LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementEquations - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 405 942 43.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 24 34 70.6 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation of Cube Optimized Sky Equation classes
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 2007
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       7             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       8             : //# option) any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      13             : //# License for more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      16             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      17             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id$
      27             : 
      28             : #include <iostream>
      29             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Complex.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/MatrixMath.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/HostInfo.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/casa/System/ProgressMeter.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
      38             : 
      39             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/DirectionCoordinate.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/StokesCoordinate.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/lattices/LEL/LatticeExpr.h>
      43             : 
      44             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/SkyModel.h>
      45             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/CubeSkyEquation.h>
      46             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SkyJones.h>
      47             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/FTMachine.h>
      48             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SetJyGridFT.h>
      49             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/GridFT.h>
      50             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/MosaicFT.h>
      51             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/MultiTermFT.h>
      52             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/NewMultiTermFT.h>
      53             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/GridBoth.h>
      54             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/WProjectFT.h>
      55             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/nPBWProjectFT.h>
      56             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/AWProjectFT.h>
      57             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/AWProjectWBFT.h>
      58             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/PBMosaicFT.h>
      59             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/WPConvFunc.h>
      60             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SimplePBConvFunc.h>
      61             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/ComponentFTMachine.h>
      62             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SynthesisError.h>
      63             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/StokesImageUtil.h>
      64             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/Utils.h>
      65             : #include <synthesis/Utilities/SigHandler.h>
      66             : #include <casacore/images/Images/ImageInterface.h>
      67             : #include <casacore/images/Images/SubImage.h>
      68             : 
      69             : #include <msvis/MSVis/StokesVector.h>
      70             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBufferUtil.h>
      71             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSet.h>
      72             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIterator.h>
      73             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer.h>
      74             : #ifdef _OPENMP
      75             : #include <omp.h>
      76             : #endif
      77             : 
      78             : using namespace casacore;
      79             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      80             : 
      81           0 : CubeSkyEquation::CubeSkyEquation(SkyModel& sm, VisSet& vs, FTMachine& ft,
      82           0 :                                  ComponentFTMachine& cft, Bool noModelCol)
      83             : : SkyEquation(sm, vs, ft, cft, noModelCol),
      84           0 :   destroyVisibilityIterator_p (false),
      85           0 :   internalChangesPut_p(false),
      86           0 :   internalChangesGet_p(false),
      87           0 :   firstOneChangesPut_p(false),
      88           0 :   firstOneChangesGet_p(false)
      89             : {
      90             : 
      91           0 :     init(ft);
      92             : 
      93           0 : }
      94             : 
      95         130 : CubeSkyEquation::CubeSkyEquation(SkyModel& sm, ROVisibilityIterator& vi, FTMachine& ft,
      96         130 :                                  ComponentFTMachine& cft, Bool noModelCol)
      97             : : SkyEquation(sm, vi, ft, cft, noModelCol),
      98         130 :   destroyVisibilityIterator_p (false),
      99         130 :   internalChangesPut_p(false),
     100         130 :   internalChangesGet_p(false),
     101         130 :   firstOneChangesPut_p(false),
     102         130 :   firstOneChangesGet_p(false)
     103             : {
     104         130 :     init(ft);
     105         130 : }
     106             : 
     107         130 : void CubeSkyEquation::init(FTMachine& ft){
     108         130 :   Int nmod=sm_->numberOfModels()/sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms();
     109             : 
     110         130 :   doflat_p=false;
     111             :   
     112             :   ///   if(sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms()>1) 
     113         130 :   if("MultiTermFT" ) 
     114             :     {
     115           0 :       nmod = (sm_->numberOfModels()/sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms()) * (2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1);
     116             :     }
     117             :   
     118             :   //case of component ft only
     119         130 :   if(nmod==0)
     120          97 :     nmod=1;
     121             :   
     122         130 :   ftm_p.resize(nmod, true);
     123         130 :   iftm_p.resize(nmod, true);
     124             :   
     125             :   //make a distinct ift_ as gridding and degridding can occur simultaneously
     126         130 :   if( == "MosaicFT"){
     127           0 :     ft_=new MosaicFT(static_cast<MosaicFT &>(ft));
     128           0 :     ift_=new MosaicFT(static_cast<MosaicFT &>(ft));
     129           0 :     ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     130           0 :     iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     131             :     //For mosaic ...outlier fields get normal GridFT's
     132             :     
     133           0 :     MPosition loc=ift_->getLocation();
     134           0 :     for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     135           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new GridFT(1000000, 16, "SF", loc, 1.0, false);
     136           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new GridFT(1000000, 16, "SF", loc, 1.0, false);
     137             :     }
     138           0 :   }
     139         130 :   else if( "WProjectFT"){
     140           0 :     ft_=new WProjectFT(static_cast<WProjectFT &>(ft));
     141           0 :     ift_=new WProjectFT(static_cast<WProjectFT &>(ft));
     142           0 :     ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     143           0 :     iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     144           0 :     CountedPtr<WPConvFunc> sharedconvFunc= new WPConvFunc( *(static_cast<WProjectFT &>(ft).getConvFunc()));
     145           0 :     static_cast<WProjectFT &>(ft).setConvFunc(sharedconvFunc);
     146           0 :     static_cast<WProjectFT &>(*ftm_p[0]).setConvFunc(sharedconvFunc);
     147           0 :     static_cast<WProjectFT &>(*iftm_p[0]).setConvFunc(sharedconvFunc);
     148             :     // For now have all the fields have WProjectFt machines....
     149             :     //but should be seperated between GridFT's for the outliers and 
     150             :     //WProject for the facets.
     151           0 :     for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     152           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new WProjectFT(static_cast<WProjectFT &>(*ft_));
     153           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new WProjectFT(static_cast<WProjectFT &>(*ift_));
     154             :       // Give each pair of FTMachine a convolution function set to share
     155           0 :       static_cast<WProjectFT &>(*ftm_p[k]).setConvFunc(sharedconvFunc);
     156           0 :       static_cast<WProjectFT &>(*iftm_p[k]).setConvFunc(sharedconvFunc);
     157             : 
     158             :     }
     159           0 :   }
     160         130 :   else if( "GridBoth"){
     161           0 :     ft_=new GridBoth(static_cast<GridBoth &>(ft));
     162           0 :     ift_=new GridBoth(static_cast<GridBoth &>(ft));
     163           0 :     ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     164           0 :     iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     165           0 :     if(nmod > 1){
     166           0 :       throw(AipsError("No multifield with joint gridding allowed"));
     167             :     }
     168             :   }
     169         130 :   else if( "PBWProjectFT"){
     170           0 :      ft_=new nPBWProjectFT(static_cast<nPBWProjectFT &>(ft));
     171           0 :      ift_=new nPBWProjectFT(static_cast<nPBWProjectFT &>(ft));
     172           0 :      ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     173           0 :      iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     174           0 :      if(nmod != (2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1)) /* MFS */
     175           0 :        throw(AipsError("No multifield with pb-projection allowed"));
     176           0 :      for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     177           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new nPBWProjectFT(static_cast<nPBWProjectFT &>(*ft_));
     178           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new nPBWProjectFT(static_cast<nPBWProjectFT &>(*ift_));
     179             :     }
     180             :   }
     181         130 :   else if( "AWProjectFT"){
     182           0 :      ft_=new AWProjectFT(static_cast<AWProjectFT &>(ft));
     183           0 :      ift_=new AWProjectFT(static_cast<AWProjectFT &>(ft));
     184             :      //     ift_=ft_;
     185           0 :      ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     186           0 :      iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     187           0 :      if(nmod != (2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1)) /* MFS */
     188           0 :        throw(AipsError("No multifield with a-projection allowed"));
     189           0 :      for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     190           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new AWProjectFT(static_cast<AWProjectFT &>(*ft_));
     191           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new AWProjectFT(static_cast<AWProjectFT &>(*ift_));
     192             :       //      iftm_p[k]=ftm_p[k];
     193             :     }
     194             :   }
     195         130 :   else if( "AWProjectWBFT"){
     196           0 :      ft_=new AWProjectWBFT(static_cast<AWProjectWBFT &>(ft));
     197           0 :      ift_=new AWProjectWBFT(static_cast<AWProjectWBFT &>(ft));
     198             :      //     ift_=ft_;
     199           0 :      ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     200           0 :      iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     201             :      // if(nmod != (2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1)) /* MFS */
     202             :      //   throw(AipsError("No multifield with a-projection allowed"));
     203           0 :      for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     204           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new AWProjectWBFT(static_cast<AWProjectWBFT &>(*ft_));
     205           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new AWProjectWBFT(static_cast<AWProjectWBFT &>(*ift_));
     206           0 :       if(sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms()>1) 
     207             :         {
     208           0 :           for (Int model=0; model < (sm_->numberOfModels()) ; ++model)
     209             :             {
     210           0 :               ftm_p[model]->setMiscInfo(sm_->getTaylorIndex(model));
     211           0 :               iftm_p[model]->setMiscInfo(sm_->getTaylorIndex(model));
     212             :             }
     213             :         }
     214             :       //      iftm_p[k]=ftm_p[k];
     215             :       // if (rvi_p != NULL) cerr << rvi_p->getMSSelectionObj(0).getChanList();
     216             :       // if (wvi_p != NULL) cerr << rvi_p->getMSSelectionObj(0).getChanList();
     217             :     }
     218             :   }
     219         130 :   else if( "PBMosaicFT"){
     220           0 :      ft_=new PBMosaicFT(static_cast<PBMosaicFT &>(ft));
     221           0 :      ift_=new PBMosaicFT(static_cast<PBMosaicFT &>(ft));
     222           0 :      ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     223           0 :      iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     224           0 :      if(nmod != (2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1)) /* MFS */
     225           0 :        throw(AipsError("No multifield with pb-mosaic allowed"));
     226           0 :      for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     227           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new PBMosaicFT(static_cast<PBMosaicFT &>(*ft_));
     228           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new PBMosaicFT(static_cast<PBMosaicFT &>(*ift_));
     229             :     }
     230             :   }
     231         130 :   else if ( == "SetJyGridFT") {
     232           4 :     ft_=new SetJyGridFT(static_cast<SetJyGridFT &>(ft));
     233           4 :     ift_=new SetJyGridFT(static_cast<SetJyGridFT &>(ft));
     234             :     // ftm_p[0]=CountedPtr<FTMachine>(ft_, false);
     235           4 :     ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     236           4 :     iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     237           4 :     for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     238           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new SetJyGridFT(static_cast<SetJyGridFT &>(*ft_));
     239           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new SetJyGridFT(static_cast<SetJyGridFT &>(*ift_));
     240             :     }
     241             :   }
     242         126 :   else if ( == "MultiTermFT") {
     243           0 :     ft_=new MultiTermFT(static_cast<MultiTermFT &>(ft));
     244           0 :     ift_=new MultiTermFT(static_cast<MultiTermFT &>(ft));
     245           0 :     ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     246           0 :     iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     247           0 :     for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     248           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new MultiTermFT(static_cast<MultiTermFT &>(*ft_));
     249           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new MultiTermFT(static_cast<MultiTermFT &>(*ift_));
     250             :     }
     251           0 :      for (Int k=0; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     252           0 :        uInt tayindex = k/(sm_->numberOfModels()/sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms());
     253             :        //cout << "CubeSkyEqn : model : " << k << " : setting taylor index : " << tayindex << endl;
     254           0 :        ftm_p[k]->setMiscInfo(tayindex);
     255           0 :       iftm_p[k]->setMiscInfo(tayindex);
     256             :     }
     257             :   }
     258         126 :   else if ( == "NewMultiTermFT") {
     259           0 :     ft_=new NewMultiTermFT(static_cast<NewMultiTermFT &>(ft));
     260           0 :     ift_=new NewMultiTermFT(static_cast<NewMultiTermFT &>(ft));
     261           0 :     ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     262           0 :     iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     263           0 :     for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     264           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new NewMultiTermFT(static_cast<NewMultiTermFT &>(*ft_));
     265           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new NewMultiTermFT(static_cast<NewMultiTermFT &>(*ift_));
     266             :     }
     267             :   }
     268         126 :   else if ( == "SDGrid") {
     269           0 :     ft_=new SDGrid(static_cast<SDGrid &>(ft));
     270           0 :     ift_=new SDGrid(static_cast<SDGrid &>(ft));
     271           0 :     ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     272           0 :     iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     273           0 :     for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     274           0 :       ftm_p[k]=new SDGrid(static_cast<SDGrid &>(*ft_));
     275           0 :       iftm_p[k]=new SDGrid(static_cast<SDGrid &>(*ift_));
     276             :     }
     277             :   }
     278             :   else {
     279         126 :     ft_=new GridFT(static_cast<GridFT &>(ft));
     280         126 :     ift_=new GridFT(static_cast<GridFT &>(ft));
     281             :     // ftm_p[0]=CountedPtr<FTMachine>(ft_, false);
     282         126 :     ftm_p[0]=ft_;
     283         126 :     iftm_p[0]=ift_;
     284         127 :     for (Int k=1; k < (nmod); ++k){ 
     285           1 :       ftm_p[k]=new GridFT(static_cast<GridFT &>(*ft_));
     286           1 :       iftm_p[k]=new GridFT(static_cast<GridFT &>(*ift_));
     287             :     }
     288             :   }
     289             : 
     290             :   Int nmod2;
     291         130 :   if( == "MultiTermFT" || == "NewMultiTermFT" )
     292             :     {
     293           0 :       nmod2 = (sm_->numberOfModels()/sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms()) * (2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1);
     294             :     }
     295             :  else
     296             :    {
     297         130 :      nmod2=nmod;
     298             :    }
     299             : 
     300         130 :   imGetSlice_p.resize(nmod2, true, false);
     301         130 :   imPutSlice_p.resize(nmod2, true, false);
     302         130 :   weightSlice_p.resize(nmod2, true, false);
     303             : 
     304         130 : }
     305             : 
     306         260 : CubeSkyEquation::~CubeSkyEquation(){
     307             :   //As we  make an explicit ift_ in the constructor we need 
     308             :   //to take care of it here...
     309             :   //if(ift_ && (ift_ != ft_))
     310             :   //  delete ift_;
     311             : 
     312         130 :     if (destroyVisibilityIterator_p){
     313           0 :         delete rvi_p;
     314           0 :         rvi_p = NULL;
     315           0 :         delete (vb_p.release ()); // free up the associated VisBuffer
     316             :     }
     317         130 :     SigHandler::resetSignalHandlers();
     318         260 : }
     319             : 
     320         110 : void CubeSkyEquation::setPhaseCenterTime(const Double time){
     321         110 :   SkyEquation::setPhaseCenterTime(time);
     322         124 :   for(Int model=0; model < sm_->numberOfModels(); ++model){
     323          14 :     ftm_p[model]->setPhaseCenterTime(time);
     324          14 :     iftm_p[model]->setPhaseCenterTime(time);
     325             :   }
     326             :     
     327         110 : }
     328             : 
     329         116 : void  CubeSkyEquation::predict(Bool incremental, MS::PredefinedColumns col) {
     330             : 
     331         116 :   VisibilityIterator::DataColumn visCol=VisibilityIterator::Model;
     332         116 :   if(col==MS::DATA){
     333           0 :     visCol=VisibilityIterator::Observed;
     334             :   } 
     335         116 :   if(col==MS::CORRECTED_DATA){
     336           0 :     visCol=VisibilityIterator::Corrected;
     337             :   }
     338         116 :   AlwaysAssert(cft_, AipsError);
     339         116 :   AlwaysAssert(sm_, AipsError);
     340             :   //AlwaysAssert(vs_, AipsError);
     341         116 :   if(sm_->numberOfModels()!= 0)  AlwaysAssert(ok(),AipsError);
     342             :   // if(noModelCol_p)
     343             :   //  throw(AipsError("Cannot predict visibilities without using scratch columns yet"));
     344             :   // Initialize 
     345         116 :   if(wvi_p==NULL)
     346           0 :     throw(AipsError("Cannot save model in non-writable ms"));
     347         116 :   VisIter& vi=*wvi_p;
     348             :   //Lets get the channel selection for later use
     349         116 :   vi.getChannelSelection(blockNumChanGroup_p, blockChanStart_p,
     350         116 :                           blockChanWidth_p, blockChanInc_p, blockSpw_p);
     351         116 :   checkVisIterNumRows(vi);
     352         116 :   VisBufferAutoPtr vb (vi); // uses write VI so no ROVIA conversion
     353         116 :   Bool changedVI=false;
     354             :   // Reset the visibilities only if this is not an incremental
     355             :   // change to the model
     356         116 :   Bool initialized=false;
     357         116 :   predictComponents(incremental, initialized);
     358             :   //set to zero then loop over model...check for size...subimage then loop over  subimages
     359             :   
     360             :   
     361         116 :   Bool isEmpty=true;
     362         136 :   for (Int model=0; model < (sm_->numberOfModels());++model){
     363          20 :     isEmpty=isEmpty &&  (sm_->isEmpty(model));                
     364             :     
     365             :   }
     366             :   ////if people want to use model but it isn't there..we'll ignore you
     367         116 :   if(!noModelCol_p)
     368          90 :     noModelCol_p=rvi_p->msColumns().modelData().isNull();
     369             :   
     370             :   
     371         116 :   if( (sm_->numberOfModels() >0) && isEmpty  && !initialized && !incremental){ 
     372             :     // We are at the begining with an empty model as starting point
     373          37 :     for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
     374         913 :       for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
     375         883 :         if(!noModelCol_p){
     376         703 :           vb->setModelVisCube(Complex(0.0,0.0));
     377         703 :           vi.setVis(vb->modelVisCube(),visCol);
     378             :         }
     379             :       }
     380             :     }
     381             :   }
     382             :   
     383             :     //If all model is need to continue
     384         116 :   if(isEmpty) 
     385         104 :     return;
     386             :   //TODO if nomodel set flat to 0.0
     387             :   
     388             :   
     389             :   // Now do the images
     390          24 :   for (Int model=0; model < (sm_->numberOfModels());++model){ 
     391             :     // Change the model polarization frame
     392          12 :     if(vb->polFrame()==MSIter::Linear) {
     393           2 :       StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(sm_->cImage(model),
     394             :                                         StokesImageUtil::LINEAR);
     395             :     }
     396             :     else {
     397          10 :       StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(sm_->cImage(model),
     398             :                                         StokesImageUtil::CIRCULAR);
     399             :     }
     400             :     //UUU///    ft_=&(*ftm_p[model]);
     401          12 :     scaleImage(model, incremental);
     402             :   }
     403          12 :   ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
     404             :   // Reset the various SkyJones
     405          12 :   resetSkyJones();
     406          12 :   Int nCubeSlice=1;
     407          12 :   isLargeCube(sm_->cImage(0), nCubeSlice);
     408          24 :   for (Int cubeSlice=0; cubeSlice< nCubeSlice; ++cubeSlice){
     409          12 :     changedVI= getFreqRange(vi, sm_->cImage(0).coordinates(),
     410          12 :                             cubeSlice, nCubeSlice) || changedVI;
     411          12 :     vi.originChunks();
     412          12 :     vi.origin();
     413          12 :     initializeGetSlice(* vb, 0,incremental, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     414             :     ///vb->newMS does not seem to be set to true with originchunks
     415             :     //so have to monitor msid
     416          12 :     Int oldmsid=-1;
     417          34 :     for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
     418         650 :       for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
     419         628 :         if(noModelCol_p){
     420             :           //cerr << "noModelCol_p " << noModelCol_p << " newms " << vb->newMS() << " nummod " << (sm_->numberOfModels()) << endl;
     421         360 :           if(vb->msId() != oldmsid){
     422           2 :             oldmsid=vb->msId();
     423           4 :             for (Int model=0; model < (sm_->numberOfModels());++model){
     424           2 :               Record ftrec;
     425           2 :               String error;
     426           2 :               String[0];
     427           2 :               if(!(
     428           2 :                 modImage=(;
     429           2 :               modImage=File::newUniqueName(modImage, "FT_MODEL").absoluteName();
     430             :               //cerr << "in ftrec saving" << endl;
     431           2 :               if(!(ftm_p[model]->toRecord(error, ftrec, true, modImage)))
     432           0 :                 throw(AipsError("Error in record saving:  "+error));
     433           2 :               vi.putModel(ftrec, false, ((model>0) || incremental || (cubeSlice > 0)));
     434           2 :             }
     435             :           }
     436             :         }
     437             :         else{
     438         268 :           if(!incremental&&!initialized && (cubeSlice==0)) {
     439         232 :             vb->setModelVisCube(Complex(0.0,0.0));
     440             :           }
     441             :           // get the model visibility and write it to the model MS
     442         268 :           getSlice(* vb,incremental, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     443         268 :           vi.setVis(vb->modelVisCube(),visCol);
     444             :         }
     445             :       }
     446             :     }
     447          12 :     finalizeGetSlice();
     448          12 :     if(!incremental&&!initialized) initialized=true;
     449             :   }
     450             :   
     451          24 :   for(Int model=0; model < sm_->numberOfModels(); ++model){
     452             :       //For now unscale test on name of ft_
     453          12 :     ft_=&(*ftm_p[model]);
     454          12 :     unScaleImage(model, incremental);
     455             :   }
     456          12 :   ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
     457             :   
     458             :   //lets return original selection back to iterator
     459          12 :   if(changedVI)
     460           0 :     vi.selectChannel(blockNumChanGroup_p, blockChanStart_p, 
     461           0 :                      blockChanWidth_p, blockChanInc_p, blockSpw_p); 
     462             :   
     463         116 : }
     464             : 
     465          14 : void CubeSkyEquation::makeApproxPSF(PtrBlock<ImageInterface<Float> * >& psfs) 
     466             : {
     467             : 
     468          14 :   if(iftm_p[0]->name()=="MosaicFT")
     469           0 :     makeMosaicPSF(psfs);
     470             :   else
     471          14 :     makeSimplePSF(psfs);
     472             : 
     473          14 : }
     474           0 : void CubeSkyEquation::makeMosaicPSF(PtrBlock<ImageInterface<Float> * >& psfs){
     475             :   //lets try to make the psf directly
     476           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("SkyEquation", "makeMosaicPSF"));
     477           0 :   Bool centered=true;
     478             :   try{
     479           0 :     makeSimplePSF(psfs);
     480             :   }
     481           0 :   catch(...){
     482           0 :     centered=false;
     483           0 :   }
     484             :   Int xpos;
     485             :   Int ypos;
     486           0 :   Matrix<Float> psfplane;
     487             :   Float peak;
     488           0 :   StokesImageUtil::locatePeakPSF(*(psfs[0]), xpos, ypos, peak, psfplane);
     489           0 :   Int nx=psfplane.shape()(0);
     490           0 :   Int ny=psfplane.shape()(1);
     491             : 
     492             :   //cerr << "xpos " << xpos << "  " << ypos << " " << peak << endl; 
     493             :   // lets ignore  misers who made 10x10 pixel images
     494           0 :   centered=centered && (abs(xpos-nx/2) <=5) && (abs(ypos-ny/2) <=5);
     495             : 
     496             : 
     497           0 :   if(centered){
     498             :     //for cubes some of the planes may not have a central peak
     499           0 :     Int nchana= (psfs[0])->shape()(3);
     500           0 :     if(nchana > 1){
     501           0 :       IPosition blc(4,nx, ny, 0, nchana);
     502           0 :       IPosition trc(4, nx, ny, 0, nchana);
     503           0 :       blc(0)=0; blc(1)=0; trc(0)=nx-1; trc(1)=ny-1;
     504           0 :       Array<Float> goodplane(psfplane.reform(IPosition(4, nx,ny,1,1)));
     505           0 :       for (Int k=0; k < nchana ; ++k){
     506           0 :         blc(3)=k; trc(3)=k;
     507           0 :         Slicer sl(blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast);
     508           0 :         SubImage<Float> psfSub(*(psfs[0]), sl, true);
     509             :         Float planeMax;
     510           0 :         LatticeExprNode LEN = max( psfSub );
     511           0 :         planeMax =  LEN.getFloat();
     512           0 :         if( (planeMax >0.0) && (planeMax < 0.8 *peak)){
     513           0 :           psfSub.put(goodplane);
     514             :           
     515             :         }
     516           0 :       }
     517           0 :     }
     518           0 :     return;
     519             :   }
     520             :   //lets back up the ftmachines
     521           0 :   MosaicFT *ft_back= new MosaicFT(static_cast<MosaicFT &>(*ftm_p[0]));
     522           0 :   MosaicFT *ift_back = new MosaicFT(static_cast<MosaicFT &>(*iftm_p[0]));
     523             :   os << LogIO::WARN << "Mosaic psf is off. \nCould be no pointing in center of image \n"
     524             :      << "Will retry to make an approximate one without primary beam "
     525           0 :      << LogIO::POST;
     526           0 :   MPosition loc=iftm_p[0]->getLocation();
     527           0 :   ftm_p[0]=new GridFT(1000000, 16, "SF", loc, 1.0, false);
     528           0 :   iftm_p[0]=new GridFT(1000000, 16, "SF", loc, 1.0, false);
     529           0 :   ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
     530           0 :   ift_=&(*iftm_p[0]);
     531             :   
     532           0 :   ft_->setBasePrivates(*ft_back);
     533           0 :   ift_->setBasePrivates(*ift_back);
     534             :   // try again with simple ftmachines
     535           0 :   makeSimplePSF(psfs);
     536             :   //that 's the best psf you'd get
     537             :   //restore back MosaicFT machinas
     538           0 :   ftm_p[0]=ft_back;
     539           0 :   ft_=ft_back;
     540           0 :   iftm_p[0]=ift_back;
     541           0 :   ift_=ift_back;
     542           0 : }
     543             : 
     544          14 : void CubeSkyEquation::makeSimplePSF(PtrBlock<ImageInterface<Float> * >& psfs) {
     545             : 
     546          14 :     Int nmodels=psfs.nelements();
     547          28 :     LogIO os(LogOrigin("CubeSkyEquation", "makeSimplePSF"));
     548          14 :     SigHandler myStopSig;
     549          14 :     ft_->setNoPadding(noModelCol_p);
     550          14 :     isPSFWork_p= true; // avoid PB correction etc for PSF estimation
     551          14 :     Bool doPSF=true;
     552          14 :     Bool changedVI=false;
     553             :     // Initialize the gradients
     554          14 :     sm_->initializeGradients();
     555          14 :     ROVisIter& vi(*rvi_p);
     556             :     //Lets get the channel selection for later use
     557          14 :     vi.getChannelSelection(blockNumChanGroup_p, blockChanStart_p,
     558          14 :                            blockChanWidth_p, blockChanInc_p, blockSpw_p);
     559             :     // Reset the various SkyJones
     560          14 :     resetSkyJones();
     561          14 :     checkVisIterNumRows(vi);
     562             :     // Loop over all visibilities and pixels
     563          14 :     VisBufferAutoPtr vb (vi);
     564          14 :     vi.originChunks();
     565          14 :     vi.origin();
     566             :     // Change the model polarization frame
     567          28 :     for (Int model=0; model < nmodels; ++model){
     568          14 :         if(vb->polFrame()==MSIter::Linear) {
     569          14 :             StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(sm_->cImage(model),
     570             :                                               StokesImageUtil::LINEAR);
     571             :         }
     572             :         else {
     573           0 :             StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(sm_->cImage(model),
     574             :                                               StokesImageUtil::CIRCULAR);
     575             :         }
     576             :     }
     577             : 
     578             : 
     579          14 :     Int nCubeSlice=1;
     580          14 :     isLargeCube(sm_->cImage(0), nCubeSlice);
     581          28 :     for (Int cubeSlice=0; cubeSlice< nCubeSlice; ++cubeSlice){
     582          14 :         changedVI= getFreqRange(vi, sm_->cImage(0).coordinates(),
     583          14 :                                 cubeSlice, nCubeSlice) || changedVI;
     584          14 :         vi.originChunks();
     585          14 :         vi.origin();
     586          14 :         vb->invalidate();
     587          14 :         Int cohDone=0;
     588          14 :         ProgressMeter pm(1.0, Double(vb->numberCoh()),
     589             :                          "Gridding weights for PSF",
     590          42 :                          "", "", "", true);
     591             : 
     592          14 :         initializePutSlice(* vb, doPSF, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     593             : 
     594          77 :         for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
     595         326 :             for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
     596         263 :               if(myStopSig.gotStopSignal())
     597           0 :                 throw(AipsError("Terminating...."));
     598         263 :                 if(noModelCol_p) {
     599             :                     //This here forces the modelVisCube shape and prevents reading model column
     600         263 :                     vb->setModelVisCube(Complex(0.0,0.0));
     601             :                 }
     602         263 :                 putSlice(* vb, doPSF, FTMachine::MODEL, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     603         263 :                 cohDone+=vb->nRow();
     604         263 :                 pm.update(Double(cohDone));
     605             : 
     606             :             }
     607             :         }
     608          14 :         finalizePutSlice(* vb, doPSF, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     609          14 :     }
     610             : 
     611             :     //Don't need these for now
     612          28 :     for(Int model=0; model < nmodels; ++model){
     613             :       
     614          14 :         sm_->work(model).clearCache();
     615          14 :         sm_->cImage(model).clearCache();
     616             :     }
     617             : 
     618             :     //lets return original selection back to iterator
     619             : 
     620             : 
     621          14 :     if(changedVI)
     622           0 :         vi.selectChannel(blockNumChanGroup_p, blockChanStart_p,
     623           0 :                          blockChanWidth_p, blockChanInc_p, blockSpw_p);
     624          14 :     sm_->finalizeGradients();
     625          14 :     fixImageScale();
     626          28 :     for(Int model=0; model < nmodels; ++model){
     627             :       {
     628             :         //Normalize the gS image
     629          14 :         Int nXX=sm_->ggS(model).shape()(0);
     630          14 :         Int nYY=sm_->ggS(model).shape()(1);
     631          14 :         Int npola= sm_->ggS(model).shape()(2);
     632          14 :         Int nchana= sm_->ggS(model).shape()(3);
     633          14 :         IPosition blc(4,nXX, nYY, npola, nchana);
     634          14 :         IPosition trc(4, nXX, nYY, npola, nchana);
     635          14 :         blc(0)=0; blc(1)=0; trc(0)=nXX-1; trc(1)=nYY-1;
     636             :         //max weights per plane
     637          28 :         for (Int j=0; j < npola; ++j){
     638          28 :           for (Int k=0; k < nchana ; ++k){
     639             :             
     640          14 :             blc(2)=j; trc(2)=j;
     641          14 :             blc(3)=k; trc(3)=k;
     642          14 :             Slicer sl(blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast);
     643          14 :             SubImage<Float> gSSub(sm_->gS(model), sl, false);
     644          14 :             SubImage<Float> ggSSub(sm_->ggS(model), sl, false);
     645          14 :             SubImage<Float> psfSub(*(psfs[model]), sl, true);
     646             :             Float planeMax;
     647          14 :             LatticeExprNode LEN = max( ggSSub );
     648          14 :             planeMax =  LEN.getFloat();
     649          14 :             if(planeMax !=0){
     650          14 :               psfSub.copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>)
     651          56 :                                (iif(ggSSub > (0.0),
     652          28 :                                     (gSSub/planeMax),0.0)));
     653             :             }
     654             :             else{
     655           0 :               psfSub.set(0.0);
     656             :             }
     657          14 :           }
     658             :         }
     659             :         //
     660          14 :       }
     661             : 
     662             :         /*
     663             :     if(0){
     664             :       PagedImage<Float> thisScreen(psfs[model]->shape(), psfs[model]->coordinates(), String("ELPSF).psf"));
     665             :         LatticeExpr<Float> le(*psfs[model]);
     666             :         thisScreen.copyData(le);
     667             :         } 
     668             :         */
     669          14 :       LatticeExprNode maxPSF=max(*psfs[model]);
     670          14 :       Float maxpsf=maxPSF.getFloat();
     671          14 :         if(abs(maxpsf-1.0) > 1e-3) {
     672             :           os << "Maximum of approximate PSF for field " << model << " = "
     673           0 :              << maxpsf << " : renormalizing to unity" <<  LogIO::POST;
     674             :         }
     675          14 :         if(maxpsf > 0.0 ){
     676          28 :           LatticeExpr<Float> len((*psfs[model])/maxpsf);
     677          14 :           psfs[model]->copyData(len);
     678          14 :         }
     679             :         else{
     680           0 :           if(sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms()>1) { /* MFS */
     681           0 :             os << "PSF calculation resulted in a PSF with its peak being 0 or less. This is ok for MS-MFS." << LogIO::POST;
     682             :           }
     683             :           else{
     684           0 :             throw(PSFZero("SkyEquation:: PSF calculation resulted in a PSF with its peak being 0 or less!"));
     685             :           }
     686             :         }
     687             :         
     688          14 :         sm_->PSF(model).clearCache();
     689          14 :         sm_->gS(model).clearCache();
     690          14 :         sm_->ggS(model).clearCache();
     691          14 :     }
     692             : 
     693          14 :     isPSFWork_p=false; // resetting this flag so that subsequent calculation uses
     694             :     // the right SkyJones correction;
     695          14 : }
     696             : 
     697           0 : void CubeSkyEquation::gradientsChiSquared(Bool /*incr*/, Bool commitModel){
     698           0 :     AlwaysAssert(cft_, AipsError);
     699           0 :     AlwaysAssert(sm_, AipsError);
     700             :     //AlwaysAssert(vs_, AipsError);
     701           0 :     Bool initialized=false;
     702           0 :     Bool changedVI=false;
     703             : 
     704             :     //For now we don't deal with incremental especially when having multi fields
     705           0 :     Bool incremental=false;
     706             : 
     707           0 :     predictComponents(incremental, initialized);
     708           0 :     Bool predictedComp=initialized;
     709             : 
     710           0 :     SigHandler myStopSig;
     711             :     ////if people want to use model but it isn't there
     712             : 
     713           0 :     if(!noModelCol_p)
     714           0 :       noModelCol_p=rvi_p->msColumns().modelData().isNull();
     715             : 
     716           0 :     ROVisibilityIterator * oldRvi = NULL;
     717           0 :     VisibilityIterator * oldWvi = NULL;
     718             : 
     719           0 :     configureAsyncIo (oldRvi, oldWvi);
     720             : 
     721             : 
     722             :     //    Timers tInitGrad=Timers::getTime();
     723           0 :     sm_->initializeGradients();
     724             :     // Initialize
     725             :     //ROVisIter& vi=*rvi_p;
     726             :     //Lets get the channel selection for later use
     727             :     //    Timers tGetChanSel=Timers::getTime();
     728           0 :     rvi_p->getChannelSelection(blockNumChanGroup_p, blockChanStart_p,
     729           0 :                                blockChanWidth_p, blockChanInc_p, blockSpw_p);
     730             :     //    Timers tCheckVisRows=Timers::getTime();
     731           0 :     checkVisIterNumRows(*rvi_p);
     732             :  
     733           0 :     VisBufferAutoPtr vb (rvi_p);
     734             : 
     735             :     //    Timers tVisAutoPtr=Timers::getTime();
     736             : 
     737             :     /**** Do we need to do this
     738             :   if( (sm_->isEmpty(0))  && !initialized && !incremental){ 
     739             :     // We are at the begining with an empty model as starting point
     740             :     for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
     741             :       for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
     742             :         vb.setModelVisCube(Complex(0.0,0.0));
     743             :         vi.setVis(vb.modelVisCube(),VisibilityIterator::Model);
     744             :       }
     745             :     }
     746             :   }
     747             :      */
     748           0 :     Bool isEmpty=true;
     749           0 :     for (Int model=0; model < (sm_->numberOfModels());++model){
     750           0 :         isEmpty=isEmpty &&  sm_->isEmpty(model);
     751             :     }
     752             :     // Now do the images
     753             : 
     754           0 :     for (Int model=0;model< (sm_->numberOfModels()); ++model) {
     755             :         // Don't bother with empty images
     756             :         // Change the model polarization frame
     757           0 :         if(vb->polFrame()==MSIter::Linear) {
     758           0 :             StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(sm_->cImage(model),
     759             :                                               StokesImageUtil::LINEAR);
     760             :         }
     761             :         else {
     762           0 :             StokesImageUtil::changeCStokesRep(sm_->cImage(model),
     763             :                                               StokesImageUtil::CIRCULAR);
     764             :         }
     765             :         //scaleImage(model, incremental);
     766             :         ///UUU///       ft_=&(*ftm_p[model]);
     767           0 :         scaleImage(model);
     768             :         // Reset the various SkyJones
     769             :     }
     770             :     //    Timers tChangeStokes=Timers::getTime();
     771             : 
     772           0 :     ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
     773           0 :     resetSkyJones();
     774           0 :     firstOneChangesPut_p=false;
     775           0 :     firstOneChangesGet_p=false;
     776             : 
     777           0 :     Int nCubeSlice=1;
     778             : 
     779           0 :     isLargeCube(sm_->cImage(0), nCubeSlice);
     780             : 
     781             :     // aInitGrad += tGetChanSel - tInitGrad;
     782             :     // aGetChanSel += tCheckVisRows - tGetChanSel;
     783             :     // aCheckVisRows += tVisAutoPtr - tCheckVisRows;
     784             :     // aChangeStokes += tChangeStokes - tVisAutoPtr;
     785             : 
     786           0 :     for (Int cubeSlice=0; cubeSlice< nCubeSlice; ++cubeSlice){
     787             : 
     788             :         //      vi.originChunks();
     789             :         //      vi.origin();
     790             :         //sliceCube(imGetSlice_p, model, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice, 1);
     791             :         //Redo the channel selection in case of chunked cube to match
     792             :         //data needed for gridding.
     793             :         //        Timers tGetFreqRange=Timers::getTime();
     794           0 :         changedVI= getFreqRange(*rvi_p, sm_->cImage(0).coordinates(),
     795           0 :                                 cubeSlice, nCubeSlice) || changedVI;
     796             : 
     797             :         //      Timers tOrigChunks=Timers::getTime();
     798           0 :         rvi_p->originChunks();
     799           0 :         rvi_p->origin();
     800           0 :         Bool useCorrected= !(vb->msColumns().correctedData().isNull());
     801             : 
     802             :         //      Timers tVBInValid=Timers::getTime();
     803             :         //vb->invalidate();
     804             : 
     805             :         //      Timers tInitGetSlice=Timers::getTime();
     806             :         //              if(!isEmpty) 
     807           0 :         if( ! isNewFTM() ||  ! isEmpty )
     808             :         {
     809           0 :             initializeGetSlice(* vb, 0, false, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     810             :         }
     811             :         //      Timers tInitPutSlice=Timers::getTime();
     812           0 :         initializePutSlice(* vb, false, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     813             :         //      Timers tDonePutSlice=Timers::getTime();
     814           0 :         Int cohDone=0;
     815           0 :         ProgressMeter pm(1.0, Double(vb->numberCoh()),
     816             :                          "Gridding residual",
     817           0 :                          "", "", "", true);
     818             :         // aGetFreq += tOrigChunks - tGetFreqRange;
     819             :         // aOrigChunks += tVBInValid - tOrigChunks;
     820             :         // aVBInValid += tInitGetSlice - tVBInValid;
     821             :         // aInitGetSlice += tInitPutSlice - tInitGetSlice;
     822             :         // aInitPutSlice += tDonePutSlice - tInitPutSlice;
     823             : 
     824           0 :         Int oldmsid=-1;
     825           0 :         for (rvi_p->originChunks();rvi_p->moreChunks();rvi_p->nextChunk()) {
     826           0 :             for (rvi_p->origin(); rvi_p->more(); (*rvi_p)++) {
     827             :               //cerr << "nrow " << vb->nRow() << " ";
     828             :               //  Bool anychanIn=false;
     829             :               //for(Int model=0; model < (sm_->numberOfModels()) ; ++model)
     830             :               //anychanIn=anychanIn || iftm_p[model]->matchChannel(vb->spectralWindow(), *vb);
     831             :               //if(anychanIn)
     832             :               {
     833           0 :               if(myStopSig.gotStopSignal())
     834           0 :                 throw(AipsError("Terminating..."));
     835             :                 //            Timers tInitModel=Timers::getTime();
     836           0 :               if(!incremental && !predictedComp && (cubeSlice==0 || (noModelCol_p) )) {
     837             :                     //This here forces the modelVisCube shape and prevents reading model column
     838           0 :                     vb->setModelVisCube(Complex(0.0,0.0));
     839             :                 }
     840             :                 // get the model visibility and write it to the model MS
     841             :                 //      Timers tGetSlice=Timers::getTime();
     842             : 
     843             :                 //              Timers tgetSlice=Timers::getTime();
     844           0 :                 if( vb->newMS() )
     845             :                   {
     846           0 :                     useCorrected= !(vb->msColumns().correctedData().isNull());
     847             :                   }
     848             : 
     849             : //#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
     850             :  {
     851             :    //  cerr << "num_threads " << omp_get_num_threads() << endl;
     852             :    //#pragma omp sections nowait
     853             : {
     854             :   //#pragma omp section
     855           0 :                 if(!isEmpty)
     856           0 :                     getSlice(* vb, (predictedComp || incremental), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     857             :   //#pragma omp section
     858             :                 //if(!useCorrected)
     859             :                 //  vb->visCube();
     860             :                 //else
     861             :                 //  vb->correctedVisCube();
     862             :  }
     863             : 
     864             :  }                //saving the model for self-cal most probably
     865             :                 //      Timers tSetModel=Timers::getTime();
     866             :                 //              Timers tsetModel=Timers::getTime();
     867           0 :                 if(commitModel && wvi_p != NULL){
     868             :                   ///Bow commit model to disk or to the record keyword
     869           0 :                   if(!noModelCol_p)
     870           0 :                     wvi_p->setVis(vb->modelVisCube(),VisibilityIterator::Model);
     871             :                   else{
     872           0 :                     if(vb->msId() != oldmsid){
     873           0 :                       oldmsid=vb->msId();
     874           0 :                       for (Int model=0; model < (sm_->numberOfModels());++model){
     875           0 :                         Record ftrec;
     876           0 :                         String error;
     877           0 :                         String modImage=wvi_p->ms().getPartNames()[0];
     878           0 :                         if(!(wvi_p->ms().source().isNull()))
     879           0 :                           modImage=(wvi_p->ms()).source().tableName();
     880           0 :                         modImage=File::newUniqueName(modImage, "FT_MODEL").absoluteName();
     881             :                        
     882             :                         //cerr << "in ftrec saving" << endl;
     883           0 :                         if(!(ftm_p[model]->toRecord(error, ftrec, true, modImage)))
     884           0 :                           throw(AipsError("Error in saving model;  "+error));
     885           0 :                         wvi_p->putModel(ftrec, false, ((model>0) || predictedComp || incremental || (cubeSlice >0)));
     886           0 :                       }
     887             :                     }
     888             :                   }
     889             :                 }
     890             :                 // Now lets grid the -ve of residual
     891             :                 // use visCube if there is no correctedData
     892             :                 //              Timers tGetRes=Timers::getTime();
     893           0 :                 if (!iftm_p[0]->canComputeResiduals())
     894           0 :                     if(!useCorrected) vb->modelVisCube()-=vb->visCube();
     895           0 :                     else              vb->modelVisCube()-=vb->correctedVisCube();
     896             :                 else
     897           0 :                     iftm_p[0]->ComputeResiduals(*vb,useCorrected);
     898             : 
     899             : 
     900             :                 //              Timers tPutSlice = Timers::getTime();
     901           0 :                 putSlice(* vb, false, FTMachine::MODEL, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     902           0 :                 cohDone+=vb->nRow();
     903           0 :                 pm.update(Double(cohDone));
     904             :                 // Timers tDoneGridding=Timers::getTime();
     905             :                 // aInitModel += tgetSlice - tInitModel;
     906             :                 // aGetSlice += tsetModel - tgetSlice;
     907             :                 // aSetModel += tGetRes - tsetModel;
     908             :                 // aGetRes += tPutSlice - tGetRes;
     909             :                 // aPutSlice += tDoneGridding - tPutSlice;
     910             :                 // aExtra += tDoneGridding - tInitModel;
     911             :               }
     912             :             }
     913             :         }
     914             : 
     915             :         //      Timers tFinalizeGetSlice=Timers::getTime();
     916           0 :         finalizeGetSlice();
     917           0 :         if(!incremental&&!initialized) initialized=true;
     918             :         //      Timers tFinalizePutSlice=Timers::getTime();
     919           0 :         finalizePutSlice(* vb, false, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
     920             :         //      Timers tDoneFinalizePutSlice=Timers::getTime();
     921             : 
     922             :         // aFinalizeGetSlice += tFinalizePutSlice - tFinalizeGetSlice;
     923             :         // aFinalizePutSlice += tDoneFinalizePutSlice - tFinalizePutSlice;
     924           0 :     }
     925             : 
     926           0 :     for (Int model=0;model<sm_->numberOfModels();model++) {
     927             :         //unScaleImage(model, incremental);
     928           0 :       sm_->cImage(model).clearCache();
     929           0 :       sm_->gS(model).clearCache();
     930           0 :       sm_->ggS(model).clearCache();
     931           0 :       sm_->work(model).clearCache();
     932             :       
     933             :       //UUU//      ft_=&(*ftm_p[model]); 
     934           0 :       unScaleImage(model);
     935             : 
     936             :     }
     937           0 :     ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
     938             : 
     939           0 :     this->fixImageScale();
     940             :     //lets return original selection back to iterator
     941             :     //  storeImg(String(""),sm_->gS(0));
     942           0 :     if(changedVI)
     943           0 :         rvi_p->selectChannel(blockNumChanGroup_p, blockChanStart_p,
     944           0 :                              blockChanWidth_p, blockChanInc_p, blockSpw_p);
     945             : 
     946             :     // If using async, put things back the way they were.
     947             : 
     948           0 :     if (oldRvi != NULL){
     949             : 
     950           0 :         delete vb.release(); // get rid of local attached to Vi
     951             :         //vb_p.set (oldRvi);   // reattach vb_p to the old vi
     952             : 
     953           0 :         if (oldWvi != NULL){
     954           0 :             delete wvi_p;
     955           0 :             wvi_p = oldWvi;
     956             :         }
     957             :         else{
     958           0 :             delete rvi_p;        // kill the new vi
     959             :         }
     960             : 
     961           0 :         rvi_p = oldRvi;      // make the old vi the current vi
     962           0 :         rvi_p->originChunks(); // reset it
     963           0 :         vb_p->attachToVisIter(* rvi_p);
     964             :     }
     965             : 
     966             :     // for (Int model=0;model< (sm_->numberOfModels()); ++model) 
     967             :     //   if (!isNewFTM(&(*ftm_p[model])))
     968             :     //  {
     969             :     //    Bool dopsf=false;
     970             :     //    tmpWBNormalizeImage(dopsf);
     971             :     //  }
     972             : 
     973             : 
     974             :     // cerr << "gradChiSq: "
     975             :     //  << "InitGrad = " << aInitGrad.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     976             :     //  << "GetChanSel = " << aGetChanSel.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     977             :     //  << "ChangeStokes = " << aChangeStokes.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     978             :     //  << "CheckVisRows = " << aCheckVisRows.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     979             :     //  << "GetFreq = " << aGetFreq.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     980             :     //  << "OrigChunks = " << aOrigChunks.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     981             :     //  << "VBInValid = " << aVBInValid.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     982             :     //  << "InitGetSlice = " << aInitGetSlice.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     983             :     //  << "InitPutSlice = " << aInitPutSlice.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     984             :     //  << "PutSlice = " << aPutSlice.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     985             :     //  << "FinalGetSlice = " << aFinalizeGetSlice.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     986             :     //  << "FinalPutSlice = " << aFinalizePutSlice.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     987             :     //  << endl;
     988             : 
     989             :     // cerr << "VB loop: "
     990             :     //  << "InitModel = " << aInitModel.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     991             :     //  << "GetSlice = " << aGetSlice.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     992             :     //  << "SetModel = " << aSetModel.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     993             :     //  << "GetRes = " << aGetRes.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     994             :     //  << "PutSlice = " << aPutSlice.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     995             :     //  << "Extra = " << aExtra.formatAverage().c_str() << " "
     996             :     //  << endl;
     997           0 : }
     998             : 
     999             : void
    1000           0 : CubeSkyEquation::configureAsyncIo (ROVisibilityIterator * & oldRvi, VisibilityIterator * & oldWvi)
    1001             : {
    1002             : 
    1003             : using namespace casacore;
    1004             :     using namespace casa::asyncio;
    1005             : 
    1006           0 :     oldRvi = NULL;
    1007           0 :     oldWvi = NULL;
    1008             : 
    1009             :     Bool isEnabled;
    1010           0 :     AipsrcValue<Bool>::find (isEnabled, "Imager.asyncio", false);
    1011             :     //    Bool foundSetting = AipsrcValue<Bool>::find (isEnabled, "Imager.asyncio", false);
    1012             : 
    1013             :     //isEnabled = ! foundSetting || isEnabled; // let global flag call shots if setting not present
    1014             :     // For now (release 3.4) make imaging be explicitly turned on
    1015             : 
    1016           0 :     if (! (isEnabled && ROVisibilityIterator::isAsynchronousIoEnabled())){
    1017           0 :         return; // async i/o is not going to be used this time around
    1018             :     }
    1019             : 
    1020             :     // Async I/O is enabled globally and for imaging so prepare to replace the
    1021             :     // existing VIs with async implmentations.
    1022             : 
    1023             :     PrefetchColumns prefetchColumns =
    1024             :             PrefetchColumns::prefetchColumns (VisBufferComponents::Ant1,
    1025             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Ant2,
    1026             :                                               VisBufferComponents::ArrayId,
    1027             :                                               VisBufferComponents::DataDescriptionId,
    1028             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Direction1,
    1029             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Direction2,
    1030             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Feed1,
    1031             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Feed1_pa,
    1032             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Feed2,
    1033             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Feed2_pa,
    1034             :                                               VisBufferComponents::FieldId,
    1035             :                                               VisBufferComponents::FlagCube,
    1036             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Flag,
    1037             :                                               VisBufferComponents::FlagRow,
    1038             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Freq,
    1039             :                                               VisBufferComponents::NChannel,
    1040             :                                               VisBufferComponents::NCorr,
    1041             :                                               VisBufferComponents::NRow,
    1042             :                                               VisBufferComponents::ObservedCube,
    1043             :                                               VisBufferComponents::PhaseCenter,
    1044             :                                               VisBufferComponents::PolFrame,
    1045             :                                               VisBufferComponents::SpW,
    1046             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Time,
    1047             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Uvw,
    1048             :                                               VisBufferComponents::UvwMat,
    1049             :                                               VisBufferComponents::Weight,
    1050           0 :                                               -1);
    1051             : 
    1052           0 :     Bool addCorrectedVisCube = !(rvi_p->msColumns().correctedData().isNull());
    1053             : 
    1054           0 :     if (addCorrectedVisCube){
    1055           0 :         prefetchColumns.insert (VisBufferComponents::CorrectedCube);
    1056             :         // This can cause an error if a multi-MS has a mixture of MSs with corrected
    1057             :         // and without corrected data columns.
    1058             :     }
    1059             : 
    1060             :     // Replace the existing VIs with an async version.  Keep pointers to the old
    1061             :     // ones around (these are kept by the caller) so they can be swapped back afterwards.
    1062             : 
    1063           0 :     vb_p->detachFromVisIter();
    1064           0 :     oldRvi = rvi_p;
    1065             : 
    1066           0 :     if (wvi_p != NULL){
    1067           0 :         oldWvi = wvi_p;
    1068           0 :         wvi_p = new VisibilityIterator (& prefetchColumns, * wvi_p);
    1069           0 :         rvi_p = wvi_p;
    1070             :     }
    1071             :     else{
    1072           0 :         rvi_p = new ROVisibilityIterator (& prefetchColumns, * rvi_p);
    1073             :     }
    1074           0 : }
    1075             : 
    1076          26 : void  CubeSkyEquation::isLargeCube(ImageInterface<Complex>& theIm, 
    1077             :                                    Int& nslice) {
    1078             : 
    1079             :   //non-cube
    1080          26 :   if(theIm.shape()[3]==1){
    1081          22 :     nslice=1;
    1082             :   }
    1083             :   else{
    1084           8 :     LogIO os(LogOrigin("CubeSkyEquation", "isLargeCube"));
    1085           4 :     Long npix=theIm.shape().product();
    1086             :     // use memory size denfined in aisprc if exists
    1087           4 :     Long memtot=HostInfo::memoryTotal(true); // Use aipsrc/casarc
    1088             :     //check for 32 bit OS and limit it to 2Gbyte
    1089             :     if( sizeof(void*) == 4){
    1090             :       if(memtot > 2000000)
    1091             :         memtot=2000000;
    1092             :     }
    1093           4 :     if(memtot < 512000){
    1094           0 :       ostringstream oss;
    1095           0 :       oss << "The amount of memory reported " << memtot << " kB is too small to work with" << endl;
    1096           0 :       throw(AipsError(String(oss))); 
    1097             : 
    1098           0 :     }
    1099           4 :     Long pixInMem=(memtot/8)*1024;
    1100             :     // cerr << "CSE: " << memtot << " " << pixInMem << endl;
    1101             :     // cerr << npix << " " << pixInMem/8 << endl;
    1102           4 :     nslice=1;
    1103             :     //There are roughly 13 float images worth held in memory
    1104             :     //plus some extra
    1105           4 :     if(npix > (pixInMem/25)){
    1106             :       //Lets slice it so grid is at most 1/25th of memory
    1107           0 :       pixInMem=pixInMem/25;
    1108             :       //One plane is
    1109           0 :       npix=theIm.shape()(0)*theIm.shape()(1)*theIm.shape()(2);
    1110           0 :       nchanPerSlice_p=Int(floor(pixInMem/npix));
    1111             :       // cerr << "Nchan " << nchanPerSlice_p << " " << pixInMem << " " << npix << " " << pixInMem/npix << endl;
    1112           0 :       if (nchanPerSlice_p==0){
    1113           0 :         nchanPerSlice_p=1;
    1114             :       }
    1115           0 :       nslice=theIm.shape()(3)/nchanPerSlice_p;
    1116           0 :       if( (theIm.shape()(3) % nchanPerSlice_p) > 0)
    1117           0 :         ++nslice;
    1118             :     }
    1119           4 :     if(nslice>1) os << "Detected a Large Cube. Making and using " << nslice << " slices/chunks." << LogIO::POST;
    1120           4 :   }
    1121          26 : }
    1122             : 
    1123          14 : void CubeSkyEquation::initializePutSlice(const VisBuffer& vb, Bool dopsf,
    1124             :                                          Int cubeSlice, Int nCubeSlice) {
    1125          14 :   AlwaysAssert(ok(),AipsError);
    1126             : 
    1127          28 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("CubeSkyEquation", "initializePutSlice"));
    1128             : 
    1129          14 :   Bool newFTM=false;
    1130          14 :   newFTM = isNewFTM(&(*ftm_p[0]));
    1131          14 :   if (newFTM) newInitializePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1132          14 :   else        oldInitializePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1133             :   
    1134             :   // newInitializePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1135          14 : }
    1136             : 
    1137             : 
    1138          14 : void CubeSkyEquation::oldInitializePutSlice(const VisBuffer& vb, Bool /*dopsf*/, 
    1139             :                                          Int cubeSlice, Int nCubeSlice) {
    1140          14 :   AlwaysAssert(ok(),AipsError);
    1141          14 :   Bool dirDep= (ej_ != NULL);
    1142          28 :   for(Int model=0; model < (sm_->numberOfModels()) ; ++model){
    1143          14 :     sliceCube(imPutSlice_p[model], model, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice, 0);
    1144          14 :     weightSlice_p[model].resize();
    1145          14 :     if(nCubeSlice>1){
    1146           0 :       iftm_p[model]->reset();
    1147             :     }
    1148          14 :     iftm_p[model]->initializeToSky(*(imPutSlice_p[model]),weightSlice_p[model],
    1149             :                                    vb);
    1150          14 :     dirDep= dirDep || (ftm_p[model]->name() == "MosaicFT");
    1151             :   }
    1152          14 :   assertSkyJones(vb, -1);
    1153             :   //vb_p is used to finalize things if vb has changed propoerties
    1154          14 :   vb_p->assign(vb, false);
    1155          14 :   vb_p->updateCoordInfo(& vb, dirDep);
    1156          14 : }
    1157             : 
    1158           0 : void CubeSkyEquation::newInitializePutSlice(const VisBuffer& vb, Bool dopsf, 
    1159             :                                          Int cubeSlice, Int nCubeSlice) {
    1160           0 :   AlwaysAssert(ok(),AipsError);
    1161           0 :   Bool dirDep= (ej_ != NULL);
    1162             : 
    1163           0 :   Int ntaylors=sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms(),
    1164           0 :     nfields = sm_->numberOfModels()/ntaylors;
    1165             : 
    1166           0 :   for(Int field=0; field < nfields ; ++field){
    1167             : 
    1168           0 :     Int ntaylors = sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms();
    1169           0 :     if(dopsf) ntaylors = 2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1;
    1170             : 
    1171           0 :     Block<CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Complex> > > imPutSliceVec(ntaylors);
    1172           0 :     Block<Matrix<Float> > weightSliceVec(ntaylors);
    1173           0 :     for(Int taylor=0; taylor < ntaylors ; ++taylor) 
    1174             :       {
    1175           0 :         Int model = sm_->getModelIndex(field,taylor);
    1176           0 :         sliceCube(imPutSlice_p[model], model, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice, 0);
    1177           0 :         weightSlice_p[model].resize();
    1178           0 :         imPutSliceVec[taylor] = imPutSlice_p[model];
    1179           0 :         weightSliceVec[taylor] = weightSlice_p[model];
    1180             :       }
    1181             : 
    1182           0 :     if(nCubeSlice>1){
    1183           0 :       iftm_p[field]->reset();
    1184             :     }
    1185             :     //U// cout << "CubeSkyEqn :: Calling new initializeToSky with dopsf " << dopsf << endl;
    1186           0 :     iftm_p[field]->initializeToSky(imPutSliceVec, weightSliceVec,vb,dopsf);
    1187           0 :     dirDep= dirDep || (ftm_p[field]->name() == "MosaicFT");
    1188           0 :   }// end of field
    1189           0 :   assertSkyJones(vb, -1);
    1190             :   //vb_p is used to finalize things if vb has changed propoerties
    1191           0 :   vb_p->assign(vb, false);
    1192           0 :   vb_p->updateCoordInfo(& vb, dirDep);
    1193           0 : }
    1194             : 
    1195             : 
    1196             : 
    1197             : 
    1198           0 : void CubeSkyEquation::getCoverageImage(Int model, ImageInterface<Float>& im){
    1199           0 :   if ((sm_->doFluxScale(model)) && (ftm_p.nelements() > uInt(model))){
    1200           0 :     ftm_p[model]->getFluxImage(im);
    1201             :   }
    1202             : 
    1203           0 : }
    1204             : 
    1205           0 : void CubeSkyEquation::getWeightImage(Int model, ImageInterface<Float>& im){
    1206           0 :   if (iftm_p.nelements() > uInt(model)){
    1207           0 :     Matrix<Float> weights;
    1208           0 :     iftm_p[model]->getWeightImage(im, weights);
    1209           0 :   }
    1210           0 : }
    1211             : 
    1212             : void
    1213         263 : CubeSkyEquation::putSlice(VisBuffer & vb, Bool dopsf, FTMachine::Type col, Int cubeSlice, Int nCubeSlice) {
    1214             : 
    1215         263 :     AlwaysAssert(ok(),AipsError);
    1216         263 :     Int nRow=vb.nRow();
    1217         263 :     internalChangesPut_p=false;  // Does this VB change inside itself?
    1218         263 :     firstOneChangesPut_p=false;  // Has this VB changed from the previous one?
    1219        1052 :     if((ftm_p[0]->name() != "MosaicFT")    && (ftm_p[0]->name() != "PBWProjectFT") &&
    1220        1052 :        (ftm_p[0]->name() != "AWProjectFT") && (ftm_p[0]->name() != "AWProjectWBFT")) {
    1221         263 :         changedSkyJonesLogic(vb, firstOneChangesPut_p, internalChangesPut_p);
    1222             :     }
    1223             :     //First ft machine change should be indicative
    1224             :     //anyways right now we are allowing only 1 ftmachine for GridBoth
    1225         263 :     Bool IFTChanged=iftm_p[0]->changed(vb);
    1226             : 
    1227             : 
    1228             :     // we might need to recompute the "sky" for every single row, but we
    1229             :     // avoid this if possible.
    1230             : 
    1231             : 
    1232         263 :     if(internalChangesPut_p || internalChangesGet_p) {
    1233             : 
    1234           0 :         if(internalChangesGet_p)
    1235           0 :             internalChangesGet_p=false;
    1236             : 
    1237             :         // Yes there are changes: go row by row.
    1238             : 
    1239           0 :         for (Int row=0; row<nRow; row++) {
    1240             : 
    1241           0 :             if(IFTChanged||changedSkyJones(vb,row)) {
    1242             :                 // Need to apply the SkyJones from the previous row
    1243             :                 // and finish off before starting with this row
    1244           0 :               finalizePutSlice(* vb_p, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1245           0 :               initializePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1246             :             }
    1247             : 
    1248           0 :             for (Int model=0; model<sm_->numberOfModels()/( isNewFTM()? sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() : 1 ); ++model){
    1249           0 :                      iftm_p[model]->put(vb, row, dopsf, col);
    1250             :             }
    1251             :         }
    1252           0 :     }
    1253         263 :     else if (IFTChanged || firstOneChangesPut_p || firstOneChangesGet_p) {
    1254             : 
    1255           0 :         if(firstOneChangesGet_p)
    1256           0 :             firstOneChangesGet_p=false;
    1257             : 
    1258           0 :         if(!isBeginingOfSkyJonesCache_p){
    1259           0 :           finalizePutSlice(*vb_p, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1260             :         }
    1261           0 :         initializePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1262           0 :         isBeginingOfSkyJonesCache_p=false;
    1263           0 :         for (Int model=0; model<sm_->numberOfModels()/( isNewFTM()? sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() : 1 ); ++model){
    1264           0 :                  iftm_p[model]->put(vb, -1, dopsf, col);
    1265             :         }
    1266           0 :     }
    1267             :     else {
    1268         526 :       for (Int model=0; model<sm_->numberOfModels()/( isNewFTM()? sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() : 1 ); ++model){
    1269         263 :                 iftm_p[model]->put(vb, -1, dopsf, col);
    1270             :         }
    1271             :     }
    1272             : 
    1273         263 :     isBeginingOfSkyJonesCache_p=false;
    1274             : 
    1275         263 : }
    1276             : 
    1277         862 : Bool CubeSkyEquation::isNewFTM(FTMachine* ftm)
    1278             : {
    1279             :   return (
    1280         862 :           (ftm->name() == "AWProjectFT")
    1281        1724 :           || (ftm->name() == "AWProjectWBFT")
    1282        1724 :           || (ftm->name() == "PBWProjectFT")
    1283        2586 :           || (ftm->name() == "NewMultiTermFT")
    1284             :           //      || (ftm->name() == "GridFT")
    1285        1724 :           );
    1286             : }
    1287             : 
    1288         822 : Bool CubeSkyEquation::isNewFTM()
    1289             : {
    1290         822 :   AlwaysAssert( &(*ftm_p[0]) ,AipsError );
    1291         822 :   return isNewFTM(&(*ftm_p[0]));
    1292             : }
    1293             : 
    1294          14 : void CubeSkyEquation::finalizePutSlice(const VisBuffer& vb,  Bool dopsf,
    1295             :                                        Int cubeSlice, Int nCubeSlice) 
    1296             : {
    1297             :   //============================================================================
    1298             :   // NEW CODE BEGINS
    1299             :   // Iterate across fields
    1300          28 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("CubeSkyEquation", "finalizePutSlice"));
    1301             : 
    1302          14 :   Bool newFTM=false;
    1303             :   /*
    1304             :   for (Int field=0; field < sm_->numberOfModels(); ++field)
    1305             :     {
    1306             :       newFTM = isNewFTM(&(*ftm_p[field]));
    1307             :       
    1308             :       if (newFTM) newFinalizePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice, field);
    1309             :       else        oldFinalizePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice, field);
    1310             :     }
    1311             :   */
    1312          14 :   newFTM = isNewFTM(&(*ftm_p[0]));
    1313             :       
    1314          14 :   if (newFTM) newFinalizePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1315          14 :   else        oldFinalizePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1316             :   
    1317             :   //newFinalizePutSlice(vb, dopsf, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1318             :   // if (!newFTM)
    1319             :   //   tmpWBNormalizeImage(dopsf);
    1320          14 : }
    1321             : 
    1322           0 : void CubeSkyEquation::newFinalizePutSlice(const VisBuffer& vb,  Bool dopsf,
    1323             :                                           Int cubeSlice, Int nCubeSlice) 
    1324             : {
    1325             :   //============================================================================
    1326             :   // NEW CODE BEGINS
    1327             :   // Iterate across fields
    1328           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("CubeSkyEquation", "newFinalizePutSlice"));
    1329             :     {
    1330             :       // os << "WARNING!!!  NEW R&D CODE IN USE...DISABLE IT BEFORE CHECK-IN " 
    1331             :       //         << ftm_p[field]->name()
    1332             :       //         << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
    1333             :       
    1334           0 :       sm_->setImageNormalization(true);
    1335           0 :       for (Int field=0; field < sm_->numberOfModels()/sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms(); ++field)
    1336             :         {
    1337           0 :           ft_=&(*ftm_p[field]);
    1338           0 :           ift_=&(*iftm_p[field]);
    1339             : 
    1340             :           // Number of Taylor terms per field
    1341           0 :           Int ntaylors = sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms();
    1342           0 :           if(dopsf) ntaylors = 2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1;
    1343             : 
    1344             :           // Build a list of reference images to send into FTMachine
    1345           0 :           PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *> gSSliceVec(ntaylors);
    1346           0 :           PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *> ggSSliceVec(ntaylors);
    1347           0 :           PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *> fluxScaleVec(ntaylors);
    1348           0 :           Block<CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Complex> > > imPutSliceVec(ntaylors);
    1349           0 :           Block<Matrix<Float> > weightSliceVec(ntaylors); // this is by value
    1350           0 :           for (Int taylor=0; taylor < ntaylors; ++taylor)
    1351             :             {
    1352           0 :               Int model = sm_->getModelIndex(field,taylor);
    1353           0 :               sliceCube(gSSliceVec[taylor], sm_->gS(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1354           0 :               sliceCube(ggSSliceVec[taylor], sm_->ggS(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1355           0 :               sliceCube(fluxScaleVec[taylor], sm_->fluxScale(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1356           0 :               imPutSliceVec[taylor] = imPutSlice_p[model];
    1357           0 :               weightSliceVec[taylor] = weightSlice_p[model];
    1358             :             }// end of taylor
    1359             : 
    1360             :           // Call finalizeToSky for this field.
    1361             :           // -- calls getImage, getWeightImage, does Stokes conversion, and gS/ggS normalization
    1362             :           //U// cout << "CubeSkyEqn :: calling new finalizeToSky with dopsf " << dopsf << endl;
    1363           0 :           iftm_p[field]->finalizeToSky( imPutSliceVec , gSSliceVec , ggSSliceVec , fluxScaleVec, dopsf , weightSliceVec, vb );
    1364             :           
    1365             :           // Clean up temporary reference images      
    1366           0 :           for (Int taylor=0; taylor < ntaylors; ++taylor)
    1367             :             {
    1368           0 :               Int model = sm_->getModelIndex(field,taylor);
    1369           0 :               weightSlice_p[model] = weightSliceVec[taylor]; // because this is by value...
    1370           0 :               delete gSSliceVec[taylor]; 
    1371           0 :               delete ggSSliceVec[taylor];
    1372           0 :               delete fluxScaleVec[taylor];
    1373             :             }
    1374           0 :         }// end of field
    1375             : 
    1376             :       //          storeImg(String(""), *(gSSliceVec[0]));
    1377           0 :       tmpWBNormalizeImage(dopsf,ft_->getPBLimit());
    1378             :       //          storeImg(String(""), *(gSSliceVec[0]));
    1379             :       
    1380           0 :       ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
    1381           0 :       ift_=&(*iftm_p[0]);
    1382             :       // 4. Finally, we add the statistics
    1383           0 :       sm_->addStatistics(sumwt, chisq);
    1384             :     }
    1385           0 : }
    1386             : 
    1387          14 : void CubeSkyEquation::oldFinalizePutSlice(const VisBuffer& vb,  Bool /*dopsf*/,
    1388             :                                           Int cubeSlice, Int nCubeSlice) 
    1389             : {
    1390             :   //  cerr << "### Using old code: " << ftm_p[model]->name() << endl;
    1391             :     {
    1392          28 :       for (Int model=0; model < sm_->numberOfModels(); ++model)
    1393             :         {
    1394             :         //the different apply...jones use ft_ and ift_
    1395          14 :         ft_=&(*ftm_p[model]);
    1396          14 :         ift_=&(*iftm_p[model]);
    1397             :         // Actually do the transform. Update weights as we do so.
    1398          14 :         iftm_p[model]->finalizeToSky();
    1399             :         // 1. Now get the (unnormalized) image and add the 
    1400             :         // weight to the summed weight
    1401          14 :         Matrix<Float> delta;
    1402             :         //imPutSlice_p[model]->copyData(iftm_p[model]->getImage(delta, false));
    1403          14 :         iftm_p[model]->getImage(delta, false);
    1404             :         //iftm_p[field]->finalizeToSky( imPutSliceVec , gSSliceVec , ggSSliceVec , fluxScaleVec, dopsf , weightSliceVec );
    1405          14 :         weightSlice_p[model]+=delta;
    1406             :         
    1407             :         // 2. Apply the SkyJones and add to grad chisquared
    1408             :         SubImage<Float> *workSlice;
    1409             :         SubImage<Float> *gSSlice;
    1410          14 :         sliceCube(workSlice, sm_->work(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1411          14 :         sliceCube(gSSlice, sm_->gS(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1412             :         
    1413          14 :         applySkyJonesInv(vb, -1, *(imPutSlice_p[model]), *workSlice,
    1414          14 :                          *gSSlice);
    1415             :         SubImage<Float> *ggSSlice;
    1416          14 :         sliceCube(ggSSlice, sm_->ggS(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1417             :       
    1418             :         // 3. Apply the square of the SkyJones and add this to gradgrad chisquared
    1419          14 :         applySkyJonesSquare(vb, -1, weightSlice_p[model], *workSlice,
    1420          14 :                             *ggSSlice);
    1421             :   
    1422          14 :         (imPutSlice_p[model])->clearCache();
    1423             :         //imPutSlice_p[model]->clearCache();
    1424          14 :         delete workSlice;
    1425          14 :         delete gSSlice;
    1426          14 :         delete ggSSlice;
    1427          14 :       }
    1428          14 :       ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
    1429          14 :       ift_=&(*iftm_p[0]);
    1430             :       // 4. Finally, we add the statistics
    1431          14 :       sm_->addStatistics(sumwt, chisq);
    1432             :     }
    1433          14 :     sm_->setImageNormalization(false);
    1434          14 : }
    1435             : 
    1436          12 : void CubeSkyEquation::initializeGetSlice(const VisBuffer& vb, 
    1437             :                                            Int row, 
    1438             :                                            Bool incremental, Int cubeSlice, 
    1439             :                                            Int nCubeSlice)
    1440             : {
    1441          24 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("CubeSkyEquation", "initializeGetSlice"));
    1442             :   
    1443             :   //  oldInitializeGetSlice(vb, row, incremental, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1444             : 
    1445          12 :    Bool newFTM=false;
    1446             :    /*
    1447             :    for (Int field=0; field < sm_->numberOfModels(); ++field)
    1448             :      {
    1449             :        newFTM = isNewFTM(&(*ftm_p[field]));
    1450             :       
    1451             :        if (newFTM) newInitializeGetSlice(vb, row, incremental,cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1452             :        else        oldInitializeGetSlice(vb, row, incremental,cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1453             :        }*/
    1454             : 
    1455          12 :        newFTM = isNewFTM(&(*ftm_p[0]));
    1456             :       
    1457          12 :        if (newFTM) newInitializeGetSlice(vb, row, incremental,cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1458          12 :        else        oldInitializeGetSlice(vb, row, incremental,cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1459             :        
    1460             :        //newInitializeGetSlice(vb, row, incremental,cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1461             :   // if (!newFTM)
    1462             :   //   tmpWBNormalizeImage(dopsf);
    1463          12 : }
    1464             : 
    1465           0 : void CubeSkyEquation::newInitializeGetSlice(const VisBuffer& vb, 
    1466             :                                             Int /*row*/, 
    1467             :                                             Bool incremental, Int cubeSlice, 
    1468             :                                             Int nCubeSlice)
    1469             : {
    1470             :   //  imGetSlice_p.resize(sm_->numberOfModels(), true, false);
    1471             :   //  for(Int field=0; field < sm_->numberOfFields(); ++field){
    1472           0 :   sm_->setImageNormalization(true);
    1473           0 :   imGetSlice_p.resize(sm_->numberOfModels(), true, false);
    1474           0 :   for(Int model=0; model < sm_->numberOfModels()/sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms(); ++model)
    1475             :     {
    1476           0 :       if(nCubeSlice>1)
    1477           0 :       ftm_p[model]->reset();
    1478             :     }
    1479             : 
    1480           0 :   Int ntaylors=sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms(),
    1481           0 :     nfields = sm_->numberOfModels()/ntaylors;
    1482             :   
    1483           0 :   for(Int field=0; field < nfields; ++field)
    1484             :     {
    1485             :       //the different apply...jones user ft_ and ift_
    1486           0 :       ft_=&(*ftm_p[field]);
    1487           0 :       ift_=&(*iftm_p[field]);
    1488             :       
    1489           0 :       Block<CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Complex> > > imGetSliceVec(sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms());
    1490           0 :       PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *> modelSliceVec(sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms());
    1491           0 :       PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *> weightSliceVec(sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms());
    1492           0 :       PtrBlock<SubImage<Float> *> fluxScaleVec(sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms());
    1493           0 :       Block<Matrix<Float> > weightVec(sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms()); // this is by value
    1494             :       
    1495           0 :       for(Int taylor=0; taylor < sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms(); ++taylor)
    1496             :         {
    1497           0 :           Int model = sm_->getModelIndex(field,taylor);
    1498             :           // NEW : Do the applySkyJones slice-by-slice -- to make it go into initializeToVis :(
    1499             :           ///cerr << "Taylor, Model, Field: " << taylor << " " << model << " " << field << endl;
    1500           0 :           if(incremental)
    1501           0 :             sliceCube(modelSliceVec[taylor], sm_->deltaImage(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1502             :           else
    1503           0 :             sliceCube(modelSliceVec[taylor], sm_->image(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1504             : 
    1505           0 :           sliceCube(fluxScaleVec[taylor], sm_->fluxScale(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1506           0 :           sliceCube(weightSliceVec[taylor], sm_->ggS(model), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1507           0 :           sliceCube(imGetSlice_p[model], model, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice, 1);
    1508           0 :           imGetSliceVec[taylor] = imGetSlice_p[model];
    1509           0 :           weightVec[taylor] = weightSlice_p[model];
    1510             :         }// end of taylor
    1511             :       
    1512             :       //U// cout << "CubeSkyEquation :: Calling new initializeToVis with " << modelSliceVec.nelements() << " models and " << imGetSliceVec.nelements() << " complex grids " << endl;
    1513             :       //U// LatticeExprNode LEN = max( *(modelSliceVec[0] ) );
    1514             :       //U// cout << "CubeSkyEq  : Peak in image to be predicted : " << LEN.getFloat() << endl;
    1515             :       
    1516           0 :       ftm_p[field]->initializeToVis(imGetSliceVec, modelSliceVec, weightSliceVec, 
    1517             :                                     fluxScaleVec, weightVec,vb);
    1518             :       
    1519           0 :       for (Int taylor=0; taylor < sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms(); ++taylor)
    1520             :         {
    1521             :           //     Int model = sm_->getModelIndex(field,taylor);
    1522             :           // weightSlice_p[model] = weightSliceVec[taylor]; // because this is by value...
    1523           0 :           delete modelSliceVec[taylor];
    1524           0 :           delete weightSliceVec[taylor];
    1525           0 :           delete fluxScaleVec[taylor];
    1526             :         }
    1527           0 :     }//end of field
    1528           0 :   ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
    1529           0 :   ift_=&(*iftm_p[0]);
    1530           0 : }
    1531             : 
    1532          12 : void CubeSkyEquation::oldInitializeGetSlice(const VisBuffer& vb, 
    1533             :                                             Int row, 
    1534             :                                             Bool incremental, Int cubeSlice, 
    1535             :                                             Int nCubeSlice){
    1536          12 :   sm_->setImageNormalization(false);
    1537             :   
    1538          12 :   imGetSlice_p.resize(sm_->numberOfModels(), true, false);
    1539          24 :   for(Int model=0; model < sm_->numberOfModels(); ++model){
    1540          12 :     if(nCubeSlice>1){
    1541           0 :       ftm_p[model]->reset();
    1542             :     }
    1543             :     //the different apply...jones user ft_ and ift_
    1544          12 :     ft_=&(*ftm_p[model]);
    1545          12 :     ift_=&(*iftm_p[model]);
    1546          12 :     if(cubeSlice==0){
    1547          12 :       if(incremental) {
    1548           1 :         applySkyJones(vb, row, sm_->deltaImage(model), sm_->cImage(model));
    1549             :       }
    1550             :       else {
    1551          11 :         applySkyJones(vb, row, sm_->image(model), sm_->cImage(model));
    1552             :       }
    1553             :     }
    1554          12 :     sliceCube(imGetSlice_p[model], model, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice, 1);
    1555          12 :     ftm_p[model]->initializeToVis(*(imGetSlice_p[model]), vb);
    1556             :   }
    1557          12 :   ft_=&(*ftm_p[0]);
    1558          12 :   ift_=&(*iftm_p[0]);
    1559             :   
    1560             :   
    1561          12 : }
    1562             : 
    1563          26 : void CubeSkyEquation::sliceCube(CountedPtr<ImageInterface<Complex> >& slice,Int model, Int cubeSlice, 
    1564             :                                 Int nCubeSlice, Int typeOfSlice){
    1565             :   
    1566          26 :   IPosition blc(4,0,0,0,0);
    1567          52 :   IPosition trc(4,sm_->cImage(model).shape()(0)-1,
    1568          78 :                 sm_->cImage(model).shape()(1)-1,sm_->cImage(model).shape()(2)-1,
    1569          78 :                 0);
    1570          26 :   Int beginChannel=cubeSlice*nchanPerSlice_p;
    1571          26 :   Int endChannel=beginChannel+nchanPerSlice_p-1;
    1572          26 :   if(cubeSlice==(nCubeSlice-1))
    1573          26 :     endChannel=sm_->image(model).shape()(3)-1;
    1574          26 :   blc(3)=beginChannel;
    1575          26 :   trc(3)=endChannel;
    1576          26 :   sl_p=Slicer (blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast);
    1577          26 :   SubImage<Complex>* sliceIm= new SubImage<Complex>(sm_->cImage(model), sl_p, true); /// UUU changes to true
    1578             :   //  cerr << "SliceCube: " << beginChannel << " " << endChannel << endl;
    1579          26 :   if(typeOfSlice==0){    
    1580             :     
    1581          14 :     Double memoryMB=HostInfo::memoryFree()/1024.0/(5.0*(sm_->numberOfModels()));
    1582          28 :     slice=new TempImage<Complex> (TiledShape(sliceIm->shape(), 
    1583          42 :                                              IPosition(4, min(sliceIm->shape()(0)/4, 1000), min(sliceIm->shape()(1)/4, 1000),sliceIm->shape()(2) , 1)), sliceIm->coordinates(), sm_->getMemoryUse() ? memoryMB: 0);
    1584             :     
    1585             :  
    1586             :     //slice->setMaximumCacheSize((sliceIm->shape()[0])*(sliceIm->shape()[1])/4);
    1587          14 :     slice->setMaximumCacheSize(sliceIm->shape().product());
    1588             :     //slice.copyData(sliceIm);
    1589          14 :     slice->set(Complex(0.0, 0.0));
    1590             :     //slice->setCoordinateInfo(sm_->image(model).coordinates());
    1591          14 :     delete sliceIm;
    1592             :   }
    1593             :   else{
    1594          12 :     slice=sliceIm;
    1595             :   }
    1596             :   
    1597          26 : }
    1598             : 
    1599          42 : void CubeSkyEquation::sliceCube(SubImage<Float>*& slice,
    1600             :                                 ImageInterface<Float>& image, Int cubeSlice, 
    1601             :                                 Int nCubeSlice){
    1602             :   
    1603          42 :   IPosition blc(4,0,0,0,0);
    1604          84 :   IPosition trc(4,image.shape()(0)-1,
    1605         126 :                 image.shape()(1)-1,image.shape()(2)-1,
    1606         126 :                 0);
    1607          42 :   Int beginChannel=cubeSlice*nchanPerSlice_p;
    1608          42 :   Int endChannel=beginChannel+nchanPerSlice_p-1;
    1609          42 :   if(cubeSlice==(nCubeSlice-1))
    1610          42 :     endChannel=image.shape()(3)-1;
    1611          42 :   blc(3)=beginChannel;
    1612          42 :   trc(3)=endChannel;
    1613          42 :   sl_p=Slicer(blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast);
    1614             :   //writeable if possible
    1615          42 :   slice=  new SubImage<Float> (image, sl_p, true);
    1616          42 : }
    1617             : 
    1618         268 : VisBuffer& CubeSkyEquation::getSlice(VisBuffer& result,  
    1619             :                                      Bool incremental,
    1620             :                                      Int cubeSlice, Int nCubeSlice) {
    1621             :   
    1622         268 :   Int nRow=result.nRow();
    1623             :   
    1624         268 :   result.modelVisCube(); // get the visibility so vb will have it
    1625         268 :   VisBuffer vb(result); // method only called using writable VI so no ROVIA
    1626             :   
    1627         268 :   Int nmodels=sm_->numberOfModels()/( isNewFTM()? sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() : 1 );
    1628         268 :   Bool FTChanged=ftm_p[0]->changed(vb);
    1629             :   
    1630             :   // we might need to recompute the "sky" for every single row, but we
    1631             :   // avoid this if possible.
    1632         268 :   internalChangesGet_p=false;  // Does this VB change inside itself?
    1633         268 :   firstOneChangesGet_p=false;  // Has this VB changed from the previous one?
    1634        1072 :   if((ftm_p[0]->name() != "MosaicFT")    && (ftm_p[0]->name() != "PBWProjectFT") &&
    1635        1072 :      (ftm_p[0]->name() != "AWProjectFT") && (ftm_p[0]->name() != "AWProjectWBFT")) {
    1636         268 :     changedSkyJonesLogic(result, firstOneChangesGet_p, internalChangesGet_p);
    1637             :   }
    1638             :   
    1639         268 :   if(internalChangesGet_p || internalChangesPut_p) {
    1640           0 :     if(internalChangesPut_p)
    1641           0 :       internalChangesPut_p=false;
    1642             :     // Yes there are changes within this buffer: go row by row.
    1643             :     // This will automatically catch a change in the FTMachine so
    1644             :     // we don't have to check for that.
    1645             :     
    1646           0 :     Matrix<Complex> refres;
    1647           0 :     Matrix<Complex> refvb;
    1648           0 :     for (Int row=0; row<nRow; row++) {
    1649           0 :       finalizeGetSlice();
    1650           0 :       initializeGetSlice(result, row, false, cubeSlice, 
    1651             :                          nCubeSlice);
    1652           0 :       if(incremental || (nmodels > 1) ){
    1653           0 :         for (Int model=0; model < nmodels; ++model){
    1654           0 :           ftm_p[model]->get(vb,row);
    1655           0 :           refvb.reference(vb.modelVisCube().xyPlane(row));
    1656           0 :           refres.reference(result.modelVisCube().xyPlane(row));
    1657           0 :           refres += refvb;
    1658             :         }
    1659           0 :       }
    1660             :       else
    1661           0 :         ftm_p[0]->get(result, row);
    1662             :     }
    1663           0 :   }
    1664         268 :   else if (FTChanged || firstOneChangesGet_p || firstOneChangesPut_p) {
    1665           0 :     if(firstOneChangesPut_p)
    1666           0 :       firstOneChangesPut_p=false;
    1667             :     // This buffer has changed wrt the previous buffer, but
    1668             :     // this buffer has no changes within it. Again we don't need to
    1669             :     // check for the FTMachine changing.
    1670             :     
    1671           0 :     finalizeGetSlice();
    1672           0 :     initializeGetSlice(result, 0, false, cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1673           0 :     if(incremental || (nmodels > 1) ){
    1674           0 :       for (Int model=0; model < nmodels; ++model){
    1675           0 :         ftm_p[model]->get(vb);
    1676           0 :         result.modelVisCube()+=vb.modelVisCube();
    1677             :       }
    1678           0 :     }
    1679             :     else
    1680           0 :       ftm_p[0]->get(result);
    1681           0 :   }
    1682             :   else {
    1683         268 :     if(incremental || (nmodels >1)  ){
    1684          36 :       for (Int model=0; model < nmodels; ++model){
    1685          18 :         ftm_p[model]->get(vb);
    1686          18 :         result.modelVisCube()+=vb.modelVisCube();
    1687             :       }
    1688          18 :     }
    1689             :     else
    1690         250 :       ftm_p[0]->get(result);
    1691             :   }
    1692         268 :   return result;
    1693             :   
    1694         268 : }
    1695             : 
    1696             : void
    1697          12 : CubeSkyEquation::finalizeGetSlice(){
    1698             :   //// place-holders.... there is nothing to do after degridding
    1699             : 
    1700          12 :   if( ftm_p[0]->name() != "NewMultiTermFT" ) // Added this filter to prevent seg-fault in widebandmosaic regression that started after r30978.
    1701             :     {
    1702          24 :       for (Int model=0; model < sm_->numberOfModels(); ++model)
    1703          12 :         ftm_p[model]->finalizeToVis();
    1704             :     }
    1705          12 : }
    1706             : 
    1707             : Bool
    1708          26 : CubeSkyEquation::getFreqRange(ROVisibilityIterator& vi,
    1709             :                               const CoordinateSystem& coords,
    1710             :                               Int slice, Int nslice){
    1711             :   //bypass this for now
    1712          26 :   return false;
    1713             :     // Enforce that all SPWs are in the same frequency frame.
    1714             :     //
    1715             :     // If all the SPWs in the MS are in LSRK frame, we can do data
    1716             :     // selection (since image is always in LSRK).
    1717             :     //
    1718             :     // If not all SPWs in the MS are in the same frequency frame and
    1719             :     // in LSRK frame, for now, disable data selection since the
    1720             :     // mapping between image (in LSRK) and MS channels will be time
    1721             :     // variable.
    1722             :     VisBufferAutoPtr vb (vi);
    1723             :     ROScalarMeasColumn<MFrequency> freqFrame=vb->msColumns().spectralWindow().refFrequencyMeas();
    1724             :     uInt nrows=vb->msColumns().spectralWindow().nrow();
    1725             :     String firstString = freqFrame(0).getRefString();
    1726             :     Bool allFramesSame=true;
    1727             :     for (uInt i=0;i<nrows;i++)
    1728             :         if (freqFrame(i).getRefString() != firstString)
    1729             :         {allFramesSame = false;break;}
    1730             : 
    1731             :     if (!allFramesSame || (firstString!="LSRK"))
    1732             :         return false;
    1733             : 
    1734             :     // Only one slice lets keep what the user selected
    1735             :     if(nslice==1)
    1736             :         return false;
    1737             : 
    1738             :     Double start=0.0; 
    1739             :     Double end=0.0;
    1740             :     Double chanwidth=1.0;
    1741             :     Int specIndex=coords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
    1742             :     SpectralCoordinate specCoord=coords.spectralCoordinate(specIndex);
    1743             :     Vector<Int>spectralPixelAxis=coords.pixelAxes(specIndex);
    1744             :     if(nchanPerSlice_p>0){
    1745             :         specCoord.toWorld(start,Double(slice*nchanPerSlice_p)-0.5);
    1746             :         specCoord.toWorld(end, Double(nchanPerSlice_p*(slice+1))+0.5);
    1747             :         chanwidth=fabs(end-start)/Double(nchanPerSlice_p);
    1748             :     }
    1749             :     if(end < start){
    1750             :         Double tempoo=start;
    1751             :         start=end;
    1752             :         end=tempoo;
    1753             :     }
    1754             : 
    1755             :     Block<Vector<Int> > spwb;
    1756             :     Block<Vector<Int> > startb;
    1757             :     Block<Vector<Int> > nchanb;
    1758             :     Block<Vector<Int> > incrb=blockChanInc_p;
    1759             :     vi.getSpwInFreqRange(spwb, startb, nchanb, start, end, chanwidth);
    1760             :     if(spwb.nelements()==0)
    1761             :         return false;
    1762             : 
    1763             :     //cerr << "Original is " << blockChanStart_p[0] <<  "   " << blockChanWidth_p[0] << "  " <<  blockChanInc_p[0] << "   " 
    1764             :     //   <<  blockSpw_p[0] << endl;
    1765             :     //vi.selectChannel(1, startb[0][0], nchanb[0][0], 1, spwb[0][0]); 
    1766             :     vi.selectChannel(blockNumChanGroup_p, startb, nchanb, incrb, spwb); 
    1767             : 
    1768             :     return true;
    1769             : 
    1770             : }
    1771             : 
    1772          14 : void CubeSkyEquation::fixImageScale()
    1773             : {
    1774          28 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("CubeSkyEquation", "fixImageScale"));
    1775             :   
    1776             :   // make a minimum value to ggS
    1777             :   // This has the same effect as Sault Weighting, but 
    1778             :   // is implemented somewhat differently.
    1779             :   // We also keep the fluxScale(mod) images around to
    1780             :   // undo the weighting.
    1781             :  
    1782          28 :   for (Int model=0;model<sm_->numberOfModels()/( isNewFTM()? sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() : 1 );model++) {
    1783             : 
    1784          14 :     Float ggSMax=0.0;
    1785             :     {
    1786             :       
    1787          14 :       LatticeExprNode LEN = max( sm_->ggS(model) );
    1788          14 :       ggSMax =  max(ggSMax,LEN.getFloat());
    1789          14 :     }
    1790             :     Float ggSMin1;
    1791             :     Float ggSMin2;
    1792             :   
    1793             :   
    1794          14 :     ggSMin1 = ggSMax * constPB_p * constPB_p;
    1795          14 :     ggSMin2 = ggSMax * minPB_p * minPB_p;
    1796             : 
    1797             : 
    1798          14 :     if(ej_ || (ftm_p[model]->name() == "MosaicFT") ) {
    1799             :       
    1800             :       
    1801             :       
    1802             :       /*Don't print this for now
    1803             :         if (scaleType_p == "SAULT") {
    1804             :         os << "Using SAULT image plane weighting" << LogIO::POST;
    1805             :         }
    1806             :         else {
    1807             :         os << "Using No image plane weighting" << LogIO::POST;
    1808             :         }
    1809             :       */
    1810           0 :       sm_->fluxScale(model).removeRegion ("mask0", RegionHandler::Any, false);
    1811           0 :       if ((ftm_p[model]->name()!="MosaicFT")) {
    1812           0 :         if(scaleType_p=="SAULT"){
    1813             :           
    1814             :           // Adjust flux scale to account for ggS being truncated at ggSMin1
    1815             :           // Below ggSMin2, set flux scale to 0.0
    1816             :           // FluxScale * image => true brightness distribution, but
    1817             :           // noise increases at edge.
    1818             :           // if ggS < ggSMin2, set to Zero;
    1819             :           // if ggS > ggSMin2 && < ggSMin1, set to ggSMin1/ggS
    1820             :           // if ggS > ggSMin1, set to 1.0
    1821             :           
    1822           0 :           sm_->fluxScale(model).copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1823           0 :                                           (iif(sm_->ggS(model) < (ggSMin2), 0.0,
    1824           0 :                                                sqrt((sm_->ggS(model))/ggSMin1) )) );
    1825           0 :           sm_->fluxScale(model).copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1826           0 :                                           (iif(sm_->ggS(model) > (ggSMin1), 1.0,
    1827           0 :                                                (sm_->fluxScale(model)) )) );
    1828             :           // truncate ggS at ggSMin1
    1829           0 :           sm_->ggS(model).copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1830           0 :                                     (iif(sm_->ggS(model) < (ggSMin1), ggSMin1*(sm_->fluxScale(model)), 
    1831           0 :                                          sm_->ggS(model)) )
    1832             :                                     );
    1833             :           
    1834             :         }
    1835             :         
    1836             :         else{
    1837             :           
    1838           0 :           sm_->fluxScale(model).copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1839           0 :                                           (iif(sm_->ggS(model) < (ggSMin2), 0.0,
    1840           0 :                                                sqrt((sm_->ggS(model))/ggSMax) )) );
    1841           0 :           sm_->ggS(model).copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1842           0 :                                     (iif(sm_->ggS(model) < (ggSMin2), 0.0,
    1843           0 :                                          sqrt((sm_->ggS(model))*ggSMax) )) );
    1844             :           
    1845             :         }
    1846             :         
    1847             :       } else {
    1848             :         
    1849           0 :         Int nXX=sm_->ggS(model).shape()(0);
    1850           0 :         Int nYY=sm_->ggS(model).shape()(1);
    1851           0 :         Int npola= sm_->ggS(model).shape()(2);
    1852           0 :         Int nchana= sm_->ggS(model).shape()(3);
    1853           0 :         IPosition blc(4,nXX, nYY, npola, nchana);
    1854           0 :         IPosition trc(4, nXX, nYY, npola, nchana);
    1855           0 :         blc(0)=0; blc(1)=0; trc(0)=nXX-1; trc(1)=nYY-1; 
    1856             :         
    1857           0 :         Vector<Float> planeWeightMax(npola*nchana, 0.0);
    1858             :         //Those damn weights per plane can be wildly different so 
    1859             :         //deal with it properly here
    1860           0 :         for (Int j=0; j < npola; ++j){
    1861           0 :           for (Int k=0; k < nchana ; ++k){
    1862             :             
    1863           0 :             blc(2)=j; trc(2)=j;
    1864           0 :             blc(3)=k; trc(3)=k;
    1865           0 :             Slicer sl(blc, trc, Slicer::endIsLast);
    1866           0 :             SubImage<Float> fscalesub(sm_->fluxScale(model), sl, true);
    1867           0 :             SubImage<Float> ggSSub(sm_->ggS(model), sl, true);
    1868             :             Float planeMax;
    1869           0 :             LatticeExprNode LEN = max( ggSSub );
    1870           0 :             planeMax =  LEN.getFloat();
    1871           0 :             planeWeightMax(j*nchana+k)=planeMax;
    1872             :             ///////////
    1873           0 :             LatticeExprNode LEN1 = min( ggSSub );
    1874             :             os << LogIO::DEBUG1
    1875           0 :                << "Max " << planeMax << " min " << LEN1.getFloat() << LogIO::POST;
    1876             :             ////////////
    1877             :             ///As we chop the image later...the weight can vary per channel
    1878             :             ///lets be conservative and go to 1% of ggsMin2
    1879           0 :             if(planeMax !=0){
    1880             :               //cerr << "DOFLAT " << doflat_p << endl;
    1881           0 :               if(doflat_p){
    1882           0 :                 fscalesub.copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1883           0 :                                     (iif(ggSSub < (ggSMin2/100.0), 
    1884           0 :                                          0.0, sqrt(ggSSub/planeMax))));
    1885           0 :                 ggSSub.copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1886           0 :                                  (iif(ggSSub < (ggSMin2/100.0), 0.0, 
    1887           0 :                                       sqrt(planeMax*ggSSub))));
    1888             :               }
    1889             :               else{
    1890           0 :                 fscalesub.copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1891           0 :                                     (iif(ggSSub < (ggSMin2/100.0), 
    1892           0 :                                          0.0, (ggSSub/planeMax))));
    1893           0 :                 ggSSub.copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1894           0 :                                  (iif(ggSSub < (ggSMin2/100.0), 0.0, 
    1895             :                                       (planeMax))));
    1896             :               }
    1897             :               
    1898             :              
    1899             : 
    1900             :               //ggSSub.copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1901             :               //                 (iif(ggSSub < (ggSMin2/100.0), 0.0, 
    1902             :               //                      planeMax)));
    1903             :               
    1904             :               
    1905             :             }
    1906           0 :           }
    1907             :           
    1908             :         }
    1909             : 
    1910           0 :         TableRecord info=(sm_->fluxScale(model)).miscInfo();
    1911           0 :         info.define("weightMax", planeWeightMax);
    1912           0 :         sm_->fluxScale(model).setMiscInfo(info);
    1913             :         /*
    1914             :           
    1915             :           ftm_p[model]->getFluxImage(sm_->fluxScale(model));
    1916             :           
    1917             :           sm_->fluxScale(model).copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1918             :           (iif(sm_->ggS(model) < (ggSMin2), 0.0,
    1919             :           (sm_->ggS(model)/ggSMax) )) );
    1920             :           
    1921             :         */
    1922             :         //}     
    1923           0 :       }
    1924             :       
    1925             :       //because for usual ft machines a applySJoneInv is done on the gS
    1926             :       //in the finalizepu tstage...need to understand if its necessary
    1927             :       /*need to understand that square business
    1928             :         if( (ft_->name() != "MosaicFT") && (!isPSFWork_p)){
    1929             :         sm_->gS(model).copyData( (LatticeExpr<Float>) 
    1930             :         (iif(sm_->fluxScale(model) > 0.0, 
    1931             :         ((sm_->gS(model))/(sm_->fluxScale(model))), 0.0 )) );
    1932             :         
    1933             :         }
    1934             :       */
    1935             :       ///
    1936           0 :       sm_->fluxScale(model).clearCache();
    1937           0 :       sm_->ggS(model).clearCache();
    1938             :     }
    1939             :     
    1940             :   }
    1941          14 : }
    1942             : 
    1943           0 : void CubeSkyEquation::tmpWBNormalizeImage(Bool& dopsf, const Float& pbLimit)
    1944             : {
    1945           0 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("CubeSkyEquation", "tmpNormalizeImage"));
    1946             : 
    1947           0 :   if (dopsf) return;
    1948             : 
    1949             :   
    1950             :   Int nCubeSlice;
    1951             :   // Number of Taylor terms per field
    1952           0 :   Int ntaylors = sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms();
    1953           0 :   isLargeCube(sm_->cImage(0), nCubeSlice);
    1954             :   
    1955             :   // PSFs are normalized in makeApproxPSF()
    1956           0 :   if(dopsf) ntaylors = 2 * sm_->numberOfTaylorTerms() - 1;
    1957             :   
    1958           0 :   Int nfields = sm_->numberOfModels()/ntaylors;
    1959             :   
    1960           0 :   for (Int cubeSlice=0; cubeSlice<nCubeSlice;cubeSlice++)
    1961             :     {
    1962           0 :     for (Int field=0; field<nfields; field++)
    1963             :       {
    1964           0 :         Int baseindex = sm_->getModelIndex(field,0); // field,taylorterm
    1965             : 
    1966             :         SubImage<Float> *ggSSliceVec;
    1967           0 :         sliceCube(ggSSliceVec, sm_->ggS(baseindex), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1968             :         
    1969           0 :         for (Int taylor=0; taylor < ntaylors; ++taylor)
    1970             :           {
    1971           0 :             Int index = sm_->getModelIndex(field, taylor);
    1972             :             
    1973             :             SubImage<Float> *gSSliceVec;
    1974           0 :             sliceCube(gSSliceVec, sm_->gS(index), cubeSlice, nCubeSlice);
    1975             :             
    1976             :             //
    1977             :             // If the FTM is NewMultiTermFT and is configure to not
    1978             :             // apply PB corrections, don't apply the PB correction
    1979             :             // here either.
    1980             :             //
    1981           0 :             LatticeExpr<Float> le;
    1982           0 :             if ((ft_->name()=="NewMultiTermFT"))
    1983             :               {
    1984           0 :                 if (((NewMultiTermFT *)ft_)->getDOPBCorrection())
    1985             :                   {
    1986             :                     ////// PBSQWeight
    1987           0 :                     le=LatticeExpr<Float>(iif((*ggSSliceVec)>(pbLimit), (*gSSliceVec)/(sqrt(*ggSSliceVec)), 0.0)); // The negative sign is in FTM::normalizeImage()
    1988             :                     ///// PBWeight
    1989             :                     //le=LatticeExpr<Float>(iif((*ggSSliceVec)>(pbLimit), (*gSSliceVec)/((*ggSSliceVec)), 0.0)); // The negative sign is in FTM::normalizeImage()
    1990           0 :                     gSSliceVec->copyData(le);
    1991             :                   }
    1992             :               }
    1993             :             else
    1994             :               {
    1995             :                 ////// PBSQWeight
    1996           0 :                 le=LatticeExpr<Float>(iif((*ggSSliceVec)>(pbLimit), (*gSSliceVec)/(sqrt(*ggSSliceVec)), 0.0)); // The negative sign is in FTM::normalizeImage()
    1997             :                 ////// PBWeight
    1998             :                 //le=LatticeExpr<Float>(iif((*ggSSliceVec)>(pbLimit), (*gSSliceVec)/((*ggSSliceVec)), 0.0)); // The negative sign is in FTM::normalizeImage()
    1999           0 :                 gSSliceVec->copyData(le);
    2000             :               }
    2001             :             
    2002             :             // if (dopsf) 
    2003             :             //  {
    2004             :             //    storeImg(String(""), *gSSliceVec);
    2005             :             //    storeImg(String(""), *ggSSliceVec);
    2006             :             //  }                 
    2007           0 :            delete gSSliceVec;
    2008             :            
    2009           0 :           }
    2010           0 :           delete ggSSliceVec;
    2011             : 
    2012             :       }
    2013             :     }
    2014             : 
    2015           0 : }
    2016             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END

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