LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementEquations - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 681 1379 49.4 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 28 59 47.5 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Simulation  program
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
       7             : //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
       8             : //# any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
      13             : //# more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
      16             : //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
      17             : //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id:,v 2006/10/06 21:03:19 kgolap Exp $
      27             : 
      28             : #include <stdexcept>
      29             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      32             : #include <iostream>
      33             : 
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/File.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/RecordInterface.h>
      39             : 
      40             : #include <casacore/tables/TaQL/TableParse.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableRecord.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableDesc.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableLock.h>
      44             : #include <casacore/tables/TaQL/ExprNode.h>
      45             : 
      46             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
      47             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      48             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Fallible.h>
      49             : 
      50             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
      51             : 
      52             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogSink.h>
      53             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogMessage.h>
      54             : 
      55             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      56             : 
      57             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSet.h>
      58             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSetUtil.h>
      59             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/VisCal.h>
      60             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/VisCalGlobals.h>
      61             : #include <casacore/ms/MSOper/NewMSSimulator.h>
      62             : 
      63             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/Stokes.h>
      64             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitMap.h>
      65             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitVal.h>
      66             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVAngle.h>
      67             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MDirection.h>
      68             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MPosition.h>
      69             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVEpoch.h>
      70             : #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MEpoch.h>
      71             : 
      72             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MeasurementSet.h>
      73             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSColumns.h>
      74             : 
      75             : #include <casacore/ms/MSOper/MSSummary.h>
      76             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/SkyEquation.h>
      77             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/ImageSkyModel.h>
      78             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/SimACohCalc.h>
      79             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/SimACoh.h>
      80             : //#include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/SimVisJones.h>
      81             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/VPSkyJones.h>
      82             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/StokesImageUtil.h>
      83             : #include <casacore/lattices/LEL/LatticeExpr.h> 
      84             : 
      85             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/Simulator.h>
      86             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/CleanImageSkyModel.h>
      87             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/GridBoth.h>
      88             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/WProjectFT.h>
      89             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/GridBoth.h>
      90             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/MosaicFTNew.h>
      91             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/VPManager.h>
      92             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/HetArrayConvFunc.h> //2016
      93             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SimpleComponentFTMachine.h>
      94             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/HostInfo.h>
      95             : #include <casacore/images/Images/PagedImage.h>
      96             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Cube.h>
      97             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
      98             : #include <sstream>
      99             : 
     100             : #include <casacore/casa/namespace.h>
     101             : 
     102             : namespace casa {
     103             : 
     104           0 : Simulator::Simulator(): 
     105           0 :   msname_p(String("")), ms_p(0), mssel_p(0), vs_p(0), 
     106           0 :   seed_p(11111),
     107           0 :   ac_p(0), distance_p(0), ve_p(), vc_p(), nSpw(0), vp_p(0), gvp_p(0), 
     108           0 :   sim_p(0),
     109             :   // epJ_p(0),
     110           0 :   epJTableName_p(),
     111           0 :   prtlev_(0)
     112             : {
     113           0 : }
     114             : 
     115             : 
     116          31 : Simulator::Simulator(String& msname) 
     117          31 :   : msname_p(msname), ms_p(0), mssel_p(0), vs_p(0), seed_p(11111), 
     118          31 :     ac_p(0), distance_p(0),ve_p(), vc_p(), nSpw(0), vp_p(0), gvp_p(0), 
     119          31 :     sim_p(0),
     120             :     // epJ_p(0),
     121          31 :     epJTableName_p(),
     122          62 :     prtlev_(0)
     123             : {
     124          31 :   defaults();
     125             : 
     126          31 :   if(!sim_p) {
     127          31 :     sim_p= new NewMSSimulator(msname);
     128             :     //sim_p->setPrtlev(prtlev());
     129             :   }
     130             : 
     131          31 :   ve_p.setPrtlev(prtlev());
     132             :   
     133             :   // Make a MeasurementSet object for the disk-base MeasurementSet that we just
     134             :   // created
     135          31 :   ms_p = new MeasurementSet(msname, TableLock(TableLock::AutoNoReadLocking), 
     136          31 :                             Table::Update);
     137          31 :   AlwaysAssert(ms_p, AipsError);
     138             : 
     139          31 : }
     140             : 
     141             : 
     142          16 : Simulator::Simulator(MeasurementSet &theMs)
     143          16 :   : msname_p(""), ms_p(0), mssel_p(0), vs_p(0), seed_p(11111), 
     144          16 :     ac_p(0), distance_p(0), ve_p(), vc_p(), vp_p(0), gvp_p(0), 
     145          16 :     sim_p(0),
     146             :     // epJ_p(0),
     147          16 :     epJTableName_p(),
     148          32 :     prtlev_(0)    
     149             : {
     150          32 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("simulator", "simulator(MeasurementSet& theMs)"));
     151             : 
     152          16 :   defaults();
     153             : 
     154          16 :   msname_p=theMs.tableName();
     155             : 
     156          16 :   if(!sim_p) {
     157          16 :     sim_p= new NewMSSimulator(theMs);
     158             :     //sim_p->setPrtlev(prtlev());
     159             :   }
     160             : 
     161          16 :   ve_p.setPrtlev(prtlev());
     162             :   
     163          16 :   ms_p = new MeasurementSet(theMs);
     164          16 :   AlwaysAssert(ms_p, AipsError);
     165             : 
     166             :   // get info from the MS into Simulator:
     167          16 :   if (!getconfig()) 
     168           0 :     os << "Can't find antenna information for loaded MS" << LogIO::WARN;
     169          16 :   if (!sim_p->getSpWindows(nSpw,spWindowName_p,nChan_p,startFreq_p,freqInc_p,stokesString_p))
     170           0 :     os << "Can't find spectral window information for loaded MS" << LogIO::WARN;
     171          16 :   freqRes_p.resize(nSpw);
     172          32 :   for (Int i=0;i<nSpw;++i)
     173          16 :     freqRes_p[i]=freqInc_p[i];
     174          16 :   if (!sim_p->getFields(nField,sourceName_p,sourceDirection_p,calCode_p))
     175           0 :     os << "Can't find Field/Source information for loaded MS" << LogIO::WARN;
     176             : 
     177          16 :   if (!sim_p->getFeedMode(feedMode_p))
     178           0 :     os << "Can't find Feed information for loaded MS" << LogIO::WARN;
     179             :   else
     180          16 :     feedsHaveBeenSet=true;
     181             : 
     182          16 : }
     183             : 
     184             : 
     185             : 
     186           0 : Simulator::Simulator(const Simulator &other)
     187           0 :   : msname_p(""), ms_p(0), vs_p(0), seed_p(11111),
     188           0 :     ac_p(0), distance_p(0),ve_p(), vc_p(), vp_p(0), gvp_p(0),
     189           0 :     sim_p(0),
     190             :     // epJ_p(0),
     191           0 :     epJTableName_p(),
     192           0 :     prtlev_(0)
     193             : {
     194           0 :   defaults();
     195           0 :   ms_p = new MeasurementSet(*other.ms_p);
     196           0 :   if(other.mssel_p) {
     197           0 :     mssel_p = new MeasurementSet(*other.mssel_p);
     198             :   }
     199           0 : }
     200             : 
     201           0 : Simulator &Simulator::operator=(const Simulator &other)
     202             : {
     203           0 :   if (ms_p && this != &other) {
     204           0 :     *ms_p = *(other.ms_p);
     205             :   }
     206           0 :   if (mssel_p && this != &other && other.mssel_p) {
     207           0 :     *mssel_p = *(other.mssel_p);
     208             :   }
     209           0 :   if (vs_p && this != &other) {
     210           0 :     *vs_p = *(other.vs_p);
     211             :   }
     212           0 :   if (ac_p && this != &other) {
     213           0 :     *ac_p = *(other.ac_p);
     214             :   }
     215             : 
     216             :   // TBD VisEquation/VisCal stuff
     217             : 
     218           0 :   if (vp_p && this != &other) {
     219           0 :     *vp_p = *(other.vp_p);
     220             :   }
     221           0 :   if (gvp_p && this != &other) {
     222           0 :     *gvp_p = *(other.gvp_p);
     223             :   }
     224           0 :   if (sim_p && this != &other) {
     225           0 :     *sim_p = *(other.sim_p);
     226             :   }
     227             :   //  if (epJ_p && this != &other) *epJ_p = *(other.epJ_p);
     228           0 :   return *this;
     229             : }
     230             : 
     231          47 : Simulator::~Simulator()
     232             : {
     233          47 :   if (ms_p) {
     234          47 :     ms_p->relinquishAutoLocks();
     235          47 :     ms_p->unlock();
     236          47 :     delete ms_p;
     237             :   }
     238          47 :   ms_p = 0;
     239          47 :   if (mssel_p) {
     240          43 :     mssel_p->relinquishAutoLocks();
     241          43 :     mssel_p->unlock();
     242          43 :     delete mssel_p;
     243             :   }
     244          47 :   mssel_p = 0;
     245          47 :   if (vs_p) {
     246          43 :     delete vs_p;
     247             :   }
     248          47 :   vs_p = 0;
     249             : 
     250             :   // Delete all vis-plane calibration corruption terms
     251          47 :   resetviscal();
     252             : 
     253             :   // Delete all im-plane calibration corruption terms
     254          47 :   resetimcal();
     255             : 
     256          47 :   if(sim_p) delete sim_p; sim_p = 0;
     257             : 
     258          47 :   if(sm_p) delete sm_p; sm_p = 0;
     259          47 :   if(ft_p) delete ft_p; ft_p = 0;
     260          47 :   if(cft_p) delete cft_p; cft_p = 0;
     261             :   
     262          47 : }
     263             : 
     264             : 
     265          47 : void Simulator::defaults()
     266             : {
     267          47 :   UnitMap::putUser("Pixel", UnitVal(1.0), "Pixel solid angle");
     268          47 :   UnitMap::putUser("Beam", UnitVal(1.0), "Beam solid angle");
     269          47 :   gridfunction_p="SF";
     270             :   // Use half the machine memory as cache. The user can override
     271             :   // this via the setoptions function().
     272          47 :   cache_p=(HostInfo::memoryTotal()/8)*1024;
     273             : 
     274          47 :   tile_p=16;
     275          47 :   ftmachine_p="gridft";
     276          47 :   padding_p=1.3;
     277          47 :   facets_p=1;
     278          47 :   sm_p = 0;
     279          47 :   ft_p = 0;
     280          47 :   cft_p = 0;
     281          47 :   vp_p = 0;
     282          47 :   gvp_p = 0;
     283          47 :   sim_p = 0;
     284          47 :   images_p = 0;
     285          47 :   nmodels_p = 1;
     286             :   // info for configurations
     287          47 :   areStationCoordsSet_p = false;
     288          47 :   telescope_p = "UNSET";
     289          47 :   nmodels_p = 0;
     290             : 
     291             :   // info for fields and schedule:
     292          47 :   nField=0;
     293          47 :   sourceName_p.resize(1);
     294          47 :   sourceName_p[0]="UNSET";
     295          47 :   calCode_p.resize(1);
     296          47 :   calCode_p[0]="";
     297          47 :   sourceDirection_p.resize(1);  
     298             : 
     299             :   // info for spectral windows
     300          47 :   nSpw=0;
     301          47 :   spWindowName_p.resize(1);
     302          47 :   nChan_p.resize(1);
     303          47 :   startFreq_p.resize(1);
     304          47 :   freqInc_p.resize(1);
     305          47 :   freqRes_p.resize(1);
     306          47 :   stokesString_p.resize(1);
     307          47 :   spWindowName_p[0]="UNSET";
     308          47 :   nChan_p[0]=1;
     309          47 :   startFreq_p[0]=Quantity(50., "GHz");
     310          47 :   freqInc_p[0]=Quantity(0.1, "MHz");
     311          47 :   freqRes_p[0]=Quantity(0.1, "MHz");
     312          47 :   stokesString_p[0]="RR RL LR LL";
     313             : 
     314             :   // feeds
     315          47 :   feedMode_p = "perfect R L";
     316          47 :   nFeeds_p = 1;
     317          47 :   feedsHaveBeenSet = false;
     318          47 :   feedsInitialized = false;
     319             : 
     320             :   // times
     321          47 :   integrationTime_p = Quantity(10.0, "s");
     322          47 :   useHourAngle_p=true;
     323          47 :   refTime_p = MEpoch(Quantity(0.0, "s"), MEpoch::UTC);
     324          47 :   timesHaveBeenSet_p=false;
     325             : 
     326             :   // VP stuff
     327          47 :   doVP_p=false;
     328          47 :   doDefaultVP_p = true;
     329             : 
     330          47 : };
     331             : 
     332             : 
     333           0 : Bool Simulator::close()
     334             : {
     335           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "close()", WHERE));
     336             :   os << "Closing MeasurementSet and detaching from Simulator"
     337           0 :      << LogIO::POST;
     338             : 
     339             :   // Delete all im-plane calibration corruption terms
     340           0 :   resetimcal();
     341             :   // Delete all vis-plane calibration corruption terms
     342           0 :   resetviscal();
     343             : 
     344           0 :   ms_p->unlock();
     345           0 :   if(mssel_p) mssel_p->unlock();
     346           0 :   if(vs_p) delete vs_p; vs_p = 0;
     347           0 :   if(mssel_p) delete mssel_p; mssel_p = 0;
     348           0 :   if(ms_p) delete ms_p; ms_p = 0;
     349           0 :   if(sm_p) delete sm_p; sm_p = 0;
     350           0 :   if(ft_p) delete ft_p; ft_p = 0;
     351           0 :   if(cft_p) delete cft_p; cft_p = 0;
     352             : 
     353           0 :   return true;
     354           0 : }
     355             : 
     356          47 : Bool Simulator::resetviscal() {
     357          94 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "reset()", WHERE));
     358             :   try {
     359             : 
     360          47 :     os << "Resetting all visibility corruption components" << LogIO::POST;
     361             :     
     362             :     // The noise term (for now)
     363          47 :     if(ac_p) delete ac_p; ac_p=0;
     364             : 
     365             :     // Delete all VisCals
     366          79 :     for (uInt i=0;i<vc_p.nelements();++i)
     367          32 :       if (vc_p[i]) delete vc_p[i];
     368          47 :     vc_p.resize(0,true);
     369             : 
     370             :     // reset the VisEquation (by sending an empty vc_p)
     371          47 :     ve_p.setapply(vc_p);
     372             : 
     373           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     374           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
     375           0 :     return false;
     376           0 :   } 
     377          47 :   return true;
     378          47 : }
     379             : 
     380             : 
     381          47 : Bool Simulator::resetimcal() {
     382          94 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "reset()", WHERE));
     383             :   try {
     384             : 
     385          47 :     os << "Reset all image-plane corruption components" << LogIO::POST;
     386             :     
     387          47 :     if(vp_p) delete vp_p; vp_p=0;
     388          47 :     if(gvp_p) delete gvp_p; gvp_p=0;
     389             :     /*
     390             :     //    if(epJ_p) delete epJ_p; epJ_p=0;
     391             :     */
     392             : 
     393           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     394           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
     395           0 :     return false;
     396           0 :   } 
     397          47 :   return true;
     398          47 : }
     399             : 
     400             : 
     401           0 : Bool Simulator::reset() {
     402           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "reset()", WHERE));
     403             :   try {
     404             :     
     405             :     // reset vis-plane cal terms
     406           0 :     resetviscal();
     407             : 
     408             :     // reset im-plane cal terms
     409           0 :     resetimcal();
     410             : 
     411           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     412           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
     413           0 :     return false;
     414           0 :   } 
     415           0 :   return true;
     416           0 : }
     417             : 
     418             : 
     419           0 : String Simulator::name() const
     420             : {
     421           0 :   if (detached()) {
     422           0 :     return "none";
     423             :   }
     424           0 :   return msname_p;
     425             : }
     426             : 
     427           0 : String Simulator::state()
     428             : {
     429           0 :   ostringstream os;
     430           0 :   os << "Need to write the state() method!" << LogIO::POST;
     431           0 :   if(doVP_p) {
     432           0 :     os << "  Primary beam correction is enabled" << endl;
     433             :   }
     434           0 :   return String(os);
     435           0 : }
     436             : 
     437           0 : Bool Simulator::summary()
     438             : {
     439           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "summary()", WHERE));
     440           0 :   createSummary(os);
     441           0 :   predictSummary(os);
     442           0 :   corruptSummary(os);
     443             : 
     444           0 :   return true;
     445           0 : }
     446             : 
     447             : 
     448           0 : Bool Simulator::createSummary(LogIO& os) 
     449             : {
     450           0 :   Bool configResult = configSummary(os);
     451           0 :   Bool fieldResult = fieldSummary(os);
     452           0 :   Bool windowResult = spWindowSummary(os);
     453           0 :   Bool feedResult = feedSummary(os);
     454             : 
     455           0 :   if (!configResult && !fieldResult && !windowResult && !feedResult) {
     456           0 :     os << "=======================================" << LogIO::POST;
     457           0 :     os << "No create-type information has been set" << LogIO::POST;
     458           0 :     os << "=======================================" << LogIO::POST;
     459           0 :     return false;
     460             :   } else {
     461             :     // user has set at least ONE, so we report on each
     462           0 :     if (!configResult) {
     463           0 :       os << "No configuration information set yet, but other create-type info HAS been set" << LogIO::POST;
     464             :     }
     465           0 :     if (!fieldResult) {
     466           0 :       os << "No field information set yet, but other create-type info HAS been set" << LogIO::POST;
     467             :     }
     468           0 :     if (!windowResult) {
     469           0 :       os << "No window information set yet, but other create-type info HAS been set" << LogIO::POST;
     470             :     }
     471           0 :     if (!feedResult) {
     472           0 :       os << "No feed information set yet, but other create-type info HAS been set" << LogIO::POST;
     473           0 :       os << "(feeds will default to perfect R-L feeds if not set)" << LogIO::POST;
     474             :     }
     475           0 :     os << "======================================================================" << LogIO::POST;
     476             :   }
     477           0 :   return true;
     478             : }
     479             : 
     480             : 
     481             : 
     482           0 : Bool Simulator::configSummary(LogIO& os)
     483             : {
     484           0 :   if ( ! areStationCoordsSet_p ) {
     485           0 :     return false;
     486             :   } else {
     487           0 :     os << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << LogIO::POST;
     488           0 :     os << "Generating (u,v,w) using this configuration: " << LogIO::POST;
     489           0 :     os << "   x     y     z     diam     mount     station " << LogIO::POST;
     490           0 :     for (uInt i=0; i< x_p.nelements(); i++) {
     491           0 :       os << x_p(i)
     492           0 :          << "  " << y_p(i)
     493           0 :          << "  " << z_p(i)
     494           0 :          << "  " << diam_p(i)
     495           0 :          << "  " << mount_p(i)
     496           0 :          << "  " << padName_p(i)
     497           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
     498             :     }
     499           0 :     os << " Coordsystem = " << coordsystem_p << LogIO::POST;
     500             :     os << " RefLocation = " << 
     501           0 :       mRefLocation_p.getAngle("deg").getValue("deg") << LogIO::POST;
     502             :   }
     503           0 :   return true;
     504             : 
     505             : }
     506             : 
     507             : 
     508             : 
     509           0 : Bool Simulator::fieldSummary(LogIO& os)
     510             : {
     511           0 :   os << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << LogIO::POST;
     512           0 :   os << " Field information: " << LogIO::POST;
     513           0 :   if (nField==0)
     514           0 :     os << "NO Field window information set" << LogIO::POST;
     515             :   else 
     516           0 :     os << " Name  direction  calcode" << LogIO::POST; 
     517           0 :   for (Int i=0;i<nField;i++) 
     518           0 :     os << sourceName_p[i] 
     519           0 :        << "  " << formatDirection(sourceDirection_p[i])
     520           0 :        << "  " << calCode_p[i]
     521           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
     522           0 :   return true;
     523             : }
     524             : 
     525             : 
     526             : 
     527           0 : Bool Simulator::timeSummary(LogIO& os)
     528             : {
     529           0 :   if(integrationTime_p.getValue("s") <= 0.0) {
     530           0 :     return false;
     531             :   } else {
     532           0 :     os << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << LogIO::POST;
     533           0 :     os << " Time information: " << LogIO::POST;
     534             :     os << " integration time = " << integrationTime_p.getValue("s") 
     535           0 :        << " s" << LogIO::POST;
     536           0 :     os << " reference time = " << MVTime(refTime_p.get("s").getValue("d")).string()
     537           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
     538             :   }
     539           0 :   return true;
     540             : }
     541             : 
     542             : 
     543             : 
     544           0 : Bool Simulator::spWindowSummary(LogIO& os)
     545             : {
     546           0 :   os << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << LogIO::POST;
     547           0 :   os << " Spectral Windows information: " << LogIO::POST;
     548           0 :   if (nSpw==0)
     549           0 :     os << "NO Spectral window information set" << LogIO::POST;
     550             :   else 
     551           0 :     os << " Name  nchan  freq[GHz]  freqInc[MHz]  freqRes[MHz]  stokes" << LogIO::POST;
     552           0 :   for (Int i=0;i<nSpw;i++) 
     553           0 :     os << spWindowName_p[i]        
     554           0 :        << "  " << nChan_p[i]
     555           0 :        << "  " << startFreq_p[i].getValue("GHz")
     556           0 :        << "  " << freqInc_p[i].getValue("MHz")
     557           0 :        << "  " << freqRes_p[i].getValue("MHz")
     558           0 :        << "  " << stokesString_p[i]
     559           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
     560           0 :   return true;
     561             : }
     562             : 
     563             : 
     564           0 : Bool Simulator::feedSummary(LogIO& os)
     565             : {
     566           0 :   if (!feedsHaveBeenSet) {
     567           0 :     return false;
     568             :   } else {
     569           0 :     os << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << LogIO::POST;
     570           0 :     os << " Feed information: " << LogIO::POST;
     571           0 :     os << feedMode_p << LogIO::POST;
     572             :   }
     573           0 :   return true;
     574             : }
     575             : 
     576             : 
     577           0 : Bool Simulator::predictSummary(LogIO& os)
     578             : {
     579           0 :   Bool vpResult = vpSummary(os);
     580           0 :   Bool optionsResult = optionsSummary(os);
     581             : 
     582             :   // keep compiler happy
     583           0 :   if (!vpResult && !optionsResult) {}
     584           0 :   return true;
     585             : }
     586             : 
     587             : 
     588           0 : Bool Simulator::vpSummary(LogIO& /*os*/)
     589             : {
     590           0 :   if (vp_p) {
     591           0 :     vp_p->summary();
     592           0 :     return true;
     593             :   } else {
     594           0 :     return false;
     595             :   }
     596             : }
     597             : 
     598             : 
     599           0 : Bool Simulator::optionsSummary(LogIO& /*os*/)
     600             : {
     601           0 :   return true;
     602             : }
     603             :  
     604             : 
     605           0 : Bool Simulator::corruptSummary(LogIO& os)
     606             : {
     607           0 :   if (vc_p.nelements()<1 && !ac_p) {
     608           0 :     os << "===========================================" << LogIO::POST;
     609           0 :     os << "No corrupting-type information has been set" << LogIO::POST;
     610           0 :     os << "===========================================" << LogIO::POST;
     611           0 :     return false;
     612             :   }
     613             :   else {
     614           0 :     os << "Visibilities will be CORRUPTED with the following terms:" << LogIO::POST;
     615             : 
     616           0 :     Int napp(vc_p.nelements());
     617           0 :     for (Int iapp=0;iapp<napp;++iapp)
     618             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
     619           0 :          << vc_p[iapp]->siminfo()
     620           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
     621             :     
     622             :     // Report also on the noise settings
     623           0 :     noiseSummary(os);  
     624             : 
     625             :   }
     626           0 :   return true;
     627             : }
     628             : 
     629             : 
     630           0 : Bool Simulator::noiseSummary(LogIO& os)
     631             : {
     632           0 :   if (!ac_p) {
     633           0 :    return false;
     634             :   } else {
     635           0 :     os << "Thermal noise corruption activated" << LogIO::POST;
     636           0 :     os << "Thermal noise mode: " << noisemode_p << LogIO::POST;
     637             :   }
     638           0 :   return true;
     639             : }
     640             : 
     641             : 
     642             : 
     643             : 
     644             : 
     645             : 
     646             : 
     647             : 
     648             : 
     649             : 
     650             : 
     651             : 
     652             : 
     653             : //========================================================================
     654             : //       SETUP OBSERVATION
     655             : 
     656             : 
     657          29 : Bool Simulator::settimes(const Quantity& integrationTime, 
     658             :                          const Bool      useHourAngle,
     659             :                          const MEpoch&   refTime)
     660             : {
     661             :   
     662          58 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("simulator", "settimes()"));
     663             :   // Negative integration time crashes casa
     664          29 :   AlwaysAssert(integrationTime.getValue("s")>=0, AipsError);
     665             :   try {
     666             : 
     667          29 :     integrationTime_p=integrationTime;
     668          29 :     useHourAngle_p=useHourAngle;
     669          29 :     refTime_p=refTime;
     670             : 
     671             :     os << "Times " << endl
     672          29 :        <<  "     Integration time " << integrationTime.getValue("s") << "s" << LogIO::POST;
     673          29 :     if(useHourAngle) {
     674          29 :       os << "     Times will be interpreted as hour angles for first source" << LogIO::POST;
     675             :     }
     676             : 
     677          29 :     sim_p->settimes(integrationTime, useHourAngle, refTime);
     678             :     
     679          29 :     timesHaveBeenSet_p=true;
     680             :     
     681          29 :     return true;
     682           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     683           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
     684           0 :     return false;
     685           0 :   } 
     686             :   return true;
     687             :   
     688          29 : }
     689             : 
     690             : 
     691             : 
     692          16 : Bool Simulator::setseed(const Int seed) {
     693          16 :   seed_p = seed;
     694          16 :   return true;
     695             : }
     696             : 
     697             : 
     698             : 
     699          30 : Bool Simulator::setconfig(const String& telname,
     700             :                              const Vector<Double>& x, 
     701             :                              const Vector<Double>& y, 
     702             :                              const Vector<Double>& z,
     703             :                              const Vector<Double>& dishDiameter,
     704             :                              const Vector<Double>& offset,
     705             :                              const Vector<String>& mount,
     706             :                              const Vector<String>& antName,
     707             :                              const Vector<String>& padName,
     708             :                              const String& coordsystem,
     709             :                              const MPosition& mRefLocation) 
     710             : {
     711          60 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setconfig()"));
     712             : 
     713          30 :   telescope_p = telname;
     714          30 :   x_p.resize(x.nelements());
     715          30 :   x_p = x;
     716          30 :   y_p.resize(y.nelements());
     717          30 :   y_p = y;
     718          30 :   z_p.resize(z.nelements());
     719          30 :   z_p = z;
     720          30 :   diam_p.resize(dishDiameter.nelements());
     721          30 :   diam_p = dishDiameter;
     722          30 :   offset_p.resize(offset.nelements());
     723          30 :   offset_p = offset;
     724          30 :   mount_p.resize(mount.nelements());
     725          30 :   mount_p = mount;
     726          30 :   antName_p.resize(antName.nelements());
     727          30 :   antName_p = antName;
     728          30 :   padName_p.resize(padName.nelements());
     729          30 :   padName_p = padName;
     730          30 :   coordsystem_p = coordsystem;
     731          30 :   mRefLocation_p = mRefLocation;
     732             : 
     733          30 :   uInt nn = x_p.nelements();
     734             : 
     735          30 :   if (diam_p.nelements() == 1) {
     736          10 :     diam_p.resize(nn);
     737          10 :     diam_p.set(dishDiameter(0));
     738             :   } 
     739          30 :   if (mount_p.nelements() == 1) {
     740          28 :     mount_p.resize(nn);
     741          28 :     mount_p.set(mount(0));
     742             :   }
     743          30 :   if (mount_p.nelements() == 0) {
     744           0 :     mount_p.resize(nn);
     745           0 :     mount_p.set("alt-az");
     746             :   }
     747          30 :   if (offset_p.nelements() == 1) {
     748          28 :     offset_p.resize(nn);
     749          28 :     offset_p.set(offset(0));
     750             :   }
     751          30 :   if (offset_p.nelements() == 0) {
     752           0 :     offset_p.resize(nn);
     753           0 :     offset_p.set(0.0);
     754             :   }
     755          30 :   if (antName_p.nelements() == 1) {
     756          10 :     antName_p.resize(nn);
     757          10 :     antName_p.set(antName(0));
     758             :   }
     759          30 :   if (antName_p.nelements() == 0) {
     760           0 :     antName_p.resize(nn);
     761           0 :     antName_p.set("UNKNOWN");
     762             :   }
     763          30 :   if (padName_p.nelements() == 1) {
     764          10 :     padName_p.resize(nn);
     765          10 :     padName_p.set(padName(0));
     766             :   }
     767          30 :   if (padName_p.nelements() == 0) {
     768           0 :     padName_p.resize(nn);
     769           0 :     padName_p.set("UNKNOWN");
     770             :   }
     771             : 
     772          30 :   AlwaysAssert( (nn == y_p.nelements())  , AipsError);
     773          30 :   AlwaysAssert( (nn == z_p.nelements())  , AipsError);
     774          30 :   AlwaysAssert( (nn == diam_p.nelements())  , AipsError);
     775          30 :   AlwaysAssert( (nn == offset_p.nelements())  , AipsError);
     776          30 :   AlwaysAssert( (nn == mount_p.nelements())  , AipsError);
     777             : 
     778          30 :   areStationCoordsSet_p = true;
     779             :   
     780          30 :   sim_p->initAnt(telescope_p, x_p, y_p, z_p, diam_p, offset_p, mount_p, antName_p, padName_p,
     781          30 :                  coordsystem_p, mRefLocation_p);
     782             :   
     783          30 :   return true;  
     784          30 : }
     785             : 
     786             : 
     787             : 
     788          16 : Bool Simulator::getconfig() {
     789             :   // get it from NewMSSimulator
     790          16 :   Matrix<Double> xyz_p;
     791             :   Int nAnt;
     792          16 :   if (sim_p->getAnt(telescope_p, nAnt, &xyz_p, diam_p, offset_p, mount_p, antName_p, padName_p, 
     793          16 :                     coordsystem_p, mRefLocation_p)) {
     794          16 :     x_p.resize(nAnt);
     795          16 :     y_p.resize(nAnt);
     796          16 :     z_p.resize(nAnt);
     797         285 :     for (Int i=0;i<nAnt;i++) {
     798         269 :       x_p(i)=xyz_p(0,i);
     799         269 :       y_p(i)=xyz_p(1,i);
     800         269 :       z_p(i)=xyz_p(2,i);
     801             :     }
     802          16 :     areStationCoordsSet_p = true;
     803          16 :     return true;
     804             :   } else {
     805           0 :     return false;
     806             :   }
     807          16 : }
     808             : 
     809             : 
     810             : 
     811         490 : Bool Simulator::setfield(const String& sourceName,           
     812             :                          const MDirection& sourceDirection,  
     813             :                          const String& calCode,
     814             :                          const Quantity& distance)
     815             : {
     816         980 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setfield()"));
     817             :   try {
     818             :     
     819         490 :     if (sourceName == "") {
     820           0 :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "must provide a source name" << LogIO::POST;  
     821           0 :       return false;
     822             :     }
     823             : 
     824         490 :     nField++;    
     825             : 
     826         490 :     if (prtlev()>2) os << "nField = " << nField << LogIO::POST;  
     827             : 
     828         490 :     distance_p.resize(nField,true);
     829         490 :     distance_p[nField-1]=distance;
     830         490 :     sourceName_p.resize(nField,true);
     831         490 :     sourceName_p[nField-1]=sourceName;
     832         490 :     sourceDirection_p.resize(nField,true);
     833         490 :     sourceDirection_p[nField-1]=sourceDirection;
     834         490 :     calCode_p.resize(nField,true);
     835         490 :     calCode_p[nField-1]=calCode;
     836             : 
     837         490 :     sim_p->initFields(sourceName, sourceDirection, calCode);
     838             : 
     839           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     840           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
     841           0 :     return false;
     842           0 :   } 
     843         490 :   return true;
     844         490 : };
     845             : 
     846             : 
     847             : 
     848             : 
     849           0 : Bool Simulator::setmosaicfield(const String& sourcename, const String& calcode, const MDirection& fieldcenter, const Int xmosp, const Int ymosp, const Quantity& mosspacing, const Quantity& distance)
     850             : {
     851             : 
     852           0 :         Int nx = xmosp;
     853           0 :         Int ny = ymosp;          
     854           0 :         Double roffset = mosspacing.getValue("rad");
     855             :         Double newraval, newdecval;
     856           0 :         uInt k=0;
     857           0 :         for (Int i=0; i< nx; ++i) {
     858           0 :           for(Int j=0; j < ny; ++j) {
     859           0 :             if((nx/2)!=floor(nx/2)) { // odd number of fields in x direction(ra)
     860           0 :               newraval = fieldcenter.getAngle().getValue("rad")(0) + 
     861           0 :                 (i-ceil(nx/2.0))*roffset/cos(fieldcenter.getAngle().getValue("rad")(1));
     862             :             }
     863             :             else { //even case
     864           0 :               newraval = fieldcenter.getAngle().getValue("rad")(0) + 
     865           0 :                 ((i-ceil(nx/2)) - 0.5)*roffset/cos(fieldcenter.getAngle().getValue("rad")(1));
     866             :             }
     867           0 :             if((ny/2)!=floor(ny/2)) {
     868           0 :               newdecval = fieldcenter.getAngle().getValue("rad")(1) + 
     869           0 :                 (j-ceil(ny/2.0))*roffset;
     870             :             }
     871             :             else {
     872           0 :               newdecval = fieldcenter.getAngle().getValue("rad")(1) + 
     873           0 :                 ((j-ceil(ny/2.0)) - 0.5)*roffset;
     874             :             }
     875           0 :             if(newraval >2.0*C::pi) {
     876           0 :               newraval = newraval - 2.0*C::pi;
     877             :             }
     878             :             Int sign;
     879           0 :             if(abs(newdecval) >C::pi/2) {
     880           0 :               if(newdecval<0) {
     881           0 :                  sign = -1;
     882             :               }
     883             :               else {
     884           0 :                 sign = 1;
     885             :               }
     886           0 :               newdecval =  sign*(C::pi - abs(newdecval));
     887           0 :               newraval = abs(C::pi - newraval); 
     888             :             } 
     889           0 :             Quantity newdirra(newraval, "rad");
     890           0 :             Quantity newdirdec(newdecval, "rad");
     891           0 :             MDirection newdir(newdirra, newdirdec);
     892           0 :             newdir.setRefString(fieldcenter.getRefString());
     893           0 :             ostringstream oos;
     894           0 :             oos << sourcename << "_" << k ;
     895             :   
     896             : 
     897           0 :            setfield(String(oos), newdir, calcode, distance); 
     898             :     
     899           0 :             ++k;
     900           0 :           }
     901             :         }
     902             : 
     903             : 
     904           0 :         return true;
     905             : }
     906             : 
     907             : 
     908             : 
     909          30 : Bool Simulator::setspwindow(const String& spwName,           
     910             :                             const Quantity& freq,
     911             :                             const Quantity& deltafreq,
     912             :                             const Quantity& freqresolution,
     913             :                             const MFrequency::Types& freqType,
     914             :                             const Int nChan,
     915             :                             const String& stokes) 
     916             : 
     917             : {
     918          60 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setspwindow()"));
     919             :   try {
     920          30 :     if (nChan == 0) {
     921           0 :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "must provide nchannels" << LogIO::POST;  
     922           0 :       return false;
     923             :     }
     924             : 
     925          30 :     nSpw++;    
     926             : #ifdef RI_DEBUG
     927             :     os << "nspw = " << nSpw << LogIO::POST;  
     928             : #endif
     929          30 :     spWindowName_p.resize(nSpw,true);
     930          30 :     spWindowName_p[nSpw-1] = spwName;   
     931          30 :     nChan_p.resize(nSpw,true);
     932          30 :     nChan_p[nSpw-1] = nChan;
     933          30 :     startFreq_p.resize(nSpw,true);
     934          30 :     startFreq_p[nSpw-1] = freq;
     935          30 :     freqInc_p.resize(nSpw,true);
     936          30 :     freqInc_p[nSpw-1] = deltafreq;
     937          30 :     freqRes_p.resize(nSpw,true);
     938          30 :     freqRes_p[nSpw-1] = freqresolution;        
     939          30 :     stokesString_p.resize(nSpw,true);
     940          30 :     stokesString_p[nSpw-1] = stokes;   
     941             : 
     942             : #ifdef RI_DEBUG
     943             :     os << "sending init to MSSim for spw = " << spWindowName_p[nSpw-1] << LogIO::POST;  
     944             : #endif
     945             : 
     946             :     //freqType=MFrequency::TOPO;
     947          30 :     sim_p->initSpWindows(spWindowName_p[nSpw-1], nChan_p[nSpw-1], 
     948          30 :                          startFreq_p[nSpw-1], freqInc_p[nSpw-1], 
     949          30 :                          freqRes_p[nSpw-1], freqType,
     950          30 :                          stokesString_p[nSpw-1]);
     951             : 
     952           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     953           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
     954           0 :     return false;
     955           0 :   } 
     956          30 :   return true;
     957          30 : };
     958             : 
     959             : 
     960          30 : Bool Simulator::setfeed(const String& mode,
     961             :                            const Vector<Double>& x,
     962             :                            const Vector<Double>& y,
     963             :                            const Vector<String>& pol)
     964             : {
     965          60 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setfeed()"));
     966             :   
     967          30 :   if (mode != "perfect R L" && mode != "perfect X Y" && mode != "list") {
     968             :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << 
     969             :       "Currently, only perfect R L or perfect X Y feeds or list are recognized" 
     970           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
     971           0 :     return false;
     972             :   }
     973          30 :   feedMode_p = mode;
     974          30 :   sim_p->initFeeds(feedMode_p, x, y, pol);
     975             : 
     976          30 :   nFeeds_p = x.nelements();
     977          30 :   feedsHaveBeenSet = true;
     978             : 
     979          30 :   return true;
     980          30 : };
     981             : 
     982             : 
     983             : 
     984             : 
     985          17 : Bool Simulator::setvp(const Bool dovp,
     986             :                          const Bool doDefaultVPs,
     987             :                          const String& vpTable,
     988             :                          const Bool doSquint,
     989             :                          const Quantity &parAngleInc,
     990             :                          const Quantity &skyPosThreshold,
     991             :                          const Float &pbLimit)
     992             : {
     993          34 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setvp()"));
     994             :   
     995          17 :   os << "Setting voltage pattern parameters" << LogIO::POST;  
     996          17 :   doVP_p=dovp;
     997          17 :   doDefaultVP_p = doDefaultVPs;
     998          17 :   vpTableStr_p = vpTable;
     999          17 :   if (doSquint) {
    1000          17 :     squintType_p = BeamSquint::GOFIGURE;
    1001             :   } else {
    1002           0 :     squintType_p = BeamSquint::NONE;
    1003             :   }
    1004          17 :   parAngleInc_p = parAngleInc;
    1005          17 :   skyPosThreshold_p = skyPosThreshold;
    1006             : 
    1007          17 :   if (doDefaultVP_p) {
    1008           0 :     os << "Using system default voltage patterns for each telescope"  << LogIO::POST;
    1009             :   } else {
    1010          17 :     if (vpTableStr_p != String("")) {
    1011           0 :       os << "Using user defined voltage patterns in Table "<<  vpTableStr_p 
    1012           0 :          << LogIO::POST;
    1013             :     }
    1014             :   }
    1015          17 :   if (doSquint) {
    1016          17 :     os << "Beam Squint will be included in the VP model" <<  LogIO::POST;
    1017             :     os << "and the parallactic angle increment is " 
    1018          17 :        << parAngleInc_p.getValue("deg") << " degrees"  << LogIO::POST;
    1019             :   }
    1020          17 :   pbLimit_p = pbLimit;
    1021          17 :   return true;
    1022          17 : };
    1023             : 
    1024             : 
    1025             : 
    1026             : 
    1027             : 
    1028             : 
    1029             : 
    1030             : 
    1031             : 
    1032             : 
    1033             : 
    1034             : 
    1035             : 
    1036             : //========================================================================
    1037             : //       Create corruption terms - top level specialized routines
    1038             : 
    1039             : 
    1040             : // NEW NOISE WITH ANoise
    1041             : 
    1042          16 : Bool Simulator::setnoise(const String& mode, 
    1043             :                          const String& caltable, // if blank, not stored
    1044             :                          const Quantity& simplenoise,
    1045             :                          // ATM calculation
    1046             :                          const Quantity& pground,
    1047             :                          const Float relhum,
    1048             :                          const Quantity& altitude,
    1049             :                          const Quantity& waterheight,
    1050             :                          const Quantity& pwv,
    1051             :                          // OR user-specified tau and tatmos 
    1052             :                          const Float tatmos=250.0, 
    1053             :                          const Float tau=0.1,
    1054             :                          // antenna parameters used for either option
    1055             :                          const Float antefficiency=0.80,
    1056             :                          const Float spillefficiency=0.85,
    1057             :                          const Float correfficiency=0.85,
    1058             :                          const Float trx=150.0, 
    1059             :                          const Float tground=270.0, 
    1060             :                          const Float tcmb=2.73, 
    1061             :                          const Bool OTF=true,
    1062             :                          const Float senscoeff=0.0,
    1063             :                          const Int rxtype=0
    1064             :                          ) {
    1065             :   
    1066          32 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setnoise2()", WHERE));
    1067             : 
    1068             :   try {
    1069             : 
    1070             :     //cout<<" Sim::setnoise "<<pground<<" "<<relhum<<" "<<altitude<<" "<<waterheight<<" "<<pwv<<endl;
    1071             :     
    1072          16 :     noisemode_p = mode;
    1073             : 
    1074          16 :     RecordDesc simparDesc;
    1075          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("type", TpString);
    1076          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("mode", TpString);
    1077          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("caltable", TpString);
    1078             : 
    1079          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("amplitude", TpFloat);  // for constant scale
    1080             :     // simparDesc.addField ("scale", TpFloat);  // for fractional fluctuations
    1081          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("combine"        ,TpString);
    1082             : 
    1083             :     // have to be defined here or else have to be added later
    1084          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("startTime", TpDouble);
    1085          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("stopTime", TpDouble);
    1086             : 
    1087          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("antefficiency"  ,TpFloat);
    1088          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("spillefficiency",TpFloat);
    1089          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("correfficiency" ,TpFloat);
    1090          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("trx"                  ,TpFloat);
    1091          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("tground"      ,TpFloat);
    1092          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("tcmb"           ,TpFloat);
    1093          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("senscoeff"      ,TpFloat);
    1094          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("rxType"         ,TpInt);
    1095             : 
    1096             :     // user-override of ATM calculated tau
    1097          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("tatmos"       ,TpFloat);
    1098          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("tau0"                 ,TpFloat);
    1099             : 
    1100          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("mean_pwv"     ,TpDouble);
    1101          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("pground"      ,TpDouble);
    1102          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("relhum"       ,TpFloat);
    1103          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("altitude"     ,TpDouble);
    1104          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("waterheight"          ,TpDouble);
    1105             : 
    1106          16 :     simparDesc.addField ("seed"         ,TpInt);
    1107             : 
    1108             :     // RI todo setnoise2 if tau0 is not defined, use freqdep
    1109             : 
    1110          16 :     String caltbl=caltable;
    1111          16 :     caltbl.trim();
    1112             :     string::size_type strlen;
    1113          16 :     strlen=caltbl.length();
    1114          16 :     if (strlen>3) 
    1115          10 :       if (caltbl.substr(strlen-3,3)=="cal") {
    1116           0 :         caltbl.resize(strlen-3);
    1117           0 :         strlen-=3;
    1118             :       }
    1119          16 :     if (strlen>1)
    1120          10 :       if (caltbl.substr(strlen-1,1)==".") {
    1121           0 :         caltbl.resize(strlen-1);
    1122           0 :         strlen-=1;
    1123             :       }
    1124          16 :     if (strlen>1)
    1125          10 :       if (caltbl.substr(strlen-1,1)=="_") {
    1126           0 :         caltbl.resize(strlen-1);
    1127           0 :         strlen-=1;
    1128             :       }
    1129             :     
    1130          16 :     Record simpar(simparDesc,RecordInterface::Variable);
    1131          16 :     simpar.define ("seed", seed_p);
    1132          16 :     simpar.define ("type", "A Noise");
    1133          16 :     if (strlen>1) 
    1134          10 :       simpar.define ("caltable", caltbl+"");      
    1135          16 :     simpar.define ("mode", mode);
    1136          16 :     simpar.define ("combine", ""); // SPW,FIELD, etc
    1137             : 
    1138          16 :     if (mode=="simplenoise") {
    1139             :       os << "Using simple noise model with noise level of " << simplenoise.getValue("Jy")
    1140           0 :          << " Jy" << LogIO::POST;
    1141           0 :       simpar.define ("amplitude", Float(simplenoise.getValue("Jy")) );
    1142           0 :       simpar.define ("mode", "simple");
    1143             : 
    1144          16 :     } else if (mode=="tsys-atm" or mode=="tsys-manual") {
    1145             :       // do be scaled in a minute by a Tsys-derived M below
    1146          16 :       simpar.define ("amplitude", Float(1.0) );
    1147             : //       os << "adding noise with unity amplitude" << LogIO::POST;
    1148          16 :       simpar.define ("mode", mode);
    1149             : 
    1150             :     } else {
    1151           0 :       throw(AipsError("unsupported mode "+mode+" in setnoise()"));
    1152             :     }
    1153             : 
    1154          16 :     Bool saveOnthefly=false;
    1155          16 :     if (simpar.isDefined("onthefly")) {
    1156           0 :       saveOnthefly=simpar.asBool("onthefly");
    1157             :     }
    1158          16 :     simpar.define("onthefly",OTF);
    1159             : 
    1160             :     // create the ANoise
    1161          16 :     if (!create_corrupt(simpar)) 
    1162           0 :       throw(AipsError("could not create ANoise in Simulator::setnoise"));
    1163             :         
    1164          16 :     if (mode=="tsys-atm" or mode=="tsys-manual") {
    1165             : 
    1166          16 :       simpar.define ("antefficiency"  ,antefficiency  ); 
    1167          16 :       simpar.define ("correfficiency" ,correfficiency );
    1168          16 :       simpar.define ("spillefficiency",spillefficiency);
    1169          16 :       simpar.define ("trx"          ,trx            );
    1170          16 :       simpar.define ("tground"              ,tground        );
    1171          16 :       simpar.define ("tcmb"           ,tcmb           );
    1172             : 
    1173          16 :       if (rxtype>=0) {
    1174          16 :         simpar.define ("rxType", rxtype);
    1175          16 :         if (rxtype>0) {
    1176           0 :           os<<"User has requested Double Sideband Receiver"<<LogIO::POST;
    1177             :         }
    1178             :       } else {
    1179           0 :         simpar.define ("rxType", 0);
    1180           0 :         os<<"User has not set Rx type, using 2SB"<<LogIO::POST;
    1181             :       }
    1182             : 
    1183          16 :       if ( senscoeff > 0.0 ) {
    1184          10 :         simpar.define ("senscoeff", Float(senscoeff) );
    1185          10 :         os << "adding noise with the sensitivity constant of " << senscoeff << LogIO::POST;
    1186             :       } else {
    1187           6 :         simpar.define("senscoeff", Float(1./ sqrt(2.)));
    1188           6 :         os << "adding noise with the sensitivity constant of 1/sqrt(2)" << LogIO::POST;
    1189             :       }
    1190             : 
    1191          16 :       if (pwv.getValue("mm")>0.) {
    1192          10 :         if (pwv.getValue("mm")>100.) 
    1193           0 :           throw(AipsError(" you input PWV="+String::toString(pwv.getValue("mm"))+"mm. The most common reason for this error is forgetting to set units, which default to meters"));
    1194             :  
    1195          10 :         simpar.define ("mean_pwv", pwv.getValue("mm"));
    1196             :       } else {
    1197           6 :         simpar.define ("mean_pwv", Double(1.));
    1198             :         // we want to set it, but it doesn't get used unless ATM is being used
    1199           6 :         if (mode=="tsys-atm") os<<"User has not set PWV, using 1mm"<<LogIO::POST;
    1200             :       }
    1201             :       
    1202          16 :       if (mode=="tsys-manual") {
    1203             :         // user can override the ATM calculated optical depth
    1204             :         // with tau0 to be used over the entire SPW,
    1205           6 :         simpar.define ("tau0"       ,tau            );      
    1206           6 :         if (tatmos>10)
    1207           6 :           simpar.define ("tatmos"           ,tatmos         );
    1208             :         else
    1209           0 :           simpar.define ("tatmos"           ,250.           );
    1210             :         // AtmosCorruptor cal deal with 
    1211             :         // an MF in tsys-manual mode - it will use ATM to calculate 
    1212             :         // the relative opacity across the band, but it won't properly
    1213             :         // integrate the atmosphere to get T_ebb.  
    1214             :         // so for now we'll just make tsys-manual mean freqDepPar=false
    1215             : 
    1216           6 :         simpar.define ("type", "T");
    1217             :         //simpar.define ("type", "M");
    1218             : 
    1219             :       } else {
    1220             :         // otherwise ATM will be used to calculate tau from pwv
    1221             :         // catch uninitialized variant @#$^@! XML interface
    1222          10 :         if (pground.getValue("mbar")>100.)
    1223           0 :           simpar.define ("pground", pground.getValue("mbar"));
    1224             :         else {
    1225          10 :           simpar.define ("pground", Double(560.));
    1226          10 :           os<<"User has not set ground pressure, using 560mb"<<LogIO::POST;
    1227             :         }
    1228          10 :         if (relhum>0)
    1229          10 :           simpar.define ("relhum", relhum);
    1230             :         else {
    1231           0 :           simpar.define ("relhum", 20.);
    1232           0 :           os<<"User has not set ground relative humidity, using 20%"<<LogIO::POST;
    1233             :         }
    1234          10 :         if (altitude.getValue("m")>0.)
    1235           0 :           simpar.define ("altitude", altitude.getValue("m"));
    1236             :         else {
    1237          10 :           simpar.define ("altitude", Double(5000.));
    1238          10 :           os<<"User has not set site altitude, using 5000m"<<LogIO::POST;
    1239             :         }
    1240          10 :         if (waterheight.getValue("m")>100.)
    1241           0 :           simpar.define ("waterheight", waterheight.getValue("km"));
    1242             :         else {
    1243          10 :           simpar.define ("waterheight", Double(2.0));
    1244          10 :           os<<"User has not set water scale height, using 2km"<<LogIO::POST;
    1245             :         }
    1246             :         // as a function of frequency  (freqDepPar=true)
    1247             :         //simpar.define ("type", "TF");
    1248          10 :         simpar.define ("type", "TF NOISE");
    1249             :         // simpar.define ("type", "MF");
    1250             :       }
    1251             : 
    1252          16 :       if (strlen>1) 
    1253          10 :         simpar.define ("caltable", caltbl+"");
    1254             :       //simpar.define ("caltable", caltbl+"");
    1255             :       
    1256          16 :       simpar.define("onthefly",saveOnthefly);
    1257             : 
    1258             :       // create the T
    1259          16 :       if (!create_corrupt(simpar)) 
    1260           0 :         throw(AipsError("could not create T in Simulator::setnoise"));        
    1261             :       //throw(AipsError("could not create M in Simulator::setnoise"));        
    1262             :     } 
    1263             : 
    1264          16 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1265           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1266           0 :     return false;
    1267           0 :   } 
    1268          16 :   return true;
    1269          16 : }
    1270             : 
    1271             : 
    1272             : 
    1273             : 
    1274           0 : Bool Simulator::setgain(const String& mode, 
    1275             :                         const String& caltable,
    1276             :                         const Quantity& interval, 
    1277             :                         const Vector<Double>& amplitude)
    1278             : { 
    1279           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setgain()", WHERE));
    1280             : 
    1281             :   try {
    1282             :         
    1283           0 :     if(mode=="table") {      
    1284           0 :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Cannot yet read from table" << LogIO::POST;
    1285           0 :       return false;
    1286             :     }
    1287             :     else {
    1288             :       // RI TODO Sim::setgain add mode=simple and =normal
    1289           0 :       if (mode=="fbm" or mode=="random") {
    1290             :         
    1291             :         // set record format for calibration table simulation information
    1292           0 :         RecordDesc simparDesc;
    1293           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("type", TpString);
    1294           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("caltable", TpString);
    1295           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("mode", TpString);
    1296           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("interval", TpDouble);
    1297           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("camp", TpComplex);
    1298           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("amplitude", TpDouble);
    1299           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("combine", TpString);
    1300           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("startTime", TpDouble);
    1301           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("stopTime", TpDouble);
    1302           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("seed", TpInt);
    1303             :         
    1304             :         // Create record with the requisite field values
    1305           0 :         Record simpar(simparDesc,RecordInterface::Variable);
    1306           0 :         simpar.define ("type", "G JONES");
    1307           0 :         simpar.define ("interval", interval.getValue("s"));
    1308           0 :         simpar.define ("mode", mode);
    1309           0 :         Complex camp(0.1,0.1);
    1310           0 :         if (amplitude.size()==1)
    1311           0 :           camp=Complex(amplitude[0],amplitude[0]);
    1312             :         else 
    1313           0 :           camp=Complex(amplitude[0],amplitude[1]);
    1314           0 :         simpar.define ("camp", camp);
    1315           0 :         os << LogIO::NORMAL << "Gain corruption with complex RMS amplitude = " << camp << LogIO::POST;
    1316           0 :         simpar.define ("amplitude", Double(abs(camp)));
    1317             :         //simpar.define ("amplitude", amplitude);
    1318           0 :         simpar.define ("caltable", caltable);
    1319           0 :         simpar.define ("combine", "");
    1320           0 :         simpar.define ("seed", seed_p);
    1321             :         
    1322             :         // create the G
    1323           0 :         if (!create_corrupt(simpar)) 
    1324           0 :           throw(AipsError("could not create G in Simulator::setgain"));        
    1325             :         
    1326           0 :       } else {
    1327           0 :         throw(AipsError("unsupported mode "+mode+" in setgain()"));
    1328             :       }
    1329             :     }
    1330           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1331           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1332           0 :     return false;
    1333           0 :   } 
    1334           0 :   return true;
    1335           0 : }
    1336             : 
    1337             : 
    1338             : 
    1339             : 
    1340             : 
    1341             : 
    1342             : 
    1343           0 : Bool Simulator::settrop(const String& mode, 
    1344             :                         const String& caltable,   // output
    1345             :                         const Float pwv,
    1346             :                         const Float deltapwv,
    1347             :                         const Float beta,
    1348             :                         const Float windspeed,
    1349             :                         const Float simintsec=-1.) {
    1350             :   
    1351           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "settrop()", WHERE));
    1352             : 
    1353             : #ifndef RI_DEBUG
    1354             :   try {
    1355             : #endif
    1356             :         
    1357           0 :     if (mode=="test"||mode=="individual"||mode=="screen") {
    1358             :       
    1359             :       // set record format for calibration table simulation information
    1360           0 :       RecordDesc simparDesc;
    1361           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("type", TpString);
    1362           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("caltable", TpString);
    1363           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("mean_pwv", TpFloat);
    1364           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("mode", TpString);
    1365           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("delta_pwv", TpFloat);
    1366           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("beta", TpFloat);
    1367           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("windspeed", TpFloat);
    1368           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("combine", TpString);
    1369             : 
    1370           0 :       if(simintsec>0.){
    1371           0 :         simparDesc.addField ("simint", TpString);
    1372             :       }
    1373             : 
    1374           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("startTime", TpDouble);
    1375           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("stopTime", TpDouble);
    1376             : 
    1377           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("antefficiency"  ,TpFloat);
    1378           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("spillefficiency",TpFloat);
    1379           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("correfficiency" ,TpFloat);
    1380           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("trx"                ,TpFloat);
    1381           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("tcmb"           ,TpFloat);
    1382           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("tatmos"           ,TpFloat);
    1383             : 
    1384           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("tground"    ,TpFloat);
    1385           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("pground"    ,TpDouble);
    1386           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("relhum"     ,TpFloat);
    1387           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("altitude"   ,TpDouble);
    1388           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("waterheight"        ,TpDouble);
    1389             : 
    1390           0 :       simparDesc.addField ("seed"       ,TpInt);
    1391             :     
    1392             :       // create record with the requisite field values
    1393           0 :       Record simpar(simparDesc,RecordInterface::Variable);
    1394           0 :       simpar.define ("type", "TF");
    1395           0 :       simpar.define ("caltable", caltable);
    1396           0 :       simpar.define ("mean_pwv", pwv);
    1397           0 :       simpar.define ("mode", mode);
    1398           0 :       simpar.define ("delta_pwv", deltapwv);
    1399           0 :       simpar.define ("beta", beta);
    1400           0 :       simpar.define ("windspeed", windspeed);
    1401           0 :       simpar.define ("combine", "");
    1402             : 
    1403           0 :       if(simintsec>0.){
    1404           0 :         simpar.define ("simint", String::toString(simintsec)+"s");
    1405             :       }
    1406             : 
    1407           0 :       simpar.define ("seed", seed_p);
    1408             : 
    1409             : //      if (tground>100.)
    1410             : //      simpar.define ("tground", tground);
    1411             : //      else {
    1412           0 :         simpar.define ("tground", Float(270.));
    1413             : //      os<<"User has not set ground temperature, using 270K"<<LogIO::POST;
    1414             : //      }
    1415             : //      if (pground.getValue("mbar")>100.)
    1416             : //      simpar.define ("pground", pground.getValue("mbar"));
    1417             : //      else {
    1418           0 :         simpar.define ("pground", Double(560.));
    1419             : //      os<<"User has not set ground pressure, using 560mb"<<LogIO::POST;
    1420             : //      }
    1421             : //      if (relhum>0)
    1422             : //      simpar.define ("relhum", relhum);
    1423             : //      else {
    1424           0 :         simpar.define ("relhum", Float(20.));
    1425             : //      os<<"User has not set ground relative humidity, using 20%"<<LogIO::POST;
    1426             : //      }
    1427             : //      if (altitude.getValue("m")>0.)
    1428             : //      simpar.define ("altitude", altitude.getValue("m"));
    1429             : //      else {
    1430           0 :         simpar.define ("altitude", Double(5000.));
    1431             : //      os<<"User has not set site altitude, using 5000m"<<LogIO::POST;
    1432             : //      }
    1433             : //      if (waterheight.getValue("m")>100.)
    1434             : //      simpar.define ("waterheight", waterheight.getValue("km"));
    1435             : //      else {
    1436           0 :         simpar.define ("waterheight", Double(2.0));  // km
    1437             : //      os<<"User has not set water scale height, using 2km"<<LogIO::POST;
    1438             : //      }
    1439           0 :         simpar.define ("spillefficiency", Float(.85));
    1440             : 
    1441             :       // create the T
    1442           0 :       if (!create_corrupt(simpar)) 
    1443           0 :         throw(AipsError("could not create T in Simulator::settrop"));        
    1444             : 
    1445           0 :     } else {
    1446           0 :       throw(AipsError("unsupported mode "+mode+" in settrop()"));
    1447             :     }
    1448             : 
    1449             : #ifndef RI_DEBUG
    1450           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1451           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1452           0 :     return false;
    1453           0 :   } 
    1454             : #endif
    1455           0 :   return true;
    1456           0 : }
    1457             : 
    1458             : 
    1459             : 
    1460             : 
    1461             : 
    1462             : 
    1463           0 : Bool Simulator::setleakage(const String& /*mode*/, const String& table,
    1464             :                            //const Quantity& interval, 
    1465             :                            const Vector<Double>& amplitude,
    1466             :                            const Vector<Double>& offset)
    1467             : {
    1468             :   
    1469           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setleakage()", WHERE));
    1470             :   
    1471             : #ifndef RI_DEBUG
    1472             :   try {
    1473             : #endif
    1474             : 
    1475             :     // set record format for calibration table simulation information
    1476           0 :     RecordDesc simparDesc;
    1477           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("type", TpString);
    1478           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("caltable", TpString);
    1479             :     // leave this one for generic SVC::createCorruptor
    1480           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("amplitude", TpDouble);
    1481           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("camp", TpComplex);
    1482           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("offset", TpComplex);
    1483           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("combine", TpString);
    1484             :     //simparDesc.addField ("interval", TpDouble);
    1485           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("simint", TpString);
    1486           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("startTime", TpDouble);
    1487           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("stopTime", TpDouble);
    1488             : 
    1489           0 :     simparDesc.addField ("seed", TpInt);
    1490             :             
    1491             :     // create record with the requisite field values
    1492           0 :     Record simpar(simparDesc,RecordInterface::Variable);
    1493           0 :     simpar.define ("type", "D");
    1494           0 :     simpar.define ("caltable", table);
    1495           0 :     Complex camp(0.1,0.1);
    1496           0 :     if (amplitude.size()==1)
    1497           0 :       camp=Complex(amplitude[0],amplitude[0]);
    1498             :     else 
    1499           0 :       camp=Complex(amplitude[0],amplitude[1]);
    1500           0 :     simpar.define ("camp", camp);
    1501           0 :     simpar.define ("amplitude", Double(abs(camp)));
    1502           0 :     Complex off(0.,0.);
    1503           0 :     if (offset.size()==1)
    1504           0 :       off=Complex(offset[0],offset[0]);
    1505             :     else 
    1506           0 :       off=Complex(offset[0],offset[1]);
    1507           0 :     simpar.define ("offset", off);
    1508             : 
    1509             :     //simpar.define ("interval", interval.getValue("s"));
    1510             :     // provide infinite interval
    1511           0 :     simpar.define ("simint", "infinite");
    1512             : 
    1513           0 :     simpar.define ("combine", "");
    1514           0 :     simpar.define ("seed", seed_p);
    1515             : 
    1516             :     
    1517             :     // create the D
    1518           0 :     if (!create_corrupt(simpar)) 
    1519           0 :       throw(AipsError("could not create D in Simulator::setleakage"));        
    1520             : 
    1521             : #ifndef RI_DEBUG
    1522           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1523           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1524           0 :     return false;
    1525           0 :   } 
    1526             : #endif
    1527           0 :   return true;
    1528           0 : }
    1529             : 
    1530             : 
    1531             : 
    1532             : 
    1533             : 
    1534             : 
    1535             : 
    1536             : 
    1537             : 
    1538             : 
    1539             : 
    1540             : 
    1541             : 
    1542             : 
    1543             : 
    1544             : 
    1545             : 
    1546             : 
    1547             : 
    1548             : //========================================================================
    1549             : //        OLD as yet unconverted corruption generation routines
    1550             : 
    1551             : // OLD NOISE WITH ACoh
    1552             : 
    1553           0 : Bool Simulator::oldsetnoise(const String& mode, 
    1554             :                             const String& /*table*/,
    1555             :                             const Quantity& simplenoise,
    1556             :                             const Float antefficiency=0.80,
    1557             :                             const Float correfficiency=0.85,
    1558             :                             const Float spillefficiency=0.85,
    1559             :                             const Float tau=0.0,
    1560             :                             const Float trx=50.0, 
    1561             :                             const Float tatmos=250.0, 
    1562             :                             const Float tcmb=2.73) {
    1563             :   
    1564           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "oldsetnoise()", WHERE));
    1565             :   try {
    1566             :     
    1567           0 :     noisemode_p = mode;
    1568             : 
    1569           0 :     os << LogIO::WARN << "Using deprecated ACoh Noise - this will dissapear in the future - please switch to sm.setnoise unless you are simulating single dish data" << LogIO::POST;
    1570             : 
    1571           0 :     if(mode=="table") {
    1572           0 :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Cannot yet read from table" << LogIO::POST;
    1573           0 :       return false;
    1574             :     }
    1575           0 :     else if (mode=="simplenoise") {
    1576             :       os << "Using simple noise model with noise level of " << simplenoise.getValue("Jy")
    1577           0 :          << " Jy" << LogIO::POST;
    1578           0 :         if(ac_p) delete ac_p; ac_p = 0;
    1579           0 :         ac_p = new SimACoh(seed_p, simplenoise.getValue("Jy") );
    1580             :     }
    1581             :     else {
    1582           0 :       os << "Using the Brown calculated noise model" << LogIO::POST;
    1583           0 :       os << "  eta_ant=" << antefficiency << " eta_corr=" << correfficiency << " eta_spill=" << spillefficiency << LogIO::POST;
    1584           0 :       os << "  tau=" << tau << " trx=" << trx << " tatmos=" << tatmos << " tcmb=" << tcmb << LogIO::POST;
    1585           0 :         if(ac_p) delete ac_p; ac_p = 0;
    1586           0 :         ac_p = new SimACohCalc(seed_p, antefficiency, correfficiency,
    1587           0 :                                spillefficiency, tau, Quantity(trx, "K"), 
    1588           0 :                                Quantity(tatmos, "K"), Quantity(tcmb, "K"));
    1589             :     }
    1590             : 
    1591           0 :     return true;
    1592           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1593           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1594           0 :     return false;
    1595           0 :   } 
    1596             :   return true;
    1597             :   
    1598           0 : }
    1599             : 
    1600             : 
    1601             : 
    1602             : 
    1603             : 
    1604           0 : Bool Simulator::setpa(const String& /*mode*/, const String& /*table*/,
    1605             :                       const Quantity& /*interval*/) {
    1606             :   
    1607           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setpa()", WHERE));
    1608             :   
    1609             :   try {
    1610             :     
    1611           0 :     throw(AipsError("Corruption by simulated errors temporarily disabled (06Nov20 gmoellen)"));
    1612             :  /*
    1613             :     if(mode=="table") {
    1614             :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Cannot yet read from table" << LogIO::POST;
    1615             :       return false;
    1616             :     }
    1617             :     else {
    1618             :       makeVisSet();
    1619             :       if(pj_p) delete pj_p; pj_p = 0;
    1620             :       pj_p = new PJones (*vs_p, interval.get("s").getValue());
    1621             :       os <<"Using parallactic angle correction"<< LogIO::POST;
    1622             :     }
    1623             :  */
    1624             :     return true;
    1625           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1626           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1627           0 :     return false;
    1628           0 :   } 
    1629             :   return true;
    1630           0 : };
    1631             : 
    1632             : 
    1633             : 
    1634             : 
    1635           0 : Bool Simulator::setbandpass(const String& /*mode*/, const String& /*table*/,
    1636             :                             const Quantity& /*interval*/,
    1637             :                             const Vector<Double>& /*amplitude*/) {
    1638             :   
    1639           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setbandpass()", WHERE));
    1640             :   
    1641             :   try {
    1642             : 
    1643           0 :     throw(AipsError("Corruption by simulated errors temporarily disabled (06Nov20 gmoellen)"));
    1644             : 
    1645             :     /*    
    1646             :     if(mode=="table") {
    1647             :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Cannot yet read from table" << LogIO::POST;
    1648             :       return false;
    1649             :     }
    1650             :     else {
    1651             :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Cannot yet calculate bandpass" << LogIO::POST;
    1652             :       return false;
    1653             :     }
    1654             :     return true;
    1655             :     */
    1656           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1657           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1658             : 
    1659           0 :     return false;
    1660           0 :   } 
    1661             :   return true;
    1662           0 : }
    1663             : 
    1664             : 
    1665             : 
    1666             : 
    1667           0 : Bool Simulator::setpointingerror(const String& epJTableName,
    1668             :                                     const Bool applyPointingOffsets,
    1669             :                                     const Bool doPBCorrection)
    1670             : {
    1671           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "close()", WHERE));
    1672           0 :   epJTableName_p = epJTableName;
    1673             :   //  makeVisSet();
    1674             :   try {
    1675           0 :     throw(AipsError("Corruption by simulated errors temporarily disabled (06Nov20 gmoellen)"));
    1676             :     /*    
    1677             :     if (epJ_p) delete epJ_p;epJ_p=0;
    1678             :     {
    1679             :       epJ_p = new EPJones(*vs_p);
    1680             :       epJ_p->load(epJTableName_p,"","diagonal");
    1681             :     }
    1682             :     */
    1683             :   }
    1684           0 :   catch (AipsError x)
    1685             :     {
    1686             :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: "
    1687           0 :          << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1688           0 :       return false;
    1689           0 :     }
    1690             : 
    1691             :   applyPointingOffsets_p = applyPointingOffsets;
    1692             :   doPBCorrection_p = doPBCorrection;
    1693             :   return true;
    1694           0 : }
    1695             : 
    1696             : 
    1697             : 
    1698             : 
    1699             : 
    1700             : 
    1701             : 
    1702             : 
    1703             : 
    1704             : 
    1705             : 
    1706             : //========================================================================
    1707             : //       CORRUPTION - GENERIC VISCAL FUNCTIONS
    1708             : 
    1709             : 
    1710             : 
    1711          32 : Bool Simulator::create_corrupt(Record& simpar)
    1712             : {
    1713          64 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "create_corrupt()", WHERE));
    1714          32 :   SolvableVisCal *svc(NULL);
    1715             :   
    1716             :   // RI todo sim::create_corrupt assert that ms has certain structure
    1717             :   
    1718             :   try {
    1719          32 :     makeVisSet();
    1720             :     
    1721          32 :     String upType=simpar.asString("type");
    1722          32 :     upType.upcase();
    1723          32 :     os << LogIO::NORMAL << "Creating "<< upType <<" Calibration structure for data corruption." << LogIO::POST;
    1724             :     
    1725          32 :     svc = createSolvableVisCal(upType,*vs_p);
    1726             : 
    1727          32 :     svc->setPrtlev(prtlev());
    1728             : 
    1729          32 :     Vector<Double> solTimes;
    1730          32 :     svc->setSimulate(*vs_p,simpar,solTimes);
    1731             :     
    1732             :     // add to the pointer block of VCs:
    1733          32 :     uInt napp=vc_p.nelements();
    1734          32 :     vc_p.resize(napp+1,false,true);
    1735          32 :     vc_p[napp] = (VisCal*) svc;
    1736             :     // svc=NULL;
    1737          32 :     ve_p.setapply(vc_p);
    1738             :             
    1739          32 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1740           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    1741           0 :     if (svc) delete svc;
    1742           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Simulator::create_corrupt"));
    1743             :     return false;
    1744           0 :   }
    1745          32 :   return true;
    1746          32 : }
    1747             : 
    1748             : 
    1749             : 
    1750             : 
    1751             : 
    1752             : 
    1753             : 
    1754             : //========================================================================
    1755             : //       corrupt and setapply, for actually changing visibilities 
    1756             : 
    1757             : 
    1758             : /// this can be used to load any table, just that it has to have the right form
    1759             : 
    1760           0 : Bool Simulator::setapply(const String& type,
    1761             :                          const Double& t,
    1762             :                          const String& table,
    1763             :                          const String& /*spw*/,
    1764             :                          const String& /*field*/,
    1765             :                          const String& interp,
    1766             :                          const Bool& calwt,
    1767             :                          const Vector<Int>& spwmap,
    1768             :                          const Float& opacity)
    1769             : {
    1770           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setapply()", WHERE));
    1771             : 
    1772             :   // First try to create the requested VisCal object
    1773           0 :   VisCal *vc(NULL);
    1774             :     
    1775             :   try {
    1776             : 
    1777           0 :     makeVisSet();
    1778             : 
    1779             :     // Set record format for calibration table application information
    1780           0 :     RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    1781           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("t", TpDouble);
    1782           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    1783           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("interp", TpString);
    1784           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("spw", TpArrayInt);
    1785           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("field", TpArrayInt);
    1786           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("calwt",TpBool);
    1787           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("spwmap",TpArrayInt);
    1788           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("opacity",TpFloat);
    1789             :     
    1790             :     // Create record with the requisite field values
    1791           0 :     Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    1792           0 :     applypar.define ("t", t);
    1793           0 :     applypar.define ("table", table);
    1794           0 :     applypar.define ("interp", interp);
    1795           0 :     applypar.define ("spw",Vector<Int>());
    1796           0 :     applypar.define ("field",Vector<Int>());
    1797             :     //    applypar.define ("spw",getSpwIdx(spw));
    1798             :     //    applypar.define ("field",getFieldIdx(field));
    1799           0 :     applypar.define ("calwt",calwt);
    1800           0 :     applypar.define ("spwmap",spwmap);
    1801           0 :     applypar.define ("opacity", opacity);
    1802             :     
    1803           0 :     String upType=type;
    1804           0 :     if (upType=="")
    1805             :       // Get type from table
    1806           0 :       upType = calTableType(table);
    1807             : 
    1808             :     // Must be upper case
    1809           0 :     upType.upcase();
    1810             :     
    1811             :     os << LogIO::NORMAL
    1812             :        << "Arranging to CORRUPT with:"
    1813           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
    1814             :     
    1815             :     // Add a new VisCal to the apply list
    1816           0 :     vc = createVisCal(upType,*vs_p);
    1817             :     
    1818           0 :     vc->setApply(applypar);
    1819             : 
    1820             :     os << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
    1821           0 :        << vc->applyinfo()
    1822           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
    1823             :     
    1824           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1825             :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << x.getMesg()
    1826             :        << " Check inputs and try again."
    1827           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
    1828           0 :     if (vc) delete vc;
    1829           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Simulator::setapply."));
    1830             :     return false;
    1831           0 :   }
    1832             : 
    1833             :   // Creation apparently successful, so add to the apply list
    1834             :   // TBD: consolidate with above?
    1835             :   try {
    1836             : 
    1837           0 :     uInt napp=vc_p.nelements();
    1838           0 :     vc_p.resize(napp+1,false,true);
    1839           0 :     vc_p[napp] = vc;
    1840           0 :     vc=NULL;
    1841             : 
    1842             :     // Maintain sort of apply list
    1843           0 :     ve_p.setapply(vc_p);
    1844             : 
    1845           0 :     return true;
    1846             : 
    1847           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1848             :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    1849           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
    1850           0 :     if (vc) delete vc;
    1851           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Simulator::setapply."));
    1852             :     return false;
    1853           0 :   }
    1854             :   return false;
    1855           0 : }
    1856             : 
    1857             : 
    1858             : 
    1859             : 
    1860             : 
    1861             : 
    1862             : // Bool Simulator::corrupt() {
    1863          16 : Bool Simulator::corrupt() {
    1864             : 
    1865             :   // VIS-plane (only) corruption
    1866             :   
    1867          32 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "corrupt()", WHERE));
    1868             : 
    1869             :   try {
    1870             :     
    1871          16 :     ms_p->lock();
    1872          16 :     if(mssel_p) mssel_p->lock();
    1873             : 
    1874             : //    makeVisSet();
    1875             : //    AlwaysAssert(vs_p, AipsError);
    1876             : 
    1877             :     // Arrange the sort for efficient cal apply (different from sort order 
    1878             :     // created by makeVisSet) and if there's a vs_p delete it and replace with 
    1879             :     // this one.  also delete it at the end of this routine
    1880          16 :     Block<Int> columns;
    1881             :     // include scan iteration
    1882          16 :     columns.resize(5);
    1883          16 :     columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    1884          16 :     columns[1]=MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    1885          16 :     columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    1886          16 :     columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    1887          16 :     columns[4]=MS::TIME;
    1888             : 
    1889          16 :     if(vs_p) {
    1890          16 :       delete vs_p; vs_p=0;
    1891             :     }
    1892          16 :     Matrix<Int> noselection;
    1893          16 :     if(mssel_p) {
    1894          16 :       vs_p = new VisSet(*mssel_p,columns,noselection);
    1895             :     }
    1896             :     else {
    1897           0 :       vs_p = new VisSet(*ms_p,columns,noselection);
    1898             :     }
    1899          16 :     AlwaysAssert(vs_p, AipsError);
    1900             : 
    1901             :     // initCalSet() happens in VS creation unless there is a stored channel selection 
    1902             :     // in the ms, and it equals the channel selection passed from here in mssel_p
    1903             :     // vs_p->initCalSet();
    1904             :     
    1905          16 :     VisIter& vi=vs_p->iter();
    1906          16 :     VisBuffer vb(vi);
    1907             : 
    1908             :     // Ensure VisEquation is ready - this sorts the VCs
    1909             :     // if we want a different order for corruption we will either need to 
    1910             :     // implement the sort here or create a VE::setcorrupt(vc_p)
    1911          16 :     ve_p.setapply(vc_p);
    1912             : 
    1913             :     // set to corrupt Model down to B (T,D,G,etc) and correct Observed with AN,M,K
    1914          16 :     ve_p.setPivot(VisCal::B); 
    1915             :     
    1916             :     // Apply 
    1917          16 :     if (vc_p.nelements()>0) {
    1918             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL << "Doing visibility corruption." 
    1919          16 :          << LogIO::POST;
    1920          48 :       for (uInt i=0;i<vc_p.nelements();i++) {
    1921             :         //      os << vc_p[i]->longTypeName() << endl << vc_p[i]->siminfo() << endl <<
    1922             :         //        "spwok = " << vc_p[i]->spwOK() << LogIO::POST;
    1923          32 :         os << vc_p[i]->siminfo() << "spwok = " << vc_p[i]->spwOK();
    1924          32 :         if (vc_p[i]->type() >= ve_p.pivot()) 
    1925          16 :           os << " in corrupt mode." << endl << LogIO::POST;
    1926             :         else 
    1927          16 :           os << " in correct mode." << endl << LogIO::POST;
    1928             :       }
    1929          34 :       for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
    1930             :         // Only if 
    1931          18 :         if (ve_p.spwOK(vi.spectralWindow())) {
    1932        4550 :           for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
    1933             : 
    1934             :             // corrupt model to pivot, correct data up to pivot
    1935        4532 :             ve_p.collapseForSim(vb);
    1936             : 
    1937             :             // Deposit corrupted visibilities into DATA
    1938             :             // vi.setVis(vb.modelVisCube(), VisibilityIterator::Observed);
    1939        4532 :             vi.setVis(vb.visCube(), VisibilityIterator::Observed);
    1940             :             // for now, Also deposit in corrected 
    1941             :             // (until newmmssimulator doesn't make corrected anymore)
    1942             :             // actually we should have this check if corrected is there, 
    1943             :             // and if it is for some reason, copy data into it.
    1944             :             // RI TODO Sim::corrupt check for existence of Corrected
    1945        4532 :             vi.setVis(vb.visCube(), VisibilityIterator::Corrected);
    1946             : 
    1947             :             // RI TODO is this 100% right?
    1948        4532 :             vi.setWeightMat(vb.weightMat());
    1949             : 
    1950             :           }
    1951             :         }
    1952             :         else 
    1953           0 :           cout << "Encountered data spw " << vi.spectralWindow() << " for which there is no (simulated) calibration." << endl;
    1954             :       }
    1955             :     }
    1956             : 
    1957             : 
    1958             :     // Old-fashioned noise, for now
    1959          16 :     if(ac_p != NULL){
    1960             :       //      os << LogIO::WARN << "Using deprecated ACoh Noise - this will dissapear in the future - please switch to sm.setnoise" << LogIO::POST;
    1961           0 :       for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
    1962           0 :         for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
    1963             :           
    1964             :           // affects vb.visibility() i.e. Observed
    1965           0 :           ac_p->apply(vb);
    1966           0 :           vi.setVis(vb.visibility(), VisibilityIterator::Observed);
    1967           0 :           vi.setVis(vb.visibility(), VisibilityIterator::Corrected);
    1968             :         }
    1969             :       }
    1970             :     }
    1971             : 
    1972             :     // Flush to disk
    1973          16 :     vs_p->flush();
    1974             : 
    1975             :     // since we made a specially sorted vs_p for corrupt, should we delete it 
    1976             :     // and make one with the regular order?
    1977             : //    if(vs_p) {
    1978             : //      delete vs_p; vs_p=0;
    1979             : //      makeVisSet()
    1980             : //    }
    1981             : 
    1982          16 :     ms_p->relinquishAutoLocks();
    1983          16 :     ms_p->unlock();
    1984          16 :     if(mssel_p) mssel_p->unlock();
    1985             : 
    1986          16 :   } catch (std::exception& x) {
    1987           0 :     ms_p->relinquishAutoLocks();
    1988           0 :     ms_p->unlock();
    1989           0 :     if(mssel_p) mssel_p->unlock();
    1990           0 :     throw(AipsError(x.what()));
    1991             :     return false;
    1992           0 :   } 
    1993          16 :   return true;
    1994          16 : }
    1995             : 
    1996             : 
    1997             : 
    1998             : 
    1999             : 
    2000             : 
    2001             : 
    2002             : 
    2003             : 
    2004             : 
    2005             : 
    2006             : 
    2007             : 
    2008             : 
    2009             : 
    2010             : 
    2011             : 
    2012             : 
    2013             : 
    2014             : 
    2015           4 : Bool Simulator::observe(const String&   sourcename,
    2016             :                         const String&   spwname,
    2017             :                         const Quantity& startTime, 
    2018             :                         const Quantity& stopTime,
    2019             :                         const Bool add_observation,
    2020             :                         const Bool state_sig,
    2021             :                         const Bool state_ref,
    2022             :                         const double& state_cal,
    2023             :                         const double& state_load,
    2024             :                         const unsigned int state_sub_scan,
    2025             :                         const String& state_obs_mode,
    2026             :                         const String& observername,
    2027             :                         const String& projectname)
    2028             : {
    2029           8 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "observe()", WHERE));
    2030             :   
    2031             : 
    2032             :   try {
    2033             :     
    2034           4 :     if(!feedsHaveBeenSet && !feedsInitialized) {
    2035           0 :       os << "Feeds have not been set - using default " << feedMode_p << LogIO::WARN;
    2036           0 :       sim_p->initFeeds(feedMode_p);
    2037           0 :       feedsInitialized = true;
    2038             :     }
    2039           4 :     if(!timesHaveBeenSet_p) {
    2040             :       os << "Times have not been set - using defaults " << endl
    2041             :          << "     Times will be interpreted as hour angles for first source"
    2042           0 :          << LogIO::WARN;
    2043             :     }
    2044             : 
    2045           4 :     sim_p->observe(sourcename, spwname, startTime, stopTime, 
    2046             :                    add_observation, state_sig, state_ref, state_cal,state_load,state_sub_scan,state_obs_mode,observername,projectname);
    2047             : 
    2048             : 
    2049           4 :     if(ms_p) delete ms_p; ms_p=0;
    2050           4 :     if(mssel_p) delete mssel_p; mssel_p=0;
    2051           8 :     ms_p = new MeasurementSet(msname_p, 
    2052           4 :                               TableLock(TableLock::AutoNoReadLocking), 
    2053           4 :                               Table::Update);
    2054             : 
    2055           4 :     ms_p->flush();
    2056           4 :     ms_p->unlock();
    2057             : 
    2058           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2059           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2060           0 :     return false;
    2061           0 :   } 
    2062           4 :   return true;
    2063           4 : }
    2064             : 
    2065             : 
    2066             : 
    2067             : 
    2068          27 : Bool Simulator::observemany(const Vector<String>&   sourcenames,
    2069             :                             const String&   spwname,
    2070             :                             const Vector<Quantity>& startTimes, 
    2071             :                             const Vector<Quantity>& stopTimes,
    2072             :                             const Vector<MDirection>& directions,
    2073             :                             const Bool add_observation=true,
    2074             :                             const Bool state_sig=true,
    2075             :                             const Bool state_ref=true,
    2076             :                             const double& state_cal=0.,
    2077             :                             const double& state_load=0.,
    2078             :                             const unsigned int state_sub_scan=0,
    2079             :                             const String& state_obs_mode="OBSERVE_TARGET#ON_SOURCE",
    2080             :                             const String& observername="CASA simulator",
    2081             :                             const String& projectname="CASA simulation")
    2082             : {
    2083          54 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "observemany()", WHERE));
    2084             :   
    2085             : 
    2086             :   try {
    2087             :     
    2088          27 :     if(!feedsHaveBeenSet && !feedsInitialized) {
    2089           0 :       os << "Feeds have not been set - using default " << feedMode_p << LogIO::WARN;
    2090           0 :       sim_p->initFeeds(feedMode_p);
    2091           0 :       feedsInitialized = true;
    2092             :     }
    2093          27 :     if(!timesHaveBeenSet_p) {
    2094             :       os << "Times have not been set - using defaults " << endl
    2095             :          << "     Times will be interpreted as hour angles for first source"
    2096           0 :          << LogIO::WARN;
    2097             :     }
    2098             : 
    2099          27 :     sim_p->observe(sourcenames, spwname, startTimes, stopTimes, directions,
    2100             :                    add_observation, state_sig, state_ref, state_cal,state_load,state_sub_scan,state_obs_mode,observername,projectname);
    2101             : 
    2102          27 :     if(ms_p) delete ms_p; ms_p=0;
    2103          27 :     if(mssel_p) delete mssel_p; mssel_p=0;
    2104          54 :     ms_p = new MeasurementSet(msname_p, 
    2105          27 :                               TableLock(TableLock::AutoNoReadLocking), 
    2106          27 :                               Table::Update);
    2107             : 
    2108          27 :     ms_p->flush();
    2109          27 :     ms_p->unlock();
    2110             : 
    2111           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2112           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2113           0 :     return false;
    2114           0 :   } 
    2115          27 :   return true;
    2116          27 : }
    2117             : 
    2118             : 
    2119             : 
    2120             : 
    2121             : 
    2122             : 
    2123          27 : Bool Simulator::predict(const Vector<String>& modelImage, 
    2124             :                            const String& compList,
    2125             :                            const Bool incremental) {
    2126             :   
    2127          54 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "predict()", WHERE));
    2128             :   
    2129             :   // Note that incremental here does not apply to se_p->predict(false),
    2130             :   // Rather it means: add the calculated model visibility to the data visibility.
    2131             :   // We return a MS with Data, Model, and Corrected columns identical
    2132             : 
    2133             :   try {
    2134             : 
    2135             :     os << "Predicting visibilities using model: " << modelImage << 
    2136          27 :       " and componentList: " << compList << LogIO::POST;
    2137          27 :     if (incremental) {
    2138           0 :       os << "The data column will be incremented" <<  LogIO::POST;
    2139             :     } else {
    2140          27 :       os << "The data column will be replaced" <<  LogIO::POST;
    2141             :     }
    2142          27 :     if(!ms_p) {
    2143             :       os << "MeasurementSet pointer is null : logic problem!"
    2144           0 :          << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    2145             :     }
    2146             : 
    2147          27 :     bool heterogeneous=False;
    2148         744 :     for (uInt i=1;i<diam_p.nelements();i++) 
    2149         717 :       if (diam_p(i)!=diam_p(0)) heterogeneous=True;
    2150          27 :     if (heterogeneous) {
    2151           0 :       if (compList!=String("")) {
    2152           0 :         os<<"Heterogeneous array is not supported for simulation from components.  Primary beam will be applied by telescope name.\n"<<LogIO::WARN;
    2153             :       }
    2154           0 :       if ((modelImage[0]!=String(""))&&(ftmachine_p!="mosaic")) {
    2155           0 :         os<<"Heterogeneous array is only supported for ALMA,ACA,OVRO telescopes, and only with option ftmachine=mosaic."<<LogIO::WARN;
    2156             :       }
    2157             :     }
    2158             : 
    2159          27 :     ms_p->lock();   
    2160          27 :     if(mssel_p) mssel_p->lock();   
    2161          27 :     if (!createSkyEquation( modelImage, compList)) {
    2162           0 :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to create SkyEquation" << LogIO::POST;
    2163           0 :       return false;
    2164             :     }
    2165          27 :     if (incremental) {
    2166           0 :       se_p->predict(false,MS::MODEL_DATA);  
    2167             :     } else {
    2168          27 :       se_p->predict(false,MS::DATA);   //20091030 RI changed SE::predict to use DATA
    2169             :     }
    2170          27 :     destroySkyEquation();
    2171             : 
    2172             :     // Copy the predicted visibilities over to the observed and 
    2173             :     // the corrected data columns
    2174          27 :     makeVisSet();
    2175             : 
    2176          27 :     VisIter& vi = vs_p->iter();
    2177          27 :     VisBuffer vb(vi);
    2178          27 :     vi.origin();
    2179          27 :     vi.originChunks();
    2180             : 
    2181             :     //os << "Copying predicted visibilities from MODEL_DATA to DATA and CORRECTED_DATA" << LogIO::POST;
    2182             :       
    2183         406 :     for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()){
    2184        1008 :       for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
    2185             :         //      vb.setVisCube(vb.modelVisCube());
    2186             : 
    2187         629 :         if (incremental) {
    2188           0 :           vi.setVis( (vb.modelVisCube() + vb.visCube()),
    2189             :                      VisibilityIterator::Corrected);
    2190           0 :           vi.setVis(vb.correctedVisCube(),VisibilityIterator::Observed);
    2191             : 
    2192             :           // model=1 is more consistent with VS::initCalSet 
    2193             :           // vi.setVis(vb.correctedVisCube(),VisibilityIterator::Model);
    2194             :         } else {
    2195             :           // from above, the prediction is now already in Observed.
    2196             :           // RI TODO remove scratch columns from NewMSSimulator; 
    2197             :           // until then we;ll just leave them 1 and Corr=Obs (for imaging)
    2198             :           //vi.setVis(vb.visCube(),VisibilityIterator::Observed);
    2199         629 :           vi.setVis(vb.visCube(),VisibilityIterator::Corrected);
    2200             :         }
    2201         629 :         vb.setModelVisCube(Complex(1.0,0.0));
    2202         629 :         vi.setVis(vb.modelVisCube(),VisibilityIterator::Model);
    2203             :       }
    2204             :     }
    2205          27 :     ms_p->unlock();     
    2206          27 :     if(mssel_p) mssel_p->lock();   
    2207             : 
    2208          27 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2209           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2210           0 :     ms_p->unlock();     
    2211           0 :     if(mssel_p) mssel_p->lock();   
    2212           0 :     return false;
    2213           0 :   } 
    2214          27 :   return true;
    2215          27 : }
    2216             : 
    2217             : 
    2218             :   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2219             : // copied from SynthesisImager
    2220          27 :   void Simulator::getVPRecord(Record &rec, PBMath::CommonPB &kpb, String telescop)
    2221             :   {
    2222          54 :     LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "getVPRecord",WHERE));
    2223             : 
    2224          27 :     VPManager *vpman=VPManager::Instance();
    2225          27 :     if ((doDefaultVP_p)||(vpTableStr_p != String(""))) {
    2226          10 :       if (doDefaultVP_p) {
    2227          10 :         os << "Using default Voltage Patterns from the VPManager" << LogIO::POST;
    2228          10 :         vpman->reset();
    2229             :       } else {
    2230           0 :         os << "Loading Voltage Pattern information from " << vpTableStr_p << LogIO::POST;
    2231           0 :         vpman->loadfromtable(vpTableStr_p );
    2232             :       }
    2233          10 :       os << "Temporary alert : The state of the vpmanager tool has been modified by loading these primary beam models. If any of your scripts rely on the vpmanager state being preserved throughout your CASA session, please use vp.saveastable() and vp.loadfromtable() as needed. "<< LogIO::POST;
    2234             :     } 
    2235             :     // if dodefault=false, and no table is provided, it will used what is in 
    2236             :     // the vpmanager already.
    2237             :     else {
    2238          17 :       os << "Using Voltage Patterns from the VPManager" << LogIO::POST;
    2239             :     }
    2240             : 
    2241             :     //    PBMath::CommonPB kpb;
    2242          27 :     PBMath::enumerateCommonPB(telescop, kpb);
    2243             :     //    Record rec;
    2244          27 :     vpman->getvp(rec, telescop);
    2245             : 
    2246             :     //ostringstream oss; rec.print(oss);
    2247             :     //os << "Using VP model : " << oss.str() << LogIO::POST;
    2248             : 
    2249          27 :     if(rec.empty()){
    2250           0 :       if((telescop=="EVLA")){
    2251           0 :         os << LogIO::WARN << "vpmanager does not list EVLA. Using VLA beam parameters. To use EVLA beams, please use the vpmanager and set the vptable parameter in tclean (see inline help for vptable)." << LogIO::POST; 
    2252           0 :         telescop="VLA";
    2253           0 :         vpman->getvp(rec, telescop);
    2254           0 :         kpb=PBMath::VLA;
    2255             :       }
    2256             :       else{
    2257           0 :         os << LogIO::WARN << "vpmanager does not have a beam for "+telescop <<".\n Please use the vpmanager to define one (and optionally save its state as a table and supply its name via the vptable parameter.)" << LogIO::POST;
    2258           0 :         kpb=PBMath::UNKNOWN;
    2259             :       }
    2260             :     }
    2261             :     
    2262          27 :   }// get VPRecord
    2263             : 
    2264             : 
    2265             : 
    2266          27 : Bool Simulator::createSkyEquation(const Vector<String>& image,
    2267             :                                      const String complist)
    2268             : {
    2269             : 
    2270          54 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "createSkyEquation()", WHERE));
    2271             : 
    2272             :   try {
    2273          27 :     if(sm_p==0) {
    2274          27 :       sm_p = new CleanImageSkyModel();
    2275             :     }
    2276          27 :     AlwaysAssert(sm_p, AipsError);
    2277             :     
    2278             :     // Add the componentlist
    2279          27 :     if(complist!="") {
    2280           7 :       if(!Table::isReadable(complist)) {
    2281             :         os << LogIO::SEVERE << "ComponentList " << complist
    2282           0 :            << " not readable" << LogIO::POST;
    2283           0 :         return false;
    2284             :       }
    2285           7 :       componentList_p=new ComponentList(complist, true);
    2286           7 :       if(componentList_p==0) {
    2287             :         os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Cannot create ComponentList from " << complist
    2288           0 :            << LogIO::POST;
    2289           0 :         return false;
    2290             :       }
    2291           7 :       if(!sm_p->add(*componentList_p)) {
    2292             :         os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Cannot add ComponentList " << complist
    2293           0 :            << " to SkyModel" << LogIO::POST;
    2294           0 :         return false;
    2295             :       }
    2296             :     } else {
    2297          20 :       componentList_p=0;
    2298             :     }
    2299             :     
    2300          27 :     nmodels_p = image.nelements();
    2301          27 :     if (nmodels_p == 1 && image(0) == "") nmodels_p = 0;
    2302             : 
    2303          27 :     int models_found=0;
    2304          27 :     if (nmodels_p > 0) {
    2305          23 :       images_p.resize(nmodels_p); 
    2306             :       
    2307          46 :       for (Int model=0;model<Int(nmodels_p);model++) {
    2308          23 :         if(image(model)=="") {
    2309             :           os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Need a name for model "  << model+1
    2310           0 :              << LogIO::POST;
    2311           0 :           return false;
    2312             :         } else {
    2313          23 :           if(!Table::isReadable(image(model))) {
    2314           0 :             os << LogIO::SEVERE << image(model) << " is unreadable" << LogIO::POST;
    2315             :           } else {
    2316          23 :             images_p[model]=0;
    2317             :             os << "Opening model " << model << " named "
    2318          23 :                << image(model) << LogIO::POST;
    2319          23 :             images_p[model]=new PagedImage<Float>(image(model));
    2320          23 :             AlwaysAssert(images_p[model], AipsError);
    2321             :             // RI TODO is this a logic problem with more than one source??
    2322             :             // Add distance
    2323          23 :             if((distance_p.nelements() > 0 && distance_p.nelements() <= static_cast<uInt>(nField)) && abs(distance_p[nField-1].get().getValue())>0.0) {
    2324           0 :               os << "  Refocusing to distance " << distance_p[nField-1].get("km").getValue()
    2325           0 :                  << " km" << LogIO::POST;
    2326           0 :               Record info(images_p[model]->miscInfo());
    2327           0 :               info.define("distance", distance_p[nField-1].get("m").getValue());
    2328           0 :               images_p[model]->setMiscInfo(info);
    2329           0 :             }
    2330             : 
    2331             :             // FTMachine only works in Hz and LSRK
    2332          23 :             CoordinateSystem cs = images_p[model]->coordinates();
    2333          23 :             String errorMsg;
    2334          23 :             cs.setSpectralConversion(errorMsg,MFrequency::showType(MFrequency::LSRK));
    2335          23 :             Int spectralIndex=cs.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
    2336          23 :             AlwaysAssert(spectralIndex>=0, AipsError);
    2337          23 :             SpectralCoordinate spectralCoord=cs.spectralCoordinate(spectralIndex);
    2338          23 :             Vector<String> units(1); units = "Hz";
    2339             :             // doesn't work: cs.spectralCoordinate(spectralIndex).setWorldAxisUnits(units);     
    2340          23 :             spectralCoord.setWorldAxisUnits(units);
    2341             :             // put spectralCoord back into cs
    2342          23 :             cs.replaceCoordinate(spectralCoord,spectralIndex);
    2343             :             // and cs into image
    2344          23 :             images_p[model]->setCoordinateInfo(cs);
    2345             : 
    2346             : 
    2347          23 :             if(sm_p->add(*images_p[model])!=model) {
    2348           0 :               os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Error adding model " << model << LogIO::POST;
    2349           0 :               return false;
    2350             :             }
    2351          23 :             models_found++;
    2352          23 :           }
    2353             :         }
    2354             :       }
    2355             :     }
    2356             : 
    2357          27 :     if(models_found<=0 and componentList_p==0) {
    2358           0 :       os << LogIO::SEVERE << "No model images found" << LogIO::POST;
    2359           0 :       return false;
    2360             :     }
    2361             : 
    2362             :     
    2363             :     
    2364          27 :     if(vs_p) {
    2365          27 :       delete vs_p; vs_p=0;
    2366             :     }
    2367          27 :     makeVisSet();
    2368             :     
    2369          27 :     cft_p = new SimpleComponentFTMachine();
    2370             :     
    2371          27 :     MeasurementSet *ams=0;
    2372             :     
    2373          27 :     if(mssel_p) {
    2374          27 :       ams=mssel_p;
    2375             :     }
    2376             :     else {
    2377           0 :       ams=ms_p;
    2378             :     }
    2379             :     // 2016 from SynthesisImager:
    2380          27 :     MSColumns msc(*ams);
    2381          27 :     String telescop=msc.observation().telescopeName()(0);
    2382             :     PBMath::CommonPB kpb;
    2383          27 :     Record rec;
    2384          27 :     getVPRecord( rec, kpb, telescop );
    2385             : 
    2386          27 :     if((ftmachine_p=="sd")||(ftmachine_p=="both")||(ftmachine_p=="mosaic")) {
    2387          10 :       if(!gvp_p) {
    2388          10 :         if (rec.asString("name")=="COMMONPB" && kpb !=PBMath::UNKNOWN ){
    2389          10 :           String commonPBName;
    2390          10 :           PBMath::nameCommonPB(kpb, commonPBName);        
    2391          10 :           os << "Using common PB "<<commonPBName<<" for beam calculation for telescope " << telescop << LogIO::POST;
    2392          10 :           gvp_p=new VPSkyJones(msc, true, parAngleInc_p, squintType_p, skyPosThreshold_p);
    2393          10 :         }
    2394             :         else{
    2395           0 :           PBMath myPB(rec);
    2396           0 :           String whichPBMath;
    2397           0 :           PBMathInterface::namePBClass(myPB.whichPBClass(), whichPBMath);
    2398           0 :           os  << "Using the PB defined by " << whichPBMath << " for beam calculation for telescope " << telescop << LogIO::POST;
    2399           0 :           gvp_p= new VPSkyJones(telescop, myPB, parAngleInc_p, squintType_p, skyPosThreshold_p);
    2400           0 :           kpb=PBMath::DEFAULT;
    2401           0 :         }
    2402             :       }
    2403          10 :       if(ftmachine_p=="sd") {
    2404          10 :         os << "Performing Single dish gridding " << LogIO::POST;
    2405          10 :         if(gridfunction_p=="pb") {
    2406          10 :           ft_p = new SDGrid(*gvp_p, cache_p/2, tile_p, gridfunction_p);
    2407             :         }
    2408             :         else {
    2409           0 :           ft_p = new SDGrid(cache_p/2, tile_p, gridfunction_p);
    2410             :         }
    2411             :       }
    2412           0 :       else if(ftmachine_p=="mosaic") {
    2413             :         // RI TODO need stokesString for current spw - e.g. currSpw()?
    2414           0 :         os << "Performing Mosaic gridding for model images (uv convolution)" << LogIO::POST;
    2415             :         //2016 from SynthesisImager:
    2416           0 :         ft_p = new MosaicFTNew(gvp_p, mLocation_p, stokesString_p[0], cache_p/2, tile_p, true);
    2417           0 :         PBMathInterface::PBClass pbtype=PBMathInterface::AIRY;
    2418           0 :         if(rec.asString("name")=="IMAGE")
    2419           0 :           pbtype=PBMathInterface::IMAGE;
    2420             :         ///Use Heterogenous array mode for the following
    2421           0 :         if((kpb == PBMath::UNKNOWN) || (kpb==PBMath::OVRO) || (kpb==PBMath::ACA)
    2422           0 :            || (kpb==PBMath::ALMA)){
    2423           0 :           String PBName;
    2424           0 :           PBMath::nameCommonPB(kpb,PBName);
    2425           0 :           os << "Enabling Heterogeneous Array for PBMath "<<PBName<<LogIO::POST;
    2426             :           // Will use Airys - to do something more complex we need to 
    2427             :           // use HetArrayConvFunv::fromRecord
    2428           0 :           if ((kpb==PBMath::ACA) || (kpb==PBMath::ALMA)) {
    2429           0 :             os << "For model images, will use 10.7m Airy PB for diameter=12 dishes, and 6.25m Airy PB for diameter=7 dishes." << LogIO::POST;
    2430             :           } else {
    2431           0 :             os << "For model images, will use Airy PB scaled to dish diameter."<<LogIO::POST;
    2432             :           }
    2433           0 :           CountedPtr<SimplePBConvFunc> mospb=new HetArrayConvFunc(pbtype, "");
    2434           0 :           static_cast<MosaicFTNew &>(*ft_p).setConvFunc(mospb);
    2435           0 :         }
    2436             :         //gvp_p->summary();
    2437             :         ///2016
    2438             :       }
    2439           0 :       else if(ftmachine_p=="both") {
    2440             :         os << "Performing single dish gridding with convolution function "
    2441           0 :            << gridfunction_p << LogIO::POST;
    2442             :         os << "and interferometric gridding with convolution function SF"
    2443           0 :            << LogIO::POST;
    2444             :         
    2445           0 :         ft_p = new GridBoth(*gvp_p, cache_p/2, tile_p,
    2446           0 :                             mLocation_p, 
    2447           0 :                             gridfunction_p, "SF", padding_p);
    2448             :       }
    2449             :       
    2450          10 :       VisIter& vi(vs_p->iter());
    2451             :       // Get bigger chunks o'data: this should be tuned some time
    2452             :       // since it may be wrong for e.g. spectral line
    2453          10 :       vi.setRowBlocking(100);
    2454             :     }
    2455             : 
    2456             :     else {
    2457          17 :       os << "Synthesis gridding " << LogIO::POST;
    2458             :       // Now make the FTMachine
    2459             :       //    if(wprojPlanes_p>1) {
    2460          17 :       if (ftmachine_p=="wproject") {
    2461           0 :         os << "Fourier transforms will use specified common tangent point:" << LogIO::POST;
    2462             :         // RI TODO how does this work with more than one field?
    2463           0 :         os << formatDirection(sourceDirection_p[nField-1]) << LogIO::POST;
    2464             :         //      ft_p = new WProjectFT(*ams, facets_p, cache_p/2, tile_p, false);
    2465           0 :         ft_p = new WProjectFT(wprojPlanes_p, mLocation_p, cache_p/2, tile_p, false);
    2466             :       }
    2467          17 :       else if (ftmachine_p=="pbwproject") {
    2468             :         os << "Fourier transforms will use specified common tangent point and PBs" 
    2469           0 :            << LogIO::POST;
    2470           0 :         os << formatDirection(sourceDirection_p[nField-1]) << LogIO::POST;
    2471             :         
    2472             :         //      if (!epJ_p)
    2473             :           os << "Antenna pointing related term (EPJones) not set.  "
    2474             :              << "This is required when using pbwproject FTMachine." 
    2475             :              << "(gmoellen 06Nov20: pointing errors temporarily disabled)"
    2476           0 :              << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    2477             : 
    2478             :    /*
    2479             :         doVP_p = false; // Since this FTMachine includes PB
    2480             :         if (wprojPlanes_p<=1)
    2481             :           {
    2482             :             os << LogIO::NORMAL
    2483             :                << "You are using wprojplanes=1. Doing co-planar imaging "
    2484             :                << "(no w-projection needed)" 
    2485             :                << LogIO::POST;
    2486             :             os << "Performing pb-projection"
    2487             :                << LogIO::POST;
    2488             :           }
    2489             :         if((wprojPlanes_p>1)&&(wprojPlanes_p<64)) 
    2490             :           {
    2491             :             os << LogIO::WARN
    2492             :                << "No. of w-planes set too low for W projection - recommend at least 128"
    2493             :                << LogIO::POST;
    2494             :             os << "Performing pb + w-plane projection"
    2495             :                << LogIO::POST;
    2496             :           }
    2497             : //        epJ_p = new EPJones(*vs_p);
    2498             : //        epJ_p->load(epJTableName_p,"","diagonal");
    2499             :         if(!gvp_p) 
    2500             :           {
    2501             :             os << "Using defaults for primary beams used in gridding" << LogIO::POST;
    2502             :             gvp_p=new VPSkyJones(*ms_p, true, parAngleInc_p, squintType_p);
    2503             :           }
    2504             : //        ft_p = new PBWProjectFT(*ms_p, epJ, gvp_p, facets_p, cache_p/2, 
    2505             : //        doPointing, tile_p, paStep_p, 
    2506             : //        pbLimit_p, true);
    2507             : 
    2508             :         String cfCacheDirName = "cache";
    2509             :         if (mssel_p)
    2510             :           ft_p = new PBWProjectFT(*mssel_p, epJ_p, 
    2511             :           // gvp_p,
    2512             :                                   wprojPlanes_p, cache_p/2, 
    2513             :                                   cfCacheDirName,
    2514             :                                   applyPointingOffsets_p, doPBCorrection_p, 
    2515             :                                   tile_p, 
    2516             :                                   0.0, // Not required here. parAngleInc_p is used in gvp_p 
    2517             :                                   pbLimit_p, true);
    2518             :         else
    2519             :           ft_p = new PBWProjectFT(*ms_p, epJ_p, 
    2520             :                                   // gvp_p, 
    2521             :                                   wprojPlanes_p, cache_p/2, 
    2522             :                                   cfCacheDirName,
    2523             :                                   applyPointingOffsets_p, doPBCorrection_p, 
    2524             :                                   tile_p, 
    2525             :                                   0.0, // Not required here. parAngleInc_p is used in gvp_p 
    2526             :                                   pbLimit_p, true);
    2527             :         AlwaysAssert(ft_p, AipsError);
    2528             :         cft_p = new SimpleComponentFTMachine();
    2529             :         AlwaysAssert(cft_p, AipsError);
    2530             : 
    2531             :    */
    2532             :       }
    2533             :       else {
    2534          17 :         os << "Fourier transforms will use image centers as tangent points" << LogIO::POST;
    2535          17 :         ft_p = new GridFT(cache_p/2, tile_p, gridfunction_p, mLocation_p, padding_p);
    2536             :       }
    2537             :     }
    2538          27 :     AlwaysAssert(ft_p, AipsError);
    2539             : 
    2540             :     // tell ftmachine about the transformations in model images above - no.
    2541             :     //Vector<Int> dataspectralwindowids_p;
    2542             :     //Bool freqFrameValid_p = true;
    2543             :     //ft_p->setSpw(dataspectralwindowids_p, freqFrameValid_p);
    2544             : 
    2545          27 :     se_p = new SkyEquation ( *sm_p, *vs_p, *ft_p, *cft_p );
    2546             :     
    2547             :     // Now add any SkyJones that are needed    
    2548             :     // (vp_p is not applied to images if ftmachine=mosaic)
    2549          27 :     if(doVP_p) {
    2550          17 :       if (rec.asString("name")=="COMMONPB" && kpb !=PBMath::UNKNOWN ){
    2551             : //      String commonPBName;
    2552             : //      PBMath::nameCommonPB(kpb, commonPBName);          
    2553             : //      os << "SkyEquation using common PB "<<commonPBName<<" for beam calculation for telescope " << telescop << LogIO::POST;
    2554          17 :         vp_p=new VPSkyJones(msc, true, parAngleInc_p, squintType_p, skyPosThreshold_p);
    2555             :       } else {
    2556           0 :         PBMath myPB(rec);
    2557             : //      String whichPBMath;
    2558             : //      PBMathInterface::namePBClass(myPB.whichPBClass(), whichPBMath);
    2559             : //      os  << "SkyEquation using the PB defined by " << whichPBMath << " for beam calculation for telescope " << telescop << LogIO::POST;
    2560           0 :         vp_p= new VPSkyJones(telescop, myPB, parAngleInc_p, squintType_p, skyPosThreshold_p);
    2561           0 :         kpb=PBMath::DEFAULT;
    2562           0 :       }
    2563          17 :       vp_p->summary();
    2564          17 :       se_p->setSkyJones(*vp_p);
    2565             :     } else {
    2566          10 :       vp_p=0;
    2567             :     }
    2568          27 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2569           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2570           0 :     ms_p->unlock();     
    2571           0 :     if(mssel_p) mssel_p->lock();   
    2572           0 :     return false;
    2573           0 :   } 
    2574          27 :   return true;
    2575          27 : };
    2576             : 
    2577          27 : void Simulator::destroySkyEquation() 
    2578             : {
    2579          27 :   if(se_p) delete se_p; se_p=0;
    2580          27 :   if(sm_p) delete sm_p; sm_p=0;
    2581          27 :   if(vp_p) delete vp_p; vp_p=0;
    2582          27 :   if(componentList_p) delete componentList_p; componentList_p=0;
    2583             : 
    2584          50 :   for (Int model=0;model<Int(nmodels_p);model++) {
    2585          23 :     if(images_p[model]) delete images_p[model]; images_p[model]=0;
    2586             :   }
    2587          27 : };
    2588             : 
    2589             : 
    2590             : 
    2591             : 
    2592             : 
    2593             : 
    2594             : 
    2595             : 
    2596             : 
    2597             : 
    2598             : 
    2599             : 
    2600             : 
    2601             : 
    2602           2 : Bool Simulator::setlimits(const Double shadowLimit,
    2603             :                           const Quantity& elevationLimit)
    2604             : {
    2605             :   
    2606           4 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setlimits()", WHERE));
    2607             :   
    2608             :   try {
    2609             :     
    2610           2 :     sim_p->setFractionBlockageLimit( shadowLimit );
    2611           2 :     sim_p->setElevationLimit( elevationLimit );
    2612           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2613           0 :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2614           0 :     return false;
    2615           0 :   } 
    2616           2 :   return true;
    2617           2 : }
    2618             :       
    2619          30 : Bool Simulator::setauto(const Double autocorrwt) 
    2620             : {
    2621             :   
    2622          60 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setauto()", WHERE));
    2623             :   
    2624             :   try {
    2625             :     
    2626          30 :     sim_p->setAutoCorrelationWt(autocorrwt);
    2627             : 
    2628             :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2629             :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2630             :     return false;
    2631             :   } 
    2632          30 :   return true;
    2633          30 : }
    2634             :       
    2635         129 : void Simulator::makeVisSet() {
    2636             : 
    2637         129 :   if(vs_p) return;
    2638             :   
    2639          70 :   Block<int> sort(0);
    2640          70 :   sort.resize(5);
    2641          70 :   sort[0] = MS::FIELD_ID;
    2642          70 :   sort[1] = MS::FEED1;
    2643          70 :   sort[2] = MS::ARRAY_ID;
    2644          70 :   sort[3] = MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    2645          70 :   sort[4] = MS::TIME;
    2646          70 :   Matrix<Int> noselection;
    2647          70 :   if(mssel_p) {
    2648          70 :     vs_p = new VisSet(*mssel_p,sort,noselection);
    2649             :   }
    2650             :   else {
    2651           0 :     if (ms_p) 
    2652           0 :       vs_p = new VisSet(*ms_p,sort,noselection);
    2653             :     else
    2654           0 :       throw(AipsError("No measurement set open in Simulator."));
    2655             :   }
    2656          70 :   AlwaysAssert(vs_p, AipsError);
    2657             :   
    2658          70 : }
    2659             : 
    2660             : 
    2661             : 
    2662          10 : Bool Simulator::setoptions(const String& ftmachine, const Int cache, const Int tile,
    2663             :                               const String& gridfunction, const MPosition& mLocation,
    2664             :                               const Float padding, const Int facets, const Double maxData,
    2665             :                            const Int wprojPlanes)
    2666             : {
    2667          20 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setoptions()", WHERE));
    2668             :   
    2669          10 :   os << "Setting processing options" << LogIO::POST;
    2670             :   
    2671          10 :   sim_p->setMaxData(maxData*1024.0*1024.0);
    2672             : 
    2673          10 :   ftmachine_p=downcase(ftmachine);
    2674          10 :   if(cache>0) cache_p=cache;
    2675          10 :   if(tile>0) tile_p=tile;
    2676          10 :   gridfunction_p=downcase(gridfunction);
    2677          10 :   mLocation_p=mLocation;
    2678          10 :   if(padding>=1.0) {
    2679          10 :     padding_p=padding;
    2680             :   }
    2681          10 :   facets_p=facets;
    2682          10 :   wprojPlanes_p = wprojPlanes;
    2683             :   // Destroy the FTMachine
    2684          10 :   if(ft_p) {delete ft_p; ft_p=0;}
    2685          10 :   if(cft_p) {delete cft_p; cft_p=0;}
    2686             : 
    2687          10 :   return true;
    2688          10 : }
    2689             : 
    2690             : 
    2691           0 : Bool Simulator::detached() const
    2692             : {
    2693           0 :   return false;
    2694             : }
    2695             : 
    2696           0 : String Simulator::formatDirection(const MDirection& direction) {
    2697           0 :   MVAngle mvRa=direction.getAngle().getValue()(0);
    2698           0 :   MVAngle mvDec=direction.getAngle().getValue()(1);
    2699           0 :   ostringstream oss;
    2700           0 :   oss.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
    2701           0 :   oss.width(14);
    2702           0 :   oss << mvRa(0.0).string(MVAngle::TIME,8);
    2703           0 :   oss.width(14);
    2704           0 :   oss << mvDec.string(MVAngle::DIG2,8);
    2705           0 :   oss << "     " << MDirection::showType(direction.getRefPtr()->getType());
    2706           0 :   return String(oss);
    2707           0 : }
    2708             : 
    2709           0 : String Simulator::formatTime(const Double time) {
    2710           0 :   MVTime mvtime(Quantity(time, "s"));
    2711           0 :   return mvtime.string(MVTime::DMY,7);
    2712           0 : }
    2713             : 
    2714             : 
    2715             : 
    2716          43 : Bool Simulator::setdata(const Vector<Int>& spectralwindowids,
    2717             :                            const Vector<Int>& fieldids,
    2718             :                            const String& msSelect)
    2719             :   
    2720             : {
    2721             : 
    2722             :   
    2723          86 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("Simulator", "setdata()", WHERE));
    2724             : 
    2725          43 :   if(!ms_p) {
    2726             :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Program logic error: MeasurementSet pointer ms_p not yet set"
    2727           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
    2728           0 :     return false;
    2729             :   }
    2730             : 
    2731             :   try {
    2732             :     
    2733          43 :     os << "Selecting data" << LogIO::POST;
    2734             :     
    2735             :    // Map the selected spectral window ids to data description ids
    2736          43 :     MSDataDescColumns dataDescCol(ms_p->dataDescription());
    2737          43 :     Vector<Int> ddSpwIds=dataDescCol.spectralWindowId().getColumn();
    2738             : 
    2739          43 :     Vector<Int> datadescids(0);
    2740          86 :     for (uInt row=0; row<ddSpwIds.nelements(); row++) {
    2741          43 :       Bool found=false;
    2742          86 :       for (uInt j=0; j<spectralwindowids.nelements(); j++) {
    2743          43 :         if (ddSpwIds(row)==spectralwindowids(j)) found=true;
    2744             :       };
    2745          43 :       if (found) {
    2746          43 :         datadescids.resize(datadescids.nelements()+1,true);
    2747          43 :         datadescids(datadescids.nelements()-1)=row;
    2748             :       };
    2749             :     };
    2750             : 
    2751          43 :     if(vs_p) delete vs_p; vs_p=0;
    2752          43 :     if(mssel_p) delete mssel_p; mssel_p=0;
    2753             :       
    2754             :     // If a selection has been made then close the current MS
    2755             :     // and attach to a new selected MS. We do this on the original
    2756             :     // MS. 
    2757          43 :     if(fieldids.nelements()>0||datadescids.nelements()>0) {
    2758          43 :       os << "Performing selection on MeasurementSet" << LogIO::POST;
    2759          43 :       Table& original=*ms_p;
    2760             :       
    2761             :       // Now we make a condition to do the old FIELD_ID, SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID
    2762             :       // selection
    2763          43 :       TableExprNode condition;
    2764          43 :       String colf=MS::columnName(MS::FIELD_ID);
    2765          43 :       String cols=MS::columnName(MS::DATA_DESC_ID);
    2766          43 :       if(fieldids.nelements()>0&&datadescids.nelements()>0){
    2767          27 :         condition=original.col(colf).in(fieldids)&&original.col(cols).in(datadescids);
    2768          27 :         os << "Selecting on field and spectral window ids" << LogIO::POST;
    2769             :       }
    2770          16 :       else if(datadescids.nelements()>0) {
    2771          16 :         condition=original.col(cols).in(datadescids);
    2772          16 :         os << "Selecting on spectral window id" << LogIO::POST;
    2773             :       }
    2774           0 :       else if(fieldids.nelements()>0) {
    2775           0 :         condition=original.col(colf).in(fieldids);
    2776           0 :         os << "Selecting on field id" << LogIO::POST;
    2777             :       }
    2778             :       
    2779             :       // Now remake the original ms
    2780          43 :       mssel_p = new MeasurementSet(original(condition));
    2781             : 
    2782             :       //AlwaysAssert(mssel_p, AipsError);
    2783             :       //mssel_p->rename(msname_p+"/SELECTED_TABLE", Table::Scratch);
    2784          43 :       if(mssel_p->nrow()==0) {
    2785           0 :         delete mssel_p; mssel_p=0;
    2786             :         os << LogIO::WARN
    2787             :            << "Selection is empty: reverting to original MeasurementSet"
    2788           0 :            << LogIO::POST;
    2789           0 :         mssel_p=new MeasurementSet(original);
    2790             :       }
    2791             :       else {
    2792          43 :         mssel_p->flush();
    2793             :       }
    2794             : 
    2795          43 :     }
    2796             :     else {
    2797           0 :       mssel_p=new MeasurementSet(*ms_p);
    2798             :     }
    2799             :     {
    2800          43 :       Int len = msSelect.length();
    2801          43 :       Int nspace = msSelect.freq (' ');
    2802          43 :       Bool nullSelect=(msSelect.empty() || nspace==len);
    2803          43 :       if (!nullSelect) {
    2804           0 :         os << "Now applying selection string " << msSelect << LogIO::POST;
    2805             :         MeasurementSet* mssel_p2;
    2806             :         // Apply the TAQL selection string, to remake the original MS
    2807           0 :         String parseString="select from $1 where " + msSelect;
    2808           0 :         mssel_p2=new MeasurementSet(tableCommand(parseString,*mssel_p).table());
    2809           0 :         AlwaysAssert(mssel_p2, AipsError);
    2810             :         // Rename the selected MS as */SELECTED_TABLE2
    2811             :         //mssel_p2->rename(msname_p+"/SELECTED_TABLE2", Table::Scratch); 
    2812           0 :         if (mssel_p2->nrow()==0) {
    2813             :           os << LogIO::WARN
    2814             :              << "Selection string results in empty MS: "
    2815             :              << "reverting to original MeasurementSet"
    2816           0 :              << LogIO::POST;
    2817           0 :           delete mssel_p2;
    2818             :         } else {
    2819           0 :           if (mssel_p) {
    2820           0 :             delete mssel_p; 
    2821           0 :             mssel_p=mssel_p2;
    2822           0 :             mssel_p->flush();
    2823             :           }
    2824             :         }
    2825           0 :       } else {
    2826          43 :         os << "No selection string given" << LogIO::POST;
    2827             :       }
    2828             : 
    2829          43 :       if(mssel_p->nrow()!=ms_p->nrow()) {
    2830           1 :         os << "By selection " << ms_p->nrow() << " rows are reduced to "
    2831           1 :            << mssel_p->nrow() << LogIO::POST;
    2832             :       }
    2833             :       else {
    2834          42 :         os << "Selection did not drop any rows" << LogIO::POST;
    2835             :       }
    2836             :     }
    2837             :     
    2838             :     // Now create the VisSet
    2839          43 :     if(vs_p) delete vs_p; vs_p=0;
    2840          43 :     makeVisSet();
    2841             :     //Now assign the source directions to something selected or sensible
    2842             :     {
    2843             :       //Int fieldsel=0;
    2844          43 :       if(fieldids.nelements() >0) {
    2845             :         //fieldsel=fieldids(0);
    2846             :         // RI TODO does sim:setdata need this?
    2847          27 :         nField=fieldids.nelements();
    2848         514 :         for (Int i=0;i<nField;i++) {
    2849             :           // RI TODO check whether index in field column is just i or need
    2850             :           // to search for fieldid  
    2851         487 :           (vs_p->iter()).msColumns().field().name().get(i,sourceName_p[i]);
    2852         487 :           sourceDirection_p[i]=(vs_p->iter()).msColumns().field().phaseDirMeas(i); 
    2853         487 :           (vs_p->iter()).msColumns().field().code().get(i,calCode_p[i]);
    2854             :         }       
    2855             :       }
    2856             :     }
    2857          43 :     return true;
    2858          43 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2859             :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    2860           0 :        << LogIO::POST;
    2861           0 :     return false;
    2862           0 :   } 
    2863             :   return true;
    2864          43 : }
    2865             : 
    2866             : } // end namespace casa

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