Line data Source code
1 : //# VisCal.h: Definitions of interface for VisCal
2 : //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,2000,2001,2002,2003
3 : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 : //#
5 : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 : //# option) any later version.
9 : //#
10 : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 : //# License for more details.
14 : //#
15 : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 : //#
19 : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be adressed as follows:
20 : //# Internet email:
21 : //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 : //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 : //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 : //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 : //#
26 : //#
27 : //# $Id: VisCal.h,v 1.10 2006/02/06 19:23:11 gmoellen Exp $
28 :
31 :
32 : #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
33 : #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
34 : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Complex.h>
35 : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
36 : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/Mueller.h>
37 : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/Jones.h>
38 : #include <synthesis/CalTables/VisCalEnum.h>
39 : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/VisVector.h>
40 : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSet.h>
41 : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer2.h>
42 :
43 : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffGroupAcc.h>
44 :
45 : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
46 :
47 : class MSMetaInfoForCal;
48 :
49 : // **********************************************************
50 : // VisCal
51 : //
52 :
53 : class VisCal {
54 :
55 : friend class SolvableVisJones;
56 :
57 : public:
58 :
59 : // Allowed types of VisCal matrices - 'correct' order
60 : // enum Type{UVMOD,Mf,M,K,B,G,D,C,E,P,T,EP,F};
61 : // enum Type{Test=0,ANoise,M,KAntPos,K,B,G,J,D,X,C,P,E,T,F,A,ALL};
62 : enum Type{Test=0,ANoise,M,KAntPos,B,K,G,J,D,X,C,P,E,T,F,A,ALL};
63 :
64 : // Enumeration of parameter types (casacore::Complex, Real, or Both)
65 : enum ParType{Co,Re,CoRe};
66 :
67 16 : static casacore::String nameOfType(Type type) {
68 16 : switch (type) {
69 0 : case ANoise: return "ANoise";
70 0 : case M: return "M";
71 0 : case K: return "K";
72 0 : case B: return "B";
73 0 : case J: return "J";
74 0 : case D: return "D";
75 0 : case X: return "X";
76 0 : case C: return "C";
77 0 : case P: return "P";
78 0 : case E: return "E";
79 16 : case T: return "T";
80 0 : case F: return "F";
81 0 : case A: return "A";
82 0 : default: return "0";
83 : }
84 : }
85 :
86 : VisCal(VisSet& vs);
87 :
88 : VisCal(casacore::String msname,casacore::Int MSnAnt,casacore::Int MSnSpw);
89 :
90 : VisCal(const MSMetaInfoForCal& msmc);
91 :
92 : VisCal(const casacore::Int& nAnt);
93 :
94 : virtual ~VisCal();
95 :
96 : // Return the type of this calibration matrix (actual type of derived class).
97 : // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
98 : virtual Type type()=0;
99 :
100 : // Return type name as string
101 0 : virtual casacore::String typeName() { return "Unknown VisCal"; };
102 0 : virtual casacore::String longTypeName() { return "Unknown VisCal"; };
103 :
104 : // Return casacore::Matrix type
105 0 : virtual VisCalEnum::MatrixType matrixType() { return VisCalEnum::GLOBAL; };
106 :
107 : // Return the parameter type (nominally complex)
108 467304 : virtual VisCalEnum::VCParType parType() { return VisCalEnum::COMPLEX; };
109 :
110 : // Number of pars per ant/bln
111 : // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
112 : virtual casacore::Int nPar()=0;
113 :
114 : // Report calibration availability per spw
115 : // (always true for non-tabular?)
116 32 : virtual casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> spwOK() { return casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool>(nSpw(),true); };
117 0 : virtual casacore::Bool spwOK(casacore::Int) { return true; };
118 :
119 : // Calibration available?
120 : // (always true for non-tabular)
121 28332 : virtual casacore::Bool calAvailable(vi::VisBuffer2&) { return true;};
122 :
123 : // Calibration expected AND available?
124 : // (always assume true for non-tabular)
125 28332 : virtual casacore::Bool VBOKforCalApply(vi::VisBuffer2&) { return true;};
126 :
127 : // Frequency-dependent Parameters? Nominally not.
128 158432822 : virtual casacore::Bool freqDepPar() { return false; };
129 :
130 : // Number of par channels in current spw
131 0 : inline const casacore::Int& nChanPar() const { return nChanPar_[currSpw_]; };
132 :
133 : // Frequency-dependent Matrices? Nominally same as freqDepPar.
134 167180144 : virtual casacore::Bool freqDepMat() { return freqDepPar(); };
135 :
136 : // Freq-dep Weight scaling? // almost always false
137 0 : virtual casacore::Bool freqDepCalWt() { return false; };
138 :
139 : // Matrices time-dependent per parameter set (nominally no)
140 21796588 : virtual casacore::Bool timeDepMat() { return false; };
141 :
142 : // Is this calibration matrix to be applied?
143 931426 : inline casacore::Bool isApplied() {return applied_;};
144 :
145 : // Is this solveable? (never via this interface)
146 0 : virtual casacore::Bool isSolvable() {return false;};
147 :
148 : // Return the time interval over which this calibration is constant
149 5321 : inline virtual casacore::Double& interval() {return interval_;}
150 :
151 : // Set the application parameters
152 : virtual void setApply();
153 : virtual void setApply(const casacore::Record& apply);
154 : virtual void setCallib(const casacore::Record& callib,const casacore::MeasurementSet& selms);
155 :
156 : // Apply info/params, suitable for logging
157 : virtual casacore::String applyinfo();
158 :
159 : // simulation params - for a VC, sim is apply; for a SVC this will get
160 : // overriden
161 0 : inline virtual casacore::String siminfo() { return applyinfo(); };
162 :
163 : // Trigger calibration of weights
164 13418651 : inline casacore::Bool& calWt() { return calWt_; };
165 :
166 : // Apply calibration to data in VisBuffer (correct casacore::Data or corrupt Model)
167 : // (in-place versions)
168 : virtual void correct(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Bool trial=false);
169 : virtual void correct2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb, casacore::Bool trial=false,
170 : casacore::Bool doWtSp=false, casacore::Bool dosync=true);
171 : virtual void corrupt(VisBuffer& vb);
172 : virtual void corrupt2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb);
173 :
174 : // Apply calibration to data in VisBuffer;
175 : // (alternate output versions)
176 : virtual void correct(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Bool trial=false);
177 : virtual void corrupt(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Mout);
178 : virtual void corrupt2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Mout);
179 :
180 : // Flag counting
181 : virtual void initCalFlagCount();
182 : virtual casacore::Record actionRec();
183 :
184 : // Report the state
185 : virtual void state();
186 :
187 : virtual void currMetaNote();
188 :
189 : // Set the print level
190 32 : inline void setPrtlev(const casacore::Int& prtlev) { prtlev_=prtlev; };
191 :
192 : // Baseline index from antenna indices: (assumes a1<=a2 !!)
193 255389 : inline casacore::Int blnidx(const casacore::Int& a1,
194 255389 : const casacore::Int& a2) { return a1*nAnt() - a1*(a1+1)/2 + a2; };
195 :
196 9080 : inline casacore::String& extraTag() { return extratag_; };
197 :
198 :
199 : // VI2-related refactor--------------------------------------
200 :
201 : // Set "current" meta info, so internals can be registered
202 : virtual void setMeta(int obs, int scan, double time,
203 : int spw, const casacore::Vector<double>& freq,
204 : int fld);
205 :
206 : // Reshape solvePar* arrays for the currSpw()
207 : // (sensitive to freqDepPar())
208 : virtual void sizeApplyParCurrSpw(int nVisChan);
209 :
210 : // Set parameters to def values in the currSpw(),
211 : // and optionally sync everything
212 : virtual void setDefApplyParCurrSpw(bool sync=false, bool doInv=false);
213 :
214 : // Set parameters to specified values in the currSpw(),
215 : // and optionally sync matrices
216 : virtual void setApplyParCurrSpw(const casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> cpar,
217 : bool sync=false, bool doInv=false);
218 :
219 : virtual void setApplyParCurrSpw(const casacore::Cube<float> rpar,
220 : bool sync=false, bool doInv=false);
221 :
222 : // Access (public) to current solution parameters and matrices
223 754379 : inline virtual casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& currCPar() {return (*currCPar_[currSpw()]);};
224 381890 : inline virtual casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& currRPar() {return (*currRPar_[currSpw()]);};
225 681283 : inline virtual casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>& currParOK() {return (*currParOK_[currSpw()]);};
226 :
227 :
228 : protected:
229 :
230 : // Set applied state flag
231 1029 : inline void setApplied(const casacore::Bool& flag) {applied_=flag;};
232 :
233 1737 : inline casacore::String& msName() { return msName_; };
234 :
235 : // General Shape Info
236 103153 : inline casacore::Int& nSpw() { return nSpw_; };
237 5343580 : inline casacore::Int& nAnt() { return nAnt_; };
238 161056 : inline casacore::Int& nBln() { return nBln_; };
239 :
240 : // The number of sets of parameters under consideration
241 : virtual casacore::Int& nElem()=0;
242 :
243 : // Number of Calibration matrices on ant/bln axis
244 : virtual casacore::Int nCalMat()=0;
245 :
246 : // Current in-focus spw
247 1224714866 : inline casacore::Int& currSpw() { return currSpw_; };
248 :
249 : // Current coords
250 651546 : inline casacore::Double& lastTime() { return lastTime_(currSpw()); };
251 2566938 : inline casacore::Double& currTime() { return currTime_(currSpw()); };
252 875812 : inline casacore::Int& currScan() { return currScan_(currSpw()); };
253 859309 : inline casacore::Int& currObs() { return currObs_(currSpw()); };
254 893396 : inline casacore::Int& currField() { return currField_(currSpw()); };
255 347155 : inline casacore::Int& currIntent() { return currIntent_(currSpw()); };
256 4073189 : inline casacore::Vector<casacore::Double>& currFreq() { return currFreq_; };
257 :
258 1277617 : inline casacore::Double& refTime() { return refTime_; };
259 345378 : inline casacore::Double& refFreq() { return refFreq_; };
260 :
261 : // Current spectral shapes
262 426350 : inline casacore::Int& nChanPar() { return nChanPar_[currSpw_]; };
263 55081455 : inline casacore::Int& nChanMat() { return nChanMat_[currSpw_]; };
264 358635 : inline casacore::Int& startChan() { return startChan_[currSpw_];};
265 317 : inline casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& nChanParList() { return nChanPar_; };
266 39 : inline casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& nChanMatList() { return nChanMat_; };
267 332 : inline casacore::Vector<casacore::Int>& startChanList() { return startChan_;};
268 :
269 : // Access to matrix renderings of Visibilities
270 494780563 : inline VisVector& V() { return (*V_[currSpw()]); };
271 :
272 : // Validation of calibration parameters
273 325773 : inline void invalidateP() {PValid_(currSpw())=false;};
274 656168 : inline void validateP() {PValid_(currSpw())=true;};
275 981313 : inline casacore::Bool PValid() {return PValid_(currSpw());};
276 :
277 : // Invalidate cal matrices generically
278 : virtual void invalidateCalMat()=0;
279 :
280 : // Access to weight-scaling factors
281 17573524 : inline casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& currWtScale() { return (*currWtScale_[currSpw()]); };
282 :
283 : // Flag counting
284 : virtual void countInFlag(const VisBuffer& vb);
285 : virtual void countInFlag2(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb);
286 : virtual void countOutFlag(const VisBuffer& vb);
287 : virtual void countOutFlag2(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb);
288 :
289 : // Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> (generic)
290 : virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Bool trial=false)=0;
291 : virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb,
292 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& Wout,
293 : casacore::Bool trial=false)=0;
294 :
295 : // Synchronize "gains" with a VisBuffer or another VisCal
296 : virtual void syncCal(const VisBuffer& vb,
297 : const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
298 : virtual void syncCal2(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb,
299 : const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
300 : virtual void syncCal(VisCal& vc);
301 :
302 : // Set internal meta data from a VisBuffer or another VisCal
303 : virtual void syncMeta(const VisBuffer& vb);
304 : virtual void syncMeta2(const vi::VisBuffer2& vb);
305 : void syncMeta(VisCal& vc);
306 :
307 : void syncMeta(const casacore::Int& spw,
308 : const casacore::Double& time,
309 : const casacore::Int& field,
310 : const casacore::Vector<casacore::Double>& freq,
311 : const casacore::Int& nchan);
312 :
313 : // Set the calibration matrix channelization
314 : void setCalChannelization(const casacore::Int& nChanDat);
315 :
316 : // Test for need of new calibration
317 : void checkCurrCal();
318 :
319 : // Synchronize "gains" with current meta-data
320 : virtual void syncCal(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
321 :
322 : // Sync parameters for current meta data
323 : virtual void syncPar();
324 :
325 : // Calculate Mueller parameters by some means
326 : virtual void calcPar();
327 :
328 : // Sync matrices generically for current meta data
329 : virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false)=0;
330 :
331 : // Return print (cout) level
332 6727357 : inline casacore::Int& prtlev() { return prtlev_; };
333 :
334 : // set current field index vector to given field id
335 : void setCurrField(const casacore::Int& ifld);
336 :
337 : // Access to the MSMetaInfoForCal (throws if none)
338 69793 : const MSMetaInfoForCal& msmc() const
339 : {
340 69793 : if (msmc_) return *msmc_;
341 0 : else throw(casacore::AipsError("VisCal::msmc(): No MSMetaInfoForCal object!"));
342 : };
343 :
344 : private:
345 :
346 : // Defalt ctor is private
347 : VisCal();
348 :
349 : // Initialize pointers, etc.
350 : void initVisCal();
351 :
352 : // Delete pointers
353 : void deleteVisCal();
354 :
355 : // Associated casacore::MS name
356 : casacore::String msName_;
357 :
358 : // The MSMetaInfoForCal pointer
359 : const MSMetaInfoForCal* msmc_;
360 : const bool delmsmc_; // must delete _only_ if locally formed
361 :
362 : // Number of Spectral windows
363 : casacore::Int nSpw_;
364 :
365 : // Number of antennas
366 : casacore::Int nAnt_;
367 :
368 : // Number of baselines
369 : casacore::Int nBln_;
370 :
371 : // Current synchronized spw
372 : casacore::Int currSpw_;
373 :
374 : // Current indices
375 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> currTime_;
376 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> currScan_;
377 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> currObs_;
378 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> currField_;
379 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> currIntent_;
380 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> currFreq_;
381 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Double> lastTime_;
382 : casacore::Double refTime_;
383 : casacore::Double refFreq_;
384 :
385 : // Channel counts
386 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> nChanPar_, nChanMat_;
387 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Int> startChan_;
388 :
389 : // Solution timescale (context-dependent)
390 : casacore::Double interval_;
391 :
392 : // Application flag
393 : casacore::Bool applied_;
394 :
395 : // In-focus channel for single-chan solves on multi-chan data
396 : casacore::Int focusChan_;
397 :
398 : // VisVector wrapper (per Spw)
399 : casacore::PtrBlock<VisVector*> V_;
400 :
401 : // Current parameters
402 : casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>*> currCPar_; // [nSpw](nPar,nChanPar,nElm)
403 : casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>*> currRPar_; // [nSpw](nPar,nChanPar,nElm)
404 : casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>*> currParOK_; // [nSpw](nPar,nChanPar,nElm)
405 :
406 : // Paremeter validity
407 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> PValid_;
408 :
409 : // Trigger calibration of weights
410 : casacore::Bool calWt_;
411 :
412 : // Weight scale factors
413 : casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>*> currWtScale_; // [nSpw](nPar,nChan,nElm)
414 :
415 : // Flag counting
416 : casacore::Int64 ndataIn_, nflagIn_, nflagOut_;
417 :
418 : // Print level
419 : casacore::Int prtlev_;
420 :
421 : casacore::String extratag_; // e.g. to tag as noise scale
422 :
423 :
424 : };
425 :
426 :
427 : // **********************************************************
428 : // VisMueller
429 : //
430 :
431 : class VisMueller : virtual public VisCal {
432 :
433 : public:
434 :
435 : // Constructor
436 : VisMueller(VisSet& vs);
437 :
438 : VisMueller(casacore::String msname,casacore::Int MSnAnt,casacore::Int MSnSpw);
439 :
440 : VisMueller(const MSMetaInfoForCal& msmc);
441 :
442 : VisMueller(const casacore::Int& nAnt);
443 :
444 : virtual ~VisMueller();
445 :
446 : // Return casacore::Matrix type
447 7 : virtual VisCalEnum::MatrixType matrixType() { return VisCalEnum::MUELLER; };
448 :
449 : // Mueller matrix type (must be implemented in Mueller specializations!)
450 : virtual Mueller::MuellerType muellerType()=0;
451 :
452 : // Report the state
453 : virtual void state();
454 :
455 : protected:
456 :
457 : // Total number of parameter sets required
458 19973 : virtual casacore::Int& nElem() { return nBln(); };
459 :
460 : // Number of Cal Matrices to form on baseline axis
461 : // (Mueller, apply context: nBln())
462 0 : virtual casacore::Int nCalMat() { return nBln(); };
463 :
464 : // Are the parameters the matrix elements?
465 : // (or is a non-trivial calculation required?)
466 : // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
467 : virtual casacore::Bool trivialMuellerElem()=0;
468 :
469 : // Are we applying via Mueller multiplication?
470 : // (necessarily true for native Muellers)
471 0 : virtual casacore::Bool applyByMueller() { return true; };
472 :
473 : // Access to matrix renderings of Muellers
474 355332 : inline Mueller& M() { return (*M_[currSpw()]); };
475 :
476 : // Access to current matrices
477 45583 : inline casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& currMElem() {return (*currMElem_[currSpw()]);};
478 49953 : inline casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>& currMElemOK() {return (*currMElemOK_[currSpw()]);};
479 :
480 : // Invalidate cal matrices generically (at this level, just Mueller)
481 4909 : inline virtual void invalidateCalMat() { invalidateM(); };
482 :
483 : // Validation of Mueller matrices (for currSpw)
484 356041 : inline void invalidateM() {MValid_(currSpw())=false;};
485 4796 : inline void validateM() {MValid_(currSpw())=true;};
486 4796 : inline casacore::Bool MValid() {return MValid_(currSpw());};
487 :
488 : // Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> (applyByMueller override)
489 : virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Bool trial=false);
490 : virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb,
491 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& Wout,
492 : casacore::Bool trial=false);
493 : // { throw(casacore::AipsError("VisMueller::applyCal2 NYI!!!!!!!!!!!!!")); };
494 :
495 : // Sync matrices for current meta data (Mueller override)
496 : virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
497 :
498 : // Sync Mueller matrix elements for current parameters
499 : virtual void syncMueller(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
500 :
501 : // Calculate an ensemble of Mueller matrices (all baselines, channels)
502 : virtual void calcAllMueller();
503 :
504 : // Calculate a single Mueller matrix by some means
505 : virtual void calcOneMueller(casacore::Vector<casacore::Complex>& mat, casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool>& mOk,
506 : const casacore::Vector<casacore::Complex>& par, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool>& pOk);
507 :
508 : // Invert Mueller matrices
509 : virtual void invMueller();
510 :
511 : // Set matrix elements according to their ok flags
512 : // (e.g., makes a unit matrix if everything flagged,
513 : // so we don't have to make atomic ok checks in apply)
514 : virtual void setMatByOk();
515 :
516 : // Create Mueller matrix algebra interface
517 : void createMueller();
518 :
519 : // Synchronize weight scale factors
520 : virtual void syncWtScale();
521 :
522 : // Perform weight scale calculation (specializable)
523 : virtual void calcWtScale();
524 :
525 : // Update the wt vector for a baseline
526 : virtual void updateWt(casacore::Vector<casacore::Float>& wt,const casacore::Int& a1,const casacore::Int& a2);
527 :
528 :
529 : private:
530 :
531 : // Default ctor is private
532 : VisMueller();
533 :
534 : // Init VisMueller pointers, etc.
535 : void initVisMueller();
536 :
537 : // Delete the this* caches
538 : void deleteVisMueller();
539 :
540 : // Mueller algebra wrapper (per Spw)
541 : casacore::PtrBlock<Mueller*> M_;
542 :
543 : // Current Mueller matrix elements
544 : casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>*> currMElem_; // [nSpw]([1,2,4,16],nChanMat,nBln)
545 : casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>*> currMElemOK_; // [nSpw]([1,2,4,16],nChanMat,nBln)
546 :
547 : // Mueller validity
548 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> MValid_;
549 :
550 : };
551 :
552 :
553 : // **********************************************************
554 : // VisJones
555 : //
556 :
557 : class VisJones : virtual public VisMueller {
558 :
559 : friend class SolvableVisJones;
560 :
561 : public:
562 :
563 : // Constructor
564 : VisJones(VisSet& vs);
565 :
566 : VisJones(casacore::String msname,casacore::Int MSnAnt,casacore::Int MSnSpw);
567 :
568 : VisJones(const MSMetaInfoForCal& msmc);
569 :
570 : VisJones(const casacore::Int& nAnt);
571 :
572 : virtual ~VisJones();
573 :
574 : // Return casacore::Matrix type
575 247 : virtual VisCalEnum::MatrixType matrixType() { return VisCalEnum::JONES; };
576 :
577 : // What kind of Mueller matrices should we use?
578 : // (A function of the jonesType and target data shape)
579 : virtual Mueller::MuellerType muellerType();
580 :
581 : // What kind of Jones matrix are we?
582 : // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
583 : virtual Jones::JonesType jonesType()=0;
584 :
585 : // Report the state
586 : virtual void state();
587 :
588 : protected:
589 :
590 : // Number of parameter sets is number of antennas
591 280390 : inline virtual casacore::Int& nElem() { return nAnt(); };
592 :
593 : // Number of Cal Matrices to form on antenna axis
594 : // (Jones, apply context: nAnt())
595 0 : virtual casacore::Int nCalMat() { return nAnt(); };
596 :
597 : // Jones matrices can never be trivial Muellers!
598 0 : virtual casacore::Bool trivialMuellerElem() { return false; };
599 :
600 : // Are the parameters the Jones matrix elements?
601 : // (or is a non-trivial calculation required?)
602 : // (Must be implemented in specializations!)
603 : virtual casacore::Bool trivialJonesElem()=0;
604 :
605 : // Are we applying via Mueller or Jones multiplication?
606 : // (probably by Jones for native Jones?)
607 961343 : virtual casacore::Bool applyByMueller() { return false; };
608 0 : virtual casacore::Bool applyByJones() { return true; };
609 :
610 : // Access to matrix renderings of Jones matrices
611 270832327 : inline Jones& J1() { return *J1_[currSpw()]; };
612 277469891 : inline Jones& J2() { return *J2_[currSpw()]; };
613 :
614 : // Access to Jones matrix element array
615 71727854 : inline casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& currJElem() {return (*currJElem_[currSpw()]);};
616 71484249 : inline casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>& currJElemOK() {return (*currJElemOK_[currSpw()]);};
617 :
618 : // Invalidate cal matrices generically (at this level, both Mueller and Jones)
619 159669 : inline virtual void invalidateCalMat() { invalidateM(); invalidateJ(); };
620 :
621 : // Validation of Jones matrices
622 223466 : inline void invalidateJ() {JValid_(currSpw())=false;};
623 186931 : inline void validateJ() {JValid_(currSpw())=true;};
624 645555 : inline casacore::Bool JValid() {return JValid_(currSpw());};
625 :
626 : // Row-by-row apply to a casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> (applyByJones override)
627 : virtual void applyCal(VisBuffer& vb, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Bool trial=false);
628 : virtual void applyCal2(vi::VisBuffer2& vb,
629 : casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>& Vout,casacore::Cube<casacore::Float>& Wout,
630 : casacore::Bool trial=false);
631 :
632 : // Sync matrices for current meta data (VisJones override)
633 : virtual void syncCalMat(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
634 :
635 : // Calculate an ensemble of Mueller matrices (all baselines, channels)
636 : // (only meaningful if applyByMueller()=T)
637 : virtual void calcAllMueller();
638 :
639 : // Synchronize current Jones matrices
640 : virtual void syncJones(const casacore::Bool& doInv=false);
641 :
642 : // Calculate an ensemble of Jones matrices (all antennas, channels)
643 : virtual void calcAllJones();
644 :
645 : // Calculate a single Jones matrix by some means from parameters
646 : virtual void calcOneJones(casacore::Vector<casacore::Complex>& mat, casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool>& mOk,
647 : const casacore::Vector<casacore::Complex>& par, const casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool>& pOk );
648 :
649 : // Invert Jones matrices
650 : virtual void invJones();
651 :
652 : // Set matrix elements according to their ok flags
653 : // (e.g., makes a unit matrix if everything flagged,
654 : // so we don't have to make atomic ok checks in apply)
655 : virtual void setMatByOk();
656 :
657 : // Create Jones interface
658 : void createJones();
659 :
660 : // Synchronize weight scale factors
661 : virtual void syncWtScale();
662 :
663 : // Perform weight scale calculation (specializable)
664 : virtual void calcWtScale();
665 :
666 : // Update the wt vector for a baseline
667 : virtual void updateWt(casacore::Vector<casacore::Float>& wt,const casacore::Int& a1,const casacore::Int& a2);
668 : virtual void updateWt2(casacore::Matrix<casacore::Float>& wt,const casacore::Int& a1,const casacore::Int& a2);
669 :
670 : private:
671 :
672 : // Default ctor is private
673 : VisJones();
674 :
675 : // Init VisJones pointers
676 : void initVisJones();
677 :
678 : // Delete the this* caches
679 : void deleteVisJones();
680 :
681 : // Jones algebra wrapper (per Spw)
682 : casacore::PtrBlock<Jones*> J1_;
683 : casacore::PtrBlock<Jones*> J2_;
684 :
685 : // Current Jones matrix-element arrays
686 : casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex>*> currJElem_; // [nSpw](nJElem,nChanMat,nAnt)
687 : casacore::PtrBlock<casacore::Cube<casacore::Bool>*> currJElemOK_; // [nSpw](nJElem,nChanMat,nAnt)
688 :
689 : // Jones validity, per spw
690 : casacore::Vector<casacore::Bool> JValid_;
691 :
692 :
693 : };
694 :
695 : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
696 :
697 : #endif