LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementEquations - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 523 654 80.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 18 21 85.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Copyright (C) 1997-2010
       2             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       3             : //#
       4             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       5             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       6             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       7             : //# option) any later version.
       8             : //#
       9             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      10             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      11             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      12             : //# License for more details.
      13             : //#
      14             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      15             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      16             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      17             : //#
      18             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      19             : //#        Internet email:
      20             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      21             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      22             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      23             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      24             : //#
      25             : //# $Id:  $
      26             : 
      27             : // Same include list as in
      28             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
      29             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Cube.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/MatrixMath.h>
      32             : //#include <casa/Arrays/ArrayIO.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicMath/Math.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Complex.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      36             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/File.h>
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
      38             : 
      39             : #include <casacore/lattices/LRegions/LCBox.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Slicer.h>
      41             : #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/FFTServer.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/HostInfo.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayError.h>
      44             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayIter.h>
      45             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/VectorIter.h>
      46             : 
      47             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/GenSort.h>
      48             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
      49             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      50             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Fallible.h>
      51             : 
      52             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
      53             : 
      54             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogSink.h>
      55             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogMessage.h>
      56             : 
      57             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/MatrixCleaner.h>
      58             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/StokesImageUtil.h>
      59             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines2/Utils.h>
      60             : #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/TabularCoordinate.h>
      61             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
      62             : 
      63             : #ifdef _OPENMP
      64             : #include <omp.h>
      65             : #endif
      66             : 
      67             : // Additional include files
      68             : #include <algorithm>
      69             : #include <chrono>
      70             : 
      71             : #include<synthesis/MeasurementEquations/AspMatrixCleaner.h>
      72             : 
      73             : // for alglib
      74             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/objfunc_alglib.h>
      75             : //#include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/objfunc_alglib_lm.h>
      76             : //#include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/objfunc_alglib_log.h>
      77             : //#include <synthesis/MeasurementEquations/objfunc_alglib_beta.h>
      78             : using namespace alglib;
      79             : 
      80             : using namespace casacore;
      81             : using namespace std::chrono;
      82             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      83          11 : AspMatrixCleaner::AspMatrixCleaner():
      84             :   MatrixCleaner(),
      85          11 :   itsInitScaleSizes(0),
      86             :   //itsAspScaleSizes(0),
      87             :   //itsAspAmplitude(0),
      88          11 :   itsNInitScales(5),
      89          11 :   itsPsfWidth(0.0),
      90          11 :   itsUseZhang(false),
      91          11 :   itsSwitchedToHogbom(false),
      92          11 :   itsNumHogbomIter(0),
      93          11 :   itsNthHogbom(0),
      94          11 :   itsOptimumScale(0),
      95          11 :   itsOptimumScaleSize(0.0),
      96          11 :   itsPeakResidual(1000.0), // temp. should this be changed to MAX?
      97          11 :   itsPrevPeakResidual(0.0),
      98          11 :   itsOrigDirty( ),
      99          11 :   itsFusedThreshold(0.0),
     100          11 :   itsNumNoChange(0),
     101          11 :   itsBinSizeForSumFlux(4),
     102          33 :   itsUserLargestScale(-1.0)
     103             : {
     104          11 :   itsInitScales.resize(0);
     105          11 :   itsInitScaleXfrs.resize(0);
     106          11 :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(0);
     107          11 :   itsInitScaleMasks.resize(0);
     108          11 :   itsPsfConvInitScales.resize(0);
     109          11 :   itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.resize(0);
     110             :   //itsAspCenter.resize(0);
     111          11 :   itsGoodAspActiveSet.resize(0);
     112          11 :   itsGoodAspAmplitude.resize(0);
     113          11 :   itsGoodAspCenter.resize(0);
     114             :   //itsPrevAspActiveSet.resize(0);
     115             :   //itsPrevAspAmplitude.resize(0);
     116          11 :   itsUsedMemoryMB = double(HostInfo::memoryUsed()/2014);
     117          11 :   itsNormMethod = casa::refim::SynthesisUtils::getenv("ASP_NORM", itsDefaultNorm);
     118          11 : }
     119             : 
     120          11 : AspMatrixCleaner::~AspMatrixCleaner()
     121             : {
     122          11 :   destroyAspScales();
     123          11 :   destroyInitMasks();
     124          11 :   destroyInitScales();
     125          11 :   if(!itsMask.null())
     126           7 :     itsMask=0;
     127          11 : }
     128             : 
     129          70 : Bool AspMatrixCleaner::setaspcontrol(const Int niter,
     130             :            const Float gain,
     131             :            const Quantity& aThreshold,
     132             :            const Quantity& fThreshold)
     133             : {
     134          70 :   itsMaxNiter=niter;
     135          70 :   itsGain=gain;
     136          70 :   itsThreshold=aThreshold;
     137          70 :   itsFracThreshold=fThreshold;
     138          70 :   return true;
     139             : }
     140             : 
     141             : // Do the clean as set up
     142          35 : Int AspMatrixCleaner::aspclean(Matrix<Float>& model,
     143             :                          Bool /*showProgress*/)
     144             : {
     145          35 :   AlwaysAssert(model.shape()==itsDirty->shape(), AipsError);
     146             : 
     147          70 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "aspclean()", WHERE));
     148          35 :   os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Asp clean algorithm" << LogIO::POST;
     149             : 
     150             : 
     151             :   //Int scale;
     152             : 
     153          35 :   AlwaysAssert(itsScalesValid, AipsError);
     154             :   //no need to use all cores if possible
     155          35 :   Int nth = itsNscales;
     156             : #ifdef _OPENMP
     157             : 
     158          35 :     nth = min(nth, omp_get_max_threads());
     159             : 
     160             : #endif
     161             : 
     162             :   // Define a subregion for the inner quarter. No longer used
     163             :   /*IPosition blcDirty(model.shape().nelements(), 0);
     164             :   IPosition trcDirty(model.shape()-1);
     165             : 
     166             :   if(!itsMask.null())
     167             :   {
     168             :     os << "Cleaning using given mask" << LogIO::POST;
     169             :     if (itsMaskThreshold < 0)
     170             :     {
     171             :         os << LogIO::NORMAL
     172             :            << "Mask thresholding is not used, values are interpreted as weights"
     173             :            <<LogIO::POST;
     174             :     }
     175             :     else
     176             :     {
     177             :       // a mask that does not allow for clean was sent
     178             :       if(noClean_p)
     179             :         return 0;
     180             : 
     181             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL
     182             :          << "Cleaning pixels with mask values above " << itsMaskThreshold
     183             :          << LogIO::POST;
     184             :     }
     185             : 
     186             :     Int nx=model.shape()(0);
     187             :     Int ny=model.shape()(1);
     188             : 
     189             :     AlwaysAssert(itsMask->shape()(0)==nx, AipsError);
     190             :     AlwaysAssert(itsMask->shape()(1)==ny, AipsError);
     191             :     Int xbeg=nx-1;
     192             :     Int ybeg=ny-1;
     193             :     Int xend=0;
     194             :     Int yend=0;
     195             :     for (Int iy=0;iy<ny;iy++)
     196             :     {
     197             :       for (Int ix=0;ix<nx;ix++)
     198             :       {
     199             :         if((*itsMask)(ix,iy)>0.000001)
     200             :         {
     201             :           xbeg=min(xbeg,ix);
     202             :           ybeg=min(ybeg,iy);
     203             :           xend=max(xend,ix);
     204             :           yend=max(yend,iy);
     205             :         }
     206             :       }
     207             :     }
     208             : 
     209             :     if (!itsIgnoreCenterBox) // this is false
     210             :     {
     211             :       if((xend - xbeg)>nx/2)
     212             :       {
     213             :         xbeg=nx/4-1; //if larger than quarter take inner of mask
     214             :         os << LogIO::WARN << "Mask span over more than half the x-axis: Considering inner half of the x-axis"  << LogIO::POST;
     215             :       }
     216             :       if((yend - ybeg)>ny/2)
     217             :       {
     218             :         ybeg=ny/4-1;
     219             :         os << LogIO::WARN << "Mask span over more than half the y-axis: Considering inner half of the y-axis" << LogIO::POST;
     220             :       }
     221             :       xend=min(xend,xbeg+nx/2-1);
     222             :       yend=min(yend,ybeg+ny/2-1);
     223             :     }
     224             : 
     225             :     blcDirty(0)=xbeg;
     226             :     blcDirty(1)=ybeg;
     227             :     trcDirty(0)=xend;
     228             :     trcDirty(1)=yend;
     229             :   }
     230             :   else
     231             :   {
     232             :     if (itsIgnoreCenterBox) {
     233             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL << "Cleaning entire image" << LogIO::POST;
     234             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "as per MF/WF" << LogIO::POST; // ???
     235             :     }
     236             :     else {
     237             :       os << "Cleaning inner quarter of the image" << LogIO::POST;
     238             :       for (Int i=0;i<Int(model.shape().nelements());i++)
     239             :       {
     240             :         blcDirty(i)=model.shape()(i)/4;
     241             :         trcDirty(i)=blcDirty(i)+model.shape()(i)/2-1;
     242             :         if(trcDirty(i)<0)
     243             :           trcDirty(i)=1;
     244             :       }
     245             :     }
     246             :   }
     247             :   LCBox centerBox(blcDirty, trcDirty, model.shape());*/
     248             : 
     249             :   // Start the iteration
     250          35 :   Float totalFlux=0.0;
     251          35 :   Int converged=0;
     252          35 :   Int stopPointModeCounter = 0;
     253          35 :   Float tmpMaximumResidual = 0.0;
     254          35 :   Float minMaximumResidual = 1000.0;
     255          35 :   Float initRMSResidual = 1000.0;
     256          35 :   float initModelFlux = 0.0;
     257             : 
     258          35 :   os <<LogIO::NORMAL3<< "Starting iteration"<< LogIO::POST;
     259          35 :   vector<Float> tempScaleSizes;
     260          35 :   itsIteration = itsStartingIter; // 0
     261             : 
     262          35 :   Matrix<Float> itsScale0 = Matrix<Float>(psfShape_p);
     263          35 :   Matrix<Complex>itsScaleXfr0 = Matrix<Complex> ();
     264             : 
     265          35 :   Matrix<Float> itsScale = Matrix<Float>(psfShape_p);
     266          35 :   Matrix<Complex>itsScaleXfr = Matrix<Complex> ();
     267             : 
     268             :   // Define a subregion so that the peak is centered
     269          35 :   IPosition support(model.shape());
     270          35 :   support(0) = max(Int(itsInitScaleSizes[itsNInitScales-1] + 0.5), support(0));
     271          35 :   support(1) = max(Int(itsInitScaleSizes[itsNInitScales-1] + 0.5), support(1));
     272          35 :   IPosition inc(model.shape().nelements(), 1);
     273             : 
     274             :   // get init peakres
     275             :   // this is important so we have correct peakres for each channel in cube imaging
     276          35 :   Float maxVal=0;
     277          35 :   IPosition posmin((*itsDirty).shape().nelements(), 0);
     278          35 :   Float minVal=0;
     279          35 :   IPosition posmax((*itsDirty).shape().nelements(), 0);
     280          35 :   minMaxMasked(minVal, maxVal, posmin, posmax, (*itsDirty), itsInitScaleMasks[0]);
     281          35 :   itsPeakResidual = (fabs(maxVal) > fabs(minVal)) ? fabs(maxVal) : fabs(minVal);
     282             : 
     283          35 :   vector<Float> vecItsStrengthOptimum;
     284          35 :   vector<Float> vecItsOptimumScaleSize;
     285          35 :   vecItsStrengthOptimum.clear();
     286          35 :   vecItsOptimumScaleSize.clear();
     287             : 
     288             :   // calculate rms residual
     289          35 :   float rms = 0.0;
     290             :   // should be masked
     291          35 :   int num = int((trcDirty(0) -blcDirty(0))* (trcDirty(1) - blcDirty(1))); 
     292       11625 :   for (int j = blcDirty(1); j <= trcDirty(1); ++j)
     293             :   {
     294     4040340 :     for (int i = blcDirty(0); i <= trcDirty(0); ++i)
     295             :     {
     296     4028750 :       rms += pow((*itsDirty)(i, j), 2);
     297             :     }
     298             :   }
     299          35 :   rms = rms / num;
     300          35 :   initRMSResidual = rms;
     301             :   //os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "initial rms residual " << initRMSResidual << LogIO::POST;
     302             : 
     303          35 :   initModelFlux = sum(model); 
     304             :   //os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "initial model flux " << initModelFlux << LogIO::POST; 
     305             : 
     306         806 :   for (Int ii = itsStartingIter; ii < itsMaxNiter; ii++)
     307             :   {
     308             :     //cout << "cur iter " << itsIteration << " max iter is "<< itsMaxNiter << endl;
     309         791 :     itsIteration++;
     310             : 
     311             :     // calculate rms residual
     312         791 :     rms = 0.0;
     313      267367 :     for (int j = blcDirty(1); j <= trcDirty(1); ++j)
     314             :     {
     315    95090272 :       for (int i = blcDirty(0); i <= trcDirty(0); ++i)
     316             :       {
     317    94823696 :         rms += pow((*itsDirty)(i, j), 2);
     318             :       }
     319             :     }
     320         791 :     rms = rms / num;
     321             : 
     322             :     // make single optimized scale image
     323         791 :     os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Making optimized scale " << itsOptimumScaleSize << " at location " << itsPositionOptimum << LogIO::POST;
     324             : 
     325         791 :     if (itsSwitchedToHogbom)
     326             :     {
     327          17 :       makeScaleImage(itsScale0, 0.0, itsStrengthOptimum, itsPositionOptimum);
     328          17 :       fft.fft0(itsScaleXfr0, itsScale0);
     329          17 :         itsScale = 0.0;
     330          17 :         itsScale = itsScale0;
     331          17 :         itsScaleXfr.resize();
     332          17 :       itsScaleXfr = itsScaleXfr0;
     333          17 :       vecItsStrengthOptimum.push_back(itsStrengthOptimum);
     334          17 :       vecItsOptimumScaleSize.push_back(0);
     335             :     }
     336             :     else
     337             :     {
     338         774 :       makeScaleImage(itsScale, itsOptimumScaleSize, itsStrengthOptimum, itsPositionOptimum);
     339         774 :       itsScaleXfr.resize();
     340         774 :       fft.fft0(itsScaleXfr, itsScale);
     341         774 :       vecItsStrengthOptimum.push_back(itsStrengthOptimum);
     342         774 :       vecItsOptimumScaleSize.push_back(itsOptimumScaleSize);
     343             :     }
     344             : 
     345             :     // trigger hogbom when
     346             :     // (1) itsStrengthOptimum is small enough & peakres rarely changes or itsPeakResidual is small enough
     347             :     // (2) peakres rarely changes
     348         791 :     if (itsNormMethod == 1) // only Norm Method 1 needs hogbom for speedup
     349             :     {
     350             :         //if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && abs(itsStrengthOptimum) < 0.001) // M31 value - new Asp + gaussian
     351             :       //if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && abs(itsStrengthOptimum) < 2.8) // M31 value-new asp: 1k->5k
     352             :       //if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && abs(itsPeakResidual) < 8e-5 && abs(itsStrengthOptimum) < 1e-4) // G55
     353             :       //if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && abs(itsPeakResidual) < 7e-3 && abs(itsStrengthOptimum) < 1e-7) // Points
     354             :       //if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && abs(itsPeakResidual) < 0.138) //GSL M100 channel 22
     355             :       //if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && abs(itsPeakResidual) < 0.15) // GSL M100 channel 22 & 23 & others
     356             :       //if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && (abs(itsPeakResidual) < 2.5 || abs(itsStrengthOptimum) < 1e-3)) // GSL, CygA
     357             : 
     358             :       /*if(!itsSwitchedToHogbom && (abs(itsPeakResidual) < itsFusedThreshold
     359             :          || abs(itsStrengthOptimum) < (5e-4 * itsFusedThreshold)))*/ // GSL, CygA.
     360        1565 :       if(!itsSwitchedToHogbom && (abs(itsPeakResidual) < itsFusedThreshold
     361         774 :          || ((abs(itsStrengthOptimum) < (5e-4 * itsFusedThreshold)) && (itsNumNoChange >= 2))))
     362             :         // 5e-4 is a experimental number here assuming under that threshold itsStrengthOptimum is too small to take affect.
     363             :       {
     364           0 :             os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Switch to hogbom b/c peak residual or optimum strength is small enough: " << itsFusedThreshold << LogIO::POST;
     365             :             
     366           0 :         bool runlong = false;
     367             :         
     368             :         //option 1: use rms residual to detect convergence
     369           0 :         if (initRMSResidual > rms && initRMSResidual/rms < 1.5)
     370             :         {
     371           0 :           runlong = true;
     372           0 :           os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Run hogbom for longer iterations b/c it's approaching convergence. initial rms " << initRMSResidual << " rms " << rms << LogIO::POST;
     373             :         }
     374             :         //option 2: use model flux to detect convergence
     375             :         /*float modelFlux = 0.0;
     376             :         modelFlux = sum(model);
     377             :         if (initModelFlux != 0 && (abs(initModelFlux - modelFlux)/initModelFlux < 0.01))
     378             :         {
     379             :           runlong = true;
     380             :           os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Run hogbom for longer iterations b/c it's approaching convergence. init model flux " << initModelFlux << " model flux " << modelFlux << LogIO::POST;
     381             :         }*/
     382             : 
     383           0 :         switchedToHogbom(runlong);
     384             : 
     385           0 :         if (itsNumNoChange >= 2)
     386           0 :           itsNumNoChange = 0;
     387             :       }
     388         791 :       if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && itsNumNoChange >= 2)
     389             :       {
     390           2 :         os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Switched to hogbom at iteration "<< ii << " b/c peakres rarely changes" << LogIO::POST;
     391           2 :         itsNumNoChange = 0;
     392             : 
     393           2 :         os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "total flux " << totalFlux << " model flux " << sum(model) << LogIO::POST; 
     394           2 :         bool runlong = false;
     395             : 
     396             :         //option 1: use rms residual to detect convergence
     397           2 :         if (initRMSResidual > rms && initRMSResidual/rms < 1.5)
     398             :         {
     399           0 :           runlong = true;
     400           0 :           os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Run hogbom for longer iterations b/c it's approaching convergence. initial rms " << initRMSResidual << " rms " << rms << LogIO::POST;
     401             :         }
     402             :         //option 2: use model flux to detect convergence
     403             :         /*float modelFlux = 0.0;
     404             :         modelFlux = sum(model);
     405             :         if (initModelFlux != 0 && (abs(initModelFlux - modelFlux)/initModelFlux < 0.01))
     406             :         {
     407             :           runlong = true;
     408             :           os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Run hogbom for longer iterations b/c it's approaching convergence. init model flux " << initModelFlux << " model flux " << modelFlux << LogIO::POST;
     409             :         }*/
     410             :         
     411           2 :         switchedToHogbom(runlong);
     412             :       }
     413             :     }
     414             : 
     415         791 :     if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom)
     416             :     {
     417         772 :             if (itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.size() >= 10)
     418         682 :                   itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.pop_front(); // only track the past 10 iters
     419         772 :             if (itsOptimumScaleSize == 0)
     420           4 :               itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.push_back(1); // Zhang 2018 fused-Asp approach
     421             :             else
     422         768 :               itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.push_back(0);
     423             :     }
     424             : 
     425             :     // Now add to the total flux
     426         791 :     totalFlux += (itsStrengthOptimum*itsGain);
     427         791 :     itsTotalFlux = totalFlux;
     428             : 
     429         791 :     if(ii == itsStartingIter)
     430             :     {
     431          35 :       itsMaximumResidual = abs(itsPeakResidual);
     432          35 :       tmpMaximumResidual = itsMaximumResidual;
     433          35 :       os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Initial maximum residual is " << itsMaximumResidual;
     434          35 :       if( !itsMask.null() )
     435          35 :         os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << " within the mask ";
     436             : 
     437          35 :       os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << LogIO::POST;
     438             :     }
     439             : 
     440             :     //save the min peak residual
     441         791 :     if (abs(minMaximumResidual) > abs(itsPeakResidual))
     442         425 :       minMaximumResidual = abs(itsPeakResidual);
     443             : 
     444             :     // Various ways of stopping:
     445             :     //    0. stop if below cycle threshold.- same as MS-Clean
     446         791 :     if (abs(itsPeakResidual) < threshold())
     447             :     {
     448          40 :       os << "Reached stopping threshold " << threshold() << " at iteration "<<
     449          20 :             ii << LogIO::POST;
     450          20 :       os << "peakres is " << abs(itsPeakResidual) << LogIO::POST;
     451          20 :       converged = 1;
     452          20 :       itsSwitchedToHogbom = false;
     453          20 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "final rms residual " << rms << ", model flux " << sum(model) << LogIO::POST; 
     454             :      
     455          20 :       break;
     456             :     }
     457             :     //    1. stop if below threshold. 1e-6 is an experimental number
     458         771 :     if (abs(itsStrengthOptimum) < (1e-6 * itsFusedThreshold))
     459             :     {
     460             :         //cout << "Reached stopping threshold " << 1e-6 * itsFusedThreshold << " at iteration "<< ii << endl;
     461           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Reached stopping threshold " << 1e-6 * itsFusedThreshold << " at iteration "<<
     462           0 :             ii << LogIO::POST;
     463           0 :       os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Optimum flux is " << abs(itsStrengthOptimum) << LogIO::POST;
     464           0 :       converged = 1;
     465           0 :       itsSwitchedToHogbom = false;
     466           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "final rms residual " << rms << ", modelflux " << sum(model) << LogIO::POST; 
     467             : 
     468           0 :       break;
     469             :     }
     470             :     //    2. negatives on largest scale?
     471         771 :     if ((itsNscales > 1) && itsStopAtLargeScaleNegative &&
     472           0 :           itsOptimumScale == (itsNInitScales - 1) &&
     473           0 :         itsStrengthOptimum < 0.0)
     474             : 
     475             :     {
     476           0 :       os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Reached negative on largest scale" << LogIO::POST;
     477           0 :       converged = -2;
     478           0 :       break;
     479             :     }
     480             :     //  3. stop point mode at work
     481         771 :     if (itsStopPointMode > 0)
     482             :     {
     483           0 :       if (itsOptimumScale == 0)
     484           0 :         stopPointModeCounter++;
     485             :       else
     486           0 :         stopPointModeCounter = 0;
     487             : 
     488           0 :       if (stopPointModeCounter >= itsStopPointMode)
     489             :       {
     490             :         os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Cleaned " << stopPointModeCounter <<
     491             :           " consecutive components from the smallest scale, stopping prematurely"
     492           0 :            << LogIO::POST;
     493           0 :         itsDidStopPointMode = true;
     494           0 :         converged = -1;
     495           0 :         break;
     496             :       }
     497             :     }
     498             :     //4. Diverging large scale
     499             :     //If actual value is 50% above the maximum residual. ..good chance it will not recover at this stage
     500             :     /*if(((abs(itsStrengthOptimum)-abs(tmpMaximumResidual)) > (abs(tmpMaximumResidual)/2.0))
     501             :        && !(itsStopAtLargeScaleNegative))
     502             :     {
     503             :       cout << "Diverging due to large scale?" << endl;
     504             :       os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Diverging due to large scale?" << LogIO::POST;
     505             :       os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "itsStrengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " tmp " << tmpMaximumResidual << LogIO::POST;
     506             :        //clean is diverging most probably due to the large scale
     507             :       converged=-2;
     508             :       break;
     509             :     }*/
     510             :     //5. Diverging for some other reason; may just need another CS-style reconciling
     511         771 :     if((abs(itsStrengthOptimum)-abs(tmpMaximumResidual)) > (abs(tmpMaximumResidual)/2.0) ||
     512        1542 :        (abs(itsPeakResidual)-abs(tmpMaximumResidual)) > (abs(tmpMaximumResidual)/2.0) ||
     513         771 :        (abs(itsPeakResidual)-abs(minMaximumResidual)) > (abs(minMaximumResidual)/2.0))
     514             :     {
     515           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Diverging due to unknown reason" << LogIO::POST;
     516           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "tmpMaximumResidual " << abs(tmpMaximumResidual) << " itsStrengthOptimum " << abs(itsStrengthOptimum) << " itsPeakResidual " << abs(itsPeakResidual) << LogIO::POST;
     517           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "minMaximumResidual " << abs(minMaximumResidual) << LogIO::POST;
     518             : 
     519           0 :       converged=-3;
     520           0 :       itsSwitchedToHogbom = false;
     521           0 :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "final rms residual " << rms << ", modelflux " << sum(model) << LogIO::POST;
     522             : 
     523           0 :       break;
     524             :     }
     525             : 
     526         771 :     if (itsIteration == itsStartingIter + 1)
     527          35 :       os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "iteration    MaximumResidual   CleanedFlux" << LogIO::POST;
     528         771 :     if ((itsIteration % (itsMaxNiter/10 > 0 ? itsMaxNiter/10 : 1)) == 0)
     529             :     {
     530             :       //Good place to re-up the fiducial maximum residual
     531             :       //tmpMaximumResidual=abs(itsStrengthOptimum);
     532         168 :       os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << itsIteration <<"      "<< abs(itsPeakResidual) <<"      "
     533         168 :          << totalFlux <<LogIO::POST;
     534             :     }
     535             : 
     536             : 
     537         771 :     IPosition blc(itsPositionOptimum - support/2);
     538        1542 :     IPosition trc(itsPositionOptimum + support/2 - 1);
     539             :     // try 2.5 sigma
     540             :     /*Int sigma5 = (Int)(5 * itsOptimumScaleSize / 2);
     541             :     IPosition blc(itsPositionOptimum - sigma5);
     542             :     IPosition trc(itsPositionOptimum + sigma5 -1);*/
     543             : 
     544         771 :     LCBox::verify(blc, trc, inc, model.shape());
     545         771 :     IPosition blcPsf(blc);
     546         771 :     IPosition trcPsf(trc);
     547             :     //blcDirty = blc;  // update blcDirty/trcDirty is bad for Asp
     548             :     //trcDirty = trc;
     549             : 
     550             :     // Update the model image
     551         771 :     Matrix<Float> modelSub = model(blc, trc);
     552             :     Float scaleFactor;
     553         771 :     scaleFactor = itsGain * itsStrengthOptimum;
     554         771 :     Matrix<Float> scaleSub = (itsScale)(blcPsf,trcPsf);
     555         771 :     modelSub += scaleFactor * scaleSub;
     556             : 
     557             :     // Now update the residual image
     558             :     // PSF * model
     559         771 :     Matrix<Complex> cWork;
     560         771 :     cWork = ((*itsXfr)*(itsScaleXfr)); //Asp's
     561         771 :     Matrix<Float> itsPsfConvScale = Matrix<Float>(psfShape_p);
     562         771 :     fft.fft0(itsPsfConvScale, cWork, false);
     563         771 :     fft.flip(itsPsfConvScale, false, false); //need this if conv with 1 scale; don't need this if conv with 2 scales
     564         771 :     Matrix<Float> psfSub = (itsPsfConvScale)(blcPsf, trcPsf);
     565         771 :     Matrix<Float> dirtySub=(*itsDirty)(blc,trc);
     566             : 
     567             :     /* debug info
     568             :     float maxvalue;
     569             :     IPosition peakpos;
     570             :     findMaxAbs(psfSub, maxvalue, peakpos);
     571             :     cout << "psfSub pos " << peakpos << " maxval " << psfSub(peakpos) << endl;
     572             :     cout << "dirtySub pos " << peakpos << " val " << dirtySub(peakpos) << endl;
     573             :     findMaxAbs(itsPsfConvScale, maxvalue, peakpos);
     574             :     cout << "itsPsfConvScale pos " << peakpos << " maxval " << itsPsfConvScale(peakpos) << endl;
     575             :     cout << "itsDirty pos " << peakpos << " val " << (*itsDirty)(peakpos) << endl;
     576             :     findMaxAbs(dirtySub, maxvalue, peakpos);
     577             :     cout << "dirtySub pos " << peakpos << " maxval " << dirtySub(peakpos) << endl;
     578             :     findMaxAbs((*itsDirty), maxvalue, peakpos);
     579             :     cout << "itsDirty pos " << peakpos << " maxval " << (*itsDirty)(peakpos) << endl;
     580             :     cout << "itsPositionOptimum " << itsPositionOptimum << endl;
     581             :     cout << " maxPsfSub " << max(fabs(psfSub)) << " maxPsfConvScale " << max(fabs(itsPsfConvScale)) << " itsGain " << itsGain << endl;*/
     582         771 :     os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "itsStrengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << LogIO::POST;
     583             : 
     584             :     // subtract the peak that we found from the dirty image
     585         771 :     dirtySub -= scaleFactor * psfSub;
     586             : 
     587             :     // further update the model and residual with the remaining aspen of the active-set
     588             :     // This is no longer needed since we found out using the last Aspen to update model/residual is good enough
     589             :     /*if (itsOptimumScaleSize != 0)
     590             :     {
     591             :         bool aspenUnchanged = true;
     592             :         if ((Int)itsGoodAspActiveSet.size() <= 1)
     593             :                 aspenUnchanged = false;
     594             : 
     595             :       for (scale = 0; scale < (Int)itsGoodAspActiveSet.size() - 1; ++scale)
     596             :       // -1 because we counted the latest aspen in the previous step already
     597             :       {
     598             :         if (itsPrevAspActiveSet[scale] == itsGoodAspActiveSet[scale])
     599             :           continue;
     600             : 
     601             :         cout << "I have active-set to adjust" << endl;
     602             :         aspenUnchanged = false;
     603             :         // "center" is unchanged for aspen
     604             :         IPosition blc1(itsGoodAspCenter[scale] - support/2);
     605             :         IPosition trc1(itsGoodAspCenter[scale] + support/2 - 1);
     606             :         LCBox::verify(blc1, trc1, inc, model.shape());
     607             : 
     608             :         IPosition blcPsf1(blc1);
     609             :         IPosition trcPsf1(trc1);
     610             : 
     611             :         Matrix<Float> modelSub1 = model(blc1, trc1);
     612             :         Matrix<Float> dirtySub1 = (*itsDirty)(blc1,trc1);
     613             : 
     614             :         // First remove the previous values of aspen in the active-set
     615             :         cout << "aspclean: restore with previous scale " << itsPrevAspActiveSet[scale];
     616             :         cout << " amp " << itsPrevAspAmplitude[scale] << endl;
     617             : 
     618             :         makeScaleImage(itsScale, itsPrevAspActiveSet[scale], itsPrevAspAmplitude[scale], itsGoodAspCenter[scale]);
     619             :         itsScaleXfr.resize();
     620             :         fft.fft0(itsScaleXfr, itsScale);
     621             :         Matrix<Float> scaleSubPrev = (itsScale)(blcPsf1,trcPsf1);
     622             :         const float scaleFactorPrev = itsGain * itsPrevAspAmplitude[scale];
     623             :         // restore the model image...
     624             :         modelSub1 -= scaleFactorPrev * scaleSubPrev;
     625             :         // restore the residual image
     626             :         Matrix<Complex> cWorkPrev;
     627             :         cWorkPrev = ((*itsXfr)*(itsScaleXfr));
     628             :         Matrix<Float> itsPsfConvScalePrev = Matrix<Float>(psfShape_p);
     629             :         fft.fft0(itsPsfConvScalePrev, cWorkPrev, false);
     630             :         fft.flip(itsPsfConvScalePrev, false, false); //need this if conv with 1 scale; don't need this if conv with 2 scales
     631             :         Matrix<Float> psfSubPrev = (itsPsfConvScalePrev)(blcPsf1, trcPsf1);
     632             :         dirtySub1 += scaleFactorPrev * psfSubPrev;
     633             : 
     634             :         // Then update with the new values of aspen in the active-set
     635             :         cout << "aspclean: update with new scale " << itsGoodAspActiveSet[scale];
     636             :         cout << " amp " << itsGoodAspAmplitude[scale] << endl;
     637             :         makeScaleImage(itsScale, itsGoodAspActiveSet[scale], itsGoodAspAmplitude[scale], itsGoodAspCenter[scale]);
     638             :         itsScaleXfr.resize();
     639             :         fft.fft0(itsScaleXfr, itsScale);
     640             :         Matrix<Float> scaleSubNew = (itsScale)(blcPsf1,trcPsf1);
     641             :         const float scaleFactorNew = itsGain * itsGoodAspAmplitude[scale];
     642             : 
     643             :         // Now do the addition of the active-set scales to the model image...
     644             :         modelSub1 += scaleFactorNew * scaleSubNew;
     645             :         // Now subtract the active-set scales from the residual image
     646             :         Matrix<Complex> cWorkNew;
     647             :         cWorkNew = ((*itsXfr)*(itsScaleXfr));
     648             :         Matrix<Float> itsPsfConvScaleNew = Matrix<Float>(psfShape_p);
     649             :         fft.fft0(itsPsfConvScaleNew, cWorkNew, false);
     650             :         fft.flip(itsPsfConvScaleNew, false, false); //need this if conv with 1 scale; don't need this if conv with 2 scales
     651             :         Matrix<Float> psfSubNew = (itsPsfConvScaleNew)(blcPsf1, trcPsf1);
     652             :         dirtySub1 -= scaleFactorNew * psfSubNew;
     653             :       } //update updating model/residual from aspen in active-set
     654             : 
     655             :       // switch to hogbom if aspen is unchaned?
     656             :             / *if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom && aspenUnchanged)
     657             :             {
     658             :                 cout << "Switched to hogbom b/c aspen is unchanged" << endl;
     659             :                 switchedToHogbom();
     660             :             }* /
     661             :     }*/
     662             : 
     663             :     // update peakres
     664         771 :     itsPrevPeakResidual = itsPeakResidual;
     665         771 :     maxVal=0;
     666         771 :     posmin = 0;
     667         771 :     minVal=0;
     668         771 :     posmax = 0;
     669         771 :     minMaxMasked(minVal, maxVal, posmin, posmax, (*itsDirty), itsInitScaleMasks[0]);
     670         771 :     itsPeakResidual = (fabs(maxVal) > fabs(minVal)) ? fabs(maxVal) : fabs(minVal);
     671         771 :     os <<LogIO::NORMAL3 << "current peakres " << itsPeakResidual << LogIO::POST;
     672             : 
     673        1525 :     if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom &&
     674         754 :         (fabs(itsPeakResidual - itsPrevPeakResidual) < 1e-4)) //peakres rarely changes
     675           6 :       itsNumNoChange += 1;
     676             :     //cout << "after: itsDirty optPos " << (*itsDirty)(itsPositionOptimum) << endl;
     677             : 
     678             :     // If we switch to hogbom (i.e. only have 0 scale size),
     679             :     // we still need to do the following Aspen update to get the new optimumStrength
     680         771 :     if (itsSwitchedToHogbom)
     681             :     {
     682          17 :       if (itsNumHogbomIter == 0)
     683             :       {
     684           0 :         itsSwitchedToHogbom = false;
     685             : 
     686           0 :         os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "switched back to Asp." << LogIO::POST;
     687             : 
     688             :         //option 1: use rms residual to detect convergence
     689           0 :         if (!(initRMSResidual > rms && initRMSResidual/rms < 1.5))
     690             :         {
     691           0 :           os << "Reached convergence at iteration "<< ii << " b/c hogbom finished" << LogIO::POST;
     692           0 :           converged = 1;
     693           0 :           os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "initial rms " << initRMSResidual << " final rms residual " << rms << LogIO::POST; 
     694             : 
     695           0 :           break;
     696             :         }
     697             :         //option 2: use model flux to detect convergence
     698             :         /*float modelFlux = 0.0;
     699             :         modelFlux = sum(model);
     700             :         if (!(initModelFlux != 0 && (abs(initModelFlux - modelFlux)/initModelFlux < 0.01)))
     701             :         {
     702             :           os << "Reached convergence at iteration "<< ii << " b/c hogbom finished" << LogIO::POST;
     703             :           converged = 1;
     704             :           os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "initial model flux " << initModelFlux << " final model flux " << modelFlux << LogIO::POST; 
     705             : 
     706             :           break;
     707             :         }*/
     708             :       }
     709             :       else
     710          17 :         itsNumHogbomIter -= 1;
     711             :     }
     712             : 
     713         771 :     tempScaleSizes.clear();
     714         771 :     tempScaleSizes = getActiveSetAspen();
     715         771 :     tempScaleSizes.push_back(0.0); // put 0 scale
     716         771 :     defineAspScales(tempScaleSizes);
     717         771 :   }
     718             :   // End of iteration
     719             : 
     720          35 :    vector<Float> sumFluxByBins(itsBinSizeForSumFlux,0.0);
     721          35 :    vector<Float> rangeFluxByBins(itsBinSizeForSumFlux+1,0.0);
     722             : 
     723          35 :    getFluxByBins(vecItsOptimumScaleSize,vecItsStrengthOptimum,itsBinSizeForSumFlux,sumFluxByBins,rangeFluxByBins);
     724             : 
     725             : 
     726             : 
     727          35 :   os << " The number of bins for collecting the sum of Flux: " << itsBinSizeForSumFlux << endl;
     728             : 
     729         175 :   for (Int ii = 0; ii < itsBinSizeForSumFlux ; ii++)
     730             :   {
     731         140 :     os << " Bin " << ii << "(" << rangeFluxByBins[ii] * itsGain << " , " << rangeFluxByBins[ii+1] * itsGain << "). Sum of Flux : " << sumFluxByBins[ii] * itsGain << LogIO :: POST;
     732             :   }
     733             : 
     734             :   // memory used
     735             :   //itsUsedMemoryMB = double(HostInfo::memoryUsed()/1024);
     736             :   //cout << "Memory allocated in aspclean " << itsUsedMemoryMB << " MB." << endl;
     737             : 
     738          35 :   if(!converged)
     739          15 :     os << "Failed to reach stopping threshold" << LogIO::POST;
     740             : 
     741          35 :   return converged;
     742          35 : }
     743             : 
     744             : 
     745          32 : Bool AspMatrixCleaner::destroyAspScales()
     746             : {
     747          32 :         destroyInitScales();
     748          32 :   destroyScales();
     749             : 
     750         140 :   for(uInt scale=0; scale < itsDirtyConvInitScales.nelements(); scale++)
     751         108 :     itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale].resize();
     752             : 
     753          32 :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(0, true);
     754             : 
     755          32 :   return true;
     756             : }
     757             : 
     758          43 : Bool AspMatrixCleaner::destroyInitScales()
     759             : {
     760         151 :   for(uInt scale=0; scale < itsInitScales.nelements(); scale++)
     761         108 :     itsInitScales[scale].resize();
     762         151 :   for(uInt scale=0; scale < itsInitScaleXfrs.nelements(); scale++)
     763         108 :     itsInitScaleXfrs[scale].resize();
     764          43 :   for(uInt scale=0; scale < itsPsfConvInitScales.nelements(); scale++)
     765           0 :     itsPsfConvInitScales[scale].resize();
     766             : 
     767          43 :   itsInitScales.resize(0, true);
     768          43 :   itsInitScaleXfrs.resize(0, true);
     769          43 :   itsPsfConvInitScales.resize(0, true);
     770             : 
     771          43 :   return true;
     772             : }
     773             : 
     774          11 : Bool AspMatrixCleaner::destroyInitMasks()
     775             : {
     776          38 :   for(uInt scale=0; scale<itsInitScaleMasks.nelements();scale++)
     777          27 :     itsInitScaleMasks[scale].resize();
     778             : 
     779          11 :   itsInitScaleMasks.resize(0);
     780             : 
     781          11 :   return true;
     782             : }
     783             : 
     784             : 
     785          35 : float AspMatrixCleaner::getPsfGaussianWidth(ImageInterface<Float>& psf)
     786             : {
     787          70 :         LogIO os( LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner","getPsfGaussianWidth",WHERE) );
     788             : 
     789          35 :   GaussianBeam beam;
     790             :   try
     791             :   {
     792          35 :       StokesImageUtil::FitGaussianPSF(psf, beam);
     793             :   }
     794           0 :   catch(AipsError &x)
     795             :   {
     796           0 :     os << "Error in fitting a Gaussian to the PSF : " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
     797           0 :     throw( AipsError("Error in fitting a Gaussian to the PSF" + x.getMesg()) );
     798           0 :   }
     799             : 
     800          35 :   CoordinateSystem cs = psf.coordinates();
     801          35 :   String dirunit = cs.worldAxisUnits()(0);
     802          35 :   Vector<String> unitas = cs.worldAxisUnits();
     803          35 :   unitas(0) = "arcsec";
     804          35 :   unitas(1) = "arcsec";
     805          35 :   cs.setWorldAxisUnits(unitas);
     806             : 
     807          35 :   os << "major width " << beam.getMajor("arcsec") << " in " << cs.worldAxisUnits()(0) << LogIO::POST;
     808          35 :   os << "minor width " << beam.getMinor("arcsec") << LogIO::POST;
     809          35 :   os << " pixel sizes are " << abs(cs.increment()(0)) << " and ";
     810          35 :   os << abs(cs.increment()(1)) << LogIO::POST;
     811          35 :   const auto xpixels = beam.getMajor("arcsec") / abs(cs.increment()(0));
     812          35 :   const auto ypixels = beam.getMinor("arcsec") / abs(cs.increment()(1));
     813          35 :   os << "xpixels " << xpixels << " ypixels " << ypixels << LogIO::POST;
     814             : 
     815          35 :   itsPsfWidth = float(ceil((xpixels + ypixels)/2));
     816          35 :   os << "PSF width: " << itsPsfWidth << " pixels." << LogIO::POST;
     817             : 
     818          35 :   return itsPsfWidth;
     819          35 : }
     820             : 
     821             : // Make a single initial scale size image by Gaussian
     822         108 : void AspMatrixCleaner::makeInitScaleImage(Matrix<Float>& iscale, const Float& scaleSize)
     823             : {
     824         216 :   LogIO os( LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner","makeInitScaleImage",WHERE) );
     825             : 
     826         108 :   const Int nx = iscale.shape()(0);
     827         108 :   const Int ny = iscale.shape()(1);
     828         108 :   iscale = 0.0;
     829             : 
     830         108 :   const Double refi = nx/2;
     831         108 :   const Double refj = ny/2;
     832             : 
     833         108 :   if(scaleSize == 0.0)
     834          28 :     iscale(Int(refi), Int(refj)) = 1.0;
     835             :   else
     836             :   {
     837          80 :     AlwaysAssert(scaleSize>0.0, AipsError);
     838             : 
     839             :     /* const Int mini = max(0, (Int)(refi - scaleSize));
     840             :     const Int maxi = min(nx-1, (Int)(refi + scaleSize));
     841             :     const Int minj = max(0, (Int)(refj - scaleSize));
     842             :     const Int maxj = min(ny-1, (Int)(refj + scaleSize));*/
     843             : 
     844          80 :     os << "Initial scale size " << scaleSize << " pixels." << LogIO::POST;
     845             : 
     846             :     //Gaussian2D<Float> gbeam(1.0/(sqrt(2*M_PI)*scaleSize), 0, 0, scaleSize, 1, 0);
     847             : 
     848             :     // 04/06/2022 Has to make the whole scale image. If only using min/max i/j, 
     849             :     // .image looks spotty and not as smooth as before.
     850       41040 :     for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
     851             :     {
     852    21012480 :       for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
     853             :       {
     854             :         //const int px = i - refi;
     855             :         //const int py = j - refj;
     856             :         //iscale(i,j) = gbeam(px, py); // gbeam with the above def is equivalent to the following
     857    20971520 :         iscale(i,j) = (1.0/(sqrt(2*M_PI)*scaleSize))*exp(-(pow(i-refi,2) + pow(j-refj,2))*0.5/pow(scaleSize,2)); //this is for 1D, but represents Sanjay's and gives good init scale
     858             :         //iscale(i,j) = (1.0/(2*M_PI*pow(scaleSize,2)))*exp(-(pow(i-refi,2) + pow(j-refj,2))*0.5/pow(scaleSize,2)); // this is for 2D, gives unit area but bad init scale (always picks 0)
     859             :       }
     860             :     }
     861             : 
     862             :   }
     863         108 : }
     864             : 
     865             : // Make a single scale size image by Gaussian
     866         791 : void AspMatrixCleaner::makeScaleImage(Matrix<Float>& iscale, const Float& scaleSize, const Float& amp, const IPosition& center)
     867             : {
     868             : 
     869         791 :   const Int nx = iscale.shape()(0);
     870         791 :   const Int ny = iscale.shape()(1);
     871         791 :   iscale = 0.0;
     872             : 
     873         791 :   if(scaleSize == 0.0)
     874          21 :     iscale(Int(center[0]), Int(center[1])) = 1.0;
     875             :   else
     876             :   {
     877         770 :     AlwaysAssert(scaleSize>0.0, AipsError);
     878             : 
     879             :     /* const Double refi = nx/2;
     880             :     const Double refj = ny/2;
     881             :     const Int mini = max(0, (Int)(refi - scaleSize));
     882             :     const Int maxi = min(nx-1, (Int)(refi + scaleSize));
     883             :     const Int minj = max(0, (Int)(refj - scaleSize));
     884             :     const Int maxj = min(ny-1, (Int)(refj + scaleSize));*/
     885             :     //cout << "makeScaleImage: scalesize " << scaleSize << " center " << center << " amp " << amp << endl;
     886             : 
     887             :     ////Gaussian2D<Float> gbeam(1.0 / (sqrt(2*M_PI)*scaleSize), center[0], center[1], scaleSize, 1, 0);
     888             : 
     889             :     // all of the following was trying to replicate Sanjay's code but doesn't work
     890             :     //const Float d = sqrt(pow(1.0/itsPsfWidth, 2) + pow(1.0/scaleSize, 2));
     891             :     //Gaussian2D<Float> gbeam(amp / (sqrt(2*M_PI)*scaleSize), center[0], center[1], scaleSize, 1, 0);
     892             :     //Gaussian2D<Float> gbeam(amp * sqrt(2*M_PI)/d, center[0], center[1], scaleSize * d, 1, 0);
     893             :     //Gaussian2D<Float> gbeam(amp / (2*M_PI), center[0], center[1], scaleSize, 1, 0);
     894             :     //Gaussian2D<Float> gbeam(amp / pow(2,scaleSize-1), center[0], center[1], itsInitScaleSizes[scaleSize], 1, 0);
     895             : 
     896      395010 :     for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
     897             :     {
     898   202245120 :       for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
     899             :       {
     900             :         //const int px = i;
     901             :         //const int py = j;
     902             :         // iscale(i,j) = gbeam(px, py); // this is equivalent to the following with the above gbeam definition
     903             :         // This is for 1D, but represents Sanjay's and gives good init scale
     904             :         // Note that "amp" is not used in the expression
     905   201850880 :         iscale(i,j) = (1.0/(sqrt(2*M_PI)*scaleSize))*exp(-(pow(i-center[0],2) + pow(j-center[1],2))*0.5/pow(scaleSize,2));
     906             : 
     907             :         // This is for 2D, gives unit area but bad init scale (always picks 0)
     908             :         // iscale(i,j) = (1.0/(2*M_PI*pow(scaleSize,2)))*exp(-(pow(i-center[0],2) + pow(j-center[1],2))*0.5/pow(scaleSize,2));
     909             :       }
     910             :     }
     911             : 
     912             :   }
     913         791 : }
     914             : 
     915             : 
     916           0 : void AspMatrixCleaner::getLargestScaleSize(ImageInterface<Float>& psf)
     917             : {
     918           0 :   LogIO os( LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner","getLargestScaleSize",WHERE) );
     919             : 
     920             :   //cout << "user's largest scale " << itsUserLargestScale << endl;
     921             : 
     922           0 :   itsLargestInitScale = 5.0 * itsPsfWidth; // default in pixels
     923           0 :   const Int nx = psfShape_p(0);
     924           0 :   const Int ny = psfShape_p(1);
     925             : 
     926           0 :   CoordinateSystem cs = psf.coordinates();
     927           0 :   String dirunit = cs.worldAxisUnits()(0);
     928           0 :   Vector<String> unitas = cs.worldAxisUnits();
     929           0 :   unitas(0) = "arcsec";
     930           0 :   unitas(1) = "arcsec";
     931           0 :   cs.setWorldAxisUnits(unitas);
     932             : 
     933             :   //cout << "ncoord " << cs.nCoordinates() << endl;
     934             :   //cout << "coord type " << cs.type(0) << endl;
     935             : 
     936             : 
     937           0 :   const float baseline = 100.0; // default shortest baseline = 100m (for both ALMA and VLA)
     938             : 
     939           0 :   for (uInt i = 0; i < cs.nCoordinates(); i++)
     940             :   {
     941           0 :     if (cs.type(i) == Coordinate::SPECTRAL)
     942             :     {
     943           0 :       SpectralCoordinate speccoord(cs.spectralCoordinate(i));
     944             :       //Double startfreq = 0.0, startpixel = -0.5;
     945           0 :       Double endfreq = 0.0, endpixel = 0.5;
     946             :       //speccoord.toWorld(startfreq, startpixel);
     947           0 :       speccoord.toWorld(endfreq, endpixel);
     948             :       //Double midfreq = (endfreq + startfreq) / 2.0;
     949             :       //cout << "coord i " << i << " MFS end frequency range : " << endfreq/1.0e+9 << " GHz" << endl;
     950             : 
     951           0 :       float nu = float(endfreq); // 1e9;
     952             :       // largest scale = ( (c/nu)/baseline )  converted from radians to degrees to arcsec
     953           0 :       itsLargestInitScale = float(ceil(((3e+8/nu)/baseline) * 180.0/3.14 * 60.0 * 60.0 / abs(cs.increment()(0))));
     954             : 
     955             :       // if user provides largest scale, use it instead.
     956           0 :       if (itsUserLargestScale > 0)
     957             :       {
     958           0 :         if (itsUserLargestScale > itsLargestInitScale)
     959           0 :           itsStopAtLargeScaleNegative = true;
     960             : 
     961           0 :         itsLargestInitScale = itsUserLargestScale;
     962             : 
     963             :         // ensure the largest scale is smaller than imsize/4/sqrt(2pi) = imsize/10 (could try imsize/4 later)
     964           0 :         if(itsLargestInitScale > min(nx/10, ny/10))
     965             :         {
     966           0 :            os << LogIO::WARN << "Scale size of " << itsLargestInitScale << " pixels is too big for an image size of " << nx << " x " << ny << " pixels. This scale size will be reset.  " << LogIO::POST;
     967           0 :            itsLargestInitScale = float(ceil(min(nx/10, ny/10))); // based on the idea of MultiTermMatrixCleaner::verifyScaleSizes()
     968             :         }
     969             : 
     970           0 :         return;
     971             :       }
     972             : 
     973             :       // make a conservative largest allowed scale, 5 is a trial number
     974           0 :       itsLargestInitScale = float(ceil(itsLargestInitScale / 5.0));
     975             : 
     976             :       // ensure the largest scale is smaller than imsize/4/sqrt(2pi) = imsize/10 (could try imsize/4 later)
     977           0 :       if(itsLargestInitScale > min(nx/10, ny/10))
     978             :       {
     979           0 :          os << LogIO::WARN << "Scale size of " << itsLargestInitScale << " pixels is too big for an image size of " << nx << " x " << ny << " pixels. This scale size will be reset.  " << LogIO::POST;
     980           0 :          itsLargestInitScale = float(ceil(min(nx/10, ny/10))); // based on the idea of MultiTermMatrixCleaner::verifyScaleSizes()
     981             :       }
     982             : 
     983             :       //cout << "largest scale " << itsLargestInitScale << endl;
     984             : 
     985           0 :       return;
     986           0 :     }
     987             :   }
     988             : 
     989           0 : }
     990             : 
     991          28 : void AspMatrixCleaner::setInitScales()
     992             : {
     993          56 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "setInitScales()", WHERE));
     994             : 
     995             :   // if user does not provide the largest scale, use the default.
     996          28 :   if (itsUserLargestScale < 0)
     997             :   {
     998          12 :     itsInitScaleSizes = {0.0f, itsPsfWidth, 2.0f*itsPsfWidth, 4.0f*itsPsfWidth, 8.0f*itsPsfWidth};
     999          12 :     return;
    1000             :   }
    1001             :   else
    1002             :   {
    1003          16 :     const Int nx = psfShape_p(0);
    1004          16 :     const Int ny = psfShape_p(1);
    1005             :     
    1006             :     // ensure the largest scale is smaller than imsize/4/sqrt(2pi) = imsize/10 (could try imsize/4 later)
    1007          16 :     if(itsUserLargestScale> min(nx/10, ny/10))
    1008             :     {
    1009           0 :        os << LogIO::WARN << "`largestscale " << itsUserLargestScale << " pixels is too big for an image size of " << nx << " x " << ny << " pixels. This scale size will be reset.  " << LogIO::POST;
    1010           0 :        itsUserLargestScale = float(ceil(min(nx/10, ny/10))); // based on the idea of MultiTermMatrixCleaner::verifyScaleSizes()
    1011             :     }
    1012             : 
    1013          16 :     int numscale = floor(itsUserLargestScale / itsPsfWidth);
    1014          16 :     if (numscale == 0)
    1015             :     {
    1016           0 :       itsNInitScales = 1;
    1017           0 :       itsInitScaleSizes.resize(itsNInitScales);
    1018           0 :       itsInitScaleSizes[0] = 0.0f;
    1019           0 :       os << LogIO::WARN << "`largestscale` " << itsUserLargestScale << " is smaller than the psf width. Only 0 scale is used" << LogIO::POST;
    1020             :     }
    1021             :     else 
    1022             :     {
    1023          16 :       itsInitScaleSizes.resize(1, false);
    1024          16 :       itsInitScaleSizes[0] = 0.0f;
    1025             : 
    1026          16 :       Int scale = 1;
    1027          32 :       while (((itsPsfWidth * pow(2, scale-1)) < itsUserLargestScale) && (scale < 5))
    1028             :       {
    1029          16 :         itsInitScaleSizes.push_back(itsPsfWidth * pow(2, scale-1));
    1030          16 :         scale++;
    1031             :       }
    1032             : 
    1033          16 :       if (scale <= 4) // restricted the # init scales based on `largestscale"
    1034          16 :         itsInitScaleSizes.push_back(itsUserLargestScale);
    1035             : 
    1036          16 :       itsNInitScales = itsInitScaleSizes.size();     
    1037             :     }
    1038             : 
    1039             :   }
    1040             : 
    1041          28 : }
    1042             : 
    1043             : /* for shortest baseline approach
    1044             : void AspMatrixCleaner::setInitScalesOld()
    1045             : {
    1046             :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "setInitScales()", WHERE));
    1047             : 
    1048             :   // Validate scales
    1049             :   //os << "Creating " << itsNInitScales << " initial scales" << LogIO::POST;
    1050             :   itsInitScaleSizes[0] = 0.0f;
    1051             :   itsInitScaleSizes[1] = itsPsfWidth;
    1052             :   //os << "scale 1 = 0.0 pixels" << LogIO::POST;
    1053             :   //os << "scale 2 = " << itsInitScaleSizes[1] << " pixels" << LogIO::POST;
    1054             : 
    1055             :   // based on the normalized power-law distribution of ratio(i) = pow(10.0, (Float(i)-2.0)/2.0) for i >= 1
    1056             :   // 1. there is enough difference to make 5 scales
    1057             :   if ((itsLargestInitScale - itsPsfWidth) >= 4.0)
    1058             :   {
    1059             :     vector<Float> ratio = {0.09, 0.31, 1.0};
    1060             : 
    1061             :     for (Int scale = 2; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1062             :     {
    1063             :       itsInitScaleSizes[scale] =
    1064             :         ceil(itsPsfWidth + ((itsLargestInitScale - itsPsfWidth) * ratio[scale- 2]));
    1065             :       //os << "scale " << scale+1 << " = " << itsInitScaleSizes[scale]
    1066             :          //<< " pixels" << LogIO::POST;
    1067             :     }
    1068             :   }
    1069             :   // 2. there is NOT enough difference to make 5 scales, so just make 4 scales
    1070             :   else if ((itsLargestInitScale - itsPsfWidth) >= 2.0)
    1071             :   {
    1072             :     vector<Float> ratio = {0.31, 1.0};
    1073             :     itsNInitScales = 4;
    1074             :     itsInitScaleSizes.resize(itsNInitScales);
    1075             : 
    1076             :     for (Int scale = 2; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1077             :     {
    1078             :       itsInitScaleSizes[scale] =
    1079             :         ceil(itsPsfWidth + ((itsLargestInitScale - itsPsfWidth) * ratio[scale- 2]));
    1080             :       //os << "scale " << scale+1 << " = " << itsInitScaleSizes[scale]
    1081             :          //<< " pixels" << LogIO::POST;
    1082             :     }
    1083             :   }
    1084             :   // 3. there is NOT enough difference to make 4 scales, so just make 3 scales
    1085             :   else
    1086             :   {
    1087             :     itsNInitScales = 3;
    1088             :     itsInitScaleSizes.resize(itsNInitScales);
    1089             : 
    1090             :     itsInitScaleSizes[2] = itsLargestInitScale;
    1091             :     //os << "scale 2" << " = " << itsInitScaleSizes[2] << " pixels" << LogIO::POST;
    1092             :   }
    1093             : }
    1094             : */
    1095             : 
    1096          28 : void AspMatrixCleaner::setInitScaleXfrs(const Float width)
    1097             : {
    1098          28 :   if(itsInitScales.nelements() > 0)
    1099          21 :     destroyAspScales();
    1100             : 
    1101          28 :   if (itsSwitchedToHogbom)
    1102             :   {
    1103           0 :         itsNInitScales = 1;
    1104           0 :         itsInitScaleSizes.resize(itsNInitScales, false);
    1105           0 :     itsInitScaleSizes = {0.0f};
    1106             :   }
    1107             :   else
    1108             :   {
    1109          28 :         itsNInitScales = 5;
    1110          28 :         itsInitScaleSizes.resize(itsNInitScales, false);
    1111             :     // shortest baseline approach below is no longer used (see CAS-940 in Jan 2022). Switched back to the original approach.
    1112             :     // set initial scale sizes from power-law distribution with min scale=PsfWidth and max scale = c/nu/baseline
    1113             :     // this step can reset itsNInitScales if the largest scale allowed is small
    1114             :     //setInitScalesOld();
    1115             :     // old approach may cause Asp to pick unreasonable large scale but this be avoided by setting `largestscalesize`.
    1116             :     // try 0, width, 2width, 4width and 8width which is also restricted by `largestscale` if provided
    1117             :     //itsInitScaleSizes = {0.0f, width, 2.0f*width, 4.0f*width, 8.0f*width};
    1118          28 :     setInitScales();
    1119             :   }
    1120             : 
    1121          28 :   itsInitScales.resize(itsNInitScales, false);
    1122          28 :   itsInitScaleXfrs.resize(itsNInitScales, false);
    1123          28 :   fft = FFTServer<Float,Complex>(psfShape_p);
    1124         136 :   for (int scale = 0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1125             :   {
    1126         108 :     itsInitScales[scale] = Matrix<Float>(psfShape_p);
    1127         108 :     makeInitScaleImage(itsInitScales[scale], itsInitScaleSizes[scale]);
    1128             :     //cout << "made itsInitScales[" << scale << "] = " << itsInitScaleSizes[scale] << endl;
    1129         108 :     itsInitScaleXfrs[scale] = Matrix<Complex> ();
    1130         108 :     fft.fft0(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale], itsInitScales[scale]);
    1131             :   }
    1132          28 : }
    1133             : 
    1134             : // calculate the convolutions of the psf with the initial scales
    1135           0 : void AspMatrixCleaner::setInitScalePsfs()
    1136             : {
    1137           0 :   itsPsfConvInitScales.resize((itsNInitScales+1)*(itsNInitScales+1), false);
    1138           0 :   itsNscales = itsNInitScales; // # initial scales. This will be updated in defineAspScales later.
    1139             : 
    1140           0 :   Matrix<Complex> cWork;
    1141             : 
    1142           0 :   for (Int scale=0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1143             :   {
    1144             :     //cout << "Calculating convolutions of psf for initial scale size " << itsInitScaleSizes[scale] << endl;
    1145             :     //PSF * scale
    1146           0 :     itsPsfConvInitScales[scale] = Matrix<Float>(psfShape_p);
    1147           0 :     cWork=((*itsXfr)*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale])*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale]));
    1148           0 :     fft.fft0((itsPsfConvInitScales[scale]), cWork, false);
    1149           0 :     fft.flip(itsPsfConvInitScales[scale], false, false);
    1150             : 
    1151           0 :     for (Int otherscale = scale; otherscale < itsNInitScales; otherscale++)
    1152             :     {
    1153           0 :       AlwaysAssert(index(scale, otherscale) < Int(itsPsfConvInitScales.nelements()),
    1154             :        AipsError);
    1155             : 
    1156             :       // PSF *  scale * otherscale
    1157           0 :       itsPsfConvInitScales[index(scale,otherscale)] = Matrix<Float>(psfShape_p);
    1158           0 :       cWork=((*itsXfr)*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale])*(itsInitScaleXfrs[otherscale]));
    1159           0 :       fft.fft0(itsPsfConvInitScales[index(scale,otherscale)], cWork, false);
    1160             :     }
    1161             :   }
    1162           0 : }
    1163             : 
    1164             : // Set up the masks for the initial scales (i.e. 0, 1.5width, 5width and 10width)
    1165          35 : Bool AspMatrixCleaner::setInitScaleMasks(const Array<Float> arrmask, const Float& maskThreshold)
    1166             : {
    1167          70 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "setInitScaleMasks()", WHERE));
    1168             : 
    1169          35 :   destroyMasks();
    1170             : 
    1171          35 :   Matrix<Float> mask(arrmask);
    1172          35 :   itsMask = new Matrix<Float>(mask.shape());
    1173          35 :   itsMask->assign(mask);
    1174          35 :   itsMaskThreshold = maskThreshold;
    1175          35 :   noClean_p=(max(*itsMask) < itsMaskThreshold) ? true : false;
    1176             : 
    1177          35 :   if(itsMask.null() || noClean_p)
    1178           0 :     return false;
    1179             : 
    1180             :   // make scale masks
    1181          35 :   if(itsInitScaleSizes.size() < 1)
    1182             :   {
    1183             :     os << "Initial scales are not yet set - cannot set initial scale masks"
    1184           0 :        << LogIO::EXCEPTION;
    1185             :   }
    1186             : 
    1187          35 :   AlwaysAssert((itsMask->shape() == psfShape_p), AipsError);
    1188             : 
    1189          35 :   Matrix<Complex> maskFT;
    1190          35 :   fft.fft0(maskFT, *itsMask);
    1191          35 :   itsInitScaleMasks.resize(itsNInitScales);
    1192             :   // Now we can do all the convolutions
    1193          35 :   Matrix<Complex> cWork;
    1194         170 :   for (int scale=0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1195             :   {
    1196             :     // Mask * scale
    1197             :     // Allow only 10% overlap by default, hence 0.9 is a default mask threshold
    1198             :     // if thresholding is not used, just extract the real part of the complex mask
    1199         135 :     itsInitScaleMasks[scale] = Matrix<Float>(itsMask->shape());
    1200         135 :     cWork=((maskFT)*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale]));
    1201         135 :     fft.fft0(itsInitScaleMasks[scale], cWork, false);
    1202         135 :     fft.flip(itsInitScaleMasks[scale], false, false);
    1203       69255 :     for (Int j=0 ; j < (itsMask->shape())(1); ++j)
    1204             :     {
    1205    35458560 :       for (Int k =0 ; k < (itsMask->shape())(0); ++k)
    1206             :       {
    1207    35389440 :         if(itsMaskThreshold > 0)
    1208    35389440 :           (itsInitScaleMasks[scale])(k,j) =  (itsInitScaleMasks[scale])(k,j) > itsMaskThreshold ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    1209             :       }
    1210             :     }
    1211         135 :     Float mysum = sum(itsInitScaleMasks[scale]);
    1212         135 :     if (mysum <= 0.1) {
    1213           0 :       os << LogIO::WARN << "Ignoring initial scale " << itsInitScaleSizes[scale] <<
    1214           0 :   " since it is too large to fit within the mask" << LogIO::POST;
    1215             :     }
    1216             : 
    1217             :   }
    1218             : 
    1219          35 :    Int nx = itsInitScaleMasks[0].shape()(0);
    1220          35 :    Int ny = itsInitScaleMasks[0].shape()(1);
    1221             : 
    1222             :    /* Set the edges of the masks according to the scale size */
    1223             :    // Set the values OUTSIDE the box to zero....
    1224         170 :   for(Int scale=0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1225             :   {
    1226         135 :     Int border = (Int)(itsInitScaleSizes[scale]*1.5);
    1227             :     // bottom
    1228         135 :     IPosition blc1(2, 0 , 0 );
    1229         135 :     IPosition trc1(2, nx-1, border);
    1230         135 :     IPosition inc1(2, 1);
    1231         135 :     LCBox::verify(blc1, trc1, inc1, itsInitScaleMasks[scale].shape());
    1232         135 :     (itsInitScaleMasks[scale])(blc1, trc1) = 0.0;
    1233             :     // top
    1234         135 :     blc1[0]=0; blc1[1] = ny-border-1;
    1235         135 :     trc1[0] = nx-1; trc1[1] = ny-1;
    1236         135 :     LCBox::verify(blc1, trc1, inc1, itsInitScaleMasks[scale].shape());
    1237         135 :     (itsInitScaleMasks[scale])(blc1, trc1) = 0.0;
    1238             :     // left
    1239         135 :     blc1[0]=0; blc1[1]=border;
    1240         135 :     trc1[0]=border; trc1[1] = ny-border-1;
    1241         135 :     LCBox::verify(blc1, trc1, inc1, itsInitScaleMasks[scale].shape());
    1242         135 :     (itsInitScaleMasks[scale])(blc1, trc1) = 0.0;
    1243             :     // right
    1244         135 :     blc1[0] = nx-border-1; blc1[1]=border;
    1245         135 :     trc1[0] = nx; trc1[1] = ny-border-1;
    1246         135 :     LCBox::verify(blc1, trc1, inc1, itsInitScaleMasks[scale].shape());
    1247         135 :     (itsInitScaleMasks[scale])(blc1,trc1) = 0.0;
    1248         135 :   }
    1249             : 
    1250             :   // set blcDirty and trcDirty here for speedup
    1251          35 :   blcDirty = IPosition(itsInitScaleMasks[0].shape().nelements(), 0);
    1252          35 :   trcDirty = IPosition(itsInitScaleMasks[0].shape() - 1);
    1253             : 
    1254          35 :   if(!itsMask.null())
    1255             :   {
    1256          35 :     os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Finding initial scales for Asp using given mask" << LogIO::POST;
    1257          35 :     if (itsMaskThreshold < 0)
    1258             :     {
    1259             :         os << LogIO::NORMAL3
    1260             :            << "Mask thresholding is not used, values are interpreted as weights"
    1261           0 :            <<LogIO::POST;
    1262             :     }
    1263             :     else
    1264             :     {
    1265             :       // a mask that does not allow for clean was sent
    1266          35 :       if(noClean_p)
    1267           0 :         return true;
    1268             : 
    1269             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3
    1270          35 :          << "Finding initial scales with mask values above " << itsMaskThreshold
    1271          35 :          << LogIO::POST;
    1272             :     }
    1273             : 
    1274          35 :     AlwaysAssert(itsMask->shape()(0) == nx, AipsError);
    1275          35 :     AlwaysAssert(itsMask->shape()(1) == ny, AipsError);
    1276          35 :     Int xbeg=nx-1;
    1277          35 :     Int ybeg=ny-1;
    1278          35 :     Int xend=0;
    1279          35 :     Int yend=0;
    1280       17955 :     for (Int iy=0;iy<ny;iy++)
    1281             :     {
    1282     9192960 :       for (Int ix=0;ix<nx;ix++)
    1283             :       {
    1284     9175040 :         if((*itsMask)(ix,iy)>0.000001)
    1285             :         {
    1286     3431150 :           xbeg=min(xbeg,ix);
    1287     3431150 :           ybeg=min(ybeg,iy);
    1288     3431150 :           xend=max(xend,ix);
    1289     3431150 :           yend=max(yend,iy);
    1290             :         }
    1291             :       }
    1292             :     }
    1293          35 :     blcDirty(0)=xbeg;
    1294          35 :     blcDirty(1)=ybeg;
    1295          35 :     trcDirty(0)=xend;
    1296          35 :     trcDirty(1)=yend;
    1297             :   }
    1298             :   else
    1299           0 :     os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Finding initial scales using the entire image" << LogIO::POST; 
    1300             : 
    1301             : 
    1302          35 :   return true;
    1303          35 : }
    1304             : 
    1305         806 : void AspMatrixCleaner::maxDirtyConvInitScales(float& strengthOptimum, int& optimumScale, IPosition& positionOptimum)
    1306             : {
    1307        1612 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "maxDirtyConvInitScales()", WHERE));
    1308             : 
    1309             :   /* We still need the following to define a region. Using minMaxMasked itself is NOT sufficient and results in components outside of mask.
    1310             :   // this can be done only once at setup since maxDirtyConvInitScales is called every iter
    1311             :   const int nx = itsDirty->shape()[0];
    1312             :   const int ny = itsDirty->shape()[1];
    1313             : 
    1314             :   IPosition blcDirty(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    1315             :   IPosition trcDirty(itsDirty->shape() - 1);
    1316             : 
    1317             :   if(!itsMask.null())
    1318             :   {
    1319             :     os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Finding initial scales for Asp using given mask" << LogIO::POST;
    1320             :     if (itsMaskThreshold < 0)
    1321             :     {
    1322             :         os << LogIO::NORMAL3
    1323             :            << "Mask thresholding is not used, values are interpreted as weights"
    1324             :            <<LogIO::POST;
    1325             :     }
    1326             :     else
    1327             :     {
    1328             :       // a mask that does not allow for clean was sent
    1329             :       if(noClean_p)
    1330             :         return;
    1331             : 
    1332             :       os << LogIO::NORMAL3
    1333             :          << "Finding initial scales with mask values above " << itsMaskThreshold
    1334             :          << LogIO::POST;
    1335             :     }
    1336             : 
    1337             :     AlwaysAssert(itsMask->shape()(0) == nx, AipsError);
    1338             :     AlwaysAssert(itsMask->shape()(1) == ny, AipsError);
    1339             :     Int xbeg=nx-1;
    1340             :     Int ybeg=ny-1;
    1341             :     Int xend=0;
    1342             :     Int yend=0;
    1343             :     for (Int iy=0;iy<ny;iy++)
    1344             :     {
    1345             :       for (Int ix=0;ix<nx;ix++)
    1346             :       {
    1347             :         if((*itsMask)(ix,iy)>0.000001)
    1348             :         {
    1349             :           xbeg=min(xbeg,ix);
    1350             :           ybeg=min(ybeg,iy);
    1351             :           xend=max(xend,ix);
    1352             :           yend=max(yend,iy);
    1353             :         }
    1354             :       }
    1355             :     }
    1356             :     blcDirty(0)=xbeg;
    1357             :     blcDirty(1)=ybeg;
    1358             :     trcDirty(0)=xend;
    1359             :     trcDirty(1)=yend;
    1360             :   }
    1361             :   else
    1362             :     os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Finding initial scales using the entire image" << LogIO::POST;  */
    1363             : 
    1364             : 
    1365         806 :   Vector<Float> maxima(itsNInitScales);
    1366         806 :   Block<IPosition> posMaximum(itsNInitScales);
    1367             : 
    1368             :   /*int nth = itsNInitScales;
    1369             :   #ifdef _OPENMP
    1370             :     nth = min(nth, omp_get_max_threads());
    1371             :   #endif*/
    1372             : 
    1373             :   //#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(scale) num_threads(nth)
    1374             :   //{
    1375             :   //  #pragma omp for // genie pragma seems to sometimes return wrong value to maxima on tesla
    1376             : 
    1377             :     /* debug info
    1378             :     Float maxVal=0;
    1379             :     IPosition posmin((*itsDirty).shape().nelements(), 0);
    1380             :     Float minVal=0;
    1381             :     IPosition posmax((*itsDirty).shape().nelements(), 0);
    1382             :     minMaxMasked(minVal, maxVal, posmin, posmax, (*itsDirty), itsInitScaleMasks[0]);
    1383             :     cout << "orig itsDirty : min " << minVal << " max " << maxVal << endl;
    1384             :     cout << "posmin " << posmin << " posmax " << posmax << endl; */
    1385             : 
    1386         806 :     IPosition gip;
    1387         806 :     const int nx = itsDirty->shape()[0];
    1388         806 :     const int ny = itsDirty->shape()[1];
    1389         806 :     gip = IPosition(2, nx, ny);
    1390         806 :     Block<casacore::Matrix<Float>> vecWork_p;
    1391         806 :     vecWork_p.resize(itsNInitScales);
    1392             : 
    1393        3708 :     for (int scale = 0; scale < itsNInitScales; ++scale)
    1394             :     {
    1395             :       // Find absolute maximum of each smoothed residual
    1396        2902 :       vecWork_p[scale].resize(gip);
    1397        2902 :       Matrix<Float> work = (vecWork_p[scale])(blcDirty,trcDirty);
    1398        2902 :       work = 0.0;
    1399        2902 :       work = work + (itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale])(blcDirty,trcDirty);
    1400             : 
    1401        2902 :       maxima(scale) = 0;
    1402        2902 :       posMaximum[scale] = IPosition(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    1403             : 
    1404             :       /* debug info
    1405             :       Float maxVal=0;
    1406             :       Float minVal=0;
    1407             :       IPosition posmin(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    1408             :       IPosition posmax(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    1409             :       minMaxMasked(minVal, maxVal, posmin, posmax, itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale], itsInitScaleMasks[scale]);
    1410             :       cout << "DirtyConvInitScale " << scale << ": min " << minVal << " max " << maxVal << endl;
    1411             :       cout << "posmin " << posmin << " posmax " << posmax << endl; */
    1412             : 
    1413             :       // Note, must find peak from the (blcDirty, trcDirty) subregion to ensure components are within mask
    1414             :       // this is using patch already
    1415        2902 :       if (!itsMask.null())
    1416             :       {
    1417        5804 :         findMaxAbsMask(vecWork_p[scale], itsInitScaleMasks[scale],
    1418        2902 :           maxima(scale), posMaximum[scale]);
    1419             :       }
    1420             :       else
    1421           0 :         findMaxAbs(vecWork_p[scale], maxima(scale), posMaximum[scale]);
    1422             : 
    1423        2902 :       if (itsNormMethod == 2)
    1424             :       {
    1425           0 :         if (scale > 0)
    1426             :         {
    1427             :               float normalization;
    1428             :               //normalization = 2 * M_PI / pow(itsInitScaleSizes[scale], 2); //sanjay's
    1429             :               //normalization = 2 * M_PI / pow(itsInitScaleSizes[scale], 1); // this looks good on M31 but bad on G55
    1430           0 :           normalization = sqrt(2 * M_PI *itsInitScaleSizes[scale]); //GSL. Need to recover and re-norm later
    1431           0 :               maxima(scale) /= normalization;
    1432             :         } //sanjay's code doesn't normalize peak here.
    1433             :          // Norm Method 2 may work fine with GSL with derivatives, but Norm Method 1 is still the preferred approach.
    1434             :       }
    1435        2902 :     }
    1436             :   //}//End parallel section
    1437             : 
    1438             :   // Find the peak residual among the 4 initial scales, which will be the next Aspen
    1439        3708 :   for (int scale = 0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1440             :   {
    1441        2902 :     if(abs(maxima(scale)) > abs(strengthOptimum))
    1442             :     {
    1443        2390 :       optimumScale = scale;
    1444        2390 :       strengthOptimum = maxima(scale);
    1445        2390 :       positionOptimum = posMaximum[scale];
    1446             :     }
    1447             :   }
    1448             : 
    1449         806 :   if (optimumScale > 0)
    1450             :   {
    1451             :     //const float normalization = 2 * M_PI / (pow(1.0/itsPsfWidth, 2) + pow(1.0/itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale], 2)); // sanjay
    1452         789 :     const float normalization = sqrt(2 * M_PI / (pow(1.0/itsPsfWidth, 2) + pow(1.0/itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale], 2))); // this is good.
    1453             : 
    1454             :     // norm method 2 recovers the optimal strength and then normalize it to get the init guess
    1455         789 :     if (itsNormMethod == 2)
    1456           0 :       strengthOptimum *= sqrt(2 * M_PI *itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale]); // this is needed if we also first normalize and then compare.
    1457             : 
    1458         789 :     strengthOptimum /= normalization;
    1459             :     // cout << "normalization " << normalization << " strengthOptimum " << strengthOptimum << endl;
    1460             :   }
    1461             : 
    1462         806 :   AlwaysAssert(optimumScale < itsNInitScales, AipsError);
    1463         806 : }
    1464             : 
    1465             : 
    1466             : // ALGLIB - "beta" = 1/2scale^2
    1467             : /*vector<Float> AspMatrixCleaner::getActiveSetAspen()
    1468             : {
    1469             :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "getActiveSetAspen()", WHERE));
    1470             : 
    1471             :   if(int(itsInitScaleXfrs.nelements()) == 0)
    1472             :     throw(AipsError("Initial scales for Asp are not defined"));
    1473             : 
    1474             :   if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom &&
    1475             :       accumulate(itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.begin(), itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.end(), 0) >= 5)
    1476             :   {
    1477             :     os << "Switched to hogbom because of frequent small components." << LogIO::POST;
    1478             :     switchedToHogbom();
    1479             :   }
    1480             : 
    1481             :   if (itsSwitchedToHogbom)
    1482             :     itsNInitScales = 1;
    1483             :   else
    1484             :     itsNInitScales = itsInitScaleSizes.size();
    1485             : 
    1486             :   // Dirty * initial scales
    1487             :   Matrix<Complex> dirtyFT;
    1488             :   fft.fft0(dirtyFT, *itsDirty);
    1489             :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(0);
    1490             :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(itsNInitScales); // 0, 1width, 2width, 4width and 8width
    1491             :   //cout << "itsInitScaleSizes.size() " << itsInitScaleSizes.size() << " itsInitScales.size() " << itsInitScales.size() << " NInitScales # " << itsNInitScales << endl;
    1492             :   for (int scale=0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1493             :   {
    1494             :     Matrix<Complex> cWork;
    1495             : 
    1496             :     itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale] = Matrix<Float>(itsDirty->shape());
    1497             :     cWork=((dirtyFT)*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale]));
    1498             :     fft.fft0((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), cWork, false);
    1499             :     fft.flip((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), false, false);
    1500             : 
    1501             :     //cout << "remake itsDirtyConvInitScales " << scale << " max itsInitScales[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScales[scale])) << endl;
    1502             :     //cout << " max itsInitScaleXfrs[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale])) << endl;
    1503             :   }
    1504             : 
    1505             :   float strengthOptimum = 0.0;
    1506             :   int optimumScale = 0;
    1507             :   IPosition positionOptimum(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    1508             :   itsGoodAspActiveSet.resize(0);
    1509             :   itsGoodAspAmplitude.resize(0);
    1510             :   itsGoodAspCenter.resize(0);
    1511             : 
    1512             :   maxDirtyConvInitScales(strengthOptimum, optimumScale, positionOptimum);
    1513             : 
    1514             :   os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Peak among the smoothed residual image is " << strengthOptimum  << " and initial scale: " << optimumScale << LogIO::POST;
    1515             :   // cout << " its itsDirty is " << (*itsDirty)(positionOptimum);
    1516             :   // cout << " at location " << positionOptimum[0] << " " << positionOptimum[1] << " " << positionOptimum[2];
    1517             : 
    1518             : 
    1519             :   itsStrengthOptimum = strengthOptimum;
    1520             :   itsPositionOptimum = positionOptimum;
    1521             :   itsOptimumScale = optimumScale;
    1522             :   itsOptimumScaleSize = itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale];
    1523             : 
    1524             :   // initial scale size = 0 gives the peak res, so we don't
    1525             :   // need to do the LBFGS optimization for it
    1526             :   if (itsOptimumScale == 0)
    1527             :     return {};
    1528             :   else
    1529             :   {
    1530             :     // the new aspen is always added to the active-set
    1531             :     vector<Float> tempx;
    1532             :     vector<IPosition> activeSetCenter;
    1533             : 
    1534             :     tempx.push_back(strengthOptimum);
    1535             :     tempx.push_back(itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale]);
    1536             :     activeSetCenter.push_back(positionOptimum);
    1537             : 
    1538             :     // initialize alglib option
    1539             :     unsigned int length = tempx.size();
    1540             :     real_1d_array x;
    1541             :     x.setlength(length);
    1542             : 
    1543             :     Float beta = 0.0;
    1544             : 
    1545             :     // initialize starting point
    1546             :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i+=2)
    1547             :     {
    1548             :       beta = 1 / (2*pow(tempx[i+1], 2));
    1549             : 
    1550             :       x[i] = tempx[i]; // amp
    1551             :       x[i+1] = beta; //beta
    1552             :     }
    1553             :     
    1554             :     std::cout << "before: opt strength/scale " << tempx[0] << " " << tempx[1] << endl;
    1555             :     std::cout << "before: beta " << beta << std::endl;
    1556             : 
    1557             :     ParamAlglibObj optParam(*itsDirty, *itsXfr, activeSetCenter, fft, itsOptimumScaleSize);
    1558             :     ParamAlglibObj *ptrParam;
    1559             :     ptrParam = &optParam;
    1560             : 
    1561             :     //real_1d_array s = "[1,1]";
    1562             :     real_1d_array s = "[1,10]";
    1563             :     double epsg = 1e-3;
    1564             :     double epsf = 1e-3;
    1565             :     double epsx = 1e-3;
    1566             :     ae_int_t maxits = 5;
    1567             :     minlbfgsstate state;
    1568             :     minlbfgscreate(1, x, state);
    1569             :     minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits);
    1570             :     minlbfgssetscale(state, s);
    1571             :     minlbfgssetprecscale(state);
    1572             :     minlbfgsreport rep;
    1573             :     alglib::minlbfgsoptimize(state, objfunc_alglib, NULL, (void *) ptrParam);
    1574             :     minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep);
    1575             :     
    1576             :     double *x1 = x.getcontent();
    1577             :     cout << "x1[0] " << x1[0] << " x1[1] " << x1[1] << endl;
    1578             : 
    1579             :     // end alglib bfgs optimization
    1580             : 
    1581             :     double amp = 0;
    1582             :     double scale = 0;
    1583             : 
    1584             :     amp = x[0]; // i
    1585             :     beta = fabs(x[1]); // i+1
    1586             : 
    1587             :     if (isnan(amp) || isnan(beta) || beta == 0)
    1588             :     {
    1589             :       scale = 0;
    1590             :       amp = (*itsDirty)(itsPositionOptimum); // This is to avoid divergence due to amp being too large.
    1591             :                                              // amp=strengthOptimum gives similar results
    1592             :     }
    1593             :     else{
    1594             :       scale = sqrt(1/(2.0 * beta)) ;
    1595             :       if (scale < 0.4)
    1596             :       {
    1597             :         scale = 0;
    1598             :         amp = (*itsDirty)(itsPositionOptimum);
    1599             :       }
    1600             :     }
    1601             : 
    1602             : 
    1603             :     itsGoodAspAmplitude.push_back(amp); // active-set amplitude
    1604             :     itsGoodAspActiveSet.push_back(scale); // active-set
    1605             : 
    1606             :     itsStrengthOptimum = amp;
    1607             :     itsOptimumScaleSize = scale;
    1608             :     itsGoodAspCenter = activeSetCenter;
    1609             : 
    1610             :     // debug
    1611             :     os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << LogIO::POST;
    1612             :     cout << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << endl;
    1613             : 
    1614             :   } // finish bfgs optimization
    1615             : 
    1616             :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspCenter.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    1617             :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspAmplitude.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    1618             : 
    1619             :   // debug info
    1620             :   /*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < itsAspAmplitude.size(); i++)
    1621             :   {
    1622             :     //cout << "After opt AspApm[" << i << "] = " << itsAspAmplitude[i] << endl;
    1623             :     //cout << "After opt AspScale[" << i << "] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << endl;
    1624             :     //cout << "After opt AspCenter[" << i << "] = " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    1625             :     cout << "AspScale[ " << i << " ] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << " center " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    1626             :   }* / 
    1627             : 
    1628             :   return itsGoodAspActiveSet; // return optimized scale
    1629             : }*/
    1630             : 
    1631             : 
    1632             : // ALGLIB - "log(PSF*Aspen)
    1633             : /*vector<Float> AspMatrixCleaner::getActiveSetAspen()
    1634             : {
    1635             :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "getActiveSetAspen()", WHERE));
    1636             : 
    1637             :   if(int(itsInitScaleXfrs.nelements()) == 0)
    1638             :     throw(AipsError("Initial scales for Asp are not defined"));
    1639             : 
    1640             :   if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom &&
    1641             :       accumulate(itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.begin(), itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.end(), 0) >= 5)
    1642             :   {
    1643             :     os << "Switched to hogbom because of frequent small components." << LogIO::POST;
    1644             :     switchedToHogbom();
    1645             :   }
    1646             : 
    1647             :   if (itsSwitchedToHogbom)
    1648             :     itsNInitScales = 1;
    1649             :   else
    1650             :     itsNInitScales = itsInitScaleSizes.size();
    1651             : 
    1652             :   // Dirty * initial scales
    1653             :   Matrix<Complex> dirtyFT;
    1654             :   fft.fft0(dirtyFT, *itsDirty);
    1655             :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(0);
    1656             :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(itsNInitScales); // 0, 1width, 2width, 4width and 8width
    1657             :   //cout << "itsInitScaleSizes.size() " << itsInitScaleSizes.size() << " itsInitScales.size() " << itsInitScales.size() << " NInitScales # " << itsNInitScales << endl;
    1658             :   for (int scale=0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1659             :   {
    1660             :     Matrix<Complex> cWork;
    1661             : 
    1662             :     itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale] = Matrix<Float>(itsDirty->shape());
    1663             :     cWork=((dirtyFT)*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale]));
    1664             :     fft.fft0((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), cWork, false);
    1665             :     fft.flip((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), false, false);
    1666             : 
    1667             :     //cout << "remake itsDirtyConvInitScales " << scale << " max itsInitScales[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScales[scale])) << endl;
    1668             :     //cout << " max itsInitScaleXfrs[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale])) << endl;
    1669             :   }
    1670             : 
    1671             :   float strengthOptimum = 0.0;
    1672             :   int optimumScale = 0;
    1673             :   IPosition positionOptimum(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    1674             :   itsGoodAspActiveSet.resize(0);
    1675             :   itsGoodAspAmplitude.resize(0);
    1676             :   itsGoodAspCenter.resize(0);
    1677             : 
    1678             :   maxDirtyConvInitScales(strengthOptimum, optimumScale, positionOptimum);
    1679             : 
    1680             :   os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Peak among the smoothed residual image is " << strengthOptimum  << " and initial scale: " << optimumScale << LogIO::POST;
    1681             :   // cout << " its itsDirty is " << (*itsDirty)(positionOptimum);
    1682             :   // cout << " at location " << positionOptimum[0] << " " << positionOptimum[1] << " " << positionOptimum[2];
    1683             : 
    1684             : 
    1685             :   itsStrengthOptimum = strengthOptimum;
    1686             :   itsPositionOptimum = positionOptimum;
    1687             :   itsOptimumScale = optimumScale;
    1688             :   itsOptimumScaleSize = itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale];
    1689             : 
    1690             :   // initial scale size = 0 gives the peak res, so we don't
    1691             :   // need to do the LBFGS optimization for it
    1692             :   if (itsOptimumScale == 0)
    1693             :     return {};
    1694             :   else
    1695             :   {
    1696             :     // the new aspen is always added to the active-set
    1697             :     vector<Float> tempx;
    1698             :     vector<IPosition> activeSetCenter;
    1699             : 
    1700             :     tempx.push_back(strengthOptimum);
    1701             :     tempx.push_back(itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale]);
    1702             :     activeSetCenter.push_back(positionOptimum);
    1703             : 
    1704             :     // initialize alglib option
    1705             :     unsigned int length = tempx.size();
    1706             :     real_1d_array x;
    1707             :     x.setlength(length);
    1708             : 
    1709             :     Float a = 0.0;
    1710             :     Float b = 0.0;
    1711             :     Float c = 0.0;
    1712             : 
    1713             :     // initialize starting point
    1714             :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i+=2)
    1715             :     {
    1716             :       a = log(tempx[i]) - ((pow(positionOptimum[0], 2)+pow(positionOptimum[1], 2))/(2*pow(tempx[i+1]+itsPsfWidth, 2)));
    1717             :       b = (positionOptimum[0]+positionOptimum[1]) / pow(tempx[i+1]+itsPsfWidth, 2);
    1718             :       c = -1 / (2*pow(tempx[i+1]+itsPsfWidth, 2));
    1719             : 
    1720             :       x[i] = a;
    1721             :       x[i+1] = b;
    1722             :       x[i+2] = c;
    1723             :     }
    1724             :     
    1725             :     std::cout << "before: itsPSFWidth " << itsPsfWidth << " opt strength/scale " << tempx[0] << " " << tempx[1] << endl;
    1726             :     std::cout << "before: a/b/c " << a << " " << b << " " << c << std::endl;
    1727             : 
    1728             :     ParamAlglibObj optParam(*itsDirty, *itsXfr, activeSetCenter, fft, itsOptimumScaleSize);
    1729             :     ParamAlglibObj *ptrParam;
    1730             :     ptrParam = &optParam;
    1731             : 
    1732             :     real_1d_array s = "[1,1,1]";
    1733             :     double epsg = 1e-3;
    1734             :     double epsf = 1e-3;
    1735             :     double epsx = 1e-3;
    1736             :     ae_int_t maxits = 5;
    1737             :     minlbfgsstate state;
    1738             :     minlbfgscreate(1, x, state);
    1739             :     minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits);
    1740             :     minlbfgssetscale(state, s);
    1741             :     minlbfgsreport rep;
    1742             :     alglib::minlbfgsoptimize(state, objfunc_alglib, NULL, (void *) ptrParam);
    1743             :     minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep);
    1744             :     
    1745             :     double *x1 = x.getcontent();
    1746             :     cout << "x1[0] " << x1[0] << " x1[1] " << x1[1] << " x1[2] " << x1[2] << endl;
    1747             : 
    1748             :     // end alglib bfgs optimization
    1749             : 
    1750             :     double amp = 0;
    1751             :     double scale = 0;
    1752             : 
    1753             :     a = x[0]; // i
    1754             :     b = x[1]; // i+1
    1755             :     c = x[2]; // i+2
    1756             : 
    1757             :     amp = exp(a - (pow(b,2)/(4.0*c)));
    1758             :     scale = sqrt(-1/(2.0 * c)) - itsPsfWidth;
    1759             : 
    1760             :     if (fabs(scale) < 0.4)
    1761             :     {
    1762             :       scale = 0;
    1763             :       amp = (*itsDirty)(itsPositionOptimum); // This is to avoid divergence due to amp being too large.
    1764             :                                              // amp=strengthOptimum gives similar results
    1765             :     }
    1766             :     else
    1767             :       scale = fabs(scale);
    1768             : 
    1769             :     itsGoodAspAmplitude.push_back(amp); // active-set amplitude
    1770             :     itsGoodAspActiveSet.push_back(scale); // active-set
    1771             : 
    1772             :     itsStrengthOptimum = amp;
    1773             :     itsOptimumScaleSize = scale;
    1774             :     itsGoodAspCenter = activeSetCenter;
    1775             : 
    1776             :     // debug
    1777             :     os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << LogIO::POST;
    1778             :     cout << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << endl;
    1779             : 
    1780             :   } // finish bfgs optimization
    1781             : 
    1782             :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspCenter.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    1783             :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspAmplitude.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    1784             : 
    1785             :   // debug info
    1786             :   /*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < itsAspAmplitude.size(); i++)
    1787             :   {
    1788             :     //cout << "After opt AspApm[" << i << "] = " << itsAspAmplitude[i] << endl;
    1789             :     //cout << "After opt AspScale[" << i << "] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << endl;
    1790             :     //cout << "After opt AspCenter[" << i << "] = " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    1791             :     cout << "AspScale[ " << i << " ] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << " center " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    1792             :   }* / 
    1793             : 
    1794             :   return itsGoodAspActiveSet; // return optimized scale
    1795             : }
    1796             : */
    1797             : 
    1798             : // ALGLIB - LM
    1799             : /*
    1800             : vector<Float> AspMatrixCleaner::getActiveSetAspen()
    1801             : {
    1802             :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "getActiveSetAspen()", WHERE));
    1803             : 
    1804             :   if(int(itsInitScaleXfrs.nelements()) == 0)
    1805             :     throw(AipsError("Initial scales for Asp are not defined"));
    1806             : 
    1807             :   if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom &&
    1808             :       accumulate(itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.begin(), itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.end(), 0) >= 5)
    1809             :   {
    1810             :     os << "Switched to hogbom because of frequent small components." << LogIO::POST;
    1811             :     switchedToHogbom();
    1812             :   }
    1813             : 
    1814             :   if (itsSwitchedToHogbom)
    1815             :     itsNInitScales = 1;
    1816             :   else
    1817             :     itsNInitScales = itsInitScaleSizes.size();
    1818             : 
    1819             :   // Dirty * initial scales
    1820             :   Matrix<Complex> dirtyFT;
    1821             :   fft.fft0(dirtyFT, *itsDirty);
    1822             :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(0);
    1823             :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(itsNInitScales); // 0, 1width, 2width, 4width and 8width
    1824             :   //cout << "itsInitScaleSizes.size() " << itsInitScaleSizes.size() << " itsInitScales.size() " << itsInitScales.size() << " NInitScales # " << itsNInitScales << endl;
    1825             :   for (int scale=0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1826             :   {
    1827             :     Matrix<Complex> cWork;
    1828             : 
    1829             :     itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale] = Matrix<Float>(itsDirty->shape());
    1830             :     cWork=((dirtyFT)*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale]));
    1831             :     fft.fft0((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), cWork, false);
    1832             :     fft.flip((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), false, false);
    1833             : 
    1834             :     //cout << "remake itsDirtyConvInitScales " << scale << " max itsInitScales[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScales[scale])) << endl;
    1835             :     //cout << " max itsInitScaleXfrs[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale])) << endl;
    1836             :   }
    1837             : 
    1838             :   float strengthOptimum = 0.0;
    1839             :   int optimumScale = 0;
    1840             :   IPosition positionOptimum(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    1841             :   itsGoodAspActiveSet.resize(0);
    1842             :   itsGoodAspAmplitude.resize(0);
    1843             :   itsGoodAspCenter.resize(0);
    1844             : 
    1845             :   maxDirtyConvInitScales(strengthOptimum, optimumScale, positionOptimum);
    1846             : 
    1847             :   os << LogIO::NORMAL << "Peak among the smoothed residual image is " << strengthOptimum  << " and initial scale: " << optimumScale << LogIO::POST;
    1848             :   //cout << "Peak among the smoothed residual image is " << strengthOptimum  << " and initial scale: " << optimumScale << endl;
    1849             :   // cout << " its itsDirty is " << (*itsDirty)(positionOptimum);
    1850             :   // cout << " at location " << positionOptimum[0] << " " << positionOptimum[1] << " " << positionOptimum[2];
    1851             : 
    1852             : 
    1853             :   itsStrengthOptimum = strengthOptimum;
    1854             :   itsPositionOptimum = positionOptimum;
    1855             :   itsOptimumScale = optimumScale;
    1856             :   itsOptimumScaleSize = itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale];
    1857             : 
    1858             :   // initial scale size = 0 gives the peak res, so we don't
    1859             :   // need to do the LBFGS optimization for it
    1860             :   if (itsOptimumScale == 0)
    1861             :     return {};
    1862             :   else
    1863             :   {
    1864             :     // the new aspen is always added to the active-set
    1865             :     vector<Float> tempx;
    1866             :     vector<IPosition> activeSetCenter;
    1867             : 
    1868             :     tempx.push_back(strengthOptimum);
    1869             :     tempx.push_back(itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale]);
    1870             :     activeSetCenter.push_back(positionOptimum);
    1871             : 
    1872             :     // initialize alglib option
    1873             :     unsigned int length = tempx.size();
    1874             :     real_1d_array x;
    1875             :     x.setlength(length);
    1876             :     
    1877             :     real_1d_array s; //G55
    1878             :     s.setlength(length);
    1879             : 
    1880             :     // initialize starting point
    1881             :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i+=2)
    1882             :     {
    1883             :         x[i] = tempx[i]; //amp
    1884             :         x[i+1] = tempx[i+1]; //scale
    1885             : 
    1886             :         // G55 like
    1887             :         s[i] = tempx[i]; //amp
    1888             :         s[i+1] = tempx[i+1]; //scale
    1889             :     }
    1890             : 
    1891             :     ParamAlglibObj optParam(*itsDirty, *itsXfr, activeSetCenter, fft);
    1892             :     ParamAlglibObj *ptrParam;
    1893             :     ptrParam = &optParam;
    1894             : 
    1895             :     //real_1d_array s = "[0.001,10]"; //G55
    1896             :     //real_1d_array s = "[1,1]";
    1897             :     double epsg = 1e-3;
    1898             :     double epsf = 1e-3;
    1899             :     double epsx = 1e-3;
    1900             :     ae_int_t maxits = 5;
    1901             :     minlmstate state;
    1902             :     minlmcreatev(1, x, 0.0001, state);
    1903             :     minlmsetcond(state, epsx, maxits);
    1904             :     minlmsetscale(state, s);
    1905             :     minlmreport rep;
    1906             :     alglib::minlmoptimize(state, objfunc_alglib, NULL, (void *) ptrParam);
    1907             :     minlmresults(state, x, rep);
    1908             :     double *x1 = x.getcontent();
    1909             :     //cout << "x1[0] " << x1[0] << " x1[1] " << x1[1] << endl;
    1910             : 
    1911             :     // end alglib bfgs optimization
    1912             : 
    1913             :     double amp = x[0]; // i
    1914             :     double scale = x[1]; // i+1
    1915             : 
    1916             :     if (fabs(scale) < 0.4)
    1917             :     {
    1918             :       scale = 0;
    1919             :       amp = (*itsDirty)(itsPositionOptimum); // This is to avoid divergence due to amp being too large.
    1920             :                                              // amp=strengthOptimum gives similar results
    1921             :     }
    1922             :     else
    1923             :       scale = fabs(scale);
    1924             : 
    1925             :     itsGoodAspAmplitude.push_back(amp); // active-set amplitude
    1926             :     itsGoodAspActiveSet.push_back(scale); // active-set
    1927             : 
    1928             :     itsStrengthOptimum = amp;
    1929             :     itsOptimumScaleSize = scale;
    1930             :     itsGoodAspCenter = activeSetCenter;
    1931             : 
    1932             :     // debug
    1933             :     os << LogIO::NORMAL << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << LogIO::POST;
    1934             :     //cout << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << " at " << itsPositionOptimum << endl;
    1935             : 
    1936             :   } // finish bfgs optimization
    1937             : 
    1938             :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspCenter.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    1939             :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspAmplitude.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    1940             : 
    1941             :   // debug info
    1942             :   /*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < itsAspAmplitude.size(); i++)
    1943             :   {
    1944             :     //cout << "After opt AspApm[" << i << "] = " << itsAspAmplitude[i] << endl;
    1945             :     //cout << "After opt AspScale[" << i << "] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << endl;
    1946             :     //cout << "After opt AspCenter[" << i << "] = " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    1947             :     cout << "AspScale[ " << i << " ] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << " center " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    1948             :   }* /
    1949             : 
    1950             :   return itsGoodAspActiveSet; // return optimized scale
    1951             : }*/
    1952             : 
    1953             : 
    1954             : // ALGLIB - gold - not "log"
    1955             : 
    1956         806 : vector<Float> AspMatrixCleaner::getActiveSetAspen()
    1957             : {
    1958        1612 :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "getActiveSetAspen()", WHERE));
    1959             : 
    1960         806 :   if(int(itsInitScaleXfrs.nelements()) == 0)
    1961           0 :     throw(AipsError("Initial scales for Asp are not defined"));
    1962             : 
    1963        1595 :   if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom &&
    1964        1595 :           accumulate(itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.begin(), itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.end(), 0) >= 5)
    1965             :   {
    1966           0 :         os << "Switched to hogbom because of frequent small components." << LogIO::POST;
    1967           0 :     switchedToHogbom();
    1968             :   }
    1969             : 
    1970         806 :   if (itsSwitchedToHogbom)
    1971          17 :         itsNInitScales = 1;
    1972             :   else
    1973         789 :         itsNInitScales = itsInitScaleSizes.size();
    1974             : 
    1975             :   // Dirty * initial scales
    1976         806 :   Matrix<Complex> dirtyFT;
    1977         806 :   fft.fft0(dirtyFT, *itsDirty);
    1978         806 :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(0);
    1979         806 :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(itsNInitScales); // 0, 1width, 2width, 4width and 8width
    1980             :   //cout << "itsInitScaleSizes.size() " << itsInitScaleSizes.size() << " itsInitScales.size() " << itsInitScales.size() << " NInitScales # " << itsNInitScales << endl;
    1981        3708 :   for (int scale=0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    1982             :   {
    1983        2902 :     Matrix<Complex> cWork;
    1984             : 
    1985        2902 :     itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale] = Matrix<Float>(itsDirty->shape());
    1986        2902 :     cWork=((dirtyFT)*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale]));
    1987        2902 :     fft.fft0((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), cWork, false);
    1988        2902 :     fft.flip((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), false, false);
    1989             : 
    1990             :     //cout << "remake itsDirtyConvInitScales " << scale << " max itsInitScales[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScales[scale])) << endl;
    1991             :     //cout << " max itsInitScaleXfrs[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale])) << endl;
    1992        2902 :   }
    1993             : 
    1994         806 :   float strengthOptimum = 0.0;
    1995         806 :   int optimumScale = 0;
    1996         806 :   IPosition positionOptimum(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    1997         806 :   itsGoodAspActiveSet.resize(0);
    1998         806 :   itsGoodAspAmplitude.resize(0);
    1999         806 :   itsGoodAspCenter.resize(0);
    2000             : 
    2001         806 :   maxDirtyConvInitScales(strengthOptimum, optimumScale, positionOptimum);
    2002             : 
    2003         806 :   os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Peak among the smoothed residual image is " << strengthOptimum  << " and initial scale: " << optimumScale << LogIO::POST;
    2004             :   //cout << "Peak among the smoothed residual image is " << strengthOptimum  << " and initial scale: " << optimumScale << endl;
    2005             :   // cout << " its itsDirty is " << (*itsDirty)(positionOptimum);
    2006             :   // cout << " at location " << positionOptimum[0] << " " << positionOptimum[1] << " " << positionOptimum[2];
    2007             : 
    2008             : 
    2009         806 :   itsStrengthOptimum = strengthOptimum;
    2010         806 :   itsPositionOptimum = positionOptimum;
    2011         806 :   itsOptimumScale = optimumScale;
    2012         806 :   itsOptimumScaleSize = itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale];
    2013             : 
    2014             :   // initial scale size = 0 gives the peak res, so we don't
    2015             :   // need to do the LBFGS optimization for it
    2016         806 :   if (itsOptimumScale == 0)
    2017          17 :     return {};
    2018             :   else
    2019             :   {
    2020             :     // the new aspen is always added to the active-set
    2021         789 :     vector<Float> tempx;
    2022         789 :     vector<IPosition> activeSetCenter;
    2023             : 
    2024         789 :     tempx.push_back(strengthOptimum);
    2025         789 :     tempx.push_back(itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale]);
    2026         789 :     activeSetCenter.push_back(positionOptimum);
    2027             : 
    2028             :     // initialize alglib option
    2029         789 :           unsigned int length = tempx.size();
    2030         789 :     real_1d_array x;
    2031         789 :           x.setlength(length);
    2032             : 
    2033             :     // for G55 ,etc
    2034         789 :     real_1d_array s;
    2035         789 :     s.setlength(length);
    2036             : 
    2037             :           // initialize starting point
    2038        1578 :           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i+=2)
    2039             :           {
    2040         789 :               x[i] = tempx[i]; //amp
    2041         789 :               x[i+1] = tempx[i+1]; //scale
    2042             : 
    2043         789 :         s[i] = tempx[i]; //amp
    2044         789 :         s[i+1] = tempx[i+1]; //scale
    2045             :           }
    2046             : 
    2047         789 :           ParamAlglibObj optParam(*itsDirty, *itsXfr, activeSetCenter, fft);
    2048             :     ParamAlglibObj *ptrParam;
    2049         789 :     ptrParam = &optParam;
    2050             : 
    2051             :           //real_1d_array s = "[1,1]";
    2052             :       //real_1d_array s = "[0.001,10]";
    2053         789 :           double epsg = 1e-3;
    2054         789 :           double epsf = 1e-3;
    2055         789 :           double epsx = 1e-3;
    2056         789 :           ae_int_t maxits = 5;
    2057         789 :           minlbfgsstate state;
    2058         789 :           minlbfgscreate(1, x, state);
    2059         789 :           minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits);
    2060         789 :           minlbfgssetscale(state, s);
    2061         789 :           minlbfgsreport rep;
    2062         789 :           alglib::minlbfgsoptimize(state, objfunc_alglib, NULL, (void *) ptrParam);
    2063         789 :           minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep);
    2064         789 :           double *x1 = x.getcontent();
    2065             :           //cout << "x1[0] " << x1[0] << " x1[1] " << x1[1] << endl;
    2066             : 
    2067             :           // end alglib bfgs optimization
    2068             : 
    2069         789 :     double amp = x[0]; // i
    2070         789 :     double scale = x[1]; // i+1
    2071             : 
    2072         789 :     if (fabs(scale) < 0.4)
    2073             :     {
    2074           4 :       scale = 0;
    2075           4 :       amp = (*itsDirty)(itsPositionOptimum); // This is to avoid divergence due to amp being too large.
    2076             :                                              // amp=strengthOptimum gives similar results
    2077             :     }
    2078             :     else
    2079         785 :       scale = fabs(scale);
    2080             : 
    2081         789 :     itsGoodAspAmplitude.push_back(amp); // active-set amplitude
    2082         789 :     itsGoodAspActiveSet.push_back(scale); // active-set
    2083             : 
    2084         789 :     itsStrengthOptimum = amp;
    2085         789 :     itsOptimumScaleSize = scale;
    2086         789 :     itsGoodAspCenter = activeSetCenter;
    2087             : 
    2088             :     // debug
    2089         789 :     os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << LogIO::POST;
    2090             :     //cout << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << " at " << itsPositionOptimum << endl;
    2091             : 
    2092         789 :   } // finish bfgs optimization
    2093             : 
    2094         789 :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspCenter.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    2095         789 :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspAmplitude.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    2096             : 
    2097             :   // debug info
    2098             :   /*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < itsAspAmplitude.size(); i++)
    2099             :   {
    2100             :     //cout << "After opt AspApm[" << i << "] = " << itsAspAmplitude[i] << endl;
    2101             :     //cout << "After opt AspScale[" << i << "] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << endl;
    2102             :     //cout << "After opt AspCenter[" << i << "] = " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    2103             :     cout << "AspScale[ " << i << " ] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << " center " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    2104             :   }*/
    2105             : 
    2106         789 :   return itsGoodAspActiveSet; // return optimized scale
    2107         806 : }
    2108             : 
    2109             : 
    2110             : // gsl lbfgs
    2111             : /*
    2112             : vector<Float> AspMatrixCleaner::getActiveSetAspen()
    2113             : {
    2114             :   LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "getActiveSetAspen()", WHERE));
    2115             : 
    2116             :   if(int(itsInitScaleXfrs.nelements()) == 0)
    2117             :     throw(AipsError("Initial scales for Asp are not defined"));
    2118             : 
    2119             :   if (!itsSwitchedToHogbom &&
    2120             :           accumulate(itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.begin(), itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.end(), 0) >= 5)
    2121             :   {
    2122             :         os << "Switched to hogbom because of frequent small components." << LogIO::POST;
    2123             :     switchedToHogbom();
    2124             :   }
    2125             : 
    2126             :   if (itsSwitchedToHogbom)
    2127             :         itsNInitScales = 1;
    2128             :   else
    2129             :         itsNInitScales = itsInitScaleSizes.size();
    2130             : 
    2131             :   // Dirty * initial scales
    2132             :   Matrix<Complex> dirtyFT;
    2133             :   FFTServer<Float,Complex> fft(itsDirty->shape());
    2134             :   fft.fft0(dirtyFT, *itsDirty);
    2135             :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(0);
    2136             :   itsDirtyConvInitScales.resize(itsNInitScales); // 0, 1width, 2width, 4width and 8width
    2137             : 
    2138             :   for (int scale=0; scale < itsNInitScales; scale++)
    2139             :   {
    2140             :     Matrix<Complex> cWork;
    2141             : 
    2142             :     itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale] = Matrix<Float>(itsDirty->shape());
    2143             :     cWork=((dirtyFT)*(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale]));
    2144             :     fft.fft0((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), cWork, false);
    2145             :     fft.flip((itsDirtyConvInitScales[scale]), false, false);
    2146             : 
    2147             :     // cout << "remake itsDirtyConvInitScales " << scale << " max itsInitScales[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScales[scale])) << endl;
    2148             :     // cout << " max itsInitScaleXfrs[" << scale << "] = " << max(fabs(itsInitScaleXfrs[scale])) << endl;
    2149             :   }
    2150             : 
    2151             :   float strengthOptimum = 0.0;
    2152             :   int optimumScale = 0;
    2153             :   IPosition positionOptimum(itsDirty->shape().nelements(), 0);
    2154             :   itsGoodAspActiveSet.resize(0);
    2155             :   itsGoodAspAmplitude.resize(0);
    2156             :   itsGoodAspCenter.resize(0);
    2157             :   //itsPrevAspActiveSet.resize(0);
    2158             :   //itsPrevAspAmplitude.resize(0);
    2159             : 
    2160             :   maxDirtyConvInitScales(strengthOptimum, optimumScale, positionOptimum);
    2161             :   os << "Peak among the smoothed residual image is " << strengthOptimum  << " and initial scale: " << optimumScale << LogIO::POST;
    2162             :   // cout << " its itsDirty is " << (*itsDirty)(positionOptimum);
    2163             :   // cout << " at location " << positionOptimum[0] << " " << positionOptimum[1] << " " << positionOptimum[2];
    2164             : 
    2165             :   // memory used
    2166             :   //itsUsedMemoryMB = double(HostInfo::memoryUsed()/1024);
    2167             :   //cout << "Memory allocated in getActiveSetAspen " << itsUsedMemoryMB << " MB." << endl;
    2168             : 
    2169             :   itsStrengthOptimum = strengthOptimum;
    2170             :   itsPositionOptimum = positionOptimum;
    2171             :   itsOptimumScale = optimumScale;
    2172             :   itsOptimumScaleSize = itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale];
    2173             : 
    2174             :   // initial scale size = 0 gives the peak res, so we don't
    2175             :   // need to do the LBFGS optimization for it
    2176             :   if (itsOptimumScale == 0)
    2177             :     return {};
    2178             :   else
    2179             :   {
    2180             :     // AlwaysAssert(itsAspScaleSizes.size() == itsAspAmplitude.size(), AipsError);
    2181             :     // AlwaysAssert(itsAspScaleSizes.size() == itsAspCenter.size(), AipsError);
    2182             : 
    2183             :     // No longer needed. heuristiclly determine active set for speed up
    2184             :     /*Float resArea = 0.0;
    2185             :     Int nX = itsDirty->shape()(0);
    2186             :     Int nY = itsDirty->shape()(1);
    2187             : 
    2188             :     for (Int j = 0; j < nY; ++j)
    2189             :     {
    2190             :       for(Int i = 0; i < nX; ++i)
    2191             :         resArea += abs((*itsDirty)(i,j));
    2192             :     }
    2193             :     const Float lamda = 318; //M31 new Asp - gold
    2194             : 
    2195             :     const Float threshold = lamda * resArea;
    2196             : 
    2197             :     vector<Float> tempx;
    2198             :     vector<IPosition> activeSetCenter;
    2199             : 
    2200             :     vector<pair<Float,int>> vp; //(LenDev, idx)
    2201             : 
    2202             :     sort(vp.begin(),vp.end(), [](const pair<Float,int> &l, const pair<Float,int> &r) {return l.first > r.first;});
    2203             : 
    2204             :     // select the top 5
    2205             :     vector<int> goodvp;
    2206             :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vp.size(); i++)
    2207             :     {
    2208             :       if (i >= 20)
    2209             :         break;
    2210             :       goodvp.push_back(vp[i].second);
    2211             :     }
    2212             :     sort(goodvp.begin(), goodvp.end(), [](const int &l, const int &r) {return l > r;});
    2213             : 
    2214             :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < goodvp.size(); i++)
    2215             :     {
    2216             :       tempx.push_back(itsAspAmplitude[goodvp[i]]);
    2217             :       tempx.push_back(itsAspScaleSizes[goodvp[i]]);
    2218             :       activeSetCenter.push_back(itsAspCenter[goodvp[i]]);
    2219             :       itsAspAmplitude.erase(itsAspAmplitude.begin() + goodvp[i]);
    2220             :       itsAspScaleSizes.erase(itsAspScaleSizes.begin() + goodvp[i]);
    2221             :       itsAspCenter.erase(itsAspCenter.begin() + goodvp[i]);
    2222             :       itsAspGood.erase(itsAspGood.begin() + goodvp[i]);
    2223             :     }* /
    2224             : 
    2225             :     // the new aspen is always added to the active-set
    2226             :     vector<Float> tempx;
    2227             :     vector<IPosition> activeSetCenter;
    2228             : 
    2229             :     tempx.push_back(strengthOptimum);
    2230             :     tempx.push_back(itsInitScaleSizes[optimumScale]);
    2231             :     activeSetCenter.push_back(positionOptimum);
    2232             : 
    2233             :     // GSL: set the initial guess
    2234             :     unsigned int length = tempx.size();
    2235             :     gsl_vector *x = NULL;
    2236             :     x = gsl_vector_alloc(length);
    2237             :     gsl_vector_set_zero(x);
    2238             : 
    2239             :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i+=2)
    2240             :     {
    2241             :       gsl_vector_set(x, i, tempx[i]);
    2242             :       gsl_vector_set(x, i+1, tempx[i+1]);
    2243             : 
    2244             :       // No longer needed. save aspen before optimization
    2245             :       // itsPrevAspAmplitude.push_back(tempx[i]); // active-set amplitude before bfgs
    2246             :       // itsPrevAspActiveSet.push_back(tempx[i+1]); // prev active-set before bfgs
    2247             :     }
    2248             : 
    2249             :     // GSL optimization
    2250             :     //fdf
    2251             :     gsl_multimin_function_fdf my_func;
    2252             :     gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer *s = NULL;
    2253             : 
    2254             :     // setupSolver
    2255             :     ParamObj optParam(*itsDirty, *itsXfr, activeSetCenter);
    2256             :     ParamObj *ptrParam;
    2257             :     ptrParam = &optParam;
    2258             :     // fdf
    2259             :     const gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_type *T;
    2260             :     T = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_vector_bfgs2;
    2261             :     s = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_alloc(T, length);
    2262             :     my_func.n      = length;
    2263             :     my_func.f      = my_f;
    2264             :     my_func.df     = my_df;
    2265             :     my_func.fdf    = my_fdf;
    2266             :     my_func.params = (void *)ptrParam;
    2267             : 
    2268             :     // fdf
    2269             :     const float InitStep = gsl_blas_dnrm2(x);
    2270             :     gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_set(s, &my_func, x, InitStep, 0.1);
    2271             : 
    2272             :     // ---------- BFGS algorithm begin ----------
    2273             :     // fdf
    2274             :     findComponent(5, s); // has to be > =5
    2275             :     //----------  BFGS algorithm end  ----------
    2276             : 
    2277             :     // update x is needed here.
    2278             :     gsl_vector *optx = NULL;
    2279             :     optx = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_x(s); //fdf
    2280             :     // end GSL optimization
    2281             : 
    2282             :     // put the updated latest Aspen back to the active-set. Permanent list is no longer needed.
    2283             :     //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i+= 2)
    2284             :     //{
    2285             :       double amp = gsl_vector_get(optx, 0); // i
    2286             :       double scale = gsl_vector_get(optx, 1); // i+1
    2287             :       scale = (scale = fabs(scale)) < 0.4 ? 0 : scale;
    2288             :       itsGoodAspAmplitude.push_back(amp); // active-set amplitude
    2289             :       itsGoodAspActiveSet.push_back(scale); // active-set
    2290             : 
    2291             :       // No longer needed. permanent list that doesn't get clear
    2292             :       //itsAspAmplitude.push_back(amp);
    2293             :       //itsAspScaleSizes.push_back(scale);
    2294             :       //itsAspCenter.push_back(activeSetCenter[i/2]);
    2295             :     //}
    2296             : 
    2297             :     //itsStrengthOptimum = itsAspAmplitude[itsAspAmplitude.size() -1]; // the latest aspen is the last element of x
    2298             :     //itsOptimumScaleSize = itsAspScaleSizes[itsAspScaleSizes.size() -1]; // the latest aspen is the last element of x
    2299             :     itsStrengthOptimum = amp;
    2300             :     itsOptimumScaleSize = scale;
    2301             :     itsGoodAspCenter = activeSetCenter;
    2302             : 
    2303             :     // debug
    2304             :     //os << "optimized strengthOptimum " << itsStrengthOptimum << " scale size " << itsOptimumScaleSize << LogIO::POST;
    2305             : 
    2306             :     // free GSL stuff
    2307             :     gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_free(s); //fdf
    2308             :     gsl_vector_free(x);
    2309             :     //gsl_vector_free(optx); // Dont do it. Free this causes seg fault!!!
    2310             : 
    2311             :   } // finish bfgs optimization
    2312             : 
    2313             :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspCenter.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    2314             :   AlwaysAssert(itsGoodAspAmplitude.size() == itsGoodAspActiveSet.size(), AipsError);
    2315             : 
    2316             :   // debug info
    2317             :   /*for (unsigned int i = 0; i < itsAspAmplitude.size(); i++)
    2318             :   {
    2319             :     //cout << "After opt AspApm[" << i << "] = " << itsAspAmplitude[i] << endl;
    2320             :     //cout << "After opt AspScale[" << i << "] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << endl;
    2321             :     //cout << "After opt AspCenter[" << i << "] = " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    2322             :     cout << "AspScale[ " << i << " ] = " << itsAspScaleSizes[i] << " center " << itsAspCenter[i] << endl;
    2323             :   }* /
    2324             : 
    2325             :   return itsGoodAspActiveSet; // return optimized scale
    2326             : }*/
    2327             : 
    2328             : // Define the Asp scales without doing anything else
    2329         806 : void AspMatrixCleaner::defineAspScales(vector<Float>& scaleSizes)
    2330             : {
    2331         806 :   sort(scaleSizes.begin(), scaleSizes.end());
    2332             :   // No longe needed since we only update with the latest Aspen. Remove the duplicated scales
    2333             :   // scaleSizes.erase(unique(scaleSizes.begin(),scaleSizes.end(),[](Float l, Float r) { return abs(l - r) < 1e-3; }), scaleSizes.end());
    2334             : 
    2335         806 :   itsNscales = Int(scaleSizes.size());
    2336         806 :   itsScaleSizes.resize(itsNscales);
    2337         806 :   itsScaleSizes = Vector<Float>(scaleSizes);  // make a copy that we can call our own
    2338             : 
    2339             :   // analytically calculate component scale by Asp 2016
    2340         806 :   if (itsUseZhang)
    2341             :   {
    2342           0 :     for (Int i = 0; i < itsNscales; i++)
    2343             :     {
    2344           0 :       if (itsScaleSizes[i] >= itsPsfWidth)
    2345           0 :         itsScaleSizes[i] = sqrt(pow(itsScaleSizes[i], 2) - pow(Float(itsPsfWidth), 2));
    2346             :     }
    2347             :   }
    2348             :   // end Asp 2016
    2349             : 
    2350         806 :   itsScalesValid = true;
    2351         806 : }
    2352             : 
    2353           2 : void AspMatrixCleaner::switchedToHogbom(bool runlong)
    2354             : {
    2355           4 :         LogIO os(LogOrigin("AspMatrixCleaner", "switchedToHogbom", WHERE));
    2356             : 
    2357           2 :   itsSwitchedToHogbom = true;
    2358             : 
    2359             :   // if users set it, do not automatically switch to hogbom 
    2360             :   // this makes G55 result even better 
    2361           2 :   if (itsFusedThreshold < 0)
    2362           0 :     itsSwitchedToHogbom = false;
    2363             :   
    2364           2 :   itsNthHogbom += 1;
    2365           2 :   itsNumIterNoGoodAspen.resize(0);
    2366             :   //itsNumHogbomIter = ceil(100 + 50 * (exp(0.05*itsNthHogbom) - 1)); // zhang's formula
    2367             :   //itsNumHogbomIter = ceil(50 + 2 * (exp(0.05*itsNthHogbom) - 1)); // genie's formula
    2368           2 :   itsNumHogbomIter = 51; // genie's formula - removed itsNthHogbom to remove the state dependency. The diff from the above is neligible
    2369             : 
    2370           2 :   if (runlong)
    2371             :     //itsNumHogbomIter = ceil(500 + 50 * (exp(0.05*itsNthHogbom) - 1));
    2372           0 :     itsNumHogbomIter = 510;
    2373             : 
    2374           2 :   os << LogIO::NORMAL3 << "Run hogbom for " << itsNumHogbomIter << " iterations." << LogIO::POST;
    2375           2 : }
    2376             : 
    2377           0 : void AspMatrixCleaner::setOrigDirty(const Matrix<Float>& dirty){
    2378           0 :   itsOrigDirty=new Matrix<Float>(dirty.shape());
    2379           0 :   itsOrigDirty->assign(dirty);
    2380           0 : }
    2381             : 
    2382             : 
    2383          35 : void AspMatrixCleaner::getFluxByBins(const vector<Float>& scaleSizes,const vector<Float>& optimum, Int binSize, vector<Float>&  sumFluxByBins,vector<Float>& rangeFluxByBins) {
    2384             : 
    2385          35 :   double maxScaleSize = *std::max_element(scaleSizes.begin(),scaleSizes.end());
    2386          35 :   double minScaleSize = *std::min_element(scaleSizes.begin(),scaleSizes.end());
    2387          35 :   double deltaScale = (maxScaleSize-minScaleSize) / binSize;
    2388             : 
    2389             : 
    2390         210 :   for(Int j=0; j < binSize+1; j++)
    2391             :   {
    2392         175 :     rangeFluxByBins[j] = minScaleSize+j*deltaScale;
    2393         175 :     if ( j == binSize)
    2394          35 :       rangeFluxByBins[j] = maxScaleSize;
    2395             :   }
    2396             : 
    2397         826 :   for(Int i=0; i < Int(scaleSizes.size()); i++)
    2398        4746 :     for(Int j=0; j < binSize+1; j++)
    2399             :   {
    2400        3955 :     if ( scaleSizes[i] < rangeFluxByBins[j+1]  && (scaleSizes[i] >= rangeFluxByBins[j] ))
    2401         756 :         sumFluxByBins[j] += optimum[i];
    2402             :   }
    2403             : 
    2404             : 
    2405          35 : }
    2406             : 
    2407             : 
    2408             : 
    2409             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END

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