LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/TransformMachines - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 644 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 0 22 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation for HetArrayConvFunc
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 2008-2016
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be adressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //#
      27             : //# $Id$
      28             : 
      29             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayLogical.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Array.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/MaskedArray.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Slice.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Cube.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/FFTServer.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MeasTable.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/MathFunc.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/ConvolveGridder.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/CompositeNumber.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
      44             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/DirectionCoordinate.h>
      45             : 
      46             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageInterface.h>
      47             : #include <casacore/images/Images/PagedImage.h>
      48             : #include <casacore/images/Images/SubImage.h>
      49             : #include <casacore/images/Images/TempImage.h>
      50             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      51             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogSink.h>
      52             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogMessage.h>
      53             : 
      54             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/ArrayLattice.h>
      55             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/SubLattice.h>
      56             : #include <casacore/lattices/LRegions/LCBox.h>
      57             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeConcat.h>
      58             : #include <casacore/lattices/LEL/LatticeExpr.h>
      59             : #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeCache.h>
      60             : #include <casacore/lattices/LatticeMath/LatticeFFT.h>
      61             : 
      62             : 
      63             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSColumns.h>
      64             : 
      65             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer.h>
      66             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIterator.h>
      67             : 
      68             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/Utils.h>
      69             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/PBMath1DAiry.h>
      70             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/PBMath1DNumeric.h>
      71             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/PBMath2DImage.h>
      72             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/PBMath.h>
      73             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/PBMathInterface.h>
      74             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/HetArrayConvFunc.h>
      75             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/VPManager.h>
      76             : 
      77             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Timer.h>
      78             : #ifdef _OPENMP
      79             : #include <omp.h>
      80             : #endif
      81             : 
      82             : 
      83             : using namespace casacore;
      84             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      85             : 
      86           0 :   HetArrayConvFunc::HetArrayConvFunc() : SimplePBConvFunc(), convFunctionMap_p(0), nDefined_p(0), msId_p(-1), actualConvIndex_p(-1)
      87             :   {
      88           0 :     calcFluxScale_p=true;
      89           0 :     init(PBMathInterface::AIRY);
      90           0 :   }
      91             : 
      92           0 :   HetArrayConvFunc::HetArrayConvFunc(const PBMathInterface::PBClass typeToUse, const String vpTable): SimplePBConvFunc(),
      93           0 :                                                                                                       convFunctionMap_p(0), nDefined_p(0), msId_p(-1), actualConvIndex_p(-1), vpTable_p(vpTable)
      94             :   {
      95           0 :     calcFluxScale_p=true;
      96           0 :     init(typeToUse);
      97             : 
      98           0 :   }
      99             : 
     100           0 :   HetArrayConvFunc::HetArrayConvFunc(const RecordInterface& rec, Bool calcFluxneeded):  SimplePBConvFunc(), convFunctionMap_p(0), nDefined_p(0), msId_p(-1), actualConvIndex_p(-1) {
     101           0 :     String err;
     102           0 :     fromRecord(err, rec, calcFluxneeded);
     103           0 :   }
     104             : 
     105           0 :   HetArrayConvFunc::~HetArrayConvFunc(){
     106             :     //
     107           0 :   }
     108             : 
     109           0 :   void HetArrayConvFunc::init(const PBMathInterface::PBClass typeTouse){
     110           0 :     doneMainConv_p=false;
     111           0 :     filledFluxScale_p=false;
     112           0 :     pbClass_p=typeTouse;
     113           0 :   }
     114             : 
     115             :   
     116             : 
     117           0 :   void HetArrayConvFunc::findAntennaSizes(const VisBuffer& vb){
     118           0 :     if(msId_p != vb.msId()){
     119           0 :       msId_p=vb.msId();
     120             :       
     121           0 :       const MSAntennaColumns& ac=vb.msColumns().antenna();
     122           0 :       antIndexToDiamIndex_p.resize(ac.nrow());
     123           0 :       antIndexToDiamIndex_p.set(-1);
     124           0 :       Int diamIndex=antDiam2IndexMap_p.size( );
     125           0 :       Vector<Double> dishDiam=ac.dishDiameter().getColumn();
     126           0 :       Vector<String>;
     127           0 :       String telescop=vb.msColumns().observation().telescopeName()(0);
     128             :       PBMath::CommonPB whichPB;
     129           0 :       if(pbClass_p==PBMathInterface::COMMONPB){
     130           0 :         String band;
     131           0 :         String commonPBName;
     132             :         // This frequency is ONLY required to determine which PB model to use:
     133             :         // The VLA, the ATNF, and WSRT have frequency - dependent PB models
     134           0 :         Quantity freq( vb.msColumns().spectralWindow().refFrequency()(0), "Hz");
     135             :         
     136             : 
     137           0 :         PBMath::whichCommonPBtoUse( telescop, freq, band, whichPB, commonPBName );
     138             : 
     139             :         ////////////////////
     140           0 :         String commonpbstr;
     141           0 :         PBMath::nameCommonPB(whichPB, commonpbstr);
     142             :         //cerr << "ms " << vb.msName() << "  pb " << commonpbstr << endl;
     143             : 
     144             : 
     145             :         ////////////////
     146             :         //Revert to using AIRY for unknown common telescope
     147           0 :         if(whichPB==PBMath::UNKNOWN)
     148           0 :           pbClass_p=PBMathInterface::AIRY;
     149             : 
     150           0 :       }
     151           0 :       if(pbClass_p== PBMathInterface::AIRY){
     152           0 :         LogIO os;
     153           0 :         os << LogOrigin("HetArrConvFunc", "findAntennaSizes")  << LogIO::NORMAL;
     154             :         ////////We'll be using dish diameter as key
     155           0 :         for (uInt k=0; k < dishDiam.nelements(); ++k){
     156           0 :       if((diamIndex !=0) && antDiam2IndexMap_p.find(String::toString(dishDiam(k))) != antDiam2IndexMap_p.end( )){
     157           0 :             antIndexToDiamIndex_p(k)=antDiam2IndexMap_p[String::toString(dishDiam(k))];
     158             :           }
     159             :           else{
     160           0 :             if(dishDiam[k] > 0.0){ //there may be stations with no dish on
     161           0 :           antDiam2IndexMap_p.insert(std::pair<casacore::String, casacore::Int>(String::toString(dishDiam(k)), diamIndex));
     162           0 :               antIndexToDiamIndex_p(k)=diamIndex;
     163           0 :               antMath_p.resize(diamIndex+1);
     164             :               //cerr << "diamindex " << diamIndex << " antMath_p,size " << antMath_p.nelements() << endl;
     165           0 :               if(pbClass_p== PBMathInterface::AIRY){
     166           0 :                 Quantity qdiam= Quantity (dishDiam(k),"m");   
     167             :                 //ALMA ratio of blockage to dish
     168           0 :                 Quantity blockDiam= Quantity(dishDiam(k)/12.0*.75, "m");
     169             :                 
     170           0 :                 if((vb.msColumns().observation().telescopeName()(0) =="ALMA") || (vb.msColumns().observation().telescopeName()(0) =="ACA")){                  
     171           0 :                   if (abs(dishDiam[k] - 12.0) < 0.5) {
     172           0 :                     qdiam= Quantity(10.7, "m");
     173           0 :                     blockDiam= Quantity(0.75, "m");
     174             :                   } else {
     175           0 :                     qdiam= Quantity(6.25,"m");
     176           0 :                     blockDiam = Quantity(0.75,"m");
     177             :                   }
     178             :                 }
     179           0 :                 os << "Overriding PB with Airy of diam,blockage="<<qdiam<<","<<blockDiam<<" starting with antenna "<<k<<LogIO::POST;
     180           0 :                 antMath_p[diamIndex]=new PBMath1DAiry(qdiam, blockDiam,  
     181           0 :                                                       Quantity(150,"arcsec"), 
     182           0 :                                                       Quantity(100.0,"GHz"));
     183             :                 
     184             :               
     185           0 :               }
     186             :               
     187             :               //////Will no longer support this
     188             :               /*else if(pbClass_p== PBMathInterface::IMAGE){
     189             :               //Get the image name by calling code for the antenna name and array name
     190             :               //For now hard wired to ALMA as this part of the code will not be accessed for non-ALMA 
     191             :               //see Imager::setMosaicFTMachine 
     192             :               // When ready to generalize then code that calls with telescope name, antenna name 
     193             :               //(via vb.msColumns) and/or diameter and frequency via vb.frequency (indexing will need to 
     194             :               //be upgraded to account for frequency too) should be done to return the
     195             :               //right voltage pattern image. 
     196             :               String vpImageName="";
     197             :               if (abs(dishDiam[k]-7.0) < 1.0) 
     198             :               Aipsrc::find(vpImageName, "alma.vp.7m", "");
     199             :               else
     200             :               Aipsrc::find(vpImageName, "alma.vp.12m", "") ;
     201             :               //cerr << "first vpImagename " << vpImageName  << endl;
     202             :               if(vpImageName==""){
     203             :               String beamPath; 
     204             :               if(!MeasTable::AntennaResponsesPath(beamPath, "ALMA")){
     205             :               throw(AipsError("Alma beam images requested cannot be found "));                  
     206             :               }
     207             :                 else{
     208             :                 beamPath=beamPath.before(String("AntennaResponses")); 
     209             :                 vpImageName= (abs(dishDiam[k]-7.0) < 1.0) ? beamPath
     210             :                 +String("/ALMA_AIRY_7M.VP") : 
     211             :                 beamPath+String("/ALMA_AIRY_12M.VP");
     212             :                 }
     213             :                 
     214             :                 
     215             :                 }
     216             :               //cerr << "Using the image VPs " << vpImageName << endl; 
     217             :               if(Table::isReadable(vpImageName))
     218             :               antMath_p[diamIndex]=new PBMath2DImage(PagedImage<Complex>(vpImageName)); 
     219             :               else
     220             :                 throw(AipsError(String("Cannot find voltage pattern image ") + vpImageName));
     221             :                 }
     222             :                 else{
     223             :                 
     224             :                 throw(AipsError("Do not  deal with non airy dishes or images of VP yet "));
     225             :             }
     226             :               */
     227           0 :               ++diamIndex;
     228             :             } 
     229             :           }
     230             :           
     231             :         }
     232             : 
     233             : 
     234           0 :       }
     235           0 :       else if(pbClass_p== PBMathInterface::IMAGE) { 
     236             :         
     237           0 :         VPManager *vpman=VPManager::Instance();
     238           0 :         if(vpTable_p != String(""))
     239           0 :           vpman->loadfromtable(vpTable_p);
     240             :         ///else it is already loaded in the static object
     241           0 :         Vector<Record> recs;
     242           0 :         Vector<Vector<String> > antnames;
     243             :         
     244           0 :         if(vpman->imagepbinfo(antnames, recs)){
     245           0 :           Vector<Bool> dishDefined(dishName.nelements(), false);
     246           0 :           Int nbeams=antnames.nelements();
     247             :           ///will be keying on file image file name here 
     248           0 :           for (uInt k=0; k < dishDiam.nelements(); ++k){
     249           0 :             String key;
     250           0 :             Bool beamDone=false;
     251           0 :             Int recordToUse=0;
     252           0 :             for (Int j =0; j < nbeams; ++j){
     253           0 :               key=recs[j].isDefined("realimage") ? recs[j].asString("realimage") : recs[j].asString("compleximage");
     254           0 :               if(antnames[j][0]=="*" || anyEQ(dishName[k], antnames[j])){
     255           0 :                   dishDefined[k]=true;
     256           0 :                   recordToUse=j;
     257             :               
     258           0 :           if((diamIndex !=0) && antDiam2IndexMap_p.find(key) != antDiam2IndexMap_p.end( )){
     259           0 :                     antIndexToDiamIndex_p(k)=antDiam2IndexMap_p[key];
     260           0 :                     beamDone=true;
     261             :                   }
     262             :               }
     263             :             }
     264           0 :             if(!beamDone && dishDefined[k]){
     265           0 :               key=recs[recordToUse].isDefined("realimage") ? recs[recordToUse].asString("realimage") : recs[recordToUse].asString("compleximage");
     266           0 :               antDiam2IndexMap_p.insert(std::pair<casacore::String, casacore::Int>(key, diamIndex));
     267           0 :               antIndexToDiamIndex_p(k)=diamIndex;
     268           0 :               antMath_p.resize(diamIndex+1);
     269           0 :               if(recs[recordToUse].isDefined("realimage") && recs[recordToUse].isDefined("imagimage")){
     270           0 :                 PagedImage<Float> realim(recs[recordToUse].asString("realimage"));
     271           0 :                 PagedImage<Float> imagim(recs[recordToUse].asString("imagim"));
     272           0 :                 antMath_p[diamIndex]=new PBMath2DImage(realim, imagim);
     273           0 :               }
     274             :               else {
     275           0 :                  antMath_p[diamIndex]=new PBMath2DImage(PagedImage<Complex>(recs[recordToUse].asString("compleximage")));
     276             :               }
     277           0 :               ++diamIndex;
     278             :             }
     279           0 :           }
     280           0 :           if(!allTrue(dishDefined)){
     281             :             //cerr << "dishDefined " << dishDefined << endl;
     282           0 :             throw(AipsError("Some Antennas in the MS did not have a VP defined")); 
     283             :           }
     284           0 :         }
     285             :         else{
     286           0 :           throw(AipsError("Mosaic does not support non-image voltage patterns yet"));
     287             :         }
     288             :         
     289             :         //Get rid of the static class
     290           0 :         vpman->reset();
     291           0 :       }
     292             : 
     293           0 :       else if(pbClass_p==PBMathInterface::COMMONPB){
     294             :         ///Have to use telescop part as string as in multims case different
     295             :         //telescopes may have same dish size but different commonpb
     296             :         // VLA and EVLA for e.g.
     297           0 :     if((diamIndex !=0) && antDiam2IndexMap_p.find(telescop+String("_")+String::toString(dishDiam(0))) != antDiam2IndexMap_p.end( )){
     298           0 :           antIndexToDiamIndex_p.set(antDiam2IndexMap_p[telescop+String("_")+String::toString(dishDiam(0))]);
     299             :           //cerr << " 0 telescop " << telescop << " index " << antDiam2IndexMap_p(telescop+String("_")+String::toString(dishDiam(0))) << endl;
     300             :         }
     301             :         else{   
     302           0 :           antDiam2IndexMap_p.insert(std::pair<casacore::String, casacore::Int>(telescop+"_"+String::toString(dishDiam(0)), diamIndex));
     303           0 :           antIndexToDiamIndex_p.set(diamIndex);
     304           0 :           antMath_p.resize(diamIndex+1);
     305           0 :           antMath_p[diamIndex]=PBMath::pbMathInterfaceForCommonPB(whichPB, True);
     306             :           //cerr << " 1 telescop " << telescop << " index " << antDiam2IndexMap_p(telescop+String("_")+String::toString(dishDiam(0))) << endl; 
     307             :           
     308             :         }
     309             : 
     310             :       }
     311             :       else{
     312             : 
     313           0 :         throw(AipsError("Mosaic  supports image based or Airy voltage patterns only for now"));
     314             : 
     315             :       }
     316             : 
     317             :       //cerr << "antIndexTodiamIndex " << antIndexToDiamIndex_p << endl;
     318           0 :     }
     319             :     
     320             :     
     321             :     
     322             : 
     323             : 
     324           0 :   }
     325             : 
     326           0 :   void  HetArrayConvFunc::reset(){
     327           0 :     doneMainConv_p=false;
     328           0 :     convFunctions_p.resize(0, true);
     329           0 :     convWeights_p.resize(0, true);
     330           0 :     convSizes_p.resize(0, true);
     331           0 :     convSupportBlock_p.resize(0, true);
     332           0 :     convFunctionMap_p.resize(0);
     333           0 :     vbConvIndex_p.clear();
     334             : 
     335           0 :   }
     336             : 
     337             :  
     338             : 
     339           0 :   void HetArrayConvFunc::findConvFunction(const ImageInterface<Complex>& iimage, 
     340             :                                           const VisBuffer& vb,
     341             :                                           const Int& convSamp, const Vector<Double>& visFreq,
     342             :                                           Array<Complex>& convFunc, 
     343             :                                           Array<Complex>& weightConvFunc, 
     344             :                                           Vector<Int>& convsize,
     345             :                                           Vector<Int>& convSupport,
     346             :                                           Vector<Int>& convFuncPolMap,
     347             :                                           Vector<Int>& convFuncChanMap,
     348             :                                           Vector<Int>& convFuncRowMap,
     349             :                                           const Bool /*conjugateFreqFuncs*/)
     350             :   {
     351             : 
     352           0 :     storeImageParams(iimage,vb);
     353           0 :     convFuncChanMap.resize(vb.nChannel());
     354           0 :     Vector<Double> beamFreqs;
     355           0 :     findUsefulChannels(convFuncChanMap, beamFreqs, vb, visFreq);
     356           0 :     Int nBeamChans=beamFreqs.nelements();
     357             :     /////For now not doing beam rotation or squints but to be enabled easily 
     358           0 :     convFuncPolMap.resize(vb.nCorr());
     359           0 :     Int nBeamPols=1;
     360           0 :     convFuncPolMap.set(0);
     361           0 :     Bool msChanged= msId_p != vb.msId();
     362           0 :     findAntennaSizes(vb);
     363           0 :     uInt ndish=antMath_p.nelements();
     364           0 :     if(ndish==0)
     365           0 :       throw(AipsError("Don't have dishsize"));
     366             :     Int ndishpair;
     367           0 :     if(ndish==1)
     368           0 :       ndishpair=1;
     369             :     else
     370           0 :       ndishpair=factorial(ndish)/factorial(ndish-2)/2 + ndish;
     371             :     
     372           0 :     convFunc.resize();
     373           0 :     weightConvFunc.resize();
     374           0 :     convFuncRowMap.resize();
     375           0 :     convsize.resize();
     376           0 :     convSupport.resize();
     377             : 
     378           0 :     Int isCached=checkPBOfField(vb, convFuncRowMap);
     379             :     //cout << "isCached " << isCached <<  endl;
     380           0 :     if(isCached==1 && (convFuncRowMap.shape()[0]==vb.nRow())){
     381             :       /*convFunc.reference(convFunc_p);
     382             :       weightConvFunc.reference(weightConvFunc_p);
     383             :       convsize=*convSizes_p[actualConvIndex_p];
     384             :       convSupport=convSupport_p;
     385             :        return;
     386             :       */
     387             :     }
     388           0 :     else if(isCached ==2){
     389           0 :       convFunc.resize();
     390           0 :       weightConvFunc.resize();
     391           0 :       convsize.resize();
     392           0 :       convSupport.resize();
     393           0 :       convFuncRowMap.resize();
     394           0 :       return;
     395             :       
     396             :     }
     397           0 :     actualConvIndex_p=convIndex(vb);
     398           0 :     if(doneMainConv_p.shape()[0] < (actualConvIndex_p+1)){
     399             :       //cerr << "resizing DONEMAIN " <<   doneMainConv_p.shape()[0] << endl;
     400           0 :         doneMainConv_p.resize(actualConvIndex_p+1, true);
     401           0 :         doneMainConv_p[actualConvIndex_p]=false;
     402           0 :         convFunctions_p.resize(actualConvIndex_p+1);
     403           0 :         convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]=nullptr;
     404             :     }
     405             :     ///// In multi ms mode ndishpair may change when meeting a new ms
     406             :     //// redo the calculation then
     407           0 :     if(msChanged){
     408             :       //cerr << "ms " << vb.msName() << " spw " <<  vb.spectralWindow() << endl;
     409           0 :       doneMainConv_p[actualConvIndex_p]=false;
     410             :       //cerr << "invalidating doneMainConv " << endl; //<<  convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]->shape()[3] << " =? " << nBeamChans << " convsupp " << convSupport_p.nelements() << endl;
     411             :     }
     412             : 
     413             :     ////Trap for cases when the selection seem to have changed
     414           0 :     if(doneMainConv_p[actualConvIndex_p]){
     415           0 :       if(nBeamChans != (*convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]).shape()[3])
     416           0 :         doneMainConv_p[actualConvIndex_p]=False;
     417             : 
     418             :     }
     419             : 
     420             :     // Get the coordinate system
     421             :     
     422           0 :     CoordinateSystem coords;
     423           0 :     coords=iimage.coordinates();
     424           0 :     Int directionIndex=coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
     425           0 :     AlwaysAssert(directionIndex>=0, AipsError);
     426             :     // Set up the convolution function.
     427           0 :     Int nx=nx_p;
     428           0 :     Int ny=ny_p;
     429           0 :     Int support=0;
     430           0 :     Int convSampling=1;
     431           0 :     if(!doneMainConv_p[actualConvIndex_p]){
     432           0 :       for (uInt ii=0; ii < ndish; ++ii){
     433           0 :         support=max((antMath_p[ii])->support(coords), support);
     434             :       }
     435           0 :       support=Int(min(Float(support), max(Float(nx_p), Float(ny_p)))*2.0)/2;
     436           0 :       convSize_p=support*convSampling;
     437             :       // Make this a nice composite number, to speed up FFTs
     438           0 :       CompositeNumber cn(uInt(convSize_p*2.0));    
     439           0 :       convSize_p  = cn.nextLargerEven(Int(convSize_p));
     440           0 :       convSize_p=(convSize_p/16)*16;  // need it to be divisible by 8 in places
     441           0 :     }
     442             :     
     443             : 
     444           0 :     DirectionCoordinate dc=dc_p;
     445             :     //where in the image in pixels is this pointing
     446           0 :     Vector<Double> pixFieldDir(2);
     447           0 :     if(doneMainConv_p.shape()[0] < (actualConvIndex_p+1)){
     448             :       //cerr << "resizing DONEMAIN " <<   doneMainConv_p.shape()[0] << endl;
     449           0 :         doneMainConv_p.resize(actualConvIndex_p+1, true);
     450           0 :         doneMainConv_p[actualConvIndex_p]=false;
     451             :     }
     452             :     //no need to call toPix here as its been done already above in checkOFPB
     453             :     //thus the values are still current.
     454           0 :     pixFieldDir=thePix_p;
     455             :     //toPix(pixFieldDir, vb);
     456           0 :     MDirection fieldDir=direction1_p;
     457             :     //shift from center
     458           0 :     pixFieldDir(0)=pixFieldDir(0)- Double(nx / 2);
     459           0 :     pixFieldDir(1)=pixFieldDir(1)- Double(ny / 2);
     460             :     //phase gradient per pixel to apply
     461           0 :     pixFieldDir(0)=-pixFieldDir(0)*2.0*C::pi/Double(nx)/Double(convSamp);
     462           0 :     pixFieldDir(1)=-pixFieldDir(1)*2.0*C::pi/Double(ny)/Double(convSamp);
     463             : 
     464             :     
     465             :    
     466           0 :     if(!doneMainConv_p[actualConvIndex_p]){
     467           0 :       Vector<Double> sampling;
     468           0 :       sampling = dc.increment();
     469           0 :       sampling*=Double(convSampling);
     470           0 :       sampling(0)*=Double(nx)/Double(convSize_p);
     471           0 :       sampling(1)*=Double(ny)/Double(convSize_p);
     472           0 :       dc.setIncrement(sampling);
     473             : 
     474           0 :       Vector<Double> unitVec(2);
     475           0 :       unitVec=convSize_p/2;
     476           0 :       dc.setReferencePixel(unitVec);
     477             :       //make sure we are using the same units
     478           0 :       fieldDir.set(dc.worldAxisUnits()(0));
     479           0 :       dc.setReferenceValue(fieldDir.getAngle().getValue());
     480           0 :       coords.replaceCoordinate(dc, directionIndex);
     481           0 :       Int spind=coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
     482           0 :       SpectralCoordinate spCoord=coords.spectralCoordinate(spind);
     483           0 :       spCoord.setReferencePixel(Vector<Double>(1,0.0));
     484           0 :       spCoord.setReferenceValue(Vector<Double>(1, beamFreqs(0)));
     485           0 :       if(beamFreqs.nelements() >1)
     486           0 :         spCoord.setIncrement(Vector<Double>(1, beamFreqs(1)-beamFreqs(0)));
     487             : 
     488           0 :       coords.replaceCoordinate(spCoord, spind);
     489             : 
     490           0 :       IPosition pbShape(4, convSize_p, convSize_p, 1, nBeamChans);
     491             :       //TempImage<Complex> twoDPB(pbShape, coords);    
     492             :     
     493             :       
     494           0 :       TempLattice<Complex> convFuncTemp(TiledShape(IPosition(5, convSize_p/4, convSize_p/4, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair), IPosition(5, convSize_p/4, convSize_p/4, 1, 1, 1)), 0);
     495           0 :       TempLattice<Complex> weightConvFuncTemp(TiledShape(IPosition(5, convSize_p/4, convSize_p/4, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair), IPosition(5, convSize_p/4, convSize_p/4, 1, 1, 1)), 0);
     496             :         //convFunc_p.resize(IPosition(5, convSize_p, convSize_p, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair));
     497             :        
     498             :       // convFunc_p=0.0;
     499             :       //weightConvFunc_p.resize(IPosition(5, convSize_p, convSize_p, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair));
     500             :       //weightConvFunc_p=0.0;
     501           0 :       IPosition begin(5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     502           0 :       IPosition end(5, convFuncTemp.shape()[0]-1,  convFuncTemp.shape()[1]-1, nBeamPols-1, nBeamChans-1, 0);
     503             :       //FFTServer<Float, Complex> fft(IPosition(2, convSize_p, convSize_p));
     504             :       //TempImage<Complex> pBScreen(TiledShape(pbShape, IPosition(4, convSize_p, convSize_p, 1, 1)), coords, 0);
     505             :       //TempImage<Complex> pB2Screen(TiledShape(pbShape, IPosition(4, convSize_p, convSize_p, 1, 1)), coords, 0);
     506           0 :       Long memtot=HostInfo::memoryFree();
     507           0 :       Double memtobeused= Double(memtot)*1024.0;
     508           0 :       if(memtot <= 2000000)
     509           0 :           memtobeused=0.0;
     510             :       //cerr << "Shape " << pbShape << " memtobe used " << memtobeused << endl;
     511           0 :       TempImage<Complex> pBScreen(TiledShape(pbShape), coords, memtobeused/2.2);
     512           0 :       TempImage<Complex> pB2Screen(TiledShape(pbShape), coords, memtobeused/2.2);
     513           0 :       IPosition start(4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     514           0 :       convSupport_p.resize(ndishpair);
     515             :       
     516           0 :       for (uInt k=0; k < ndish; ++k){
     517             :       
     518           0 :         for (uInt j =k ; j < ndish; ++j){
     519             :           //Timer tim;
     520             :           //Matrix<Complex> screen(convSize_p, convSize_p);
     521             :           //screen=1.0;
     522             :           //pBScreen.putSlice(screen, start);
     523             :           //cerr << "k " << k << " shape " << pBScreen.shape() <<  " direction1 " << direction1_p << " direction2 " << direction2_p << endl;
     524             :          
     525             :           //pBScreen.set(Complex(1.0, 0.0));
     526             :           //one antenna 
     527           0 :          IPosition blcin(4, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     528           0 :          IPosition trcin(4, convSize_p-1, convSize_p-1, 0, 0);
     529           0 :          for (Int kk=0; kk < nBeamChans; ++kk){
     530           0 :            blcin[3]=kk;
     531           0 :            trcin[3]=kk;
     532             :            //    tim.mark(); 
     533             :            // Double wtime0=omp_get_wtime();
     534             :            //cerr << "Doing channel " << kk << endl;
     535           0 :            Slicer slin(blcin, trcin, Slicer::endIsLast);
     536           0 :            SubImage<Complex> subim(pBScreen, slin, true);
     537           0 :            subim.set(Complex(1.0, 0.0));
     538           0 :            (antMath_p[k])->applyVP(subim, subim, direction1_p);
     539             : 
     540             :           //Then the other
     541           0 :            (antMath_p[j])->applyVP(subim, subim, direction2_p);
     542             :            //"After Apply ");
     543             :            //tim.mark();
     544             :            //pB2Screen.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));
     545           0 :            SubImage<Complex> subim2(pB2Screen, slin, true);
     546           0 :            subim2.set(Complex(1.0,0.0));
     547             :           //one antenna 
     548           0 :            (antMath_p[k])->applyPB(subim2, subim2, direction1_p);
     549             :           //Then the other
     550           0 :            (antMath_p[j])->applyPB(subim2, subim2, direction2_p);
     551             :           
     552             :            //Double wtime1=omp_get_wtime();
     553             :            //"After Apply2 ");
     554             :            //tim.mark();
     555             :            //subim.copyData((LatticeExpr<Complex>) (iif(abs(subim)> 5e-2, subim, 0)));
     556             :            //subim2.copyData((LatticeExpr<Complex>) (iif(abs(subim2)> 25e-4, subim2, 0)));
     557             :            
     558             :         
     559             :            //ft_p.c2cFFT(subim);
     560             :           
     561             :            //ft_p.c2cFFT(subim2);
     562           0 :            ft_p.c2cFFTInDouble(subim);
     563           0 :            ft_p.c2cFFTInDouble(subim2);
     564             :            //LatticeFFT::cfft2d(subim2);
     565             :             //"after ffts ");
     566             :            // cerr << kk << " applies " << wtime1-wtime0 << " ffts " << omp_get_wtime()-wtime1 << endl;
     567             :        
     568             : 
     569           0 :          }
     570             :          /*
     571             :          if(nBeamChans >1){
     572             :            Slicer slin(blcin, trcin, Slicer::endIsLast);
     573             :            SubImage<Complex> origPB(pBScreen, slin, false);
     574             :            IPosition elshape= origPB.shape();
     575             :            Matrix<Complex> i1=origPB.get(true);
     576             :            SubImage<Complex> origPB2(pB2Screen, slin, false);
     577             :            Matrix<Complex> i2=origPB2.get(true);
     578             :            Int cenX=i1.shape()(0)/2;
     579             :            Int cenY=i1.shape()(1)/2;
     580             :            
     581             :            for (Int kk=0; kk < (nBeamChans-1); ++kk){
     582             :              Double fratio=beamFreqs(kk)/beamFreqs(nBeamChans-1);
     583             :              cerr << "fratio " << fratio << endl;
     584             :              blcin[3]=kk;
     585             :              trcin[3]=kk;
     586             :              //Slicer slout(blcin, trcin, Slicer::endIsLast);
     587             :              Matrix<Complex> o1(i1.shape(), Complex(0.0));
     588             :              Matrix<Complex> o2(i2.shape(), Complex(0.0));
     589             :              for (Int yy=0;  yy < i1.shape()(1); ++yy){
     590             :                //Int nyy= (Double(yy-cenY)*fratio) + cenY; 
     591             :                Double nyy= (Double(yy-cenY)/fratio) + cenY;
     592             :                Double cyy=ceil(nyy);
     593             :                Double fyy= floor(nyy);
     594             :                Int iy=nyy > fyy+0.5 ? cyy : fyy; 
     595             :                if(cyy <2*cenY && fyy >=0.0)
     596             :                  for(Int xx=0; xx < i1.shape()(0); ++ xx){
     597             :                    //Int nxx= Int(Double(xx-cenX)*fratio) + cenX; 
     598             :                    Double nxx= Int(Double(xx-cenX)/fratio) + cenX;
     599             :                     Double cxx=ceil(nxx);
     600             :                     Double fxx= floor(nxx);
     601             :                     Int ix=nxx > fxx+0.5 ? cxx : fxx ;
     602             :                    if(cxx < 2*cenX && fxx >=0.0 ){
     603             :                      //Double dist=sqrt((nxx-cxx)*(nxx-cxx)+(nyy-cyy)*(nyy-cyy))/sqrt(2.0);
     604             :                      //o1(xx, yy)=float(1-dist)*i1(fxx, fyy)+ dist*i1(cxx,cyy);
     605             :                      o1(xx, yy)=i1( ix, iy);
     606             :                      //o2(xx, yy)=i2(nxx, nyy);
     607             :                      //o2(xx, yy)=float(1-dist)*i2(fxx, fyy)+ dist*i2(cxx,cyy);
     608             :                      o2(xx, yy)=i2(ix, iy);
     609             :                    }
     610             :                  }
     611             :              }
     612             :              pBScreen.putSlice(o1.reform(elshape), blcin);
     613             :              pB2Screen.putSlice(o2.reform(elshape), blcin);
     614             :            }
     615             : 
     616             :          }
     617             :          */
     618             :            
     619             :              //"after apply+apply2+masking+fft ");
     620             :          //tim.mark();
     621             :          //LatticeFFT::cfft2d(pBScreen);
     622             :          //LatticeFFT::cfft2d(pB2Screen);
     623             :           
     624             :           //Matrix<Complex> lala=pBScreen.get(true);
     625             :           //fft.fft0(lala, true);
     626             :           //fft.flip(lala, false, false);
     627             :           // pBScreen.put(lala.reform(IPosition(4, convSize_p, convSize_p, 1, 1)));
     628             :           //lala=pB2Screen.get(true);
     629             :           //fft.fft0(lala, true);
     630             :           //fft.flip(lala, false, false);
     631             :           //pB2Screen.put(lala.reform(IPosition(4, convSize_p, convSize_p, 1, 1)));
     632             :           
     633             :           //////////*****************
     634             :           /*if(0){
     635             :             ostringstream os1;
     636             :             os1 << "PB_field_" << Int(thePix_p[0]) << "_" << Int(thePix_p[1]) << "_antpair_" << k <<"_"<<j ;
     637             :             PagedImage<Float> thisScreen(pbShape, coords, String(os1));
     638             :             LatticeExpr<Float> le(abs(pBScreen));
     639             :             thisScreen.copyData(le);
     640             :           
     641             :             }*/
     642             :           ////////*****************/
     643             :          
     644             :           //"after FFT ");
     645             :           //tim.mark();
     646           0 :           Int plane=0;
     647           0 :           for (uInt jj=0; jj < k; ++jj)
     648           0 :             plane=plane+ndish-jj-1;
     649           0 :           plane=plane+j;
     650           0 :           begin[4]=plane;
     651           0 :           end[4]=plane;
     652             :           //cerr << "ms" << vb.msName() << " spw " << vb.spectralWindow() << " k " << k << "  j  " << j << " plane " << plane << endl;
     653           0 :           Slicer slplane(begin, end, Slicer::endIsLast);
     654             :           //cerr <<  "SHAPES " << convFunc_p(begin, end).shape() << "  " << pBScreen.get(false).shape() << " begin and end " << begin << "    " << end << endl;
     655             :           //convFunc_p(begin, end).copyMatchingPart(pBScreen.get(false));
     656             :           //weightConvFunc_p(begin, end).copyMatchingPart(pB2Screen.get(false));
     657           0 :           IPosition blcQ(4, pbShape(0)/8*3, pbShape(1)/8*3, 0, 0);
     658           0 :           IPosition trcQ(4,  blcQ[0]+ pbShape(0)/4-1, blcQ[1]+pbShape(1)/4-1 , nBeamPols-1, nBeamChans-1);
     659             : 
     660             :           //cerr << "blcQ " << blcQ << " trcQ " << trcQ << " pbShape " << pbShape << endl;
     661           0 :           Slicer slQ(blcQ, trcQ, Slicer::endIsLast);
     662             :           {
     663           0 :             SubImage<Complex>  pBSSub(pBScreen, slQ, false);          
     664           0 :             SubLattice<Complex> cFTempSub(convFuncTemp,  slplane, true);
     665           0 :             LatticeConcat<Complex> lc(4);
     666           0 :             lc.setLattice(pBSSub);
     667             :             //cerr << "SHAPES " << cFTempSub.shape() << "   " <<  lc.shape() << endl;
     668           0 :             cFTempSub.copyData(lc);
     669             :             //cFTempSub.copyData(pBScreen);
     670           0 :           }
     671             :           {
     672           0 :             SubImage<Complex>  pB2SSub(pB2Screen, slQ, false);
     673           0 :             SubLattice<Complex> cFTempSub2(weightConvFuncTemp,  slplane, true);
     674           0 :             LatticeConcat<Complex> lc(4);
     675           0 :             lc.setLattice(pB2SSub);
     676           0 :             cFTempSub2.copyData(lc);
     677             :             // cFTempSub2.copyData(pB2Screen);
     678             :             //weightConvFuncTemp.putSlice(pB2Screen.get(false), begin);
     679             : 
     680           0 :           }
     681             :           //      supportAndNormalize(plane, convSampling);
     682           0 :           supportAndNormalizeLatt( plane, convSampling, convFuncTemp,  weightConvFuncTemp);
     683             : 
     684             : 
     685             : 
     686             :           //"After search of support ");
     687           0 :         }
     688             :         
     689             :       }
     690             : 
     691             : 
     692           0 :       doneMainConv_p[actualConvIndex_p]=true;
     693           0 :       convFunctions_p.resize(actualConvIndex_p+1);
     694           0 :       convWeights_p.resize(actualConvIndex_p+1);
     695           0 :       convSupportBlock_p.resize(actualConvIndex_p+1);
     696             :     
     697           0 :       convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]= new Array<Complex>();
     698           0 :       convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p]= new Array<Complex>();
     699           0 :       convSupportBlock_p[actualConvIndex_p]=new Vector<Int>();
     700           0 :       Int newConvSize=2*(max(convSupport_p)+2)*convSampling;
     701           0 :       Int newRealConvSize=newConvSize* Int(Double(convSamp)/Double(convSampling));
     702           0 :       Int lattSize=convFuncTemp.shape()(0);
     703           0 :       (*convSupportBlock_p[actualConvIndex_p])=convSupport_p;
     704             :      
     705             :       //cerr << "convSize " << newConvSize << "  " << newRealConvSize<< " lattSize " << lattSize << endl;
     706           0 :       LogIO os(LogOrigin("HetArrConvFunc", "findConvFunction", WHERE));
     707           0 :       os << "convolution function support: " << convSupport_p  << LogIO::POST;
     708             : 
     709           0 :       if(newConvSize < lattSize){
     710           0 :         IPosition blc(5, (lattSize/2)-(newConvSize/2),
     711           0 :                       (lattSize/2)-(newConvSize/2),0,0,0);
     712           0 :         IPosition trc(5, (lattSize/2)+(newConvSize/2-1),
     713           0 :                       (lattSize/2)+(newConvSize/2-1), nBeamPols-1, nBeamChans-1,ndishpair-1);
     714           0 :         IPosition shp(5, newConvSize, newConvSize, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair);
     715             :         
     716           0 :         convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]= new Array<Complex>(IPosition(5, newRealConvSize, newRealConvSize, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair ));
     717           0 :         convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p]= new Array<Complex>(IPosition(5, newRealConvSize, newRealConvSize, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair ));
     718           0 :         (*convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p])=resample(convFuncTemp.getSlice(blc,shp), Double(convSamp)/Double(convSampling));
     719           0 :         convSize_p=newRealConvSize;
     720           0 :         (*convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p])=resample(weightConvFuncTemp.getSlice(blc, shp),Double(convSamp)/Double(convSampling)) ;
     721           0 :       }
     722             :       else{
     723           0 :         newRealConvSize=lattSize* Int(Double(convSamp)/Double(convSampling));
     724           0 :         convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]= new Array<Complex>(IPosition(5, newRealConvSize, newRealConvSize, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair ));
     725           0 :         convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p]= new Array<Complex>(IPosition(5, newRealConvSize, newRealConvSize, nBeamPols, nBeamChans, ndishpair ));
     726             :         
     727           0 :         (*convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p])=resample(convFuncTemp.get(),  Double(convSamp)/Double(convSampling));
     728           0 :         (*convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p])=resample(weightConvFuncTemp.get(),  Double(convSamp)/Double(convSampling));
     729           0 :         convSize_p=newRealConvSize;
     730             :       }
     731           0 :       convFunc_p.resize();
     732           0 :       weightConvFunc_p.resize();
     733             : 
     734           0 :     }
     735             :     else{
     736           0 :       convSize_p=max(*convSizes_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
     737           0 :       convSupport_p.resize();
     738           0 :       convSupport_p=*convSupportBlock_p[actualConvIndex_p];
     739             :     }
     740             :     /*
     741             :     rowMap.resize(vb.nRow());
     742             :     for (Int k=0; k < vb.nRow(); ++k){
     743             :       //plane of convfunc that match this pair of antennas
     744             :       rowMap(k)=antIndexToDiamIndex_p(vb.antenna1()(k))*ndish+
     745             :         antIndexToDiamIndex_p(vb.antenna2()(k));
     746             : 
     747             :     }
     748             :     */
     749             : 
     750             :     
     751           0 :     makerowmap(vb, convFuncRowMap);
     752             :     ///need to deal with only the maximum of different baselines available in this
     753             :     ///vb
     754             :     //cerr << "ms " << vb.msName() << " convFuncRowMap " << convFuncRowMap[0] << endl;
     755           0 :     ndishpair=max(convFuncRowMap)+1;
     756             :     
     757             :     // convSupportBlock_p.resize(actualConvIndex_p+1);
     758           0 :     convSizes_p.resize(actualConvIndex_p+1);
     759             :     //convSupportBlock_p[actualConvIndex_p]=new Vector<Int>(ndishpair);
     760             :     //(*convSupportBlock_p[actualConvIndex_p])=convSupport_p;
     761           0 :     convSizes_p[actualConvIndex_p]=new Vector<Int> (ndishpair);
     762             :     
     763             :     /*    convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]->resize(convSize_p, convSize_p, ndishpair);
     764             :     *(convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p])=convSave_p; 
     765             :     convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p]->resize(convSize_p, convSize_p, ndishpair);
     766             :     *(convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p])=weightSave_p;
     767             :     */
     768             : 
     769           0 :     convFunc_p.resize();
     770           0 :     convFunc_p=(*convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
     771           0 :     weightConvFunc_p.resize();
     772           0 :     weightConvFunc_p=(*convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
     773             : 
     774             :     //cerr << "convfunc shapes " <<  convFunc_p.shape() <<  "   " << weightConvFunc_p.shape() << "  " << convSize_p << " pol " << nBeamPols << "  chan " << nBeamChans << " ndishpair " << ndishpair << endl;
     775             :     /////Due to a bug in buildCoordSysCore...sometimes an image bigger
     776             :     ///than the spw selection chosen  is made
     777           0 :     if(nBeamChans > convFunc_p.shape()[3])
     778           0 :       nBeamChans = convFunc_p.shape()[3];
     779             :     //convSupport_p.resize();
     780             :     //convSupport_p=(*convSupportBlock_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
     781             :     Bool delc; Bool delw;
     782           0 :     Double dirX=pixFieldDir(0);
     783           0 :     Double dirY=pixFieldDir(1);
     784           0 :     Complex *convstor=convFunc_p.getStorage(delc);
     785           0 :     Complex *weightstor=weightConvFunc_p.getStorage(delw);
     786           0 :     Int elconvsize=convSize_p;
     787             : 
     788           0 : #pragma omp parallel default(none) firstprivate(convstor, weightstor, dirX, dirY, elconvsize, ndishpair, nBeamChans, nBeamPols)
     789             :     {
     790             : #pragma omp for
     791             :       for(Int iy=0; iy<elconvsize; ++iy){
     792             :         applyGradientToYLine(iy,  convstor, weightstor, dirX, dirY, elconvsize, ndishpair, nBeamChans, nBeamPols);
     793             :         
     794             :       }
     795             :     }///End of pragma
     796             : 
     797           0 :     convFunc_p.putStorage(convstor, delc);
     798           0 :     weightConvFunc_p.putStorage(weightstor, delw);
     799             : 
     800             : 
     801             : 
     802             :     //For now all have the same size convsize;
     803           0 :     convSizes_p[actualConvIndex_p]->set(convSize_p);
     804             :     
     805             :     //We have to get the references right now
     806             :     //    convFunc_p.resize();
     807             :     //convFunc_p.reference(*convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
     808             :     //weightConvFunc_p.resize();
     809             :     //weightConvFunc_p.reference(*convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
     810             : 
     811           0 :     convFunc.reference(convFunc_p);
     812           0 :     weightConvFunc.reference(weightConvFunc_p);
     813           0 :     convsize=*convSizes_p[actualConvIndex_p];
     814           0 :     convSupport=convSupport_p;
     815             : 
     816             :   
     817           0 :   }
     818             : 
     819             : typedef unsigned long long ooLong; 
     820             : 
     821           0 :   void HetArrayConvFunc::applyGradientToYLine(const Int iy, Complex*& convFunctions, Complex*& convWeights, const Double pixXdir, const Double pixYdir, Int convSize, const Int ndishpair, const Int nChan, const Int nPol){
     822             :     Double cy, sy;
     823             : 
     824           0 :     SINCOS(Double(iy-convSize/2)*pixYdir, sy, cy);
     825           0 :     Complex phy(cy,sy) ;
     826           0 :     for (Int ix=0;ix<convSize;ix++) {
     827             :       Double cx, sx;
     828           0 :       SINCOS(Double(ix-convSize/2)*pixXdir, sx, cx);
     829           0 :       Complex phx(cx,sx) ;
     830           0 :       for (Int ipol=0; ipol< nPol; ++ipol){
     831             :         //Int poloffset=ipol*nChan*ndishpair*convSize*convSize;
     832           0 :         for (Int ichan=0; ichan < nChan; ++ichan){
     833             :           //Int chanoffset=ichan*ndishpair*convSize*convSize;
     834           0 :           for(Int iz=0; iz <ndishpair; ++iz){
     835           0 :             ooLong index=((ooLong(iz*nChan+ichan)*nPol+ipol)*ooLong(convSize)+ooLong(iy))*ooLong(convSize)+ooLong(ix);
     836           0 :             convFunctions[index]= convFunctions[index]*phx*phy;
     837           0 :             convWeights[index]= convWeights[index]*phx*phy;
     838             :           }
     839             :         }
     840             :       }
     841             :     
     842             :   }
     843           0 :   }
     844           0 :    Bool HetArrayConvFunc::toRecord(RecordInterface& rec){
     845             :      
     846             :      try{
     847           0 :        rec.define("name", "HetArrayConvFunc");
     848           0 :        Int numConv=convFunctions_p.nelements();
     849           0 :        rec.define("ndefined", numConv);
     850             :        //rec.define("convfunctionmap", convFunctionMap_p);
     851           0 :        std::map<String, Int>::iterator it=vbConvIndex_p.begin();
     852           0 :        for (Int64 k=0; k < numConv; ++k){
     853           0 :          rec.define("convfunctions"+String::toString(k), *(convFunctions_p[k]));
     854           0 :          rec.define("convweights"+String::toString(k), *(convWeights_p[k]));
     855           0 :          rec.define("convsizes"+String::toString(k), *(convSizes_p[k]));
     856           0 :          rec.define("convsupportblock"+String::toString(k), *(convSupportBlock_p[k]));
     857           0 :          rec.define(String("key")+String::toString(k), it->first);
     858           0 :         rec.define(String("val")+String::toString(k), it->second);
     859           0 :         it++;
     860             :        }
     861           0 :        rec.define("actualconvindex",  actualConvIndex_p);
     862           0 :        rec.define("donemainconv", doneMainConv_p);
     863           0 :        rec.define("vptable", vpTable_p);
     864           0 :        rec.define("pbclass", Int(pbClass_p));
     865             :        
     866             :     }
     867           0 :     catch(AipsError& x) {
     868           0 :       return false;
     869           0 :     }
     870           0 :     return true;   
     871             : 
     872             :    }
     873             : 
     874           0 :   Bool HetArrayConvFunc::fromRecord(String& err, const RecordInterface& rec, Bool calcfluxscale){
     875             :     //Force pbmath stuff and saved image stuff
     876           0 :     nchan_p=0;
     877           0 :     msId_p=-1;
     878             :     try{
     879           0 :       if(!rec.isDefined("name") || rec.asString("name") != "HetArrayConvFunc"){
     880           0 :         throw(AipsError("Wrong record to recover HetArray from"));
     881             :       }
     882           0 :       nDefined_p=rec.asInt("ndefined");
     883             :       //rec.get("convfunctionmap", convFunctionMap_p);
     884           0 :       convFunctions_p.resize(nDefined_p, true, false);
     885           0 :       convSupportBlock_p.resize(nDefined_p, true, false);
     886           0 :       convWeights_p.resize(nDefined_p, true, false);
     887           0 :       convSizes_p.resize(nDefined_p, true, false);
     888           0 :       vbConvIndex_p.erase(vbConvIndex_p.begin(), vbConvIndex_p.end());
     889           0 :       for (Int64 k=0; k < nDefined_p; ++k){
     890           0 :         convFunctions_p[k]=new Array<Complex>();
     891           0 :         convWeights_p[k]=new Array<Complex>();
     892           0 :         convSizes_p[k]=new Vector<Int>();
     893           0 :         convSupportBlock_p[k]=new Vector<Int>();
     894           0 :         rec.get("convfunctions"+String::toString(k), *(convFunctions_p[k]));
     895           0 :         rec.get("convweights"+String::toString(k), *(convWeights_p[k]));
     896           0 :         rec.get("convsizes"+String::toString(k), *(convSizes_p[k]));
     897           0 :         rec.get("convsupportblock"+String::toString(k), *(convSupportBlock_p[k]));
     898           0 :         String key;
     899             :         Int val;
     900           0 :         rec.get(String("key")+String::toString(k), key);
     901           0 :         rec.get(String("val")+String::toString(k), val);
     902           0 :         vbConvIndex_p[key]=val;
     903           0 :       }
     904             :       //Now that we are calculating all phase gradients on the fly ..
     905             :       ///we should clean up some and get rid of the cached variables
     906             :       
     907           0 :       convSize_p= nDefined_p > 0 ? (*(convSizes_p[0]))[0] : 0;
     908             :       //convSave_p.resize();
     909             :       //rec.get("convsave", convSave_p);
     910             :       //weightSave_p.resize();
     911             :       //rec.get("weightsave", weightSave_p);
     912           0 :       rec.get("vptable", vpTable_p);
     913           0 :       rec.get("donemainconv", doneMainConv_p);
     914             :       //convSupport_p.resize();
     915             :       //rec.get("convsupport", convSupport_p);
     916           0 :       pbClass_p=static_cast<PBMathInterface::PBClass>(rec.asInt("pbclass"));
     917           0 :       calcFluxScale_p=calcfluxscale;
     918             :     }
     919           0 :     catch(AipsError& x) {
     920           0 :       err=x.getMesg();
     921           0 :       return false;
     922           0 :     } 
     923             :       
     924           0 :     return true;
     925             :   }
     926             : 
     927             : 
     928           0 :   void HetArrayConvFunc::supportAndNormalize(Int plane, Int convSampling){
     929             : 
     930           0 :     LogIO os;
     931           0 :     os << LogOrigin("HetArrConvFunc", "suppAndNorm")  << LogIO::NORMAL;
     932             :     // Locate support
     933           0 :         Int convSupport=-1;
     934           0 :         IPosition begin(5, 0, 0, 0, 0, plane);
     935           0 :         IPosition end(5, convFunc_p.shape()[0]-1,  convFunc_p.shape()[1]-1, 0, 0, plane);
     936           0 :         Matrix<Complex> convPlane(convFunc_p(begin, end).reform(IPosition(2,convFunc_p.shape()[0], convFunc_p.shape()[1]))) ;
     937           0 :         Float maxAbsConvFunc=max(amplitude(convPlane));
     938           0 :         Float minAbsConvFunc=min(amplitude(convPlane));
     939           0 :         Bool found=false;
     940           0 :         Int trial=0;
     941           0 :         for (trial=convSize_p/2-2;trial>0;trial--) {
     942             :           //Searching down a diagonal
     943           0 :           if(abs(convPlane(convSize_p/2-trial,convSize_p/2-trial)) >  (1.0e-2*maxAbsConvFunc)) {
     944           0 :             found=true;
     945           0 :             trial=Int(sqrt(2.0*Float(trial*trial)));
     946           0 :             break;
     947             :           }
     948             :         }
     949           0 :         if(!found){
     950           0 :           if((maxAbsConvFunc-minAbsConvFunc) > (1.0e-2*maxAbsConvFunc)) 
     951           0 :           found=true;
     952             :           // if it drops by more than 2 magnitudes per pixel
     953           0 :           trial=( (10*convSampling) < convSize_p) ? 5*convSampling : (convSize_p/2 - 4*convSampling);
     954             :         }
     955             :        
     956             :                                  
     957           0 :         if(found) {
     958           0 :           if(trial < 5*convSampling) 
     959           0 :             trial= ( (10*convSampling) < convSize_p) ? 5*convSampling : (convSize_p/2 - 4*convSampling);
     960           0 :           convSupport=Int(0.5+Float(trial)/Float(convSampling))+1;
     961             :           //support is really over the edge
     962           0 :           if( (convSupport*convSampling) >= convSize_p/2){
     963           0 :             convSupport=convSize_p/2/convSampling-1;
     964             :           }
     965             :         }
     966             :         else {
     967             :           /*
     968             :           os << "Convolution function is misbehaved - support seems to be zero\n"
     969             :              << "Reasons can be: \nThe image definition not covering one or more of the pointings selected \n"
     970             :          << "Or no unflagged data in a given pointing"
     971             :              
     972             :              << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
     973             :           */
     974             :           //OTF may have flagged stuff ...
     975           0 :           convSupport=0;
     976             :         }
     977             :         //cerr << "trial " << trial << " convSupport " << convSupport << " convSize " << convSize_p << endl;
     978           0 :         convSupport_p(plane)=convSupport;
     979           0 :         Double pbSum=0.0;
     980             :         /*
     981             :         Double pbSum1=0.0;
     982             :         
     983             :         for (Int iy=-convSupport;iy<=convSupport;iy++) {
     984             :           for (Int ix=-convSupport;ix<=convSupport;ix++) {
     985             :             Complex val=convFunc_p.xyPlane(plane)(ix*convSampling+convSize_p/2,
     986             :                                                   iy*convSampling+convSize_p/2);
     987             :         
     988             :             pbSum1+=sqrt(real(val)*real(val)+ imag(val)*imag(val));
     989             :           }
     990             :         }
     991             :     
     992             :         */
     993           0 :         if(convSupport >0){
     994           0 :           IPosition blc(2, -convSupport*convSampling+convSize_p/2, -convSupport*convSampling+convSize_p/2);
     995           0 :           IPosition trc(2, convSupport*convSampling+convSize_p/2, convSupport*convSampling+convSize_p/2);
     996           0 :           for (Int chan=0; chan < convFunc_p.shape()[3]; ++chan){
     997           0 :             begin[3]=chan;
     998           0 :             end[3]=chan;
     999           0 :             convPlane.resize();
    1000           0 :             convPlane.reference(convFunc_p(begin, end).reform(IPosition(2,convFunc_p.shape()[0], convFunc_p.shape()[1])));
    1001           0 :             pbSum=real(sum(convPlane(blc,trc)))/Double(convSampling)/Double(convSampling);
    1002           0 :             if(pbSum>0.0) {
    1003           0 :               (convPlane)=convPlane*Complex(1.0/pbSum,0.0);
    1004           0 :               convPlane.resize();
    1005           0 :               convPlane.reference(weightConvFunc_p(begin, end).reform(IPosition(2,convFunc_p.shape()[0], convFunc_p.shape()[1])));
    1006           0 :               (convPlane) =(convPlane)*Complex(1.0/pbSum,0.0);
    1007             :             }
    1008             :             else {
    1009             :               os << "Convolution function integral is not positive"
    1010           0 :                  << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    1011             :             }
    1012             :           }
    1013           0 :         }
    1014             :         else{
    1015             :           //no valid convolution for this pointing
    1016           0 :           for (Int chan=0; chan < convFunc_p.shape()[3]; ++chan){
    1017           0 :             begin[3]=chan;
    1018           0 :             end[3]=chan;
    1019           0 :             convFunc_p(begin, end).set(Complex(0.0));
    1020           0 :             weightConvFunc_p(begin, end).set(Complex(0.0));
    1021             :           //convFunc_p.xyPlane(plane).set(0.0);
    1022             :           //weightConvFunc_p.xyPlane(plane).set(0.0);
    1023             :           }
    1024             :         }
    1025             : 
    1026           0 :   }
    1027             : 
    1028           0 :   void HetArrayConvFunc::supportAndNormalizeLatt(Int plane, Int convSampling, TempLattice<Complex>& convFuncLat,
    1029             :                                                  TempLattice<Complex>& weightConvFuncLat){
    1030             : 
    1031           0 :     LogIO os;
    1032           0 :     os << LogOrigin("HetArrConvFunc", "suppAndNorm")  << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1033             :     // Locate support
    1034           0 :         Int convSupport=-1;
    1035             :         ///Use largest channel as highest freq thus largest conv func
    1036           0 :         IPosition begin(5, 0, 0, 0, convFuncLat.shape()(3)-1, plane);
    1037           0 :         IPosition shape(5, convFuncLat.shape()[0],  convFuncLat.shape()[1], 1, 1, 1);
    1038             :         //Int convSize=convSize_p;
    1039           0 :         Int convSize=shape(0);
    1040             :         ///use FT weightconvlat as it is wider 
    1041           0 :         Matrix<Complex> convPlane=weightConvFuncLat.getSlice(begin, shape, true);
    1042           0 :         Float maxAbsConvFunc=max(amplitude(convPlane));
    1043           0 :         Float minAbsConvFunc=min(amplitude(convPlane));
    1044           0 :         Bool found=false;
    1045           0 :         Int trial=0;
    1046           0 :         Float cutlevel=2.5e-2;
    1047             :         //numeric needs a larger ft
    1048           0 :         for (uInt k=0; k < antMath_p.nelements() ; ++k){
    1049           0 :           if((antMath_p[k]->whichPBClass()) == PBMathInterface::NUMERIC)
    1050           0 :             cutlevel=1e-3;
    1051             :         }
    1052           0 :         for (trial=convSize/2-2;trial>0;trial--) {
    1053             :           //largest of either
    1054           0 :           if((abs(convPlane(convSize/2-trial-1,convSize/2-1)) >  (cutlevel*maxAbsConvFunc)) || (abs(convPlane(convSize/2-1,convSize/2-trial-1)) >  (cutlevel*maxAbsConvFunc))) {
    1055           0 :             found=true;
    1056           0 :             trial=Int(sqrt(2.0*Float(trial*trial)));
    1057           0 :             break;
    1058             :           }
    1059             :         }
    1060           0 :         if(!found){
    1061           0 :           if((maxAbsConvFunc-minAbsConvFunc) > (cutlevel*maxAbsConvFunc)) 
    1062           0 :           found=true;
    1063             :           // if it drops by more than 2 magnitudes per pixel
    1064           0 :           trial=( (10*convSampling) < convSize) ? 5*convSampling : (convSize/2 - 4*convSampling);
    1065             :         }
    1066             :        
    1067             :                                  
    1068           0 :         if(found) {
    1069           0 :           if(trial < 5*convSampling) 
    1070           0 :             trial= ( (10*convSampling) < convSize) ? 5*convSampling : (convSize/2 - 4*convSampling);
    1071           0 :           convSupport=Int(0.5+Float(trial)/Float(convSampling))+1;
    1072             :           //support is really over the edge
    1073           0 :           if( (convSupport*convSampling) >= convSize/2){
    1074           0 :             convSupport=convSize/2/convSampling-1;
    1075             :           }
    1076             :         }
    1077             :         else {
    1078             :           /*
    1079             :           os << "Convolution function is misbehaved - support seems to be zero\n"
    1080             :              << "Reasons can be: \nThe image definition not covering one or more of the pointings selected \n"
    1081             :          << "Or no unflagged data in a given pointing"
    1082             :              
    1083             :              << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    1084             :           */
    1085             :           //OTF may have flagged stuff ...
    1086           0 :           convSupport=0;
    1087             :         }
    1088             :         //cerr << "trial " << trial << " convSupport " << convSupport << " convSize " << convSize_p << endl;
    1089           0 :         convSupport_p(plane)=convSupport;
    1090           0 :         Double pbSum=0.0;
    1091             :         /*
    1092             :         Double pbSum1=0.0;
    1093             :         
    1094             :         for (Int iy=-convSupport;iy<=convSupport;iy++) {
    1095             :           for (Int ix=-convSupport;ix<=convSupport;ix++) {
    1096             :             Complex val=convFunc_p.xyPlane(plane)(ix*convSampling+convSize_p/2,
    1097             :                                                   iy*convSampling+convSize_p/2);
    1098             :         
    1099             :             pbSum1+=sqrt(real(val)*real(val)+ imag(val)*imag(val));
    1100             :           }
    1101             :         }
    1102             :     
    1103             :         */
    1104             :         //cerr << "convSize_p " << convSize_p <<  " convSize " << convSize << endl; 
    1105           0 :         if(convSupport >0){
    1106           0 :           IPosition blc(2, -convSupport*convSampling+convSize/2, -convSupport*convSampling+convSize/2);
    1107           0 :           IPosition trc(2, convSupport*convSampling+convSize/2, convSupport*convSampling+convSize/2);
    1108           0 :           for (Int chan=0; chan < convFuncLat.shape()[3]; ++chan){
    1109           0 :             begin[3]=chan;
    1110             :             //end[3]=chan;
    1111           0 :             convPlane.resize();
    1112           0 :             convPlane=convFuncLat.getSlice(begin, shape, true);
    1113             :             ///////
    1114             :             //Matrix<Float> ampi=amplitude(convPlane) ;
    1115             :             //LogicalArray mask(ampi < Float(1.e-3* maxAbsConvFunc));
    1116             : 
    1117             :             //convPlane(mask)=0.0;
    1118             :             /////  
    1119           0 :             pbSum=real(sum(convPlane(blc,trc)))/Double(convSampling)/Double(convSampling);
    1120           0 :             if(pbSum>0.0) {
    1121           0 :               (convPlane)=convPlane*Complex(1.0/pbSum,0.0);
    1122           0 :               convFuncLat.putSlice(convPlane, begin);
    1123             :               //convPlane.resize();
    1124           0 :               Matrix<Complex> convPlane2;
    1125           0 :               convPlane2=weightConvFuncLat.getSlice(begin, shape, true);
    1126             :               //convPlane2(mask)=0.0;
    1127           0 :               (convPlane2) =(convPlane2)*Complex(1.0/pbSum,0.0);
    1128           0 :               weightConvFuncLat.putSlice(convPlane2, begin);
    1129           0 :             }
    1130             :             else {
    1131             :               os << "Convolution function integral is not positive"
    1132           0 :                  << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    1133             :             }
    1134             :           }
    1135           0 :         }
    1136             :         else{
    1137             :           //no valid convolution for this pointing
    1138           0 :           for (Int chan=0; chan < convFuncLat.shape()[3]; ++chan){
    1139           0 :             begin[3]=chan;
    1140             :             //end[3]=chan;
    1141           0 :             convPlane.resize(shape[0], shape[1]);
    1142           0 :             convPlane.set(Complex(0.0));
    1143           0 :             convFuncLat.putSlice(convPlane, begin);
    1144           0 :             weightConvFuncLat.putSlice(convPlane, begin);
    1145             :           //convFunc_p.xyPlane(plane).set(0.0);
    1146             :           //weightConvFunc_p.xyPlane(plane).set(0.0);
    1147             :           }
    1148             :         }
    1149             : 
    1150           0 :   }
    1151             : 
    1152           0 :   Int HetArrayConvFunc::factorial(Int n){
    1153           0 :     Int fact=1;
    1154           0 :     for (Int k=1; k<=n; ++k)
    1155           0 :       fact *=k;
    1156           0 :     return fact;
    1157             :   }
    1158             : 
    1159             : 
    1160           0 :   Int HetArrayConvFunc::checkPBOfField(const VisBuffer& vb, 
    1161             :                                        Vector<Int>& /*rowMap*/){
    1162             :     
    1163           0 :     toPix(vb);
    1164           0 :     Vector<Int> pixdepoint(2);
    1165           0 :     convertArray(pixdepoint, thePix_p);
    1166           0 :     if((pixdepoint(0) < 0) ||  pixdepoint(0) >= nx_p || pixdepoint(1) < 0 || 
    1167           0 :        pixdepoint(1) >=ny_p){
    1168             :       //cout << "in pix de point off " << pixdepoint << endl;
    1169           0 :       return 2;
    1170             :     }
    1171           0 :     String pointingid=String::toString(pixdepoint(0))+"_"+String::toString(pixdepoint(1));
    1172             :     //Int fieldid=vb.fieldId();
    1173           0 :     String msid=vb.msName(true);
    1174             :     //If channel or pol length has changed underneath...then its time to 
    1175             :     //restart the map
    1176             :     /*
    1177             :     if(convFunctionMap_p.ndefined() > 0){
    1178             :       if ((fluxScale_p.shape()[3] != nchan_p) || (fluxScale_p.shape()[2] != npol_p)){
    1179             :         convFunctionMap_p.clear();
    1180             :       }
    1181             :     }
    1182             : 
    1183             :     */
    1184           0 :     if(convFunctionMap_p.nelements() > 0){
    1185           0 :       if (calcFluxScale_p && ((fluxScale_p.shape()[3] != nchan_p) || (fluxScale_p.shape()[2] != npol_p))){
    1186           0 :         convFunctionMap_p.resize();
    1187           0 :         nDefined_p=0;
    1188             :       }
    1189             :     }
    1190             :     //String mapid=msid+String("_")+pointingid;
    1191             :     /*
    1192             :     if(convFunctionMap_p.ndefined() == 0){
    1193             :       convFunctionMap_p.define(mapid, 0);    
    1194             :       actualConvIndex_p=0;
    1195             :       fluxScale_p=TempImage<Float>(IPosition(4,nx_p,ny_p,npol_p,nchan_p), csys_p);
    1196             :       filledFluxScale_p=false;
    1197             :       fluxScale_p.set(0.0);
    1198             :       return -1;
    1199             :     }
    1200             :     */
    1201           0 :     if(convFunctionMap_p.nelements() == 0){
    1202           0 :       convFunctionMap_p.resize(nx_p*ny_p);
    1203           0 :       convFunctionMap_p.set(-1);
    1204           0 :       convFunctionMap_p[pixdepoint[1]*nx_p+pixdepoint[0]]=0;
    1205           0 :       nDefined_p=1;
    1206           0 :       actualConvIndex_p=0;
    1207           0 :       if(calcFluxScale_p){
    1208           0 :         fluxScale_p=TempImage<Float>(IPosition(4,nx_p,ny_p,npol_p,nchan_p), csys_p);
    1209           0 :         filledFluxScale_p=false;
    1210           0 :         fluxScale_p.set(0.0);
    1211             :       }
    1212           0 :       return -1;
    1213             :     }
    1214             :     
    1215             :     // if(!convFunctionMap_p.isDefined(mapid)){
    1216             :     //  actualConvIndex_p=convFunctionMap_p.ndefined();
    1217             :     //  convFunctionMap_p.define(mapid, actualConvIndex_p);
    1218           0 :     if(convFunctionMap_p[pixdepoint[1]*nx_p+pixdepoint[0]] <0){
    1219           0 :       actualConvIndex_p=nDefined_p;
    1220           0 :       convFunctionMap_p[pixdepoint[1]*nx_p+pixdepoint[0]]=nDefined_p;
    1221             :       // ++nDefined_p;
    1222           0 :       nDefined_p=1;
    1223           0 :       return -1;
    1224             :     }
    1225             :     else{
    1226             :       /*
    1227             :       actualConvIndex_p=convFunctionMap_p[pixdepoint[1]*nx_p+pixdepoint[0]]; 
    1228             :       convFunc_p.resize(); // break any reference
    1229             :       weightConvFunc_p.resize(); 
    1230             :       convSupport_p.resize();
    1231             :       //Here we will need to use the right xyPlane for different PA range 
    1232             :       //and frequency may be 
    1233             :       convFunc_p.reference(*convFunctions_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
    1234             :       weightConvFunc_p.reference(*convWeights_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
    1235             :       //Again this for one time of antenna only later should be fixed for all 
    1236             :       // antennas independently
    1237             :       //these are not really needed right now
    1238             :       convSupport_p=(*convSupportBlock_p[actualConvIndex_p]);
    1239             :       convSize_p=(*convSizes_p[actualConvIndex_p])[0];
    1240             :       makerowmap(vb, rowMap);
    1241             :       */
    1242           0 :       actualConvIndex_p=0;
    1243           0 :       return -1;
    1244             :     }
    1245             : 
    1246             :     return 1;
    1247             :   
    1248             : 
    1249           0 :   }
    1250             : 
    1251           0 :   void HetArrayConvFunc::makerowmap(const VisBuffer& vb, 
    1252             :                                     Vector<Int>& rowMap){
    1253             : 
    1254           0 :     uInt ndish=antMath_p.nelements();
    1255           0 :     rowMap.resize(vb.nRow());
    1256           0 :     for (Int k=0; k < vb.nRow(); ++k){
    1257           0 :       Int index1=antIndexToDiamIndex_p(vb.antenna1()(k));
    1258           0 :       Int index2=antIndexToDiamIndex_p(vb.antenna2()(k));
    1259           0 :       if(index2 < index1){
    1260           0 :         index1=index2;
    1261           0 :         index2=antIndexToDiamIndex_p(vb.antenna1()(k));
    1262             :       }
    1263           0 :       Int plane=0;
    1264           0 :       for (Int jj=0; jj < index1; ++jj)
    1265           0 :         plane=plane+ndish-jj-1;
    1266           0 :       plane=plane+index2;
    1267             :       //plane of convfunc that match this pair of antennas
    1268           0 :       rowMap(k)=plane;
    1269             : 
    1270             :     }
    1271             : 
    1272           0 :   }
    1273             : 
    1274           0 :   Array<Complex> HetArrayConvFunc::resample(const Array<Complex>& inarray, const Double factor){
    1275             : 
    1276           0 :     Double nx=Double(inarray.shape()(0));
    1277           0 :     Double ny=Double(inarray.shape()(1));
    1278           0 :     IPosition shp=inarray.shape();
    1279           0 :     shp(0)=Int(nx*factor);
    1280           0 :     shp(1)=Int(ny*factor);
    1281           0 :     cerr << "nx " << nx << " ny " << ny << " shape " << shp << endl;
    1282             : 
    1283           0 :     Array<Complex> out(shp);
    1284           0 :     ArrayIterator<Complex> inIt(inarray, 2);
    1285           0 :     ArrayIterator<Complex> outIt(out, 2);
    1286             :     //for (zzz=0; zzz< shp.(4); ++zzz){
    1287             :     //  for(yyy=0; yyy< shp.(3); ++yyy){
    1288             :     // for(xxx=0; xxx< shp.(2); ++xxx){
    1289           0 :     while(!inIt.pastEnd()){
    1290           0 :       Matrix<Float> leReal=real(Matrix<Complex>(inIt.array()));
    1291           0 :       Matrix<Float> leImag=imag(Matrix<Complex>(inIt.array()));
    1292             :       Bool leRealCopy, leImagCopy;
    1293           0 :       Float *realptr=leReal.getStorage(leRealCopy);
    1294           0 :       Float *imagptr=leImag.getStorage(leImagCopy);
    1295             :       Bool isCopy;
    1296           0 :       Matrix<Complex> outMat(outIt.array());
    1297           0 :       Complex *intPtr=outMat.getStorage(isCopy);
    1298             :       Float realval, imagval;
    1299             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    1300           0 :       omp_set_nested(0);
    1301             : #endif
    1302           0 : #pragma omp parallel for default(none) private(realval, imagval) firstprivate(intPtr, realptr, imagptr, nx, ny, factor) shared(leReal, leImag)
    1303             :       
    1304             :       for (Int k =0; k < Int(ny*factor); ++k){
    1305             :         Double y =Double(k)/factor;
    1306             :         
    1307             :         for (Int j=0; j < Int(nx*factor); ++j){
    1308             :           //      Interpolate2D interp(Interpolate2D::LANCZOS);
    1309             :           Double x=Double(j)/Double(factor);
    1310             :           //interp.interp(realval, where, leReal);
    1311             :           realval=interpLanczos(x , y, nx, ny,   
    1312             :                                 realptr);
    1313             :           imagval=interpLanczos(x , y, nx, ny,   
    1314             :                                 imagptr);
    1315             :           //interp.interp(imagval, where, leImag);
    1316             :           intPtr[k*Int(nx*factor)+j]=Complex(realval, imagval);
    1317             :         }
    1318             :         
    1319             :       }
    1320           0 :       outMat.putStorage(intPtr, isCopy);
    1321           0 :       leReal.putStorage(realptr, leRealCopy);
    1322           0 :       leImag.putStorage(imagptr, leImagCopy);
    1323           0 :;
    1324           0 :;
    1325           0 :     }
    1326           0 :     return out;
    1327           0 :   }
    1328             : 
    1329           0 :   Float HetArrayConvFunc::sinc(const Float x)  {
    1330           0 :     if (x == 0) {
    1331           0 :         return 1;
    1332             :     }
    1333           0 :     return sin(C::pi * x) / (C::pi * x);
    1334             : }
    1335           0 :   Float HetArrayConvFunc::interpLanczos( const Double& x , const Double& y, const Double& nx, const Double& ny,   const Float* data, const Float a){
    1336           0 :   Double floorx = floor(x);
    1337           0 :   Double floory = floor(y);
    1338           0 :   Float result=0.0;
    1339           0 :   if (floorx < a || floorx >= nx - a || floory < a || floory >= ny - a) {
    1340           0 :         result = 0;
    1341           0 :         return result;
    1342             :   }
    1343           0 :   for (Float i = floorx - a + 1; i <= floorx + a; ++i) {
    1344           0 :         for (Float j = floory - a + 1; j <= floory + a; ++j) {
    1345           0 :           result += Float(Double(data[Int(j*nx+i)]) * sinc(x - i)*sinc((x-i)/ a) * sinc(y - j)*sinc((y-j)/ a));
    1346             :         }
    1347             :     }
    1348           0 :   return result;
    1349             : }
    1350             : 
    1351           0 :   ImageInterface<Float>&  HetArrayConvFunc::getFluxScaleImage(){
    1352           0 :     if(!calcFluxScale_p)
    1353           0 :       throw(AipsError("Programmer Error: flux image cannot be retrieved"));
    1354           0 :     if(!filledFluxScale_p){ 
    1355             :       //The best flux image for a heterogenous array is the weighted coverage
    1356           0 :       fluxScale_p.copyData(*(convWeightImage_p));
    1357           0 :       IPosition blc(4,nx_p, ny_p, npol_p, nchan_p);
    1358           0 :       IPosition trc(4, ny_p, ny_p, npol_p, nchan_p);
    1359           0 :       blc(0)=0; blc(1)=0; trc(0)=nx_p-1; trc(1)=ny_p-1;
    1360             :       
    1361           0 :       for (Int j=0; j < npol_p; ++j){
    1362           0 :         for (Int k=0; k < nchan_p ; ++k){
    1363             :           
    1364           0 :           blc(2)=j; trc(2)=j;
    1365           0 :           blc(3)=k; trc(3)=k;
    1366           0 :           Slicer sl(blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast);
    1367           0 :           SubImage<Float> fscalesub(fluxScale_p, sl, true);
    1368             :           Float planeMax;
    1369           0 :           LatticeExprNode LEN = max( fscalesub );
    1370           0 :           planeMax =  LEN.getFloat();
    1371           0 :           if(planeMax !=0){
    1372           0 :             fscalesub.copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) (fscalesub/planeMax));
    1373             :             
    1374             :           }
    1375           0 :         }
    1376             :       }
    1377           0 :       filledFluxScale_p=true;  
    1378           0 :     }
    1379             :     
    1380             : 
    1381           0 :     return fluxScale_p;
    1382             : 
    1383             :   }
    1384             : 
    1385           0 : void HetArrayConvFunc::sliceFluxScale(Int npol) {
    1386           0 :      IPosition fshp=fluxScale_p.shape();
    1387           0 :      if (fshp(2)>npol){
    1388           0 :        npol_p=npol;
    1389             :        // use first npol planes...
    1390           0 :        IPosition blc(4,0,0,0,0);
    1391           0 :        IPosition trc(4,fluxScale_p.shape()(0)-1, fluxScale_p.shape()(1)-1,npol-1,fluxScale_p.shape()(3)-1);
    1392           0 :        Slicer sl=Slicer(blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast);
    1393             :        //writeable if possible
    1394           0 :        SubImage<Float> fluxScaleSub = SubImage<Float> (fluxScale_p, sl, true);
    1395           0 :        SubImage<Float> convWeightImageSub = SubImage<Float> (*convWeightImage_p, sl, true);
    1396           0 :        fluxScale_p = TempImage<Float>(fluxScaleSub.shape(),fluxScaleSub.coordinates());
    1397           0 :        convWeightImage_p = new TempImage<Float> (convWeightImageSub.shape(),convWeightImageSub.coordinates());
    1398           0 :        LatticeExpr<Float> le(fluxScaleSub);
    1399           0 :        fluxScale_p.copyData(le);
    1400           0 :        LatticeExpr<Float> le2(convWeightImageSub);
    1401           0 :        convWeightImage_p->copyData(le2);
    1402           0 :      }
    1403           0 :   }
    1404             : 
    1405             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
    1406             : 
    1407             : 
    1408             : 
    1409             : 

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