LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementEquations - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 453 510 88.8 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 25 26 96.2 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             :  *
       3             :  *
       4             :  *  Created on: 2017/07/19
       5             :  *      Author: kana
       6             :  */
       7             : 
       8             : // STL
       9             : #include <ctype.h>
      10             : 
      11             : // cascore
      12             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/File.h>
      13             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      14             : 
      15             : #include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageFactory.h>
      16             : #include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMetaData.h>
      17             : #include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageMaskAttacher.h>
      18             : 
      19             : // casa
      20             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/SideBandSeparator.h>
      21             : 
      22             : using namespace std ;
      23             : using namespace casacore ;
      24             : 
      25             : namespace casa {
      26             : 
      27             : // constructors
      28          29 : SideBandSeparatorBase::SideBandSeparatorBase(const vector<string>& inputname)
      29             : {
      30          29 :   init();
      31          29 :   setInput(inputname);
      32             :   {// logging
      33          56 :         LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","SideBandSeparatorBase()", WHERE));
      34          28 :     os << "Found " << inputNames_.size() << " images." << LogIO::POST;
      35          28 :     os << "Input Data to be processed:" << LogIO::POST;
      36         192 :     for (size_t i = 0; i < inputNames_.size(); ++i) {
      37         164 :       os << "\t" << inputNames_[i] << LogIO::POST;
      38             :     }
      39          28 :   }
      40          33 : };
      41             : 
      42          28 : SideBandSeparatorBase::~SideBandSeparatorBase()
      43             : {
      44          28 : };
      45             : 
      46          29 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::init()
      47             : {
      48             :   // shifts
      49          29 :   initshift();
      50             :   // image list
      51          29 :   inputNames_.resize(0);
      52             :   // solution parameters
      53          29 :   otherside_ = false;
      54          29 :   doboth_ = false;
      55          29 :   rejlimit_ = 0.2;
      56          29 : };
      57             : 
      58          29 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::initshift()
      59             : {
      60             :   // shifts
      61          29 :   nshift_ = 0;
      62          29 :   nchan_ = 0;
      63          29 :   sigShift_.resize(0);
      64          29 :   imgShift_.resize(0);
      65          29 : };
      66             : 
      67          29 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::setInput(const vector<string>& inputname) {
      68          29 :   inputNames_.resize(0);
      69             :   // check existence of images
      70         194 :   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < inputname.size(); ++i) {
      71         165 :     if (checkFile(inputname[i], "d")) {
      72         165 :           inputNames_.push_back(inputname[i]);
      73             :         } else {
      74           0 :           inputNames_.resize(0);
      75           0 :           throw( AipsError("Could not find "+inputname[i]) );
      76             :         }
      77             :   }
      78          58 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","setImage()", WHERE));
      79          29 :   if (inputNames_.size() < 2)
      80           1 :           throw( AipsError("At least two valid input data are required for processing") );
      81          29 : }
      82             : 
      83          52 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::setShift(const vector<double> &shift, const bool signal)
      84             : {
      85         104 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","setShift()", WHERE));
      86          52 :   if (shift.size() != 0 && shift.size() != inputNames_.size())
      87           4 :           throw( AipsError("The number of shift should match that of images") );
      88          48 :   vector<double> *target = signal ? &sigShift_ : &imgShift_;
      89          48 :   target->resize(shift.size());
      90         316 :   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < shift.size(); i++)
      91         268 :           target->at(i) = - shift[i]; /// NOTE if spw shifts +3ch, need to shift back -3ch in operation.
      92             : 
      93          48 :   if (target->size() == 0) {
      94           2 :     os << "Channel shifts of " << (signal ? "SIGNAL" : "IMAGE") << " sideband are cleared." << LogIO::POST;
      95             :   } else {
      96          46 :     os << "Channel shifts of " << (signal ? "SIGNAL" : "IMAGE") << " sideband are set: ( ";
      97         314 :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < target->size(); i++) {
      98         268 :       os << (signal ? sigShift_[i] : imgShift_[i]);
      99         268 :       if (i != target->size()-1) os << " , ";
     100             :     }
     101          46 :     os << " ) [channels]" << LogIO::POST;
     102             :   }
     103          52 : };
     104             : 
     105          24 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::setThreshold(const double limit)
     106             : {
     107          48 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","setThreshold()", WHERE));
     108          24 :   if (limit <= 0 || limit >= 1.0)
     109           2 :     throw( AipsError("Rejection limit should be > 0.0 and < 1.0") );
     110             : 
     111          22 :   rejlimit_ = limit;
     112          22 :   os << "Rejection limit is set to " << rejlimit_ << LogIO::POST;
     113          24 : };
     114             : 
     115             : /////////////// PROTECTED FUNCTIONS //////////////////////
     116             : 
     117          16 : size_t SideBandSeparatorBase::setupShift()
     118             : {
     119          32 :           LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","setupShift()", WHERE));
     120          16 :         if (sigShift_.size() > 0 && imgShift_.size() > 0) {
     121          13 :                 return sigShift_.size();
     122           3 :         } else if (sigShift_.size() > 0 && imgShift_.size() == 0) {
     123           1 :                 os << "Channel shift set only for signal sideband. Assuming the same shift in the opposite direction." << LogIO::POST;
     124           1 :                 imgShift_.resize(sigShift_.size());
     125           7 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < sigShift_.size(); ++i) {
     126           6 :                         imgShift_[i] = - sigShift_[i];
     127             :                 }
     128           2 :         } else if (sigShift_.size() == 0 && imgShift_.size() > 0) {
     129           1 :                 os << "Channel shift set only for image sideband. Assuming the same shift in the opposite direction." << LogIO::POST;
     130           1 :                 sigShift_.resize(imgShift_.size());
     131           7 :                 for (size_t i = 0; i < imgShift_.size(); ++i) {
     132           6 :                         sigShift_[i] = - imgShift_[i];
     133             :                 }
     134             :         } else {
     135           1 :                 throw( AipsError("Channel shift was not been set.") );
     136             :         }
     137           2 :         return sigShift_.size();
     138          16 : }
     139             : 
     140         147 : Vector<bool> SideBandSeparatorBase::collapseMask(const Matrix<bool> &flagMat,
     141             :                                          const vector<uInt> &inIdvec,
     142             :                                          const bool signal)
     143             : {
     144         294 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","collapseFlag()", WHERE));
     145         147 :   if (inIdvec.size() == 0)
     146           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. Table index is not defined."));
     147         147 :   if (flagMat.ncolumn() != inIdvec.size())
     148           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The row number of input matrix is not conformant."));
     149         147 :   if (flagMat.nrow() != nchan_)
     150           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The channel size of input matrix is not conformant."));
     151             : 
     152         147 :   const size_t nspec = inIdvec.size();
     153             :   vector<double> *thisShift;
     154         147 :   if (signal == otherside_) {
     155             :     // (solve signal && solveother = T) OR (solve image && solveother = F)
     156          70 :     thisShift = &imgShift_;
     157             :   } else {
     158             :     // (solve signal && solveother = F) OR (solve image && solveother = T)
     159          77 :     thisShift =  &sigShift_;
     160             :  }
     161             : 
     162         147 :   Vector<bool> outflag(nchan_, true);
     163             :   double tempshift;
     164         147 :   Vector<bool> shiftvec(nchan_, true);
     165         147 :   Vector<bool> accflag(nchan_, true);
     166             :   uInt shiftId;
     167        1025 :   for (uInt i = 0 ; i < nspec; ++i) {
     168         878 :     shiftId = inIdvec[i];
     169         878 :     tempshift = - thisShift->at(shiftId);
     170         878 :     shiftFlag(flagMat.column(i), tempshift, shiftvec);
     171             :     // Now accumulate Mask (true only if all data is valid)
     172     3583118 :     for (uInt j = 0 ; j < nchan_ ; ++j)
     173             : //      accflag[j] |= shiftvec[j];
     174     3582240 :         accflag[j] &= shiftvec[j];
     175             :   }
     176         147 :   outflag = accflag;
     177             :   // Shift back Flag
     178             :   //cout << "Shifting FLAG back to " << thisShift->at(0) << " channels" << endl;
     179             :   //shiftFlag(accflag, thisShift->at(0), outflag);
     180             : 
     181         294 :   return outflag;
     182         147 : }
     183             : 
     184             : 
     185         147 : Vector<float> SideBandSeparatorBase::solve(const Matrix<float> &specmat,
     186             :                                    const vector<uInt> &inIdvec,
     187             :                                    const bool signal)
     188             : {
     189         294 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","solve()", WHERE));
     190         147 :   if (inIdvec.size() == 0)
     191           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. Table index is not defined."));
     192         147 :   if (specmat.ncolumn() != inIdvec.size())
     193           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The row number of input matrix is not conformant."));
     194         147 :   if (specmat.nrow() != nchan_)
     195           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The channel size of input matrix is not conformant."));
     196             : 
     197             : 
     198             :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Solving " << (signal ? "SIGNAL" : "IMAGE") << " sideband."
     199         147 :      << LogIO::POST;
     200             : 
     201         147 :   const size_t nspec = inIdvec.size();
     202             :   vector<double> *thisShift, *otherShift;
     203         147 :   if (signal == otherside_) {
     204             :     // (solve signal && solveother = T) OR (solve image && solveother = F)
     205          70 :     thisShift = &imgShift_;
     206          70 :     otherShift = &sigShift_;
     207          70 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Image sideband will be deconvolved." << LogIO::POST;
     208             :   } else {
     209             :     // (solve signal && solveother = F) OR (solve image && solveother = T)
     210          77 :     thisShift =  &sigShift_;
     211          77 :     otherShift = &imgShift_;
     212          77 :     os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Signal sideband will be deconvolved." << LogIO::POST;
     213             :  }
     214             : 
     215         147 :   vector<double> spshift(nspec);
     216         147 :   Matrix<float> shiftSpecmat(nchan_, nspec, 0.);
     217             :   double tempshift;
     218         147 :   Vector<float> shiftspvec;
     219             :   uInt shiftId;
     220        1025 :   for (uInt i = 0 ; i < nspec; i++) {
     221         878 :     shiftId = inIdvec[i];
     222         878 :     spshift[i] = otherShift->at(shiftId) - thisShift->at(shiftId);
     223         878 :     tempshift = - thisShift->at(shiftId);
     224         878 :     shiftspvec.reference(shiftSpecmat.column(i));
     225         878 :     shiftSpectrum(specmat.column(i), tempshift, shiftspvec);
     226             :   }
     227             : 
     228         147 :   Matrix<float> convmat(nchan_, nspec*(nspec-1)/2, 0.);
     229         147 :   vector<float> thisvec(nchan_, 0.);
     230             : 
     231             :   float minval, maxval;
     232             :   {//Debug
     233         147 :           minMax(minval, maxval, shiftSpecmat);
     234             :           os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Max/Min of input Matrix = (max: " << maxval
     235         147 :                           << ", min: " << minval << ")" << LogIO::POST;
     236             :   }
     237             : 
     238         147 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "starting deconvolution" << LogIO::POST;
     239         147 :   deconvolve(shiftSpecmat, spshift, rejlimit_, convmat);
     240             : 
     241             :   {//Debug
     242         147 :           minMax(minval, maxval, convmat);
     243             :           os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "Max/Min of output Matrix = (max: " << maxval
     244         147 :                           << ", min: " << minval << ")" << LogIO::POST;
     245             :   }
     246             : 
     247         147 :   aggregateMat(convmat, thisvec);
     248             : 
     249         147 :   if (!otherside_) return Vector<float>(thisvec);
     250             : 
     251             :   // subtract from the other side band.
     252           3 :   vector<float> othervec(nchan_, 0.);
     253           3 :   subtractFromOther(shiftSpecmat, thisvec, spshift, othervec);
     254           3 :   return Vector<float>(othervec);
     255         147 : };
     256             : 
     257             : 
     258         896 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::shiftSpectrum(const Vector<float> &invec,
     259             :                                   double shift,
     260             :                                   Vector<float> &outvec)
     261             : {
     262        1792 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","shiftSpectrum()", WHERE));
     263         896 :   if (invec.size() != nchan_)
     264           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of input vector differs from nchan_"));
     265         896 :   if (outvec.size() != nchan_)
     266           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of output vector differs from nchan_"));
     267             : 
     268             : //  cout <<  "Start shifting spectrum for " << shift << " channels" << endl;
     269             : 
     270             :   // tweak shift to be in 0 ~ nchan_-1
     271         896 :   if ( fabs(shift) > nchan_ ) shift = fmod(shift, nchan_);
     272         896 :   if (shift < 0.) shift += nchan_;
     273         896 :   double rweight = fmod(shift, 1.);
     274         896 :   if (rweight < 0.) rweight += 1.;
     275         896 :   double lweight = 1. - rweight;
     276             :   uInt lchan, rchan;
     277             : 
     278         896 :   outvec = 0;
     279     3656576 :   for (uInt i = 0 ; i < nchan_ ; i++) {
     280     3655680 :     lchan = uInt( floor( fmod( (i + shift), nchan_ ) ) );
     281             :     if (lchan < 0.) lchan += nchan_;
     282     3655680 :     rchan = ( (lchan + 1) % nchan_ );
     283     3655680 :     outvec(lchan) += invec(i) * lweight;
     284     3655680 :     outvec(rchan) += invec(i) * rweight;
     285             : 
     286             : //    if (i == 2350 || i== 2930) {
     287             : //      cout << "Channel= " << i << " of input vector: " << endl;
     288             : //      cout << "L channel = " << lchan << endl;
     289             : //      cout << "R channel = " << rchan << endl;
     290             : //      cout << "L weight = " << lweight << endl;
     291             : //      cout << "R weight = " << rweight << endl;
     292             : //    }
     293             :   }
     294         896 : };
     295             : 
     296             : 
     297         878 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::shiftFlag(const Vector<bool> &invec,
     298             :                                   double shift,
     299             :                                   Vector<bool> &outvec)
     300             : {
     301        1756 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","shiftFlag()", WHERE));
     302         878 :   if (invec.size() != nchan_)
     303           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of input vector differs from nchan_"));
     304         878 :   if (outvec.size() != nchan_)
     305           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of output vector differs from nchan_"));
     306             : 
     307             : //  cout << "Start shifting flag for " << shift << "channels" << endl;
     308             : 
     309             :   // shift is almost integer think it as int.
     310             :   // tolerance should be in 0 - 1
     311         878 :   double tolerance = 0.01;
     312             :   // tweak shift to be in 0 ~ nchan_-1
     313         878 :   if ( fabs(shift) > nchan_ ) shift = fmod(shift, nchan_);
     314         878 :   if (shift < 0.) shift += nchan_;
     315         878 :   double rweight = fmod(shift, 1.);
     316         878 :   bool ruse(true), luse(true);
     317         878 :   if (rweight < 0.) rweight += 1.;
     318         878 :   if (rweight < tolerance){
     319             :     // the shift is almost lchan
     320         878 :     ruse = false;
     321         878 :     luse = true;
     322             :   }
     323         878 :   if (rweight > 1-tolerance){
     324             :     // the shift is almost rchan
     325           0 :     ruse = true;
     326           0 :     luse = false;
     327             :   }
     328             :   uInt lchan, rchan;
     329             : 
     330         878 :   outvec = false;
     331     3583118 :   for (uInt i = 0 ; i < nchan_ ; i++) {
     332     3582240 :     lchan = uInt( floor( fmod( (i + shift), nchan_ ) ) );
     333             :     if (lchan < 0.) lchan += nchan_;
     334     3582240 :     rchan = ( (lchan + 1) % nchan_ );
     335     3582240 :     outvec(lchan) |= (invec(i) && luse);
     336     3582240 :     outvec(rchan) |= (invec(i) && ruse);
     337             : 
     338             : //    if (i == 2350 || i == 2930) {
     339             : //      cout << "Channel= " << i << " of input vector: " << endl;
     340             : //      cout << "L channel = " << lchan << endl;
     341             : //      cout << "R channel = " << rchan << endl;
     342             : //      cout << "L channel will be " << (luse ? "used" : "ignored") << endl;
     343             : //      cout << "R channel will be " << (ruse ? "used" : "ignored") << endl;
     344             : //    }
     345             :   }
     346         878 : };
     347             : 
     348             : 
     349         147 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::deconvolve(Matrix<float> &specmat,
     350             :                                const vector<double> shiftvec,
     351             :                                const double threshold,
     352             :                                Matrix<float> &outmat)
     353             : {
     354         294 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","deconvolve()", WHERE));
     355         147 :   if (specmat.nrow() != nchan_)
     356           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of input matrix differs from nchan_"));
     357         147 :   if (specmat.ncolumn() != shiftvec.size())
     358           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The number of input shifts and spectrum  differs."));
     359             : 
     360             :   float minval, maxval;
     361             :   {//Debug
     362         147 :           minMax(minval, maxval, specmat);
     363             :           os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "Max/Min of input Matrix = (max: " << maxval
     364         147 :                           << ", min: " << minval << ")" << LogIO::POST;
     365             :   }
     366             : 
     367         147 :   uInt ninsp = shiftvec.size();
     368         147 :   outmat.resize(nchan_, ninsp*(ninsp-1)/2, 0.);
     369         147 :   Matrix<Complex> fftspmat(nchan_/2+1, ninsp, Complex(0.));
     370         147 :   Vector<float> rvecref(nchan_, 0.);
     371         147 :   Vector<Complex> cvecref(nchan_/2+1, Complex(0.));
     372         147 :   uInt icol = 0;
     373         147 :   unsigned int nreject = 0;
     374             : 
     375         147 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "Starting initial FFT. The number of input spectra = " << ninsp << LogIO::POST;
     376         147 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "out matrix has ncolumn = " << outmat.ncolumn() << LogIO::POST;
     377             : 
     378        1025 :   for (uInt isp = 0 ; isp < ninsp ; isp++) {
     379         878 :     rvecref.reference( specmat.column(isp) );
     380         878 :     cvecref.reference( fftspmat.column(isp) );
     381             : 
     382             :     {//Debug
     383         878 :         minMax(minval, maxval, rvecref);
     384             :         os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Max/Min of inv FFTed Matrix = (max: " << maxval
     385         878 :                         << ", min: " << minval << ")" << LogIO::POST;
     386             :     }
     387             : 
     388         878 :     fftsf.fft0(cvecref, rvecref, true);
     389             :   }
     390             : 
     391             :   //Liberate from reference
     392         147 :   rvecref.unique();
     393             : 
     394         147 :   Vector<Complex> cspec(nchan_/2+1, Complex(0.));
     395         147 :   const double PI = 6.0 * asin(0.5);
     396         147 :   const double nchani = 1. / (float) nchan_;
     397         147 :   const Complex trans(0., 1.);
     398             : 
     399         147 :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "starting actual deconvolution" << LogIO::POST;
     400        1025 :   for (uInt j = 0 ; j < ninsp ; j++) {
     401        3069 :     for (uInt k = j+1 ; k < ninsp ; k++) {
     402        2191 :       const double dx = (shiftvec[k] - shiftvec[j]) * 2. * PI * nchani;
     403             : 
     404     4474022 :       for (uInt ichan = 0 ; ichan < cspec.size() ; ichan++){
     405     4471831 :           cspec[ichan] = ( fftspmat(ichan, j) + fftspmat(ichan, k) )*0.5;
     406     4471831 :           double phase = dx*ichan;
     407     4471831 :           if ( fabs( sin(phase) ) > threshold){
     408     7743100 :                   cspec[ichan] += ( fftspmat(ichan, j) - fftspmat(ichan, k) ) * 0.5
     409    11614650 :                                   * trans * cos(0.5*phase) / sin(0.5*phase);
     410             : //                          * trans * sin(phase) / ( 1. - cos(phase) );
     411             :           } else {
     412      600281 :                   nreject++;
     413             :           }
     414             :       } // end of channel loop
     415             : //      os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "done calculation of cspec" << LogIO::POST;
     416             : 
     417        2191 :       Vector<Float> rspec;
     418        2191 :       rspec.reference( outmat.column(icol) );
     419             : 
     420             : //      os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "Starting inverse FFT. icol = " << icol << LogIO::POST;
     421        2191 :       fftsi.fft0(rspec, cspec, false);
     422             : 
     423        2191 :       icol++;
     424        2191 :     }
     425             :   }
     426             : 
     427             :   {//Debug
     428         147 :           minMax(minval, maxval, outmat);
     429         147 :           os << LogIO::DEBUG1 <<  "Max/Min of inv FFTed Matrix = (max: " << maxval << ", min: " << minval << ")" << LogIO::POST;
     430             :   }
     431             : 
     432             :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Threshold = " << threshold
     433         147 :                   << ", Rejected channels = " << nreject << LogIO::POST;
     434         147 : };
     435             : 
     436             : 
     437         150 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::aggregateMat(const Matrix<float> &inmat,
     438             :                                  vector<float> &outvec)
     439             : {
     440         300 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","aggregateMat()", WHERE));
     441         150 :   if (inmat.nrow() != nchan_)
     442           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The row numbers of input matrix differs from nchan_"));
     443             : //   if (outvec.size() != nchan_)
     444             : //     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The size of output vector should be equal to nchan_"));
     445             : 
     446             :   os << LogIO::DEBUG1 << "Averaging " << inmat.ncolumn() << " spectra in the input matrix."
     447         150 :      << LogIO::POST;
     448             : 
     449         150 :   const uInt nspec = inmat.ncolumn();
     450         150 :   const double scale = 1./( (double) nspec );
     451             :   // initialize values with 0
     452         150 :   outvec.assign(nchan_, 0);
     453        2359 :   for (uInt isp = 0 ; isp < nspec ; isp++) {
     454     9014929 :     for (uInt ich = 0 ; ich < nchan_ ; ich++) {
     455     9012720 :       outvec[ich] += inmat(ich, isp);
     456             :     }
     457             :   }
     458             : 
     459         150 :   vector<float>::iterator iter;
     460      612150 :   for (iter = outvec.begin(); iter != outvec.end(); iter++){
     461      612000 :     *iter *= scale;
     462             :   }
     463         150 : };
     464             : 
     465           3 : void SideBandSeparatorBase::subtractFromOther(const Matrix<float> &shiftmat,
     466             :                                       const vector<float> &invec,
     467             :                                       const vector<double> &shift,
     468             :                                       vector<float> &outvec)
     469             : {
     470           6 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","subtractFromOther()", WHERE));
     471           3 :   if (shiftmat.nrow() != nchan_)
     472           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The row numbers of input matrix differs from nchan_"));
     473           3 :   if (invec.size() != nchan_)
     474           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The length of input vector should be nchan_"));
     475           3 :   if (shift.size() != shiftmat.ncolumn())
     476           0 :     throw(AipsError("Internal error. The column numbers of input matrix != the number of elements in shift"));
     477             : 
     478           3 :   const uInt nspec = shiftmat.ncolumn();
     479           3 :   Vector<float> subsp(nchan_, 0.), shiftsub;
     480           3 :   Matrix<float> submat(nchan_, nspec, 0.);
     481          21 :   for (uInt isp = 0 ; isp < nspec ; isp++) {
     482       73458 :     for (uInt ich = 0; ich < nchan_ ; ich++) {
     483       73440 :       subsp(ich) = shiftmat(ich, isp) - invec[ich];
     484             :     }
     485          18 :     shiftsub.reference(submat.column(isp));
     486             :     // shift back spectrum so that other side stays still.
     487          18 :     shiftSpectrum(subsp, -shift[isp], shiftsub);
     488             :   }
     489             : 
     490           3 :   aggregateMat(submat, outvec);
     491           3 : };
     492             : 
     493         680 : bool SideBandSeparatorBase::interpolateMaskedChannels(Array<float> spectrum,
     494             :                 const Array<bool> mask)
     495             : {
     496             : //      if (spectrum.ndim() != 1 || mask.ndim() != 1)
     497             : //              throw AipsError("Array arguments must be 1-dimension.");
     498         680 :         if (spectrum.size() != mask.size())
     499           0 :                 throw AipsError("Size mismatch between spectrum and mask.");
     500         680 :         size_t num_chan = spectrum.size();
     501         680 :         float* spectrum_p =;
     502         680 :         const bool* mask_p =;
     503             :         // get the first and the last valid channel IDs.
     504         680 :         size_t ledge=0, redge=num_chan-1;
     505      937424 :         while (!mask_p[ledge] && ledge < num_chan-1) {
     506      936744 :                 ++ledge;
     507             :         }
     508      937424 :         while (!mask_p[redge] && redge > 0) {
     509      936744 :                 --redge;
     510             :         }
     511             :         // Return if no valid channel
     512         680 :         if (redge < ledge) return false;
     513             :         // Nearest-neighbor for edges;
     514       56144 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < ledge; ++i) spectrum_p[i] = spectrum_p[ledge];
     515       56144 :         for (size_t i = num_chan-1; i > redge; --i) spectrum_p[i] = spectrum_p[redge];
     516             :         // Linear interpolation for intermediate gaps
     517         464 :         size_t mstart = -1, mend = -1, i0;
     518             :         float slope;
     519     1781296 :         for (size_t i = ledge+1; i < redge; ++i) {
     520     1780832 :                 if (!mask_p[i]) {
     521             :                         // the first masked channel
     522           0 :                         mstart=i;
     523             :                         // the last valid channel
     524           0 :                         i0 = mstart-1;
     525             :                         // search for the end of masked channel range
     526           0 :                         while(!mask_p[i] && i < redge) {
     527           0 :                                 mend = i;
     528           0 :                                 ++i;
     529             :                         }
     530             :                         // 'mend' points to the last masked channel
     531             :                         // while 'i' points to the next valid channel
     532           0 :                         slope = (spectrum_p[i] - spectrum_p[i0])/static_cast<float>(i-i0);
     533           0 :                         for (size_t j = mstart; j < mend+1; ++j) {
     534           0 :                                 spectrum_p[j] = slope*static_cast<float>(j-i0) + spectrum_p[i0];
     535             :                         }
     536           0 :                         mstart = -1;
     537           0 :                         mend = -1;
     538             :                 }
     539             :         }
     540         464 :         return true;
     541             : }
     542             : 
     543         190 : Bool SideBandSeparatorBase::checkFile(const string name, string type)
     544             : {
     545         190 :   File file(name);
     546         190 :   if (!file.exists()){
     547          18 :     return false;
     548         172 :   } else if (type.empty()) {
     549           0 :     return true;
     550             :   } else {
     551             :     // Check for file type
     552         172 :     switch (std::tolower(type[0])) {
     553           0 :     case 'f':
     554           0 :       return file.isRegular(True);
     555         172 :     case 'd':
     556         172 :       return file.isDirectory(True);
     557           0 :     case 's':
     558           0 :       return file.isSymLink();
     559           0 :     default:
     560           0 :       throw AipsError("Invalid file type. Available types are 'file', 'directory', and 'symlink'.");
     561             :     }
     562             :   }
     563         190 : };
     564             : 
     565             : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     566          29 : SideBandSeparatorII::SideBandSeparatorII(const std::vector<std::string>& imagename)
     567          29 : : SideBandSeparatorBase (imagename)
     568             : {
     569          28 :         initLocal();
     570          28 :         checkImage();
     571          28 : };
     572             : 
     573          28 : void SideBandSeparatorII::initLocal() {
     574          28 :         refFreqPix_ = 0.0;
     575          28 :         refFreqHz_ = -1.0;
     576          28 : }
     577             : 
     578          28 : void SideBandSeparatorII::checkImage() {
     579          56 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","setImage()", WHERE));
     580             : 
     581             :   // check image axes (npix, incr, ref, ndim)
     582          28 :   os << "Image axes check. Using the first image as the template" << LogIO::POST;
     583          28 :   CoordinateSystem csys0;
     584          28 :   IPosition npix0;
     585          28 :   if (!getImageCoordinate(inputNames_[0], csys0, npix0)) {
     586           0 :           throw( AipsError("Invalid image "+inputNames_[0]) );
     587             :   }
     588             :   // Summary
     589          28 :   os << "Template image coordinate:" << LogIO::POST;
     590          28 :   os << "\tndim\t" << csys0.nCoordinates() << LogIO::POST;
     591          28 :   os << "\tAxes\t" << csys0.worldAxisNames() << LogIO::POST;
     592          28 :   os << "\tnPix\t" << npix0 << LogIO::POST;
     593          28 :   os << "\tRefPix\t" << csys0.referencePixel() << LogIO::POST;
     594          28 :   os << "\tRefPValt" << csys0.referenceValue() << LogIO::POST;
     595          28 :   os << "\tIncr\t" << csys0.increment() << LogIO::POST;
     596             : 
     597         164 :   for (size_t i = 1; i < inputNames_.size(); ++i){
     598         136 :           if(!compareImageAxes(inputNames_[i], csys0, npix0))
     599           0 :                   throw( AipsError("Image axes mismatch: "+inputNames_[0]) );
     600             :   }
     601          28 : }
     602             : 
     603         164 : bool SideBandSeparatorII::getImageCoordinate(const string& imagename, CoordinateSystem &csys, IPosition &npix) {
     604         328 :           LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","setImage()", WHERE));
     605         164 :           auto ret = ImageFactory::fromFile(imagename);
     606         164 :       auto imageF = std::get<0>(ret);
     607         164 :       if (imageF) { //float image
     608         164 :                   os << "Found float image" << LogIO::POST;
     609         164 :                   npix = imageF->shape();
     610         164 :                   ImageMetaData<Float> immd(imageF);
     611         164 :                   vector<Int> myAxes;
     612         164 :                   csys =  immd.coordsys(myAxes);
     613         164 :                   return true;
     614         164 :           } else if (std::get<1>(ret)) { // complex image
     615           0 :                   os << "Found complex image" << LogIO::POST;
     616           0 :                   return false;
     617           0 :           } else if (std::get<2>(ret)) { // double image
     618           0 :                   os << "Found double image" << LogIO::POST;
     619           0 :                   return false;
     620           0 :           } else if (std::get<3>(ret)) { // complex double image
     621           0 :                   os << "Found complex double image" << LogIO::POST;
     622           0 :                   return false;
     623             :           } else {
     624           0 :                   os << LogIO::WARN << "Failed to open " << imagename << LogIO::POST;
     625           0 :                   return false;
     626             :           }
     627         164 : }
     628             : 
     629         136 : bool SideBandSeparatorII::compareImageAxes(const string& imagename, const CoordinateSystem &refcsys, const IPosition &refnpix)
     630             : {
     631         136 :         CoordinateSystem csys;
     632         136 :         IPosition npix;
     633         136 :         if (!getImageCoordinate(imagename, csys, npix)) {
     634           0 :                 throw( AipsError("Invalid image "+imagename) );
     635             :         }
     636         136 :         uInt ndim = refcsys.nWorldAxes();
     637         136 :         if (csys.nWorldAxes() != ndim || refnpix.size() != ndim || npix.size() != ndim) {
     638           0 :                 return false;
     639             :         }
     640         136 :         bool match = true;
     641         136 :         constexpr Double frac_tol = 0.1;
     642         544 :         for (uInt i = 0; i<refcsys.nCoordinates(); ++i) {
     643         408 :                 Double tolerance = frac_tol*abs(refcsys.increment()[i]);
     644         408 :                 match &= (npix[i]==refnpix[i]); // npix
     645         408 :                 match &= (abs(csys.increment()[i]-refcsys.increment()[i]) < tolerance); // incr
     646         408 :                 if (refcsys.type(i) == Coordinate::SPECTRAL) continue; // skip channel comparison
     647         272 :                 match &= (abs(csys.referencePixel()[i]-refcsys.referencePixel()[i]) < frac_tol); // refpix
     648         272 :                 match &= (abs(csys.referenceValue()[i]-refcsys.referenceValue()[i]) < tolerance); // refval
     649             :         }
     650         136 :         return match;
     651         136 : }
     652             : 
     653           9 : void SideBandSeparatorII::setImageBandFrequency(const double refpix, const Quantity refval)
     654             : {
     655          18 :     LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","setImageBandFrequency()", WHERE));
     656          10 :         double freq_hz = refval.getValue("Hz", True);
     657           8 :         if (freq_hz < 0.0) throw( AipsError("Frequency should be positive") );
     658           7 :         refFreqPix_ = refpix;
     659           7 :         refFreqHz_ = freq_hz;
     660           7 :         os << "Setting frequency axis of image band: " << refFreqHz_*1.e-9
     661           7 :                         << "GHz at channel " << refFreqPix_ << LogIO::POST;
     662           9 : }
     663             : 
     664          19 : void SideBandSeparatorII::separate(const string& outfile, const bool overwrite)
     665             : {
     666          38 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SideBandSeparatorBase","separate()", WHERE));
     667             :   /*** Check outputs ***/
     668          19 :   if (outfile.size() == 0)
     669           1 :           throw( AipsError("Output file name is undefined."));
     670          18 :   string const signame = outfile + ".signalband";
     671          18 :   string const imgname = outfile + ".imageband";
     672          18 :   if (checkFile(signame, "d") && !overwrite) {
     673           1 :                   throw( AipsError("Image "+signame+" already exists.") );
     674             :   }
     675          17 :   if (doboth_ && checkFile(imgname, "d") && !overwrite) {
     676           1 :           throw( AipsError("Image "+imgname+" already exists.") );
     677             :   }
     678             : 
     679             :   /*** Set up channel shift of image and signal sideband ***/
     680          16 :   nshift_ = setupShift();
     681          15 :   if (nshift_ < 2)
     682           0 :     throw( AipsError("At least 2 IFs are necessary for convolution.") );
     683          15 :   if (nshift_ != inputNames_.size())
     684           0 :             throw( AipsError("Internal error: nshift_ and image number differs.") );
     685             : 
     686             :   /*** Open input images (data model dependent) ***/
     687          15 :   vector<SPIIF> images(nshift_);
     688         101 :   for (size_t i = 0; i < nshift_; ++i) {
     689          86 :           auto ret = ImageFactory::fromFile(inputNames_[i]);
     690          86 :       auto imageF = std::get<0>(ret);
     691          86 :       if (! imageF)
     692           0 :                   throw( AipsError("Float image not found in "+inputNames_[i]) );
     693          86 :           images[i] = imageF;
     694          86 :   }
     695             :   /*** analyze axis of reference image (data model dependent) ***/
     696          15 :   SPIIF refImage = images[0];
     697          15 :   IPosition const npix = refImage->shape();
     698          15 :   uInt const ndim = npix.size();
     699          15 :   ImageMetaData<Float> const immd(refImage);
     700          15 :   vector<Int> myAxes;
     701          15 :   CoordinateSystem const csys =  immd.coordsys(myAxes);
     702          15 :   if (!csys.hasSpectralAxis())
     703           0 :           throw( AipsError("Could not find spectral axis.") );
     704          15 :   Int spax_id = csys.spectralAxisNumber();
     705          15 :   nchan_ = npix[spax_id];
     706          15 :   IPosition specArrayShape(ndim, 1), specVecShape(1, nchan_);
     707          15 :   specArrayShape[spax_id] = nchan_;
     708             : 
     709             :   /*** prepare output image (data model dependent) ***/
     710          15 :   SPIIF sigImg, imgImg;
     711          15 :   sigImg = ImageFactory::createImage<Float>(signame, csys, npix, True, overwrite, nullptr);
     712          15 :   if (doboth_) {
     713             :           /*** define frequency coordinate of image sideband ***/
     714           6 :           CoordinateSystem imgcsys(csys);
     715           6 :           if (refFreqHz_ < 0.0) {
     716           0 :                   os << LogIO::WARN << "Frequency information of image sideband is not set. Using the value of signal sideband" << LogIO::POST;
     717             :           } else {
     718           6 :                   Int spax_id = imgcsys.spectralAxisNumber();
     719           6 :                   Vector<Double> refpix = imgcsys.referencePixel();
     720           6 :                   Vector<Double> refval = imgcsys.referenceValue();
     721           6 :                   Vector<Double> incr = imgcsys.increment();
     722           6 :                   refpix[spax_id] = refFreqPix_;
     723           6 :                   refval[spax_id] = refFreqHz_;
     724           6 :                   incr[spax_id] *= -1.0;
     725           6 :                   imgcsys.setReferencePixel(refpix);
     726           6 :                   imgcsys.setReferenceValue(refval);
     727           6 :                   imgcsys.setIncrement(incr);
     728           6 :           }
     729           6 :           imgImg = ImageFactory::createImage<Float>(imgname, imgcsys, npix, True, overwrite, nullptr);
     730           6 :   }
     731             : 
     732          15 :   Matrix<float> specMat(nchan_, nshift_);
     733          15 :   Matrix<bool> maskMat(nchan_, nshift_);
     734          15 :   Array<float> sigSpec(specVecShape), imgSpec(specVecShape);
     735          15 :   Array<bool> sigMask(specVecShape), imgMask(specVecShape);
     736          15 :   vector<uInt> dataIdvec;
     737             : 
     738             :   /*** Generate FFTServer ***/
     739          15 :   fftsf.resize(IPosition(1, nchan_), FFTEnums::REALTOCOMPLEX);
     740          15 :   fftsi.resize(IPosition(1, nchan_), FFTEnums::COMPLEXTOREAL);
     741             : 
     742             :   /*** Loop over image pixel and separate sideband (data model dependent) ***/
     743          15 :   IPosition start(ndim), end(ndim), stride(ndim);
     744         129 :   for (int ipos = 0; ipos < npix.product()/nchan_; ipos++){
     745         114 :           dataIdvec.resize(0);
     746             :           /*** convert 1-D ipos to slicer in image coordinate ***/
     747         114 :           uInt denominator = 1;
     748         570 :           for (uInt i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
     749         456 :                   if ((Int) i == spax_id) {
     750         114 :                           start(i) = 0;
     751         114 :                           end(i) = nchan_-1;
     752         114 :                           stride(i) = 1;
     753         114 :                           denominator *= nchan_;
     754             :                   } else {
     755         342 :                           uInt pos = ((ipos/denominator) % npix[i]);
     756         342 :                           start(i) = pos;
     757         342 :                           end(i) = pos;
     758         342 :                           stride(i) = npix[i];
     759         342 :                           denominator *= npix[i];
     760             :                   }
     761             :           }
     762         114 :           Slicer const specSlicer(start, end, stride, Slicer::endIsLast);
     763             :     /*** Get a set of spectra to solve (data model dependent) ***/
     764         114 :     if (!getSpectraToSolve(images, specSlicer, specMat, maskMat, dataIdvec)){
     765          36 :         sigSpec = 0.0f;
     766          36 :         imgSpec = 0.0f;
     767          36 :         sigMask = false;
     768          36 :         imgMask = false;
     769             :     } else {
     770             :         /*** Solve signal sideband ***/
     771          78 :         sigSpec = solve(specMat, dataIdvec, true);
     772             :         /*** Aggregate channel mask  ***/
     773          78 :         sigMask = collapseMask(maskMat, dataIdvec, true);
     774          78 :         if (doboth_) {
     775             :           /*** Solve image sideband  ***/
     776          69 :           imgSpec = solve(specMat, dataIdvec, false);
     777             :           /*** Aggregate channel mask  ***/
     778          69 :           imgMask = collapseMask(maskMat, dataIdvec, false);
     779             :         }
     780             :     }
     781             :     /*** Signal side band ***/
     782             :     /*** now assign spec and mask to output image (data model dependent) ***/
     783         114 :     sigImg->putSlice(sigSpec.reform(specArrayShape), start, stride);
     784             :     /*** need to create a pixel mask if not any (data model dependent) ***/
     785         114 :     if (! sigImg->hasPixelMask()) {
     786          15 :         casacore::String maskName("");
     787          15 :         ImageMaskAttacher::makeMask(*sigImg, maskName, true, true, os, true);
     788          15 :     }
     789         114 :     sigImg->pixelMask().putSlice(sigMask.reform(specArrayShape), start, stride);
     790             :     /*** Image side band ***/
     791         114 :     if (doboth_) {
     792             :         /*** now assign spec and mask to output image  (data model dependent) ***/
     793         105 :         imgImg->putSlice(imgSpec.reform(specArrayShape), start, stride);
     794             :         /*** need to create a pixel mask if not any  (data model dependent) ***/
     795         105 :         if (! imgImg->hasPixelMask()) {
     796           6 :             casacore::String maskName("");
     797           6 :             ImageMaskAttacher::makeMask(*imgImg, maskName, true, true, os, true);
     798           6 :         }
     799         105 :         imgImg->pixelMask().putSlice(imgMask.reform(specArrayShape), start, stride);
     800             :     }
     801         114 :   } // end of row loop
     802             :   /*** Finally, save tables on disk (data model dependent) ***/
     803          15 :   sigImg.reset();
     804          15 :   imgImg.reset();
     805             : 
     806          25 : }
     807             : 
     808         114 : bool SideBandSeparatorII::getSpectraToSolve(const vector<SPIIF> &images, const Slicer &slicer,
     809             :                   Matrix<float>& specMat, Matrix<bool>& maskMat, vector<uInt>& imgIdvec){
     810         114 :         imgIdvec.resize(0);
     811         114 :         specMat.resize(nchan_, nshift_);
     812         114 :         maskMat.resize(nchan_, nshift_);
     813         114 :         Array<float> spec(IPosition(1,nchan_));
     814         114 :         Array<bool> mask(IPosition(1,nchan_));
     815         114 :         size_t nspec = 0;
     816         794 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i) {
     817         680 :                 images[i]->getSlice(spec, slicer, False);
     818         680 :                 images[i]->getMaskSlice(mask, slicer, False);
     819             :                 // Do interpolation of masked channels.
     820             :                 // The method return false if there is no valid data (mask is true for valid pixels)
     821             :                 // Skip if no valid channel in this spectrum
     822         680 :                 if (!interpolateMaskedChannels(spec, mask)) continue;
     823             :                 // register this spectrum and mask to matrices to solve
     824         464 :                 specMat.column(nspec) = spec;
     825         464 :                 maskMat.column(nspec) = mask;
     826         464 :                 imgIdvec.push_back((uInt) i);
     827         464 :                 ++nspec;
     828             :         } // end of image loop
     829         114 :         if (nspec < nshift_) {
     830          36 :                 specMat.resize(nchan_, nspec, true);
     831          36 :                 maskMat.resize(nchan_, nspec, true);
     832             :         }
     833         114 :         return nspec > 0;
     834         114 : }
     835             : 
     836             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END

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