LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - synthesis/MeasurementComponents - (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 1881 2949 63.8 %
Date: 2024-12-11 20:54:31 Functions: 80 100 80.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //# Implementation of Calibrater.h
       2             : //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
       3             : //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
       4             : //#
       5             : //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       6             : //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
       7             : //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
       8             : //# any later version.
       9             : //#
      10             : //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
      11             : //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12             : //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
      13             : //# more details.
      14             : //#
      15             : //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
      16             : //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
      17             : //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      18             : //#
      19             : //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
      20             : //#        Internet email:
      21             : //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
      22             : //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
      23             : //#                        520 Edgemont Road
      24             : //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
      25             : //#
      26             : //# $Id:,v 19.37 2006/03/16 01:28:09 gmoellen Exp $
      27             : 
      28             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/Table.h>
      29             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableRecord.h>
      30             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableDesc.h>
      31             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableLock.h>
      32             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableUtil.h>
      33             : #include <casacore/tables/TaQL/TableParse.h>
      34             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ArrColDesc.h>
      35             : #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/TiledShapeStMan.h>
      36             : 
      37             : #include <casacore/casa/System/AipsrcValue.h>
      38             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayUtil.h>
      39             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayLogical.h>
      40             : #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayPartMath.h>
      41             : //#include <casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
      42             : #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSColumns.h>
      43             : #include <casacore/ms/MSSel/MSFieldIndex.h>
      44             : #include <casacore/ms/MSSel/MSSelection.h>
      45             : #include <casacore/ms/MSSel/MSSelectionTools.h>
      46             : #include <casacore/ms/MSOper/MSMetaData.h>
      47             : #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
      48             : #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
      49             : #include <iostream>
      50             : #include <sstream>
      51             : #include <casacore/casa/OS/File.h>
      52             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/Calibrater.h>
      53             : #include <synthesis/CalTables/CLPatchPanel.h>
      54             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/CalSolVi2Organizer.h>
      55             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/MSMetaInfoForCal.h>
      56             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/VisCalSolver.h>
      57             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/VisCalSolver2.h>
      58             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/UVMod.h>
      59             : #include <synthesis/MeasurementComponents/TsysGainCal.h>
      60             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisSetUtil.h>
      61             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffAccumulator.h>
      62             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisibilityIterator2.h>
      63             : #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer2.h>
      64             : #include <msvis/MSVis/ViFrequencySelection.h>
      65             : #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
      66             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogMessage.h>
      67             : #include <casacore/casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
      68             : #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
      69             : 
      70             : #include <casacore/tables/Tables/SetupNewTab.h>
      71             : #include <vector>
      72             : using std::vector;
      73             : #include <stdcasa/UtilJ.h>
      74             : 
      75             : #ifdef _OPENMP
      76             :  #include <omp.h>
      77             : #endif
      78             : 
      79             : //#define REPORT_CAL_TIMING
      80             : 
      81             : using namespace casacore;
      82             : using namespace casa::utilj;
      83             : 
      84             : using namespace casacore;
      85             : using namespace casa::vpf;
      86             : 
      87             : using namespace casacore;
      88             : namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
      89             : 
      90         165 : CalCounts::CalCounts():
      91         165 :   antennaMap_(),
      92         165 :   spwMap_(),
      93         330 :   totalMap_()
      94         165 : {}
      95             : 
      96         165 : void CalCounts::initCounts(Int NSpw, Int NAnt, Int NPol) {
      97         165 :     Vector<Int> polShape(NPol, 0);
      98         165 :     Vector<Int> singleVector(1, 0);
      99             :     
     100         165 :     totalMap_["expected"] = polShape;
     101         165 :     totalMap_["data_unflagged"] = polShape;
     102         165 :     totalMap_["above_minblperant"] = polShape;
     103         165 :     totalMap_["above_minsnr"] = polShape;
     104             :     
     105         779 :     for (Int spw=0; spw<NSpw; spw++) {
     106             :       // Init spw map keys
     107         614 :       spwMap_[spw]["expected"] = polShape;
     108         614 :       spwMap_[spw]["data_unflagged"] = polShape;
     109         614 :       spwMap_[spw]["above_minblperant"] = polShape;
     110         614 :       spwMap_[spw]["above_minsnr"] = polShape;
     111        6206 :       for (Int ant=0; ant<NAnt; ant++) {
     112             :           // Init antenna map keys
     113        5592 :           antennaMap_[spw][ant]["expected"] = polShape;
     114        5592 :           antennaMap_[spw][ant]["data_unflagged"] = polShape;
     115        5592 :           antennaMap_[spw][ant]["above_minblperant"] = polShape;
     116        5592 :           antennaMap_[spw][ant]["above_minsnr"] = polShape;
     117        5592 :           antennaMap_[spw][ant]["used_as_refant"] = singleVector;
     118             :       }
     119             :     }
     120         165 : }
     121             : 
     122       19605 : void CalCounts::addAntennaCounts(Int spw, Int NAnt, Int NPol, std::map<Int, std::map<String, Vector<Int>>> resultMap) {
     123             :     // Add the results to the antenna Map
     124       19605 :     Vector<Int> spwExp(NPol, 0), spwUnflag(NPol, 0), spwMinsnr(NPol, 0);
     125             :     
     126      201590 :     for (Int ant=0; ant<NAnt; ant++) {
     127      181985 :         if (resultMap.find(ant) == resultMap.end()) {continue;};
     128             :         // add if used as refant
     129      181985 :         antennaMap_[spw][ant]["used_as_refant"][0] += resultMap[ant]["used_as_refant"][0];
     130      484921 :         for (Int pol=0; pol<NPol; pol++) {
     131      302936 :             antennaMap_[spw][ant]["expected"][pol] += resultMap[ant]["expected"][pol];
     132      302936 :             antennaMap_[spw][ant]["data_unflagged"][pol] += resultMap[ant]["data_unflagged"][pol];
     133      302936 :             antennaMap_[spw][ant]["above_minblperant"][pol] += resultMap[ant]["above_minblperant"][pol];
     134      302936 :             antennaMap_[spw][ant]["above_minsnr"][pol] += resultMap[ant]["above_minsnr"][pol];
     135             :             // if any antenna value is good add to spw total
     136      302936 :             if (resultMap[ant]["expected"][pol] == 1) {spwExp[pol] = 1;};
     137      302936 :             if (resultMap[ant]["data_unflagged"][pol] == 1) {spwUnflag[pol] = 1;};
     138      302936 :             if (resultMap[ant]["above_minblperant"][pol] == 1) {spwMinsnr[pol] = 1;};
     139      302936 :             if (resultMap[ant]["above_minsnr"][pol] == 1) {spwMinsnr[pol] = 1;};
     140             :         }
     141             :     }
     142             :     // Add the totals to the spw Map
     143       52720 :     for (Int pol=0; pol<NPol; pol++) {
     144       33115 :         spwMap_[spw]["expected"][pol] += spwExp[pol];
     145       33115 :         spwMap_[spw]["data_unflagged"][pol] += spwUnflag[pol];
     146       33115 :         spwMap_[spw]["above_minblperant"][pol] += spwMinsnr[pol];
     147       33115 :         spwMap_[spw]["above_minsnr"][pol] += spwMinsnr[pol];
     148             :         // Acumulate total overall values
     149       33115 :         totalMap_["expected"][pol] += spwExp[pol];
     150       33115 :         totalMap_["data_unflagged"][pol] += spwUnflag[pol];
     151       33115 :         totalMap_["above_minblperant"][pol] += spwMinsnr[pol];
     152       33115 :         totalMap_["above_minsnr"][pol] += spwMinsnr[pol];
     153             :     }
     154             :     
     155       19605 : }
     156             : 
     157         165 : void CalCounts::updateRefants(Int NSpw, Int NAnt, std::map<Int, std::map<Int, Int>> refantMap) {
     158         779 :     for (Int spw=0; spw<NSpw; spw++) {
     159        6206 :         for (Int ant=0; ant<NAnt; ant++) {
     160        5592 :             antennaMap_[spw][ant]["used_as_refant"][0] += refantMap[spw][ant];
     161             :         }
     162             :     }
     163         165 : }
     164             : 
     165        5592 : Vector<Int> CalCounts::antMapVal(Int spw, Int ant, String gate) {
     166        5592 :     return antennaMap_[spw][ant][gate];
     167             : }
     168             : 
     169        2456 : Vector<Int> CalCounts::spwMapVal(Int spw, String gate) {
     170        2456 :     return spwMap_[spw][gate];
     171             : }
     172             : 
     173         660 : Vector<Int> CalCounts::totalMapVal(String gate) {
     174         660 :     return totalMap_[gate];
     175             : }
     176             : 
     177         165 : Record CalCounts::makeRecord(Int NAnt, Int NPol) {
     178             :     
     179         165 :     Vector<Int> totExp(NPol, 0), totUnflag(NPol, 0), totMinsnr(NPol, 0);
     180             :     
     181         165 :     nSpw = spwMap_.size();
     182         165 :     Record containerRec = Record();
     183         165 :     Record resultRec = Record();
     184             :     
     185         165 :     resultRec.define("expected", totalMap_["expected"]);
     186         165 :     resultRec.define("data_unflagged", totalMap_["data_unflagged"]);
     187         165 :     resultRec.define("above_minblperant", totalMap_["above_minblperant"]);
     188         165 :     resultRec.define("above_minsnr", totalMap_["above_minsnr"]);
     189             :     
     190         779 :     for (Int spw=0; spw<nSpw; spw++) {
     191         614 :         Record spwRec = Record();
     192         614 :         spwRec.define("expected", spwMap_[spw]["expected"]);
     193         614 :         spwRec.define("data_unflagged", spwMap_[spw]["data_unflagged"]);
     194         614 :         spwRec.define("above_minblperant", spwMap_[spw]["above_minblperant"]);
     195         614 :         spwRec.define("above_minsnr", spwMap_[spw]["above_minsnr"]);
     196        6206 :         for (Int ant=0; ant<NAnt; ant++) {
     197        5592 :             Record subRec = Record();
     198        5592 :             subRec.define("expected", antennaMap_[spw][ant]["expected"]);
     199        5592 :             subRec.define("data_unflagged", antennaMap_[spw][ant]["data_unflagged"]);
     200        5592 :             subRec.define("above_minblperant", antennaMap_[spw][ant]["above_minblperant"]);
     201        5592 :             subRec.define("above_minsnr", antennaMap_[spw][ant]["above_minsnr"]);
     202        5592 :             subRec.define("used_as_refant", antennaMap_[spw][ant]["used_as_refant"]);
     203        5592 :             spwRec.defineRecord(RecordFieldId("ant"+to_string(ant)), subRec);
     204        5592 :         }
     205         614 :         resultRec.defineRecord(RecordFieldId("spw"+to_string(spw)), spwRec);
     206         614 :     }
     207         165 :     containerRec.defineRecord(RecordFieldId("solvestats"), resultRec);
     208             :     
     209         330 :     return containerRec;
     210         165 : }
     211             : 
     212           0 : CalCounts::~CalCounts() {}
     213             : 
     214        1185 : Calibrater::Calibrater(): 
     215        1185 :   ms_p(0), 
     216        1185 :   mssel_p(0), 
     217        1185 :   mss_p(0),
     218        1185 :   frequencySelections_p(nullptr),
     219        1185 :   msmc_p(0),
     220        1185 :   ve_p(0),
     221        1185 :   vc_p(),
     222        1185 :   svc_p(0),
     223        1185 :   histLockCounter_p(), 
     224        1185 :   hist_p(0),
     225        1185 :   usingCalLibrary_(false),
     226        1185 :   corrDepFlags_(false), // default (==traditional behavior)
     227        1185 :   actRec_(),
     228        1185 :   resRec_(),
     229        1185 :   simdata_p(false),
     230        3555 :   ssvp_p()
     231             : {
     232             :   //  cout << "This is the NEW VI2-aware Calibrater" << endl;
     233        1185 : }
     234             : 
     235           9 : Calibrater::Calibrater(String msname): 
     236           9 :   msname_p(msname),
     237           9 :   ms_p(0), 
     238           9 :   mssel_p(0), 
     239           9 :   mss_p(0),
     240           9 :   frequencySelections_p(nullptr),
     241           9 :   msmc_p(0),
     242           9 :   ve_p(0),
     243           9 :   vc_p(),
     244           9 :   svc_p(0),
     245           9 :   histLockCounter_p(), 
     246           9 :   hist_p(0),
     247           9 :   usingCalLibrary_(false),
     248           9 :   corrDepFlags_(false), // default (==traditional behavior)
     249           9 :   actRec_(),
     250           9 :   resRec_(),
     251           9 :   simdata_p(false),
     252          27 :   ssvp_p()
     253             : {
     254             : 
     255             : 
     256           9 :   if (!Table::isReadable(msname))
     257           0 :     throw(AipsError("MS "+msname+" does not exist."));
     258             : 
     259             : 
     260          18 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","") << LogIO::NORMAL
     261           9 :             << "Arranging to calibrate MS: "+msname
     262          18 :             << LogIO::POST;
     263             :   
     264             :   // This is a bare Calibrater, intended to serve a VisEquation 
     265             : 
     266             :   // We need very little of the usual stuff
     267             : 
     268             :   // A VisEquation
     269           9 :   ve_p = new VisEquation();
     270             : 
     271             :   // Reset the apply/solve VisCals
     272           9 :   reset();
     273             : 
     274           9 : }
     275             : 
     276           0 : Calibrater::Calibrater(const vi::SimpleSimVi2Parameters& ssvp): 
     277           0 :   msname_p("<noms>"),
     278           0 :   ms_p(0), 
     279           0 :   mssel_p(0), 
     280           0 :   mss_p(0),
     281           0 :   frequencySelections_p(nullptr),
     282           0 :   msmc_p(0),
     283           0 :   ve_p(0),
     284           0 :   vc_p(),
     285           0 :   svc_p(0),
     286           0 :   histLockCounter_p(), 
     287           0 :   hist_p(0),
     288           0 :   usingCalLibrary_(false),
     289           0 :   corrDepFlags_(false), // default (==traditional behavior)
     290           0 :   actRec_(),
     291           0 :   resRec_(),
     292           0 :   simdata_p(true),
     293           0 :   ssvp_p(ssvp)
     294             : {
     295             : 
     296           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","") << LogIO::NORMAL
     297             :             << "Arranging SIMULATED MS data for testing!!!!"
     298           0 :             << LogIO::POST;
     299             :   
     300             :   // A VisEquation
     301           0 :   ve_p = new VisEquation();
     302             : 
     303             :   // Initialize the meta-info server that will be shared with VisCals
     304           0 :   if (msmc_p) delete msmc_p;
     305           0 :   msmc_p = new MSMetaInfoForCal(ssvp_p);
     306             : 
     307             :   // Reset the apply/solve VisCals
     308           0 :   reset();
     309             : 
     310           0 : }
     311             : 
     312             : /*
     313             : Calibrater::Calibrater(const Calibrater & other)
     314             : {
     315             :   operator=(other);
     316             : }
     317             : 
     318             : Calibrater& Calibrater::operator=(const Calibrater & other)
     319             : {
     320             :   ms_p=other.ms_p;
     321             :   mssel_p=other.mssel_p;
     322             :   ve_p=other.ve_p;
     323             :   histLockCounter_p=other.histLockCounter_p;
     324             :   hist_p=other.hist_p;
     325             :   historytab_p=other.historytab_p;
     326             :   
     327             :   return *this;
     328             : }
     329             : */
     330             : 
     331        3370 : Calibrater::~Calibrater()
     332             : {
     333        1194 :   cleanup();
     334        1194 :   if (msmc_p) delete msmc_p; msmc_p=0;
     335        1194 :   if (ms_p)   delete ms_p;   ms_p=0;
     336        1194 :   if (hist_p) delete hist_p; hist_p=0;
     337             : 
     338        2176 : }
     339             : 
     340        1185 : Calibrater* Calibrater::factory(Bool old) {
     341             :   
     342        1185 :   Calibrater* cal(NULL);
     343             : 
     344        1185 :   if (old)
     345         203 :     cal = new OldCalibrater();
     346             :   else 
     347             :     //throw(AipsError("VI2-aware Calibrater not yet available..."));
     348         982 :     cal = new Calibrater();
     349             : 
     350        1185 :   return cal;
     351             : 
     352             : }
     353             : 
     354           9 : Calibrater* Calibrater::factory(String msname, Bool old) {
     355             :   
     356           9 :   Calibrater* cal(NULL);
     357             : 
     358           9 :   if (old)
     359           9 :     cal = new OldCalibrater(msname);
     360             :   else
     361           0 :     throw(AipsError("VI2-aware Calibrater not yet available..."));
     362             :   //cal = new Calibrater(msname);
     363             : 
     364           9 :   return cal;
     365             : 
     366             : }
     367             : 
     368             : 
     369       22974 : LogIO& Calibrater::logSink() {return sink_p;};
     370             : 
     371           0 : String Calibrater::timerString() {
     372           0 :   ostringstream o;
     373           0 :   o <<" [user:   " << timer_p.user () << 
     374           0 :     "  system: " << timer_p.system () <<
     375           0 :     "  real:   " << timer_p.real () << "]"; 
     376           0 :   timer_p.mark();
     377           0 :   return o;
     378           0 : };
     379             : 
     380         470 : Bool Calibrater::initialize(MeasurementSet& inputMS, 
     381             :                             Bool compress,
     382             :                             Bool addScratch, Bool addModel)  {
     383             :   
     384         470 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
     385             :   
     386             :   try {
     387         470 :     timer_p.mark();
     388             : 
     389             :     // Set pointer ms_p from input MeasurementSet
     390         470 :     if (ms_p) {
     391           0 :       *ms_p=inputMS;
     392             :     } else {
     393         470 :       ms_p = new MeasurementSet(inputMS);
     394         470 :       AlwaysAssert(ms_p,AipsError);
     395             :     };
     396             : 
     397             :     // Remember the ms's name
     398         470 :     msname_p=ms_p->tableName();
     399             : 
     400             :     // Initialize the meta-info server that will be shared with VisCals
     401         470 :     if (msmc_p) delete msmc_p;
     402         470 :     msmc_p = new MSMetaInfoForCal(*ms_p);
     403             : 
     404             :     // Add/init scr cols, if requested (init is hard-wired)
     405         470 :     if (addScratch || addModel) {
     406          98 :       Bool alsoinit=true;
     407          98 :       VisSetUtil::addScrCols(*ms_p,addModel,addScratch,alsoinit,compress);
     408             :     }
     409             : 
     410             :     // Set the selected MeasurementSet to be the same initially
     411             :     // as the input MeasurementSet
     412             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL
     413             :               << "Initializing nominal selection to the whole MS."
     414         470 :               << LogIO::POST;
     415             : 
     416         470 :     if (mssel_p) delete mssel_p;
     417         470 :     mssel_p=new MeasurementSet(*ms_p);
     418             :     
     419             :     // Create the associated VisEquation
     420             :     //  TBD: move to ctor and make it non-pointer
     421         470 :     if (ve_p) {
     422           0 :       delete ve_p;
     423           0 :       ve_p=0;
     424             :     };
     425         470 :     ve_p=new VisEquation();
     426             : 
     427             :     // Reset the apply/solve VisCals
     428         470 :     reset(true,true);
     429             : 
     430         470 :     return true;
     431             : 
     432           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     433           0 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","initialize",WHERE) 
     434             :               << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
     435           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
     436           0 :     cleanup();
     437           0 :     if (msmc_p) delete msmc_p; msmc_p=NULL;
     438           0 :     if (ms_p)   delete ms_p;   ms_p=NULL;
     439           0 :     if (hist_p) delete hist_p; hist_p=NULL;
     440             : 
     441           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::initialize()"));
     442             :     return false;
     443           0 :   } 
     444             :   return false;
     445             : }
     446             : 
     447             : 
     448             : // Select data (using MSSelection syntax)
     449         244 : void Calibrater::selectvis(const String& time,
     450             :                            const String& spw,
     451             :                            const String& scan,
     452             :                            const String& field,
     453             :                            const String& intent,
     454             :                            const String& obsIDs,
     455             :                            const String& baseline,
     456             :                            const String& uvrange,
     457             :                            const String& chanmode,
     458             :                            const Int&,
     459             :                            const Int&,
     460             :                            const Int&,
     461             :                            const MRadialVelocity&,
     462             :                            const MRadialVelocity&,
     463             :                            const String& msSelect)
     464             : {
     465             : // Define primary measurement set selection criteria
     466             : // Inputs:
     467             : //    time
     468             : //    spw
     469             : //    scan
     470             : //    field
     471             : //    intent
     472             : //    obsIDs
     473             : //    baseline
     474             : //    uvrange
     475             : //    chanmode     const String&            Frequency/velocity selection mode
     476             : //                                          ("channel", "velocity" or 
     477             : //                                           "opticalvelocity")
     478             : //    nchan        const Int&               No of channels to select
     479             : //    start        const Int&               Start channel to select
     480             : //    step         const Int&               Channel increment
     481             : //    mStart       const MRadialVelocity&   Start radial vel. to select
     482             : //    mStep        const MRadialVelocity&   Radial velocity increment
     483             : //    msSelect     const String&            MS selection string (TAQL)
     484             : // Output to private data:
     485             : //
     486         244 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","selectvis") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
     487             :   
     488             :   try {
     489             : 
     490             :  /*   
     491             :     cout << "time     = " << time << " " << time.length() <<endl;
     492             :     cout << "spw      = " << spw << " " << spw.length() <<endl;
     493             :     cout << "scan     = " << scan << " " << scan.length() <<endl;
     494             :     cout << "field    = " << field << " " << field.length() <<endl;
     495             :     cout << "baseline = " << baseline << " " << baseline.length() << endl;
     496             :     cout << "uvrange  = " << uvrange << " " << uvrange.length() << endl;
     497             :  */
     498             : 
     499         244 :     logSink() << "Selecting data" << LogIO::POST;
     500             :     
     501             :     // Apply selection to the original MeasurementSet
     502         244 :     logSink() << "Performing selection on MeasurementSet" << endl;
     503             :     
     504         244 :     if (mssel_p) {
     505         244 :       delete mssel_p;
     506         244 :       mssel_p=0;
     507             :     };
     508             : 
     509             :     // Report non-trivial user selections
     510         244 :     if (time!="")
     511           4 :       logSink() << " Selecting on time: '" << time << "'" << endl;
     512         244 :     if (spw!="")
     513          42 :       logSink() << " Selecting on spw: '" << spw << "'" << endl;
     514         244 :     if (scan!="")
     515          21 :       logSink() << " Selecting on scan: '" << scan << "'" << endl;
     516         244 :     if (field!="")
     517          74 :       logSink() << " Selecting on field: '" << field << "'" << endl;
     518         244 :     if (intent!="")
     519           2 :       logSink() << " Selecting on intent: '" << intent << "'" << endl;
     520         244 :     if(obsIDs != "")
     521           2 :       logSink() << " Selecting by observation IDs: '" << obsIDs << "'" << endl;
     522         244 :     if (baseline!="")
     523           5 :       logSink() << " Selecting on antenna/baseline: '" << baseline << "'" << endl;
     524         244 :     if (uvrange!="")
     525           9 :       logSink() << " Selecting on uvrange: '" << uvrange << "'" << endl;
     526         244 :     if (msSelect!="")
     527         117 :       logSink() << " Selecting with TaQL: '" << msSelect << "'" << endl;
     528         244 :     logSink() << LogIO::POST;
     529             : 
     530             : 
     531             :     // Assume no selection, for starters
     532         244 :     mssel_p = new MeasurementSet(*ms_p);
     533             : 
     534             :     // Apply user-supplied selection
     535         244 :     Bool nontrivsel=false;
     536             : 
     537             :     // Ensure use of a fresh MSSelection object
     538         244 :     if (mss_p) { delete mss_p; mss_p=NULL; }
     539         244 :     mss_p=new MSSelection();
     540         488 :     nontrivsel= mssSetData(*ms_p,
     541         244 :                            *mssel_p,"",
     542             :                            time,baseline,
     543             :                            field,spw,
     544             :                            uvrange,msSelect,
     545             :                            "",scan,"",intent, obsIDs,mss_p);
     546             : 
     547             :     // Keep any MR status for the MS
     548         244 :     mssel_p->setMemoryResidentSubtables(ms_p->getMrsEligibility());
     549             : 
     550             :     // If non-trivial MSSelection invoked and nrow reduced:
     551         244 :     if(nontrivsel && mssel_p->nrow()<ms_p->nrow()) {
     552             : 
     553             :       // Escape if no rows selected
     554         123 :       if (mssel_p->nrow()==0) 
     555           0 :         throw(AipsError("Specified selection selects zero rows!"));
     556             : 
     557             :       // ...otherwise report how many rows are selected
     558         123 :       logSink() << "By selection " << ms_p->nrow() 
     559         123 :                 << " rows are reduced to " << mssel_p->nrow() 
     560         123 :                 << LogIO::POST;
     561             : 
     562             :       // Revise the msmc_p so it contains only the _selected_ MS
     563         123 :       if (msmc_p) delete msmc_p;
     564         123 :       msmc_p = new MSMetaInfoForCal(*mssel_p, ms_p->tableName());
     565             : 
     566             :     }
     567             :     else {
     568             :       // Selection did nothing:
     569         121 :       logSink() << "Selection did not drop any rows" << LogIO::POST;
     570             :     }
     571             : 
     572             :     // Attempt to use MSSelection for channel selection
     573             :     //  if user not using the old way
     574         244 :     if (chanmode=="none") {
     575         244 :       selectChannel(spw);
     576             :     }
     577             :     else {
     578             :       // Old-fashioned way now deprecated
     579             :       logSink() << LogIO::WARN 
     580             :                 << "You have used the old-fashioned mode parameter" << endl
     581             :                 << "for channel selection." << endl
     582             :                 << "Please begin using the new channel selection" << endl
     583           0 :                 << "syntax in the spw parameter." << LogIO::POST;
     584           0 :       throw(AipsError("Old-fashioned chanmode selection is no longer supported!"));
     585             :     }
     586             : 
     587             :   }
     588           0 :   catch (MSSelectionError& x) {
     589             :     // Re-initialize with the existing MS
     590           0 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","selectvis",WHERE) 
     591             :               << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
     592           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
     593             :     // jagonzal (CAS-4110): I guess it is not necessary to create these columns when the selection is empty
     594           0 :     initialize(*ms_p,false,false,false);
     595           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in data selection specification: " + x.getMesg()));
     596           0 :   } 
     597           0 :   catch (AipsError x) {
     598             :     // Re-initialize with the existing MS
     599           0 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","selectvis",WHERE) 
     600             :               << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
     601           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
     602             :     // jagonzal (CAS-4110): I guess it is not necessary to create these columns when the selection is empty.
     603           0 :     initialize(*ms_p,false,false,false);
     604           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::selectvis(): " + x.getMesg()));
     605           0 :   } 
     606         244 : };
     607             : 
     608             : 
     609         178 : Bool Calibrater::setapply(const String& type, 
     610             :                           const Double& t,
     611             :                           const String& table,
     612             :                           const String& spw,
     613             :                           const String& field,
     614             :                           const String& interp,
     615             :                           const Bool& calwt,
     616             :                           const Vector<Int>& spwmap,
     617             :                           const Vector<Double>& opacity) 
     618             : {
     619             : 
     620         356 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater",
     621             :                          "setapply(type, t, table, spw, field, interp, calwt, spwmap, opacity)")
     622         356 :             << LogIO::NORMAL;
     623             : 
     624             : 
     625             :   //  cout << "Calibrater::setapply: field="<< field << endl;
     626             :    
     627             :   // Set record format for calibration table application information
     628         178 :   RecordDesc applyparDesc;
     629         178 :   applyparDesc.addField ("t", TpDouble);
     630         178 :   applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
     631         178 :   applyparDesc.addField ("interp", TpString);
     632         178 :   applyparDesc.addField ("spw", TpArrayInt);
     633             :   //  applyparDesc.addField ("field", TpArrayInt);
     634         178 :   applyparDesc.addField ("fieldstr", TpString);
     635         178 :   applyparDesc.addField ("calwt",TpBool);
     636         178 :   applyparDesc.addField ("spwmap",TpArrayInt);
     637         178 :   applyparDesc.addField ("opacity",TpArrayDouble);
     638             :   
     639             :   // Create record with the requisite field values
     640         178 :   Record applypar(applyparDesc);
     641         178 :   applypar.define ("t", t);
     642         178 :   applypar.define ("table", table);
     643             : 
     644             :   /*
     645             :   String cinterp=interp;
     646             :   //  cinterp.erase(remove_if(cinterp.begin(), cinterp.end(), isspace), cinterp.end());
     647             :   cinterp.erase( remove( cinterp.begin(), cinterp.end(), ' ' ), cinterp.end() );
     648             :   */
     649             :  
     650         178 :   applypar.define ("interp", interp);
     651         178 :   applypar.define ("spw",getSpwIdx(spw));
     652             :   //  applypar.define ("field",getFieldIdx(field));
     653         178 :   applypar.define ("fieldstr",field);
     654         178 :   applypar.define ("calwt",calwt);
     655         178 :   applypar.define ("spwmap",spwmap);
     656         178 :   applypar.define ("opacity", opacity);
     657             :   
     658         178 :   String upType=type;
     659         178 :   upType.upcase();
     660         178 :   if (upType=="")
     661             :     // Get type from table
     662         140 :     upType = calTableType(table);
     663             : 
     664         355 :   return setapply(upType,applypar);
     665             : 
     666         180 : }
     667             : 
     668         141 : Bool Calibrater::setapply (const String& type, 
     669             :                            const Record& applypar)
     670             : {
     671         141 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater", "setapply(type, applypar)");
     672             : 
     673             :   // First try to create the requested VisCal object
     674         141 :   VisCal *vc(NULL);
     675             : 
     676             :   try {
     677             : 
     678         141 :     if(!ok()) 
     679           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for setapply."));
     680             : 
     681         141 :     String upType=type;
     682         141 :     upType.upcase();
     683             : 
     684             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
     685             :               << "Arranging to APPLY:"
     686         141 :               << LogIO::POST;
     687             : 
     688             :     // Add a new VisCal to the apply list
     689         141 :     vc = createVisCal(upType,*msmc_p);  
     690             : 
     691         141 :     vc->setApply(applypar);       
     692             : 
     693             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
     694         141 :               << vc->applyinfo()
     695         141 :               << LogIO::POST;
     696             : 
     697         141 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     698             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << x.getMesg() 
     699             :               << " Check inputs and try again."
     700           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
     701           0 :     if (vc) delete vc;
     702           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setapply."));
     703             :     return false;
     704           0 :   }
     705             : 
     706             :   // Creation apparently successful, so add to the apply list
     707             :   // TBD: consolidate with above?
     708             :   try {
     709             : 
     710         141 :     uInt napp=vc_p.nelements();
     711         141 :     vc_p.resize(napp+1,false,true);      
     712         141 :     vc_p[napp] = vc;
     713         141 :     vc=NULL;
     714             :    
     715             :     // Maintain sort of apply list
     716         141 :     ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
     717             :     
     718         141 :     return true;
     719             : 
     720           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
     721             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
     722           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
     723           0 :     if (vc) delete vc;
     724           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setapply."));
     725             :     return false;
     726           0 :   } 
     727             :   return false;
     728             : }
     729             : 
     730             : 
     731             : // Validate a Cal Library record
     732           9 : Bool Calibrater::validatecallib(Record callib) {
     733             : 
     734           9 :   uInt ntab=callib.nfields();
     735          36 :   for (uInt itab=0;itab<ntab;++itab) {
     736             : 
     737          27 :     String;
     738          27 :     Record thistabrec=callib.asRecord(itab);
     739          27 :     uInt ncl=thistabrec.nfields();
     740             : 
     741          90 :     for (uInt icl=0;icl<ncl;++icl) {
     742             : 
     743          63 :       if (thistabrec.dataType(icl)!=TpRecord)
     744          27 :         continue;
     745             : 
     746          36 :       Record thisicl=thistabrec.asRecord(icl);
     747             :       try {
     748          36 :         CalLibSlice::validateCLS(thisicl);
     749             :       }
     750          36 :       catch ( AipsError x) {
     751             :         logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
     752             :                   << "Caltable " << tabname 
     753             :                   << " is missing the following fields: " 
     754             :                   << x.getMesg() 
     755          36 :                   << LogIO::POST;
     756          36 :       }
     757             : 
     758          36 :     }
     759          27 :   }
     760           9 :   return true;
     761             : }
     762             : 
     763             : 
     764             : // Set up apply-able calibration via a Cal Library
     765          14 : Bool Calibrater::setcallib2(Record callib, const MeasurementSet* ms) {
     766             : 
     767          14 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater", "setcallib2(callib)");
     768             : 
     769             :   //  cout << "Calibrater::setcallib2(callib) : " << boolalpha << callib << endl;
     770             : 
     771          14 :   uInt ntab=callib.nfields();
     772             : 
     773             :   //  cout << "callib.nfields() = " << ntab << endl;
     774             : 
     775             :   // Do some preliminary per-table verification
     776          30 :   for (uInt itab=0;itab<ntab;++itab) {
     777             : 
     778          16 :     String;
     779             : 
     780             :     // Trap parang
     781             :     // TBD...
     782             :     //    if (tabname=="<parang>")
     783             :     //      continue;
     784             : 
     785             :     // Insist that the table exists on disk
     786          16 :     if (!Table::isReadable(tabname))
     787           0 :       throw(AipsError("Caltable "+tabname+" does not exist."));
     788             : 
     789          16 :   }
     790             : 
     791             :   // Tables exist, so deploy them...
     792             : 
     793             :   // Local MS object for callib parsing (only)
     794             :   //  MeasurementSet lms(msname_p,Table::Update);
     795             :   // TBD: Use selected MS instead (not yet available in OTF plotms context!)
     796             :   //const MeasurementSet lms(*mssel_p);
     797             :   //MeasurementSet lms(msname_p);
     798             : 
     799             :   // Local const MS object for callib parsing (only)
     800          14 :   const MeasurementSet *lmsp(0);
     801          14 :   if (ms) {
     802             :     // Use supplied MS (from outside), if specified...
     803             :     // TBD: should we verify same base MS as ms_p/mssel_p?
     804             :     //cout << "Using externally-specified MS!!" << endl;
     805           0 :     lmsp=ms;
     806             :   }
     807             :   else {
     808             :     // ...use internal one instead
     809             :     //cout << "Using internal MS (mssel_p)!!" << endl;
     810          14 :     lmsp=mssel_p;
     811             :   }
     812             :   // Reference for use below
     813          14 :   const MeasurementSet &lms(*lmsp);
     814             : 
     815             : 
     816          30 :   for (uInt itab=0;itab<ntab;++itab) {
     817             : 
     818          16 :     String;
     819             : 
     820             :     // Get the type from the table
     821          16 :     String upType=calTableType(tabname);
     822          16 :     upType.upcase();
     823             : 
     824             :     // Add table name to the record
     825          16 :     Record thistabrec=callib.asrwRecord(itab);
     826          16 :     thistabrec.define("tablename",tabname);
     827             : 
     828             :     // First try to create the requested VisCal object
     829          16 :     VisCal *vc(NULL);
     830             : 
     831             :     try {
     832             : 
     833             :       //      if(!ok()) 
     834             :       //        throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for setapply."));
     835             :       
     836             :       logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
     837             :                 << "Arranging to APPLY:"
     838          16 :                 << LogIO::POST;
     839             :       
     840             :       // Add a new VisCal to the apply list
     841          16 :       vc = createVisCal(upType,*msmc_p);
     842             : 
     843             :       // ingest this table according to its callib
     844          16 :       vc->setCallib(thistabrec,lms);
     845             :       
     846           0 :     } catch (AipsError x) {
     847             :       logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << x.getMesg() 
     848             :                 << " Check inputs and try again."
     849           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
     850           0 :       if (vc) delete vc;
     851           0 :       throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::callib2."));
     852             :       return false;
     853           0 :     }
     854             : 
     855             :     // Creation apparently successful, so add to the apply list
     856             :     // TBD: consolidate with above?
     857             :     try {
     858             :       
     859          16 :       uInt napp=vc_p.nelements();
     860          16 :       vc_p.resize(napp+1,false,true);      
     861          16 :       vc_p[napp] = vc;
     862          16 :       vc=NULL;
     863             :    
     864             :       // Maintain sort of apply list
     865          16 :       ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
     866             :       
     867           0 :     } catch (AipsError x) {
     868             :       logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
     869           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
     870           0 :       if (vc) delete vc;
     871           0 :       throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setapply."));
     872             :       return false;
     873           0 :     } 
     874          16 :   }
     875             : 
     876             :   // Signal use of CalLibrary
     877          14 :   usingCalLibrary_=true;
     878             : 
     879             :   // All ok, if we get this far!
     880          14 :   return true;
     881             : 
     882             : }
     883             : 
     884           0 : Bool Calibrater::setmodel(const String& modelImage)
     885             : {
     886           0 :   if (!svc_p)
     887           0 :     throw(AipsError("Calibrater::setmodel() called before Calibrater::setsolve()"));
     888           0 :   svc_p->setModel(modelImage);
     889           0 :   return true;
     890             : }
     891             : 
     892          76 : Bool Calibrater::setModel(const Vector<Double>& stokes) {
     893             : 
     894          76 :   if (ve_p) {
     895          76 :     Vector<Float> fstokes(stokes.shape());
     896          76 :     convertArray(fstokes,stokes);
     897          76 :     ve_p->setModel(fstokes);
     898          76 :   }
     899             :   else
     900           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setModel: no VisEquation."));
     901             : 
     902          76 :   return true;
     903             : 
     904             : }
     905             : 
     906         207 : Bool Calibrater::setsolve (const String& type, 
     907             :                            const String& solint,
     908             :                            const String& table,
     909             :                            const Bool append,
     910             :                            const Double preavg, 
     911             :                            const String& apmode,
     912             :                            const Int minblperant,
     913             :                            const String& refant,
     914             :                            const String& refantmode,
     915             :                            const Bool solnorm,
     916             :                            const String& normtype,
     917             :                            const Float minsnr,
     918             :                            const String& combine,
     919             :                            const Int fillgaps,
     920             :                            const String& cfcache,
     921             :                            const Double painc,
     922             :                            const Int fitorder,
     923             :                            const Float fraction,
     924             :                            const Int numedge,
     925             :                            const String& radius,
     926             :                            const Bool smooth,
     927             :                            const Bool zerorates,
     928             :                            const Bool globalsolve,
     929             :                            const Int niter,
     930             :                            const String& corrcomb,
     931             :                            const Vector<Double>& delaywindow, 
     932             :                            const Vector<Double>& ratewindow,
     933             :                            const Vector<Bool>& paramactive,
     934             :                            const Bool concatspws,
     935             :                            const String& solmode,
     936             :                            const Vector<Double>& rmsthresh
     937             :     )
     938             : {
     939             :   
     940         207 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","setsolve") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
     941             :   
     942             :   // Create a record description containing the solver parameters
     943         207 :   RecordDesc solveparDesc;
     944         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("solint", TpString);
     945         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("preavg", TpDouble);
     946         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("apmode", TpString);
     947         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("refant", TpArrayInt);
     948         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("refantmode", TpString);
     949         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("minblperant", TpInt);
     950         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
     951         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("append", TpBool);
     952         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("solnorm", TpBool);
     953         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("normtype", TpString);
     954         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("type", TpString);
     955         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("combine", TpString);
     956         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("maxgap", TpInt);
     957         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("cfcache", TpString);
     958         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("painc", TpDouble);
     959         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("fitorder", TpInt);
     960         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("solmode", TpString);
     961         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("rmsthresh", TpArrayDouble);
     962             : 
     963             :   // fringe-fit specific fields
     964         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("zerorates", TpBool);
     965         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("minsnr", TpFloat);
     966         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("globalsolve", TpBool);
     967         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("delaywindow", TpArrayDouble);
     968         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("ratewindow", TpArrayDouble);
     969         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("niter", TpInt);
     970         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("corrcomb", TpString);
     971         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("paramactive", TpArrayBool);
     972         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("concatspws", TpBool);
     973             : 
     974             :   // single dish specific fields
     975         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("fraction", TpFloat);
     976         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("numedge", TpInt);
     977         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("radius", TpString);
     978         207 :   solveparDesc.addField ("smooth", TpBool);
     979             : 
     980             : 
     981             :   // Create a solver record with the requisite field values
     982         207 :   Record solvepar(solveparDesc);
     983         207 :   solvepar.define ("solint", solint);
     984         207 :   solvepar.define ("preavg", preavg);
     985         207 :   String upmode=apmode;
     986         207 :   upmode.upcase();
     987         207 :   solvepar.define ("apmode", upmode);
     988         207 :   solvepar.define ("refant", getRefantIdxList(refant));
     989         207 :   solvepar.define ("refantmode", refantmode);
     990         207 :   solvepar.define ("minblperant", minblperant);
     991         207 :   solvepar.define ("table", table);
     992         207 :   solvepar.define ("append", append);
     993         207 :   solvepar.define ("solnorm", solnorm);
     994         207 :   solvepar.define ("normtype", normtype);
     995             :   // Fringe-fit specific
     996         207 :   solvepar.define ("minsnr", minsnr);
     997         207 :   solvepar.define ("zerorates", zerorates);
     998         207 :   solvepar.define ("globalsolve", globalsolve);
     999         207 :   solvepar.define ("niter", niter);
    1000         207 :   solvepar.define ("corrcomb", corrcomb);
    1001         207 :   solvepar.define ("delaywindow", delaywindow);
    1002         207 :   solvepar.define ("ratewindow", ratewindow);
    1003         207 :   solvepar.define ("solmode", solmode);
    1004         207 :   solvepar.define ("rmsthresh", rmsthresh);
    1005         207 :   solvepar.define ("paramactive", paramactive);
    1006         207 :   solvepar.define ("concatspws", concatspws);
    1007             :   
    1008         207 :   String uptype=type;
    1009         207 :   uptype.upcase();
    1010         207 :   solvepar.define ("type", uptype);
    1011             :   
    1012         207 :   String upcomb=combine;
    1013         207 :   upcomb.upcase();
    1014         207 :   solvepar.define("combine",upcomb);
    1015         207 :   solvepar.define("maxgap",fillgaps);
    1016         207 :   solvepar.define ("cfcache", cfcache);
    1017         207 :   solvepar.define ("painc", painc);
    1018         207 :   solvepar.define("fitorder", fitorder);
    1019             : 
    1020             :   // single dish specific
    1021         207 :   solvepar.define("fraction", fraction);
    1022         207 :   solvepar.define("numedge", numedge);
    1023         207 :   solvepar.define("radius", radius);
    1024         207 :   solvepar.define("smooth", smooth);
    1025             : 
    1026         413 :   return setsolve(type,solvepar);
    1027         211 : }
    1028             : 
    1029           0 : Bool Calibrater::setsolvebandpoly(const String& table,
    1030             :                                   const Bool& append,
    1031             :                                   const String& solint,
    1032             :                                   const String& combine,
    1033             :                                   const Vector<Int>& degree,
    1034             :                                   const Bool& visnorm,
    1035             :                                   const Bool& solnorm,
    1036             :                                   const Int& maskcenter,
    1037             :                                   const Float& maskedge,
    1038             :                                   const String& refant) {
    1039             : 
    1040           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","setsolvebandpoly") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    1041             : 
    1042             :   // TBD: support solution interval!
    1043             : 
    1044             :     // Create a record description containing the solver parameters
    1045           0 :     RecordDesc solveparDesc;
    1046           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    1047           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("append", TpBool);
    1048           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("solint", TpString);
    1049           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("combine", TpString);
    1050           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("degree", TpArrayInt);
    1051           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("visnorm", TpBool);
    1052           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("solnorm", TpBool);
    1053           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("maskcenter", TpInt);
    1054           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("maskedge", TpFloat);
    1055           0 :     solveparDesc.addField ("refant", TpArrayInt);
    1056             : 
    1057             :     //    solveparDesc.addField ("preavg", TpDouble);
    1058             :     //    solveparDesc.addField ("phaseonly", TpBool);
    1059             :     
    1060             :     // Create a solver record with the requisite field values
    1061           0 :     Record solvepar(solveparDesc);
    1062           0 :     solvepar.define ("table", table);
    1063           0 :     solvepar.define ("append", append);
    1064           0 :     solvepar.define ("solint",solint);
    1065           0 :     String upcomb=combine;
    1066           0 :     upcomb.upcase();
    1067           0 :     solvepar.define ("combine",combine);
    1068           0 :     solvepar.define ("degree", degree);
    1069           0 :     solvepar.define ("visnorm", visnorm);
    1070           0 :     solvepar.define ("solnorm", solnorm);
    1071           0 :     solvepar.define ("maskcenter", maskcenter);
    1072           0 :     solvepar.define ("maskedge", maskedge);
    1073           0 :     solvepar.define ("refant", getRefantIdxList(refant));
    1074             : 
    1075             : 
    1076             :     //    solvepar.define ("t", t);
    1077             :     //    solvepar.define ("preavg", preavg);
    1078             :     //    solvepar.define ("phaseonly", phaseonly);
    1079             : 
    1080             : 
    1081           0 :     return setsolve("BPOLY",solvepar);
    1082             : 
    1083           0 : }
    1084             : 
    1085           1 : Bool Calibrater::setsolvegainspline(const String& table,
    1086             :                                     const Bool&   append,
    1087             :                                     const String& apmode,
    1088             :                                     const Double& splinetime,
    1089             :                                     const Double& preavg,
    1090             :                                     const Int&    numpoint,
    1091             :                                     const Double& phasewrap,
    1092             :                                     const String& refant) {
    1093             :   
    1094           1 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","setsolvegainspline") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    1095             : 
    1096             :   // Create a record description containing the solver parameters
    1097           1 :   RecordDesc solveparDesc;
    1098           1 :   solveparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    1099           1 :   solveparDesc.addField ("append", TpBool);
    1100           1 :   solveparDesc.addField ("apmode", TpString);
    1101           1 :   solveparDesc.addField ("splinetime", TpDouble);
    1102           1 :   solveparDesc.addField ("preavg", TpDouble);
    1103           1 :   solveparDesc.addField ("refant", TpArrayInt);
    1104           1 :   solveparDesc.addField ("numpoint", TpInt);
    1105           1 :   solveparDesc.addField ("phasewrap", TpDouble);
    1106             :   
    1107             :   // Create a solver record with the requisite field values
    1108           1 :   Record solvepar(solveparDesc);
    1109           1 :   solvepar.define ("table", table);
    1110           1 :   solvepar.define ("append", append);
    1111           1 :   String upMode=apmode;
    1112           1 :   upMode.upcase();
    1113           1 :   solvepar.define ("apmode", upMode);
    1114           1 :   solvepar.define ("splinetime",splinetime);
    1115           1 :   solvepar.define ("preavg", preavg);
    1116           1 :   solvepar.define ("refant", getRefantIdxList(refant));
    1117           1 :   solvepar.define ("numpoint",numpoint);
    1118           1 :   solvepar.define ("phasewrap",phasewrap);
    1119             :   
    1120           2 :   return setsolve("GSPLINE",solvepar);
    1121             :   
    1122           1 : }
    1123             : 
    1124         169 : Bool Calibrater::setsolve (const String& type, 
    1125             :                            const Record& solvepar) {
    1126             : 
    1127             :   // Attempt to create the solvable object
    1128         169 :   SolvableVisCal *svc(NULL);
    1129             :   try {
    1130             : 
    1131         169 :     if(!ok()) 
    1132           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for setsolve."));
    1133             : 
    1134         169 :     String upType = type;
    1135         169 :     upType.upcase();
    1136             : 
    1137             :     // Clean out any old solve that was lying around
    1138         169 :     unsetsolve();
    1139             : 
    1140             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
    1141             :               << "Arranging to SOLVE:"
    1142         169 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1143             : 
    1144             :     // Create the new SolvableVisCal
    1145         169 :     svc = createSolvableVisCal(upType,*msmc_p);
    1146         169 :     svc->setSolve(solvepar);
    1147             :     
    1148             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
    1149         168 :               << svc->solveinfo()
    1150         168 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1151             : 
    1152             :     // Creation apparently successful, keep it
    1153         168 :     svc_p=svc;
    1154         168 :     svc=NULL;
    1155             : 
    1156             :     // if calibration specific data filter is necessary
    1157             :     // keep configuration parameter as a record
    1158         168 :     setCalFilterConfiguration(upType, solvepar);
    1159             : 
    1160         168 :     return true;
    1161             : 
    1162         170 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1163             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    1164           1 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1165           1 :     unsetsolve();
    1166           1 :     if (svc) delete svc;
    1167           1 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setsolve."));
    1168             :     return false;
    1169           2 :   } 
    1170             :   return false;
    1171             : }
    1172             : 
    1173         212 : Vector<Int> Calibrater::convertSetToVector(set<Int> selset){
    1174         212 :   Vector<Int> vtmpint(selset.begin(), selset.size(),0);
    1175         212 :   return vtmpint;
    1176             : }
    1177             : 
    1178          53 : Vector<Int> Calibrater::getSelectedSpws() {
    1179          53 :   MSMetaData msmdtmp(mssel_p, 50.0);
    1180          53 :   set<uInt> selspwset = msmdtmp.getSpwIDs();
    1181          53 :   Vector<Int> res(selspwset.begin(), selspwset.size(),0);
    1182         106 :   return res;
    1183          53 : }
    1184             : 
    1185          53 : Vector<String> Calibrater::getSelectedIntents() {
    1186          53 :   MSMetaData msmdtmp(mssel_p, 50.0);
    1187          53 :   set<String> selintentset = msmdtmp.getIntents();
    1188          53 :   Vector<String> res(selintentset.begin(), selintentset.size(),0);
    1189         106 :   return res;
    1190          53 : }
    1191             : 
    1192          53 : Vector<String> Calibrater::getApplyTables() {
    1193          53 :   set<String> applytableset;
    1194          53 :   Int numtables = vc_p.nelements();
    1195          53 :   string space_delimiter = " ";
    1196          53 :   vector<string> words{};
    1197          53 :   size_t pos = 0;
    1198          53 :   string applyinf;
    1199             :   
    1200             :   // parse through the apply info
    1201             :   // Grab all the tables and put them in a vector
    1202          53 :   if (numtables > 0){
    1203          22 :     for (Int i=0;i<numtables;i++){
    1204          12 :       applyinf = vc_p[i]->applyinfo();
    1205          94 :       while ((pos=applyinf.find(space_delimiter))!=string::npos) {
    1206          82 :         words.push_back(applyinf.substr(0, pos));
    1207          82 :         applyinf.erase(0, pos+space_delimiter.length());
    1208             :       }
    1209         106 :       for (const auto &str : words){
    1210          94 :         if (str.rfind("table=",0) == 0){
    1211          14 :           applytableset.insert(str.substr(6));
    1212             :         }
    1213             :       }
    1214             :     }
    1215             :   }
    1216          53 :   Vector<String> res(applytableset.begin(),applytableset.size(),0);
    1217         106 :   return res;
    1218          53 : }
    1219             : 
    1220          53 : Vector<String> Calibrater::getSolveTable() {
    1221          53 :   string solveinf;
    1222          53 :   set<String> solvetableset;
    1223          53 :   string space_delimiter = " ";
    1224          53 :   vector<string> words{};
    1225          53 :   size_t pos = 0;
    1226             :   
    1227             :   // Parse through the solve info
    1228             :   // and extract the applied solve table into a vector
    1229          53 :   if (svc_p){
    1230          53 :     solveinf = svc_p->solveinfo();
    1231         529 :     while ((pos=solveinf.find(space_delimiter)) !=string::npos) {
    1232         476 :       words.push_back(solveinf.substr(0, pos));
    1233         476 :       solveinf.erase(0, pos+space_delimiter.length());
    1234             :     }
    1235         529 :     for (const auto &str : words) {
    1236         476 :       if (str.rfind("table=",0) == 0){
    1237          53 :         solvetableset.insert(str.substr(6));
    1238             :       }
    1239             :     }
    1240             :   }
    1241          53 :   Vector<String> res(solvetableset.begin(), solvetableset.size(),0);
    1242         106 :   return res;
    1243          53 : }
    1244             : 
    1245          53 : Bool Calibrater::getIteratorSelection(Vector<Int>* observationlist, Vector<Int>* scanlist, Vector<Int>* fieldlist, Vector<Int>* antennalist) {
    1246             :   // get the observation, scan, field, and antenna from the iterator
    1247          53 :   set<Int> selobsset;
    1248          53 :   set<Int> selscanset;
    1249          53 :   set<Int> selfieldset;
    1250          53 :   set<Int> selantset;
    1251             : 
    1252         106 :   vi::VisibilityIterator2 vi(*mssel_p);
    1253          53 :   vi.originChunks();
    1254          53 :   vi.origin();
    1255          53 :   vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi.getVisBuffer();
    1256             :   
    1257         261 :   for (vi.originChunks(); vi.moreChunks(); vi.nextChunk()){
    1258      107150 :     for (vi.origin (); vi.more();{
    1259             :         // get obs ids
    1260      106942 :         selobsset.insert(vb->observationId()(0));
    1261             :         // get scan ids
    1262      106942 :         selscanset.insert(vb->scan()(0));
    1263             :         // get field ids
    1264      106942 :         selfieldset.insert(vb->fieldId()(0));
    1265             :       }
    1266             :   }
    1267        4495 :   for (auto & ant : vb->antenna1()){
    1268        4442 :     selantset.insert(ant);
    1269          53 :   }
    1270        4495 :   for (auto & ant : vb->antenna2()){
    1271        4442 :     selantset.insert(ant);
    1272          53 :   }
    1273             :   
    1274          53 :   *observationlist = convertSetToVector(selobsset);
    1275          53 :   *scanlist = convertSetToVector(selscanset);
    1276          53 :   *fieldlist = convertSetToVector(selfieldset);
    1277          53 :   *antennalist = convertSetToVector(selantset);
    1278             :   
    1279          53 :   return true;
    1280          53 : }
    1281             : 
    1282          53 :  Record Calibrater::returndict()
    1283             : {
    1284             :   // Create record and subrecrds for selection data
    1285          53 :   Record rec;
    1286          53 :   Record selectVisRec;
    1287             : 
    1288          53 :   Vector<Int> selscanlist;
    1289          53 :   Vector<Int> selfieldlist;
    1290          53 :   Vector<Int> selantlist;
    1291          53 :   Vector<Int> selobslist;
    1292             : 
    1293          53 :   getIteratorSelection(&selobslist, &selscanlist, &selfieldlist, &selantlist);
    1294             :      
    1295             :   // Define sub-record for selection parameters
    1296          53 :   selectVisRec.define("antennas", selantlist);
    1297          53 :   selectVisRec.define("field", selfieldlist);
    1298          53 :   selectVisRec.define("spw", getSelectedSpws());
    1299          53 :   selectVisRec.define("scan", selscanlist);
    1300          53 :   selectVisRec.define("observation", selobslist);
    1301          53 :   selectVisRec.define("intents", getSelectedIntents());
    1302             :   
    1303             :   // Create a record with current calibrater state information
    1304             :   //rec.define("antennas", selantlist);
    1305             :   //rec.define("field", selfieldlist);
    1306             :   //rec.define("spw", getSelectedSpws());
    1307             :   //rec.define("scan", selscanlist);
    1308             :   //rec.define("observation", selobslist);
    1309             :   //rec.define("intents", getSelectedIntents());
    1310          53 :   rec.defineRecord("selectvis", selectVisRec);
    1311          53 :   rec.define("apply_tables", getApplyTables());
    1312          53 :   rec.define("solve_tables", getSolveTable());
    1313             :     
    1314          53 :   rec.merge(resRec_);
    1315             :   
    1316         106 :   return rec;
    1317          53 : }
    1318             : 
    1319           0 : Bool Calibrater::state() {
    1320             : 
    1321           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","state") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    1322             : 
    1323           0 :   applystate();
    1324           0 :   solvestate();
    1325             : 
    1326           0 :   return true;
    1327             : 
    1328             : }
    1329             : 
    1330         303 : Bool Calibrater::applystate() {
    1331             : 
    1332             : 
    1333             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","applystate") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1334             : 
    1335             :   logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
    1336             :             << "The following calibration terms are arranged for apply:"
    1337         303 :             << LogIO::POST;
    1338             : 
    1339         303 :   Int napp(vc_p.nelements());
    1340         303 :   if (napp>0)
    1341         386 :     for (Int iapp=0;iapp<napp;++iapp)
    1342             :       logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
    1343         448 :                 << vc_p[iapp]->applyinfo()
    1344         448 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    1345             :   else
    1346             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
    1347             :               << "(None)"
    1348         141 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1349             : 
    1350         303 :   return true;
    1351             : 
    1352             : }
    1353             : 
    1354             : 
    1355         207 : Bool Calibrater::solvestate() {
    1356             : 
    1357             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","solvestate") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1358             : 
    1359             :   logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
    1360             :             << "The following calibration term is arranged for solve:"
    1361         207 :             << LogIO::POST;
    1362             : 
    1363         207 :   if (svc_p)
    1364             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
    1365         207 :               << svc_p->solveinfo()
    1366         207 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1367             :   else
    1368             :     logSink()  << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
    1369             :               << "(None)"
    1370           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1371             : 
    1372         207 :   return true;
    1373             : }
    1374             : 
    1375        2243 : Bool Calibrater::reset(const Bool& apply, const Bool& solve) {
    1376             : 
    1377             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","reset") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1378             : 
    1379             :   // Delete the VisCal apply list
    1380        2243 :   if (apply)   
    1381        2243 :     unsetapply();
    1382             : 
    1383             :   // Delete the VisCal solve object
    1384        2243 :   if (solve)
    1385        2243 :     unsetsolve();
    1386             :         
    1387        2243 :   return true;
    1388             : }
    1389             : 
    1390             : // Delete all (default) or one VisCal in apply list
    1391        2267 : Bool Calibrater::unsetapply(const Int& which) {
    1392             : 
    1393             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","unsetapply") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1394             :   
    1395             :   try {
    1396        2267 :     if (which<0) {
    1397        2487 :       for (uInt i=0;i<vc_p.nelements();i++)
    1398         220 :         if (vc_p[i]) delete vc_p[i];
    1399        2267 :       vc_p.resize(0,true);
    1400             :     } else {
    1401           0 :       if (vc_p[which]) delete vc_p[which];
    1402           0 :       vc_p.remove(which);
    1403             :     }
    1404             :     
    1405             :     // Maintain size/sort of apply list
    1406        2267 :     if(ve_p) ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    1407             : 
    1408        2267 :     return true;
    1409           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1410             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    1411           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1412           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::unsetapply."));
    1413             : 
    1414             :     return false;
    1415           0 :   }
    1416             :   return false;
    1417             : }
    1418             : 
    1419             :   // Delete solve VisCal
    1420        2452 : Bool Calibrater::unsetsolve() {
    1421             : 
    1422             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","unsetsolve") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1423             : 
    1424             :   try {
    1425        2452 :     if (svc_p) delete svc_p;
    1426        2452 :     svc_p=NULL;
    1427             :     
    1428        2452 :     if(ve_p) ve_p->setsolve(*svc_p);
    1429             : 
    1430        2452 :     return true;
    1431             : 
    1432           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    1433             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    1434           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    1435           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::unsetsolve."));
    1436             :     return false;
    1437           0 :   }
    1438             :   return false;
    1439             : }
    1440             : 
    1441             : Bool
    1442           3 : Calibrater::setCorrDepFlags(const Bool& corrDepFlags) 
    1443             : {
    1444             : 
    1445           3 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","setCorrDepFlags") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1446             : 
    1447             :   // Set it
    1448           3 :   corrDepFlags_=corrDepFlags;
    1449             : 
    1450           3 :   logSink() << "Setting correlation dependent flags = " << (corrDepFlags_ ? "True" : "False") << LogIO::POST;
    1451             : 
    1452           3 :   return true;
    1453             : 
    1454             : }
    1455             : 
    1456             : Bool
    1457           0 : Calibrater::setCorrcomb(const String& corrcomb) 
    1458             : {
    1459             : 
    1460           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater", "setCorrcomb") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1461             : 
    1462           0 :   corrcomb_= corrcomb;
    1463             : 
    1464           0 :   logSink() << "Setting correlation combination = " << corrcomb << LogIO::POST;
    1465             : 
    1466           0 :   return true;
    1467             : 
    1468             : }
    1469             : 
    1470             : 
    1471             : Bool
    1472          83 : Calibrater::correct2(String mode)
    1473             : {
    1474          83 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","correct2 (VI2/VB2)") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1475             : 
    1476             :     //cout << "Artificial STOP!" << endl;
    1477             :     //return false;
    1478             : 
    1479             : 
    1480          83 :     Bool retval = true;
    1481             : 
    1482             :     try {
    1483             : 
    1484             :       // Ensure apply list non-zero and properly sorted
    1485          83 :       ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    1486             : 
    1487          83 :       bool forceOldVIByEnv(false);
    1488          83 :       forceOldVIByEnv = (getenv("VI1CAL")!=NULL);
    1489          83 :       if (forceOldVIByEnv && anyEQ(ve_p->listTypes(),VisCal::A)) {
    1490           0 :         logSink() << LogIO::WARN << "Using VI2 calibration apply.  AMueller (uvcontsub) no longer requires VI1 for apply." << LogIO::POST;
    1491             :       }
    1492             : 
    1493             :       /*   CAS-12434 (2019Jun07, gmoellen): AMueller works with VB2 in _apply_ (only) context now
    1494             :       // Trap uvcontsub case, since it does not yet handlg VB2
    1495             :       if (anyEQ(ve_p->listTypes(),VisCal::A)) {
    1496             : 
    1497             :         // Only uvcontsub, nothing else
    1498             :         if (ve_p->nTerms()==1) {
    1499             :           // Use old method (which doesn't need WEIGHT_SPECTRUM support in this context)
    1500             :           return this->correct(mode);
    1501             :         }
    1502             :         else
    1503             :           throw(AipsError("Cannot handle AMueller (uvcontsub) and other types simultaneously."));
    1504             :       }
    1505             :       */
    1506             :       
    1507             :       // Report the types that will be applied
    1508          83 :       applystate();
    1509             : 
    1510             :       // make mode all-caps
    1511          83 :       String upmode=mode;
    1512          83 :       upmode.upcase();
    1513             : 
    1514             :       // If trialmode=T, only the flags will be set
    1515             :       //   (and only written if not TRIAL)
    1516         165 :       Bool trialmode=(upmode.contains("TRIAL") || 
    1517          82 :                       upmode.contains("FLAGONLY"));
    1518             : 
    1519             : 
    1520             :       // Arrange for iteration over data
    1521          83 :       Block<Int> columns;
    1522             :       // include scan iteration
    1523          83 :       columns.resize(5);
    1524          83 :       columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    1525          83 :       columns[1]=MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    1526          83 :       columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    1527          83 :       columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    1528          83 :       columns[4]=MS::TIME;
    1529             : 
    1530          83 :       vi::SortColumns sc(columns);
    1531          83 :       vi::VisibilityIterator2 vi(*mssel_p,sc,true);
    1532             : 
    1533             :       // Apply channel selection (see selectChannel(spw))
    1534          83 :       if (frequencySelections_p)
    1535          83 :         vi.setFrequencySelection(*frequencySelections_p);
    1536             : 
    1537          83 :       vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi.getVisBuffer();
    1538             : 
    1539             :       // Detect if we will be setting WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, and arrange for this
    1540          83 :       vi.originChunks();    // required for wSExists() in next line to work
    1541          83 :       vi.origin();
    1542          83 :       Bool doWtSp=vi.weightSpectrumExists();  // Exists non-trivially
    1543             : 
    1544          83 :       if (doWtSp && calWt()) 
    1545          15 :         logSink() << "Found valid WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, correcting it." << LogIO::POST;
    1546             : 
    1547             :       // Pass each timestamp (VisBuffer) to VisEquation for correction
    1548             :       
    1549          83 :       Vector<Bool> uncalspw(vi.nSpectralWindows());  // Used to accumulate error messages
    1550          83 :       uncalspw.set(false);                           // instead of bombing the user
    1551             : 
    1552          83 :       uInt nvb(0);
    1553             : 
    1554        2489 :         for (vi.originChunks(); vi.moreChunks(); vi.nextChunk()) {
    1555             : 
    1556      202813 :           for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); {
    1557             : 
    1558      200441 :             uInt spw = vb->spectralWindows()(0);
    1559             :             //if (ve_p->spwOK(spw)){
    1560             :             //if (    (usingCalLibrary_ && ve_p->VBOKforCalApply(*vb))  // CalLibrary case
    1561             :             //     || (!usingCalLibrary_ && ve_p->spwOK(spw))          // old-fashioned case
    1562             :             //   ) {
    1563      200441 :             if ( ve_p->VBOKforCalApply(*vb) ) {  // Handles old and new (CL) contexts
    1564             : 
    1565             :               // Re-initialize weight info from sigma info
    1566             :               //   This is smart wrt spectral weights, etc.
    1567             :               //   (this makes W and WS, if present, "dirty" in the vb)
    1568             :               // TBD: only do this if !trial (else: avoid the I/O)
    1569      200407 :               vb->resetWeightsUsingSigma();
    1570             : 
    1571             :               // Arrange for _in-place_ apply on CORRECTED_DATA (init from DATA)
    1572             :               //   (this makes CD "dirty" in the vb)
    1573             :               // TBD: only do this if !trial (else: avoid the I/O)
    1574      200407 :               vb->setVisCubeCorrected(vb->visCube());
    1575             : 
    1576             :               // Make flagcube dirty in the vb
    1577             :               //  NB: we must _always_ do this I/O  (even trial mode)
    1578      200407 :               vb->setFlagCube(vb->flagCube());
    1579             : 
    1580             :               // Make all vb "not dirty"; we'll carefully arrange the writeback below
    1581      200407 :               vb->dirtyComponentsClear();
    1582             : 
    1583             :               // throws exception if nothing to apply
    1584      200407 :               ve_p->correct2(*vb,trialmode,doWtSp);
    1585             :                     
    1586             :               // Only if not a trial run, manage writes to disk
    1587      200407 :               if (upmode!="TRIAL") {
    1588             :                 
    1589      193099 :                 if (upmode.contains("CAL")) {
    1590      178483 :                   vb->setVisCubeCorrected(vb->visCubeCorrected());
    1591             : 
    1592      178483 :                   if (calWt()) {
    1593             :                     // Set weights dirty only if calwt=T
    1594      170754 :                     if (doWtSp) {
    1595         240 :                       vb->setWeightSpectrum(vb->weightSpectrum());
    1596             :                       // If WS was calibrated, set W to its channel-axis median
    1597         240 :                       vb->setWeight(partialMedians(vb->weightSpectrum(),IPosition(1,1)));
    1598             :                     }
    1599             :                     else
    1600      170514 :                       vb->setWeight(vb->weight()); 
    1601             :                   }
    1602             :                 }
    1603             : 
    1604      193099 :                 if (upmode.contains("FLAG"))
    1605      182651 :                   vb->setFlagCube(vb->flagCube());
    1606             :                 
    1607             :                 // Push the calibrated data etc. back to the MS
    1608      193099 :                 vb->writeChangesBack();
    1609      193099 :                 nvb+=1;  // increment vb counter
    1610             :               }
    1611             : 
    1612             :             }
    1613             :             else{
    1614          34 :               uncalspw[spw] = true;
    1615             : 
    1616             :               // set the flags, if we are being strict
    1617             :               // (don't touch the data/weights, which are initialized)
    1618          34 :               if (upmode.contains("STRICT")) {
    1619             : 
    1620             :                 // reference (to avoid copy) and set the flags
    1621           0 :                 Cube<Bool> fC(vb->flagCube());   // reference
    1622           0 :                 fC.set(true);  
    1623             : 
    1624             :                 // make dirty for writeChangesBack  (does this do an actual copy?)
    1625           0 :                 vb->setFlagCube(vb->flagCube());
    1626             : 
    1627             :                 // write back to 
    1628           0 :                 vb->writeChangesBack();
    1629             : 
    1630           0 :               }
    1631             :               else {
    1632             : 
    1633             :                 // Break out of inner VI2 loop, if possible
    1634          34 :                 if (! vi.isAsynchronous()){
    1635             :                   
    1636             :                   // Asynchronous I/O doesn't have a way to skip
    1637             :                   // VisBuffers, so only break out when not using
    1638             :                   // async i/o.
    1639          34 :                   break; 
    1640             : 
    1641             :                 }
    1642             : 
    1643             :               }
    1644             :             }
    1645             :           }
    1646             :         }
    1647             : 
    1648             :         // Now that we're out of the loop, summarize any errors.
    1649             : 
    1650          83 :         retval = summarize_uncalspws(uncalspw, "correct",
    1651          83 :                                      upmode.contains("STRICT"));
    1652             :         
    1653          83 :         actRec_=Record();
    1654          83 :         actRec_.define("origin","Calibrater::correct");
    1655          83 :         actRec_.defineRecord("VisEquation",ve_p->actionRec());
    1656             :         
    1657             : 
    1658             :         //cout << "Number of VisBuffers corrected: " << nvb << endl;
    1659             : 
    1660          83 :     }
    1661           0 :     catch (AipsError x) {
    1662             :         logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    1663           0 :                       << LogIO::POST;
    1664             : 
    1665           0 :         logSink() << "Resetting all calibration application settings." << LogIO::POST;
    1666           0 :         unsetapply();
    1667             : 
    1668           0 :         throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::correct."));
    1669             :         retval = false;         // Not that it ever gets here...
    1670           0 :     }
    1671          83 :     return retval;
    1672             : }
    1673             : 
    1674           0 : Bool Calibrater::corrupt2()
    1675             : {
    1676           0 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","corrupt2 (VI2/VB2)") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1677           0 :     Bool retval = true;
    1678             : 
    1679             :     try {
    1680             : 
    1681           0 :       if (!ok())
    1682           0 :         throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for corrupt2!"));
    1683             :       
    1684             :       // MODEL_DATA column must be physically present!
    1685           0 :       if (!ms_p->tableDesc().isColumn("MODEL_DATA"))
    1686           0 :         throw(AipsError("MODEL_DATA column unexpectedly absent. Cannot corrupt."));
    1687             : 
    1688             :       // Ensure apply list non-zero and properly sorted
    1689           0 :       ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    1690             : 
    1691             :       /*
    1692             :       // Trap uvcontsub case, since it does not yet handlg VB2
    1693             :       if (anyEQ(ve_p->listTypes(),VisCal::A)) {
    1694             : 
    1695             :         // Only uvcontsub, nothing else
    1696             :         if (ve_p->nTerms()==1) {
    1697             :           // Use old method (which doesn't need WEIGHT_SPECTRUM support in this context)
    1698             :           return this->correct(mode);
    1699             :         }
    1700             :         else
    1701             :           throw(AipsError("Cannot handle AMueller (uvcontsub) and other types simultaneously."));
    1702             :       }
    1703             :       */
    1704             :       
    1705             :       // Report the types that will be applied
    1706           0 :       applystate();
    1707             : 
    1708             :       // Arrange for iteration over data
    1709           0 :       Block<Int> columns;
    1710             :       // include scan iteration
    1711           0 :       columns.resize(5);
    1712           0 :       columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    1713           0 :       columns[1]=MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    1714           0 :       columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    1715           0 :       columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    1716           0 :       columns[4]=MS::TIME;
    1717             : 
    1718           0 :       vi::SortColumns sc(columns);
    1719           0 :       vi::VisibilityIterator2 vi(*mssel_p,sc,true);
    1720             : 
    1721             :       // Apply channel selection (see selectChannel(spw))
    1722           0 :       if (frequencySelections_p)
    1723           0 :         vi.setFrequencySelection(*frequencySelections_p);
    1724             : 
    1725           0 :       vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi.getVisBuffer();
    1726             : 
    1727             :       // Detect if we will be setting WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, and arrange for this
    1728           0 :       vi.originChunks();    // required for wSExists() in next line to work
    1729           0 :       vi.origin();
    1730             :       
    1731           0 :       Vector<Bool> uncalspw(vi.nSpectralWindows());  // Used to accumulate error messages
    1732           0 :       uncalspw.set(false);                           // instead of bombing the user
    1733             : 
    1734             :       // Pass each timestamp (VisBuffer) to VisEquation for correction
    1735           0 :       uInt nvb(0);
    1736           0 :       for (vi.originChunks(); vi.moreChunks(); vi.nextChunk()) {
    1737           0 :         for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); {
    1738           0 :           uInt spw = vb->spectralWindows()(0);
    1739             :           //if (ve_p->spwOK(spw)){
    1740           0 :           if (usingCalLibrary_ || ve_p->spwOK(spw)){
    1741             : 
    1742             :             // Make all vb "not dirty", for safety
    1743           0 :             vb->dirtyComponentsClear();
    1744             : 
    1745             :             // throws exception if nothing to apply
    1746           0 :             ve_p->corrupt2(*vb);
    1747             : 
    1748             :             // make visCubeModel _ONLY_ dirty for writeChangesBack
    1749           0 :             vb->setVisCubeModel(vb->visCubeModel());
    1750             :             
    1751             :             // Push the corrupted model back to the MS
    1752           0 :             vb->writeChangesBack();
    1753           0 :             nvb+=1;  // increment vb counter
    1754             :           }
    1755             :           else{
    1756           0 :             uncalspw[spw] = true;
    1757             :           }
    1758             :         }
    1759             :       }
    1760             : 
    1761             :       // Now that we're out of the loop, summarize any errors.
    1762           0 :       retval = summarize_uncalspws(uncalspw, "corrupt2",false);   // (didn't flag them)
    1763             :       
    1764           0 :       actRec_=Record();
    1765           0 :       actRec_.define("origin","Calibrater::corrupt2");
    1766           0 :       actRec_.defineRecord("VisEquation",ve_p->actionRec());
    1767             : 
    1768             :       //cout << "Number of VisBuffers corrupted: " << nvb << endl;
    1769             :       
    1770           0 :     }
    1771           0 :     catch (AipsError x) {
    1772             :         logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    1773           0 :                       << LogIO::POST;
    1774             : 
    1775           0 :         logSink() << "Resetting all calibration application settings." << LogIO::POST;
    1776           0 :         unsetapply();
    1777             : 
    1778           0 :         throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::corrupt2."));
    1779             :         retval = false;         // Not that it ever gets here...
    1780           0 :     }
    1781           0 :     return retval;
    1782             :  }
    1783             : 
    1784          24 : Bool Calibrater::initWeightsWithTsys(String wtmode, Bool dowtsp,
    1785             :                                      String tsystable, String gainfield, String interp, Vector<Int> spwmap) {
    1786             : 
    1787          48 :         logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater", "initWeightsWithTsys")
    1788          48 :                         << LogIO::NORMAL;
    1789          24 :         Bool retval = true;
    1790             : 
    1791             :         try {
    1792             : 
    1793          24 :                 if (!ok())
    1794           0 :                         throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for initWeights!"));
    1795             : 
    1796          24 :                 String uptype = calTableType(tsystable);
    1797          24 :                 if (!uptype.contains("TSYS")) {
    1798           0 :                         throw(AipsError(
    1799           0 :                                         "Invalid calibration table type for Tsys weighting."));
    1800             :                 }
    1801             :                 // Set record format for calibration table application information
    1802          24 :                 RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    1803          24 :                 applyparDesc.addField("t", TpDouble);
    1804          24 :                 applyparDesc.addField("table", TpString);
    1805          24 :                 applyparDesc.addField("interp", TpString);
    1806          24 :                 applyparDesc.addField("spw", TpArrayInt);
    1807          24 :                 applyparDesc.addField("fieldstr", TpString);
    1808          24 :                 applyparDesc.addField("calwt", TpBool);
    1809          24 :                 applyparDesc.addField("spwmap", TpArrayInt);
    1810          24 :                 applyparDesc.addField("opacity", TpArrayDouble);
    1811             : 
    1812             :                 // Create record with the requisite field values
    1813          24 :                 Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    1814          24 :                 applypar.define("t", 0.0);
    1815          24 :                 applypar.define("table", tsystable);
    1816          24 :                 applypar.define("interp", interp);
    1817          24 :                 applypar.define("spw", getSpwIdx(""));
    1818          24 :                 applypar.define("fieldstr", gainfield);
    1819          24 :                 applypar.define("calwt", true);
    1820          24 :                 applypar.define("spwmap", spwmap);
    1821          24 :                 applypar.define("opacity", Vector<Double>(1, 0.0));
    1822             : 
    1823          24 :                 if (vc_p.nelements() > 0) {
    1824           0 :                         logSink() << LogIO::WARN << "Resetting all calibration application settings." << LogIO::POST;
    1825           0 :                         unsetapply();
    1826             :                 }
    1827          24 :                 logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << "Weight initialization does not support selection. Resetting MS selection." << LogIO::POST;
    1828          24 :                 selectvis();
    1829          24 :                 StandardTsys vc = StandardTsys(*msmc_p);
    1830          24 :                 vc.setApply(applypar);
    1831             : 
    1832          24 :                 logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   " << vc.applyinfo() << LogIO::POST;
    1833          24 :                 PtrBlock<VisCal*> vcb(1, &vc);
    1834             :                 // Maintain sort of apply list
    1835          24 :                 ve_p->setapply(vcb);
    1836             : 
    1837             :                 // Detect WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and SIGMA_SPECTRUM
    1838          24 :                 TableDesc mstd = ms_p->actualTableDesc();
    1839          24 :                 String colWtSp = MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM);
    1840          24 :                 Bool wtspexists = mstd.isColumn(colWtSp);
    1841          24 :                 String colSigSp = MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM);
    1842          24 :                 Bool sigspexists = mstd.isColumn(colSigSp);
    1843          24 :                 Bool addsigsp = (dowtsp && !sigspexists);
    1844             : 
    1845             :                 // Some log info
    1846          24 :                 bool use_exposure = false;
    1847          24 :                 if (wtmode == "tsys") {
    1848             :                         logSink()
    1849             :                                         << "Initializing SIGMA and WEIGHT according to channel bandwidth and Tsys. NOTE this is an expert mode."
    1850          12 :                                         << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
    1851          12 :                 } else if (wtmode == "tinttsys") {
    1852             :                         logSink()
    1853             :                                         << "Initializing SIGMA and WEIGHT according to channel bandwidth, integration time, and Tsys. NOTE this is an expert mode."
    1854          12 :                                         << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
    1855          12 :                         use_exposure = true;
    1856             :                 } else {
    1857           0 :                         throw(AipsError("Unrecognized wtmode specified: " + wtmode));
    1858             :                 }
    1859             : 
    1860             :                 // Force dowtsp if the column already exists
    1861          24 :                 if (wtspexists && !dowtsp) {
    1862             :                         logSink() << "Found WEIGHT_SPECTRUM; will force its initialization."
    1863           0 :                                         << LogIO::POST;
    1864           0 :                         dowtsp = true;
    1865             :                 }
    1866             : 
    1867             :                 // Report that we are initializing the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, and prepare to do so.
    1868          24 :                 if (dowtsp) {
    1869             : 
    1870             :                         // Ensure WEIGHT_SPECTRUM really exists at all
    1871             :                         //   (often it exists but is empty)
    1872          12 :                         if (!wtspexists) {
    1873          12 :                                 logSink() << "Creating WEIGHT_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    1874             : 
    1875             :                                 // Nominal defaulttileshape
    1876          12 :                                 IPosition dts(3, 4, 32, 1024);
    1877             : 
    1878             :                                 // Discern DATA's default tile shape and use it
    1879          12 :                                 const Record dminfo = ms_p->dataManagerInfo();
    1880         300 :                                 for (uInt i = 0; i < dminfo.nfields(); ++i) {
    1881         288 :                                         Record col = dminfo.asRecord(i);
    1882             :                                         //if (upcase(col.asString("NAME"))=="TILEDDATA") {
    1883         288 :                                         if (anyEQ(col.asArrayString("COLUMNS"), String("DATA"))) {
    1884           0 :                                                 dts = IPosition(
    1885           0 :                                                                 col.asRecord("SPEC").asArrayInt(
    1886           0 :                                                                                 "DEFAULTTILESHAPE"));
    1887             :                                                 //cout << "Found DATA's default tile: " << dts << endl;
    1888           0 :                                                 break;
    1889             :                                         }
    1890         288 :                                 }
    1891             : 
    1892             :                                 // Add the column
    1893          12 :                                 String colWtSp = MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM);
    1894          12 :                                 TableDesc tdWtSp;
    1895          12 :                                 tdWtSp.addColumn(
    1896          24 :                                                 ArrayColumnDesc<Float>(colWtSp, "weight spectrum", 2));
    1897          12 :                                 TiledShapeStMan wtSpStMan("TiledWgtSpectrum", dts);
    1898          12 :                                 ms_p->addColumn(tdWtSp, wtSpStMan);
    1899          12 :                         } else
    1900           0 :                                 logSink() << "Found WEIGHT_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    1901             :                         // Ensure WEIGHT_SPECTRUM really exists at all
    1902             :                         //   (often it exists but is empty)
    1903          12 :                 if (!sigspexists) {
    1904          12 :                                 logSink() << "Creating SIGMA_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    1905             : 
    1906             :                                 // Nominal defaulttileshape
    1907          12 :                                 IPosition dts(3, 4, 32, 1024);
    1908             : 
    1909             :                                 // Discern DATA's default tile shape and use it
    1910          12 :                                 const Record dminfo = ms_p->dataManagerInfo();
    1911         312 :                                 for (uInt i = 0; i < dminfo.nfields(); ++i) {
    1912         300 :                                         Record col = dminfo.asRecord(i);
    1913             :                                         //if (upcase(col.asString("NAME"))=="TILEDDATA") {
    1914         300 :                                         if (anyEQ(col.asArrayString("COLUMNS"), String("DATA"))) {
    1915           0 :                                                 dts = IPosition(
    1916           0 :                                                                 col.asRecord("SPEC").asArrayInt(
    1917           0 :                                                                                 "DEFAULTTILESHAPE"));
    1918             :                                                 //cout << "Found DATA's default tile: " << dts << endl;
    1919           0 :                                                 break;
    1920             :                                         }
    1921         300 :                                 }
    1922             : 
    1923             :                                 // Add the column
    1924          12 :                                 String colSigSp = MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM);
    1925          12 :                                 TableDesc tdSigSp;
    1926          12 :                                 tdSigSp.addColumn(
    1927          24 :                                                 ArrayColumnDesc<Float>(colSigSp, "sigma spectrum", 2));
    1928          12 :                                 TiledShapeStMan sigSpStMan("TiledSigtSpectrum", dts);
    1929          12 :                                 ms_p->addColumn(tdSigSp, sigSpStMan);
    1930             :                                 {
    1931          12 :                                   TableDesc loctd = ms_p->actualTableDesc();
    1932          12 :                                   String loccolSigSp = MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM);
    1933          12 :                                   AlwaysAssert(loctd.isColumn(loccolSigSp),AipsError);
    1934          12 :                                 }
    1935          12 :                 }
    1936             :                 }
    1937             :                 else {
    1938          12 :     if (sigspexists) {
    1939           0 :       logSink() << "Removing SIGMA_SPECTRUM for non-channelized weight." << LogIO::POST;
    1940             :       if (true || ms_p->canRemoveColumn(colSigSp)) {
    1941           0 :         ms_p->removeColumn(colSigSp);
    1942             :       }
    1943             :       else
    1944             :         logSink() << LogIO::WARN << "Failed to remove SIGMA_SPECTRUM column. Values in SIGMA and SIGMA_SPECTRUM columns may be inconsistent after the operation." << LogIO::POST;
    1945             :     }
    1946             :                 }
    1947             : 
    1948             :                 // Arrange for iteration over data
    1949             :                 //  TBD: Be sure this sort is optimal for creating WS?
    1950          24 :                 Block<Int> columns;
    1951             :                 // include scan iteration
    1952          24 :                 columns.resize(5);
    1953          24 :                 columns[0] = MS::ARRAY_ID;
    1954          24 :                 columns[1] = MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    1955          24 :                 columns[2] = MS::FIELD_ID;
    1956          24 :                 columns[3] = MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    1957          24 :                 columns[4] = MS::TIME;
    1958             : 
    1959          24 :                 vi::SortColumns sc(columns);
    1960          24 :                 vi::VisibilityIterator2 vi2(*ms_p, sc, true);
    1961          24 :                 vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi2.getVisBuffer();
    1962             : 
    1963          24 :                 MSColumns mscol(*ms_p);
    1964          24 :                 const MSSpWindowColumns& msspw(mscol.spectralWindow());
    1965          24 :                 uInt nSpw = msspw.nrow();
    1966          24 :                 Vector<Double> effChBw(nSpw, 0.0);
    1967         432 :                 for (uInt ispw = 0; ispw < nSpw; ++ispw) {
    1968         408 :                         effChBw[ispw] = mean(msspw.effectiveBW()(ispw));
    1969             :                 }
    1970             : 
    1971          24 :                 Int ivb(0);
    1972         648 :                 for (vi2.originChunks(); vi2.moreChunks(); vi2.nextChunk()) {
    1973             : 
    1974        1248 :                         for (vi2.origin(); vi2.more();, ++ivb) {
    1975             : 
    1976         624 :                                 Int spw = vb->spectralWindows()(0);
    1977             : 
    1978         624 :                                 auto nrow = vb->nRows();
    1979         624 :                                 Int nchan = vb->nChannels();
    1980         624 :                                 Int ncor = vb->nCorrelations();
    1981             : 
    1982             :                                 // Prepare for WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and SIGMA_SPECTRUM, if nec.
    1983         624 :                                 Cube<Float> newwtsp(0, 0, 0), newsigsp(0, 0, 0);
    1984         624 :                                 if (dowtsp) {
    1985         312 :                                   newwtsp.resize(ncor, nchan, nrow);
    1986         312 :                                   newwtsp.set(1.0);
    1987         312 :                                   newsigsp.resize(ncor, nchan, nrow);
    1988         312 :                                   newsigsp.set(1.0);
    1989             :                                 }
    1990             : 
    1991         624 :                                 if (ve_p->spwOK(spw)) {
    1992             : 
    1993             :                                         // Re-initialize weight info from sigma info
    1994             :                                         //   This is smart wrt spectral weights, etc.
    1995             :                                         //   (this makes W and WS, if present, "dirty" in the vb)
    1996             :                                         // TBD: only do this if !trial (else: avoid the I/O)
    1997             :                                         // vb->resetWeightsUsingSigma();
    1998             :                                         // Handle non-trivial modes
    1999             :                                         // Init WEIGHT, SIGMA  from bandwidth & time
    2000         192 :                                         Matrix<Float> newwt(ncor, nrow), newsig(ncor, nrow);
    2001         192 :                                         newwt.set(1.0);
    2002         192 :                                         newsig.set(1.0);
    2003             : 
    2004             :                                         // Detect ACs
    2005         192 :                                         const Vector<Int> a1(vb->antenna1());
    2006         192 :                                         const Vector<Int> a2(vb->antenna2());
    2007         192 :                                         Vector<Bool> ac(a1 == a2);
    2008             : 
    2009             :                                         // XCs need an extra factor of 2
    2010         192 :                                         Vector<Float> xcfactor(nrow, 2.0);
    2011         192 :                                         xcfactor(ac) = 1.0;                             // (but not ACs)
    2012             : 
    2013             :                                         // The row-wise integration time
    2014         192 :                                         Vector<Float> expo(nrow);
    2015         192 :                                         convertArray(expo, vb->exposure());
    2016             : 
    2017             :                                         // Set weights to channel bandwidth first.
    2018         192 :                                         newwt.set(Float(effChBw(spw)));
    2019             : 
    2020             :                                         // For each correlation, apply exposure and xcfactor
    2021         576 :                                         for (Int icor = 0; icor < ncor; ++icor) {
    2022             : 
    2023         384 :                                                 Vector<Float> wt(newwt.row(icor));
    2024         384 :                                                 if (use_exposure) {
    2025         192 :                                                         wt *= expo;
    2026             :                                                 }
    2027         384 :                                                 wt *= xcfactor;
    2028         384 :                                                 if (dowtsp) {
    2029      404160 :                                                         for (Int ich = 0; ich < nchan; ++ich) {
    2030             :                                                                 Vector<Float> wtspi(
    2031      403968 :                                                                                 newwtsp(Slice(icor, 1, 1),
    2032     1211904 :                                                                                                 Slice(ich, 1, 1), Slice()).nonDegenerate(
    2033     1211904 :                                                                                                 IPosition(1, 2)));
    2034      403968 :                                                                 wtspi = wt;
    2035      403968 :                                                         }
    2036             :                                                 }
    2037         384 :                                         }
    2038             :                                         // Handle SIGMA_SPECTRUM
    2039         192 :                                         if (dowtsp) {
    2040          96 :                                           newsigsp = 1.0f / sqrt(newwtsp);
    2041             :                                         }
    2042             :                                         // sig from wt is inverse sqrt
    2043         192 :                                         newsig = 1.0f / sqrt(newwt);
    2044             : 
    2045             :                                         // Arrange write-back of both SIGMA and WEIGHT
    2046         192 :                                         vb->setSigma(newsig);
    2047         192 :                                         vb->setWeight(newwt);
    2048         192 :                                         if (dowtsp) {
    2049          96 :                                           vb->initWeightSpectrum(newwtsp);
    2050          96 :                                           vb->initSigmaSpectrum(newsigsp);
    2051             :                                         }
    2052             :                                         // Force writeback to disk (need to initialize weight/sigma before applying cal table)
    2053         192 :                                         vb->writeChangesBack();
    2054             : 
    2055             :                                         // Arrange for _in-place_ apply on CORRECTED_DATA (init from DATA)
    2056             :                                         //   (this makes CD "dirty" in the vb)
    2057             :                                         // TBD: only do this if !trial (else: avoid the I/O)
    2058         192 :                                         vb->setVisCubeCorrected(vb->visCube());
    2059             : 
    2060             :                                         // Make flagcube dirty in the vb
    2061             :                                         //  NB: we must _always_ do this I/O  (even trial mode)
    2062         192 :                                         vb->setFlagCube(vb->flagCube());
    2063             : 
    2064             :                                         // Make all vb "not dirty"; we'll carefully arrange the writeback below
    2065         192 :                                         vb->dirtyComponentsClear();
    2066             : 
    2067             :                                         // throws exception if nothing to apply
    2068         192 :                                         ve_p->correct2(*vb, false, dowtsp);
    2069             : 
    2070         192 :                                         if (dowtsp) {
    2071          96 :                                                 vb->setWeightSpectrum(vb->weightSpectrum());
    2072             :                                                 // If WS was calibrated, set W to its channel-axis median
    2073          96 :                                                 vb->setWeight( partialMedians(vb->weightSpectrum(), IPosition(1, 1)) );
    2074          96 :                                                 newsigsp = 1.0f / sqrt(vb->weightSpectrum());
    2075          96 :                                                 vb->initSigmaSpectrum(newsigsp);
    2076          96 :                                                 vb->setSigma( partialMedians(newsigsp, IPosition(1, 1)) );
    2077             :                                         } else {
    2078          96 :                                                 vb->setWeight(vb->weight());
    2079          96 :                                                 newsig = 1.0f / sqrt(vb->weight());
    2080          96 :                                                 vb->setSigma(newsig);
    2081             :                                         }
    2082             :                                         // Force writeback to disk
    2083         192 :                                         vb->writeChangesBack();
    2084             : 
    2085         192 :                                 } else {//Not calibrating the spw
    2086         432 :                                   if (dowtsp && !wtspexists) {
    2087             :                                     // newly created WS Need to initialize
    2088         216 :                                     vb->initWeightSpectrum(newwtsp);
    2089             :                                   }
    2090         432 :                                   if (addsigsp) {
    2091             :                                     // newly created SS Need to initialize
    2092         216 :                                     vb->initSigmaSpectrum(newsigsp);
    2093         216 :                                     vb->writeChangesBack();
    2094             :                                   }
    2095             :                                 }
    2096         624 :                         }
    2097             :                 }
    2098             :                 // clear-up Tsys caltable from list of apply
    2099          24 :                 unsetapply();
    2100             : 
    2101          24 :         } catch (AipsError x) {
    2102             :                 logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    2103           0 :                                 << LogIO::POST;
    2104             : 
    2105             :                 logSink() << "Resetting all calibration application settings."
    2106           0 :                                 << LogIO::POST;
    2107           0 :                 unsetapply();
    2108             : 
    2109           0 :                 throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::initWeights."));
    2110             :                 retval = false;  // Not that it ever gets here...
    2111           0 :         }
    2112          24 :         return retval;
    2113             : }
    2114             : 
    2115             : 
    2116          35 : Bool Calibrater::initWeights(String wtmode, Bool dowtsp) {
    2117             : 
    2118          35 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","initWeights") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    2119          35 :   Bool retval = true;
    2120             : 
    2121             :   try {
    2122             : 
    2123          35 :     if (!ok())
    2124           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for initWeights!"));
    2125             : 
    2126             :     // An enum for the requested wtmode
    2127             :     enum wtInitModeEnum {
    2128             :       NONE,    // ambiguous, will complain
    2129             :       ONES,    // SIGMA=1.0, propagate to WEIGHT, WEIGHT_SEPCTRUM
    2130             :       NYQ,      // SIGMA=f(df,dt), propagate to WEIGHT, WEIGHT_SEPCTRUM
    2131             :       SIGMA,   // SIGMA as is, propagate to WEIGHT, WEIGHT_SEPCTRUM
    2132             :       WEIGHT,  // SIGMA, WEIGHT as are, propagate to WEIGHT_SEPCTRUM (if requested)
    2133             :       DELWTSP,  // just delete WEIGHT_SPECTRUM if it exists
    2134             :       DELSIGSP,  // just delete SIGMA_SPECTRUM if it exists
    2135             :     };
    2136             :     
    2137             :     // Translate mode String to enum value
    2138          35 :     wtInitModeEnum initmode(NONE);
    2139          35 :     if (wtmode=="ones") initmode=ONES;
    2140          25 :     else if (wtmode=="nyq") initmode=NYQ;
    2141           8 :     else if (wtmode=="sigma") initmode=SIGMA;
    2142           6 :     else if (wtmode=="weight") initmode=WEIGHT;
    2143           4 :     else if (wtmode=="delwtsp") initmode=DELWTSP;
    2144           2 :     else if (wtmode=="delsigsp") initmode=DELSIGSP;
    2145             : 
    2146             :     // Detect WEIGHT_SPECTRUM
    2147          35 :     TableDesc mstd = ms_p->actualTableDesc();
    2148          35 :     String colWtSp=MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM);
    2149          35 :     Bool wtspexists=mstd.isColumn(colWtSp);
    2150          35 :     String colSigSp=MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM);
    2151          35 :     Bool sigspexists=mstd.isColumn(colSigSp);
    2152             : 
    2153             :     // Some log info
    2154          35 :     switch (initmode) {
    2155           2 :     case DELWTSP: {
    2156           2 :       if (wtspexists) {
    2157             :         if (true || ms_p->canRemoveColumn(colWtSp)) {
    2158           2 :           logSink() << "Removing WEIGHT_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    2159           2 :           ms_p->removeColumn(colWtSp);
    2160             :         }
    2161             :         else
    2162             :           logSink() << "Sorry, WEIGHT_SPECTRUM is not removable." << LogIO::POST;
    2163             :       }
    2164             :       else
    2165           0 :         logSink() << "WEIGHT_SPECTRUM already absent." << LogIO::POST;
    2166             : 
    2167             :       // Nothing more to do here
    2168           2 :       return true;
    2169             :       break;
    2170             :     }
    2171           2 :     case DELSIGSP: {
    2172           2 :       if (sigspexists) {
    2173             :         if (true || ms_p->canRemoveColumn(colSigSp)) {
    2174           2 :           logSink() << "Removing SIGMA_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    2175           2 :           ms_p->removeColumn(colSigSp);
    2176             :         }
    2177             :         else
    2178             :           logSink() << "Sorry, SIGMA_SPECTRUM is not removable." << LogIO::POST;
    2179             :       }
    2180             :       else
    2181           0 :         logSink() << "SIGMA_SPECTRUM already absent." << LogIO::POST;
    2182             : 
    2183             :       // Nothing more to do here
    2184           2 :       return true;
    2185             :       break;
    2186             :     }
    2187           0 :     case NONE: {
    2188           0 :       throw(AipsError("Unrecognized wtmode specified: "+wtmode));
    2189             :       break;
    2190             :     }
    2191          10 :     case ONES: {
    2192          10 :       logSink() << "Initializing SIGMA and WEIGHT with 1.0" << LogIO::POST;
    2193          10 :       break;
    2194             :     }
    2195          17 :     case NYQ: {
    2196             :       logSink() << "Initializing SIGMA and WEIGHT according to channel bandwidth and integration time." 
    2197          17 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    2198          17 :       break;
    2199             :     }
    2200           2 :     case SIGMA: {
    2201           2 :       logSink() << "Initializing WEIGHT according to existing SIGMA." << LogIO::POST;
    2202           2 :       break;
    2203             :     }
    2204           2 :     case WEIGHT: {
    2205             :       // Complain if dowtsp==F, because otherwise we have nothing to do
    2206           2 :       if (!dowtsp)
    2207           0 :         throw(AipsError("Specified wtmode requires dowtsp=T"));
    2208           2 :       break;
    2209             :     }
    2210             :     }
    2211             : 
    2212             :     // Force dowtsp if the column already exists
    2213          31 :     if (wtspexists && !dowtsp) {
    2214           2 :       logSink() << "Found WEIGHT_SPECTRUM; will force its initialization." << LogIO::POST;
    2215           2 :       dowtsp=true;
    2216             :     }
    2217             :     // remove SIGMA_SPECTRUM column for non-channelized weight
    2218          31 :     if (sigspexists) {
    2219           9 :       logSink() << "Removing SIGMA_SPECTRUM for non-channelized weight." << LogIO::POST;
    2220             :       if (true || ms_p->canRemoveColumn(colSigSp)) {
    2221           9 :         ms_p->removeColumn(colSigSp);
    2222             :       }
    2223             :       else
    2224             :         logSink() << LogIO::WARN << "Failed to remove SIGMA_SPECTRUM column. Values in SIGMA and SIGMA_SPECTRUM columns may be inconsistent after the operation." << LogIO::POST;
    2225             :     }
    2226             : 
    2227             :     // Report that we are initializing the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, and prepare to do so.
    2228          31 :     if (dowtsp) {
    2229             : 
    2230             :       // Ensure WEIGHT_SPECTRUM really exists at all 
    2231             :       //   (often it exists but is empty)
    2232          21 :       if (!wtspexists) {
    2233           5 :         logSink() << "Creating WEIGHT_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    2234             : 
    2235             :         // Nominal defaulttileshape
    2236           5 :         IPosition dts(3,4,32,1024); 
    2237             : 
    2238             :         // Discern DATA's default tile shape and use it
    2239           5 :         const Record dminfo=ms_p->dataManagerInfo();
    2240         117 :         for (uInt i=0;i<dminfo.nfields();++i) {
    2241         113 :           Record col=dminfo.asRecord(i);
    2242             :           //if (upcase(col.asString("NAME"))=="TILEDDATA") {
    2243         113 :           if (anyEQ(col.asArrayString("COLUMNS"),String("DATA"))) {
    2244           1 :             dts=IPosition(col.asRecord("SPEC").asArrayInt("DEFAULTTILESHAPE"));
    2245             :             //cout << "Found DATA's default tile: " << dts << endl;
    2246           1 :             break;
    2247             :           }
    2248         113 :         }
    2249             : 
    2250             :         // Add the column
    2251           5 :         String colWtSp=MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM);
    2252           5 :         TableDesc tdWtSp;
    2253           5 :         tdWtSp.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Float>(colWtSp,"weight spectrum", 2));
    2254           5 :         TiledShapeStMan wtSpStMan("TiledWgtSpectrum",dts);
    2255           5 :         ms_p->addColumn(tdWtSp,wtSpStMan);
    2256           5 :       }
    2257             :       else
    2258          16 :         logSink() << "Found WEIGHT_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    2259             : 
    2260             : 
    2261          21 :       logSink() << "Initializing WEIGHT_SPECTRUM uniformly in channel (==WEIGHT)." << LogIO::POST;
    2262             : 
    2263             :     }
    2264             : 
    2265             :     // Arrange for iteration over data
    2266             :     //  TBD: Be sure this sort is optimal for creating WS?
    2267          62 :     Block<Int> columns;
    2268             :     // include scan iteration
    2269          31 :     columns.resize(5);
    2270          31 :     columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    2271          31 :     columns[1]=MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    2272          31 :     columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    2273          31 :     columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    2274          31 :     columns[4]=MS::TIME;
    2275             : 
    2276          62 :     vi::SortColumns sc(columns);
    2277          62 :     vi::VisibilityIterator2 vi2(*ms_p,sc,true);
    2278          31 :     vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi2.getVisBuffer();
    2279             : 
    2280          62 :     MSColumns mscol(*ms_p);
    2281          31 :     const MSSpWindowColumns& msspw(mscol.spectralWindow());
    2282          31 :     uInt nSpw=msspw.nrow();
    2283          62 :     Vector<Double> effChBw(nSpw,0.0);
    2284         563 :     for (uInt ispw=0;ispw<nSpw;++ispw) {
    2285         532 :       effChBw[ispw]=mean(msspw.effectiveBW()(ispw));
    2286             :     }
    2287             : 
    2288          31 :     Int ivb(0);
    2289        3515 :     for (vi2.originChunks(); vi2.moreChunks(); vi2.nextChunk()) {
    2290             : 
    2291        7753 :       for (vi2.origin(); vi2.more();,++ivb) {
    2292             : 
    2293        4269 :         Int spw = vb->spectralWindows()(0);
    2294             : 
    2295        4269 :         auto nrow=vb->nRows();
    2296        4269 :         Int nchan=vb->nChannels();
    2297        4269 :         Int ncor=vb->nCorrelations();
    2298             : 
    2299             :         // Vars for new sigma/weight info
    2300             : 
    2301             :         // Prepare for WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, if nec.
    2302        4269 :         Cube<Float> newwtsp(0,0,0);
    2303        4269 :         if (dowtsp) {
    2304         274 :           newwtsp.resize(ncor,nchan,nrow);
    2305         274 :           newwtsp.set(1.0);
    2306             :         }
    2307             : 
    2308             :         // Handle non-trivial modes
    2309        4269 :         switch (initmode) {
    2310             :         // Init WEIGHT, SIGMA  with ones
    2311          14 :         case ONES: {
    2312             : 
    2313          14 :           Matrix<Float> newwt(ncor,nrow),newsig(ncor,nrow);
    2314          14 :           newwt.set(1.0);
    2315          14 :           newsig.set(1.0);
    2316             : 
    2317             :           // Arrange write-back of both SIGMA and WEIGHT
    2318          14 :           vb->setSigma(newsig);
    2319          14 :           vb->setWeight(newwt);
    2320             : 
    2321             :           // NB: newwtsp already ready
    2322             : 
    2323          14 :           break;
    2324          14 :         }         
    2325             : 
    2326             :         // Init WEIGHT, SIGMA  from bandwidth & time
    2327        4224 :         case NYQ: {
    2328             : 
    2329        4224 :           Matrix<Float> newwt(ncor,nrow),newsig(ncor,nrow);
    2330        4224 :           newwt.set(1.0);
    2331        4224 :           newsig.set(1.0);
    2332             : 
    2333             :           // Detect ACs
    2334        4224 :           const Vector<Int> a1(vb->antenna1());
    2335        4224 :           const Vector<Int> a2(vb->antenna2());
    2336        4224 :           Vector<Bool> ac(a1==a2);
    2337             :           
    2338             :           // XCs need an extra factor of 2
    2339        4224 :           Vector<Float> xcfactor(nrow,2.0);
    2340        4224 :           xcfactor(ac)=1.0;   // (but not ACs)
    2341             :           
    2342             :           // The row-wise integration time
    2343        4224 :           Vector<Float> expo(nrow);
    2344        4224 :           convertArray(expo,vb->exposure());
    2345             : 
    2346             :           // Set weights to channel bandwidth first.
    2347        4224 :           newwt.set(Float(effChBw(spw)));
    2348             :           
    2349             :           // For each correlation, apply exposure and xcfactor
    2350       12482 :           for (Int icor=0;icor<ncor;++icor) {
    2351             : 
    2352        8258 :             Vector<Float> wt(newwt.row(icor));
    2353        8258 :             wt*=expo;
    2354        8258 :             wt*=xcfactor;
    2355        8258 :             if (dowtsp) {
    2356     1791366 :               for (Int ich=0;ich<nchan;++ich) {
    2357     3581792 :                 Vector<Float> wtspi(newwtsp(Slice(icor,1,1),Slice(ich,1,1),Slice()).nonDegenerate(IPosition(1,2)));
    2358     1790896 :                 wtspi=wt;
    2359     1790896 :               }
    2360             :             }
    2361        8258 :           }
    2362             : 
    2363             :           // sig from wt is inverse sqrt
    2364        4224 :           newsig=1.0f/sqrt(newwt);
    2365             : 
    2366             :           // Arrange write-back of both SIGMA and WEIGHT
    2367        4224 :           vb->setSigma(newsig);
    2368        4224 :           vb->setWeight(newwt);
    2369             : 
    2370        4224 :           break;
    2371        4224 :         }
    2372             :         // Init WEIGHT from SIGMA 
    2373           6 :         case SIGMA: {
    2374             : 
    2375           6 :           Matrix<Float> newwt(ncor,nrow);
    2376           6 :           newwt.set(FLT_EPSILON);        // effectively zero, but strictly not zero
    2377             : 
    2378           6 :           Matrix<Float> sig;
    2379           6 :           sig.assign(vb->sigma());       // access existing SIGMA
    2380             : 
    2381           6 :           LogicalArray mask(sig==0.0f);  // mask out unphysical SIGMA
    2382           6 :           sig(mask)=1.0f;
    2383             : 
    2384           6 :           newwt=1.0f/square(sig);
    2385           6 :           newwt(mask)=FLT_EPSILON;       // effectively zero
    2386             : 
    2387             :           // Writeback WEIGHT
    2388           6 :           vb->setWeight(newwt);
    2389             :           
    2390           6 :           if (dowtsp) {
    2391        8291 :             for (Int ich=0;ich<nchan;++ich) {
    2392       16576 :               Matrix<Float> wtspi(newwtsp(Slice(),Slice(ich,1,1),Slice()).nonDegenerate(IPosition(2,0,2)));
    2393        8288 :               wtspi=newwt;
    2394        8288 :             }
    2395             :           }
    2396             : 
    2397           6 :           break;
    2398           6 :         }
    2399             :         // Init WEIGHT_SPECTRUM from WEIGHT
    2400          25 :         case WEIGHT: {
    2401          25 :           const Matrix<Float> wt(vb->weight()); // access existing WEIGHT
    2402        8753 :           for (Int ich=0;ich<nchan;++ich) {
    2403       17456 :             Matrix<Float> wtspi(newwtsp(Slice(),Slice(ich,1,1),Slice()).nonDegenerate(IPosition(2,0,2)));
    2404        8728 :             wtspi=wt;
    2405        8728 :           }
    2406          25 :           break;
    2407          25 :         } 
    2408           0 :         default: {
    2409           0 :           throw(AipsError("Problem in weight initialization loop."));
    2410             :         }
    2411             :         }
    2412             : 
    2413             :         // Force writeback to disk
    2414        4269 :         vb->writeChangesBack();
    2415             :         
    2416             :         // Handle WEIGHT_SPECTRUM
    2417        4269 :         if (dowtsp)
    2418         274 :           vb->initWeightSpectrum(newwtsp);
    2419             : 
    2420        4269 :       }
    2421             :     }
    2422             : 
    2423          43 :   }
    2424           0 :   catch (AipsError x) {
    2425             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    2426           0 :              << LogIO::POST;
    2427             : 
    2428           0 :     logSink() << "Resetting all calibration application settings." << LogIO::POST;
    2429           0 :     unsetapply();
    2430             : 
    2431           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::initWeights."));
    2432             :     retval = false;  // Not that it ever gets here...
    2433           0 :   }
    2434          31 :   return retval;
    2435             : }
    2436             : 
    2437             : 
    2438           0 : Bool Calibrater::initWeights(Bool doBT, Bool dowtsp) {
    2439             : 
    2440           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","initWeights") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    2441           0 :   Bool retval = true;
    2442             : 
    2443             :   try {
    2444             : 
    2445           0 :     if (!ok())
    2446           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for initWeights!"));
    2447             : 
    2448             :     // Log that we are beginning...
    2449           0 :     if (doBT)
    2450           0 :       logSink() << "Initializing SIGMA and WEIGHT according to channel bandwidth and integration time." << LogIO::POST;
    2451             :     else
    2452           0 :       logSink() << "Initializing SIGMA and WEIGHT to unity." << LogIO::POST;
    2453             : 
    2454           0 :     if (dowtsp) {
    2455           0 :       logSink() << "Also initializing WEIGHT_SPECTRUM uniformly in channel (==WEIGHT)." << LogIO::POST;
    2456             : 
    2457             :       // Ensure WEIGHT_SPECTRUM really exists at all 
    2458             :       //   (often it exists but is empty)
    2459           0 :       TableDesc mstd = ms_p->actualTableDesc();
    2460           0 :       if (!mstd.isColumn("WEIGHT_SPECTRUM")) {
    2461           0 :         cout << "Creating WEIGHT_SPECTRUM!" << endl;
    2462             : 
    2463             :         // Nominal defaulttileshape
    2464           0 :         IPosition dts(3,4,32,1024); 
    2465             : 
    2466             :         // Discern DATA's default tile shape and use it
    2467           0 :         const Record dminfo=ms_p->dataManagerInfo();
    2468           0 :         for (uInt i=0;i<dminfo.nfields();++i) {
    2469           0 :           Record col=dminfo.asRecord(i);
    2470             :           //if (upcase(col.asString("NAME"))=="TILEDDATA") {
    2471           0 :           if (anyEQ(col.asArrayString("COLUMNS"),String("DATA"))) {
    2472           0 :             dts=IPosition(col.asRecord("SPEC").asArrayInt("DEFAULTTILESHAPE"));
    2473           0 :             cout << "Found DATA's default tile: " << dts << endl;
    2474           0 :             break;
    2475             :           }
    2476           0 :         }
    2477             : 
    2478             :         // Add the column
    2479           0 :         String colWtSp=MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM);
    2480           0 :         TableDesc tdWtSp;
    2481           0 :         tdWtSp.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc<Float>(colWtSp,"weight spectrum", 2));
    2482           0 :         TiledShapeStMan wtSpStMan("TiledWgtSpectrum",dts);
    2483           0 :         ms_p->addColumn(tdWtSp,wtSpStMan);
    2484           0 :       }
    2485           0 :     }
    2486             : 
    2487             :     // Arrange for iteration over data
    2488           0 :     Block<Int> columns;
    2489             :     // include scan iteration
    2490           0 :     columns.resize(5);
    2491           0 :     columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    2492           0 :     columns[1]=MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    2493           0 :     columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    2494           0 :     columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    2495           0 :     columns[4]=MS::TIME;
    2496             : 
    2497           0 :     vi::SortColumns sc(columns);
    2498           0 :     vi::VisibilityIterator2 vi2(*ms_p,sc,true);
    2499           0 :     vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi2.getVisBuffer();
    2500             : 
    2501           0 :     MSColumns mscol(*ms_p);
    2502           0 :     const MSSpWindowColumns& msspw(mscol.spectralWindow());
    2503           0 :     uInt nSpw=msspw.nrow();
    2504           0 :     Vector<Double> effChBw(nSpw,0.0);
    2505           0 :     for (uInt ispw=0;ispw<nSpw;++ispw) {
    2506           0 :       effChBw[ispw]=mean(msspw.effectiveBW()(ispw));
    2507             :     }
    2508             : 
    2509           0 :     Int ivb(0);
    2510           0 :     for (vi2.originChunks(); vi2.moreChunks(); vi2.nextChunk()) {
    2511             : 
    2512           0 :       for (vi2.origin(); vi2.more(); {
    2513             : 
    2514           0 :         Int spw = vb->spectralWindows()(0);
    2515             : 
    2516           0 :         auto nrow=vb->nRows();
    2517           0 :         Int nchan=vb->nChannels();
    2518           0 :         Int ncor=vb->nCorrelations();
    2519             : 
    2520           0 :         Matrix<Float> newwt(ncor,nrow),newsig(ncor,nrow);
    2521           0 :         newwt.set(1.0);
    2522           0 :         newsig.set(1.0);
    2523             : 
    2524           0 :         Cube<Float> newwtsp(0,0,0);
    2525           0 :         if (dowtsp) {
    2526           0 :           newwtsp.resize(ncor,nchan,nrow);
    2527           0 :           newwtsp.set(1.0);
    2528             :         }
    2529             : 
    2530             :         // If requested, set weights according to bandwidth and integration time
    2531           0 :         if (doBT) {
    2532             :           
    2533             :           // Detect ACs
    2534           0 :           const Vector<Int> a1(vb->antenna1());
    2535           0 :           const Vector<Int> a2(vb->antenna2());
    2536           0 :           Vector<Bool> ac(a1==a2);
    2537             :           
    2538             :           // XCs need an extra factor of 2
    2539           0 :           Vector<Float> xcfactor(nrow,2.0);
    2540           0 :           xcfactor(ac)=1.0;   // (but not ACs)
    2541             :           
    2542             :           // The row-wise integration time
    2543           0 :           Vector<Float> expo(nrow);
    2544           0 :           convertArray(expo,vb->exposure());
    2545             : 
    2546             :           // Set weights to channel bandwidth first.
    2547           0 :           newwt.set(Float(effChBw(spw)));
    2548             :           
    2549             :           // For each correlation, apply exposure and xcfactor
    2550           0 :           for (Int icor=0;icor<ncor;++icor) {
    2551             : 
    2552           0 :             Vector<Float> wt(newwt.row(icor));
    2553           0 :             wt*=expo;
    2554           0 :             wt*=xcfactor;
    2555           0 :             if (dowtsp) {
    2556           0 :               for (Int ich=0;ich<nchan;++ich) {
    2557           0 :                 Vector<Float> wtsp(newwtsp(Slice(icor,1,1),Slice(ich,1,1),Slice()));
    2558           0 :                 wtsp=wt;
    2559           0 :               }
    2560             :             }
    2561             :             
    2562           0 :           }
    2563             : 
    2564             :           // sig from wt is inverse sqrt
    2565           0 :           newsig=newsig/sqrt(newwt);
    2566             : 
    2567           0 :         }
    2568             : 
    2569             :         /*
    2570             :           cout << ivb << " "
    2571             :           << ncor << " " << nchan << " " << nrow << " "
    2572             :           << expo(0) << " "
    2573             :           << newwt(0,0) << " "
    2574             :           << newsig(0,0) << " "
    2575             :           << endl;
    2576             :         */
    2577           0 :         ++ivb;
    2578             : 
    2579             :         // Set in vb, and writeback
    2580           0 :         vb->setWeight(newwt);
    2581           0 :         vb->setSigma(newsig);
    2582           0 :         vb->writeChangesBack();
    2583             :         
    2584           0 :         if (dowtsp)
    2585           0 :           vb->initWeightSpectrum(newwtsp);
    2586             : 
    2587           0 :       }
    2588             :     }
    2589             : 
    2590           0 :   }
    2591           0 :   catch (AipsError x) {
    2592             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    2593           0 :              << LogIO::POST;
    2594             : 
    2595           0 :     logSink() << "Resetting all calibration application settings." << LogIO::POST;
    2596           0 :     unsetapply();
    2597             : 
    2598           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::initWeightsOLD."));
    2599             :     retval = false;  // Not that it ever gets here...
    2600           0 :   }
    2601           0 :   return retval;
    2602             : }
    2603             : 
    2604             : 
    2605         168 : Bool Calibrater::solve() {
    2606             : 
    2607         168 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","solve") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    2608             : 
    2609             :   try {
    2610             : 
    2611         168 :     if (!ok()) 
    2612           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for solve."));
    2613             : 
    2614             :     // Handle nothing-to-solve-for case
    2615         168 :     if (!svc_p)
    2616           0 :       throw(AipsError("Please run setsolve before attempting to solve."));
    2617             : 
    2618             :     // Handle specified caltable
    2619         168 :     if (svc_p) {
    2620             : 
    2621             :       // If table exists (readable) and not deletable
    2622             :       //   we have to abort (append=T requires deletable)
    2623         186 :       if ( Table::isReadable(svc_p->calTableName()) &&
    2624          18 :            !TableUtil::canDeleteTable(svc_p->calTableName()) ) {
    2625           0 :         throw(AipsError("Specified caltable ("+svc_p->calTableName()+") exists and\n cannot be replaced (or appended to) because it appears to be open somewhere (Quit plotcal?)."));
    2626             :       }
    2627             :     }
    2628             : 
    2629             :     // Arrange VisEquation for solve
    2630         168 :     ve_p->setsolve(*svc_p);
    2631             : 
    2632             :     // Ensure apply list properly sorted w.r.t. solvable term
    2633         168 :     ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    2634             : 
    2635             :     // Report what is being applied and solved-for
    2636         168 :     applystate();
    2637         168 :     solvestate();
    2638             : 
    2639             :     // Report correct/corrupt apply order
    2640             :     //    ve_p->state();
    2641             : 
    2642             :     // Generally use standard solver
    2643         168 :     if (svc_p->useGenericGatherForSolve())
    2644         168 :       genericGatherAndSolve();  // VI2-driven, SDBs
    2645             :     else {
    2646             :       //cout << "Fully self-directed data gather and solve" << endl;
    2647             :       // Fully self-directed data gather and solve
    2648           0 :       throw(AipsError("Can't do selfGatherAndSolve for "+svc_p->typeName()));
    2649             :       //svc_p->selfGatherAndSolve(*vs_p,*ve_p);
    2650             :     }
    2651             : 
    2652           3 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2653           3 :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    2654             : 
    2655           3 :     logSink() << "Reseting entire solve/apply state." << LogIO::POST;
    2656           3 :     reset();
    2657             : 
    2658           3 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::solve."));
    2659             :     return false;
    2660           6 :   } 
    2661             : 
    2662         165 :   return true;
    2663             : 
    2664             : }
    2665             : 
    2666             : 
    2667         254 : Bool Calibrater::summarize_uncalspws(const Vector<Bool>& uncalspw,
    2668             :                                      const String& origin,
    2669             :                                      Bool strictflag)
    2670             : {
    2671         254 :   Bool hadprob = false;
    2672         254 :   uInt totNspw = uncalspw.nelements();
    2673             : 
    2674        1234 :   for(uInt i = 0; i < totNspw; ++i){
    2675        1000 :     if(uncalspw[i]){
    2676          20 :       hadprob = true;
    2677          20 :       break;
    2678             :     }
    2679             :   }
    2680         254 :   if(hadprob){
    2681             :     logSink() << LogIO::WARN
    2682          20 :               << "Spectral window(s) ";
    2683         348 :     for(uInt i = 0; i < totNspw; ++i){
    2684         328 :       if(uncalspw[i]){
    2685          38 :         logSink() << i << ", ";
    2686             :       }
    2687             :     }
    2688             :     logSink() << "\n  could not be " << origin << "ed due to missing (pre-)calibration\n"
    2689          20 :               << "    in one or more of the specified tables.\n";
    2690          20 :     if (strictflag)
    2691           0 :       logSink() << "    These spws have been flagged!";
    2692             :     else
    2693          20 :       logSink() << "    Please check your results carefully!";
    2694             : 
    2695          20 :     logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    2696             :   }
    2697         254 :   return !hadprob;
    2698             : }
    2699             : 
    2700          29 : void Calibrater::fluxscale(const String& infile, 
    2701             :                            const String& outfile,
    2702             :                            const String& refFields, 
    2703             :                            const Vector<Int>& refSpwMap, 
    2704             :                            const String& tranFields,
    2705             :                            const Bool& append,
    2706             :                            const Float& inGainThres,
    2707             :                            const String& antSel,
    2708             :                            const String& timerangeSel,
    2709             :                            const String& scanSel,
    2710             :                            SolvableVisCal::fluxScaleStruct& oFluxScaleFactor,
    2711             :                            Vector<Int>& tranidx,
    2712             :                            const String& oListFile,
    2713             :                            const Bool& incremental,
    2714             :                            const Int& fitorder,
    2715             :                            const Bool& display) {
    2716             : 
    2717             :   // TBD:  Permit more flexible matching on specified field names
    2718             :   //  (Currently, exact matches are required.)
    2719             : 
    2720          29 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","fluxscale") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    2721             : 
    2722             :   //outfile check
    2723          29 :   if (outfile=="") 
    2724           0 :     throw(AipsError("output fluxscaled caltable name must be specified!"));
    2725             :   else {
    2726          29 :     if (File(outfile).exists() && !append) 
    2727           0 :       throw(AipsError("output caltable name, "+outfile+" exists. Please specify a different caltable name"));
    2728             :   }
    2729             : 
    2730             :   // Convert refFields/transFields to index lists
    2731          29 :   Vector<Int> refidx(0);
    2732             : 
    2733          29 :   if (refFields.length()>0)
    2734          29 :     refidx=getFieldIdx(refFields);
    2735             :   else
    2736           0 :     throw(AipsError("A reference field must be specified!"));
    2737             : 
    2738          29 :   if (tranFields.length()>0)
    2739          12 :     tranidx=getFieldIdx(tranFields);
    2740             : 
    2741             :   // Call Vector<Int> version:
    2742          29 :   fluxscale(infile,outfile,refidx,refSpwMap,tranidx,append,inGainThres,antSel,timerangeSel,
    2743             :       scanSel,oFluxScaleFactor,oListFile,incremental,fitorder,display);
    2744             : 
    2745          29 : }
    2746             : 
    2747          29 : void Calibrater::fluxscale(const String& infile, 
    2748             :                            const String& outfile,
    2749             :                            const Vector<Int>& refField, 
    2750             :                            const Vector<Int>& refSpwMap, 
    2751             :                            const Vector<Int>& tranField,
    2752             :                            const Bool& append,
    2753             :                            const Float& inGainThres,
    2754             :                            const String& antSel,
    2755             :                            const String& timerangeSel,
    2756             :                            const String& scanSel,
    2757             :                            SolvableVisCal::fluxScaleStruct& oFluxScaleFactor,
    2758             :                            const String& oListFile,
    2759             :                            const Bool& incremental,
    2760             :                            const Int& fitorder,
    2761             :                            const Bool& display) {
    2762             :   
    2763             :   //  throw(AipsError("Method 'fluxscale' is temporarily disabled."));
    2764             : 
    2765             :   // TBD: write inputs to MSHistory
    2766          29 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","fluxscale") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    2767             : 
    2768          29 :   SolvableVisCal *fsvj_(NULL);
    2769             :   try {
    2770             :     // If infile is Calibration table
    2771          58 :     if (Table::isReadable(infile) && 
    2772          58 :         TableUtil::tableInfo(infile).type()=="Calibration") {
    2773             : 
    2774             :       // get calibration type
    2775          29 :       String caltype;
    2776          29 :       caltype = TableUtil::tableInfo(infile).subType();
    2777             :       logSink() << "Table " << infile 
    2778             :                 << " is of type: "<< caltype 
    2779          29 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    2780          58 :       String message="Table "+infile+" is of type: "+caltype;
    2781          29 :       MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, message, "calibrater", "", "calibrater::fluxscale()");
    2782             :       
    2783             :       // form selection
    2784          29 :       String select="";
    2785             :       // Selection is empty for case of no tran specification
    2786          29 :       if (tranField.nelements()>0) {
    2787             :         
    2788             :         // All selected fields
    2789          12 :         Vector<Int> allflds = concatenateArray(refField,tranField);
    2790             :         
    2791             :         // Assemble TaQL
    2792          12 :         ostringstream selectstr;
    2793          12 :         selectstr << "FIELD_ID IN [";
    2794          42 :         for (Int iFld=0; iFld<allflds.shape(); iFld++) {
    2795          30 :           if (iFld>0) selectstr << ", ";
    2796          30 :           selectstr << allflds(iFld);
    2797             :         }
    2798          12 :         selectstr << "]";
    2799          12 :         select=selectstr.str();
    2800          12 :       }
    2801             : 
    2802             :       // Construct proper SVC object
    2803          29 :       if (caltype == "G Jones") {
    2804          29 :         fsvj_ = createSolvableVisCal("G",*msmc_p);
    2805           0 :       } else if (caltype == "T Jones") {
    2806           0 :         fsvj_ = createSolvableVisCal("T",*msmc_p);
    2807             :       } else {
    2808             :         // Can't process other than G and T (add B?)
    2809           0 :         ostringstream typeErr;
    2810           0 :         typeErr << "Type " << caltype 
    2811           0 :                << " not supported in fluxscale.";
    2812             : 
    2813           0 :         throw(AipsError(typeErr.str()));
    2814           0 :       }
    2815             : 
    2816             :       // fill table with selection
    2817          29 :       RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    2818          29 :       applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    2819          29 :       applyparDesc.addField ("select", TpString);
    2820          29 :       Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    2821          29 :       applypar.define ("table", infile);
    2822          29 :       applypar.define ("select", select);
    2823          29 :       fsvj_->setApply(applypar);
    2824             : 
    2825             :       //Bool incremental=false;
    2826             :       // Make fluxscale calculation
    2827          29 :       Vector<String> fldnames(MSFieldColumns(ms_p->field()).name().getColumn());
    2828             :       //fsvj_->fluxscale(refField,tranField,refSpwMap,fldnames,oFluxScaleFactor,
    2829          29 :       fsvj_->fluxscale(outfile,refField,tranField,refSpwMap,fldnames,inGainThres,antSel,
    2830             :         timerangeSel,scanSel,oFluxScaleFactor, oListFile,incremental,fitorder,display);
    2831             : //        oListFile);
    2832             :      
    2833             :       // If no outfile specified, use infile (overwrite!)
    2834          29 :       String out(outfile);
    2835          29 :       if (out.length()==0)
    2836           0 :         out = infile;
    2837             : 
    2838             :       // Store result
    2839          29 :       if (append) {
    2840           1 :         logSink() << "Appending result to " << out << LogIO::POST;
    2841           1 :         String message="Appending result to "+out;
    2842           1 :         MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, message, "calibrater", "", "calibrater::fluxscale()");
    2843           1 :       } else {
    2844          28 :         logSink() << "Storing result in " << out << LogIO::POST;
    2845          28 :         String message="Storing result in "+out;
    2846          28 :         MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, message, "calibrater", "", "calibrater::fluxscale()");
    2847          28 :       }
    2848          29 :       fsvj_->storeNCT(out,append);
    2849             :       
    2850             :       // Clean up
    2851          29 :       delete fsvj_;
    2852             : 
    2853          29 :     } else {
    2854             :       // Table not found/unreadable, or not Calibration
    2855           0 :       ostringstream tabErr;
    2856           0 :       tabErr << "File " << infile
    2857           0 :              << " does not exist or is not a Calibration Table.";
    2858             : 
    2859           0 :       throw(AipsError(tabErr.str()));
    2860             : 
    2861           0 :     }
    2862           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2863             : 
    2864             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    2865             :               << "Caught Exception: "
    2866             :               << x.getMesg()
    2867           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    2868             :     
    2869             :     // Clean up
    2870           0 :     if (fsvj_) delete fsvj_;
    2871             : 
    2872             :     // Write to MS History table
    2873             :     //    String message="Caught Exception: "+x.getMesg();
    2874             :     //    MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, message, "calibrater", "", "calibrater::fluxscale()");
    2875             : 
    2876           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::fluxscale."));
    2877             : 
    2878             :     return;
    2879             : 
    2880           0 :   }
    2881          29 :   return;
    2882             : 
    2883             : 
    2884             : }
    2885             : 
    2886         209 : void Calibrater::specifycal(const String& type,
    2887             :                             const String& caltable,
    2888             :                             const String& time,
    2889             :                             const String& spw,
    2890             :                             const String& antenna,
    2891             :                             const String& pol,
    2892             :                             const Vector<Double>& parameter,
    2893             :                             const String& infile,
    2894             :                             const Bool& uniform) {
    2895             : 
    2896         209 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","specifycal") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    2897             : 
    2898             :   // SVJ objects:
    2899         209 :   SolvableVisCal *cal_(NULL);
    2900             : 
    2901             :   try {
    2902             :                             
    2903             :     // Set record format for calibration table application information
    2904         209 :     RecordDesc specifyDesc;
    2905         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("caltable", TpString);
    2906         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("time", TpString);
    2907         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("spw", TpArrayInt);
    2908         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("antenna", TpArrayInt);
    2909         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("pol", TpString);
    2910         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("parameter", TpArrayDouble);
    2911         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("caltype",TpString);
    2912         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("infile",TpString);
    2913         209 :     specifyDesc.addField ("uniform",TpBool);
    2914             : 
    2915             :     // Create record with the requisite field values
    2916         209 :     Record specify(specifyDesc);
    2917         209 :     specify.define ("caltable", caltable);
    2918         209 :     specify.define ("time", time);
    2919         209 :     if (spw=="*")
    2920           0 :       specify.define ("spw",Vector<Int>(1,-1));
    2921             :     else
    2922         209 :       specify.define ("spw",getSpwIdx(spw));
    2923         209 :     if (antenna=="*")
    2924           0 :       specify.define ("antenna",Vector<Int>(1,-1) );
    2925             :     else
    2926         209 :       specify.define ("antenna",getAntIdx(antenna));
    2927         209 :     specify.define ("pol",pol);
    2928         209 :     specify.define ("parameter",parameter);
    2929         209 :     specify.define ("caltype",type);
    2930         209 :     specify.define ("infile",infile);
    2931         209 :     specify.define ("uniform",uniform);
    2932             : 
    2933             :     // Now do it
    2934         209 :     String utype=upcase(type);
    2935         209 :     if (utype=="G" || utype.contains("AMP") || utype.contains("PH"))
    2936         194 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("G",*msmc_p);
    2937          15 :     else if (utype=='K' || utype.contains("SBD") || utype.contains("DELAY"))
    2938           2 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("K",*msmc_p);
    2939          13 :     else if (utype.contains("MBD"))
    2940           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("K",*msmc_p);  // As of 5.3, MBD is ordinary K
    2941          13 :     else if (utype.contains("ANTPOS"))
    2942           6 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("KANTPOS",*msmc_p);
    2943           7 :     else if (utype.contains("TSYS"))
    2944           2 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("TSYS",*msmc_p);
    2945          10 :     else if (utype.contains("EVLAGAIN") ||
    2946           9 :              utype.contains("SWP") ||
    2947          14 :              utype.contains("RQ") ||
    2948           4 :          utype.contains("WTS"))
    2949           1 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("EVLASWP",*msmc_p);
    2950           4 :     else if (utype.contains("OPAC"))
    2951           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("TOPAC",*msmc_p);
    2952           4 :     else if (utype.contains("GC") && ms_p && ms_p->keywordSet().isDefined("GAIN_CURVE"))
    2953           1 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("POWERCURVE",*msmc_p);
    2954           3 :     else if (utype.contains("GC") || utype.contains("EFF"))
    2955           2 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("GAINCURVE",*msmc_p);
    2956           1 :     else if (utype.contains("TEC"))
    2957           1 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("TEC",*msmc_p);
    2958           0 :     else if (utype.contains("SDSKY_PS"))
    2959           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("SDSKY_PS",*msmc_p);
    2960           0 :     else if (utype.contains("SDSKY_RASTER"))
    2961           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("SDSKY_RASTER",*msmc_p);
    2962           0 :     else if (utype.contains("SDSKY_OTF"))
    2963           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("SDSKY_OTF",*msmc_p);
    2964             :     else
    2965           0 :       throw(AipsError("Unrecognized caltype."));
    2966             : 
    2967             :     // set up for specification (set up the CalSet)
    2968         209 :     cal_->setSpecify(specify);
    2969             : 
    2970             :     // fill with specified values
    2971         208 :     cal_->specify(specify);
    2972             : 
    2973             :     // Store result
    2974         208 :     cal_->storeNCT();
    2975             : 
    2976         208 :     delete cal_;
    2977             : 
    2978         212 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    2979             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    2980             :               << "Caught Exception: "
    2981             :               << x.getMesg()
    2982           1 :               << LogIO::POST;
    2983             : 
    2984           1 :     if (cal_) delete cal_;
    2985             :     
    2986           1 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::specifycal."));
    2987             :     return;
    2988           2 :   }
    2989         208 :   return;
    2990             : 
    2991             : }
    2992             : 
    2993             : 
    2994          10 : Bool Calibrater::smooth(const String& infile, 
    2995             :                         String& outfile,  // const Bool& append,
    2996             :                         const String& smoothtype,
    2997             :                         const Double& smoothtime,
    2998             :                         const String& fields)
    2999             : {
    3000             : 
    3001             :   // TBD: support append?
    3002             :   // TBD: spw selection?
    3003             : 
    3004          10 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","smooth") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    3005             : 
    3006          10 :   logSink() << "Beginning smoothing/interpolating method." << LogIO::POST;
    3007             : 
    3008             : 
    3009             :   // A pointer to an SVC
    3010          10 :   SolvableVisCal *svc(NULL);
    3011             : 
    3012             :   try {
    3013             :     
    3014             :     // Handle no in file 
    3015          10 :     if (infile=="")
    3016           0 :       throw(AipsError("Please specify an input calibration table."));
    3017             : 
    3018             :     // Handle bad smoothtype
    3019          10 :     if (smoothtype!="mean" && smoothtype!="median")
    3020           0 :       throw(AipsError("Unrecognized smooth type!"));
    3021             : 
    3022             :     // Handle bad smoothtime
    3023          10 :     if (smoothtime<=0)
    3024           1 :       throw(AipsError("Please specify a strictly positive smoothtime."));
    3025             : 
    3026             :     // Handle no outfile
    3027           9 :     if (outfile=="") {
    3028           0 :       outfile=infile;
    3029             :       logSink() << "Will overwrite input file with smoothing result." 
    3030           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    3031             :     }
    3032             : 
    3033             : 
    3034           9 :     svc = createSolvableVisCal(calTableType(infile),*msmc_p);
    3035             :     
    3036           9 :     if (svc->smoothable()) {
    3037             :       
    3038             :       // Fill calibration table using setApply
    3039           9 :       RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    3040           9 :       applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    3041           9 :       Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    3042           9 :       applypar.define ("table", infile);
    3043           9 :       svc->setApply(applypar);
    3044             : 
    3045             :       // Convert refFields/transFields to index lists
    3046           9 :       Vector<Int> fldidx(0);
    3047           9 :       if (fields.length()>0)
    3048           2 :         fldidx=getFieldIdx(fields);
    3049             : 
    3050             :       // Delegate to SVC
    3051           8 :       svc->smooth(fldidx,smoothtype,smoothtime);
    3052             :       
    3053             :       // Store the result on disk
    3054             :       //    if (append) logSink() << "Appending result to " << outfile << LogIO::POST;
    3055             :       //else 
    3056           8 :       logSink() << "Storing result in " << outfile << LogIO::POST;
    3057             :       
    3058             :       
    3059           8 :       if (outfile != "") 
    3060           8 :         svc->calTableName()=outfile;
    3061           8 :       svc->storeNCT();
    3062             : 
    3063             :       // Clean up
    3064           8 :       if (svc) delete svc; svc=NULL;
    3065             :       
    3066             :       // Apparently, it worked
    3067           8 :       return true;
    3068             : 
    3069          11 :     }
    3070             :     else
    3071           0 :       throw(AipsError("This type ("+svc->typeName()+") does not support smoothing."));
    3072             : 
    3073           2 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    3074             :    
    3075             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    3076             :               << "Caught Exception: "
    3077             :               << x.getMesg()
    3078           2 :               << LogIO::POST;
    3079             :     // Clean up
    3080           2 :     if (svc) delete svc; svc=NULL;
    3081             : 
    3082           2 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::smooth."));
    3083             : 
    3084             :     return false;
    3085           4 :   }
    3086             :   return false;
    3087             : }
    3088             : 
    3089             : // Apply new reference antenna to calibration
    3090           7 : Bool Calibrater::reRefant(const casacore::String& infile,
    3091             :                           casacore::String& outfile, 
    3092             :                           const casacore::String& refantmode, 
    3093             :                           const casacore::String& refant)
    3094             : {
    3095             : 
    3096           7 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","reRefant") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    3097             : 
    3098             :   //  logSink() << "Beginning smoothing/interpolating method." << LogIO::POST;
    3099             : 
    3100             : 
    3101             :   // A pointer to an SVC
    3102           7 :   SolvableVisJones *svj(NULL);
    3103             : 
    3104             :   try {
    3105             :     
    3106             :     // Handle no in file 
    3107           7 :     if (infile=="")
    3108           0 :       throw(AipsError("Please specify an input calibration table."));
    3109             : 
    3110             :     // Handle bad refantmode
    3111          11 :     if (refantmode!="strict" && 
    3112           4 :         refantmode!="flex")
    3113           0 :       throw(AipsError("Unrecognized refantmode!"));
    3114             : 
    3115             :     // Handle no outfile
    3116           7 :     if (outfile=="") {
    3117           0 :       outfile=infile;
    3118             :       logSink() << "Will overwrite input file with rerefant result."
    3119           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    3120             :     }
    3121             : 
    3122             : 
    3123           7 :     svj = (SolvableVisJones*) createSolvableVisCal(calTableType(infile),*msmc_p);
    3124             :     
    3125             :     // Fill calibration table using setApply
    3126           7 :     RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    3127           7 :     applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    3128           7 :     Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    3129           7 :     applypar.define ("table", infile);
    3130           7 :     svj->setApply(applypar);
    3131             : 
    3132             :     // Do the work
    3133           7 :     svj->refantmode() = refantmode;
    3134           7 :     svj->refantlist().reference(getRefantIdxList(refant));   // replaces the default list
    3135           7 :     svj->applyRefAnt();
    3136             : 
    3137             :     // Store the result on disk
    3138           7 :     logSink() << "Storing result in " << outfile << LogIO::POST;
    3139             :       
    3140           7 :     if (outfile != "") 
    3141           7 :       svj->calTableName()=outfile;
    3142           7 :     svj->storeNCT();
    3143             : 
    3144             :     // Clean up
    3145           7 :     if (svj) delete svj; svj=NULL;
    3146             :       
    3147             :     // Apparently, it worked
    3148           7 :     return true;
    3149             : 
    3150           7 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    3151             :    
    3152             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    3153             :               << "Caught Exception: "
    3154             :               << x.getMesg()
    3155           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    3156             :     // Clean up
    3157           0 :     if (svj) delete svj; svj=NULL;
    3158             : 
    3159           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::reRefant."));
    3160             :     
    3161             :     return false;
    3162           0 :   }
    3163             :   return false;
    3164             : }
    3165             : 
    3166             : 
    3167             : // List a calibration table
    3168          10 : Bool Calibrater::listCal(const String& infile,
    3169             :                          const String& field,
    3170             :                          const String& antenna,
    3171             :                          const String& spw,
    3172             :                          const String& listfile,
    3173             :                          const Int& pagerows) {
    3174             :     
    3175          10 :     SolvableVisCal *svc(NULL);
    3176          10 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","listCal");
    3177             :     
    3178             :     try {
    3179             :         
    3180             :         // Trap (currently) unsupported types
    3181          30 :         if (upcase(calTableType(infile))=="GSPLINE" ||
    3182          20 :             upcase(calTableType(infile))=="BPOLY")
    3183           0 :             throw(AipsError("GSPLINE and BPOLY tables cannot currently be listed."));
    3184             :         
    3185             :         // Get user's selected fields, ants
    3186          10 :         Vector<Int> ufldids=getFieldIdx(field);
    3187          10 :         Vector<Int> uantids=getAntIdx(antenna);
    3188             :         
    3189           9 :         String newSpw = spw;
    3190           9 :         Bool defaultSelect = false;
    3191           9 :         if (spw.empty()) { // list all channels (default)
    3192           8 :             defaultSelect = true;
    3193           8 :             newSpw = "*"; 
    3194             :             logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Spws selected: ALL" << endl
    3195           8 :                       << "Channels selected: ALL" << LogIO::POST;
    3196             :         }
    3197             :         // Get user's selected spw and channels
    3198           9 :         Vector<Int> uspwids=getSpwIdx(newSpw);
    3199           9 :         Matrix<Int> uchanids=getChanIdx(newSpw);
    3200           9 :         if (!defaultSelect) {
    3201             :             logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Spw and Channel selection matrix: "
    3202             :                       << endl << "Each rows shows: [ Spw , Start Chan , Stop Chan , Chan Step ]"
    3203           1 :                       << endl << uchanids << LogIO::POST;
    3204             :         }
    3205             :         logSink() << LogIO::DEBUG2 
    3206             :                   << "uspwids = "  << uspwids  << endl
    3207           9 :                   << "uchanids = " << uchanids << LogIO::POST;
    3208             :         
    3209             :         // By default, do first spw, first chan
    3210           9 :         if (uspwids.nelements()==0) {
    3211           0 :             uchanids.resize(1,4);
    3212           0 :             uchanids=0;
    3213             :         } 
    3214             :         
    3215             :         // Set record format for calibration table application information
    3216           9 :         RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    3217           9 :         applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    3218             :         
    3219             :         // Create record with the requisite field values
    3220           9 :         Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    3221           9 :         applypar.define ("table", infile);
    3222             :         
    3223             :         // Generate the VisCal to be listed
    3224           9 :         svc = createSolvableVisCal(calTableType(infile),*msmc_p);  
    3225           9 :         svc->setApply(applypar);       
    3226             :         
    3227             :         // list it
    3228           9 :         svc->listCal(ufldids,uantids,uchanids,  //uchanids(0,0),uchanids(0,1),
    3229             :                      listfile,pagerows);
    3230             :         
    3231           9 :         if (svc) delete svc; svc=NULL;
    3232             :         
    3233           9 :         return true;
    3234             :         
    3235          11 :     } catch (AipsError x) {
    3236             :         
    3237             :         logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    3238             :                   << "Caught Exception: "
    3239             :                   << x.getMesg()
    3240           1 :                   << LogIO::POST;
    3241             :         // Clean up
    3242           1 :         if (svc) delete svc; svc=NULL;
    3243             :         
    3244           1 :         throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::listCal."));
    3245             :         
    3246             :         return false;
    3247           2 :     }
    3248             :     return false;
    3249             :     
    3250             : }
    3251             : 
    3252             : 
    3253             : 
    3254           3 : Bool Calibrater::updateCalTable(const String& caltable) {
    3255             : 
    3256             :   // Call the SVC method that knows how
    3257           3 :   return NewCalTable::CTBackCompat(caltable);
    3258             : 
    3259             : }
    3260             : 
    3261         244 : void Calibrater::selectChannel(const String& spw) {
    3262             : 
    3263         244 :   if (mss_p && mssel_p) {
    3264             : 
    3265             :     // Refresh the frequencySelections object to feed to VI2, if relevant
    3266         244 :     frequencySelections_p.reset(new vi::FrequencySelections());
    3267             : 
    3268         244 :     vi::FrequencySelectionUsingChannels usingChannels;
    3269         244 :     usingChannels.add(*mss_p,mssel_p);
    3270         244 :     frequencySelections_p->add(usingChannels);
    3271             : 
    3272             :     //    cout << usingChannels.toString() << endl;
    3273             :     //    cout << "FS.size() = " << frequencySelections_p->size() << endl;
    3274             : 
    3275         244 :   }
    3276             : 
    3277             :   // TBD:  Does frequencySelections_p support string info for reporting to logger?
    3278             : 
    3279         244 :   Matrix<Int> chansel = getChanIdx(spw);
    3280         244 :   uInt nselspw=chansel.nrow();
    3281             : 
    3282         244 :   if (nselspw==0)
    3283             :     logSink() << "Frequency selection: Selecting all channels in all spws." 
    3284         202 :               << LogIO::POST;
    3285             :   else {
    3286             : 
    3287          42 :     logSink() << "Frequency selection: " << LogIO::POST;
    3288             : 
    3289             :     // Trap non-unit step (for now)
    3290          42 :     if (ntrue(chansel.column(3)==1)!=nselspw) {
    3291             :       logSink() << LogIO::WARN
    3292             :                 << "Calibration does not support non-unit channel stepping; "
    3293             :                 << "using step=1."
    3294           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    3295           0 :       chansel.column(3)=1;
    3296             :     }
    3297             : 
    3298          42 :     Vector<Int> uspw(chansel.column(0));
    3299          42 :     Vector<Int> ustart(chansel.column(1));
    3300          42 :     Vector<Int> uend(chansel.column(2));
    3301          42 :     Vector<Int> ustep(chansel.column(3));
    3302             : 
    3303          42 :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL;
    3304         118 :     for (uInt i=0;i<nselspw;++i) {
    3305             : 
    3306         152 :       logSink() << ".  Spw " << uspw(i) << ":"
    3307         304 :                 << ustart(i) << "~" << uend(i) 
    3308          76 :                 << " (" << uend(i)-ustart(i)+1 << " channels,"
    3309         152 :                 << " step by " << ustep(i) << ")"
    3310         152 :                 << endl;
    3311             :         
    3312             :     } // i
    3313          42 :     logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    3314             : 
    3315          42 :   } // non-triv spw selection
    3316             : 
    3317         244 : }
    3318             : 
    3319             : 
    3320        1194 : Bool Calibrater::cleanup() {
    3321             : 
    3322             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","cleanup") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    3323             : 
    3324             :   // Delete the VisCals
    3325        1194 :   reset();
    3326             : 
    3327             :   // Delete derived dataset stuff
    3328        1194 :   if(mssel_p) delete mssel_p; mssel_p=0;
    3329        1194 :   if(mss_p) delete mss_p; mss_p=0;
    3330        1194 :   frequencySelections_p.reset();
    3331             : 
    3332             :   // Delete the current VisEquation
    3333        1194 :   if(ve_p) delete ve_p; ve_p=0;
    3334             : 
    3335        1194 :   return true;
    3336             : 
    3337             : }
    3338             : 
    3339             : // Parse refant specification
    3340         215 : Vector<Int> Calibrater::getRefantIdxList(const String& refant) {
    3341             : 
    3342         215 :   Vector<Int> irefant;
    3343         215 :   if (refant.length()==0) {
    3344             :     // Nothing specified, return -1 in single-element vector
    3345         137 :     irefant.resize(1);
    3346         137 :     irefant(0)=-1;
    3347             :   }
    3348             :   else {
    3349             :     // parse the specification
    3350          78 :     MSSelection msselect;
    3351          78 :     msselect.setAntennaExpr(refant);
    3352          78 :     Vector<Int> iref=msselect.getAntenna1List(mssel_p);
    3353          78 :     if (anyLT(iref,0))
    3354           0 :       cout << "Negated selection (via '!') not yet implemented for refant," << endl << " and will be ignored." << endl;
    3355          78 :     irefant=iref(iref>-1).getCompressedArray();
    3356          78 :     if (irefant.nelements()==0) {
    3357           0 :       irefant.resize(1);
    3358           0 :       irefant(0)=-1;
    3359             :     }
    3360          78 :   }
    3361             : 
    3362         215 :   return irefant;
    3363           0 : }
    3364             : 
    3365             : 
    3366             : // Interpret refant *index*
    3367         235 : Vector<Int> Calibrater::getAntIdx(const String& antenna) {
    3368             : 
    3369         235 :     MSSelection msselect;
    3370         235 :     msselect.setAntennaExpr(antenna);
    3371         469 :     return msselect.getAntenna1List(mssel_p);
    3372             : 
    3373         235 : }
    3374             : 
    3375             : // Interpret field indices (MSSelection)
    3376          53 : Vector<Int> Calibrater::getFieldIdx(const String& fields) {
    3377             : 
    3378          53 :   MSSelection mssel;
    3379          53 :   mssel.setFieldExpr(fields);
    3380         105 :   return mssel.getFieldList(mssel_p);
    3381             : 
    3382          53 : }
    3383             : 
    3384             : // Interpret spw indices (MSSelection)
    3385         436 : Vector<Int> Calibrater::getSpwIdx(const String& spws) {
    3386             : 
    3387         436 :   MSSelection mssel;
    3388         436 :   mssel.setSpwExpr(spws);
    3389             : 
    3390             :   /*
    3391             :   cout << "mssel.getSpwList(mssel_p) = " << mssel.getSpwList(mssel_p) << endl;
    3392             :   cout << "mssel.getChanList(mssel_p) = " << mssel.getChanList(mssel_p) << endl;  cout << "Vector<Int>() = " << Vector<Int>() << endl;
    3393             :   */
    3394             : 
    3395             :   // Use getChanList (column 0 for spw) because it is 
    3396             :   //  more reliable about the number and order of specified spws.
    3397             :   //  return mssel.getSpwList(mssel_p);
    3398         436 :   Matrix<Int> chanmat=mssel.getChanList(mssel_p);
    3399         436 :   if (chanmat.nelements()>0) 
    3400         205 :     return chanmat.column(0);
    3401             :   else
    3402         231 :     return Vector<Int>();
    3403             : 
    3404         436 : }
    3405             : 
    3406         418 : Matrix<Int> Calibrater::getChanIdx(const String& spw) {
    3407             : 
    3408         418 :   MSSelection mssel;
    3409         418 :   mssel.setSpwExpr(spw);
    3410             : 
    3411         836 :   return mssel.getChanList(mssel_p);
    3412             : 
    3413         418 : }
    3414             : 
    3415             : 
    3416             : // Query apply types if we are calibrating the weights
    3417      178505 : Bool Calibrater::calWt() {
    3418             : 
    3419      178505 :   Int napp(vc_p.nelements());
    3420             :   // Return true as soon as we find a type which is cal'ing wts
    3421      186241 :   for (Int iapp=0;iapp<napp;++iapp)
    3422      178505 :     if (vc_p[iapp] && vc_p[iapp]->calWt())
    3423      170769 :       return true;
    3424             : 
    3425             :   // None cal'd weights, so return false
    3426        7736 :   return false;
    3427             : 
    3428             : }
    3429             : 
    3430         537 : Bool Calibrater::ok() {
    3431             : 
    3432         537 :   if ((simdata_p || 
    3433         537 :        (ms_p && mssel_p))
    3434         537 :       && ve_p) {
    3435         537 :     return true;
    3436             :   }
    3437             :   else {
    3438           0 :     logSink() << "Calibrater is not yet initialized" << LogIO::POST;
    3439           0 :     return false;
    3440             :   }
    3441             : }
    3442             : // The standard solving mechanism
    3443         168 : casacore::Bool Calibrater::genericGatherAndSolve()  
    3444             : {
    3445             : 
    3446             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    3447         168 :   Double Tsetup(0.0),Tgather(0.0),Tsolve(0.0),Tadd(0.0);
    3448         168 :   Double time0=omp_get_wtime();
    3449             : #endif
    3450             : 
    3451             :   // Create record to store results
    3452         168 :   resRec_ = Record();
    3453         168 :   Record attemptRec;
    3454         168 :   attemptRec = Record();
    3455             :     
    3456             :   // Condition solint values 
    3457         168 :   svc_p->reParseSolintForVI2();
    3458             : 
    3459             :   // Organize VI2 layers for solving:
    3460         168 :   CalSolVi2Organizer vi2org;
    3461             : 
    3462             :   //-------------------------------------------------
    3463             :   //  NB: Populating the vi2org should probably be delegated to the svc_p
    3464             :   //      since that is where most of the required (non-data) info is,
    3465             :   //      and then some calibration types may introduce layers that are
    3466             :   //      very specific to them (e.g., SD data selection, etc.)
    3467             :   //  e.g., replace the following with something like:
    3468             :   //
    3469             :   //  svc_p->formVi2LayerFactories(vi2org,mssel_p,ve_p);
    3470             :   //                                      ssvp_p          // a simdata version
    3471             :   //
    3472             : 
    3473             :   // Add the (bottom) data access layer
    3474         168 :   if (simdata_p)
    3475             :     // Simulated data (used for testing)
    3476           0 :     vi2org.addSimIO(ssvp_p);
    3477             :   else
    3478             :   {
    3479             :     // Real (selected) data in an MS (channel selection handled by addDiskIO method)
    3480             :     //   The iteration time-interval is the solution interval
    3481         168 :     vi2org.addDiskIO(mssel_p,svc_p->solTimeInterval(),
    3482         168 :                      svc_p->combobs(),svc_p->combscan(),
    3483         168 :                      svc_p->combfld(),svc_p->combspw(),
    3484             :                      true,     // use MSIter2
    3485         168 :                      frequencySelections_p);  // Tell VI2 factory about the freq selection!
    3486             :   }
    3487             : 
    3488             :   // Add ad hoc SD section layer (e.g., OTF select of raster boundaries, etc.)
    3489             :   // only double circle gain calibration is implemented
    3490         168 :   bool SD = svc_p->longTypeName().startsWith("SDGAIN_OTFD");
    3491         168 :   if (SD) {
    3492           9 :     vi2org.addCalFilter(calFilterConfig_p);
    3493             :   }
    3494             : 
    3495             :   // Add pre-cal layer, using the VisEquation
    3496             :   //  (include control for corr-dep flags)
    3497         168 :   vi2org.addCalForSolving(*ve_p,corrDepFlags_);
    3498             : 
    3499             : 
    3500             :   // Add the freq-averaging layer, if needed
    3501             :   //cout << "svc_p->fintervalChV() = " << svc_p->fintervalChV() << endl;                                                    
    3502             :   //cout << "svc_p->fsolint() = " << svc_p->fsolint() << endl;
    3503             :   // TBD: improve the following logic with new method in SVC...
    3504         246 :   if (!svc_p->freqDepMat() ||       // entirely unchannelized cal  OR
    3505         125 :       (svc_p->freqDepPar() &&            // channelized par and
    3506          47 :        svc_p->fsolint()!="none" &&       // some partial channel averaging
    3507         171 :        anyGT(svc_p->fintervalChV(),1.0)) // explicity specified (non-trivially)
    3508             :       ) { 
    3509          92 :     Vector<Int> chanbin(svc_p->fintervalChV().nelements());
    3510          92 :     convertArray(chanbin,svc_p->fintervalChV());
    3511          92 :     vi2org.addChanAve(chanbin);  
    3512          92 :   }
    3513             : 
    3514             :   // Add the time-averaging layer, if needed
    3515             :   //  NB: There is some evidence that doing time-averaging _after_ 
    3516             :   //      channel averaging may be more expensive then doing it _before_, 
    3517             :   //      but this ensures that the meta-info (e.g. time, timeCentroid, etc.)
    3518             :   //      appear correctly in the VB2 accessed at this scope.
    3519             :   //      The problem is that AveragingTvi2 has not explicitly
    3520             :   //      implemented all of the relevant data accessors; it just
    3521             :   //      assumes---incorrectly---that you are going to use its VB2.
    3522             :   //      Making AveragingTvi2 the top layer ensures you do use it.
    3523             :   //      (Hard-wired use of AveragingTvi2 in MSTransform set it up
    3524             :   //       as the top [last] layer, and has been well-tested...)
    3525             : 
    3526             :   //cout << "svc_p->solint() = " << svc_p->solint() << endl;
    3527             :   //cout << "svc_p->solTimeInterval() = " << svc_p->solTimeInterval() << endl;
    3528             :   //cout << "svc_p->preavg() = " << svc_p->preavg() << endl;
    3529         324 :   if (!svc_p->solint().contains("int") &&      // i.e., not "int")
    3530         156 :       svc_p->preavg() != -DBL_MAX) {
    3531         130 :     Float avetime(svc_p->solTimeInterval());   // avetime is solint, nominally
    3532             :     // Use preavg instead, if...
    3533         260 :     if (svc_p->preavg()>FLT_EPSILON &&             // ...set meaningfully
    3534         130 :         svc_p->preavg()<svc_p->solTimeInterval())  // ...and less than solint
    3535          35 :       avetime=svc_p->preavg();
    3536         130 :     vi2org.addTimeAve(avetime);  // use min of solint and preavg here!
    3537             :   }
    3538             :   // (2021-12-17): Currently we only handle the corrcomb
    3539             :   // cases of "all" and "none"; there will be a need to extend this, but the
    3540             :   // PolAverageTVILayerFactory that underlies this feature will also need to be extended
    3541             :   // to make that possible
    3542         168 :   if (svc_p->corrcomb().contains("all")) {
    3543             :     //cerr << "Calibrater::genericGatherAndSolve(): Combining correlations!" << endl;
    3544           1 :       vi2org.addCorrCombine();
    3545             :   }
    3546             :   //else {
    3547             :   //    cerr << "Calibrater::genericGatherAndSolve(): Not combining correlations!" << endl;
    3548             :   //}
    3549             : 
    3550             :   //  vi2org should be fully configured at this point
    3551             :   //-------------------------------------------------
    3552             : 
    3553             : 
    3554             :   // Form the VI2 to drive data iteration below
    3555         168 :   vi::VisibilityIterator2& vi(vi2org.makeFullVI());
    3556             :   //  cout << "VI Layers: " << vi.ViiType() << endl;
    3557             : 
    3558             :   // Establish output freq meta data prior to solving  (CAS-12735 and related)
    3559             : 
    3560             :   // Discern (even implicitly-)selected spw subset
    3561         168 :   set<uInt> selspwset;
    3562         168 :   if (!simdata_p)  {
    3563             : 
    3564             :     // We can't proceed rationally if we have more than one freqSelection (multiple MSs)
    3565             :     //  (this is a sort-of out-of-the-blue test here....)
    3566         168 :     AlwaysAssert(frequencySelections_p->size()<2,AipsError);
    3567             : 
    3568             :     // TBD can we use the msmc_p?  (or maybe it is for the whole MS, not just the selected one?)
    3569         168 :     MSMetaData msmdtmp(mssel_p,50.0);
    3570         168 :     selspwset=msmdtmp.getSpwIDs();
    3571         168 :   } 
    3572             : 
    3573             :   // Extract selected spw list as a Vector<uInt>
    3574         168 :   Vector<uInt> selspwlist;
    3575         168 :   if (!simdata_p && selspwset.size()>0) {
    3576         168 :     Vector<uInt> vtmp(selspwset.begin(),selspwset.size(),0);
    3577         168 :     selspwlist.reference(vtmp);
    3578         168 :   } else {
    3579             :     // All spws in the MS  (this is a last resort!)
    3580             :     // NB: This is used in simdata_p=True context!
    3581           0 :     selspwlist.resize(msmc_p->nSpw());
    3582           0 :     indgen(selspwlist);
    3583             :   }
    3584             :   //  cout << "selspwlist = " << selspwlist << endl;
    3585             : 
    3586             :   // Delegate freq meta calculation to the SVC (wherein this info is stored)
    3587         168 :   svc_p->discernAndSetSolnFrequencies(vi,selspwlist);
    3588             : 
    3589             : 
    3590             :   // Access to the net VB2 for forming SolveDataBuffers in the SDBList below
    3591             :   //  NB: this assumes that the internal address of the VI2's VB2 will never change!
    3592         165 :   vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi.getImpl()->getVisBuffer();
    3593             : 
    3594             :   // VI2 should now be ready....
    3595             : 
    3596             :   // Discern number of Solutions and how many VI2 chunks per each
    3597         165 :   Int nSol(0);
    3598         165 :   Vector<Int> nChPSol(1000,0);  // nominal size; will enlarge as needed, and trim at end
    3599             : 
    3600             :   {
    3601             :     //cout << "Counting chunks and solutions..." << endl;
    3602         165 :     uInt isol(0);
    3603             :     //    uInt ichk(0);
    3604       19882 :     for (vi.originChunks();vi.moreChunks();vi.nextChunk()) {
    3605             :       // NB: this loop NEVER touches the the subChunks, since
    3606             :       //     this would cause data I/O, cal, averaging, etc.
    3607             : 
    3608             :       //      int frame=vi.getImpl()->getReportingFrameOfReference();
    3609             :       //      cout << "ichk=" << ichk << " freqs= " << vi.getImpl()->getFrequencies(-1.0e0,frame,selspwlist(ispw),0);
    3610             : 
    3611             : 
    3612             :       // Enlarge nChPSol Vector, if necessary
    3613       19717 :       if (isol>nChPSol.nelements()-1) {
    3614             :         //cout << "   ...At isol=" << isol << ", resizing nchPSol: " << nChPSol.nelements() << "-->";
    3615           6 :         nChPSol.resize(isol*2,True);        // double length, copy existing elements
    3616           6 :         nChPSol(Slice(isol,isol,1)).set(0); // init new elements
    3617             :         //cout << nChPSol.nelements() << endl;
    3618             :         //cout << "sol counting: " << isol << " " << nChPSol << " (" << ntrue(nChPSol>0) << "/" << nChPSol.nelements() << ")" << endl;
    3619             :       }
    3620             : 
    3621             :       // incr chunk counter for current solution
    3622       19717 :       ++nChPSol(isol);  
    3623             :       //cout << "sol counting: " << isol << " " << nChPSol(Slice(0,min(isol+2,nChPSol.nelements()),1))
    3624             :       //     << " (" << ntrue(nChPSol>0) << "/" << nChPSol.nelements() << ")" 
    3625             :       //     << "  keyCh=" << vi.keyChange()
    3626             :       //     << endl;
    3627             : 
    3628             :       // next chunk is nominally next solution
    3629       19717 :       ++isol;           
    3630             : 
    3631             :       // If combining spw or field, and the next chunk changes by
    3632             :       //   DATA_DESC_ID or FIELD_ID (and _not_ TIME, which is
    3633             :       //   changing slower than these when combine is on),
    3634             :       //   then the next chunk should be counted in the same soln
    3635       59051 :       if ( (svc_p->combspw() && vi.keyChange()=="DATA_DESC_ID") ||
    3636       39334 :            (svc_p->combfld() && vi.keyChange()=="FIELD_ID") )
    3637         112 :         --isol; // next one is the same solution interval
    3638             : 
    3639             :     }
    3640             :     // Trim list to realized length, which is the number of solutions we'll 
    3641             :     //   attempt below
    3642         165 :     nSol=ntrue(nChPSol>0);
    3643         165 :     nChPSol.resize(nSol,true);
    3644             :     //cout << "nSol   =" << nSol << endl;
    3645             :     //cout << "nChPSol=" << nChPSol << endl;
    3646             : 
    3647             :     /*  from SVC...
    3648             :     if (svc_p->combobs())
    3649             :       logSink() << "Combining observation Ids." << LogIO::POST;
    3650             :     if (svc_p->combscan())
    3651             :       logSink() << "Combining scans." << LogIO::POST;
    3652             :     if (svc_p->combspw()) 
    3653             :       logSink() << "Combining spws: " << spwlist << " -> " << spwlab << LogIO::POST;
    3654             :     if (svc_p->combfld()) 
    3655             :       logSink() << "Combining fields." << LogIO::POST;
    3656             :     */
    3657             : 
    3658         165 :     logSink() << "For solint = " << svc_p->solint() << ", found "
    3659             :               <<  nSol << " solution intervals."
    3660         165 :               << LogIO::POST;
    3661             :   }
    3662             : 
    3663             :   //  throw(AipsError("EARLY ESCAPE!!"));
    3664             : 
    3665             :   // Create the output caltable                                                                                             
    3666             :   //  (this version doesn't revise frequencies)                                                                             
    3667         165 :   svc_p->createMemCalTable2();
    3668             : 
    3669         165 :   Vector<Float> spwwts(msmc_p->nSpw(),-1.0);
    3670         165 :   Vector<Int64> nexp(msmc_p->nSpw(),0), natt(msmc_p->nSpw(),0),nsuc(msmc_p->nSpw(),0), nbelowsnr(msmc_p->nSpw(),0), nbelowbl(msmc_p->nSpw(),0);
    3671             :     
    3672             :   // Start Collecting counts
    3673         165 :   CalCounts* calCounts = new CalCounts();
    3674         165 :   calCounts->initCounts(msmc_p->nSpw(),msmc_p->nAnt(), svc_p->nPar());
    3675             :   // Set up results record
    3676         165 :   std::map<Int, std::map<String, Vector<Int>>> resultMap;
    3677             :   
    3678             :     
    3679             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    3680         165 :   Tsetup+=(omp_get_wtime()-time0);
    3681             : #endif
    3682             : 
    3683         165 :   Int nGood(0);
    3684         165 :   vi.originChunks();
    3685         165 :   Int nGlobalChunks=0;  // counts VI chunks globally
    3686       19770 :   for (Int isol=0;isol<nSol && vi.moreChunks();++isol) {
    3687             : 
    3688             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    3689       19605 :     time0=omp_get_wtime();
    3690             : #endif
    3691             : 
    3692             :     // Data will accumulate here                                                                                            
    3693       19605 :     SDBList sdbs;
    3694             : 
    3695             :     // Gather the chunks/VBs for this solution                                                                              
    3696             :     //   Solution boundaries will ALWAYS occur on chunk boundaries,
    3697             :     //   though some chunk boundaries will be ignored in the 
    3698             :     //   combine='spw' or 'field' context
    3699             : 
    3700       19605 :     for (Int ichunk=0;                                // count chunks in this solution
    3701       39322 :          ichunk<nChPSol(isol)&&vi.moreChunks();  // while more chunks needed _and_ available
    3702       19717 :          ++ichunk,vi.nextChunk()) {                     // advance to next chunk
    3703             : 
    3704             :       // Global chunk counter
    3705       19717 :       ++nGlobalChunks;
    3706             : 
    3707             :       //  Loop over VB2s in this chunk
    3708             :       //    (we get more then one when preavg<solint)
    3709       19717 :       Int ivb(0);
    3710       19717 :       for (vi.origin();
    3711       66913 :            vi.more();
    3712       47196 :            ++ivb, {
    3713             :           
    3714             :         // Add this VB to the SDBList                                                                                       
    3715             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    3716       47196 :         Double Tadd0=omp_get_wtime();
    3717             : #endif
    3718             : 
    3719       47196 :         sdbs.add(*vb);
    3720             : 
    3721             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    3722       47196 :         Tadd+=(omp_get_wtime()-Tadd0);
    3723             : #endif
    3724             : 
    3725             :         // Keep track of spws seen but not included in solving
    3726       47196 :         Int ispw=vb->spectralWindows()(0);
    3727       47196 :         if (spwwts(ispw)<0) spwwts(ispw)=0.0f;
    3728       47196 :         spwwts(ispw)+=sum(vb->weightSpectrum());
    3729             : 
    3730             :         /*
    3731             :         Double modv(86400.0);
    3732             :         cout.precision(7);
    3733             :         cout << "isol=" << isol
    3734             :              << " ichk="<<ichunk
    3735             :              << " ivb="<<ivb
    3736             :              << " sc="<<vb->scan()(0)
    3737             :              << " fld="<<vb->fieldId()(0)
    3738             :              << " spw="<<vb->spectralWindows()(0)
    3739             :              << " nr="<<vb->nRows()
    3740             :              << " nch="<<vb->nChannels() << flush;
    3741             :         cout << " f="<<mean(vb->getFrequencies(0))/1e9
    3742             :              << "->"<< mean(sdbs.freqs())/1e9
    3743             :              << " t="<<fmod(mean(vb->time()),modv)
    3744             :              << "->"<< fmod(sdbs.aggregateTime(),modv)
    3745             :              << " tC="<<fmod(mean(vb->timeCentroid()),modv)
    3746             :              << "->"<< fmod(sdbs.aggregateTimeCentroid(),modv)
    3747             :              << " wt="<<sum(vb->weightSpectrum())
    3748             :              << " nSDB=" << sdbs.nSDB() 
    3749             :              << " nGlChks=" << nGlobalChunks
    3750             :              << " (keych=" << vi.keyChange() << ")"
    3751             :              << endl;
    3752             :         //*/
    3753             : 
    3754             :       }  // VI2 subchunks (VB2s)
    3755             :     } // VI2 chunks
    3756             : 
    3757             :     // Which spw is this?
    3758       19605 :     Int thisSpw(sdbs.aggregateSpw());
    3759             : 
    3760             :     // Expecting a solution                                                                                                 
    3761       19605 :     nexp(thisSpw)+=1;
    3762             :     // Initialize the antennaMap_ in svc
    3763       19605 :     svc_p->clearMap();
    3764             :     // Get expected and data unflagged accumulation
    3765       19605 :     svc_p->expectedUnflagged(sdbs);
    3766             :       
    3767             : 
    3768             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    3769       19605 :     Tgather+=(omp_get_wtime()-time0);
    3770       19605 :     time0=omp_get_wtime();
    3771             : #endif
    3772             : 
    3773             : 
    3774       19605 :     if (sdbs.Ok()) {
    3775             :         
    3776             :       // Some unflagged data, so Attempting a solution                                                                      
    3777       19570 :       natt(thisSpw)+=1;
    3778             : 
    3779             :       // make phase- or amp-only, if necessary                                                                              
    3780       19570 :       sdbs.enforceAPonData(svc_p->apmode());
    3781             : 
    3782             :       // zero cross-hand weights, if necessary                                                                              
    3783       19570 :       sdbs.enforceSolveWeights(svc_p->phandonly());
    3784             : 
    3785             :       // Synchronize meta-info in SVC                                                                                       
    3786       19570 :       svc_p->syncSolveMeta(sdbs);
    3787             : 
    3788             :       // Set or verify freqs in the caltable                                                                                
    3789             :       //svc_p->setOrVerifyCTFrequencies(thisSpw);                                                                     
    3790       19570 :       svc_p->setCTFrequencies(thisSpw);                                                                     
    3791             : 
    3792             :       // Size the solvePar arrays inside SVC                                                                                
    3793             :       //  (smart:  if freqDepPar()=F, uses 1)                                                                               
    3794             :       //  returns the number of channel solutions to iterate over                                                           
    3795             :       //Int nChanSol=svc_p->sizeSolveParCurrSpw(sdbs.nChannels());
    3796       19570 :       Int nChanSol=svc_p->sizeSolveParCurrSpw((svc_p->freqDepPar() ? sdbs.nChannels() : 1));
    3797             : 
    3798       19570 :       if (svc_p->useGenericSolveOne()) {
    3799             : 
    3800             :         // We'll use the generic solver                                                                                     
    3801       15936 :         VisCalSolver2 vcs(svc_p->solmode(),svc_p->rmsthresh());
    3802             : 
    3803             :         // Guess from the data                                                                                              
    3804       15936 :         svc_p->guessPar(sdbs,corrDepFlags_);
    3805             : 
    3806       15936 :         Bool totalGoodSol(False);  // Will be set True if any channel is good                                               
    3807             :         //for (Int ich=0;ich<nChanSol;++ich) {
    3808       33120 :         for (Int ich=nChanSol-1;ich>-1;--ich) {
    3809       17184 :           svc_p->markTimer();
    3810       17184 :           svc_p->focusChan()=ich;
    3811             : 
    3812             :           // Execute the solve                                                                                              
    3813       17184 :           Bool goodsol=vcs.solve(*ve_p,*svc_p,sdbs);
    3814             : 
    3815       17184 :           if (goodsol) {
    3816        9414 :             totalGoodSol=True;
    3817             : 
    3818        9414 :             svc_p->formSolveSNR();
    3819        9414 :             svc_p->applySNRThreshold();
    3820             :           }
    3821             :           else
    3822        7770 :             svc_p->currMetaNote();
    3823             : 
    3824             :           // Record solution in its channel, good or bad                                                                    
    3825       17184 :           if (svc_p->freqDepPar())
    3826        1278 :             svc_p->keep1(ich);
    3827             : 
    3828             :         } // ich                                                                                                            
    3829             : 
    3830       15936 :         if (totalGoodSol) {
    3831             :           // Keep this good solution, and count it                                                                          
    3832        8538 :           svc_p->keepNCT();
    3833        8538 :           ++nGood;
    3834        8538 :           nsuc(thisSpw)+=1;
    3835             :         }
    3836             : 
    3837       15936 :       } // useGenericSolveOne                                                                                               
    3838             :       else {
    3839             :         // Use self-directed individual solve                                                                               
    3840             :         //   TBD: return T/F for goodness?                                                                                  
    3841             :         //cout << "Calling selfSolveOne()!!!!!!" << endl;
    3842        3634 :         svc_p->selfSolveOne(sdbs);
    3843             : 
    3844             :         // Keep this good solution, and count it                                                                            
    3845        3634 :         svc_p->keepNCT();
    3846        3634 :         ++nGood;
    3847        3634 :         nsuc(thisSpw)+=1;
    3848             :       }
    3849             : 
    3850             :     } // sdbs.Ok()
    3851             :     else {
    3852             :       // Synchronize meta-info in SVC
    3853          35 :       svc_p->syncSolveMeta(sdbs);
    3854          35 :       cout << "Found no unflagged data at:";
    3855          35 :       svc_p->currMetaNote();
    3856             :     }
    3857             :     //cout << endl;
    3858             :     // Get all the antenna value counts
    3859       19605 :     resultMap = svc_p->getAntennaMap();
    3860       19605 :     calCounts->addAntennaCounts(thisSpw,msmc_p->nAnt(), svc_p->nPar(), resultMap);
    3861             : 
    3862             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    3863       19605 :     Tsolve+=(omp_get_wtime()-time0);
    3864             : #endif    
    3865             :     
    3866             :     //    throw(AipsError("EARLY ESCAPE!!"));
    3867             : 
    3868       19605 :   } // isol
    3869             :     
    3870             :   // Report nGood to logger
    3871             :   logSink() << "  Found good " 
    3872         165 :             << svc_p->typeName() << " solutions in "
    3873             :             << nGood << " solution intervals."
    3874         165 :             << LogIO::POST;
    3875             : 
    3876             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    3877             :  #ifdef REPORT_CAL_TIMING
    3878             :   cout << "Calibrater::genericGatherAndSolve Timing: " << endl;
    3879             :   cout << " setup=" << Tsetup
    3880             :        << " gather=" << Tgather 
    3881             :        << " (SDBadd=" << Tadd << ")"
    3882             :        << " solve=" << Tsolve 
    3883             :        << " total=" << Tsetup+Tgather+Tsolve
    3884             :     //       << " tick=" << omp_get_wtick()
    3885             :        << endl;
    3886             :  #endif
    3887             : #endif
    3888             : 
    3889             :   // Report spws that were seen but not solved
    3890         165 :   Vector<Bool> unsolspw=(spwwts==0.0f); 
    3891         165 :   summarize_uncalspws(unsolspw, "solv");                                                                                  
    3892             : 
    3893             :   //  throw(AipsError("EARLY ESCAPE!!"));
    3894             : 
    3895         165 :   if (nGood>0) {
    3896         160 :     if (svc_p->typeName()!="BPOLY") {  // needed?                                                                           
    3897             :       // apply refant, etc.
    3898         160 :       svc_p->clearRefantMap();
    3899         160 :       svc_p->globalPostSolveTinker();
    3900             : 
    3901             :       // write to disk                                                                                                      
    3902         160 :       svc_p->storeNCT();
    3903             :     }
    3904             :   }
    3905             :   else {
    3906             :     logSink() << "No output calibration table written."
    3907           5 :               << LogIO::POST;
    3908             :   }
    3909             :     
    3910             :   // Collect and update the refants
    3911         165 :   std::map<Int, std::map<Int, Int>> refantMap;
    3912         165 :   refantMap = svc_p->getRefantMap();
    3913         165 :   calCounts->updateRefants(msmc_p->nSpw(), msmc_p->nAnt(), refantMap);
    3914             :   // Compile all accumulated counts into a record
    3915         165 :   resRec_ = calCounts->makeRecord(msmc_p->nAnt(), vi.nPolarizationIds());
    3916             :       
    3917             :   // print a matrix to the logger
    3918         165 :   logSink() << "----- PER ANTENNA INFO -----" << LogIO::POST;
    3919             :   // print the antenna list
    3920         165 :   logSink() << "      ";
    3921        1866 :   for (Int ant=0; ant<msmc_p->nAnt(); ant++) {
    3922        1701 :       logSink() << " ANT: " << ant << "   ";
    3923             :   }
    3924         165 :   logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    3925             :       
    3926         779 :   for (Int spw=0; spw < msmc_p->nSpw(); spw++) {
    3927             :           
    3928         614 :       logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << "SPW: " << spw;
    3929             :           
    3930        6206 :       for (Int ant=0; ant < msmc_p->nAnt(); ant++) {
    3931        5592 :           logSink() << " " << calCounts->antMapVal(spw, ant, "above_minsnr") << " ";
    3932             :       }
    3933         614 :       logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    3934             :   }
    3935             :       
    3936         165 :   logSink() << "----- PER SPW INFO -----" << LogIO::POST;
    3937             :   // print the result fields
    3938         165 :   logSink() << "      ";
    3939         165 :   logSink() << " expected  data_unflagged  above_minblperant  above_minsnr";
    3940         165 :   logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    3941         779 :   for (Int spw = 0; spw < msmc_p->nSpw(); spw++) {
    3942         614 :       logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << "SPW: " << spw << " ";
    3943         614 :       logSink() << calCounts->spwMapVal(spw, "expected") << "  ";
    3944         614 :       logSink() << calCounts->spwMapVal(spw, "data_unflagged") << "        ";
    3945         614 :       logSink() << calCounts->spwMapVal(spw, "above_minblperant") << "            ";
    3946         614 :       logSink() << calCounts->spwMapVal(spw, "above_minsnr");
    3947         614 :       logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    3948             :   }
    3949             :       
    3950         165 :   logSink() << "----- GLOBAL INFO -----" << LogIO::POST;
    3951         165 :   logSink() << "expected  data_unflagged  above_minblperant  above_minsnr";
    3952         165 :   logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    3953         165 :   logSink() << calCounts->totalMapVal("expected") << "  ";
    3954         165 :   logSink() << calCounts->totalMapVal("data_unflagged") << "        ";
    3955         165 :   logSink() << calCounts->totalMapVal("above_minblperant") << "            ";
    3956         165 :   logSink() << calCounts->totalMapVal("above_minsnr");
    3957         165 :   logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    3958             : 
    3959             :   // Fill activity record
    3960             :   
    3961         165 :   actRec_ = Record();
    3962         165 :   actRec_.define("origin","Calibrater::genericGatherAndSolve");
    3963         165 :   actRec_.define("nExpected",nexp);
    3964         165 :   actRec_.define("nAttempt",natt);
    3965         165 :   actRec_.define("nSucceed",nsuc);
    3966             :     
    3967             :   //cout << nexp << ", " << natt << ", " << nsuc << endl;
    3968             : 
    3969             :   { 
    3970         165 :     Record solveRec=svc_p->solveActionRec();
    3971         165 :     if (solveRec.nfields()>0)
    3972           6 :       actRec_.merge(solveRec);
    3973         165 :   }
    3974             : 
    3975             :   // Reach here, all is good
    3976         165 :   return True;
    3977             : 
    3978         177 : }
    3979             : 
    3980             : 
    3981           0 : void Calibrater::writeHistory(LogIO& /*os*/, Bool /*cliCommand*/)
    3982             : {
    3983             :   // Disabled 2016/04/19: avoid direct MS.HISTORY updates from
    3984             :   //   below the python level, FOR NOW
    3985             : 
    3986           0 :   return;
    3987             :   /*
    3988             :   if (!historytab_p.isNull()) {
    3989             :     if (histLockCounter_p == 0) {
    3990             :       historytab_p.lock(false);
    3991             :     }
    3992             :     ++histLockCounter_p;
    3993             : 
    3994             :     os.postLocally();
    3995             :     if (cliCommand) {
    3996             :       hist_p->cliCommand(os);
    3997             :     } else {
    3998             :       hist_p->addMessage(os);
    3999             :     }
    4000             : 
    4001             :     if (histLockCounter_p == 1) {
    4002             :       historytab_p.unlock();
    4003             :     }
    4004             :     if (histLockCounter_p > 0) {
    4005             :       --histLockCounter_p;
    4006             :     }
    4007             :   } else {
    4008             :     os << LogIO::SEVERE << "calibrater is not yet initialized" << LogIO::POST;
    4009             :   }
    4010             :   */
    4011             : }
    4012             : 
    4013         168 : void Calibrater::setCalFilterConfiguration(String const &type,
    4014             :     Record const &config) {
    4015             :   // currently only SDDoubleCircleGainCal requires data filtering
    4016         168 :   if (type.startsWith("SDGAIN_OTFD")) {
    4017           9 :     calFilterConfig_p.define("mode", "SDGAIN_OTFD");
    4018           9 :     if (config.isDefined("smooth")) {
    4019           9 :       calFilterConfig_p.define("smooth", config.asBool("smooth"));
    4020             :     }
    4021           9 :     if (config.isDefined("radius")) {
    4022           9 :       calFilterConfig_p.define("radius", config.asString("radius"));
    4023             :     }
    4024             :   }
    4025         168 : }
    4026             : 
    4027             : // *********************************************
    4028             : //  OldCalibrater implementations that use vs_p
    4029             : 
    4030         203 : OldCalibrater::OldCalibrater(): 
    4031             :   Calibrater(),
    4032         203 :   vs_p(0), 
    4033         203 :   rawvs_p(0)
    4034             : {
    4035             :   //  cout << "This is the OLD VI2-aware Calibrater" << endl;
    4036         203 : }
    4037             : 
    4038           9 : OldCalibrater::OldCalibrater(String msname): 
    4039             :   Calibrater(msname),
    4040           9 :   vs_p(0), 
    4041           9 :   rawvs_p(0)
    4042             : {
    4043           9 : }
    4044             : 
    4045             : /*
    4046             : OldCalibrater::OldCalibrater(const OldCalibrater & other) :
    4047             :   Calibrater(other)
    4048             : {
    4049             :   operator=(other);
    4050             : }
    4051             : 
    4052             : OldCalibrater& OldCalibrater::operator=(const OldCalibrater & other)
    4053             : {
    4054             :   Calibrater::operator=(other); // copy parental units
    4055             :   vs_p=other.vs_p;
    4056             :   rawvs_p=other.rawvs_p;
    4057             :   return *this;
    4058             : }
    4059             : */
    4060             : 
    4061         424 : OldCalibrater::~OldCalibrater()
    4062             : {
    4063         212 :   OldCalibrater::cleanupVisSet();
    4064         424 : }
    4065             : 
    4066             : 
    4067             : // Select data (using MSSelection syntax)
    4068         168 : void OldCalibrater::selectvis(const String& time,
    4069             :                               const String& spw,
    4070             :                               const String& scan,
    4071             :                               const String& field,
    4072             :                               const String& intent,
    4073             :                               const String& obsIDs,
    4074             :                               const String& baseline,
    4075             :                               const String& uvrange,
    4076             :                               const String& chanmode,
    4077             :                               const Int& nchan,
    4078             :                               const Int& start, 
    4079             :                               const Int& step,
    4080             :                               const MRadialVelocity& mStart,
    4081             :                               const MRadialVelocity& mStep,
    4082             :                               const String& msSelect)
    4083             : {
    4084             : // Define primary measurement set selection criteria
    4085             : // Inputs:
    4086             : //    time
    4087             : //    spw
    4088             : //    scan
    4089             : //    field
    4090             : //    intent
    4091             : //    obsIDs
    4092             : //    baseline
    4093             : //    uvrange
    4094             : //    chanmode     const String&            Frequency/velocity selection mode
    4095             : //                                          ("channel", "velocity" or 
    4096             : //                                           "opticalvelocity")
    4097             : //    nchan        const Int&               No of channels to select
    4098             : //    start        const Int&               Start channel to select
    4099             : //    step         const Int&               Channel increment
    4100             : //    mStart       const MRadialVelocity&   Start radial vel. to select
    4101             : //    mStep        const MRadialVelocity&   Radial velocity increment
    4102             : //    msSelect     const String&            MS selection string (TAQL)
    4103             : // Output to private data:
    4104             : //
    4105         168 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","selectvis") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    4106             :   
    4107             :   try {
    4108             : 
    4109             :  /*   
    4110             :     cout << "time     = " << time << " " << time.length() <<endl;
    4111             :     cout << "spw      = " << spw << " " << spw.length() <<endl;
    4112             :     cout << "scan     = " << scan << " " << scan.length() <<endl;
    4113             :     cout << "field    = " << field << " " << field.length() <<endl;
    4114             :     cout << "baseline = " << baseline << " " << baseline.length() << endl;
    4115             :     cout << "uvrange  = " << uvrange << " " << uvrange.length() << endl;
    4116             :  */
    4117             : 
    4118         168 :     logSink() << "Selecting data" << LogIO::POST;
    4119             :     
    4120             :     // Apply selection to the original MeasurementSet
    4121         168 :     logSink() << "Performing selection on MeasurementSet" << endl;
    4122             :     
    4123         168 :     if (mssel_p) {
    4124         168 :       delete mssel_p;
    4125         168 :       mssel_p=0;
    4126             :     };
    4127             : 
    4128             :     // Report non-trivial user selections
    4129         168 :     if (time!="")
    4130           2 :       logSink() << " Selecting on time: '" << time << "'" << endl;
    4131         168 :     if (spw!="")
    4132          21 :       logSink() << " Selecting on spw: '" << spw << "'" << endl;
    4133         168 :     if (scan!="")
    4134           2 :       logSink() << " Selecting on scan: '" << scan << "'" << endl;
    4135         168 :     if (field!="")
    4136          20 :       logSink() << " Selecting on field: '" << field << "'" << endl;
    4137         168 :     if (intent!="")
    4138          20 :       logSink() << " Selecting on intent: '" << intent << "'" << endl;
    4139         168 :     if(obsIDs != "")
    4140           0 :       logSink() << " Selecting by observation IDs: '" << obsIDs << "'" << endl;
    4141         168 :     if (baseline!="")
    4142           3 :       logSink() << " Selecting on antenna/baseline: '" << baseline << "'" << endl;
    4143         168 :     if (uvrange!="")
    4144           2 :       logSink() << " Selecting on uvrange: '" << uvrange << "'" << endl;
    4145         168 :     if (msSelect!="")
    4146           1 :       logSink() << " Selecting with TaQL: '" << msSelect << "'" << endl;
    4147         168 :     logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    4148             : 
    4149             : 
    4150             :     // Assume no selection, for starters
    4151             :     // gmoellen 2012/01/30    mssel_p = new MeasurementSet(sorted, ms_p);
    4152         168 :     mssel_p = new MeasurementSet(*ms_p);
    4153             : 
    4154             :     // Apply user-supplied selection
    4155         168 :     Bool nontrivsel=false;
    4156             :     // gmoellen 2012/01/30    nontrivsel= mssSetData(MeasurementSet(sorted, ms_p),
    4157             : 
    4158             :     // Ensure use of a fresh MSSelection object
    4159         168 :     if (mss_p) { delete mss_p; mss_p=NULL; }
    4160         168 :     mss_p=new MSSelection();
    4161         345 :     nontrivsel= mssSetData(*ms_p,
    4162         168 :                            *mssel_p,"",
    4163             :                            time,baseline,
    4164             :                            field,spw,
    4165             :                            uvrange,msSelect,
    4166             :                            "",scan,"",intent, obsIDs,mss_p);
    4167             : 
    4168             :     // Keep any MR status for the MS
    4169         165 :     mssel_p->setMemoryResidentSubtables(ms_p->getMrsEligibility());
    4170             : 
    4171             :     // If non-trivial MSSelection invoked and nrow reduced:
    4172         165 :     if(nontrivsel && mssel_p->nrow()<ms_p->nrow()) {
    4173             : 
    4174             :       // Escape if no rows selected
    4175          46 :       if (mssel_p->nrow()==0) 
    4176           0 :         throw(AipsError("Specified selection selects zero rows!"));
    4177             : 
    4178             :       // ...otherwise report how many rows are selected
    4179          46 :       logSink() << "By selection " << ms_p->nrow() 
    4180          46 :                 << " rows are reduced to " << mssel_p->nrow() 
    4181          46 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    4182             :     }
    4183             :     else {
    4184             :       // Selection did nothing:
    4185         119 :       logSink() << "Selection did not drop any rows" << LogIO::POST;
    4186             :     }
    4187             : 
    4188             :     // Now, re-create the associated VisSet
    4189         165 :     if(vs_p) delete vs_p; vs_p=0;
    4190         165 :     Block<int> sort(0);
    4191         165 :     Matrix<Int> noselection;
    4192             :     // gmoellen 2012/01/30    vs_p = new VisSet(*mssel_p,sort,noselection);
    4193         165 :     vs_p = new VisSet(*mssel_p,sort,noselection,false,0.0,false,false);
    4194         165 :     AlwaysAssert(vs_p, AipsError);
    4195             : 
    4196             :     // Attempt to use MSSelection for channel selection
    4197             :     //  if user not using the old way
    4198         165 :     if (chanmode=="none") {
    4199         165 :       selectChannel(spw);
    4200             :     }
    4201             :     else {
    4202             :       // Reluctantly use the old-fashioned way
    4203             :       logSink() << LogIO::WARN 
    4204             :                 << "You have used the old-fashioned mode parameter" << endl
    4205             :                 << "for channel selection.  It still works, for now," << endl
    4206             :                 << "but this will be eliminated in the near future." << endl
    4207             :                 << "Please begin using the new channel selection" << endl
    4208           0 :                 << "syntax in the spw parameter." << LogIO::POST;
    4209           0 :       selectChannel(chanmode,nchan,start,step,mStart,mStep);
    4210             :     }
    4211             : 
    4212         165 :   }
    4213           3 :   catch (MSSelectionError& x) {
    4214             :     // Re-initialize with the existing MS
    4215           6 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","selectvis",WHERE) 
    4216             :               << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    4217           6 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4218             :     // jagonzal (CAS-4110): I guess it is not necessary to create these columns when the selection is empty
    4219           3 :     initialize(*ms_p,false,false,false);
    4220           3 :     throw(AipsError("Error in data selection specification: " + x.getMesg()));
    4221           3 :   } 
    4222           0 :   catch (AipsError x) {
    4223             :     // Re-initialize with the existing MS
    4224           0 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","selectvis",WHERE) 
    4225             :               << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    4226           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4227             :     // jagonzal (CAS-4110): I guess it is not necessary to create these columns when the selection is empty.
    4228           0 :     initialize(*ms_p,false,false,false);
    4229           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::selectvis(): " + x.getMesg()));
    4230           0 :   } 
    4231         165 : };
    4232             : 
    4233             : 
    4234          37 : Bool OldCalibrater::setapply (const String& type, 
    4235             :                               const Record& applypar)
    4236             : {
    4237          37 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater", "setapply(type, applypar)");
    4238             : 
    4239             :   // First try to create the requested VisCal object
    4240          37 :   VisCal *vc(NULL);
    4241             : 
    4242             :   try {
    4243             : 
    4244          37 :     if(!ok()) 
    4245           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for setapply."));
    4246             : 
    4247          37 :     String upType=type;
    4248          37 :     upType.upcase();
    4249             : 
    4250             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
    4251             :               << "Arranging to APPLY:"
    4252          37 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4253             : 
    4254             :     // Add a new VisCal to the apply list
    4255          37 :     vc = createVisCal(upType,*vs_p);  
    4256             : 
    4257          37 :     vc->setApply(applypar);       
    4258             : 
    4259             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
    4260          36 :               << vc->applyinfo()
    4261          36 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4262             : 
    4263          38 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    4264             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << x.getMesg() 
    4265             :               << " Check inputs and try again."
    4266           1 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4267           1 :     if (vc) delete vc;
    4268           1 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setapply."));
    4269             :     return false;
    4270           2 :   }
    4271             : 
    4272             :   // Creation apparently successful, so add to the apply list
    4273             :   // TBD: consolidate with above?
    4274             :   try {
    4275             : 
    4276          36 :     uInt napp=vc_p.nelements();
    4277          36 :     vc_p.resize(napp+1,false,true);      
    4278          36 :     vc_p[napp] = vc;
    4279          36 :     vc=NULL;
    4280             :    
    4281             :     // Maintain sort of apply list
    4282          36 :     ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    4283             :     
    4284          36 :     return true;
    4285             : 
    4286           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    4287             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    4288           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4289           0 :     if (vc) delete vc;
    4290           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setapply."));
    4291             :     return false;
    4292           0 :   } 
    4293             :   return false;
    4294             : }
    4295             : 
    4296             : // Set up apply-able calibration via a Cal Library
    4297           0 : Bool OldCalibrater::setcallib(Record callib) {
    4298             : 
    4299           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater", "setcallib(callib)");
    4300             : 
    4301             :   //  cout << "Calibrater::setcallib: callib.isFixed() = " << boolalpha << callib.isFixed() << endl;
    4302             : 
    4303           0 :   uInt ntab=callib.nfields();
    4304             : 
    4305             :   //  cout << "callib.nfields() = " << ntab << endl;
    4306             : 
    4307             :   // Do some preliminary per-table verification
    4308           0 :   for (uInt itab=0;itab<ntab;++itab) {
    4309             : 
    4310           0 :     String;
    4311             : 
    4312             :     // Insist that the table exists on disk
    4313           0 :     if (!Table::isReadable(tabname))
    4314           0 :       throw(AipsError("Caltable "+tabname+" does not exist."));
    4315             : 
    4316           0 :   }
    4317             : 
    4318             :   // Tables exist, so deploy them...
    4319             : 
    4320           0 :   for (uInt itab=0;itab<ntab;++itab) {
    4321             : 
    4322           0 :     String;
    4323             : 
    4324             :     // Get the type from the table
    4325           0 :     String upType=calTableType(tabname);
    4326           0 :     upType.upcase();
    4327             : 
    4328             :     // Add table name to the record
    4329           0 :     Record thistabrec=callib.asrwRecord(itab);
    4330           0 :     thistabrec.define("tablename",tabname);
    4331             : 
    4332             :     // First try to create the requested VisCal object
    4333           0 :     VisCal *vc(NULL);
    4334             : 
    4335             :     try {
    4336             : 
    4337           0 :       if(!ok()) 
    4338           0 :         throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for setapply."));
    4339             :       
    4340             :       logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
    4341             :                 << "Arranging to APPLY:"
    4342           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    4343             :       
    4344             :       // Add a new VisCal to the apply list
    4345           0 :       vc = createVisCal(upType,*vs_p);  
    4346             : 
    4347             : 
    4348             :       // ingest this table according to its callib
    4349           0 :       vc->setCallib(thistabrec,*mssel_p);
    4350             : 
    4351           0 :     } catch (AipsError x) {
    4352             :       logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << x.getMesg() 
    4353             :                 << " Check inputs and try again."
    4354           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    4355           0 :       if (vc) delete vc;
    4356           0 :       throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setapply."));
    4357             :       return false;
    4358           0 :     }
    4359             : 
    4360             :     // Creation apparently successful, so add to the apply list
    4361             :     // TBD: consolidate with above?
    4362             :     try {
    4363             :       
    4364           0 :       uInt napp=vc_p.nelements();
    4365           0 :       vc_p.resize(napp+1,false,true);      
    4366           0 :       vc_p[napp] = vc;
    4367           0 :       vc=NULL;
    4368             :    
    4369             :       // Maintain sort of apply list
    4370           0 :       ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    4371             :       
    4372           0 :     } catch (AipsError x) {
    4373             :       logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    4374           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    4375           0 :       if (vc) delete vc;
    4376           0 :       throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setapply."));
    4377             :       return false;
    4378           0 :     } 
    4379           0 :   }
    4380             : 
    4381             :   // All ok, if we get this far!
    4382           0 :   return true;
    4383             : 
    4384             : }
    4385             : 
    4386             : 
    4387             : // Set up apply-able calibration via a Cal Library
    4388           9 : Bool OldCalibrater::setcallib2(Record callib, const casacore::MeasurementSet* ms) {
    4389             : 
    4390           9 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("OldCalibrater", "setcallib2(callib)");
    4391             : 
    4392             :   //  cout << "Calibrater::setcallib2(callib) : " << boolalpha << callib << endl;
    4393             : 
    4394           9 :   uInt ntab=callib.nfields();
    4395             : 
    4396             :   //  cout << "callib.nfields() = " << ntab << endl;
    4397             : 
    4398             :   // Do some preliminary per-table verification
    4399          36 :   for (uInt itab=0;itab<ntab;++itab) {
    4400             : 
    4401          27 :     String;
    4402             : 
    4403             :     // Trap parang
    4404             :     // TBD...
    4405             :     //    if (tabname=="<parang>")
    4406             :     //      continue;
    4407             : 
    4408             :     // Insist that the table exists on disk
    4409          27 :     if (!Table::isReadable(tabname))
    4410           0 :       throw(AipsError("Caltable "+tabname+" does not exist."));
    4411             : 
    4412          27 :   }
    4413             : 
    4414             :   // Tables exist, so deploy them...
    4415             : 
    4416             :   // Local MS object for callib parsing (only)
    4417             :   //  MeasurementSet lms(msname_p,Table::Update);
    4418             :   //cout << "OLD lms" << endl;
    4419             : 
    4420             : 
    4421             :   // Local const MS object for callib parsing (only)
    4422           9 :   const MeasurementSet *lmsp(0);
    4423           9 :   if (ms) {
    4424             :     // Use supplied MS (from outside), if specified...
    4425             :     // TBD: should we verify same base MS as ms_p/mssel_p?
    4426           9 :     lmsp=ms;
    4427             :   }
    4428             :   else {
    4429             :     // ...use internal one instead
    4430           0 :     lmsp=mssel_p;
    4431             :   }
    4432             :   // Reference for use below
    4433           9 :   const MeasurementSet &lms(*lmsp);
    4434             : 
    4435             :   // Get some global shape info:
    4436           9 :   Int MSnAnt = lms.antenna().nrow();
    4437           9 :   Int MSnSpw = lms.spectralWindow().nrow();
    4438             : 
    4439          36 :   for (uInt itab=0;itab<ntab;++itab) {
    4440             : 
    4441          27 :     String;
    4442             : 
    4443             :     // Get the type from the table
    4444          27 :     String upType=calTableType(tabname);
    4445          27 :     upType.upcase();
    4446             : 
    4447             :     // Add table name to the record
    4448          27 :     Record thistabrec=callib.asrwRecord(itab);
    4449          27 :     thistabrec.define("tablename",tabname);
    4450             : 
    4451             :     // First try to create the requested VisCal object
    4452          27 :     VisCal *vc(NULL);
    4453             : 
    4454             :     try {
    4455             : 
    4456             :       //      if(!ok()) 
    4457             :       //        throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for setapply."));
    4458             :       
    4459             :       logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
    4460             :                 << "Arranging to APPLY:"
    4461          27 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    4462             :       
    4463             :       // Add a new VisCal to the apply list
    4464          27 :       vc = createVisCal(upType,msname_p,MSnAnt,MSnSpw);  
    4465             : 
    4466             :       // ingest this table according to its callib
    4467          27 :       vc->setCallib(thistabrec,lms);
    4468             : 
    4469           0 :     } catch (AipsError x) {
    4470             :       logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << x.getMesg() 
    4471             :                 << " Check inputs and try again."
    4472           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    4473           0 :       if (vc) delete vc;
    4474           0 :       throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::callib2."));
    4475             :       return false;
    4476           0 :     }
    4477             : 
    4478             :     // Creation apparently successful, so add to the apply list
    4479             :     // TBD: consolidate with above?
    4480             :     try {
    4481             :       
    4482          27 :       uInt napp=vc_p.nelements();
    4483          27 :       vc_p.resize(napp+1,false,true);      
    4484          27 :       vc_p[napp] = vc;
    4485          27 :       vc=NULL;
    4486             :    
    4487             :       // Maintain sort of apply list
    4488          27 :       ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    4489             :       
    4490           0 :     } catch (AipsError x) {
    4491             :       logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    4492           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    4493           0 :       if (vc) delete vc;
    4494           0 :       throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setapply."));
    4495             :       return false;
    4496           0 :     } 
    4497          27 :   }
    4498             :   // All ok, if we get this far!
    4499           9 :   return true;
    4500             : 
    4501             : }
    4502             : 
    4503             : 
    4504          39 : Bool OldCalibrater::setsolve (const String& type, 
    4505             :                               const Record& solvepar) {
    4506             : 
    4507             :   // Attempt to create the solvable object
    4508          39 :   SolvableVisCal *svc(NULL);
    4509             :   try {
    4510             : 
    4511          39 :     if(!ok()) 
    4512           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for setsolve."));
    4513             : 
    4514          39 :     String upType = type;
    4515          39 :     upType.upcase();
    4516             : 
    4517             :     // Clean out any old solve that was lying around
    4518          39 :     unsetsolve();
    4519             : 
    4520             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL 
    4521             :               << "Arranging to SOLVE:"
    4522          39 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4523             : 
    4524             :     // Create the new SolvableVisCal
    4525          39 :     svc = createSolvableVisCal(upType,*vs_p);
    4526          39 :     svc->setSolve(solvepar);
    4527             :     
    4528             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   "
    4529          39 :               << svc->solveinfo()
    4530          39 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4531             : 
    4532             :     // Creation apparently successful, keep it
    4533          39 :     svc_p=svc;
    4534          39 :     svc=NULL;
    4535             : 
    4536          39 :     return true;
    4537             : 
    4538          39 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    4539             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    4540           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4541           0 :     unsetsolve();
    4542           0 :     if (svc) delete svc;
    4543           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::setsolve."));
    4544             :     return false;
    4545           0 :   } 
    4546             :   return false;
    4547             : }
    4548             : 
    4549           0 : Bool OldCalibrater::correct(String mode)
    4550             : {
    4551           0 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","correct") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    4552             : 
    4553           0 :     Bool retval = true;
    4554             : 
    4555             :     try {
    4556             : 
    4557             :         // make mode all-caps
    4558           0 :         String upmode=mode;
    4559           0 :         upmode.upcase();
    4560             : 
    4561             :         // If trialmode=T, only the flags will be set
    4562             :         //   (and only written if not TRIAL)
    4563           0 :         Bool trialmode=(upmode.contains("TRIAL") || 
    4564           0 :                         upmode.contains("FLAGONLY"));
    4565             : 
    4566             :         // Set up VisSet and its VisibilityIterator.
    4567             : 
    4568           0 :         VisibilityIterator::DataColumn whichOutCol = configureForCorrection ();
    4569             : 
    4570           0 :         VisIter& vi(vs_p->iter());
    4571           0 :         VisBufferAutoPtr vb (vi);
    4572           0 :         vi.origin();
    4573             : 
    4574             :         // Pass each timestamp (VisBuffer) to VisEquation for correction
    4575             : 
    4576           0 :         Vector<Bool> uncalspw(vi.numberSpw());    // Used to accumulate error messages
    4577           0 :         uncalspw.set(false);                    // instead of bombing the user
    4578           0 :         uncalspw.set(False);                    // instead of bombing the user
    4579             :                                         // in a loop.
    4580             : 
    4581           0 :         for (vi.originChunks(); vi.moreChunks(); vi.nextChunk()) {
    4582             : 
    4583           0 :             for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
    4584             : 
    4585           0 :                 uInt spw = vb->spectralWindow();
    4586             : 
    4587             :                 // Re-initialize weights from sigma column
    4588           0 :                 vb->resetWeightMat();
    4589             : 
    4590             :                 // If we can calibrate this vb, do it...
    4591           0 :                 if (ve_p->spwOK(spw)){
    4592             :                   
    4593             :                   // throws exception if nothing to apply
    4594           0 :                   ve_p->correct(*vb,trialmode);
    4595             :                     
    4596             :                 }
    4597             :                 // ...else don't, prepare warning, and possibly set flags
    4598             :                 else{
    4599             : 
    4600             :                   // set uncalspw for warning message
    4601           0 :                   uncalspw[spw] = true;
    4602             :                   // set the flags, if we are being strict
    4603           0 :                   if (upmode.contains("STRICT"))
    4604             :                     // set the flags
    4605             :                     // (don't touch the data/weights, which are initialized)
    4606           0 :                     vb->flag().set(true);
    4607             :                 }
    4608             : 
    4609             :                 // Only if not a trial run, trigger write to disk
    4610           0 :                 if (!upmode.contains("TRIAL")) {
    4611             :                       
    4612           0 :                   if (upmode.contains("CAL")) {
    4613           0 :                     vi.setVis (vb->visCube(), whichOutCol);
    4614           0 :                     vi.setWeightMat(vb->weightMat()); 
    4615             :                   }
    4616             :                   
    4617           0 :                   if (upmode.contains("FLAG"))
    4618           0 :                     vi.setFlag (vb->flag());
    4619             :                   
    4620             :                 }
    4621             :                 
    4622             :             }
    4623             :         }
    4624             : 
    4625           0 :         vs_p->flush (); // Flush to disk
    4626             : 
    4627             :         // Now that we're out of the loop, summarize any errors.
    4628             : 
    4629           0 :         retval = summarize_uncalspws(uncalspw, "correct",
    4630           0 :                                      upmode.contains("STRICT"));
    4631             : 
    4632           0 :         actRec_=Record();
    4633           0 :         actRec_.define("origin","Calibrater::correct");
    4634           0 :         actRec_.defineRecord("VisEquation",ve_p->actionRec());
    4635             : 
    4636           0 :     }
    4637           0 :     catch (AipsError x) {
    4638             :         logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    4639           0 :                       << LogIO::POST;
    4640             : 
    4641           0 :         logSink() << "Resetting all calibration application settings." << LogIO::POST;
    4642           0 :         unsetapply();
    4643             : 
    4644           0 :         throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::correct."));
    4645             :         retval = false;         // Not that it ever gets here...
    4646           0 :     }
    4647           0 :     return retval;
    4648             : }
    4649             : 
    4650           4 : Bool OldCalibrater::corrupt() {
    4651             :   
    4652           4 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","corrupt") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    4653           4 :   Bool retval = true;
    4654             : 
    4655             :   try {
    4656             : 
    4657           4 :     if (!ok())
    4658           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for corrupt!"));
    4659             : 
    4660             :     // Nominally, we write out to the MODEL_DATA, unless absent
    4661           4 :     VisibilityIterator::DataColumn whichOutCol(VisibilityIterator::Model);
    4662             : 
    4663           4 :     if (!ms_p->tableDesc().isColumn("MODEL_DATA"))
    4664           0 :       throw(AipsError("MODEL_DATA column unexpectedly absent. Cannot corrupt."));
    4665             : 
    4666             :     // Ensure apply list non-zero and properly sorted
    4667           4 :     ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    4668             : 
    4669             :     // Report the types that will be applied
    4670           4 :     applystate();
    4671             : 
    4672             :     // Arrange for iteration over data
    4673           4 :     Block<Int> columns;
    4674             :     // include scan iteration
    4675           4 :     columns.resize(5);
    4676           4 :     columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    4677           4 :     columns[1]=MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    4678           4 :     columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    4679           4 :     columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    4680           4 :     columns[4]=MS::TIME;
    4681           4 :     vs_p->resetVisIter(columns,0.0);
    4682           4 :     VisIter& vi(vs_p->iter());
    4683           4 :     VisBuffer vb(vi);
    4684             :     
    4685             :     // Pass each timestamp (VisBuffer) to VisEquation for corruption.
    4686           4 :     Vector<Bool> uncalspw(vi.numberSpw());        // Used to accumulate error messages
    4687           4 :     uncalspw.set(false);                        // instead of bombing the user
    4688             :                                                 // in a loop.
    4689          12 :     for (vi.originChunks(); vi.moreChunks(); vi.nextChunk()) {
    4690           8 :       Int spw = vi.spectralWindow();
    4691             : 
    4692             :       // Only proceed if spw can be calibrated
    4693           8 :       if (ve_p->spwOK(spw)) {
    4694             : 
    4695         144 :         for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
    4696             :           
    4697             :           // Corrupt the MODEL_DATA
    4698             :           //  (note we are not treating weights and flags)
    4699         136 :           ve_p->corrupt(vb);    // throws exception if nothing to apply
    4700         136 :           vi.setVis(vb.modelVisCube(),whichOutCol);
    4701             : 
    4702             :         }
    4703             :       }
    4704             :       else 
    4705           0 :         uncalspw[spw] = true;
    4706             :     }
    4707             :     // Flush to disk
    4708           4 :     vs_p->flush();
    4709             : 
    4710             :     // Now that we're out of the loop, summarize any errors.
    4711           4 :     retval = summarize_uncalspws(uncalspw, "corrupt");
    4712           4 :   }
    4713           0 :   catch (AipsError x) {
    4714             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    4715           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    4716             : 
    4717           0 :     logSink() << "Resetting all calibration application settings." << LogIO::POST;
    4718           0 :     unsetapply();
    4719             : 
    4720           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::corrupt."));
    4721             :     retval = false;  // Not that it ever gets here...
    4722           0 :   } 
    4723           4 :   return retval;
    4724             : }
    4725             : 
    4726           0 : Bool OldCalibrater::initWeightsWithTsys(String wtmode, Bool dowtsp,
    4727             :                                         String tsystable, String gainfield, String interp, Vector<Int> spwmap) {
    4728             : 
    4729           0 :         logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater", "initWeightsWithTsys")
    4730           0 :                         << LogIO::NORMAL;
    4731           0 :         Bool retval = true;
    4732             : 
    4733             :         try {
    4734             : 
    4735           0 :                 if (!ok())
    4736           0 :                         throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for initWeights!"));
    4737             : 
    4738           0 :                 String uptype = calTableType(tsystable);
    4739           0 :                 if (!uptype.contains("TSYS")) {
    4740           0 :                         throw(AipsError(
    4741           0 :                                         "Invalid calibration table type for Tsys weighting."));
    4742             :                 }
    4743             :                 // Set record format for calibration table application information
    4744           0 :                 RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    4745           0 :                 applyparDesc.addField("t", TpDouble);
    4746           0 :                 applyparDesc.addField("table", TpString);
    4747           0 :                 applyparDesc.addField("interp", TpString);
    4748           0 :                 applyparDesc.addField("spw", TpArrayInt);
    4749           0 :                 applyparDesc.addField("fieldstr", TpString);
    4750           0 :                 applyparDesc.addField("calwt", TpBool);
    4751           0 :                 applyparDesc.addField("spwmap", TpArrayInt);
    4752           0 :                 applyparDesc.addField("opacity", TpArrayDouble);
    4753             : 
    4754             :                 // Create record with the requisite field values
    4755           0 :                 Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    4756           0 :                 applypar.define("t", 0.0);
    4757           0 :                 applypar.define("table", tsystable);
    4758           0 :                 applypar.define("interp", interp);
    4759           0 :                 applypar.define("spw", getSpwIdx(""));
    4760           0 :                 applypar.define("fieldstr", gainfield);
    4761           0 :                 applypar.define("calwt", true);
    4762           0 :                 applypar.define("spwmap", spwmap);
    4763           0 :                 applypar.define("opacity", Vector<Double>(1, 0.0));
    4764             : 
    4765           0 :                 if (vc_p.nelements() > 0) {
    4766           0 :                         logSink() << LogIO::WARN << "Resetting all calibration application settings." << LogIO::POST;
    4767           0 :                         unsetapply();
    4768             :                 }
    4769           0 :                 logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << "Weight initialization does not support selection. Resetting MS selection." << LogIO::POST;
    4770           0 :                 selectvis();
    4771           0 :                 StandardTsys vc = StandardTsys(*vs_p);
    4772           0 :                 vc.setApply(applypar);
    4773             : 
    4774           0 :                 logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL << ".   " << vc.applyinfo() << LogIO::POST;
    4775           0 :                 PtrBlock<VisCal*> vcb(1, &vc);
    4776             :                 // Maintain sort of apply list
    4777           0 :                 ve_p->setapply(vcb);
    4778             : 
    4779             :                 // Detect WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and SIGMA_SPECTRUM
    4780           0 :                 TableDesc mstd = ms_p->actualTableDesc();
    4781           0 :                 String colWtSp = MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM);
    4782           0 :                 Bool wtspexists = mstd.isColumn(colWtSp);
    4783           0 :                 String colSigSp = MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM);
    4784           0 :                 Bool sigspexists = mstd.isColumn(colSigSp);
    4785           0 :                 Bool addsigsp = (dowtsp && !sigspexists);
    4786             : 
    4787             :                 // Some log info
    4788           0 :                 bool use_exposure = false;
    4789           0 :                 if (wtmode == "tsys") {
    4790             :                         logSink()
    4791             :                                         << "Initializing SIGMA and WEIGHT according to channel bandwidth and Tsys. NOTE this is an expert mode."
    4792           0 :                                         << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
    4793           0 :                 } else if (wtmode == "tinttsys") {
    4794             :                         logSink()
    4795             :                                         << "Initializing SIGMA and WEIGHT according to channel bandwidth, integration time, and Tsys. NOTE this is an expert mode."
    4796           0 :                                         << LogIO::WARN << LogIO::POST;
    4797           0 :                         use_exposure = true;
    4798             :                 } else {
    4799           0 :                         throw(AipsError("Unrecognized wtmode specified: " + wtmode));
    4800             :                 }
    4801             : 
    4802             :                 // Force dowtsp if the column already exists
    4803           0 :                 if (wtspexists && !dowtsp) {
    4804             :                         logSink() << "Found WEIGHT_SPECTRUM; will force its initialization."
    4805           0 :                                         << LogIO::POST;
    4806           0 :                         dowtsp = true;
    4807             :                 }
    4808             : 
    4809             :                 // Report that we are initializing the WEIGHT_SPECTRUM, and prepare to do so.
    4810           0 :                 if (dowtsp) {
    4811             : 
    4812             :                         // Ensure WEIGHT_SPECTRUM really exists at all
    4813             :                         //   (often it exists but is empty)
    4814           0 :                         if (!wtspexists) {
    4815           0 :                                 logSink() << "Creating WEIGHT_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    4816             : 
    4817             :                                 // Nominal defaulttileshape
    4818           0 :                                 IPosition dts(3, 4, 32, 1024);
    4819             : 
    4820             :                                 // Discern DATA's default tile shape and use it
    4821           0 :                                 const Record dminfo = ms_p->dataManagerInfo();
    4822           0 :                                 for (uInt i = 0; i < dminfo.nfields(); ++i) {
    4823           0 :                                         Record col = dminfo.asRecord(i);
    4824             :                                         //if (upcase(col.asString("NAME"))=="TILEDDATA") {
    4825           0 :                                         if (anyEQ(col.asArrayString("COLUMNS"), String("DATA"))) {
    4826           0 :                                                 dts = IPosition(
    4827           0 :                                                                 col.asRecord("SPEC").asArrayInt(
    4828           0 :                                                                                 "DEFAULTTILESHAPE"));
    4829             :                                                 //cout << "Found DATA's default tile: " << dts << endl;
    4830           0 :                                                 break;
    4831             :                                         }
    4832           0 :                                 }
    4833             : 
    4834             :                                 // Add the column
    4835           0 :                                 String colWtSp = MS::columnName(MS::WEIGHT_SPECTRUM);
    4836           0 :                                 TableDesc tdWtSp;
    4837           0 :                                 tdWtSp.addColumn(
    4838           0 :                                                 ArrayColumnDesc<Float>(colWtSp, "weight spectrum", 2));
    4839           0 :                                 TiledShapeStMan wtSpStMan("TiledWgtSpectrum", dts);
    4840           0 :                                 ms_p->addColumn(tdWtSp, wtSpStMan);
    4841           0 :                         } else
    4842           0 :                                 logSink() << "Found WEIGHT_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    4843             :                         // Ensure WEIGHT_SPECTRUM really exists at all
    4844             :                         //   (often it exists but is empty)
    4845           0 :                 if (!sigspexists) {
    4846           0 :                                 logSink() << "Creating SIGMA_SPECTRUM." << LogIO::POST;
    4847             : 
    4848             :                                 // Nominal defaulttileshape
    4849           0 :                                 IPosition dts(3, 4, 32, 1024);
    4850             : 
    4851             :                                 // Discern DATA's default tile shape and use it
    4852           0 :                                 const Record dminfo = ms_p->dataManagerInfo();
    4853           0 :                                 for (uInt i = 0; i < dminfo.nfields(); ++i) {
    4854           0 :                                         Record col = dminfo.asRecord(i);
    4855             :                                         //if (upcase(col.asString("NAME"))=="TILEDDATA") {
    4856           0 :                                         if (anyEQ(col.asArrayString("COLUMNS"), String("DATA"))) {
    4857           0 :                                                 dts = IPosition(
    4858           0 :                                                                 col.asRecord("SPEC").asArrayInt(
    4859           0 :                                                                                 "DEFAULTTILESHAPE"));
    4860             :                                                 //cout << "Found DATA's default tile: " << dts << endl;
    4861           0 :                                                 break;
    4862             :                                         }
    4863           0 :                                 }
    4864             : 
    4865             :                                 // Add the column
    4866           0 :                                 String colSigSp = MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM);
    4867           0 :                                 TableDesc tdSigSp;
    4868           0 :                                 tdSigSp.addColumn(
    4869           0 :                                                 ArrayColumnDesc<Float>(colSigSp, "sigma spectrum", 2));
    4870           0 :                                 TiledShapeStMan sigSpStMan("TiledSigtSpectrum", dts);
    4871           0 :                                 ms_p->addColumn(tdSigSp, sigSpStMan);
    4872             :                                 {
    4873           0 :                                   TableDesc loctd = ms_p->actualTableDesc();
    4874           0 :                                   String loccolSigSp = MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA_SPECTRUM);
    4875           0 :                                   AlwaysAssert(loctd.isColumn(loccolSigSp),AipsError);
    4876           0 :                                 }
    4877           0 :                 }
    4878             :                 }
    4879             :                 else {
    4880           0 :     if (sigspexists) {
    4881           0 :       logSink() << "Removing SIGMA_SPECTRUM for non-channelized weight." << LogIO::POST;
    4882             :       if (true || ms_p->canRemoveColumn(colSigSp)) {
    4883           0 :         ms_p->removeColumn(colSigSp);
    4884             :       }
    4885             :       else
    4886             :         logSink() << LogIO::WARN << "Failed to remove SIGMA_SPECTRUM column. Values in SIGMA and SIGMA_SPECTRUM columns may be inconsistent after the operation." << LogIO::POST;
    4887             :     }
    4888             :                 }
    4889             : 
    4890             :                 // Arrange for iteration over data
    4891             :                 //  TBD: Be sure this sort is optimal for creating WS?
    4892           0 :                 Block<Int> columns;
    4893             :                 // include scan iteration
    4894           0 :                 columns.resize(5);
    4895           0 :                 columns[0] = MS::ARRAY_ID;
    4896           0 :                 columns[1] = MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    4897           0 :                 columns[2] = MS::FIELD_ID;
    4898           0 :                 columns[3] = MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    4899           0 :                 columns[4] = MS::TIME;
    4900             : 
    4901           0 :                 vi::SortColumns sc(columns);
    4902           0 :                 vi::VisibilityIterator2 vi2(*ms_p, sc, true);
    4903           0 :                 vi::VisBuffer2 *vb = vi2.getVisBuffer();
    4904             : 
    4905           0 :                 MSColumns mscol(*ms_p);
    4906           0 :                 const MSSpWindowColumns& msspw(mscol.spectralWindow());
    4907           0 :                 uInt nSpw = msspw.nrow();
    4908           0 :                 Vector<Double> effChBw(nSpw, 0.0);
    4909           0 :                 for (uInt ispw = 0; ispw < nSpw; ++ispw) {
    4910           0 :                         effChBw[ispw] = mean(msspw.effectiveBW()(ispw));
    4911             :                 }
    4912             : 
    4913           0 :                 Int ivb(0);
    4914           0 :                 for (vi2.originChunks(); vi2.moreChunks(); vi2.nextChunk()) {
    4915             : 
    4916           0 :                         for (vi2.origin(); vi2.more();, ++ivb) {
    4917             : 
    4918           0 :                                 Int spw = vb->spectralWindows()(0);
    4919             : 
    4920           0 :                                 auto nrow = vb->nRows();
    4921           0 :                                 Int nchan = vb->nChannels();
    4922           0 :                                 Int ncor = vb->nCorrelations();
    4923             : 
    4924             :                                 // Prepare for WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and SIGMA_SPECTRUM, if nec.
    4925           0 :                                 Cube<Float> newwtsp(0, 0, 0), newsigsp(0, 0, 0);
    4926           0 :                                 if (dowtsp) {
    4927           0 :                                   newwtsp.resize(ncor, nchan, nrow);
    4928           0 :                                   newwtsp.set(1.0);
    4929           0 :                                   newsigsp.resize(ncor, nchan, nrow);
    4930           0 :                                   newsigsp.set(1.0);
    4931             :                                 }
    4932             : 
    4933           0 :                                 if (ve_p->spwOK(spw)) {
    4934             : 
    4935             :                                         // Re-initialize weight info from sigma info
    4936             :                                         //   This is smart wrt spectral weights, etc.
    4937             :                                         //   (this makes W and WS, if present, "dirty" in the vb)
    4938             :                                         // TBD: only do this if !trial (else: avoid the I/O)
    4939             :                                         // vb->resetWeightsUsingSigma();
    4940             :                                         // Handle non-trivial modes
    4941             :                                         // Init WEIGHT, SIGMA  from bandwidth & time
    4942           0 :                                         Matrix<Float> newwt(ncor, nrow), newsig(ncor, nrow);
    4943           0 :                                         newwt.set(1.0);
    4944           0 :                                         newsig.set(1.0);
    4945             : 
    4946             :                                         // Detect ACs
    4947           0 :                                         const Vector<Int> a1(vb->antenna1());
    4948           0 :                                         const Vector<Int> a2(vb->antenna2());
    4949           0 :                                         Vector<Bool> ac(a1 == a2);
    4950             : 
    4951             :                                         // XCs need an extra factor of 2
    4952           0 :                                         Vector<Float> xcfactor(nrow, 2.0);
    4953           0 :                                         xcfactor(ac) = 1.0;                             // (but not ACs)
    4954             : 
    4955             :                                         // The row-wise integration time
    4956           0 :                                         Vector<Float> expo(nrow);
    4957           0 :                                         convertArray(expo, vb->exposure());
    4958             : 
    4959             :                                         // Set weights to channel bandwidth first.
    4960           0 :                                         newwt.set(Float(effChBw(spw)));
    4961             : 
    4962             :                                         // For each correlation, apply exposure and xcfactor
    4963           0 :                                         for (Int icor = 0; icor < ncor; ++icor) {
    4964             : 
    4965           0 :                                                 Vector<Float> wt(newwt.row(icor));
    4966           0 :                                                 if (use_exposure) {
    4967           0 :                                                         wt *= expo;
    4968             :                                                 }
    4969           0 :                                                 wt *= xcfactor;
    4970           0 :                                                 if (dowtsp) {
    4971           0 :                                                         for (Int ich = 0; ich < nchan; ++ich) {
    4972             :                                                                 Vector<Float> wtspi(
    4973           0 :                                                                                 newwtsp(Slice(icor, 1, 1),
    4974           0 :                                                                                                 Slice(ich, 1, 1), Slice()).nonDegenerate(
    4975           0 :                                                                                                 IPosition(1, 2)));
    4976           0 :                                                                 wtspi = wt;
    4977           0 :                                                         }
    4978             :                                                 }
    4979           0 :                                         }
    4980             :                                         // Handle SIGMA_SPECTRUM
    4981           0 :                                         if (dowtsp) {
    4982           0 :                                           newsigsp = 1.0f / sqrt(newwtsp);
    4983             :                                         }
    4984             :                                         // sig from wt is inverse sqrt
    4985           0 :                                         newsig = 1.0f / sqrt(newwt);
    4986             : 
    4987             :                                         // Arrange write-back of both SIGMA and WEIGHT
    4988           0 :                                         vb->setSigma(newsig);
    4989           0 :                                         vb->setWeight(newwt);
    4990           0 :                                         if (dowtsp) {
    4991           0 :                                           vb->initWeightSpectrum(newwtsp);
    4992           0 :                                           vb->initSigmaSpectrum(newsigsp);
    4993             :                                         }
    4994             :                                         // Force writeback to disk (need to initialize weight/sigma before applying cal table)
    4995           0 :                                         vb->writeChangesBack();
    4996             : 
    4997             :                                         // Arrange for _in-place_ apply on CORRECTED_DATA (init from DATA)
    4998             :                                         //   (this makes CD "dirty" in the vb)
    4999             :                                         // TBD: only do this if !trial (else: avoid the I/O)
    5000           0 :                                         vb->setVisCubeCorrected(vb->visCube());
    5001             : 
    5002             :                                         // Make flagcube dirty in the vb
    5003             :                                         //  NB: we must _always_ do this I/O  (even trial mode)
    5004           0 :                                         vb->setFlagCube(vb->flagCube());
    5005             : 
    5006             :                                         // Make all vb "not dirty"; we'll carefully arrange the writeback below
    5007           0 :                                         vb->dirtyComponentsClear();
    5008             : 
    5009             :                                         // throws exception if nothing to apply
    5010           0 :                                         ve_p->correct2(*vb, false, dowtsp);
    5011             : 
    5012           0 :                                         if (dowtsp) {
    5013           0 :                                                 vb->setWeightSpectrum(vb->weightSpectrum());
    5014             :                                                 // If WS was calibrated, set W to its channel-axis median
    5015           0 :                                                 vb->setWeight( partialMedians(vb->weightSpectrum(), IPosition(1, 1)) );
    5016           0 :                                                 newsigsp = 1.0f / sqrt(vb->weightSpectrum());
    5017           0 :                                                 vb->initSigmaSpectrum(newsigsp);
    5018           0 :                                                 vb->setSigma( partialMedians(newsigsp, IPosition(1, 1)) );
    5019             :                                         } else {
    5020           0 :                                                 vb->setWeight(vb->weight());
    5021           0 :                                                 newsig = 1.0f / sqrt(vb->weight());
    5022           0 :                                                 vb->setSigma(newsig);
    5023             :                                         }
    5024             :                                         // Force writeback to disk
    5025           0 :                                         vb->writeChangesBack();
    5026             : 
    5027           0 :                                 } else {//Not calibrating the spw
    5028           0 :                                   if (dowtsp && !wtspexists) {
    5029             :                                     // newly created WS Need to initialize
    5030           0 :                                     vb->initWeightSpectrum(newwtsp);
    5031             :                                   }
    5032           0 :                                   if (addsigsp) {
    5033             :                                     // newly created SS Need to initialize
    5034           0 :                                     vb->initSigmaSpectrum(newsigsp);
    5035           0 :                                     vb->writeChangesBack();
    5036             :                                   }
    5037             :                                 }
    5038           0 :                         }
    5039             :                 }
    5040             :                 // clear-up Tsys caltable from list of apply
    5041           0 :                 unsetapply();
    5042             : 
    5043           0 :         } catch (AipsError x) {
    5044             :                 logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg()
    5045           0 :                                 << LogIO::POST;
    5046             : 
    5047             :                 logSink() << "Resetting all calibration application settings."
    5048           0 :                                 << LogIO::POST;
    5049           0 :                 unsetapply();
    5050             : 
    5051           0 :                 throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::initWeights."));
    5052             :                 retval = false;  // Not that it ever gets here...
    5053           0 :         }
    5054           0 :         return retval;
    5055             : }
    5056             : 
    5057          39 : Bool OldCalibrater::solve() {
    5058             : 
    5059          39 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","solve") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    5060             : 
    5061             :   try {
    5062             : 
    5063          39 :     if (!ok()) 
    5064           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for solve."));
    5065             : 
    5066             :     // Handle nothing-to-solve-for case
    5067          39 :     if (!svc_p)
    5068           0 :       throw(AipsError("Please run setsolve before attempting to solve."));
    5069             : 
    5070             :     // Handle specified caltable
    5071          39 :     if (true && svc_p) {
    5072             : 
    5073             :       /*      
    5074             :       cout << "name: " << svc_p->calTableName() << endl;
    5075             :       cout << boolalpha;
    5076             :       cout << "append?   " << svc_p->append() << endl;
    5077             :       cout << "opened?   " << Table::isOpened(svc_p->calTableName()) << endl;
    5078             :       cout << "readable? " << Table::isReadable(svc_p->calTableName()) << endl;
    5079             :       //      cout << "writable? " << Table::isWritable(svc_p->calTableName()) << endl;
    5080             :       cout << "canDelete? " << Table::canDeleteTable(svc_p->calTableName(),true) << endl;
    5081             :       */
    5082             : 
    5083             :       // If table exists (readable) and not deletable
    5084             :       //   we have to abort (append=T requires deletable)
    5085          40 :       if ( Table::isReadable(svc_p->calTableName()) &&
    5086           1 :            !TableUtil::canDeleteTable(svc_p->calTableName()) ) {
    5087           0 :         throw(AipsError("Specified caltable ("+svc_p->calTableName()+") exists and\n cannot be replaced (or appended to) because it appears to be open somewhere (Quit plotcal?)."));
    5088             :       }
    5089             :     }
    5090             : 
    5091             :     // Arrange VisEquation for solve
    5092          39 :     ve_p->setsolve(*svc_p);
    5093             : 
    5094             :     // Ensure apply list properly sorted w.r.t. solvable term
    5095          39 :     ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    5096             : 
    5097             :     // Report what is being applied and solved-for
    5098          39 :     applystate();
    5099          39 :     solvestate();
    5100             : 
    5101             : 
    5102             :     // Report correct/corrupt apply order
    5103             :     //    ve_p->state();
    5104             : 
    5105             :     // Set the channel mask
    5106          39 :     svc_p->setChanMask(chanmask_);
    5107             : 
    5108             :     // Generally use standard solver
    5109          39 :     if (svc_p->useGenericGatherForSolve())
    5110           2 :       genericGatherAndSolve();   // using VisBuffGroupAcc
    5111             :     else {
    5112             :       //cout << "Fully self-directed data gather and solve" << endl;
    5113             :       // Fully self-directed data gather and solve
    5114          37 :       svc_p->selfGatherAndSolve(*vs_p,*ve_p);
    5115             :     }
    5116             : 
    5117          36 :     svc_p->clearChanMask();
    5118             : 
    5119           3 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    5120           3 :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    5121             : 
    5122           3 :     logSink() << "Reseting entire solve/apply state." << LogIO::POST;
    5123           3 :     reset();
    5124             : 
    5125           3 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::solve."));
    5126             :     return false;
    5127           6 :   } 
    5128             : 
    5129          36 :   return true;
    5130             : 
    5131             : }
    5132             : 
    5133          24 : Vector<Double> OldCalibrater::modelfit(const Int& niter,
    5134             :                                        const String& stype,
    5135             :                                        const Vector<Double>& par,
    5136             :                                        const Vector<Bool>& vary,
    5137             :                                        const String& file) {
    5138             : 
    5139             :  /*
    5140             :   cout << "Calibrater::modelfit" << endl;
    5141             :   cout << " niter = " << niter << endl;
    5142             :   cout << " stype = " << stype << endl;
    5143             :   cout << " par   = " << par << endl;
    5144             :   cout << " vary  = " << vary << endl;
    5145             :   cout << " file  = " << file << endl;
    5146             :  */
    5147             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","modelfit") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    5148             :   
    5149             :   try {
    5150          24 :     if(!ok()) throw(AipsError("Calibrater not ok()"));
    5151             : 
    5152             :     // Construct UVMod with the VisSet
    5153          24 :     UVMod uvmod(*vs_p);
    5154             : 
    5155          24 :     if (stype=="P")
    5156          22 :       uvmod.setModel(ComponentType::POINT, par, vary);
    5157           2 :     else if (stype=="G")
    5158           1 :       uvmod.setModel(ComponentType::GAUSSIAN, par, vary);
    5159           1 :     else if (stype=="D")
    5160           1 :       uvmod.setModel(ComponentType::DISK, par, vary);
    5161             :     else
    5162           0 :       throw(AipsError("Unrecognized component type in Calibrater::modelfit."));
    5163             :     
    5164             :     // Run the fit
    5165          24 :     uvmod.modelfit(niter,file);
    5166             : 
    5167             :     // Return the parameter vector
    5168          24 :     return uvmod.par();
    5169             : 
    5170          24 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    5171           0 :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() << LogIO::POST;
    5172           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::modelfit."));
    5173             :     
    5174             :     return Vector<Double>();
    5175           0 :   } 
    5176             : 
    5177             : }
    5178             : 
    5179           0 : void OldCalibrater::fluxscale(const String& infile, 
    5180             :                               const String& outfile,
    5181             :                               const Vector<Int>& refField, 
    5182             :                               const Vector<Int>& refSpwMap, 
    5183             :                               const Vector<Int>& tranField,
    5184             :                               const Bool& append,
    5185             :                               const Float& inGainThres,
    5186             :                               const String& antSel,
    5187             :                               const String& timerangeSel,
    5188             :                               const String& scanSel,
    5189             :                               SolvableVisCal::fluxScaleStruct& oFluxScaleFactor,
    5190             :                               const String& oListFile,
    5191             :                               const Bool& incremental,
    5192             :                               const Int& fitorder,
    5193             :                               const Bool& display) {
    5194             : 
    5195             :   //  throw(AipsError("Method 'fluxscale' is temporarily disabled."));
    5196             : 
    5197             :   // TBD: write inputs to MSHistory
    5198           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","fluxscale") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    5199             : 
    5200           0 :   SolvableVisCal *fsvj_(NULL);
    5201             :   try {
    5202             :     // If infile is Calibration table
    5203           0 :     if (Table::isReadable(infile) && 
    5204           0 :         TableUtil::tableInfo(infile).type()=="Calibration") {
    5205             : 
    5206             :       // get calibration type
    5207           0 :       String caltype;
    5208           0 :       caltype = TableUtil::tableInfo(infile).subType();
    5209             :       logSink() << "Table " << infile 
    5210             :                 << " is of type: "<< caltype 
    5211           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    5212           0 :       String message="Table "+infile+" is of type: "+caltype;
    5213           0 :       MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, message, "calibrater", "", "calibrater::fluxscale()");
    5214             :       
    5215             :       // form selection
    5216           0 :       String select="";
    5217             :       // Selection is empty for case of no tran specification
    5218           0 :       if (tranField.nelements()>0) {
    5219             :         
    5220             :         // All selected fields
    5221           0 :         Vector<Int> allflds = concatenateArray(refField,tranField);
    5222             :         
    5223             :         // Assemble TaQL
    5224           0 :         ostringstream selectstr;
    5225           0 :         selectstr << "FIELD_ID IN [";
    5226           0 :         for (Int iFld=0; iFld<allflds.shape(); iFld++) {
    5227           0 :           if (iFld>0) selectstr << ", ";
    5228           0 :           selectstr << allflds(iFld);
    5229             :         }
    5230           0 :         selectstr << "]";
    5231           0 :         select=selectstr.str();
    5232           0 :       }
    5233             : 
    5234             :       // Construct proper SVC object
    5235           0 :       if (caltype == "G Jones") {
    5236           0 :         fsvj_ = createSolvableVisCal("G",*vs_p);
    5237           0 :       } else if (caltype == "T Jones") {
    5238           0 :         fsvj_ = createSolvableVisCal("T",*vs_p);
    5239             :       } else {
    5240             :         // Can't process other than G and T (add B?)
    5241           0 :         ostringstream typeErr;
    5242           0 :         typeErr << "Type " << caltype 
    5243           0 :                << " not supported in fluxscale.";
    5244             : 
    5245           0 :         throw(AipsError(typeErr.str()));
    5246           0 :       }
    5247             : 
    5248             :       // fill table with selection
    5249           0 :       RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    5250           0 :       applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    5251           0 :       applyparDesc.addField ("select", TpString);
    5252           0 :       Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    5253           0 :       applypar.define ("table", infile);
    5254           0 :       applypar.define ("select", select);
    5255           0 :       fsvj_->setApply(applypar);
    5256             : 
    5257             :       //Bool incremental=false;
    5258             :       // Make fluxscale calculation
    5259           0 :       Vector<String> fldnames(MSFieldColumns(ms_p->field()).name().getColumn());
    5260             :       //fsvj_->fluxscale(refField,tranField,refSpwMap,fldnames,oFluxScaleFactor,
    5261           0 :       fsvj_->fluxscale(outfile,refField,tranField,refSpwMap,fldnames,inGainThres,antSel,
    5262             :         timerangeSel,scanSel,oFluxScaleFactor, oListFile,incremental,fitorder,display);
    5263             : //        oListFile);
    5264             :      
    5265             :       // If no outfile specified, use infile (overwrite!)
    5266           0 :       String out(outfile);
    5267           0 :       if (out.length()==0)
    5268           0 :         out = infile;
    5269             : 
    5270             :       // Store result
    5271           0 :       if (append) {
    5272           0 :         logSink() << "Appending result to " << out << LogIO::POST;
    5273           0 :         String message="Appending result to "+out;
    5274           0 :         MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, message, "calibrater", "", "calibrater::fluxscale()");
    5275           0 :       } else {
    5276           0 :         logSink() << "Storing result in " << out << LogIO::POST;
    5277           0 :         String message="Storing result in "+out;
    5278           0 :         MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, message, "calibrater", "", "calibrater::fluxscale()");
    5279           0 :       }
    5280           0 :       fsvj_->storeNCT(out,append);
    5281             :       
    5282             :       // Clean up
    5283           0 :       delete fsvj_;
    5284             : 
    5285           0 :     } else {
    5286             :       // Table not found/unreadable, or not Calibration
    5287           0 :       ostringstream tabErr;
    5288           0 :       tabErr << "File " << infile
    5289           0 :              << " does not exist or is not a Calibration Table.";
    5290             : 
    5291           0 :       throw(AipsError(tabErr.str()));
    5292             : 
    5293           0 :     }
    5294           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    5295             : 
    5296             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    5297             :               << "Caught Exception: "
    5298             :               << x.getMesg()
    5299           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5300             :     
    5301             :     // Clean up
    5302           0 :     if (fsvj_) delete fsvj_;
    5303             : 
    5304             :     // Write to MS History table
    5305             :     //    String message="Caught Exception: "+x.getMesg();
    5306             :     //    MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, message, "calibrater", "", "calibrater::fluxscale()");
    5307             : 
    5308           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::fluxscale."));
    5309             : 
    5310             :     return;
    5311             : 
    5312           0 :   }
    5313           0 :   return;
    5314             : 
    5315             : 
    5316             : }
    5317             : 
    5318           0 : void OldCalibrater::accumulate(const String& intab,
    5319             :                                const String& incrtab,
    5320             :                                const String& outtab,
    5321             :                                const String& fields,
    5322             :                                const String& calFields,
    5323             :                                const String& interp,
    5324             :                                const Double& t,
    5325             :                                const Vector<Int>& spwmap) {
    5326             :   
    5327             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","accumulate") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    5328             : 
    5329           0 :   logSink() << "Beginning accumulate." << LogIO::POST;
    5330             : 
    5331             :   // SVJ objects:
    5332           0 :   SolvableVisCal *incal_(NULL), *incrcal_(NULL);
    5333             : 
    5334             :   try {
    5335             :     
    5336             :   /*
    5337             :     cout << "intab     = " << intab << endl;
    5338             :     cout << "incrtab   = " << incrtab << endl;
    5339             :     cout << "outtab    = " << outtab << endl;
    5340             :     cout << "fields    = " << fields << endl;
    5341             :     cout << "calFields = " << calFields << endl;
    5342             :     cout << "interp    = " << interp << endl;
    5343             :     cout << "t         = " << t << endl;
    5344             :   */
    5345             : 
    5346             :     // Incremental table's type sets the type we are dealing with
    5347           0 :     String caltype=calTableType(incrtab);
    5348             : 
    5349             :     // If no input cumulative timescale specified, then
    5350             :     //   a valid input cumulative table must be specified
    5351           0 :     if (t < 0.0) {
    5352             : 
    5353           0 :       String intype=calTableType(intab);
    5354             : 
    5355           0 :       if (intype!=caltype) {
    5356             :       
    5357           0 :         ostringstream typeErr;
    5358           0 :         typeErr << "Table " << intab
    5359           0 :                 << " is not the same type as "
    5360           0 :                 << incrtab << " (" << caltype << ")";
    5361           0 :         throw(AipsError(typeErr.str()));
    5362           0 :       }
    5363           0 :     }
    5364             : 
    5365             :     // At this point all is ok; we will:
    5366             :     //  o fill from intab and accumulate to it (t<0), OR
    5367             :     //  o create a new cumulative table from scratch (t>0)
    5368             : 
    5369             :     // If creating a new cumulative table, it must span the whole dataset,
    5370             :     //   so reset data selection to whole MS, and setup iterator
    5371           0 :     if (t>0.0) {
    5372           0 :       selectvis();
    5373           0 :       Block<Int> columns;
    5374           0 :       columns.resize(4);
    5375           0 :       columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    5376           0 :       columns[1]=MS::TIME;
    5377           0 :       columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    5378           0 :       columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    5379           0 :       vs_p->resetVisIter(columns,t);
    5380           0 :     }
    5381             : 
    5382             :     //  logSink() << "Table " << infile 
    5383             :     //            << " is of type: "<< caltype 
    5384             :     //            << LogIO::POST;
    5385             : 
    5386           0 :     incal_ = createSolvableVisCal(caltype,*vs_p);
    5387           0 :     incrcal_ = createSolvableVisCal(caltype,*vs_p);
    5388             :     
    5389             :     // TBD: move to svj.setAccumulate?
    5390           0 :     if ( !(incal_->accumulatable()) ) {
    5391           0 :       ostringstream typeErr;
    5392           0 :       typeErr << "Type " << caltype 
    5393           0 :               << " not yet supported in accumulate.";
    5394           0 :       throw(AipsError(typeErr.str()));
    5395           0 :     }
    5396             : 
    5397             :     // At this point, accumulation apparently supported,
    5398             :     //   so continue...
    5399             :     
    5400             :     // initialize the cumulative solutions
    5401           0 :     incal_->setAccumulate(*vs_p,intab,"",t,-1);
    5402             :     
    5403             : 
    5404             :     /*
    5405             :     // form selection on incr table
    5406             :     String incrSel="";
    5407             :     if (calFields.shape()>0) {
    5408             :       
    5409             :       // Assemble TaQL
    5410             :       ostringstream selectstr;
    5411             :       selectstr << "FIELD_ID IN [";
    5412             :       for (Int iFld=0; iFld<calFields.shape(); iFld++) {
    5413             :         if (iFld>0) selectstr << ", ";
    5414             :         selectstr << calFields(iFld);
    5415             :       }
    5416             :       selectstr << "]";
    5417             :       incrSel=selectstr.str();
    5418             :     }
    5419             :     */
    5420             :     
    5421             :     // fill incr table with selection
    5422             :     logSink() << "Preparing to accumulate calibration from table: "
    5423             :               << incrtab
    5424           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5425             : 
    5426             :     // Set record format for calibration table application information
    5427           0 :     RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    5428           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("t", TpDouble);
    5429           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    5430             :     //    applyparDesc.addField ("select", TpString);
    5431           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("fieldstr", TpString);
    5432           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("interp", TpString);
    5433           0 :     applyparDesc.addField ("spwmap",TpArrayInt);
    5434             :     
    5435             :     // Create record with the requisite field values
    5436           0 :     Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    5437           0 :     applypar.define ("t", t);
    5438           0 :     applypar.define ("table", incrtab);
    5439             :     //    applypar.define ("select", incrSel);
    5440           0 :     applypar.define ("fieldstr", calFields);
    5441           0 :     applypar.define ("interp", interp);
    5442           0 :     applypar.define ("spwmap",spwmap);
    5443             : 
    5444           0 :     incrcal_->setApply(applypar);
    5445             : 
    5446           0 :     Vector<Int> fldidx(0);
    5447           0 :     if (fields.length()>0)
    5448           0 :       fldidx=getFieldIdx(fields);
    5449             : 
    5450             :     // All ready, now do the accumulation
    5451           0 :     incal_->accumulate(incrcal_,fldidx);
    5452             :     
    5453             :     // ...and store the result
    5454             :     logSink() << "Storing accumulated calibration in table: " 
    5455             :               << outtab
    5456           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5457             : 
    5458           0 :     if (outtab != "") 
    5459           0 :       incal_->calTableName()=outtab;
    5460             : 
    5461           0 :     incal_->storeNCT();
    5462             :     
    5463           0 :     delete incal_;
    5464           0 :     delete incrcal_;
    5465             : 
    5466             :     logSink() << "Finished accumulation." 
    5467           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5468             : 
    5469           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    5470             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    5471             :               << "Caught Exception: "
    5472             :               << x.getMesg()
    5473           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5474             : 
    5475           0 :     if (incal_) delete incal_;
    5476           0 :     if (incrcal_) delete incrcal_;
    5477             :     
    5478           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::accumulate."));
    5479             :     return;
    5480           0 :   }
    5481           0 :   return;
    5482             : 
    5483             : }
    5484             : 
    5485          16 : void OldCalibrater::specifycal(const String& type,
    5486             :                                const String& caltable,
    5487             :                                const String& time,
    5488             :                                const String& spw,
    5489             :                                const String& antenna,
    5490             :                                const String& pol,
    5491             :                                const Vector<Double>& parameter,
    5492             :                                const String& infile,
    5493             :                                const Bool& uniform) {
    5494             : 
    5495          16 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","specifycal") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    5496             : 
    5497             :   // SVJ objects:
    5498          16 :   SolvableVisCal *cal_(NULL);
    5499             : 
    5500             :   try {
    5501             :                             
    5502             :     // Set record format for calibration table application information
    5503          16 :     RecordDesc specifyDesc;
    5504          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("caltable", TpString);
    5505          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("time", TpString);
    5506          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("spw", TpArrayInt);
    5507          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("antenna", TpArrayInt);
    5508          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("pol", TpString);
    5509          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("parameter", TpArrayDouble);
    5510          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("caltype",TpString);
    5511          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("infile",TpString);
    5512          16 :     specifyDesc.addField ("uniform",TpBool);
    5513             : 
    5514             :     // Create record with the requisite field values
    5515          16 :     Record specify(specifyDesc);
    5516          16 :     specify.define ("caltable", caltable);
    5517          16 :     specify.define ("time", time);
    5518          16 :     if (spw=="*")
    5519           0 :       specify.define ("spw",Vector<Int>(1,-1));
    5520             :     else
    5521          16 :       specify.define ("spw",getSpwIdx(spw));
    5522          16 :     if (antenna=="*")
    5523           0 :       specify.define ("antenna",Vector<Int>(1,-1) );
    5524             :     else
    5525          16 :       specify.define ("antenna",getAntIdx(antenna));
    5526          16 :     specify.define ("pol",pol);
    5527          16 :     specify.define ("parameter",parameter);
    5528          16 :     specify.define ("caltype",type);
    5529          16 :     specify.define ("infile",infile);
    5530          16 :     specify.define ("uniform",uniform);
    5531             : 
    5532             :     // Now do it
    5533          16 :     String utype=upcase(type);
    5534          16 :     if (utype=="G" || utype.contains("AMP") || utype.contains("PH"))
    5535           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("G",*vs_p);
    5536          16 :     else if (utype=='K' || utype.contains("SBD") || utype.contains("DELAY"))
    5537           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("K",*vs_p);
    5538          16 :     else if (utype.contains("MBD"))
    5539           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("K",*vs_p);  // as of 5.3, KMBD is just K
    5540          16 :     else if (utype.contains("ANTPOS"))
    5541           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("KANTPOS",*vs_p);
    5542          16 :     else if (utype.contains("TSYS"))
    5543          16 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("TSYS",*vs_p);
    5544           0 :     else if (utype.contains("EVLAGAIN") ||
    5545           0 :              utype.contains("SWP") ||
    5546           0 :              utype.contains("RQ"))
    5547           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("EVLASWP",*vs_p);
    5548           0 :     else if (utype.contains("OPAC"))
    5549           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("TOPAC",*vs_p);
    5550           0 :     else if (utype.contains("GC") || utype.contains("EFF"))
    5551           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("GAINCURVE",*vs_p);
    5552           0 :     else if (utype.contains("TEC"))
    5553           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("TEC",*vs_p);
    5554           0 :     else if (utype.contains("SDSKY_PS"))
    5555           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("SDSKY_PS",*vs_p);
    5556           0 :     else if (utype.contains("SDSKY_RASTER"))
    5557           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("SDSKY_RASTER",*vs_p);
    5558           0 :     else if (utype.contains("SDSKY_OTF"))
    5559           0 :       cal_ = createSolvableVisCal("SDSKY_OTF",*vs_p);
    5560             :     else
    5561           0 :       throw(AipsError("Unrecognized caltype."));
    5562             : 
    5563             :     // set up for specification (set up the CalSet)
    5564          16 :     cal_->setSpecify(specify);
    5565             : 
    5566             :     // fill with specified values
    5567          16 :     cal_->specify(specify);
    5568             : 
    5569             :     // Store result
    5570          16 :     cal_->storeNCT();
    5571             : 
    5572          16 :     delete cal_;
    5573             : 
    5574          16 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    5575             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    5576             :               << "Caught Exception: "
    5577             :               << x.getMesg()
    5578           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5579             : 
    5580           0 :     if (cal_) delete cal_;
    5581             :     
    5582           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::specifycal."));
    5583             :     return;
    5584           0 :   }
    5585          16 :   return;
    5586             : 
    5587             : }
    5588             : 
    5589           0 : Bool OldCalibrater::smooth(const String& infile, 
    5590             :                            String& outfile,  // const Bool& append,
    5591             :                            const String& smoothtype,
    5592             :                            const Double& smoothtime,
    5593             :                            const String& fields)
    5594             : {
    5595             : 
    5596             :   // TBD: support append?
    5597             :   // TBD: spw selection?
    5598             : 
    5599           0 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","smooth") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    5600             : 
    5601           0 :   logSink() << "Beginning smoothing/interpolating method." << LogIO::POST;
    5602             : 
    5603             : 
    5604             :   // A pointer to an SVC
    5605           0 :   SolvableVisCal *svc(NULL);
    5606             : 
    5607             :   try {
    5608             :     
    5609             :     // Handle no in file 
    5610           0 :     if (infile=="")
    5611           0 :       throw(AipsError("Please specify an input calibration table."));
    5612             : 
    5613             :     // Handle bad smoothtype
    5614           0 :     if (smoothtype!="mean" && smoothtype!="median")
    5615           0 :       throw(AipsError("Unrecognized smooth type!"));
    5616             : 
    5617             :     // Handle bad smoothtime
    5618           0 :     if (smoothtime<=0)
    5619           0 :       throw(AipsError("Please specify a strictly positive smoothtime."));
    5620             : 
    5621             :     // Handle no outfile
    5622           0 :     if (outfile=="") {
    5623           0 :       outfile=infile;
    5624             :       logSink() << "Will overwrite input file with smoothing result." 
    5625           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    5626             :     }
    5627             : 
    5628             : 
    5629           0 :     svc = createSolvableVisCal(calTableType(infile),*vs_p);
    5630             :     
    5631           0 :     if (svc->smoothable()) {
    5632             :       
    5633             :       // Fill calibration table using setApply
    5634           0 :       RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    5635           0 :       applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    5636           0 :       Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    5637           0 :       applypar.define ("table", infile);
    5638           0 :       svc->setApply(applypar);
    5639             : 
    5640             :       // Convert refFields/transFields to index lists
    5641           0 :       Vector<Int> fldidx(0);
    5642           0 :       if (fields.length()>0)
    5643           0 :         fldidx=getFieldIdx(fields);
    5644             : 
    5645             :       // Delegate to SVC
    5646           0 :       svc->smooth(fldidx,smoothtype,smoothtime);
    5647             :       
    5648             :       // Store the result on disk
    5649             :       //    if (append) logSink() << "Appending result to " << outfile << LogIO::POST;
    5650             :       //else 
    5651           0 :       logSink() << "Storing result in " << outfile << LogIO::POST;
    5652             :       
    5653             :       
    5654           0 :       if (outfile != "") 
    5655           0 :         svc->calTableName()=outfile;
    5656           0 :       svc->storeNCT();
    5657             : 
    5658             :       // Clean up
    5659           0 :       if (svc) delete svc; svc=NULL;
    5660             :       
    5661             :       // Apparently, it worked
    5662           0 :       return true;
    5663             : 
    5664           0 :     }
    5665             :     else
    5666           0 :       throw(AipsError("This type ("+svc->typeName()+") does not support smoothing."));
    5667             : 
    5668           0 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    5669             :    
    5670             :     logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    5671             :               << "Caught Exception: "
    5672             :               << x.getMesg()
    5673           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5674             :     // Clean up
    5675           0 :     if (svc) delete svc; svc=NULL;
    5676             : 
    5677           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::smooth."));
    5678             : 
    5679             :     return false;
    5680           0 :   }
    5681             :   return false;
    5682             : }
    5683             : 
    5684             : // List a calibration table
    5685           0 : Bool OldCalibrater::listCal(const String& infile,
    5686             :                             const String& field,
    5687             :                             const String& antenna,
    5688             :                             const String& spw,
    5689             :                             const String& listfile,
    5690             :                             const Int& pagerows) {
    5691             :     
    5692           0 :     SolvableVisCal *svc(NULL);
    5693           0 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","listCal");
    5694             :     
    5695             :     try {
    5696             :         
    5697             :         // Trap (currently) unsupported types
    5698           0 :         if (upcase(calTableType(infile))=="GSPLINE" ||
    5699           0 :             upcase(calTableType(infile))=="BPOLY")
    5700           0 :             throw(AipsError("GSPLINE and BPOLY tables cannot currently be listed."));
    5701             :         
    5702             :         // Get user's selected fields, ants
    5703           0 :         Vector<Int> ufldids=getFieldIdx(field);
    5704           0 :         Vector<Int> uantids=getAntIdx(antenna);
    5705             :         
    5706           0 :         String newSpw = spw;
    5707           0 :         Bool defaultSelect = false;
    5708           0 :         if (spw.empty()) { // list all channels (default)
    5709           0 :             defaultSelect = true;
    5710           0 :             newSpw = "*"; 
    5711             :             logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Spws selected: ALL" << endl
    5712           0 :                       << "Channels selected: ALL" << LogIO::POST;
    5713             :         }
    5714             :         // Get user's selected spw and channels
    5715           0 :         Vector<Int> uspwids=getSpwIdx(newSpw);
    5716           0 :         Matrix<Int> uchanids=getChanIdx(newSpw);
    5717           0 :         if (!defaultSelect) {
    5718             :             logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL1 << "Spw and Channel selection matrix: "
    5719             :                       << endl << "Each rows shows: [ Spw , Start Chan , Stop Chan , Chan Step ]"
    5720           0 :                       << endl << uchanids << LogIO::POST;
    5721             :         }
    5722             :         logSink() << LogIO::DEBUG2 
    5723             :                   << "uspwids = "  << uspwids  << endl
    5724           0 :                   << "uchanids = " << uchanids << LogIO::POST;
    5725             :         
    5726             :         // By default, do first spw, first chan
    5727           0 :         if (uspwids.nelements()==0) {
    5728           0 :             uchanids.resize(1,4);
    5729           0 :             uchanids=0;
    5730             :         } 
    5731             :         
    5732             :         // Set record format for calibration table application information
    5733           0 :         RecordDesc applyparDesc;
    5734           0 :         applyparDesc.addField ("table", TpString);
    5735             :         
    5736             :         // Create record with the requisite field values
    5737           0 :         Record applypar(applyparDesc);
    5738           0 :         applypar.define ("table", infile);
    5739             :         
    5740             :         // Generate the VisCal to be listed
    5741           0 :         svc = createSolvableVisCal(calTableType(infile),*vs_p);  
    5742           0 :         svc->setApply(applypar);       
    5743             :         
    5744             :         // list it
    5745           0 :         svc->listCal(ufldids,uantids,uchanids,  //uchanids(0,0),uchanids(0,1),
    5746             :                      listfile,pagerows);
    5747             :         
    5748           0 :         if (svc) delete svc; svc=NULL;
    5749             :         
    5750           0 :         return true;
    5751             :         
    5752           0 :     } catch (AipsError x) {
    5753             :         
    5754             :         logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE
    5755             :                   << "Caught Exception: "
    5756             :                   << x.getMesg()
    5757           0 :                   << LogIO::POST;
    5758             :         // Clean up
    5759           0 :         if (svc) delete svc; svc=NULL;
    5760             :         
    5761           0 :         throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::listCal."));
    5762             :         
    5763             :         return false;
    5764           0 :     }
    5765             :     return false;
    5766             :     
    5767             : }
    5768             : 
    5769         147 : Bool OldCalibrater::initialize(MeasurementSet& inputMS, 
    5770             :                                Bool compress,
    5771             :                                Bool addScratch, Bool addModel)  {
    5772             :   
    5773         147 :   logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    5774             :   
    5775             :   try {
    5776         147 :     timer_p.mark();
    5777             : 
    5778             :     // Set pointer ms_p from input MeasurementSet
    5779         147 :     if (ms_p) {
    5780           3 :       *ms_p=inputMS;
    5781             :     } else {
    5782         144 :       ms_p = new MeasurementSet(inputMS);
    5783         144 :       AlwaysAssert(ms_p,AipsError);
    5784             :     };
    5785             : 
    5786             :     // Disabled 2016/04/19 (gmoellen): avoid direct MS.HISTORY 
    5787             :     //   updates from below the python level, FOR NOW
    5788             : 
    5789             :     /*
    5790             : 
    5791             :     // Setup to write LogIO to HISTORY Table in MS
    5792             :     if(!(Table::isReadable(ms_p->historyTableName()))){
    5793             :       // create a new HISTORY table if its not there
    5794             :       TableRecord &kws = ms_p->rwKeywordSet();
    5795             :       SetupNewTable historySetup(ms_p->historyTableName(),
    5796             :                                  MSHistory::requiredTableDesc(),Table::New);
    5797             :       kws.defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::HISTORY), Table(historySetup));
    5798             :       MSHistoryHandler::addMessage(*ms_p, "HISTORY Table added by Calibrater",
    5799             :                                    "Calibrater","","Calibrater::initialize()");
    5800             :     }
    5801             :     historytab_p=Table(ms_p->historyTableName(),
    5802             :                        TableLock(TableLock::UserNoReadLocking), Table::Update);
    5803             :     // jagonzal (CAS-4110): When the selectvis method throws an exception the initialize method
    5804             :     // is called again to leave the calibrater in a proper state, and since there was a previous
    5805             :     // initialization the history handler was already created, and has to be destroyed before
    5806             :     // creating a new one to avoid leaveing the HISTORY table opened.
    5807             :     if (hist_p) delete hist_p;
    5808             :     hist_p= new MSHistoryHandler(*ms_p, "calibrater");
    5809             : 
    5810             :     // (2016/04/19) */
    5811             : 
    5812             :     // Remember the ms's name
    5813         147 :     msname_p=ms_p->tableName();
    5814             : 
    5815             : 
    5816             :     // Add/init scr cols, if requested (init is hard-wired)
    5817         147 :     if (addScratch || addModel) {
    5818          90 :       Bool alsoinit=true;
    5819          90 :       VisSetUtil::addScrCols(*ms_p,addModel,addScratch,alsoinit,compress);
    5820             :     }
    5821             : 
    5822             :     // Set the selected MeasurementSet to be the same initially
    5823             :     // as the input MeasurementSet
    5824         147 :     if (mssel_p) delete mssel_p;
    5825         147 :     mssel_p=new MeasurementSet(*ms_p);
    5826             :     
    5827             :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL
    5828             :               << "Initializing nominal selection to the whole MS."
    5829         147 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5830             : 
    5831             : 
    5832             :     // Create a VisSet with no selection
    5833             :     // (gmoellen 2012/02/06: this merely makes a VisIter now)
    5834         147 :     if (vs_p) {
    5835           3 :       delete vs_p;
    5836           3 :       vs_p=0;
    5837             :     };
    5838         147 :     Block<Int> nosort(0);
    5839         147 :     Matrix<Int> noselection;
    5840         147 :     Double timeInterval=0;
    5841             :     // gmoellen 2012/02/06    vs_p=new VisSet(*ms_p,nosort,noselection,addScratch,timeInterval,compress, addModel);
    5842         147 :     vs_p=new VisSet(*ms_p,nosort,noselection,false,timeInterval,false,false);
    5843             : 
    5844             :     // Size-up the chanmask PB
    5845         147 :     initChanMask();
    5846             : 
    5847             :     // Create the associated VisEquation
    5848             :     //  TBD: move to ctor and make it non-pointer
    5849         147 :     if (ve_p) {
    5850           3 :       delete ve_p;
    5851           3 :       ve_p=0;
    5852             :     };
    5853         147 :     ve_p=new VisEquation();
    5854             : 
    5855             :     // Reset the apply/solve VisCals
    5856         147 :     reset(true,true);
    5857             : 
    5858         147 :     return true;
    5859             : 
    5860         147 :   } catch (AipsError x) {
    5861           0 :     logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","initialize",WHERE) 
    5862             :               << LogIO::SEVERE << "Caught exception: " << x.getMesg() 
    5863           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5864           0 :     cleanup();
    5865           0 :     cleanupVisSet();
    5866           0 :     if (ms_p) delete ms_p; ms_p=NULL;
    5867           0 :     if (hist_p) delete hist_p; hist_p=NULL;
    5868             : 
    5869           0 :     throw(AipsError("Error in Calibrater::initialize()"));
    5870             :     return false;
    5871           0 :   } 
    5872             :   return false;
    5873             : }
    5874             : 
    5875          11 : Bool OldCalibrater::initCalSet(const Int& calSet) 
    5876             : {
    5877             : 
    5878             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("Calibrater","initCalSet") << LogIO::NORMAL3;
    5879             : 
    5880          11 :   if (vs_p) {
    5881             : 
    5882          11 :     Block<Int> columns;
    5883             :     // include scan iteration, for more optimal iteration
    5884          11 :     columns.resize(5);
    5885          11 :     columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    5886          11 :     columns[1]=MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    5887          11 :     columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    5888          11 :     columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    5889          11 :     columns[4]=MS::TIME;
    5890          11 :     vs_p->resetVisIter(columns,0.0);
    5891             : 
    5892          11 :     vs_p->initCalSet(calSet);
    5893          11 :     return true;
    5894          11 :   }
    5895             :   else {
    5896           0 :     throw(AipsError("Calibrater cannot initCalSet"));
    5897             :     return false;
    5898             :   }
    5899             : }
    5900             : 
    5901         212 : Bool OldCalibrater::cleanupVisSet() {
    5902             : 
    5903             :   //  logSink() << LogOrigin("OldCalibrater","cleanupVisSet") << LogIO::NORMAL;
    5904             : 
    5905         212 :   if(vs_p) delete vs_p; vs_p=0;
    5906             : 
    5907             :   // Delete chanmask
    5908         212 :   initChanMask();
    5909             : 
    5910         212 :   return true;
    5911             : 
    5912             : }
    5913             : 
    5914           0 : VisibilityIterator::DataColumn OldCalibrater::configureForCorrection ()
    5915             : {
    5916           0 :     if (!ok())
    5917           0 :       throw(AipsError("Calibrater not prepared for correct!"));
    5918             : 
    5919             :     // Nominally, we write out to the CORRECTED_DATA, unless absent
    5920           0 :     VisibilityIterator::DataColumn whichOutCol(VisibilityIterator::Corrected);
    5921             : 
    5922           0 :     if (!ms_p->tableDesc().isColumn("CORRECTED_DATA"))
    5923           0 :       throw(AipsError("CORRECTED_DATA column unexpectedly absent. Cannot correct."));
    5924             : 
    5925             :     // Ensure apply list non-zero and properly sorted
    5926           0 :     ve_p->setapply(vc_p);
    5927             : 
    5928             :     // Report the types that will be applied
    5929           0 :     applystate();
    5930             : 
    5931             :     // Arrange for iteration over data
    5932           0 :     Block<Int> columns;
    5933             :     // include scan iteration
    5934           0 :     columns.resize(5);
    5935           0 :     columns[0]=MS::ARRAY_ID;
    5936           0 :     columns[1]=MS::SCAN_NUMBER;
    5937           0 :     columns[2]=MS::FIELD_ID;
    5938           0 :     columns[3]=MS::DATA_DESC_ID;
    5939           0 :     columns[4]=MS::TIME;
    5940             : 
    5941             :     // Reset the VisibilityIterator in the VisSet. 
    5942           0 :     vs_p->resetVisIter (columns, 0.0);
    5943             : 
    5944           0 :     return whichOutCol;
    5945           0 : }
    5946             : 
    5947         165 : void OldCalibrater::selectChannel(const String& spw) {
    5948             : 
    5949             :   // Initialize the chanmask_
    5950         165 :   initChanMask();
    5951             : 
    5952         165 :   if (mss_p && mssel_p) {
    5953             : 
    5954             :     // Refresh the frequencySelections object to feed to VI2, if relevant
    5955         165 :     frequencySelections_p.reset(new vi::FrequencySelections());
    5956             : 
    5957         165 :     vi::FrequencySelectionUsingChannels usingChannels;
    5958         165 :     usingChannels.add(*mss_p,mssel_p);
    5959         165 :     frequencySelections_p->add(usingChannels);
    5960             : 
    5961             :     //    cout << usingChannels.toString() << endl;
    5962             :     //    cout << "FS.size() = " << frequencySelections_p->size() << endl;
    5963             : 
    5964         165 :   }
    5965             : 
    5966         165 :   Matrix<Int> chansel = getChanIdx(spw);
    5967         165 :   uInt nselspw=chansel.nrow();
    5968             : 
    5969         165 :   if (nselspw==0)
    5970             :     logSink() << "Frequency selection: Selecting all channels in all spws." 
    5971         147 :               << LogIO::POST;
    5972             :   else {
    5973             : 
    5974          18 :     logSink() << "Frequency selection: " << LogIO::POST;
    5975             : 
    5976             :     // Trap non-unit step (for now)
    5977          18 :     if (ntrue(chansel.column(3)==1)!=nselspw) {
    5978             :       logSink() << LogIO::WARN
    5979             :                 << "Calibration does not support non-unit channel stepping; "
    5980             :                 << "using step=1."
    5981           0 :                 << LogIO::POST;
    5982           0 :       chansel.column(3)=1;
    5983             :     }
    5984             : 
    5985          18 :     Int nspw=vs_p->numberSpw();
    5986          18 :     Vector<Int> nChan0;
    5987          18 :     nChan0 = vs_p->numberChan();
    5988             : 
    5989          18 :     Vector<Int> uspw(chansel.column(0));
    5990          18 :     Vector<Int> ustart(chansel.column(1));
    5991          18 :     Vector<Int> uend(chansel.column(2));
    5992             : 
    5993          18 :     Vector<Int> start(nspw,INT_MAX);
    5994          18 :     Vector<Int> end(nspw,-INT_MAX);
    5995          18 :     logSink() << LogIO::NORMAL;
    5996          97 :     for (uInt i=0;i<nselspw;++i) {
    5997             :       
    5998          79 :       Int& spw=uspw(i);
    5999             : 
    6000             :       // Initialize this spw mask, if necessary (def = masked)
    6001          79 :       if (!chanmask_[spw])
    6002          72 :         chanmask_[spw]=new Vector<Bool>(nChan0(spw),true);
    6003             : 
    6004             :       // revise net start/end/nchan
    6005          79 :       start(spw)=min(start(spw),ustart(i));
    6006          79 :       end(spw)=max(end(spw),uend(i));
    6007          79 :       Int nchan=end(spw)-start(spw)+1;  // net inclusive nchan
    6008             : 
    6009             :       // User's 
    6010          79 :       Int step=chansel(i,3);
    6011          79 :       Int unchan=uend(i)-ustart(i)+1;
    6012             :       
    6013             :       // Update the mask (false = valid)
    6014          79 :       (*chanmask_[spw])(Slice(ustart(i),unchan))=false;
    6015             : 
    6016             : 
    6017             :       logSink() << ".  Spw " << spw << ":"
    6018         316 :                 << ustart(i) << "~" << uend(i) 
    6019          79 :                 << " (" << uend(i)-ustart(i)+1 << " channels,"
    6020             :                 << " step by " << step << ")"
    6021         158 :                 << endl;
    6022             : 
    6023             :   /*
    6024             :       cout << i << " " << spw << " {" 
    6025             :            << start(spw) << " [" << ustart(i) << " " 
    6026             :            << uend(i) << "] " << end(spw) << "}" << endl;
    6027             :       cout << "chanmask = ";
    6028             :       for (Int j=0;j<nChan0(spw);++j) cout << (*chanmask_[spw])(j);
    6029             :       cout << endl << endl;
    6030             :   */
    6031             :         
    6032             :       // Call via VisSet (avoid call to VisIter::origin)
    6033          79 :       vs_p->selectChannel(1,start(spw),nchan,step,spw,false);
    6034             :         
    6035             :     } // i
    6036          18 :     logSink() << LogIO::POST;
    6037             : 
    6038          18 :   } // non-triv spw selection
    6039             : 
    6040             :   // For testing:
    6041             :   if (false) {
    6042             : 
    6043             :     VisIter& vi(vs_p->iter());
    6044             :     VisBuffer vb(vi);
    6045             :     
    6046             :     // Pass each timestamp (VisBuffer) to VisEquation for correction
    6047             :     for (vi.originChunks(); vi.moreChunks(); vi.nextChunk()) {
    6048             :       vi.origin();
    6049             :       //      for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++)
    6050             :         cout << vb.spectralWindow() << " "
    6051             :              << vb.nChannel() << " "
    6052             :              << << " "
    6053             :              << vb.visCube().shape()
    6054             :              << endl;
    6055             :     }
    6056             :   }
    6057             : 
    6058         165 : }
    6059             : 
    6060         524 : void OldCalibrater::initChanMask() {
    6061             : 
    6062        4012 :   for (uInt i=0;i<chanmask_.nelements();++i) 
    6063        3488 :     if (chanmask_[i])
    6064          72 :       delete chanmask_[i];
    6065         524 :   if (vs_p) {
    6066         312 :     chanmask_.resize(vs_p->numberSpw(),true);
    6067         312 :     chanmask_=NULL;
    6068             :   }
    6069             :   else {
    6070             :     //    throw(AipsError("Trouble sizing chanmask!"));
    6071             :     // just don't support channel masking:
    6072         212 :     chanmask_.resize(0,true);
    6073             :   }
    6074             : 
    6075         524 : }
    6076             : 
    6077             : // Select on channel in the VisSet
    6078           0 : void OldCalibrater::selectChannel(const String& mode, 
    6079             :                                const Int& nchan, 
    6080             :                                const Int& start, const Int& step,
    6081             :                                const MRadialVelocity& mStart,
    6082             :                                const MRadialVelocity& mStep) {
    6083             :   
    6084             :   // Set data selection variables
    6085           0 :   dataMode_p=mode;
    6086           0 :   dataNchan_p=nchan;
    6087           0 :   if (dataNchan_p<0) dataNchan_p=0; 
    6088           0 :   dataStart_p=start;
    6089           0 :   if (dataStart_p<0) dataNchan_p=0; 
    6090           0 :   dataStep_p=step;
    6091           0 :   if (dataStep_p<1) dataNchan_p=1; 
    6092             :   
    6093           0 :   mDataStart_p=mStart;
    6094           0 :   mDataStep_p=mStep;
    6095             :   
    6096             :   // Select on frequency channel
    6097           0 :   if(dataMode_p=="channel") {
    6098             :     // *** this bit here is temporary till we unifomize data selection
    6099             :     //Getting the selected SPWs
    6100           0 :     MSMainColumns msc(*mssel_p);
    6101           0 :     Vector<Int> dataDescID = msc.dataDescId().getColumn();
    6102             :     Bool dum;
    6103           0 :     Sort sort( dataDescID.getStorage(dum),sizeof(Int) );
    6104           0 :     sort.sortKey((uInt)0,TpInt);
    6105           0 :     Vector<uInt> index,uniq;
    6106           0 :     sort.sort(index,dataDescID.nelements());
    6107           0 :     uInt nSpw = sort.unique(uniq,index);
    6108             :     
    6109           0 :     Vector<Int> selectedSpw(nSpw);
    6110           0 :     Vector<Int> nChan(nSpw);
    6111           0 :     for (uInt k=0; k < nSpw; ++k) {
    6112           0 :       selectedSpw[k]=dataDescID[index[uniq[k]]];
    6113           0 :       nChan[k]=vs_p->numberChan()(selectedSpw[k]);
    6114             :       
    6115             :     }
    6116           0 :     if(dataNchan_p==0) dataNchan_p=vs_p->numberChan()(selectedSpw[0]);
    6117           0 :     if(dataStart_p<0) {
    6118             :       logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Illegal start pixel = " 
    6119           0 :                 << dataStart_p << LogIO::POST;
    6120             :     }
    6121           0 :     Int end = Int(dataStart_p) + Int(dataNchan_p) * Int(dataStep_p);
    6122           0 :     for (uInt k=0; k < selectedSpw.nelements() ; ++k){
    6123           0 :       if(end < 1 || end > nChan[k]) {
    6124             :         logSink() << LogIO::SEVERE << "Illegal step pixel = " << dataStep_p
    6125           0 :                   << " in Spw " << selectedSpw[k]
    6126           0 :                   << LogIO::POST;
    6127             :       }
    6128             :       logSink() << "Selecting "<< dataNchan_p
    6129             :                 << " channels, starting at visibility channel "
    6130             :                 << dataStart_p  << " stepped by "
    6131           0 :                 << dataStep_p << " in Spw " << selectedSpw[k] << LogIO::POST;
    6132             :       
    6133             :       // Set frequency channel selection for all spectral window id's
    6134             :       Int nch;
    6135             :       //Vector<Int> nChan=vs_p->numberChan();
    6136             :       //Int nSpw=vs_p->numberSpw();
    6137           0 :       if (dataNchan_p==0) {
    6138           0 :         nch=nChan(k);
    6139             :       }else {
    6140           0 :         nch=dataNchan_p;
    6141             :       };
    6142           0 :       vs_p->selectChannel(1,dataStart_p,nch,dataStep_p,selectedSpw[k]);
    6143             :       
    6144             :     }
    6145           0 :   }
    6146             :   // Select on velocity
    6147           0 :   else if (dataMode_p=="velocity") {
    6148           0 :     MVRadialVelocity mvStart(mDataStart_p.get("m/s"));
    6149           0 :     MVRadialVelocity mvStep(mDataStep_p.get("m/s"));
    6150             :     MRadialVelocity::Types
    6151           0 :       vType((MRadialVelocity::Types)mDataStart_p.getRefPtr()->getType());
    6152             :     logSink() << "Selecting "<< dataNchan_p
    6153             :               << " channels, starting at radio velocity " << mvStart
    6154             :               << " stepped by " << mvStep << ", reference frame is "
    6155           0 :               << MRadialVelocity::showType(vType) << LogIO::POST;
    6156           0 :     vs_p->iter().selectVelocity(Int(dataNchan_p), mvStart, mvStep,
    6157             :                                 vType, MDoppler::RADIO);
    6158           0 :   }
    6159             :   
    6160             :   // Select on optical velocity
    6161           0 :   else if (dataMode_p=="opticalvelocity") {
    6162           0 :     MVRadialVelocity mvStart(mDataStart_p.get("m/s"));
    6163           0 :     MVRadialVelocity mvStep(mDataStep_p.get("m/s"));
    6164             :     MRadialVelocity::Types
    6165           0 :       vType((MRadialVelocity::Types)mDataStart_p.getRefPtr()->getType());
    6166             :     logSink() << "Selecting "<< dataNchan_p
    6167             :               << " channels, starting at optical velocity " << mvStart
    6168             :               << " stepped by " << mvStep << ", reference frame is "
    6169           0 :               << MRadialVelocity::showType(vType) << LogIO::POST;
    6170           0 :     vs_p->iter().selectVelocity(Int(dataNchan_p), mvStart, mvStep,
    6171             :                                 vType, MDoppler::OPTICAL);
    6172           0 :   }
    6173             :   
    6174             :   
    6175           0 : }
    6176             : 
    6177         143 : Bool OldCalibrater::ok() {
    6178             : 
    6179         143 :   if(vs_p && ms_p && mssel_p && ve_p) {
    6180         143 :     return true;
    6181             :   }
    6182             :   else {
    6183           0 :     logSink() << "Calibrater is not yet initialized" << LogIO::POST;
    6184           0 :     return false;
    6185             :   }
    6186             : }
    6187             : 
    6188           2 : Bool OldCalibrater::genericGatherAndSolve() {
    6189             : 
    6190             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    6191           2 :   Double Tsetup(0.0),Tgather(0.0),Tsolve(0.0);
    6192           2 :   Double time0=omp_get_wtime();
    6193             : #endif
    6194             : 
    6195             :   //cout << "Generic gather and solve." << endl;
    6196             : 
    6197             :   // Create the solver
    6198           2 :   VisCalSolver vcs;
    6199             :   
    6200             :    // Inform logger/history
    6201           2 :   logSink() << "Solving for " << svc_p->typeName()
    6202           2 :             << LogIO::POST;
    6203             :   
    6204             :   // Initialize the svc according to current VisSet
    6205             :   //  (this counts intervals, sizes CalSet)
    6206           2 :   Vector<Int> nChunkPerSol;
    6207           2 :   Int nSol = svc_p->sizeUpSolve(*vs_p,nChunkPerSol);
    6208             : 
    6209             :   // Create the in-memory (New)CalTable
    6210           2 :   svc_p->createMemCalTable();
    6211             : 
    6212             :   // The iterator, VisBuffer
    6213           2 :   VisIter& vi(vs_p->iter());
    6214           2 :   VisBuffer vb(vi);
    6215             :   
    6216           2 :   Vector<Int> slotidx(vs_p->numberSpw(),-1);
    6217             : 
    6218             :   // We will remember which spws couldn't be processed
    6219           2 :   Vector<Bool> unsolspw(vi.numberSpw());  
    6220           2 :   unsolspw.set(false);                 
    6221             : 
    6222             :   // Manage verbosity of partial channel averaging
    6223           2 :   Vector<Bool> verb(vi.numberSpw(),true);
    6224             : 
    6225           2 :   Vector<Int64> nexp(vi.numberSpw(),0), natt(vi.numberSpw(),0),nsuc(vi.numberSpw(),0);
    6226             : 
    6227             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    6228           2 :   Tsetup+=(omp_get_wtime()-time0);
    6229             : #endif
    6230             : 
    6231           2 :   Int nGood(0);
    6232           2 :   vi.originChunks();
    6233          41 :   for (Int isol=0;isol<nSol && vi.moreChunks();++isol) {
    6234             : 
    6235             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    6236          39 :     time0=omp_get_wtime();
    6237             : #endif
    6238             : 
    6239          39 :     nexp(vi.spectralWindow())+=1;
    6240             : 
    6241             :     // capture obs, scan info so we can set it later 
    6242             :     //   (and not rely on what the VB averaging code can't properly do)
    6243          39 :     Vector<Int> scv,obsv;
    6244          39 :     Int solscan=vi.scan(scv)(0),solobs=vi.observationId(obsv)(0);
    6245             : 
    6246             :     // Arrange to accumulate 
    6247             :     //    VisBuffAccumulator vba(vs_p->numberAnt(),svc_p->preavg(),false); 
    6248          39 :     VisBuffGroupAcc vbga(vs_p->numberAnt(),vs_p->numberSpw(),vs_p->numberFld(),svc_p->preavg()); 
    6249             :     
    6250         163 :     for (Int ichunk=0;ichunk<nChunkPerSol(isol);++ichunk) {
    6251             :     
    6252             :       // Current _chunk_'s spw
    6253         124 :       Int spw(vi.spectralWindow());
    6254             :     
    6255             :       // Only accumulate for solve if we can pre-calibrate
    6256         124 :       if (ve_p->spwOK(spw)) {
    6257             : 
    6258             :         // Collapse each timestamp in this chunk according to VisEq
    6259             :         //  with calibration and averaging
    6260         248 :         for (vi.origin(); vi.more(); vi++) {
    6261             :           
    6262             :           // Force read of the field Id
    6263         124 :           vb.fieldId();
    6264             : 
    6265             :           // Apply the channel mask (~no-op, if unnecessary)
    6266         124 :           svc_p->applyChanMask(vb);
    6267             :           
    6268             :           // This forces the data/model/wt I/O, and applies
    6269             :           //   any prior calibrations
    6270         124 :           ve_p->collapse(vb);
    6271             :           
    6272             :           // If permitted/required by solvable component, normalize
    6273         124 :           if (svc_p->normalizable()) 
    6274           0 :             vb.normalize();
    6275             :           
    6276             :           // If this solve not freqdep, and channels not averaged yet, do so
    6277         124 :           if (!svc_p->freqDepMat() && vb.nChannel()>1)
    6278           0 :             vb.freqAveCubes();
    6279             : 
    6280         124 :           if (svc_p->freqDepPar() && 
    6281         124 :               svc_p->fsolint()!="none" &&
    6282           0 :               svc_p->fintervalCh()>0.0) {
    6283             :             //      cout << "svc_p->currSpw() = " << svc_p->currSpw() << endl;
    6284           0 :             if (verb(spw)) 
    6285             :               logSink() << " Reducing nchan in spw " 
    6286             :                         << spw
    6287           0 :                         << " from " << vb.nChannel();
    6288           0 :             vb.channelAve(svc_p->chanAveBounds(spw));
    6289             : 
    6290             :             // Kludge for 3.4 to reset corr-indep flag to correct channel axis shape
    6291             :             // (because we use vb.flag() below, rather than vb.flagCube())
    6292           0 :             vb.flag().assign(operator>(partialNTrue(vb.flagCube(),IPosition(1,0)),0UL));
    6293             : 
    6294           0 :             if (verb(spw)) {
    6295             :               logSink() << " to " 
    6296           0 :                         << vb.nChannel() << LogIO::POST;
    6297           0 :               verb(spw)=false;  // suppress future verbosity in this spw
    6298             :             }
    6299             :           }
    6300             :           
    6301             :           // Accumulate collapsed vb in a time average
    6302             :           //  (only if the vb contains any unflagged data)
    6303         124 :           if (nfalse(vb.flag())>0)
    6304         124 :             vbga.accumulate(vb);
    6305             :           
    6306             :         }
    6307             :       }
    6308             :       else
    6309             :         // This spw not accumulated for solve
    6310           0 :         unsolspw(spw)=true;
    6311             : 
    6312             :       // Advance the VisIter, if possible
    6313         124 :       if (vi.moreChunks()) vi.nextChunk();
    6314             : 
    6315             :     }
    6316             :     
    6317             :     // Finalize the averged VisBuffer
    6318          39 :     vbga.finalizeAverage();
    6319             : 
    6320             :     // Establish meta-data for this interval
    6321             :     //  (some of this may be used _during_ solve)
    6322             :     //  (this sets currSpw() in the SVC)
    6323          39 :     Bool vbOk=(vbga.nBuf()>0 && svc_p->syncSolveMeta(vbga));
    6324             : 
    6325          39 :     svc_p->overrideObsScan(solobs,solscan);
    6326             : 
    6327             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    6328          39 :     Tgather+=(omp_get_wtime()-time0);
    6329          39 :     time0=omp_get_wtime();
    6330             : #endif
    6331             : 
    6332          39 :     if (vbOk) {
    6333             : 
    6334             :       // Use spw of first VB in vbga
    6335             :       // TBD: (currSpw==thisSpw) here??  (I.e., use svc_p->currSpw()?  currSpw is prot!)
    6336          39 :       Int thisSpw=svc_p->spwMap()(vbga(0).spectralWindow());
    6337             :     
    6338          39 :       natt(thisSpw)+=1;
    6339             : 
    6340          39 :       slotidx(thisSpw)++;
    6341             :       
    6342             :       // Make data amp- or phase-only, if needed
    6343          39 :       vbga.enforceAPonData(svc_p->apmode());
    6344             :       
    6345             :       // Select on correlation via weights, according to the svc
    6346          39 :       vbga.enforceSolveCorrWeights(svc_p->phandonly());
    6347             : 
    6348          39 :       if (svc_p->useGenericSolveOne()) {
    6349             :         // generic individual solve
    6350             : 
    6351             :         //cout << "Generic individual solve: isol=" << isol << endl;
    6352             : 
    6353             :         // First guess
    6354           0 :         svc_p->guessPar(vbga(0));
    6355             :         
    6356             :         // Solve for each parameter channel (in curr Spw)
    6357             :         
    6358             :         // (NB: force const version of nChanPar()  [why?])
    6359             :         //      for (Int ich=0;ich<((const SolvableVisCal*)svc_p)->nChanPar();++ich) {
    6360           0 :         Bool totalGoodSol(false);
    6361           0 :         for (Int ich=((const SolvableVisCal*)svc_p)->nChanPar()-1;ich>-1;--ich) {
    6362             :           // for (Int ich=0;ich<((const SolvableVisCal*)svc_p)->nChanPar();++ich) {
    6363             :           
    6364             :           // If pars chan-dep, SVC mechanisms for only one channel at a time
    6365           0 :           svc_p->markTimer();
    6366           0 :           svc_p->focusChan()=ich;
    6367             :           
    6368             :           //      svc_p->state();
    6369             :           
    6370             :           //      cout << "Starting solution..." << endl;
    6371             : 
    6372             :           // Pass VE, SVC, VB to solver
    6373           0 :           Bool goodSoln=vcs.solve(*ve_p,*svc_p,vbga);
    6374             :           
    6375             :           //      cout << "goodSoln= " << boolalpha << goodSoln << endl;
    6376             : 
    6377             :           // If good... 
    6378           0 :           if (goodSoln) {
    6379           0 :             totalGoodSol=true;
    6380             :             
    6381           0 :             svc_p->formSolveSNR();
    6382           0 :             svc_p->applySNRThreshold();
    6383             :             
    6384             :             // ..and file this solution in the correct slot
    6385           0 :             if (svc_p->freqDepPar())
    6386           0 :               svc_p->keep1(ich);
    6387             :             //      svc_p->keep(slotidx(thisSpw));
    6388             :             //      Int n=svc_p->nSlots(thisSpw);
    6389             :             //      svc_p->printActivity(n,slotidx(thisSpw),vi.fieldId(),thisSpw,nGood);           
    6390             :             
    6391             :           }
    6392             :           else {
    6393             :             // report where this failure occured
    6394           0 :             svc_p->currMetaNote();
    6395           0 :             if (svc_p->freqDepPar())
    6396             :               // We must record a flagged solution for this channel
    6397           0 :               svc_p->keep1(ich);
    6398             :           }
    6399             :           
    6400             :         } // parameter channels
    6401             : 
    6402           0 :         if (totalGoodSol) {
    6403           0 :           svc_p->keepNCT();
    6404           0 :           nsuc(thisSpw)+=1;
    6405             :         }
    6406             :         
    6407             :         // Count good solutions.
    6408           0 :         if (totalGoodSol)       nGood++;
    6409             :         
    6410             :       }
    6411             :       else {
    6412             :         //cout << "Self-directed individual solve: isol=" << isol << endl;
    6413             :         // self-directed individual solve
    6414             :         // TBD: selfSolveOne should return T/F for "good"
    6415          39 :         svc_p->selfSolveOne(vbga);
    6416             : 
    6417             :         // File this solution in the correct slot of the CalSet
    6418          39 :         svc_p->keepNCT();
    6419             : 
    6420          39 :         nGood++;
    6421          39 :         nsuc(thisSpw)+=1;
    6422             :       } 
    6423             :         
    6424             :     } // vbOK
    6425             : 
    6426             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    6427          39 :     Tsolve+=(omp_get_wtime()-time0);
    6428             : #endif
    6429             : 
    6430          39 :   } // isol
    6431             : 
    6432             :   logSink() << "  Found good " 
    6433           2 :             << svc_p->typeName() << " solutions in "
    6434             :             << nGood << " slots."
    6435           2 :             << LogIO::POST;
    6436             : #ifdef _OPENMP
    6437             :  #ifdef REPORT_CAL_TIMING
    6438             :   cout << "OldCalibrater::genericGatherAndSolve Timing: " << endl;
    6439             :   cout << " setup=" << Tsetup
    6440             :        << " gather=" << Tgather 
    6441             :        << " solve=" << Tsolve 
    6442             :        << " total=" << Tsetup+Tgather+Tsolve
    6443             :        << endl;
    6444             :  #endif
    6445             : #endif
    6446             : 
    6447           2 :   summarize_uncalspws(unsolspw, "solv");
    6448             :   
    6449             :   // Store whole of result in a caltable
    6450           2 :   if (nGood==0) {
    6451             :     logSink() << "No output calibration table written."
    6452           0 :               << LogIO::POST;
    6453             :   }
    6454             :   else {
    6455             : 
    6456             :     // TBD: Remove BPOLY specificity here
    6457           2 :     if (svc_p->typeName()!="BPOLY") {
    6458             :       // Do global post-solve tinkering (e.g., phase-only, normalization, etc.)
    6459           2 :       svc_p->globalPostSolveTinker();
    6460             : 
    6461             :       // write the table
    6462           2 :       svc_p->storeNCT();
    6463             : 
    6464             :     }
    6465             :   }
    6466             : 
    6467             :   // Fill activity record
    6468           2 :   actRec_=Record();
    6469           2 :   actRec_.define("origin","Calibrater::genericGatherAndSolve");
    6470           2 :   actRec_.define("nExpected",nexp);
    6471           2 :   actRec_.define("nAttempt",natt);
    6472           2 :   actRec_.define("nSucceed",nsuc);
    6473             : 
    6474             :   { 
    6475           2 :     Record solveRec=svc_p->solveActionRec();
    6476           2 :     if (solveRec.nfields()>0)
    6477           0 :       actRec_.merge(solveRec);
    6478           2 :   }
    6479             : 
    6480             : 
    6481             : 
    6482           2 :   return true;
    6483             : 
    6484           2 : }
    6485             : 
    6486             : 
    6487             : } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END

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