.resize(pbshp);
    1774          42 :         cfBuf.resize(pbshp);
    1775             : 
    1776          42 :         const Vector<Double> sampling_l(2,sampling);
    1777          42 :         Matrix<Complex> cfBufMat(cfBuf.nonDegenerate()), 
    1778          42 :           cfWtBufMat(cfWtBuf.nonDegenerate());
    1779             :         //
    1780             :         // Apply the Prolate Spheroidal and W-Term kernels
    1781             :         //
    1782          42 :         Vector<Double> s(2); s=sampling;
    1783             :         //Timer tim;
    1784             :         //tim.mark();
    1785             :         // if (psTerm.isNoOp() || isDryRun)
    1786          42 :         if (psTerm.isNoOp())
    1787          42 :           cfBufMat = cfWtBufMat = 1.0;
    1788             :         else
    1789             :           {
    1790             :             // psTerm.applySky(cfBufMat, False);   // Assign (psScale set in psTerm.init()
    1791             :             // psTerm.applySky(cfWtBufMat, False); // Assign
    1792           0 :             psTerm.applySky(cfBufMat, s, cfBufMat.shape()(0)/s(0));   // Assign (psScale set in psTerm.init()
    1793           0 :             psTerm.applySky(cfWtBufMat, s, cfWtBufMat.shape()(0)/s(0)); // Assign
    1794           0 :             cfWtBuf *= cfWtBuf;
    1795             :           }
    1796             : 
    1797             :         //tim.mark();
    1798          42 :         if (miscInfo.wValue > 0)
    1799           0 :           wTerm.applySky(cfBufMat, cellSize, miscInfo.wValue, cfBuf.shape()(0));///4);
    1800             : 
    1801          42 :         IPosition PolnPlane(4,0,0,0,0),
    1802          42 :           pbShape(4, cfBuf.shape()(0), cfBuf.shape()(1), 1, 1);
    1803             :         //
    1804             :         // Make TempImages and copy the buffers with PS *
    1805             :         // WKernel applied (too bad that TempImages can't be
    1806             :         // made with existing buffers)
    1807             :         //
    1808             :         //-------------------------------------------------------------             
    1809          42 :         TempImage<Complex> twoDPB_l(pbShape, cs_l);
    1810          42 :         TempImage<Complex> twoDPBSq_l(pbShape,cs_l);
    1811             :         //-------------------------------------------------------------             
    1812             :         // WBAWP CODE BEGIN -- ftATermSq_l has conj. PolCS
    1813             : 
    1814          42 :           cfWtBuf *= ftATerm_l.get()*conj(ftATermSq_l.get());
    1815             : 
    1816             :         //tim.mark();
    1817          42 :         cfBuf *= ftATerm_l.get();
    1818             :         //"W*A*2: ");
    1819             :         // WBAWP CODE END
    1820             :         //tim.mark();
    1821          42 :         twoDPB_l.putSlice(cfBuf, PolnPlane);
    1822          42 :         twoDPBSq_l.putSlice(cfWtBuf, PolnPlane);
    1823             :         //"putSlice:");
    1824             : 
    1825             :         // To accumulate avgPB2, call this function. 
    1826             :         // PBSQWeight
    1827             :         // Bool PBSQ = false;
    1828             :         // if(PBSQ) makePBSq(twoDPBSq_l); 
    1829             :                     
    1830             :         //
    1831             :         // Set the ref. freq. of the co-ordinate system to
    1832             :         // that set by ATerm::applySky().
    1833             :         //
    1834             :         //tim.mark();
    1835          42 :         CoordinateSystem cs=twoDPB_l.coordinates();
    1836          42 :         Int index= twoDPB_l.coordinates().findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
    1837          42 :         SpectralCoordinate SpCS = twoDPB_l.coordinates().spectralCoordinate(index);
    1838             :                     
    1839          42 :         Double cfRefFreq=SpCS.referenceValue()(0);
    1840          42 :         Vector<Double> refValue; refValue.resize(1); refValue(0)=cfRefFreq;
    1841          42 :         SpCS.setReferenceValue(refValue);
    1842          42 :         cs.replaceCoordinate(SpCS,index);
    1843             :         
    1844             :         //tim.mark();
    1845             :         // if (!isDryRun)
    1846             :           {
    1847          42 :             LatticeFFT::cfft2d(twoDPB_l);
    1848          42 :             LatticeFFT::cfft2d(twoDPBSq_l);
    1849             :           }
    1850             :         //"FFT*2:");
    1851             : 
    1852             :         //tim.mark();
    1853          42 :         IPosition shp(twoDPB_l.shape());
    1854          42 :         IPosition start(4, 0, 0, 0, 0), pbSlice(4, shp[0]-1, shp[1]-1,1/*polInUse*/, 1),
    1855          42 :           sliceLength(4,cfBuf.shape()[0]-1,cfBuf.shape()[1]-1,1,1);
    1856             :                     
    1857          84 :         cfBuf(Slicer(start,sliceLength)).nonDegenerate()
    1858         126 :           =(twoDPB_l.getSlice(start, pbSlice, true));
    1859             :                     
    1860          42 :         shp = twoDPBSq_l.shape();
    1861          42 :         IPosition pbSqSlice(4, shp[0]-1, shp[1]-1, 1, 1),
    1862          42 :           sqSliceLength(4,cfWtBuf.shape()(0)-1,cfWtBuf.shape()[1]-1,1,1);
    1863             :                     
    1864          84 :         cfWtBuf(Slicer(start,sqSliceLength)).nonDegenerate()
    1865         126 :           =(twoDPBSq_l.getSlice(start, pbSqSlice, true));
    1866             :         //"Slicer*2:");
    1867             :         //
    1868             :         //tim.mark();
    1869             :         // if (!isDryRun)
    1870             :           // {
    1871             :           //   if (wValue==0) wtcpeak = max(cfWtBuf);
    1872             :           //   cfWtBuf /= wtcpeak;
    1873             :           // }
    1874             :         //"Norm");
    1875             : 
    1876             :         //tim.mark();
    1877             :         // if (!isDryRun)
    1878          42 :         Int supportBuffer = (Int)(AWConvFunc::getOversampling(psTerm, wTerm, aTerm)*2.0);
    1879          42 :         AWConvFunc::resizeCF(cfWtBuf, xSupportWt, ySupportWt, supportBuffer, samplingWt,0.0);
    1880             :         //"Resize:");
    1881             : 
    1882             :         //tim.mark();
    1883          42 :         Vector<Double> ftRef(2);
    1884          42 :         ftRef(0)=cfWtBuf.shape()(0)/2.0;
    1885          42 :         ftRef(1)=cfWtBuf.shape()(1)/2.0;
    1886          42 :         CoordinateSystem ftCoords=cs_l;
    1887          42 :         SynthesisUtils::makeFTCoordSys(cs_l, cfWtBuf.shape()(0), ftRef, ftCoords);
    1888             :         
    1889          42 :         thisCell=cfWtb.getCFCellPtr(miscInfo.freqValue, miscInfo.wValue, miscInfo.muellerElement);
    1890          42 :         thisCell->pa_p=Quantity(vbPA,"rad");
    1891          42 :         thisCell->coordSys_p = ftCoords;
    1892          42 :         thisCell->xSupport_p = xSupportWt;
    1893          42 :         thisCell->ySupport_p = ySupportWt;
    1894          42 :         thisCell->isRotationallySymmetric_p = aTerm.isNoOp();
    1895             :         //"CSStuff:");
    1896             : 
    1897             :         //tim.mark();
    1898             :         // if (!isDryRun)
    1899             :           {
    1900          42 :             cpeak = max(cfBuf);
    1901          42 :             cfBuf /= cpeak;
    1902             :           }
    1903             :         //"Peaknorm:");
    1904             : 
    1905             :         // if (!isDryRun) 
    1906          42 :           AWConvFunc::resizeCF(cfBuf, xSupport, ySupport, supportBuffer, sampling,0.0);
    1907             : 
    1908          42 :         log_l << "CF Support: " << xSupport << " (" << xSupportWt << ") " << "pixels" <<  LogIO::POST;
    1909             :         
    1910          42 :         ftRef(0)=cfBuf.shape()(0)/2.0;
    1911          42 :         ftRef(1)=cfBuf.shape()(1)/2.0;
    1912             : 
    1913             :         //tim.mark();
    1914             :         //cfNorm=cfWtNorm=1.0;
    1915             :         // if ((wValue == 0) && (!isDryRun))
    1916             :         //if (miscInfo.wValue == 0)
    1917             :           {
    1918          42 :             cfNorm=0; cfWtNorm=0;
    1919          42 :             cfNorm = AWConvFunc::cfArea(cfBufMat, xSupport, ySupport, sampling);
    1920          42 :             cfWtNorm = AWConvFunc::cfArea(cfWtBufMat, xSupportWt, ySupportWt, sampling);
    1921             :           }
    1922             :         //"Area*2:");
    1923             :         
    1924             :         //tim.mark();
    1925          42 :           if (cfNorm != Complex(0.0))    cfBuf /= cfNorm;
    1926          42 :           if (cfWtNorm != Complex(0.0)) cfWtBuf /= cfWtNorm;
    1927             :         //"cfNorm*2:");
    1928             : 
    1929             :         //tim.mark();
    1930          42 :         ftCoords=cs_l;
    1931          42 :         SynthesisUtils::makeFTCoordSys(cs_l, cfBuf.shape()(0), ftRef, ftCoords);
    1932             : 
    1933          42 :         thisCell=cfb.getCFCellPtr(miscInfo.freqValue, miscInfo.wValue, miscInfo.muellerElement);
    1934          42 :         thisCell->pa_p=Quantity(vbPA,"rad");
    1935          42 :         thisCell->coordSys_p = ftCoords;
    1936          42 :         thisCell->xSupport_p = xSupport;
    1937          42 :         thisCell->ySupport_p = ySupport;
    1938          42 :         thisCell->isRotationallySymmetric_p = aTerm.isNoOp();
    1939          42 :         (cfWtb.getCFCellPtr(miscInfo.freqValue, miscInfo.wValue, miscInfo.muellerElement))->initCache();
    1940          42 :         (cfb.getCFCellPtr(miscInfo.freqValue, miscInfo.wValue, miscInfo.muellerElement))->initCache();
    1941             :         //"End*2:");
    1942          42 :       }
    1943          42 :     }
    1944          42 :   }
    1945             : 
    1946             :     //    extern casacore::Double casa::EVLABandMinFreqDefaults[EVLABeamCalc_NumBandCodes];
    1947             : 
    1948             :   //
    1949             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    1950             :   //
    1951           7 :   void AWConvFunc::makeConvFunction2(const String& cfCachePath,
    1952             :                                      const Vector<Double>&,// uvScale,
    1953             :                                      const Vector<Double>& uvOffset,
    1954             :                                      const Matrix<Double>& ,//vbFreqSelection,
    1955             :                                      CFStore2& cfs2,
    1956             :                                      CFStore2& cfwts2,
    1957             :                                      const Bool psTermOn,
    1958             :                                      const Bool aTermOn,
    1959             :                                      const Bool conjBeams)
    1960             :   {
    1961          14 :     LogIO log_l(LogOrigin("crustaceans", "makeConvFunction2[R&D]"));
    1962             :     Int convSize, convSampling;//, polInUse;
    1963           7 :     Array<Complex> convFunc_l, convWeights_l;
    1964             :     //  
    1965             :     // Get the coordinate system
    1966             :     //
    1967           7 :     const String uvGridDiskImage=cfCachePath+"/"+"";
    1968           7 :     PagedImage<Complex> skyImage_l(uvGridDiskImage);//cfs2.getCacheDir()+"/");
    1969             :     Double skyMinFreq;
    1970           7 :     Vector<Double> skyIncr;
    1971             :     Int skyNX,skyNY;
    1972             :     {
    1973           7 :       skyNX=skyImage_l.shape()(0);
    1974           7 :       skyNY=skyImage_l.shape()(1);
    1975           7 :       CoordinateSystem skyCoords(skyImage_l.coordinates());
    1976           7 :         skyCoords.list(log_l, MDoppler::RADIO, skyImage_l.shape(), skyImage_l.shape(), True);
    1977           7 :       Int directionIndex=skyCoords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
    1978           7 :       DirectionCoordinate dc=skyCoords.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
    1979           7 :       skyIncr = dc.increment();
    1980           7 :     }
    1981           7 :     CountedPtr<CFBuffer> cfb_p, cfwtb_p;
    1982             :     
    1983           7 :     IPosition cfsShape = cfs2.getShape();
    1984           7 :     IPosition wCFStShape = cfwts2.getShape();
    1985             : 
    1986             :     //Matrix<Int> uniqueBaselineTypeList=makeBaselineList(aTerm_p->getAntTypeList());
    1987             :     Bool wbAWP, wTermOn;
    1988             : 
    1989          14 :     for (int iPA=0; iPA<cfsShape[0]; iPA++)
    1990          14 :       for (int iB=0; iB<cfsShape[1]; iB++)
    1991             :           {
    1992           7 :             log_l << "Filling CFs for baseline type " << iB << ", PA slot " << iPA << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
    1993           7 :             cfb_p=cfs2.getCFBuffer(iPA,iB);
    1994           7 :             cfwtb_p=cfwts2.getCFBuffer(iPA,iB);
    1995             : 
    1996           7 :             IPosition cfbShape = cfb_p->shape();
    1997             :                 //cerr << "@@@CFBSHAPE " <<cfbShape << endl; 
    1998          28 :             for (int iNu=0; iNu<cfbShape(0); iNu++)       // Frequency axis
    1999          63 :               for (int iPol=0; iPol<cfbShape(2); iPol++)     // Polarization axis
    2000          84 :                 for (int iW=0; iW<cfbShape(1); iW++)   // W axis
    2001             :                   {
    2002          42 :                     CFCStruct miscInfo;
    2003          42 :                     CoordinateSystem cs_l;
    2004             :                     Int xSupport, ySupport;
    2005             :                     Float sampling;
    2006             : 
    2007          42 :                     CountedPtr<CFCell>& tt=(*cfb_p).getCFCellPtr(iNu, iW, iPol);
    2008             :                     //cerr << "####@#$#@$@ " << iNu << " " << iW << " " << iPol << endl;
    2009             :                     //tt->show("test",cout);
    2010          42 :                     if (tt->cfShape_p.nelements() != 0)
    2011             :                        {
    2012          42 :                          (*cfb_p)(iNu,iW,iPol).getAsStruct(miscInfo); // Get misc. info. for this CFCell
    2013             :                          {
    2014             :                            //This code uses the BeamCalc class to get
    2015             :                            //the nominal min. freq. of the band in
    2016             :                            //use.  While not accurate, may be
    2017             :                            //sufficient for the purpose of the
    2018             :                            //anti-aliasing operator.
    2019             :                            ///At this stage if telescopeName is blank or empty spaces
    2020             :                            //then it is EVLA
    2021          42 :                            if(miscInfo.telescopeName.size() < 2)
    2022           0 :                              miscInfo.telescopeName="EVLA";
    2023          42 :                            Int bandID = BeamCalc::Instance()->getBandID(miscInfo.freqValue,miscInfo.telescopeName,miscInfo.bandName);
    2024          42 :                            skyMinFreq = casa::EVLABandMinFreqDefaults[bandID];
    2025             :                          }
    2026          42 :                          wbAWP=True; // Always true since the Freq. value is got from the coord. sys.
    2027          42 :                          wTermOn=(miscInfo.wValue > 0.0);
    2028             : 
    2029             :                          CountedPtr<ConvolutionFunction> awCF = AWProjectFT::makeCFObject(miscInfo.telescopeName,
    2030          42 :                                                                                           aTermOn, psTermOn, wTermOn, True, wbAWP, conjBeams);
    2031          42 :                          (static_cast<AWConvFunc &>(*awCF)).aTerm_p->cacheVBInfo(miscInfo.telescopeName, miscInfo.diameter);
    2032             :                          //aTerm_p->cacheVBInfo(miscInfo.telescopeName, miscInfo.diameter);
    2033             : 
    2034          42 :                          String bandName;
    2035          42 :                          cfb_p->getParams(cs_l, sampling, xSupport, ySupport,bandName,iNu,iW,iPol);
    2036          42 :                          convSampling=miscInfo.sampling;
    2037             : 
    2038             :                          //convSize=miscInfo.shape[0];
    2039             :                          // This method loads "empty CFs".  Those have
    2040             :                          // support size equal to the CONVBUF size
    2041             :                          // required.  So use that, instead of the
    2042             :                          // "shape" information from CFs, since the
    2043             :                          // latter for empty CFs can be small (to save
    2044             :                          // disk space and i/o -- the CFs are supposed
    2045             :                          // to be empty anyway at this stage!)
    2046          42 :                          convSize=xSupport; 
    2047             : 
    2048          42 :                          IPosition start(4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    2049          42 :                          IPosition pbSlice(4, convSize, convSize, 1, 1);
    2050             :                          
    2051          42 :                          Matrix<Complex> screen(convSize, convSize);
    2052             :                          
    2053             :                          {
    2054             :                            // Set up the anti-aliasing operator (psTerm_p) for this CF.
    2055          42 :                            Int inner=convSize/(convSampling);
    2056             : 
    2057             :                            //Float psScale = (2*coords.increment()(0))/(nx*image.coordinates().increment()(0));
    2058          42 :                            Float innerQuaterFraction=1.0;
    2059          42 :                            innerQuaterFraction=refim::SynthesisUtils::getenv("AWCF.FUDGE",innerQuaterFraction);
    2060             :                          
    2061          42 :                            Double lambdaByD = innerQuaterFraction*1.22*C::c/skyMinFreq/miscInfo.diameter;
    2062          42 :                            Double FoV_x = fabs(skyNX*skyIncr(0));
    2063          42 :                            Double FoV_y = fabs(skyNY*skyIncr(1));
    2064          42 :                            Vector<Double> uvScale_l(3);
    2065          42 :                            uvScale_l(0) = (FoV_x < lambdaByD) ? FoV_x : lambdaByD;
    2066          42 :                            uvScale_l(1) = (FoV_y < lambdaByD) ? FoV_y : lambdaByD;
    2067          42 :                            uvScale_l(2) = 0.0;
    2068             : 
    2069          42 :                            Float psScale = 2.0/(innerQuaterFraction*convSize/convSampling);// nx*image.coordinates().increment()(0)*convSampling/2;
    2070          42 :                            ((static_cast<AWConvFunc &>(*awCF)).psTerm_p)->init(IPosition(2,inner,inner), uvScale_l, uvOffset,psScale);
    2071          42 :                          }
    2072             :                          
    2073             :                          //
    2074             :                          // By this point, the all the 4 axis (Time/PA, Freq, Pol,
    2075             :                          // Baseline) of the CFBuffer objects have been setup.  The CFs
    2076             :                          // will now be filled using the supplied PS-, W- ad A-term objects.
    2077             :                          //
    2078             :                          
    2079          42 :                          AWConvFunc::fillConvFuncBuffer2(*cfb_p, *cfwtb_p, convSize, convSize, 
    2080             :                                                          skyImage_l,
    2081             :                                                          miscInfo,
    2082          42 :                                                          *((static_cast<AWConvFunc &>(*awCF)).psTerm_p),
    2083          42 :                                                          *((static_cast<AWConvFunc &>(*awCF)).wTerm_p),
    2084          42 :                                                          *((static_cast<AWConvFunc &>(*awCF)).aTerm_p),
    2085             :                                                          conjBeams);
    2086             :                                              
    2087             :                          //                                  *psTerm_p, *wTerm_p, *aTerm_p);
    2088             :                          //cfb_p->show(NULL,cerr);
    2089             :                          //
    2090             :                          // Make the CFStores persistent.
    2091             :                          //
    2092             :                          // cfs2.makePersistent(cfCachePath.c_str());
    2093             :                          // cfwts2.makePersistent(cfCachePath.c_str(),"WT");
    2094          42 :                        }
    2095          42 :                   }
    2096           7 :           } // End of loop over baselines
    2097             : 
    2098           7 :     cfs2.makePersistent(cfCachePath.c_str());
    2099           7 :     cfwts2.makePersistent(cfCachePath.c_str(),"","WT");
    2100             :     // Directory dir(uvGridDiskImage);
    2101             :     // dir.removeRecursive(false);
    2102             :     // dir.remove();
    2103           7 :   }
    2104         922 :   Int AWConvFunc::getOversampling(PSTerm& psTerm, WTerm& wTerm, ATerm& aTerm)
    2105             :   {
    2106             :     Int os;
    2107         922 :     if (!aTerm.isNoOp()) os=aTerm.getOversampling();
    2108          41 :     else if (!wTerm.isNoOp()) os=wTerm.getOversampling();
    2109           0 :     else os=psTerm.getOversampling();
    2110         922 :     return os;
    2111             :   }
    2112           0 : void AWConvFunc::makeAConvFunc(Array<Complex>& convFunc,
    2113             :                                                            Array<Complex>& wtConvFunc, CoordinateSystem& csys,
    2114             :                                                            Vector<Int>& asupport, Int& npix,
    2115             :                                                            const Vector<Double>& freqlist, const Bool doSquint, 
    2116             :                                                            const Double& pa){
    2117             :         
    2118             :         //Assuming first freq is lowest
    2119           0 :         Quantity cell;
    2120           0 :         Int convnx=0;
    2121           0 :         asupport.resize(freqlist.nelements());
    2122           0 :         if(!atermMaker_p)
    2123           0 :                 throw(AipsError("Programmer Error: AWConvFunc has to be constructed with a EVLAAperture"));
    2124           0 :         String bandname=EVLAAperture::getVLABandName(freqlist[int(freqlist.nelements()/2)], atermMaker_p->getTelescopeName());
    2125             : //      cerr << "BANDNAME " << bandname << " telescip " << atermMaker_p->getTelescopeName()  << " csys tel " << csys.obsInfo().telescope() << endl;
    2126           0 :         std::tie(cell,convnx)=getBeamCellSize(bandname);
    2127             : //      cerr << "@@@cell " << cell <<  " npix " <<  convnx << endl;
    2128           0 :         csys_p=csys;
    2129           0 :         Vector<String> units=csys_p.worldAxisUnits();
    2130           0 :         Vector<Double> incr=csys_p.increment();
    2131           0 :         Double inpFov=fabs(incr[0]*npix);
    2132           0 :         incr[0]=cell.get(units[0]).getValue();
    2133           0 :         incr[1]=cell.get(units[1]).getValue();
    2134             :         //cerr <<  "###inp fov" <<  inpFov <<  " conv fov " << fabs(incr[0]*Double(convnx)) <<  endl;
    2135           0 :         Double pbFov= fabs(incr[0]*Double(convnx));
    2136             :         /*if(inpFov < fabs(incr[0]*Double(convnx))){
    2137             :                 //incr = csys_p.increment();
    2138             :                 npix=int(std::ceil(incr[0]*Double(convnx)/inpFov/2.0))*2;
    2139             :                 //npix remains the same and csys used for beam calc stays
    2140             :         }
    2141             :         else{
    2142             :          npix = convnx;                                            // return the npix used to calc beam
    2143             :         }*/
    2144           0 :         npix=convnx;
    2145           0 :         if((inpFov/pbFov) < 1.0){
    2146           0 :                 npix=int(std::ceil(inpFov/pbFov*Double(convnx)/2.0))*2;
    2147             :                 //cerr << "$$$$ npix " << npix << " cnx " << convnx << endl;
    2148             :         }
    2149           0 :         Vector<Int> stoks={Stokes::RR, Stokes::RL, Stokes::LR, Stokes::LL};
    2150           0 :         StokesCoordinate stokesCoords(stoks);
    2151           0 :         Quantum<Vector<Double> > freqs(freqlist, "Hz");
    2152           0 :         SpectralCoordinate specCoord(MFrequency::TOPO, freqs);
    2153           0 :         CoordinateSystem csysA=csys_p;
    2154           0 :         csysA.setIncrement(incr);
    2155           0 :         Vector<Double> refpix=csysA.referencePixel();
    2156           0 :         refpix[0]=refpix[1]=Double(convnx)/2.0;
    2157           0 :         csysA.setReferencePixel(refpix);
    2158           0 :         csysA.replaceCoordinate(stokesCoords, 1);
    2159           0 :         csysA.replaceCoordinate(specCoord,2);
    2160           0 :         csys=csysA; //return the coordinate used for doing the beam
    2161           0 :         IPosition shp(4, convnx, convnx, 4,1);
    2162           0 :         Int support=0;
    2163             :     //aa.cacheVBInfo("EVLA", 25.0);
    2164           0 :         IPosition blc(4,0,0,0,0);
    2165           0 :         IPosition trc(4,0,0,3,0);
    2166           0 :         FFT2D ftm;
    2167             :         Bool isCopy, isWtCopy;
    2168           0 :         uInt nchans=freqlist.nelements();
    2169           0 :         MathUtils m;
    2170           0 :         Record miscInfo;
    2171           0 :         miscInfo.define("bandname", bandname);
    2172             :         //cerr << "MISCINFO " << miscInfo << endl;
    2173           0 :         for (uInt k=0; k < nchans; ++k){
    2174             :                 //higest freq will have largest supp going through freqlist backwards
    2175           0 :                 Quantum<Vector<Double> > lefreq(Vector<Double>(1, freqlist[nchans-k-1]), "Hz");
    2176           0 :                 SpectralCoordinate specplane(MFrequency::TOPO, lefreq);
    2177           0 :                 CoordinateSystem csysPlane=csysA;
    2178           0 :                 csysPlane.replaceCoordinate(specplane,2);
    2179           0 :                 TempImage<Complex> pbim(shp, csysPlane);
    2180           0 :                 pbim.setMiscInfo(miscInfo);
    2181           0 :                 pbim.set(1.0);
    2182           0 :                 if(doSquint)
    2183           0 :                         atermMaker_p->applyDiagSkyJones(pbim, pa);
    2184             :                 else
    2185           0 :                         atermMaker_p->applyAvgSkyJones(pbim);
    2186           0 :                 Array<Complex> arr;
    2187           0 :                 if(inpFov >= pbFov){
    2188           0 :                         arr=pbim.getSlice(IPosition(4,0), IPosition(4, convnx, convnx, 4,1), False);
    2189             :                 }
    2190             :                 else{
    2191           0 :                         arr=pbim.getSlice(IPosition(4,(convnx-npix)/2, (convnx-npix)/2, 0, 0), IPosition(4, npix, npix, 4,1), False);
    2192             :                 }
    2193             :                 //cerr << "MAX arr "<< max(arr) << " min "<< min(arr) << endl;
    2194           0 :                 Array<Complex> wtArr=arr*conj(arr);
    2195           0 :                 Complex * arrptr=arr.getStorage(isCopy);
    2196           0 :                 Complex * wtarrptr=wtArr.getStorage(isWtCopy);
    2197           0 :                 for(uint j=0; j <4; ++j){ 
    2198           0 :                         Complex* arrplane= arrptr+j*npix*npix;
    2199           0 :                         Complex* wtarrplane=wtarrptr+j*npix*npix;
    2200           0 :                         ftm.c2cFFT(arrplane, npix, npix, True);
    2201           0 :                         ftm.c2cFFT(wtarrplane, npix, npix, True);
    2202             :                 }
    2203             :                 
    2204           0 :                 arr.putStorage(arrptr, isCopy);
    2205             :                 
    2206           0 :                 wtArr.putStorage(wtarrptr, isWtCopy);
    2207             :                 /*if(inpFov < pbFov){
    2208             :                         Double fac= (inpFov/pbFov);
    2209             :                         incr[0]/=fac;
    2210             :                         incr[1]/=fac;
    2211             :                         csys.setIncrement(incr);
    2212             :                         Array<Complex>newArr= m.resampleViaFFT(arr, fac, fac);
    2213             :                         arr.set(0.0);
    2214             :                         cerr << "@@@neArr shape "<< newArr.shape() << endl;
    2215             :                         m.putMiddle(arr, newArr);
    2216             :                         newArr.resize();
    2217             :                         newArr=m.resampleViaFFT(wtArr, fac, fac);
    2218             :                         wtArr.set(0.0);
    2219             :                         m.putMiddle(wtArr, newArr);
    2220             :                         
    2221             :                         
    2222             :                 }*/
    2223             :                 //cerr << "Post FT MAX arr "<< max(wtArr) << " min "<< min(wtArr) << endl;
    2224           0 :                 supportAndNormalizeAFunc(support, arr, wtArr);
    2225             :                 //cerr << "Post Norm MAX arr "<< max(arr) << " min "<< min(arr) << endl;
    2226           0 :                 if(k==0){
    2227             :                 
    2228           0 :                         IPosition tmpShape=shp;
    2229           0 :                         tmpShape[3]=freqlist.nelements();
    2230             :                         //This is going to be returned to allow resacling etc later
    2231             :                         //csys=refim::SynthesisUtils::makeUVCoords(csysA, tmpShape);
    2232           0 :                         IPosition convShp(4, 2*support, 2*support, 4, freqlist.nelements());
    2233           0 :                         refpix[0]=refpix[1]=support;
    2234           0 :                         csys.setReferencePixel(refpix);
    2235           0 :                         convFunc.resize(convShp);
    2236             :                         //convShp[0]=convShp[1]=2*support;
    2237           0 :                         wtConvFunc.resize(convShp);
    2238           0 :                         blc[0]=blc[1]=npix/2-support;
    2239           0 :                         trc[0]=trc[1]=npix/2+support-1;
    2240             :                         
    2241           0 :                 }
    2242           0 :                 asupport[nchans-k-1]=support;
    2243           0 :                 IPosition blcChanplane=IPosition(4, 0,0,0,nchans-k-1);
    2244           0 :                 IPosition trcChanplane=IPosition(4, convFunc.shape()[0]-1,convFunc.shape()[1]-1,3,nchans-k-1);
    2245             :                 
    2246           0 :                 convFunc(blcChanplane, trcChanplane)=arr(blc,trc);
    2247           0 :                 wtConvFunc(blcChanplane, trcChanplane)=wtArr(blc, trc);
    2248             :                 
    2249           0 :         }
    2250             :         //cerr << "Post Slicing MAX arr "<< max(wtConvFunc) << " min "<< min(wtConvFunc) << endl;
    2251             :         //cerr << "@@@support " << max(asupport) << endl;
    2252           0 : }
    2253             : 
    2254           0 : void AWConvFunc::makeAWConvFunc(Array<Complex>& convFunc, 
    2255             :                        Array<Complex>& wtconv,
    2256             :                        CoordinateSystem& csys,
    2257             :                        Matrix<Int>& awsupport, Int& npix, const Vector<Double>& freqlist, 
    2258             :                        const Vector<Double>& wVals, const Bool dosquint, const Double& pa){
    2259             : 
    2260             : 
    2261           0 :         Array<Complex> pbFT;
    2262           0 :         Array<Complex> pbWFT;
    2263           0 :         Vector<Int> aTsup;
    2264           0 :         makeAConvFunc(pbFT, pbWFT, csys, aTsup, npix, freqlist, dosquint, pa);
    2265             :         //cerr << "In AW wtConv "<< max(pbWFT) << " min "<< min(pbWFT) << endl;
    2266             :         /////TESTOO
    2267             :         //{
    2268             :         //      cerr << "ATSUP " << aTsup << endl;
    2269             :         //PagedImage<Complex> booltaq(pbFT.shape(), csys, "BOOLTAQ");
    2270             :         //booltaq.put(pbFT);
    2271             :         //}
    2272             :         /////
    2273           0 :         WPConvFunc wpc;
    2274           0 :         Cube<Complex> wCon;
    2275           0 :         Vector<int> wTsup;
    2276           0 :         Int nfreq=freqlist.nelements();
    2277           0 :         Int nw=wVals.nelements();
    2278           0 :         wpc.makeWConvFuncs(wCon, wTsup, csys, npix, wVals);
    2279             :         //cerr << "AWC wcon shape "<< wCon.shape() << " pbFT " << pbFT.shape() << endl; 
    2280           0 :         Int newNx=max(wCon.shape()[0], pbFT.shape()[0]);
    2281             : // Let's start with this size..we can reduce this later
    2282           0 :         convFunc.resize(IPosition(5, newNx, newNx, 4, nfreq, nw));
    2283           0 :         IPosition blcW(2, (newNx-wCon.shape()[0])/2, (newNx-wCon.shape()[1])/2);
    2284           0 :         IPosition trcW(2, (newNx+wCon.shape()[0])/2-1, (newNx+wCon.shape()[1])/2-1);
    2285           0 :         IPosition blcA(4, (newNx-pbFT.shape()[0])/2, (newNx-pbFT.shape()[1])/2, 0, 0);
    2286           0 :         IPosition trcA(4, (newNx+pbFT.shape()[0])/2-1, (newNx+pbFT.shape()[1])/2-1, 3, nfreq-1);
    2287           0 :         FFT2D ftm;
    2288             :         //IPosition blcOut(5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    2289             :         //IPosition trcOut(5, newNx-1, newNx-1, 4, nfreq-1, 0);
    2290             :         ArrayIterator<Complex> itOut(convFunc, 
    2291           0 :                                                                  IPosition(4,0,1,2,3));
    2292           0 :         itOut.origin();
    2293           0 :         for (Int k=0; k < nw; ++k){
    2294           0 :                 Matrix<Complex> w(newNx, newNx,0);
    2295           0 :                 w(blcW, trcW)=wCon.xyPlane(k);
    2296             :                 Bool isCopy;
    2297           0 :                 Complex* wptr=w.getStorage(isCopy);
    2298           0 :                 ftm.c2cFFT(wptr, newNx, newNx, False);
    2299           0 :                 w.putStorage(wptr, isCopy);
    2300           0 :                 Array<Complex> pb(IPosition(4, newNx, newNx, 4, nfreq));
    2301           0 :                 pb.set(0.0);
    2302           0 :                 pb(blcA, trcA)=pbFT;
    2303           0 :                 ArrayIterator<Complex> it(pb, IPosition(3,0,1,2));
    2304           0 :                 it.origin();
    2305           0 :                 for (Int j = 0; j < nfreq; ++j){
    2306             :                         //IPosition blcf(4, 0, 0, 0, j);
    2307             :                         //IPosition trcf(4, newNx-1, newNx-1, 3,j);
    2308           0 :                         Cube<Complex> aPB(it.array());
    2309           0 :                         for (Int pol=0; pol<4; ++pol){
    2310           0 :                                 Matrix<Complex> aPBplane=aPB.xyPlane(pol);
    2311           0 :                                 Complex* pbptr=aPBplane.getStorage(isCopy);
    2312           0 :                                 ftm.c2cFFT(pbptr, newNx, newNx, False);
    2313           0 :                                 aPBplane.putStorage(pbptr, isCopy);
    2314           0 :                                 aPBplane *= w;
    2315           0 :                                 pbptr=aPBplane.getStorage(isCopy);
    2316           0 :                                 ftm.c2cFFT(pbptr, newNx, newNx, True);
    2317           0 :                                 aPBplane.putStorage(pbptr, isCopy);
    2318             :                                 
    2319           0 :                         }
    2320           0 :               ;
    2321           0 :                 }
    2322             :                 //blcOut[4]=k;
    2323             :                 //trcOut[4]=k;
    2324             :                 //convFunc(blcOut, trcOut)=pb;
    2325           0 :                 itOut.array()=pb;
    2326             :                 /////TESTOO
    2327             :                 //{
    2328             :                 //PagedImage<Complex> booltaq(pb.shape(), csys, "BOOLTAQ2");
    2329             :                 //booltaq.put(pb);
    2330             :                 //}
    2331             :                 /////
    2332           0 :       ;
    2333           0 :         }
    2334             :         //cerr << "BEFORE convshape "<< convFunc.shape() << endl;
    2335           0 :         supportResizeAWConv(awsupport, convFunc,  aTsup);
    2336             :         //For now we will copy the weightConvFunc to all W's just to keep indexing the same
    2337           0 :         wtconv.resize(convFunc.shape());
    2338           0 :         wtconv.set(0.0);
    2339           0 :         ArrayIterator<Complex>itw(wtconv, IPosition(4,0,1,2,3));
    2340           0 :         newNx=wtconv.shape()[0];
    2341           0 :         Int nx=pbWFT.shape()[0];
    2342           0 :         itw.origin();
    2343           0 :         IPosition blcw(4, (newNx-nx)/2, (newNx-nx)/2, 0, 0);
    2344           0 :         IPosition trcw(4, (newNx+nx)/2-1, (newNx+nx)/2-1, 3, nfreq-1);
    2345           0 :         for (int k=0; k < nw; ++k){
    2346             :                 //cerr <<  "@@@ w " <<  k <<  " shape " << itw.array()(blcw,trcw).shape() <<  "  " << pbWFT.shape() <<  endl; 
    2347           0 :                 itw.array()(blcw,trcw)=pbWFT;
    2348           0 :       ;
    2349             :         }
    2350             :         //cerr << "AFTER convshape "<< convFunc.shape() << endl;
    2351             :         //cerr <<  "wtconv " <<  max(wtconv) <<  "   " << min(wtconv) <<  endl;
    2352             :         ////TESTOO
    2353             :         /*{
    2354             :                 Vector<Double>pixW(wVals.nelements());
    2355             :                 indgen(pixW);
    2356             :                 CoordinateSystem fiveAxis=csys;
    2357             :                 TabularCoordinate tab(pixW, wVals, "m", "W");
    2358             :                 fiveAxis.addCoordinate(tab);
    2359             :                 PagedImage<Complex> noo(convFunc.shape(), fiveAxis, "AWConvVals");
    2360             :                 noo.put(convFunc);
    2361             :         
    2362             :         }*/
    2363             :         ////
    2364             :         //cerr << "aWSup " << awsupport << endl;
    2365             :         //cerr << "aTsup " << aTsup << endl;
    2366             :         
    2367           0 : }
    2368             : //
    2369             : 
    2370           0 : Bool AWConvFunc::supportResizeAWConv(Matrix<Int>& sup, Array<Complex>& conv, const Vector<Int>& ATsup){
    2371             : 
    2372           0 :         Int convSize=conv.shape()[0];
    2373           0 :         sup.resize(conv.shape()[3], conv.shape()[4]);
    2374           0 :         sup.set(0);
    2375             :         Float maxAbsConvFunc, minAbsConvFunc;
    2376           0 :         IPosition minpos, maxpos;
    2377           0 :         ArrayIterator<Complex> it(conv, IPosition(2,0,1));
    2378             :         //The w=0 will determine the sum under conv func for normalization
    2379           0 :         Vector<Double> sumUnder(conv.shape()[3], 0.0);
    2380           0 :         it.origin();
    2381           0 :         for (Int w=0; w < conv.shape()[4]; ++w){
    2382           0 :                 for (Int chan=0; chan < conv.shape()[3]; ++chan){
    2383           0 :                         Matrix<Complex> convPlane(it.array());
    2384           0 :                         minMax(minAbsConvFunc, maxAbsConvFunc, minpos, maxpos, amplitude(convPlane));
    2385             :                         //cerr << "minMAX " << minAbsConvFunc << "   " << maxAbsConvFunc << endl;
    2386           0 :                         Bool found=false;
    2387           0 :                         Int trial=0;
    2388           0 :                         for (trial=convSize/2-2; trial>0; --trial) {
    2389             :                                 //Searching down a diagonal
    2390           0 :                                         if(abs(convPlane(convSize/2-trial,convSize/2-trial)) >  (1.0e-2*maxAbsConvFunc) ) {
    2391           0 :                                         found=true;
    2392           0 :                                         trial=Int(sqrt(2.0*Float(trial*trial)));
    2393             :                 
    2394           0 :                                         break;
    2395             :                                 }
    2396             :                         }
    2397           0 :                         if(trial < 5)
    2398           0 :                                 trial=5;
    2399           0 :                         if(found){
    2400           0 :                                 sup(chan, w)=trial;
    2401             :                         }
    2402             :                         else{
    2403           0 :                                 sup(chan,w)=5;
    2404             :                         }
    2405           0 :                         if(sup(chan, w) < ATsup(chan)){
    2406             :                                 //cerr << chan << " w " << w << "sup " << sup(chan,w) << " ATsup " << ATsup(chan) << endl;
    2407           0 :                                 sup(chan,w)=ATsup(chan);
    2408             :                         }
    2409           0 :                         if(w==0){
    2410           0 :                                 IPosition blc(2,-sup(chan,0)+convSize/2, -sup(chan,0)+convSize/2);
    2411           0 :                                 IPosition trc(2, sup(chan,0)+convSize/2-1, sup(chan, 0)+convSize/2-1);
    2412             :                                 //cerr << "chan " << chan << " blc " << blc << " trc " << trc << "  sup "<< sup(chan,0) << endl;
    2413           0 :                                 sumUnder(chan)=real(sum(convPlane(blc,trc)));
    2414             :                         
    2415           0 :                         }
    2416           0 :                         for (Int pol=0; pol < 4; ++pol) //skip to the next pol RR plane of next chan, w
    2417           0 :                       ; 
    2418             :                         //cerr << "POSITION " << it.pos() << endl;  
    2419           0 :                 }
    2420             :         }
    2421             :         //Some thing to expt here as we are limiting w's in a beam or slightly moer
    2422           0 :         Int newConvSize = 2*max(sup);
    2423             :         //Int newConvSize = 2*mean(sup);
    2424           0 :         if(newConvSize < convSize){
    2425           0 :                 Array<Complex> newConv(IPosition(4, newConvSize, newConvSize, 4, conv.shape()[3], conv.shape()[4]));
    2426           0 :                 IPosition blc(5,(-newConvSize+convSize)/2, (-newConvSize+convSize)/2, 0, 0, 0);
    2427           0 :                 IPosition trc(2, (newConvSize+convSize)/2-1, (newConvSize+convSize)/2-1, 3, conv.shape()[3]-1, conv.shape()[4]-1);
    2428           0 :                 newConv=conv(blc,trc);
    2429           0 :                 conv.resize();
    2430           0 :                 conv.assign(newConv);
    2431           0 :         }
    2432             :         else 
    2433           0 :                 newConvSize=convSize;
    2434           0 :         ArrayIterator<Complex> it2(conv, IPosition(3, 0, 1, 2));
    2435           0 :         it2.origin();
    2436           0 :         for (Int w=0; w< conv.shape()[4]; ++w){
    2437           0 :                 for (Int chan=0; chan < conv.shape()[3]; ++chan){
    2438           0 :                         if(sumUnder(chan) >0.0){
    2439           0 :                                 Complex mult(1.0/sumUnder(chan));
    2440           0 :                                 it2.array() *= mult;
    2441             :                                 //cerr << std::setprecision(12) << "it2.shape " << it2.array().shape() << " //pos " << it2.pos() << "chan " << chan << " sumUnder " << sumUnder(chan) << " w " << w << endl; 
    2442             :                         }
    2443           0 :               ;
    2444             :                 }
    2445             :                 
    2446             :         }
    2447           0 :         return True;    
    2448             :         
    2449           0 : }
    2450           0 : Bool AWConvFunc::supportAndNormalizeAFunc(Int& sup, Array<Complex>& conv, Array<Complex>& wtconv){
    2451           0 :         sup=-1;
    2452           0 :         IPosition begin(4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    2453           0 :     IPosition end=conv.shape()-1;
    2454           0 :         Int convSize=conv.shape()[0];
    2455           0 :         end[2]=0;
    2456           0 :         Matrix<Complex> convPlane(wtconv(begin,end).reform(IPosition(2, convSize, convSize))); 
    2457             :     Float maxAbsConvFunc, minAbsConvFunc;
    2458           0 :         IPosition minpos, maxpos;
    2459           0 :         minMax(minAbsConvFunc, maxAbsConvFunc, minpos, maxpos, amplitude(convPlane));
    2460           0 :     Bool found=false;
    2461           0 :     Int trial=0;
    2462           0 :     for (trial=convSize/2-2; trial>0; trial--) {
    2463             :         //Searching down a diagonal
    2464           0 :         if(abs(convPlane(convSize/2-trial,convSize/2-trial)) >  (1.0e-2*maxAbsConvFunc) ) {
    2465           0 :             found=true;
    2466           0 :             trial=Int(sqrt(2.0*Float(trial*trial)));
    2467             :            
    2468           0 :             break;
    2469             :         }
    2470             :     }
    2471           0 :     if(!found) {
    2472           0 :         if((maxAbsConvFunc-minAbsConvFunc) > (1.0e-2*maxAbsConvFunc))
    2473           0 :             found=true;
    2474             :         // if it drops by more than 2 magnitudes per pixel
    2475           0 :         trial= (convSize >10) ? 5 : (convSize/2 - 4);
    2476             :     }
    2477             : 
    2478             : 
    2479           0 :     if(found) {
    2480           0 :         if(trial < 5)
    2481           0 :             trial= ( (convSize >10 ) ? 5 : (convSize/2 - 4));
    2482           0 :         sup=trial+1;
    2483             :         //support is really over the edge
    2484           0 :         if( (sup >= convSize/2)) {
    2485           0 :             sup=convSize/2-1;
    2486             :         }
    2487             :         
    2488           0 :                 ArrayIterator<Complex> pbIt(conv, IPosition(2, 0,1));
    2489           0 :                 ArrayIterator<Complex> wtIt(wtconv,  IPosition(2, 0,1));
    2490           0 :                 IPosition blc(2,-sup+convSize/2, -sup+convSize/2);
    2491           0 :                 IPosition trc(2, sup+convSize/2, sup+convSize/2);
    2492           0 :                 Double pbSum=0.0;
    2493             :                 //Iterate of pol
    2494           0 :                 while(!pbIt.pastEnd()){
    2495           0 :                         Matrix<Complex> pbplane(pbIt.array());
    2496           0 :                         Matrix<Complex> wtplane(wtIt.array());
    2497           0 :                         pbSum=real(sum(wtplane(blc, trc)));
    2498             :                         //cerr << "pbSumWt "<< pbSum << endl;
    2499           0 :                         if(pbSum > 0.0){
    2500           0 :                                 wtplane=wtplane*Complex(1.0/pbSum, 0.0);
    2501           0 :                                 pbSum=real(sum(pbplane(blc,trc)));
    2502             :                                 //cerr << "pbSum "<< pbSum << endl;
    2503           0 :                                 pbplane=pbplane*Complex(1.0/pbSum,0.0);
    2504             :                         }
    2505           0 :               ;
    2506           0 :               ;
    2507             :                 
    2508           0 :                 }
    2509           0 :         }
    2510             :         
    2511           0 :         return found;
    2512           0 : }
    2513           0 :  std::pair<Quantity, int> AWConvFunc::getBeamCellSize(const String& band){
    2514             :          
    2515           0 :          Quantity fov(0.024,"rad"); //fov at 1 GHz for VLA
    2516           0 :          Quantity cell=fov/256;
    2517           0 :          if(band=="EVLA_S")
    2518           0 :                  cell=cell/2.0;
    2519           0 :          else if(band=="EVLA_C" || band=="VLA_C")
    2520           0 :                  cell=cell/4.0;
    2521           0 :          else if(band=="EVLA_X" || band=="VLA_X")
    2522           0 :                  cell=cell/8.0;
    2523           0 :          else if(band=="EVLA_U" || band=="VLA_U")
    2524           0 :                  cell=cell/12.0;
    2525           0 :          else if(band=="EVLA_K" || band == "VLA_K")
    2526           0 :                  cell = cell/18.0;
    2527           0 :          else if(band == "EVLA_A")
    2528           0 :                  cell = cell/26.0;
    2529           0 :          else if(band == "EVLA_Q" || band == "VLA_Q")
    2530           0 :                  cell=cell/40.0;
    2531             :          
    2532             :          //we can optimize this later but we'll use 512 pixels for nRow
    2533             :          //ahem....BeamCalc starts deviating if we want to make VP and PB 
    2534             :          //that are highly oversampled
    2535             :          
    2536           0 :          return std::pair<Quantity, int>(cell, 512);
    2537             :          
    2538           0 :  }
    2539             : 
    2540             :   //
    2541             :   //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    2542             :   //
    2543             :   // Vector<Vector<Double> > AWConvFunc::findPointingOffset(const ImageInterface<Complex>& image,
    2544             :   //                                            const VisBuffer2& vb, const Bool& doPointing)
    2545             :   // {
    2546             :   //   Assert(po_p.null()==False && "Pointingoffset call has not been initialized in AWProjectFT call being made");
    2547             :   //       return po_p->findPointingOffset(image,vb,doPointing);
    2548             :   //   //    if (!doPointing) 
    2549             :   //   //      {cerr<<"AWCF: Using mosaic pointing \n";return po_p->findMosaicPointingOffset(image,vb);}
    2550             :   //   //    else
    2551             :   //   //      {cerr<<"AWCF: Using antenna pointing table \n";return po_p->findAntennaPointingOffset(image,vb);}
    2552             :   // }
    2553             : 
    2554             : 
    2555             : 
    2556             : };
    2557             : };

Generated by: LCOV version 1.16