LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementComponents - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 283 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 0 10 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // -*- C++ -*-
       2             : //# Implementation of the ConvFuncDiskCache class
       3             : //# Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       4             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       5             : //#
       6             : //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       7             : //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
       8             : //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
       9             : //# option) any later version.
      10             : //#
      11             : //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      12             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      13             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
      14             : //# License for more details.
      15             : //#
      16             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
      17             : //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
      18             : //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      19             : //#
      20             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      21             : //#        Internet email:
      22             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      23             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      24             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      25             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      26             : //#
      27             : //# $Id$
      28             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/ConvFuncDiskCache.h>
      29             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/Utils.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/lattices/LEL/LatticeExpr.h>
      32             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/SynthesisError.h>
      33             : #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/Utils.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/Directory.h>
      35             : #include <fstream>
      36             : 
      37             : using namespace casacore;
      38             : namespace casa{
      39             :   //
      40             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      41             :   // Just load the axillary info. if found.  The actual functions are loaded
      42             :   // as and when required using loadConvFunction() method.
      43             :   //
      44           0 :   void ConvFuncDiskCache::initCache()
      45             :   {
      46           0 :     ostringstream name;
      47           0 :     String line;
      48           0 :     Directory dirObj(Dir);
      49             : 
      50           0 :     if (Dir.length() == 0) 
      51           0 :       throw(SynthesisFTMachineError("Got null string for disk cache dir. "
      52           0 :                                     "in ConvFuncDiskCache::initCache()"));
      53             :     //
      54             :     // If the directory does not exist, create it
      55             :     //
      56           0 :     if (!dirObj.exists()) dirObj.create();
      57           0 :     else if ((!dirObj.isWritable()) || (!dirObj.isReadable()))
      58             :       {
      59           0 :         throw(SynthesisFTMachineError(String("Directory \"")+Dir+String("\"")+
      60           0 :                                       String(" for convolution function cache"
      61           0 :                                              " exists but is unreadable/unwriteable")));
      62             :       }
      63             : 
      64             :     try
      65             :       {
      66           0 :         name << Dir << "/" << aux;
      67           0 :         File file(name);
      68           0 :         Int Npa=0,Nw=0;
      69           0 :         ifstream aux;
      70           0 :         Bool readFromFile=false;
      71           0 :         if (file.exists() && file.isRegular()) 
      72             :           {
      73           0 :             readFromFile=true;
      74           0 :   ;
      75           0 :             if (readFromFile && aux.good()) aux >> Npa >> Nw;
      76             :             else
      77           0 :               throw(SynthesisFTMachineError(string("Error while reading convolution function cache file ")+name.str( )));
      78             :           }
      79             : 
      80           0 :         if (Npa > 0)
      81             :           {
      82           0 :             paList.resize(Npa,true);
      83             : 
      84           0 :             IPosition s(3,Nw,1,Npa);
      85           0 :             XSup.resize(s,true);
      86           0 :             YSup.resize(s,true);
      87           0 :             Sampling.resize(Npa,true);
      88           0 :             for(Int i=0;i<Npa;i++)
      89             :               {
      90             :                 Float pa, S;
      91             :                 Int XS, YS;
      92           0 :                 s[2]=i;
      93           0 :                 aux >> pa;
      94           0 :                 for(Int iw=0;iw<Nw;iw++)
      95             :                   {
      96           0 :                     s[0]=iw;
      97           0 :                     aux >> XS >> YS;
      98           0 :                     YS = XS;
      99           0 :                     paList[i] = pa*M_PI/180.0;
     100           0 :                     XSup(iw,0,i)=XS;
     101           0 :                     YSup(iw,0,i)=YS;
     102             :                   }
     103           0 :                 aux >> S;
     104           0 :                 Sampling[i]=S;
     105             :               }
     106           0 :           }
     107           0 :       }
     108           0 :     catch(AipsError& x)
     109             :       {
     110           0 :         throw(SynthesisFTMachineError(String("Error while initializing CF disk cache: ")
     111           0 :                                       +x.getMesg()));
     112           0 :       }
     113           0 :   }
     114           0 :   ConvFuncDiskCache& ConvFuncDiskCache::operator=(const ConvFuncDiskCache& other)
     115             :   {
     116           0 :     paList = other.paList;
     117           0 :     Sampling = other.Sampling;
     118           0 :     XSup = other.XSup;
     119           0 :     YSup = other.YSup;
     120           0 :     Dir = other.Dir;
     121           0 :     cfPrefix = other.cfPrefix;
     122           0 :     aux = other.aux;
     123           0 :     return *this;
     124             :   };
     125             :   //
     126             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     127             :   // Write the conv. functions from the mem. cache to the disk cache.
     128             :   //
     129           0 :   void ConvFuncDiskCache::cacheConvFunction(Int which, Float pa, 
     130             :                                             Array<Complex>& cf, 
     131             :                                             CoordinateSystem& coords,
     132             :                                             CoordinateSystem& ftCoords,
     133             :                                             Int &convSize,
     134             :                                             Cube<Int> &convSupport, 
     135             :                                             Float convSampling,
     136             :                                             String nameQualifier,
     137             :                                             Bool savePA)
     138             :   {
     139           0 :     Int N=paList.nelements();
     140           0 :     if (Dir.length() == 0) return;
     141             : 
     142             :     try
     143             :       {
     144           0 :         IPosition newConvShape = cf.shape();
     145           0 :         Int wConvSize = newConvShape(2), directionIndex;
     146           0 :         for(Int iw=0;iw<wConvSize;iw++)
     147             :           {
     148           0 :             IPosition sliceStart(4,0,0,iw,0), 
     149           0 :               sliceLength(4,newConvShape(0),newConvShape(1),1,newConvShape(3));
     150             :         
     151             :             //      CoordinateSystem ftCoords(coords);
     152           0 :             ftCoords = coords;
     153           0 :             directionIndex=ftCoords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
     154           0 :             DirectionCoordinate dc=coords.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
     155             :             //  AlwaysAssert(directionIndex>=0, AipsError);
     156           0 :             dc=coords.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
     157           0 :             Vector<Bool> axes(2); axes(0)=axes(1)=true;//axes(2)=true;
     158           0 :             Vector<Int> shape(2); shape(0)=newConvShape(0);shape(1)=newConvShape(1);
     159           0 :             shape=convSize;
     160           0 :             Vector<Double>ref(4);
     161           0 :             ref(0)=ref(1)=ref(2)=ref(3)=0;
     162           0 :             dc.setReferencePixel(ref);
     163           0 :             Coordinate* ftdc=dc.makeFourierCoordinate(axes,shape);
     164           0 :             Vector<Double> refVal;
     165           0 :             refVal=ftdc->referenceValue();
     166           0 :             refVal(0)=refVal(1)=0;
     167           0 :             ftdc->setReferenceValue(refVal);
     168           0 :             ref(0)=newConvShape(0)/2-1;
     169           0 :             ref(1)=newConvShape(1)/2-1;
     170           0 :             ftdc->setReferencePixel(ref);
     171             :         
     172             : //          cout << ref << endl << refVal << endl << shape << endl;
     173             : //          cout << dc.increment() << " " << ftdc->increment() << endl;
     174           0 :             ftCoords.replaceCoordinate(*ftdc, directionIndex);
     175             :             {
     176           0 :               ostringstream name;
     177           0 :               name << Dir << "/" << cfPrefix << nameQualifier << iw << "_" << which;
     178             :               
     179           0 :               IPosition screenShape(4,newConvShape(0),newConvShape(1),newConvShape(3),1);
     180             :               
     181           0 :               PagedImage<Complex> thisScreen(screenShape, ftCoords, name);
     182             :               
     183           0 :               Array<Complex> buf;
     184           0 :               buf=((cf(Slicer(sliceStart,sliceLength)).nonDegenerate()));
     185           0 :               thisScreen.put(buf);
     186           0 :             }
     187           0 :             delete ftdc; ftdc=0;
     188           0 :           }
     189           0 :         if (savePA)
     190             :           {
     191           0 :             IPosition s(3,wConvSize,1,N+1);
     192           0 :             paList.resize(N+1,true);
     193             :             //  XSup.resize(N+1,true); 
     194             :             //  YSup.resize(N+1,true); 
     195           0 :             XSup.resize(s,true);
     196           0 :             YSup.resize(s,true);
     197           0 :             Sampling.resize(N+1,true);
     198           0 :             paList[N] = pa;
     199           0 :             for(Int iw=0;iw<wConvSize;iw++)
     200             :               {
     201           0 :                 YSup(iw,0,N) = convSupport(iw,0,which);
     202           0 :                 XSup(iw,0,N) = convSupport(iw,0,which);
     203             :               }
     204           0 :             Sampling[N]=convSampling;
     205           0 :           }
     206           0 :       }
     207           0 :     catch (AipsError& x)
     208             :       {
     209           0 :         throw(SynthesisFTMachineError("Error while caching CF to disk in "
     210             :                                       "ConvFuncDiskCache::cacheConvFunction(): "
     211           0 :                                       +x.getMesg()));
     212           0 :       }
     213             :   }
     214             :   //
     215             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     216             :   // Write the weight functions from the mem. cache to the disk cache.
     217             :   //
     218           0 :   void ConvFuncDiskCache::cacheWeightsFunction(Int which, Float pa, 
     219             :                                                Array<Complex>& cfWt, 
     220             :                                                CoordinateSystem& coords,
     221             :                                                Int &convSize,
     222             :                                                Cube<Int> &convSupport, 
     223             :                                                Float convSampling)
     224             :   {
     225           0 :     Int N=paList.nelements();
     226           0 :     if (Dir.length() == 0) return;
     227             : 
     228             :     try
     229             :       {
     230           0 :         IPosition newConvShape = cfWt.shape();
     231           0 :         Int wConvSize = newConvShape(2), directionIndex;
     232           0 :         for(Int iw=0;iw<wConvSize;iw++)
     233             :           {
     234           0 :             IPosition sliceStart(4,0,0,iw,0), 
     235           0 :               sliceLength(4,newConvShape(0),newConvShape(1),1,newConvShape(3));
     236             :         
     237           0 :             CoordinateSystem ftCoords(coords);
     238           0 :             directionIndex=ftCoords.findCoordinate(Coordinate::DIRECTION);
     239           0 :             DirectionCoordinate dc=coords.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
     240             :             //  AlwaysAssert(directionIndex>=0, AipsError);
     241           0 :             dc=coords.directionCoordinate(directionIndex);
     242           0 :             Vector<Bool> axes(2); axes(0)=axes(1)=true;//axes(2)=true;
     243           0 :             Vector<Int> shape(2); shape(0)=newConvShape(0);shape(1)=newConvShape(1);
     244           0 :             shape=convSize;
     245           0 :             Vector<Double>ref(4);
     246           0 :             ref(0)=ref(1)=ref(2)=ref(3)=0;
     247           0 :             dc.setReferencePixel(ref);
     248           0 :             Coordinate* ftdc=dc.makeFourierCoordinate(axes,shape);
     249           0 :             Vector<Double> refVal;
     250           0 :             refVal=ftdc->referenceValue();
     251           0 :             refVal(0)=refVal(1)=0;
     252           0 :             ftdc->setReferenceValue(refVal);
     253           0 :             ref(0)=newConvShape(0)/2-1;
     254           0 :             ref(1)=newConvShape(1)/2-1;
     255           0 :             ftdc->setReferencePixel(ref);
     256             :         
     257             : //          cout << ref << endl << refVal << endl << shape << endl;
     258             : //          cout << dc.increment() << " " << ftdc->increment() << endl;
     259           0 :             ftCoords.replaceCoordinate(*ftdc, directionIndex);
     260           0 :             delete ftdc; ftdc=0;
     261             :         
     262             :             {
     263           0 :               ostringstream name;
     264           0 :               name << Dir << "/" << cfPrefix << "WT" << iw << "_" << which;
     265             :               
     266           0 :               IPosition screenShape(4,newConvShape(0),newConvShape(1),newConvShape(3),1);
     267             :               
     268           0 :               PagedImage<Complex> thisScreen(screenShape, ftCoords, name);
     269             :               
     270           0 :               Array<Complex> buf;
     271           0 :               buf=((cfWt(Slicer(sliceStart,sliceLength)).nonDegenerate()));
     272           0 :               thisScreen.put(buf);
     273           0 :             }
     274           0 :           }
     275           0 :         IPosition s(3,wConvSize,1,N+1);
     276           0 :         paList.resize(N+1,true);
     277             : //      XSup.resize(N+1,true); 
     278             : //      YSup.resize(N+1,true); 
     279           0 :         XSup.resize(s,true);
     280           0 :         YSup.resize(s,true);
     281           0 :         Sampling.resize(N+1,true);
     282           0 :         paList[N] = pa;
     283           0 :         for(Int iw=0;iw<wConvSize;iw++)
     284             :           {
     285           0 :             YSup(iw,0,N) = convSupport(iw,0,which);
     286           0 :             XSup(iw,0,N) = convSupport(iw,0,which);
     287             :           }
     288           0 :         Sampling[N]=convSampling;
     289           0 :       }
     290           0 :     catch (AipsError& x)
     291             :       {
     292           0 :         throw(SynthesisFTMachineError("Error while caching CFWT to disk in "
     293             :                                       "ConvFuncDiskCache::cacheConvFunction(): "
     294           0 :                                       +x.getMesg()));
     295           0 :       }
     296             :   }
     297             :   //
     298             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     299             :   //  
     300           0 :   Bool ConvFuncDiskCache::searchConvFunction(const VisBuffer& vb, 
     301             :                                             VPSkyJones& vpSJ, 
     302             :                                             Int& which,
     303             :                                             Float &pa)
     304             :   {
     305           0 :     Int i,NPA=paList.nelements(); Bool paFound=false;
     306             :     Float iPA, dPA;
     307           0 :     dPA = vpSJ.getPAIncrement().getValue("rad");
     308             :     /*
     309             :     Vector<Float> antPA = vb.feed_pa(getCurrentTimeStamp(vb));
     310             :     pa = sum(antPA)/(antPA.nelements()-1);
     311             :     */
     312           0 :     pa = getPA(vb);
     313             :     //    cout << dPA*57.295 << " " << pa*57.295 << endl;
     314             :     //    pa = 0;
     315             :     //    cout << "######CFDC::search: " << pa << " " << getPA(vb) << endl;
     316             :     //    if (NPA == 0) return -1;
     317             :     
     318           0 :     for(i=0;i<NPA;i++)
     319             :       {
     320           0 :         iPA = paList[i];
     321           0 :         if (fabs(iPA - pa) <= dPA)
     322             :           {
     323           0 :             paFound = true;
     324           0 :             break;
     325             :           }
     326             :       }
     327           0 :     if (paFound) which = i; else which = -i;
     328           0 :     return paFound;
     329             :   }
     330             :   //
     331             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     332             :   //  
     333           0 :   Bool ConvFuncDiskCache::searchConvFunction(const VisBuffer& vb, 
     334             :                                              ParAngleChangeDetector& vpSJ, 
     335             :                                              Int& which,
     336             :                                              Float &pa)
     337             :   {
     338           0 :     if (paList.nelements()==0) initCache();
     339           0 :     Int i,NPA=paList.nelements(); Bool paFound=false;
     340             :     Float iPA, dPA;
     341           0 :     dPA = vpSJ.getParAngleTolerance().getValue("rad");
     342             :     /*
     343             :     Vector<Float> antPA = vb.feed_pa(getCurrentTimeStamp(vb));
     344             :     pa = sum(antPA)/(antPA.nelements()-1);
     345             :     */
     346           0 :     pa = getPA(vb);
     347             :     //    pa = 0;
     348             :     //    cout << "######CFDC::search: " << pa << " " << getPA(vb) << endl;
     349             :     //    if (NPA == 0) return -1;
     350             :     
     351           0 :     Float paDiff=2*dPA;
     352           0 :     Int saveNdx=-1;
     353             : 
     354           0 :     saveNdx = -1;
     355           0 :     for(i=0;i<NPA;i++)
     356             :       {
     357           0 :         iPA = paList[i];
     358           0 :         if (fabs(iPA - pa) < paDiff)
     359             :           {
     360           0 :             saveNdx = i;
     361           0 :             paDiff = fabs(iPA-pa);
     362             :           }
     363             :       }
     364           0 :     if (saveNdx > -1)
     365             :       {
     366           0 :         iPA = paList[saveNdx];
     367           0 :         if (fabs(iPA - pa) <= dPA)
     368             :           {
     369           0 :             i = saveNdx;
     370           0 :             paFound=true;
     371             :           }
     372             :       }
     373             :     /*      
     374             :     for(i=0;i<NPA;i++)
     375             :       {
     376             :         iPA = paList[i];
     377             :         if (fabs(iPA - pa) <= dPA)
     378             :           {
     379             :             paFound = true;
     380             :             break;
     381             :           }
     382             :       }
     383             :     */
     384           0 :     if (paFound) 
     385             :       {
     386             : //      cout << "SEARCH: " << i << " " << paList[i]*180/M_PI << " " << pa*180/M_PI
     387             : //           << " " << (paList[i]-pa)*180/M_PI << endl;
     388           0 :         which = i; 
     389             :       }
     390           0 :     else which = -i;
     391           0 :     return paFound;
     392             :   }
     393             :   //
     394             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     395             :   //Write the aux. info. also in the disk cache (wonder if this should
     396             :   //be automatically be called from cacheConvFunction() method).
     397             :   //
     398           0 :   void ConvFuncDiskCache::finalize()
     399             :   {
     400           0 :     if (Dir.length() == 0) return;
     401           0 :     ostringstream name;
     402           0 :     name << Dir << "/aux.dat";
     403             :     try
     404             :       {
     405             :         //    cout << "Writing to " << name.str() << endl;
     406           0 :         IPosition supportShape=XSup.shape();
     407           0 :         ofstream aux(name.str().c_str());
     408           0 :         aux << paList.nelements() << " " << supportShape[0] << endl;
     409           0 :         for(uInt ipa=0;ipa<paList.nelements();ipa++)
     410             :           {
     411           0 :             aux << paList[ipa]*180.0/M_PI << " ";
     412           0 :             for(int iw=0;iw<supportShape[0];iw++)
     413           0 :               aux << XSup(iw,0,ipa) << " " << YSup(iw,0,ipa) << " ";
     414           0 :             aux << " " << Sampling[ipa] <<endl;
     415             :           }
     416           0 :       }
     417           0 :     catch(AipsError &x)
     418             :       {
     419           0 :         throw(SynthesisFTMachineError(string("Error while writing ")
     420           0 :                                       + name.str( ) + (string) x.getMesg()));
     421           0 :       }
     422           0 :   }
     423             :   //
     424             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     425             :   //Along with the aux. info., also save the average PB in the disk cache.
     426             :   //
     427           0 :   void ConvFuncDiskCache::finalize(ImageInterface<Float>& avgPB)
     428             :   {
     429           0 :     if (Dir.length() == 0) return;
     430           0 :     finalize();
     431           0 :     ostringstream Name;
     432           0 :     Name << Dir <<"/avgPB";
     433             :     try
     434             :       {
     435           0 :         IPosition newShape(avgPB.shape());
     436           0 :         PagedImage<Float> tmp(newShape, avgPB.coordinates(), Name);
     437             :         
     438           0 :         LatticeExpr<Float> le(avgPB);
     439           0 :         tmp.copyData(le);
     440           0 :       }
     441           0 :     catch(AipsError &x)
     442             :       {
     443           0 :         throw(SynthesisFTMachineError(string("Error while writing ")
     444           0 :                                       + Name.str( ) + (string) x.getMesg()));
     445           0 :       }
     446           0 :   }
     447             :   //
     448             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     449             :   //Load the average PB from the disk cache.
     450             :   //
     451           0 :   void ConvFuncDiskCache::loadAvgPB(ImageInterface<Float>& avgPB)
     452             :   {
     453           0 :     if (Dir.length() == 0) return;
     454           0 :     ostringstream name;
     455           0 :     name << Dir << "/avgPB";
     456             :     //    cout << name.str() << endl;
     457             :     try
     458             :       {
     459           0 :         PagedImage<Float> tmp(name.str().c_str());
     460           0 :         avgPB.resize(tmp.shape());
     461           0 :         avgPB.put(tmp.get());
     462           0 :       }
     463           0 :     catch(AipsError& x) // Just rethrowing the exception for now.
     464             :                         // Ultimately, this should be used to make
     465             :                         // the state of this object consistant.
     466             :       {
     467           0 :         throw(SynthesisFTMachineError(string("Error while loading \"")+
     468           0 :                                       name.str( ) + string("\": ") + (string) x.getMesg()));
     469           0 :       }
     470           0 :   }
     471             :   //
     472             :   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     473             :   //Load a conv. func. from the disk.  This is non-optimal due to the
     474             :   //data structure used for the conv. func. in-memory cache (it's an
     475             :   //array of pointers where it should really be a List of pointers).
     476             :   //The conf. func. index, which is also used as a key to located them
     477             :   //in the mem. cache, are not assured to be contiguous.  As a result,
     478             :   //in the current implementation there can be gaps in the
     479             :   //convFuncCache array.  These gaps are initialized to NULL pointers.
     480             :   //It's not much of a memory waste, but still non-optimal!  Leaving
     481             :   //it like this for now.
     482             :   //
     483           0 :   Bool ConvFuncDiskCache::loadConvFunction(Int where, Int Nw, 
     484             :                                            PtrBlock < Array<Complex> *> &convFuncCache,
     485             :                                            Cube<Int> &convSupport,
     486             :                                            Vector<Float>& convSampling,
     487             :                                            Double& cfRefFreq, CoordinateSystem& coordSys,
     488             :                                            String prefix)
     489             :   {
     490           0 :     if (Dir.length() == 0) return false;
     491           0 :     if (where < (Int)convFuncCache.nelements() && (convFuncCache[where] != NULL)) return false;
     492             : 
     493           0 :     Int wConvSize, polInUse=2;
     494           0 :     Int N=convFuncCache.nelements();
     495             : 
     496             :     //
     497             :     // Re-size the conv. func. memory cache if required, and set the
     498             :     // new members of the resized cache to NULL.  This is used in the
     499             :     // loop below to make a decision about allocating new memory or
     500             :     // not.
     501             :     //
     502           0 :     convFuncCache.resize(max(where+1,N), true);
     503           0 :     for(Int i=N;i<=where;i++) convFuncCache[i]=NULL;
     504             :     //
     505             :     // Each w-plan is in a separate disk file.  Each file contains all
     506             :     // polarization planes though. Memory cache holds all w-planes and
     507             :     // poln-planes in a single complex array.  The loop below read
     508             :     // each w-plane image from the disk, and fills in the 3D
     509             :     // mem. cache for each computed PA.
     510             :     //
     511           0 :     wConvSize = Nw;
     512           0 :     for(Int iw=0;iw<Nw;iw++)
     513             :       {
     514           0 :         ostringstream name;
     515             :         //      name << Dir << "/CF" << iw << "_" << where;
     516           0 :         name << Dir << prefix << iw << "_" << where;
     517             :         //      cout << "CF File name = " << name.str() << endl;
     518             :         try
     519             :           {
     520           0 :             PagedImage<Complex> tmp(name.str().c_str());
     521           0 :             Int index= tmp.coordinates().findCoordinate(Coordinate::SPECTRAL);
     522           0 :             coordSys = tmp.coordinates();
     523           0 :             SpectralCoordinate spCS = coordSys.spectralCoordinate(index);
     524             : 
     525           0 :             cfRefFreq=spCS.referenceValue()(0);
     526             :         
     527           0 :             polInUse = tmp.shape()(2);
     528           0 :             IPosition ts=tmp.shape(),ndx(4,0,0,0,0),ts2(4,0,0,0,0);
     529           0 :             Array<Complex> buf=tmp.get();
     530           0 :             if (convFuncCache[where] == NULL)
     531           0 :               convFuncCache[where] = new Array<Complex>(IPosition(4,ts(0),ts(1),
     532           0 :                                                                   wConvSize,polInUse));
     533             :         
     534           0 :             ndx(2)=iw;                              // The w-axis
     535           0 :             for(ndx(3)=0;ndx(3)<polInUse;ndx(3)++)  // The Poln. axis.
     536           0 :               for(ndx(0)=0;ndx(0)<ts(0);ndx(0)++)   
     537           0 :                 for(ndx(1)=0;ndx(1)<ts(1);ndx(1)++)
     538             :                   {
     539           0 :                     ts2(0)=ndx(0);ts2(1)=ndx(1);
     540           0 :                     ts2(2)=ndx(3); // The Poln. axis of the disk-cache
     541           0 :                     ts2(3)=0;      // The freq. axis of the disk-cache
     542           0 :                     (*convFuncCache[where])(ndx)=buf(ts2);
     543             :                   }
     544           0 :           }
     545           0 :         catch(AipsError &x)
     546             :           {
     547           0 :             throw(SynthesisFTMachineError(string("Error while loading \"")+
     548           0 :                                           name.str( ) + string("\": ") + (string) x.getMesg()));
     549           0 :           }
     550             :         
     551           0 :       }
     552           0 :     convSupport.resize(wConvSize,polInUse,where+1,true);
     553           0 :     for(Int i=0;i<wConvSize;i++)
     554           0 :       for(Int j=0;j<polInUse;j++)
     555           0 :         convSupport(i,j,where) = XSup(i,0,where);
     556             :     //    cout << "##### " << convFuncCache.nelements() << endl;
     557           0 :     convSampling = Sampling;
     558           0 :     return true;
     559             :   }
     560             : }

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